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The starting point of a research is the selection of a research topic and problem. Identifying a suitable topic for work is one of the most difficult parts of a research. Before choosing a research topic and a problem the young researchers should keep the following points in mind.

Topic should be suitable for research. The researcher should have interest in it. Topic should not be chosen by pressure from some one else.

Refers to some difficulty which a researcher experience in the contest of either a theoretical or practical situation and wants to obtain a solution for the same Is the fuel that drives the scientific process, and is the foundation of any research method and experimental design, from true experiment to case study.

Why Define the Research Problem?

Defining your destination before beginning a journey. It determines,

what you will do, will it withstand scientific scrutiny (study), how you will do it, and what you may achieve!

How is a Research Problem Selected? Researchers interest in a topic National or agency priorities Urgency of an issue Availability of research funds Availability of supervision

Topic and problem can be fixed in consultation with the research supervisor. In some Institutions often research supervisors suggest a topic and state a problem in broad view. The researcher has to narrow it and define it in operational form. It is not necessary that the topic of a Ph.D. should be different from M.Sc. Project

Topic Problem Selected by Researcher

When a research problem is been chosen by a researcher himself: The researcher can pursue his/her own interest to the farthest limits, There is an opportunity to spend a long time on something that is a continuous source of his plea-sure and The results would prove better in terms of the growth of the investigator and the quality of the work.

Topic Problem Selected by Supervisor

When a research problem is been chosen by a Supervisor If the researcher is not interested in the topic and problem assigned to him but is working on it because of supervisors compulsion, then he will not be able to face and overcome the obstacles which come at every stage in research.

Identification of a Research Topic and Problems

Some sources of identification of a research topic and problems are the following:
Theory of ones own interest Daily problems Technological changes Recent trends Unexplored areas Discussion with experts and research supervisor

Steps in Defining Research Problems

Identify a broad topic Identify a narrow topic within the broad topic Raise questions Formulate objectives Use action-oriented words - To demonstrate; To evaluate; To measure

Identifying Broad Topics

Think of the BIG PICTURE

What is the problem you are trying to solve? Think of something you like to learn more about Consult text books, journal or your supervisor

Pick one based on:

Interest and relevance Magnitude of work involved Level of expertise yours and your advisors

Examples of Broad Topics

Optimizing productivity of land and water resources Ensuring Food Safety & Security Sustaining Agricultural & Marine Environments Soil treatment options Climate Change Environmental flow Renewable energy etc

From Broad Topic to Narrow Topic

Examples of a narrow topic:

Soil treatment using lime Greenhouse Agriculture Water reuse potential Effect of rainfall variability to specific crop productivity Relationship between soil parameters

When selecting a narrow topic think how it can contribute towards solving the BIG PROBLEM!

Problem Tree Keep asking Why?

Unskilled Labor Low Labor Productivity Unsuitable Climate Inefficient Water harvesting Inefficient Irrigation

Water Scarcity Food Insecurity Unsuitable Crops

Lack of crop varieties adapted to climate

Farming Patterns do not Return nutrients

Low Land Productivity

Farmers cant afford fertilizers

Poor Soil

Farmers unaware of best practices

Proposal Writing
Possible Sections Title Introduction
additional sub sections if necessary

Objectives Materials & Methods

additional sub sections if necessary

A tentative time table A budget .

Specific & Short This forms the first impression about your research problem

If vague Reader will be cynical


Convince the reader that you have identified a research problem, worthy of investigating. Start very general Broad Topic Highlight
the concept Practical significance

Reduce it to a narrow topic by

Raising questions, and Stating answers from literature for most.

Establish Rationale:
Research is necessary questions for which there is no answer yet.


a clear statement of the overall question- General objective Follow it with action oriented tasks Specific objectives. If more than one specific objective state them sequentially


State it explicitly Enough detail for the reader to follow First give an overall summary of your study design and methodological approach. Then provide the methodology for each specific objective. Describe
the specific design (what will you do and how, number of replicates, etc.), the materials and techniques that will be used, and the feasibility of these techniques. Use literature to support design, materials & techniques Need not repeat standard procedures but give a reference.

List all references In alphabetical order

Project Duration (Time line)

Task Survey
Test GWT Analyze data Write Report
Quarter1 Quarter2 Quarter3 Quarter4


Capital Equipment
Recurrent Items Use of University Facilities Local Travel Costs Publication Costs Miscellaneous TOTAL 80 10 10 50 20 170

160 10 10 25 20 295

240 20 20 75 40 465

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