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Project 3: Streamlines in supersonic conical ows

Due May 2nd 2013.


The third project requires you to develop a numerical algorithm for the analysis of the Taylor-Maccoll equation and to apply it to determine three streamlines over a cone at a supersonic Mach number.

Learning objective

The major dierence between conical and two-dimensional oblique supersonic ow is that in the former case the variation of the cross-sectional area with the streamwise distance induces a curvature in the streamlines. Such a streamline curvature eventually leads to the cone possessing a maximum shock angle (for an attached oblique shock) larger than the corresponding two-dimensional ramp. Thus, the focus of this project is on conical ow and the streamwise relaxation caused by the increase in cross sectional area. The objective of this project is to learn i) conical ow; ii) the application of ODE solvers to approximate the solution of a second order dierential equation in one variable; iii) the determination of streamlines.

Required outcomes

After evaluating a numerical solution to the Taylor-Maccoll equation, determine and plot the streamlines (plot y vs. x) passing through three points contained in a plane through the apex of a right circular cone and with vertical distance h, 2h, and 4h from the apex; the student chooses h. 1

Data: The cone angle is 30 and the inow Mach number is M = 3.0.

Provided material

An incomplete numerical code written in MATLAB is included in this document and uploaded on Blackboard. The project requires you to 1. Determine a relationship linking V r , V to the shock angle and M .

2. Complete the routine Tmac.m, which is called by the variable step time integrator ode15i. 3. Develop the equation for the streamline. 4. Integrate the streamline for three initial conditions.

10% for correct modications to Tmac.m. 30% for correct equations of the streamline. 30% for correct integration of the streamline equations. 20% for correct plot. 10% for presentation (type your report).

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%% The objective of the program is to find the cone angle that corresponds to a %shock angle beta which is coincident with theta s in the book beta = 50 *pi/180; %radians % for a value of the Mach number infinity Minf = 3; gamma = 1.4; %the isentropic index % Note the temperature is not needed use relation 10.16 for post shock % Vprime R and Vprime theta %% %To find the solution you should follow section 10.4 %% steps 1+2 of numerical procedure 10.4 %Solve the thetabetaM realations. Find Vtheta and Vr % determine h 0 from Mach number and temperature, use gamma = 1.4 and air % properties. So eventually you get V' theta and V' r. Vprime r = %fill value Vprime theta = %fill value %% steps 3+4 %% Set up the TaylorMaccol algorithm theta0 = beta; % we know the cone angle is lower than beta, so theta1 is an upper bound theta1 = 0; y0 = [Vprime r,Vprime theta]; %solution vector %% %% determine the initial derivatives [y0,yp0] = decic(@Tmac,theta0,y0,[1,1],[0,0],[0,0]); %% set the surface options so that computations stop at the surface options = odeset('Events',@surfaceevent,'RelTol',1d5); %% integrate the TMac function [T,Y,TE,YE,IE] = ode15i(@Tmac,[theta0,theta1],y0,yp0,options); %the final result is given in degrees theta c = TE*180/pi; disp(['Cone angle= ',num2str(theta c),' degrees']);

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function [value,isterminal,direction] = surfaceevent(t,y,yp) % setup the event function v prim theta =0

value=y(2); isterminal = 1; direction=0;

1 2

function res = Tmac(t,y,yp)

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%Here we are solving a second oder ode %write it out as a system of 1st orde ode % call v prime theta = y(2) and v prime r = y(1) %the implicit system of equations is % eq 10.14 + eq 10.15 % t is theta, y is [v r,v theta] and yp is dy/dtheta res = zeros(2,1); gamma = 1.4; gm1 2=(gamma1)/2; res(1) = y(2)yp(1); res(2) = %fill;

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