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5/4/13 UPDATE: MU tailback Derrick Washington officially charged, arraignment scheduled 1/3
By DIeLer KurLenbucI
AugusL o, zo1o ] 1:1o p.m. CDT
Derrick Washington turned himself in to police on Monday but quickly posted bond and was released. Courtesy
of Columbia Police Department
COUMBA - MIssourI LuIIbuck DerrIck WusIIngLon's urruIgnmenL Ius been scIeduIed Ior 1:o
p.m. on SepL. z uILer Ie wus cIurged wILI devIuLe sexuuI ussuuIL, u cIuss C IeIony.
AssIsLunL Boone CounLy ProsecuLor Andreu Huyes suId Monduy LIe decIsIon Lo cIurge
WusIIngLon wILI u IeIony wus reucIed uILer un InvesLIguLIon by Ier oIIIce InLo LIe uIIeguLIons LIuL
Ie sexuuIIy ussuuILed u z-yeur-oId womun In June uL LIe Cumpus VIew upurLmenL compIex.
A wurrunL Ior WusIIngLon's urresL wus ordered, und uccordIng
5/4/13 UPDATE: MU tailback Derrick Washington officially charged, arraignment scheduled 2/3
ReIated Media
Read the statement issued by
Derrick Washington's attorneys at
Holder, Susan and Slusher on
Boone County Circuit Judge Kevin
Crane hears motions made Monday
by former Missouri running back
Derrick Washington, right, and his
attorney, Chris Slusher. Washington
is charged with deviate sexual
assault and is scheduled to appear
for trial on Sept. 20.
Former Missouri running back
Derrick Washington and assistant
prosecutor Andrea Hayes were in
court Monday for pretrial motions in
Washington's pending deviant
sexual assault case. Washington's
trial is scheduled to begin with jury
selection Sept. 20.
ReIated ArticIes
Former Missouri tailback Derrick
Washington starting at Tuskegee
Lo LIe Boone CounLy SIerIII's DepurLmenL, WusIIngLon Lurned
IImseII In Lo poIIce uL z:o8 p.m. Monduy. He wus LIen reIeused
on $q,oo bond.
DevIuLe sexuuI ussuuIL, uccordIng Lo MIssourI Iuw, InvoIves
sexuuI conLucL wILIouL InLercourse und wILIouL consenL. TIe
IeguI deIInILIon Is grupIIc buL cun be Iound In MIssourI RevIsed
SLuLuLes 66.o1o.
WusIIngLon's Iuwyers, In u sLuLemenL, suId WusIIngLon dIdn'L
know ubouL LIe order oI proLecLIon uguInsL IIm. TIe Lemporury
order wus Issued uILer LIe womun uccused IIm oI sexuuI
ussuuIL. TIe order wus dIsmIssed wIen neILIer purLy sIowed
up Ior u JuIy z1 IeurIng LIuL wouId Iuve deLermIned wIeLIer u
IuII order oI proLecLIon wus Lo be Issued.
TIe sLuLemenL suId WusIIngLon wus never served or LoId ubouL
LIe order.
ALLorney Bogdun Susun, oI HoIder, Susun und SIusIer, suId
WusIIngLon wIII mosL IIkeIy IIIe u wrILLen enLry oI uppeurunce
und u pIeu oI noL guIILy, und wIII noL uppeur In courL.
TIere Is u possIbIIILy Ie`II be LIere," Susun suId, "II we decIde
Lo do more LIun jusL urruIgnmenL.
Huyes, LIe ussIsLunL prosecuLor, suId sIe Iud noL LuIked Lo
WusIIngLon sInce cIurges were IIIed. SIe wouId noL suy II sIe
Iud meL wILI WusIIngLon's uLLorneys.
A cIuss C IeIony currIes u muxImum senLence oI seven yeurs In
juII. Huyes suId LIuL sIe Iud noL decIded wIuL senLence LIe
prosecuLor's oIIIce wouId seek.
WusIIngLon Ius been suspended IndeIInILeIy Irom LIe IooLbuII
Leum. MU poIIcy sLuLes LIuL u sLudenL-uLIIeLe wIo Ius been
cIurged wILI u IeIony cunnoL compeLe wILI IIs or Ier Leum
unLII LIe muLLer Is resoIved.
MIssourI Ieud coucI Gury PInkeI spoke ubouL LIe cIurges
uguInsL WusIIngLon durIng LIe TIger IooLbuII Leum's medIu duy
5/4/13 UPDATE: MU tailback Derrick Washington officially charged, arraignment scheduled 3/3
Derrick Washington enters a plea of
guilty to third-degree assault
Derrick Washington's assault trial
Derrick Washington sentenced to
five years in prison
Derrick Washington faces
sentencing in sexual assault case
Derrick Washington's attorney
requests jury trial in domestic assault
UPDATE: Derrick Washington found
guilty of deviate sexual assault
Derrick Washington found guilty of
deviate sexual assault
UPDATE: Former roommate backs
testimony of Washington's accuser
Derrick Washington waives right to
jury sentencing in sexual assault trial
Monduy uILernoon.
"We've Iud some mIsLukes und we've Luken some IILs," PInkeI
suId. "'m responsIbIe Ior LIuL."

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