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BIPOLAR Bipolarity is not some local phenomenon, it spans all of creation.

The classic bi-polar structures are black holes and stars. The black hole is one pole and the star is the other. Nature, then, is inherently bi-polar. We can think of some other examples of where planet-wide, there are various bi-polar phenomenon. Bipolarity is completely natural as described by the yin yang and both poles in any situation are valid. Without bipolarity, there would be no diversity. Having all love is impossible. It is a dream which some buy. We don't mind buying you love as long as we get tech kit and projects to do in exchange, let's leave it at that. Rock on. Point the finger at the greater man which is behind ALL men. Peace Love Creation Fire Hot (Desert) Happy Doctor Audiophile Black Intelligent Kind Silence 2020 Vision Fat Rain Male Burkha War Hate Destruction Flood Cold (Arctic) Sad Patient Deaf White Retard Mean Rock Music Blind Thin Sun Female Bare (if it is legal to wear a burkha in public, naturists would say it should be legal for the opposite pole too, being a bare in public, otherwise it prejudices their religion? They would say if naturism offends someone, why, it's nature and secondly, they get offended by people wearing clothes, so I hear.) Arctic Dirty (This is important regarding OCD. People who always have to clean and people who are dirty. This is bipolarity) My Aunty Susan

Desert Clean Formula one driver Earthquake proof buildings Vaccination

Shoddy building standards HIV

So, all these poles are related. By occupying one pole, it creates the other. All poles are equal and apply nationally and internationally. We have to ask what our obsession with cleanliness (all these anti bacterial products are having on the other pole) Are these anti bacterial products actually creating the opposite pole of dirtiness. As the anti bacterial products have made their ways out of hospitals and into the mainstream, how is that degrading the other pole?)

It is said that at google + 1, in other words, one year beyond the Mayan prophecy, like, any one of us is going to be told what to do by those guys, there will be the start of a pole shift. This is not like north becomes south, rather it is a part of a process of the rich becoming poor, the clean becoming dirty, the fat becoming thin and the thin becoming fat, and so on. World travellers become house bound and the house bound start travelling the world, all these polarities and stuff. This is the prophecy anyway and it marks the dawn of the Atlantean times for these isles? So, when we have bipolar disorder, which the whole planet is, it has two poles, like then we can see our prejudices are not justified. For example, we understand that hot and cold are not good and bad concepts, they just are what they are. As Love and Hate are opposite poles also, in the same way that we don't see hot and cold as good and bad, why should we see love and hate as good and bad. They are the same as hot and cold. Even a trusty coin is bipolar, so it really is everywhere. A coin has one pole, a head and another side, a tail. It is bipolar. They say there are two sides to every story and indeed, there are. The problem with bipolar disorder is that it always creates opposites. You create a star, then a black hole pops up somewhere else and so on. So, whatever you set yourself up as, the other pole will automatically be created. Set yourself up as a Christ and the Anti-Christ will match you blow for blow. Set yourself up as a Muslim and there will be anti Muslims. Set yourself up as a scientist and there will be anti-scientists. Set yourself up as a Nazi and there will be anti nazis. Set yourself us as a Jew and there will be anti Jews and so on. This is bi-polar disorder. There is always another pole to any assertion. This is sometimes said another way. To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if the action is I have become a Catholic then the reaction is that there will be anti-Catholics. Life just goes along like that, the positive and negative poles on any issue playing out whilst preserving overall neutrality. So, the thing to understand with bipolar disorder in life is that you need to understand it holsitically. A black hole can say Stars have all my light A star can say Black holes have all my darkness A retarded person can say Other people have all my intelligence A mean person can say Other people have all my kindness A thin person can say Other people have all my fat It is an holistic process. It is literally a war. What you have, you have fought for and won, fair and square. And when you cia, you realise it's not you fat lump, it's you fit lump. He's bipolar. Yeah that may be true, but you could say that about anyone. Opposite Poles

Big Guy North Pole

| | | | | South Pole THIN GUY Who's sinning against who? All qualities are like this. Emotion, intelligence and so on. People who think a lot are thin-kers, one pole, people who don't think at all, next to no questioning or intellectual endeavour are the other pole. People can be emotionally fat or emotionally thin, you can tell when an emotionally fat person is about, cos you can feel them bumping into you or at least I can as an emotional waife. This then is all bi-polarism, about a neutral centre point. Who gets labelled as what is down to the way the cookie crumbles it seems. Just remember, there is such a thing as mental real-estate which you keep inside. There's inner wealth and outer wealth, which do you want to suffer the loss of, for we all have to do without one or the other and maybe even a bit of both. So, here, we just need to make a mental note that the sacrifice of one pays for the excess of another and really, it is a battle of wills. You can say that a person who each too much is compelled into it by those who don't eat enough, or vice versa. You always get the for and against in life, this is what bipolar is, it doesn't matter what the issue is. In this example, and I don't know their lives, but you could say one is pro food another is anti food. This is why 'Jesus' is never gonna be rid of his opposite polarity, the anti Jesus, or anti Christ. One creates the other as we all do. The only way Jesus will get rid of his opposite polarity is by getting rid of himself. Let's hear the whole story. There's a lot of people, quite rightly standing up against the Jesus mind infection now, seen more as an illness than a reality by many and I recommend a book called The Christ Conspiracy by the courageous woman called Acharya S. You always attract to you your opposite polarity until it is no longer your opposite polarity this is why life is so frustrating and bipolar. The mirror stares back hard. Jew creates Nazi. Nazi creates Jew as the world fell deep into bipolar schizophrenia. What goes around comes around. Bipolar disorder, come on it. We know well what bipolaric paranoid schizophrenia looks like as one pole seeks to balance the other:

So, biploarity is made out to be a mental disease, but it is not really. It is just how life actually is. You will never be rid of your polar enemy because your very actions create him, there is, as they say, nothing you can do about your shadow. We will know that bipolarity is no more and we live in an even and balanced world when there is no more black and white people, but just people with an olive skin tone as the poles of black and white have mixed and merged into olive over time and cross race breeding. This is why you can't 'win', so to speak. If you change, become thinner, so does your shadow self that pursues as another person gets fatter to compensate and keep the planet in its delicate state of balance overall. The Yin Yang within. When you look on a global scale we see the

poles too, fat people in one part of the world, thin people in another. Remember though, in absolute terms, there is no such thing as a fat or thin person, because you have to be fat in one way to be thin in another. Your fat aspects, weight, emotion, intelligence, balance and neutralise with your thin aspects, whatever they are. The Food Yin/Yang

Jesus vs the anti Jesus. Which side is which, better ask his representatives on Earth. So, the thing is, if you have some lack, then the yin yang provisions for that lack to be relieved, but the only way it can happen is out of the surplus of your polar opposites. North pole and south pole, gone forever, or maybe reversed, there's supposed to be a pole shift going on. You can think up endless examples of bipolarity. A good example is Queenie and the guy who at least used to sit in shit opposite Windsor Castle in Windsor. It's bipolar, who is sinning against who, who is on a higher perch? We know our lives, if we are honest, we know what our excesses are and really, it is easier for the person with the excess of something to proffer the excess up to those that lack it than it is for the lackers to go about pleading for it. Maybe one day we'll see those with the excesses pleading with the lackers to take it off their hands. Yin Yang makes it so, like a circuit flow from one domain to another you know it, you feel it. There's all sorts of diseases, take your pick. What is your preferred disease configuration in your life? Mental, emotional physical, spreading the disease(s). We could start by having a shift in mentality and instead of saying someone is off to get high on drugs, we would say, getting low on drugs, for the greater good, naturally. The extent to which you get high is also the extent to which you get low. It's quite fair, nobody is any different. It's the same rule for everyone. Listen kids, don't get high, believe me, it ain't worth it. If you have something that I need, then you are in a position where I can police you. If I have something you need, then you are in a position where you can police me. Have fun, laugh, be light hearted, smile a lot, you know policing. There are various qualities in life, some that people desire and some that they don't. These qualities are allocated on a provisioned basis. To understand, then, that there is a provision for care, there is also a provision for love. Because these resources are provisioned, you have, for example, your allocation of each characteristic, an allotment, so to speak. An excess of one provision will have to be made up for by a lack of another, this is how we pay our way in this world. You have to pay for what you've got. This, then, doesn't make the uncaring person bad, but rather illustrates their sacrifice, so to speak, they haven't been provisioned care in their make-up. Whatever you have in your life, it is down to a wilful weakness, your inability to resist consuming it. People on drugs or over eating really have a wilful weakness born of collective disease that in fact, the other people who don't have that particular weakness, for they will have their own, have forced them into. Whatever you consume, you do it through wilful weakness, if you have a lot of money, it has actually been forced upon you by all other people who don't have a particular weakness in that regard. It's not nice, but that is actually how it works. Why don't we all just mess

around, sod about, have scant regard for the world, and not be bothered or taxed by anything we see going on around us, just live free. Why? We can use any measure of distribution to look at how balanced consciousness is in our world. Intelligence distribution, love distribution, financial distribution. You can even look at the variance in building standards to see how balanced the world is. What I am saying, is if everywhere had mid standard buildings, then that would be an even distribution, balanced. However, we have the two poles, extremely high quality building standards and shoddy shanty towns which is bi-polar. Can you see that, does it make any sense to you? To reiterate, on a universal scale, black holes and stars are two poles, so to speak, on the distribution matrix. So, Bi-polar disorder is not some local phenomenon. It is happening everywhere and many question whether it is even a disorder anyway. At anyone time, we have people in this world who are extremely happy. Maybe they have just got married or had a child, or taken mood enhancing stimulants. At the same time, there are people who are extremely depressed, in grief even. These are the two consciousness poles that people are subjected to planet-wide. At one time or another, people fall under one pole or the other and, in fact, as with all poles in bi-polar disorder, one pays for the other and all these things are valued experiences, even the experiences people don't like. You wouldn't place a subjective overlay on things and say that the North Pole is better than the South Pole or vice versa, it would be said, That's a silly thing to say. The South Pole and North Pole are both expressions of life, it would be silly to make assertions about one being more special or important than another for without either, we would be in trouble. So it is with bipolar disorder. Life just is what it is and all occurrence is an expression of life. We put this subjective overlay on things, that is all I am saying and the mind becomes a mess because everyone has different opinions about objective things, arguing about which pole they like on whatever the issue is. The fact is though, if you are a saint (North Pole) or a sinner (South Pole) then they are both expressions of life. As I say, we don't see North and South poles as good and bad, so why should we see saints and sinners as good and bad. Anyway, for everyone of us, we are half saint and half sinner anyway, just like the planet is half southern hemisphere and half northern hemisphere. We are each, after all, in an abstract way, like little fractals of our planet anyway. The key thing to understand about life is that it always manifests opposites. Whenever you take a stance on a thing or an issue, it will naturally create the opposite polarity, thus preserving neutrality, a zero sum, overall. You could say that more people believe in Jesus than don't, how is that neutral, but it is a question of strength of belief too. If 5 people believe strongly in something, that can be as strong as 10 people who passively don't believe. Preserving neutrality is not always a one for one mechanism. We can think of bipolars wherever we like, perhaps Adolf Hitler (North Pole) and Mother Teresa (South Pole). Subjective people prefer one over the other, but objective people accept all life's expressions and realise that one creates the other. Rich Nun The Queen World Travellers Poor Nymphomaniac Buster Prisoners

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