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Ecotourism and the five Themes of Geography in the Pacific Maritime and Lesson Title: Subject Area: Mountain

Region Writing, Reading and Social Studies Virginia Ramirez Teacher Name: Carina Aquino Grade Level: Time Frame:

9 Grade

Two 45 minute lessons

This lesson plan involves different contents in order to learn about Ecotourism and the five Themes of Geography in the Pacific Maritime and Mountain Region. It has some activities in which the students could put in practice what they are learning and at the same time share with their classmates their ideas. This lesson plan include exercises and activities for Summary: Lesson Plan adapted from: different areas such writing, reading and social studies. Shawn Welsh & Jon Jancola- Springbrook Elementary & Crestwood Elementary

Connection to PA Core Curriculum Standards:

British Columbia-Geography 12 IRPS: The Nature of Geography-Themes Resources of the Earth- Sustainability of Resources -Asses the compatibility of human activities and population growth with concepts of sustainability.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Apply the Themes of Geography to ecotourism in the Pacific Maritime and Mountain Learning outcomes Region. Assess the viability of an ecotourism operation in this region. Assess the impact of an ecotourism operation Defend a position Obtain reliable information from a variety of resources

Students will examine a region using the Themes of Geography to determine if it is a suitable location for an ecotourism operation. Objectives


Students can create a web site or pamphlet to either promote a region for ecotourism or to convince a community that is not an acceptable proposition. Teachers can evaluate the worksheet and/or the presentation.

Computers lab

Hardware Materials and Resources: Software Other Materials

Word -Library resources -Students worksheet


1. Introduce unit and explain the project using the rubric and the direction sheet 2. Introduce students to the Five Themes of Geography (or review if they were previously taught). 3. Students will star to research about Location, Place, Human and Environment Interaction, Movement and Region. 4. Teacher will give to students various lessons which are available in some web sites. 5. Teacher will introduce the concept of ecotourism. 6. Teacher will give hand out the student worksheet to have students identify the characteristics of the Pacific Maritime and Mountain Regions according to the Five Themes of Geography. 7. Finally the teacher will collect the Student Worksheet or have students present their findings to the class.

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