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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora




Dalam skripsi ini dibahas proses pembentukan kata bahasa Inggris bisnis yang terdapat dalam harian The Jakarta Post edisi April 2012. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan jenis dan pola dari proses pembentukan kata tersebut. Dalam proses pengumpulan data digunakan metode observasi dengan menerapkan teknik catat (note-taking technique). Data dianalisis dengan metode agih ( distributional method ), kemudian hasil analisis data disajikan dengan metode formal dan informal. Dari hasil analisi_ data, penulis menemukan lima proses pembentukan kata bahasa Inggris bisnis, yaitu; conversion, akronim, back-formation, clipping, dan blending. Penulis menemukan lima Pada proses_ pembentukan kata dengan menggunakanmelalui singkatan, atau akronim, terdiri dariterdapat 2 dua tipe jenis/kategori; yaitu singkatan yang dapat di baca dengan keseluruhan huruf, seperti kata ASEAN, dan singkatan yang hanya bisa dieja huruf demi huruf, contohnya HSBC. Di samping itu penulis juga menemukan ada beberapa kata yang dibentuk dari clipping, blending dan backformation. (the rest? Pay attention to the order of the categories appearecessystematicity) Kata Kunci:


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................1 1.1........................................................................................................ 1.2..................................................................... Research of Question 1.3.....................................................................Objective of Research 1.4...................................................................Limitation of Research 1.5............................................................Review of Previous Studies 1.6...................................................................Theoretical Framework 1.7.................................................................Definition of Key Terms 1.8.............................................................. Methods of The Research 1.8.1. Population and Sample....................................................12 1.8.2. Source of Data.................................................................12 1.8.3. Procedure of Research.....................................................13 CHAPTER 2 CONVERSION......................................................................15 1 3 3 4 4 10 11 12

2.1. Introduction.............................................................................15 2.2. Productivity.............................................................................16 2.3. Conversion as a Syntactic Process...........................................16 2.4. Marginal Case of Conversion..................................................19 2.5. Clear case of Conversion.........................................................22

CHAPTER 3 BACKFORMATION.............................................................26 3.1. Introduction.............................................................................26 3.2. Clipping...................................................................................28 3.3. Blending...................................................................................30 3.4. Acronym..................................................................................33 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION......................................................................40 REFERENCES.............................................................................................43

1.1 Background of the Study Newspaper is a kind of media which contain news. The Jakarta Post is a newspaper in Indonesia which uses English language. Many people read newspaper every day, because from the newspaper we can get some information, knowledge about technology, business, health, politic, culture etc. they are many kinds of newspapers such as daily newspaper, weekly newspaper, national newspaper, international newspaper etc. If we talk about clipping and acronym, certainly we talk about word

formation. Word formation is the process where some word are formed to make a new word and meaning, it make the English words are very rich. The process of word like: combination of two words to make a new word, make a simple word based on the initial letters in some words to be a new word, using affix to some word. Many information is included in newspaper such as business, politic, sport, culture. We can also see many unfamiliar, such as customer and distribution. This may make the reader difficult to understand __ news meaning. So, this research tries helps the reader to understand such word formations.

Word formation is the process where some word are formed to make a new word and meaning. The process ___ like: combination of two words to make a new word, make a simple word based on the initial letters in some words to be a new word, using affix to some word. We can see many some of them word formation is used in the magazine, such as acronym FTP (Fast Track Program) in the

sentence the success of this 10,000 megawatt FTP project will save PLN Rp three trillion in a year.. This process of word to FTP where F have taking __ first initial letter from Fast, T have taking first initial letter from Track, and P have taking first initial letter from program., Another practice of word formation found is

clipping, example ____ in sentence .Every used Cameron pace equipment to produce Walking with Dinosaurs, which the News Corp .. fromFrom the sentence, __ word Corp is a practice word formation process, this process is called Clipping because the word is cut in the end of word. The word It Corp represent_ Corporation. the other form of word formation is blending. According Stageberg and Oak, (2000: 131) Blending is the fusion of two words into one, usually the first part of one word with the last part of another., __ Example __ visibility; in .while those who cannot get that visibility founder in obscurity. From the example the word visibility in this sentence is that one of word formation process, that process is Blends. Visibility word it come_ from the vision + and ability.

Many information is included in newspaper such as business, politic, sport, culture, etc. we can also see many words in newspaper, but sometime we can find a

unfamiliar word Such as customer, distribution, and many word again. This make the reader difficult to understand new meaning. So this research tries helps the reader to understand the word. Based on the above explanation, the writer is interested to analyze word formation as found in the Jakarta Post newspaper on business rubrics. According to Stageberg & Oaks (2000), there are eleven types of the process of word formation in English; compounding, derivation, blending, clipping, acronym, back-formation, invention, echoisim, folk etymology, antonomasia, and reduplication. Nevertheless, the writer limits the research into five types of process word formation; clipping , back-formation, acronym and blending because the five types is interesting to analyzed and

1.2 Research Questions It is needed to identify of the problem that is going to be discussed. Therefore, the analysis and result will be more focused. in this writing, the writer will focus on the following research question;: 1) What types of word formation process are found in The Jakarta Post business rubric? 2) What are the pattern of word formation in the Jakarta post business rubrics? 3) What is the constraint of Clipping, Acronym, Blending, back formation, and conversion

1.3 Objectives of the Research 1. To find out the word formation process in The Jakarta Post business rubric. 2. To explain patterns of word formation in the Jakarta post newspaper business rubrics. 3. To set up the constraint of Clipping, Blending, Back- formation Acronym

1.4 Focus of the Research This research focuses on business terms and their types of word formation processes which find in The Jakarta post newspaper, business rubric. There are eleven types of word formation processes in English; compounding, derivation, blending, clipping, acronym, back-formation, invention, echoism, folk etymology,

antonomasia, and reduplication. Nevertheless, the writer focus on four types of word formation; back-formation, clipping, blending and acronym.

1.5 Review of _ Previous studies

In this part, the writer reviews some researches related to word formation processes being discussed. The first research is from Juhamatti Kalima (2007), This research focuses on the word formation process in Gaming internet game. The data are taken from an Internet Gaming forum, which the words are taken from ______ game_, such as Orks, Eldar, Wraithlord or Space Marines. , and collected about 336 words from the game_. This research identifies eleven word formations. They are:

Acronyms, Clips, Shifts, Homophonic Literations, Multiple processes, Derivations, Coinages, Conversions, Unidentified, Blends, Loans in those game. The result of research shows that Acronym and clip are the most dominant word formation; Acronym 38,3%, clips 37.7%, Shifts 5,75, homophonic literations 4,9%, coinages 2,5%, derivations 2,7%, blends 0,5 and loan 0,3%. The relation to the writer`s topic is that this journal talk about the process of word formation on Internet gaming forum. Kalima focuses on the eleven word formation processes found in internet gaming forum. Meanwhile the writer does not discuss the eleven word formation processes in The Jakarta Post , the writer just focuses on two processes of word formation such as derivational and acronym. . This journal can give the writer information about the form of derivational and acronym process in English which is also part of the writers research. __ second research is Compounding as Word Formation Type of Insect Names in German done by Rodica Liana Zehan (2009). inIn her research, she focusfocuses on classifying the insect names in German According to this type_ of compounding. The name_ of insect_ found in the books: __ CHINERY, MICHAEL, 2004, Pareys Buch der Insekten, uber 2000 INSEKTEN EUROPAS, KOSMOS VERLAG, Stuttgart and REICHHOLF JOSEF, 2008, Schmetterlinge, BLV Buchverlag GmbH & Co KG, Munchen. She focuses on the name_ of __insect_ of insect and classifies them based on compounding, . she divided compounding into Endocentric compound and Exocentric compound, for example, endocentric compound : Buntkafer ( Bunt (Adj) + kafer (N) ) and exocentric compound :

Erpelschwanz ( Erpel (N)+ Schwanz (N). Based on this research, Rodica show_ that most of the German insect names belong to the endocentric compound. The greatest part is formed by a simple modifier and a simple head. Modifiers can be nouns, adjectives and verb stems. As a peculiarity it can be noticed that no endocentric

compound has a numeral as modifier. __________, There are also German insect names that are formed by multiple compounding. In this case either the modifier of the head or even both can be compounds. There are by far less exocentric compounds among the German insect names. As the meaning must be sought outside the compound, metonymy is the most used means of building such compounds. Related the writer`s topic, this journal talk about the morphological processes underlining the naming of Insect names in German. meanwhile the writer

discusses about word formation processes in Jakarta Post newspaper business Rubric in several edition.. Zehan just focuses only on word formation process, that process is compounding. While the writer aims to find the processes of word formation in The Jakarta Post newspaper not only compounding but also derivation and Acronym. This journal gives information about the other process about word formation especially Compounding. The third research on word formation process __ in computer field was done by lee (2002). The title of his research is Literary Practices in computer mediated communication Hong Kong. This study investigates the linguistic features of text based computer-mediated communication (CMC) in Hong Kong. The study is based

on a 70.000 words corpus of email and instant messaging texts which are mainly collected from a group of youngsters in Hong Kong. Some language specific features are identified, which include Cantonese-Based shortening inappropriate lexical choice, subject omission and code mixing. In CMC we can see the features of text,. one of them are creative form of shortening and abbreviation (including Acronym and Initialism). Acronym and initialism are recognized as common ways in word-formation. In the past, acronym were mainly used in technical jargon in CMC. However, employing shortened expression could present a number of social function. Shortened expression in CMC are often ___ the most common ones in everyday talk, for example,: talk such as CU (see you), TTUL (talk to you later). This may indicate that shortening may be used to indicate familiarity and intimacy between users as to facilitate fast typing within a short period of time. Besides that, Lee also concludes that BTW (by the way), U (you), ASAP (as soon as possible), BB (bye-bye) and CU (see you) were found to be the five most commonly used CMC shortening. Related the writer`s topic, this journal about the features text in Computer Mediated Communication (CMC), where the features are about creative form shortening and abbreviation (including Acronym and Initialism) in CMC. Lee journal only focuses on Acronym a kind of word formation processes in English which found in computer mediated communication in Hong Kong. Meanwhile the writer discusses about word formation process in The Jakarta Post not only acronym, but also the other process of word formation such as derivational. The writer does not discuss

about linguistic features of text, but only focus on two process of word formation they are Derivational and Acronym. This journal can give the writer information about the form of acronym process in English which is also part of the writer research. The next research is A Comparison of word formation between Chinese and English done by Wang Aiguo (2003). In his research, he focuses on various way of Chinese and English word formation, so that similarities and differences are found between the two languages. Through a detailed comparison of word-formation between the two languages, we can see that similarity exists between the two although they belong to different writing systems, one is graphic and the other alphabetic; one is inflectional (English) while the other is not. Both languages have
compounds, affixations, conversions, blends, abbreviations and loans. They are more or

less similar in essence to each other in word formation. In the past, many Chinese words were borrowed into the English language, but in the modern age, more and more English words are coming into the Chinese language. What all this tells us is that science and technology are leading human society forwards, and that the world is making progress in this way or that. Language (vocabulary in this connection) is in constant change so that it keeps pace with the development of human society. So in the long
run, the mutual influences will continue as long as Chinese and English people

communicate with each other. The trend is that there will be more and more loans and derivations in the two languages. Through comparison, Chinese or English learners could have a better way of acquiring either or both of the two languages concerned.

On his research, Wang Aiguo focuses on compound word in Chinese and English by comparing two languages. Then, he find various way of Chinese and English word formation, so that similarities and differences are found between the two languages. Through a detailed comparison of word-formation between the two languages, we can see that similarity exists between the two although they belong to different writing systems, one is graphic and the other alphabetic; one is inflectional (English) while the other is not. Both languages have compounds, affixations, conversions,
blends, abbreviations and loans. They are more or less similar in essence to each other in

word formation. English compound such as: luxian (compound noun) it is come from lu + xian = luxian (Chinese compound) and English compound for example: air line (compound noun) = air (noun) + line (noun). Besides. His research also found abbreviation in Chinese and English for example: British Broadcasting Company (BBC) European Union (EU). Blends in chinese and English for example: Motorist + hotel = motel, European + Asia = Eurasia. Aiguo Journal focuses on various ways of Chinese and English wordformation, then his journal discusses about compound, affixation, conversation,

blend and abbreviation which found in Conversation of both Chinese and English. However this research does not only focus on affixation, blending, abbreviation and compounding, but also on other processes. The writer`s research does not discuss about various ways but only focuses on the process of word formation in Jakarta Post newspaper business rubric. Aiguo journal gives information to this research about the process of word formation in two languages formed such as blending, abbreviation,

compounding. This process is also a part in writer`s research.

1.6 Theoretical fFrame work The Topic about word-formation is included in the study on morpheme, so the literature used to support this topic are taken from the books of morphology. There are several books that talk about word formation, first is written by Bauers (), then by Stageber () and by Katamaba (). Word formation has impact on the word, the impact is lexical word and Clausa word. In this research, the writer uses the theory of word formation as proposed by Bauer, and supported by stageberg and Oaks (2000) as the main theory as follows. word formation is a traditional label, and one which is useful, but it does not generally cover all possible ways of forming everything can be called a word. In particular, the use of term word formation is of value when the rules for the information of words are not identical with the rules for formation of sentences. (Bauer, 1983: 9)

This statement is the basic concept proposed by Bauer that explain_ word formation. From the quotation above, word at this statement is different with word that appears in Eskimo or Turkish language. obviously, the rules that must be established for forming words depend on what count as a word in any given language. The word such Eskimo might most suitable is considered as being formed

by the rules of syntax. In the Turkish and Latin, it might be more suitable to consider the information of words as being explained not by syntactic rules but by rules which depend on syntactic factors.


Defenition of Key terms The are several key terms that should be listed in this part. It is aimed to

make the writer and the reader later comprehend the analysis easy. The are;

1) Acronym Acronym is a word made up of the initial letters of some words. (Stageberg, 2000:130) There are two types of acronym, acronym which are pronounced letter by letter and acronym which are pronounced as whole words this process is also called initialism. According Bauer (1983: 237) an acronym is a word coined by taking the initial of the initial of the words in a title or phrase and using them as a new word.

2) Clipping Cutting of the beginning of the end of a word, or both, leaving a part to stand for the whole and the resultant from is called a clipped word (Stageberg: 2000, p.129).

3) Blending

Blending is the fusion of two words into one, usually the first part one word with the last part of another (Stageberg and Oak 2000: 131)

4) Back-formation Back-formation is the formation of a word from one that looks like its deritative (Stageber : 2000 129) 5) Conversion Conversion is an extremely productive way of producing new words in English

1.8 Method of the Research in analyzing the data, the writer uses linguistic research method as proposed by sudaryanto (1993:135). Sudaryanto divides the method into three procedure.

Those steps: methods of collecting data, analyzing data, and presenting the result analysis. 1.8.1. Population and Sample The population of this research is all the words that are found in Jakarta Post business rubrics. The sample of this research is some new words found in Jakarta Post business rubrics. Sample is the representative the data.

1.8.2 Source of Data The data are taken from Jakarta Post business rubrics, which published in March, 13, 2012. The writer chooses this rubric as the source of the data because

there are many unfamiliar business words found especially in process acronym, clipping, back-formation. that the data are all words found in The Jakarta Post newspaper business rubric.

1.8.3 Procedure of the Research First, in collecting the data, the writer apply non-participant observation method (metode observasi non partisipasi), and note-taking technique (metode catat). A the first step, the writer reading the newspaper carefully. In reading, the writer find some words that could be categorized as the data then the data which noted in a specialy note to make it easier for the writer to list the data later second, after collecting the data, the writer related to the theory of word formation proposed by Stageberg and Oaks (2000). According to them, there are eleven types of word formation process: Clipping, compounding, derivation, invention, echoism, acronym, back-formation, folk etymology, antonomasia, and reduplication, Next, all data are analyzed and classified by applying and classified by applying distributional method (Sudaryanto, 1993:31-40). The following are steps analyzing the data : 1. 2. 3. Classifying all words based on their kinds and forms Finding the derivation process and acronym process of those words Finding the elements and the base that construct those words (noun, adjectives, verbs, adverb, affixes etc.



Analyzing those words by using theory ,Stageberg and Oaks

Bauer, and supported by


Conclude of type and pattern of word formation in The Jakarta Post business rubric

In the presenting the data, the writer applies informal method. Which the process of analysis is reported by using words and verbal language, and it is described in written form.



2.1 Introduction In this chapter the writer, tells about conversion and productivity in word formation, they are: conversion as syntactic process, marginal case of conversion, and clear case conversion. Conversion is an extremely productive way of producing new words in English. They do not appear to be morphological restriction on the forms that can undergo conversion, so that compounds, derivates, acronym, blends, clipped form and simple words are all acceptable inputs to the conversion process. similarly,


all form classes seem to be able to produce words of almost any form class, particularly the open form classes (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb). In linguistics, conversion, also called zero derivation, is a kind of word formation; specifically, it is the creation of a word from an existing word without any change in form. Conversion is more productive in some languages than in others; in English, it is a fairly productive process The conversion process is particularly productive in modern English, with new use occurring frequently. The conversion can involve verb becoming noun, example guess, must, and spy as the sources as a guess, a must and a spy. Phrasal verbs (to print out, to take over) also become noun a printout, a takeover. Verbs (see through, stand up ) also become adjectives, such as dirty, empty, total , crazy, and nasty, can become the verbs to dirty, to empty, to total, or the nouns a crazy and a nasty.

2.2 Productivity Conversion is an extremely productive way of producing new words in English. They do not appear to be morphological restriction on the forms that can undergo conversion, so that compounds, derivates, acronym, blends, clipped form and simple words are all acceptable inputs to the conversion process. any process of word formation can be called productive if it can be the process that is used synchronically in the production of new words, if the process has not been used synchronically it is a called non-productive process.

2.3 conversion as a syntactic process conversion is the use of a form which is regarded as being basically of one form class as though it were a member of a different form class, without any concomitant change of form. The case conversion are those where the change of form class not like from noun to adverb or adjective, but just change from one type to another type like noun to noun, or one type verb to another. The example is the type of use of countable noun as uncountable and vice versa. Example in some water, water is used as an uncountable noun, while in two teas it is used as a countable noun. The other type is the proper noun can be use into a common noun as in Which John do you mean? Or The Athens in Ohio is not as interesting as the Athens in Greece . Verbs may undergo four different types of conversion. The first one happens when an intransitive verb is used transitively as in He is running a horse in the Derby or the army flew the civilians to safety. The other type is non-gradable adjectives is used as gradable adjectives as in She looks very French. In Jakarta post as the data, the writer finds many example about the change form class from one type to another type. Example :

( 1 )...The Singaporean lender has also set side Rp 21.2 trillion to

acquire the remaining listed shares from Danamon`s minority shareholders in a tender offer to be carried out soon..(April : 2012 : 13)


In example ( 1 ) above, there is word class change. The word is Danamon. The word change occurred is a change noun into verb or adjective. In this case the word Danamon as Proper noun is changed into a common noun. Proper nouns are words that name a specific person, place, thing or idea. Proper nouns are capitalized so the reader can tell them apart from common nouns. Common nouns do not name a specific person, place, thing or idea. Common nouns are not capitalized unless they are at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title. The word can be changed because in the sentence, Word Danamon is not explained specifically, who is Danamon?.

But specifically Danamon is one of bank in Indonesia. So this case is the change class of some word from one type to another type which this type is proper noun change into common noun. Common noun Proper noun Bank Danamon

( 2 ). Apple`s chief takes aim at workers rights.(April : 2012 : 15)

In example ( 2 ) above, there is word class change. The word is apple . The word changes from one type to another type not noun into verb or adjective. In this case the word Apple as Proper noun can be used as to a common noun. Proper nouns are words that name a specific person, place, thing or idea. Proper nouns are capitalized so the reader can tell them apart from common nouns. Common nouns do


not name a specific person, place, thing or idea. Common nouns are not capitalized unless they are at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title. The word can be changes because in the sentence, Word Apple does not explain a specific who is Apple?. But specifically Apple is a trademark of an electronic device company. So this case is the change class of some word from one type to another type, which this type is proper noun changes into common noun. Common noun Proper noun Company Electronic Apple (trademark)

( 3 ) a.. we want to grow those business that`s important... (April :

2012: 13) began to grow dark

From example ( 3 ) above the word grow has class change, the change is not noun to verb or adjective, but just one type to another type. In this case we can find some intransitive verb used as transitive verb, the verb is grow. In sentence a word grow is different with sentence b, while grow in sentence a is a transitive verb in sentence b it is intransitive verb. A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object to complete its meaning. An intransitive verb is a verb that does not require a direct object to complete its meaning. In sentence a word grow become transitive


verb or can be used as transitive verb, because it has a direct object after the verb, its object is business. 2.4 Marginal case of conversion

This is one of case That happen in conversion at word formation. This case is changing some form class of word from a verb into a noun and from a verb to an adjective without adding any affixation. It will be the reason why conversion can be called as zero derivation. This conversion in this case just change the form of some word without changing the morphophonemic form. The labels for this very common process are category change and functional shift. Example verb>noun shift of this kind are abstract, discount, import, transfer. And verb to adjective shift: abstract, frequent, moderate, perfect. The conversion can involve nominalization into phrasal verbs example: show off, walk over. In this case, there is a part of conversion where a noun is turned into verb where in the ending the word has a voiceless fricative and the formed word is different. Example are: belief/believe, sheath/ sheathe, advice/ advise. In the newspaper The Jakarta Post the writer find many example about marginal conversion. They are :

( 4 ) a : . This is also one of our efforts to increase the value of mutiara,

as the network will benefit our customers Mutiara president director maryono said.. (April : 2012 : 13)


b : .Another big reason for all the new affordable technology is the steady increase in computing power that we also see in our homes and offices. In example ( 4 ) above, the word increase is a marginal conversion. Marginal conversion is the producing new words in English which change some form class of word form a verb into a noun and from a verb to an adjective which without adding affixation. This word is marginal conversion because, in sentence a the word increase a verb has class change into noun in word increase at sentence b. the word has class change because the phonetic symbol word increase /in'kri:s/ in sentence a the stress word has shift change into ' /'ikri:s/ (b).


a :. Katherine Harris, the secretary of state and a Republican, announced late Wednesday night that she would not accept petitions to conduct manual recounts from Broward and Palm Beach counties, both of which had voted for Mr. Gore by large margins, to conduct such tallies.

b. job learned of the more serious violation of its supplier code of conduct instance in which child labor was used, for example he was outraged, this person said(April : 2012 :14)

In Example ( 5 ) above, the word conduct is a marginal conversion. Marginal conversion is producing new words in English by changing the class of word from a verb into a noun and from a verb to an adjective which without adding of affixation. This word is a marginal conversion because, in sentence a the word


conduct is a an verb it has a class change into noun in sentence b. the word has class change because the phonetic symbol of word conduct is /kn'dkt/ in sentence a , the stress word has shift change into ' conduct /'kndkt/ (b)

( 6 ) a..My father go to Jakarta this morning, because he want survey that location.. b..highlighting caution about the economic outlook, the survey showed that large companies did not plan to increase capital spending in the financial year started April 1.(April : 2012 : 18)

In example ( 6 ) above, the word survey is a marginal conversion. Marginal conversion is the production of new words in English with some changes in the class of word from a verb into a noun and from a verb to an adjective which without adding of affixation. This word is marginal conversion because, in sentence a word survey as a verb has a class change into noun in word survey at sentence b. the word has class change because the phonetic symbol of word survey / s'vei / in sentence a the stress word has shift change into survey /'s:vei/ (b).
( 7 ) a...The agreement will allow Mutiara`s customers to use banking

services at 34,600 ATM in the prima ATM network which includes more than 8,500 BCA ATM nationwide (April :2012 : 13) b.. And DeCamp Bus Lines, which runs service between Manhattan and northern New Jersey, recently blocked the use of cell phones on its buses because of complaints from passengers


From example ( 7 ) above, the word use is a marginal conversion. Marginal conversion is producing new words in English by changing some class of word from a verb into a noun and from a verb to an adjective without adding of affixation. This word is a marginal conversion because, the word use in sentence a as verb is changed into noun in sentence b because in the ending of pronunciation at the word use /z/ in sentence .a changes into use /s/. so the verb use /ju:z/ ( a) shifts to the noun use /ju:s/ (b).

2.5 Clear case of conversion This last case of conversion is the classified type of conversion, such as

noun >verb conversion can be classified that noun shows some location ( to garage the car) or instrument (to hammer a nail). There are kinds of conversion such: noun > verb conversion, for example to badger, to bottle, to bridge, to commission, to mail, to mushroom, to skin, to vacation . Recent for example to chopper, to data-bank, to leaflet, to network, and to trash. Verb > noun conversion for example a call, a command, a dump, a guess, a spy, and recent example are a commute, a goggle, and an interrupt. Adjective > verb conversion, for example to butter, to dirty, to empty, to faint, to open, to right and a recent example such as a total (a car). Adjective > noun conversion such as a creative, a crazy, a double, a dyslexic, a gay, a given, an inflatable, a nasty.

In Jakarta Post newspaper as the source of data the writer find some conversions like noun to verb, verb to noun as in :

( 8 ) a.That was a Worthwhile buy.. b Southeast Asia`s largest bank, Singapore DBS Group Holding Ltd, has prepared S$9.1 billion (US$ 7.2 billion) to buy a 99 percent stake in Bank Danamon, to create Indonesian`s fifthlargest lender by assets and marking the biggest Southeast Asian banking takeover (April : 20212 : 13 )

In Example ( 8 ) above the word buy is one of conversion, because the word buy change the class of word from noun into verb without changing the form. in sentence a the word buy is different with word buy in sentence b where in sentence a it is a noun and in sentence b is a verb. This word has class change from noun into verb because in sentence b the word buy is preceded by preposition to.

( 9 ) a.. But the price 6.2 billion Singapore dollars, or $4.9 billion, in shares and the rest in cash surprised some investors(April : 2012 : 15) b..I`m just going to the bank to cash a cheque.

From example ( 9 ) above the word cash is a conversion, because the word cash has a change the class of word from noun into verb without changing the form.


in sentence a the word cash is different with word cash in sentence b where in sentence a it is a noun and word cash in sentence b it is a verb. This word has class change from noun into verb because in sentence a the word cash is preceded by preposition to. ( 10 ) a..The goal keeper made a great save b..Therefore, we will be able to save on operational costs and secure more revenues.(April :2012 : 13)

From example ( 10 ) above the word save is one of conversions, because the word save has a change in the class of word from noun into verb without changing the form. in sentence a the word save is different with word save in sentence b where in sentence a is noun and word save in sentence b is verb. This word has change class from noun into verb because in sentence a the word save was preceded by preposition to.



3.1 Introduction


The great majority of back formation in English is verbs. Much has been made in the literature of the fact that back formation is of mainly diachronic significance. The usual description of the process of back formation from is that a rule of word formation is revised. Similar rules would apply to back formation from prefixes forms. Note that for a process to be a back formation, the appropriate formation rule must also exist. In Jakarta post as the data, the writer fnds many examples about the process of word formation, that is Back-formation process: ( 11 ) a..Publicly listed lender PT Bank Mutiara is expecting its decision to join the Automatic Teller Machine network belonging to the country larges private lender.( April:2012:13) b. My father tell me about this story From the sentence above, there is a process of back-formation. . The word teller in sentence a has a back-formation into tell in sentence b, because the suffix er in teller has a deletion. that is why Back-formation would then become a special case of clipping. the process can be seen as follow:

Formation = X + A = Y tell + er = teller Back-formation = Y - A = X


teller er = tell

( 12 ) a.Last year , nine investors expressed an interest in buying Mutiara but all of them failed.( April : 2012 : 13 ) bMy mother is one of investor in this project

From the sentence above, there is a process of back-formation. The words investors in sentence a has a back-formation into invest in sentence b, because the suffix or in investor has deletion. So that why Back-formation would then become a special case of clipping. the process can be seen as follow: Formation = X + A = Y Investor + s = investors Back-formation = Y - A = X Investors s = investor

3.2 Clipping


Clipping refers to the process whereby a lexeme (simple or complex) is shortened, while still retaining the same meaning and still being a member of the same class (Bauer 1983: 233). Frequently Clipping result in a change of stylistic level. The unpredictability concern the way in which the base lexeme is shortened. The main pattern is for the beginning of the base lexeme to be retained as in the recent examples bi (bisexual), binocs (binoculars), jumbo (jumbo jet), and porn (pornography). According Stageberg (2000, p.129) Clipping is cutting of the beginning of the end of a word, or both, leaving a part to stand for the whole. The resultant from is called a clipped word. The jargon of the campus is filled with clipped words: lab, dorm, prof, exam, gym, prom, math, pysch, and countless others. These examples suggest that the clipping of the end of the words is the most common, it is mostly nouns that undergo the process. In Jakarta post as the data, the writer finds many examples about the process of word formation, that is Clipping process. ( 13 ) ..Which the New Corp. 20th Century Fox units is distributing next years..( April :2012 : 18)

From sentence above, word Corp is that one of word formation process, that process is Clipping. according Stageberg: (2000, p.129) clipping is Cutting of the beginning of the end of a word, or both, leaving a part to stand for the whole and the


resultant from is called a clipped word. Corp is process of Clipping which omits the end part of the word. the process is described as follow: Corp is derived from Corporation Corp (oration)

( 14 ) .But being 11th on a top 10 lists on the App store is a lot different than being 10th on that list..( April : 2012 : 15) From sentence above word App is that one of word formation process, that process is Clipping. according Stageberg (2000, p.129) clipping is Cutting of the beginning of the end of a word, or both, leaving a part to stand for the whole and the resultant from is called a clipped word. App is process of Clipping which omits the end part of the word. the process is described as follow: App is derived from Application App ( lication)

( 15 ) . I want to give credit to Tim Cook for this said O`Rourke.( April : 2012 : 15)


From sentence above, word Tim is that one of word formation process, that process is Clipping. according Stageberg (2000, p.129) clipping is Cutting of the beginning of the end of a word, or both, leaving a part to stand for the whole and the

resultant from is called a clipped word. Tim is process of Clipping which omits the end part of the word. the process is described as follow: Tim is derived from Timmy Tim (my) 3. 3 Blending

A blend may be defined as a new lexeme formed form parts of two ( or possibly more) other words in such a way that there is no transparent into morph. According Stageberg and Oak, (2000: 131) Blending is the fusion of two words into one, usually the first part one word with the least part of another. The following words are the examples of blending, they are; smog from smoke + fog, urinalysis from urine + analysis, broasted from broiled + roasted and edutainment from education + entertainment. In Jakarta post as the data, the writer finds many examples about the process of word formation, that is Blending process: ( 16 ).Snowbirds were moving there from the midwest. ( April : 2012 : 18 ) In the sentence above, the word Midwest is that one of word formation process, that process is Blends. According Stageberg and Oak, (2000: 131) Blending is the fusion of two words into one, usually the first part one word with the least part of


another. The word Midwest comes from middle + west. We can see the process as follow: Mid is from Middle West is not blend, but it is combined with Mid from Middle There are two words blended to form Midwest

( 17 ).Those failures are visible everywhere, from the occupy movement, . ( April : 2012: 14 )

From sentence above, the word visible is that one of word formation process, that process is Blends. According Stageberg and Oak, (2000: 131) Blending is the fusion of two words into one, usually the first part one word with the least part of another. The word Visible come from the vision + able. We can see the process as follow: Visi is from vision Ble is from able Visible = vision + able the letters o and n in word vision and letters a in word able are omitted. Therefore, thet form a new word visible.


( 18 ).What he`s done is build an in credible business out of the 3-D technology he developed. ( April : 2012 : 18 ) From sentence above, the word incredible is that one of word formation process, that process is Blends. According Stageberg and Oak, (2000: 131) Blending is the fusion of two words into one, usually the first part one word with the least part of another. The word credible come from creed + able. We can see the process as follow: Cred is from Creed iBle is from able credible = creed + able one of letters e in creed is out. Then the letter a at the able is omitted. Therefore, it become cred and ble. The letters a has changed by the new letter a. from the data analyzed, the process of blending is by combining two words or more to form the new words. The blending takes the beginning of the first word. even, in the analysis the writer finds not all of the words which are blended can be cutting.

3.4 Acronym


According Bauer (1983 : 237) Acronym is a word coined by taking the initial of the words in a title or phrase and using them as a new word, from example Strategic Arms Limitation Talk Gives (SALT). However, not every abbreviation count as an acronym: to be an acronym the new word must not be pronounced as a series of letter, but as a word. This statement also supported by Stageberg, Acronym is a word made up of the initial letters of some words , (Stagerberg, 2000 : 130). They are two main types of Acronym, one Readable Acronym and the other one is Unreadable acronym. Readable acronym is kind of acronym which is pronounced as whole words, example OPEC. Unreadable acronym is kind of acronym which is pronounced letter by letter, example GDP ( 19 ).. Top tier international investment banking is an important extension to CIMB group`s ASEAN universal banking platform..(April : 2012 : 13)

In data above, the Word ASEAN is a process of word formation, this process is Acronym. This process is called acronym because the word is coined by taking the initial letters of the word in a title or phrase and using them as a new word. This word represents Association of South East Asian Nation. In which letter A stands for Association, S stand for South, E stands for East, A stands for Asian, and N for Nation. Based on the previous explanation it can be concluded that word ASEAN consists of five capital letters where each letter stands for different word combined to create a meaning. This acronym consists of more than one or two


syllables; precisely it is spelt in five syllables. It is because of the configuration of this acronym that tends to have two consonant and three vowel in its configuration that found in this acronym. The constituent ASEAN is pronounced as a whole word or pronounced as the spelled word or called Readable Acronym. This acronym process is aimed at gaining a more effective use in writing, it will spend much time and space. So this acronym can make the writing to be more simple, effective and efficient

( 20 )... The bank has 61 ATM machines with transaction reaching 45,000 per month( April : 2012 : 13)

In data above, the word ATM is a process of word formation, this process is Acronym. This process is called acronym because the word made up of the initial letters some words. The word ATM is consists of three capital letters. Each letters stands for different word combined to created a meaning. A stand for Auto then T stand for Teller and M stand for to Machine. Based on the previous explanation it can be conclude that word ATM consists of three capital letters where each letter stands for different word combined to create a meaning. This acronym consists of more than one or two syllables; precisely it is spelt in three syllables. It is because of the configuration of this acronym that tends to have more consonants than vowel. In fact, there is a vowel in this acronym configuration but unfortunately, the position


and environment do not support this possibility. The word ATM is a kind acronym Spelled letter by letter or unreadable acronym. This acronym process is aimed at gaining more effective use in writing, If the writer of this acronym writes this acronym in its original version, it will spend much time and space. So this acronym can make the writing to be more simple and effective.

( 21 )..with a cash offer funded partly by issuing bonds, DBS CEO Piyush Gupta said..(April : 2012 : 13 )

In data above, the word CEO is a process word formation, this process is Acronym. This process is called acronym because the word is coined by taking the initial letters of the word in a title or phrase and using them as a new word. This word represent Chief Executive Officer in which letter C stands for Chief then E stand for Executive and O stand for to Officer. Based on the previous explanation it can be conclude that word CEO consists of three capital letters which each letter stands for different word combined to create a meaning. This acronym consists of more than one or two syllables precisely it tends to have one consonant and two vowels that found in this acronym. The word CEO is a kind acronym Spelled letter by letter or unreadable acronym. [ si:i: ]


This acronym process is aimed at gaining a more effective use in writing or talking , it will spend much time and space. So this acronym can make the writing to be more simple, effective and efficient.

( 22 ).. Under the GSP plan, which lift custom duties in developed countries, a wide span of agricultural and industrial products from certain developing nations are granted a competitive edge in the provisioning countries.. (April : 2012 : 14 )

In datum above, the word GSP is a process of word formation, this process is Acronym. This process is called acronym because the word is coined by taking the initial letters of the word in a title or phrase and using them as a new word. This word represent Generalized System Preferences in which letter G stands for Generalized then S stand for System, and P stand for to Preferences. Based on the previous explanation it can be concluded that word GSP consists of three capital letters which each letter stands for different word combined to create a meaning. This acronym consists of more than one or two syllables; precisely it is spelt in three syllables. It is because of the configuration of this acronym that tends to have all consonant and does not have any vowel in its configuration. This acronym pronounced spelled letter by letter or called Unreadable Acronym. [ d3i: es pi: ].


This acronym process is aimed at gaining a more effective use in writing or talking , it will spend much time and space. So this acronym can make the writing to be more simple, effective and efficient.

( 23 )The official measure is also well above the 48.3 of the HSBC index, which barely moved from its February reading of 48.1(April : 2012 : 16)

In data above, the Word HSBC is a process of word formation, this process is Acronym. This process is called acronym because the word is coined by taking the initial letters of the word in a title or phrase and using them as a new word. This word represent Hongkong Shanghai bangking Corporation. In which letter H stands for Hongkong, S stand for Shanghai, B stands for Bangking, and C stands for Corporation. Based on the previous explanation it can be concluded that word HSBC consists of four capital letters which each letter stands for different word combined to create a meaning. This acronym consists of more than one or two syllables; precisely it is spelt in four syllables. It is because of the configuration of this acronym that tends to have all consonant and does not have any vowel in its configuration. This acronym is pronounced letter by letter or called Unreadable Acronym.


This acronym has function in writing, with acronym some writer or author can make the writing will be more simple, efficient, effective and easy to understand. it will spend less time and space.

( 24 )..RBS said in its statement, adding that it maintained debt financing, risk management and transaction services in the 11 Asian pacific countries in which operated..(April :2012 :13)

In datum above, the word RBS is a process of word formation, this process is Acronym. This process is called acronym because the word is coined by taking the initial letters of the word in a title or phrase and using them as a new word. This word represent Royal Bank Scotland in which letter R stands for Royal then B stand for Bank, and S stand for to Scotland. Based on the previous explanation it can be concluded that word RBS consists of three capital letters which each letter stands for different word combined to create a meaning. . This acronym consists of more than one or two syllables; precisely it is spelt in three syllables. It is because of the configuration of this acronym that tends to have all consonant and does not have any vowel in its configuration. This acronym is pronounced letter by letter or called Unreadable Acronym.


This acronym has function in writing, with acronym some writer or author can make the writing will be more simple, efficient, effectives and easy to understand. it will spend less time and space.

( 25 ).. the BOJ could act to signal it is trying even harder to support the economy.(April : 2012 : 18)

In datum above, the word BOJ is a process of word formation, this process is Acronym. This process is called acronym because the word is coined by taking the initial letters of the word in a title or phrase and using them as a new word. This word represent Bank Of Japan in which letter B stands bank then O stand for Of, and J stand for to Japan. Based on the previous explanation it can be concluded that word BOJ consists of three capital letters which each letter stands for different word combined to create a meaning. . This acronym consists of more than one or two syllables; precisely it is spelt in three syllables. It is because of the configuration of this acronym that tends to have more consonants than vowel. In fact, there is a vowel in this acronym configuration but unfortunately, the position and environment do not support this possibility. The word BOJ is a kind acronym Spelled letter by letter or unreadable acronym.


This acronym has function in writing, with acronym some writer or author can make the writing will be more simple, efficient, effectives and easy to understand. it will spend less time and space.




After analyzing the data, the writer finds 5 types of word formation process related to business as found in The Jakarta Post newspaper business rubrics. They are conversion, back-formation, clipping, blending, and acronym. From 25 data, the writer finds 10 conversion, 2 back-formation, 3 clipping, 3 blend, and acronym 7. Conversion is an extremely productive way of producing new words in English. they are 3 case in conversion; first conversion as a syntactic process, The case conversion are those where the change of form class not like from noun to adverb or adjective, but just change from one type to another type like noun to noun, or one type of verb to another. . The example is the type of using countable noun as uncountable and vice versa and the type of using countable noun as uncountable and vice versa. For example, in some water, water is used as an uncountable noun, while in two teas it is used as a countable noun. The other type is the proper noun used as a common noun like; Danamon, Apple, and Grow. The other case is marginal of conversion, This case is by changing the class of word form a verb into a noun and from a verb to an adjective without adding any affixation like; increase, conduct and survey. Now the next case is Clear of conversion, This last case conversion is the classified all type of conversion, such as noun >verb, Verb > noun, Adjective > verb, and ). Adjective > noun for example buy, cash and save.


Back-formation may be defined as the information of a word from one that likes its derative ( Stageberg: 2000, p.128 ). The word tell and invest are back formation of the word teller and investor. From the previous words, it can be concluded that new words derived from back-formation are result of subtracting the affixes of the word like; the affix or from the word investor is subtracted and then becoming invest. meanwhile, Clipping is cutting of the beginning of the end of a word, or both, leaving a part to stand for the whole. The resultant from is called a clipped word. they are some example clipping word found in this research : corp, app ,and Tim. The words become new words by clipping from word corporation, application and Timothy. blend or blending, may be defined as a new lexeme formed form parts of two ( or possibly more) other words in such a way that there is no transparent into morph. The following words are the examples of blending, they are; visibility from vision + ability, visible from vision + able, and incredible from incredulous + able. In addition, acronym is a word coined by taking initial letters of the word in a title or phrase and using them as a new word. there are two types of acronym, they are; acronym which are pronounced letter by letter such as; ATM, CEO, GSP, HSBC, RBS, BOJ, and which are pronounced as whole word like ASEAN. Acronym becomes new choice in making the writing more effective and efficient. The writer cannot find the other types of word formation.


The writer hopes that this writing will help the reader in comprehending business word and the word formation process that tends to occur in business magazine, journal and article. Business English term for some people are quite hard to be understand but by comprehending the process of word formation, it will give clues about their meaning.



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