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Office Hours: as needed Phone: 703501-3875 medani.adhikar i@mycampus.a pus.


Department of Economics ECON301 Comparative Economics 3 Credit Hours 8 Weeks Prerequisite(s ): None

Table Contents


Evaluati Course on Descrip Procedu tion res Course Grading Scope Scale Course Course Objectiv Outline es Course Delivery Policies Method Course Academi Material c s Services Selected Bibliogra phy Instructor Information
Faculty Name: Medani Adhikari

Biography: Professor Medani Adhikari lives in Centreville, VA. He holds MSc in communicatio ns Technologies and MA in Applied Economics. This is his fourth years at AMU and he is thoroughly enjoying there because this is probably the best managed online university in America. Apart from being an economist, he is a Sr. Business/vali dation Analyst and has been working in the IT field for several years. He has already worked for the pharmaceutic als, Biotech, and Mortgage industries including

government. He has hands on experience on teaching, business analysis, computer system validation, document management system, LIMS, requirement gathering, Market analysis, project management, vendor software implementati on, business intelligence, quality assurance and testing. He is from Nepal and has been living in the USA for 17 years. He loves statistical analysis and enjoys playing soccer. But teaching has always been his cup of tea.

and their effect on international trade policies. You will compare economic internal growth in centrally planned, mixed, and capitalist economics. You will analyze the performance of various economic systems in todays global economy and discuss the important problems and issues of economic transition. You will compare the basic theories of economic systems and various models of economic transition.
Table of Contents

Course Scope ECON301, Comparative Economics, will provide you with a solid foundation and understanding and definition of economic systems theory,

Course Description (Catalog) This course analyzes the main economic systems operating today

transition economies and classification, institutions, systems and economic outcomes.

Table of Contents

Course Objectives A successful student will fulfill the following learning objectives: Analyze the main economi c systems Compar e and contrast the capitalis t economi es Explain economi c growth Analyze perform ance of main economi c systems Evaluate issues of

economi c transitio ns Discuss the basic theories of economi c systems

Table of Contents

Course Delivery Method This course delivered via distance learning will enable students to complete academic work in a flexible manner, completely online. Course materials and access to an online learning management system will be made available to each student. Online assignments are due by the last day of each week. Assigned Discussion

Forum questionsthe guidelines setforth for the initial response is due no later than Thursday and responses throughout the remainder of the week (accomplished in groups through a threaded discussion forum), examinations and/or quizzes, and individual assignments (submitted for review by the Faculty Member). Assigned faculty will support the students throughout this eight-week course. For the eighth and final week, the final project and any assignments must be completed by Sunday, the last day of the course. Throughout this course,

use the following daily schedule: Day 1 = Monday Day 2 = Tuesday Day 3 = Wednesday Day 4 = Thursday Day 5 = Friday Day 6 = Saturday Day 7 = Sunday
Table of Contents

Course Materials Required Text There is no textbook for this course. Instead, library research, publications and articles will be surveyed. Specific material is identified in the weekly assignments. There are some that can be found via the Internet, but most are open

source material in the APUS library.

Procedures Course Requirements : Your final grade will be based on the following course requirements and percentages: Assign ment 1 0 0 % S ca le Discus 10 3 sion 0 5 Forum: % Include s Introdu ction, Turniti ackno wledge ment, and eight discuss ion questio ns Quizze 10 5 s: % Include s only the AntiPlagiar ism P oi nt s

quiz. Weekl y Assign ments (7) Final Project (1) Totals


3 5 %

Software Requirements *Microsoft Word (Its a good idea to write all of your initial discussion posts in Word, and then copy them into the discussion forum. When you do this be sure to use the copy Word button [the clipboard with a W on it] otherwise youll get gobbledygook! ) *Adobe Reader -- Go to http://www.ado ts/acrobat/read step2.html to download the latest version. This download is free.
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10 0

2 5 % 28 1 0 0 0 %

Note: All assignments for this course are to be posted on the discussion forum (discussion questions and case analyses). Evaluation Procedures

Readings There are articles/material assigned for each week.

Discussion Forum Participation (Shared Learning) Discussion


forum activities are focused around specific questions. These questions allow your classmates to become involved as well as to evaluate your contributions. Discussion activity is divided into two parts: (1) The answer to the discussion questions themselves (initial responses) and (2) interaction with the instructor and your classmates on the comments theyve submitted. Initial responses must be posted by the end of the day on Thursday to allow time for interaction. Participation is the very heart of the online learning process. Because of this, every

student needs to be in there talking to gain the most from the experience. Grading in the course is designed to encourage such participation. Here is how we do this. You are required to respond to the initial posting from the Instructor (this represents one-half of your total participation grade each week) as well as respond to at least two additional postings of either a fellow learner or the instructor (this represents one-half of your participation grade each week). Additionally, participation is not retroactive, meaning that if you are in week 5 and you go back

and make a comment in the week 2 discussion forum, this entry will not affect your participation grade for week 2. Each week runs from MondaySun day and participation credit is only valid during that week. The idea is for you to contribute to the learning process of your classmates and to enjoy an exchange with both your classmates and your instructor. I urge you to get involved in the on-going discussions in the Discussion Forum area, but (let me repeat), as a minimum you are expected to actively participate on at least two days of each week of the course (the

initial response by the end of the day Thursdays and your interaction posts by the end of the week).

Weekly Assignments (Papers) There will be an opportunity each week for you to take a real-world situation (application of concept) and relate it directly to the theory under discussion that week. These assignments have been designed to encourage you to think critically, hone your problemsolving skills, and you will have one each week of the course. These written assignments are based on application of concepts with

a concentration to content, which should consist of at least 500 to 750 words and can be found in the assignments section for each particular week. The weekly assignment is due by Sunday each week and submitted through the assignment tab.

Examinations There is no traditional midterm or final examination for this course. Rather, there are extensive weekly assignments and discussions. Additionally, there is a final project. The final project is a comprehensiv e demonstration

of your assimilated knowledge gained throughout the course.


g ( e O s n b ) t j ( e s c ) ti v e ( s )

There is only one quiz in this course, the Anti-Plagiarism quiz in week one.

E co n o mi c S ys te m s:

Table of Contents Grading Scale Please see the student handbook to reference the Universitys grading scale.

Table of Contents

Course Outline
L e a r n i n RA e s a s d i i g nn gm

T W o e pi e c( k s)

PW l e ee ak s1 e A ss es ei t g an h D e e m fd e ie n m nt t a ia . i ti l W n ioe e de n e k c al 1 o ni sD d n t i o C i s mln c i ag u s c s si s s in i y f o s it n t ch e a e t miW s oe . ne k o f1

A n a l y z e

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c o m e s 2 E co n o mi c S ys te m s in T h e or y: PW l e ee ak s2 e A ss es ei t g h an e m de en m t t a a. i i T l W h n ee e de o e r k c yl 2 o i sD o n ft i o i s nc mC i ag u s c p ii s s tn i y a o s lt n t ih se e m W mT s he . ee k o r D y2

A n a l y z e

i s c u s

a o fs s i P lg

s t h e

b a s i c t h e o r i e s o f e c o n o m i S c o s c i y a s l t i e s mm s
3 E co n o mi es in Tr a

a n n m n e e n d t s S e o c ct ii a o ln i so m f t T h h e e o rc yl a s o fs r o M o a rm k. e t

ns iti o n in Pr ac tic e:

PW l e ee ak s3 e A ss es

ei g an m de en t t a. i l W P re e id e v k l 3 a ti is D zt i i s a tn c ig u o s i s n ni M a o ct n rh e o e cW e o e n k o m y3 : a s F is si cg n a lm e n a t n s d e c M t o i n o e tn a ro yf

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a d e a n d F i n a n c e 4 Pl a n n e d S oc ial is m : W hy th e S ov iet ec o n o m y fai le d.

A n a l y z e p e r f o r m a n c e o f m a i n

e c o n W

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ris e of C hi n a.

f o r m a n c e o f m a i n e c o n o m i c s y s t e m s .

d e t a i l e d

e n t .

W e e k l 5 i sD t i i s nc gu s i s ni o t n h e W e e k 5 a s s i g n m e n t s e c t i o n o f t h e

c l a s s r o o m . 6 C a pit ali s m a n d th e E U st yl e.

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e c o n o m i e s

M ar ke t S oc ial is m : T h e

A n a l y z e p e r

PW l e ee ak s5 e A ss es ei g an m

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n m e nt In te rv e nti o n.

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r o o m . 8 N o n e A RF ll e i vn i a el wP r o j e c t

and Policy Disability Accomm odations WRITING EXPECTATIO NS All written submissions should be submitted in a font and page set-up that is readable and neat. It is recommended that students try to adhere to a consistent format, which is described below. Typewritten in double-spaced format with a readable style and font and submitted inside the electronic classroom (unless classroom access is not possible and other arrangements have been approved by the professor).

a l i s t

Table of Contents

e c o n o m i e s

Polices Please see the Student Handbook to reference all University policies. Quick links to frequently asked question about policies are listed below. Drop/Wi thdrawal Policy Plagiaris m Policy Extensio n Process

Arial 12point font or Time s New Rom an style s. Page marg ins Top, Bott om, Left Side and Right Side =1 inch, with reaso nabl e acco mmo datio n being mad e for speci al situa tions and onlin e subm

issio n varia nces. Any mate rial that is not origi nal work must be prop erly cited and refer ence d.

coursework to the University. Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow APA format This course will require students to use the citation and reference style established by the American Psychological Association (APA), in which case students will follow the guidelines set forth in Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). (2009). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

academic honesty and personal integrity. 2. Students are required to use for written assignments and submit the results with their assignments. 3. If students do not do use, the instructor will accomplish this. 4. Students do not receive a grade for plagiarized work. 5. All incidents of plagiarism are reported to academics for the proper academic sanctions. 6. Instruction s for using are in the course material link.

CITATION AND REFERENCE STYLE Citation and Reference Style Attention: Students will follow the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of

PLAGIARISM 1. All students are expected to commit to the highest level of

COURSE EXTENSIONS Course extensions will be very rare in this class. You are expected to complete your work in a timely manner. Therefore, there should be no need to request an extension. Please read the Student Handbook for the standards that must be met before considering submitting an extension request. In addition to these standards, I will not approve extension requests except under extraordinary circumstances. The following are NOT extraordinary circumstances: too busy at work, last minute work out-of-town (or country nonmilitary related), too busy with life issues, got behind in your assignments,

etc. There are very few acceptable excuses and all will require some form of documentation. The reason for this policy is simple. Students that are granted extensions rarely are successful in finishing the course. I want you to be successful and get the best experience from the classroom environment. Therefore, I expect you to keep up with your assignments and be present in the classroom. If you do have an extraordinary circumstance arise that you feel qualifies you for an extension, you must contact me immediately to determine if it meets the aforementioned criteria.

LATE ASSIGNMENT S Students are expected to submit classroom assignments by the posted due date and to complete the course according to the published class schedule. As adults, students, and working professionals, I understand you must manage competing demands on your time. Should you need additional time to complete an assignment, please contact me before the due date so we can discuss the situation and determine an acceptable resolution. Submission of late assignments without prior approval is unacceptable and will result in the awarding of zero points for the assignment.

Repeated late submission of assignments may result in failure of the course. DISABILITY ACCOMODA TIONS This institution complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and state and local requirements regarding students with disabilities. In compliance with federal and state regulations, reasonable accommodation s are provided to qualified students with disabilities. A request for accommodation is deemed reasonable if the request: is based on documen ted individu al needs.

does not compro mise essential requirem ents of a course or program. does not impose an undue financial or administ rative burden upon APUS.

A qualified student can, with or without reasonable accommodation s, perform the essential functions of program or course requirements. The essential requirements of an academic course or program need not be modified to accommodate an individual with a disability. Final responsibility for selection of the most appropriate

accommodation rests with the University's Disability Support Services Committee and is determined on an individual case-by-case basis, based on the nature of the student's disability. Students are encouraged email registrar@apus. edu to discuss potential academic accommodation s and begin the review process. It is the student's responsibility to: follow the accomm odation procedur e outlined in this section identify the disability to the staff and/or faculty of the universit y

provide (and incur expense for) current appropri ate documen tation of disability and accomm odation needed from a qualified medical or other licensed professio nal. request specific accomm odations or services

needless insults and flaming. Such activity and the loss of good manners are not acceptable in a university setting--basic academic rules of good behavior and proper Netiquette must persist. Remember that you are in a place for the fun and excitement of learning that does not include descent to personal attacks, or student attempts to stifle the discussion of others. Technol ogy Limitati ons: While you should feel free to explore the fullrange of creative composit ion in your formal papers,

NETIQUETTE Online universities promote the advance of knowledge through positive and constructive debate--both inside and outside the classroom. Discussions on the Internet, however, can occasionally degenerate into

keep email layouts simple. The Educator classroo m may not fully support MIME or HTML encoded message s, which means that bold face, italics, underlini ng, and a variety of colorcoding or other visual effects will not translate in your e-mail message s. Humor Note: Despite the best of intention s, jokes and-especiall y--satire can easily

get lost or taken seriously . If you feel the need for humor, you may wish to add emotico ns to help alert your readers: ;-), : ), DISCLAIMER STATEMENT Course content may vary from the outline to meet the needs of this particular group.
Table of Contents

to online books, subscription periodicals, and Web resources that are designed to support your classes and generally not available through search engines on the open Web. In addition, the Center provides access to special learning resources, which the University has contracted to assist with your studies. Questions can be directed to Charles Town Library and Inter Library Loan: The Universit y maintain sa special library with a limited number of supporti ng

ONLINE LIBRARY RESEARCH CENTER & LEARNING RESOURCES The Online Library Resource Center is available to enrolled students and faculty from inside the electronic campus. This is your starting point for access

volumes, collectio n of our professor s publicati on, and services to search and borrow research books and articles from other libraries. Electron ic Books: You can use the online library to uncover and downloa d over 50,000 titles, which have been scanned and made available in electroni c format. Electron ic Journals : The Universit

y provides access to over 12,000 journals, which are available in electroni c form and only through limited subscript ion services. Turnitin .com: Turnitin .com is a tool to improve student research skills that also detect plagiaris m. Turnitin. com provides resource s on developi ng topics and assignme nts that encourag e and guide students in

producin g papers that are intellectu ally honest, original in thought, and clear in expressi on. This tool helps ensure a culture of adherenc e to the Universit y's standard s for intellectu al honesty. Turnitin. com also reviews students' papers for matches with Internet materials and with thousand s of student papers in its database, and returns

an Originali ty Report to instructo rs and/or students. Smarthi nking: Students have access to 10 free hours of tutoring service per year through Smarthin king. Tutoring is available in the followin g subjects: math (basic math through advance d calculus) , science (biology, chemistr y, and physics), accounti ng, statistics, economi cs, Spanish, writing,

grammar , and more. Addition al informati on is located in the Online Research Center. From the ORC home page, click on either the Writing Center or Tutorin g Center and then click Smarthi nking. All login informati on is available .
Table of Contents

APUS Assignment Rubric Undergraduate Level 300400 FOCUS/THESIS


Student exh clear under assignment defined and to help guid throughout Student bui of the assig documente supporting and/or state



Appendix A Grading Rubric

All written assignments will be assessed according to this rubric. Note that a score of 0 may be assigned in any category where your work does not meet the criteria for the beginning level.


Student dem proficient c subject mat assignment shows an im depth of stu relate cours practical ex application comprehen details, fact a logical se Student dem higher-leve thinking ne 400 level w provides a in presentin problem so thinking, w logical con not immedi Student pro supported i with a varie and/or wor assignment a genuine i developme throughout Student tho understand explaining An original imaginative overall idea findings is



TOTAL POINTS Table of Contents

format of assignment includes an above average level of of logical http://search.ebs Commerce and sequencing. an appropriate introduction (or preparedness, with a few Student Crouch, C. Capitalism in uses less than 3 abstract), well- developed formatting errors. (2005). Chinese sources or references. paragraphs, and conclusion. Assignment contains less Capitalist ogin.aspx?direct Societies. Taylor Finished assignment than 5 resources. Diversity and students ability =true&db=nlebk & Francis demonstrates to plan : and organize research Change &AN=106836& Routledge. in a logical sequence. Student Recombinant site=ehost-live http://search.ebs uses at least of 5-7 references Governance and in assignment. Institutional K. Student demonstrates an Pomeranz, Student provides an effective Assignment reflects basic Entrepreneurs . (2000). Great ogin.aspx?direct excellent command of display of good writing and writing and grammar, but grammar, as well as presents grammar. more than 5 errors. Key Oxford Divergence : Assignment=true&db=nlebk research in a clear and concise reflects students ability to terms and concepts are University China, Europe, &AN=157698& writing style. Presents a select appropriate word usage somewhat vague and not Press. and the Making site=ehost-live thorough, extensive and present an above average completely explained by http://search.ebs of the Modern understanding of word usage. presentation of a given topic student. Student uses a basic Worldor Economy . Student excels in the selection issue. Assignment appears vocabulary in assignment. and development of a wellto be well written withHuber, no Students writing ability is Princeton E. planned research assignment. more than 3-5 errors. (2002). Models average, but demonstrates a ogin.aspx?direct University Assignment is error-free and Student provides a final basic understanding of the =true&db=nlebk Press. of Capitalism : reflects students ability to written product that covers subject matter. &AN=149356& http://search.ebs Lessons for prepare a high-quality the above-minimal site=ehost-live Latin America. academic assignment. requirements. Student provides a high- Assignment presents an Student demonstrates a basic Pennsylvania caliber, formatted assignment. above-average use of knowledge of computer Rosefielde, S. ogin.aspx?direct State University Learner exhibits excellent use formatting skills, with less (2008). =true&db=nlebk Press. applications. Appearance of of computer technology in the than 3 errors. Students has a final assignment Comparative &AN=74709&si http://search.ebs development of assignment. good command of computer demonstrates the students Economic te=ehost-live Quality and appropriateness of applications to format limited ability to format and stated references demonstrate information and/or figures in present data. Resources used Systems : the students ability to use Snowdon, an appropriate in assignment are limited. Culture, Wealth, B., & format.ogin.aspx?direct technology to conduct Student uses at least two Student may need to obtain and Power in the Vane, H. R. =true&db=nlebk applicable research. Given types of computer further help in the use of 21st Century. (2005). Modern to produce &AN=171613& assignment includes applications a computer applications and Chichester, Macroeconomic appropriate UK: word processing, quality assignment. site=ehost-live Internet research. spreadsheet and/or other s : Its Origins, Blackwell computer applications as part Publishers. Development of the final product. http://site.ebrary and Current Nanda, N.

.com/lib/apus/do cDetail.action?d ocID=10243648 Rosser, J., & Rosser, M. V. (2004). Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy. MIT Press.

ADDITIONAL READING: (NOTE: All of the following may be found in the APUS online library.) Econ 301 Books

State. Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. http://search.ebs ogin.aspx?direct =true&db=nlebk &AN=127477& site=ehost-live Hamilton, G. G. (2006).

(2008). Expanding Frontiers of Global Trade Rules : The Political Economy Dynamics of the International Trading System. Taylor & Francis Routledge.

http://search.ebs ogin.aspx?direct =true&db=nlebk &AN=220507& site=ehost-live Skene, L. (2009). Imp overishment of Nations : The Issues Facing the Post Meltdown Global Economy. London: Profile Books. http://site.ebrary .com/lib/apus/do cDetail.action?d ocID=10387141

8E/17?accountid =8289 Contemporary Economics http://we.vizja.p l/en/home Economic Systems Research blication/12725/ citation/13357A 2EED222FAAB 8E/21?accountid =8289 Journal of Economic Issues blication/48656/ citation/13357A 2EED222FAAB 8E/44?accountid =8289 International Review of Economics blication/54410

Journals: Comparative Economic Studies: blication/publica tions_36022?acc ountid=8289 Economic Development Quarterly blication/31485/ citation/13357A 2EED222FAAB

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