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HEALTH: 445 (+85 per level) HEALTH REGENERATION: 7.25 (+0.05 per level) ENERGY: 200 ENERGY REGENERATION: 50 RANGE: 125 ATTACK DAMAGE: 53 (+3.2 per level) ATTACK SPEED: 0.694 (+3.1% per level) ARMOR: 16.5 (+3.5 per level) MAGIC RESISTANCE: 30 (+1.25 per level) MOVEMENT SPEED: 350 --------ABILITIES --------PASSIVE - Twin Disciples "Discipline of Force: Upon obtaining 19.5 ability power, Akali's auto attacks deal 7.916% bonus magic damage, increasing by 1% for every 6 ability power gained thereafter. (This bonus damage affects all targets, including structures.)" "Discipline of Might: Upon obtaining 9.5 bonus attack damage, Akali gains 7.916% spell vamp, increasing by an additional 1% for every 6 attack damage gained thereafter." This passive is what allows Akali to synergize so incredibly well and output a lot of single target damage with only 1 or 2 items. This passive provides her with extra magic damage as well as spell vamp, which allows you to regenerate health when fighting or last hitting. However, the drawback to this passive is you need to dedicate specific runes and masteries to Akali in order to activate this passive at level 1. Q - Mark of the Assassin RANGE: 600 COOLDOWN: 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 COST: 60 Energy INITIAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 45/70/95/120/145 (+40% of AP) MAGIC DAMAGE AFTER HIT: 90/140/190/240/290 (+80% of AP) ENERGY RESTORE: 15/20/25/30/35 "Akali throws her kama at a target enemy, dealing magic damage and marking the target for 6 seconds. Akali's basic attacks or Crescent Slashes against a marked target will consume the mark, dealing the same damage again and restoring energy to Akali." Mark of the Assassin is Akali's bread and butter ability. This ability has a multitude of uses, such as last hitting, harassment in the top and mid lane, the ability to spell vamp and thus regenerate health from it, and is her highest bursting skill. Luckily, with the way energy regeneration works, you are more or less able to spam this ability over and over without running out of energy. The incredible scaling on this ability and it's rather high base damage is also what let's Akali have such high damage potential. W - Twilight Shroud RANGE: 700 COOLDOWN: 20

COST: 80/75/70/65/60 Energy BONUS ARMOR/MAGIC RESISTANCE: 10/20/30/40/50 SLOW: 14%/18%/22%/26%/30% "Akali creates a smoke cloud in the target 300-diameter area for 8 seconds. While within the cloud, Akali is granted stealth, and bonus armor and magic resistance. Attacking or using abilities reveals her for 0.5 seconds. Enemies inside the smoke suffer slowed movement." Twilight Shroud is Akali's only defensive ability, but it's really all she needs. Her ability to stealth on will is an incredible tool that allows her to trade really well early game when your opponents do not have the resources to afford a pink ward or Oracle's. This ability is also great for escapes and retreats, as well as keeping on the enemy via the slow. You always want to fight an enemy in the sdhroud if possible. An extra 10-50 armor and magic resistance is nothing to scoff at. If you're able to, you'd also want to place the shroud right before the enemy decides to harass you with an ability in order to take less damage. E - Crescent Slash RANGE: 325 COOLDOWN: 7/6/5/4/3 COST: 60/55/50/45/40 Energy PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 30/55/80/105/130 (+30% of AP) (+60% of AD) "Akali flourishes her kamas, dealing physical damage and triggering any Marks of the Assassin on nearby enemies." This ability used to be considered a waste of energy on Akali until they buffed it by allowing it to trigger Marks of the Assassin. Now, it's an essential part of her burst combo, as well as a good farming tool. A thing to note about this ability is that it's physical damage, meaning it's incredible hard to build defensively against Akali due to her ability to output both magical and physical damage. R - Shadow Dance RANGE: 800 COOLDOWN: 2/1.5/1 COST: 1 Essence of Shadow NEW ESSENCE OF SHADOW EVERY: 25/20/15 MAGIC DAMAGE: 100/175/250 "Akali uses an Essence of Shadow, dashing to and dealing magic damage to a target enemy. Akali gains an Essence of Shadow periodically, affected by cooldown reduction, up to a maximum of 3. Additionally, Akali gains an Essence of Shadow for each kill or assist she obtains." This ability is what allows Akali to be the assassin she is. This ability provides a decent amount of damage, but more importantly allows Akali to chase down her targets with incredible ease. Even better, the dash will reset upon a kill or assist, potentially enabling Akali to ult around for a good amount of time. This ability also allows her to juke extremely well via dashing to creeps or other enemy champions in order to escape. However, this ult has Akali deal with another resource system, making it a bit tricky to handle.

SKILL LEVELING BUILD: R > Q > E > W The reasoning behind this skill build is that Akali's job is to do damage, plain and simple. By maxing Q and E first over W, you maximize Akali's damage potential as early as possible. The stealth is really all you need out of W, the defensive bonuses are just a plus and the slow is redundant when you get your ultimate. Of course, we take the ultimate at every point possible. ----------------------------------RUNES & MASTERIES & SUMMONER SPELLS ----------------------------------SUMMONER SPELLS: FLASH Flash is pretty much a required spell on everyone. It just has so many uses: Escaping, Getting over walls, Flashing out of abilities, etc. IGNITE: This adds a bit of true damage to your arsenal, but more importantly, it's use activates the Summoner's Wrath mastery, which adds +5 AD and AP to you when Ignite is on cooldown. This is usually what accompanies Flash. TELEPORT: In the top-lane, you're incredible far from bot lane, so having teleport on hand to counteract a gank or dragon is an incredible tool. CLEANSE: Cleanse is very strong if you against a champion whose main damage source comes after a hard CC, such as Jax or Kennen. You may want this if they have a champion who is able to disrupt you in teamfights constantly, such as Amumu or Morgana. EXHAUST: If you find yourself facing a hard match-up with a heavy burster, Exhaust may be beneficial if you can time it well. Otherwise, it isn't recommended to take this over any of the above 4. RUNE PAGE: +26 ABILITY POWER +175 HEALTH AT LV. 18 +6.6 PHYSICAL DAMAGE +1.7 MAGIC PENETRATION x7 x2 x9 x9 x3 Greater Greater Greater Greater Greater Marks of Damage Marks of Magic Penetration Seal of Scaling Health Glyph of Ability Power Quintessance of Ability Power

This is typically the rune page that most Akali players utilize. This is to maximize Akali's damage potential by allowing her to activate both of her passives at level 1. I personally utilize Health per level Seals mainly because Akali's base stats in both Magic Resistance and Armor aren't TOO bad, with the added bonus of having bonus armor and magic resistance in her shroud. If you want, you can switch out the Seals for whatever you like (such as flat Armor, flat Magic Resistance, etc.). It's really personal preference. MASTERIES: 21/9/0 OFFENSE TREE: 1/1 4/4 4/4 1/1 3/3 2/2 1/1 4/4 1/1 Summoner's Wrath Sorcery Blast Arcane Knowledge Havoc Brute Force Spellsword Archmage Executioner

DEFENSE TREE: 4/4 1/3 3/3 1/1 Durability Hardiness Resistance Veteran's Scars

This is my most utilized mastery build. This gives Akali a good amount of offensive power as well as giving her a bit of defense. The 2 points in Brute Force are especially important because that talent, coupled with the runes above, allow Akali to activate Discipline of Might at level 1 without any items. The runes chosen in the defense tree are interchangeable. Depending on your personal preference and and lane match up, you may wish to go 3/3 in hardiness or 3/3 in Perseverance, the health regeneration mastery. --21/0/9 OFFENSE TREE: 1/1 4/4 4/4 1/1 3/3 2/2 1/1 4/4 1/1 Summoner's Wrath Sorcery Blast Arcane Knowledge Havoc Brute Force Spellsword Archmage Executioner

UTILITY TREE: 1/1 Summoner's Insight 3/3 Wanderer

1/1 Improved Recall 3/3 Mastermind 1/1 Biscuiteer This mastery build is more for defensive purposes. You get a free potion at the start of the game, as well as a faster recall and more movement speed. Also, if you enjoy utilizing Flash more often, this build shaves off around 40ish seconds off the 300 second cooldown. Really, the masteries here can be changed around a bit like putting points into the item active cooldown one. Overall, I wouldn't recommend using this mastery build very often, since it's more technical and requires a bit more knowledge of the game than if you're just learning. ---------ITEM BUILD ---------NOTE: There are no set item builds for ANY champion. This is just a guideline of what you can build if the game is going smoothly without anything happening. If you feel as though you need defensive items, don't try and rush that Rabadon's Deathcap before a GA and so on. STARTING ITEMS: ============== Boots of Speed x3 Health Potions ================== This start is mainly if you need that extra movement speed to dodge skill shots or you feel you don't need the extra sustain. This used to be the mandatory start for nearly all champions during Season 2, but Season 3 shifted some of the movement speed on this item to every champion's base movement speed, so this isn't as mandatory. It's still the most preferable item if you are facing extreme burst damage, however. ================= Crystalline Flask x5 Health Potions x1 Sight Ward ============= This start is the safest start. It's great for anyone just learning to play Akali and needs a crutch. This start provides an incredible amount of sustain as well as an early ward to catch junglers with. It may seem like a waste to buy Flask when it regenerates mana, but it's still cost effective even if it only regenerates health. This combo is also great if you feel as though you're laning with a strong early-game harasser. =========== Cloth Armor x5 Health Potions ================= This start is mainly for Akali in the top lane when she's facing a strong, physical harasser such as Jayce or Darius. The extra armor, however, usually isn't worth it compared to the Boots or Flask start, but if you feel you need it, it's always an option.

================== x13 Health Potions OR x9 Health Potions x2 Sight Wards ============== This start is basically an all or nothing start vs. heavy harassment. While these starts do provide an incredible amount of sustain (2500 or so extra health), if you fall behind with these items, it's going to be very difficult to climb back up. EARLY GAME: When you've farmed a bit and maybe even got a kill or two, you should go back and make your first purchases. Besides wards and health potions, here's a list of good items for your first buys. Of course, if you can't afford the item, you can always buy the parts leading up the item. CORE: ================ Sorcerer's Shoes OR Mercury Treads ============== These are the two shoes you should be looking at to build as Akali. Sorcerer's Shoes are generally the to-go item as Magic Penetration is an incredible stat for what it does and allows Akali to do even more damage. Mercury Treads are for those situations where your opponent bought a pink ward and has enough CC to counter your high burst with. It also provides a decent amount of magic resistance. ================ Hextech Revolver ================ This is a key item in Akali's build. Not only does it build into Hextech Gunblade, but it also provides a good amount of spell vamp and AP that allows you to sustain in lane even further, adding on to your passive. EXTRA: ============== Haunting Guise ============== This item is ridiculously good early game amount of magic penetration (which is now and gives a bit of health and AP to boot. having the tankiness and damage output to if you can afford it. It has a good much stronger due to Season 3 changes) If you intend on snowballing hard or trade well with the bruisers up to,

consider buying this item. =================== Mejai's Soulstealer =================== If you're just running train on the enemy team as Akali, I recommend this item. This item is looked down upon for being a pubstomper item that literally is based off snowballing, but that's essentially Akali. By no means is this item core on Akali, but consider that Mejai's becomes worth it's price with only 5 stacks. MID GAME: THis is the part where Akali starts to shine. All she really needs is one or two items to get going and being able to outburst nearly anyone in the game. Consider the following for those one or two items. CORE: ================ Hextech Gunblade ================ This is, by far, the single best item on Akali in the game. It provides everything that Akali needs: Burst, Spell Vamp, Lifesteal, AD, AP, and a Slow. It's ridiculous how well Akali can synergize with this item. This item should be your first completed item with Akali. EXTRA: =============== Abyssal Scepter =============== This item synergizes extremely well if you built Sorcerer's Shoes and/or Haunting Guise. The magic resistance reduction that you provide can make you hit nearly true damage with your abilities. It also gives a good amount of AP and magic resistance. Consider building this vs. an AP-heavy team. ================= Deathfire's Grasp ================= This item makes Akali's burst insane. With this, your already strong burst becomes strong enough to finish off anyone in 1-2 combos. If you're snowballing hard, consider this. ============ Twin Shadows ============ This is a really underrated item in general. While it gives a decent amount of magic resistance and ability power, it's true strength lies in the movement speed bonus and active. It's active sends out two ghosts that look for enemies, even through fog of war and not only reveal them, but slow them as well. If you roam a lot as Akali, consider this item to make your roaming much stronger.

LATE GAME: Here is where Akali's power starts to diminish. She still has a strong burst overall, but really everyone starts to have the damage and tankiness to contend with her. Besides getting more of the above items, consider these to make lategame easier. ================== Rabadon's Deathcap ================== If you feel as though you aren't doing enough damage as Akali, this item easily doubles your total AP and makes you hit like a truck. However, the Season 3 nerf hit it hard and you may want to consider more defensive item options. ================== Zhonya's Hourglass ================== This is a great second buy if teamfights start to break out frequently. Being able to jump into teamfights and burst their AD carry, then Zhonya's for invincibility is incredible. The armor it offers is good for surviving well and it gives a good amount of AP. Personally, this is usually my second choice of item after Hextech. ========== Void Staff ========== With the way magic penetration was changed, Void Staff became much stronger. With this, you'll still be able to hit your opponents hard even if they build magic resistance. Coupled with Abyssal Scepter, Haunting Guise, and Sorcerer's Shoes, consider yourself to be doing true damage. ======================= Rylai's Crystal Scepter ======================= This item makes Akali extremely tanky and basically ensures that her target will never be able to get away. I find the slow redundant due to Twilight Shroud's slow and her ability to stick on people regardless of their movement speed, but who knows? You may need the extra tankiness to survive, especially in a meta where high-health bruisers are running around. ========= Lich Bane ========= This item sounds like it synergizes well That's mainly because the mana is wasted strong enough without having to drop 3,000 gold stronger and the movement speed bonus is ================ Guardian's Angel ================ Akali is going to be in the middle of teamfights very often, so having a GA on with Akali, so why is it not core? on Akali and her burst is already on this item. But it does make her always a plus.

hand to revive her is going to help a lot. The resistances aren't much, but even if you revive at 30%, her ability to get back to full health via spell vamp and life steal is incredible. -------------LANE MATCH UPS -------------======== TOP LANE ======== vs. Akali This is a straight-up skill match up. Basically, whoever can get the first kill usually wins the lane. Try getting an early Vision Ward to counteract her stealth. vs. Cho'Gath You want to take him out early and reach level 6 before he does if possible. If you simply let Cho'Gath farm and turn the lane into a farm lane, he WILL scale much stronger than you going into lategame. Burst him down before he buys any defensive items. vs. Darius This match-up is very rough for Akali. Darius has his AOE and pull to mess you up, even if you're in Twilight Shroud. Even at Lv. 6, Darius easily has the burst potential to put you down. Your jungler is really what makes or breaks this match-up. vs. Gangplank This is a really easy match-up. His Parrrley does outrange your Mark of the Assassin, however, so be wary of that. Gangplang is really weak without items, however, so he's simply food for Akali at level 6. vs. Garen This is another match-up that Akali should dread. Not only does Garen's silence prevent you from stealthing or jumping away, but his spin damage and execution ult can easily kill you considering Akali's base armor. His innate sustain and incredible tankiness from his W also make him very hard to harass and burst down. Do not expect to win this match-up without assistance from your jungler. vs. Irelia You're going to want to kill her early game, a lot. Without significant items, Irelia is much less of a threat, but once she's able to start building tankier and tankier, do not consider yourself able to win 1v1 with her. vs. Jarvan IV This is another skill match-up. Jarvan has a lot of early game strength and a good amount of tankiness to back that up. While your ult CAN counter his ult by your dashing away, you should be wary while fighting him.

vs. Jax Jax's ability to dodge prevents you from being able to burst him effectively. Not to mention his tankiness and straight insane-damage output. Don't expect to win this lane very often. You're going to want to try and harass him with Mark of the Assassin as often as possible. Jax's only way to trade back is to jump on you, which you can counter with stealth. vs. Jayce Another strong top-laner. I used to think Akali stomps Jayce, but now I see it more of a skill match-up. Jayce's ranged early game will cripple you if you get anywhere near him. Luckily, your Mark outranges his ranged attacks, so abuse this to your advantage. Jayce isn't innately tanky either, so consider trying to kill him once you get your ult and before Jayce gets his AD items. Shadow Dash also counters Jayce's only ways to to escape (his knockback and movement speed bonus), so keep that in mind. vs. Kayle This is a rather uncommon match-up because Kayle doesn't see much play. Early game, you do have the damage to straight-up kill Kayle, even if she ults. She doesn't have the damage to fight back until she gets her items. vs. Kennen A battle of ninja. Kennen's incredible CC allows him to easily take-on Akali in a straight up fight. Unfortunately, all of his abilties can hit you despite stealth, so be wary stealthing near him. vs. Kha'Zix His burst is INSANE. In fact, I consider Kha'Zix one of the few champions able to outburst Akali. If you can, try to hit Level 6 before he does. Kha'Zix needs a few seconds to add a point in from his ultimate to his other skills, so try to exploit this. vs. Lee Sin Lee Sin straight up counters Akali. His damage and tankiness early game allow him to easily trade with you and two of his abilities reveal you in stealth. He also has access to nearly as many ways to retreat as you do to chase him. Sit back and try to farm as much as possible. vs. Malphite Malphite's shield is annoying, but you can spam Mark all day against him. His level 6 burst is something to be wary of, however. vs. Mordekaiser Before Mordekaiser gets any tanky items, he's pretty much food for Akali. Depending on his summoner spells, however, be careful trying to kill him at level 6. His ult + ignite is a significant amount of damage and Akali doesn't have the means to mitigate it very much.

vs. Nasus Nasus loses lane to practically everyone. Akali isn't an exception. Kill him as much as possible early game, because he can scale ridiculously into lategame. vs. Nidalee A skill match-up. Back in season 1, the best Akali (Westrice) and the best Nidalee (HotshotGG) faced off 1v1 and Hotshot ended up winning. There's been signifcant changes to both champions since then. If Nidalee is smart and builds tanky vs. you, don't expect to be doing a lot of damage vs. her. vs. Riven Riven's kit allows her to fight Akali very well. Her on-demand stun can mitigate Akali's burst very well. Try harassing her from ranged and going for the kill when she's low. vs. Olaf Another hard match-up. Because of how Olaf can straight build health, the one thing that can nerf Akali's burst hard, he ends up being a hard match-up. Count on your jungler for this one. vs. Pantheon/Renekton You're not going to fight either of these two unless you're absolutely sure you can 100-0 them quickly. They both have abilities that cut through your stealth, stuns to keep you in place, and gap closers to make harassing from ranged not a possibility. Another one to count on your jungler for. vs. Rengar An easy match-up since Rengar's nerfs. He doesn't have the damage to put you down or the tankiness to stop you from bursting him. vs. Rumble Hard match-up with all of Rumble's abilities. However, he relies on sustain while you rely on burst. You CAN outburst him, but don't expect to win any fights if the fight drags on. vs. Shen His tankiness and damage output early game as strong and unfortunately, you do not have any abilities to shut down his Stand United. This lane will probably turn to a farm lane unless you can lane a kill on him. vs. Singed One of Akali's easiest match-ups. You simply crush him early game enough so that he's unable to work his way into lategame. He has no signicant abilities that outdamage you, so feel free to kill him as much as you can. vs. Teemo Another easy match-up, although this can rely on the skill of the Teemo. Try

baiting his blind so you can go in and burst him with your full combo. Teemo has no escapes, so exploit this as hard as you can. vs. Vladimir Fortunately, neither of you have the damage to put down the other early game, but once you hit level 6, Vladimir is food. His sustain does not help him against your incredible burst and his only escape is countered by your 3 gap closers. vs. Warwick He's a rough match-up. He has the ability to heal for a truckload and wear you down until he can ult in for the kill. It's worse if he builds Spirit Visage. Take advantage of the fact you have a ranged ability and he doesn't. vs. Wukong He hits hard. Very hard. Good for you though, because Wukong is one of the few champions that actually doesn't have some sort of sustain. He does have a gap closer and make sure you don't accidentally burst down his clone. His ultimate is a strong disengage or engage, so be careful of it. It can hit you through stealth. vs. Xin Zhao Because Xin Zhao relies on auto attacks, your stealth is a very good tool against him. He doesn't have burst to contend with you, nor does he have any real escapes. vs. Yorick This lane is living hell. He has the sustain and damage to put you away very easily. Nothing to really say except hope your jungler comes along often. -------------------------------NOTE: While a lot of top lane match-ups are hard for Akali, you have to remember these are based around a even-skill scenario. The better player will usually win the lane. -----------------------------------------PLAYING THE GAME: EARLY, MID, AND LATEGAME -----------------------------------------As Akali, there are a couple of things that are expected of you: -Kill the opposing laner as often as possible -Roam around and gank -Have the ability to strike down the squishy but important targets in teamfights A thing to note is at Level 6 is where you make one of your first major choices: Whether or not your can burst down your opponent. If you can't, that's basically your cue to go and roam around. If you can, try to get as many kills as possible from your opponent before starting to roam. As Akali, you may or may not be dominating your lane. Regardless, your lane opponent will most likely be trying to freeze the lane at his tower, so use

this time to roam around. Push your lane hard and constantly be on the move. Move to mid and bot. Even your mere presence can force a lane to miss CS if the lane pushed to your side's towers. Akali can reach some incredible damage ranges with only 1-2 items, so farming isn't as important for you as, say, the AD carry. I cannot stress this enough, you want to roaming around as Akali. I've seen too many Akalis that don't push their kill advantages to other lanes or don't realize that even if they're behind in their lane, they can go to other lanes and still kill them. Lategame is where you make it or break it as a great their AD carry and make it out alive is a miracle in trade yourself for their farmed AD carry, go for it. but this leaves your team with an AD carry and the enemy ---------LAST WORDS ---------Hopefully you have learned a bit more on playing Akali today. I do plan to expand this guide more, such as going more in-depth on match-ups and the playstyles of mid Akali, when I do have the time. If I did make any mistakes, please message me and I'll try my best to fix it. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my guide! CREDITS: - For having a good amount of in-depth info on Akali and all the other champions, including their base damages, base stats, ratios, etc. - For being a great game. Special thanks to the forums for having odd bits of info, like general opinions on lane match-ups and various graphs and charts! - For hosting this guide! Akali. Being able to dive itself. However, if you can This may leave you dead, team AD carry-less.

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