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Course Syllabus- Seventh Grade Mathematics

Teacher: Mrs. Wolford

Best time to contact at school: 7:25—7:55, 8:13—8:53School Phone: (814) 774-5604
School website: Class Wiki:
My e-mail address:

Course Description: Seventh Grade Mathematics is a continuation of the math

taught in the elementary grades. Many of the topics that were introduced in the
elementary school and 5th and 6th grades will be elaborated on in the 7th grade.
General mathematics will be taught as well as some algebra and geometry.
Course Goals: Upon completing the course the student should be able to:
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, fractions, decimals,
and integers.
Solve one and two-step equations with whole numbers.
Solve problems involving geometry and measurement, ratio, proportions,
percents, statistics, and probability.
Required Materials:
Notebook paper, pencils (work done in pen will not be accepted), notebook (3
subject notebook would be best), and a red pen to correct work. Students will be
given a binder to keep in the classroom.
There will be times that we will use a calculator in the classroom but students do
not need to purchase one for class. I will be teaching them how to use a
scientific calculator and when it is appropriate to use it.
Grades are calculated using the summative/formative grading scale.
Homework assignments, class work, online Edline assignments, and quizzes are
formative, counting for 15% of the final grade.
Tests and PAM Preps are summative, counting for 85% of the final grade.
There will be a summative midterm in January and a summative final in May.
Students are allowed to retake any test (not including the midterm or final) they
were not proficient on (below 77%). They will have approximately 1 week after
they have received their graded test to get it signed and set up a time with me
before school or during my plan or PSSA Prep to take a similar test. The new test
grade is the score that will be recorded in the grade book
Late Work:
If you do not turn in an assignment the day that it is due, you will a lunch
detention. You will receive ½ credit for the assignment if it is completed and
turned in before homeroom the next day. For every day of excused absences you
will have 1 calendar day to make up the work.
If a student is absent, they can go to our class wiki site and click on homework
to view the assignments for the week.
Our school homework policy states that after 3 missing assignments, the student
will receive a detention. After 6, a Saturday detention, and after 9, a day of

Class Rules: -Have paper, textbook, pencil and completed assignment with you
when you come to class
-Do not talk while teacher is talking
-Treat yourself, your property, and others and their property with
-Be attentive and follow directions

Consequences: -1st – Verbal Warning

-2nd – Lunch Detention
-3rd or repeated offenses or severe offense – write up sent to the

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