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The spirituality of the Institute is none other than that of the baptized in the Church: a life of communion with the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit. In accord with the will of God, each member endeavors to develop in a special way the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity, as well as the cardinal virtues of justice, prudence, fortitude, and temperance. These are the foundation of a spiritual balance that shapes the members of the Institute into true witnesses of Christ in the world. To the ideal of life which the Institute proposes to its members: To do in all things the will of the Father, like Christ and the Virgin Mary, is attached a proper spirituality known as the Spirituality of the Three Fives: By the first five, members of the Institute develop a life of intimacy with the Lord through daily prayer, and especially through the following spiritual exercises: Mental prayer or meditation Reading of the Word of God and of works of spirituality Sharing in the Holy Eucharist Visit to the Blessed Sacrament Devotion to the Virgin Mary, particularly through meditation of the mysteries of the Rosary and recitation of the five decades of the Rosary. By the second five, members develop in a special way a spirit of recollection, humility, and fraternal charity through acquiring the following attitudes: Presence of God To live in the presence of God is to be recollected, to pay heed to the Lord living within me. It is to listen to him speaking in me through my conscience, my aspirations, through persons and events. It is to recognize that we participate in the very life of God, that we belong to him. In the Footsteps of Jesus by Fr. Parent, Founder Absence of criticism Absence of criticism fortifies the presence of God, educates us to patience, augments the spiritual forces within us, permits us to welcome our neighbor with simplicity, stimulates our heart, weans our imagination, pacifies our passions, calms our emotions, suffocates our instincts for revenge, liberates us from selfishness and pettiness and preserves intimacy with God. In the Footsteps of Jesus by Fr. Parent, Founder Absence of complaint Absence of complaint manifests the spiritual maturity of a person, it expresses the basic quality of a personality which tends toward self-control. Absence of complaint indicates a beautiful personality, one who has taken charge of his life, who has a sense of responsibility. It demands that each of us

makes a constant effort which we call asceticism. In the Footsteps of Jesus by Fr. Parent, Founder Being of service (availability) A 'being' of service is an intelligent being who willingly and freely stands on the side of God, who strives to be a docile instrument of His will, as soon as His will is known. Being of service reveals the distinctive quality that characterizes the members of the Institute as people who have attained a certain maturity, who have a sense of responsibility, the desire to seek the will of God and the assurance that, as servants of the Church and respectful collaborators of legitimate ecclesiastical and civil authority, they stand with God. In the Footsteps of Jesus by Fr. Parent, Founder Peacemaking Peace is the most tangible manifestation of the active presence of God, of submission to a Supreme Being, of the hearts being possessed by the one whom we consider a marvelous, attentive and gracious Father. We witness to this peace by developing our capacity to love, to be attentive, to show our magnanimity, and to have confidence in others. If we recognize our potential for peace, a self-love will no longer have the power to upset our human relationships. In the Footsteps of Jesus by Fr. Parent, Founder By the third five, members of the Institute daily take advantage of five concrete occasions of exercising charity in order to develop positive contacts with others, in the manner of Christ.

Project and Objective

The aim of the Voluntas Dei Institute is to be present in every milieu, and it has as it's apostolic objective: to create peace and brotherhood in Jesus Christ. Members share in Christ's mission and are attuned to the needs of a World which is divided and torn apart. Being a peacemaker calls one to very concrete action for bringing forgiveness, reconciliation, unity, fraternal communion, and harmonious relationships. To this end, one needs to have an intimate union with Christ and His mission, as well as a deep knowledge of the World in which one lives. Members are called to an authentic fraternal life and to solidarity with everyone, especially with those who suffer most and are in need. The Institute's workplace is the whole World: "Wherever Christ has His rights". A missionary spirit must animate members wherever they must witness, whether at home or abroad.

Union with the Church

So as to be fully at the Church's service, the Institute has no specific field of endeavor. Collectively or individually, the members of our Institute desire to respond to the call of bishops willing to give us a share in the great mission which is their diocese. We wish to be Christians who can be counted on by bishops. The Institute therefore invites her members to become totally available to the Church for any apostolic work she may require anywhere in any country. Each member wants to take up his/her share of the works in the Lord's vineyard, whether one be a priest or a celibate or married lay person. The Institute desires to form a living, dynamic Christian cell in the Church of Jesus Christ. Each team forms a little cell within the greater diocesan Church, whose sons, daughters and laborers we truly are.

Secular Consecration
Poverty The members of the Institute are expected to cultivate the spirit of poverty that will make them witnesses to the world, as being able to live in the midst of material goods without being enslaved by them and without being hindered by them from being completely available. We strive to use our goods to convey the love and justice of God for all humans. Our detachment frees us to make a true gift of self to those most in need.. In professing the vow of poverty, Voluntas members commit themselves to: 1) work for their livelihood; 2) sustain the apostolic endeavors of the Institute; 3) share in accordance with Institute directives. Members retain the ownership of their personal property or belongings, with full right to administer them and to draw benefits from them. In these acts, in conformity with the teaching of Christ to 'watch, and be on your guard against avarice of any kind' (Lk 12:15), they shall observe the duties of justice and charity. Members of the Institute are encouraged to go beyond the strict obligations of the vow of poverty by avoiding useless expenses and sharing their possessions with the poor, endeavoring to love them always more and more. Each member shall take seriously his/her obligation of sharing in the District's financial burden so as to avoid overloading his/her confreres or paralyzing the District's apostolic projects. Once

his/her contribution has been made, each member is free to administer the remainder as he pleases. In his/her personal administration, the member shall hold dear the living-out of his/her commitment to evangelical poverty while respecting his/her own needs as well as those of his/her confreres and of his/her milieu. (Cf. Statutes, Canadian District, Section 8). Job was aware of the fact that everything he had and all he was came from God. Abraham did not hesitate to leave everything and let the Lord make good his poverty. With these two examples in mind, Voluntas members strive to glorify God and share to a greater degree with their brothers and sisters. All good things, whether spiritual or material, come from God. We want them to return to Him after having borne much fruit in and around us, as well as in each one of our brothers and sisters. It is not a question of being poor for poverty's sake; it is rather a question of being poor so as to be with God who will know how to give His friends a hundredfold; it is a question of being poor so as to enrich our brothers and sisters who will know how to respond richly in love and heap upon us the richness of their needs and problems.

Chastity Chastity is not living a life of repression, is the ability to embrace ones sexuality in a loving and life giving manner. We open our total being to Gods love so that we may see and love others as God does. Our chastity is a gift that makes us available to love those most in need in our time and place. Celibate members live joy-filled lives of radical availability, free to be where God and Gods people need them to be. Consecrated celibacy is a sign of a reality transcending earthly values. It is a sign of the Kingdom to come......the sincere and pure affection that members have for each other and everyone supports them in their struggle for an ever growing fidelity. In the practice of commitment to chastity, and in response to Christs special call to love in charity, Associate Members (married couples) commit themselves to live in conjugal chastity and sacramental fidelity in such a way as to render greater glory to God and help the world to grow in the true meaning of love. In a world where marriage and family life are questioned and even rejected by some, married couples in Voluntas shall preach through the example of their personal lives as couples who are happy to build a life in reference to the Gospel and the Church's directives.

Obedience It is impossible to attain holiness through any other meansJesus came to do his Fathers will. The Voluntas must carry out that same will. (Fr. Parent) In imitation of the humble and obedient service of Jesus, we strive to listen and

discern the will of God. Our obedience is to courageously, joyfully and eagerly respond to God's will with our Fiat! By their spirit of obedience, members shall endeavor to witness to everyone that they are happy to do God's Will as manifested in everyday life, without installing themselves comfortably in their own choices. Obedience: - making one's - making one's - making one's - making one's - making one's

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project of Jesus Christ; projects of the universal and local Churches; projects of the Institute; projects of ones District; projects of ones Team.

Members have at heart the faithful observance of the Constitutions and the Rules of the Institute as well as the Statutes of their particular District. Ordained members must obtain the written authorization of the local Bishop before engaging in any kind of pastoral work within a given diocese. In this manner, communion with the local and the universal Churches shall be fostered. Regarding the commitment to obedience, Associate Members (married couples) of the Institute take into account those obligations inherent in the state of matrimony, which is the prime commitment in their lives.

Professional Life
Members of the Institute 'will endeavor to acquire an excellent professional training, remembering all the while that their union with God is the foundation and source of their apostolate. (Const., Art. 46) 'Throughout his/her professional life, the constant preoccupation of the member of the Voluntas Dei Institute is to be deeply permeated by the Gospels so as to be more and more a witness. (Art. 48). In their trade or profession, the Voluntas should be the best to be found. The Church has no need of half-measures; she has no need for incompetent half-persons. If I want to act with the Lord, if I want to allow the Lord to reach my brothers and sisters through me, I must prepare for Him a worthy instrument.

In the Institute, the function of authority is the same as in all states of perfection where members are bound to their leaders by the vow of obedience.

In the Institute, the hierarchy is as follows: A Director General and his Council for the entire Institute; A District Director and his Council with authority over his own District; Team Facilitators who have the responsibility of a local Team; According to need, persons responsible for the formation process may be added.

The Authorities of the Institute are the first servants of the Will of God, they are the Church's representatives among their brethren. It is as an authority of service that they will foster a climate of confidence and collaboration among everyone.

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