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COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Obtains and locates geographical information on a map. - Locates land reliefs and plains of continents on a map. - Names the units of land relief on the map. - Explains the different European landscapes. - Uses the atlas and locates information. - Uses the map to locate oceans, rivers and islands. - Locates the climate zones. - Locates the warm climates. - Locates the temperate climates. - Explains the contrasts of temperate climates. - Identifies and locates the cold and mountain climates. - Locates the geographical features of Asia. - Recognises the savannah in images. - Mathematical competence: - Compares climographs of warm climates. - Compares climographs of temperate climates. - Compares the climographs of Vancouver, Rabat and Tallinn. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Understands the relationship between the Suns rays and temperature. - Explains the meaning of different geographical terms. - Describes the different landscapes of the warm zone. - Describes the features of the landscapes of the temperate zone. - Describes the polar and mountain climates and landscapes from illustrations. - Writes ten lines explaining the land relief of the Earths surface. - Competence in information and communication technologies: - Obtains information from an illustration on the forms of land relief. - Interprets a physical map legend. - Orders the elements of European land relief in a table. - Obtains information about climates from a map. - Knows the temperate climates and locates them. - Interprets the block diagram of continental waters. - Learning to learn: - Differentiates between weather and climate. - Looks for information and for an illustration of the layers of the Earth. - Explains and differentiates geographical concepts. - Learns the basic elements of geographical maps. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Completes the summary table about European land relief. - Knows the National Topographic Map.

OBJECTIVES 1. To understand the structure of the Earth and identify the forms of relief. 2. To understand and locate on maps the forms of land relief of the continents. 3. To understand and locate the land relief of Europe on maps. 4. To learn about the variety of the waters of the Earth. 5. To remember the concepts of weather and climate, and the elements and factors of the climate. 6. To identify climate varieties of the warm zone. 7. To identify climate variations of the temperate zone. 8. To identify the climate varieties of the cold zone and to know the mountain climates. 9. To show interest in learning about the natural factors which influence human activities. 10. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 11. To check progress in the learning and application of some basic skills. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Understands and identifies the structure of the Earth and the forms of relief. 1.2. Recognises the different forms of land relief. 2.1. Understands and locates on maps the different forms of land relief of the continents. 3.1. Understands and locates on maps the different forms of land relief of Europe. 4.1. Understands and locates the waters of the Earth. 5.1. Defines the concepts of weather and climate, and applies the elements and factors of the climate. 6.1. Identifies the climates, landscapes and vegetation of the warm zone. 7.1. Differentiates the climates, vegetation and landscapes of the temperate zone. 8.1. Identifies the climates, vegetation and landscapes of the cold zone. 9.1. Shows interest in learning about natural determining factors. 10.1. Develops basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 11.1. Makes progress in the learning and application of basic skills. CONTENTS Last week of September, and first two weeks of October. - The structure of the Earth. Continents, islands and forms of the land relief of the Earth.

The land relief of Asia, America, Africa, Oceania and Antarctica. The land relief of the European continent. Limits and units of the land relief. The marine and continental waters. The Earths main rivers. The atmosphere and the climate. Elements and factors of the climate. The climates and natural landscapes of the warm zone. The climates and natural landscapes of the temperate zone. The climates and natural landscapes of the cold zone. The natural determining factors. Maps and their elements. To complete a concept map and to check progress made in some basic skills.

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - The land relief of the Earth: - Land relief. Continents and islands. - The forms of land relief of the Earth. - The hydrosphere. The waters of the Earth: - The marine waters. - The continental waters. - The main rivers of the continents. - The atmosphere and the climates (I): - The atmosphere and the climate. - The climates of the warm zone. - The atmosphere and the climates (II): - The climates of the temperate zone. - The polar and mountain climates. MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary. - Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES - Suggested films. - Cartography: - Physical, climate and vegetation maps of the world. EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 1, 2, 3 and 4) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists. - Self-evaluation tests.

MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. COMPLEMENTARY AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Organise an excursion, together with the Natural Sciences Department of your school, to explore the physical environment in your area. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: The natural determining factors. - Reading practice, unit 1: 85% of the largest deltas in the world are sinking and The spatial eye in the corresponding section of the teachers resource book. ICT - Websites: - The Earth: - Land relief (maps): 10m-natural-earth-1/ - The hydrosphere: hydrosphere.html - Climate - Web quest: - The Earth: Inside%20Earth%20WebQuest.htm - The hydrosphere: - Climate:

ATTITUDES AND VALUES - To show interest in learning about natural phenomena. - To appreciate the importance to preserve the natural environment and its role in human activities. - To show interest in learning about other environments and landscapes.

COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Gives examples of the influence of the land relief on the development of Spain. - Locates land reliefs on a map of the Iberian Peninsula. - Names the islands of the Balearic and Canary archipelagos. - Obtains information from climate maps of the peninsula. - Recognises a natural landscape in a photograph. - Explains the environment of the Canary Islands. - Names mountainous provinces. - Obtains information from an image and locates the rivers of the peninsula. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Locates Spain on the globe. - Understands a text about the Iberian Peninsula. - Uses the dictionary and writes correctly. - Writes a text describing a boat journey around the Spanish coast. - Competence in information and communication technologies: - Obtains information about the coasts from a physical map. - Locates rivers in the Iberian Peninsula and groups them by watersheds. - Obtains information about rivers from a statistical table and a map. - Identifies coastal geographical features on a map. - Obtains information about the climate from maps. - Interprets a north-south cross-section of the Peninsula. - Relates information. - Learning to learn: - Names units of land relief. - Understands the land reliefs of the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands. - Applies climate factors to specific cases. - Learns to comment on thematic maps. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Comments on the thematic map of precipitations.

OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. To form concept networks about the units of land relief of the peninsula. To form concept networks about the units of land relief of the archipelagos. To learn about the diversity of the Spanish continental waters. To classify the elements and factors of the climate of Spain, and to understand its variety and vegetation. 5. To show interest in learning about the characteristics of the Iberian Peninsula. 6. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 7. To check progress in the learning and application of certain basic skills. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Locates the Iberian Peninsula and understands the diversity of the land relief of Spain. 2.1. Identifies and locates the units of land relief of the archipelagos. 3.1. Identifies and names Spanish rivers and gives important examples of rivers, lakes, wetlands and aquifers. 4.1. Differentiates the elements and factors of the climate, and explains the variety of climates and vegetation. 5.1. Shows interest in learning about the Iberian Peninsula. 6.1. Develops basic skills and strategies. 7.1. Makes progress in the learning and application of basic skills. CONTENTS Last two weeks of October, and first week of November. The Spanish territory. The units of land relief of the peninsula and the coast. The land relief of the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands. Rivers, lakes, wetlands and aquifers of Spain. Factors, climates and vegetation of Spain. The natural environments of Spain. The Iberian Peninsula. Thematic maps. To complete a concept map and check progress in some basic skills.

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - The territory and the land relief of Spain: - The land relief of the peninsula. - The land relief of the archipelagos. - The waters, climates and vegetation: - The waters. - The climates and vegetation.

MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary. - Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES - Suggested films. - Cartography: - Physical wall maps of Europe and Spain. - Blank physical wall maps of Europe. EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 1, 2, 3 and 4) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists. - Self-evaluation tests. MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. COMPLEMENTARY AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Organise an excursion, together with the Natural Sciences Department, to a protected natural space. - Watch a video about important natural spaces. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: The Iberian Peninsula. - Reading practice, unit 2: The river Oiartzum breaks its banks in Rentera and Guide to surviving extreme cold in the corresponding section of the teachers resource book. ICT - Websites:

- Relief of Spain: - Spanish climate - Spanish Landscapes: - Spanish climate and hydrosphere: - Natural environments: ATTITUDES AND VALUES - To show interest in learning about natural phenomena. - To appreciate the importance to preserve the natural environment of Spain and of the autonomous communities. - To show interest in learning about the different environments and landscapes of Spain and of the autonomous communities. - To appreciate vegetation and climate as natural resources.

COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Locates countries with high and low population densities. - Locates countries according to their birth rates and death rates. - Locates countries on a map, differentiating them by their natural growth. - Names countries with young and ageing countries. - Uses the atlas and names countries. - Explains the physical and human factors of settlement. - Represents geographical events on a map. - Mathematical competence: - Calculates population density by continents. - Calculates birth rates, death rates and natural increase rates. - Understands the graph explaining the theory of demographic transition. - Obtains information from statistical maps. - Comments on graphs and the population pyramid of Spain. - Understands and calculates the migratory balance of countries. - Obtains information from the map of historic migration. - Comments on a graph about the population of the European continent.

- Understands the evolution of the birth rate and the death rate in Europe. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Gives examples of migrations. - Differentiates between natural and migratory movements. - Defines the theory of demographic transition. - Answers questions correctly. - Differentiates concepts. - Describes an image. - Competence in information and communication technologies: - Obtains information from the map of population distribution. - Obtains information about the population from a text and different maps. - Locates different countries on maps. - Obtains information about historic migrations from a map. - Obtains information about migrations from a statistical table. - Obtains information about areas of emigration and immigration. - Searches and obtains information, and answers questions. - Indicates the areas of concentration and depopulation in Europe. - Social and civic competence: - Understands the causes of migrations. - Gives a personal opinion about migrations. - Learning to learn: - Obtains information about from a map of projected population changes. - Names countries of high and low population density. - Looks for images on the Internet related to population. - Applies what he/she has studied to daily life. - Learns to comment on age pyramids. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Completes a summary table about the causes and characteristics of migrations. OBJECTIVES To explain the distribution of the population and its factors. To obtain information on natural growth and its stages. To learn about the composition or structure of the world population. To identify the characteristics of the population of Spain and Europe. To identify and classify migratory movements. To interpret current international labour migrations. To study the consequences of international labour migrations. To show interest in learning about contemporary migrations. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 10. To check progress and application of basic skills. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Understands the distribution of the population and its factors. 1.2. Identifies natural movements of the population and applies basic knowledge in the appropriate context. 2.1. Is acquainted with the evolution of natural population growth and identifies its stages. 3.1. Identifies the composition of the world population by gender, age and economic activity. 4.1. Identifies the basic features of the population of Spain and Europe and its distribution around the country. 5.1. Understands migratory movements, their types and causes. 6.1. Identifies the main types of migrations and their causes. 7.1. Identifies the main consequences of international migrations. 8.1. Shows interest in learning about migrations. 9.1. Develops basic skills and strategies. 10.1. Makes progress and applies basic skills and strategies. CONTENTS Last three weeks of November. - Revision: - The population and its distribution. - The natural movement of the population. Birth rate and death rate. - Natural growth and its differences. - Structure by gender, age and occupation. - The population of Europe and Spain. Volume, distribution, growth and structure. - Migratory movements: - Definition, causes and types. - International migrations in todays world. - The effects of international migrations. Demographic policies. - Migrations in Spain and in Europe. The recent past and current trends. - The importance of migrations. - Age pyramids and commenting on pyramids. To complete a concept map and to check progress in some basic skills. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - The population. Distribution and movements: - The distribution of the population and its factors. - Natural movement: birth rate and death rate. - Natural growth and demographic structure: - The phases of natural growth. - The demographic structure and its imbalances. - The population of Spain:

- Distribution and dynamics of the population. - Migrations in Spain. - Migratory movements: - Definition and causes. - Types of migrations. - The consequences of migrations. MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary. - Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES - Suggested films. - Cartography: - Maps related to the population in todays world: distribution, migrations, etc. EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 1, 2, 3 and 4) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists. - Self-evaluation tests. MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. COMPLEMENTARY AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Organise a talk by a charity or NGO: Critas, social or municipal services, etc. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: Migration and the changing population of the world. - Reading practice, unit 3: The official register records 5 million foreigners in 2009 in the corresponding section of the teachers resource book.

ICT - Websites: - World population: - Spanish population: - World fertility rates: fertility_wallchart09_Back.pdf - World mortality rates: wmchart2011.pdf - World life expectancy: - World economic growth for 2011: - Web quest: - World human population: human_population_growth_web_quest.htm ATTITUDES AND VALUES To show contempt for the social inequalities of the world. To show empathy towards the victims of inequality. To show contempt for sexist and xenophobic attitudes. To show interest in learning about the migratory phenomenon and its consequences. - To show interest in being well-informed.

COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Consults the atlas and names countries by their rates of urbanisation. - Locates the worlds megalopolises and their continents on a map. - Identifies urban agglomerations in illustrations. - Interprets illustrations of European and Latin American cities. - Locates Spanish pre-industrial cities on a map.

- Identifies different districts on a city plan. - Mathematical competence: - Obtains information about urban growth from statistical tables. - Analyses statistical tables and extracts relevant information. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Names problems of modern-day cities. - Explains one of the problems of modern-day cities. - Summarises the urbanisation process. - Compares the layout of Greek and Roman cities. - Defines and understands the concept of global cities. - Describe urban images and their historical characteristics. - Is able to give coherent answers about the urban structure of Spain. - Defines terms. - Describes an image. - Understands a text and a graph. - Competence in information and communication technologies: - Relates phrases to a historical period of the city they belong to. - Obtains information about the urban population from tables and maps. - Interprets the map of global cities. - Appreciates the differences between urban networks. - Associates terms to an urban area. - Analyses images of Spanish cities. - Interprets the map of the Spanish urban hierarchy. - Looks for photographs of cities. - Relates concepts with their definitions. - Social and civic competence: - Values the legacy of the medieval city. - Learning to learn: - Defines urban concepts. - Learns to make a mental map. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Makes a mental map of his/her neighbourhood. - Personal autonomy, initiative and emotional competence: - Does an assignment about his/her town/city. OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To understand the process of urbanisation. To understand the importance of modern-day cities. To analyse the consequences of the current urban growth. To explain the internal structure of cities and their inequalities. To understand the differences between urban networks. To interpret the evolution of urbanisation in Spain.

7. To identify the structure of Spanish cities. 8. To understand the difference between urban networks in Spain. 9. To show interest in learning about the consequences of the urbanisation process. 10. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 11. To check progress in learning and applying basic competences. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Explains the main characteristics of the pre-industrial and industrial city. 2.1. Identifies the recent growth of cities and the current distribution of urbanisation. 3.1. Identifies the different consequences of the current urban growth. 4.1. Identifies the structural areas of a city, using different procedures. 5.1. Understands the distribution of cities within the territory and explains the functions of the urban network. 6.1. Explains the process of urbanisation in Spain. 7.1. Identifies the structure of Spanish cities. 8.1. Understands the distribution of Spanish cities within the territory. 9.1. Shows interest in learning about the consequences of the urbanisation process. 10.1. Develops basic skills and strategies. 11.1. Makes progress in learning and applying basic skills. CONTENTS First three weeks of December. The process of urbanisation. The preindustrial city and the industrial city. The modern city. The growth of urbanisation and its distribution. The consequences of current urban growth. Urban agglomerations. The urban structure. Parts and inequalities. The urban networks and the hierarchy of cities. The process of urbanisation of Spanish cities. The structure of Spanish cities: the historic centre, the area of expansion and the urban periphery. - The distribution of Spanish cities within the territory. - The cage men of Hong-Kong. - Making a mental map of a neighbourhood. To complete a concept map, and to check progress made in some basic skills. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - The process of urbanisation. The historic city: - The preindustrial city. - The industrial city.

- The modern city: - The recent growth of urbanisation. - Megacities and urban agglomerations. - The internal structure of cities: - The parts of the urban structure. - The structure of Spanish cities. MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary. - Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents, videos and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES - Suggested films. - Cartography: - Atlas of the world. - City plans to analyse urban structure and morphology. EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 1, 2, 3 and 4) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists. - Self-evaluation tests. MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. COMPLEMENTARY AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Organise a tour around your town/city to analyse its urban morphology and structure. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: The cage men. - Reading practice, unit 4: Now open: the tallest skyscraper in the world in the corresponding section of the teachers resource book.

ICT - Websites: - Urban geography: - City populations: http://www.citypopulation.of/ http://www.citypopulation.of/Spain.html - Urbanisation: Urbanization-Social-Impacts-Urbanization.html - Human settlements: - Web quest: - Urbanisation: - On geographical mobility: tgmigration.html ATTITUDES AND VALUES - To show interest in learning about their urban surroundings. - To recognise the need to respect the urban landscape and environment and to collaborate in its conservation and improvement. - To show contempt about the inequalities in the world. - To show interest in learning about the urban phenomenon and its consequences. - To show interest in learning about other places and cities around the world.

COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Locates the member countries of the G-20 on a map. - Relates an image to a geo-economic area. - Mathematical competence: - Obtains information from a table of household spending. - Calculates activity and unemployment rates.

- Analyses a table of the activity rates. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Writes a list of products made in China. - Understands the concept of an emerging economy. - Defines economic concepts with the help of the dictionary. - Explains differences between economic concepts. - Defines Triad and emerging countries, and describes them. - Defines economic terms. - Describes a photographic image. - Extracts information from a text. - Competence in information and communication technologies: - Obtains information from an outline of the components of economic activity. - Interprets a graph about supply and demand. - Obtains economic information from the text and images. - Looks for information on the Internet and writes a summary. - Locates emerging countries on the map. - Relates countries and geo-economic areas. - Appreciates changes in the world of work. - Social and civic competence: - Understands the characteristics of globalisation. - Knows the characteristics of modern-day geo-economic areas. - Explains the problems of women in the labour market. - Understands the reality of child labour in the world. - Learning to learn: - Classifies the different types of work within economic activity. - Completes a comparative table of economic agents. - Applies knowledge to the production factors. - Compares capitalism and socialism. - Finds out about the welfare state. - Explains concepts related to the world of work. - Learns to participate in a debate. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Completes summary tables. - Participates in a debate about discrimination against women in employment. - Personal autonomy, initiative and emotional competence: - Obtains information about an emerging country and completes an assignment. OBJECTIVES 1. To introduce the students to the basic concepts of economic activity. 2. To describe the main economic agents. 3. To learn about capitalism and socialism and recent changes in both.

4. To interpret the current process of economic globalisation. 5. To identify the current major geo-economic areas of the world. 6. To discover the importance of the world of work and the labour market, and to recognise recent changes in the labour market and its problems. 7. To show interest in learning about the economy of an emerging country. 8. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 9. To check progress in the learning and application of some basic skills. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Understands and explains concepts related to economic activity. 2.1. Names the economic agents, and understands the factors which influence the production and consumption of goods. 3.1. Differentiates between the planned and market economy systems, and explains recent changes. 4.1. Understands globalisation of the economy and some of its consequences. 5.1. Identifies characteristics and locates the countries of the current geoeconomic areas of the world. 6.1. Defines concepts related to the world of work and understands how the labour market functions. 6.2. Is aware of the changes that are taking place in the labour market and their consequences. 6.3. Knows about the existence of child labour and is aware that it remains a problem. 7.1. Learns about the economy of an emerging country. 8.1. Develops basic skills and strategies. 9.1. Makes progress in the learning and application of some basic skills. CONTENTS Last three weeks of January. Economic activity. The production, distribution and consumption of goods. The economic agents: companies, families and the state. Socialist and capitalist systems. Recent changes in capitalism. Economic globalisation. Agents and consequences. The geo-economic areas of the world. Characteristics and geographical distribution. The world of work. The labour market and recent changes. Labour problems. China, a rising economic power. Child labour in todays world. To comment on geographical images, complete a concept map and check progress made in some basic skills.


- Economic activity and its agents: - What is economic activity? - Production, distribution and consumption. - Economic agents. - Economic systems. Economic globalisation: - Socialism and capitalism. - Globalisation of the economy. - Causes and consequences of globalisation. - The geo-economic areas of the world: - The countries of the Triad. - Emerging countries. - Regional economic powers. - Undeveloped economic areas. - The world of work and its problems: - The world of work. - The labour market. - Changes and problems in the world of work. MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary. - Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES - Suggested films. - Cartography: - Atlas of the world. EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 5, 6, 7 and 8) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists. - Self-evaluation tests. MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. COMPLEMENTARY AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Organise a visit to any of the social agents and organisations in your place of

residence. For example, the headquarters of a trade union. - Ask a union representative to come into the school to talk to the students about the changes in the world of work and some labour problems. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: China, a rising economic power. - Reading practice, unit 5: The eradication of child labour: an objective within our reach in the corresponding section of the resources guide. ICT - Websites: - General Economics: - On production of goods/ factors of production: Production-of-Goods.topicArticleId-9789,articleId-9758.html basics_factors_of_production.htm - On supply and demand: supplyanddemand1.htm - On the Communist and Capitalist systems: - International organisations: - Web quest: - Comparative economic systems: - Economic systems: ATTITUDES AND VALUES To acquire responsible habits of consumption. To respect consumption guidelines. To show interest in learning about the economy and how it functions. To recognise the importance of labour relations.

- To show interest to find out about todays economy.

COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Relates images to the human factors of agricultural landscapes. - Relates an image to the correction of natural determining factors. - Interprets and locates images of traditional agricultural landscapes. - Names countries and continents with traditional agricultural landscapes. - Interprets developed agricultural landscapes. - Describes characteristics of agricultural landscapes. - Locates the livestock systems by continents. - Locates fishing countries on a map of the world. - Mathematical competence: - Comments on a graph of the agricultural population of the world. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Names the essential elements for plants to grow. - Explains the physical factors which have a negative influence on agriculture. - Answers questions about an illustration of an agricultural landscape. - Sums up the characteristics of evolved agricultural landscapes. - Understands that European agriculture has evolved. - Understands the CAP. - Comments on a photograph of livestock farming. - Explains the concept of a fishing ground and differentiates types of fishing. - Looks for the definition of geography terms in the dictionary. - Extracts information from a text about the forests. - Competence in information and communication technologies: - Finds out about soilless cultivation in Spain. - Names countries with an agricultural population of over 60%. - Explains the differences between pairs of concepts. - Relates characteristics to an agricultural landscape. - Obtains information about the New Countries. - Matches sentences with a type of livestock farming. - Learning to learn: - Writes a list of natural resources and draws conclusions. - Makes a concept map with the main crops of agricultural landscapes. - Learns to comment on geographical images. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Completes a summary table of agricultural landscapes. - Does a sketch and comments on images of agricultural landscapes.

OBJECTIVES 1. To identify the activities which comprise the primary sector. 2. To identify the main physical and human factors which influence agricultural activity. 3. To observe and analyse the elements of agricultural landscapes. 4. To form concept networks of traditional agricultural landscapes, identifying models. 5. To learn about the variety of developed agricultural landscapes, identifying representative models. 6. To learn about the agricultural space of Europe. 7. To show the importance of livestock systems. 8. To analyse fishing and its problems. 9. To show interest in learning about soilless agriculture. 10. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 11. To check progress in the learning and application of some basic skills. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Identifies the economic activities of the primary sector. 2.1. Draws conclusions about physical determining factors of agricultural activities. 2.2. Understands the diversity of the human factors which influence agricultural activity. 3.1. Understands and identifies the elements of agricultural landscapes: plots and types of settlement. 3.2. Understands and identifies the elements of agricultural landscapes: cultivation systems. 4.1. Identifies the characteristic features of traditional agricultural landscapes and explains their models. 5.1. Knows the essential features of developed agricultural landscapes and explains significant models. 6.1. Knows about the characteristics of European agriculture, and identifies different agricultural landscapes. 7.1. Knows and identifies traditional and market livestock systems. 8.1. Knows the types of fishing and the problems with fishing grounds. 9.1. Shows interest in learning about soilless agriculture. 10.1. Develops skills and strategies. 11.1. Makes progress in the learning and application of some basic skills. CONTENTS First three weeks of February. - The primary sector. Agricultural activities and their importance.

- The natural and human determining factors of agricultural activities. - Agricultural landscape and their elements. Plots, settlement and cultivation systems. - Traditional agricultural landscapes. Characteristics, geographical distribution and representative models. - Evolved agricultural landscapes. Characteristics, geographical distribution and representative models. - The European agricultural space and its relation to the market. The agricultural landscapes. - Traditional and market livestock systems. - The exploitation of the sea. Fishing and its problems. - Soilless agriculture. - To comment on geographical images, complete a concept map, and check progress made in some basic skills. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - The primary sector and the determining factors of agriculture: - The activities of the primary sector. - The determining factors of agricultural activity. - The elements of the agricultural landscape: - Agricultural plots. - Settlement. - Cultivation systems. - Traditional agricultural landscapes: - Characteristics and geographical distribution. - Itinerant or slash-and-burn agriculture. - Non-irrigated sedentary agriculture. - Irrigated monsoon agriculture. - Developed agricultural landscapes: - Characteristics and geographical distribution. - The agriculture of the New Countries. - Plantation agriculture. MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary. - Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES - Suggested films. - Cartography: - World maps of agriculture and livestock farming.

EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 5, 6, 7 and 8) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists. - Self-evaluation tests. MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. COMPLEMENTARY AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Visit an ethnography museum. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: Agriculture without soil. - Reading practice, unit 6: Transgenic crops, European agriculture and the CAP and Bluefin tuna, in danger of extinction in the corresponding section of the teachers resource book. ICT - Websites: - World agriculture: - Irrigated and slash-and-burn agriculture: slash-and-burn-agriculture - Intensive farming: - Fishing: fisheries-and-aquaculture.php - Web quest:

- World agriculture: ATTITUDES AND VALUES - To encourage interest in learning about the rural environment. - To promote responsible consumption habits. - To adopt a favourable attitude towards the policy of the conservation of resources. - To evaluate the environmental repercussions of primary activities. - To show interest in learning about the new agricultural technologies. - To appreciate the singularity of the agricultural landscapes of the Earth in general, and of the European Union and Spain in particular. - To show interest in being informed about problems with agriculture.

COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Locates countries which produce traditional energy sources. - Locates countries which produce renewable energies. - Locates industrial concentrations. - Locates the main industrial areas in Europe. - Identifies industrial spaces. - Locates the newly industrialised countries (NIC) on a map. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Writes a list of products derived from oil. - Describes the exploitation of minerals. - Explains the origin of industry in two countries. - Defines geographical terms related to industry. - Differentiates pairs of concepts. - Describes an illustration using correct syntax and vocabulary. - Competence in information and communication technologies: - Obtains information from a map of world oil reserves. - Obtains information from an image of industry. - Obtains information from a map of minerals and raw materials. - Establishes the relationship between coal, oil and natural gas. - Relates phrases and illustrations to industrial evolution. - Uses the Internet to look for images of industries. - Explains industrial concentrations. - Locates and explains the different European industrial sectors. - Relates phrases and countries to an industrial region of the world.

- Learning to learn: - Identifies the secondary sector, industry and raw materials and energy sources. - Gives examples of industrial products in daily use. - Applies the concept of raw material to daily life. - Completes a summary table about alternative energy sources. - Writes a report about industry. - Organises, in two columns, the contributions of the rich countries and the poor countries to the worldwide division of industrial work. - Completes a concept map about European industry. - Learns how to use the data of a statistical graph. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Completes a summary table about traditional energy sources. - Applies his/her knowledge to the analysis of a statistical table. - Personal autonomy, initiative and emotional competence: - Proposes personal energy saving measures. OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. To identify the secondary sector and its activities. To form concept networks about raw materials. To identify and explain traditional and alternative energy sources. To identify the evolution of industrial activity. To analytically observe the types of industries and industrial spaces. To understand the distribution of industry in the age of globalisation. To show interest in learning about the importance of oil in todays society. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 9. To check progress in the learning and application of some basic skills. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Understands the secondary sector and the activities that it comprises. 2.1. Knows the concept of raw material and identifies main types. 3.1. Identifies the advantages, disadvantages and main uses of traditional energy sources. 3.2. Explains alternative energy sources and what they are used for. 4.1. Identifies the different phases of industrial evolution. 5.1. Identifies the different types of industries and industrial spaces. 6.1. Relates industry to globalisation and locates the main industrial areas. 7.1. Shows interest in learning about the importance of oil in todays society. 8.1. Develops some skills and strategies. 9.1. Makes progress in learning and applying some basic skills. CONTENTS

Last week of February, and first week of March. - The secondary sector. Definition and activities which comprise it. - The bases of industrial activity: - Industrial raw materials. - Traditional energy sources. - Alternative energy sources. - The evolution of industrial activity. Traditional, modern and present-day industries. - industries and industrial spaces. Types of industries and industrial spaces. - Industry in the age of globalisation. - The importance of oil in todays world. - To use the data found in a statistical table, complete a concept map and check progress made in some basic skills. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - The secondary sector: - Definition and activities. - Industry. - Other activities of the secondary sector. - Raw materials and energy sources: - Classification of raw materials. - Classification of energy sources. - Industries and industrial spaces: - The types of industry. - The industrial regions of the world. MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary. - Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES - Suggested films. - Cartography: - World maps of mining and industry. EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 5, 6, 7 and 8) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists.

- Self-evaluation tests. MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. COMPLEMENTARY AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Visit one or more industries in the region to find out about the industrial process. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: The importance of oil today. - Reading practice, unit 7: Obama promotes the re-birth of nuclear energy and The energy policy of the EU in the corresponding section of the teachers resource book. ICT - Websites - Types of energy: - Alternative resources: kinds-of-alternative-energy-pros-and-cons/ - Types of industries: - World industrial regions: world-industrial-production-growth-rate-map.html - European industry: - Web quest: - Renewable and non-renewable energy: webquest2002/lilaccomicsans/intro.html

EnergyWQSProcess. htm - Saving energy ATTITUDES AND VALUES To promote habits of consumption which respect the environment. To recognise the importance of research into new energy sources. To acquire daily habits to help conserve non-renewable resources. To understand the importance of saving energy. To encourage interest in learning about industrial facilities.

COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Locates ports and airports on a map of Europe. - Locates navigable rivers on a map. - Mathematical competence: - Analyses bar charts about the importance of services in the world. - Orders world regions from largest to smallest share of exports. - Extracts information about tourism from a statistical table. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Writes a list of activities of the tertiary sector. - Explains the terms trading block, free trade and customs union. - Identifies means of transport and transport infrastructure. - Explains the concept of a customs union. - Expresses differences between types of commercial establishments. - Competence in information and communication technologies: - Obtains information from a map of countries which are the originators and receivers of tourism. - Names countries with high and low GDPs. - Relates phrases to commercial concepts. - Obtains information from maps of transport systems. - Attributes features to transport by water or air. - Understands intermodal transport and knows its advantages. - Relates activities to a type of tourism. - Obtains information from a map of tourist flows. - Obtains information about Europe from transport and tourism maps. - Matches concepts and definitions. - Social and civic competence: - Matches the items bought with a given commercial establishment.

- Learning to learn: - Identifies the tertiary sector, classifies services and names public services. - Completes a summary table of the advantages and disadvantages of roads and railways. - Applies knowledge of the means of transport to everyday items. - Learns to comment on geographical graphs. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Completes a summary table about transport. - Comments on pie charts. - Personal autonomy, initiative and emotional competence: - Explores some websites and finds information about fair trade. OBJECTIVES 1. To identify the activities of the services sector, types, importance and location. 2. To interpret commercial activity and differentiate the areas of international trade and its organisation. 3. To learn about the characteristics of transport and transport networks. 4. To identify transport systems (land, air and water), and understand their advantages and disadvantages. 5. To analytically study tourist activity. 6. To identify tertiary activities in Europe and the EU. 7. To show interest in learning about the rise in international tourism. 8. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 9. To check progress in the learning and application of some basic skills. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Identifies the activities of the tertiary sector, and recognises the types of services and their spatial location. 2.1. Defines the term trade and its instruments, and identifies the types of trade. 2.2. Understands the organisation of international trade, and identifies trading areas. 3.1. Understands the importance of transport and knows the distribution of the worlds transport networks. 4.1. Knows the characteristics, the advantages and the disadvantages of transport by road and by rail. 4.2. Summarises the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of maritime, river and air transport. 5.1. Defines tourism and its evolution, and recognises the causes and repercussions of this activity. 5.2. Understands the types of tourism, and locates the worlds main tourist areas.

6.1. 7.1. 8.1. 9.1.

Identifies tertiary activities in Europe and the EU. Shows interest in learning about the boom in international tourism. Develops some skills and strategies. Makes progress in learning and applying basic skills.

CONTENTS First two weeks of March. The tertiary sector. Classification and importance. Trade. Instruments, domestic trade and foreign trade. International trade in goods and its organisation. The main trading areas. Transport and the worlds transport networks. Transport on land: road and rail. Transport by water (maritime and fluvial) and air transport. Intermodal transport. - Tourism. Causes, repercussions and current situation. - Tourism, a booming activity. - To comment on graphs, complete a concept map and check progress in some basic skills. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - The diversity of the tertiary sector: - The tertiary sector and its importance. - The classification of services. - Commercial activity: - Trade and its instruments. - Domestic trade. - Foreign trade. - Transport: - Systems and means of transport. - Transport on land. - Water and air transport. - Tourism: - Tourism and its types. - Tourist areas. - The repercussions of tourism. MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary. - Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES

- Suggested films. EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 5, 6, 7 and 8) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists. - Self-evaluation tests. MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. COMPLEMENTARY AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Get brochures from different travel agencies and organise an assignment in groups about domestic and international tourist destinations. - Visit a wholesale market and note down the activities that are carried out. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: Tourism, a booming activity. - Reading practice, unit 8: How does the internet work? and Short-distance maritime transport in the corresponding section of the teachers resource book. ICT - Websites: - The tertiary sector: - Commerce: - Transport systems and networks: Land Transport: Water and air transport: Tourism: - Tertiary activities in Europe: article_10996_en.html - Web quest: ATTITUDES AND VALUES - To evaluate the social and environmental repercussions of tertiary activities in general and of tourism in particular. - To adopt a positive attitude towards advances in communications. - To encourage interest in learning about different means of transport.

COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Knows the countries of the European Union. - Locates industrialised provinces and regions. - Identifies images of industrial areas. - Locates Spains trading partners on a map. - Mathematical competence: - Obtains information about fishing from statistical graphs. - Calculates percentages. - Obtains information about livestock farming in the different regions from a bar chart. - Orders exports and imports from largest to smallest. - Extracts information about tourism from statistical graphs. - Calculates differences. - Obtains information about trade and tourism in the different regions from statistical graphs. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Explains sentences. - Writes a list of products. - Writes an essay about raw materials and industry in the EU. - Compares domestic and foreign tourism. - Compares the positive and negative consequences of tourism. - Writes a report about the primary sector in Spain. - Understands a text about aquaculture. - Does an assignment about the CAP. - Competence in information and communication technologies:

- Obtains information from maps and locates the distribution of crops and types of livestock. - Obtains information from a map and locates the agricultural landscapes by provinces. - Names fishing grounds and species, based on the analysis of a map. - Matches crops and agricultural areas. - Obtains information about non-irrigated and irrigated agriculture. - Obtains information about raw materials and energy sources in Spain. - Obtains information from the map showing the location of raw materials and energy sources. - Obtains information about the main Spanish exports and imports. - Matches industries and industrial areas. - Obtains information from the map of tourist areas. - Matches types of tourism with examples. - Correctly matches each sentence with the corresponding concept. - Social and civic competence: - Locates his/her province in an industrial area. - Learns about the causes of the growth of services and large commercial establishments in Spain. - Learning to learn: - Completes a summary table with the problems and solutions of fishing activity. - Compares Spanish agricultural landscapes in a table. - Gives examples of industries in each industrial sector. - Completes a table with the problems of industry and their solutions. - Lists the industries of the autonomous community in order. - Identifies the reasons that make Spain a popular tourist destination. - Learns to produce summaries. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Completes a summary table about industrial sectors. OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To know the activities of the primary sector in Spain. To identify Spanish agricultural landscapes. To list the bases of maritime fishing in Spain. To learn about the characteristics of Spanish industry. To study the importance of the tertiary sector in Spain. To show interest in learning about the importance of the Spanish economy. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 8. To check progress in the learning and application of some basic skills. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Understands the situation of the Spanish primary sector.

2.1. Identifies Spanish agricultural landscapes, locates them and distinguishes representative images. 3.1. Identifies the basic characteristics of maritime fishing in Spain. 4.1. Understands the scarcity of raw materials and energy sources in Spain, and knows the main types of industry. 4.2. Knows the spatial distribution of Spanish industry and the problems of the secondary sector. 5.1. Understands the current situation of the tertiary sector in Spain. 5.2. Identifies the causes, types and consequences of tourism in Spain, and names problems of the tourist sector. 6.1. Shows interest in learning about the Spanish economy. 7.1. Develops basic skills and strategies. 8.1. Makes progress in learning and applying some basic skills. CONTENTS First three weeks of April. - Agricultural activities in Spain and its problems. Agriculture, livestock farming and forestry. - Spanish agricultural landscapes. - Fishing activity in Spain. Characteristics and problems. - Spanish industry: - General characteristics, energy sources and industrial sectors. - Spatial distribution and current problems. - The tertiary sector in Spain: - The growth of services. Trade and transport. - Spanish tourism. Factors, types, problems and future prospects. - To make a summary, complete a concept map and check progress in some basic skills. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - Agricultural activities and landscapes in Spain: - Characteristics of agricultural activity. - Agricultural landscapes. - Spanish industry: - General characteristics. - Industrial sectors. - The tertiary sector in Spain: - Trade. - Transport. - Tourism and its different types. MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary.

- Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES - Suggested films. EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 9, 10, 11 and 12) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists. - Self-evaluation tests. MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: A medium-sized power. - Reading practice, unit 9: The variety of intensive crops and The number of foreign tourists fell by 8.7% in 2009 in the corresponding section of the teachers resource book. ICT - Websites: - Agriculture in Spain: - Spanish Agricultural landscapes - Fishing activity in Spain - Spanish Industry: - Tertiary sector in Spain - Web quest: ATTITUDES AND VALUES - To show interest in learning about the problems faced by farmers. - To develop habits of tolerance towards relatively unknown activities. - To evaluate the social and environmental repercussions of economic activities in Spain. - To show interest in learning about a technology park. - To show interest in learning industrial technological innovations. - To understand the economic importance of tourist areas and sustainable tourism.

COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Locates provinces suffering from desertification. - Locates the countries that emit most CO2 on a map. - Mathematical competence: - Orders, based on the analysis of a graph, the causes of the disappearance of the forests. - Extracts environmental information from graphs. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Explains an environmental problem. - Explains what sustainable development means - Identifies the terms deforestation and desertification. - Understands environmental information. - Writes a summary of the causes of the loss of biodiversity. - Makes a summary of the environmental problems of the autonomous community. - Explains images, a text and a map related to environmental problems. - Competence in information and communication technologies: - Obtains information about the carbon footprint. - Relates deforestation and erosion. - Names causes of the contamination of the soil. - Extracts information from a drawing about the over-exploitation and contamination of waters. - Obtains information from the map of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. - Matches images with a specific waste treatment.

- Social and civic competence: - Explains environmental consequences of historic periods. - Defends sustainable development. - Gives a personal opinion about waste management. - Learning to learn: - Makes and comments on a bar chart. - Orders causes and consequences in columns. - Outlines international solutions to environmental problems. - Learns how to do a survey. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Carries out a survey about an environmental problem. - Personal autonomy, initiative and emotional competence: - Finds out about the Vote for the planet campaign. - Values the existence of recycling centres. OBJECTIVES 1. To learn about the evolution of the relationship between human beings and the environment. 2. To learn about environmental problems related to vegetation and soil. 3. To learn about and describe the problems related to the atmosphere, water and the loss of biodiversity. 4. Identifies solutions to international and Spanish environmental problems. 5. To show interest in learning about the consequences of human activities. 6. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 7. To check progress in the learning and application of some basic skills. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Understands the process of human intervention in the environment and its criteria consequences. 2.1. Understands the causes and consequences of deforestation and deterioration of the soil. 3.1. Identifies the causes and consequences of the atmospheric pollution. 3.2. Understands the over-exploitation and contamination of water, and the loss of biodiversity. 4.1. Knows about environmental protection measures, in general and in Spain in particular. 5.1. Shows interest in learning about the consequences of human activities. 6.1. Develops some skills and strategies. 7.1. Makes progress in learning and applying basic skills. CONTENTS

Last week of April, and first two weeks of May. - The interaction between nature and society. The environmental impacts of preindustrial and industrial societies. The ecological society. - The deterioration of the vegetation and the soil. Causes and consequences. - Deterioration of the atmosphere: global warming, acid rain, depletion of the ozone layer, air pollution. - Other environmental problems: over-exploitation and contamination of the water, and loss of biodiversity. - The solutions to environmental problems: international and Spanish. - Mans carbon footprint. - To carry out a survey, complete a concept map and check progress made in some basic skills. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - Environmental problems (I): - Deforestation. - The deterioration of the soil. - Environmental problems (II): - The problems of the atmosphere. - The problems of water. - The loss of biodiversity. MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary. - Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES - Suggested films. - Cartography: - Maps about protected spaces in the world and in Spain. EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 9, 10, 11 and 12) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists. - Self-evaluation tests. MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES

- Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. COMPLEMENTARY AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Go to the nearest recycling centre to the school and talk to the person responsible for its maintenance about selective waste collection. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: Global problems. - Reading practice, unit 10: The melting of the Arctic ice, Spain admits it exceeds traffic pollution limits and Desertification, the consequence of a lack of water in the corresponding section of the teachers resource book. ICT - Websites - The interaction between society and nature: - Vegetation and soil deterioration - Atmospheric pollution index_en.htm - The solutions what-is-sustainable-development.html - Web quest: Lessons_16and17/sustainable_development_webquest.html ATTITUDES AND VALUES - To show contempt about abusive practices which damage the environment. - To become involved in the search for solutions to the deterioration of the natural environment. - To show appreciation the natural environment as a resource.

- To show interest in learning about environmental problems and their consequences. - To be effectively involved in sustainable development.

COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Locates countries in different continents. - Uses the atlas. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Defines the term State. - Explains the differences between an international treaty and an international organisation. - Understands the idea of delegation to institutions of the EU. - Defines autonomous community, province and municipality. - Finds the meaning of referendum in the dictionary. - Describes features of democratic and authoritarian states. - Competence in information and communication technologies: - Gives examples of States and of capitals of States. - Matches institutions and phrases with a power of the State. - Assigns characteristics to democratic and authoritarian states. - Comments on an image showing the types of state. - Obtains information from a map showing the forms of State. - Extracts information from a chart showing the organisation of the UN. - Notes the objectives of an international organisation. - Relates functions and positions to European institutions. - Names rights and freedoms outlined in the Spanish Constitution of 1978. - Obtains information using ICTs. - Matches provinces and capitals with different autonomous communities. - Social and civic competence: - Understands the territorial administration of States. - Explains why authoritarian states are not democratic. - Names rights and freedoms outlined in the Spanish Constitution of 1978. - Learning to learn: - Names states of the world. - Applies what he/she knows about the organisation of the state to Mexico. - Applies previously-learnt concepts to the Spanish State. - Explains features of the Constitution of 1878. - Learns how to comment on geography texts. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Completes a summary table about European institutions.

- Comments on a fragment of the French Constitution. OBJECTIVES 1. To identify the states of the world and their capitals. 2. To recognise the concept of the State, its powers and different administrations. 3. To analyse differences between States. 4. To summarise the international relations among states and to learn about the UN. 5. To study the institutions of the EU. 6. To know the political and territorial organisation of Spain. 7. To show interest in learning about the political map of the world. 8. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 9. To check progress in the learning and application of some basic skills. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Locates the states of the world and their capitals. 2.1. Defines the concept of the State, and differentiates its powers and administrations. 3.1. Understands the differences between democratic and authoritarian States. 3.2. Differentiates between monarchy and republic and distinguishes the main forms of government. 4.1. Knows the main international organisations and recognises the importance of the UN. 5.1. Distinguishes the main institutions of the EU and explains their functions. 6.1. Explains the organisation and institutions of the Spanish State. 6.2. Knows the organisation of the Spanish territory into autonomous communities, provinces and municipalities. 7.1. Develops curiosity to know the political map of the world. 8.1. Develops skills and strategies. 9.1. Progresses in the learning and application of basic skills. CONTENTS Last two weeks of May, and first week of June. - The states of the world. - The political and administrative organisation of the State. Political powers and administration of the territory. - The differences between states: - Democratic and authoritarian states. - Monarchies and republics. - Parliamentary and presidential systems.

- International relations. The UN. - The European Union and its institutions. - The organisation of Spain: - The Constitution of 1978, the political organisation and institutions. - The administration of the territory. Autonomous communities, provinces and municipalities. - The political map of the world. - To comment on geography texts, complete a concept map and check progress made in some basic skills. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - The states of the Earth: - The powers of the State. - The principles of a democratic state. - The differences between states: - Monarchies and republics. - Parliamentary and presidential states - The European Union and its institutions: - The European Council and the Council of the European Union. - Parliament, Commission and Court of Justice. - The Spanish State: - Political organisation and institutions. - The administration of the territory. MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary. - Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES - Suggested films. - Cartography: - Political map of the world; political maps of each continent; blank political maps of the continents; political map of Spain. EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 9, 10, 11 and 12) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists. - Self-evaluation tests.

MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. COMPLEMENTARY AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Organise a one-day visit to the Congreso de los Diputados or the Senate. - Organise a visit to the Regional Parliament. - Schedule a talk in the school by a local politician. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: The political map of the world. - Reading practice, unit 11: The challenges of the EUs foreign policy and Latin America agrees on a regional block without the USA in the corresponding section of the teachers resource book. ICT - Websites: - States of the world: - Political and administrative organisation: Centralgovernmentandthemonarchy/DG_073438 soc_10101.html - Differences between states: types_of_government/newsid_2151000/2151570.stm - International relations: - The European Union - The organisation of Spain Web quest: clintro.htm ATTITUDES AND VALUES - To show contempt about authoritarian forms of government. - To show respect for democratic principles and institutions. - To show interest in learning and explaining the historical antecedents of todays world. - To show interest in learning about other countries. - To appreciate Spains membership of the EU. - To appreciate the role of the autonomous communities.

COMPETENCES AND COMPETENCE EVALUATION - Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: - Locates rich and poor countries on a map. - Locates states which receive development assistance. - Locates countries belonging to the main regional groupings. - Locates states according to their GDP. - Mathematical competence: - Comments on statistical tables about inequalities in the world. - Comments on a graph of development assistance. - Linguistic and communicative competence: - Explains a personal opinion, putting forward arguments. - Writes a personal assessment of the causes of underdevelopment. - Explains geographical terms, using correct syntax and vocabulary. - Competence in information and communication technologies: - Matches indicators of inequality with the organisations that use them. - Obtains information about inequalities in the world from a text and a map. - Compares the characteristics of developed, underdeveloped and emerging countries in a table. - Explains the North-South distinction. - Comments on the differences in development expressed in maps. - Learns about European development funds. - Names geographical features and regions. - Relates states to their geopolitical and economic spheres. - Social and civic competence: - Appreciates the role of the UN in addressing inequalities. - Relates a text to the Millennium Goals and expresses his/her opinion.

- Learning to learn: - Relates globalisation and inequalities in the world. - Identifies types of development assistance. - Produces a graph and comments on it. - Learns how to present a subject orally. - Completes the concept map of the unit. - Compares developed, underdeveloped and emerging countries. - Gives an oral presentation of a subject in class. OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To understand inequalities in development and to explain their causes. To explain the relationship between central and peripheral areas. To identify the characteristics of developed and underdeveloped countries. To know the bases of development assistance and its institutions. To identify regional inequalities in the EU and in Spain. To show interest in learning about economic and social inequalities. To promote the development of basic skills and strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information. 8. To check progress in the learning and application of some basic skills. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.1. Knows about development indicators and explains the causes of inequality. 2.1. Locates central and peripheral areas and names representative countries of each area. 3.1. Identifies the features of the countries of the north and the countries of the south. 4.1. Explains some of the measures to mitigate the inequalities between the north and the south. 5.1. Knows about the regional inequalities in the European Union and in Spain. 6.1. Shows interest in learning about economic and social inequalities. 7.1. Develops basic skills and strategies. 8.1. Makes progress in learning and applying basic skills. CONTENTS Last two weeks of June. - Indicators and causes of inequalities. - Globalisation and inequalities in the world. Centres and peripheries and their relations. - The characteristics of developed and developing countries. - What is being done to resolve inequalities? Development assistance and the work of international organisations.

Regional inequalities in the EU and in Spain. Todays world. The main regional groupings. Rich and poor. To present a subject, complete a concept map and check progress made in some basic skills.

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - Inequalities and their causes: - Indicators of inequality. - The causes of inequalities. - Characteristics of development and underdevelopment: - Developed countries. - Developing countries. - Emerging countries. - Regional inequalities in the EU and in Spain: - Inequalities in the EU. - Inequalities in Spain. MATERIALS - Students book, atlas and glossary. - Concept maps in the teachers book. - Documents and presentations in the digital book. EXTRA TEACHING RESOURCES - Suggested films. EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND RESOURCES - Competence evaluation tests (units 9, 10, 11 and 12) in the teachers resource book. - Class evaluation lists. - Individual evaluation lists. - Self-evaluation tests. MIXED-ABILITY ACTIVITIES - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers book. - Mixed Ability Activities in the teachers resource book. COMPLEMENTARY AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES

- Organise a chat with some immigrants, so the students can find out first-hand what daily life is like in underdeveloped countries. READING LIST - Introductory text in every unit: Rich and poor. - Reading practice, unit 12: The Millennium Development Goals Summit and The anti-globalisation movements in the corresponding section of the teachers resource book. ICT - Websites: - Indicators and causes of inequalities. - Globalisation and social inequalities: - Development and underdevelopment: - How to resolve inequalities: - Regional Inequalities in the EU and Spain: - Web quest: index.html ATTITUDES AND VALUES - To show contempt about inequalities in the world. - To appreciate the role of the international organisations that fight underdevelopment and its consequences. - To show interest in learning about other places, peoples and customs. - To show contempt about situations of poverty. - Appreciation of official development aid and cooperation among countries.

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