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The Facts About Designing Your Life!

We define our results by what we have accomplished, and not necessarily, who we
are. All of us aspire for more. The difference between those who are successful and
turn their desires into reality and those who do not are the principles I teach all my
clients. The successful believe in themselves, have faith they will succeed, continuously
get up when knocked down and they do the things that others choose not to do! These
steps are simple and are the easiest yet hardest things to do. Remember success
insists on change, change takes courage, courage requires persistence and persistence
brings results.

Question: what is the primary cause of your results in every aspect of your life?

Many people just drift through life. The choices they make are based on an unclear
purpose, just like fog on a mirror. They are breathing but their life is hazy. Most of us are
so busy that we are running around trying to accomplish so many tasks that we have
placed planning our lives on autopilot. We have all intentions of planning tomorrow. Life
continues whether we plan or not. The real issue occurs when we look at our results
and realize they are not what we want or expected. The good news is that with just a
few steps and some new tools we can change these results and have the life we desire.

We have been conditioned to look at our results as they relate to our finances because
they are easily measured. Either you have money in the bank or you do not.
However, we get results in our relationships, our health, professional development and
our spiritual life. Therefore, you might be wondering how we even start designing the
life we want.

The answer to our question above is our Attitude! Did you select that answer?

I know you have heard that before and many people seem at first to be disappointed
with the answer. However, think about how important our attitude is and how it
influences your day. It might help to first develop a good definition for attitude. If we
cannot clearly define what it is, how can we inspire others and how can we change
ours? My dictionary describes attitude as, “opinion or way of thinking, behavior
reflecting this, bodily posture, pose, feeling, view, disposition, demeanor, stance or
form. So what is attitude? It is a composite of three areas - our thoughts, our
feelings, and our actions. It is not just one of these, but all of them combined.

Imagine a circle around these three words.

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This circle represents everything we are responsible for: Our!Thoughts!

Through my study of personal development, I have found that attitude is the key to
success. You might think this sounds simple but many people allow their outside
conditions and circumstances to control their attitude and life.

Question: Have you taken 100% responsibility for your life –

For where you are now?

A person who does not take responsibility for the things they think, or the feelings they
feel, or their actions, is living outside of their circle of responsibility. They are playing
the blame game where everyone and everything is the cause of their results.

James Allen, in this all time classic from 1903 “As A Man Thinketh” tells us “A person
cannot directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts, and so
indirectly, yet surely, shape his circumstances.” Most of us think in reverse, we allow
our outside circumstances to dictate our results.

See, when you and I think, we literally think in pictures. Moreover, the clearer the
picture we have of something, the more order and the less fear, doubt, and confusion
we will experience. If I ask you to think of your car, or your home, a picture or an
image of your car or your home will flash on the screen of your mind. Now, if I were to
ask you to think of what your life looks like having accomplished your goal, most
people do not have a clear picture of what they want in their lives. Therefore, they
cannot answer this question. They allow outside conditions to control what it is they

So how do we change and take control of our own lives?

We need to know how we think.

There are really two parts to the mind; there is the conscious mind and the sub-
conscious mind. One gathers information and the other controls our behavior. They
are mental muscles and can be developed independently of one another.

Now your conscious mind is your thinking mind. This is where our free will resides,
where our awareness lies and where we have the ability to reason. Your conscious
mind has the ability to accept or reject any thought or any outside influence. Image
your conscious mind like the Spam filter on your computer. Deepak Chopra tells us in
Magical Mind, Magical Body that 95% of the thoughts we have today we thought
yesterday and 95% of the thoughts we will have tomorrow we had today”. No wonder
people are going around in circles and feeling so dissatisfied with their lives.

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Our sub-conscious mind is our feeling mind. This is where all of our emotions, habits,
conditioning, paradigms and memories are housed. The early Greeks called this area
our “heart of hearts”. Unlike the conscious mind, the sub-conscious mind cannot reject
anything, which is impressed upon it. When we have a thought, no matter if negative
or positive, if accepted by the conscious mind, it is passed directly to the sub-conscious
and is considered a fact.

We need to understand that we are a mind, body and spirit or in other words, we are a
spiritual being, living in a body with an intellect. Your body is a manifestation of your
thoughts! If you want to really know what you are thinking all you have to do is look at
your results.

For example, if you tell yourself, you cannot learn a new language; your sub-conscious
mind will accept this as fact. And, will hold you back from learning the new language.

You should now begin to realize how everything you are “feeling” first started as a
thought in your conscious mind. Since this is true and we said we want to change our
results then all we have to do is change how we think! Instead of letting our outside
conditions and circumstances dictate to us our results all we have to do is reverse this
thinking process. We do this by accepting the thoughts, which move us forward in the
direction of our goals. This will set up emotions and feelings in our sub-conscious
mind, which will give us the actions to improve our results.

Have you had it with your boring job, negative family and life in general?
Are you self-sabotaging your efforts with procrastination,
worry, doubt and low self-esteem?

From my early childhood, I always felt inferior to everyone around me. I thought others
were smarter, cleverer, more attractive, and more fun. My limiting beliefs hindered my
decision making ability, sending me into the depths of despair, depression, guilt, and
blame. I was the master of finding everyone else as the cause of my problems. It took
me over twenty years to realize the cause of those problems.

One day in December 1984, I found Zig Ziglar’s See You at the Top. This little gem of a
book gave me hope that I could be more. From the spark of faith it provided, I was
motivated to begin my journey. Even in my darkest days, my inner self would nudge me
forward for just one more day. That was the first time I picked myself up, dusted myself
off and turned my dreams into reality. Nevertheless, as happens with most people life
crept in and I lost my way. Written In Proverbs, “He, who fails to plan, plans to fail”.

Here are the steps we must implement to Design the life of our dreams:

1. Accept: The first step is to realize you are the designer of your life. Today take
100% responsibility for your life. Stop allowing outside conditions and
circumstances to control your results. Accept no more excuses from yourself.

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You are the only one who can make the changes necessary to live the life you
want. You can do this; you CAN design your life. It is up to you.

2. Decide: Next start dreaming about the type of life you want. Design the people
in your life, your home, car, vacations, and career. The more detail the better.
Make a list of all your wants, everything you would want to do in your life. Create
a vision board and put pictures on this board that represent this new life you
want. Meditate on this board daily and place it somewhere where you will see it
often. Decide right now you will have this new life.

3. Choices: The choices you are making today are creating your results. If you do
not like your results then you must analyze them. Break them down into the
seven key life areas and make a list of the things you want in each area:
Relationships, Health, Spiritually, Financially, Career Development, Personal
Development and Recreation.

4. Belief: To reinvent your life you must believe you can have the life you desire.
Before you can do this you have to know in your heart you are worthy of your
desire. This principle works for all things you want, whether it is riches, stronger
relationships, increased spiritualism or better health.

5. Focus: Once you have the results in the seven key areas of your life; strengthen
your desire with affirmations. Affirmations alone will not cause the thing you
desire to manifest. However, they will keep you focused. Have faith your dreams
will manifest. Repeat these affirmations at least twice daily, if not more.

6. Visualization: Develop a visual representation of your top goals. Use your

unlimited imagination to design a mental movie of the life you desire. Really, put
a lot of energy into this project. The clearer this picture is in your mind the more
motivation you will experience. Replay this movie at least once daily.

7. Monitor: When you accept the thoughts of others, it affects your feelings, which
causes your reactions. Usually the actions are negative. We stop moving
forward and in fact, will begin to run backward. We must guard ourselves
carefully in order to continuously move forward. Any movement is better than
standing still; we want this movement to be forward movement.

8. Gratitude: Be grateful for everything you have. When you get up in the morning
let this be the first thing you say to yourself or aloud, “I am so happy and grateful
for all that I have and for what is to come”. Acknowledging your many strengths,
talents and treasures right now will give you motivation to continue moving

9. Persistence: Change takes courage and persistence brings results. You will
always fear the unknown to a certain degree. As your courage strengthens, an
unwavering persistence to continue no matter what will develop; you will be
successful in reinventing your life.

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10. Action: The most important step is to get moving. A journey of thousands of
steps starts with the first one. You do not have to get it right, just get it

All of us aspire for more. The difference between those who are successful and turn
their desires into reality and those who do not are the principles I have just outlined.
The successful believe in themselves, have faith they will succeed, continuously get up
when knocked down and they do the things that others choose not to do! These steps
are simple and are the easiest yet hardest things to do. Remember success insists on
change, change takes courage, courage requires persistence and persistence brings

Here are more great resources to help you continue your development:

Join the Navigate Your Life Now movement

Start Here Navigate Your Life Now or copy and paste this link into your browser get your free coaching consultation, start today.

Other valuable resources:

Download a FR*EE eBook of James Allen’s As A Man Thinketh. Alternatively, paste this link into
your browser:

Click here for MP3 Motivators by Navigate Your life or paste this link into your browser; while at this site you can sign up for
daily motivational quotes, they are awesome.

Fr*ee book offer, Think and Grow Rich Click here for free book code: NavigateLife
or paste this link into your browser

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