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BIBLIOTECA EJEMPLAR Ne _f £2272 Other MeGraw-Hl Reference Books of Interest ————E—ESESE_—_ Ss Mandbecs HANDBOOK OF Bens» tELevsion ENcTNEENNG namDe0OK TRANSFORMER counter DESIGN AND Or tant te ans ans 004 APPLICATIONS Harper + ELECTRONIC PACKAGING AND INTERCONNECTION HANDBOOK Hicks + STANDARD HANDBOOK OF ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS Inglis» ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS HANDBOOK j duran and Grina » 1URAN’S QUALITY CONTROL HANDBOOK “Kaufman and Seidman » WANDROOK OF ELECTRONICS CALCULATIONS Rorabaugh + DIGITAL FILTER DESIGNER'S HANDBOOK ve Tuna + ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS HAND8OOK, William M. Flanagan Willianxs and Taylor © ELECTRONIC FILTER DESIGN HANDBOOK Other q Antognetti » POWER INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Antognetti and Massobrio + SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE MODELING WITH SPICE Buchanan * CMOS/TTL DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN Buchanan » BiCMOS/CMOS SYSTEMS DESIGN Byers + PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD DESIGN WITH MICROCOMPUTERS Second Edition Eliott + tNTEGRATED CIRCUITS FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY Hecht + THE LASER GUIDEBOOK ‘Mun + Gaas INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Pressman » SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY DESIGN Rorabaiigh + CIRCUIT DESIGN AND ANALYSIS Siliconix + DESIGNING WITH FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS e+ VLSI TECHNOLOGY Tui * LS1/VLSI TESTABILITY DESIGN Waters * ACTIVE FILTER DESIGN Wabschall » CIRCUIT DESIGN FOR ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION Wyatt + ELECTRO-OPTICAL SYSTEM DESIGN te To order or co receive addons information on these or any sai ited Slates net cnr please ont Boston, Massachusetts Burr Ridge, Illinois Sour focal MeGraw-Hil ofce. sane Dubuque, lowa’ Madison, Wisconsin New York, New York San Francisco, California St. Louis, Missouri McGraw-Hill A Divison of The McGraw Hill Companies Library of Congress Cataloging-o-Pubication Data Flanagan, William M. Handbook of transformer design and applications / William M. lanagan,— 2nd ed Bem. Rev. ed. of Handbook of transformer applications Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0.07-021291.0 1. Electric transformers — Design and construction — Handbooks, ‘manuals. etc. 1. Flanagan. William M.Handhook of transformer applications. UL. Title TRIT91.FS7 1992 92.32318 621.314 de20 cP Copyright © 1993, 1986 by McGraw-Hil, Ine All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be repro- 4uced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data hase or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher 78910 11 1213 14 armaKH 9 9 ISBN 0-07-021291-0 The sponsoring editor for this book was Daniel. Gonneau. the editing superisor nas Komberl 4. Gofl and the production supervisor as Susanne W" Baheuf This hook was set in Times Roman by Ercpresive LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY The author and publisher have exercised care in preparing this book and the programs contained init. They make no representation, how ever, thatthe programs are erorfre or suitable for every application to which the reader may attempt. to apply them. The author and pub lisher make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability or fitaess for @ particular purpose, with regard to these programs or the documentation or theory con tained in this book, all of which ate provided "as is” The author and publisher shall not be liable for damages in amount greater than the purchase price af this book, or in any event for incidental or conse: ‘uential damages in connection with, of arising out ofthe furnishing, performance, or use of these programs or the associated description’ fr discussions, Readers should test any program on their own systems and com> pre resus with those presented in this book, They should then con struet their own test programs (0 verify that they fully understand the requisite calling conventions and data formats for each of the pro- rams. Then they should test the specific application thoroughly. To my wife, Billie Morris, whose forbearance made this book possible,

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