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General Lessons:

General Lessons:

General Lessons:

1 Flesh of Domesticated Donkey is Haram and 1 Importance of using the Miswak before every Wudu ( in other Ahadith every Salah). 1- Forbidden for a Junub person to take a bath in New Sahabah Bios: is Najis ( Hence Wild Donkey (Zebra) is Halal. For one who perform Wudu correctly and recites the Duas, Allah will open eight gates of Paradise. stagnant water (and to urinate in it preceding the General Lessons: 2- Saliva of the Camel is not Najis ( Had 24). 2-Nobody protects their wudu, except the believer action). [Had 5] 1Hudaifa bin Al Yaman 3- Manner of cleaning a Garment solied by 3- Key Lessons from the wudu of Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him): 2- Permissible for wife and husband to take bath 2Umm Salama 1 - Only those type of animals that are menstrual blood: a) He did not verbalise his intention together from the same vessel. [Had 7] 3- Salama bin Al-Muhabbiq permissible to consume are permissible types of i) Scrape it. b) He performed all acts three times (except for wiping over the head). 3- Only the Saliva of the Dog is Najis and 4Maimuna tanned leather [Had 16,17,18] ii) Rub it with water c) Acts: Washed palms, rinsed mouth + sniffed water, washed face, washed elbows, Mash of the requires 7 washes & once with sand. [Had 8] 5- Ibn Thalaba Al-Khushni 2 The body of a disbeliver is not Najis [Had: 20] iii) Wash it head, washing of feet to the ankles. 4- Cat is Tahir [Had 9] 6Imran bin Hussain 3 Prohibition of Silver not as such a degree vs [Had 27] d) Most iimportant hadith in the chapter; comprehesive, correct order, proof that the order in the 5- Urine is Najis [Had 10] Gold. Proof that that Small amounts of Silver are 4- If traces remain even after the process for Quran is to be followed, need for continuity. (should not allow any limb to dry in between the next 6- Two dead animals perm. = Locusts & Fish permissible. cleaning menstrual blood then it will not harm. action). [Had 30] Two blood types perm. = Liver & Spleen [Had 11] Principles Derived: Principles Derived: 4- Confirmation that Mash of the head is be made 7- Fly does not make the water impure [Had12] 2 1 only once. 1- Not for a Muslim to waste water 8- Meat cut-off from a living animal is considered 4 3 5- Obligation of Mash of the entire head [Had 32] 1- Forbidden to eat in Silver & Gold during Wudu,(750ml used)[Had 38] as Carion [Had 13] 6- Ear has the ruling of the head and should be Utensils & Plates [Had 14&15]. 2- Recommended to begin all good New Sahabah Bios: cleaned by inserting the index finger in the ears actions with the right [Had 41&42] and wiping the exterior with the thumb [Had 34] 3- Recommended but not obligatory 1- Abu Huraira 7- When awaking from sleep one should; act to say the Tasmiyaah (Bismillah) Principles Derived: 2 Abu Said Al-Khudri Chapter 1: Water Chapter 3: The cleansing of Chapter 4: Wudu (Ablution) [Had 46] Chapter 2: Containers and Utensils - clean out his nose three time [Had 34] 3 Abu Umama Al-Bahili An-Najasah and its nature - not put hands in a utensil until hands are 1- Water of the sea is purifying [Had:1] 4- Abdullah ibn Umar Principles Derived: cleaned thrice [Had 35]. 2- Water is pure until proven otherwise [Had:2] New Sahabah Bios: 5 -Ibn Abbas 8- Perfection in wudu by passing water through 3- Any amount of water affected by its; Smell, 1- Alchol (Khamr) is Tahir: (Stronger Opinion) 6 Abu Qatada the fingers and toes + being extreme in sniffing Taste or Colour is no longer purifying. [Had:3] i) Asl is pure until proven otherwise 7 Anas ibn Malik General Lessons: up water unless fasting [Had 36] 1- Amr bin Kharija Ii) Rijs is used for Gambling and does not mean impure 8 Abu Waqid Al-Laithi New Sahabah Bios: 9 Running the fingers through the beard would 2- Aisha bint Abi Bakr 1- Ghusl on: intercourse (Fard), Jummah (Sunnah), extracting blood & washing with regards to Tahara. [Had 22]. suffice for one with a full beard [Had 37]. 3Abu As-Samh a dead body (Mustahab).[Had 98] Defective Bleeding Mensuration 2- Excreation, Urine and Saliva of All animals Halaal to 1- Humran bin Aban 10- Wudu is distinction for this Ummah [Had 40] 4- Asma bint Abi Bakr 2- Mustahab (Recommended to for a new Muslim to take a Ghusul: Other proof; consume are Pure (Tahir).[Had 24] Pain Yes No 2Uthman 11 If there is difficulty in removing the turban Muadh was not commanded regarding this, Hadith Abu Dawood they were 3 Hanbali + Shafaee opinion: Semen is Pure (Tahir) Composition Thick Thin 3- Abdullah bin Zaid then one is able to wipe over it, however the commanded to shave pubic hairs and circumcise. [Had 99] [Had25] Colour Blackish Paleish Red 4- Al-Mughira bin Shuba Prophet (sallalahuallahiwassalm) wiped over the 3- Ghusul on Friday is a recommended & stressed Sunnah, however Wudu 4 - Urine, Mady (Pre-cum) and Wadhy (discharge after Smell Smelly Not Smelly 5- Jabir bin Abdullah. rest of his head. [Had 43] would suffice [Had 100&101] Urine is Najis. Semen (muney) is pure. [Had25] Quantity Less More 6- Umar ibn Al-Khattab 12- Acts of Sunnah to garggel and blow into the 4- After the first session with ones wife; one is commended to: make Ghusul, if 5- Urine of male/female is Najis, but concession in nose with the same scoop of water [Had47,48,49] not then wudu, if not then there is no harm in sleeping if tired [Had 103] sprinkling of male child urine (by def. child should not be 13- Lack of continuity whilst performing wudu 5- Manner of make Ghusul: tasmiyah, wash hands, wash private areas, perform Principles Derived: consuming solid food stuffs). [Had26] invalidates it [Had50]. wudu, wash head, wash the rest of the body from left to right [104]. 10 6- Clear proof: Blood of Menstruation is Najis. [Had 27]. 14- Authentic supplication mentioned for one to 1- Istihada: Defective Bleeding (see table above 6- When washing the head; min. requirement. is for the water to reach the head 5 recite after performing wudu. for its signs) [Had 118] and roots of the hair. General Lessons: 2- Haram to have relations with ones wife during 7Permissible for husband and wife to take a bath together and thus may look menstruation, all else is permitted [Had 122, 123] at the private areas of one another [Had107] 1Method: Wipping over the upper part and not the lower [Had 54&55]. Chapter 9: Mensuration 2- Wiping over the Jaraabain (normal socks) is General Lessons: The Book of Purification Chapter 5: Wiping over the socks (Khuff) permissible, as long as it is thick and nonPrinciples Derived: 1- Istihada: Defective Bleeding (see table above for its signs) [Had 118] transparent. General Lessons: 2- If she is unable is distinguish between its type then she should follow the time lengths 3- Duration: Resident is 24 hours, Traveller is for those in her family, or use the following as a guide: 6/7 days for menses, 23/24 days 1Many of the Hadith in this chapter are narreated by Anas ibn Malik (as the servant of the 1- Permissibility of wiping over the 72 hours. [Had 56&57] New Sahabah Bios: in istihadah. [Had 119] Messanger of Allah (sallallhuallahiwassalam). Khuffain, Condition: Put on the Khuffain 4- In a state of Janaba Ghusl is to be 3- With regards to Ibadah in the state of Isihadah then it is better for her to make 2- Dua to be said before entering the toleit or removal of the garment: Allahuma inni audhu after a complete Tahara (with water). performed and Khuaffain to be removed. [Had Ghusl for Fajr then, Again make Ghusul and Delay Dhur and pray Asr at its early time bika minal khubthi wal khabbaithi.[Had 78]. [Had 53]. 1- Ali ibn Abi Talib 56] (i.e make Jamah) and likewise for Maghrib and Isha. And hence there will be 3 Ghusul 3- Use of water fro cleanising on its own is permissible. Why a spear? If the earth was hard 2- Safwan bin Assal 5- Time periods begins? When taking his first performed per day. Bear minimum is to perform wudu for every salah. the spear would be used to soften the surface and thus avoid splashes. [Had79&80]. 3- Thawban bin Bujdud bin Jahdar wudu and wiping over his Kuffain, after having 4- Procedure to be followed in times when unable to distinguish: 4- In open areas it is best to go far away from the people to protect honour, awrah + not to 4- Abu Bakra put them on. General Lessons: i) Follow the time periods for the normal routine offend with noise or smell. [Had 80]. 6- Removal of Khuffain: does not break wudu ii) Otherwise distinguish between the blood types 5One relieving him self in the open should stay clear of: Roadways and quiet areas (i.e a (strngr op.) iii) Lastly, to follow her family members in the days of period/non-period [Had 120] 1- Ali (r.a) didnt go directly to the Propher (sallahuAllahuWassalam) and sent shade). 7- Wiping over bandages: 5- Signs of cleanliness after menstruation: i) White discharge Ii) Dryness. Miqdad (r.a) out of modesty. 6The right hand should only be used for noble acts and not for relieving oneself [Had 83]. i) no conditions for having Tahrah at the time of 6- Brownish discharge is not considered as anything, however if it is during the monthly 2- If one is unsure whether his wudu is broken to due to some noises from the 7- One should not breath into a drinking vessel (others may also drink from it) [Had 83]. applying bandage. cycle or is continuous (2/3 days) then it is part of menstruation. (Had 121). stomach. Then the acid test is smell or sound.(Had 66& 76) 8- Relieving oneself facing the Qiblah in the open is Haram and within four walls is ii) no time period constraints (except when 7- Kaffarah is 1 or 0.5 dinar which is = 4.25g of Gold [Had 124] 3- Blood does not break Wudu; proofs i) Basic Rule: Wudu not broken until permissible . [Had 84,85,] bandange is no longer medically required and 8- If period occurs during Hajj then one is to continue, but not make Tawaf. [Had 126]. proven otherwise ii) Sahabah prayed whilst bleeding. (Had 69). 9- Ghurraanak said when leaving the bathroom [Had87] water contact is permissible. 9- Nifas Postal Natal Bleeding is held to be a maximum of 40 days[ Had 128] 4- Mustahab (recommended) to make Wudu after washing the dead (Had 71). 10Permissible to use foreign objects e.g toilet paper and forbideen to use Dung and Bones iii) Is not required to be taken off for both Hadth 10- Nifas during a Mischarage: If the foetus has a form (i.e > 90 days) then it has the 5- To make Adhkar at all time except when: Junub or visiting the toilet. [Had 88,89]. al-asgar o al-asgar. ruling of Nifas and less then 90 days then it is the ruling of Isthihada. 11-One of the main cause for the punishment of the grave is smearing of urine [ Had 90] iv) wipe over the entire bandage. 9 6 7 8

New Sahabah Bios:

1- Talaq bin Ali 2- Jabir bin Sumura 3- Abdullah bin Abi Bakr 4- Muawiya 5- Ibn Abbas

Chapter 6: Nullification of Ablution

New Sahabah Bios:

Chapter 7: Etiquettes of Relieving oneself

1- Samura bin Jundub

Chapter 8: Taking full ritual ablution (al-Ghusl) and the Hukum (ordinance) of a person in the state of major ritual impurity (Junub).

Chapter 9: Dry Ablution (at-Tayammum)

Principles Derived:
1- Manner of Tayamum is the same for wudu and Ghusl. [Had 110] 2- If the usage of water for a Muslim would increase his sickness then he is permitted to make Tayamum.

Principles Derived: Principles Derived:

1- Deep sleep breaks the wudu but light sleep doe not [Had 62]. 2- Basic condition for Istihada: a fresh wudu is required for each salah. 3- Release of pre-cum breaks the wudu but it only takes one to take wudu, Not Ghusul. [Had 64]. 4- Touching ones wife, even with desire, does not break wudu, also confirmed by Hadith of Aisha reported by Bukhari.[Had 65] 5- Cetainity is not removed by doubt ( Had 66). 6- Touching the private areas with or without desire breaks the wudu. (safer & stronger opinion InshAllah). (Had 67&68). 7- After eating the meat of the camel Wudu is broken (Had 70). 8- Agreed upon: One should make wudu before touching the Quran (Had 72). 1- It is Makrooh for one to take the letter of Jallalaah (Name of Allah) into the toilet. (Had 77). 2- A Muslim does not cause harm upon other people [Had 80] 3- Basic etiquette: Not to talk whilst one is relieving himself [Had 83].

Principles Derived:

New Sahabah Bios:

1- Salmaan (Abu Abdillah) 2- Aby Ayub al Ansari 3- Ibn Masud 4- Suraqa ibn Malik 5-Iesa ibn Yazid

*All Hadith Numbers quoted are from Darussalam Eng-Arb Bulugh Al-Maram, 1996, Riyaadh

1- The Earth is: a place of Salah and a means of purification (except graveyards, toilets, stolen land). Whatever has its origins from the land is permissible e.g brick wall, turab, dust on a carpet etc [Had 109]. 1- Water of Ghusl is an obligation due to the release of water (i.e sexual 2- Manner of Tayamum: Striking of hands on soil, rubbing the left hand on the right & emission. [Had 94] exterior part of his palms on his face (if there is excessive dust on ones hands then it is 2- Ghusul is obligatory upon one and his spouse during intercourse. 3- The female and male require a Ghusul upon emission and signs of a wet permissible to blow it off [Had110]. 3- Narration regarding wiping upto the elbows is only authetic upon Ibn Umar. [Had 111]. dream [Had96&97] 4- One is not permitted to recite the Quran in a state of Janaba [ had 102]. 4- Tayamum does not become void upon availability, but it is obligated to use upon 5- The Masjid is forbidden for one in menstruation or in a state of Janaba, breaking the wudu [Had 112&113 5- The Muslim who has an open wound that cannot be washed or wiped over. Then he however if cases of need one may enter if they are careful. leave it and continues with the rest of the Wudu AND performs a normal Tayamum to complete his purification. [Had 115].

Principles Derived:

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