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Madinah book 2/Arabic level 2a

________________________________________ :Date

A] Give more emphasis to these sentences via the use of 'inna' and make the[
necessary changes thereafter. Also provide accurate translations making sure you
clearly indicate the gender of subject and what person it is in (i.e 1st/2nd/3rd). [10

‫ ُه َو مُ َدرّس‬.1
‫هي مُتَزوّجَة‬.2
‫أنْتمْ طُلّب‬.3
‫أنا مُسْلم‬.4
ّ‫أنْت رَجُل غَنِي‬.5

:]B] Give an example of the following in a complete sentence [10 Marks[

.A sound masculine plural .1

.A sound feminine plural .2

.A broken plural .3

.'A noun from the '5 special nouns .4

.Kaana or one of its sisters .5

]C] Vowel the following sentences completely: [5 Marks[

‫إن الدرس سهل‬.1

‫إن القرآن كتاب ال‬.2

‫كان الستاذ متأخر‬.3

‫حامد ليس بطالب متهد‬.4

‫كانت الطالبة ذات علم‬.5

D] Negate the following sentences using laysa and make the necessary changes[
[to the verb itself and anything else that is necessary to alter [5 Marks

‫أنتم جدد‬.1

‫أنت فقية‬.2

‫أنا مدرس‬.3

‫نن طلب‬.4

‫هشام مريض‬.5

D]: (i) Change the adjectives in the following sentences into the superlative form[
(ism tafdeel) (ii) and then vowel each word completely, (iii) and then add a few
words to complete the sentence. [15 Marks] (Note: Be careful with the word

‫حزة طالب حسن‬.1

‫هذا بيت كبي‬.2

‫ال ْز َهرُ جامعة قدية‬.3

‫الدكتور ممد طبيب َشهِي‬.4

‫ذلك درس صعب‬.5

E] Rewrite the following sentences by: (i) spelling the number [e.g. 5 =[
khamsah] (ii) and by writing the ma'dood (counted item/thing) in the correct
]form. Remember you have to vowel each word! [10 Marks

‫ طالب‬7 ‫ف الفصل‬.1

‫ قلم‬4 ‫عندي‬.2

‫ كتاب‬5 ‫ف هذه القيبة‬.3

‫ مدرسة‬8 ‫جاء‬.4

‫‪.5‬لامد ‪ 5‬أخت‬

‫[‪F] Fill in the following gaps using the verb: dhahaba in the past tense making the‬‬
‫‪]necessary conjugations. [5 Marks‬‬

‫‪.1‬الوْلدُ ‪ .........................‬إل اللعب‬

‫‪.2‬مُحَمّد ‪ ..........................‬إل اللعب‬

‫‪ُ.3‬أخْت ‪ .......................... .‬إل اللعب‬

‫‪.4‬أنا ‪ ...............................‬إل اللعب‬

‫‪.5‬الطّالبات‪ ..........................‬إل اللعب‬

‫]‪[G] Fill in the gaps using a suitable present tense verb [10 Marks‬‬

‫‪ .............................1‬ممد على ُكرْسِيّه‬

‫‪ ....................2‬فاطِمة َقهْوة ف بيتِها‬

‫‪ ......................3‬حامدٌ الَيّة بِالعِصا‬

‫‪ .............................4‬حزة الباب لستاذه‬

‫ت ‪ ...................‬الَافِلة إل مَ ْدرَستهنّ‬
‫‪.5‬البَنا ُ‬

‫‪.6‬أ‪ُ .........................‬س ْورَة الرحْمَان يا مَحْمُود؟‬

‫‪.7‬أ‪ ..........................‬وَاجِبَاتكم يا أوْلد؟‬

‫‪ِ.8‬لمَ ‪ .................. .......‬مِنْ الفَصل الن يا بَنَات؟‬

‫ إل مصر لدِراسة اللغة العربية إن شاء ال‬......................َ‫أنا س‬.9

‫ المْد‬......................‫ النّة و س‬.....................َ‫ا ُلسْلمون س‬.10

!‫ل ربّ العالي‬

F] Change the following sentences using the ta'jjub pattern (i.e. maa af'ala) [5[

‫ ُهوَ َفقِي‬.1

‫السَماءُ جيلة‬.2

ٌ‫النجُومُ َكثِ َية‬.3

ٌ‫الْمَاءُ بَا ِرد‬.4

‫ال ّد ْرسُ َسهْل‬.5

]G] Fill in the gaps using a suitable imperative (command) verb. [5 Marks[

!‫ال ُقرْآن يا حامد‬................................1

!‫ على ال ُكرْسي يا فاطمة‬.........................2

!‫ إل ا َلسْجد يا أوْلد‬..........................3

!‫ النّة بِسَلم يا أيّها الُؤمنون‬...........................4

!‫ الدرسَ ف ُكتُبكنّ يا بنات‬..........................5

.]H] Translate the following sentences into Arabic [5 Marks[

.Muhammad went to school by bus .1

.Fatimah went to her house after salaah .2

.These students entered the classroom with their books .3

!Did you drink tea before Maghrib O Musa! We are in Ramadan .4

.I am studying the Arabic Language in a small school .5

Total: 85 Marks

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