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Explaining God's free remedy for Christians (May 19, 2013 A.D.

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My given name is Mladen (also known as Mark) and until 2007 I was one of the billions of ignorant (lacking knowledge) voluntary participants in secular society. However, like so many people, I was not happy and I felt that my life was without any purpose. Worst of all, I had a blind faith in things that I discovered were simply lies, not truths, and I had beliefs which misrepresented the facts in law. However, fortunately the truth is that the law is based on proof, not disproof! From the outset, let me make it clear that the position that I will describe in the following stages has nothing to do with the anti-government false-beliefs, false-assumptions or false-claims of any individuals or secular groups la belled out of ignorance or laziness or convenience or expedience as Patriot or Sovereign or Freeman-on-the-land. In fact, if you study history you will discover that the term Freeman-on-the-land originated from the Dark Ages and medieval times where the feudal lord gave his feudal serfs (subjects, slaves) the secular civil right to trade amongst other feudal serfs (subjects, slaves). The problem today is ignorance of the law because most people do not realize that they consented to volunteer into secular slavery (bondage) because they were ignorant of the law! I will explain this in this paper in great detail and I will explain the only remedy to this, which is the free God-graced Christian remedy. To be clear, pure and true Christianity has nothing to do with Freemen-on-theland or anything secular. Christians seek first the Kingdom of God, which is no part of the secular artificial Legal world of man. One of the most misrepresented and misinterpreted scriptures of the Holy Bible is Romans 13: 1-4 (KJV) because it tells the those that consent to volunteer into secular slavery that they must follow Caesar's (secular government) rules; but, true Christians are no part of Caesar's world and they must only subject themselves as ambassadors for Christ Jesus (Y'shua). Please allow me to give you a brief overview of who I thought I was when I was ignorant of the law in the past. According to the government-issued birth registration foundation identity document I was allegedly born in 1962. I lived the first 45 years of my life following the conventional rules of society with no secular religious faith. My secular education concluded at the University of Waterloo where I obtained a degree with a major in Economics and a minor in accounting. This was followed by what would be considered to be a modestly successful 22-year career acting as a Financial Adviser, and for about five years I even taught a part-time course at Conestoga College in Kitchener, Waterloo and Guelph in the Province of Ontario, Canada, titled Planning for a Worry-free Retirement. I married and we have three boys. Acting as a Financial Adviser I put my secular money where my secular mouth was by using myself as an example for potential clients to disclose that I had a Power of Attorney, will, life and disability insurance, no debts, a cash reserve for ongoing expenses and emergencies, and due to my ignorance I falsely believed that we owned two cars, a modestly large-enough home, and registered and non-registered accounts for the childrens' future education expenses and for our future secular Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

Explaining God's free remedy for Christians (May 19, 2013 A.D.)

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retirement in secular society where it is commonly known that it is Every man for himself and Dog eat dog. I did my best to live an honest life in a dishonest world. I achieved all of what sounds like secular success before the age of 40. But, I was living in ignorance and what I thought was living the secular dream was in reality, law and fact a secular nightmare! To be clear, while I did my best to be happy, and while I followed all of the secular society rules, no matter what I did I felt imprisoned and not happy and I felt like my secular life was without purpose . Since I first heard the well-known saying by William Shakespeare it has stuck with me and I would later learn that the truth is far stranger than fiction (lies):
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. -----

William Shakespeare I did my best to survive in a world that made no logical sense to me. I grew up not getting any reasonable answers to my questions as a child and I used cynicism and sarcasm to cope with the many hypocrisies that I observed in the world of secular society. I suppose that like many other people I felt that I was stuck and that there was nothing I could do to change things for the better. It turns out that I was only half-right because even though there is no way for any of us to change the world, we do have the free will choice to change ourselves and there is a solution or remedy if we simply take the time to research and listen and read the facts in law. We have nobody to blame but ourselves because we are all the direct cause of our own self-caused misery. Please note that I for the first 46 years of my life I was not a true Christian and I did not know the law. With respect to the law there is a well known secular legal maxim:
Ignorance of the law excuses no man: Not that all men know the law, but because 'tis an excuse every man will plead, and no man can tell how to refute him. ----- John Selden English antiquarian & jurist (1584 - 1654)

During my search over the past six years I have discovered that in order to know the truth, reality and the facts in law, one must read and understand the Supreme Law, and it can only be found in the one-and-only Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible, the Christian Charter, and the Supreme Law of God (Yhwh). My personal journey and research into the truth and facts in law led me to become a true Christian believer by faith and I gave up my past false-beliefs which misrepresented the facts in law. The law of God (Yhwh) is based on one simple mystery, which is no mystery, for it is the law of love. The true mystery is why mankind refuses to accept God's law of love. Love is the basis for God's Ten Commandments and for God's grace, pardon and forgiveness for the sins (treason, betrayal, selfish nature) of man against his true Father, Maker and Creator. You will never be free of the secular world of man if you do not know the

Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

Explaining God's free remedy for Christians (May 19, 2013 A.D.)

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anterior and superior Supreme Law of God (Yhwh), for it is written at John 8:32 (KJV), And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Ignorance of either man's secular Rule of law (statutes, legislation) and ignorance of the Law of God (Yhwh) is no excuse. The fact in law is that we were all given a free God-graced remedy at birth right on the foundation identity documents and I will explain this remedy in this paper. The purpose of this paper is to explain the mechanics of how and why man's artificial Legal secular (God-less, not spiritual) world works and how Christian believers have volunteered into their own bondage (slavery) by consent thereby becoming unevenly yoked (attached) with unbelievers. If you keep an open mind while you are reading this for your own benefit you will understand why we must make an individual free will choice of allegiance between two simple paths with opposite results: (1) Accept and do the will of God (Yhwh) for the good of ourselves and our fellow man in peace, unconditional love and pure charity, which leads to the free God-graced gift of eternal life. Or, (2) Try to be in charge as our own little god and do our own selfish will within man's artificial Legal secular world for the purpose of attaining selfish private wealth by serving mammon (the god of money, gain, profit), which ends in eternal death. It is truly unfortunate that out of pure ignorance (lack of knowledge) many people will reject the ideas outlined in this paper because they already have made up their minds with respect to how and why secular society operates and where they fit into it. All credit for the knowledge, wisdom and knowledge of this paper goes to the diligent research of my Christian brother, Daniel, who credits God (Yhwh) for all knowledge, wisdom and understanding. I can only humbly suggest that you temporarily set-aside everything that you think you know about the world and do your best to read this entire paper with an open mind. As you read you may want to write down your questions, or highlight key points that resonate with you, but if all you are going to do is doubt and rationalize incorrect beliefs then you will completely miss the point and you will not understand what the one any only remedy to the misery of a hypocritical, illogical and unreasonable secular society. The intent of this paper is to education, not to judge. In secular society there is an infinite number of what is commonly known as Conspiracy Theories, and the commonality to all these problems is that there is no solution (remedy) to any of them. So far during my studies since 2007 I have not met one man or woman who has not committed the same misrepresentation of the facts in law described below. Unfortunately, most of us made the same mis-takes out of ignorance Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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(lack of knowledge); so, please do not be angry at any of the facts in law that are set out below. Life is a learning journey. We are all like the prodigal son. The manual for how to live life, and the Christian Charter, is the Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible. The problem is that most people have not read this manual for life and most of those who claim to have read it are not following God's rules. To be clear, most claimed believers are false-Christians in consideration of the facts. There are thousands of government registered secular false-Christian money religions (denominations). But, there is only one true living God (Yhwh), Therefore, logical reasoning would mean that most of man's beliefs are simply false beliefs or cults for the purpose of worshipping false gods. It is impossible to be a true Christian in God's Kingdom of Heaven, which is no part of man's secular world, if you are not first a true Christian here and now on this earth. Mankind has billions of opinions, cults and false beliefs that misrepresent the truth and facts in law about what it means to be a true Christian. The fundamental difference between a true Christian and false-Christian is whether they seek first the Kingdom of God (Yhwh)? All other alternatives are secular (God-less, not spiritual). Sadly, in the artificial Legal secular world of man anything goes. Therefore, since true Christian must seek first the Kingdom of God they must do what the Christian Charter, the Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible, tells them they must do according to God's (Yhwh) will. The fundamental thing that a true Christian must do is to be separate and be distinguished and be no part of the secular world since Christ Jesus, our King, Lord and Saviour, told us that God's Kingdom is no part of this secular world. God (Yhwh) created man in His own image and the will of God (Yhwh) was for his creation to worship him out of respect and gratitude for the invaluable graced gift of life. It is written at Romans 13:8 (KJV), Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. God (Yhwh) is the true Father, Maker and Creator and if we use our free will choice to obey our Maker we must follow God's law, which tells us that in order to be admitted into the Kingdom of God we must be separate and distinguished from all that is in common with the aggregate of secular society. It is truly an all or nothing proposition! Either we truly seek first the Kingdom of God (Yhwh), or we do not. It's that simple! The manual for life for a true Christian and the Christian Charter is the one-only-only Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible, which gives the following simple unequivocal and non-negotiable directions which a true Christian must follow: Matthew 6:33 [King James Version (KJV)] But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

Explaining God's free remedy for Christians (May 19, 2013 A.D.) Matthew 5:9 [King James Version (KJV)] Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

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James 4:4 [King James Version (KJV)] Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Matthew 6:24 [King James Version (KJV)] No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Luke 14:33 [King James Version (KJV)] So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. Revelation 18:4 [King James Version (KJV)] And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. The above Holy Scriptures are by no means exhaustive and they are only a small sampling of the consistent message of salvation throughout the whole Holy Bible. The laws of nature are the laws of God (Yhwh) and cannot be superseded by any secular worldly power on earth. The hierarchy of the law is as follows: - The Law of God (Yhwh) is superior & anterior (before) to all man's artificial laws. - Man's artificial constitutions govern man's artificial Legal world. - The Federal gov't artificial Legal Person is subject to constitution & God's law. - The State (Provincial) gov't Legal Person is subject to all of the above & God. - Municipal gov't Legal Person is subject to all of the above & God. Your natural inalienable rights are freely graced by God (Yhwh) and a true Christian is bound by conscience to obey the Laws of God. Therefore, the artificial Legal secular world rules cannot be applied to you and must be considered null and void unless you give your voluntary consent, which is what most of have done out of pure ignorance (lack of knowledge), which is no excuse in the law. The children of God (Yhwh) cannot be harmed in law. Nobody can tell you what to believe and God (Yhwh) gave everyone free will to choose where to place their faith, God (Yhwh) or yourself (via the secular government of man)?

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If you use your free will to volunteer as a participant member of the artificial Legal secular world of man then you must obey man's artificial Legal rules because you volunteered and consented to be in Enmity with God ( James 4:4) by consenting to attach yourself to a false claim, assumption, surety (liability) and use of a Thing (property, title, NAME) that does not belong to you (i.e. the Legal Name for the Legal Person). This is accomplished via the Legal Name from the birth registration system. Again, ignorance is no excuse for the law. Under the laws of man's artificial secular Legal world there is no grace, no forgiveness and no pardon. The secular government has no obligation in law to tell you who you are and What you are not! To be clear, It is your responsibility to know who you are. It is up to you to figure out whether you want to be part of the living (real), or if you want to be an ignorant voluntary feudal slave (serf, subject) participant member of the artificial fiction (lie) world of man's secular society by claiming, assuming, being surety (liable) for, and renting, the use of, animating, and impersonating some Thing, which is the Legal NAME, property, title that does not belong to you. To be clear, you are simply renting the use of the Legal Name under a feudal system of Tenure, which is only use and possess', as a Tenant in Fee Simple, not an owner, and in the position of being in Adverse Possession as a tortfeasor (wrongdoer, trespasser, party) like a thief holding property that does not belong to you. Those are simply the facts in law! What most people do not know is that before the creation of the artificial secular world's foundation identity documents and its Issue of conception (idea) of their artificial Legal Name for their artificial Legal Person, our all-knowing God (Yhwh) knew that man would commit sin (treason) against his Maker before the foundation of the artificial secular world. The angels were created before man and one of the principle angels, who became known as Satan the Devil (deceiver), the father of the lie, committed treason against God (Yhwh) and this resulted in the expulsion of one-third of the angels who then became demons for their betrayal of God's trust. In the Garden of Eden the first man, Adam, committed the same mistake when Adam committed intentional sin (treason) against God (Yhwh) by disobeying God's trust by taking from the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil by believing Satan's false offer to try to be in charge as his own little god. Man has been tested ever since and unfortunately most of us have failed God's test of allegiance by making the same sinful error (treason against God) by trying to be our own little gods. In man' present artificial Legal secular world this false offer to try to be our own little gods is facilitated by secular government via the birth registration process (VITAL STATISTICS ACT) to test whether we will Rest in Peace or if we will take the bait to try to be in charge as our own little gods. Fortunately for us, by grace God (Yhwh) provided a way of salvation and atonement (that is to be AT ONE with God) through acceptance of God's grace, forgiveness and pardon through acceptance of His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus (Y'shua, which means God Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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is with us), for it is written at John 3:16 (KJV), For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. God commands true Christians that they must Get out of her [the secular world of being a mercenary/prostitue/whore for hire for traffic, buying and selling for private dishonest gain, commerce, worshiping the god of money, mammon]. It is written at Revelation 18:4 KJV and Luke 14:33 KJV that true Christians must Forsake all (abandon) whatever they have in the common stake, common share, common liability (surety) under the concept (idea) of the aggregate (common) of secular civil (money) society (democracy). To be clear, a true Christian is born Civilly dead to the secular world of sin and must abandon the concept of all artificial civil rights by exercising their Christian faith muscle under the Christian constitutional exemption so that they can Rest In Peace (RIP) and be separate from the aggregate of secular civil (money) society. For Christians it must be a free will choice to serve the will of God (Yhwh), our Father and Maker, for the public good out of unconditional love and pure charity. A true Christian cannot do the opposite by serving mammon (the god of money) by doing our selfish private will for selfish private gain (profit, wealth, and money). Unfortunately, Satan the Devil (deceiver), father of the lie, has most people fooled, confused and deceived in mans artificial world of legal fiction (lies). Remember, law is based on proof. It is truly sad that I and most people misrepresented mere belief as if it was the truth and facts, which it was not. The fact in law is that due to our own falsebeliefs we only have ourselves to blame for our condition. We are the direct cause of our own self-caused secular miseries. The secular government has followed the law. The fact is that it is most people, being ignorant of the law, have deceived themselves and it is pointless to play the blame game. It's not what you believe (falsely) but rather what you can prove in law that counts! Again, the secular government has no obligation in law to tell you who you are and what you are not and it is up to you to know and to tell them who you are. Until such time you are subject to the whims of outrageous fortune, as Shakespeare would say. Until such time the Holy Bible tells us that we are victims of circumstance. Therefore, in order to put God's graced remedy into effect a true Christian must separate from the common stake. or common share. of the aggregate of secular civil (money) society because Christ Jesus (Yshua) said that His Kingdom of God (Yhwh) is no part of this artificial secular civil world. True Christians must seek first the Kingdom of God. Unbelievers simply dont care and so they have no remedy. In fact, God (Yhwh) tells us that if you do not know the law you will die like a beast (animal).

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True Christians have an inalienable God-given right to exercise their Christian faith muscle and to elect to live a Christian spiritual life in order to serve Gods (Yhwh)will to work out of unconditional love and pure charity for the public good of their fellow man and to serve the poor, needy and the sick. The duty of a true Christian and pure religion before God (Yhwh) is to visit the Fatherless (God-less) and the widowed (which are those who are not part of the true Christian church, or congregation, which is the symbolic bride of Christ Jesus, the body of Christ) and to share Gods gospel (good news) of the second-coming of Christ Jesus (Yshua) and the coming of the Kingdom of God (Yhwh). God is the Creator and giver of life, our true Father and the Creator of everything in the universe. God (never) wanted or needed his creation to falsely-believe that they could be their own little gods or that man could Own what God *Yhwh) created. Man's artificial Legal world is the polar opposite. The only thing that man ever created is the artificial Legal concept of money, which is called Legal Tender, which has an artificial debt attached to it. This is opposite to the will of God (Yhwh). In order to create the illusion of ownership through the illusion of money man created an artificial (not original, not natural, not real) dead Legal entity, which is the Body Corporate (IE. corpse, dead body) by attaching an aliened (liened) debtor Surname addition error to the God-given INALIENABE Christian name and this new man-made combined (hybridized) Legal Name. To be clear, man legalizes the original, natural, real name of the living and creates a falsely-assumed dead Legal Name for a legal fiction, and a fiction is a lie, with debt attached to it. Please note that man is never free. On the secular side man attaches himself out of ignorance (lack of knowledge) to a debtor surname and its unholy alliance in the combined Legal Name, which is not our Name / title / property. On the spiritual side we are not free because true Christians owe their allegiance to and are indebted to serve their Maker, Creator and true Father, God (Yhwh) and His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus (Y'shua). The fundamental difference between true Christians and unbelievers is the faith and understanding and acceptance or rejection of the substitute death and resurrection of Christ Jesus (Y'shua). True Christians have faith in God (Yhwh) and Christ Jesus (Y'shua) because God sacrificed his only begotten son (John 3:16 KJV) to pay for our sins, which purchased and redeemed us to atone or bring us back to be at one with God (Yhwh) and Christ left us the ability to Rest in Peace. by serving God (Yhwh) out of unconditional love and pure charity. God (Yhwh) wants us, but He does not need us. The only way to atone and come back to our true Father, God (Yhwh) is through our acceptance of Christ Jesus (Y'shua) as our King, Lord, Saviour, advocate and surety in all matters whatsoever.

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Explaining God's free remedy for Christians (May 19, 2013 A.D.)

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Perhaps the following story of the strange case of George Wilson will help explain this point from a different perspective ( The Crime On December 6, 1829, two men, George Wilson and James Porter, robbed a United States mail carrier in Pennsylvania. Both men were subsequently captured and tried. On May 1, 1830 both men were found guilty of six indictments which included robbery of the mail and putting the life of the driver in jeopardy. On May 27th both George Wilson and James Porter received their sentences: Execution by hanging. The sentences were to be carried out on July 2nd, 1830. By todays standards, this sentence seems very harsh. In the earlier days of American history the justice system more closely followed Biblical principles. The system was both swift: Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil (Ecclesiastes 8:11). And harsh: Whoso sheddeth mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man (Genesis 9:6). James Porter was executed on schedule. George Wilson was not. Shortly before the set date a number of Wilsons influential friends pleaded for mercy to the President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, on behalf of their friend. President Jackson issued a formal pardon. The charges resulting in the death sentence were completely dropped. Wilson would have to serve only a prison term of twenty years for his other crimes. According to the official report, The United States Versus George Wilson (Peters 7 Report Sections 150-163) Wilson was returned to court as they attempted to force the pardon on him. It is recorded that George Wilson chose to: waive and decline any advantage or protection which might be supposed to arise from the pardon referred to. Incredibly, George Wilson Refused the Pardon. The case reached the Supreme Court. The Attorney-General made the following comments: The court cannot give the prisoner the benefit of the pardon, unless he claims the benefit of it. In other words, George Wilson committed a crime. He was tried and found guilty. He was sentenced to be executed. A presidential decree granted him a full pardon. But George Wilson chose rather to refuse that pardon. The courts concluded that the pardon could not be forced upon him. George Wilson chose to die! Now that you have read George Wilsons amazing story, you are probably saying: How could anyone refuse a pardon for the death sentence? The man was a fool! What would you say if someone told you that you, too, were refusing a pardon? A pardon that would result in you spending eternity in the presence of God rather than eternal separation from God in Hell.

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If you would like to learn more about the pardon God offers through Jesus Christ please continue reading. But before we get to the good news, we have to cover the bad news. Have You Committed a Crime? God gave the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) as the standard of a righteous man. Be your own judge to see which commandments you have violated . 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Has God held first place in your life, above the gods of pleasure, sports, money, and ambition? 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. Are spiritual matters more important to you than material things? 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Have you always used the name of God and Jesus Christ in a reverent manner? 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Do you set aside time each week to worship God? 5. Honor thy father and thy mother. Have you always shown proper respect for your parents? 6. Thou shalt not kill. Jesus expanded this to say that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgement. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Jesus said that if a man looks at a woman to lust after her, he has already committed adultery in his heart. 8. Thou shalt not steal. The value is not important. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Have you ever told a lie (a white lie, fib, exaggeration, etc)? 10. Thou shalt not covet. Have you ever had a strong desire for the possessions of others? James 2:10 says, For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

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The wages of sin is death, eternal separation from God in hell (Romans 6:23). And because God is just, He must punish our sins. But because God is merciful, He Himself suffered the awful penalty when Jesus Christ, His Son, suffered all the wrath of God against our sins as He died on the cross of Calvary. For God so loved the world, that he
gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Will You Receive or reject the pardon?

John says, He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God (John 3:18). To believe means to depend upon or rely on much like a drowning person must believe (depend upon) a life guard to save his life. Unless you accept the pardon, you remain condemned (He that believeth not is condemned already). Will you ask the Lord Jesus to save you? For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13). George Wilson rejected the presidents pardon and lost his human life. But he was a fool. Will you reject Gods pardon as provided by Jesus Christ and loose your eternal life? 1 John 1:9 says, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Accepting the Pardon Gods holiness demands that your sin be punished. Hell is Gods bench of justice for those who have broken His Law. Are you perfect or have you sinned against God? Who or what are you trusting in for salvation? Since you have sinned, do you now realize that you need a pardon? Your pardon has been signed by God Himself. Now all you need to do is accept it. Until you do, you are accused, convicted, and condemned. If you would like to receive the wonderful pardon of eternal life please receive Gods gift by trusting what Jesus has done for you. Call out to God and receive His pardon today: Dear God, I know I am a sinner, worthy of punishment, but I believe Jesus paid the penalty for my sin by dying on the cross. I believe that He died for me. Heavenly Father forgive me of my sin and I now put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Savior. Amen.

The sad fact is that an unbeliever has no faith in God (Yhwh) and may never accet or understand God's graced pardon because they refuse to put their faith in God (Yhwh) since they put their false sense of security in themselves, or other men, or man's government, none of which will save them. Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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The death and resurrection of Christ Jesus left those that accept the pardon the ability to Rest in Peace. Based on years of study and research, primarily base on the Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible, the Christian Charter, we believe that the standardized worldwide secular VITAL STATISTICS ACT, which under the threat of a financial penalty and/or prison time forces the registration of the birth of an artificial Issue of conception (just a legal fiction (lie) or idea), which registers the birth of an artificial Event of the birth, marriage and death of the artificial Stillbirth of the dead, the Legal Name or artificial dead body corporate Legal Person in law as shown on the secular government-issue CITIZENSHIP or BIRTH CERTIFICATE Foundation Identity Documents, which does NOT identify a living individual. Since God's Law is supreme and nobody has any right to force anything artificial upon you, unless you consent to it. The reason that man's world of the dead artificial legal fiction (lies) makes a false offer via the takeover of the Legal Name that is artificial, not real, unnatural, not native (alter-native), not original (aboriginal) is so that you voluntarily give up your God-given birthright by voluntary consent by claiming, assuming, using and becoming surety for their artificial debtor Legal Name. It's a matter of jurisdiction. Therefore, man's artificial secular world operates on the basis of jurisdiction over the dead, the body corporate, which the living must animate! The secular world of the artificial (not real) dead body corporate (Legal Name) has no jurisdiction over the living or their God-given INALIENABLE Christian name. Sadly, those that do not understand the Holy Bible will never understand the law. In order to understand the present you must understand the past. As a true Christian you must specifically understand the law with respect to what happened to Christ Jesus (Y'shua). Even though the scribes (equivalent to secular lawyers today), and the Pharisees (equivalent to the false-Christian government-registered money churches (denominations) of today, knew that Christ Jesus (Y'shua) was the prophetic Messiah (Saviour) and God's only begotten Son (John 3:16) they falsely accused him and they used the Roman Civil Law to execute their dirty deed. It is important to understand the crime that was committed by this act within the Roman Civil Law and what this means in law for true Christians. For unbelievers none of this matters. The Roman Governor and Judge first stated that Christ was innocent, but he committed a false-judgment and an injustice by giving in to the pressure of the mob who were convinced by the power-hungry Pharisees to kill the innocent Christ. Christ Jesus (Y'shua) had already stated that His Kingdom is no part of this world. Therefore, the secular Roman Civil Government or their secular law had no jurisdiction over Christ. However, Pilate and the Roman Civil Law crossed the line of jurisdiction by placing the false-title Jesus Christ, King of the Jews over-top of Christ. Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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To be clear, the Roman Civil Law legalized Christ's real title by creating an artificial false title over Christ by calling him Jesus Christ, King of the Jews. Remember, the law is based on proof. So, when Pilate interrogated Christ Jesus as it is written in Mark 15:2 [King James Version (KJV)], And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews? And he answering said unto them, Thou sayest it. Therefore, Christ made the perfect confession because the onus of proof is upon the accuser and Pilate did not prove his case. Instead, Pilate executed the innocent Christ based on a false accusation, not upon proof or facts in law. It gets better for us if we understand the law since ignorance of the law is no excuse. If we do not understand the law we will never understand the God-graced remedy available only to true Christian believers who exercise their Christian faith muscle. To be clear, it is not enough just to say you believe in God and Christ, which would mere lip service and being two-faced, not a genuine believer. Christ was born through the Kingly line of David from the Tribe of Judah. The secular civil government never had any jurisdiction over the Kingly Tribe of Judah. The same is true right up to today since the Tribe of Judah was never a party to the secular Law of Nations. The G in G20 and stands for Gentile, which means the secular (Godless, not spiritual) nations which have no covenant with God (Yhwh). God (Yhwh) and the Kingly Tribe of Judah never had a treaty or covenant with the secular nations of the world! Christ Jesus is the King of Judah, having no part, no treaty, and no covenant with the secular Gentile (unbeliever) tribes or the Law of Nations. Therefore, when the Roman Civil government killed the innocent Christ and put a false-title over his head they created a secret trust for Christ's estate and the whole thing backfired on both the Roman civil government and the private bankers who are the descendants of those that used the Romans to kill the innocent Christ Jesus. Here are the key points in law with respect to the trial of Christ Jesus (Y'shua): John 19:6 When the chief priests therefore and officers saw him, they cried out, saying, Crucify him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Take ye him, and crucify him: for I find no fault in him. John 19:19 And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. John 19:21 Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews. John 19:22 Pilate answered, What I have written I have written. We can now make the connection between the Roman Civil Law and Christ Jesus and the Supremacy of God and see how non-ignorance of the law and knowing the law works for the benefit of a true Christian who exercises their Christian faith and their constitutional exemption from all secular duty, debt and obligation. By executing a false-title upon Christ Jesus (Y'shua) Pilate created a secret trust for the Kingly estate of Christ Jesus, King of the Jews under the Tribe of Judah. Before coming forward as true Christian and heir to God's promise, a true Christian must give a Good Faith Notice of permanent abandonment to the higher powers of secular government by abandoning the secular surname and the dead unclean Thing, the artificial combined (hybridized) Legal Name and everything in common with it and the aggregate of secular society. Since true Christians owe allegiance to and are indebted to Christ Jesus (Y'shua) they must separate themselves from the secular world and they must abandon all they have in common with the aggregate of secular society and distinguish themselves and come forward as the seed of Abraham by faith under the Tribe of Judah as co-heirs or joint-heirs to the secret trust of the King of the Jews. True Christians are by faith and adoption part of the Kingly bloodline of Christ Jesus through the God-given INALIENABLE Christian name. For additional detail the following explanation is for additional detail and explanation of man's artificial Rule of Law and how we all were given the free God-graced remedy from our birth into the sinful secular world of sin. The CITIZENSHIP or BIRTH CERTIFICATE that births the artificial Legal Name is a dead body corporate, an artificial person in law, an artifice (deception, trickery) for the purpose of commerce (handicraft, trade, occupation) and it is created by combining two opposite names that do not belong together: (1) The God-given INALIENABLE Christian name of peace, unconditional love and pure charity. And, (2) The Gentile liened, pledged, bonded, debtor, after-acquired (addition) surname error name of war that belongs to Caesar, (secular government), which can be claimed by none and assumed by any one, for the purpose of war, commerce, taxation and secular jurisdiction to control the chaos of the war between mere private persons and the government stratocracy (rule by military chiefs such as the Commander-in-Chief, Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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Governor General, Attorney Generals, Lieutenant Governor, Ministers, Deputies, Sergeants, Captains, Special Constables (false-religions policy enforcers acting as tithe collectors), etc. . The Civilly Dead secular CITIZENSHIP or BIRTH CERTIFICATE and its Legal Name (SMITH, JOHN) was never meant to be used for the accumulation of selfish private wealth (profit, gain, and mammon --- the god of money). It was meant to be used as a Revenue Receipt and For Treasury Use Only for unlimited pure charity for the public good via constitutional exemption, bankruptcy protection, discharge and acquittal. You may not have known any of this; but, as a voluntary mere private person with no civil rights as a secular Citizen or Civilian ignorance of the law is no excuse. You may not have known that the secular civil Legal Name is a title or property that belongs to Caesar (secular government) and it is rented or leased to you under a license for a fee (Fee Simple) under the feudal system of tenure, or mere use, since you do not own the Legal Name property or title. Unfortunately, because most people misrepresent mere belief as if it was fact they have the false belief that you can use the Legal Name to do their private will for accumulating selfish private wealth (gain, profit, money or mammon). Your selfish private will has nothing to do with Gods will or any Christian spiritual or charitable motive for unconditional love and pure charity for the public good. You may not know it, but in law the fact is that you only use the Legal Name under a feudal tenure or license for mere use and possession in Fee Simple and Adverse Possession because the Legal Name is not your property, and therefore Caesar owns everything registered in their Legal Name, which you falsely and ignorantly claim, assume and surety and use for a fee under license. To be clear, because you do not own the Legal Name you are renting property that belong to Caesar (secular government) and you need to insure everything you use it for. Therefore, you must pay to play for everything in the secular world, like the Drivers License, Passport or any of the other derivative documents that come from the original artificial Legal Name, which belongs to Caesar. To be clear, by claiming, assuming, being surety and using the artificial Legal Name that belongs to Caesar (secular government) you are denying God (Yhwh) and His graced pardon and you are denying the assurance and remedy of Christ Jesus (Yshua). A true Christian must follow Gods will and so in this secular world a true Christian dies Intestate without a selfish secular civil will. In other words, a Christian must not have any private secular civil interest because a true Christian must not claim or assume or be surety for any artificial public property owned by Caesar. God even tells true Christians at Job 32:21-22 (KJV) that they must not accept any title of man and STRONGS CONCORDANCE defines Title as Surname.

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Unfortunately, most of us had ignorantly taken the secular civil path to try to be in charge as our own little gods. How? We ignorantly volunteered and consented to apply for the private Social Insurance Registration (aka Social Security) Social Insurance Number (SIN) program so that we could be entitled or licensed to use the private secular civil artificial Legal Name with a private 9-digit identifier number to track our sins. This separate private legal entity (JOHN SMITH) was birthed by the artificial CITIZENSHIP or BIRTH CERTIFICATE (SMITH, JOHN), which does not identify a living individual! When you voluntarily applied to join the private SIN program you joined the world of the dead body corporate and all its artificial dead paper and plastic. This voluntary act negated the Christian constitutional exemption and in effect you said, I will be liable for the artificial dead body corporate Legal Name and I will take on all of the duty, debt and obligations (responsibilities) for the value of everything that I do in secular civil society so that I can try to be in charge as my own little god to do my own private will in order to accumulate my own private wealth (profit, gain, money or mammon) and so that I can pass my private wealth down to another mere private individual . This deliberate act of intentional sin is a betrayal of God (Yhwh) and His will. This makes us guilty of denying God (Yhwh) and Christ Jesus (Yshua) and the penalties for this treason are having to work for our survival, not owning anything, and the ultimate penalty of a delayed sentence of permanent death ----- unbeliever will die like a beast. These discussions and explanations are difficult or impossible without the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the message of the Holy Bible. If we follow the analogy of the Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible, the Christian Charter, we believe that the moment we ignorantly consented to volunteer into the SIN program we sold our Christian birthright, like Esau did to Jacob, and we negated our Christian constitutional exemption (discharge and acquittal). By joining secular civil society as a mere private person we consented to be a participant voluntary member secular society as a Civilian or Citizen with no rights and we ignorantly took on liability (surety) as a Tortfeasor (wrongdoer, trespasser) [Etymologies - Old French tort ("wrong") + faiseur ("doer")]. When we were born our original position was under bankruptcy protection as evidenced by the secular governments foundation identity documents ----- the secular long-form (Form 2) STATEMENT OF BIRTH and the derivative artificial Legal Person and its Legal Name as shown on the short-form CITIZENSHIP or BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Unfortunately, we protested our protected bankrupt position! Please take note that if you do proper independent research and due diligence you will discover the truth, facts and reality that absolutely everything about the debtor surname Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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of war is negative. Therefore, the unholy attachment of the unclean and polluted common debtor surname of war, which is Caesars property, by false-joinder in the combined (hybridized) Legal Name is also negative. Before we protested our position under bankruptcy protection and joined the SIN program we were onshore and we were Civilly Dead (resting in peace) to the secular world and under bankruptcy protection as evidenced by the CITIZENSHIP or BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Gods will was free and originally we were the creditor under Christ. But, when we protested our protected civilly dead bankruptcy position (resting in peace) in order to claim, assume, surety and use the debtor surname of war back we became the debtor under Satan the devil (deceiver) because we asked to be part of something that is contrary to peace (i.e. debt, war, via the surname). Gods will is free. But, doing our own private will and having an artificial legal will is at a cost. Satan the devil wanted to be his own god and the devil committed intentional treason and breached the peace against God (Yhwh) and went undercover and Satan the devil covered up the private with the public, and taxation is the penalty for touching property which did not belong to Satan the Devil. Man has the same free will choice. Man can remain in grace or favour under God (Yhwh) or man can make a free will choice to go in the opposite direction to be in tort (wrong). It is sad and unfortunate that the vast majority of men make the exact same mistake as Satan the devil and as Adam did by touching something that did not belong to them by trying to be in charge as our own little gods. Originally we were onshore as part of the public under the bankruptcy protection of the bankrupt secular government (Caesar). However, when we voluntarily applied to the Third-party private SIN program (Social Insurance, or Social Security) we protested our bankruptcy protection and we joined a foreign offshore entity tied to the private banks and we negated our original bankruptcy protection position. Take note that in Canada the foreign offshore Third-Party private banking SIN program has an onshore private business Post Office (PO) box in Bathurst, New Brunswick. By joining the SIN program we negated our onshore public bankruptcy protection and we changed our allegiance to the foreign offshore Third-party private banks. To be clear, our voluntary act to join the offshore private SIN program and leave the onshore public bankruptcy protection position was treason and betrayal of Gods will for us to Rest in peace. The Federal CITIZENSHIP CERTIFICATE, or the Provincial BIRTH CERTIFICATE, is a certificate of bankruptcy for government use only. Take note that in the Province of British Columbia, Canada the back of their Provincial BIRTH CERTIFATE was labeled Revenuer Receipt and For Treasury Use Only. When you volunteer to leave the public and join the private SIN program you become a voluntary mere private person with no civil rights, you are no longer protected by public bankruptcy, you are not a Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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public government official and you cannot access the public treasury, and as a mere private person you cannot use the BIRTH CERTIFICATE to discharge all public debt. By joining the private Third party SIN program you objected to the bankruptcy protection and you sold or gave up your birthright and you gave the private bankers and their Third-party SIN program access to your public onshore property, which was your birthright under the public bankruptcy CITIZENSHIP or BIRTH CERTIFICATE. By joining the private SIN system this act took you out of the protection of the public government. Caesar (secular government) is permanently bankrupt. Therefore, they had no choice but to expropriate the surname under the Roman Civil Law doctrine of eminent domain and they pledged their surname as collateral (chattel) for their debt. The mere false belief of our grandparents, parents and us misrepresented the truth and facts in law because the surname (title) was never our property. Therefore, by ignorantly claiming, assuming, being surety, using and asking to get the surname back we took on a burden, or surcharge, and we ignorantly became a surety for the debt of another, which is contrary to Gods warning as it is written at Proverbs 11:15 (KJV), He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure. Because you are not a party to the man-made artificial constitution where you have no civil rights, and because you are a mere private person who volunteered to be a participant member of secular society as a Civilian or Citizen you have nobody to blame but yourself because both the public secular government and the private bankers followed the secular civil law and because ignorance is no excuse for the civil law. Nobody can claim that there was no transparency and they cannot claim that we were not given full disclosure (revelation). None of this information is hidden because the same information can be found in the Supreme Law of God in His manual for life in the Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible, the Christian Charter, or in the English dictionaries, which are the law of language, or by reading the man-made artificial secular rule-of-law (aka Positive Law, legislation, statutes). To be clear, the surname is a surcharge, or burden, and it has debt attached to it. If you research the etymology (origin) of the word Trader it leads to the synonym Traitor. So, because you did not know the law you ignorantly consented to attach the liened debtor surname to your God-given inalienable Christian name and the unwanted result is that you traded your spiritual position of peace for the secular traitor civil (money, debt) position of war. Irish-based author, Kevin Cahill, on his website and in his book, WHO OWNS THE WORLD, states: All physical land in Canada is the property of the Crown, Queen Elisabeth II. There is no provision in the Canada Act, or in the Constitution Act 1982 which amends it, for any Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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Canadian to own any physical land in Canada. All that Canadians may hold, in conformity with medieval and feudal law, is an interest in an estate in land in fee simple. Land defined as Crown land in Canada, and administered by the Federal Government and the Provinces, is merely land not dedicated or assigned in freehold tenure. Freehold is tenure, not ownership. Freehold land is held not owned. The truth and fact in law is that God is the Maker and Creator of everything and God (Yhwh) owns it all. The reason that it is impossible for anybody to own anything privately in Satans secular world is because the combined Legal Name is part of the permanently bankrupt public aggregate (collective) and if you take something out of the public that does not belong to you then you must pay a fee for its use. The truth and fact and reality are transparent and disclosed in the secular civil law. Since the Legal Name does not belong to you then by extension everything registered in the Legal Name, that you do not own, is also not yours. Yes, you were allowed to deceive yourself by the father of the lie, Satan the devil (deceiver), in his legal fiction (lie) world of lies (see 1 John 5:19 and 2 Corinthians 4:4). God (Yhwh) told us the truth as it is written in at James 5 (KJV). The fact in law is that by definition money is debt because the private monopoly money is lent by the private bankers into the permanently bankrupt public system. Therefore, it is impossible to purchase or pay for anything with debt and that is why mere private persons own nothing in the secular world. According to the will of God (Yhwh) , Maker and Owner of it all, everything is owned publicly for the public good . Therefore, it is God (Yhwh) who has outsmarted Satan the devil because God (Yhwh) controls both the private bankers and the public government who control the chaos of secular (God-less, not spiritual) civil (money) society. To be clear, the reason that everyone who wants to believe in the lie of ownership has to insure every single action and all property is because they Act through a Legal Name which is not their property and they must follow the rules of the owner of the public Legal Name property (title). Everything belongs to God (Yhwh) and His will is for everything to be given freely for the public good. But, if you want to think that you can own what could never be yours and if you go private then whenever you take something that does not belong to you out of Gods public you must pay a penalty in the form of tax, duty, debt, royalty, or some sort of license fee. The secular government is just an artificial body corporate which God (Yhwh) uses as a tool to control mans sinful nature and treason. Your free will choice to leave the permanent bankruptcy protection of the public secular government removes you from Gods protection and brings you in the private world of civil and criminal penalties. To summarize, every must make a free will choice to be protected under the public (where everything is discharged for free) or to be unprotected in the private (where you must pay for everything). In the private you are using property that does not belong to you and for this reason you must insure absolutely everything (e.g. social insurance, life Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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& disability insurance, car insurance, house insurance, liability insurance, etc.). In order to be under the protection of the public side you must accept the assurance of Christ Jesus (Yshua) and you must not own anything and you must do everything out of unconditional love and pure charity according to the will of God (Yhwh). Those are the only two choices. On the unprotected private side you become a trader, which is a traitor to God (Yhwh), and you Act under an artificial Legal Name which is not your name, title or property. As a voluntary secular civil participant member and a mere private person, Civilian or Citizen, you are a feudal serf (slave), not in charge, not an owner, an you only have use and possession for a Fee under feudal tenure (rent, lease, license) and subject to millions of rules under the man-made artificial constitution, and the Federal, Provincial (State) and Municipal ordinances. You are not free and you are not civilly exempt. This is the unprotected and insured private position as a private secular society participant member, a licensed trader (Trafficking = buying & selling, governed under the HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT), a private pirate and traitor to God (Yhwh), not civilly (money) exempt because you have traded your spirituality for the carnal secular (God-less, not spiritual) world and money (civil). In this position you are fashioned and conformed (in agreement) to the secular world. You may be thoroughly depressed at this point because everything might seem hopeless. Sorry, I could tickle your ears and tell you what you want to hear, but that would be a lie. The truth is that if your intent is secular (God-less, not spiritual) then the sad truth is that things are hopeless and pointless because you do not own anything, you are working for nothing, and you are not in charge of anything. However, there is a solution or remedy which was freely graced by God (Yhwh) to those believers who exercise their Christian faith muscle and their Christian constitutional exemption from all secular duty, debt or obligation (responsibility) to perform for anything secular. If we accept the substitute blood sacrifice of Christ Jesus (Yshua), whose substitute death paid the price for our sins (charges) and which redeemed and pardoned us from Gods (Yhwh) delayed sentence of death, we are freely pardoned and forgiven by God (Yhwh) so that we could once again be at one (ATONE) with God (Yhwh). To be clear, it is written at John 3:16 (KJV), For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. If we simply accept Christ Jesus (Yshua) as our King, Lord, Saviour, advocate and surety in all matters whatsoever we can receive Gods (Yhwh) free gift of eternal life. In the Garden of Eden the father of the lie, Satan the devil (deceiver), used the serpent (snake) to draw out Adams intent to betray God (Yhwh) because Adam used his free will choice to believe Satans false offer to try to be his own god by taking from the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil. Take note that this was probably a fig tree because this is the only fruit that bears both false seeds and real fruit. Also, take note that even after Adam committed intentional sin and betrayed Gods trust Adam could Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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have asked God (Yhwh) for grace, pardon or forgiveness and gone to the Tree of Life, but Adam did not! The etymology (origin) of the word Serpent goes back to the idea of To draw out and the serpent, Satan the devil (deceiver) drew man out of a position of protection into unsecured territory. Specifically, due to our own self-deceit and ignorance of the secular rule-of-law, for which there is no excuse. We left our original Security of the Person under the protected public bankruptcy position when we consented and volunteered to join the private secular (God-less, not spiritual) Third-party SIN (Social Insurance, or Social Security) program because we falsely believed that we could try to be in charge as our own private gods, which is simply impossible! We committed the exact same sin and error that Adam and Satan the Devil had committed by betraying Gods (Yhwh) will for us. The decisive question is whether any man or mans artificial secular government can force us to participate in secular society? Fortunately, God (Yhwh) is a loving God and he graced us with a pardon and forgiveness if we repent (change) and Christ Jesus (Yshua) died for us, defeated death and arose so that we could rest in peace! Before the foundation of the world and before God (Yhwh) made man in His image He knew that man would betray Him. Therefore, before He even created man in His image God (Yhwh) had a plan for our salvation. The first evidence of Gods plan of redemption so that man could atone (be at + one) with God (Yhwh) is written at Genesis 3:15 (KJV), And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. The seed of the woman Eve in genealogy led to the prophesized birth of Our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus, whose Aramaic name, Yshua, means God is with us. The seed of the woman is the God-given (graced) inalienable Christian name so that we could rest in peace. The decisive answer and the Christian remedy in law is graced by God (Yhwh) through our inalienable Christian name and the Christian constitutional exemption so that we have a free will choice so that we do not have to perform any duty, debt or obligation in secular society if we repent (change) and come back to our true Father, God (Yhwh). This is like the story of the prodigal son. If you are not a spiritual true Christian and if you have never read the Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible, the Christian Charter, and if your intent is to remain secular (God-less, not spiritual) you will never understand the God (Yhwh) graced Christian remedy. To be clear, the only way to be free is through a God-graced Christian remedy. Biblically speaking, on the negative side is the seed of the serpent, Satan the devil, which is the overhead or surcharge, the secular debtor surname (arms) of war, which was never our property (title). Since you cannot discharge or acquit anything that was never your property to begin with, all you can do is to forsake or abandon it. You can Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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never discharge or acquit some Thing that you were never in charge of and which you never had any authority for ----- which is the surname and Legal Name which was never your property to begin with. Since you had to insure the Legal Name through Social Insurance (Social Security), the insurer is in charge of the insured property which was never yours to begin with. Therefore, you can only forsake or abandon what is not your property to the insurer. Another way to say the same thing is that you must quit and stop being fashioned and conformed to the secular world. Christ Jesus (Yshua) died for us and he left us the ability to rest in peace. The Christian name is the valuable consideration, seed capital or substance for the purpose of resting in peace. The debtor surname (arms) of war is only form and it is the seed of the serpent, Satan the devil, for the purpose of deceit or Changeling [Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, n. Figuratively, anything changed for or put in the place of another, or the act of so changing]. To be clear, the surname is only form, conformed to the secular (God-less, not spiritual) world, not substance, and it is the seed of the serpent; and, ignorance of the law leads to becoming surety under the Legal Name, which is property of another, which is bondage (slavery), not freedom. God (Yhwh) tells us in Luke 14:33 (KJV), So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple, and in Revelation 18:4 (KJV), And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Every child is born as an innocent child of God (Yhwh) and the childs God-given inalienable Christian name is the seed of the woman, Eve, who was deceived and forgiven and pardoned for her unintentional sin. Therefore, in order to be free the child of God (Yhwh) must be reborn spiritually and the dead body corporate debtor surname (arms) of war and the artificial Legal Name must be shed, forsaken or abandoned. This is the event that leaves the spirit without a dead corporate (corpse) body and you are born again in the spirit with no body. You must become a nobody! In short, you must abandon the dead body corporate Legal Name and debtor surname (arms) of war to the insurer and in law after abandonment the insurer must settle and discharge and acquit the formerly insured and return the remainder to the Christian child of God (Yhwh) in his God-given inalienable Christian name in order to rest in peace. As my Christian brother Daniel likes to say,

If you do whats right, Youll get whats left, Thats the remainder, Thats the rest.

Contact Mladen (aka Mark) at

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