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School s Violence and its relation to academic Failed and
School s Drop - Out among Intermediate stage Pupils
Dr. Muntaha Mutashar Abdul Sahib
The present research aims to know the relation of Violence on
academic Failed and School s Drop - out among Intermediate stage
Pupils. The sample of the research reached (400) male and female
pupils (failed and not failed ), and (69) male and female that Drop out
from Intermediate stage. The researcher used scale of Violence that
constructed by (AL- qaysi , 2004) after she got Validity and Reliability to it
. So that she used t- test for one sample, t- test for two independent
sample, and Person correlation coefficient as a statistical means. The
research reached to the results that indicates raising of level of Violence
among the Intermediate stage pupils (failed and not failed) and the male
and female that Drop out from Intermediate stage. So the Violence
affected on academic Failed and School s Drop - out among
Intermediate stage Pupils. Finally and according to the results of the
research the researcher put some Recommendations and Suggestions.













( George et al p.306)





) (Cooper smith ,p.22)





































: ( 2003)


: ( 2005 )





:(School Violence)










: ( Academic Failed )







:(School Drop- out)


(Unesco, 1972)

Morro and George, 1987, p . ) "














( Banadora)




) .



























(Kilpatrick ,1956 , P.44)

.( -



















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(Bert, 1996 , p . 28)


.(Bert, 1996 , p . 29) .

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) (Rose,1984)

( Rose,1984)

) (













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.www.arabpsynet / apn . journal / apnj4 /





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www..AL- Byan .com






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53- Kilpatrick , H., Philosophy of education , Macmillan company ,
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54- Morro Page and George Thomas , Standardizing practice in the
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55- Rose , L.T, Current uses of corporal Punishment in America
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56- UNESCO, A Statistical of Wastage in School, Paris, 1972

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