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) Coming from different places, wearing different faces, hearts beating as one and aiming for one goal. A goal shouldnt ignore by every nurses. We would like to present this by telling you a story. As every story, there is always a beginning. 2.) The Crimean war. You might wonder why the Crimean war. We in ICU believe that our past shaped what we are today and what we do today will define our future. Like any other war, one can easily imagine the multitudes of dead bodies, wounded soldiers, civilians who are not spared from the violence of mans destruction. Apart from that, there is also a dying environment, a dying town, a dying city, a place torn apart by warring empires. Add to that there are always not enough food supplies or medical supplies. 3.) But through these horrific scenarios, a small flickering light surfaced. That had been passed through generations to generations. Light that has been the guiding light of modern nursing. That light is no other than Florence Nightingale., widely known as The Lady with a Lamp. 4.) She literally and figuratively been the guiding light of the Nursing profession. She was the founder of our beloved and coveted profession. Most importantly, she formulated the Nursing Environmental Theory. She believed that nursing is an act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery. A theory that is still applicable in todays modern society. But sometimes we tend to neglect and overlook what Florence Nightingale instilled to us. 5.) And so, we must change gear and focus our efforts in creating a peaceful, safe, clean environment for our patients. An environment that is conducive for healing the mind, body and soul. We in IMC strive to achieve that safe environment. 6.) But we cannot do this alone. If there is one man that is doing the job but the rest of the world is doing its best to undone it, all of his efforts are futile. Its like a sailor braving the raging sea with nothing but guts and a weak sail at his side. At the end of the day, his efforts will only be put to rest if he will not force his soul and abandon the power of the people. 7.) But if we sail trough together and focus on one goal we can overcome whatever adversaries we might face. We must unite together and sail through the strong wave and overcome the perfect storm. 8.) We must not think only of our own little place. We must think of the world as a whole. Can you imagine living in a world that is free of pollutions? Well, folks that world is slowly slipping within our grasps. 9.) Our green forest. How wonderful it is to be surrounded by its freshness, coolness, purity, and fresh air blowing against your face is an idea of a perfect bliss. 10.) But whats left of these precious forests is the shadow of greed. Because of our carelessness and selfishness, we start to destroy the only planet we live in, handed to us by our forefathers. We destroyed what have been handed to us freely. 11.) Then, there is our wide, wide ocean. Treasures overflow, providing us with our needs.

12.) But we abused it as well. We threw garbage in it, destroyed and kill its natural beauty and build modern structures. If we continue to be careless, those days of having fun in the sun, swimming and walking along the gorgeous beaches while enjoying the breeze and the crackling sounds of the waves will only be a history, a tale or a myth. If not applauded with respect then it will vanish. 13.) We have also our natural sources of water. We have our rivers, waterfalls flowing freely to quench our thirst. Nowadays, drinking in these water sources, sources of clean and virgin water is quite unimaginable. Because maybe the water just stopped flowing or it is too filthy for us to drink. All because of our own wrong doing. 14.) And so, we settle for the second best. We have to pay good money in order for us to drink safely. Those water companies sprouting like vultures. And as any product of modern technology, we ended up we ended up with problem. 15.0 We have now a very serious issue of waste management. Try as we might, we cannot stop the cycle of generating tons and tons of waste every day. Imagine that one plastic bottle will take ages before it will decompose. 16.) We ended up with all kinds of waste. Daily waste consumption we made. A waste that if not managed properly will lead to destruction. 17.) Imagine a place where when you look up from your window, you dont see breathtaking landscapes but mountains of garbage of different kind? Not birds and bees flying by a tree but flies and cockroaches blocking the view. Horrendous isnt it!! 18.) Thats why we must act now. The time bomb is ticking off. We must learn to segregate and manage our waste product properly. Think not only of yourself or of the present. Think also of the future. 19.) Think of our patient. How can we provide him a healthy environment when the whole world is filthy? Think of this child. He might grow up without seeing what a forest, an ocean, a river, a waterfall looks like. If you would tell a blind child about how our environment looks like, how would you answer him if you didnt protect our nature? Can you bear it in your conscience? 20.) We should all aspire to live in a world where all of these seven wonders of nature still exist. We want to enjoy them, cherish them and hand them over to our future generation. So as nurses, we must ensure environmental sustainability. After all we are just passing through. It is what we do today that would define what our future would be.

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