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What was the importance of Nubia (in its broadest geographical and historical sense, including Meroe) in the

ancient world. A lot what I have been reading up till in the text of the course and in the handbooks show in many ways the importance of Nubia for not only to Ancient Egypt but other states in the ancient world as well. I think of the next subjects (not included religion, art or language of the Meroitic period but they may possible have any importance as well): 1. First of all trade in general. Nubia was the centre of trade from early of times; from south to north (from upper Nubia to lower Nubia and Egypt) and from Egypt to at least Lower Nubia. Not only from the beginning of the old kingdom (think about Harkuf and the trade routes to Yam etc in the 6th dynasty) but trading was big business all through Egyptian and Nubians history. Even in the time of the Kingdom of Meroe there was trade with the south of Sudan and ancient Egypt as well with the Mediterranean. The Nile as an geographical element was also an important factor in the trade; goods were transported over the Nile. Even fortresses were build by the Egyptians to keep a safe trading route during the Middle kingdom. 2. Exotic goods Exotic goods were traded ; from the deepest south from Africa came exotic goods like ivory and ostrich feathers and these items were traded via Upper Nubia to for instance Lower Nubia. The Viceroys in their turn used these products as tribute. So indirect the Egyptians wealth kept updated by this goods. Another exotic good is the elephant; this elephant was used in wars; Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt (and perhaps also the Carthaginians) used them and they were obtained from the Sudan (Buttana region) and brought into Meroitic territory.

Relief showing a Meroitic king riding an elephant, Musawwarat.

3. Gold was needed for the Egyptian pharaohs and Nubia had perfectly good goldmines. Most of the gold in the New Kingdom came from Wawat (less from Kush); mines in Wadi Allaqi and Wadi Cabgaba, more than hundred mines scattered over the eastern dessert about 150 miles from the Nile away. Gold from Kush came from the district of Duweishat close to the Nile and a few miles upstream from Semna. Gold was needed for ancient Egypt for building, luxury objects and trade with other foreign states. 4. Other goods like stone (diorite) was carried from Nubia to Egypt and copper(mining). Both products were needed for buildings in Egypt and statues for the king. 5. In Meroitic times the desert road called Korosko road became a main link between Central Sudan and the Mediteranean world. It became in the last century BC the main economic link between Sudan and Egypt, it shortened the distance to Egypt by more than half as well as avoiding the worst navigational hazards of the Middle Nile. Meroe became a staging area for the caravan trade and thus also a link with other cultures than Egypt.

The Meroitic empire in the third century AD

6. A lot of Greek and Roman products are found in the graves during the Meroitic period. Especially trade with the Romans was in a later development of Meroitic times when there was a reoccupation of Lower Nubia and the Batn el Hajar. Caravan trade made possible the extension of settlement and civilizations into the steppe lands beyond the Nile in the same period when the conquest of Alexander the Great was bringing Egypt into alignment with the network of Hellenistic maritime trade. So in this way there was contact with a lot of foreign states. 7. Nubian craftsmen and laborers were exploited and what is also important are the Nubian soldiers who were hired to fight against the Egyptian enemies. 8. Another important factor I think is the factor friend or foe; When the Hyksos were in charge in Egypt they tried to persuade the Kushites to fight with them against the Egyptians (foe of Egypt, friend of Hyksos). On the other hand when Egypt during the New Kingdom was not united anymore (states fighting against each other) the Kings of Nubia protected Thebes. This led to a reunited Egypt (friend of Egypt).

If you read the subjects as described above you can fairly say that Ancient Nubia with all his inhabitants/culture and its development directly or indirectly contributed to a wealthy and prosperous ancient Egypt and other states of the ancient world as well. Yvonne Buskens Sources; Williams Y. Adams Nubia Corridor to Africa Bruce Trigger Nubia under the pharaohs Derek A. Welsby The Kingdom of Kush

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