Anda di halaman 1dari 13

\.. Ouestion Tngs Oue.vtion 7og merupakim sttaru slrtt[.

tur )ertanlalrn tli ak'rir seltrah kalimat Stnrktur irri tidak nrcntbutuhkaut iawabzut, .lal hitt'rri bcr(irilgsi utttr,k nrcl akinllatt pendctrgar'Que,stion tag dibentuk dari sebuah kala kr'ria blntrr (,4rrxiliory') dart Subjocr Jika kalimatnya positit, kita biasanya menggunakan tag negatit, sebalikrrya .lika kalinratn;-'a negatit, kita biasanya menggLinakan tag positiL Perhatikan label berikut: Statement Question Tag Statement

Question Tag (+) Positive tag?

do y,.ru? have they?

Negative slatemenl, Snow is white, Anne speaks Engiish, Contoh soal: isn't it? doesn't You don't like nrc. The boys haven't le(i





f : f .- ra L l.D.' utull t Ilc

(C) doesn't she (D) doc>ri'i lic


Memilih jawaban (A), (C), dan (D) atlalah salah karena tida.k sesuai dengan Jar.vaban tcrbaik adalah (B), karcna ciiitiliary )-ang icpai adalah ii;r? dan s.ibjcct /;a.


A iiter is one of ihe metric measurements.. aren't


Memiiih jawaban (A), (R), (C) salah karena ketiganya tidak salah secara stntknrr- -iarvaban (D) benar, karena seharusnya question tag yartg sesuai adalah isn't it?
l--^t--^:,---^L--' ^r-.^ - TllcruJrycJ; ^--r-L. ttul ^T^t urtlv ... uut rtrJu. .l^D-zr---)

i-nlloirrn LiiLLUiLVC

,"" **

sebelunurya telah dijelaskan rnengenai struktur parallel. Srruktur

}.o-iov(a6i(1ii Aoi '\;Aii nnunllnlio^. itu; LiLt{LL:>iiit na.-lrn iiaii;ii, Ji ui o+nrl;:rJiiuiriui i-i iiri 1^-.lo^o+ !ur r'-.lilretor'

ftrenghubung) untuk terjadinya paralelitas tersebut. Struktur yang terletak diantara penghubung tersebut haruslah sama kelas katanya. Seperti terlihat pada iable berikut:
+ noun + noun

irr-o iiiiriliPai\aii jUi'6r:, -o-r-olro-


not only

+ Adjective + Adverb


+ Adjective + Adverb

+ Adjective + Ariverb

l-^-:l--.!. ugrllur.


+ l/erb


T)^-L^r.ll-^ ^ ^^-+^L El.Ll4tl\aul ut.rllLull

Not onlv... but also plays Beth not onlv soitar but also violinPaul not only wdtes novel but also composes mlrslc.

Both... and plays both gtitar and violin. Beth Ray is both talented and handsome.

(A) tbr both (ir:rmanv

-.-l\D.l llur ullr_Y \Jslrrldl.l_Y ,I)\ .--/

as r,vcll a.s Artstriit

- I

((') both (icrmanv or Attstria.

/r\\ \ r4 rlur l.rlil Y l.




rlldll Y uuL .il>L)


Memilih jawaban (A), (B), dan (C) salah karena ketiganva salah secara stnrktttr Iawahan /l)) benar, karena seharusnya yeLng dibLrtuhkan acialah struktttr yang parallel sesuai dengan tbrmula.

ivicrrriliir -yawabzur (A), (B), darr (D) sala'ir, karcrra kciigaurya iidak keiiru scuara sirukiurJawaban (C) benar, kalena seharusnya yang dibutuhkan adalah penghubun g attd agar parallel3. Affirmative Agreement Strukfur ini merupakan strulchrr yang lazim diguna.kan dalam Bahasa Inggr-i-s. Frtngsi dari struktur ini adalah efrsiensi bahasa. Apabila seseorang melaktrkan sesLlatu dan seorang iainnya juga melakukan hal yang sarna, maka untuk menghindari pengulangan penggunaan kaia yang sama dalam satu kalimat digiinakanlah kata so dan too. Berikut adalah fomrula yang digunakan:

a. Affirmative b. Aflirmative

statement + and + [Subject + Verb (be/Auxiliary) + too] statement + and + fso + Verb (be/Auxiliary) +


Perhatika:r contoh berikut: loo I am happy, and you are too, wiil work iomorrow, anti i wiii


I am happy, and so are you.


(A)the students also.

(B) The students was as weil.

((l) so did the students.

(D) the students too.

Sesuai dengan formula yang diberikan, memilih jawaban (A), (B), dan (C) adalah salah karena kita harus mengeluarkan Auxiliary Verb yang sesuai dengan statement pertama. Jadi, jawaban terbaik adalah (C). Catherine is studying law at the university, and John does too.


Memilih jawaban (A), (B), dan (C) salah, karena ketiganya tidak kelinr secara struktur. Jawaban (D) benar, karena seharusnya yang dibutuhkan adalah John is too.

4. Nepalive Apreemenl
Pada prinsipnya stmktur ini berfungsi sama ,lengan alfirntative ogreemr:nt. Yane nrenrbedakarxlya adalah stluktur ini ditujukan untuk urenerangkan statenleltt yixtg ttegatil, dan juga menggunakan either dan neither. Rerikut adalah formula vang digunakan:

negative statement + and + [Subjcct * negative Auxiliary/be + either) b. negative statement + and + lneither + positive Auxtliary/be + SubjecU
oh berikr
rt :

Perl-ra ti-kan conf

I didn't see lvlary yesterday, and John didn't either. iltc husn t s..n ii," -Ji",'ond I l-,ur.n'r .ith"r

I didn't see Mary yesterda , and neither did John. I t t" k,'osn'l scin il',c rrio';ic, aiid i,cli'icr i',a'vc I

(A) so does he (B) neither does he

1C) either does he

(D) he does too

sa)ah Karena tirlak

lviemilih jawaban (A), (C), dan (D) adalah Jar.l,atran tcrbaik adalah (B).

dengan formula.

ro support a television, and that one probably


isn't neither-

Memiiih jawaban (A), (B), dan (C) salah, karena ketiganya tidal< l<eiiru secara struktur.
iawaban (D) benar. karena seharusnya yang dibutuhkan adalah either.

5. Penggunaan Would rather Vs Would like

Struktur yang menggunakan kl'ould rather biasanya digunakan ketika kita ingin mengungkapkan iebrh menyukai sesualu hai dibanding suatu yang iain. Seoangkan, struklur would like biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan keinginan dan juga mengundang seseorang. Walaupun fungsinya berbeda, namun yang acap kali menjadi persoalan adalah struktur gramatika yang mengikutinya. Struktur would rather harus diikuti kata kerja dasar (V1) setelahnya, sedangkan would like harus diikuti to + V1. Perhatikan formula berikut:
a. Subject + would rather * Vr ... b. Subject + woukl like + [ro + Vl]...

Perhatikan contoh berikut:

llould rather
John would rather drink tea than iuice.

lYould like

I would like to visit Janan. Would vou like to dance with me?

Cortoh soal:

(A)to travel on train [B)traveied by train

Jawaban ter-baik adatah (B).

through the mountains than go by bus. (C) travel by train [D) navelingby train

Memilih jawaban (A), (C), dan [D) adalah salah karena tidak sesuai dengan formula.

lriends u,ould Iike study at the university.



Nlemrirh jawaban (A), (ts), dan 1D) saiah, karena ketigani,.r irdak Jawaban (C) benar, karena seharusnya yang dibutuhkan adalah to .study.


engulanean Kata y an g T idak P erlu (R e d u n d a n cv ) Persoalan redundancy sering muncul di soal tes, terut{rr-na untuk Adapun beberapa permasalahannya adalah:

Purt B.

a. Permasalahan Subiek Ganda /DazDle


Secara stmktur gramatika" sebuah kalimat harus mempunyai satu subjek utama, dan

tidak boleh menggunalian subjck (umumnya proitaun) '.intuk r,cnjclaskan subjck ;-a:',g sania. Perhatikan contoh soal beriki;t:

Memilih jawaban (A), (B), (C) salah, karena ketiganya tidak salah secara struktur. iarvaban @) benar, karena ada penguiangan Subjecr dengan pronoun ir.
b. Pengulenqan Kata vang Bermakna Sama


dalam menulis kalimat dalam Bahasa Ingoris, terkadang kita terjebak dengan penambahal kat-a yang mengaldurtg makna sama./sempa dengan kata sebeiurrrnya. Hal ini dikategorikan dengan redundancy" Berikut adalah daftar kata redundancy senng tenaol iadi No Redundancy \Yords No. Redundancy Words advance forward 5. ioin together 2_ rettrn back 6. reDeat apoin
? I rwrrvrvrr! ant n-no,nL I orrF[i-i vr.o6i tL


azrrr innnrratin-o r uLrvrrr


compete topether

same identical

Perlatik^an ccltoh scal b'erikut:

Memilih jawaban (A), (C), (D) salah, karena ketiganya tidak salah secara struktur. Jawaban (B) benar, karena ada pengulangan kata together setelah Y erb joinecl..

Ker,akarlah latihan-latihan soal berikut.


Califbrnia relies heavilv

crops, imd

on in.u*"-

Pert A L,.,ii-l 6. Woult-l vou like


(A) Florida also

(u) Ftorida


(C) Florida is as well (D) so docs Florida

(A) take the medicine fbr me tB) the meoicjne taxen by you
1C) to take the n.redicine l'or n're (D) to takes the medicine for me

2. You arrd I talked with the pnrlessor yesterday.


(A) didn't (B) didn't

we? they?

(C) didn't he? (D) didn't tlienr?

John than worked last night. (A) Slept (C)..vould rather slePt
(B) rvould like sleep (D)
r','ould rather sleep

3, Fionda has not yet ratifieci the amendmenl,


8. You won't be leaving for another hour.

(A) Sc.,'eral other states hasn". e;,'.her (B) Neither has some of the others states (C) Some other states also have not either (D) i.r'eirher have some ofihe orher siates

(A) will


you you

(C) you tvill (D) don't yott

and a flnal exarn are cften 9. Water


required for a coi)ege class-

There is both a term paper tR\ Rnth \-, ' - A lPrrn n2ner (C) Either a term paper (D) Not only a term paper
1n IV.


pressure cracks open small rocks but also breaL-s gre:.t slabs cf sr-,:ne fi'om the faces ofcliffs.
(C) and so either (D) both (B) not only
V^,, ,^ tlvt lll,^ L^r UU UV ^^+ trNV rrvt. ^-J eru

5. The man is not only working in his office

but also working in his father's office. (B) but also is working in his father's office. (C) is but also ',,vcrking in his fatho-r's ofll,ce. (D) but also in his father's office.


(A) I am not like either (B) -neitheram I (C) I do not either (D) either do I

Part B


Some people finish a bachelor's degree in four years, and another people take



a new

l'2. All ofthe students should come up with


innovation for doing this job.

13. The students of the

fa*orite private sthool thev like play''ng {ottball inthelard.


14. I don't want these books. Please give me the others ones-


15. Would you rather to have tea or coffee?



16. He isn't driving to the convention in March, and neititer tiie-v are. all of the questions again so that Jim would understand-

17. Mary repeated


18. The people


in the small town would like nreet the president.

All of the

students should come up

with a new innovation for doing this job.


20. He never gg with


his dog, doesn't





2. Pronoun Reference

Pronoun Reterensr R^ qaimana mensidentili kasi Pertanvaan


'['he Pronoun
I ' r.E! $vvv \



rel'ers to

..i,hich of the followins.? \l/t ar a^-" litlhp/she, r/otc , -.r) \ \ret-er tn')

Dimana jawabannya


Kita mencari pronoun reference pada baris i'a;:g

disebutkan. Pronoun itu biasanya kaia benda meruluK 1. Temnkan baris dimana pronoul) tersebut. 2. Lihat kata benda yang ntuncul sebelum pronoun. 3. Baca kalimat yang tcrdapat pronoun reference itu dengan seksama. 4. Eliminasi jawaban yang sudah pasti salah dan pilih jawaban yang paling tepat


menjawab pronoun reference




Contoh Soal: For Cenfuy, Sky watcirer have reporteci seeing mysterious ilashes of iight orr tlie surlace of the moon. Modern astronomers have observed the same phenomenon, but no one has been able to satisfactorily explain hcw and why the moon sporadically sparks. However, researchers now believe they have found the cause. Researchers have examined the chemical content of Moon retrieved by astronauts drrrino the Annlln rnissions hawe forrnd that thev cnntain wolarile qa-se-s sr.-ch as belir-rrnHydrogen and argon. The researchers suggest that stray electrons, freed when the rock crack, may ignite these gases. Indeed, lunar rock samples, when fractured in the lab,
Lrr.l rJ

rL-^--^CC^-^-r.^ w tjlr JP6uAD.



What causes these rocks to crack on the lunar surface? The flashes are most often seen at the borders between sunlight and shade on the moon, where the surface is being either intenseiy heated or cooied. a surioen change in temperature may cause thermai cracking. Another possibility is that meteors may strike the rocks and cause them to crack. Finally, Lunar rocks may be fractured by seismic events- in other wolds by tiny moonquakes-


What does one in line 3 refer to? a- Sky watcher b. Astronomer c. Astronaut d. Lights


In line 4 , ihe word 'they' relers to a. Helium- hydrogen and agron





Moon Astronomer

'They' in line 6 refers


a. HeliLrm, hydrogen, b. Researcher

Rocks Astronaut

and argon


What does "finally" in line l4 refer to? a. Causes the rock to crack b. Meteor c. Sunlight



Vocabulary Questions

Daiam basian tes readins iuea terdapat Dertanyaan mengenai arti kata. Pertanyaan ini akan mudah dijawab jika kita mengetahui arti kata dan persamaannya. Tetapi. sebenamva kita tidak selaiu harus mengetahui kata tersebut untuk mengetahui artinya. Ada 3 skil reading vano dimrnaken rrnlrrk rneniawah *-r*' '---'-J" '-'- rrerranv2An -""' lerqchrr-f / .--_o danal r------J
1 L-


Finding definitions from structural clues

n^+.--,-:-:-^. --^^.-:-.-L/grgl llltllrrrB rrrgdlrltBJ


A,-^,_ ...--Ju ..^*-t5 urrr wur Pcu

Ijsing context clues to determine meaning

Mari kita iihat skil tersebut satu persatu


Find definition from structural Clues Vocabulary (kata) yang ditanyakan terkadang juga dijelaskan dalam textnya dan atau dalam text tersebut ada structural clue (dapat diindikasikan dari struktumya)
Structural Clue

Tipe -tipe petunjuk yang Restete:nent


Comma, parentheses, dashes f)r thet ic in nrher rvnrdc i e

Bagaimana menjawab
perianyaan men g gunakan structural clue

Example Such as, for example, e.g 1. Cari kata yang ditanyakan dalam text 2. Cari apaxan ada siructurai clues Qtunctuation, r estat ement, exampl e clu e) 3. Baca bagian yang terdapat structural clue dengan


Eliminasi jawaban yang pasti salah dan pilih

iawaban yang paling tepat diantara jawaban yang tersisa

Contoh soal:

I 5



The leddy bezr is a child's toy. a :rice soft stulfud anirnal suitable lbr crrddling- It is. hora,ever. a tov with an intcrestrnc history brchind it. l hcudurc l{ot-rscvcii- or I cddy as lts rvas ,;ornnronly callcd. was presidcrit of the United State fiom l90l to 1909. FIe was unrlsuallv active man with variecl pastimes, one of which was hunting. One day the presidcnt was invired to takc part in a bea: hr-tnt: a-ncl, inasmuch a tecl"cly was presirlent, his hr:sts wa.nted to ens,-rre lha-t he caught a bear. A bear was captured, clanked over the heacl to knock it out, ancl tied to a tree: however. Teddy, who really wanted to hunt a bear. relused to shoot +l-- L^^- -.J :,- f^^. t,---. 1_ - ___r_1 .--]__t t-.-_._-,L-l^---^--J^-! t!..t _---_-_ -L-. :_ trlc uca aIiu, rIi ;ciL'4. Liciiiar'itJdLl aricii +1.iir-C Oeai'OC C^aiiadied iiaiii ifie ii;pc:. trrar i>he demandcd that the bcar bc sct frcc. The incident attracted a lot of attention among journalists. First a cartoon-drawn by ciiflorci K- iierryman to make fun of this situation-appeareci in rhe Washrngton Post, atrd the cartoon was widely distributed and reprinted throughout the country. Then toy manufacturers began producing a toy bear which they called a "tedcly bear" became the most widely recognized symbol of Roosevelt's presidency.



According to line 1 of the passage, what is a "teddy bear', a. A ferocious animal b. The president of the United States c. -A &mou_s hunter d. A plaything Look at the word "pastimes" in line 5- This word could be best replaced by
a. D^ -r I aJt \Jr-uull c_tl\,g


b. Previous job c. Hunting trip (i. Leisure activrf),

j i ^.'^-


Look at the word "extricated" in line 9. This word could be best replaced by a. Set free b. Captured c. Bear d. Demand In line I 1, "a cartoon" could best be described as a- A newspaper b. A rype ofteddy bear c. A drawing with a message d. A newspaper article.


Determine meaning from context clue

Bagaimana mengidentifi kasi pe.tarry

2. "Which of the following is

rnpanino fn I


Bagaimana cara menj awab pertanyaan


Temukan kata yang ditanyakan dalam



baca kalimat yang terdapat kata yang

ditanyakan dengan seksama. perhatikan "context clue" atau petrurjuk bisa kita lihat dari kata-kata

('ontoh soal:


pilih iawaban vang sesuai dengan context

I 5

Why Are Amcricans Getting Older'l Persons sixty-five years and over already represent l3 percent ol the total population in America, and by 2A25, there will be 59 milion elderly Americans representing 2l percent of the population ot'the United States., thc r1'jll jn6112-et- lion-' lL'orl! I perrrlt Pa-rfe,rlfage r"'f lhe PoPulaIjo::r o\/ar 2gt- eighf,.'-fl.'e currently to 5 percent in 2050. This population trencl has been referred to as graying of America.

^--.-l^:-t_, u .pl4rlt


l^-l-.J-.^-^.--^-r-:^ ^l-^-wu ^--'--r rlluJL l\JU\ ru rrucL lauLUls, r ur rrrrt)) LrtarB(-, LtttJ uurtr\rBraprrru





mortality An<i imigration in largc part influcnce all dcmographic trcnds and thc graying of America is no exception. The large number of children bom after World War II will increase the pool of eicieriy between 2utu anci luJU. t he '-baby boom" wiii have become the "senior boom" sixty-fir,e years later as this large segment of the population



The word "trends" in line 8 is closest in nreaning to a. Mary questions b. Small mistakes c- F;nal conclusions d, General directions The word "pool" in line l0 is closest in meaning to a. A group ofpeople b. A piace for swimming



A-tr i:rcrea-.e i:: ilfllelce A negative attitude

6.Transitional uestions Transition tions Bagaimana meneidentifikasi Dimana


ra *

What is most likelv in the h followins the Jawaban untuk preceding question dapat ditemukan pada
!.o-ic nertoo^ ,l^; +-LT)^n rr-trrL {^ll^.,,;-atooli^n J^-at


Bagaiman penanyaan


ditemukan di baris palins akhir dari teks. 1. Baca baris pertama untuk preceding question 2. Baca baris rerakirir uniukfoiiowing quesrion 3- Buat kesimpulan tentang apa dibicarakan sebelumnya
atau sesudah teks tersebut.


Pilih jawaban yang mereflesikan baris pertama

baris terakhir dari teks.


Contoh soal: I Another myth of the ocean concerns Davy Jones, who in folklore is meanspirited sovereipgr of the ocean's depths. The name "Jones" is thought by some etymologists to have been derived from the name "Jonah" the Hebrew Prophet who spent three days in a whale's belly. ooe-s overboud Accordrns _---_--_o to tradition anv ol'iect that o--a-od -sild<.c to lhe boltom -5 -'-_-

o1'the ocear'l is said lo lrave gone to Davy.lorles's locker, the oceatl-sized, nrythical receptaclc tbr anything that lirlls into thc walcr. Necdless to say, any sailor on tht' scrt is noI sr,r cager to talic a tour ol-Davv Joncs's locker. although iL mieht be a rather interesting trip considerine all the lreasures located there-

l. The Paragraph preceding this passage most probably a. The youth olDavy Jones


c. A different traditional storv liom the sea d. Preparing to travel on the ocean


Davy Jones's career as a sailor

The topic of the paragraph following the passage nrost likely is a. Valuable items located at the bottom of the ocean b. Where Davv Jones is found todaY c. Jonah and the Whale d- Preventing objects liom falling overboard


Prison Relorm

In the United States today there are more than half a million criminals serving time in jails or prisons. Most prisoners are male high school drcpouts bet'.veen the age of' 18
n--^l^ -or^L^^l-:-^ - r.n rrrryr rrvr oLU ua 6rru r rruirrLrLr o-,1 ^f ;-^;.^--ont arial +l-rr-is .^..-l--rJ +L^ Lti(, f^^r raL[ +L^t SiiiJui(ir.lP, L> - _DVtrIl IIiUItr all.J -^-^

hrq ml)ra





than doubled over the past twenty years, and the recidivism-that is. the rate for rearrests-is more than 60 percent. -A]tlougl thr -state.l otyecti.e rf the trtmital jt-t-s!i1e -c;,-sJ3p, on L'rilr ftdrrzl z:d state levels, is to rehabilitate the inmates a.nd reintegrate them into society, the system itself does not support such a goal- Although most jails are located within the coriii-ir-oli!,,-, prisons a.-e usrally geographricai',y or psycliologi;all; is-late,i ar-id ierilbly ovcrcrowded. Even in the more enlightened prisons, only one-third of the inmates have vocational training opportunities or work release options. Even fewer have access to quaiiiieci counseiors, psychoiogists, or sociai workers if prisons are indeed to achieve the goal of rehabilitating offenders, then the prisons themselves will have to change. First, they will have to be smaller, housing no more than five hundred prisoners. It has been shown that crowding in large facilities is not conducive to behavior modification. Second, they will have to be built in or near population centers with community resources available for gradual reintegration into society. This must include social and psychological services. Finally, prison programs must be restructured to provide work release and vocational and academic training for all .rryith skills &a-t, carry over ioto their live-* after inrnale-.s r-o prepare th.em In addition to parole terms and community supervised work release, successful models for such collaborative efforts between the criminal justice system and the community .L---.--l----r tL- -----+r-^rf -----.t-^----l'-"t-L---J--l ---I----.. -l---l-. ----^-I vvrrcrs rturratc) -.-:-t:- iii Se!'iai iiL)riscs ai-il-\rri6lruut Ltrg u\rulrarJ/ iiail--Wal exisi fiiiirorcC ail-eao]complete their sentences while beginning to reestablish their live as productive member of society. Studies suggest that imprisonment it is currenfly administered m,.rst be vieweci as punishment rather than reiorm. Until we approach the probiem in terms of changrng behaviors rather than segregating offenders, prisoners who are released will

probably return to a iife of crime.

I he word

People who return to prion after release People who drooout hiuh sshool People who have been in prison for a long time The word "options" in line 11 is closest in meaning to !xcePlro'-t-" Challenges

a. b. c. d

"rccidivism" in line 4 relers All people rvho are imprisoned


:] b. c. Alternatives
,l U. n,--- --C+.. DUIIUIILJ


Thc word "them" ;n line 7 refcrs to


Prison systems Goals

d. Levels The paragraph following this passage most probably discusses a. The goal of most state and federal prisons b. The cost of prison refr-rrm c. Examples of models for communit-v- collaboration d. Problems with the current criminal justice system


b" -trunates

Lisht from a living plant or iinimal is called bioluminescence. or cold lieht. to distinguish it from incandescence, or heat-generating light. Life forms could not produce incandescent light without being burned. Their light is produced by chemicals combining in s, a- \rr?-y that- littlt or 10 qle?-s,-,ra-t'1e heat is prod'-r,:td, a-nd r-h.e !it-t tlrns geu:'rz1-i-r-g it are unharmed. Although bioluminescence is a relatively complicated process, it can be reduced to simple terms. Living light occurs when luciferin and oxygen combine in the
-a!---:f...----- ut prSeirtu luLtlt;lciJ\r.
C---fr,. I-- - f---- ------^1"- lll\,rJL uutltrllurt, rri a lEw ua,)CJ, rrlullr\;J-- Lrrg

-- auurtlullal -JJir:----r arl




compound called ATP is required. The earliest recorded experiments with bioluminescence in the late 1800s are attributeci to Raphaei l-nrbois, who extracted a luminous iiuici tlom a ciam, observrng that it continued to glow in the test tube for several minutes. He named the substance Luciferin,which means "the bearer of light." In the further research, Dubois discovereci that several chemicals were required for bioluminescence to occur. In his notes, it was recorded that a second important substance, which he called luciJbrase, was always present- ln later studies of small, luminous sea creafures, Newtown Harvey concluded that luciferin was composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which are the building blocks of all living cells- He also proved that there are a variety of Luciferins artd f rtnifornqoc cnenifin to the rrrodlct fhen:. rlalt,s a-nd a:rima-!-s _ thal _-_.- r_.-_!__,_.__>,r -_- r--_-__ Much remains unknown, but many scientists who are sfudying bioluminescence now believe that the origtn of the phenomenon may be traced to a time when tlere was no J---!r-= l-+--J----J l--r- rLItrL-,rl-- n--rlr-- :--r----.-L-.-yy rrtrlr u.\)BEu w.rJ rrr rrrc ,jd^rut ) .iurrusPrrcrE. u,r.,tcrr tsra\rucrrr) Irrut Lru\,Eu .tlrtu [lrE atmosphere, it was actually poisonous to life forrns. Plants and animals produced light to tlse up the oxygen in a gradual but necessary adaptation. It is speculated that millions of years ago, aii iir-b may have prociuced iignt to survive. As the miiiennia passecl, IiI-e


lbrms on Earth became tolerant o1. and ilnatly depenilent on oxygu:r, the ldapt.ttion thal pro,ltrced hioluminescence was no lon$er necessarv. but somc prirnitive plants end iuirnals continued to use the liqht lbr new l-unctions such as maLins or attrae ting pruv.

5. The word "it" in line 2 rel'ers to

A- pla.nt



An animal



'fhe word "relatively" in linc 5 is oppositc in rticatting to a. Comparativell, b. Moderatety c. Exclusively d. partially The word "primitive" in line 26 is closest in rneaning to a. Very old b. Very larue c. Very important d. Very common Tbe pa:zgrzp)-. 1olllu,ug lhe pa-.-"Rge ::ra-ef prot'al');, fj-c111-c-.3-c a, Incandescence in prehistoric plants and animals b- Incandescence in modern plants and anima,ls a. Sioiut-irrt SLsiiac iri yiciris^ru'rir lriot,ts arrl arirrrais d. Bioluminescence in modern plants and animals

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