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Newspaper Updates

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About Updates:
Monteleone Masterpieces
News Updates is & will be a very important addition to the
monteleone masterpieces facebook page. After reading each News
Update comments are highly encouraged & recommended.
I am looking for feedback from everyone. You may or may not like
the ideas or direction things are going, have suggestions, insights,
concerns, constructive critique, questions, etc. Please let me know
in some way that you read the Newspaper Updates, so do not be
shy. Thats what the comment boxes are for. Thanks & Enjoy!
By Jude Monteleone
Main Head Editor Captain,
Page Designer
Newspaper Updates was created for all of my friends, family &
fellow fans who follow the creative work that I do & who wish to get
the inside scoop of what is in store for Monteleone Masterpieces.
Every so often I will be posting a link to where you will find a PDF
file, which will contain an issue of Newspaper Updates.
Newspaper Updates will be very informative with current events
& current intentions of to be future events. Updates will include
any & all changes being made to this facebook profile & all website
profiles that I am on or will be a part of. Updates will offer insight
into how I am expanding artistically & socially.
Newspaper Updates topics can be broken down into a few basic
1:Business 2:Marketing 3:Product/Serivce 4:Shows 5:Personal
Topics are not limited to this, but these five are the roots of most
topics that you will find here. For example creating a new profile on
a website or making changes to posting on a certain website would
fall under Marketing. If you are sincere about continuing to follow
the aesethic creativity that I am communicating through various
mediums & the natural artistic talents that I have been given, I am
receiving or will have... then I suggest you read all of the
Newspaper Updates. In each Newspaper Updates issue you
will find News Art-icles :D. Each Art-icle will focus on a topic of
choice. I have no set time frame of how often each issue of
Newspaper Updates will be published, but they will simply
present themselves when it makes sense or when there is some
breaking News... Read ALL About It!
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Issue #0
The Intro Issue

So you may wonder... How did M.M. Newpaper Updates start? Where & when did the idea
come into fruitation? Well thats easy. Lets be honest about this... Up until now, for the most
part I been mentioning ideas & my intentions of to be plans, site making, potential websites,
changes & other whats going on in the description areas or in comments of other posts. For the
time being it all made sense. Now what if a fan or follower did do not look at the artwork? Then
they would not have read the description about it & further not read the bit of intel & information
that I may have provided. Important info is meant for everyone & so I decided that any update
would be in its own post in the form of what you are reading now.
Originally this was merely going to be typed out on facebook & thats that. Though I wanted it to
be a different experience for everyone, myself included. Then came the idea... Why not create a
magazine/newspaper like document? One that would be pdf & everyone could actually read &
interact with? And so it began! The first challenge was I did not like any of the template Pages
offered. I tried them all & none of them felt right. So I decided I would create my own template &
change it whenever & however I want. I liked the current photo that I have up as a profile pic &
choose to go with colors that would compliment it. So here you have orange, blue, green & a light
yellow/orange/skin as colors being used to create the lay out.
From this point forward ideas & intentions will be brought more to your attention by being in its
own highlighted post via a link to where you will be able to read each issue of Newspaper Updates
in PDF. Dont miss out!
So what else is there to look forward to in
newspaper updates? Well let me tell you...
Some issues may contain images of new artwork that
you might not see anywhere else, poems I wrote,
songs written & recorded by yours truly & being the
first to get an inside scoop of whats in Judes mind!
Question is are you adventerous & courageous
enough to join? Subcribe to M.M.N.U. & your
universe will forever transform & be inspired by pure
creativity & beautifully amazing /awesome artwork.
So what else do you need to know? ACT NOW!!!
The next issue is scheduled for release on 04/24 or 05/01.
Topics: Prints, Requests, Facebook Posts & More!
Remember to write a comment!
Do you have any questions?
Do you like Newspaper Updates?
Do you have any suggestions in how
M.M.N.U. can improve?
Have any request for topics?
Feedback is always welcome. :D
PS: Nothing Inappropriate.
How It All Started:
You can also follow here:
What Else?

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