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awkward - Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference

26/01/13 16.21 | Online Language Dictionaries

English-Italian Dictionary | awkward





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WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary 2013:

Principal Translations/Traduzioni principali

awkward (clumsy) goffo, impacciato, sgraziato agg adj The boy was so awkward that he kept knocking things over. Il ragazzo era talmente goffo (or: impacciato) (or:sgraziato) che continuava a inciampare sopra le cose.

Additional Translations
awkward (conversation, situation) adj imbarazzante agg
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scomodo, difficile agg I had an awkward conversation with my ex-girlfriend. Ho avuto una conversazione imbarazzante con la mia ex ragazza. awkward (difficult) difficile, problematico, complicato, arduo agg adj My nephew is entering that awkward stage of adolescence. Mio nipote sta per affrontare la difficile (or: problematica) (or: ardua) (or: complicata) et dell'adolescenza. awkward (ill-adapted for use, ill-fitting) scomodo, disagevole, fastidioso agg adj The diving equipment felt awkward when he wore it for the first time. L'attrezzatura subacquea gli sembrata scomoda (or: disagevole) (or: fastidiosa) quando l'ha provata per la prima volta. awkward (requiring care, hazardous) rischioso, pericoloso agg adj Our attempt to move the heavy sofa led to an awkward trip down the stairs. Per cercare di portare via il pesante divano abbiamo fatto un tragitto rischioso lungo le scale. awkward (difficult to deal with) delicato, difficile agg adj I never know what to do in these awkward social situations. Non so mai cosa fare in queste situazioni sociali delicate.

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WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary 2013:

Compound Forms/Forme composte

put sb in an awkward position v (cause sb social embarrassment) mettere qn in una situazione imbarazzante

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'awkward' found in these entries In the English description: a fine mess - clunky - dork - embarrassing situation - gauche - gawky horsey - ill at ease - in difficulties - inelegant - lubber - on the spot uncomfortably - unwieldy Italiano: inelegante - sgraziato - delicato - imbarazzato - a disagio - antipatico dinoccolato - fagotto - goffo - imbranato - impacciato - ingombrante legato - maldestro - mettere qualcuno in una posizione scomoda -

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awkward - Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference

26/01/13 16.21

Forum discussions with the word(s) 'awkward' in the title: Discussioni nei forum nel cui titolo presente la parola 'awkward': a geeky, awkward phase an awkward relationship an easy rhythm instead of the awkward step-clomp-step Awkward Awkward Awkward awkward curtsey and strain specifications comfortable / awkward silence (or pause) make awkward demands on us socially awkward When I am around people from other cultures, I feel awkward
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