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First Place Award Winners from the New York Press Association & American Scholastic Press Association

The Pace Chronicle

Volume II, Issue XXI

Pace University, Pleasantville/Briarcliff Manor, NY

Wednesday, April. 10, 2013

News.... 1,3,10 Feature...........2,4 Health...........5 Opinion.........6,7 Entertainment.....9 Sports...........11,12

The Confession Controversy: Pace University PLV Confessions

853 Likes & 918 Confessions Later
Feature Editor

Entertainment: Page 9
Cecilia Levine

The 20/20 Experience

Feature: Page 2

If Pace students have learned anything since coming back from spring break its that the right to anonymously exercise freedom of speech can go one of two ways: exceedingly well or cripplingly appalling. The Pace University PLV Confessions Facebook page has become a guilty pleasure for most students with active account of the social media site and was updated routinely until late last week, along with the ever addictive Instagram and other various cyber indulgences. The Pace University NYC Confessions page is what influenced a Pace-Pleasantville student to create one just like it. Students need somewhere to vent, said the architect behind the page, who continued to do a stellar job of remaining unidentified and has the entire Pace community wondering who he or she

is. Often times, students complain that they do not have a voice or they may not feel comfortable saying things in person. I felt that it was necessary to provide Pleasantville students with an opportunity similar to that of the NYC campus. Although social networking provides positive outlets for many facets of entertainment, there is an opposing side to every coin. The pages nasty posts quickly spiraled out of control while the friendlier ones received ample positive feedback. Many students feel that while the group has potential to unite the student body for a common good, it has instead become notorious for the slander that freely flows through the fingertips of its contributors, leaving the proprietor considering termination. The problem is that people have started shouting out names, said senior marketing major Jake Galizia. It targets individuals. Photos from Facebook Along with the cyber battle Continued on Page 3 regarding Greek Life that sparked Pace University PLV Confessions the webpage early on, a handful

Decisions: LGBTQA @ Pace

Opinion: Page 6

New STARS Graduate Degree Program Available for Education Majors

Erin OGorman News Editor

These Are My Confessions Sports: page 12

Setters Discharge Chargers

With graduation just a few weeks away, many students will enter the job force while others will continue their schooling. The new education graduate program, STARS, is an option for those who are education majors who want to attend graduate school in the fall. Applications are currently being accepted for the Fall 2013 semester. Thanks to a grant from the United States Department of Education given to Paces School of Educations Dr. Robert Wiener and Dr. Lisa Soodak, the professors stated the program is one of the only merged secondary education programs in the nation. It is a Masters Degree program that teaches students how to educate students of all types, including those with or without disabilities. The STARS Program is helpful to students with undergraduate degrees in specific content areas who want to teach that content to high school students. It uniquely qualifies teachers to work in real school settings, i.e., classrooms

Photo from with students who vary in ability and background, said Professors Soodak and Wiener. Values and philosophies in the program are based on the idea that all students can learn and should have access to effective instruction in caring classroom communities. We value diversity and believe that it is to be celebrated in our schools and communities, said Professors Soodak and Wiener. People in the program are

taught in a selected special subject of their choice, which can range from biology and different sciences to English and history. Typically students they are learning to teach are seventh graders to twelfth graders. Those who graduate from this program will be dual certified as a regular general education teacher and a special education teacher as well and will be taught to drive their students to success in the rigors of high school. According to an article on

paces website, Todays high schools today are increasingly complex environments, with higher standards for teaching and learning, increased student diversity, the inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classes, and heightened public awareness of issues of school safety and community. Those interested in applying for the program must have their Bachelors degree, a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, official undergraduate transcripts, positive recommendations, a major in the liberal arts or sciences, and six semester hours of mathematics, English language arts, social studies, and science. Classes in the core requirements include Social Foundations, Adolescent Development, General Assessment, Learning Environments, and Language and Literacy in Diverse Classrooms. In addition to the 45-credit program are an teachings to general education, special education theory, pedagogy, and clinical experiences. Also, the graduate students will be taught to teach those linguistically diverse in addition to those diverse in ability.

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Page 2

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Characters on Campus: King Snake

Feature Editor

The Pace Chronicle

Editorial Staff Tafasha Pitt Arthur Augustyn Managing Editor Layout/Web Editor Olivia Mapplethorpe Senior Copy Editor Erin OGorman News Editor Brian Keegan Copy Editor Cecilia Levine Feature Editor

Cecilia Levine


Ali Silver

Orientation. What an evocative word. Most students had their first taste of Pace during the summer months in which they met peers, many of which became close friends or Greek siblings. Students experienced parental liberation, incessant butterflies the nervous kind and the excited kind, and some students named their genitals. I happen to be one of the four percent of the population that went completely under during hypnosis, said junior communications major Mike Rossi, otherwise known as King Snake. At a scheduled event during the 2010 orientation, Rossi sat amongst a dozen future Pace students on the stage in the Gottesman Room in front of a large audience, anxiously awaiting direction that the hypnotist would soon provide. With his hands on his knees and his jeans barely skimming his anklebones, revealing white socks and sneakers, Rossi nodded off into hypnosis. The students complied with all

Samantha Finch Christiana Lloyd Entertainment Editor Health Editor Ebony Turner Opinion Editor CJ Dudek Sports Editor

Operational Staff
Christine Gramlich Business Manager Michael Oleaga Alumni Advisor Prof. Michael Perrota Faculty Advisor

Photo By Mike Rossi This Pace student happily responds to the name which he publicly assigned to his penis in the summer of 2010.

commands that were thrown their way while the audience chuckled along. Most students parted from orientation with a handful of memories, the hypnotist show included. However, Rossi walked away with one less remembrance than his peers, being as he has no recollection of the show at all. According to everyones iPhones my penis, which I named King Snake ran away, said Rossi. People would talk to me about it for the longest time and for a while I was clueless as to what they were referring to.

The Pace legend only recently had the a-ha moment which enlightened him as to why the name, specifically, King Snake. In an episode of Two and a Half Men Charlie Sheen referred to his genitalia as King Snake. Rossi likely was subconsciously influenced by Sheens remark and it just so happen to come out in front of 25 percent of his entire future peer group. In high school I wasnt really that popular, but here everyone knows who I am, said Snake. Nobody disrespects me,

because of it, its just how they know me. Not everyone lucked out like Rossi, whos initial Pace experience paved the way for his future social acceptance. He still is lacking in one specific social department, with the ladies. Despite his knack for improvisation, which can be attributed to former high school experience, Snake is still working on his pick-up lines. Im still a virgin, said the New Jersey native. So it hasnt helped me that much.

Derek Kademian Jessica Szymanski Jessica Tuzzolino John J. Lee Katie Lange
The Pace Chronicle is published by Trumbull Printing: (203) 261-2548 Written and edited by the students of Pace University, The Pace Chronicle is published weekly during the academic year. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of administration, faculty and The Pace Chronicle staff. The Pace Chronicle encourages responses to the opinions expressed herein, and welcomes letters and comments. The Pace Chronicle cannot guarantee publication of letters to the editor or unsolicited manuscripts, and reserves the right to edit or comment editorially on them. Appearance of an advertisement in The Pace Chronicle does not imply endorsements by the members of the editorial board, the advisor, or Pace University of the products or services offered. All photos and copyrights reserved unless otherwise indicated. Subscription and advertising rates available upon request.

Samantha Apicella

Decisions, Decisions: Resources for Paces LGBTQA Community Expanding

Feature Editor

Cecilia Levine

The Supreme Court is expected to make a decision regarding the constitutionality of Californias Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in June. Passed in November 2008, proposition 8 was an amendment to the state constitution of California which stated that only opposite-sex couples could legally marry. DOMA is a federal law that restricts marriage benefits and legal recognition only to couples of the opposite sex. The equal sign symbol, which has become a landmark in social media and across the World Wide Web, is a way for those who support marriage equality to show it off. The equal sign is a virtual way to create visibility around Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Asexual (LGBTQA) support. I think social media is a powerful tool to incite conversation, and let folks know they are not alone and others have their back, said Kelly Herbert, assistant director of the LGBTQA and Social Justice Center on Paces New York City campus. The LGBTQA community and our straight allies span all races, religions, genders, and other social identities. This makes it difficult to find community, so the equal sign is a big help. The center is an administrative office that works under the Dean for Students within Student

Photo By Human Rights Campaign

The Equal sign seen all over Facebook.

Affairs and is staffed by full timers, a graduate assistant, student assistants and interns. A few years ago students and staff got together to support the making of a LGBTQA office and in September 2011 it was created. Community members held a sign that read LGBTQA Center Requested at Pace and we received 1,000 signatures on our petition in about four hours, said Herbert. The center offers a wide variety of things from programming, to safe zone and Transgender 101 trainings. They also have discussion panels every week on issues involving LGBTQA issues, and also Bisexual, Pansexual and Fluid discussion groups and a group on Coming Out issues, which is moderated by Herbert and an intern. They also have a library with books and DVDs and a lounge with free coffee where students can relax. The office is also involved in Climate Assessment and does a climate survey on all

the campuses. It is important to have an Administrative Department and staff to ensure that the students who need it most have consistent support, and a consistent place to go to if they need help. Our center graduate assistant, interns and student assistants are actively involved in facilitating trainings, creating programs and events, tabling weekly on campus to raise funds for LGBT Homeless Youth and the LGBTQA Centers Team for this Years Aids Walk. Interns and staff are also involved in facilitating Bathroom Equity Workshops as well as managing our social media networks and Queer Literary Magazine, said Herbert. In addition, she said, Within the LGBTQA Community there is not a uniform stance on marriage equality. Some think that we should be focusing on other issues, while others think that we need to utilize this momentum to get greater protections for LGBTQA individuals in general.

From a legal perspective, the Supreme Court could rule that LGB individuals are part of a suspect class and thus entitled to a higher level of scrutiny in the event that a State Law negatively impacts them. In that sense, this is about a lot more than marriage equality. If the Supreme Court rules broadly other laws negatively impacting LGBTQA individuals could become vulnerable to legal challenge. The new minor in Queer Studies teaches about LGBTQA history, queer theory, and literature. It also teaches students to think critically about various oppressive systems that continue to perpetuate homophobia, racism, sexism, and isms, said Herbert. Classes include Transgender Studies, the Gay Male Experience, Lesbians in Literature and Film, Queer Theory, and Queer Stories: LGBTQ People and Communities in Historical Context. Students here have the opportunity to take these courses on

The Pace Chronicle, Pace University 861 Bedford Road, Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570 Phone: (914) 773-3401

The Pace Chronicle

Meetings: Monday 9 p.m. 3rd floor of Willcox Hall. Open to all students!


Page 3

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Whats Making News Beyond Campus?

Erin OGorman News Editor

Pace University PLV Confessions

...Continued from Page 1
of the submissions fall into the cyber-bullying and harassment category. As opposed to utilizing the group for confession submission or any other constructive purposes, some Pace students chose to instead abuse the right to post unidentified by leaving incisive and crude remarks, ultimately revealing true human nature. When the element of anonymity is added, people are more inclined to act amorally. I had a feeling it would bring controversy, of course it would, said the creator of Pace University PLV Confessions. As long as there is an adequate level of respect for one another and understanding of the purpose of the page, then it should all be in good humor. Although the group may have been intended simply for entertainment purposes, it has become somewhat similar to a brutal car crash where the bystanders just cant seem to look away no matter how gory the scene. The Pace University PLV Confessions page has students lingering on its every post, scanning for familiar names with potential to induce a flake of drama in otherwise monotonous lives. The group undoubtedly has potential to cause disharmony amongst students. I can see it causing Mean
GREAT BRITAIN Former English Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died on Monday after having a stroke. She was 87 years old. According to CNN, Thatcher had been ill for a while and had suffered numerous strokes since 2002 and had undergone surgery in December to remove a growth on her bladder and in 2010 had missed a party hosted by Prime Minister David Cameron celebrating her 85th birthday. Known as the Iron Lady for her toughness in both her work and personality, Thatcher served from 1975 to 1990 as head of the Conservative Party in Britain, serving as Prime Minister and had a key role in ending the Cold War. Her funeral will be at Saint Pauls Cathedral with military honors and a cremation. UNITED STATES President Obama spoke Monday, April 8 at the University of Hartford regarding his opinion on gun control. He feels that republicans are attempting to deter gun reform laws and feels that their political tactics are wrong because the topic is not one of politics, but of helping the families affected by the Newtown shootings in December and helping to be able to move forward. According to CNN, the senate is expected to debate the Presidents Gun Control Agenda very soon. Before the speech the president had met privately with the families whose children had died in the Sandy Hook shooting and were then taken on Air Force One to D.C. to lobby Congress. UNITED STATES Suleiman Abu Gaith, suspect in the 9/11 attacks, is expected to go on trial in September near the anniversary of the attacks, but his lawyer has protested saying sequester budget cuts to public defenders, as the U.S. court system is expected to lose $350 million to sequester cuts. Many Republicans have criticized the President for his and his administrations decision to have Gaiths trial in a feral court rather than at Guantanamo Bay. UNITED STATES It is believed that officials may have stopped a shooting at the Capitol this weekend. According to CNN, Ty Carroll Mitchum parked his car near the Capitol building on Sunday and caught the attention of officials as he walked around the building grounds talking to himself. Officials found in his car a Remington 12 Gauge Shotgun Model 870, a Springfield Armory 9MM handgun Model DX9, and a Smith and Wesson 38 caliber revolver along with 38 rounds of 44 caliber bullets. Mitchum who was arrested by Capitol Police Officials, was not walking around with these weapons and none of the weapons were loaded. Mitchum stated these were for protection and that he had driven to DC from Florida to meet with a lawyer named John Morgan.

Photo from Facebook Girls-esque problems, said junior marketing major and art minor Aneta Siwiec. Mean Girls, a 2004 movie starring Lindsay Lohan, is a story based on a clique of girls that turned their entire high school against each other. If the PLV Confessions page continued to be used in a destructive manner, peers will likely find themselves clashing as opposed to uniting. Although this may have brought some disappointment and humiliation to a select few, with proper moderation, this page will continue to unite students and raise awareness to issues that students face, said the Facebook pages originator. Ultimately the Pace University PLV Confessions page has revealed that the Pace student body is far less connected than it prides itself in being. Ironically, the page may have been what the student body needed to reunite. However, peers attacking peers, girls flaunting their own attractiveness and third parties pulling sweater puppy and best ass competitions out of thin air for the pure gratification of easily accessible entertainment will only create a greater disconnect between students. I am not afraid to release these confessions and I applaud those who participate in this forum, for it is only a practice of our first amendment, said the moderator. Needless to say, I do not condone any form of cyber bullying or harassment from the users. While it is human nature to act amorally with anonymity, it is also human nature to practice compassion for those that we consider to be close to us. The negative consequences of disrespecting peers have seemingly been outweighed by the encouragement and compassion that students have exhibited on more genuine posts. The trials and tribulations of the Pace University PLV Confessions page has demonstrated that, in the wise words of Paces own rapper, H-Dubbs, that being a Mother F***ing Pace Kid is sufficient enough of commonality.

3: LIKE if youd support a friend/teammate/brother/etc if they came out as being gay. [Im just curious of the tolerance-acceptance that exists at Pace] (This post received 142 LIKES). 2: Heading to the NYC campus after i finish studying abroad. but Pleasantville will always have my heart. years of amazing memories and even more amazing people that have changed my life. You guys are the best. 1: GOD BLESS DJ.

Top 3 Pace-Pride

provoking posts submitted to

PLV Confessions:

Decisions, Decisions
the New York City campus. These court cases are about state sponsored civil marriage. According to Herbert, Republican Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois recently changed his views on Marriage Equality after having a stroke and said: When I climbed the Capitol steps in January, I promised myself that I would return to the Senate with an open mind and greater respect for others, Kirk said in a statement. Same-sex couples should have the right to civil marriage. Our time on this Earth is limited, I know that better than most. Life comes down to who you love and who loves you back government has no place in the middle. Recently, the LGBTQA Task Force, made of students, faculty, staff and alumni has been pushing for a sister office on Pleasantville. There are certainly differences that exist between an urban and more suburban campus, but the needs of the LGBTQA and Ally students on both campuses are

...continued from page 2

ready been made. Having been a student athlete on the Pleasantville campus in 2002, I know the addition of this Center is a crucial step in serving our LGBTQA and ally students effectively. Without the backdrop of a bursting and diverse city surrounding the campus, as we have in NYC, there is an even greater need on the Pleasantville campus to create community and visibility for LGBTQA individuals, said Herbert.

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similar in many ways. On each campus students need a mechanism to create community, to educate individuals on the realities of queer lives, and to provide a consistent support and an identified space for students to go to meet each other and create community. I hope that the plans for the center on that campus come to fruition in the next year, said Herbert. A place on the Pleasantville campus has been identified to build a LGBTQA office. Requests for funding and staffing have al-

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Page 4

Feature Editor

Cecilia Levine

Tis The Season

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

While most of us are recovering from midterms and preparing for the home stretch, those involved in Greek life are priming for something else. The girls are crash dieting harder than prespring break and the guys are doubling the repetitions in the weight room. Everyone wants rather, needs to look their best for the red carpet event of Greek life that is, Formal. Its prom for the big leagues an elite bash that requires months of planning and preparation. From sparkly platforms that shine brighter than the credit cards used to pay for them to the car mixes that are carefully crafted for the drive to the extravagant location, every detail of formal is carefully planned out to ensure a special experience for all involved. Formal is a change of atmosphere from the regular townhouse parties, said junior marketing major and sister of Phi Sigma Sigma Alissa Demaio. Its pretty fun and offers a great chance to get dressed up and party. Pace students know all too well that the degree of fun to be had at the townhouses is fairly stagnant. The routine leaves little room for fluctuation walk up the hill, see which house seems to be the most fun and welcoming, party as hard as you can until the RAs sprinkle rain over everyones parade. A variation of scenery from a run-down condo to an elegant hotel is enough to evoke excitement in the habituated lives of college students. However, not everyone chooses to go-big or go-home when it comes to Formal. The boys of Alpha Chi Rho, who were just recently chartered, prefer to rough it on a bro-out in the Pocconos for their first, ever formal experience. If formal isnt us having fun informally, said sophomore philosophy and religious studies major and brother of Alpha Chi Rho John Wrench, then its not a formal. The event is designed to celebrate the organization and all of its accomplishments. It stands as an opportunity for members to socialize without the stress of school and other extraneous factors that would otherwise potentially get in the way of a good

Photo by Jinu Joseph Brothers of Alpha Phi Delta Max Spaeth, Nick Lopez, Boris Pak, Griff Timoney and Dan party with their dates time to be had. Organizations are at free range to party wherever they want and in whichever way they choose. Members are encouraged to invite along a date. Dates are not mandatory but its nice to bring one, said senior international business management major and brother of Alpha Chi Rho Miguel Goncalves. It means the member trusts the date enough to bring around the other members and can see them flowing well with the group dynamic. Formal dates can become fairly competitive. People have gone as far as creating mass You-Tube videos inviting celebrities such as Justin Timberlake and Kate Upton. A formal date does not require long-term commitment implications, it is just another opportunity to party with someone whos company is enjoyable. Females have been known to take formal dates super seriously and are often under the false impression that the date will end up being a Cinderella story while in reality, this is rarely the case. The dudes one the other hand have lower, more realistic expectations and hope for an attractive girl who will put up with nonstop drunken antics and a sleeping companion, at the most. Some may pose the argument that formal has the ability to create different levels of competition such as which organization did it best and whos date looks the most handsome in a suit and tie. Others feel that certain organizations mirror the event to parties reminiscent of high school. Ive been to a few sorority formals and it seems like they treat it like a prom, said Goncalves. Some sororities take it really seriously making sure that dates meet particular standards, the dress looks great, the whole nine yards. Different organizations have certain traditions which they carry out at formal, like hoisting new members on shoulders or handing out goodie bags with meaningful treats and surprises. Many of the Greek organizations share the tradition of award ceremonies. At some point during formal we take a break to hand out awards, said sophomore communications major, marketing minor and brother of Alpha Phi Delta Griff Timoney. We do a mix of funny and serious ones, usually well give brother of the year and something like dynamic duo, two brothers who are always together. Ultimately, formal comes down to one simple question: did you have fun? Behind all the glitz and the glam, each organization spends the vast majority of the spring semester stressing over funding. Cramming in that one last-minute bake sale can be crucial when it comes time to fork over money to the overpriced Disc Jockey. Rightfully so, organizations fret over miniscule aspects of the highly anticipated bash which will celebrate valued members and well-earned accomplishments of the past year. Even though 75% of the drinks end up spilled on the expensive dresses and unavoidable drama ensues, it is the mere idea of formal itself that keeps Greek students motivated to finish the year. It is the first ray of sunlight after leaving the musty classrooms of Miller, the first sip of cold water after a marathon. Formal is the first taste of sweet salvation and the kiss goodbye to last years adventures. The bittersweet morning after will have members excited for the upcoming semester yet ready to take on whatever it is that the long-awaited summer vacation has to offer.

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Page 5

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Allergies on the Rise as Spring Season Starts

Featured Reporter

Jessica Szymanski

Allergies are becoming more prominent is children and babies in this generation. A study at University of Los Angeles says that one in five people have allergies. Allergies are produced when ones immune system is triggered in a negative way by foreign substances such as food, pollen, and animals. Some scientists think that allergies can occur when ones surroundings are too clean, or disinfected. Ones body does not produce the natural immune system and killers of foreign specimens if they have not been introduced to germs, and ingredients that may develop into an allergy. This

is called Hygiene Hypothesis. A few other things that are causing this rapid increase in allergies are, delayed introduction to foods, and adverse drug reactions. Delayed introduction to foods means that rather than pushing off a baby from trying new foods, or foods that are often associated with allergies instead should be introduced to those foods earlier on in life. Adverse drug reactions happen when the immune system responds differently to the drug than is prescribed. These allergic reactions can be very sudden, and very dangerous. A new theory is that global warming also has a negative affect for allergies. The high rise of carbon dioxide levels in the air and atmosphere and warming global temperatures are prob-

ably the reason for this. Due to warmer weather, flowers and plants are beginning to bloom and grow earlier on in the year. This causes the allergy season, and those allergic to pollen to come faster after the winter months. Studies show that the United States of America is especially suffering from increased allergies and this is unknown why. Many think that it is because of the Hygiene Hypothesis, but others think that it is because of Americans poor immune systems. A study was done from 2005 to 2008 and showed that common allergies increased by six percent. They conducted this study by giving blood tests and reading the IgE antibodies in their blood that would bind to a particular substance, and either producing

an allergy, or normally reacting. Although more allergy medication is being bought off the shelves, and more sniffles and sneezes are heard, some scientists and researchers think that people are just as sick as they have been before. It is possible the rise of allergies is due to more people being diagnosed with allergies. This happened before with asthma when doctors and nurses started to recognize the disease as a distinct condition. Children should play outside, and be introduced to germs and dirt, so that their bodies to not attack themselves. We as humans were made for this world and we should not be scared of getting dirty. Photo from DeviantArt

Organ Donators: Interesting Stats

Featured Reporter

Jessica Tuzzolino

The gift of life is an amazing thing and should be cherished everyday. But say if a person is relying on someone else, someone they dont know for their life. Nineteen people die every day in the United Stated are waiting for an organ transplant, most waiting seven or nine years. An organ transplant is the replacement of a patients diseased organ with a normal organ from someone, called a donor, who has died. More than 117,793 people are waiting for an organ transplant in the United States today. Also in the United States, the total transplant waiting list grows by about

5,000 patients each year while the number of honors increased by only 100 to 300 per year. Being in the dark about what your future can hold can be a very scary thing and sometimes too much for a person to handle. People who are awaiting these transplants are normally in the hospital since they would not be able to survive without a machine or without a transplant. Someone on the other side of this cant completely understand what the person is going through but could try their best to make the person feel better about their situation. Although being the person with the illness may be terrible, the people watching the person suffer is just as hard. Now how can people on the other side truly help? Simple, if you agree to, you

could become an organ donor yourself and be the reason why peoples lives are saved everyday. By deciding to be a donor, you give the gift of hope hope for thousands of individuals awaiting organ transplants for such a long time, hope to the persons family for a better tomorrow and hope to the world that cures for many diseases will be found. The gift of life is amazing and imagine being that person who is able to give that to someone without even knowing the person. The process to being a donor is a very complete and extensive review of the person. Although it may be long to go through, think about how long the person who is suffering was waiting for your organ to save their life. Just with ones help, that person can stop suffering and be able to start their life

Photo from Donate Life America normally again. This is very important to many people and can become very important for you if you decide to donate your organs. The importance of organ donations is truly huge. It is important because with your organs, you can save someones life. A persons life is the main point of donating organs and can truly be a blessing for the person. This will give the person another chance at life who would otherwise no longer be living. Although you may no longer be living after the organs are donated, is it one of the few acts for which people will remember by. So when someone in the future asks you why you decided to be an organ donator, you can remind yourself of all the importance facts you know about donation and the reason why you personally wanted to be an organ donor! Just remember, one donor has the possibility to save eight lives, dont you want to be one of those people.


Page 6

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

These Are My Confessions

Opinion Editor

His Hard Truth: Eros

Ive touched on this a few times and I think after the last week or so, it needs to be addressed. If the recent Pace Confessions Facebook page hadnt taught us anything else, through all of the anonymous or controversial submissions, it taught us what most people at Pace already knew; the thirst is real. Thirst is a way of saying that someone is craving sexual activity as much as a man walking in the Sahara is craving water. Hes very thirsty for some water, and so it seems are the students at Pace. But that thirst is not for high quality H2O (dont mind The Waterboy reference). When I was spending some well-needed time in bed over spring break I, like so many others, came across the Pace PLV Confession page. I then sat back and watched, whenever I brought myself to check Facebook, as the host of the page posted among others, some heartfelt, some obviously fake, and some very promiscuous submissions. Promiscuous can be seen in many lights and at some points in the short tenure of the page, some submissions were honest. These honest posts were simply just public notes on the things that we already know, but it doesnt make it any less juicy in the eyes of many Pace students. Whether it was something like, The things I would let ____ do it me, omg. Or ____ can get it any time they want. it was all races, genders and sexual orientations that showed how bad they really wanted to make it to bed with someone else. Of course, people were much more open than they ever would be if their names were attached to it but the way people were revealing things, youd think they were talking to their closest friends.

Ebony Turner

I deleted my Facebook for a year now, and couldnt be happier that this social network is no longer in my life. I rarely ever used it for what it was originally meant to be used for. The only time I even logged on was to make sure that I wasnt missing anyones birthday, which for many people is Facebooks renewed purpose. But not too long ago the Pace confessions page, a page dedicated to people sending anonymous messages about whatever and whomever they pleased, surfaced on the internet. Attacks on Greek life, administration, administrators and students abounded and no one was safe from the subliminal messages. I never bothered to check the page out but all of my friends screenshotted the funny confessions on the page. Two things bothered me most about the page, but I didnt feel the need to share it because I didnt want any of my peers to feel bad for finding it entertaining. I always felt this university was nothing but a really expensive prep school a high school with dorms and this page perpetuated that sentiment exactly. Why post these anonymous messages about people when you should be focused on being a college student and having the college experience. The whole idea behind the page is extremely childish and I didnt want to give in to the hype of it because, like

Photo from Anonymous messages and no consequences, isnt it all so juvenile?

many things on this campus, it continues the reputation. I have a lot of spare time and the last things I want to give that spare time to are anonymous messages about people or things that arent relevant to me, my life or my future. A lot of things that are entertaining are not productive, and as college students, pages like these are unnecessary and proof that this school is entirely too small. When I was in high school we had a page similar to this except it was an entire website with forums dedicated to talking noise about certain cliques and groups of friends. Back then, me and my friends would go on this page daily to see what comments were left and who was being talked about.

We went on this page everyday during our newspaper and yearbook class. Now that I look back, this was extremely juvenile of us but we were allowed to be juvenile because we were 16 and 18 years of age. Now that Im 20 going on 21, nothing I found entertaining when I was in high school is entertaining to me now. I grew up, and so did my sense of humor and what I choose to spend my time on. Pages of anonymity are a thing of the past, and I never in a million years thought that college students would have time to even entertain something as juvenile as this. I have long since been reminded this is not a normal university since, as I already mentioned, this is a high school with dorms, but this confessions page was ridiculous. The other issue I took up with it was the notion that whenever we have problems with individuals at this university, the first place we run to is this internet. When we see the person in question we act like the issue never existed, but on Twitter we subliminal attack them. As young adults if the issue is clearly not serious enough to be handled in person than it need not make its way to the internet. All social media has done is left room for the passive aggressive and weak to say whatever they want without any real consequences, which is the epitome of childishness. I hope that for the sake of this schools plummeting social reputation that a page of that nature never resurfaces again.


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Ive had plenty of conversations with my friends about certain women on campus that we havent been with and weve talked, like any other group of guys, about how great itd be to get in bed with them. Also, Ive known that women speak the same way about certain men that they see appealing. Its just funny to see people be so open, even if they dont mean to be, with the way that they would like to prolong, or begin in some cases, their sexual activities. Its the simplest things like constantly liking girls profile pictures, or tagging along with them to do mundane tasks just to be in their presence that shows how badly a guy wants the V. And I feel like recently people are seeing more of it. Between Twitter accounts and Facebook pages, everyone sees the trends between athletes, Greek life, Resident Assistants or some random attractive students. Ive said this before; Im very well aware of how much sexual energy is fused into our experiences here, but everyone should really have some boundaries. Sex is fun, it feels incredible and it can even be very relaxing, but dont lose sight of what its really supposed to symbolize. Theres still something special about sex and unless you get to an incredibly high number of sexual partners, youre going to remember each and every person that you roll around with. Im not one to say that sex is special or to save yourself because I think that in this day and age, and during our experience in college we need to enjoy ourselves. But, dont view someone simply as a sexual prospect. Youre not a baseball scout, stop looking for a new catcher for your balls.

Separation Anxiety: Please Move On

Opinion Editor

Ebony Turner

I know this is a very difficult thing to do for people. We grow attached to something, someone, and its unbearable to move on. However, its more than necessary for personal growth and development to move on from things we have long outgrown. Take the eighth year students at Pace, for instance. For years I have seen people who have long graduated return for events, parties or just return for no apparent reason at all. Its a free country and theres nothing wrong with coming back to the school you apparently love so dearly. However, at what point does the time you should be spending starting your new life become time youre spending dwelling on your old life? There is nothing to come back to at Pace, in my opinion. Our sports games are definitely not anything I will

miss, our parties are lackluster at best and the amenities on campus are not anything I will look back on and want to experience again. There is nothing to miss, but that isnt even the exact point Im trying to make. Its not just the parties and social life that Pace graduates shouldnt come back for, its the whole principle behind coming back to something that you have clearly outgrown. It is more than obvious when an individual who has graduated comes to a Pace party or event that any grown adult really shouldnt want to be at. How is this so appealing when you have experienced this for four years of your past life? Most of the time, when people graduate from a university they represent it through coffee mugs or car decals, not by literally coming back to the school. Im not saying that these people are pathetic, but it truly says a lot when a person is unable to really experience life beyond the life they once lived.

Photo from

Super seniors or super clingy?

It shows that the place they were at didnt really prepare them to move on and never look back. They werent given enough strength or skill sets to feel that there was nothing to come back to so fervently. I understand we all miss things we once had or a life we once knew but we need to move on. College is the last time in our youth that we are allowed to make an unparalleled amount of mistakes and still excuse it as

being young. But once we hit adulthood, some mistakes and choices are inexcusable and we should want them to be. Im not saying Im tired of being young or I cant wait for adulthood, but if your life has moved past those days of college it is time to act like it. I promise that once I graduate from this university, I will never return. Not just because I havent enjoyed my time here at all, but because there is truly nothing to

come back to. I dont see how coming back to this school fits into my future adulthood, regardless of the remodeling. It is still an undergraduate university and after I cross that stage this is it for me. Im not sure what brings people back, but maybe its not meant for me to understand. However, it is more than necessary for people to at least attempt to move on from their younger days.

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Page 7

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fpinion eature O O pinion

Less Is Definitely More: Obnoxious Ads On the Internet

Opinion Editor

Ebony Turner

Every time I log on to the various blogs that I visit regularly, I am bombarded with ads, surveys and more ads. Its overwhelming and makes my already barely running computer non-functional. Take the Russell Simmons helmed news blog GlobalGrind. com for instance: I clicked on a link to their blog that led to a song by artist Sky Ferrara that I was looking for. As soon as I entered their website, not only was it cluttered with endless material I didnt care to read, but it had a low-bar queue for stories that I might be interested floating at the bottom of my window. A survey for how I enjoyed the site a site I had only been on for less than one minute also popped up, blocking the story I was really trying to read. Then for a moment everything in my browser stalled to load the advertisement that the blog was sponsoring on its entire page. We live in a world where advertisements are constantly being thrown in your face at every moment, making it nearly impossible to avoid product placement even in its less discreet forms. With the internet there was momentary solace that the commercials we had to suffer through would be obsolete in the World Wide Web. Alas, in came the evolving of advertising methods that found a new medium for product pushing. The first casualty was, then, and then every single network that hosted

Photo from AT& Are advertisements giving into to our instant gratification generation?

their television shows on their websites. The point of the internet, or at least what I interpreted of it, was to make speedy the once molasses like communication we had in previous years. Most, if not all, technological advancements were invented to expand human connection. To make it either more aesthetically pleasing or at the very least increase how we connect with one another online. After the internet came email, with that came AOL and then the rightful eradication of dial-up. It seemed that in the past anything that was introduced to the internet after its creation was in the best interest of its users. It was all about us, not just about a profit. It seemed the profit came organically, but wasnt the sole purpose of why the advancements were introduced. Steve Jobs and Bill

Gates werent thinking of money when they made their creations; they were thinking from a technological and artistic perspective that kept the people at the helm. That is what has been lost in this quest for internet fame. Ads being thrown at me before I even settle into your website is not in my best interest. I understand everyone has to eat, and the people who run the website needs to rake in monetary value in some fashion. Advertising on these websites seems to be the way these bloggers (see: Necole Bitchie, Perez Hilton) are able to become millionaires who no longer need to be the sole writer of their gossip rags. In now way am I knocking their hustle, but its the hustle of these advertising firms that I want to call into question. Many regular visitors of YouTube, in-

cluding myself, anxiously await the arrival of the skip ad button that pops up after the five seconds of 15-second ad have completed. How is this innovative advertising if the advertisement isnt getting watched? Further more, I dont want to see an ad before I watch three-minute video of just audio. How is this obscure song reaching the amount of viewers you need to push the new update for Google chrome? They somehow felt that pushing product on all avenues, whether relevant or not, is effective when in reality its not. The only advertisements that I can stomach without wanting to forego my open tab are the recent AT&T advertisements with the young children discussing the benefits of AT&T coverage. Its a cute advertisement that simplifies

the very adult and complicated experience of choosing a service provider; something a small child knows little about but the core qualities of the decision are something children clearly know a thing or two about. However, even these advertisements would prove to be entirely too much if I were forced to see them every time I wanted to have a quick, painless internet experience. This generation has long been deemed the over sharing generation and these advertising methods prove that idea far from wrong. Were giving so much that we have no standards on who were giving to. If the point of advertising is to push a product to an audience it is relevant to then forcing ads on viewers whod rather not endure such a painful experience is unnecessary.

Letter to the Editor

William Murdock:
Retiring University Librarian

John J. Lee

My name is John Lee, the evening weekend librarian at the Mortola library. I have over forty years experience working in libraries. I want to express my thanks for the opportunity I have been afforded to have been able to work along with such a multi-talented group of professionals and dedicated staff. But especially under the inspiring and ever forward looking leadership of William Murdock our recently retired University Librarian. He moved patiently, carefully, and incrementally. He did

what is right-for-Pace, for the people around me, and for himself-inconspicuously and without casualties. As a quiet leader he operated the under the following assumptions: That action speaks louder than words. People are motivated when you give them credit rather than take it yourself. Ego and aggression are neither necessary nor constructive. He will be missed and I wish him a long happy and most of all a healthy retirement. THANK YOU, BILL.
Photo from Mortola Library Facebook

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The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Page 9

Sexys Back
lem with core Timberlake fans. Most fans are accustomed to radio pop, which usually never runs longer than three to four minutes, but Timberlake added a new essence to his work by adding on longer outros. These are by far the juiciest part of the album. For instance, on the first track, Pusher Love Girl, Timberlake has the opportunity to end it at 4:55, which is already long for pop. But, instead, he decides to add on another four minutes, which gives him the chance to rework already existing parts of the song, almost remixing himself. A lot of the albums diversity can be attributed to long-time friend and producer Timbaland and JRoc, who are both known for their success stories in the R&B and rap industry. The album bounces back and forth between pop and big band jazz, with organic beats. This, along with Frank Oceans Channel Orange, can be accredited to a revitalization of the dying R&B genre, which has suffered greatly in recent years. If you wanted to compare the 20/20 Experience to anything, a good compassion would be the likes of R Kellys Mirrors. Both artists utilized the big band genre and executed it well. Timberlake plans on going on tour with Jay-Z over the summer and making stops at most major cities, including two shows at Yankee Stadium, which sold out within minutes of each other.

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Featured Reporter

Derek Kademian

After nearly seven years of entrepreneurial endeavors, countless performances as an actor and his marriage to actress Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake has made the 20/20 Experience well worth the wait. With his classic soulful yet pop voice, Timberlake brings out new concepts and genres that hes never touched on before. On the albums first single Suit & Tie, Timberlake and producer Timbaland truly pulled out all of the stops. Bringing a mixture of big band jazz, pop, soul, and rap, Timberlake creates a feeling of modern day jazz performance. Just from the sounds alone, it paints a picture of an upscale jazz club with Timberlake leading the way. It sure doesnt hurt that Jay-Z has his cleverly crafted verse, as well. The 20/20 Experiences third track, Dont Hold the Wall, will surely be one of the dance songs of this summer. Timberlake creates a sense of what could only be described as Arabic dance hall music - if that even exists. Its a great track though, which will surely have some interesting remixes in the near future. For a pop album the 20/20 Experience is expansive with the shortest track being 4:27 minutes long, which may pose as a prob-

Photo from RCA Records The 20/20 Experience is Timberlakes third solo album, so far Suit & Tie has reached #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 Charts.

Hes Like Air, Everywhere

Featured Reporter

Samantha Apicella

Graduate student and management major James Gisondi is everywhere. Literally. James is not only finishing up graduate classes, but he manages the Pace Perk along with playing bass guitar in his alternative rock band, Counterfeit Society. All three of these things are major responsibilities for anyone. James is a busy guy that somehow succeeds in balancing his job, course work, and being in a rock band. With all of this being said, he does not seem to be too bewildered by his demanding schedule. I always find common time each week, Gisondi said. Luckily, most of my classes are at night and not spread out. Though, [my band mates and I] have different schedules. [The balance] is still difficult; but Im getting used to it now. Of course, being in Counterfeit Society, managing the Perk, and taking classes at Pace didnt happen all at once for James. Rather, it happened at varying

Photo from James Gismondi James Gismondi can be heard with his band Counterfeit Society.

points around the same time. [I] started the band in the summer of 2008 before attending Pace, Gisondi recalled. I was always in bands throughout high

school, but I wanted to be in one with more writing and singing. Because of this, James contributes to the vocals section in Counterfeit Society along with

being its bassist. He started the band with his younger brother and things just seemed to take off from there. Counterfeit Society also has

a few upcoming gigs, including a battle of the bands at the Perk this spring. However, the question still lies as to how James became the manager of the Perk and why he decided to take on that role in the first place. At first, I just needed a job, Gisondi said. For two years I was the purchasing manager. Then, in fall of 2012, I worked my way up and became the general manager. Even though James is extremely busy, he is not alone. There are students here at Pace that have even more activities on their plate or have other crazy scheduled days. James had the following advice for anyone who feels stressed out. Make sure you can commit to all projects; dont spread yourself too thin. Really think about what you want to do and what you can do to make a 100 percent effort, not just 50 percent. If you would like to see James in action, check out Counterfeit Societys Facebook page.



Page 10

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Preview Weekend Serves as Volunteer Opportunity for Students

Erin OGorman News Editor

Preview Weekend has two ends. The first end is the potential new student, who comes in, usually already accepted in order to get a glimpse of what life on campus is like. They stay from Sunday to Monday with a student host, which according to junior finance major and resident assistant Chris Jabbour makes things realistic. They come on Sunday night and go to classes with their host on Monday, so theres no partying or getting them drunk, said Jabbour. And they get to spend more than a day on campus and get to experience how life is in a dorm and residence hall. On the other end is the host, the student who takes care of the potential new student. Theyve already experienced at least a semester or two of schooling at Pace, with some having been a host before. So what do they get out of it? It gives them a chance to give back to the school and community, said George Schreiner,

Photo from The latest Preview Weekend on the Pleasantville and Briarcliff Manor campuses took place April 15.

associate director of undergraduate admissions and a graduate of Pace. Being a host is volunteer, you arent paid and you arent required in any way to do it. It is the admissions office who is pretty much in charge of

Preview Weekend. They do the check-in and coordinate everything, including marketing the program. Also, they show the students all the different offices and groups and such on campus. A potential applicants day starts

off with financial aid appointments if theyd like and a campus tour, which run all day until four oclock. The hosts get a chance to show off their rooms, said Jabbour.

Current students have obviously already gone through Preview Weekend and as accepted students, most havent been to college before so they are able to get a sense of what its like to be a Pace student and hosts help them to feel a connection. There are information sessions for Challenge to Achievement students (CAP) and Honors College students. Students then have lunch with their prospective college major school. Once the day is over, the accepted applicants meet their hosts; this is coordinated by the office of residential life; it is they who match current students and visiting students and sometimes host events in the buildings that they are staying overnight in. In addition the Student Development and Campus Activities office (SDCA) plans fun events outside of the residence halls, one for this year being the North Coast-Improv Comedy Team. On Monday the students can go to their financial aid appointments if they made one and after breakfast attend a 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. class. It shows them everything, said Schreiner.


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The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Chelsea Shea Plans for Victory

Featured Reporter

Setters Win Five in a Row

Katie Lange

Senior psychology major Chelsea Shea plans to lead her team to the Northeast-10 playoffs this year as Paces premier pitcher. Shea has been a member of the Setters softball team since her freshman year and has faced a number of obstacles along the way; her biggest being the shoulder surgery she had in the summer of 2011. After her sophomore season, Shea discovered she had a torn labrum and her only option was surgery. In the 2012 season, Shea was still recovering from the surgery and had minimal pitching time. It really hurts watching the rest of your team play when you cant be out there but I took the time I needed to recover and I think it has helped in the scheme of things, said Shea. This season, the Setters are looking to Shea more than ever. With only three pitchers on the roster, Shea appeared in eight of the 17 games played thus far. She is currently 4-4 on the season, with the teams overall record be-

Photo from Pace Athletics Chelsea Shea hopes to have a strong season. ing 9-8. Im expecting her to be able to do a positive job in keeping our opponents scoring to a minimum by improving her movement and consistency, said Pace Softball coach Claudia Stabile, of Shea. Other than being the ace lefthanded pitcher for the Setters, Sheas plate appearances are also a huge contribution to the team. In her 49 at-bats last season, Shea had 13 RBIs. The West Babylon native also embraces the challenge of being one of two seniors to lead the

team this year. Senior biology major and right-handed pitcher Kelly Fisher is also focused on being an exemplary teammate for the underclassmen. Pitching sets the tone; when we dont have a good day it trickles down the rest of the field so I try to make sure that tone is set and be that person to pick up my teammates when they need me, said Shea. This year Shea is prepared to play the rest of her final season at her very best. I feel stronger and better than last year and I try not to think about the injury very much in order to keep myself focused on the task at hand - getting a win, said Shea. Her ultimate goal is to make it to the NE-10 playoffs since she believes that her team has the ability and talent to do so. During her past three seasons, the Setters have not advanced to the playoffs. Weve always come very close but Im not satisfied. I think we should be up there with the top teams in our division and be able to pull an appearance in this years conference playoffs, said Shea.

Photo from CSI-Photo The Setters have won Five straight.

Sports Editor

CJ Dudek

Lacrosse Wins Two in a Row

Photo from CSI-Photo The Setters capture the win in the final seconds.
Sports Editor

CJ Dudek

Pressure builds as a season progresses and, once again, the Setters came together in crunch time. Junior criminal justice major William Sciorscia scored the games last goal with seven seconds to go to propel Pace to a 1312 win over the Yellow Jackets of American International College. Thanks to the thrilling goal in the games final seconds, the Setters successfully constructed their second winning streak of the season. While Pace had eight goals through three quarters of play, the Yellow Jackets had the 9-8 lead. AIC also held a three-goal lead with 13:13 to go in the game. Still, Pace scored five of the games last six goals in order to secure the victory. The bulk of the Setters offense came from Sciorscia and senior accounting major Thomas Earl. The two upperclassmen each

found the back of the net four times throughout the game. Even with eight goals from two players, the Setters offense was spread out throughout the game. Pace got three goals in the first quarter. Two came off from Sciorscia and the third was scored by junior education major Andrew Fritsch. The Setters trend of finding the back of the net in the second quarter continued to an extent against the Yellow Jackets. This season, the Setters average 2.75 goals in the second quarter and Pace found the back of the net two more times on goals from Earl and junior business major Matt Gebhardt. Pace put up three goals in the third quarter and five more in the games last quarter to secure their third one-goal victory of the season. One unique trend the Setters had was the number of times that they scored without assists. The Setters have 42 assists on the season, yet they managed six goals without an extra pass against the

Yellow Jackets. Even with the abundance of unassisted goals, the Setters key passer turned in another strong performance. Gebhardt had three assists on the game to bring his season total up to 14. The West Islip native is second in the Northeast-10 with 14 assists on the year. Freshman business major Conor Brophy racked up ten saves on the afternoon including a game high five stops in the first quarter. After the game against the Yellow Jackets, Brophys save percentage climbed up around 48 percent on the year. With the win, the Setters improve to 5-3 with a record of 2-3 in the NE-10. Pace currently holds the number six seed in the conference standings. The Setters are slated to play next on Tue. April 9. That game will feature two of the conferences top ten goal scorers going head to head as Saint Roses Brett McAuliffe squares off against Sciorscia and his fellow Setters.

Whoever first said good things come in threes clearly never was a part of a five-game winning streak. The Setters defeated the Cougars of Caldwell College by a score of 5-3. This marks the second time this season the baseball team has won five or more games in a row. Pace went on a sevengame winning streak from March 1 - March 14. An anomaly for the Setters, during both the current winning streak and the regular season, has been their success on the road. Every game the Setters have won during this five-game tear has come away from the confines of Finnerty Field. Pace has an overall road record of 8-3 this year compared to just 6-2 at home. From an offensive standpoint, the Setters distributed their offensive output over the course of four innings. Paces offensive attack began in inning number four thanks to a double by junior education major James Pjura to score senior marketing major Charlie Galasso from second. Even though the Setters held a 1-0 lead in the middle innings, the bats came to life for the visiting team in the late innings. Pace scored four of their five runs in innings seven through nine. Pace went into the eighth inning with the game tied at two, and by the time the Cougars came to bat the Setters regained the lead for good.

The Setters most potent offensive inning got underway when senior finance major Brandon Martineson smacked an RBI single that scored Galasso. Later in the inning, Martineson came around to score on a miscue by the Caldwell pitcher. The Cougar pitcher was trying to throw out Paces base runner and the ball ended up in center field. Thanks to the miscue and the earlier RBI, the Setters took a 4-2 lead. Pace added an assurance run in the top half of the ninth inning after a sacrifice fly by senior criminal justice major Joe Solomeno to put the game out of reach. The Setters pitching staff came up with a solid team performance on the day as they relinquished just three runs on seven total hits. Three of the Setters five pitchers tossed two innings or more during the game. Two Setters pitchers got different firsts on the day. Sophomore business management major Josh Grant picked up his first win of the season after pitching two innings and striking out one batter. Also freshman business major Mike Sweeney allocated his first career save in the win. With the win, the Setters improve to 16-7 overall with a record of 7-2 in the Northeast-10 Conference. The Setters currently hold the number two spot in the Southwest Division and are a game and a half out of first place. Pace will put their five-game winning streak on the line against the University of New Haven on Wed. April 10.

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Page 12

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Pace Softball Beats Chargers

Sports Editor

CJ Dudek

Offense and drama accompanied the brisk afternoon air at Pace field against a conference foe. The Setters defeated the Chargers of New Haven University 10-9 in the last half of inning number seven on Tue. Pace ended a recent two game skid with the win over New Haven. The Setters broke the ten-run plateau for the first time in the adolescent season and scored at least two runs in four different innings to secure the win. Three runs crossed the diamond in the bottom half of inning number one. With the bases full, junior psychology major Samantha Garcia hit a three-run double to center field to give Pace their first lead of the game. Paces offensive onslaught continued in the second inning thanks, in part, to a sacrifice fly. After securing a 4-0 advantage earlier in the inning, sophomore business management major Hana Wright lofted a fly ball to center field that drove in sophomore criminal justice major Natalie Gellos and gave Pace a 5-0 lead after two innings. An offensive explosion occurred in the third inning that featured eight runs and two lead changers. In the top of the inning, the Chargers unleashed an offensive assault of six runs to claim their first lead of the afternoon.

Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.
- Henry Anatole Grunwald Become a Reporter for The Pace Chronicle Weekly Meetings, Every Monday 9 p.m., 3rd Floor of Willcox Hall. All Students of All Majors Welcome to Join.

The Setters pull out the win vs Owls. Pace recaptured the lead in the bottom half of the inning thanks to a solo home run by freshman physical therapy major Erin Wood and an RBI walk by Wright to put Pace up 7-6. Yet the one run lead did not hold for the home team as the game wore on. New Haven wrestled the lead back in the top of inning number four thanks to a two-run home run by Lindsey Courturier. The Chargers added a run in the top half of the sixth inning to secure a 9-7 lead, but the bottom of the inning belonged to the Setters. Senior biology major Kelly Fisher belted a two-run home run over the left field fence to tie the game at nine. Fisher shut down the New Haven offense in the top half of inning number seven and Paces offense went to work manufacturing the games winning run. With Gellos on second and no outs, a batted ball by freshman communications major Katie Lange was booted by the Chargers and Gellos came around to score the games last run. Fisher picked up the win to improve her overall record to 4-2 on the year. The Castle Rock native relinquished just one hit and one run in three and a third innings of work. With the win, the Setters improve to 9-8 overall with a record of 4-8 in the Northeast-10. Pace holds the number seven seed in the Southwest Division as of now. Pace will play two games against the University of Southern New Hampshire on April 10.




Sports on the Side: Kevin Wares Injury and the Emotions of Sports
They saw what happened, where Wares leg was, and the pain was evident on the sophomores face. Wares injury, itself, happened on one of basketballs most common defensive plays. With six minutes and 41 seconds to go in the first half, Ware rotated to the wing too late and made the effort to block the shot from Duke. The subsequent awkward landing and leg separation turned the stomach of every fan in the stadium and millions more watching TV. Even the normally stoic Rick Pitino shed a few tears for his fallen player. And the coach knew that his team would either rally around the injury or be ripped apart by sadness. Yet before Ware was carted off the court, he made sure to channel the emotions in a certain direction. Behanan told the New York Times that Ware told his teammates, Win it for me, yall. Im good. Im going to get surgery and be back at it like I never left. From that moment on, the Blue Devils had no chance of going down to Georgia. A debilitating injury to a player, regardless of the sport, becomes a test of team chemistry. The teams that care for each other, like Wares teammates care for him, find an inner strength reserved for the most turbulent times. Teams that fail their chemistry test are ripped apart by the emotions of the moment. They try to rally together, but their love falls flat of expectations because it was not strong enough to begin with. In the case of the Cardinals, they channeled their emotions into adrenaline and ran all over Duke. Smith and Siva, two players who were already quick, ran even faster. Gorgui Dieng swatted away shots with the fervor of Bill Russell. And Pitino, the same coach who ended up on the wrong end of the Christian Laettner game,

Photo from Louisville came together to beat Duke.

Sports Columnist

CJ Dudek

When the sophomores leg buckled and snapped in half, the tough cringed, the weak hearted

averted their eyes, and the Cardinals of Louisville cried for their fallen teammate. Chane Behanan, Russ Smith, and Peyton Siva collapsed on the court, in despair, at the sight of Kevin Wares obliterated leg.

made every correct decision throughout the second half. An early 22-6 lead in the entire second half felt as if it spanned the entire game. Louisville won 85-63 and secured their second trip to the Final Four in two years; but that was not the chief concern of those who banished the Blue Devils. After a brief post-game interview on CBS, Siva came over and gave his coach a hug. The point guard was smiling at the camera and letting everyone watching know who his coach was. That kind of honest affection between human beings is the reason Louisville is heading to Atlanta to take on Wichita State. While the Cardinals may be without Kevin Ware on the court, he is undoubtedly in the hearts of everyone on the roster. That love is how Louisville passed their team chemistry test with a perfect score.

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