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America now certainly and without any doubt at all has earned

the unsavoury title of torture capital of the world. George

Bush, Dick Cheney and Ronald Rumsfeld have earned America the
disgust and revulsion of the rest of the world.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would have made the Kempeitai flushed
with pride. Their actions ranked alongside those of Hideki Tojo.
The use of waterboarding, sleep deprivation, physical assaults,
chaining prisoners and dragging them, using dogs and reptiles
to harm detainees, stripping detainees naked and other forms of
torture surely put them on the same classification of notoriety
as those of the Class 'A' criminals at the 1946 Tokyo Tribunal.

America's love affair with torture is nothing new. In Germany,

prisoners captured by soldiers occasionally had their throats
sliced due to rumours that German soldiers executed captured
GIs. More than fifty years later, a US president would invade
and slaughter a country called Iraq using false premises.

Even in Korea, US soldiers were instructed to fire on Korean

civilians who approached their positions.

In Vietnam, US interrogators tortured and killed VC prisoners

after extracting information from them. American soldiers also
carried out disgusting acts against rural Vietnamese villagers.

American servicemen have a bad reputation as rapists wherever

they go, whether in Iraq, the Philippines, Japan or eleswhere.

These acts of outrage against fellow human beings, even if they

were from the opposing side, are totally unacceptable, more so
from people who identify themselves as Christians.

America today projects a false image of itself and feels no

shame or embarrassment at all. It appoints itself as the
world's 'policeman' yet commits all sorts of crimes.

The US not only harms people from other countries but it also
has treated its own people rather shabbily. The US has a prison
population that is much larger than the populations of some
countries in the world. Its prisons are all overcrowded and
although they are called penitentiaries, there's really nothing
penitent about them. Prisoners are routinely harmed by either
prison guards or other prisoners or even gangs such as the Aryan
Brotherhood. This is both torture and human abuse. Right in the
middle of the good old USA. And it goes on all the time, every
time, every hour, every day.

America is certainly no stranger to torture and human abuse.

In fact, American history is filled with human abuse. Right
from the earliest beginnings. Right from the 18th century.

Early Americans tried to wipe out the natives by destroying their

food supply hoping that starvation would erase their existence.

Americans then carried out acts of human abuse against people of

non-white descent. Murders, assaults and hangings were employed.
African peoples were hunted, captured and taken to American farms
to be used as slave labour. When Asian people were imported to
work on the early railways, they were subjected to huge abuse.

Torture, human abuse and wrongful jailing and executions fill

all the pages of American history, from 300 years ago to today.

Not just torture and abuse, Americans are also famous for their
shameless hypocrisy. Praying and slaying at the very same time
together are the long recognised hallmarks of American society.

America is now the torture capital of the world and history will
record forever the deeds of people like Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.
As as it did with the acts done by Tojo and all his accomplices.
May God have mercy on America despite all its horrible evil.

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