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Cells Lining Intestinal Mucosa Intestinal Villi

Absorptive Columnar Cell Goblet Cell Enteroendocrine Cell Membranous Epithelial Cell (M Cell)

- tall columnar - oval basal nuclei - luminal surface: striated border + closely packed microvilli microvillous - cylindrical protrusion of apical cytoplasm - a cell membrane + prominent cell coat enclose core of actin filaments - filaments + transversely oriented cytoskeletal fil --> terminal webs at apex of each cell cytoplasm - mitochondria - lysosomes - lipid droplets - small golgi complex - few rER - well dvlpd smooth endoplasmic cisternae (absorb fat)

- mucus sereting, unicellular gland - among absorptive columnar cells - duodenum --> ileum (increase) Routine histological preparations apex - expanded cup shaped rim of cytoplasm (theca), contains pale secretion base - narrow - extended to basal lamina - flattened nucleus ultrastructurally - apical CM: few microvilli at periph zone of apex cytoplasm - mitochondria - abundant rER - large golgi complex - many intermediate filaments & microtubules

- few in villi - more abundant in deep intestinal crypts

- Specialized epith. cells among intestinal epith of ileum over peyer's patches EM - broad cell - few short microvilli - more loosely packed than in other enterocytes basal CM - deep invaginations --> pockets - pocket contains: lymphocytes & psudopodia of macrophages immunological function (APC)

Intestinal Glands
Undifferentiated Columnar Cell (Stem Cell) Absorptive Columnar Cell Goblet Cell Paneth Cell Enteroendocrine Cell Caveolate Cell

- columnar cells - oval basal nuclei - lower of intestinal crypts - proliferation, migration, differentiation to other types of cells lining the crypt

- few - similar to those lining the villi

- similar to those lining the villi - increases towards ileum - upper part of gland. Few in lower

- zymogen cell - diffuse - bottom of intestinal neuroendocrine crypts system - basal location in H&E intestinal crypts - pyramidal - greatest no. in - ovoid basal nuclei doudenum & - deep basophilic jejunum cytoplasm near cell base enterochromaffin - eosinophilic cell secrete zymogen granules in serotonin apex G- cell - 1st part of EM duodenum - well dvlpd golgi - gastrin hormone - abundant basal rER GLI cell - apical secretory - most numerous in granules ileum, colon, rectum - lysosomes - glucagon-like hormone - serete intestinal D cell digestive enzymes + - somatostatin lysozymes I cell - control microbial - CCK

- low columnar cell - between other intestinal cryptal cells EM - invaginations of CM into cytoplasm (caveoli) - luminal surface: long microvilli

flora in intestine

Mo cell - motilin S cell - secretin N cell - neurotensin hormone (acts on CNS) K cell - GIP

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