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WISDOM DIARY ON DEDICATION ISBN 978-2480-59-2 Copyright 1996 by: DOMINION PUBLISHING HOUSE Published in Nigeria by: DOMINION

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Wisdom Diary on Dedication

Wisdom Diary is a collection of powerful, faith-building, success-motivating and life-transforming quotes from Dr. David O. Oyedepo. These quotes, as you meditate on them (along with the corresponding scriptures), will fortify and encourage you to rise up to a more meaningful and productive Christian life. They are words you will never forget! They are words you go to bed with, and you wake up full of electric ideas that will make a shining star out of you. They are words brewed in a hot pot of a heart full of insights and revelations, with spiritual understanding that has been proved in 27 years of adventurous Christian living, and 15 years of committed ministry. They are not words of an academic mind, No! They are words of a mind that is breathing with the intensity of the life of God, contacted through a diligent study life. They are words coming from a wealth of knowledge, gathered through excited fellowship with anointed books, and ceaseless search in the Bible"Gods wisdom bank", as Dr. Oyedepo calls it. As you treasure these words of wisdom, your life will surely blossom into an enviable treasure on the earth. Dont only read these words, think them, talk them and do them. They will mould your destiny.

It is your dedication to God that makes for your distinction on the earth.
Daniel 11:32

If you will face God, the world will look for you.
Deuteronomy 28:1

When God becomes your living focus, He makes you a living evidence of His faithfulness.
Exodus 23:25-26

If you live your life for His kingdom, He will make you a king on the earth.
Matthew 6:33

Serving God is work; not fun.

Deuteronomy 6:5

When God becomes your delight, you become a delightsome personality.

Malachi 3:12

You choose to serve Him first, then He gives the grace to back your choice.
Daniel 1:8

Whatever wont let you go, let it go.

Genesis 39:12

Everyone who takes God lightly, lives lightly.

1 Samuel 2:30

Settle down to consciously enslave your life to God!

Joshua 24:15

Put your heart in what youre doing today or youll get nothing out of it tomorrow.
Proverbs 12:24

If you worship Him today, situations will worship you tomorrow.

Exodus 23:25-26

Surrender yourself to God, youll bear fruits on a natural frequency.

1 Peter 5:6

Kingdom addiction is the master-key to earthly promotions.

Matthew 6:33

Until youre ready for God, youre not ready for good.
Psalm 34:10

You are never a fool following God, you only become full.
Psalm 92:13-14

Those who know God dont beg men.

Daniel 3:16-18

Any dream of yours that has no kingdom orientation is a balloon dream.

John 12:24-25

As long as you live for yourself, you give yourself over to the devil.
Luke 12:16-21

Stop living for things! Start living for God!

Matthew 6:25

If you dont know how to link-up with your source of help, you may die helpless.
Psalm 121:1-8

Allow things to be things, and allow God to be God.

Luke 16:13

Until you press after God, you dont get at the prize.
Philippians 3:14

Until Jesus becomes your backbone, you are sure to suffer paralysis.
John 15:5

When you live for others to live, you live more abundantly.
John 15:13

Your material possessions must not be separated from the worship of God, or they will separate you from God.
Matthew 2:11

You cant have God and miss good!

Psalm 34:8

You cant choose God and become a loser.

Luke 18:28-30

You cant have God in your heart and be in lack in the land.
Isaiah 1:19

The cheapest way for you to become a winner is to make God your sincere focus.
Isaiah 26:3

Exalt the God of heaven, and the good of heaven will come to you.
Job 36:11

If your status must change, you must change your position with God.
2 Chronicles 15:2

If you wont seek God with your means, youll soon run out of means
Proverbs 3:9-10

Moderate Christianity will produce moderate results, and extreme Christianity will produce extreme results. Make your choice!
Daniel 6:4-28

When you make God first, you cannot be last.

Genesis 39:8-9;41:40

Devotion to things robs one of devotion to God.

Luke 16:13

Carry God in your heart and He will carry you on His shoulder.
Daniel 6:4-28

Where you place God in your heart determines where He places you on the earth.
Mark 8:38

Your heart for God is your access to plenty.

Mark 10:29-30

A heart for God makes a star out of a mediocre.

1 Chronicles 4:9-10

The God you cannot respect has no respect for you.

1 Samuel 2:30

Until God secures all your attention, you dont have His attention.
Matthew 6:33

Give Him all your attention and you are guaranteed all His attention
Jeremiah 29:13

For God to say "woe unto him that puts his trust in men", He means, "I AM ENOUGH."
Jeremiah 17:5-8

When you walk with God, what matters to men will not matter to you.
Philippians 3:8

Whatever He tells you to do, do it; that is the only way your wine will not get finished.
John 2:1-10

Many who impress men dont impress God.

Matthew 6:1-2

Call it by any name, whatever disconnects you from God is a risk.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18

Your practical involvement in building the Kingdom of God is the only way to building a solid financial future for yourself.
1 Chronicles 29:1-5

Until God takes over, "the struggle continues."

Psalm 127:1-2

He must be Lord of all or not Lord at all.

Isaiah 42:8

When you change your position, God will change your situation.
2 Chronicles 15:1-19

When you are lost in His will, He will be lost in your welfare.
Exodus 23:25-26

We are not saved to serve self; we are saved to serve God.

Mark 16:15-20

Genuine service to God, is living for others to live.

3 John 5-8

If your life is built on people, youre under a curse.

Jeremiah 17:5-6

Waiting on material things weakens your spiritual stamina. But waiting on God will always renew your strength.
Isaiah 40:31

Those who seek gold miss God, those who seek God meet gold.
Job 22:23-25

The gold that you will not use to serve God, will soon become your god.
Exodus 32:1-6

Until you destroy your alternatives, they are likely to destroy you.
2 Chronicles 15:1-19

We are too busy seeking self; that is why many of us are self-destroyed.
Luke 12:16-21

When you become concerned for the kingdom, every anxiety leaves you alone.
Matthew 6:33

It takes devotion to encounter distinction.

Acts 10:1-4

If you will let Him get the throne of your heart, He will secure a throne for you on the earth.
Genesis 22:1-18

All you need is to focus on the kingdom, every other thing will fall into place.
Matthew 6:33

When you become a love-slave of Jesus, all your struggles in life will end.
Matthew 11:28-30

Friend, you need a heart that is positively beating after the welfare of Gods kingdom.
Colossians 3:2

Prayers that dont have kingdom emphasis may never produce great results.
Matthew 6:10

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