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Google will not hire you ?

Sumit Arora |

Here Google doesn't mean the Google, it means any company which is very crea@ve to introduce the computer science related products e.g. Google, MicrosoB, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Samsung.

If you are coming for a top to boIom mindset e.g. please do this , and you do this.

If you have no passion for ownership e.g. you have never taken the ini@a@ve to do something.

If you have no proof for your crea@vity e.g. you have worked a lot in the company from technologies a to z, but you didn't have any proof of your crea@vity

You have no interest to understand the algorithms and their rela@onship towards the problem solving e.g. you studied set of mathema@cs and computer science algorithms, but didn't actually implemented it and didn't solve the problem by using those concepts?

You haven't made your own data structures by using the primi@ve one e.g. Crea@ng your own thread func@ons library by using the exis@ng func@ons or crea@ng your own network socket library by using the bsd socket func@ons

Your thought process unable to make prac@cal thoughts e.g. How to design a track for roller- coaster ride ?

You have no idea what your interests are ? e.g. you are always lost when talked about the professional interest ?

You have no idea how this job will add the right contribu@on to my career ? e.g. you didn't think about the ongoing or expected job ?

You s@ll missing the doing of ac@ve communica@on e.g. you didn't have prompt/clear/prac@cal comments on various professional talks.

You didn't realize the 'Please tell me about yourself' ? e.g. you are always leB to right while explaining about yourself.

If you haven't eaten the humble pie ? e.g. You always assume that what you said that is correct ?

You are very less interac@ve to ? e.g. you have no idea the latest book on X topic ?

You s@ll struggling to nd the answers on all over internet ? e.g. you haven't prepared the set of answers by having a deep insight of yours.

You dont want to explore the research and patent item on the interes@ng technology of yours

You are far away to contribute your technical knowledge e.g., open sources, technical forums

You dont want to be organized and disciplined towards the work related ac@vi@es e.g. Taking the ownership, responsibility, doing things on @me , procras@na@on, poor @me management

However - to geVng all of these require a lot of reWork, nd the references, but all of these now available in package - EJI.exe Execute the Job Interview is a executable le which can run on a plaZorm where all Google type of jobs are there. Sumit Arora |

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