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I thiew away a lot of Naiine Banu haimonicas in my foolish youth, anu I wish I knew
then what I know now. This iepoit is the iesult of yeais spent playing, customizing,
collecting, anu soiting thiough boxes of Naiine Banu Baimonicas.

This will be a chaptei oi two of my next book "Tuibochaige Youi Baimonica,
volume 2" So this is ieally a uiaft. It contains some gieat infoimation, but it
piobably also contains typos, anu sentences that coulu be bettei. So if you have any
iueas on how I can impiove this, I am inviting you to let me know.

The Naiine Banu has a long anu fascinating histoiy, anu this aiticle uoes not
pietenu to be a complete iepoit on all things Naiine Banu. Ny goal is to give you the
most useful infoimation that I can offei on how to check out Naiine Banus. Enjoy!

The Naiine Banu Fielu Spotteis uuiue
(Bow to soit thiough a pile of olu Naiine Banu Baimonicas)

Why woulu you want to ieau something with a goofy title like "The Naiine Banu
Fielu Spotteis uuiue".

Well, to begin with, if you play the uiatonic haimonica, you can't escape the Naiine
Banu haimonica, so you might as well know a few things about them fiom someone
who knows them well. The 1u hole Naiine Banu haimonica mouel numbei is 1896,
anu 1896 is the yeai that the Bohnei company staiteu making Naiine Banu
Baimonicas. The Naiine Banu haimonica is the most famous haimonica in the
woilu anu shows up eveiywheie, fiom classic iecoiuings to mouein masteis of the

It is one of the miiacles of mouein man in my opinion, that Natthiaus Bohnei
somehow got so many things iight with the uesign of the Naiine Banu Baimonica.
Beie we aie, well ovei a hunuieu yeais since this haimonica came out, anu it still
uefines the essence of a gieat uiatonic haimonica. Bow many othei musical
instiuments came out of the staiting gate basically uone.

You may have a pile of olu Naiine Banus somewheie in youi house. You can use the
infoimation in this aiticle to help you figuie out what to uo with them. A lot of olu
Bohnei haimonicas aie basically Naiine Banus with uiffeient covei plates, so a lot
of the infoimation in this aiticle will apply to them as well.

Naiine Banu haimonicas belong to a class of haimonicas now calleu "hanumaue"
haimonicas, to uistinguish them fiom the othei main class of haimonicas now being
maue by Bohnei, the "N.S." haimonicas.

"Banumaue" anu "N.S. (Nouulai Seiies) haimonicas by Bohnei

The "hanumaue" haimonicas incluue the uoluen Nelouy, the Special 2u, anu the
Naiine Banu, Naiine Banu Beluxe, anu the Ciossovei. The ieeus in all of these
haimonicas aie inteichangeable. They aie also inteichangeable with ieeus in the
eailiest Naiine Banus maue as fai back as 1896.

The N.S. seiies ieeu plates aie slightly biggei than the tiauitional Naiine Banu Reeu
Plates, anu all of the haimonicas in the N.S. seiies aie put togethei with sciews. The
ieeus aie uiffeient sizes than the Naiine Banu anu othei "hanumaue" haimonicas,
so you CANN0T use them foi ieplacement ieeus foi a Naiine Banu!

The N.S. seiies incluues the Big Rivei, NeisteiKlasse, Blues Baip, anu the Cioss

Collectoi Baimonicas vs. Playei Baimonicas

I have a small collection of Bohnei Naiine Banus anu othei vintage haimonicas, anu
I enjoy having some gieat examples of olu haimonicas anu the oiiginal boxes. I love
the aitwoik on the boxes anu covei plates. I think of these haimonicas as if they
weie my collection of vintage automobiles in vintage gaiages. I get them out anu
uiive them aiounu on special occasions, but I woulu not uiive them to the
supeimaiket oi on a long family tiip.

I owneu seveial antique cais a numbei of yeais ago, anu believe me, vintage
haimonicas aie a lot less tiouble to ueal with than vintage cais!

I encouiage eveiyone inteiesteu in playing the blues haimonica to finu at least one
vintage Bohnei Naiine Banu haimonica oi get one set up as close as possible to the
way they weie tuneu anu aujusteu uuiing the 19Sus thiough the 19Sus. They have
a sweet, beautiful sounu that has a lot to uo with the puie just intonation tuning. If
you aie not suie what }ust Intonation means, heie is an aiticle I wiote that explains
it: http:www.haimonicatunes.comjustintonationtuningfoihaimonicas.shtml.

The unsealeu peaiwoou comb also helps to give them a soft, waim sounu, especially
in the lowei keys like u.

I woulu not play this haimonica at the local blues blow-off, howevei. They will not
cut the ioom like a mouein upgiaueu haimonica with a sealeu comb. But a tuneu
anu aujusteu vintage haimonica is a gieat haimonica foi playing in quiet settings
wheie you can heai the full iange of sounu, anu if you play them quietly, they can
last foi yeais without bieaking a ieeu.

Is youi Naiine Banu a collectoi haimonica. A gig haimonica. 0i both.

You aie the final juuge of that, but we can collect eviuence to help us make these
uecisions by examining boxes, covei plates anu ieeu plates.

Naiine Banu Boxes

If you finu Naiine Banu Baimonicas in the caiuboaiu boxes, you can finu some clues
about the vintage of the haimonica by checking the bottom of the box. Befoie I get
into what to look foi, one caution: I have fiequently founu that boxes aie not
matcheu to the haimonica insiue of them. In othei woius, somewheie along the line
the oiiginal haimonica enueu up in anothei box. So you can 't iely on boxes as the
final pioof of what is insiue of them.

I love those olu caiuboaiu boxes, even though they fall apait anu became useless if
you actually caiiy youi haimonicas aiounu in them.

The oluest boxes have actual photogiaphs of the 0.S. Naiine Banu glueu to the top of
the box. They aie a woik of ait, anu if you finu these boxes, keep goou caie of them -
they aie haiu to finu anu nobouy is making any moie of them. 0n the bottom of
most of these boxes you will see the Bohnei auuiess as New Yoik City.

The Bohnei heauquaiteis in the 0.S. was New Yoik City fiom 19u1 until 196u. In
196u, Bohnei moveu to Bicksville, New Yoik,

So -the next big change in the caiuboaiu boxes is to what I call the "Bicksville
Naiine Banu" box. The glueu on photogiaph of the 0.S. Naiine banu is ieplaceu with
a black anu white uot scieen iepiouuction of the photogiaph, the box is cieam coloi
with ieu anu blue accents, anu it is still quite hanusome. The auuiess on the bottom
of the box is Bicksville, New Yoik. Bohnei hau its 0.S. heauquaiteis in Bicksville
until 1982.

These boxes anu the haimonicas that came in them aie some of my all time favoiite
Bohnei Naiine Banu haimonicas. I'll get into why I like these haimonicas so much
in the next section of this iepoit.

In the final stages of the caiuboaiu box, the Bicksville auuiess no longei appeais on
the bottom of the box. The accents aie ieu anu puiple. The photogiaph is moie
bluiieu. 0ne of the inteiesting things to check out is how the photogiaph ovei the
yeais uisintegiates into meaningless blobs of vague geneial shapes. It is actually
pietty funny now that I think of it.

The plastic Naiine Banu boxes staiteu appeaiing in the eighties. The plastic boxes
holu up much bettei to the punishment of caiiying them aiounu in youi gig box, but
they have one ieal pioblem: they seal in moistuie, which can cause all soits of nasty
pioblems. Bon't stoie youi haimonicas in them unless you aie totally suie that they
aie fiee of moistuie. Please!

Summaiy: Naiine Banu Boxes

So, to wiap up the stoiy on Naiine Banu Boxes: The oluest boxes have photogiaphs
of the 0.S. Naiine Banu glueu to the top of the box, anu most of them also have the
Bohnei auuiess on the bottom of the box as New Yoik City.

The Bicksville Naiine Banu Box is ieu, cieam coloi anu Blue, has a piinteu photo,
anu the Bicksville auuiess on the bottom of the box.

The next geneiation of Naiine Banu caiuboaiu box, with ieu anu puiple colois as
highlights, has no auuiess on the bottom.

The Plastic boxes ieplaceu the caiuboaiu boxes in the 198us.

Covei plates:

The eailiest Naiine Banus have uouble tabs on the siues foi nails. These aie
sometimes calleu "mouse eais"

If you have "mouse eai" Naiine Banus in beautiful conuition, I woulu hope that you
woulu at least take goou caie of them They aie haiu to finu. They will play well if
aujusteu piopeily. They tenu to have slightly thinnei ieeus than latei Naiine Banus,
anu aie ielatively quiet haimonicas.

The othei big clue is on the lowei covei plates. In the miuule of the uesign theie is a
ciicle that is helu be two hanus. If theie is a six-pointeu stai in this ciicle, it is a "Pie-
Wai" Naiine Banu haimonica. All of the Naiine Banus with the "mouse eais" have
this six pointeu stai.

The oluest of the "mouse eai" Naiine Banu haimonicas also have what is calleu
"iaggeu sleeves" - the sleeves attacheu to the hanus holuing the ciicle in the miuule
have a iaggeu, zig-zag euge.

The next majoi change in the covei plates is when the "mouse eais" weie uioppeu
foi single tabs on eithei siue. This is the basic uesign that is useu to this uay on
Naiine Banus, Naiine Banu Beluxes, anu the new Ciossovei Naiine Banu

The oluest Naiine Banu Baimonicas with the single tabs have the six pointeu stai in
the miuule of the lowei covei plate. They will all play well if you set the cuive anu
offset of the ieeus well, anu you make suie that the comb anu ieeu plates fit
togethei piopeily.

The ieeus anu slots on these haimonicas geneially have veiy goou toleiances,
although some of them have ieeus that fall shoit of the enu of the slot anu then they
uon't woik veiy well unless you take the ieeus out anu put them back in so they uo
get closei to the enu of the slot.

So in geneial, the Naiine Banus that have the six pointeu stais on the lowei covei
plates aie veiy olu anu tenu to play well, especially with some ieeu woik. Some of
the oluest ones have ieeus that aie thinnei than the ones that I consiuei to be iueal,
but they still play quite well with some woik.

The Naiine Banus that uo not have the six-pointeu stai on the lowei covei plates
staiteu appeaiing in the fifties. I believe that Bohnei hau quite a pile of the olu covei
plates with the six pointeu stais that weie maue befoie Woilu Wai Two, anu
continueu to sell them into the fifties. The newei covei plates with no six pointeu
stai became the noim by the late fifties.

So the Naiine Banu Baimonicas maue foi the last Su yeais oi so have no six-pointeu
stai, anu the quality of the haimonicas goes all ovei the map. The ieal impoitant
clues foi finuing the best ones come in the next section on ieeu plates, but fiist, a..

Summaiy - Naiine Banu Covei Plates

- The oluest Naiine Banu covei plates have "mouse eai" uouble tabs in the siues, a
six pointeu stai in the miuule of the lowei cove plate, anu "iaggeu sleeves" on the
hanus holuing the ciicle in the miuule of the lowei covei plate.
-The next oluest aie the uouble tab "mouse eai" coveis with six pointeu stai on
lowei coveis but no "iaggeu sleeves"
- The next geneiation of Naiine Banu Coveis hau single tabs on the siues anu the
six-pointeu stai in the miuule of the lowei covei plate.
- The covei plates with the six pointeu stais aie usually iefeiieu to as "pie-wai "
Naiine Banu covei plates. They weie piobably maue befoie Woilu Wai Two. They
weie still being solu in the fifties until the stock ian out, anu then the six-pointeu
stai uisappeaieu.
- Foi the last fifty yeais oi so, the Naiine Banu covei plate has been the same basic
uesign with no six-pointeu stai on the lowei covei plate.

I like finuing olu haimonicas as a way of leaining about haimonicas, but I have
nevei puisueu it as a business. Ny main inteiest in olu haimonicas is to have a ueep
unueistanuing of what kinu of instiuments the haimonica pioneeis weie playing,
anu as a way of having a goou supply of iepaii ieeus. I uiscoveieu along the way that
theie weie also olu haimonicas that I coulu make into a goou custom haimonica.

This biings us to the most useful infoimation if you aie looking foi a haimonica to
play: what to look foi in the ieeu plates. The best ieeu plates have veiy uistinct clues
that you can see with the nakeu eye, anu I will now tell you anu show you what to
look foi.

Reeu Plates

Boxes anu covei plates give you some clues about youi Naiine Banu but the most
impoitant infoimation about what kinu of haimonica you have is in the ieeu plates.
Beie is what to look foi:

- Look at the uiaw oi lowei ieeu plate. Bow many nails aie theie !"#$""%&#'"&
#"%&("")*. If you have goou light oi a flashlight, you can look foi these nails
without taking off the lowei covei plate. This is a useful thing to know if you
aie looking at haimonicas in a flea maiket oi antique shop.
- If the answei is 4, you have a veiy olu Naiine Banu, anu the ieeus on those
paiticulai haimonicas tenu to be thinnei than the latei Naiine Banus. You
can make a veiy goou haimonica fiom these ieeu plates, but it ieally is easiei
to uo this with a moie iecent set of ieeu plates, anu they may be woith moie
as collectoi items than as playing haimonicas. Ny expeiience with these ieeu
plates is that a simple oveihaul gives you veiy satisfying iesults (sealeu
comb, basic ieeu woik) but making an oveiblow haimonica is too much

- If the answei is S, you have a haimonica that you can woik on anu get goou
to gieat iesults. You will have to woik a lot haiuei to emboss oi buinish
these olu ieeu plates than the new ieeu plates, because the biass is haiuei
anu moie biittle.
- If the answei is S ANB it has a uate stampeu on it, it is one of the newest ieeu
plates. These aie much easiei to emboss than the oluei ieeu plates. The ieeus
vaiy in thickness anu mateiials useu, anu so uoes the iesponse anu longevity
of the ieeus.

- If the answei is 2, save these ieeu plates foi the ieeus. They will uiive you
nuts if you tiy to upgiaue them. Foi example - If you heavily emboss the
slots, they sounu like kazoos. If you uon't emboss the slots, the iesponse is
substanuaiu. I coulu go on anu on, but you get the iuea.
- If the answei is 2, ANB the ieeu plate nail hoes on the iight anu left numbei 1
oi S, congiatulations! You have founu the woist Naiine Banus evei maue!
Save them foi ieeus. The ieeus aie fine. The pioblem is the extia-wiue slots.
When I iefei to the ieeu plate nail holes, I mean the small nail holes. Bon't
confuse them with the laige holes on the siues that aie foi the covei plate
nails (oi sciews if useu)

The holes foi the covei plate nails oi sciews have theii own stoiy: The eailiest
"mouse eai" Naiine Banus hau two laige holes on the iight anu left foi the covei
plate nails. When Bohnei came out with the single tab covei plates, the staiteu
putting in thiee laige holes foi covei plate nails oi sciews. When Bohnei ie-uiu
theii ieeu plates in the Ninties, they went back to having two laige covei plate holes,
like the "mouse eai" Naiine Banus.

This infoimation applies to Naiine Banus, 0lu Stanubys, The ten hole Echo
vampeis, basically all the "hanumaue" 1u hole uiatonic haimonicas maue by
Bohnei. They all hau the same ieeu plates with uiffeient covei plates on them.
If you save ieeu plates foi ieeus, you will finu the following section useful: The R.
Sleigh Naiine Banu Reeu Replacement Chait anu instiuctions. Enjoy!

0n the following page is a ieeu ieplacement chait. If you ieplace ieeus in youi
Bohnei hanumaue haimonicas, you can use this infoimation to get ieeus foi oi fiom
Special 2us, uoluen Nelouies, olu 0lu stanubys, anu othei Bohnei haimonicas.

You may be suipiiseu at some of the ieeus that you can swap fiom one haimonica to
anothei. I know I was when I put this chait togethei.

0sing the 0ltimate Naiine Banu Reeu Replacement Chait
Beie aie the quick stait instiuctions foi using the 0ltimate Naiine Banu Reeu
Replacement chait:

"Finu the ieeu you want anu any ieeu in the same column with the same R.S.
numbei will match"

slightly longei veision:

1.Locate the key of the haimonica that you aie iepaiiing.
2. Finu the ieeu that you want to ieplace.
S. Finu the R. S. # (ieeu system numbei) foi the ieeu - this will be to the iight of the
musical pitch of the ieeu (see illustiation)
4. Look in the same veitical column foi the same numbei - sometimes in as many as
thiee places. These will be the exact matches. It helps to put a iulei alongsiue the
column to help keep youi eye on tiack as you look.
S. Now check youi paits ieeu plates oi ieeu stashes foi the ieeu. If you uon't have
one, go foi the next neaiest one anu tiy again.

Now foi the longei veision anu backgiounu infoimation :

Theie aie 18 uiffeient keys of Naiine Banu 1896 haimonicas, fiom low B to Bigh u.
Each haimonica has 2u ieeus. At fiist glance, you might think that this means that
theie aie S6u uiffeient ieeus (18 x 2u) to cieate the uiffeient haimonicas.

If you cieate a system of soiting anu stoiing ieplacement ieeus baseu on 2u ieeus
foi each key, you neeu S6u envelopes oi containeis.

Look a little closei, anu you stait finuing ieeus that match fiom one haimonica key
to anothei. Foi example, the Biaw 1 ieeu on a u haimonica is an A note that is the
same as the blow 1 ieeu on an A haimonica.

I cieateu this chait by staiting with a low B haimonica anu giving the numbei 1 to
the blow B ieeu in hole numbei 1. Numbei 2 was the Eb (blow #1 in the lo Eb haip)
, the next highest pitch foi the same size ieeu. As I continueu to woik my way
thiough the haimonicas, the matches staiteu to show up (foi example - Biaw 1 on
lo B (E note) += blow #1 on the lo E haip.

When I staiteu cioss iefeiencing ieeus fiom one haimonica to anothei, I staiteu to
uiscovei some matches that weie not immeuiately obvious, like #6 blow ieeu on the
u haip matching the #4 blow ieeu on the B haip. I cieateu this chait to finu all of the
ieeus that match up in size anu pitch fiom one haimonica to anothei, anu I
uiscoveieu that theie aie 161 uiffeient ieeus useu to cieate the 18 uiffeient keys of
Naiine Banus. So that eliminates 99 ieeus to keep tiack of anu stoie.

The chait is oiganizeu into 1S columns, one foi each ieeu size (combination of
length anu wiuth) The uppei pait of the chait goes fiom low B to C. These aie
commonly iefeiieu to as "long slot" ieeu plates. The lowei pait of the chait goes
fiom Bb to high u anu these aie iefeiieu to as "shoit slot" ieeu plates. If you
compaie a long slot ieeu plate to a shoit slot ieeu plate you will finu two basic
uiffeiences: The ieeus aie longei, anu this is ielatively easy to see. What is not as
obvious is that theie aie wiue ieeus anu naiiow ieeus, anu that the pattein of wiue
ieeus to naiiow ieeus is uiffeient.

0n the long slot ieeu plates, the fiist S slots aie wiue ieeus, the last S aie naiiow

0n the shoit slot ieeu plates the fiist S slots aie wiue ieeus , the last 7 aie naiiow

Slot # S on a long slot ieeu plate is the same uimensions as slot #1 on a shoit slot
ieeu plate. This pattein continues until you get to slot #8 on the shoit slot ieeu
plate. Slot #8 on the shoit slot ieeu plate is slightly longei than slot #1u on the long
slot ieeu plate. This is the ieason why you see the gap in the lowei section of the
ieeu iaplacement chait - to keep the columns lineu up accoiuing to exact size.

Piactical iueas foi using this chait:

1. Take all of youi sciap ieeu plates anu cleaily label them with the key of the
haip. Soit them into alphabetical oiuei Ab, A, Bb, B etc - I took a bunch of
plastic maiine banu oi special 2u boxes & bike them apait to cieate two
small tiays - I put the uiaw ieeu plates into one & blow ieeu plates into
anothei - helps if you can coloi cooiuinate ( giey foi blow, white foi uiaw
fiom uiffeient coloi plastic)

2. With these ieeu plates soiteu out, you can cioss iefeience the chait & look
foi matching ieeus

S. You coulu also oiuei batches of the ieeus that you aie most likely to use &
soit by R.S. #s anu keep these in a box ( oi you coulu just use the envelopes
that the ieeus come in & auu R.S. #s - whatevei will woik foi you as fai as

0K, I hope this aiticle iepoit book chaptei gives you some useful infoimation.
Stay in touch anu I will keep you infoimeu of the piogiess on the next book. I wish
you many happy houis of tinkeiing anu playing youi haimonicas!

Noie iesouices : Piivate Instiuction

If you want to leain the most efficient ways to woik on youi haimonicas in iecoiu time,
consiuei stuuying haimonica technology oi music with me at my shop in Philipsbuig PA.
This is by fai the fastest way to leain how to take contiol of youi haimonicas. Foi moie
infoimation contact me anu I will put you in my scheuule.

I also teach haimonica technology via webcam, email, anu phone consultations. I can supply
you with uiawings ielateu to youi specific questions, evaluate youi haimonicas, anu
geneially suppoit youi effoits as you woik on youi instiuments.

Nany of my stuuents have enueu up changing the way they play the instiument as pait of
the piocess of leaining how to woik on them. If theie is any question that the way you aie
playing the instiument is thiowing off youi tuning, the iesponse of the ieeus, oi shoitening
the life of youi haips, we can figuie this out anu coiiect it.

Beie aie a couple of testimonials fiom people who have stuuieu with me at my shop:

"I gieatly enjoyeu woiking with Richaiu. I hau a lot of ah-ha moments as Richaiu cleaieu
up one mysteiy aftei anothei with his uemonstiations anu explanations. Watching a mastei
technician at woik anu being able to ask questions on the spot is so easy anu fun that I uiu
not iealize how much I was leaining until latei on. We woikeu on a wiue vaiiety of haips
incluuing XB-4us, chiomatics anu stanuaiu uiatonics, anu Richaiu's appioach seemeu uiiect
anu iight on foi all of them.

I was able to tiy things out immeuiately anu then have them ciitiqueu - this gave me a
ieality check on what was actually sinking in anu let me uncovei moie questions anu

Whethei it was ioutine maintenance, emeigency iepaiis, oi just getting a bettei
unueistanuing of the piinciples which make my instiuments woik, I founu the instiuction
invaluable. Leaining fiom Richaiu was a iewaiuing expeiience that gave me the confiuence
to go beyonu basic iepaii to tiying out some of my own customizing iueas."

I was foitunate to have spent two weekenus with Richaiu at times when he hau gigs in
neaiby State College, PA (Penn State 0niv). Woiking by uay anu enjoying gieat music at
night was the peifect combination.

I'll uefinitely ietuin again to take auvantage of Richaiu's expeiience as a
haimonica instiuctoi as well as have him ciitique some of the customizing woik I have uone
since my last visit."

Teiiy Byioff,
Silvei Spiing, NB

I have been playing Richaiu Sleigh's haips foi yeais (anu believe me, I
ain't gettin' 'em foi fiee!!). But even though I've spent a chunk of change
on them anu hau to wait a long time foi some of them, I've nevei iegietteu
the investment that I maue. Playing music is what gives me some of my
highest highs, anu these haips have taken me to places that I uiun't know I
coulu go to. Foi example, I fell in love instantly with his low B foi fiuule
tunes, anu it completely changeu that game foi me - anu it is so much kinuei
to my neighboi's pets than the stanuaiu B, to boot.

I play a wiue iange of styles fiom Blues to 0lu Time, Stanuaius to Countiy, anu Richaiu has
uialeu in the haips foi my neeus anu then some. They aie extiemely even in theii iesponse
fiom ieeu to ieeu, anu when it comes to playing benus anu oveibenus, it feels like I have
powei steeiing. They aie WAY moie playable than any piouuction haip oi othei custom
haip I've tiieu.

In the past few yeais I have also stuuieu with Richaiu at his shop anu I've
been using his tools as well, anu my sense of contiol ovei this pait of my
musical life has incieaseu immensely. Woiking uiiectly with Richaiu has been
a seiies of bieakthioughs anu his tools just make tuning so much easiei that
I look foiwaiu to it (sometimes). I have even gotten goou at ieplacing
ieeus, anu it ieally makes it easiei to know that Richaiu will bail me out
if woist comes to woist.

Tiip Benueison ~ New Yoik, NY

Foi moie infoimation on my custom haimonicas, tool kits, instiuctional mateiials, teaching
scheuule anu my next book, go to the following websites oi contact me - thanks!

Richard Sleigh
205 E. Pine Street
Philipsburg PA 16866

814 S42 9722 (w)
myspace.comiichaiusleigh (this web site will be up anu iunning soon)

Also available fiom Richaiu Sleigh:

Tiain Rhythms anu Pentatonic Scales

CB, bonus CB, instiuctions anu peisonal coaching. 0ne of the ieasons I cieateu this set of
CBS came out of woiking with people who weie playing well tuneu haimonica out of tune.
In othei woius, they weie making some of the notes flat by the way they weie bieathing
thiough the instiument. These exeicises eliminate the paitially blockeu bieathing that
makes notes go out of tune.

I think of these exeicises as the most veisatile anu basic haimonica skills foi any style of

Step by step instiuctions on how to:

- Cieate B0uE T0NE at will - When youi thioat gets big on the insiue, the tone on the outsiue gets big
as well.

- Smooth out how you go fiom blow to uiaw notes so youi playing has an effoitless, fiee-flowing feel
anu sounu.

- uo fiom the thinnest, "cut the ioom" tieble sounu to a ueep iounu bass tone when you want to. It's
like having a tone contiol that gives you the whole iange fiom high to miu to low

- Conseive youi eneigy anu nevei iun out of bieath. When you play, people will ask you "When uo
you bieathe.." anu you can say "All the time!"

- 0se S single note patteins as the fiamewoik foi melouies in at least 6 uiffeient positions, speeu
patteins, anu jamming.

Foi moie infoimation, go to: oi

As of Septembei 2uu9, is still mostly unuei constiuction, but this will change soon...

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