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Statics 9


A frame is a structure assembled from interconnected members like a truss, but whose primary load-carrying mechanism includes bending in addition to axial tension and compression (Several of the options considered in Exercise 7: Understanding Trusses could be classified in this manner. Can you identify which ones?). In this exercise, we will see that the principles of statics alone are not adequate for a general consideration of frame structures. Understanding the limits of techniques is crucial for engineering analysis and design, and so there is often as much benefit in considering problems one cannot solve as there is in considering problems one can solve. In the case of statics, in particular, we will see that its principles are always a necessary part of any solution, but that they are not always sufficient. Among other things, this can help you understand why statics is among the first courses you take, but why its not the last.

Learning Objective
This exercise is designed to give you an ability to explain how frames work, and to identify the limits of analysis based on statics alone. In particular, upon completion of the exercise you should be able to explain what is meant by the term statically indeterminate structure, and be able to classify simple structures according to their determinacy. Also, in the spirit of providing some motivation for your future studies (and to perhaps keep you up at night thinking), you will be left hanging with a fundamental unanswered question.

Lets begin our study of frame with the cantilever below.

A simple frame.

StaticsVisualizer Files
Statics 9a: A simple frame.

Things to Do
1. Consider a very simple frame as shown above: a cantilever beam. Apply a vertical point load somewhere in the beams span, and then drag it to the free (right) end.


Use the X-ray tool to examine the internal forces along the frame.


Internal forces can be broken into two types: axial and shear. Axial and shear forces are actually just components of the internal forceaxial forces are parallel to the member and shear forces are perpendicular to it. Axial force (tension/compression), shear, and moment are three quantities of great interest when analyzing and designing structures and components. 3. What types of forces and moments are present? How is this different than in a truss member?


The cantilever frame carries load with moment and shear but not axial force.


Calculate the reactions for the cantilever.


Hint: you dont have to calculate the reaction in the x-direction since there are no external loads on the structure with an x component. Thus, we can reduce the problem to 2 unknowns (Fy, M) and two equations (Fy, M). y reaction, Ry = ______________ moment reaction, Mr = ______________


Check your results with StaticsVisualizer by turning on Options:Force and Moment Display:Show Reactions by pressing 8. Once youve verified your calculations, turn Show Reactions off.


Use the X-ray tool to find the maximum moment in the beam. Now add a pin support to the center of the beam. What is the maximum moment now? Do you think this structure will be stronger now? Stiffer?


Now calculate the reactions for this structure. There are two equations of equilibrium (we can still disregard equilibrium in the x direction). How many unknowns are there?


Because this structure has more unknowns than equations, it is indeterminate and we cannot determine the reactions or internal forces using statics. Use the X-ray tool to examine whether equilibrium is still satisfied.


Static equilibrium is a necessary but not sufficient condition for determining the distribution of force in a general frame. In other words, you need equilibrium to analyze a frame but it doesnt guarantee that that youll be able to! If a structure is indeterminate, how does StaticsVisualizer generate its solution? More fundamentally, how can we figure out where forces go in an indeterminate structure. 9. Now replace the fixed support with a pin support. How many unknowns are there now? Is the structure determinate or indeterminate? If determinate, calculate the reactions at each pin support.

The Big Question

10. Compare the reactions and internal forces of the structure with and without the fixed end. Do you think the structure is stronger with or without it? Stiffer?

11. Make the left support fixed again and delete the center pin support. Now add a truss member and pin support so that your structure is similar to the one in the figure below.

A frame with diagonal strut.

12. Examine the forces, moments, and reactions in the new structure with the X-ray tool. Do you think the strut has increased the strength of the structure (by lowering forces)? Why?


A frames strength can be improved by: (1) adding extra supports; (2) changing joint fixity; and (3) adding extra members. These also are ways in which a frame becomes statically indeterminate. 13. What will happen if the strut in this structure fails? Delete it to find out.

14. Assuming that the cantilever and fixed support are strong enough, the structure will still be stable. Because the strut is not necessary, it is a r e d u n d a n t member. Redundancy is an important engineering principle for safety and another aspect of indeterminacy.


Redundant members can be removed from a structure without causing the structure to fail. 15. Now replace the strut and change the fixed connection to a pin support. How many unknown reactions are there? How many equations of equilibrium? Is the structure determinate? Now what happens if the strut is removed?


Determinate structures will fail if a member, support, or joint fixity is removed.

16. Examine the structures in files 9b-eStatics.drs. Decide if the structures are indeterminate and, if so, to what degree by removing supports, members, and joint fixities.

In addition to strength and redundancy, there is another characteristic important in structures: stiffness. To understand stiffness, examine loaded cantilevers of varying lengths.

Cantilevers of 10, 20, and 30 feet.

StaticsVisualizer Files
Statics 9f: Three cantilevers.

17. All three cantilevers have a 30k load at their ends. The curved lines represent the deformed shape of the cantilevers under that loading. By comparing the vertical deflections at the ends, which structure is the most flexible? The stiffest? Does the relationship between length and stiffness seem linear?


Shorter members are stiffer and deflect less under loads than longer ones.


Whereas strength is a measure of how much load a structure can support before failure, the stiffness determines how much the structure deflects/deforms under those loads. Structures can be stiffened by shortening members or adding joint fixities, supports, and members.


Frames, unlike trusses, carry loads with bending and shear forces. When analyzing frames, equilibrium is necessary but not sufficient since indeterminate structures cannot be solved with statics alone. Additional supports and members will strengthen and stiffen a frame but adding joint fixities will generally only stiffen it. Indeterminate structures have redundant members, supports, or joint fixities that can be removed without causing the structure to fail.

On Your Own
1. 2. 3. Identify four real structures that are frames (i.e., structures that rely on bending to carry load). Is a bike frame really a frame? What if it were a bike truss? How would it be different? Would it be stable? Explain your thinking. Indeterminacy ensures that structures wont fail if a single component fails. Aside from being harder to analyze, are there any drawbacks to redundant members and supports in structures? (Hint: what happens to indeterminate and determinate structures that are heated or settle (sink) in certain places?)

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