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February March 2013 Garden News - Rainbow Quay At the beginning of February we were joined on Saturdays by two new

w gardeners, Helen and Alfonso. Please do say hello to them if you meet them. Alfonso has written this report to practise his English. Interesting things are happening: In winter we have enjoyed flowering bulbs like Daffodils (Narcissus sp.), Crocus, Squill and Snowdrops (Galanthus sp.). Lots of tulips are on the way.

Here are some pictures to make it easier to see them, but the best thing is walking around the garden trying to find them all. As general view of the garden, we can appreciate the white skeleton of the Silver Birches ( Betula Pendula) The buds of the Amelanchiers, and how the garden is waiting for the spring.

And there is the deep red colour of the Cornus alba Sibirica, contrasting with the green of the Ivy. (Hedera Helix)

February March 2013 Garden News - Rainbow Quay The Euphorbia Characea Wulfenii flowers has a very intense and powerful green

. Shrubs: Helen and Alfonso have pruned the Spiraeas Arguta located in West and East Garden. Cutting back to approx 20-30 cm, and removing the old and weak growths stems at the base and covering the soil with a layer of garden compost to conserve valuable soil moisture, suppress weeds and release nutrients to encourage the new growth and flowering.

February March 2013 Garden News - Rainbow Quay Compost: We turned all the compost, to help the influx of oxygen in the pile. Aerating in this way, we hope to get the compost ready only in 4-8 weeks.

Hedges: Jaako trained the Pyracanthas in the west garden, Tying them to the wires, pushing them closer to the walls, because was too close to the Amelanchier. Giving more space to the trees. Beds: We have tidied and clean up the beds in East Garden and the beds between the parking accesses, that were covered of weeds, leaves, and dead flowers. Cutting back sage, removing dead heads of Anemones, etc.

The planters now have a new look, Alfonso painted them with this blue that remind us of the blue of the Mediterranean sea, or a bright sky.

February March 2013 Garden News - Rainbow Quay

Climbers: The Hydrangea was re-fixed by Jaako the to the wall in the East Garden.

The first job in the garden for Hellen and Alfonso was cutting back the climber from the flat No 6.

February March 2013 Garden News - Rainbow Quay Trees: Helen with Chris supervision and advice, trained the Quince in the East Garden.

Lawn: The edges of the lawn in the East Garden have been done, and now they are ready for the first cut of the year.

February March 2013 Garden News - Rainbow Quay Allotment: Helen planted the apple tree, It was the first new plant of this year in the garden.

A big change is happening in this part of the garden, we are going to incorporate three new beds, and new paths, to finish the allotment design and construction. We have designed the paths and beds, cut, and painted the planks, prepared the soil, (Double digging: digging one stripe, filling with some compost, and after that filling it up with soil), finishing levelling the terrain. Now is ready to install the borders.

February March 2013 Garden News - Rainbow Quay There is a new frame for an arbour. Four Whitebeam trees will be trained on it.

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