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The Link

April 7 2013

Neil Ryan Senior Pastor

Seth Emery Youth Pastor

Kathy Heath Childrens Pastor

Gavin Jones Pastor, LifeChurch

Allan Stanley-Smith Pastor, Pastoral Care


April 7 2013

Welcome to Unley Park Baptist today. It is great to have you with us. If you are new to Unley Park, we appreciate that it can be daunting to walk into a new church, so as much as we can, we want to help you feel at home here. In the pew in front of you please find a black folder that contains a white care card for you to complete. There is also a "Welcome Pack" available for you that, among other things, has a special Care Card for you to record your visit and for us to follow up any requests you make. All Care Cards should be "posted" as you leave the church, in the locked box on the table by the "Baptistry Door".

10.00am Morning Tea: Morning Tea Next Week: 7.00am

Morning Worship Neil Ryan Lyn Ryan, Ros & Geoff Higgins Heather & Andrew Waldron, Marg & Barry Humphrys Life Church

April 2013 Giving Target Cash Giving to date Electronic Giving to date Total Giving March 26,385 1,768 2,420 4,188

Account Name: Unley Park Baptist Church Inc Offerings Confidential BSB: 704 922 Account Number: 100013066

Just a Minute
It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. [Matthew 20:26-28] We are funny people. We often need reassurance about things we already know. There is always that lingering sense of doubt not far beneath the surface of our lives. A couple of weeks ago a man came to take down the sign outside the Church office. He noticed that there were wires coming out of the sign and going underground. He said to me, Do you know if it is safe to cut those wires I said, Yes, its perfectly safe. He said, Who are you? I said, Im the Pastor of this Church. He said, Can you ring the electrician? He didnt know that I had already rung the electrician, but I got on the phone with him standing next to me and rang him again. The electrician assured me that all wires had been disconnected and the man could do whatever he wanted! The man went away feeling reassured and in no time the sign had been removed! I think many of the things that Jesus calls us to believe are so outrageous and at times risky that we need some kind of reassurance before we commit to them! What about these words of Jesus, whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave? That sounds like a recipe for being taken advantage of. I can see everyone else getting ahead in life and me being left behind as I try and be a servant. It sounds like a wonderful principle but can I build a life on it? Am I going to regret staking my whole life on such a risky teaching? Maybe its better to spiritualise it and somehow still live by the principle of this world that .he who has the most gold makes the rules. Maybe its easier to believe it will work in heaven but for now its still about understanding the law of the pecking order! Do you know the interesting thing is that before he began his public ministry Jesus was offered all the kingdoms of the world if he just fell down and worshipped the devil. He could have been top of the pecking order and made all the rules! But Jesus chose servanthood! Uncommon Key: Act out what you really believe about being a servant! God Bless Neil

Reminder to Parents
Keeping our children secure and safe NURSERY ALERT is ready to go! We now have a way of contacting parents of children during the Service, known as Nursery Alert. In the event of us needing your assistance with your child, a red area surrounding your childs surname name will appear on the bottom of the data screen. Please come straightaway to help your child. Nursery Alert will also assist us if for any reason we are understaffed in the Crche or Little Tots area by requesting a helper from the congregation. Parents please note that UPbc will be in recession during the school holidays. th UPbc will resume on Sunday 5 May. The Creche facilities will be available for you to use with Babies to Kindergarten age children only as these facilities are specifically age appropriate. Children are welcome to bring their own games to use in the main hall during coffee time (No ball games please).

UPBC & LifeChurch Picnic

Date Venue: Time: Lunch Activities Today, Sunday April 7 Concordia College 12.00pm 4.30pm BYO food, drink & chairs ,BBQ provided for cooking Tennis, Basketball, Cricket, Volleyball, Petanque & Treasure Hunt

Pray for these families

Names for this week beginning April 7: Corrie & Alice Davel John & Bev Dewhirst Irene Downie John, Susan, Joel, Caitlin & Caleb Dyer Roger & Jill Dyer Matt, Amy, Zachary & Hudson Earl

Church Prayer Meeting Today, Sunday 7th April

We are looking forward to holding a short time of prayer today, Sunday 7th April before heading over to the Concordia oval for the church picnic. It will be in the church lounge immediately following the church service. Would be very encouraging to see you there! "Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you....." Ps. 55:22

Pre-service prayer meeting

Please come and join in at 9.45 a.m. on Sunday morning in Neil Ryan's office for prayer before we enjoy our coffee/tea together. We love to pray for every aspect of the Sunday morning worship and service, and the many needs of people in the church family."IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD"? Gen. 18:14

Our Missionary Families

The Badger Family Tim, Bron, Stephen, Joshua, Amie, Annalise & Kaitlyn OMF, Manila, Philippines Last week 4 quarter began at school. Only 8 more weeks until the end of the school year! This week Tim and Bron need to go and renew their Filipino Police Check (NBI) in preparation for the adoption visa application for the girls. Last year when we did this, it took 7 hours of lining up in queues - a lot of which was standing out in the open with no shade cover. Considering the hot weather lately - 35 degrees plus humidity - please pray that our renewal this year will be much quicker. Give thanks for some substitute grandparents who will look after Annalise and Kaitlyn for the day to allow us to do the renewal.

With Sympathy
Our love, thoughts and prayers have been with Lyn Long and her family this week at the loss of her father, who passed away on Sunday March 24.

Wednesday Night Small Group Bible Study

This coming Wednesday evening, April 10 7.45-9.00pm at the church Bruce Townsend will be leading the study.

Out and About

Bruce Townsend is preaching at Lenswood Church of Christ today at 10.30am. Roger Dyer would appreciate prayer as he attends a Missionary Care Conference from th Tuesday April 9 to Friday 12th in Kansas City. He will also be visiting Colorado Springs to finalise arrangements for his and Jills involvement in the Pre Field Orientation in th th. Houghton NY, June 19 to July 7

MLT Update - 18 March 2013

At the beginning of 2013 the Ministry Leadership Team (MLT) agreed to alternate meeting focuses between administration and strategy and planning on achieving the church goals. On 18 March, MLTs focus was on strategy and planning around a range of areas including: Spiritual Growth and Development Ministry Ken Leembruggen, after discussion and prayer with the pastors and MLT, will be developing a role to specifically grow our personal relationship and communication with God as well as our understanding of specific Biblical concepts. This role in part has come about from the church surveys conducted over the past two years. MLT were encouraged by the role and the discussion that occurred as we worked through the options for developing this portfolio. Place of prayer at UPBC MLT emphasised the importance of corporate prayer together and wanted to encourage the opportunity for praying together. This included the LifeChurchs participation in the Baptist Churchs Year of P rayer, the quarterly church prayer meetings and the Sunday morning prayer meetings before the service. Small Groups Gavin Jones has visited small groups across LifeChurch and UPBC and MLT discussed some of the great things, the challenges and the opportunities for small groups that existed. As noted at the church members meeting on 24 March 2013: MLT have been provided a report on the UPBC buildings and future opportunities by Jason Pruszinski. This was acknowledged as a very important and comprehensive document, MLT will meet with Jason to discuss this report at a meeting soon. MLT have been exploring opportunities to develop services to communicate Gods love to the broader community. An option which was agreed to explore further was the LifeWell model being run by Enfield Baptist Church. MLT will meet with the management of LifeWell in the near future.

Thank you for your continued prayers for the leadership of the church.

Unley Park Baptist Church

Leisure Club
What is God doing in the lives of. Mario Mosaad Asylum seeker from EGYPT Why is Mario a Christian man seeking asylum in Australia? How does Mario see God directing him? Alison Liebelt- Recently vision impaired. Alison will tell her story of how God is sustaining and directing her. COME AND BRING A FRIEND Date: Friday 26th April, 2013
(Note the change to fourth Friday in April)

Time: 1:45pm Venue: Unley Park Baptist Church Cost: Donation

This week at UPBC

Playgroup Tuesday April 9 9.30-11.3 Tuesday April 9 9.30-10.30 Tuesday April 9 11am-12noon Tuesday April 9 5.30 - 8.00pm Wednesday April 10 Wednesday April 10 7.45-9.00pm Thursday April 11 9.30am Friday April 12 7.30-9.30pm Sunday April 14 10.00am Sunday April 14 5pm

Prayer Team


Munchiez Food Van

Playgroup Bible study at the church

Know Your Bible

Elevate Youth Group (year 8-12)

Morning Worship


Northgate Street Unley Park PH: 82720258

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