Anda di halaman 1dari 1

e n t a r y L unch 9

No School
Elem 7
8 aghetti Casserole
l Sp
l BBQ Chick
l Beanie WSupremeee
Hamburger on Chicken Patt
y l Nachos tter & Jelly
6 ee fy M ac aroni
En rich ed Bun a
Sa nd wich l Peanut Bu
B ese Pizz
Casserole hicken l Tony’s Che l C he f Salad EntreeJelly Sandwich s
pc or n C C hi ck en Nuggets l Pe an ut Butter & l Potato Frie en Beans Heatlhy
l Po on l
Bu tter & Je lly w ic h Tender Gre h Salad
er l Peanut h Sand l
l Hamburg Bun ic to Fr ies Garden Fresesh Fruit Time!
Enriched ter & Jelly Sandwd Potatoes l Pota
t C oi ns
Assorted Fr
l Peanut Bhut l Mashe as l Car lad l
l Green achesPe l Gar de n Fr es h Sa l Applesauce Choose your
Sandwic z Pe m on A pp le Slices l Box of Raisins lunch food wisely
Po ta to St ar l D iced ui t l C in na y Sh or tc ak e
l reen Beans l Assorted Fresh Fr of Raisins l Strawbe rr on our color-
Te nd er G l Bo x
B lu eb er ry l Bo x of Raisins
l C ho colate Chip coded menu.
l Chip
Applesaucesins l Chocolate Cookie
l Healthy all the
Cookie time
l Box of RDaielight Cake 16 ki C
ey l Teriyar Fluffy Rice
hi ck en
l Most of the time
l Cherry oa st ed Tu rk
15 atore
l Sliced R y Gravy
l Tuna Noo
dle l Some of the time
14 eak l C hicken Cacci
ea tb
l Italian M urger on
all Su b
Cas se ro le
13 l Salisbury St
eberry w/Brown Gravy ke l Beef Burrito l Cheeseb Bun l Tony’s Chetter &
ese Pizza
Here’s How
l Chili w/Blu en Ba & Je lly
Enriched tter & Jelly l Pean Sandwich ut Bu
Muffin l C heesy Chickps l Peanut Butter Bu Jelly
the Lunch
uggets acho Chi zza ndwich l Peanut h Menu Works...
l Chicken N w /N Pi
e on a Bun l Tony's Cheese Jelly l Fiesta Chicken es
Sa Sa la d Sandw ic ta to
role l Po er Green Beans
Fr ie s
Entree - Students
l Sloppy Jout Po ta to C as se
ter & Jelly l Peanut Butter & l Mashed Poreen Beans
tato l Sweet as l Tend Salad must select one (1)
l Peanut Bh Pe
l Green Fresh Salad l Gar de n Fr es h
Sandwic ies Sandwich tatoes l Tender G Fresh Fruit n l App le sa uc e entree.
l Potato Fr as l Mashed Po l Assorted Apple Slices l Garde Peaches or te d Fr es h Side Dishes -
t Coins innamon l Diced aisins l Ass Students may select
l Green PeFresh Salad l Carro Sa la d l C R uit
l Garden aches l Garden Fr
esh l Box of Raisins h Sa la d l Box of y Delight
ui te d G el atin up to three (3) side
l Strawberr
y Garden Fressp l Bluebe l Fr items.
l Diced Peaisins l
l Box of Rry Cobbler Applesauce ns l Cherry Cri Milk - Students
l Blueber l Box of Raikie may select up to
l Sugar Coo 24 Pizza one (1) choice of
23 i & C he es e l Tony ’s C
he es
ni es milk.
22 se ro le l Macar on l Bean ie
Sa la d En tree
21 l SpaghettTu i Cas
Toasted rk wich
ey &
Bake e Fries
l Chili Chelleesd Pork
l Che f
l Peanut Buwich
tter & All trays must have
20 l BBQ Chickeneme l Pu Sa nd a minumum (entree
l Beefy Mac
aroni l Nachos Su
e Pizz a Cheese Sandon l BBQ h
w ic
he d Po ta to es & 2 other items)
l Tony’s Chetter & Jelly l Hamburg Bun
er Sand
ut Bu tt er & Jelly l Masrot Coins totaling three (3)
l Peanut Bu Enriched tter & Jelly l Pean l Car Salad items. Maximum
l Popcorn f Taco Sand w ic h l Gar de n Fr es h
l Soft Bee utter & Jelly Sandfe wich l Peanut Bu d Potatoes ans aches (entree & 4 other
l Con tti Roins
ice Sandwich to Casserole l Mashe l Diced Perr items) totaling five
l Peanut Bh er G
l Tend Fresh Salad re en Be
l Stra w be y
Sandwic to l Carrot CFresh Salad l Sweet Pota n tc ak e (5) items.
ta l Garden Fresh Fruit l Green PeFresh Salad
as l Garde estyle Shor
l Sweet Pole H om
Cassero reen Beans l Assor
ted l Garden Apple Slices l Hot e Note:
Peaches Cinnamon e ApplesaucFresh Fruit
l Tender GFresh Salad l Diced C ob bler l ki l Ass or te d 1/2% chocolate
Nutrition l Garden ry l Blueberry l Sugar Coo elatin milk, 1% low-fat
Ve ry Ber l Fruited G milk, and
Note: l
sa uc e
Vegetables come Apple si ns condiments are
of R ai
in terrific colors l Box
l Black Fore
st Cake 30 iced Roasted
Turkey offered daily
and flavors. 29 ciatore
l Sl
l Frito ChiliPatty
with meals.
Vegetables are a 28 & M ea tb al ls l Chicken Cac
ti l Chi ck en
great source of 27 l Spaghettiheese Pizza w/SpaghefetTaco
Chicken Tony's C Soft Be Sandwich tter & Jelly If you have questions
many nutrients l Roasted Su pr em e l
Bu rr ito l
f Sa la d En tree l Peanut Bu or concerns, please
l Nac ho s l Be ef & Je lly l C he & Je lly ic h
that help keep ts er tt er nd w
l C hi cken Nugge Jelly l Peanut Butt l Peanut Bu Sa
ee t Po ta to contact us by calling our
you healthy. & Sandwich s Sandwich e l Sw
Peanut Butter
Customer Care Line at
l ic se ro le
When eating Sandwich tatoes l Potato Frie Be an s l Santa Fe R ns Cas
er G re en Beans (904) 732-5174
en oi nd
your fruits and l Mashed Poas l Tender GFrreesh Salad l Carrot CFresh Salad l Te
ar de n Fr es h Salad
l Garden Apple Slices l Garden aches lG y Applesauce
vegetables think l Green PeFresh Salad l Strawberraisins
color; by eating l Garden e l Cinnamon C hip l Diced Pe Fresh Fruit x of R
vegetables of l ApplesaucFresh Fruit l Choco
late l Assortedaisins l Bo risp
Cookie l Box of R elatin l Cherry C
different colors it l Assorted aisins ui te d G
l Box of R l Fr
will provide your elight
l Cherry D tice.
body with a wide Cak e ge without no
range of valuable en us ar e su bject to chan
nutrients. offerings:
l, tr y o u r daily snack
-on to yougs r regular m Ice Cream
As an addte , Sandwich, $ .75
A La Car
Off er in
$ .50 Low Fat Cup Ec lair
Choco la te .00
Fresh Fruit $ .75 ry ba by , N ut ty Buddy $1
Yogu rt $ .7 5 C
Goldfish Craer $ .50
Drinks $ .50
Pret ze l Po pp $1 .00
K ri sp ie Tr ea t
60 M ilk $1 .00
te d B ak ed Chips $. G at or ade, Dole ana,
Assor $. 50 op ic
Belly Bears ia $1.00 Fruit Juice, Trer
nc hm an .3 5 B ot tled Wat
Cru $
Small CookiRoll $1.25
Cin na m on
Lunch Prices
Paid $1.50 • Reduced $ .40
For online meal payments, go to ww

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