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Unit of Education Skill Competency Subjects Class / Semester Standards of Competency Basic Competency Time A. INDICATORS : Vocational High School : Automotive (Teknik Kendaran Ringan) : Chemistry : XI / 2 : Understanding hydrocarbon compounds and their usefulness : Describing the usefulness of hydrocarbon compunds in human life : 2 X 45 minutes (1 meetings)

Observing the properties of petroleum fractions Identifying the usefulness of petroleum fractions through literature review.
B. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students can: Explain the petroleum fractions Explain the usefulness of petroleum fractions C. LEARNING MATERIALS Processing crude oil to obtain fractions / parts made by layer destillation. Basis of separation is the difference in boiling point each component. The greater molecular /the longer of C chain and branches are higher the boiling point Petroleum Fraction Number C atom Natural gas (methane 90%; ethane 10%) C1 C2 LPG (propane, isobutane and butane ) C3 C4 Petroleum ether C5 C6 Gasoline C7 C8 Naftan (cyclo alkane) C9 C10 Kerosene C11 C13 Solar C14 C16 Lubricating oil C17 C20 Paraffin and wax C21 C24 Residues (Asphalt, tar, etc) C36 and above each fraction has different compositions,characters, and advantages D. LEARNING METHOD Boiling Point -1600C until -880C -400C until 00C 200C until 700C 700C until 1400C 1400C until 1800C 1800C until 2500C 2500C until 3500C Above 3500C

Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI)

A cooperative learning model type with characteristics: students study the learning material that prepared by teacher individually. Then students make a group and the individual study achievement is brought for discussing and solving problems in each group. All members in each group are responsible the groups answer

Lesson plan By: Titis Eswindro, S.Si

E. STEP LEARNING ACTIVITIES NO ACTIVITIES 1 Beginning Activities a. The teacher opens the lesson b. The teacher gives students an opportunity to ask if it encounters a new problem related to previous material. c. Teacher provides motivation by giving the information processing petroleum and natural gas growth and its influence on the development of technological, economic, and political 2 Main Activities Teacher guides students to: a. Understand concept of petroleum fraction from some literatures b. Discuss and process information to solve problem about the usefulness of petroleum fractions. c. Present result of group discussion Students: a. Learn concept of petroleum fraction from some literatures b. Discuss and process information from literature to overcome the problems about the usefulness of petroleum fractions c. Present the problems answer from group discussion 3 Closing Activity a. Teacher concludes the material b. Teacher gives a task to learn deeply from some literatures and prepare for the next meeting c. The teacher closes the lesson 20 Time 10


Learning Resources Learning Media : Petroleum Handout , Internet, Relevant Books of Chemistry : Chart of petroleum refining.

Assessment Instrument ARTICLES TASK Prepare an article on the use of petroleum and its impact by using literature from the internet. Article is typed on A4 paper, space 1.5 and using arial 12 font The number of page at least 1 page, maximum 3 pages. Assessment criteria emphasis on conformity and depth of the material theme Write down the sources of literature clearly. POSTTEST

1. Explain three fractions of petroleum and its main compound! 2. Describe the four major uses of petroleum fractions which have number of C atoms 1-8! 3. In 2.5 liters of pure gasoline contains only isoctane and n-heptane without any additives, Lesson plan By: Titis Eswindro, S.Si

how many liters of gasoline isooktana contained in it if the octane number is 88? KEY ANSWER POSTTEST No Answer 1 Natural gas, the main compound is methane LPG, the main compounds are propane dan isobutane Gasoline, the main compound is isooctane Solar, the main compounds are normal cetane and -methyl naphthalene 2 C1-C2 nature gas is used for fuel C3-C4 LPG is used for fuel C5-C6 petroleum ether is used for solvent and industry raw material C7-C8 gasoline is used for fuel 3 Octane number 88 means contain 88% of isooctane for octane number 88 amount of isooctane is 88% X 2,5 liters = 2,2 liters Max score Score 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10

Aspect Assessment Affective/Sikap (S) assessed from the presence, activeness students in the learning and seriousness in the discussions and tasks based on the assessment criteria attitude



Doing group discussion actively Always Often Rarely Seldom So seldom Honest doing the test and on time for doing the task Always Often Rarely Seldom So seldom Student presence Always absence 5% absence 5% until 10% absence 10% until 15% absence lmore than 15%

5 4 3 2 1



5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1


Affective Value= total score X 6,67

Kognitif/Pengetahuan (P) is obtained from posttest, posttest value = total score X 10 Phsycomotoric/Ketrampilan (K) is obtained from the task of drafting the article with the following criteria Criteria Article topic suitable with topic discussed Article arrangement Exactness time for doing the task Substance deepness Literature clarity The article advantage to increase the students 1 1 1 1 1 1 Score 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 1=less 2=enough 3=good 4=very good Value= Total score X 3,75

Lesson plan By: Titis Eswindro, S.Si

knowledge (aplicative) Final value/nilai akhir (NA) is obtained from the affective value (S), knowledge value (P) and psikomotor value (K) with formula like this : NA = 2 S + 5P + 3K 10

Graduation Guidelines and Follow-up Minimal thoroughness criteria (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) = 70. Values below 70, students are obliged to follow the remidial program, the value 70 and over 70 students attend enrichment programs In the remidial program students do their test questions, in the enrichment program students are given the task to find articles about alternative fuels, such as the use of castor oil as biodiesel, etc.


Titis Eswindro, S,Si NIM. 100331509387

Lesson plan By: Titis Eswindro, S.Si

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