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AmiBroker/Win32 scripting Example File: Import.js Created: Tomasz Janeczko, January 30th, 2000 Purpose: Import quotes from Metastock ASCII file Language: JScript (Windows Scripting Host) The data is stored in lines with following format <ticker>,<per>,<date>,<high>,<low>,<close>,<volume>

ImportMsASCII( "Import_Test.txt" ); function ImportMsASCII( filename ) { var fso, f, r; var ForReading = 1; var AmiBroker; var date; var quote; var fields; var stock; /* Create AmiBroker app object */ AmiBroker = new ActiveXObject( "Broker.Application" ); /* ... and file system object */ fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ); /* open ASCII file */ f = fso.OpenTextFile( filename, ForReading); /* skip first line which contains format definition */ f.SkipLine(); /* read the file line by line */ while ( !f.AtEndOfStream ) { r = f.ReadLine(); /* split the lines using comma as a separator */ fields = r.split(","); /* add a ticker - this is safe operation, in case that */ /* ticker already exists, AmiBroker returns existing one */ stock = AmiBroker.Stocks.Add( fields[ 0 ] ); /* notify the user */ WScript.Echo( "Importing " + fields[ 0 ] ); /* parse the date from the text file */ date = new Date( fields[ 2 ] ); /* add a new quotation */ quote = stock.Quotations.Add( date.getVarDate() );

/* put data into it */ quote.High = parseFloat( fields[ 3 ] ); quote.Low = parseFloat( fields[ 4 ] ); quote.Close = quote.Open = parseFloat( fields[ 5 ] ); quote.Volume = parseInt( fields[ 6 ] ); } /* refresh ticker list and windows */ AmiBroker.RefreshAll(); /* notify the user */ WScript.Echo( "Finished" ); }

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