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Notice of ADWAs 2013

Annual General Meeting

Thursday, May 2nd - 7 p.m.
In Plaza 1 of the

Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre - 1316 33 St NE, Calgary _________
Members will be briefed on the previous years accomplishments and will be asked to consider resolutions, elect four members to the Board of Directors, and direct the business of the association for 2013. - Proxy voting can be done through a properly completed and authorized form (attached) - Also attached to this email are draft minutes from the 2012 AGM, elections protocol and nomination form, and the proposed agenda for the evening. Registration will begin at 6 p.m. with the meeting being called to order at 7 p.m. (You must be a member in good standing to vote or be nominated for a Board position) __________ This is an exciting time for ADWA as we set off with a sense of urgency to advance the Association's vision of a professional workforce, with certification & educational avenues leading to fulfilling lifelong careers in the disability sector. We strongly urge you to attend this years AGM, or to take part by proxy if you are unable to join us in Calgary. As ADWA members, we hope that you will inform your colleagues of ADWAs work, goals and vision, and encourage them to join as members if the development of professional careers in the field is a goal that they share and actively wish to support. Please visit to download any of the documents or for more information. The deadline for submitting resolutions, nominations and proxy voting forms is April 22nd

Alberta Disability Workers Association 2013 Annual General Meeting

Thursday, May 2nd - 7 p.m.
at the

Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre 1316 33 St NE, Calgary ______________
6:00 p.m. - Registration Opens 7:00 p.m. - Call to Order 1. Election of a Meeting Chair 2. Approval of the Agenda 3. Approval of 2012 AGM Minutes 4. Welcome & Presidents Report (Tim Bear) 5. Treasurers Report (Eugene McCafferty) 6. Coordination & Communications Directors Report & Demonstration (Jamie Post) 7. Committee Reports 8. Elections 9. Resolutions 10. Bylaw Amendments 11. Q&A/Open Microphone Discussions Suggested Items to Begin: -Membership Engagement/Grassroots Recruitment -Perks and Benefits of Membership -Messaging - 2013 Provincial Budget 11. Adjournment

Alberta Disability Workers Association

2013 Election Protocol

Nominations: Call for Nominations: - Members will be notified as to the number of board members to be elected/re-elected via our E-Bulletin, a prominent posting on our website, or another means of mass communication within 30 days of the Annual General Meeting. - A nomination form is attached The Election Process: - The election will normally be conducted by the meeting chair - If the chair is unable to participate, the elections process will be conducted by the Associations President or Vice-President (whichever is not up for re-election). - If a vote is required (where directors are not acclaimed) the ballot process will be conducted by the meeting chair, or their substitute. They will be responsible for distributing, collecting, and tallying ballots as well as announcing those who have been elected. Scrutineers: - If so desired by members in good standing, three scrutineers, who are not members of the Association, can be appointed by way of a motion, to supervise the collection and tallying of ballots. Introduction of Candidates: - The meeting chair will read names of Board members who are standing for re-election, and the names of those who have been nominated. - Candidates will be asked to confirm or accept their nominations - Candidates will be allowed to address the membership for five minutes each if they so desire. Order of Elections: Board members will be elected in the following order: President - Vice-President - Treasurer - Directors

Alberta Disability Workers Association

2013 Nomination Form

Forms must be signed by both the nominator and nominee. You may nominate yourself. Nominations must be received or postmarked by April 22nd.

As a member of the Alberta Disability Workers Association, I hereby nominate _________________________________________________________________ Please print the nominees name To serve on the Board of Directors of the Alberta Disability Workers Association in the role of: Select here President Vice-President Treasurer Director

(Print your name):____________________________________________ Date:______________

(Your Signature):______________________________________

(Signature of nominee):_______________________________________ Date:________________ By confirming your nomination, you are committing your time, talent and energies to growing and developing ADWA, its vision and objectives. This form may be mailed, faxed, or scanned and emailed: Fax: 780-645-1885 - E-Mail: Mail: Alberta Disability Workers Association St. Paul Abilities Network 4637-45 Ave - St. Paul, Alberta, T0A 3A3

Alberta Disability Workers Association AGM 2013 - Call for Resolutions

As ADWA members, its your right to provide input and direction to the Association. This can be on issues facing the profession, the direction taken by the board and staff, or initiatives you believe your Association should be pursuing. Resolutions can be proposed, and voted upon by members at an AGM, or any general meeting. Resolutions must be submitted by April 22nd. All resolutions received will be available for viewing and discussion at For clarity, resolutions should follow this format (feel free to use this as a submission form): Title: ______________________________ Statement of Purpose (The intent of the resolution - what direction or action do you wish the Association to pursue? E.g. Be it resolved that.... - This should be clearly and concisely worded) _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Explanation/Justification (What is the reasoning behind the resolution? What is it meant to accomplish? Please provide details for members to make informed votes. Also, please note that resolutions need to conform to the bylaws and should follow the general mandate of the Association. : _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Mover (The member in good standing proposing the resolution): _________________________________________________________________________________________

Seconder _________________________________________________________________________________________ Resolutions can be emailed (, mailed (4637-45 Ave, St. Paul, Alberta, T0A 3A3), or faxed (780-645-1885)

Alberta Disability Workers Association

AGM 2013 - Proxy Voting Form

As ADWA members, you have the ability to designate a fellow member in good standing, whom you trust, to vote on your behalf at annual general meetings, or any general meeting of the association. To do so, please complete this form and scan or mail it to us by April 22nd at the address below.

I _________________________________________ being a member in good standing, Please print your name

hereby appoint _________________________________ a member in good standing, Please print their name to vote on my behalf at the 2013 Annual General Meeting of the Alberta Disability Workers Association.

Your Signature ___________________________________

Signature of your proxy ____________________________________

Date: ____________________________________

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