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Biology SL Matteo Arellano Junk DNA Research: Chromosomes are composed mainly of DNA and some RNA.

It also contains proteins called histones. Humans 23 x 2 matched pairs of chromosomes. Scientists have found that 3% of the total human genome or the complete set of DNA inherited from both parents: the father and mother, is comprised by genes (more or less 35,000). The name for Junk DNA, then, comes from the 97% of DNA that remained unknown by the scientists, whose function has not been yet discovered or that some secular scientists claimed that this was junk and useless because over evolutionary time the DNA had lost its function. Arguments and discussion from creationists and secular scientists widened after this discovery, since secular scientists claim that the genome was not designed, they are just mere leftovers of the human past. However, just because we do not know the function of so-called junk DNA, creationist scientists argue we do not have to claim that this unknown DNA does not have any relevant or important function regarding human life. It is important to notice that many times in the past, we have committed the error of just labeling something as useless because we are not aware of its function. This has happened, for example, when Darwinists claimed that the tonsils and the appendix were vestigial or atrophied when it fact, after important scientific research, they found that they have an important role for important functions in human body. Due to this ignorance, many students in biology all around the globe were taught that Junk DNA which involves trillions of cells in our body were useless and atrophied genetic material (DNA) whose function irrelevant if not non-existent. Nowadays, it is known that some sections of the DNA are not coded, but it doesnt mean they do not have an important function. Some sections of Junk DNA have been discovered to have some useful purposes. Some of them control embryo development. There are high levels of DNA called transposable elements (TEs) in the maternal transcriptome in mouse eggs and initial cleavage embryos. TEs are informally called jumping genes and are types of DNA pieces found in all life forms. They function as promoters, which are specific areas of a DNA molecule that have sequences required for a critical function, for a number of RNA molecules. Picture 1.1: Cartoon denouncing the labeling of Junk DNA due scientific ignorance.

Biology SL Matteo Arellano

This scientific research counters the evolutionary assumption that many repetitive TEs in the human genome are useless. "I think a lot of 'junk DNA' has a function, and in a weird way it's controlling gene expression," stated Dr. Knowles. Cells also contain introns, non-coding sections of DNA that are spliced out of the messenger RNA (mRNA) strand before it leaves the nucleus of a cell to become translated in the cytoplasm. This splicing technique is quite complicated and requires enzymes and energy. Such a complex performance led many to suspect that introns have a control function.

Note: Clearly, calling anything that belongs to nature Junk is very ignorant and arrogant since many scientists think they know everything and when they see a chunk of new information that they cannot tell its function shows how insecure they are and how much they care for their personal image and status.

Unknown. "Revealing Purpose in 'Junk' DNA." Revealing Purpose in 'Junk' DNA. Biology, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2013.

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