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April 28-May 4

Welcome We continue our series on Good to Great Families, looking this week at 1 Corinthians 7:25-35 where Paul offers practical advice to the unmarried. Our core competency is Single-Mindedness: I focus on God and His priorities for my life. Opening Prayer Heavenly Father, may we seek first after You each and every day of our lives as we eagerly await Your Sons return. Thank You for the great privilege to serve You and that You are faithful to meet our needs (Mat 6:33).

Family Time Pastor David mentioned earlier in this series that a primary reason God created marriage/families is to have our needs met. Living in a now society where people feel entitled to have their needs met immediately, how might you encourage each other knowing that doing so means tolerating unmet needs for an indefinite time? Kids Time A) Play two rounds of Simon Says: once normal and once with some sort of distraction going on (e.g. TV cartoon on in the background; an adult making funny faces, etc.). Afterwards ask the kids how difficult it was to stay focused on the game with distractions going on. Then ask them what things God wants them to do (e.g. talk about Jesus with friends, read the Bible, pray, etc.) and what sorts of distractions (e.g. TV) can get in the way of doing those things. B) Have a jumbo marshmallow or Oreo cookie test! Have the kids refrain from dessert. Sit the kids around a table and place a treat in front of them. They can either eat it immediately OR wait 5 minutes and have THREE treats instead of the one. Start the clock; update time every 30 seconds. Reward those who make it the distance. Ask them to talk about their experience. Did they want to give in at any time? Why/why not? Did it get easier as the countdown got closer? Lesson: Jesus is coming back soon with unimaginable blessings; until then, we should put Gods priorities first. Adult Time A) If there are any singles in your group, contact them ahead of time and ask if they would be willing to answer this question: What do the married need to know/understand/appreciate most about those of us who are single? B) Christ is returning soon! Does knowing this change how you live each day and the decisions you face? Do you believe Hell return in your lifetime? How might you live differently if you knew Hed return next week/month/year? C) Fear of the future can take our focus off of God. Instead of worrying about things that we cant do or control, we need to focus on what God can do! If there is one thing you could do for God and knew you wouldnt fail what would it be? What changes is God wanting to make in your life that you are resisting? What is God asking you to do that requires stepping out of your comfort zone? Prayer Time Lift up each single person by name and ask that God encourage them and fulfill His promise to meet their needs. Pray that God challenge each of us in a specific, personal way that we might focus more on Him and His priorities for our lives.

Community Calendar 62nd National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 2. Take time on this day to join believers from across America in interceding for our nation. To find an event, visit Church Calendar The Love for Life Marriage Mini-Conference is May 3-4. Hear Pastor David and Pastor Keith share how to renew your marriage with God-centered tools. Cost is $20 per couple or $15 per person. Register to attend and for free childcare at Contact: Chelsea Poulos ext 166,


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