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Narrow In For a Clearer Path

As I am writing this, Google is implementing some new changes to their privacy policy. Part of their intentions for the new change is to apply a new integrated system for their business. This means that they will take all their key applications and make them more accessible to their users. Doesn't that just sound easy, simple, more user friendly, more interesting and most of all it paints a greater picture of 'Google' as a company that cares. 'Our new policy covers multiple products and features, reflecting our desire to create one beautifully simple and intuitive experience across Google.' Why is it so important in this day and age that we have as much of this ease and simplicity? I think it's because we live in world where people are feeling the pressures of information overload. With the rise and sophistication of technology there's more to choose from, more to learn, more rules and regulations yet time has not stretched. The difficulty is where to apply our attention, what to do, who to trust, how to get the best out of life without the fear making ignorant and destructive decisions. Google does something very important in their communication of 'care'. They use the words that target the major problems we deal with in an information age. Words such as one, easy, need and want. Why are these words so important? All of us can do more with a little more focus. 1. Instead of doing more and more, we 'need' to narrow in and do 'one' thing at a time. We need to prioritize. 2. Prioritizing and limiting our actions to a few most important things at a time, means our lives become more 'easy'. 3. This ease leads to what we 'want', we want to feel good, enjoy life, be stress free, energized, and have more time to do the things we love. This applies to us; we can never get the most out of our lives unless we are focused on keeping first things first. 1. Priority is number one! Don't make plans with a hundred most important things; many times we can over-complicate life. There are only a few things that we need to focus on.

2. Think about the few things that if you did, would make your life easier, pleasurable and simple. For some of us this may mean getting rid of some extra baggage and luggage along our trip to our dreams and aspirations. 3. Write down a list of those few things. 4. Write down a list of the extra things you're currently doing that serve you no benefit. That includes the things you may be doing out of just because somebody told you. Think about where you want to go in life and ask 'can what I'm currently doing help me get there stress free?' Life is sort of like hand luggage when boarding a plane, there's a limit to just how much we can carry on board the plane, to get to our desired destinations. There's an important word relative to our lives being more productive and purposeful... Focus. In mathematics, focus means a "point of convergence". To converge is the connection, merging or meeting of two different things. When we focus we connect our minds to a specific thing. This is key because there are only so many things we can hold in our minds at one time. The more baggage we hold the quicker we get wearied physically. The mind is no different, yet we treat it like it can take carry everything we want. Sometimes we don't get physically worn out because we're moving around too much, but because there's too much going on in our minds. It's said that up to 90% of physical illnesses are linked to mental and emotional issues. We cannot perform to the best of our abilities until we sniff out and isolate the things that'll add to our lives the most. The activities, choices we make, friends we choose, those we allow to influence and be around us, how we spend our time, and the ventures we invest into. Now this is made clear, not just a theory, but practical applications you can use and navigate your way through in life. I'm excited for you, Make the most of your life and I'll see you at the top, full of joy, gratitude, and a story of how you overcame by committing and prioritizing. Enjoy your journey. Author: Leslie Poku Marketing Consultant.

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