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Discharge Planning

Given the age of the child, he or she could have deficient knowledge regarding condition, treatment, self-care and discharge needs. This learning need is usually due to lack of information/unfamiliarity with information resources, information misinterpretation, and lack of recall/cognitive limitation, the last of which could be applicable to the child. The parents or the guardian of the child should therefore be present along with the child during health promotion activities and teaching/learning and discharge needs. Explain or reinforce explanations of individual disease process. The child as well as the parents or guardian are encouraged to ask questions to decreases anxiety and can lead to improved participation in treatment plan. State the rationale for breathing exercises, coughing effectively, and general conditioning exercises. Specific breathing exercises can strengthen the muscles of respiration, help minimize collapse of small airways, and provide the child with means to control dyspnea. General conditioning exercises increase activity tolerance, muscle strength, and sense of well being. Stress the importance of oral care/dental hygiene because it decreases bacterial growth in the mouth, which can lead to pulmonary infections. Discuss individual factors that may trigger or aggravate condition like excessively dry air, wind, environmental temperature extremes, pollen, tobacco smoke, aerosol sprays, air pollution. Parents/guardians should be encouraged to explore ways to control these factors in and around the home, school or any environment which the child stays because these environmental factors can induce/aggravate bronchial irritation, leading to increased secretion production and airway blockage. Provide information about activity limitations and alternating activities with rest periods to prevent fatigue. Having this knowledge can enable parents of the child to make informed choices/decisions to reduce dyspnea, maximize activity level, perform most desired activities and prevent complications for the child. Advise the parents or guardian of the child to let the child eat green leafy vegetables and fruits especial fruits rich in vitamin c. Discuss respiratory medications, side effects, adverse reactions. The child may be on several respiratory drugs that have similar side effects and potential drug interactions. It is important that the parents or the guardian of the child understand the difference between nuisance side effects and untoward or adverse side effects. Children need to be exposed to as many normal life experiences as possible. This may be difficult because it is important not to tire the child out or expose him or her to crowds of people (possibly increasing the risk for infection). Assist the parents with planning age-appropriate activities with the child.

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