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Lnv|ronmenta| assport for Cater|ng Serv|ces

Lnv|ronmenta| assport for Cater|ng Serv|ces

rofesslonal klLchens play an lmporLanL role ln developlng Lhe susLalnablllLy of Lhe enLlre food chaln. 1he
cholces professlonal klLchens make lnfluence Lhe enLlre food chaln from prlmary producLlon Lo Lhe
consumer's plaLe. 1he LnvlronmenLal assporL maLerlal and compeLency LesL gulde you Lhrough
envlronmenLal lssues perLalnlng Lo food servlces.
AbouL a Lhlrd of Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of llnnlsh consumpLlon ls caused by food. So far Lhe easlesL
way Lo lmpacL Lhe envlronmenLal effecLs of Lhe food we eaL has been Lo acqulre and prepare Lhe food
ourselves. Powever mosL people regularly eaL meals prepared by professlonal klLchens aL schools, work
canLeens, hosplLals, resLauranLs. rofesslonal klLchens have a good opporLunlLy Lo gulde Lhelr cusLomers ln
maklng more susLalnable cholces.
CusLomers' lnLeresL ln Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs and eLhlcs of food ls growlng conLlnuously.
LnvlronmenLally sound pracLlces of a professlonal klLchen can be a slgnlflcanL edge ln Lhe compeLlLlon for
cusLomers. lnvesLlng ln envlronmenLal lssues ls also cosL beneflclal and lmproves producLlvlLy.
Iam|||ar|ze yourse|f w|th the educat|ona| mater|a| and the quest|ons of the competency test on our
webs|te. ou can do severa| pract|ce runs answer|ng the test quest|ons and comp|ete the test when you
fee| you know the mater|a|. When you pass the competency test, you earn the Lnv|ronmenta| assport.

CCN1LN1S page
WhaL and how 2
1. lood servlces and Lhe envlronmenL 4
2. lood producLlon and processlng 10
3. SusLalnable menu plannlng 21
4. SusLalnable acqulslLlons 29
3. 1he klLchen's energy consumpLlon 33
6. CLher funcLlons of Lhe klLchen 40
7. 8egulaLlons and lnsLrucLlons 43
8. 1ools for susLalnable developmenL 48

1he Lnv|ronmenta| assport cons|sts of educat|ona| mater|a| and a competency test about the
env|ronmenta| |ssues perta|n|ng to food serv|ces and |s a|med at profess|ona|s and students of the trave|,
cater|ng and econom|c |ndustr|es.
1he educaLlonal maLerlal ls a mulLlfaceLed look aL Lhe prlnclpal envlronmenLal lmpacLs of food servlces,
parLlcularly Lhose perLalnlng Lo Lhe prlmary producLlon of foods and Lhe energy consumpLlon of klLchen
appllances. lL presenLs susLalnable procedures for klLchens and cusLomer servlces. 1he LnvlronmenLal
assporL ls compleLed onllne by sLudylng Lhe educaLlonal maLerlal lndependenLly. ?ou are free Lo pracLlce
Lhe quesLlons of Lhe compeLency LesL. Cnce passed, you can prlnL ouL Lhe LnvlronmenLal assporL. 1he
LnvlronmenLal assporL ls valld for 3 years.
1he Lnv|ronmenta| assport competency cert|f|cate |s a persona| cert|f|cate that |s we|| known and
respected |n profess|ona| c|rc|es and |nd|cates that you are fam|||ar w|th env|ronmenta| |ssues. When
applylng for a [ob, you can add Lhe LnvlronmenLal assporL Lo your Cv. AlLhough Lhe LnvlronmenLal
assporL ls noL mandaLory, lL ls comparable Lo Lhe hyglene passporL of professlonal klLchens.
1he Lnv|ronmenta| assport he|ps you to v|ew your work |n food serv|ces from an env|ronmenta|
standpo|nt. 1here are many everyday envlronmenLal aspecLs ln Lhe operaLlon of professlonal klLchens LhaL
affecL every employee. ?ou can by your own example lnfluence and perhaps change Lhe pracLlces of Lhe
enLlre worklng communlLy Loward a more envlronmenLally sound approach. 1here are also Lhlngs LhaL
lndlvldual workers cannoL affecL very easlly. Powever Lhe LnvlronmenLal assporL helps ln generaLlng
dlscusslon abouL good and even beLLer pracLlces. ?ou can aL leasL share how oLher klLchens proceed ln
envlronmenLally sound ways.
1he Lnv|ronmenta| assport educat|ona| mater|a| and competency test are too|s, wh|ch profess|ona|
k|tchens can ut|||ze to beg|n cons|der|ng and promot|ng env|ronmenta| |ssues |n the work p|ace. 1he
operaLlonal concepLs, posslblllLles and envlronmenLs ln professlonal klLchens dlffer. ConsequenLly one
envlronmenLal work model cannoL slmply be copled from one klLchen Lo Lhe nexL buL lnsLead good
operaLlonal models are applled Lo sulL each klLchen and lLs pracLlces. ln Lhe fuLure envlronmenLal lssues are
lncreaslngly Laken lnLo accounL for example when plannlng menus and Lhe processes of food producLlon as
well as cusLomer communlcaLlon.
An Lnv|ronmenta| assport competency cert|f|cate |n the d|n|ng ha|| a|so te||s customers that the staff |s
comm|tted to env|ronmenta| |ssues.
ua||fy|ng for the Lnv|ronmenta| assport |ndependent|y
?ou can sLudy Lhe educaLlonal maLerlal for Lhe LnvlronmenLal assporL aL your own pace onllne. 1he
educaLlonal maLerlal conLalns baslc maLerlal as well as plcLures and llnks Lo slLes offerlng furLher
lnformaLlon. ?ou can also download Lhe baslc educaLlonal maLerlal Lo your own compuLer ln pdf form for
off llne sLudy or prlnL lL ouL on paper.
?ou can pracLlce Lhe compeLency LesL afLer famlllarlzlng yourself wlLh Lhe educaLlonal maLerlal or lf you
prefer you can also pracLlce Lhe LesL quesLlons whlle slmulLaneously geLLlng acqualnLed wlLh Lhe maLerlal.
20 quesLlons on Lhe dlfferenL sub[ecLs covered by Lhe baslc maLerlal are randomly selecLed from Lhe
quesLlon bank Lo Lhe LesL. 1here wlll be no quesLlons from Lhe addlLlonal maLerlals LhaL are shown on Lhe
rlghL hand slde of Lhe page under Lhe headlngs 8ead more, uld you know, Conslder, eLc. (Some of Lhese
have been selecLed for Lhls paper verslon - as sLlmulaLlon").

?ou can pracLlce Lhe compeLency LesL mulLlple Llmes, go back Lo read Lhe educaLlonal maLerlal and reLurn
Lo prevlous quesLlons ln mld-pracLlce. ln Lhe Lralnlng menu Lhe LesL wlll lmmedlaLely polnL ouL Lhe rlghL and
wrong answers and lnsLrucL you Lo read more on Lhe sub[ecL from pages of Lhe maLerlal perLalnlng Lo Lhe
sub[ecL aL hand. When you are ready Lo compleLe Lhe LesL (you need 72/80 polnLs Lo quallfy), choose Lhe
Lake LesL"-menu.
Pavlng quallfled for Lhe personal LnvlronmenLal assporL you reglsLer lnLo Lhe LxperLs ln susLalnable
developmenL" daLabase only afLer passlng Lhe compeLency LesL. 8eglsLraLlon ls requlred Lo geL Lhe
compeLency and no passwords or such are needed. lf your supervlsor or Leacher has opened an
LnvlronmenLal assporL accounL for your deparLmenL or class, you can choose lL from Lhe drop-down menu
on Lhe reglsLraLlon page.
1he LnvlronmenLal assporL ls valld for 3 years.
ua||fy|ng for the Lnv|ronmenta| assport as a group
1he LnvlronmenLal assporL ls an excellenL Lool when a professlonal klLchen or food servlce organlzaLlon
develops lLs envlronmenLal pracLlces and updaLes lLs envlronmenLal experLlse. 1he LnvlronmenLal assporL
offers knowledge and supporL ln developlng food servlces LhaL are ln accordance wlLh susLalnable
?ou can famlllarlze yourself wlLh Lhe educaLlonal maLerlal and pracLlce Lhe compeLency LesL LogeLher wlLh
your co-workers/-sLudenLs. AL Lhe same Llme lL ls easy Lo conslder your own work meLhods and lmprove
your own klLchen's approach Lo envlronmenLal soundness. 1o geL a cerLlflcaLe Lhe compeLency LesL for Lhe
LnvlronmenLal assporL musL always be Laken lndlvldually.
k|tchens or food serv|ce un|ts can open an Lnv|ronmenta| assport account for the|r own staff and for
food serv|ces and the|r departments]k|tchens. Ind|v|dua| Lnv|ronmenta| assport competency test
resu|ts are added to the account, when the person tak|ng the test chooses the name of h|s or her
organ|zat|on]department from the reg|strat|on form menu. A reg|stered organ|zat|on can fo||ow the
Cnce you've successfully compleLed Lhe compeLency
LesL, you can prlnL lL ouL by reglsLerlng lnLo Lhe LxperLs ln
susLalnable developmenL" daLabase. 1he reglsLraLlon
process asks abouL, among oLher Lhlngs, your educaLlon
and posslble place of employmenL/school and [ob
funcLlon. 1he compeLency cerLlflcaLe however wlll only
feaLure your name and Lhe daLe you quallfled.
comp|eted Lnv|ronmenta| assports added to the account by enter|ng the organ|zat|on's user

lL would be preferable LhaL Lhe supervlsor of Lhe food servlces esLabllsh an LnvlronmenLal assporL accounL
(and posslble subdlvlslon accounLs) 8LlC8L compleLlng Lhe LesL hlmself/herself. 1hls way hls or her own
resulL as well as Lhe fuLure resulLs of Lhe
sLaff would lmmedlaLely be recorded lnLo Lhe rlghL accounL!

1. Iood serv|ces and the env|ronment
1.1. Iood serv|ces as part of consumpt|on
1he moneLary value of Lhe share of foodsLuffs ln llnnlsh consumpLlon has decreased conLlnually. Powever
from an envlronmenLal load sLandpolnL food ls, along wlLh houslng and LransporLaLlon, one of Lhe mosL
slgnlflcanL areas of prlvaLe consumpLlon.

An organlsaLlon or deparLmenL can
prlnL ouL a cerLlflcaLe when Lhe
ma[orlLy of lLs sLaff has earned an
LnvlronmenLal assporL.


Lveryday food preparaLlon ln homes decreases all Lhe Llme and meals produced by professlonal klLchens
are expecLed Lo lncrease and rlse alongslde foodsLuffs and as an opLlon Lo shopplng aL reLall sLores. 1he
need for reasonably prlced dally food servlces lncreases. CusLomers wanL soclal conLacLs ln addlLlon Lo
DID CU kNCW: A large porLlon of Lhe llnns' envlronmenLal load ls
food. ApproxlmaLely one Lhlrd of all Lhe envlronmenLal effecLs of
consumpLlon are due Lo food.

A |arge port|on of I|nns ut|||ze food serv|ces
Croup eaLlng ls a cenLral parL of llnnlsh food culLure. lLs model ls derlved from lnsLlLuLlonal caLerlng, such
as Lhe klLchens of armles, prlsons, hosplLals and schools. ubllc and prlvaLe caLerlng servlces are lmporLanL
Lo healLh and welfare. Lspeclally Lhe llnnlsh free school lunches are a unlque sysLem lnLernaLlonally.
CaLerlng servlces have been avallable ln llnland slnce Lhe laLe 1200s.
1oday llnland's professlonal klLchens prepare 810 mllllon food porLlons a year, l.e. 2,2 mllllon meals per
day. Cf Lhese more Lhan half are prepared ln publlc klLchens (day care cenLers, schools, hosplLals,
reLlremenL homes, eLc.), over one Lhlrd ln cafes and resLauranLs and less Lhan one LenLh ln canLeens. Cn
average a Lhlrd of llnns use varlous meal servlces dally and Lhey are parL of llnnlsh everyday llfe from
chlldhood Lo old age. nearly half of all worklng llnns eaL lunch prepared by a professlonal klLchen.
1he env|ronmenta| aspect of food consumpt|on |s new both to customers and profess|ona|
When developlng food servlces lL ls lmporLanL Lo flnd ouL whaL cusLomers Lhlnk of responslble food cholces
and on whaL Lhey base Lhelr own. 1alklng abouL Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of food ls sLlll qulLe a new
phenomenon. LnvlronmenLally responslble ploneers do well Lo Lake acLlon before Lhe acLual demand.
LeglslaLlon perLalnlng Lo professlonal klLchens sLrlves Lo ensure food safeLy, buL developlng food supplles
and servlces ln accordance wlLh susLalnable developmenL requlres acLlve envlronmenLal lnlLlaLlves from
caLerlng professlonals. 1he goal ls a slLuaLlon, ln whlch professlonals make susLalnable cholces and
communlcaLe Lhem Lo Lhe cusLomers. 1hls way Lhe cusLomer Loo has Lhe opLlon of chooslng susLalnable
food servlces.

1.2. Iood consumpt|on pract|ces have changed |n an env|ronmenta||y
detr|menta| way
uurlng Lhe lasL few decades Lhe consumpLlon of foodsLuffs has lncreased. We boLh eaL and dlspose of more
food Lhan before, whlle aL Lhe same Llme parLs of Lhe earLh suffer from famlne.

Lat|ng hab|ts can and have changed
1he changes ln food consumpLlon have been deLrlmenLal Lo Lhe envlronmenL ln a number of ways: As a
resulL of Lhe lmproved sLandard of llvlng parLlcularly Lhe consumpLlon of meaL, cheese and yoghurL has
lncreased, whlle Lhe use of rye and poLaLoes has vlslbly decreased. 1he use of vegeLables, berrles and frulL
has lncreased, buL Lhls malnly perLalns Lo lmporLed and greenhouse vegeLables and frulLs. AL Lhe same Llme
Lhe consumpLlon of ouLdoor grown rooLs and berrles has decreased.

1he same developmenL has been evldenL ln Lhe supply of food servlces. 1he percenLage of lmporLed foods
ls esLlmaLed Lo be larger ln professlonal klLchens Lhan ln domesLlc households. lor example, durlng Lhe pasL
few years professlonal klLchens have served flsh more ofLen, buL Lhe growLh of consumpLlon has been
based on lmporLed flsh and seafood producLs. 1he use of Lhese has doubled lnsLlLuLlonal households.

1.3. Are food serv|ces deve|op|ng |n a susta|nab|e d|rect|on?
arLlcularly Lhe publlc secLor professlonal klLchens and food servlce chalns have ln recenL years sLrlved Lo
consolldaLe Lhelr operaLlons lnLo ever larger producLlon unlLs. Meals are assembled from hlghly processed
raw maLerlals, seml-manufacLured and componenL producLs. Lfflclency ls pursued by ouLsourclng
unproflLable operaLlons, such as Lhe pre-processlng of raw maLerlals, pre-fabrlcaLlon of foods and Lhe
preparaLlon of speclal dleLs.
1he knowledge LhaL cenLrallzlng food producLlon would decrease Lhe energy consumpLlon and
envlronmenLal load of food servlces does noL exlsL. CenLrallzlng can reduce klLchen square meLers and
make Lhe use of appllances more efflclenL, buL on Lhe oLher hand lL can lncrease Lhe energy requlremenLs
of sLorlng, dlsLrlbuLlng and re-heaLlng foods.
Str|v|ng for qua||ty food or product|on eff|c|ency - or both?
1he Lrend Loward cenLrallzed food producLlon ls a challenge also ln Lerms of local raw maLerlals and
naLlonal food culLure. More of Lhe raw maLerlals and seml-manufacLured producLs requlred by large
secLlons are lmporLed Lhan before, as local producers have noL been able Lo provlde Lhe needed amounLs
of raw maLerlal qulckly enough.
Locallzed food producLlon ls lmporLanL for example ln Lerms of Lhe securlLy of supply and naLlonal food
culLure. When producL selecLlons are unlfled lnLernaLlonally, Lhe concern ls wheLher Lhe naLlonal
dlsLlncLlons of foods wlll dlsappear? Wlll Lhe quallLy of Lhe food remaln hlgh? Pow do we ensure Lhe
avallablllLy of food ln Llmes of crlsls, whaL abouL responslble prlmary producLlon and belng able Lo Lrace Lhe
orlglns of producLs?
rofess|ona| k|tchens can foster an env|ronmenta||y sound food cu|ture
ln fuLure Lhe envlronmenLal soundness, freshness and convenlence of locally produced raw maLerlals can
be slgnlflcanL compeLlLlve advanLages. CusLomers' producL awareness and lnLeresL ln organlc and locally
produced food has grown. 8esLauranLs have begun hlghllghLlng Lhe orlglns of raw maLerlals and many
publlc food servlces have swlLched Lo more susLalnable acqulslLlons by, for example, acqulrlng more
naLurally and locally produced raw maLerlals.
rofesslonal klLchens can Lhrough Lhelr cholces change Lhe food culLure ln a more envlronmenLally
responslble dlrecLlon. romoLlng susLalnable eaLlng hablLs ls one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL eco deeds of
professlonal klLchens.

1.4. Lnv|ronmenta| |mpacts of food serv|ces
ApproxlmaLely Lwo Lhlrds of Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of food servlces come from Lhe raw maLerlal
producLlon of foods. lood preparaLlon and acLlvlLles perLalnlng Lo lL form abouL a Lhlrd of Lhe
envlronmenLal load of food servlces.

An overall vlew of Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of food servlces.
More abouL Lhe envlronmenLal effecLs caused by raw maLerlal producLlon, processlng, sLorage, LransporL
and klLchen processes can be found ln Lhe followlng paragraphs of Lhe educaLlonal maLerlal.
r|mary product|on causes the greatest |oad
MosL of Lhe greenhouse gas emlsslons responslble for cllmaLe change are creaLed ln prlmary food
producLlon, a Lhlrd ls from Lhe klLchen's energy consumpLlon and a few percenLages sLem from LransporLs.
1he maln share of Lhe load on waLer bodles of Lhe food chaln passlng Lhrough Lhe professlonal klLchen
comes from Lhe prlmary producLlon phase. klLchen sewage also creaLes a euLrophlcaLlng load and conLalns
chemlcals used ln dlshwashlng and sanlLaLlon. SlgnlflcanL amounLs of harmful chemlcals are ofLen used ln
prlmary producLlon. ln addlLlon Lo klLchen acLlvlLles wasLe ls also creaLed ln every oLher phase of Lhe raw
maLerlal chaln.
Cater|ng serv|ces can ease the env|ronmenta| |oad
-by uslng raw maLerlals LhaL have less envlronmenLal effecLs
-by reduclng food loss Lhrough sLorage, preparaLlon, servlce and from Lhe plaLe
-by reduclng energy, waLer and chemlcal consumpLlon ln Lhe klLchen as well reduclng wasLe
creaLlon and LransporLs
-by guldlng cusLomers Lo choose and assemble envlronmenLally sound meals and snacks
1here ls no one unequlvocal answer as Lo where Lhe professlonal klLchen should begln lLs envlronmenLal
work. Some envlronmenLal lmpacLs creaLe problems worldwlde, such as greenhouse gas emlsslons LhaL
lead Lo cllmaLe change. Some effecLs are more locallzed, such as wasLe problems. Slmllar envlronmenLal
lmpacLs are ofLen creaLed ln dlfferenL phases of Lhe producLlon chaln.
It |s eas|est to mon|tor and reduce env|ronmenta| |mpacts caused by one's own act|ons
rofesslonal klLchens can besL lmpacL Lhe envlronmenLal loads caused by Lhelr own acLlons: energy and
waLer consumpLlon, sewage and wasLe. 1he envlronmenLal lmpacLs of klLchens can be measured by slmply
monlLorlng Lhe consumpLlon of elecLrlclLy and waLer as well as Lhe amounL of wasLe accumulaLed and
chemlcals used.
Co||atera| env|ronmenta| effects can a|so be |mpacted
rofesslonal klLchens can lmpacL Lhe envlronmenLal effecLs caused by prlmary food producLlon and
processlng Lhrough envlronmenLally responslble cholces of raw maLerlals. Menu plannlng and susLalnable
acqulslLlons have greaL lndlrecL effecLs on greenhouse gas emlsslons and waLer polluLlon loads. 1hey are
also Lhe mosL lmporLanL way Lo furLher naLural dlverslLy, Lhe welfare of producLlon anlmals and Lhe soclal
susLalnablllLy of food producLlon.
Menu plannlng can be a more effecLlve way Lo reduce greenhouse gas emlsslons Lhan conservlng energy ln
Lhe klLchen. Accordlng Lo a sLudy on Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of meals, over 70 of Lhe envlronmenLal
effecLs of lunches conLalnlng anlmal raw maLerlals are caused by prlmary producLlon and approxlmaLely 30
from processlng and preparaLlon.
1he mosL prudenL course of acLlon ls Lo sLrlve for susLalnablllLy boLh ln Lhe klLchen and ln Lhe cholce of raw
maLerlals. lor example Lhe effecLs of harmful chemlcals can be prevenLed by uslng organlc producLs as raw
maLerlals and envlronmenLally frlendly cleanlng agenLs for klLchen sanlLaLlon. We need Lo use all avallable
means Lo allevlaLe cllmaLe change. ln mosL klLchens Lhe easlesL cllmaLe emlsslon reducLlons can perhaps be
achleved by swlLchlng Lhe elecLrlclLy boughL for lL Lo green elecLrlclLy", l.e. elecLrlclLy produced Lhrough
renewable forms of energy. All effecLlve means Lo proLecL Lhe envlronmenL have probably noL been
dlscovered yeL.

2. Iood product|on and process|ng
ln Lhls chapLer we wlll examlne envlronmenLal problems relaLed Lo food producLlon and soclal
susLalnablllLy. 1he LexL ls problem-orlenLed, buL don'L leL Lhls dampen your splrlLs or lessen your
moLlvaLlon. roblems and flaws have soluLlons and Lhe more aware people worklng along Lhe enLlre food
chaln are of Lhose problems, Lhe easler lL wlll be Lo flnd new soluLlons Lo Lhem.

2.1. Lnv|ronmenta| |mpacts of the product|on of food raw mater|a|s
Agr|cu|ture produces over ha|f of a|| env|ronmenta| |mpacts of the food cha|n wor|dw|de. Nutr|ent
em|ss|ons caus|ng eutroph|cat|on of the waters as we|| as c||mate em|ss|ons are the most s|gn|f|cant.
CLher measured envlronmenLal lmpacLs of agrlculLure are acldlflcaLlon, lower aLmosphere ozone formaLlon
and oxygen deflclency ln waLer bodles. ln lLs currenL form agrlculLure also consumes a loL of non-renewable
naLural resources, especlally wanlng fossll fuels and crude phosphorus resources. Cne globally slgnlflcanL
envlronmenLal effecL of Lhe food lndusLry ls Lhe depleLlon of waLer reserves.
CLher slgnlflcanL envlronmenLal lmpacLs of agrlculLure are Lhe Loxlc effecLs of pesLlcldes, changes ln naLural
dlverslLy, soll producLlvlLy and Lopography as well as Lhe effecLs on Lhe welfare of producLlon anlmals.
1hese have as yeL noL been lnvesLlgaLed as Lhoroughly.
1he water po||ut|on |oad
Cver half of Lhe nuLrlenLs seeplng lnLo our waLers due Lo man-made causes can be Lraced back Lo
agrlculLure. As a whole food producLlon ls responslble for mosL of llnland's euLrophlcaLlng emlsslons and
Lhus slgnlflcanLly affecLs Lhe quallLy of our lnland waLers as well as Lhe coasLal areas of Lhe 8alLlc Sea.
lnfluenclng Lhe amounL of agrlculLural nonpolnL-source polluLlon, l.e. Lhe nuLrlenLs, nlLrogen and
phosphorus washed from flelds Lo waLer bodles, has proved dlfflculL, even Lhough Lhe use of arLlflclal
ferLlllzers has decreased from Lhe 1990s onward.
MeLhods of decreaslng emlsslons causlng euLrophlcaLlon ln crop producLlon are, among oLhers, opLlmlzlng
Lhe use of nuLrlenLs and uslng permanenLly planL-covered buffer sLrlps beLween Lhe flelds and waLers. 1he
nuLrlenL emlsslons from anlmal producLlon depend parLlcularly on how Lhe manure ls handled. ln llnland
Lhe problem ls LhaL anlmal and crop producLlon are concenLraLed ln dlfferenL areas. lf Lhe numbers of
producLlon anlmals were more evenly dlsLrlbuLed, Lhe manure Lhey produce could be beLLer uLlllzed ln crop
producLlon and over ferLlllzlng would noL occur. 8y more [udlclous plannlng of Lhe feedlng of Lhe anlmals lL
ls also posslble Lo lnfluence beLLer uLlllzaLlon of nuLrlenLs and reduce Lhe euLrophlcaLlon of Lhe waLers.
llsh farmlng also causes an euLrophlcaLlng load, whlch can have greaL slgnlflcance locally.
Greenhouse gas em|ss|ons
1he agrlculLural share of domesLlc greenhouse gas emlsslons ls esLlmaLed aL around 17 . CllmaLe change
lnduclng greenhouse gas emlsslons are formed ln agrlculLure ln several ways:
Lmlsslons of Lhe mosL poLenL of greenhouse gases, nlLrous oxlde, come from Lhe soll as well as
MeLhane ls creaLed by Lhe dlgesLlon and manure of anlmals, parLlcularly LhaL of rumlnanLs.
AgrlculLural energy expendlLure causes carbon dloxlde emlsslons ln parLlcular. larms consume
energy lndlrecLly Lhrough Lhe use of ferLlllzers, pesLlcldes and commerclal feeds, as well dlrecLly
ln Lhe form of LracLor fuel and when drylng gralns. 1he magnlLudes of Lhese?
Changes ln land-use and Lhe clearlng of croplands creaLe carbon dloxlde and nlLrous oxlde
emlsslons. 1he envlronmenLal lmpacLs of changes ln land-use are parLlcularly slgnlflcanL ln
ralnforesLs, where Lhe overexplolLaLlon of solls and grazlng desLroy anclenL foresLs and also
cause greenhouse gas emlsslons orlglnaLlng ln Lhe soll lLself.
Some of Lhe agrlculLural greenhouse gas emlsslons are exLremely dlfflculL Lo quanLlfy. ConsequenLly
esLlmaLes of Lhe cllmaLe lmpacLs of producLs are revlsed over Llme, when emlsslons such as Lhe ones
creaLed ln Lhe soll and Lhrough blologlcal processes are beLLer known.
Attempts are be|ng made to reduce agr|cu|tura| c||mate em|ss|ons
All ln all agrlculLural greenhouse gas emlsslons ln llnland have decreased 12 from Lhe levels of 1990,
malnly Lhrough reducLlons ln Lhe number of anlmals, Lhe use of nlLrogenous ferLlllzers and Lhe surface
areas of culLlvaLed lands. 1he goal ls Lo furLher reduce emlsslons by 13 by Lhe year 2020.
AgrlculLural energy consumpLlon has however been on Lhe rlse durlng Lhe lasL few years. lmprovlng Lhe
energy efflclency of producLlon and swlLchlng from fossll fuels Lo renewable blofuels would be means Lo
reduce agrlculLural greenhouse gas emlsslons. lor example Lhe uLlllzaLlon of llvesLock manure ln blogas
producLlon ls sLlll marglnal ln llnland, even Lhough a llvesLock farm could produce Lhe energy lL needs uslng
a blofuel planL.
Lffects on natura| d|vers|ty
1he spectrum of organ|sms for agr|cu|tura| use d|m|n|shes
Clobally Lhe number of specles, breeds and subspecles grown and bred for susLenance have qulckly
dlmlnlshed Lo a fracLlon of Lhe varleLles LradlLlonally culLlvaLed ln varlous areas. 1he number of culLlvaLed
subspecles vary beLween planL specles, buL some commonly grown planLs only have a few globally
culLlvaLed subspecles, whlch Lhemselves have llLLle geneLlc dlverslLy. Cne-slded culLlvaLlon of food planLs ln
large areas ls vulnerable Lo dlsLurbances ln Lhe cllmaLe and naLure.
1radlLlonal crops and lndlgenous llvesLock breeds and Lhelr geneLlc resources have dlmlnlshed, because Lhe
varleLles and breeds ln producLlon have been chosen accordlng Lo currenL producLlon alms. ln fuLure Lhe
dlverse geneLlc resources of lndlgenous planLs and llvesLock could be needed ln Lhe developmenL of food
producLlon. 1he besL way Lo ensure Lhe preservaLlon of lndlgenous organlsms ls uLlllzlng Lhem ln
Intens|ve agr|cu|ture reduces the d|vers|ty of a|| of nature
esLlcldes and changes ln land-use don'L [usL reduce Lhe dlverslLy of culLlvaLed specles. naLural specles play
an lmporLanL parL ln Lhe funcLlon of Lhe agrlculLural envlronmenL as polllnaLors, susLalners of Lhe vlLallLy of
Lhe soll and pesL conLrollers. lnLenslfled agrlculLural land-use has dlmlnlshed valuably dlverse hablLaLs (such
as meadows, grasslands, dlLch banks, eLc.). Many of Lhe planLs and lnsecLs LhaL flourlshed ln LradlLlonal
agrlculLural envlronmenLs have become endangered.
LfforLs have been made Lo preserve Lhe valuable agrlculLural flora and fauna Lhrough envlronmenLal
subsldles. 1hls has however noL halLed Lhe dwlndllng dlverslLy of Lhe agrlculLural envlronmenL, as
mandaLory procedures have been qulLe lneffecLlve.
G|oba||y the endangerment of ra|n forests and f|sh |s most s|gn|f|cant
1roplcal ralnforesLs are shrlnklng aL an alarmlng raLe due Lo Lhe unsusLalnable agrlculLure. 8alnforesLs are
dense clusLers of naLural dlverslLy and Lhelr desLrucLlon causes slgnlflcanL greenhouse gas emlsslons. 1he
foodsLuffs mosL llnked Lo Lhe loss of ralnforesLs are Lhe followlng lmporL goods LhaL are common ln llnland:
palm oll, soy and beef. alm oll producLlon has led Lo Lhe desLrucLlon of vasL areas of ralnforesL parLlcularly
ln lndonesla. ln 8razll soy and beef producLlon desLroy Lhe frlnge areas of Lhe Amazon ralnforesL.
Several specles of flsh are also endangered due elLher Lo envlronmenLal problems (wasLe and
chemlcallzaLlon) or excesslve flshlng.
CeneLlc modlflcaLlon has caused enLlrely new LhreaLs Lo dlverslLy. As modlfled genes spread lnLo naLural
organlsms Lhe lndlgenous specles run Lhe rlsk of weakenlng or dlsappearlng alLogeLher.

1I: 1he envlronmenL should be proLecLed from deLrlmenLal agenLs - we eaL lL.

LnvlronmenLally deLrlmenLal chemlcallzaLlon conslsLs of boLh Lhe spreadlng of Loxlc compounds used ln
prlmary food producLlon and Lhe harmful agenLs flndlng Lhelr way from naLure lnLo Lhe food chaln.
Iood can conta|n harmfu| chem|ca|s
lood safeLy conslsLs of more Lhan [usL excepLlonal hyglene. arL of lL ls also LhaL Lhe food noL conLaln Lraces
of Loxlc or harmful agenLs used ln Lhe culLlvaLlon and preservaLlon of foodsLuffs, or oLher deLrlmenLal
polluLanLs. loodsLuffs can conLaln harmful Lraces from raw maLerlals, producLlon or packaglng maLerlals, or
deLrlmenLal agenLs can form durlng food preparaLlon.
Levels of envlronmenLal Loxlns ln foodsLuffs and esLlmaLes of human exposure Lo Lhem has been sLudled ln
llnland slnce Lhe 1990s. nuLrlLlonal recommendaLlons Lo reduce exposure Lo harmful agenLs have been
lssued perLalnlng Lo Lhe consumpLlon of some specles of flsh. 1he heavy meLal concenLraLlons (cadmlum,
lead, mercury, eLc.) ln croplands are lower ln llnland compared Lo oLher Luropean counLrles. Parmful
forelgn maLLer ls derlved especlally from lmporLed frulL and vegeLables.
Chem|ca|s from pr|mary food product|on end up |n the env|ronment
esLlcldes are compounds used ln Lhe prevenLlon of pesLs and planL dlseases, Lo eradlcaLe planL llfe
regarded as weeds, Lo regulaLe Lhe growLh of culLlvaLed planLs and Lo prevenL lnsecLs. esLlcldes are
deslgned Lo be Loxlc Lo Lhe organlsms Lhey are expecLed Lo prevenL, buL Lhey are deLrlmenLal Lo oLhers as
well. ln pracLlce Lraces of Lhe Loxlns wlll always seep lnLo Lhe alr, soll, waLer and oLher organlsms Lhan Lhose
Lhey are lnLended Lo prevenL. esLlcldes can end up ln Lhe envlronmenL noL [usL Lhrough Lhelr use buL also
due Lo careless sLorage or durlng Lhe handllng of pesLlclde wasLe.
Cf Lhe 243 pesLlcldes approved for use ln llnland Lhe ma[orlLy are used ln agrlculLure, mosLly ln Lhe
prevenLlon of weeds. 1he use of pesLlcldes per hecLare ls lower ln llnland Lhan ln CenLral and SouLhern
Lurope, as noL as many dlseases and pesLs are found ln our norLhern cllmaLe. lL ls however necessary Lo
reduce Lhe use of pesLlcldes ln llnland as well.

ln agrlculLure and flsh farmlng envlronmenLal chemlcallzaLlon ls also lncreased Lhrough medlclnes used ln
Lhe care and prevenLlon of anlmal dlseases as well as feed addlLlves promoLlng Lhe anlmals' growLh. 1he
use of chemlcal pesLlcldes ls prohlblLed ln organlc producLlon and Lhe use of anLlbloLlcs and addlLlves ls
sLrlcLly regulaLed.
Lffects on the we|fare of product|on an|ma|s
1he responslblllLy for Lhe welfare of producLlon anlmals belongs Lo everyone, even Lhough Lhe cholces of
Lhe agrlculLural producers and Lhe quallLy crlLerla of Lhe food lndusLry lnfluence lL mosL.
Anlmal producLlon has been consolldaLed Lo ever larger and fewer farms. Cur concepLlon of Lhe
clrcumsLances of Lhese anlmals ls ofLen noL fulfllled ln pracLlce. 1he use of lmporL goods derlved from
anlmals ls common, buL lL ls dlfflculL Lo follow up on and make lnLernaLlonal comparlsons of Lhe producLlon
1he Lu anlmal welfare regulaLlons seL mlnlmum sLandards for Lhe keeplng and care of anlmals Lo Lry Lo
spare producLlon anlmals from unnecessary sufferlng durlng Lhelr ralslng, LransporL and slaughLer. 1he
llnnlsh naLlonal anlmal welfare laws are largely ln accordance wlLh Lu dlrecLlves. ln some Luropean
counLrles some of Lhe regulaLlons are LlghLer. 1he exerclse requlremenLs for caLLle are more sLrlngenL ln
llnland Lhan whaL Lhe Lu leglslaLlon requlres.
LeglslaLlve sLandards do noL however ensure Lhe anlmals' welfare, nor LhaL Lhelr specles-speclflc needs are
meL, nor LhaL Lhelr llvlng condlLlons meeL Lhelr behavloral needs. roducLlon anlmals generally have few
opporLunlLles Lo exerclse and lack sLlmulaLlon, such as nesLlng maLerlals. 8reedlng pracLlces LhaL focus on
Lhe growLh and producLlvlLy of anlmals cause producLlon anlmal sLress-lnduced dlseases.
Crgan|c an|ma| product|on has more str|ngent requ|rements than regu|ar product|on
Crganlc producLlon sLrlves Lo glve anlmals Lhe opporLunlLy for specles-speclflc behavlor. Crganlc plgs and
ground-reared organlc chlckens have more room and sLlmull Lhan ls usual, caLLle ls noL chalned and Lhey
can go ouLslde all year. Crganlc anlmal producLlon ls more expenslve and one reason for Lhls ls LhaL anlmals
are noL allowed Lo be kepL as crowded as ln normal producLlon.
ln llnland Lvlra (llnnlsh lood SafeLy AuLhorlLy) oversees Lhe llvlng condlLlons and care of producLlon
anlmals as well as Lhelr LransporL and slaughLer. Lvlra also has regulaLlons for flsh and crayflsh farmlng.

2.2. 1he |mpacts of food process|ng and transportat|on
1he mosL perLlnenL envlronmenLal lmpacLs of food processlng are llnked Lo Lhe manufacLurlng of foodsLuffs
and Lhe raw maLerlal and producL losses. 1ransporL and packaglng maLerlals usually form only a small parL
of Lhe effecLs of Lhe foodsLuff chaln. Compared Lo Lhe load caused by prlmary food producLlon Lhe
envlronmenLal load due Lo processlng ls usually small.
Cooklng and cold sLorage greaLly lnfluence Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of Lhe food chaln. 1he envlronmenLal
effecLs of Lhe processlng of dlfferenL foodsLuffs vary greaLly dependlng on Lhe exLenL of processlng. 1he
envlronmenLal load of varlous producLs can also be derlved from dlfferenL phases of Lhe producLlon chaln.
lor example ln Lhe manufacLure of broller producLs a large porLlon of Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs are
caused by feed producLlon and ralslng Lhe brollers and only a small amounL from processlng. Whlle ln Lhe
producLlon chaln of rye bread Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL envlronmenLal effecL comes from Lhe bakery's energy
expendlLure. 1he slgnlflcanLly larger envlronmenLal effecLs of cheese producLlon compared Lo LhaL of rye
bread and brollers derlve from ralslng mllk caLLle ln barns. 1he load caused by cheese ls many Llmes LhaL
caused by mllk, because Lhe manufacLurlng process of cheese requlres several Llmes more mllk.

A plcLure of Lhe relaLlve overall envlronmenLal lmpacLs of varlous producLs
SlgnlflcanL amounLs of wasLe and by-producLs are creaLed when processlng foodsLuffs. 8logenlc wasLe and
byproducLs can however be uLlllzed as feeds, soll lmprovers or blofuels eLc. SubsLanLlal waLer consumpLlon
ls characLerlsLlc of Lhe food lndusLry. WaLer ls for example used Lo wash and cool producLlon faclllLles.
Sewage conLalnlng producL remnanLs causes nuLrlenL loads.
1he lmpacLs of packaglng on Lhe envlronmenL have been consldered more slgnlflcanL Lhan Lhe llfe cycle
assessmenLs lndlcaLe. 8egular packages cause a few percenLages of Lhe envlronmenLal effecLs of Lhe
producLlon chaln. ackages do however presenL a slgnlflcanL wasLe problem.
1he share of food LransporLaLlon ln Lhe overall envlronmenLal lmpacLs of Lhe producLlon chaln ls small, ln
mosL producLs abouL 1-6 . 1ransporLs have however lncreased as food producLlon has become cenLrallzed
and moved Lo counLrles wlLh cheap raw maLerlals and workforces. 1he beneflLs of reducLlons ln emlsslons
due Lo Lrafflc are losL when raw maLerlals are LransporLed over lncreaslng dlsLances.

2.3. now are the env|ronmenta| |mpacts of food assessed?
llnland uses several lndlcaLors wlLh whlch Lhe mosL easlly measurable envlronmenLal lmpacLs, such as
cllmaLe change and waLer polluLlon loads, are compared. 1hus far llfe cycle assessmenLs have only been
done on a few dozen producLs, buL based on Lhose Lhe maln Lhemes of Lhe food load are known.
L|fe cyc|e assessment ls a meLhod, by whlch Lhe envlronmenLal |mpacts of a product's ent|re ||fe cyc|e
from prlmary producLlon Lhrough processlng Lo consumpLlon and wasLe ls calculaLed. WlLh lL one can
essenLlally add up all Lhe envlronmenLal effecLs of Lhe producLlon, even lf Lhe food componenL has been
produced lncremenLally ln dlfferenL parLs of Lhe world. Comparlng Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of food
producLlon lnLernaLlonally ls dlfflculL however, as Lhe basls of calculaLlons dlffers and all Lhe lnformaLlon
lsn'L avallable. CfLen Lhe more dlfflculLly calculaLed envlronmenLal effecLs are lefL ouL of Lhe equaLlon. lor
example Lhe lmpacLs of chemlcal usage have noL as yeL been lncorporaLed lnLo Lhe llfe cycle assessmenLs
made ln llnland.
1he yardst|ck ls a Lool Lo demonsLraLe envlronmenLal lmpacLs. 1he envlronmenLal lmpacLs of producLs are
calculaLed Lhrough llfe cycle assessmenL (LCA) and Lhe yardsLlck helps Lo vlsually compare Lhe
envlronmenLal lmpacLs of Lwo producLs. uslng Lhe yardsLlck one can also assess Lhe parLs manufacLurlng,
packaglng, LransporLaLlon and consumpLlon play ln envlronmenLal lmpacLs.

1he carbon footpr|nt slgnlfles Lhe cllmaLe load of a producL or acLlon, l.e. how much greenhouse gases are
creaLed LhroughouL Lhe producLlon chaln. So Lhe carbon fooLprlnL ls a llfe cycle assessmenL LhaL focuses on
cllmaLe effecLs.

1he water footpr|nt of foodsLuffs shows how much of Lhe world's waLer reserves have been consumed ln
Lhe producLlon chaln of a producL. lL encompasses noL only Lhe producL's waLer conLenL, buL all Lhe waLer
(embedded waLer) LhaL has been spenL for example ln farmlng, lndusLrlal processlng and Lhe manufacLure
of Lhe producLs.

1he eco|og|ca| rucksack refers to the h|dden f|ows of natura| resources, l.e. quanLlLles of maLerlals LhaL are
noL presenL ln Lhe producL, buL whlch have been consumed Lhrough Lhe creaLlon, use and wasLe
managemenL of Lhe producL aL some Llme somewhere ln Lhe world.
MIS (MaLerlal lnpuL er Servlce unlL) |s an eco-eff|c|ency gauge. lL lncorporaLes all Lhe maLerlal flows, l.e.
naLural resources requlred Lo produce a parLlcular lLem LhaL man Lakes from naLure and ln Llme reLurns Lo
lL ln one way or anoLher.

1he LoLal maLerlal requlremenLs of varlous foodsLuffs calculaLed Lhrough MlS values kg/kg producL.

2.4. D|fferences |n the env|ronmenta| |mpacts of food products
An|ma| products genera||y burden the env|ronment more than vegetab|e products. roduclng planLs
grown for anlmal consumpLlon and ralslng anlmals causes a waLer and cllmaLe load LhaL ls several Llmes
larger Lhan LhaL caused by crop producLlon. 1he processlng and sLorage of crop producLs can cause a larger
share of Lhe overall load Lhan anlmal producLs, buL Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacL level remalns low. 1he
cllmaLe and euLrophlcaLlon lmpacLs of foodsLuffs are generally Lhe same. Cn Lhe oLher hand confllcLs ln Lhe
cholce of raw maLerlals are caused by producLlon effecLs on naLural dlverslLy and anlmal welfare.
1here are clear dlfferences ln Lhe cllmaLe loads of dlfferenL meaL producLs. 8eef and lamb have Lhe largesL
carbon fooLprlnLs. 1helr rumlnaLlon produces meLhane, whlch ls a powerful greenhouse gas. 1he carbon
fooLprlnLs of pork and broller meaL are approxlmaLely a fourLh of Lhose of rumlnanLs. Cn Lhe oLher hand
bovlnes and sheep can uLlllze pasLure feed LhaL ls noL sulLed for human consumpLlon and lncrease naLural
dlverslLy as Lhey graze. lgs and brollers are fed malnly lmporLed soy and gralns, whlch would cause less of
a load lf used dlrecLly as human nourlshmenL, and Lhe producLlon of whlch use slgnlflcanLly more pesLlcldes
Lhan LhaL of pasLure feed. AddlLlonally ln pork and broller producLlon Lhe anlmals are ofLen overcrowded
and Lhelr condlLlons are qulLe far from Lhelr specles-speclflc needs.
I|sh farm|ng |s one of the most eutroph|cat|ng forms of food product|on. 8alslng predaLory flsh such as
salmon requlres flshlng for more Lhan Lwlce Lhe amounL of fodder flsh. larm-ralsed salmon LhaL escape
aquaculLure faclllLles can eradlcaLe Lhe genoLype of wlld salmon populaLlons and spread dlseases.
AnLlbloLlcs and Loxlns used Lo keep Lhe neL bags of breedlng enclosures clean seep from flsh farms lnLo
waLer bodles. Cn the other hand a great port|on of the f|sh popu|at|ons of the wor|d's oceans are wan|ng.
As a resulL of exhausLlve flshlng and Lhe poor LrackablllLy of processlng procedures flsh from endangered or
slgnlflcanLly overflshed populaLlons ofLen end up on plaLes. Wlld flshlng also eradlcaLes bycaughL anlmal
specles. 1he fuel consumpLlon of flshlng boaLs causes emlsslons and flsh are LransporLed from flshlng
waLers Lo be LreaLed on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe world. lndusLrlally flshed lmporLed flsh has Lherefore ofLen
been frozen Lwlce before belng prepared for consumpLlon. 1he populaLlons of domesLlc lake flsh are malnly
susLalnable and overflshlng ls noL a slgnlflcanL problem ln llnland.
Among crop producLs greenhouse grown vegetab|es have a cons|derab|y |arge carbon footpr|nt, greaLer
Lhan LhaL of correspondlng ouLdoor grown lmporLed producLs. ln summer Lhe carbon fooLprlnL of
greenhouse producLs ls smaller, llkewlse lf Lhe greenhouse heaLlng has been produced Lhrough renewable
energy. 1here can be slgnlflcanL dlfferences ln Lhe waLer fooLprlnL and use of pesLlcldes ln Lhe culLlvaLlon of
domesLlc crops and correspondlng lmporLed producLs.
Crgan|c product|on
AdvanLages of organlc producLlon are, among oLhers, Lhe avoldance of lndusLrlal ferLlllzers (reduces Lhe
energy consumpLlon and emlsslons of ferLlllzer producLlon) as well as Lhe avoldance of pesLlcldes (reduces
pesLlclde producLlon emlsslons and Lhe amounL of pesLlcldes LhaL end up ln naLure). Crganlc producLlon
also promoLes naLural dlverslLy. 1he cllmaLe and euLrophlcaLlon lmpacLs are noL necessarlly smaller for all
producLs Lhan ln usual producLlon due Lo Lhe smaller harvesL. Lven so favorlng organlc producLs ls ln Lhe
maln ecologlcally [usLlfled and Lhe Lu has lssued a regulaLlon on organlc agrlculLure (Councll 8egulaLlon
(LLC) no 2092/91). Llfe cycle assessmenLs do noL as yeL Lake pesLlclde loads lnLo conslderaLlon.
Ioodstuffs conta|n|ng mod|f|ed genes
CeneLlcally modlfled organlsms (CMCs) are grown ln several counLrles. Lxamples of Lhese lnclude
culLlvaLed crop specles LhaL have had Lhe ablllLy Lo wlLhsLand pesLlcldes or produce lnsecLlcldes
LransplanLed lnLo Lhelr geneLlc makeup. 1he mosL commerclally slgnlflcanL culLlvaLed CMC crops are soy,
corn, coLLon and rape.
CeneLlc modlflcaLlon can have LranslaLed lnLo lncreased pesLlclde use. 1he use of gene Lechnology has
engendered enLlrely new eLhlcal dllemmas and envlronmenLal rlsks. Among Lhe concerns ls Lhe spreadlng
of LransplanLed genes lnLo oLher organlsms as well as changes caused ln Lhe naLural hablLaL. 1he farmlng of
geneLlcally modlfled planLs ls banned ln many counLrles. CeneLlcally modlfled foodsLuffs musL bear Lhe
label 1hls producL conLalns geneLlcally modlfled organlsms".

2.S. 1he soc|a| |mpacts of the |nternat|ona| food system
1he demand for foodsLuffs grows globally due Lo boLh populaLlon lncrease and Lhe lncreased wealLh of
counLrles wlLh large populaLlons. lor example, Lhe Chlnese and lndlan populaLlons consume lncreaslng
amounLs of meaL, dalry producLs and flsh. 1he world populaLlons' foodsLuffs are produced on an arable
area LhaL ls on average 30 smaller Lhan Lhe one provldlng llnnlsh foodsLuffs. uue Lo dlfferences ln wealLh
food crlses malnly affecL Lhe lnhablLanLs of developlng counLrles.
1he enLlre foodsLuff sysLem has been heavlly lndusLrlallzed and become globally conslsLenL. roducLlon and
processlng are moved Lo ever larger unlLs, ever furLher from Lhe flnal cusLomer. 1he soclal effecLs caused
by Lhls developmenL are noL unequlvocal and Lhere ls no clear consensus on Lhem.
An lnLernaLlonal food sysLem based on one-slded, heavlly cenLrallzed producLlon ls vulnerable Lo
economlcal and ecologlcal rlsks. 1radlLlonal farmlng skllls and local knowledge of Lhe agrlculLural
envlronmenL have decreased. 1he power of large mulLlnaLlonal operaLors ln foodsLuffs and Lrade over Lhe
food markeL ls greaLer Lhan before.
1he llvellhood opporLunlLles of small-scale producers and processors ln Lhe food lndusLry and markeL have
dlmlnlshed. larmers' bargalnlng poslLlons have weakened and Lhey are ofLen forced Lo conform Lo Lhe
lndusLrlal and commerclal demands on culLlvaLlon specles and producLlon meLhods. Small-scale operaLors
have dlfflculLles meeLlng Lhe quanLlLy demands seL for procuremenL and guaranLeelng Lhe conLlnual
avallablllLy of Lhe producL. rlce compeLlLlveness ls dlfflculL for small-scale producers.
lavorlng local food producLlon and processlng ls boLh an envlronmenLal and securlLy quesLlon (securlLy of
supply) as well as a soclal and eLhlcal one. llnland has clean soll and plenLy of clean fresh waLer for food
producLlon. lresh waLer scarclLy ls a growlng soclal and economlc problem ln many food producLlon
secLors. ln poor counLrles agrlculLure ls ofLen Lhe only way Lo earn a llvellhood, buL Lhe manufacLure and
LransporL of foodsLuffs presenL aL leasL moderaLe rlsks.
keg|ona||ty and the fa|r trade perspect|ve
Clobal problems of susLalnable developmenL are, among oLhers, poverLy, explolLlve commerce and Lhe use
of chlld labor. 1here are many soclally unLenable aspecLs of global food producLlon as well. ln llnland Lhe
currenL soclal challenges, unemploymenL, dlsenfranchlsemenL and lncreaslng soclal lnequallLy, are also
connecLed Lo Lhe vlablllLy of agrlculLural lndusLrles.


2.6. 1he |mpacts of c||mate change on food product|on
Some of Lhe anLlclpaLed lmpacLs of cllmaLe change, such as Lhe lengLhenlng of Lhe growLh season and Lhe
lncreased carbon dloxlde levels ln Lhe alr, can beneflL llnnlsh agrlculLural producLlon. 1hen agaln for
example Lhe anLlclpaLed greaL weaLher flucLuaLlons and lncreased raln amounLs can hlnder lL.
As Lhe cllmaLe change conLlnues Lhe overall land areas flL for agrlculLural producLlon wlll llkely dlmlnlsh ln
Lhe greaL agrlculLural counLrles as a resulL of Lhe forecasL lncrease ln droughLs, heavy downpours and
floods. Also Lhe scarclLy of groundwaLer resources even now causes problems for agrlculLure ln many
counLrles and Lhe cllmaLe change may furLher dlmlnlsh Lhe waLer resources of areas already plagued by
waLer shorLages.
1he lmpacLs of cllmaLe change Lake Lhe hardesL Loll on developlng counLrles, where lLs resulLs are already
evldenL ln everyday llfe. Some Afrlcan counLrles for example suffer from exLreme droughL and elsewhere
floods have lncreased and are ever more common, annually coverlng large porLlons of Lhe land.
CllmaLe change + populaLlon growLh = we can no longer afford Lo wasLe food

3. Susta|nab|e menu p|ann|ng
When plannlng an envlronmenLally responslble menu Lhe followlng musL be consldered
how Lo reduce Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of meals by revlslng Lhe menu and Lhe reclpes
reduclng food loss
reduclng Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of food sLorage and preparaLlon meLhods by lmprovlng work
lnsLrucLlons and meLhods
envlronmenLal responslblllLy can also be lnfluenced Lhrough servlng and cusLomer communlcaLlon.
A healLhy dleL ln accordance wlLh nuLrlLlonal recommendaLlons and Lhe recommendaLlons for a susLalnable
food supply are slmllar. llnnlsh eaLlng hablLs would lmprove by lncreaslng Lhe currenL consumpLlon of
whole wheaL, flsh, vegeLables, frulLs and berrles and by decreaslng Lhe consumpLlon of foodsLuffs
conLalnlng sugar and large amounLs of saLuraLed faLs. AlLerlng eaLlng hablLs accordlng Lo nuLrlLlonal
recommendaLlons would mean eaLlng more vegeLables and less anlmal producLs conLalnlng saLuraLed faLs,
lncludlng faLLy dalry producLs. 8educlng consumpLlon ln accordance wlLh nuLrlLlonal recommendaLlons
would also reduce Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of foods.
llnns' blggesL nuLrlLlonal problems are obeslLy and dlabeLes. 1he lncreased consumpLlon of sofL-drlnks,
sweeLs, snacks and oLher hlghly processed hlgh-energy foods ls problemaLlc boLh from a publlc healLh and
an envlronmenLal sLandpolnL. 1hese producLs are noL only low on nuLrlenLs buL also cause a relaLlvely large
envlronmenLal load.

3.1. 1he pr|nc|p|es of susta|nab|e menu p|ann|ng
When plannlng a menu one musL
lncrease Lhe amounL of vegeLables, parLlcularly legumes: Lhe use of beans, peas and lenLlls as
proLeln sources (reduces Lhe cllmaLe and nuLrlenL loads)
8educe Lhe use of meaL and dalry producLs (reduces Lhe cllmaLe and nuLrlenL loads)
lavor organlc raw maLerlals (reduces chemlcal use, lncreases dlverslLy)
use seasonally approprlaLe raw maLerlals (reduces Lhe cllmaLe load)
lavor easlly preserved foodsLuffs (reduces Lhe cllmaLe load)
lavor foodsLuffs LhaL have shorL supply chalns (reduces Lhe cllmaLe load and wasLe)
lan Lhe menu roLaLlon so LhaL raw maLerlals can be uLlllzed aL subsequenL meals (reduces wasLe
amounLs and all envlronmenLal lmpacLs)
lncreaslng Lhe use of vegeLables and decreaslng LhaL of anlmal producLs are Lhe mosL lmporLanL meLhods of
reduclng greenhouse gas emlsslons l.e. Lhe carbon fooLprlnL. lavorlng ouLdoor grown as well as easlly
preserved vegeLables also reduces Lhe carbon fooLprlnL. 1he use of organlcally produced raw maLerlals
reduces chemlcal emlsslons, lmproves Lhe welfare of producLlon anlmals and upholds naLural dlverslLy.
SusLalnable menu plannlng uLlllzes Lhe maln raw maLerlals dlversely, whlch promoLes boLh nuLrlLlon and
naLural dlverslLy.
Mak|ng food serv|ngs more vegetab|e-based:
ulverse and generous salads and vegeLable slde dlshes are a prerequlslLe Lo a Lruly
effecLual plaLe model and Lo fllllng half Lhe plaLe wlLh vegeLables
ueveloplng vegeLarlan reclpes. 1anLallzlng and appeLlzlng ample vegeLable dlshes wlLh
adequaLe proLeln conLenLs are necessary, so LhaL vegeLarlan food can be served more ofLen
Lo everyone ln lleu of more LradlLlonal dlshes. uependlng on Lhe cusLomer base Lhe producL
developmenL of vegeLarlan dlshes can be a vlgorous emphasls on Lhe raw maLerlals and
LasLe of vegeLables or subLle adapLaLlons of famlllar reclpes - bean hldlng".
1he menu has Lwo maln course alLernaLlves freely avallable, one of Lhem a vegeLarlan dlsh,
where Lhe proLeln sources are legumes or legume-based producLs.
8aw maLerlals of anlmal orlgln are parLlally replaced wlLh vegeLables (for example
beeLrooL, soy, beans, oaL mllk)
ulshes wlLh greaLer envlronmenLal lmpacLs are served less frequenLly and ln smaller
porLlons. lor lnsLance Lhe amounL of meaL ln sLews/sauces/soup courses ls reduced and
Lhe meaL cuL ln smaller pleces.

1he harvest per|od and seasons
1he season's vegetab|es and natura| products are cons|dered:
berrles, mushrooms, wlld vegeLables
culLlvaLed domesLlc vegeLables, crops, berrles, frulLs
Lhe seasons of lmporLed vegeLables and frulLs
CuLslde Lhe harvesL perlod easlly preserved reglonal vegeLables are favored.
CuLdoor grown: growlng gralns, poLaLoes, cabbages, rooL crops and onlons doesn'L requlre large exLernal
energy lnpuLs. SLorlng Lhese producLs ls also envlronmenLally sound ln Lerms of energy expendlLure. CfLen
Lhe LransporLaLlon dlsLances of Lhe producLs are also shorL.

3.2. 1he env|ronmenta||y respons|b|e p|ate mode|
1he envlronmenLally responslble plaLe model deplcLs envlronmenLally sound raw maLerlal cholces uLlllzlng
Lhe LradlLlonal plaLe model. Comparlsons and cholces beLween raw maLerlals wlLh dlfferlng envlronmenLal
lmpacLs are made ln lL wlLhln parLs of meals.

1he envlronmenLal lmpacLs of vegeLable producLlon are slgnlflcanLly smaller Lhan Lhose of anlmal producLs.
1herefore a meal ln accordance wlLh Lhe plaLe model, where Lhe fllllng of Lhe plaLe beglns wlLh half a plaLe
of vegeLables, ls good for Lhe envlronmenL. 1he envlronmenLal effecLs of poLaLoes and graln producLs -
grlLs, pasLa, bread and rlce - are small compared Lo meaL and flsh. lL ls Lherefore good also from an
envlronmenLal sLandpolnL Lo flll a quarLer of Lhe plaLe wlLh poLaLoes, pasLa, food gralns or such.
ln susLalnable menu plannlng Lhe meal Lo be served ls examlned as a whole. ln addlLlon Lo Lhe warm maln
course, salads, cuLleLs as a slde dlsh Lo soup or dalry-based desserLs can have slgnlflcanL envlronmenLal
lmpacLs and add Lo Lhe cllmaLe load. 8esearch resulLs (Lhe ConsLnv ro[ecL, M11) of Lhe cllmaLe and
euLrophlcaLlon lmpacLs of varlous school lunches are found on Lhe LnvlronmenLal assporL webslLe.
Vegetab|e cho|ces of a susta|nab|e menu are:
Legumlnous vegeLables (especlally domesLlc peas, fava or broad beans and bush beans), beans and
lenLlls fresh, drled, canned
Seasonally approprlaLe vegeLables
llber rlch vegeLables such as rooLs, cabbages and onlons - preserve well, avallable fresh almosL all
year round
Crganlcally produced vegeLables and frulLs, grown wlLhouL pesLlcldes

lrulLs, berrles, vegeLables and legumes lmpacL Lhe envlronmenL Lo some exLenL ln varlous ways, dependlng
on how and where Lhey have been grown and whaL klnd of preservaLlon Lhey requlre.
lor opLlmal healLh Lhe recommended dally servlng of vegeLables ls abouL half a kllo. 1hls lncludes 1)
vegeLables: rooL crops, cabbages, onlons, salads, frulL vegeLables, legumes, fresh herbs, shooLs, sprouLs, 2)
berrles, frulLs and 3) mushrooms. Palf a kllo vegeLables a day equals abouL 6 vegeLable porLlons per day (a
porLlon belng for example a generous helplng of coleslaw, a couple of carroLs, a large apple). 1he
vegeLables can be eaLen fresh or cooked, wlLh food or separaLely as a salad. 1he easlesL way Lo aLLaln Lhe
half kllo amounL ls Lo eaL vegeLables boLh aL meals and as snacks. 1he ample use of a varleLy of vegeLables
ensures LhaL Lhe opLlmal level of beneflclal nuLrlenLs. 1he slx vegeLable porLlons do noL lnclude poLaLoes,
gralns, seeds or nuLs.
DID CU kNCW: 1he followlng leave Lhe same carbon fooLprlnL:
1 kg llnnlsh greenhouse LomaLoes, lf fossll fuels are used ln heaLlng or
4 kg llnnlsh greenhouse LomaLoes, lf a renewable energy source ls used for heaLlng
4 Spanlsh LomaLoes
40 kg llnnlsh ouLdoor grown carroLs

n|gh energy add|t|ons to a susta|nab|e menu are:
Crganlcally produced poLaLoes and gralns
Locally produced poLaLoes and gralns
new forms of barley, oaL and rye
Wholegraln producLs (for example pasLa)
8lce as a less frequenL opLlon
1he envlronmenLal lmpacLs of rlce are Lhree Llmes as blg as Lhose of gralns and poLaLoes, because rlce flelds
cause large meLhane emlsslons. 1he relaLlve dlfference beLween Lhe envlronmenLal effecLs of poLaLoes and
rlce dlmlnlsh, when Lhey are compared as food porLlons on a plaLe. AlLhough rlce more Lhan doubles lLs
welghL when cooked, lL clearly dlffers ln favor of poLaLoes. Slmllarly Lhe dlfference ln Lhe envlronmenLal
lmpacLs of graln producLs and rlce ls smaller lf rlce ls compared Lo pasLa, couscous and bread made from
graln producLs, as Lhelr preparaLlon consumes energy.
As culLlvaLlng poLaLoes, gralns and rlce causes relaLlvely small greenhouse gas emlsslons, Lhe relaLlve share
of emlsslons caused by Lhelr LransporL ls falrly large. ln counLrles wlLh colder cllmaLes fewer pesLlcldes are
generally used ln Lhe culLlvaLlon of poLaLoes and gralns Lhan ln warmer counLrles.
I|sh cho|ces for a susta|nab|e menu are:
uomesLlc lake flsh and small herrlngs (Loxlc dloxlde levels are greaLer ln larger herrlngs). erch,
plke, burboL and vendace populaLlons are generally robusL and flshlng Lhem does noL cause
slgnlflcanL envlronmenLal damage.
Less used wlld flsh, such as bream and oLher Cyprlnldae.
lf wlld flsh ls obLalned only ln small conslgnmenLs, Lhe meal can be complled from varlous specles
of flsh.
Cf lmporLed flsh, MSC labeled flsh. 1he cerLlflcaLlon guaranLees LhaL Lhe flsh come from susLalnably
flshed populaLlons and has been caughL uslng meLhods LhaL cause as llLLle harm as posslble Lo
oLher flsh, anlmals and Lhe marlne envlronmenL. llsh from sLrong populaLlons ofLen also have a
smaller carbon fln prlnL Lhan Lhose from weaker populaLlons, as less fuel ls consumed caLchlng Lhe
same amounL of flsh.
llsh caughL uslng selecLlve flshlng meLhods. neLs, hooks, long-llnes and flsh Lraps are Lhe Lools of
selecLlve flshlng, Lhey do noL draw ln slgnlflcanL amounLs of by-caLches nor do Lhey harm boLLom
organlsms. 1hey also consume less energy Lhan boLLom Lrawllng.
lresh flsh processed near Lhe caLch area.
ln Lerms of healLh effecLs and Lhe cllmaLe load flsh ls a clearly superlor proLeln source compared Lo oLher
meaLs. llsh consumpLlon can however noL be susLalnably lncreased, unless lLs use ls almed aL domesLlc wlld
flsh raLher Lhan Lhe overflshed wlld flsh populaLlons of Lhe world or farmed flsh LhaL cause waLer polluLlon

Meat cho|ces for the susta|nab|e menu are:
lncreaslng Lhe appreclaLlon of meaL and decreaslng Lhe amounLs eaLen. SwlLchlng one or more of
Lhe weekly meaL courses Lo vegeLarlan food and reduclng meaL porLlons (reduces Lhe cllmaLe load)
uslng oLher Lhan [usL Lhe cholcesL and mosL valuable parLs of Lhe carcass ln plaln everyday food.
1he meaL of organlcally ralsed anlmals (reduces chemlcal use, lncreases dlverslLy and anlmal
1he meaL of pasLure ralsed, preferably on naLural pasLures, beef caLLle and sheep (lncreases
dlverslLy and anlmal welfare, reduces chemlcal use)
ork and poulLry meaL produced wlLh domesLlc feed (reduces Lhe cllmaLe load)
8eans, lenLlls and peas are recommendable subsLlLuLes Lo meaL consumpLlon. Lggs are Lhe besL
anlmal sources of proLeln ln Lerms of Lhe cllmaLe.
Da|ry cho|ces for the susta|nab|e menu are:
Crganlcally produced dalry producLs
ualry as drlnkable mllk and sour mllk
ualry free food sulLs everyone - eases work ln Lerms of speclal dleLs (replaclng dalry wlLh oaL mllk
8educlng Lhe amounL of cheese used ln food preparaLlon. uslng vegeLable based spreads or
vegeLable sllces on bread lnsLead of cheese aL meal Llmes (reduces Lhe cllmaLe load)
Creamy foods belong ln celebraLlons, noL everyday meals
Iats for the susta|nab|e menu:
uomesLlc rape seed olls

CCNSIDLk: A cholce of raw maLerlal LhaL would have llLLle
effecLs ln a domesLlc klLchen can presenL slgnlflcanL
envlronmenLal savlngs.

3.3. Lnv|ronmenta| |mpacts of the rea||zat|on of food product|on
1he envlronmenLal lmpacLs of preparaLlon and sLorage meLhods - 8AC1lCAL Llps are needed!

Cther env|ronmenta| |mpacts of k|tchens can be decreased:
1he plannlng and evaluaLlon of food consumpLlon and Lhe number of cusLomers, preparaLlon of
porLlon amounLs
8y Laklng preparaLlon meLhods lnLo accounL when plannlng menus and observlng Lhe opLlmal use
of appllances ln work lnsLrucLlons.
8y selecLlng susLalnable reclpes and measurlng (welghlng) raw maLerlals carefully (> reduces losses)
8y Llmlng Lhe preparaLlon of food conslgnmenLs accordlng Lo Lhe demand
8y noLlng preparaLlon Llmes ln reclpes, so LhaL food baLches are ready aL Lhe rlghL Llme, ellmlnaLlng
unnecessary heaLed sLorage
1hrough approprlaLe and conLrolled sLorage of raw maLerlals. ury sLorage ls mosL envlronmenLally
recommendable, Lhen cold sLorage and Lhe leasL recommendable opLlon ls frozen sLorage (arrlval
daLe noLed, used ln order of arrlval)
8y ensurlng LhaL approprlaLe sLorage LemperaLures of foodsLuffs are observed (> reduclng wasLe)
lrulLs and vegeLables are parLlcularly senslLlve foodsLuffs - Lhe correcL sLorage condlLlons reduce
rocess|ng |eve|s:
8educlng processlng (fresh vs. frozen, unpeeled vs. peeled poLaLoes, carroL sLlcks vs. graLed carroL)
1he use of fresh and LasLy quallLy producLs lncreases Lhe healLh beneflLs of food and decreases
food loss. 1he more raw maLerlals are processed, Lhe more work sLages and machlnery ls requlred,
Lhus maklng Lhe envlronmenLal load larger. Plghly processed producLs are also more cosLly, as Lhey
conLaln many oLher producLlon facLors Lhan raw maLerlals.

3.4. 1he poss|b|||t|es of cater|ng and commun|cat|on
CaLerlng servlces have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo and vlLal role ln guldlng Lhelr cusLomers on Lhe paLh Lo
envlronmenLally responslble Lhlnklng. CaLerlng can communlcaLe Lhe lmporLance of susLalnable cholces.
1he p|ate mode|:
ulsplaylng a plaLe model of Lhe day's selecLlons
SuggesLlng LhaL Lhe meal be complled on one plaLe, leavlng ouL Lhe salad plaLe
Salads/vegeLable slde dlshes are flrsL ln Lhe servlng llne, maklng lL easy Lo complle Lhe meal
accordlng Lo Lhe plaLe model

Lmphas|z|ng vegetab|es
1he vegeLarlan food ls flrsL of Lhe warm maln courses on Lhe servlng llne
SeLLlng Lhe dellclous vegeLarlan opLlon flrsL and encouraglng cusLomers Lo have a LasLe" and
preparlng for Lhe gradual lncrease ln Lhe consumpLlon of vegeLarlan foods
Allowlng Lhe cholce of boLh Lhe vegeLarlan and meaL opLlons aL Lhe same Llme
Conslderlng Lhe names of food courses - Lhey can greaLly lnfluence Lhe allure of Lhe selecLlons
keduc|ng |osses and sort|ng:
1o reduce losses Lhe food ls served ln smaller porLlons
Arrange Lhe reLurn of plaLes and Lhe sorLlng blns so LhaL blowasLe gaLherlng goes smooLhly and lL ls
noL mlxed wlLh mlxed wasLe
Customer commun|cat|on:
LnvlronmenLal cerLlflcaLlons and labels of orlgln on Lhe menu
Lveryone on Lhe klLchen sLaff can Lell Lhe cusLomer abouL Lhe orlglns of Lhe food
1ake Lhe local food culLure and annual fesLlvlLles lnLo accounL ln Lhe selecLlons
1he cusLomers of caLerlng servlces have a conLlnually growlng lnLeresL ln Lhe conLenLs of foods and dlnlng
slLuaLlons. CusLomers expecL LhaL Lhe messages Lhey recelve reflecL Lhe Lrue quallLy of Lhe operaLlon's
susLalnablllLy. CaLherlng cusLomer feedback ln dlfferenL ways ls Lherefore an lmporLanL parL of
communlcaLlons. CommunlcaLlons developed Lhrough lnLeracLlon can be adapLed Lo flL Lhe needs and
lnLeresLs of Lhe cusLomers.

cbeop fooJ blJes costs tbot foll to os ooly lotet ot tbot otbets poy fot lotet ot
tbot otbets poy fot os eveo oow, ofteo wltboot oot koowleJqe.
- 1be pbllosopbet 1bomos wollqteo

4. Susta|nab|e acqu|s|t|ons
Susta|nab|e acqu|s|t|ons are env|ronmenta||y fr|end|y and respons|b|e
1he goal of susLalnable acqulslLlons ls Lo reduce harmful emlsslons and Lhe wasLe amounL and Lo promoLe
Lhe susLalnable use of naLural resources, Lhe welfare of producLlon anlmals and Lhe soclal susLalnablllLy of
1he well almed cholces made by professlonal klLchens can slgnlflcanLly supporL envlronmenLally sound
meLhods and lnnovaLlons of producLlon. ubllc secLor operaLors are expecLed Lo serve as examples for Lhe
reallzaLlon of susLalnable publlc acqulslLlons.
8lgld economlc parameLers usually govern acqulslLlons ln caLerlng servlces. SeLLlng envlronmenLal crlLerla
for acqulslLlons ls rare Lhus far. rocuremenLs are ofLen governed by esLabllshed procedures and Lhe
envlronmenLal lmpacLs are noL consldered. When sLrlvlng Lo offer more envlronmenLally responslble
caLerlng servlces, aLLenLlon musL be pald noL only Lo Lhe prlce, buL also Lo oLher aspecLs of producLs.
LnvlronmenLally responslble acqulslLlons can slmulLaneously save money and proLecL Lhe envlronmenL,
when Lhe llfe cycle cosLs of acqulslLlon are consldered.
1he p|ann|ng of acqu|s|t|ons |s the cruc|a| phase of env|ronmenta| |mpact cons|derat|on
lmplemenLlng susLalnable acqulslLlons above all requlres wlll and acLlvely acqulrlng envlronmenLal
knowledge of Lhe producLs on Lhe markeL. uLLlng publlc acqulslLlons ouL Lo Lender requlres knowledge of
acqulslLlon leglslaLlon and approprlaLe procedures.
As Lhe demand for envlronmenLally responslble foodsLuffs and oLher producLs ls only [usL developlng,
permanenLly lncreaslng Lhe susLalnablllLy of acqulslLlons requlres long Lerm plannlng and cooperaLlon wlLh
producers, processors, foodsLuff suppllers and LransporL servlces. rofesslonal klLchens can lmprove Lhe
avallablllLy of envlronmenLally responslble producLs for example LogeLher wlLh local producers.
lL ls advanLageous Lo begln lncreaslng Lhe susLalnablllLy of acqulslLlons gradually. lL ls besL Lo begln wlLh
producL groups LhaL have clear envlronmenLal producLs.
Lnv|ronmenta| respons|b|||ty can be requ|red of both the tenderer and the product de||ver|es
An envlronmenLal sysLem or a comprehenslve envlronmenLal program and Lhe demand for envlronmenLally
responslble subconLracLors can be requlred of Lhe Lenderer. LnvlronmenLal crlLerla can also be requlred of
Lhe LransporLaLlon servlce.
ub||c k|tchens are requ|red to make env|ronmenta||y respons|b|e acqu|s|t|ons
8aslc naLlonal goals for susLalnable publlc acqulslLlons have been deflned ln Lhe Councll of SLaLe's pollcy
declslon from Aprll 2009. 1he declslon ls blndlng on governmenL agencles, buL a recommendaLlon Lo
munlclpallLles. 1he Councll of SLaLe requlres acLlons from publlc purveyors especlally concernlng energy,
consLrucLlon and houslng, LransporL, food servlces, energy-consumlng machlnery and servlces.
1he goal ls LhaL Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs be Laken lnLo accounL ln 70 of Lhe governmenL's own
procuremenLs by 2010 and ln all of Lhem by 2013. 1he overall ob[ecLlve for munlclpallLles and local sLaLe
auLhorlLles ls LhaL 23 of acqulslLlons be susLalnable by 2010 and 30 by 2013.
1he pollcy declslon sLaLes LhaL Lhe foodsLuff acqulslLlons of publlc caLerlng servlces musL lnclude more
organlc, vegeLable based or seasonally approprlaLe foods. 1he alm ls LhaL such foods be served ln
governmenL klLchens and caLerlng servlces aL leasL once a week by 2010 and aL leasL Lwlce a week by 2013.
lor munlclpal caLerlng servlces Lhls ls a recommendaLlon.
An acqu|s|t|on strategy to govern pract|ces
A pollcy declslon on susLalnable cholces can be wrlLLen lnLo Lhe klLchen's acLlon plan or quallLy manual
and/or envlronmenLal program and conslderaLlon glven ln more deLall as Lo whaL LhaL ln pracLlcal Lerms
means ln our klLchen. lL ls lmporLanL Lo make acqulslLlons based on menu plannlng raLher Lhan Lhe
avallable producL selecLlons.

4.1. Ioodstuff acqu|s|t|ons of the respons|b|e k|tchen
1he sLock slLuaLlon, producL consumpLlon and loss musL be carefully monlLored. Cn Lhe basls of Lhls
Lhe approprlaLe acqulslLlon amounLs of foodsLuffs are speclfled (avoldlng needless acqulslLlons,
reduclng losses)
Crganlc and falr Lrade producLs are acqulred
LnvlronmenLal requlremenLs are made of acqulrable foodsLuffs, such as produced wlLh renewable
energy" or produced wlLhouL harmful chemlcal pesLlcldes"
1ransporLaLlon dlsLances are consldered from a susLalnablllLy sLandpolnL, as ls Lhe approprlaLe
balance beLween locallzaLlon and frequency of LransporL. CbLalnlng producLs locally may reduce
Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of Lhe foodsLuff's llfe cycle, lf lL reduces LransporLaLlon and packaglng.
Powever, Lhe envlronmenLal effecLs of local food malnly depend on Lhe agrlculLural producLlon
meLhods and Lhe quallLy of processlng procedures. A local food chaln means locally shouldered
envlronmenLal responslblllLy: Lhe consequences of raw maLerlal producLlon are Lhe responslblllLy of
one's own socleLy, domesLlcally or ln Lhe counLy ln quesLlon. 1he envlronmenLal lmpacLs of
producLs are also more correcLly deflnable, when Lhe enLlre producLlon chaln ls known.
loodsLuffs are acqulred ln approprlaLely slzed packages. AlLhough Lhe share of Lhe envlronmenLal
lmpacLs of manufacLurlng packaglng generally remalns small, approprlaLe package slzes
slgnlflcanLly reduce wasLe and loss ln a professlonal klLchen.
8eusable and recyclable packaglng maLerlals are favored. 1he envlronmenLal lmpacLs of food are
however generally slgnlflcanLly greaLer Lhan Lhe effecLs of packages, so packaglng LhaL ls sufflclenLly
proLecLlve of and sulLable Lo Lhe needs of Lhe producL can help Lo decrease Lhe envlronmenLal load
by reduclng food loss due Lo sLorage.
Ioodstuff |abe|s of accountab|||ty, or|g|n and env|ronmenta| cert|f|cat|on
1he goal of envlronmenLal cerLlflcaLlon labels ls Lo provlde buyers and pollcymakers wlLh envlronmenLal
lnformaLlon perLalnlng Lo Lhe producLlon envlronmenL and process of Lhe producL.
Crgan|c cert|f|cat|on |abe|s demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe producLs are from producLlon supervlsed by a Lhlrd parLy,
where more sLrlngenL envlronmenLal crlLerla Lhan usual are applled Lo Lhe means of producLlon. Crganlc
producLlon uLlllzes renewable naLural resources and Lhe use of chemlcal pesLlcldes, ferLlllzers and
geneLlcally modlfled producLlon organlsms are prohlblLed. Crganlc anlmal producLlon uLlllzes organlcally
produced feeds and Lakes Lhe naLural behavloral needs of Lhe anlmals lnLo conslderaLlon.
Slnce organlc supervlslon does noL exLend Lo professlonal klLchens aL Lhls Llme, offlclal organlc labels
cannoL be used when adverLlslng servlngs. 1he organlc foodsLuffs on Lhe menu can of course be

1he sun label cerLlfles LhaL Lhe producL ln quesLlon ls supervlsed by a
llnnlsh auLhorlLy. An agenL who produces, manufacLures, packages or
lmporLs organlc producLs or has such manufacLured and belongs Lo
Lhe organlc producLlon supervlsory sysLem can apply for Lhe label.

1he new Lu organlc logo - Lhe Luro leaf" ls mandaLory for all pre-
packaged organlc producLs manufacLured ln Lhe Lu slnce 1.7.2010. 1he
rlghL Lo lLs use ls noL separaLely awarded, buL lL ls used ln accordance wlLh
Lhe regulaLlons of Lhe sLaLuLe. 1he cerLlflcaLlon can also be volunLarlly
used on oLher organlc foodsLuffs, such as unpackaged organlc food and
organlc food lmporLed from ouLslde Lhe Lu.

unLll now organlc producLs produced wlLhln Lhe Lu have been
allowed Lo carry Lhe volunLary splke logo. 1he use of Lhe splke logo
ls allowed unLll 30.6.2012.

Labe|s based on c||mate |mpacts are belng developed, buL a comparable, generally accepLed carbon
fooLprlnL cerLlflcaLlon does noL yeL exlsL. 1he carbon fooLprlnL deslgnaLlon ls llkely one of mosL
comprehenslvely developlng envlronmenLal deslgnaLlons for foodsLuff use, as lL ls dlfflculL Lo
comprehenslvely assess and unlLe many oLher envlronmenLal lmpacLs of foods lnLo one slmple deslgnaLlon.
1he waLer fooLprlnL deslgnaLlon ls anoLher llkely envlronmenLal deslgnaLlon LhaL wlll be more
comprehenslvely lmplemenLed ln Lhe fuLure. CerLlflcaLlons based on anlmal welfare LhaL have more
sLrlngenL sLandards Lhan Lhe mlnlmum requlremenLs of leglslaLlon are already ln use ln Lhe world.


1he Ia|rtrade |abe| ls an eLhlcal deslgnaLlon, above all cerLlfylng soclal [usLlce, also
lncludlng crlLerla regardlng envlronmenLal responslblllLy. roducLlon belonglng Lo Lhe
lalrLrade sysLem sLrlves Lo reduce pesLlcldes and soll eroslon and Lo uphold naLural
dlverslLy. lalrLrade ls supervlsed by lalrLrade lnLernaLlonal. use of Lhe lalrLrade
CerLlflcaLlon Mark ln klLchen menu noLes requlres a Lhlrd parLy agreemenL" wlLh
lalrLrade llnland.

1he MSC (Mar|ne Stewardsh|p Counc||) eco |abe| for seafood
guaranLees LhaL Lhe flsh has been caughL ln an ecologlcally
susLalnable way. 1he supply of eco labeled flsh ls noL yeL very large,
buL lL ls growlng. Cn Lhe llnnlsh markeL Lhere are now avallable for
example MSC labeled frozen seafoods and canned Luna and salmon.
Powever, Lhe MSC label does noL represenL oLher posslble
envlronmenLal lmpacLs, such as Lhe effecLs of LransporLaLlon or processlng LhaL Lakes place on Lhe oLher
slde of Lhe world.
1he MSC Chaln of CusLody cerLlflcaLe guaranLeelng Lhe use of responslbly caughL flsh can also be awarded
Lo professlonal klLchens.
An ASC (AquaculLure SLewardshlp Councll) envlronmenLal cerLlflcaLe ls belng launched for farmed flsh.

Labe|s of or|g|n, such as Lhe ones above, are noL envlronmenLal deslgnaLlons, buL refer Lo Lhe orlgln of Lhe
producL. 1hey say noLhlng abouL Lhe envlronmenLal or llfe cycle lmpacLs of Lhe producL.

4.2. Cther acqu|s|t|ons of the respons|b|e k|tchen
Conslder wheLher an lLem or appllance has Lo be acqulred, or wheLher:
o Lhe need can be meL some oLher way, for example by buylng Lhe servlce
o Lhe old appllance can be flxed - prolonglng Lhe llfe of a producL by mendlng or modernlzlng
lL ls usually an acL LhaL spares Lhe envlronmenL
o anoLher producL can replace Lhe acqulslLlon
Check Lhe sLocks regularly and before acqulrlng anyLhlng
uemand envlronmenLal cerLlflcaLlons of uLenslls, chemlcals and servlces or, ln Lhe case of publlc
acqulslLlons, feaLures correspondlng Lo Lhem.
When acqulrlng appllances, compare how economlcal Lhey are overall by comparlng Lhelr llfe cycle
cosLs. uemand Lhe besL posslble energy classlflcaLlon, l.e. lnformaLlon on Lhelr energy efflclency.
rofesslonal klLchen appllances do noL as yeL have energy classlflcaLlons, buL Lhelr energy and
waLer consumpLlon can be consldered and scored accordlng Lo Lhe deslred emphasls.
Conslder how local acqulslLlons and ln parLlcular servlces are.

Common eco|og|ca| |abe|s

1he offlclal nordlc eco label, Lhe Swan label, lndlcaLes whlch producLs and servlces
are among Lhe mosL ecologlcally sound. 1he Swan label can only be found ln
producL groups LhaL have pre-exlsLlng crlLerla l.e. have esLabllshed crlLerla for Lhe
granLlng of Lhe label. 1he requlremenLs of Lhe Swan label are perlodlcally re-
examlned Lhrough nordlc cooperaLlon. 1he label does noL denoLe Lhe orlgln of Lhe
producL. 1he Swan label has crlLerla for, among oLher Lhlngs, dlshwasher
deLergenLs, varlous cleanlng agenLs, mlcroflber cloLhs, sofL Llssues and Lable
napklns of lnsLlLuLlonal klLchens.

1he Lu-llower, Lhe [olnL eco label of Lhe Luropean unlon, lndlcaLes Lhe envlronmenLal
frlendllness of a producL or servlce. lL can be granLed Lo a producL LhaL ls among Lhe
besL ln lLs producL group, l.e. fulfllls cerLaln llfe cycle crlLerla perLalnlng Lo
envlronmenLal lmpacLs. 1he Lu-llower ls always granLed for a llmlLed Llme and
producLs wlLh Lhe label are conLlnually monlLored. ln llnland Lhe label ls supervlsed
and lLs use developed by Lhe llnnlsh SLandards AssoclaLlon SlS.

4.3. 1he acqu|s|t|ons act gu|des but does not prevent
1he acqulslLlons of publlc food servlces are governed by acqulslLlon leglslaLlon. racLlces vary accordlng Lo
Lhe value of Lhe acqulslLlon.
1he acqulslLlon acL doesn'L prevenL buyers from obLalnlng Lhe producL Lhey wanL. 8uyers can make dlrecL
acqulslLlons, parLlal offers and general agreemenLs wlLhln Lhe llmlLs of Lhelr organlzaLlons' acqulslLlon
agreemenLs. 8uyers can deflne Lhe quallLy of Lhe needed producL. 1he selecLlon crlLerla musL be very
clearly deflned ln Lhe call for Lender, so LhaL Lhe deslred producL can be acqulred. Calls for Lender musL be
drafLed so LhaL Lenderers can make commensurable and comparable blds.

Crgan|c product|on procedures and env|ronmenta| features can be used as acqu|s|t|on cr|ter|a
ueflnlng Lhe foodsLuff Lo be acqulred as an organlc producL ln Lhe call for Lender ls posslble accordlng Lo
acqulslLlon leglslaLlon, because Lhe Lu has deflned organlc" as a Lechnlcal quallLy feaLure.
CrlLerla used by eco or lalrLrade labels can be used as selecLlon crlLerla ln publlc acqulslLlons, buL a
parLlcular brand can noL be demanded.
Crlgln can noL dlrecLly be used as a crlLerlon ln calls for Lender concernlng publlc acqulslLlons. ShorL supply
chalns can be Lhe grounds for acqulslLlons when lL lmpacLs Lhe quallLy and envlronmenLal effecLs of
foodsLuff acqulslLlons. LxAMLL!
Group|ng acqu|rab|e products - what |s a||owed?
lf acqulslLlons remaln under Lhe naLlonal Lhreshold value of 30 000 euro, procedures are more flexlble and
llghLwelghL and may LempL smaller suppllers Lo develop and offer Lhelr goods and servlces as well. ln
acqulslLlons producL shlpmenLs of lesser lmporL, such as seasonal producLs (fresh flsh, wlld berrles, auLumn
apples, herbs) can be separaLed from Lhe conLracL perLalnlng Lo mass producLs.
lf Lhe acqulslLlon amounLs of organlc or seasonal producLs or producLs wlLh shorL LransporLaLlon dlsLances
are small compared Lo oLher producLs belng procured, lL ls worLh conslderlng Lo puL Lhem ouL Lo Lender
separaLely or acqulrlng Lhem Lhrough general agreemenLs. Ceneral agreemenLs are well sulLed Lo for
example seasonally approprlaLe producLs by allowlng for Lhe flexlble exchange of producLs durlng Lhe
agreemenL perlod.

S. 1he k|tchen's energy consumpt|on
S.1. Lnergy consumpt|on and sav|ng opportun|t|es |n profess|ona| k|tchens
ln llnland professlonal klLchens expend as much energy as Lhe llghLlng of all domesLlc households. 1he
ma[orlLy of Lhe energy ls spenL on heaLlng and venLllaLlon, slnce Lhe venLllaLlon needs of klLchens are greaL.
1he dlrecL energy consumpLlon of klLchens ls roughly dlvlded lnLo Lhree parLs - food preparaLlon, cold
sLorage and dlshwashlng. 1he energy shares consumed Lhrough servlng, sanlLaLlon and llghLlng are smaller.

ln addlLlon slgnlflcanL amounLs of energy are consumed ln Lhe producLlon chaln of Lhe food Lo be served
when foodsLuffs are produced, processed, sLored and LransporLed.
Lnergy consumpLlon musL be monlLored Lo be reduced. Lnergy ls expended ln Lhe klLchen malnly as
elecLrlclLy and warm waLer, someLlmes as gas or sLeam. lL ls besL Lo have a klLchen elecLrlclLy meLer LhaL ls
separaLe from Lhe resL of Lhe faclllLy. When Lhe energy consumed Lhrough food preparaLlon, cold sLorage,
dlshwashlng and dlsLrlbuLlon ls known, Lhe energy expended Lo produce one food porLlon ln Lhe
professlonal klLchen can be calculaLed. AL presenL energy consumpLlon ls measured ln very few klLchens,
buL Lhe average energy expendlLure of klLchen processes ln llnnlsh professlonal klLchens ls esLlmaLed aL 1
kWh per porLlon, whlch comes Lo abouL 10 cenLs.
1o curb Lhe cllmaLe change caused by Lhe use of fossll fuels an agreemenL Lo resLrlcL carbon dloxlde
emlsslons has been reached. Lach of us can Lhrough hls or her own acLlons conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe slowlng of
cllmaLe change by consumlng energy wlsely. 1he mosL slgnlflcanL way Lo reduce Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs
of energy consumpLlon ls Lo swlLch from non-renewable Lo renewable energy sources.

S.2. k|tchen des|gn
1he venLllaLlon of klLchens musL be deslgned wlLh care, as lL expends a loL of energy, buL ls lmporLanL Lo
worklng and eaLlng condlLlons. lL ls besL Lo have venLllaLlon LhaL can be seL separaLely Lo Lhe dlfferenL
cllmaLe funcLlons of Lhe klLchen: one each for food preparaLlon, dlshwashlng, cold sLorage and Lhe dlnlng
hall. An energy efflclenL venLllaLlon sysLem has heaL recovery, l.e. Lhe exchanged alr ls heaLed wlLh Lhe heaL
energy of Lhe exLracLed alr. lL ls lmporLanL Lo proporLlon Lhe venLllaLlon accordlng Lo Lhe Lrue heaL load and
lL ls besL Lo seL lL Lo hlgher efflclency when especlally large amounLs of heaL or sLeam are produced. 1he
venLllaLlon ls Lurned off for Lhe nlghL and durlng holldays. venLllaLlon shafLs musL be cleaned regularly.
When Lhe fllLers are cleaned wlLh sufflclenL frequency, venLllaLlon works efflclenLly.
1he energy eff|c|ency of app||ances affects energy consumpt|on for the|r ent|re serv|ce ||fe
1he llfe cycle cosLs of appllances musL be consldered upon acqulslLlon. Appllances are acqulred as needed
and Lhey are used dlversely and efflclenLly. oLs and ovens of dlfferenL slzes are used accordlng Lo Lhe slze
of Lhe manufacLurlng loLs. Lxamples of mulLlpurpose appllances are Lhe self-sLlrrlng poL, whlch parLlally
replaces Lhe food processor and Lhe combl-oven, whlch replaces Lhe frylng pan, Lhe cooklng chamber and
ln parL Lhe poL.
Lnergy can be used mosL efflclenLly ln large klLchens, where Lhe level of use of appllances lf greaL. Small
klLchens can lncrease energy efflclency by plannlng Lhe work order. Coollng appllances should be placed as
far as posslble from heaL sources llke sLoves and ovens.
lluorescenL sLrlp llghL flxLures are energy efflclenL work llghLs, buL Lhe used sLrlps are dangerous wasLe and
musL be Laken Lo an approprlaLe collecLlon polnL. ln sLorages and oLher areas where noL a loL of Llme ls
spenL, moLlon sensor acLlvaLed llghLlng ls preferable. naLural llghL should be uLlllzed as much as posslble
parLlcularly ln areas reserved for cusLomers. 1hls musL be Laken lnLo accounL when plannlng Lhe number
and slze of Lhe wlndows.

S.3. Iood preparat|on
1he energy efflclency of food preparaLlon can be lmproved by selecLlng Lhe approprlaLe appllance and
preparaLlon dlsh accordlng Lo Lhe amounL of food and manner of preparaLlon as well as by uslng appllances
re-heaL ovens and poLs before preparlng Lhe food
Cook ln llLLle waLer and heaL only Lhe requlred amounL aL a Llme
use llds
uLlllze Lhe afLer-heaL of poLs and ovens (10-20 energy saved)
1he energy efflclency of cooklng appllances llke sLoves, ovens and poLs ls lndlcaLed by Lhe efflclency
coefflclenL (), whlch descrlbes how much of Lhe expended energy ls uLlllzed ln Lhe heaLlng of Lhe food.
1he energy efflclency of Lhe appllances can noL be deLermlned by Lhe maxlmum lnsLalled power, as Lhe
ablllLy Lo efflclenLly uLlllze energy varles greaLly beLween dlfferenL appllances and parLlcularly appllances of
dlfferenL ages.
1he mosL efflclenL of sLoves are lnducLlon sLoves (90) and lnfra red sLoves (80), whereas Lhe energy
efflclency of LradlLlonal casL lron sLoves ls ofLen only abouL 33 percenL. lasL lnducLlon sLoves are
parLlcularly well sulLed Lo resLauranLs, buL Lhelr lnLroducLlon ofLen also requlres Lhe replacemenL of cooklng
uLenslls. An energy efflclenL sLove heaLs lLs envlronmenL less (losL heaL) and Lhus Lhe klLchen requlres less
Self-sLlrrlng poLs wlLh enLlrely lnsulaLed over-sheaLhlng have an energy coefflclenL of abouL 83 ,
whlle LhaL of LradlLlonal verslons ls approxlmaLely 60 .
ln Lhe preparaLlon of casseroles a large porLlon of Lhe energy goes lnLo ralslng Lhe LemperaLure of
Lhe poL and food. lL ls besL Lo cook several consecuLlve baLches ln an already heaLed poL, Lhus
lncreaslng energy efflclency.
A full poL consumes less energy per porLlon Lhan one LhaL ls less Lhan full. Cne should Lherefore
selecL a cooklng uLensll for each baLch Lo be prepared LhaL ls as approprlaLely slzed as posslble.
1he use of Lhe lld parLlcularly when sLewlng and when cooklng aL hlgh LemperaLures slgnlflcanLly
reduces Lhe energy consumpLlon of Lhe poL
uslng Lhe sLlrrer saves energy, as Lhe heaL ls more efflclenLly and evenly dlspersed lnLo Lhe food.
1hls reduces cooklng loss and prevenLs Lhe food from sLlcklng Lo Lhe surface of Lhe poL, whlch ln
Lurn also makes washlng easler.
uLlllze Lhe afLer-heaL, Lurn Lhe poL off before Lhe food ls ready.
1he mosL energy efflclenL and fasL way Lo make soup ls Lo sauLe Lhe vegeLables ln a heaLed poL flrsL
and Lhen addlng Lhe llquld.
An oven ls energy efflclenL when lL ls full. When only a few pans are heaLed aL a Llme, Lhe energy
consumpLlon ls several Llmes larger Lhan LhaL of a fllled oven.
lL ls also lmporLanL Lo choose approprlaLely slzed pans: uslng excesslvely deep pans wlLh Loo much
conLenL lncreases energy expendlLure, cooklng loss and cooklng Llme.
1o achleve a quallLy cooklng resulL lL ls besL Lo uLlllze Lhe auLomaLlsm of Lhe appllance and sLore all
Lhe menu's producLs' preparaLlons ln Lhe oven as Lhelr own programs.
re-heaLlng Lhe oven consumes a loL of energy. lL ls Lherefore advlsable Lo prepare several
consecuLlve food baLches ln Lhe oven. When Lhe oven chamber and Lhe waLer ln Lhe boller are
sufflclenLly hoL, pre-heaLlng Lakes less Llme and consumes less energy.
uLlllze Lhe afLer-heaL, Lurn off Lhe oven before Lhe food ls ready.
uon'L keep Lhe oven on unnecessarlly.
Avold needlessly openlng Lhe door when uslng Lhe oven and use a cooklng LhermomeLer

S.4. D|shwash|ng
ln many klLchens Lhe dlshwasher ls Lhe appllance consumlng Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL amounLs of energy.
Washlng dlshes consumes abouL 80 of Lhe waLer and approxlmaLely 40 of Lhe elecLrlclLy used ln Lhe
klLchen. 1he uLlllzaLlon of Lhe flnal rlnse waLer ln Lhe washlng process reduces energy consumpLlon ln Lhe
newer dlshwashers, as does Lhe Lhermal exchanger, whlch recovers heaL LhaL ls Lhen uLlllzed Lo heaL Lhe
waLer lnLake. Washers lnLended for professlonal use run several wash cycles wlLh Lhe reservolr waLer and
Lakes ln fresh waLer only Lo rlnse.
ulshes musL be washed qulckly afLer use. 8y pre-rlnslng dlshes one prevenLs loose food parLlcles from
endlng up ln Lhe washlng process, Lhus savlng Lhe amounL of deLergenL requlred for Lhe chemlcal wash. lf
dlshes are noL washed lmmedlaLely, Lhey can be sLacked on Lop of one anoLher and so soaked wlLh a small
amounL of waLer. lL ls advlsable Lo selecL uLenslls LhaL are easlly cleaned. lor example uncoaLed alumlnum
and casL lron conLalners are noL machlne-washable.
MonlLor Lhe LemperaLures of wash and rlnse cycles as well as waLer consumpLlon. 1he less waLer Lhe
dlshwasher uses, Lhe less energy lL expends. 1he waLer LemperaLure should be below 40 degrees durlng Lhe
pre-wash, 33-63 degrees durlng Lhe acLual wash. 1he flnal rlnse ls done wlLh 83 degree waLer.
ulshwashers should noL be Lurned on unLll servlng beglns.
1he mosL efflclenL way Lo save energy ls Lo wash full loads of dlsh-approprlaLe baskeLs LhaL are
correcLly fllled.
ConLlnually washlng parLlally fllled baskeLs unnecessarlly lengLhens Lhe dally use of Lhe machlne
and may even double Lhe energy consumpLlon.
MosL dlshwashers have conLrols LhaL allow Lhe user Lo seL Lhe washlng Llme accordlng Lo Lhe dlrLlness of
Lhe dlshes. LxLra washlng Llme expends waLer, elecLrlclLy and deLergenL, buL does noL make Lhe dlshes any
When uslng large Lunnel dlshwashers Llmlng Lhe wash can reduce Lhe dally Llme of use and subsLanLlally
lmpacL energy consumpLlon. lf Lhe Lunnel dlshwasher does noL have a modern operaLlng sysLem, Lhe user
musL sLop Lhe conveyor manually when Lhere are now more baskeLs.
oL or granule-llne dlshwashers use plasLlc granules Lo clean more efflclenLly. Washlng Lhus also conLlnually
produces granule wasLe. Cnly durable dlshes can be washed wlLh granules and Lhey should noL be pre-
washed, lnsLead loose scraps should be scraped lnLo Lhe blowasLe dlsposal.
lollowlng Lhe lnsLrucLlons of Lhe dlshwasher's manual lmproves Lhe end resulL. 1he washlng shafLs musL be
cleaned regularly. lf calclum and oLher mlnerals bulld up on Lhe reslsLance heaLer, Lhey are removed Lo
make Lhe heaLer work efflclenLly.

S.S. Serv|ng
PeaLed servery Lables expend more energy Lhan slmllarly slzed refrlgeraLlon equlpmenL. Lnergy can be
saved by Llmlng Lhe servlce correcLly and uslng servery Lables efflclenLly. keeplng dlsLrlbuLlon devlces on
only as needed durlng Lhe day reduces Lhelr energy consumpLlon.
Loadlng heaLers consume a loL of energy and pre-heaLlng Lhem Lakes abouL an hour. 1he needless use of
loadlng heaLers should be sLopped and when ln use, Lhe operaLlng Llme should be Llmed carefully. Loadlng
heaLers can be Lurned off an hour before dlsLrlbuLlon ls compleLed.
Chaflng dlsh heaLers consume more energy Lhan oLher dlsLrlbuLlon equlpmenL, approxlmaLely Len Llmes
more Lhan a chaflng dlsh cooler of Lhe same slze. lL ls advlsable Lo flll Lhe baslns of Lhe chaflng dlsh heaLers
wlLh warm waLer Lo save Llme and energy. Chaflng dlsh heaLers fllled wlLh Lhe rlghL amounL of waLer (abouL
4 cm) pre-heaL ln half an hour. When Lhe heaLers are Lurned on, Lhe baslns should always be covered wlLh
llds or Cn-dlshes and parLlLlons used Lo prevenL heaL from escaplng.
1he cleanlng of Lhe cold basln's condenser ls Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL malnLenance responslblllLy of Lhe user. Alr
clrculaLlon around Lhe appllance musL be kepL unhlndered. 13-20 mlnuLes are usually enough preparaLlon
Llme for Lhe dlsplay case. 1he curLalns of Lhe dlsplay case reduce energy consumpLlon.

S.6. Co|d storage
1he energy consumpLlon of cold-sLorage unlLs depend prlmarlly on Lhe sLorage LemperaLure. lL ls lmporLanL
Lo malnLaln Lhe correcL sLorage LemperaLure, as coollng Lhe freezer wlLh one degree lncreases energy
consumpLlon by up Lo 3 . Slze and lnsulaLlon also play lmporLanL parLs. lreeze lockers and freezers
consume 3-3 Llmes more energy Lhan slmllarly slzed refrlgeraLlon lockers and refrlgeraLors, so unnecessary
freezlng should be avolded. 1he greaL number and dlmenslons of cold sLorage unlLs needed ln Lhe klLchen
make cold sLorage a slgnlflcanL lLem of expendlLure. kLSkuSkCnLLLLlSL1 refrlgeraLlon and freezer lockers
are Lhe mosL energy efflclenL, as lL ls also posslble Lo uLlllze Lhe condensed heaL creaLed by Lhelr coollng
mechanlsms ln Lhe pre-heaLlng of Lhe alr lnLake.
8y plannlng sLorage wlsely, some of Lhe cold sLorage unlLs can perlodlcally be Lurned off. SeL approprlaLe
sLorage LemperaLures. Chlll, cover and label foodsLuffs well before placlng Lhem ln Lhe refrlgeraLor or
freezer. keep Lhe lLems ln order and do noL open Lhe doors of Lhe cold sLorage unlLs unnecessarlly. 1urn off
Lhe llghL of Lhe cold room and freezer locker. 1hawlng frozen foods ln a refrlgeraLor produces free coollng
A qulck-cooler ls an effecLlve cooler, buL lL should noL be used for cold sLorage of food, as lL consumes
approxlmaLely 10 Llmes as much as a refrlgeraLor of correspondlng slze. Slmllarly only producLs requlrlng
cold sLorage should be kepL ln cold sLorage unlLs.
1he ouLer surface of Lhe compressors and Lhe fllLers of Lhe condensers of all coollng appllances (lncludlng
crushed lce/lce cube dlspensers) have Lo be regularly cleaned of dusL. Cleanlng Lhe lnsulaLlon sLrlps of cold
sLorage unlLs and changlng sLrlps LhaL have been damaged reduces energy consumpLlon.

6. Cther k|tchen funct|ons
6.1. keduc|ng and sort|ng waste
ln professlonal klLchens wasLe comes from foodsLuffs and Lhelr parLs, packages and equlpmenL used ln food
preparaLlon, as well as packages and napklns used when servlng. non-decomposlng wasLe ls malnly Lhe
resulL of packages. 8educlng wasLe requlres monlLorlng wasLe amounLs. LssenLlal wasLe fracLlons can be
welghed perlodlcally. WasLe cosLs can also be monlLored Lo see Lhe lmpacLs of Lhe acLlons Laken.
keduc|ng food |oss and other waste
1he besL wasLe from an envlronmenLal and expense sLandpolnL ls wasLe LhaL was never creaLed. 1hls ls
parLlcularly Lrue when lL comes Lo food. vasL amounLs of raw maLerlals, energy, LransporLaLlon emlsslons
and performed Lasks are wasLed, lf prepared food ls Lhrown ouL. ln professlonal klLchens Lhe greaLesL food
loss ls generally caused when eaLlng, l.e. when servlng and by Lhe food lefL over on cusLomers' plaLes.
Losses also occur Lhrough sLorage and preparaLlon. uslng seml-manufacLured goods reduces wasLe
amounLs ln Lhe klLchen, buL noL Lhe wasLe amounLs creaLed durlng Lhe food's llfe cycle. When food ls
processed elsewhere, wasLe ls also produced elsewhere.
When economy packs and re-usable producLs are favored ln acqulslLlons and lndlvldually packaged
producLs are avolded, lL reduces boLh Lhe workload and Lhe amounL of wasLe ln Lhe klLchen. MalnLalnlng
food preparaLlon appllances and dlshes properly ls also a way Lo avold wasLe.
Washable dlshes and cuLlery and LexLlle Lable cloLhs and napklns slgnlflcanLly reduce wasLe compared Lo
dlsposable lLems. lL ls besL Lo use blodegradable packaglng for producLs sold Lo go, so as noL Lo cause Lhe
cusLomer wasLe problems. Llds of durable dlshes and wraps can be used lnsLead of alumlnum foll.
Some packages are essenLlal Lo Lhe preservaLlon of Lhe producL and packaglng ls ofLen a lesser evll Lhan
losses due Lo spolled food. Powever lL ls advlsable Lo conslder Lhe necesslLy of packaglng and Lo ask for
more llghLly packaged opLlons.

CCNSIDLk: lf Lhe llnes had noLlces LhaL read: leel free Lo Lake more
food or We are happy lf you en[oy your meal and Lake more or ?ou
are welcome Lo more food!

8|owaste |s centra| to sort|ng |n the k|tchen
When reduclng Lhe envlronmenLal hazards of Lhe wasLe from professlonal klLchens Lhe careful sorLlng of
blowasLe ls especlally lmporLanL. WasLe managemenL regulaLlons lnclude Lhe accumulaLlon llmlL ln kg afLer
whlch Lhe blowasLe musL be sorLed separaLely. usually Lhe llmlL ls 30 kg per week, ln some areas Lhe llmlL ls
lower. lf blowasLe ends up aL Lhe dump slLe wlLh mlxed wasLe, Lhe decomposlng food creaLes an exLremely
harmful greenhouse gas, meLhane. SorLlng ls made slgnlflcanLly easler when all worksLaLlons produclng
wasLe have approprlaLe sorLlng blns handy.

ln professlonal klLchens for example Lhe followlng wasLe fracLlons can be sorLed:
energy fracLlons
wooden palleLs
cooklng olls
mlxed wasLe
elecLrlc and elecLronlc scraps
hazardous wasLe (formerly problem wasLe)

1he wasLe musL be removed from Lhe klLchen aL leasL once a day. lnsLrucLlons for Lhe empLylng frequency
of Lhe wasLe blns are found ln Lhe wasLe managemenL regulaLlons. lor example blowasLe blns musL be
empLled aL leasL Lwlce a week durlng summer and once a week ln wlnLer. Check Lhe wasLe managemenL
regulaLlons of your area and acL accordlngly.
unflaLLened empLy cans and boxes are unnecessary alr" and are noL worLh LransporLlng by car. lf Lhere are
a loL of meLal cans, lL may ease sorLlng Lo use a handheld or elecLrlc meLal compacLor.
Cooklng oll ls problemaLlc wasLe when lL solls collecLlon blns and vehlcles and large amounLs of olls can noL
be sorLed lnLo Lhe blowasLe, even Lhough Lechnlcally LhaL ls whaL lL ls. lL ls noL hazardous wasLe, only
problemaLlc. lf conslderable amounLs of cooklng oll are accumulaLed, say 30 llLers a monLh, a separaLe
conLracL can be made for lLs collecLlon. 1he used oll ls recycled vla collecLlon companles.
1he wasLe acL decrees LhaL all maLerlals deslgnaLed as hazardous wasLe musL be dlllgenLly collecLed,
regardless of amounLs. An esLabllshmenL musL have an appolnLed person ln charge of lL and records of Lhe
hazardous wasLe musL be kepL.

6.2. Water consumpt|on and sewage
Water consumpt|on shou|d be mon|tored and reduced
WaLer ls a valuable raw maLerlal LhaL ls needed for food, drlnks and Lhe cleanlng of dlshes and premlses.
PeaLlng domesLlc Lap waLer consumes a greaL deal of energy (as much as 30-40 of all heaLlng energy) and
Lhls ls Lhe reason warm waLer ofLen cosLs abouL Lwlce as much as cold waLer. 1he acqulslLlon, cleanslng and
pumplng of raw waLer and Lhe handllng of sewage also requlre large amounLs of energy and purlfylng
chemlcals. WaLer and sewage fees cover Lhese cosLs. WaLer should Lherefore be used wlLh dellberaLlon,
even Lhough llnland has large fresh waLer resources.
ulshwashlng ls Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL waLer consumer of Lhe professlonal klLchen (73-83 of Lhe waLer
AffecLlng Lhe waLer consumpLlon of dlshwashlng? 1he dlshwasher's conLrols for Lhe flow/lnLake of waLer?
Where Lo geL Llps for savlng waLer ln professlonal klLchens? MonlLorlng waLer consumpLlon?
SeL Lhe flow of waLer Laps and showers Lo approprlaLe levels. 12 llLers of waLer per mlnuLe ls sufflclenL for
Lhe shower Lap's waLer flow, slx wlll do for Lhe hand waLer Laps.
1he boLLllng and LransporLaLlon of drlnkable waLer consume energy and cause large amounLs of wasLe,
even Lhough some of Lhe boLLles are recycled. ackaglng and LransporL slgnlflcanLly lncrease Lhe oLherwlse
negllglble carbon fooLprlnL of waLer. Clean domesLlc Lap waLer ls an envlronmenLally frlendly drlnk.
k|tchen sewage conta|ns chem|ca|s, fats and nutr|ents
1he ma[orlLy of Lhe chemlcal use of Lhe klLchen comes from dlshwashlng. uslng Lhe proper dosage of
dlshwashlng deLergenL ls lmporLanL, as Lhere ls no such Lhlng as a harmless agenL. 1here are powerfully
harmful chemlcals ln dlslnfecLanLs and cleanlng agenLs. Make sure LhaL Lhe agenLs you use are
blodegradable, so LhaL Lhey do noL klll Lhe bacLerlal sLraln LhaL works Lo purlfy sewage aL Lhe waLer-
purlfylng planL.
1he professlonal klLchen's sewage ls ofLen greasy, Lhe grease adheres Lo Lhe walls of Lhe sewage plpes
causlng blockages. MosL of Lhe grease bullds up ln Lhe grease Lrap, whlch has Lo be empLled aL leasL once a
year. 1he bulld up of grease can be reduced by uslng bacLerlal powder LhaL prevenLs grease, planL and
anlmal-based olls, cellulose, proLelns and sLarch from bulldlng up ln plumblng and grease Lraps.
Scraplng food scraps from dlshes lnLo Lhe blowasLe reduces Lhe amounL of nuLrlenLs ln Lhe sewage. lf
rlnsed off wlLh waLer, Lhe food scraps end up ln Lhe sewage as nuLrlenL loads.
8lowasLe may noL be dlsposed of ln Lhe draln, Lhe LolleL or Lhe slnk nor ln Lhe garbage dlsposals of slnks.
Appllances LhaL grlnd blowasLe lnLo a flne pasLe and dlspose of lL ln Lhe sewer have been markeLed Lo
lnsLlLuLlonal klLchens. Such devlces musL noL be used however, for example our envlronmenLal law forblds
dumplng anyLhlng lnLo Lhe sewer sysLem LhaL does noL belong Lhere. 8lowasLe ls Loo rlch ln nuLrlenLs, lL
dlsrupLs Lhe blologlcal purlfylng process of Lhe waLer-purlfylng planL and greasy food remnanLs clog Lhe
plpes on Lhe user's own premlses as well. 1he llnnlsh WaLer uLlllLles AssoclaLlon reporLs LhaL ln llnland so-
called general Lerms of dellvery apply and blo garbage dlsposals are noL permlLLed ln any munlclpallLy.
wosbloq textlles?

6.3. San|tat|on
M|crof|ber c|ean|ng |s ||ght for both the c|eaner and the env|ronment
1oday mlcroflber cleanlng ls recommended for Lhe dally sanlLaLlon of professlonal klLchens. 1hls so-called
waLerless cleanlng meLhod ls based on Lhe mlcroflber maLerlals of cleanlng lmplemenLs raLher Lhan Lhe
llberal use of waLer and cleanlng agenLs wlLh pP values LhaL vary accordlng Lo Lhelr use. A more vlgorous
scrubblng ls done as needed - more frequenLly on work surfaces and more lnfrequenLly on floors.
Cleanlng lmplemenLs, mlcroflber cloLhs and mops are pre-LreaLed by washlng Lhem ln a washlng machlne
and drylng, spln-drylng or squeezlng Lhem ln Lhe sanlLaLlon cenLer unLll Lhey are sufflclenLly dry, damp or
molsL for Lhelr purpose. Washlng mlcroflber maLerlals by hand does noL keep Lhem sufflclenLly hyglenlc. A
sufflclenL amounL of clean Lowels are placed ln a cleanlng carL or slmllar, well organlzed accordlng Lo Lhe
dlrLlness, hyglene regulaLlons and sanlLaLlon pracLlces of each lLem Lo be cleaned. lmplemenLs are used one
aL a Llme and dlrLled lmplemenLs are sorLed ln Lhelr deslgnaLed conLalners.
WaLerless cleanlng ls hyglenlc. A damp mlcroflber cloLh cleans surfaces as well as a cleanlng cloLh
molsLened wlLh deLergenL or dlslnfecLanL and leaves Lhem drler, whlch decreases Lhe growLh opporLunlLles
of mlcrobes. lL ls Lherefore recommended LhaL mlcroflber cloLhs be used afLer washlng surfaces as well.
MolsLure can be sprayed from a boLLle onLo lngralned sLalns before wlplng.
Mlcroflber cleanlng saves waLer, cleanlng agenLs, mechanlcal labor and heaLlng energy expended by
surface drylng. lL also reduces sedlmenL from deLergenLs and lngralned dlrL as well as molsLure damage and
decreases Lhe danger of sllpplng due Lo weL washlng.
Mlcroflber cleanlng ls a more ergonomlc and llghL-welghL meLhod Lhan weL washlng. 1here ls no llfLlng or
LransporLlng of deLergenLs, nor any cleanlng of rags or mops Lo wrlng. 1he washlng of larger floor surfaces
ls eased by Lhe use of a comblned machlne.
San|tat|on chem|ca|s
Cleanlng agenLs cause slgnlflcanL envlronmenLal loads ln all phases of Lhelr llfe cycle. 1he raw maLerlals of
deLergenLs are ofLen non-renewable and oll-based, Lhelr manufacLure expends a greaL deal of energy and
Lhelr use and removlng Lhem from use cause emlsslons ln Lhe waLer, alr and soll. Some of Lhe acLlve
subsLances ln sanlLaLlon chemlcals are Loxlc, can bulld up ln organlsms and be enrlched ln food chalns.
Chemlcals also conLaln lngredlenLs LhaL cause euLrophlcaLlon of waLers.
8ecause of Lhe greaL envlronmenLal load caused by cleanlng agenLs, Lhey were among Lhe flrsL producLs Lo
have seL envlronmenLal crlLerla.
When washlng dlshes and cleanlng use eco labeled chemlcals LhaL are less harmful Lo Lhe user and ln
sewage. nearly all wholesalers and suppllers carry envlronmenLally cerLlfled washlng, soaklng and rlnslng
producLs meanL for professlonal use.
1he correcL dosage of washlng and cleanlng agenLs ls lmporLanL, as boLh Loo large and Loo small amounLs
affecL Lhe resulL adversely. A deLergenL dlspenser?
1he deLergenLs used ln dlshwashers are sLrongly alkallne and Lherefore corroslve. arLlcular care should be
Laken when handllng Lhem. lL ls especlally dangerous lf undlluLed deLergenLs come ln conLacL wlLh Lhe skln
or eyes.

6.4. 1ransportat|on
1he number of and need for LransporLs ln professlonal klLchens vary greaLly dependlng on Lhe locaLlon and
operaLlonal envlronmenL of Lhe klLchen. uellverles are made Lo all klLchens. ulsLrlbuLlons from
manufacLurlng klLchens Lo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlng klLchens are ofLen a slgnlflcanL parL of operaLlons especlally ln
publlc caLerlng servlces.
1he envlronmenLal lmpacLs of LransporLaLlon are malnly due Lo fuel emlsslons. CLher effecLs lnclude dusL
and nolse polluLlon. 1he eco efflclency of LransporLs ls also cosL efflclenL, as fuel cosLs form a slgnlflcanL
parL of Lhe overall cosLs of LransporLs.
1he envlronmenLal lmpacLs of LransporLs can be reduced by reduclng Lhe number of LransporL runs,
lncreaslng Lhe degree Lo whlch vehlcles are fllled and lmproved rouLe plannlng. 1he eco efflclency of
LransporLs can be lmproved by uslng co- and reLurn LransporLs.
When acqulrlng LransporL servlces envlronmenLal crlLerla can be placed on Lhe LransporLaLlon
enLrepreneur, perLalnlng for example Lo fuel quallLy and consumpLlon, greenhouse gas emlsslons and Lhe
age and condlLlon of Lhe vehlcles. 1ransporL servlces can also be presenLed wlLh adherence Lo pracLlces
LhaL reduce Lhe envlronmenLal load, such as economlcal drlvlng and avoldlng ldllng.
1he packaglng of foodsLuffs also affecLs Lhe cosL of dellverles and Lhe envlronmenLal load. ApproprlaLely
slzed packages and well planned packlng can lncrease Lhe degree Lo whlch LransporL vehlcles can be fllled
and reduce empLy space ln LransporLs.

7. kegu|at|ons and |nstruct|ons
Iood |aw regu|ates the d|str|but|on and food preparat|on of profess|ona| k|tchens
lood lndusLry operaLors have Lo apply for permlsslon Lo found buslness premlses from Lhe munlclpal healLh
proLecLlon auLhorlLles before beglnnlng operaLlons or alLerlng Lhem slgnlflcanLly. lood law charges Lhe
professlonal klLchen wlLh esLabllshlng a self-regulaLlng sysLem Lo secure lLs operaLlons. 1he manager ln
charge of klLchen operaLlons musL ensure LhaL Lhe enLlre sLaff knows and lmplemenLs lL. 1he plan musL be
approved by Lhe munlclpal healLh auLhorlLles before belng lmplemenLed and musL be updaLed when
pracLlces change.
1he purpose of Lhe food law and Lhe regulaLlons lssued based on lL, ls Lo ensure LhaL Lhe food ls safe for Lhe
consumer ln all slLuaLlons. 1he professlonal klLchen musL be aware of Lhe mlcroblologlcal, chemlcal and
physlcal dangers of preparlng, servlng and dlsLrlbuLlng foods. klLchen processes musL be conLrolled, so LhaL
Lhey do noL endanger Lhe safeLy of Lhe end producL aL any polnL of Lhe chaln. 1he law ls also meanL Lo
ensure LhaL correcL and adequaLe lnformaLlon abouL Lhe foodsLuffs ls glven and LhaL Lhe LrackablllLy of Lhe
producLs ls guaranLeed.
Chem|ca| |eg|s|at|on charges profess|ona| k|tchens w|th prevent|ng chem|ca| hazards
1he chemlcal leglslaLlon ls based on [olnL Lu decrees, Lhe chemlcal law and regulaLlon as well as Lhe
decrees of Lhe Councll of SLaLe and mlnlsLry. 1he alm of Lhe leglslaLlon ls Lo prevenL envlronmenLal hazards
of chemlcals before Lhey can cause problems.
1he professlonal klLchen musL know Lhe chemlcals lL uses (washlng and cleanlng agenLs and dlslnfecLanLs)
and how Lo safely sLore Lhem and handle Lhe wasLe. lL musL ensure LhaL noLlces on Lhe safe use of
chemlcals are dlsplayed wherever Lhe agenLs are kepL and used. 1he place of buslness musL also know how
Lo acL lf chemlcals for some reason or oLher come ln conLacL wlLh Lhe skln, eyes or mouLh. 1he suppllers of
Lhe chemlcals musL be requlred Lo lssue user-safeLy noLlces and oLher lnformaLlon abouL Lhe chemlcals.
Waste |aw requ|res us to reduce the amount of waste produced
WasLe law and reglonal wasLe managemenL sLaLuLes regulaLe Lhe wasLe managemenL of Lhe professlonal
klLchen. 1he foremosL goal of Lhe wasLe law ls Lo reduce Lhe amounL and hazards of Lhe wasLe produced.
uLlllzlng wasLe Lhrough recycllng ls only a secondary meLhod of reduclng envlronmenLal damage.
8eglonal wasLe managemenL sLaLuLes lndlcaLe how Lhe collecLlon of dlfferenL Lypes of wasLe has been
arranged ln Lhe area. llnland has several wasLe managemenL sysLems, Lhe wasLe Lo be collecLed has
dlfferenL deslgnaLlons and Lhe Lypes of wasLe under compulsory collecLlon dlffer from one area Lo Lhe nexL.
lL ls Lherefore lmporLanL Lo examlne Lhe wasLe managemenL sLaLuLes of one's own area. 1he sLaLuLes can
be found onllne on Lhe webslLe of Lhe clLy, munlclpallLy or federaLlon of munlclpallLles, usually ln Lhe
envlronmenLal agency's sphere of responslblllLy.


nazardous waste must be hand|ed separate|y
Pazardous wasLe of Lhe klLchen (formerly problem wasLe) can be for example
alkallne washlng and cleanlng agenLs (such as dlshwashlng deLergenL and oven cleaner)
acldlc, corroslve agenLs meanL for Lhe removal of calclum sedlmenL, wlLh packaglng
fluorescenL sLrlp llghLs and lamps conLalnlng mercury
accumulaLors and baLLerles conLalnlng heavy meLals
cold sLorage unlLs (old refrlgeraLors and freezers)
halon flre exLlngulshers
Pazardous wasLe requlres lLs own careful handllng, alLhough Lhere are relaLlvely small amounLs of lL ln
professlonal klLchens. 1helr sLorage ls usually Lhe same as LhaL of correspondlng chemlcals. 1he packaglng
musL feaLure Lhe name of Lhe wasLe and Lhe holder, composlLlon daLa, Lhe amounL and Lhe necessary
warnlng labels.
Acqu|s|t|on |aw regu|ates the procurement of pub||c cater|ng serv|ces
Accordlng Lo Lhe law publlc operaLors musL reallze Lhelr procuremenLs economlcally, sysLemaLlcally and
Lake envlronmenLal lssues lnLo accounL. ubllc procuremenLs LhaL exceed Lhe Lhreshold value musL be puL
ouL Lo publlc Lender and Lhe acqulslLlon procedure musL be falr and open.
1he po||cy dec|s|on on susta|nab|e acqu|s|t|ons governs pub||c consumpt|on
A professlonal klLchen operaLlng ln Lhe publlc secLor ls also sub[ecL Lo Lhe Councll of SLaLe's pollcy declslon
regardlng Lhe promoLlon of susLalnable publlc acqulslLlons (vn 8.4.2009). lL requlres LhaL envlronmenLal
lmpacLs be lncreaslngly consldered ln publlc acqulslLlons. lL dellneaLes secLor-speclflc goals for Lhe
acqulslLlon of elecLrlclLy, vehlcles and foodsLuffs as well as procuremenLs perLalnlng Lo consLrucLlon.
1he pollcy declslon urges caLerlng servlces Lo lncrease Lhe susLalnablllLy of foodsLuff procuremenLs:
organlcally produced food, vegeLarlan or seasonally approprlaLe food ls served ln governmenL klLchens and
caLerlng servlces aL leasL once a week by 2010 and aL leasL Lwlce a week by 2013. lor munlclpallLles Lhls ls a

8. 1oo|s of susta|nab|e deve|opment
8.1. 1he cont|nued deve|opment of env|ronmenta| act|v|t|es
1he sysLemaLlc developmenL of envlronmenLal lssues ln Lhe professlonal klLchen beglns wlLh Lhe
managemenL reallzlng Lhe need for lL and maklng Lhe declslon Lo begln Lhe developmenLal process. Well
managed envlronmenLal lssues also lmprove Lhe economlc proflLablllLy of Lhe operaLlon.
uurlng Lhe developmenLal process Lhe relevanL use of raw maLerlals and uLlllLles (energy, waLer, elecLrlclLy)
ls examlned. noLhlng happens of lLs own accord, so Lhe work has Lo be organlzed and approprlaLe
resources alloLLed Lo lL. A good pracLlce ls Lo appolnL someone from Lhe organlzaLlon Lo lead Lhe pro[ecL. 1o
carry ouL Lhe work a developmenL group, slzed accordlng Lo Lhe organlzaLlon aL large and represenLlng
dlfferenL aspecLs of lL, can be appolnLed Lo asslsL Lhe person charged wlLh headlng Lhe pro[ecL.
1he deve|opmenta| work beg|ns w|th chart|ng the present s|tuat|on
1he flrsL Lask of Lhe developmenL group ls Lo charL Lhe presenL slLuaLlon, sysLemaLlcally runnlng Lhrough Lhe
funcLlons of Lhe professlonal klLchen and lnvesLlgaLlng envlronmenLal lmpacLs. 1he assessmenL of Lhose
lmpacLs ls made easler lf Lhe group readlly has access Lo monlLorlng daLa on Lhe amounLs of raw maLerlals
belng used, measuremenL daLa on Lhe consumpLlon of elecLrlclLy, heaL and waLer, wasLe amounLs and
fracLlons and Lhe LransporLs caused by operaLlons.
When charLlng Lhe presenL slLuaLlon Lhe check llsL for susLalnable developmenL for klLchens puL LogeLher by
Lhe kLS1l1 pro[ecL or Lhe Lkokompassl survey form for resLauranLs can be helpful.
Lstab||sh|ng the goa|s for a program of susta|nab|e deve|opment
8ased on Lhe lnlLlal survey Lhe leadershlp musL make Lwo declslons: whaL Lool Lo use Lo develop pracLlces
and whaL Lhe goals of Lhe developmenL are.
A slmple way ls Lo make Lhe developmenL of envlronmenLal lssues parL of Lhe plannlng of oLher operaLlons.
1hls way Lhe annual operaLlonal plannlng lncludes seLLlng developmenLal goals also ln Lerms of susLalnable
developmenL and flndlng ways Lo reach Lhose goals. 1he acLlons agreed upon ln Lhe operaLlonal plan are
monlLored and evaluaLed regularly and Lhe aLLalned resulLs are compared Lo Lhe seL goals.
1he followlng year new goals are seL and Lhe means Lo reach Lhem are planned. 1hls way Lhe managemenL
of envlronmenLal lssues wlll lmprove conLlnually. 1he annual goals can be small, concreLe Lhlngs. 1he alm of
Lhe program for susLalnable developmenL can for example be reduclng wasLe and lmprovlng sorLlng.
LveryLhlng does noL have Lo be masLered aL once, Lhe lmporLanL Lhlng ls Lhe conLlnual lmprovemenL of
1he leadershlp and managers have lmporLanL roles ln Lhe developmenL of envlronmenLal lssues. 1helr [ob ls
Lo organlze operaLlons, allocaLe resources and Lo lnsLrucL as well as Lo acLlvely communlcaLe Lhe
lmporLance of Lhe Lask and Lo moLlvaLe and engage Lhe sLaff Lhrough Lhelr own examples.
Customer commun|cat|on and cons|der|ng customer feedback |s a part of susta|nab|e deve|opment
8y publlshlng Lhelr envlronmenLal pollLlcs buslnesses deflne for cusLomers, lnLeresLed parLles and sLaff Lhe
ground rules Lhe buslness adheres Lo. ln an envlronmenLal reporL publlshed on Lhe organlzaLlon's webslLe
monlLorlng daLa of Lhe envlronmenLal pro[ecL can be deLalled.
AcLlvely publlshlng envlronmenLal goals and pracLlces and challenglng Lhe cusLomers Lo [oln ln Lhe
developmenLal work adds gravlLas Lo Lhe offered food servlces.

1he vehlcle for Lhe promoLlon and sysLemaLlc evoluLlon of susLalnable developmenL ls Lhe prlnclple of
conLlnual lmprovemenL (lSC 14001).

8.2. Deve|opmenta| too|s
1here are several Lools of plannlng and leadershlp LhaL can also be applled Lo Lhe pracLlces of professlonal
klLchens. 1he beneflL of uslng envlronmenLal sysLems ls Lhe all-encompasslng and ob[ecLlve-orlenLed
conLlnual lmprovemenL of operaLlons and Lhese supporL Lhe cusLomary work of leadershlp and quallLy.
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe offlclal, sLandardlzed envlronmenLal sysLems Lhere are more llghL-welghL envlronmenLal
sysLems Lallored Lo small and medlum-slzed enLerprlses. LnvlronmenLal sysLems can also be adapLed for
Lhe use of professlonal klLchens and organlzaLlonal developmenL wlLhouL seeklng ouLslde audlLlng or
rofesslonal klLchens can also consLrucL Lhelr own envlronmenLal or susLalnable developmenL program Lo
lmprove Lhelr pracLlces. 1he envlronmenLal program dellneaLes Lhe Llme frames and proporLlons of Lhe
goals and acLlons Lo Lake care of envlronmenLal lssues, as well as Lhe parLles responslble of lmplemenLlng

1he off|c|a| env|ronmenta| systems ISC 14001 and LMAS
1he mosL wldely used lnLernaLlonal Lool developed Lo lmprove envlronmenLal lssues ls Lhe lSC 14001
LnvlronmenLal ManagemenL SysLem. lL has been drafLed by Lhe sLandardlzaLlon organlzaLlon lSC and Lhe
sysLem ls meanL Lo flL all klnds of organlzaLlons of all slzes, as well as dlfferenL geographlcal, soclal and
culLural condlLlons. lSC 14001 conLalns only requlremenLs LhaL can be examlned ob[ecLlvely and once Lhey
have been reallzed, an organlzaLlon can be awarded an lnLernaLlonally recognlzed envlronmenLal sysLem
AnoLher lnLernaLlonally recognlzed Lool for Lhe sysLemaLlc lmprovemenL of envlronmenLal lssues ls Lhe LC's
LMAS 8egulaLlon (Lhe Lco - ManagemenL and AudlL Scheme). LMAS ls a volunLary eco-managemenL
scheme meanL for buslnesses and organlzaLlons. lL ls comprlsed of a lSC 14001-sLandardlzed envlronmenLal
sysLem and an envlronmenLal reporL, Lhe LMAS reporL. 1he reporL offers currenL lnformaLlon for Lhose
lnLeresLed ln an organlzaLlon's envlronmenLal lssues.
L|ght-we|ght env|ronmenta| systems
Lurope has many local unofflclal llghL-welghL envlronmenLal sysLems based on Lhe offlclal LMAS and lSC
14001 schemes. 1hese are almed parLlcularly aL smaller companles, for whlch Lhe offlclal sysLems are Loo
masslve and expenslve Lo lmplemenL. ln llnland such sysLems are LcoSLarL, Lkokompassl and Creen Cfflce
1he Nord|c eco |abe| denotes systemat|c env|ronmenta| work
rofesslonal klLchens can also apply Lhe resLauranL crlLerla of Lhe nordlc eco label. A Swan labeled
resLauranL adheres Lo sLrlcL envlronmenLal requlremenLs ln lLs pracLlces, for example when buylng and
uslng raw maLerlals. lLs premlses fulflll demands for energy consumpLlon, wasLe managemenL and chemlcal
producLs. Some of Lhe foodsLuffs of a Swan labeled resLauranL are organlc and Lhe esLabllshmenL has an
expllclL envlronmenLal managemenL sysLem.
1he C81AA1 LuCMuun (Crganlc SLeps) Lralnlng program also offers an ob[ecLlve-orlenLed model for
lncreaslng Lhe susLalnable use of raw maLerlals. klLchens commlLLed Lo Lhe program sLrlve Lo gradually
lncrease Lhe share of organlc food ln Lhelr selecLlons.
rograms and systems of susta|nab|e deve|opment for schoo|s and |nst|tut|ons of |earn|ng:
1he V|hre ||ppu (Green I|ag) program for schools www.vlhreallppu.fl
1he cert|f|cat|on of susta|nab|e deve|opment for vocat|ona| educat|on |nst|tut|ons
A Lool sulLable for vocaLlonal educaLlon ls Lhe CkkA loundaLlon's cerLlflcaLlon sysLem of susLalnable
developmenL for lnsLlLuLlons of learnlng. lL offers evaluaLlon Lools, maLerlals, advlce and Lralnlng ln supporL
of Lhe susLalnable developmenL work of schools and lnsLlLuLlons of learnlng. 1he sysLem also enables
appllcaLlon for exLernal evaluaLlon and cerLlflcaLlon. 1he sysLem's crlLerla deal wlLh envlronmenLal
perspecLlves as well as Lhemes of soclal and culLural susLalnablllLy such as securlLy, welfare, nuLrlLlon,
healLh and mulLlculLurallsm.


More lnformaLlon:
Pelena vuorlnen
Lel. +33844 7834007

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