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A PROJECT REPORT ON Analysis and interpretation of the various steps involved with Sales in a Trivandrum Radio station UNDERTAKEN

AT BIG FM 92.7, Trivandrum Submitted to the AMITY UNIVERSITY In Second semester requirements for the award Of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

ANURAJ K.R Enrollment No: A31001911009 Under the Guidance of Professor Srikant Kapoor, M.B.A Faculty Member Department of Management Studies

DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Amity Global Business School Chennai 2011-2013

First and foremost, I thank God, the almighty for the in the successful completion of this internship.



I am deeply grateful to the Director in charge E.Ilamathiann, & Dean Mrs. Dr Vengadamani Amity global business school, Chennai for their valuable suggestions & support.

I am deeply grateful to my Marketing Prof. Srikant Kapoor, for his valuable suggestions & support.

I am deeply grateful to Mr. Nashid, Station Head, Mr. Arun Kumar, Marketing Executive, & Mr. Arjun Ravindran, Marketing Executive, BIG FM 92.7, Trivandrum, and I would also like to thank Mr. Sujith Sivadasan, Station Engineer for guiding me and providing all the information about the company and encouragement.

I great fully acknowledge the inspiration & assistance of all respected faculties in Department of M.B.A, Amity Global Business School to my endeavors. It is my privilege to record my true thanks to all staffs of BIG FM 92.7, Trivandrum for their encouragement during my study.

I am thankful to my friends who gave suggestions and ideas during the period of this project work.


I, Anuraj K.R, student of MBA of Amity Global Business School hereby declare that the project work on BIG FM 92.7 presented in this report is my own work and has been carried out under the supervision of Professor Srikant Kapoor. My report is submitted as part of study curriculum and as a partial fulfillment of the degree of MBA. I am also declaring that I am submitting this report on the Analysis and interpretation of the various steps involved with Sales in a Trivandrum Radio station. I guarantee that this project report has not been submitted for the awards to any other university for degree, diploma or any other such prizes.

Date: 09.10.2012 Place: Chennai Signature

The main objective is to find out the steps to be followed while searching for prospective clients in a Trivandrum radio station and to enter into an agreement with a client. The report lays down the different sources from which you can find prospective clients. The report also lays down the strategy a radio station must follow to attract more clients. This project help to study about the process involved in finding out the steps to be followed while searching for prospective clients in a Trivandrum radio station and to enter into an agreement with a client. It helps to find out the different sources from which you can find prospective clients. It also helps in find out the strategy a radio station must follow to attract more clients. The type of research undertaken is exploratory as the report describes the radio industry in Trivandrum. The research is undertaken to find out specific details of this industry in Trivandrum. The information necessary to conduct this research is mainly collected from both primary and secondary data. A radio station has to develop various strategies to attract more clients and to maintain the existing ones. Clients are stakeholders to the company and its the responsibility of the radio station to ensure their satisfaction. Due to competition, radio stations have to develop good strategies to ensure their position in the market.

Table of contents SL.NO. TOPIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Title/cover page Acknowledgements Letter from the company Abstract Table of contents Introduction Materials and methods Result and discussions Conclusions and recommendations Future prospects Appendices References Page no 1-2 3 4 5 6 7-24 26-30 31-78 79-88 89-90 91


Executive summary Marketing landscape was populated with the thinking focused on making the sale. Today market place is enormously more complex. Communications media are proliferating. Competitors are everywhere-in hunger. In the midst of these changes, busy customers are changing their ways. Customers will continuously shift toward s u p p l i e r s who can deliver greater value. New world is also characterized by an amazingly rich information environment. Customers with the help of communication medium like TV, radio, magazines, etc are able to access information on competing brands, including costs, price, quality, etc. This is a dramatic shift of economic power from sellers to buyers. At this stage radio can server best to their customers n satisfy them? Radio is entirely a medium of sound, which evokes smells, sensations and visual images which brings the listeners imagination into play. Radio is one of the tools which is effectively used for communication and positioning.. Radio can be used effectively for advertisement since it can target the large audience because of its high reach. Radio is good at increasing awareness about the brand and business and helping in building the brand image. But all this was only for pure academic purpose. With the advent of television radio lost its popularity and thus its purpose with the marketers. This led to sharp declines in the proportion of advertisement spending on radio as compared to other media. But then came the governments order on liberalization and privatization. This brought about lots of changes in the world of radio broadcasting in India. Prominent and established companies entered the business of FM Broadcasting

Old media dont die! They just bounce back in new avatars. Not so long ago radio had been written off as fuddy-duddy, down market and not so cool. Television and later new media were touted to being the media of the future. But thanks to technology radio is making a comeback. In fact, in its new avatar-fm-radio is all set to become the hippest, coolest and most with -it medium.FM radio is a new entity altogether and has to deal with new market dynamics. Media owners dealing with new markets will virtually have to draw up their strategies as they go along, create programming that is new, innovative and grab away eyeballs from TV sets and make them tune into their radio sets. Its a whole new challenge and competition is never far away. Ad re venues will also not be easy to come by, as advertisers will expect media players to put their money where their speakers are before they commit large sums of money towards radio advertising. The involvement of listeners to radio is low, Vis a Vis television or print media.H o w e v e r i n s p i t e o f t h e v a r i o u s c h a l l e n g e s t h e e m e r g e n c e o f p r i v a t e F M stations is certain to increase the quantum of radio in the country, much like satellite channels did to the quantum of television in the country. That should open up a vast new market of consumers-100 million Indian households own an estimated 150 million radios, outnumbering television sets 3:1.The geographical area covered by radio in India is as high as 98 percent and the penetration level is approximately 97 percent. But FM presently covers only 17percent of the area and 21 % of the population of India through transmitters. Currently radio has just 2 percent of the 9000 crores. Indian advertising market according to an Arthur Andersons survey. Globally depending on each country, radio has a 5 % to 12% of the advertising cake.FM station executives are not forthcoming on Multi-platform. Strategies as yet. Given that radio has penetrated into 100 million homes and a FM set costs around Rs. 50/- FICCI estimates FMs share up from the present 1.5 percent to5 % in five years. Revenue of radio services is expected to rise to Rs 689 crores by2008 at a CAGR of 30 per cent. While TV is a family medium, radio is personalized. Also advertising of certain product seems to work very well while some might not. For example, cellular phone service or auto related products would have a good impact when advertised on radio is primarily known as a drive time medium most people who turn in are doing so w h i l e c o m m u t i n g . T h u s t h e p o t e n t i a l i f F M i s b e t t e r i s b i g g e r t o w n , a s t h e c a r population is much bigger. This would be the key when evaluating the medium. Also one must not forgot that radio continues to be a medium that has tremendous reach among the poor and marginalized sections of society. With the coming of more channels and the emergence of lifestyle radio will become a push and pull medium. As said earlier, is not just making a comeback but is being reincarnated into a new avatar

There is always strategy involved in advertising, and the same holds true for radio. Radio marketing strategy differs from other types because of its unique forum, which requires special attention to areas otherwise thought unimportant. It is important to have an organized plan when starting any marketing project so there is a clear path to follow. One thing to consider when developing a radio marketing strategy is the audience affiliated with the radio station, channel, or network. This is easier with local radio stations that have a clear following based on shared musical tastes or political views and attitudes. Listeners can usually be broken into age groups and subcultures based on the type of music or the political leaning by a host heard on a particular station or channel. This changes when looking at internet radio, which allows a more customized radio experience and therefore reaches a wider audience. Radio marketing strategy differs from other types of marketing strategies because the forum of radio requires an audio presentation, exclusively. Unlike other types of advertising, which rely primarily on colors and imagery, radio marketing must focus solely on the audio message. This may not seem like a difficult task, but creating high quality audio commercials has become an art form. Special attention must be paid to the tone of the commercial, the voice of the actor(s), sound effects and music. All of these things must blend together to form something audibly stimulating for the listener. This analysis and interpretation of the various steps involved with sales of radio station is done to analyze and formulate new strategies to attract potential clients to advertise in the radio and their by earning income to the organization. The report explains about the different ways to find prospective advertisers for the company. Advertisers form the major source of income for a radio station and therefore marketing in this field is of high priority. This report will guide a marketer to find different advertisers in Trivandrum in a very clear and concise manner. It will help new employees to understand the different modes through which they can find prospective clients. This report therefore will be helpful to both existing and new employees of the firm.


History of Indian Radio For more than 4 decades, the Government of India did not permit private radios t a t i o n s t o b r o a d c a s t i n I n d i a . T h e n h i s t o r y c h a n g e d i t s c o u r s e . I n 1 9 9 3 , t h e Government allowed private FM operators to 'buy' blocks (chunks) on All India Radio, prepare programming content, book commercials from advertisers and broadcast the whole lot. Within 4 years, (1997-98), the FM Radio advertising and sponsorship business grew to Rs. 93 crores with Times of India's Times FM & Mid-Day Group's Radio Mid-Day becoming the main players. Then, in June 1998 the Government, through its electronic media regulatory body Prasar Bharti, decided not to renew contracts of private FM operators. Not surprisingly, the advertising revenue fell by 50% within a year! This time, the Government gave the green light to privatize radio in India. July6, 1999 was the historic day when the Government announced that 150 new FM channels would be licensed across 40 cities and in 2000, the Government auctioned licenses for private FM channels to bolster the revenue. And the focus on metros was evident in the bidding. Expecting to collect Rs 800 million from auctioning 108 licenses, the government had to actually face mass withdrawal of bidders because of the huge license fee. A handful of serious bidders chose to remain. In response to the Government's offer, many companies bid for the licenses to operate in key markets. But the going was not so easy. Many gave up, unable to shell out the high license fee. For instance, the bidding price for the Mumbai license was reportedly to the tune of Rs 9.75 crore. Others dropped out saying the business wasn ot v iable. So , in effect, th e co mp etition shran k, p layers co n solid ated and theGovernment extended its deadline. Today, there are roughly 10 players who will operate approximately in 37 cities across the country.


Communication process
Any radio setup has two parts The transmitter The receiver The transmitter takes some sort of message (it could be the s o u n d o f someone's voice, pictures for a TV set, data for a radio modem or whatever), encodes it onto a sine wave and transmits it with radio waves. The receiver receives the radio waves and decodes the message from the sine wave it receives. Both the transmitter and receiver use antennas to radiate and capture the radio signal. When you listen to a radio station and the announcer says, "You are listening to9 2 . 7 f m w h a t t h e a n n o u n c e r m e a n s i s t h a t y o u a r e l i s t e n i n g t o a r a d i o s t a t i o n broadcasting an Fm radio signal at a frequency of 92.7 megahertz. Megahertz means "millions of cycles per second," so "92.7 megahertz" means that the transmitter at the radio station is operating at a frequency of 92,700,000 cycles per second. Your fm(frequency modulated) radio can tune in to that specific frequency and give you clear r e c e p t i o n o f t h a t s t a t i o n . A l l f m r a d i o s t a t i o n s t r a n s m i t i n a b a n d o f f r e q u e n c i e s between 88 megahertz and 108 megahertz. This band of the radio spectrum is used for no other purpose but fm radio broadcasts. Common frequency band includes the following. AM radio - 535 kilohertz to 1.7 megahertz FM radio - 88 megahertz to 108 megahertz AM radio has been around a lot longer than FM radio. The first radio broadcasts occurred in 1906 or so, and frequency allocation for AM radio occurred during the1920s. In the 1920s, radio and electronic capabilities were fairly limited, hence the relatively low frequencies for AM radio. FM radio was invented by a man named Edwin Armstrong in order to make highfidelity (and static-free) music broadcasting possible. He built the first station in 1939, but FM did not become really popular until the 1960s


Importance of study
There is always strategy involved in advertising, and the same holds true for radio. Radio marketing strategy differs from other types because of its unique forum, which requires special attention to areas otherwise thought unimportant. It is important to have an organized plan when starting any marketing project so there is a clear path to follow. The main purpose of this study is to find out the steps to be followed while searching for prospective clients in a Trivandrum radio station and to enter into an agreement with a client. The report lays down the different sources from which you can find prospective clients. The report also lays down the strategy a radio station must follow to attract more clients.

Scope of the study

This project help to study about the process involved in finding out the steps to be followed while searching for prospective clients in a Trivandrum radio station and to enter into an agreement with a client. It helps to find out the different sources from which you can find prospective clients. It also helps in find out the strategy a radio station must follow to attract more clients.


About the Company

92.7 BIG FM is a nationwide private FM radio station in India owned by Indian businessman Anil Ambani. It broadcasts at 92.7 MHz (92.7FM). It is a part of Reliance Broadcast Network Ltd which is into television industry also. Currently, it covers 45 cities. This is the only private FM radio station which is being broadcast from Srinagar and Jammu in Jammu & Kashmir state. It has made an announcement to invest Rs. 4,000,000,000 dedicated to transmission equipment, infrastructure and licensing; which would make the proposed network the largest ever. 92.7 BIG FM, Indias No.1 FM Station, since the launch of its first Station in September 2006, has expanded at a phenomenal pace, creating history, by launching its 45 station network in record breaking time of 18 months (barring Shimla which launched in 2009). With a presence spanning across 45 cities, 1200 towns and 50,000 villages, a weekly reach of 3.57 crores Indians across the country, the brand is now looking towards expanding to more markets and geographies. The brand has taken FM as a medium of entertainment beyond the metros, to virgin markets, offering consumers and advertisers a new experience of this medium of entertainment. 92.7 BIG FM launched a station in Trivandrum, Kerala. Its the only station the company has in the whole of Kerala. It competes with four other radio stations namely: Red FM, Club FM, Radio Mirchi and AIR. The report is based on the information collected from the Trivandrum station and other various data. This report also focuses on where to search for prospective clients for a Trivandrum radio station.



Reliance Media Works (formerly Adlabs Films) (BSE: 532399 NSE: RELMEDIA) is a film and entertainment services company based in Mumbai. It's a part of the Reliance ADA group, its international presence with the opening of a dedicated film and media services facility in London that offers front-end, processing, restoration, 2D to 3D conversion and post-production services to broadcasters and studios. The company was established in 1975, as Adlabs Films Limited in Mumbai. For processing laboratory primarily catering to the advertising industry. In 2001, the company entered the multiplex business with the world's largest IMAX dome in Mumbai. In 2005, Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group became a majority promoter in Adlabs Ltd. In 2009, it was renamed to Reliance Media Works Limited. Reliance Media Works has grown from its origins of a film processing and printing lab to an integrated global service provider across the entire film and media services value chain with presence in India, USA, Japan and UK. The company today has a dominant and comprehensive presence in Motion Picture Processing and DI; Film Restoration and Image Enhancement; 3D; Digital Mastering: Studios and Equipment Rentals; Visual Effects; Animation and TVC Post Production Reliance Media Works has also become the first motion picture services facility in India and all of Asia to be awarded certification by the UKs - industry body FACT (Federation against Copyright Theft). The certification is a major recognition of the efforts by Reliance Media Works to protect and safeguard the films that it handles from piracy. The certification applies to Reliance Media Works film processing and print lab, Digital Lab, Digital Cinema Mastering facility as well as Reliance Media Works' preview theatre, all housed within its Film City premises in Mumbai.



92.7 BIG FM is a nationwide private FM radio station in India owned by Indian businessman Anil Ambani. Anil Dhirubhai Ambani), born on 4 June 1959, is an Indian business magnate. He is the chairman of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, one of the largest private conglomerates. Anil's elder brother Mukesh Ambani, who heads as the chairman of Reliance Industries. The Ambani family is the richest family in India and one of the richest in the world, their wealth inherited from Dhirubhai Ambani, founder of largest Indian conglomerate Reliance Group. He is a member of the Board of Overseers at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is also the member of the Board of Governors of the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur; Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad. He is a member of the Central Advisory Committee, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission. In March 2006, he resigned. He is also the Chairman of Board of Governors of DA-IICT, Gandhinagar.



Tarun Katial has been elevated from COO to Chief Executive Officer of BIG 92.7 FM. Tarun who joined as one of the earliest team member in 2006, has been actively involved in creating the growth and evolution of the radio industry in India while creating awareness about the panoramic difference that the radio medium can create for economy, consumers and advertisers. As Chief Executive Officer of RMWL, he will now report to the Board of Directors and continue to be responsible for the radio business - BIG 92.7 FM Radio along with the SBU's of BIG Live, BIG Reach, BIG Street and BIG Events. With impressive stints at Star and Sony, Tarun Katial, the affable 33-year-old is one of the most successful executives in the Indian media industry. Tarun is stewarding the setting up of BIG 92.7 FM's, 45 stations across the length and breadth of India, giving direction and realizing stakeholder's vision. The vision being 'To be the first choice of listeners as we not only entertain but positively impact and transform their lives'

Prior to BIG 92.7 FM, Tarun Katial was with Sony Entertainment Television where he held the position of Executive Vice President - Business Head SET.

Tarun, who has a media & communications background, has been with leading advertising firms of the country including Saatchi & Saatchi, Nexus Lowe and Ogilvy & Mather. Tarun brings impressive credentials with an established track record of wellcrafted successful shows and channels. He was also a part of the team that won the first Media Gold at Cannes. As the COO of BIG 92.7 FM with 45 stations pan-India to operate with, Katial will be at the core of the next communication revolution -- FM Phase II, and has a real chance to make a difference to society at large.


The background of the project

92.7 BIG FM launched a station in Trivandrum, Kerala. Its the only station the company has in the whole of Kerala. It competes with four other radio stations namely: Red FM, Club FM, Radio Mirchi and AIR. The report is based on the information collected from the Trivandrum station and other various data. The report explains about the different ways to find prospective advertisers for the company. Advertisers form the major source of income for a radio station and therefore marketing in this field is of high priority. This report will guide a marketer to find different advertisers in Trivandrum in a very clear and concise manner. It will help new employees to understand the different modes through which they can find prospective clients. This report therefore will be helpful to both existing and new employees of the firm. The research is undertaken in a systematic and organized manner. Information will be collected from both primary and secondary data. A thorough study was made to compile this report so as to benefit the reader in the best possible way. This report focuses on the steps one must follow while searching for prospective advertisers in a radio station. Therefore this report is prepared to simplify a marketers task so that they can carry on their work in a more systematic manner. This report also focuses on where to search for prospective clients for a Trivandrum radio station. Further it explains various steps to be followed to attract more clients for a radio station. The research has been carried out after a thorough research on the above topics. The research lays down all the information of the objectives of the study in detail.


The objectives of the project

The main objective is to find out the steps to be followed while searching for prospective clients in a Trivandrum radio station and to enter into an agreement with a client.

The report lays down the different sources from which you can find prospective clients.

The report also lays down the strategy a radio station must follow to attract more clients.

. The report will help new employees to understand the different modes through which they can find prospective clients.

The report helps to develop various strategies to attract more clients and to maintain the existing ones.


The rationale for the project

Radio marketing strategy differs from other types of marketing strategies because the forum of radio requires an audio presentation, exclusively. Unlike other types of advertising, which rely primarily on colors and imagery, radio marketing must focus solely on the audio message. This may not seem like a difficult task, but creating high quality audio commercials has become an art form. Special attention must be paid to the tone of the commercial, the voice of the actor(s), sound effects and music. All of these things must blend together to form something audibly stimulating for the listener. The research is undertaken in a systematic and organized manner. Information will be collected from both primary and secondary data. A thorough study was made to compile this report so as to benefit the reader in the best possible way.

This report focuses on the steps one must follow while searching for prospective advertisers in a radio station. Therefore this report is prepared to simplify a marketers task so that they can carry on their work in a more systematic manner.

This report also focuses on where to search for prospective clients for a Trivandrum radio station. Further it explains various steps to be followed to attract more clients for a radio station.

The research has been carried out after a thorough research on the above topics. The research lays down all the information of the objectives of the study in detail.


Radio as Advertising Medium

The advantage radio advertising offers your business stems from its unique combination of high reach, high target ability, and low cost. When combined with the database approaches of traditional direct marketers and broadcast direct-response advertising techniques that drive response and deliver new customers, radio advertising can be and is for many of our clients - the main engine of growth and profitability for a business.

Radio Advertising Costs

Radio advertising cost is perhaps the most obvious and important of the top three characteristics of radio advertising that makes it a very attractive advertising vehicle. On both creative development and media costs, radio beats TV by a significant margin. Where the most simple and least expensive TV spot ad will easily cost well over $50,000 and take months to produce, you can have a radio spot developed for less than $1,500 in a matter of days or weeks. In terms of media costs, you'll often pay a minimum of thousands of dollars for TV media placement. However, you can air a radio spot for under $100 at agency discounted rates and you can air a full week's radio advertising test on multiple stations for as little as $2,500. With TV, you can invest hundreds of thousands of dollars before you know whether a campaign will either take flight or until enough is learned to determine that it won't work. With radio, the testing happens much faster, so it costs you less in time value of money, as well as up-front and at-risk investment. Factor in TV dubbing costs and the picture only gets better for radio advertising costs.

Radio Advertising Reach

An advertising medium must reach your target customers or it provides no benefit. Radio has a wide-scale appeal to consumers. Even with the alternatives available today, listening patterns appear to be stable, indicating that radio remains a popular consumer choice. The 13,000 radio stations (approximately 8,800 FM, 5,000 AM) broadcasting across the United States together reach over 94% of the US population over 12 years old each week, according to Arbitron's American Radio Listening Trends report. With radio, there is rarely a question of whether you'll be able to reach your target customer.


Target ability
The third characteristic of radio that solidifies its advantage to you is its target ability. The fundamental advertising axiom of reaching the right people at the right time with the right message at the right cost is more possible with radio than with TV or print, the other large-scale "push" direct response advertising mediums. As a result, your dollars spent on radio advertising are more efficient, generating a greater return on investment. With the right data, for example, your radio advertising agency can tailor your media plan so your radio ads reach moms between the ages of 34 and 45. The radio industry's grouping into formats is partially responsible for radio's ability to target your customer efficiently. Measuring the radios effect Effectiveness research requires clarity of objectives what are the agreedobjectives of the overall campaign and of the radio campaign within this? Radio effectiveness can be measured either using continuous research or in stages (pre &post) the pre-stage is normally the week before the campaign, the post-stage in the week after the campaign finishes. Consumers tend to misattribute radio advertising memories to other media, Particularly TV. This is particularly likely to happen where there is a strong executional link between the two media and/or where there is a history of TV advertising for the brand. This tendency to misattribute can be offset by using matched samp l e s o f listeners and non-listeners. This way, if the increase in advertising awareness isg r e a t e r a m o n g l i s t e n e r s t h a n i t i s a m o n g n o n l i s t e n e r s , t h e n t h e e f f e c t c a n b e attributed to radio fairly confidently even if the listeners think the advertising was in another medium. Radio research can successfully be done using telephone interviewing and scan be played down the line. However cases where other media are to be included in the research it might be more appropriate to use face-toface interviewing. Commercial recognition is a valuable technique i.e. playing the ad s toconsumers. It provides a more robust measure of whether they h a v e h e a r d t h e campaign, and avoids problems of trying to describe the ads. Brand names can be bleeped out of the commercial, to test whether the campaign is linked to the brand.


The limitations of the project

1. Radio advertising is relatively new in Trivandrum and therefore it is difficult to convince clients about its advantages. 2. Secondary information about this industry in Trivandrum is very less as the industry started growing again only in the recent past. 3. Information regarding other radio stations was difficult to get.


Materials and Methods


Research design
The type of research undertaken is exploratory as the report describes the radio industry in Trivandrum. The research is undertaken to find out specific details of this industry in Trivandrum. The information necessary to conduct this research is mainly collected from both primary and secondary data.

Primary Data
1. Direct observation and experience during the course of the internship. 2. Interviews conducted with individuals experienced in this field.

Secondary Data
1. Online articles related to the topic. 2. Presentations done on the same field.


Data collection tool

1. Expert opinions- individuals experienced in the radio industry. 2. Literature searches- research articles and papers. 3. Direct observation and experience during the course of the internship by doing field work and meeting potential clients like; Hilton Hyundai Adrak ventures International Manjali Jewellers Regional Institute of Aviation and Engineering Rose and colours lifestyles 4. By doing competition mapping which is done to keep track of other radio station and their advertisements. 5. By doing print track which is done by keeping track of advertisements that appear in the newspapers and magazines The above research has been carried out mainly from what was learned during the course of the internship and also from interviews conducted with various individuals experienced in the respective field and also with a client and a prospective client of the radio station.


Logical flow of the project

The research was done in a systematic and organized manner. There was enough time to collect all the required information. The steps involved in carrying out this research are given below: 1. The research topic was first chosen and clearly defined. 2. The research methodology was chosen next so as to make it simpler to collect the relevant data. 3. The relevant topic was then studied so as to ensure better judgement for the research. This was done so by reading several articles given online and also with the help of presentations. 4. The major portion of the data was collected through direct observation and during the course of the internship. Important and relevant data was jotted down. 5. After gaining a better understanding about the research topic interviews were held with 92.7 BIG FM sales account manager and the station head of Trivandrum, Nashid N and also with client service department of stark communications. 6. To get a different view of the topic a client and a prospective client of the radio station was interviewed. 7. After collecting the necessary data more research was conducted online to get a better view on the subject. Finally all the collected data were collated in the best possible manner. All the irrelevant data was avoided and research was completed in the best possible manner.


Advantages of the adopted methodology:

1. Direct observation and experience during the course of the internship helped the research in getting a very clear idea about the required information. 2. Interviews with people experienced in the field helped the research by getting a better view about the topic. 3. Interviews with the clients helped the research get a different judgement about the topic. 4. The secondary data which is collected helps in understanding the topic under study better and it was not time consuming to collect the data.


Advantages of doing this research: To me:

92.7 BIG FM is owned by business man Anil Ambani and is the best radio station in India. This report was done while working in this prestigious organization. There were several benefits in working in this organization. 1. This internship taught me how important marketing in a radio station is. 2. It also taught me the benefits of advertising through a radio. 3. It helped me improve my communication skills as I had direct interaction with a lot of clients. 4. This internship helped improve my negotiation skills. Negotiation is unavoidable while dealing with most of the clients. 5. It taught me how to draft a proposal for a client. 6. I was also taught the important terms involved in the radio media. 7. It also helped in learning how to serve a client.

To the company:
1. I was working in the marketing department of the company and I was able to get a client for the company. 2. I was also able to get leads on a few clients. 3. The report helps the organisation in its sales process in the organisation. 4. The report mainly helps new employees of the firms marketing department. 5. The company could shortlist some companies who were not interested in radio advertising.


Result and Discussions


Analysis of data The radio station has its own way of approaching clients. The first step is to find out prospective clients for the company. This proved to be a tedious task as there are several clients and to narrow it down to the prospects from the whole client population was difficult. The second step is to meet the prospective clients. Information regarding how to approach a client? and what all a client requires? is important at this stage. The next step is to close a deal with the client. This step provides information about the necessary documents required and the steps to be followed while closing a deal with a client. The fourth step is to ensure that the details of the contract are fulfilled to the best of ones ability and to ensure that the deal is carried out without any complaints from the clients side. The relationship of the company and the client does not end when the deal is fully carried out. The clients proposal has to be renewed for a new term and a relationship should be built with the clients. Information regarding follow up was gathered during this stage of the internship.


Pros and Cons of Radio

Every medium has special strengths and weaknesses that make it more or less suited to special marketing problems of specific advertising. There is no one medium which is ideal for advertisers or every situation. Radio has a number of characteristicst h a t m a k e s i t a n i d e a l v e h i c l e f o r n u m e r o u s a d v e r t i s e r s a s e i t h e r a p r i m a r y o r secondary medium. Also, there are certain disadvantages of this media which need to be considered Advantages of Radio Largest Reach and Frequency Radio offers an excellent combination of reach and frequency. The average adult listens more than 3 hours a day, radio builds a large audience quickly and a normal advertising schedule easily allows repeated impact on listener. 90% of India has access to radio which is unmatched by any other media. Radio is not only the medium of hearing news but also is a source of entertainment and advertising for the rural masses. Radio also reaches to uneducated village folk who do not read print publications. At the places where the literacy rates are low where people hardly read newspapers and radio is the only medium that they can understand. They cant afford a TV set. Therefore radio is more popular. Broadly Selectivity Specialized radio formats with prescribed audiences and c overage arease n a b l e a d v e r t i s e r s t o s e l e c t t h e m a r k e t t h e y w a n t t o r e a c h . F r o m a m a r k e t i n g perspective, radio has the ability to reach prospects by sex, age group, ethnic or religious background, income group, employment category, e ducational level or special interest with a format that adds even greater dimensions to its already strong personal communication environment .Radios high overall reach and its ability to provide numerous formats make it a multifaceted medium. Because of the relatively low cost of production, advertisers are able to adapt commercials to the various stations then buy, a strategy that would normally be prohibitively in television.


Cost Efficiency Radio is the least cost medium and it helps to reach m a s s a u d i e n c e w i t h various backgrounds. Radio offers its reach frequency and selectivity at one of the lowest costs per thousand and radio production is relatively inexpensive. National spots can be produced for about one tenth the cost of a TV commercial, and local stations often produce local spots for free. Also, radio ads can be produced very quickly. Creativity and Flexibility Radio is the most flexible medium because of very short closing periods for submitting an ad. This means an advertiser can wait until close to an air date before submitting an ad. With this flexibility of simple formats such as voice only can be created almost immediately to reflect changing market conditions or advertisers can take advantage of special events or unique competitive opportunities in a timely fashion. Radio also offers timeless, immediacy, local relevance and creative flexibility. The personal nature of radio, combined with its flexibility and creativity, makes radio the choice for numerous product categories. Copy changes can also be made very quickly. While radio may be one-dimensional in sensory stimulation, it can still have powerful creative impact. Radio has been described as the theatre of the mind. The musical formats that attract audiences to radio stations can also attract attention to radio ads. Audiences that favor certain music may be more prone to an ad that uses recognizable, popular songs .


Proximity to Purchase The mobility of radio and its huge out - of - home audience gives the medium an advantage facing most companies, it is imperative that brands achieve consumer reinforcement as near as possible to the purchase decision. Radios daily frequency offers scope for continued messages and hence the consumers are more likely to remember that product and consumer lend up buying that product.

As a Complement to Another Media In some cases, radio is the primary medium for local advertisers. However for national advertisers and most large local and regional firms, radio is most often used as complementary medium to extend the reach and frequency of primary vehicles in their advertising schedule. A fundamental marketing strategy for radio has been its ability to successfully work with other media to increase reach and frequency or to reach non-users and light users of other media. The radio industry realizes that the bulk of its revenue comes from advertisers who use radio as a secondary medium. A personal medium The human voice is the most personal means of communication. Radio gives the advertisers the opportunity to take advantage of the right combination of words, voices, music, and sound effects to establish a unique one-on-one connection with prospects that lets you grab their attention, evoke their emotions, and persuade them to respond. Radio can be targeted by lifestyle formats and is more efficient than other media from a cost and production standpoint. As a result many advertising agencies will move their budgets into radio.


Disadvantages of Radio
Misunderstanding Sometimes there might be a misconception regarding the radio ad as it is only heard. In television the chances of such misconception is less, as it is audio as well as visual. Poor Radio Attentiveness . Just because radio reaches audiences almost everywhere does not mean that everyone is paying attention. When a consumer is listening while doing some work or traveling in a car, he or she often switches stations when an ad comes and divides his or her attention between the radio and road. Fragmented Audiences The large number of stations that try to attract the same audience in a market has created tremendous fragmentation. If a large number of radio stations compete for the same audience, advertisers who want to blanket the market have to buy multiple stations, which may not be cost effective. However, in radios quest to continue to fine tune its reach, some advertisers wonder if radio is offering too many narrowly defined options. For those product categories with broad appeal, it is difficult to gain effective reach and frequency without buying several radio stations and networks. Chaoticbuyingprocedures For an advertiser who wants to include radio as a part of national advertising program, the buying process can be sheer chaos. Since national networks and time in individual markets on a station-by-station basis. This could involve dozens of different negotiations and individual contracts. Short Lived and Half hearted Commercials Radio commercials are brief and fleeting. They cant keep like a newspaper or a magazine ad. Radio must compete with other activities for attentions, and it does not always succeed. Only 20 % of time availability restricts the frequency of message exposure.


Creative Limitations The audioonly nature of radio communication is a tr e m e n d o u s c r e a t i v e compromise. An advertiser whose product depends on demonstration or visual impact is at a loss when it comes to radio. Many advertisers think that without strong visual brand identification the medium can play little or no role in their advertising plans. Limitations of Sound Radio is heard but not seen, a drawback if the product must be seen to be understood. Some agencies think radio restricts their creative options. RJ needs training It is very important that the Radio Jockey is trained enough to deliver the adverstiments Sometimes the voice really matters. If the voice is irritating then there is a chance that the campaign may flop. No proper research available In India, there is no proper research has been available on the area of radio listening, which will be very helpful for the advertisers to decide them on advertising plan and budget and other matter. Therefore, there could be a problem for the marketers in the sense that they might advertise on wrong channel at a wrong time. Poor Radio Attentiveness . Just because radio reaches audiences almost everywhere does not mean that everyone is paying attention. When a consumer is listening while doing some work or traveling in a car, he or she often switches stations when an ad comes and divides his or her attention between the radio and road.


Fragmented Audiences The large number of stations that try to attract the same audience in a market has created tremendous fragmentation. If a large number of radio stations compete for the same audience, advertisers who want to blanket the market have to buy multiple stations, which may not be cost effective. However, in radios quest to continue to fine tune its reach, some advertisers wonder if radio is offering too many narrowly defined options. For those product categories with broad appeal, it is difficult to gain effective reach and frequency without buying several radio stations and networks.


Radio Advertising
Radio is still the king when it comes to getting your music. The best way for a new band to get heard by the public and record label executions is over the airwaves. Paradoxically, radio currently has only a 2.9 per cent share of the total advertising pie in India. Globally, depending on country, radio has a 5 per cent to 12 per cent share of the advertising cake. On the higher side are countries like the United States, with 13 per cent, Canada, with 12.7 per cent and Spain, with 9.1 per cent. Companies that advertise on FM channels today such as Hindustan Lever (HLL), Dr Morepen, Amul, Castrol, Santro, Britannia, Parle, DSP Merrill Lynch etc are dominating the advertising on each one of the FM channels, be it Radio Mirchi, Go 92.5 Red 93.5 or Radio City. Radio Advertising Today, 70 per cent of the advertising comes from big-budget, national advertisers and the balance30 per cent comes from retail. It is a known fact that retail advertising will grow because radio presents the perfect advertising medium for local businesses in a local environment. But national advertisers are also operational in the local market, implying that it is as important to them as it is to a retail advertiser, if not more. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that radio can be integral in exposing a new artist, new product or services to new fans and taking a local market to a national level. Accordingly, it is extremely difficult to obtain meaningful airplay. Putting it bluntly, successful radio promotion revolves around making and managing relationships. Radio promotion is an art that demands a certain style you may simply neither have no desire to cultivate. On top of that, it can take a great deal of time to make all the contacts and connections that are required for successful radio promotion. Advertising agencies that control the national picture will be slow to move on to radio for creative reasons. They have people who love to make television commercials, but don't have anybody who knows how radio works. Here, only about 2.9 per cent of the money spent by advertisers goes to radio, and up till now, all of that went to ALL INDIA RADIO. However, in revenue terms, money from advertising has gone up. Revenue from commercials on AIR, including on Vividh Bharti and Primary Channel (including FM) rose from Rs 393 million in 1990, to Rs 808.4 million in 2000, & Rs. 600 crores in 2002, representing a growth of about 7.5 per cent per annum. A clear advantage that radio has is that it can easily target city-based audiences. This makes sense if the advertiser, like a food chain that is opening an outlet in Mumbai, wants to target a specific audience. In such cases, it does not make much sense to advertise on TV, and the print medium is to o expensive.

R a d i o i s t h e b e s t b e t f o r s u c h s ma l l - s c a l e p r o mo t i o n s . I t i s a l s o a p t l y s u i t e d f o r l o c a l promotions, and once audiences can be targeted, it has tremendous potential to eat into local mediums.

Producing Radio Commercial

Producing a radio spot can be a lot of fun advertisers often say its the most fun they ever have in advertising. It can also be simple and inexpensive. There are three basic elements to work with: the announcers voice, music, and sound effects. Production can be done in t he stations own studios or in an independent production house. Stations are usually well - equipped to produce spots, and they often employ young, creative people whose fresh ideas will keep your spots from sounding like everywhere elses. It all begins with a good script, which means not just the words, but the combination of words, music, and sound effects. All these are part of the script. Your spot can be clever or straightforward, but it must grab the listeners attention in about three seconds, and it must not leave the listener wondering, Whose spot was that, anyways? The following are some of the factors you should have in mind from the first moment you sit down to plan your spot. 1) T h eV oi c e There are two factors concerning voice. First, you should use a voice that is appropriate for your image. There are two good, low- cost options for achieving this, and one higher- cost option: a ) U s i n g l o c a l r a d i o talent b) Using an amateur voice c ) Hiring professional voice talent.

Using local radio talent

If station produces the spot, one of their on-air people risk having the voice be so familiar that the listener doesnt pay attention. If the ad runs only in drive time, one can have the mid day announcer do the honors. Get the least familiar voice available. Listeners will be less likely to tune it out. Female announcers can also be used. Studies have shown that women presenters are just as effective as men; but only a small (but increasing) percentage of all broadcast sales presentations are made by women.


Using amateur voices One great thing about radio is that even an untrained voice can be very effective. In fact, the less the voice sounds like one of the regular announcers, the better. A womans voice, a childs, or even your own can make l isteners stop and pay attentions imply because its not what theyre expecting to hear. A word of caution: Amateurs can sound stiff and false. Using professional voice talent If a very sleek production value is needed hire voice talent from another station, the local community theater or, in larger markets, from a talent agency. Celebrity voices can sometimes be hired. 2). Music The power of music cant be overemphasized. There are several options for putting music into your commercials: a) Have original music produced. b) Use free music from the stations library. c) Get permission to use an existing recording by a known artist. (But Its difficult and expensive to obtain the rights). d) Buy canned music (sound alike) in the style of many popular composers in all large markets who supply such productions for a modest charge


Selling Radio Commercial

Selling radio advertising involves a number of steps. The radio salesperson must be aware that everyone involved in the transaction is looking for different results. The media buyer is looking for efficient cost per point, while the clients goal is to move product. As all radio stations are perceived to be same it is important to build value into the radio station by offering credible benefits that produced results and solutions for prospective clients. Radio salesperson must begin with the clients needs and marketing goals. The first step in the process is to meet the client to gain as much information as possible about the client and his or her business. After the salesperson has a firm grasp of the advertising problem, the next step is to prepare a proposal. The successful ones begin with the clients problem a n d s a l e s o b j e c t i v e s a n d m o v e systematically to a solution. Often the job of the radio sales person must be conducted on a number of levels. a) An advertiser who is not currently scheduling radio may have to be convinced that the medium in general is for a particular product. b) The salesperson must move from the general advantages of radio to the advantages of specific station. c) The radio representative may have to show how radio fits into the media mix currently being used by the advertisers. Radio advertising faces challenges both from within the industry and from other media as it competes for advertising price.


Elements of good radio commercial

Be single-minded, focused. T he consumer should not be burdened with too much information. Prioritize the copy points. The central idea should be highlighted. Research your product or service. Many clients keep tabs on their competition, but related their features and benefits to factual data. Meaningful give substantial support to your message. Relate to the consumer, Always relate the brand to customers wants and needs. Generate extension The effect of a commercial can be multiplied by achieving extension. C lever phrase or execution can have consumers asking other people if they have heard the spot. Produce an immediate physical, emotional, or mental response. L a u g h t e r , a t u g o n t h e heartstrings, or mental exercises of a consumer during a radio spot help seed the memory and aid messages retention. Use plain, conversational English. Be a clear communicator.

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Creative Radio Advertising

These are some guidelines for producing creative radio advertisements:1. Understand the environment 2. Speak the listeners language 3. Engage and entertain the listener 4. Keep it simple 5. Judge what you hear, not what you read 6. Production values are important 7. Plan your production 8. Dare to be different 9. Take it seriously


Types of Radio Advertising Network

Advertiser may use one of the national radio networks to carry their messagest o t h e e n t i r e n a t i o n a l m a r k e t s s i m u l t a n e o u s l y v i a s t a t i o n s t h a t s u b s c r i b e t o t h e networks programs. Networks provide national and regional advertisers with simple administration and low effective net cost per station. The advantage is less product work and lower cost per station. D i s a d v a n t a g e i n c l u d e s l a c k o f f l e x i b i l i t y i n c h o o s i n g affiliated stations the limited no. of stations on a networks roster and the long lead times required to book time. Spot Radio Spot radio affords nationals advertisers great flexibility in their choice of markets, stations, airtime, and copy. They can tailor commercials to the local market and put them on the air quickly some stations will run a commercial with as little as20 minutes lead time. Local Radio Local times denote radio spots purchased by a local advertiser for local market. It involves the same procedure as national spots. Radio advertising is either live or taped. Most radio stations use recorded shows with live news in between. Likewise, nearly all radio commercials are pre recorded to reduce cost and maintain broadcast quality.


Sponsor Programs Here the advertiser sponsors the whole or part of the programme. The RJ informs the audience about the sponsored company throughout the programme.

RJ Mention/Whats on Mention Here the Radio Jockey [RJ] informs the audience the information given by advertiser about the new product launch, sale, exhibition going on at certain place etc


Future of Radio Industry FM Radio can play its part in building a stronger business future for India. Providing free-to-air local broadcasts of music and entertainment, helpful information traffic advisories, community announcements and public service messages provide a real value-added service.But at current levels of advertising support, each radio station is reeling under the brutal financial impact of high costs. With more players in the fray the FM radio industry would grow and also enhance the governments yield from licensing radio naturally. The new India deserves an active private FM radio sector. It can provide a level playing field with benefits for listeners, for advertisers, employment & career options. Spearhead the government objective of growing the FM radio business in India. With the government ready to reduce the license fees it will help in attracting new players like reliance which had earlier backed out only due to the entry fees. Also government allowing foreign players to enter him Indian market it will help the industryg r o w . V i r g i n g r o u p h a s a l r e a d y s t a r t e d e x p l o r i n g t h e I n d i a n m a r k e t f o r s u i t a b l e partners. Various radio stations are coming up with IPO for example Radio Mirchi thus helping them expand. T h e f u t u r e l o o k s b r i g h t a s t h e r e a c h o f r a d i o i s e x p e c t e d t o r a i s e p o s t t h e increase in the number and quality of players in the industry. It is on the basis of these key drivers of growth, it is being predicted that radio's share in the total advertising pie will see an increase in the medium term. There are an estimated 150 million radio sets across the country. The Rs 1.6 billion industry is reported to be growing by 31 percent very year and should touch the Rs 6.2 billion by 2007, with revenue rising at 23 per cent annually. Also, though radio has only a 2 per cent share in the Rs 6,000 crores Indian advertising markets, advertising spending is expected to amount to Rs 500 crore this year.



Recently, the government has agreed upon revenue-sharing model, which is 4 % for the growth of the radio stations. So that they can develop themselves well because this industry is still in an introduction stage. The success of private FM stations, and reveals that radio listenership habits have changed considerably; not only are listeners tuning into it more often but also sticking to radio for longer hours every day. Radio is considered as a background medium, because people can listen to radio anytime and anywhere they want. It is also a free medium. 90% of India has access to radio which is unmatched by any other media. Radio also reaches to uneducated village folk who do not read pri n t publications. At the places where the literacy rates are low where people hardly read newspapers and radio is the only medium that they can understand. They cant afford a TV set. Therefore radio is more popular. Radio is the least cost medium and it helps to reach mass audience with various backgrounds. Radio offers its reach frequency and selectivity at one of the lowest costs per thousand and radio production is relatively inexpensive. Radio is considered as a medium where the Proximity to purchase is very high. Radio is a complement to another media. Therefore, other media or the advertisers or agency can use this medium for brand recall.


One of the major weaknesses of Radio is that there is very less differentiation in the programmers that are aired. Most of the stations plays much of the music that is played consist of Malayalam Film songs, and there f o r e i t i s d i f f i c u l t t o differentiate between the programmers of the different channels. Fragmented Audience - the large number of the audience in India is fragmented in various remote places. And therefore, the percentage of listener tuned to anyone station is likely very small. No proper research available - research is very important for any advertising segment. Research is the main base to attract client and get more revenue.But, in India there is no proper research is available. Many stations are conducting their own research which can be biased. Radioonly nature of radio communication is a tremen d o u s c r e a t i v e compromise. An advertiser whose product depends on demonstration or visual impact is at a loss when it comes to radio. And like its radio message creates a fleeting impression that is often gone in an instant. Many advertisers think that without strong visual brand identification the medium can play little or no role in their advertising plans. Increase in listenership numbers but no increase in ad reve nue. This is the situation that every radio channel is facing.


Getting copyright licenses from the government for running mega events which are aired on the AIR radio station and have been restricted to be aired on other private stations. Launching a radio station with 24-hour news channel Tie-ups with BEST or railway authority for playing the FM in train and in bus. The launch of Private Radio FM has managed to create a set of New Listeners for the medium The new radio stations which will come in future they can have venture with the college or university campuses. And can play their station which will exclusively provide with the information relating to that university/college campus. With the coming of the many more new p layers in the radio i n d u s t r y e a c h channels can position themselves quite different from others, like, if some station is targeting the health conscious people then their programming strategy will vary accordingly. And then it is easier for the advertisers also to decide on which channel to advertise. Allowing private FM players to start news and current affairs programmers. One has to constantly innovate, and that is the challenge. Brand building is thus much more difficult. At the same time, we are very bullish, and gung-ho about this whole enterprise. Leaves huge scope for innovation in local market.


The biggest threat to private radio industry players is ALL INDIA RADIO, RED FM, CLUB FM etc. AIR is the biggest player in India because of its reach, low charges, government channel etc Because of the new government policies there will be more number of stations and then competition will also increase. This is one of the biggest threats it faces. With no particular differentiation in the music. So, there is a fear of losing its brand loyalty.


Porters five forces analysis for the media industry in India

This part is an outline of positional assessment of the media industry using porters five forces model Barrier to entry: Moderate, rules and regulations, and cost of research and development Industry competition: High, advantage gained through technology and marketing strategies Suppliers: Supplier power is high Buyers Buyerspowerishigh Substitutes Moderate


DPEST analysis on BIG FM 92.7 in Trivandrum

DPEST stands for: Demographic political, economic, social/cultural, and technological. A description of developments (known) and rising issues (unknown) which may impact on an industry/sector, Demographic The demographic of the media depends on the population residing in the locality. The age segmentation and gender segmentation, culture, etc is explained in the demographic analysis of the DPEST. The FM in Trivandrum mainly focuses on youth and middle aged people/ Political The government in Kerala has now been encouraging radio industries to broadcast their programs though out the state. The government also uses the radios channels to create public awareness through creative advertisements and programs. In fact we say the government also supports the radio industry. The main income of BIG FM 92.7 is earned through the government advertisements and programs. Economic As BIG FM 92.7 is a part of Adlabs which is a owned by Reliance the economic strength of BIG FM is much more when compared to other FM stations in Kerala. They have a good turn over and a major share of it is from the government. Social aspect FM stations play a good role in listeners now a day. BIG FM always tries to keep the social aspect in front of them and they think the social aspects are very valuable. The BIG FM only plays Malayalam songs in the Trivandrum station and they also conduct special programs for different Kerala festivals. Technological advances BIG FM 92.7 possesses almost also the new technologies available in the market. They try to change and adapt according to the changes in technology and changes in market.


Marketing mix
Marketing mix describes the specific combination of marketing elements used toachieve an organizations goal and satisfies the target market. Marketing mix is made of four Ps: Marketing mix elements are also implemented in bigfm on mass basis and the most effective of all is promotion focusing on this entire 4Ps one can grab the market and reach the desired target audience. But considering BIG 92.7 FM as a service industry it has an additional P-Physical Evidence to be also looked into. Physical evidence is something that is tangible in the product which customers can feel, as services provided by the company are intangible.

Product is a key element in market offering. A product is anything that is offered to satisfy the customers. Since radio industry is totally a different streamline, its product is nothing but customers itself. .Big92.7FM serves their clients, who are actually their customers & the only source of revenue by giving them the product called listeners. Clients are satisfied when there is maximum number of listeners, so that they can hit the audience. Big92.7FM serves two customers CLIENTSLISTENERS To grab maximum number of listeners big92.7fm try to come up with some innovations and always do things that are very local. They are trying to augment their product [MUSIC] at every stage.

Product Level
In planning its market offering, the marketers need to think through four levels of the product. Each level adds more customer value, and the four constitute of a customer value hierarchy. The most fundamental level is the core benefit that a customer is really buying. At the second level, the marketers have to turn the core benefit into a basic product. At the third level, the marketer prepares an expected product, a set of attributes and conditions buyers normally expect when they purchase this product. At the fourth level, the marketers prepare an augmented product that exceeds customers expectations. To be successful in market each company tries to serve the best to their customers and not only satisfy them but also surprise & delight them. Radio channels are no more behind in doing this and impressing their listeners and customers.


BIG92.7 FM tries to sever best through this product level

Via 1) Core Benefit: The core product served by BIGFM is Music as by other channels. 2) Basic Product: Now the basic product to be served along with music is Proper networking & frequency modulations so that core benefit (music) is available everywhere and anywhere. 3) Expected Product: Good RJs add flavor to music. So it is expected that the RJs should be good and try to be as friendly as they can be with the listeners. Also the shows are getting popular because of RJs. There should be a play list where both Old and new songs should be played. There should be news coverage and also updates of current local area situation. 4) Augmented Product: People are crazy about stars so bigfm making a note of this point came with a very new and unimaginary concept of taking stars at their fans place. This was something really great that your favorite stars land upcoming at your place.


Big92.7fm believes that the best way to hold customers is to constantly figure out how to give them more for less Since their product is listeners itself, pricing strategies are for all those who advertise on the channel. Bigfm price its effective 10-second advertising spots atRs.2000,at par with market leaders like Radio Mirchi, club fm , the rest of the FM channels charge anything between Rs 1,000 and Rs 1,500 for a 10-second slot. Big FM gives 45 lakhs weekly listeners as per Radar study. There is an average listenership of 45 minutes per day on the station. The rates are so reasonable that advertisers can afford 10 or 15 spots a day and run the campaign for 15 days or three weeks at a fraction of the cost that you will incur in print or Television. There are about more than 300 advertisers on Big FM. Today it is fashionable to be on radio. Big FM sells independently and does not offer any print package deal even though they belong to Ad labs Group they are an independent company. There is very little retail advertising on radio. More than half of the revenue comes from retail. But in Mumbai it is only 8%-10%.Currently bigfm has hiked their prices because they know that BigFM today is one of the best radio channels and they offer value to the advertisers who spend on their station. While all the other stations offer more slots and run ads for over 15 minutes, they offer ten minutes per hour on BigFM. There is huge inventory pressure on them and therefore they had to increase the ad rates. Currently, on an average, there are125 to 175 brands advertising on BigFM and are charged Rs.3000-Rs.3500.In most cases, stations offer discounts on what is on their rate cards. On an average, across the five stations, the effective ad rate going for a ten second spot would be anywhere between Rs 1000 to Rs 2000. Clients buy effective rates and they buy a combination of spots like prime time, non prime time.


Research and development:

Research is conducted every week to know exactly what the listeners actually want to lend their ears to. Hence, accordingly, they have implemented the changes in the time slots of the different shows on air. So when the advertisers want to advertise on radio, bigfm can provide them with more information and help them to decide on the time slots and frequency etc.

BigFM is currently running in both a) Metro politics b) Non-metro politics BigFM is spreading across 45cities, 1000towns & 50000villages. It is intensive in Mumbai and selective all over the country since it is established in 44cities like Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Trivandrum, Bangalore, Chandigarh, and many more. They are operating in non-metro cities also. BigFM finds advantage of running a radio station in places like Cuttack/Bhubaneswar and Rourkela as these places are very compact. Due to this compactness, station can reach out to almost anybody and everybody who lives there. No need to put too much of an effort to reach out to the people, they are easily accessible and can reach out to many districts in and around the city. Bigfm station reaches out to about 20 lakh people. Since the area is small, it is possible to get celebrities to the studios for special shows, in fact bigfm the first one in Bhubaneswar to do that. Instead of recoding the programmers with celebrities, they did the shows live, which might not have been possible in a metro city. Another advantage of operating from a small place is that can organize events easily. Have a show called Radio Orchestra, where people are performing in front of a small audience. This show is done live from various places in the city. It is easier to organize events in smaller places as compared to a metro city.


Promotion element of market mix plays a vital role. Promotion is used in hopes of influencing the recipients feelings, beliefs, or behavior through any forms of communication. BigFM uses various elements for promotion of their services vise versa; a) Advertising b) Publicity

c) Relations

d) Word of mouth

At the initial stage of its launching bigfm was much into corporate social responsibilities (CSR).The target audience at that time was the older audience. But now it has positioned itself and are currently targeting the youth between age group of 18-30.The promotional strategies are totally changed and keeps varying as per the current and local requirement. There are lots of innovations and something different is constantly innovated and worked upon. Various promotional activities are conducted by bigfm, had contracted vendors to manufacture one lakh radio sets to be distributed through contests, online merchandising & on ground activities. These will be single frequency branded radio sets so that consumers get to sample the programming of big92.7fm.Tide up with manufacturers for co-branded radio sets .Big FM has done partnership with 600-700 media & retail outlets(will promote on air)Transportation & college canteens are also potential public to carry out their promotions. With start has taken social responsibilities & now integrating its recruitment policy within its CSR initiatives. They are also planning to induct physically challenged people for copy writing etc so that their physical incompetence should not be a barrier. They have tie up with Keralas most festival like Onam, Vishu Christmas etc. On AIR do a lot of promotional contest topical, local. Olympiad contest and campaigning is the latest.


Something that is tangible is physical evidence. May be infrastructure of the company or other attractive features of the product being sold like package, color, model in case of cell phone etc. But for radio channels it is their promotional activities that show their 5Ps. Bigfm carries out many on ground activities in malls, near college campus, etc. RJs go to the malls, interact with local crowd play games and contest with them pick up people from which they are given chance to go on-air. RJs also go for lunch, dinner & movies with listeners and try to be amongst local crowd, so as to grab maximum listeners


Positioning & PLC

Normally Bigfm does everything that is local and also daily routine task of providing information regarding traffic updates especially during some chaos and during festivals. BIGFM positions itself local and undergoes small and local variations .BIGFM is undergoing a repositioning.

PLC (Product Life Cycle):

Today in such a competitive market it is very essential to run with the speed of market growth and expansion. Radio market is very fast moving and changing every day. The talks are new and gossips are countless. So considering the PLC in radio channel and its programs would be difficult. PLC of the shows is very dynamic in nature. It keeps on varying all the time. Infect bigfm always tries to do new and all local so the PLC of that new program is short lived and no sooner decline


Internal and Co-ordinate Marketing

Employee-customer mirror: The way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel. Internal marketing relates to meeting the needs of employees so that they can meet the needs of their customers. Staff must work together in a way that is aligned with the firms mission, strategy and goals. "If people are happy and satisfied, then they would be willing to walk that extra mile to create a great product. Producing a great product would impact the company's performance in a positive manner and lead to a greater employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction would lead to customer satisfaction which in turn translates into shareholder's satisfaction. So it's the whole chain and one needs to add value at each stage of this chain and having an 'Employee First Organization' culture helps to achieve that."All the radio stations are feeling the heat of retaining good talent. BIGFM says "The employees of today are not mere employees they are your partners and your associates. So there is a need to inculcate the right set of values and culture in them."So bigfm has adopted a CAFETERIA APPROACH in its remuneration policy. Cafeteria approach is where you yourself can select the salary into three categories as per your expectations

Like any other sector, radio is also feeling the heat of retaining good talent as employees are constantly poached by offering higher salaries. To tackle this issue Big92.7 FM has adopted a Cafeteria Approach in its remuneration policy. Here the employees have an option within a frame work to alter the heads under which they get their salary on a platter. This helps them to pick and choose the kind of salary structure they want as per their requirements.\The much-hyped marketing efforts need to be complemented with strong and talented workforce. And thus the role of the HR in the organization became even more proactive than before. The think tank of the human resources at Big 92.7 FM were of the firm belief that there exists a strong relation between companies who are doing well and companies which have good HR practices in place.

The specialty of bigfm is their catchy awards. Catchy stands for spontaneous recognition of someone doing something positive in terms of great contribution. Employees are being valued for their job




I did my survey randomly among government employees, drivers, and college students. I used quantitative method and for that I took 60 of their opinion for doing the research

1) Do you listen to radio?

Options YES NO

Number of respondents Percentage 50 10 80% 20%



2) What is your gender?

Gender MALE FEMALE Numbers of Respondents 30 20 Percentage 60% 40%



3) What is your age?

AGE 10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 Above 60 Number of respondents 5 15 10 5 7 3 Percentage 10.00% 30 20% 10.00% 14% 6.00%

10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 Above 60


4) What is your reason to listen to radio?

Reason News Entertainment Music Advertisements

Number of respondents 8 15 15 12

Percentage 16.00% 30.00% 30.00% 24.00%

News Entertainment Music Advertisment


5) When do you listen to radio?

Preference Home Travelling Work Anywhere Number of respondents 2 8 32 8 Percentage 4.00% 16% 64% 16.00%

Number of respondants

Home Travelling Work Anywhere


6) Do you listen to the radio while at work: daily on most days occasionally rarely/never Response

Option Daily On most days Occasionally Rarely/never

Number of respondents 32 10 5 3

Percentage 64% 20% 10% 6%

Daily On most days Occasionally Rarely/never


7) Which device do you use to listen to radio? Mobile MP3 Car stereo Radio Response Options Mobile Mp3 Car stereo Radio Number of respondents 20 7 15 8 Percentage 40% 14% 30% 16%

Mobile Mp3 Car sterio Radio


8) Which radio channel do u prefer hearing?? Radio Mirchi Club FM 94.3 BIG FM 92.7 Radio Mango 91.9

Response Number of Options respondents Mirchi 12 Club 15 BIG FM 15 Radio Mango 8

percentage 24% 30% 30% 16%

Mirchi Club BIG FM Radio Mango


9) What is your preferred time to listen 2 radio channels??? Morning Afternoon Evening Night Response Number of Option respondents Morning 16 Afternoon 10 Evening 18 Night 6

Percentage 32% 20% 26% 12%

Morning Afternon Evening Night



Do the advertisements help in awareness about the product? YES NO


Option YES NO

Number of respondents Percentage 35 70% 15 30%




Do u prefer listening to RJ talks or Music RJ Talks Music


Option RJ Talks Music

Number of respondents Percentage 28 22 56% 44%

RJ Talks Music



Does listening to radio sometimes act as interpretation to your work? Yes NO


Option YES NO

Number of respondents Percentage 20 40% 30 60%




Will u listen to FM radios if they charge you?? YES NO


Number of Option respondents YES 0 NO 45 MAY BE 5

Percentage 0% 90% 10%




Do government advertisements create awareness in you? Yes NO Sometimes


Number of Option respondents YES 34 NO 5 Sometimes 11

Percentage 68% 10% 22%

YES NO Sometimes


15) In an interview with an artist what information would you be most keen to extract? History/past Current events Future events Live Performance


Number of Option respondents Percentage History/past 8 16% Current events 20 40% Future Events 10 20% Live performance 12 24%

History/past Current events Future Events Live performance


This was what was learned during the course of the internship.

Strength 1. Radio advertising has a lot of advantages. It being cheaper than television advertising enables smaller companies to advertise through radio. 2. Radio advertising has more frequency than newspaper advertising. 3. Radio advertising is very flexible in terms of advertisement content. 4. Apart from pure advertisement in radio there are options for event branding, song tagging, RJ mentions etc. Shortcomings 1. Radio advertising is relatively new in Trivandrum and therefore it is difficult to convince clients about its advantages. 2. Secondary information about this industry in Trivandrum is very less as the industry started growing again only in the recent past. 3. Information regarding other radio stations was difficult to get.


Literature Review
The secondary data that was viewed for this report was very helpful in collecting necessary information for the report. The literature reviewed is as follows: 1. . This site contains a presentation about marketing in radio stations which was put up four years ago. It explains what all happens in a radio station in general regarding marketing. The presentation contains details about the new tools through which one can approach clients. The advantage and the use of using each of the tools are also mentioned. It also explains how one should approach a client. 2. . This is a site which contains an article based on marketing in a radio station. It was written and uploaded by Radio Active Media, radio station. It gives a brief summary about the marketing in a radio station. 3. This web site is the main website of the company. It provides details about 92.7 BIG FM. 4. this website contains details about a radio station in general. It shows RAM (Radio Audience Measurement) and mainly news. 5. A research paper on Organisation Studies done by the students of CET, Trivandrum was also viewed. This report contains details about various departments of the BIG FM, Trivandrum radio station. 6. A presentation which was made by BIG FM about their radio stations was also a major source of information. It contained details about the advantages of radio media. It also had details about what all BIG FM as a brand delivers and explains statistically how much higher a reach it has than print. It also shows statistically, the position the radio station has in various cities. It also explains how to increase the number of listeners for a radio station in detail.


A radio station has to develop various strategies to attract more clients and to maintain the existing ones. Clients are stakeholders to the company and its the responsibility of the radio station to ensure their satisfaction. Due to competition, radio stations have to develop good strategies to ensure their position in the market. Strategies to be followed by a radio station to attract more clients are: 1. The radio station has to ensure that it has good music and shows so as to increase the number of listeners for the station. This will increase the brand image of the company and create a positive effect on the minds of prospective and existing clients. 2. The strategy formed should always be focused on increasing the number of listeners and also to improve the goodwill of the radio station. 3. The existing clients have to be treated in the best possible manner and the company must ensure that they dont have any complaints. This will increase the goodwill of the company and hence attract more customers. 4. The existing customers should be given mementos and various other benefits so as to ensure their loyalty and also to build the goodwill for the company. 5. The radio is only a verbal mode of communication so to overcome this drawback the company should indulge in various branding strategies. 6. On ground events are very useful in promoting the brand of a radio station. 7. Attractive contests and events have to be organised by the company as its one of the most common to way to increase the number of listeners. 8. The company should make sure that there are no delays or any glitches when a client requires any information or anything important. A well organised marketing team would help the company increase its brand value. 9. The company should always maintain a good relationship with advertising agencies as they are one of the main sources of clients. 10.For certain clients shows will be formatted to fit their requirement and to promote the clients product or service.


Conclusions and Recommendations


Radio has many natural advantages that make it an excellent choice for advertisers and listeners. These advantage include high amount of time spent listening, superior target ability, superior listener loyalty, ad recall and message retention, and much more which can be attributed to the low cost of ownership feature of RADIO as a medium .Consumers spend 85% of their time with earoriented media, such as Radio, but spend only 15% of their time with such eye-oriented media as newspapers and magazines. Yet advertisers spend 55% of their money on eye media (print) and only45% of their money on ear media such as Radio and television. Radio's share in the total advertising budgets of companies is likely to grow from 2 per cent to 5 per cent in the next three years, with an expected growth rate of about 10 to12 per cent every year. In fact, the fortunes of radio are likely to change with the advent of private players like club fm, Radio Mirchi, Red FM etc. The opening of the FM market is a new phenomenon and the maturing of the market will take its own evolutionary path. Interestingly, the private FM players have a huge opportunity in grabbing a bigger chunk of the radio advertising pie as, despite All India Radio's enormous reach (97 per cent of the population), its revenues have declined. In such a scenario, where the cheapness of radio is likely to ensure that the bulk of radio advertisers are those that go for a one-city-localaudience strategy, greater reach may not necessarily translate into a marketing advantage. Ultimately content and packaging will be the king. However, what will spell out the difference between success and failure will be neither size nor niche. It would be just plain old quality of programming and the explosion of contests and sweepstakes offered by the Radio Stations currently. One aping the other is an honest testimonial to justify this statement. In the end Radio offers tremendous opportunities for advertisers and media planners need to explore various options by which they can effectively use radio in their media mix. Conversely, broadcasters need to develop the market by being more responsive to the advertiser's needs. This will provide an opportunity for the market to arrive at the final verdict on the effectiveness of the medium.


Steps to be followed to close a deal with a client:

1. A prospective client has to be approached with a proposal and the rates offered. This information will be carried on the company letter head. The proposal and rates can be e-mailed or handed over after taking an appointment, which ever the client prefers. Both the documents have to be prepared according to company policy and should not follow any random format. 2. Radio advertising has started growing again in the recent past only. Most of the clients will not be familiar with the terms used in the proposal. The proposal should be explained thoroughly without the client having to prompt. 3. The follow up is one of the most tedious and important part of getting a client. The marketing manager should ensure that the clients response is received as soon as possible. This should be done skilfully as the client should not think he/she is being forced into the contract. 4. There should be no confusion while making the agreement. Any type of doubt has to be cleared before entering into the agreement. 5. Negotiations are likely to take place in every deal. Every negotiation has to be approved by the marketing manager unless otherwise agreed. 6. After the client agrees to a proposal a fresh proposal containing all the changed details should be sent. The RO (Release Order) has to be taken from the client when the deal is closed. 7. The advertisement will be made either by the radio station or the client will provide their own advertisement. If the radio station is making the advertisement it has to be approved by the client before its aired on the radio. 8. The marketing manager has to ensure that the deal is fulfilled in the best possible manner. Any problem that the client faces has to be looked into and removed to the best of the companys ability. 9. Payment would be made to the radio station in advance if its a new client. Previous clients would be given more time. The payment is usually made through cheques. This would be collected either from the clients office or from the clients ad agency. 10.Stable clients should always be given better offers and incentives. This will ensure their loyalty to the company.


11.One of the most important things that should be done is to establish a relationship with the client and the advertising agency. This will help the company to get loyal clients. 12.A database containing details of all the approached clients should be maintained. 13.A post evaluation of a companys advertisement should be given to the respective client. This can be given in Power point format or a word doc format. For specific clients a log about when their advertisements were played will be given.


Important documents to be furnished while approaching a client and further entering into an agreement with a client:

1. Proposal: a format of a proposal is given below: To The Marketing Manager M/s. ABC Trivandrum PROPOSAL

Campaign Period

: 30 days


: 2666.7 secs (Average 88.8 seconds daily)

Total Package Cost

: 40,000/- + 10.3% Tax

FCT indicates the Fixed Commercial Time that ABC will avail at Rs 40,000 for a period of 30 days. The 88.8 seconds that ABC gets indicates that the company will get 9 spots (if the ad you require is of 10 seconds) per day for a period of 30 days.


The rates have been calculated at 150/ 10 seconds i.e., the package deal offer rate. Program Chart Show Name BIG Mornings (Munna) DAY MONDAYSATURDAY MONDAY-FRIDAY Timing 7AM- 11AM

Karivalayum Kanmashiyum (Parvathy) Trivandrum Talkies (Neenu) Regards, XYZ Sales Account Manager BIG 92.7 FM 8893552444





2. A document containing the rates is also important. A format of this document is given below:

To The Marketing Manager M/s. ABC Trivandrum


SL No. 1. 2. 3.

Particulars Prime time Non-prime time Package deal

Time 7AM to 11 AM and 5PM to 8 PM Includes all timings except prime time Includes both prime time and Non-prime time

Rates Rs 200/ 10 seconds Rs 140/10 seconds Rs 150/10 seconds

Prime time is the time duration when the traffic is at its peak and the number of listeners is at its maximum. The non-prime time includes more of women listeners. The package deal includes airing the ad at both prime time and non-prime time.


The spot timings can be chosen according to your convenience. Program Chart Show Name BIG Mornings (Munna)


Timing 7AM- 11AM

Karivalayum Kanmashiyum (Parvathy)


Trivandrum MONDAY2PM-5PM Talkies SATURDAY (Neenu) Regards XYZ Sales Account Manager BIG 92.7 FM 8893552444 3. A Release Order (RO) is also a very important document while closing a deal with the client. In this document all the details given in the proposal will be included. This document is received by the radio station from the client. A format of a RO is given below:


To XYZ Sales Account Manager 92.7 BIG FM This is the release order of ABC Company allowing 92.7 BIG FM to air ABC Companys creative. Release order

Campaign Period

: 30 days : 2666.7 secs (Average 88.8 seconds daily)


Total Package Cost

: 40,000/- + 10.3% Tax

The rates have been calculated at 150/ 10 seconds. The creative of ABC Company will be aired during the morning show between 7 AM and 11AM.


The Marketing Manager M/s. ABC Trivandrum


What to look for and where to find prospective clients?

1. Previous clients: A company would always maintain records about its previous clients. Their agreements should be renewed promptly. 2. Ad agencies: An ad agency is a very important source to get to a client. The company has to make a good relationship with advertising agencies to get new clients and to maintain the existing ones. 3. Listen to competition: The Company should always check the advertisers that their competition has. They should be approached as early as possible. 4. Prominent establishments: The prominent establishments of a particular region have to be targeted as they are good prospects as clients. 5. Local Television advertisements 6. Newspaper advertisements: The companies that advertise in newspapers have to be targeted. 7. Online advertising 8. Web sites 9. Theatre slides advertisements 10.Billboards 11.If the radio station enters into an agreement with a television station or a newspaper company the clients that approach them can be approached by the radio station also.



1. People should use radio advertising as their budget is low as compared to local television 2. They should have a new FM channels only for advertisement and promotion 3. If cost is lowered it can also attract middle segments people to advertise their product 4. In Trivandrum they should play more Hindi and Tamil songs to attract wider audience as Hindi and Tamil is preferred language for radio listenership 5. Despite its wide appeal, radio is the least taught and least researched by universities, and the most overlooked by advertisers and Advertising agencies.


Future prospects
The future research must or should include the ways of attracting more potential clients to the radio advertising industry and should make awareness about radio advertising using following steps: Strategies to be followed by a radio station to attract more clients are: 1. The radio station has to ensure that it has good music and shows so as to increase the number of listeners for the station. This will increase the brand image of the company and create a positive effect on the minds of prospective and existing clients. 2. The strategy formed should always be focused on increasing the number of listeners and also to improve the goodwill of the radio station. 3. The existing clients have to be treated in the best possible manner and the company must ensure that they dont have any complaints. This will increase the goodwill of the company and hence attract more customers. 4. The existing customers should be given mementos and various other benefits so as to ensure their loyalty and also to build the goodwill for the company. 5. The radio is only a verbal mode of communication so to overcome this drawback the company should indulge in various branding strategies. 6. On ground events are very useful in promoting the brand of a radio station. 7. Attractive contests and events have to be organised by the company as its one of the most common to way to increase the number of listeners. 8. The company should make sure that there are no delays or any glitches when a client requires any information or anything important. A well organised marketing team would help the company increase its brand value. 9. The company should always maintain a good relationship with advertising agencies as they are one of the main sources of clients. 10.For certain clients shows will be formatted to fit their requirement and to promote the clients product or service.


Radio marketing strategy differs from other types because of its unique forum, which requires special attention to areas otherwise thought unimportant. It is important to have an organized plan when starting any marketing project so there is a clear path to follow. So the further projects should concentrate about making the clients aware about radio advertising and their by attracting more potential clients to the radio advertising field.




Work done during Internship


Work Done
Data collection


Benefit company



Observing clients of the List of company clients


Client Meeting Hyundai)

(Hilton Field Work

Convincing client for the company

Print track

Ways of finding source of List of new source finding clients advertisement clients

Competition mapping

Observing competitors

Acquiring information about competitors

Client Meeting(Adrak ventures Field Work International)

Convincing client for the company


Print track

Ways of finding source of List of new source finding clients advertisement clients

Print track

Ways of finding source of List of new source finding clients advertisement clients Observing competitors Acquiring information about competitors Acquiring information about competitors Acquiring information about competitors

Competition mapping

Competition mapping

Observing competitors


Competition mapping

Observing competitors


Print track

Ways of finding source of List of new source finding clients advertisement clients Convincing client for the company


Client Meeting(Regional Field Work Institute of Aviation and Engineering) Competition mapping Observing competitors


Acquiring information about competitors


Competition mapping

Observing competitors

Acquiring information about competitors


Technical training

Training by station engineer about how a radio station works Observing competitors Acquiring information about competitors


Competition mapping


Print track

Ways of finding source of List of new source finding clients advertisement clients


Print Track, Competition mapping, Data collection and client meeting where the important functions done during the internship. Print Track: Keeping track of advertisements that appear in hard copies like newspapers and magazines etc this is an example of print track record made by me

SL NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Name Of Advertisements Heera Homes Maths Made Easy Nehru Group Of Institution Mahindra 2 wheelers Rose Opticals Kosamattam Finance Venkita rao's Silks Travancore Engineering College Amity Global Business School Ocean Gems and Pearls Curry Chatty Gateway Acer Mahindra ACME Fitness Trinity College Of Engineering Nippon Toyota SFShomes Style Spa Style Plus Saffola

Category Real Estate Education Education Automobile Opticals Financing Textiles Education Education Ornaments Hotel Laptops Automobile Fitness Education Automobile Real Estate Furniture Lifestyle Food 96

Address MP Appan Road, Vazhuthacaud ,TVM Neerazhi Lane, NLRA372, Ulloor Ground Floor, Annas Arcade, Spencer Junction MSN automobiles, Kaimanam Statue & Vellayamballam Market Jnct, ML Road, Kottayam Pazhavangadi, Trivandrum Kallamballam Trivandrum Skyline Platinum, Rajaji Road, Kochi Keston Road, Opp.Style Plus, Kowdiyar, TVM Thycaud,Trivandrum LR Infotrch TVS&SONS LTD,Trivandrum Trinity Hills, Poovada,Naruvamoodu,TVM NH47, Bypass,Attinkuzhi,Kazhakkoottam,TVM Opp.Cyber Palms, Near Infosys Campus,TVM Leela Plaza,Ulloor,Medical College Keston Road,Kowdiyar, TVM

21 22 23 24 25

Confident Group Desai Homes Josco Jewellers Southern Investments Peninsular Honda

Real Estate Real Estate Ornaments Real Estate Automobile

Confident House,Opp.UPS Kumarapuram Medical college TVM "Lekha",kuravankonam, Kowdiyar P.O,TVM East Fort TVM Jawahar Nagar, Kowdiyar, TVM NH-47, Kazhakuttam, TVM

Competition Mapping: Keeping track of advertisements which are played in other radio stations
RED FM 93.50 Advertisements Name Skoda Kerala lottery monsoon bumper Saffola oats Achas Color lab Indian Air force recruitment Maharajs jewellary Subbaya jewellary Natura spa Reginional institute of Aviation DNB Kids and footwear Ramachandra textiles Ahalia eye hospital Rs Fashions BSNL video calling Health Department Muthoot Mini Durthishwasa Nidhi BSNL Internet Sherlon Mattress Double horse New Indian Express Belovita Energy Capsule Category Automobile Government Food & Beverages studio Government Jewellary Jewellary Spa Education Childrens Clothings Health Lifestyle Government Government finance Government Communication Home appliances Food & Beverages Media Medical 97 Club FM 94.30 Advertisements Name DDRC s Pops organic green tea Hyundai exchange Star health insurance Kerala lottery dhanasree lottery UK agencies Electricals Pothens Hyundai Chungath jewellars MGP Clutch brake Karunya lottery Allapat jewellerss Mathrubhumi vidya Paramounts studio Reginional institute of Aviation Health department adv. Achas color lap Saraswathy college of nursing Double horse Money gram Divayamrith Nazzz Manjali jewelers Category Health Food & beverages Automobile Insurance Government Electricals And appliances Automobiles Jewellary Automobile Lottery Jewellary Education Studio Education Government Studio Education Sponsor Finance Health Lifestyle Jewellary


Al-manama Textiles Rainbow jewelers

Lifestyle Jewellary

Road safety dept Mohandas motors Rose and colors Thiruvonnam bumper Potheys Skyline builders TMT steels

Government Automobile Lifestyle Lottery Lifestyle Construction Construction

Data collection: Keeping track of advertisements appearing in internet; mainly done for advertisements from government
Client name)* (Last



Company Name*



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum

Agriculture Department Coastal Shipping and Navigation Department Inland

Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Supplies Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum

Jyothilal Kurian Kumar Gopala Menon Mohanan Sreekantan Nair Garg Latha Kumar Mohan Jyothilal Shajahan IAS Jameela Abraham Peter

Secretary Principal Secretary Secretary Secretary Director Director Secretary (Expenditure) Director Secretary Additional Chief Secretary Secretary Director Director Principal Secretary Principal Secretary

Consumer Affairs Department Co-operation Department Cultural Affairs Department Environment Department Finance Department Fisheries Department Food & Civil Department

Forest & Wild Life Department General Administration Department General Education Department Health & Family Welfare Department Higher Education Department Home Department


16 17 18 19 20

Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum Trivandrum

Housing Department Information and Public Relations Department Department of Industries & Commerce Information Technology Department Labour & Rehabilitation

Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum Secretariat,Trivandrum

Kariyil Firoz Ashok (IAS) Prasad X

Director Director Director Director Secretary

Client Meeting: To conduct meetings with potential clients and convincing them to put up an advertisement in the radio and making them aware about radio advertising for example there were meeting I conducted with GM Hilton Hyundai for the purpose of promoting their company through radio by giving advertisements. There was also meeting with Manjali Jewellers one of the popular jewellery shop in Trivandrum in order to give a promotion about their anniversary and their by attracting public through promotional gifts that the radio will give to its listeners which were sponsored by the jewellery.


1. . This site contains a
presentation about marketing in radio stations which was put up four years ago. 2. . This is a site which contains an article based on marketing in a radio station. It was written and uploaded by Radio Active Media, radio station.

3. 4.

Interview 1. Nashid N. Station Head 92.7 BIG FM, Trivandrum

2. Arun Kumar, Marketing Executive BIG FM 92.7 3. Arjun Ravindran, Marketing Executive BIG FM 92.7

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