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AP FRENCH SUMMER STUDY GUIDE 2012-2013 DEADLINE: All work is due on AUGUST 20, 2012. Madame Gino-Saliba, agino-saliba@gonzaga.


1. Go to the AP Central website ( Click on AP courses and exams. Go to the Homepage for AP French Language. Read and learn everything you can about the AP French Language exam. Send me an email to which you attach a Word document with a paragraph explaining to me what you have learned about the exam. In a second paragraph, tell me what parts you are most concerned with, how you perceive you will need to prepare, and what you intend to do to practice. (e-mail by June 15). 2. You will now prepare a Ten Hour assignment. You must document two hours activity each for the following categories: a. Two hours of personal grammar studythings that you feel weak in. (e-mail by June 30). Go to these sites: Two hours of listening to spoken French (can be music, radio or movies). (e-mail by July 15). You may try these sites for radio:;; http:///; And these for TV: TV 5 news programs: Le Journal and Sept Jours sur la Plante. France 2 programs: Le Journal de 13 Heures, Le Vingt Heures. Canal +: Les Arnes de linfo.


c. Two hours of reading in French (newspapers, items on line, subtitles to moviesbut no double dipping. You cant read and listen to the same movie.) For French news on the internet look for Le Monde, Libration, Le Canard Enchan, France-Amrique, France 24. (e-mail by July 30). d. If you can, you should try speaking French for 2 hours (of which only HALF can be with other non-native speakers of the language). (e-mail by July 30). e. Two hours of writing, which can be your reporting on all the things that you have done in the Ten Hours and your essay for Part 1. (e-mail by August 20).

There is a form posted on line showing how you must document your time, what you have done, with whom you spoke, etc. Bring paper copies of the full documentation (copies of grammar activities completed, topics of what was discussed in the speaking portion, a short synopsis of things read, everything you have e-mailed over the summer) to class no later than August 31, 2012. This will be your first test grade (200 points).

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