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Mechanical Injury Factors responsible for Mechanical (Accidental injury)

Enveronmental Factors
Safety personal are responsible Machine, workers, building, etc Are environmental factors - Increased Heat - Increased Noise - No machine Guards Physical Person is Colour Blind or Deaf

Human Factors
Physiological Psychological 1) Sex:- More Acc. In Males 1) Over enthusiasm 2) Age:-At the 2) Carelessness Beginning of service 3) Accident Proneness Accidents are more 3) More Exp. Less Acci. 4) Timing of Shift Change of Shift 5) More accidents in night shift

Psychological Hazards:Physiological 1) Industrial Neurosis When the persons behaviour changes 2) Alcoholism 3) Drug abuse PsychoSomatic When there are System Systems associated with Psychological Symptoms 1) Boss Subordinate quarrel 2) Sleeplessness 3) Hyperacidity 4) High BP

Boss Subordinate Relationship Type I: Yes Sir Type Type II:Yes But Type Type III: Boss is Good Type Type Iv:Subordinate tries to please withy offerings at the non-duty hours & Outside the office premises. Type V:Stalemate Type:- Union Leader for his own survival need to oppose the management. Type VI:Ideal Type:You will respect the boss, & Boss will respect you.

Biological Hazards:Wool Sorters Disease (Anthrax) :Caused by Bacillus Anthrasis & spread through spores which may be found in the infected animals and animal products like wool, hair, meat, skin, bones etc. Soil can become contaminated by the spores and may survive in the soil for many years. The disease also known as Wool Sorters Disease. Occupations Involved:- 1) Veterinarian 2) Farmers 3) Slaughter Men 4) Agriculture Workers 5) Workers of Carpet Factory, Tanneries etc. 6) Fertilizer Plant Types of Anthrax:1) Cutaneous 2) Pulmonary 3) Intestinal It accounts for 95 % of cases occurring when infectious organisms enter through a cut or an abrasion. After incubation period of 2-7 days a small papule develops. This becomes vesicular & over 24 to 48 hours enlarges to form an ulcer, with a characteristically black necrotic centre, which is usually s surrounded by considerable oedema & accompanied by fever & local Lymphadenopathy.



2) Pulmonary:- It is caused by inhalation of the organisms. Initially has non specific symptoms of URTI followed by a rapid deterioration in respiratory functions, sever dyspnoea followed by shock. If untreated Pulmonary Anthracosis is rapidly Fatal. 3) Intestinal:Acquired after eating infected meat.


By Culture of Swabs from lesions, blood or Sputum. 1) Parentral Penicillin 2) Tetracycline 3) Cyclofloxacin

Types:1) Brucella Abortus:Seen in Cattle Population 2) Brucella Melitensis:Seen in Sheep & Goats 3) Brucella Suis:Seen in Pigs 4) Brucella Moris:Seen in Seals & Other Marine Animals Infection may be acquired through contact of the organism with conjunctive of abraded skin, Aerosol inhalation or ingestion. Occupations Involved:1) Veterinarian Surgeon 2) Unpasteurised Milk or Milk products. 3) Laboratory Workers Incubation period:- Ranging from 1 week to 7 months.
Clinical Feature:Clinical picture is variable including:Fever, rigors, generalized body ache, anorexia etc. Infection may lead to chronisity after associated with intense fatigue. Symptoms of Chronic Brucellosis:- May last for years, with nonspecific symptoms like - Malaise - Tiredness - Little or no fever - Depression Physical Signs:- 1) Spleenomegale 2) Hepatomegale 3) Lymphadenopathy 4) Transient Skin Rash 5) Ottitis Media 6) Meningitis 7) Cranial Nerve Palsies 8) Endocarditis 9) Hepatic & Spleenic Abscesses By Serology & Culture of Blood, Bone Marrow, Pus or Infected Tissue. 1) Tetracyclins or Doxicyclins 2) Streptomycin or Refampicin 3) Co-Tri-Moxazol may be used.


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