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Boox I.

signification than the latter; the former including in its objects the believer and the unbeliever, and * the latter having for its peculiar object the :) accord. to J, (TA,) believer: (Bd! on the i they are two names [or epithets] derived from



1067 and 1. , (Ms.b, ,) whichl is ;,] the C. extr., (I,) said by AlHit to be wrong, and by IAmb to be anomalous, and by Zj to be not allowable, (Msb,) in the T said to be as though it were a pL pl., (TA,) or it is pl. of *t.: [and therefore regular]: ( :) the dim. is $ am.j. (Zj, signifies Tihe 1 -] t: [or Msb.) ,l. 1 [Hence, A molar tooth, hand-mill. (MA.);) pl. :jl_;, M, ; (,Mb, i. q. or grinder:] --" WJ10 *-e* (s :) [or rather] the .t_l, also called isq. athe he twelve teeth, three on each .1, the side [above and belon,], next after the JI.l [or el-Insin.")bicuspids]. (Zj, in his "Kliall [And app. A roller nwith which land is rolled to crush the clods; as being likened to a mill-stone: see 1 in arL _,;., near the end of the paragraph.] Stones: and a great rock, or ?mas of stone. (TA.) - A round piece of ground, riding above what surrounds it, (, I,) about as large in

(8, and Ham,) i. e. [But at all events,] Aen nwar becomes [once] severe to thee, and thine enemy has almost overcome thee, [verily thou art regarded with favour,] treated wvith nmercy, and defended, by us. (Ham.) .,_.;: see .>g.j1l, in two places, in the latter half of the paragraph. - Also, applied to a ewe, and to a she-goat, lHaving the womb swollen.


and are like

and .,

and are

syn.; the repetition being allowable when the [mode of] derivation is different, for the purpose of corroboration: (S, TA:) or the repetition is because the former is IHebrew, [originally '.Z.l.,] and t the latter is Arabic: (I'Ab, TA:) but the former is applicable to God only; though Museylimeh the Liar was called .QLl ,le-~; (8, TA;) and it is said to mean the Possessor of the and accord. to Zj, is a utmost degres of ,.I; name of God mentioned in the most ancient books: (TA:) whereas the latter is syn. ,vith *m.ItJ!: (R,,TA:) or [rather] t.j1; is the act.

(LI, JI.)
.JI [MIore, and most, merciful, &c.]. God is [The Most Merciful of those that .lSj1,,~4l ~ have mercy]. (TA.)


see a_;.

... x [Treated, or regarded,nith much mercy orpity or compassion; &c.]: it is with teshdeed to denote intensiveness of the signification. (S, the pass. part. n. [signifying ihaving mercy, &c.], and TA.) - [See also 2, of which it is n.] part. .sm. has an intensive signification [i. e. having

extent as a tnil: (]g:) pl. '.1;: (Is, TA:) or

this latter, i. e. the pl., signifies piseces of rugged much mercy, &c.]: (M.b:) the latter is applied ;s-:~ see, n-j .. _l.o 4 l is a name of ground, less than nountains, round, and rising also to a man; and so is *'g-, in the same El-Mfedeench. (g.) [And *.,jl1, which sense, and likewise to a woman: (TA :) the )pl.of may be rendered The object of God's mnercy, is above what surrounds theon: (M, TA:) or tL.j -- ; (Mbyb,TA;) occurring in thetrad., commonly used in the present day as an epithet applied to the person, whoever he be, that has tell, or L.aJI, as died in what is believed to be the true faitli; as C. 21 *L. 1 . related by differenit pcesons; [i. e. God has mercy though meaning merely the deceased.] on the merciful only of his servants, or vcrily those on whomn Godl has mnercy, of his servants, &. and uj are tle mnercifil;] La..JI being in the accus. case as the objective complement of.a.., and in ) land 3 f(.s g,( ,) - aor. the noni. case as the enuiciative of to in the sense ; app. l.m.P also (see a.;)]; and to:? of Lil. (Ms..) (S, I ;) Tlhe serpent turned round about, (S, K, 4 J, [with wlhicl it is syn.,] TA,) and twisted, or wound, or coiled, itself; 'J,_ is from a (S, TA,) but it is used only coupled with its like ISd adds, 0..Jtb [i. c. like the nill, br millJh stone]; for which reason it is said to be $~.lI . in form: (K, TA:) one says, C; .JJ... or pity, [Fear is better' for thee than ,,,. (TA.I;t. ('Al Z'0jo;J_ or jm.JI (S, comlmssion], meaning thy beingfeared is better (TA;) and l. , (, ,) inf. n. ,) if. n. than thy being piticdtli or compasmionated: (S, J&: ~.j; (TA;) I turned round the l_j or .. j but in thc Ibrminer, without .J:) or, accord. to stone]: (S, ] :) or I made [i. c. the mill, or mill-. j j.. (Meyd. [Scc it: (V :) in the K, the latter verb is said to be , ) Mbr, * .. art. "..&]) extr.; but not so in the T or S or M: in the M it is said to be the more common. (TA.) .i. ~.j: see what next preccdes. And *.j He magnified him, or honoured him. : sec 1, nlast sentence but two. (IAar, TA.) . is

.1.jl &e means a round and rugged place [or piece of ground] among sands: (Sh, TA:) or a large and trugged [elevation such as is termed] ;; or ,.bl, round, risingabove wvhat surrounds it, not spreading upon the surface of the earth, nor producing herbs, or legUtninous planes, nor trees. (ISh, TA.) - A round cloud; [as being or so :) likened to a mill-stone;] (A in art.

;J_- (Lh, $, IK)and t' l.j, animal having a womb, (see

(.K,) applied to ;,)] Having a

5: see above, first sentence. ;v; (S, Msb, 1g, &h) and 1_;, (Mob, l,) the former of whichi is the more alpproved, (TA,) and some say t .j, (g,) A mill; syn. X .tb: (Mb :) [and] a mill-stone; iLe. the great round stone with which one grinds: (TA:) of the fem. gender: (Zj, S, M9b, K:) dual of the first X t.j, .j, (Mqb,* (, M. b, Ib,) and of the second ]g,) and of the third, Jtl.v: (S:) the pl. (of

a shechamel, (Lh,, TA,) and to a ewe or she. goat, and to a woman, (TA,) [and app. to any complaint of her womb (Lb, S, M, }) af?e,. S ,) and dying in consebringingforth, (Lb, ., qwuence thereof; (1K;) and *'a~-, applied to a she-~nel, signifies the same: the pl. of. . is _,j, with two dammehs. (TA.) - For the first, J, near the end of the pagragaph. see also

.]is j and pauc., g) of i.-i (Msb) [and of .ej: see >C~.,J1, in seven places. -Someb, K,) whichi latter . Msb, (of mult., S) .'g (S, times it is nyn. with '.V & [i. e. Treated, or is the pl. that is preferred accord. to IAmb, regarded, with mercy or pity or compassion; (Msb,) and A. and A'., (Msb, 15, TA,) with &c.: see 1, first sentence]: 'Amelles Ibn-'A1eel damm and with kesr (Myb, TA) to thej, (Mqb,) says, (using it in this sense, Iam p. 628,) .~. is substituted in the [for the last of which

i. ,9_JI .



jA 5 . 2 J . 0 'JA~~

6 J-%k~ 44-k&


Cg,] and U ;1 (V,, TA,) with damm, and with (TA,) [in kesr to the , and teshdeed to the L.Sq,

[or callous .it~. LS_M.j ($.) - The > protuberance upon the breast] of a camel; (T, g, I ;) so called because of its roundness: (TA:) pl. -4: (I :) which likewise signifies the callous protuberances upon the knees of the camel. (T, TA.) _- The foot (C"O.') of the camel and of the (M, .) - A 5;.1. [app. clephant: pl. .;f meaning a circling border] atound the nail. chest: pl., as in the (TA.)_-The breast, or ~-- .5 Spinage, (S.):.;,i. other senses following, or spinach; (M, ];) because of the roundnes of A colUctive body of the its leaves. (TA.) members of a houshold. (ISd, 1, TA.) - 1 An independent tribe: ((, TA:) ,l1.l (which is its pl., ]g, TA) signifies t independent tribes, that are in no need of otuers. (S, TA.) - t A large number of camels, crowding, or presing, together; : (S, TA:) or (S, ., TA;) also called 'iL of the camels: herd Jr1 Lmv means the collective body the collective l.; .4iii manner, like and in ).....d of the people, or party. (ISk, TA._j: signifies [also] t The chief of the pople, or party. (T, ., M, n, TA.) [It is added in the TA that 'Omar Ibn-El-Khat b was called . J as though meaning t The chief of war; because of his warlike propensities: but it seems from what here follows, as well as from what precedes, that this may be a mistranscription, for.,JaI O.., .0. signfies XThe or w,iJ U most vehement part [or the thickest] of the light; : (S, Mb :) in the I it is said that syn. l1.. as U;also and .a1. signifies m.JI omiion; an is there that , m..,gJI: but it seems 133^


1058 for .O,J1 is [generally] fem., and in the M it is said that ,;,l j.j signifies IJ1k, [spp. meaning the main stress, or the hickest, of death in battle]. (TA.) In a saying relating to 'Alee's having made an end of j.lI V ,.- this exprecion is expl. by A'Obeyd as meaning Tlhe pilace around nthich revolved the thickest of the fight ( .Jl u au 4t; i 5jJI 44Jl) [in

[BooK I.

tioned by ISd,) or ' ~lj. (So in the JK.) (9, M, A, Mob, K) and L;,L (., M; Also A certain great bird, that carries ff the Mgb, ,K)and Ot,;, (Ltl, TA,) It (a thing, ~, l .1kA- [or rhinoceros]. (1i. [See note 2'2 to or the body, 9, Msb, or flesh, A) was, or became, ch. xx. of my translation of the "Thousand avid solf, or tender; (S, M, A, Msb, g, TA;) and One Nights." The word is of Persian origin, soft to the feel: (Msb:) and in like manner arabicized; as it is said to be by Lth in the sense ,..ij said of a girl: (A:) or, said of a woman, next following.])- And hence, as being likened inf. n. Otv;, she was, or became, soft, or tender, thereto, (TA,) One of the pieces with nhich the and delicate, or thin, in her external skin: and game of chc.u is played; [called by us the rook, said of a woman's fingers, they were, or became, the Battle of the Camel]. (TA.) And l ;';ji , (,) or CJ, soft, or tender: but when said of a plant, inf. n. . ,l . ; [which may be rendered tThe main castle, and tower:] pl. a.oL, it was, or became, soft, flaccid, or easily (JK, A,) or both. (TA.) jtres of death bcset him round about] means or quickly broken: (Lth :) [anvd said of a twig, or death befell him. (Mqb, TA.) ,.jd [app., in its primary acceptation, S,ftne&s rod, it was, or became, firesh, or succulent, and ..- , *... *&. It~j [or a~j ia,~ meaning A serpent folding, of a substance, such as earth &c.: and hence,] soft, or tentler: sce e,o.] or coiling, itself, so as to resemble a nech-ring]: softness, delicateness, or easiness, of life. (JK, 2. 1.jb Jija, inf. n. j, le had TA.)-It is also used as an epithet. (TA.) see iaj, in art. indulgence, license, or facilitation, granted, or You say 1.~.j )l Soft land, of owhich the soil is conceded, to him in, or with respect to, such a t.j: see ;cI, first sentence. good; as also *t'4: pl. &i;: (J1C:) or wide thing. (Q, A,' J.*) You say, W,i :) 1 a, dim. of Lj, q. v. (Zj, M!qb.) and soft land, whether leoel or not level: (ISh:) Ii., inf. n. as above, Tlhe lan has been indilgent -Ic. 0. or soft, or yielding, land: (S, K, TA:) and .m3.a.w, A shallow, or a wide, [bowl such as to us in, or with respect to, such a thing; has is termed] a,.J. (TA. [It is there mentioned t i,j, (1K,TA,) with teshdeed and medd, (TA,) facilitatelit to us; as also V .il, inf. n. Li.l;t. [in the CK ,1.:, without teshdeed,] signifies the in art. j, but belongs to art. j, q. v.]) [or, like: (IAp, 1g:) or this last (. ), wide land: (Msb.) And UI j L l. I game license, or per,~.*, A place ofa mill or naill.stone. (MA.) (I :) or tumid land or earth, that breaks in more commonly, il,] mission, to such a one to do such and such - See also ._ (near the end of the paragraph), pieces beneath the tread: and its pl. is k t,lj. things after my forbildding him to do them. in two places. _ [Accord. to Freytag, it occurs (JK, 15.) And 1 1 '; What is soft of soil, in the Decwan of the liludhales as meaning t A (TA.) or of moist earth. (TA.) And ?. place where any one standjs irmly.] .p A 4. 1.a lIe (God, ., A, Meb, or a man, --, life, or state of life, that is amnple, unstraitened, JK) made it (a thing, MIb, or a price, 8, A) >S A maker of mills or mill-stones. (p, or eas, (8, K, TA,) and soft. (TA.) _ See cheap, low-priced, or low. (JK, S, A, AMob, 1.) TA.)~ And Ioisturo in the ground to the ' r^j, in this sense, is not known. ( also j. extent of a palm. (Al.n, TA.) Also [leffound it to be cheap, lon-prired, or low. (lg.)-Also, (g,) or *t j,, ($, A,) lre boueght it chea.p, or at a lon, price. (S, A, K.) CL: see - See also 2. 1. , aor. , inf. n. said of dough, It had see eib . in it much water [so that it was soft: see also 5. ,adJ 3 le toolk, or arailel himself of, or allowed hinself, indulgence, license, or facilita. 8]. (TA.) _ ,.j, (JK,T,1 ,) aor. ', (JK,) and tl,, applied to mud, or clay, tion; (A, TA;) he did not go to the utmost inf. n. as above, (TJI,) lie broke it, or crushed it, (JK, T,) and so made it soft: (T:) or he trod (JK, g,) and to dough, (JK,) Thin, and soft: length; ($, Mob, ];) [he relaxed, or remittedl;] (JK, 15, TA:) and t 5. soft, or moist, mud or in ('s) such a thing; ( ;) in affairs; (A;) or in wpon it, (T, g,) and so made it sofJ. (T.).clay. (KL.) the affair. (Msb.) You say also, .. L. j Also Ilse mixed (JK, g, KT) what is termed Ji, Ile took what was easily attainable, of his (JK,) or wine, or beverage: (9, 1 :) and likewise riglit, 1tp : see the next preceding paragraph. or due, and did not go to the utmost length. (A.) food with condiment. (JK.) tlIi applied to a man, and to a 8. ..aL.3Il: see 4. - Also, (S, .Sgh, 1,) or 4. .jI lie put much water into it [so as to camel, Lax, or not firm, in make, by reason of ?adi..j..l, (A,) He reckoned it cheap, or lowmake it softl; namely, dough. (TA.)~ [The fatnscu. (JK.) priced: ($, A, Sgh, V:) and t the latter, he Jam inf. n.] t..jJ also signifies The exceeding the ;vC Intoxicated, full of drink; (1];) it, orjudged it, to be so. (Lthi, .) ejt umsal, or ordinary, or the just, or proper, bounds, or degree; or the acting eregiously, or immode- as also 10. a 1-l: see 8, in two places. . (TA.) ratcly; or the like; (syn. Al;;) in a thing. (J.) .; applied to a thing, (A, .K,) or to the ^ - , applied to a man, and to a camel, 8. .1, (lApr, TA,) inf. n. ~t;, (IAar, Flaccid, or flabby, by reason of old age or of body, (., Msb,) and to flesh, and to a plant, (A,) Soft, or tender; (9, M, A, Myb, 1( ;) and &ofito TA,) for which, in some copies of the Kg, T1, is emaciation. (JK.) thefedel: (Mb :) and * , signifies the same, put itl&.,.tl, but the former is the right reading, (AA, M, J,) applied to a garment, or piece of (TA,) said of dough, (TA$r, TA,) It was, or cloth, (AA, ~,) as also the former: (TA:) fem. became, soft, or /lacciL (IAar, 1, TA.) -And ; is also applied 1. aor. -, 'o,, inf. n. , , It (a thing, of each with; : (M, TA:) t It (one's opinion) was, or became, unsound, to a girl, (A,) and to a woman, (g, TA, but Myb, or a price, ., A) sas, or became, cheap, faulty, or confued; syn. ' l;!. (1, TA.) omitted in the CIS,) and to fingers, signifying not low-priced,or own. (8, A, Msb, V, TA.) [Accord. rigid or tough: (g :) or, applied to a woman, it tj [Lax, orflaccid: (Golius, on the authority to all of these authorities, this seems to be the prisignifies soft, or tender, and delicate, or thin, in of Meyd:) or sft]: see its fem., AIm, voce mary signification: but Et-Tebreezee (Ham p. 47) her external skin: and applied to a woman's thinks it to be from &.j; applied to a woman, fingers, soft, or tender: but ,. applied to a as meaning "soft, or tender."] Some say ~,. plant, soft, flaccid, or eaily or quickly broken: tj A certain soft, flaccid, orfragile, plant; also; but this is not of established authority. (Lth, TA:) and applied to a twig, or rod, frek, (AIJn, 1, ;) as also VjU, with fet-h, (men- (MF.) ,_~, aor. ', (M, A, Mob, ]g,) inf. n. or succulent, and tofl, or tender: (Mb :) the pl.


BooK I.]

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of ,j is ,tu.j4: (Mb :) and that of L;o. is and in like manner, of a [young gazelle such as is [meaning in voice, or cry]: and .i51 zj, which is irreg. [as such, but reg. as pl. of termed] i ,a;, said of a she-gazelle, means she uttered a t i.j]1; (Ill, TA;) occurring in poetry. (TA.) ' ZJ. and You say, J.q A: , . He is soft, or tender, [soft or gentle] cry. (TA.)-I. 1w; perhaps,] Lt : see 4...Hence, I..44 in body. (s.) And O.sJI a,.j ;1. A woman

compassion: and love: and gentlenes; (], TA ;) as also t'a,.j [which appears to be the more common, and which is mentioned above a an ilf. n : (, TA:) the latter is nearly the same as i,.;. (9.) One says, ' " ; jI, t His lore, and his gentlene, fell, or lighted, Ws)3, aor. ' and :, t She (a woman) played eoJf, or tender, in body. (IDrd, TA.) dL Ji' and with her child: (]:) [or,] accord. to the "Nawta- upon him. (S.) And t d. ).j [see 1, of which it is the inf. n., in the ', (], TA,) i. e. t[He made iofaU, or light, [app. [fi*j~, first of the senses explained above. -Also The dir el-AgAb," ~ . 3 and upon him, or bestomeed upon Aim,] his love, and .,.3 and. '.;. in both cases,] said of a woman, his gentleness: this is said of God. (TA.) And act of making cheap;] a subst. from 1..jI in ,,j3 1[She treats, or regards, her boy the first of the senses here assigned thereto. mean i.e. t[SShe made L; 4fi. U .Ji and t with mercy, pity, or compassion; &c.]: (TA:) (M,b.) tofall, or light, upon him, or bestowed upon him,] and ; J:l#;,_ j means ;z.j i [I treated, or '.ii (., A, Myb, 0) and 'L,1 .j (A, M;b,,) regarded, the thing with mercy, &c.]: (], TA:) her favour, or affection, or her mercy, pity, or i,1, companion. (TA.) And &,ltV, Indulgence, license or facilitation; (9, A, M 9 b, AZ says that aor. -, inf.n. 'a;j, and ndj, i. e. t [upon whom] the love andfamiliarityof is 1;) in an anffir: (8, A, Myh:) pl. , . (A, M,b) and and o ajLa ;JGi . 4*;, aor. , inf. n. ia,, are syn.: (S:) and he mother [have been made to fall or light, or have and (Mqb.) You say, La.j) Ij j [Thou hadS, says that,.m. [thus accord. to the TA] is of the been bestorred], is an explanation given by As of dial. of some of the people of El-Yemen: it is the pass. part. n. t',j .~. (8, TA.) [But accord. or #halthare, in, or nith respect to, this, indultropical: Lh., also, mentions Ls~j, aor. , inf. n. to Z, these significations are from .-iJ am signigenre, licents, or facilitation]. (A.) - t Indul.Aj, as meaning t lie was, or became, inclined fying a bird of a certain species described in what gence granted, or conceded, by God to his servant, in a matter which lie alleviates to him. (A, .. ) tofavour him, or affectionate to hi,n. (TA.) follows: for] it is said in the A that .ii said of a skin for water or milk, It was, or ' .J means t He was, or became, oaffectionate, -[t An ordinantice qf indulgence; such as the ,s, shortening of prayer in travelling, and the like: became, stinkting. (TA.) or pitiful, or compassionate, to him, and attached pl. w,a.j, of which we have an ex. in the followto him: because the a.~ is vehemently voracious, 2. (M:b,) iif. n.j(S S, Mb, TA,) ing trnd.:] _ 4.0 L; .l X 4"X He made it soft, or genttle: (S, TA:) or he made and fond of alighlting upon carcasses: therefore love nnd affection lighting upon one are likened JSI; 0 ,.i [t God loreth that his ordinances it eanJsy: namely, [the voice, (see 1,) or] speeclh. thereto. (TA.)~ A certain [species of] bird, of indulgence be performedl, like as lile loreth that (Mob.) - Hence, (Mgb,]~,) or from . well known; [the vultur perenopterus; being for his obligatory ordflinances be performed]. (A.) signifying, as some say, The cutting off[a thing], the most part white, called by some the rwhit -I A portion, or share, of water: (A:) or a or cutting [it] at its extremity, or curtailing [it], carrion-vulture of Egypt aid the neiglhbouring time, or turn, in drinkingy. (1(.) j of the name, (8, Mah, K,) in the countries; and also called Pharaoh's hen; in (S,) the vocative form of speech; (9;) [accord. to general Hcbr. DTll: (see Bochart, Hieroz., 297.22:)] u;. A cheap, or low-priced, thing; (MRb;) opinion,] because it facilitates the pronunciation nn. un. ' ,;-: (l :) the former is the pl. of the a low price. (,, A.) = A quich death. (Lth, thereof; (1];) i.e. the [abbreviating by the] latter, (t, Ms)),) denotinF the genus, ($,) li. e., A, .) - See also ,,&., in two places. eliding of the end thereof, for the alleviation of u is of A.m: (Myb:) So.ft, without strength or sturdiness, atnd without the utterance; (Mqb;) the curtailing a name of its coll. gen. n.,] like as endurance: or stupid, dull, wanting in intelli- its last letter, or more; (g, TA;) as when, to one the pl. [properly so termed] of ii is .j [like gence; syn. Je.. (T.A.) whose name is . or !to, you say j. % or !as X, is of , or perhaps of..i;, like as ( JL4 b: but accord. to Z, in the A, it is from the -,1 is of -,,] (JK, TA) and also d. [which .neeJ of the hen; because this is only on the is anomalous]: (JK:) the ti44. is a partyoccasion of the cutting short (Lj) [of the laying] coloured bird, white and blacAk, (F, TA,) ree,j A ewe-lamb; (S, K;) as also t and of the eggs: (TA:) [in like manner also] the bling the ,Z (JK, ?, TA) in formn; and aloo ?s.]j: (Q :) the male is called ": (S:) pl. .,'j of the diminutive is the [abbreviatinj called j;3: (9, TA:) [it is said to be] a bird [of pauc.] Jv.l (1) and [of mult.] and thereof by the] cutting off of [one or more of] that eats human dung, afoul bird, not of such as J.j, (, I,) whichi last is of an extr. form, the augmentative letters [and sometimes of radi- are pursued as game, wherefore no expiation is cal letters]; as when, in forming the diminutive incumbent on him who kills it when he is in the (TA,) and X and i. and (g.) of _,i [and that of. ,l;], one says .i,. [and state of.)1j_., for it is not eaten: it is [said to be] thus called because it is too wreak to take prey: "]. lCar p. 334.) - a lj.l_._., inf n. as (Msb:) [various fanciful uses of its gall-bladder ; see the preceding paragrph. above, He made the hen to cleave to, or heep to, and fiesh &c. for medicinal and other purpomes are [or brood upon,] her eggs [for the purpose of described in the 1: accord. to some, if not all, i.' ,A poseor and rearet ofer,e-lambs. (..) hatching them]. (M, V.) [,*.j also signifies it is a term for thefemale: (see ~1 :)] the male IHe constructed, or cased, a building, or a floor is called and , (JK,) and .o &c., With.,s.j: but this is perhaps post-classical.] (Kr, [.) _ Also Thick milk. (IAr, ].) ' ,rc~ i.l; (9,I5;) or ,:i. The t &;. [as written in the JK, but in the TA 1 . ,~.,(., Msb, V,) aor. !, (]g,) inf. n. l,; without any syll. signs,] of the horse is like the alone; (JK;) and l>;; , and (l, Mb ;) and . , aor. A; (J ;) It (the voice, a3. [app. as meaning The inner part of the C, TA, and speech, !g, TA) ma, or became, sojf, (1s,) aor. , (TA,) inf. n. & and i.; and thigh] of a human being: (JK,TA:) one says, or gentle, and eay: (,* 1], TA:) [or it (the I..; (1;;) She (a domestic hen, JK, 9, ], and [A hors having the 44, provoice) was, or became, soft, or gentle, plaintive, an ostrich, JK, TA) brooded upon her eggs, to L.s.n fii1U #; tuberant].. (TA.) [If correctly written in the and meneow: (see s- :)] it (a thing, and the hatch them. (JK, ~, .) JK, it is probably a n. un. of which is the speebh,) mag, or became, easy: (Msb:) L.tI.L 8. i,Jie ,):.* l t She (a camel) loved, af- coll. gen. n.: and hence, perhaps,] .L.J! /Ahjj, in speech is a good quality in women. (TA.) fected, or inclined to, and kept to, or caoe to, applied by the poet 'Amr Dhu-l-Kelb to a ewe One ays also of a girl, , (V, TA,) inf. n. her young one. (TA.) abounding with milk, as meaning Soft [ thA as above, (TA,) meaning /he was, or became, eay [and soft or gentle] in speec: (; TA:) ,*&j t Favour, or affection; or mercy, pity, or .d*.j, and app. protuberant thur'a, and by reason A



A 1


[Boox I.
itig,Jlaccid,ftabby,lax, slack, uncompact, crummy, fragile,ft.angiblc, brittle,firiable,easily or quickly

thereof, and of the largeness of her udder, wad. the latter, a ewe, or she-goat, having a whiteness dling,] as though she were mad, or possesed on her head. (JK.) (TA.) - h.3 Sl Sj;t ic (JK,, S, K) nnd .. d **& a pl. of i. q. v. [n. un. of,s.; likec (JK, I;, TA, but not in the CKi) and?..i. (S, K) ,.j, but anomalous]. (JK.) and '.~ (K., TA, but not in the CK) and, accord. to the M,. , (TA,) and V,.., (accord. to .,.j Lumps of bicslings. (IALtr, J..) the JK,) or 4it3, and a.., (K,) I hnom not *l.j, with (lamm, (TA, [analogously with the w who of mankind he is. (JK, S, g.) generality of words of similar meaning, but this fact may have occasioned some writer's adding ; . (JK, S,fi ) and '~ . (., TA) and "with damm,"] or t*a, (so in thile JK, [if f t/I; (1) A domestic hen, (JK, S, K,) and an correct, app., as being likened to a white vulture,]) ) ostrich, (JK,) Brooding upon eggs, for the purA whiteness in the head of a ewe or she-goat: pose of hatching. (JK, S, K.) (JK, TA:) and a dust-colour in her face, tJhe rest of her being of any colour. (TA.) .n,: seec,.j, in the latter part of the parngraph. aI.,: seeam j, isn nine places: - and see also JJ. **1 ;. q. 3 t ;.j. (TA.)

broken; i. q. 1L,4

ai-; as also * ;

(e.) QC

;.jl [commonly applied to Marble: and sometimes to alabaster: the latter application is the more agreeable with the following explanation:] a certain white, soft stone: (JK, ~, Mgh, K, TA:) what is of the colour of wine, or yellow, or daplpled, is of the kinds of stones, (g, TA,) i. e., not [a sort] of.fL.;: (TA:) a well-known kind of stone: (Mb :) n. un. withl [mceaning a piece, or slab, &c., thereofJ. (Mgh, Msb.) [See also

..e;, applied to speech, (8,blsb, g,) &c., (Mlb,) Soft, or gentle, and easy: (S,* g:) or [simply] easy: ( :) and, applied to the voice, soft, or gentle, Iplaintive, a,nd melodious. (TA.) - Also, applied to a girl, (K,) and so i, (Ay, JK, ],) Easy [and soft or gentle] in speech: (As, l~:) and in like manner, 'JI 't na girl soft, or gentle, &c., in voice]: (JK:) and in like manner also the first and second are applied to a [young gazelle such as is termed] . (TA.)_ wl,JI j Gcntle, gracious, or co;rteous, to his associates. (TA.) 1it.j n. nn. of,i.; [q. v.]. (Mgll, Mab.) Also A cctain plant. (AI.Hn, I.) t.. jI A certain plant, (AIHn, g,) different frorm the ;j,& [app. ; 6, with which some probably identify it], having a blossom of a pure white, and a white root, vwhich the [wild] asses dig u1p wvith their hoofs, and all the wild animals eat because of its sweetness and pleasantness; and its places of growvth are the sands: (A.Hn, TA:) or, as some say, (TA,) a kind of tree lihe the JOl [q. v.]. (S, TA.) [See also la*.j., in art.

You say, f,lyl .5jI[He relaxed, or slackened, the tie, or bond]; (M, TA;) and V .1j, inf. n. tj.l. (JK, TA.) And 't . ' ~t 3 1l [lit. Rielax thou, or slacken thou, his cord ,vith vhich he is being strangled]; meaning t make thou his circumstances ample and easy to Aim; ease himn; relieve him; or grant him a delay. (TA. [Sec a similar phrase in art. yj, conj. 2.]) And d JI o MlIahe I thou his shtackle, or shtackles, wtide, or amp!le, not strait, to him. (TA.) And 4J .;l J.A-11 [lit. Relax thou, or slacken thou, to him the rope]; meaning give thou to hinm ample scope for using his own judgment, or discretion, ror i;.Lp and 'L,6!] i.q. _mai and in the dislposal, or managemnent, of his affairs, so that he may go whither he pleases. (TA.) And ,' [ic-.]. (JK.) ,UiJ ,I and a ,;d IIe lengthened the horse's 3J'7y : *see.,i, in the latter part of the pararope. (]g.) And j_l graph. dJI J &.J1 [lit. Ie relaxed, or slackened, his tether]; meaning I he left ..... : seoe ., in the former half of the parn- himn to his own affair. (A, TA.) And . ji graph., Jl,..: sece.j. A.ZL.; [lit. lie slackened, or loosened, his turban]; meaning t he became, orfelt, in a state of security . _9: seed..j, in the latter part of the paraor safety, tranquil, or at ease; (.K, TA;) begraph. cause the turbans are not slackened, or loosened, (,%jO 0,) in difficulty, or lardlsli, . (TA.) And leI 5L$_ ($, oIb, ) :O jI . (S) lie let loose, 1. j, aoer. Mj.; and , nor. l."; (S, let down, or lowered, the veil, or curtain, .'c. M, Msb, I ;) inf. n. ;jL.j (M, Msb, K) and :a.j, (S, K.) And .l .) t u L$, "._ jl [tI let, or (M, 1y, but in several copies of the latter ;.3,) or mnade, his clothes hang donvn loosely upon his legs] this is a simple subst., (Msb,) and ;i, with in riding and in sitting [&c.]. (TA in art. .oj.) kesr, (M, K,) which is extr., (M,) and some add [And -I j; t ile shed teaIr.] And ;.it .j and ;,dj; (MF, TA;) It (a thing, S) was, ia;' ! Ilis state, or condition, miade him to or became, soft, yielding, flaccid, flabby, ltx, enjoy an easy, amp&le, or unxtraitened, life, or a slack, uncomimsct, crummny, fragile, frangible, life of ease aend plenty. (T1; TA.) i..i, said brittle, friable, easily or quickly broken; i.q. of a slhc-camliel, [app. for lit .j1, i. e. She I,;Lj , (8, 1,TA,) i.e. ti; (TA;) or ; relaxed the part on either side of her tail, vir(Mb ;) and t..., signifies the same. (S,* K.) tually] means t )tii, 1' (S, K, TA,) i. e. _ And #,&, and .0/, (Msb, K,) and [L4/] like [the part on either side of her tail became relased; tG. [of which the aor. is j], and [C.S] like or] her J31'o [or parts on the riy,ht and left of L.j [of which the aor. is .s ; in the CIg, erro- her tail] galped, [or recedCedfrom each. other,] on neotsly, like ]; (R, TA;) the aor. [of the the occasion of bringingforth. (T, TA.) --. !


A sort of runnling: (S:) or vehefirst and third] being M, and [that of the second ment runninig: (K :) or running exceeding rwhat and fourth being] .4.; (TA;) said of life is termed ,e.4: (JK, .: [see 2 in art. .j3 :]) ( t),It wvas, or became, ample, unstraitened, that is not ardent, or not itnpeor plentiful, in its means, or circumsatances: (Mob, or running (,?) fing: (Ianm g :') or said of a man, inf. n. *l.;, t he wcas, or tuouxs: (A, TA :) orgentlene.s in runn became, in an ample, an unstraitened, or a plenti- I p. 158:) accord. to Az, il. yl ,A; means .1 ful, state of life. (TIl.) The mhost vehement [running termned] c; and

also signifies

]_ Also [or
wind. (P.)

5i.] A soft, or gentle,

2: eec i.;:I Vt ily he is inclined tofaour hina; or is affectionate to him. (Lb, TA.) *.,.l,applied to a horse, and the fernm. i applied to a ewe or she-goat, Whose head is vwhite, the rest being black: (?, l :) the latter like S. ~.: one should not say 4.d.: ($:) or the former, a horse whoseface is white: (Mgh:) and 1

* U2. ';'j.l is lcss than that: and s L.jl .Ji aei The mixing of lte thing Ji'l 4 I [app. as i.s,, said of a horse, signifies with the thing. (TA.) [Thle verb is L.4., -He mixed; like , which is mentioned in this sense Imeaning IHe rose in his running]; and is from t; .jas an epithet applied to wind. (TIA.) You in the present art. in the JK, app. for t.sJ.] say also, a;.tL .. JI, meaning lie made his beast 3. 6tWj: see 4, in three places. _ Also, inf. n. to go the pace, or in the manner, termed 1t, it., .q. o4 [lie nwas, or became, distant, explained above: (Lth, K :) [or,] accord. to remote, &c., from him: or he made, or caused, A'Obeyd, ,;l. ;l signifies the leaving a horse to him, or it, to be, or become, distant, remote, &C.]. follow Ais own eager desire in running, without (R.) ~ And :..J She (a woman, TA) was, or fatiguing him. (~.) became, near to bringingforth. (]., TA.) 6. .&.l He (a horse) remitted, or flagged, 4. ot.j; IHe made it, or rendered it, soft, yield- iin his running; or was, or became, remiss, or

Boox I.]

Bo -

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lanrid,tAerein. (Az, TA.) And [in like manner] syn. u; (8, ;) or .;; i'.J; (Mb ;) [and and a plentiful, state, or condition. (JK, !?,* t ' signifies the same, as is shown by the Msb, TA.* [See also other explanations in art. jsj ,J t d..j.l [Ilie remitted, or flagged, in 6 i Uj 81J &hg the affair; or mwa, or became, remiss, or languid, explanation of its verb in the first sentence of this J,.]) And JQ therein]. (V in arts. . and ,.,;, &c.) And art. :] the fem. is with i, i. e. ;~. and &.jand [Verily that affair passes away fron me, I .t.aF j. Ul.lJ He remitted, orJfagged, in the .;; () [and iJe^]. You say J;.. j or beingf in an easy state of mind,] is said when you accomplishment of his want; or he was, or became, 3.& or A.j A stone that is soft, yielding, &c. are not disquieted, rendered anxious, or grieved, remits, or languid, therein. (TA.) - lle drew by the affair. (TA.) (Msb.) - And $Z.j mti A mare that is easy, back, held back, or hung back, (JK, 1, TA,) and gentle, moderate, deliberate, or leisurely, in 0./from me, (TA,) or and J0ll ,/^.lj: see the next preceding a1;, ;fr>om the thiig. pace. ($.) And 'I;l M=1 * ,J., A horse that is paragraph. (JK.) He was, or became, slou, sluggi.xh, tardy, dilatory, late, or bacnkward. (JK, TA.) easy to be led, or tractable. (A, TA.) The phrase U.;I [as meaning More relaxing or lackenYou say also, L..WJI .,,3 The rain delayed; or ): ' ' is used in a verse of Aboo-Dhu-eyb ing or loosening] is used in a verse of H. assan Ibn.j L,. becanse meaning i;5', was tardy, lute, or backwvard. (S, K.) [And instead of Thabit for the regular expresmion o:r ,. ,1: it is J-,l &U"1.3 The time was, or becanle, late: and 3... ($_.) - 3 j/l1 J lI [which may be C.. i meaning :;,.. t , t. (Elit became protracted. And sr Lq,I3 It was, or rendered The lax leters] is said in the 1, by an like Hareoree's " Durrat el-Ghowwqe," in De Sacy's became, after, or later than, it: see tlj, anticipation of the pen, to be applied to the letters "Anthol. Gramm. Ar," p. s2 of the Ar. text.) below.] And jjl o1. The naffair, or case, exclusive of those comprised in the phrase l; ... was, or became, protracted; the time thereof [for which some say 'l i..jl A thing, or part of a thing, (as, for _iJ]: Sgll says [corbecame extended. (Mob.) Andl 1 5 rectly] that they are the letters exclusive of those instance, a veil, or curtain, TK,) that one has let In the affair, or case, is ample time or scope terined a .l and of those in the phrase loose, let down, or loywered. (~,1.) [for action gc.]; syn. La_.; (Msb, TA;) and i~ ~: as is said in the M, they are thirteen; s.y., applied to a beast, (41;, g,) or a horse extension, or protractednexs: (TA:) or re,note- namely, .:, C E, f, ,, , ,. , . o, ,. ,,a, ;,J 1 or mare, (b,.J), S,) and a she-camel, (TA,) and ness; referring to the case of the resurrection, i.e. and 6; [to which Do Sacy adds, in his Grammar, a she-ass, (S,) That rune in the manner ternumed the time thereof. (Mgh in art. &.) (2nd ed. i. 29,) 1 without ., and j and L., which *fS;.:(.: [see 4, in the 10. are generally included in an intermediate class graph:]) or that runs latter part of the paraj,l: see 1, first sentence. . much in that mnaner: and the S.j, namely,'in the k*A~, said of a shelC-camel: see 4, in the latter between the Lj:. (, TA.) half of thc paragraph. .'.J1 u .l ['The vrcil, class consisting of the letters in the phlrase t;s..,l (s:) pl. ,71J. or I. j. _J :] the letter termed .. j is that in or cqrtain, hung down; hung down loosely; wnas 1 .. [part. n. of 6, q. v.]. - You say vj ;Wpendent, or pendulous: and in like manniier the which the sound runs on, as it does, for instance, 9t; lAj ;-. 0 A. l& [&yd came, verb is said of n garment, or a portion' thiereof, in the .M and LA when you say I and and of hair, or a lock of hair, &c.]. (Msb.) his time of coming being after, or later than, tih ,jJI. (TA.) .j1 ~ u.,.,: see e 6. : t -, time of the coming of 'Amr]; i.e. 0. ,, .. ;,.j: see what next follows. (Mgb in art. a,.) t [lie was, or becamen, weak in his opinion i,, an inf. n. ofl 1: (M, K:) i.q. i.',:~, [i.e. aftOer being strong]. (lAqr, TA in art. , ) -. _; fem. e first iC: sentence. Sof,t ,is, yiellingness, flaccidity, &c. : see i, first A.1 4. il (JK, T, TA,) and J. ,..i, sentence]; as also t e4.: yot say, Lj. ,S and (J'K,) or 'JU. , (T, TA,) t The affair, _;~.. [In him, or it, is softness, &e.. (K.) or case, and his state, or condition, became good See also what next follows. with him after straitness; (JK;) or . he became L f, M, M,e : b, , &c.,) aor. M, , L,) XL.L [said by some to be an inf. n. of 1] Amplein a good state, or condition, (T, TA,) in ample, M,b, 1g, &c.) and , (., M, unstraitened,or plentifil, circumstances, (TA in ness, or fceedorn from straitness, of the means, or inf. n. >j (M, explanation of the first of these phrases,) after circumstances, of life; (JK, ?, Mqb, ];) [and L, 1) and jp,, ($, L, g,) this last an inf. n. straitness. (T, TA.) A poet says, (,,) namely, so JQt :i.;] as also t and ji., ^ !, L,) and ;J (, [there 'tl . (JK.) uJ.1l c.; like t Tufeyl EI-Ghanawee, (TA,) t [An easy, or unstraitened, state of mind]. (S said to be an inf. n., liko j, of ;.;, aor. :,]) and in art. Jy.) Sj., ($, L, ], ([butin the g and L merely said 'o*' ' 0 - "L * ,Lip L i 0 ' '1 .# --, to be syn. with .J,]) an intensive form, (Mglh, f;.j A soft, or gentle, wind: (?, . :) or a soft, 0. Wi ,WJ S . 11 CL J,LL or gentle, and quick, wind: (JK :) or a soft, or TA,) and .t;;3, which is [also] an intensive or a meaning i [And he acquired camels, or numerous gentle, wind, that does not move anything. (Iar frequentativc inf. n. of o;, (8b, M, L,) and likecamels, and] his state, or condition, became good p. 38.) It has the first of these meanings in the wise an inf. n. of ab;j; (Sb, $, M, L;) and [aflter his cattle had perished; and had it not ]ur xxxviii. 35: (Bd, Jel:) or it there means A tV3j1; (M, L;) He made, or caused, him, or been for .our labour, or exertion, he trould not wind that does not oppose, or contravene, the will it, to return, go back, come back, or revert; sent, have acquired camels, or numerous camnels]: (8, of God. (Bd.) turned, or put, him, or it, bach, or away; re. TA:) or the phrase . JI. 4 , iO.j means turned, rejected, repeUed, or acerted, him, or it; .. I;.jt [explained above: see 4]. (T, TA.) u. (Myb, R) and t l;, (,) applied to life syn. , ($, M, L, Myb,) and `j.,,(., M, L, (/.,;, Mqb, R), t Ample, unstraitened, or plenti- I,) and ~a; (M b in art. ., &c.;) $.b and 4j. (Lth, $, M, M.b, 1) and ~; .j ' , 9 ful, in its means, or circumstances: (Msb, :) (M, M 9b, ;) but accord. to Ag and Fr, the first [from his, or its, course]. (., M.) Hence, in the is that which is approved, (TA,) or, accord. to Az, or both applied to a man, t in an ample, an uni [J A day or a plentiful, state of life. (T..) gur'[xxx. 42 and xlii. 46], it is that used by the Arabs; (Mb ;) the second, straitened,W, ., , . which there shall be no repeUling, or averting], 'ie ;OMi +[Verily he is in accord. to Ay and Fr (TA) and Az, (Mqb,) being You say, meaning the day of resurrection. (Tb, M, L.) post-classical; (Mqb, TA ;) and the third is of the an ample, an unstraitened, or a plentiful, state of One says, di ., ul , The command of God, dial. of the Kilibees; (Mb ;) applied to a thing life]. (TA.) And Jl1I &.J , (JK, ?, Myb, there is no repeUling, or averting it. (L) And (8, OC) of any kind, (V,) Soft, yielding, flaccid, flabby, la, slack, uncompact, crummy, fragile, TA) and Jt1 1 t.^1. (JK) t He is in an ample, or ari r,e ^;. ite. [There is no repePing, frangible,brittle,fiable,easily or quickly broken; or unstraite~cd, (s,) or an easy, or a pleasant, or arerting, the command of God.] (A.) And


i CY'l ,j He made lim to rsturn or revert, or turned him back or away, nith gentleness, from the thing, or affair; as also 0,. (T, L.) - Accord. to some, .) is made doubly trans. with jl to the second objective complement when honour is intended to be shown, and with ui when dishonour is intended; and they adduce as evidence of the correctness of their assertion the sayings in the liur [xxviii. 12] I 1d! J .U;; [So we returned, or restored, him to his mother]

[Box I. And they put their hands to their mouths by reason of vehement anger or wratl or rage. (Jel.) -il 9# s. [He made him to enter again into an aair,or a state]. (ISh, TA in art. Ci;.)

.j He repeated the thing; did it again;

[The casualties offortune smote the women of the family of Harb tcith an event mkereat they became confounded with great confoundedness; and it rendered their black hairs white, and rendered their white faces block]. (L in art. 2. ;, inf. n. n and ;l;", (S,L,) [the latter of which ns. is merely said in the g to be syn. with the former, and is said in the M and L to be also an inf. n. of.; in an intensive or a frequentative sense,] means more than t-; [i.e. lIe made, or caused, him, or it, to return, go back, come back, or revert; sent, turned, or put, him, or it, back, or away; returned, rejected, repelled, or averted, him, or it; much,frequenatly, again and again, or time after time;] having an intensive, or a frequentative, signification. (L.) - [Also ie, or it, made, or caused, him, or it, to go, or move, repeatedly, to andfro; to go and come; to reciprocate: sec its quasi-pass., 5.lIence, t lie, or it, made him, or caused himn, to stare., or racillate, in an affair, or between two nffairs: see, again, 5. And hence, t lie, or it, con!founded, or perplexed, him, so that he was unable to see his right course: ace, again, 5; and
see also .r.] And

syn. o>ll. (M in art. ... ) You say,; j Jhd191 He repeated to them the oaths. (L in art. UJ.) [In this sense, ';5 is one of the inf. ns. in use; as in the following ex.] It is said in a trad., J31 k.qS j [There shall be no repeating in the case and [iii. 142].~U of the poor-rate]; (T, ~, L;) [They wviU turn you back, or cause you to return, to your former meaning that the poor-rate shall not be taken condition]: but instances may be found at variance twice (T, L) in one year. (L.) [See also 2, which with this assertion. (MF.) [Such instances are has a similar signification.] -_. . '%) I.j, of frequent occurrence; though in others, the disoriginally k . i .. Jt [This will not return tinction pointed out above is observed, as may be anything to thee], means [this will not bring any seen in what here follows.] You say, Jj~ ... l Z return to thee, or] this will not profit thee: (IHar lie sent him back to his abode. (S, L, Msb.) And p. 483:) and I.i 4j %. to. :This does not 1,41. :l .He# returned, or rendered, to him a profit thee. (A.) __ 1 "1 >J t [Re referred reply, or an ansner; (e, A,* L, Mb ;) he sent the affair, or case, to him for management or to him a reply, or on answer. (Msb.) And decision: or] he committed to him the affair, or Ac )j le replied to him, or anmwered him, in case; syn. sJI s./. (~ and A and J in art. an absolute sense; (L;) and also, by way of refutation or objection, i.e. he replied against ._ [[.*1 jI ;,.JI ;, a phrase of frehim; 'jW and said, or by his saying. (TA quent occurrence, He reduced the thing to its original state.] And ~ . Z,4l .%[He reduced &c., passim.) And J l &L; j He returned to the fourth part to a fiJth part]. (] in art. j.) him the salutation. (The Trade. &c., passim.) -' i '--i' ;* '*. - U ' v, . [Go And Al:,L; s j He returned, rendered, re- brought my soul to the time of the end of my stored, or sent [back], to him the deposits; (Mb ;) duration]. (IB, TA in art.-..l.)_.. j 'o and a,.JIt [ths she-camel,or sheep), or goat, lent to [He reduced him to the thing, or affair]: (M himfofr )tim to milk her]. ($ in art. C..) And and 1 in art. jo, in explanation of Ui ;m :) or he appropriated him [or it, restrictirely,] .;1 ;JJ # : , (, Mgh, L, 1,) inf. n. a' and , (Mgh,) He rejected the thing, (such as a gift, A, to the thing, or affair. (T4 in that art.) nnd bad money, L,) refusing to receive it, or and 1 s ;;, ( and in art , c ,) accept it, from him; [as though he cast it back and JI >j, (MJb in the same art., &c.,) 1 j i d*. at hiim;] and a r;'JI t l;. (8, L, ].*) And [lie ;reverAsed the thing; made the last part of it in like manner, He rejected the thing in reply to to be first, and the first part of it to be last; him, charging him with error in respect of it. turned it hind part before, andfore part behtind.] .-. (1, L, g.) And eij5 ;;i; [I rebutted, re- And A e. ~. --- a5 j.,'$l w.? j [He reversed the jected, or repudiated, in reply to him, his saying, order of part, or of t!4e parts, of the affair, or charging him Awith error therein; I refused Aim cae];. (TA in art. .0.) And .a, .c ;. D i. q. my ausent to it]. (A, M,b.) [And J;;j ;i Av- L [I reversed to himnhis affair, or case; 1 rebutted, rejected, or repudiated, in reply, or I made his affair, or cae, to become the contrary replication, his sayin.q, as wrong, or erroneous; of what it rwas to him]. (Msb in art. ,..C&.) refuted it, or refelled it; refused assent to it; [Hence,] -- ;;,o _..,4 U . ,, in the Kur controverted it, or contradicted it. And .'l le refused assent, or consent, to the thing, or xvii. 6, means [Then me gave to you] the turn to prevail against them, or the victory over themn. affair. And ,dl9 k bj He refused him his (Bd, Jel.) - [Hence, also, oj sometimes signiassent, or consent, to the thing, or affair.] And fies He, or it, rendered him, or it; or caused him, l)IJI v HIe turned back, or away, the beggar, or it, to become; (like o, ;) when it has a or ather, from the object of his want: (A:) [he second objective complement the contrary in meanrebuffed him:] or he sent aroay, or dismissed, the ing to the first; as in the following ex.; and it beggar, or akher, either with refusal or with a may have this meaning likewise when it has a gift: occurring in trada. with both of these mean- second objective complement differing in meaning ings. (L.) _ 4-$a He shut, or closed, the from the first in a less degree.] A poet says, door. (Mg. [Soe ;&;. )-- [:' j ' * -I is a phrse of frequent occurrence, meaning He S -jc~ _j ,p a put back his hand to hit sword; it being hung behind him: (ee 4 in art. Ab :) and hence,* simply, he put his hand to his word.] 1;), 0 1*pe~ cw-.. ,. ;,.a .i , .... J~~~~~~~~~. 1J . j J1.1' t&lj )t ,w I, in the gur Xiv. 10, means


j; t [He agitated the

thing, or affair, to and'fro in his mind]. (TA in art. ., &c.)- And Iie repeated it; iterated it: [or rather] he repeated it time afjer time; reiterated it: he reiproduced it: he renewed it: syn.
lct, (W p. 15,) and ojl, (A, and W ibid.,)

and t~.j. (Mgh in art. ej. [See also 1.]) You say, 3it .j lie repeated the saying tion after time; reiteratedit; syn. jj-. (A.) [And ..jdS3I 4Lc ,j lIe releated to him the speech, or sentence, timne fter time; reiterated it to him.] And ;iL. js ;I3 ';J lie reiterated hs voice in his throat, orfautes; syn. s..j; (8 and K in art. ~j, &c. ;) [as camels and othdr animats do in braying; (the Lexicons passim;) and he quavered, or trilled, rapidlyl repeating many times one very short note, or each note of a piece;] like [as is done in] chanting, [for so the Arabs genernlly do in chanting, and in singing and piping, often throughout the whole performance,] ($ in that art.,) or in reading or reciting, or in singing, or piping, or other performanecs, of such as am accompanied with quavering, or trilling. (TA in that art.) s. 6;1, (L and TA in art. ,j,) inaf. n. *;l, (TA in that art.,) or ;,I>, (TI. in the present art,) He endeavoured to turn him [from, or to,
a thing]; syn. 1a.4I and 'l;.


(L in art. .V.)

5 (JI ;.1: see 1, in the former half of the paragraph. [Hence,] jJill ;. [and L. ;-lb JlJI (occurring in the TA in art. .)] He disputed with him, rebutting, or rejecting, or repudiating, in reply to him, ,vhat he said; he bandied words with him; syn. aq.l;. (A.) And 5J. jl I He disolved, or annulled, with him the sale; syn. l. (A.)

4. .. ;jI She (a sheep or goat or other animal) secreted milk in her adder a little bqforr he

BooK I.]


bringingforth; syn. &:. l: ($:) [or,] sid of a mered, or stuttered, in uttering the reply, and his much revenue. (A.) [See also
camel, her udder became shining, and infwed with milk. (M, L.) And She (a camel) had her udder and vulva inflated, or swollen, in consequence of her lying upon moist ground: or had her vulva swollen in consequence of lut for the stallion: or had her 1jl [or groins, or inguinal creases, or the like], or her udder, and her vulwo, rwollen in consequence of drinking much water. a . (M, L) [See also ]_ -. And jjI [said of a man, app. from the verb as explained in the first sentence of this paragraph, H/s sminal fuid re. turned into his back, or he secreted much semin,l fluid, in consequence of his having been long without a rife, or absent f'om his home: ee tongue halted,faltered, or hesitated]. (A.) 6. ;l,3 and VtA3 are both syn. with.l,j: (M, L:) [or nearlyrso; inasmuch as each implies repetition in returning:] you sayp,;- ~ ltl; 3, meaning laL_.S [i. e. They returned, retired, or retreated, by degrees, or by little and little, in a journey, or march]. (TA in art. .~.) And :W.! i! TAhe water reverted (t 1 [app. by repeated refluze]) from its channel, an account of. some obstacl in its vay. (A.) And ,Jl ;1j3 i,b L Th seminal fluid returned [by dre,'es] into his back, in consequence of his having been long without a wife. (L. [See also 4.])m J,il %l3j [or .,'l, and J;ill o,or .U l, Tley two disputed together, each rebutting, or rejecting, or repudiating, in reply, what the other said; they bandied words, each mith the other]. (A: there immediately following the phrase i,lj j&Il [q. v.].) And I;l3 They 7.' two rejected, (-, Msb,) or dissolved, or annulled, (s,) [bIy mutual consent,] the sale. (S, Msb.)



also, app.,] b U; .J In his tongw, or spech, is a dffculty of utterance, or a hesitation,(S, ,^ TA,) [probably meaning such as oeeasions tie repetition of certain letters.] _ It is also an inf. n. used as an epithet, signifying, (L, Myb,) nnd so ;t,;, (M, L, MbI,) and V,;, (M, L,) Aadeic, or caused, to return, go back, come back, or revert; sent, turned, or put, back, or awnay; returned, rejected, repelled, or averted: (M, L, M!b:*) rejected as meaning not received or accepted: rejected as trong or erroneous; [as] contrary to the precepts, or ordinances, of the

AM: and see also 6. And hence, t He roa, or became, very libidinous: see, again, j.-. And] t Ie (a man) was, or became, woUlen w,ith anger. (M. [In the L and TA, erroneously written, in this sense, ljl1: see, again, iy'.])- Also It (thie sea) mas, or became, tumultuous, with many ,aves. (M, L.) 5. .,j3 quasi-pass. of 2; (?, L;) He, or it, was made, or caused, to return, go back, come back, or revert; &c.; or he, or it, returned, ivent back, came back, or reverted; much, frequentIly, again and again, or time after time. (L.) You say, O~ U' ';>j3I returned time afte. time to such a one. (M 9 b.) And,lJI ,J. i J!

lie repairfrequently to, or frequents, the asem.:

bliss of science; syn. .-. (A.) See also 6. - [And as the returning repeatedly involves the going repeatedly, it signifies also, like .W.1, HIe, or it, went, or moved, repeatedly, to and fro; so went and came; or reciprocated. Tlus,] .I1 1h ;jl I : 3 [means Tle moving to and fro of a thing supended in the air]. (}i in art. ,.) You say, j~I %0j3The soul, or spirit, went and came. (W p. 5.) - [Hence,] tHe wavsered, or vacillated, L 1 jI k . [in opinion]: (MA:) andy, l [in the affair], (? and [

Sunnek: (L:) j signifies anything returned after it has been taken. (M.) [Ilence,] tA dirhem that rwillnot pass; that is not curarent; (A, Mgh, L;) tiat is returned to him who offers it in payment: (M, L:) pl. ~s. (M, A, L, I.) -And hence, (Mgh,) tA thing (%,A) that is bad, corrupt, disapproved, or abominable. (S, A, .) Also, (TA pasim,) and Vt1; (S in art. j, and A,*) and . , (A,* [where it is evidently mentioned in this sense, a sense in 8. j3l quasi-pass. of 1 as expl. in the first which it is still often used,] A reply; an answer; sentence of this art.; (Mb ;) ]le, or it, returned, syn. , and .l.. (1 in arL C'J.) You went back, came back, or reverted; &c.; (ts, L, say, JU ;;pe l, and * :~: [This is the Myb,*l;) [4.' '> from his, or its, course; reply, or answer, to thy saying]. (A: there and] ,e., o.4 l [from his state ofprosperity immediately following the phrase t,l 1 ;. ) and his religion]; (A;) and J,dj .l [to his - And A camel usedfor rid;ng or carriae: so abode]: (Msb:) or he turned, or shifted; ; called because broughlt bnerk from the pasture to [from it]; and .o. C [fiom his ,eligion]. the dwelling on the day of journeying. (T.) (M.) [Hence, He apostatized; or revoltedfrom > A siSpport, or tay, of a thing: (IM, :) a his religion: and particularly] he returned from reftge;s an asylum. (Kr, M.) A poet says, El-lIdm to disbelief; (Msb;) or so C ..

7o' . (L.) And h."' -j. ~ * b' * i .'; '"11)I,;i^ l " * 'iJ .1 l, [The eye reverts from him by reason of his unmneaning [0 my Lord, I call Tihu oune God; seemliness, or ugliness]. (TA.) See also 6.then be Thou to him] a refuge f.omn trials: and [Hence also,] .4; "',j ; c. ' ! j occurs in a reading of verse 34 of ch. xxviii. [My soul was brought, or came, to the time of the of the ]ur; meaning as above; or thus written end. of my duration]. (IB, TA in art. jl. and pronoumiced for ll~j, on account of the pause, [See a verse of EI-'AjjAj cited voce t.])_ after suppressing the o. (M.) Andk 4 v ;o,s jt [The thing that he %., (T, ?, A, 1J,) or t b, (so in a copy of the 1] in art. .J, &c.,) and ~! 1 ~ [between two sought was refused, or denied, to such a one]: said of one who finds not what he seeks. (TA in M,) [A quality that repels the eye:] uneemthings, or affairs]. (? and ]~ in art. W., &c.) linens, or uglines, (IA4r, IDrd, $, M, Ii,) with art. :h .) jI is yv. writh j as expl. in And I1 S j.5 'IiJ t [Such a thing became the first sentence of this art., q. v. (M, L.)_ somewhat of comelines, in the face: (?:) or agitatedto andfro in my minud, or bosom]. (TA See also 10, (with which it is likewise syn.,) in somerrhat of unseemliness or ugliness (T, A) in in art. q.j.) And ;j3 said of a man, t He was, two places. the face of a woman who has some comeliness, (T,) or in the face of a comely woman: (A:) or or beca4n, confounded, or perplewd, so that ihe o10. ; ll ;.I, and t e..3jl, He deWired, or unseemliness, or uglines, from which the eje was unable to ee his right course. (Bd and Jel in ix. 45.) [And t He laboured, or eerted him- sought, or dematnded, that the thing should be reverts: (Aboo-Leylk:) and a fault, or defect, self, as though goit)g to and fro, or making returned, or restored, to him; revoked, recalled, (IA4r, IDrd, M,) in a man, (IAr,) or in the face. (IDrd, M.) -ADd repeated efforts, in an affiair: a meaning well or retracted, it. (M, L) You say, 'b t the former, (accrd. to known.] _- [And It ats, or became, repeated [and l&j.oIl He revoked, recalled, or retracted, a copy of the M,) or t the latter, (A, J,) : A time after time, or reiterated: it was, or became, his gift: or the former signifies] he took back his receding (~.W) in the chits, (M, A, V,) when reprodced: it mat, or became, renemed.] You gift; reposssed himself of it; restored it to his there is in the face somewhat of unemnlinem, or ugliness, and somewhat of comelines. (M.) ya, i;. ; ,1,;sA His voice wat, or be- possion; syn. .. (A.) And ;5L.1 ;;,.l came, reiterated in his throat, orfaues. (The He asked him, (~, A, L, ,) and desired, or And the former, (accord. to a copy of the A,) or ' the latter, (],) The returned sound of the Lexicons peaim.) And -,W' j J;3 [Hereite- ~ght, of him, (K,) that he should return, or echo; as in the phrase, .1.Al :J [I rated i* uttering the letter J; or, as the meaning restore, the thing. (., A, L, ]5.) heard the returned sound qf the cao}: (A :) or is Showa to be in the V in art. U, h reitrated , an inf. n. of O,j. (S, M, Msb, g, &c.) the echo of a mountain. (V.) - Also the former, tbelettr J (.111 i;j)]. ($ in artL..) And i;j [Hence,] l .'e, and t,' jl, [this being A gift, or stiped; yn. a6. (L, from a trad.) Bk.iL sd 5 11 [lie reitrated or stai- also an inf. n. of the same, An estate] yielding - And Afjfection, and dei;re: so in the phrase, Bk. I. 134


j -


[Boox 1. affix ; into a subst.,] t A razor: [so called] because it is turned back into its handle. (.,

l1 .%; aJ [He has affection, and desire, for us], K,) or no return. (, L) [Sel also y.]Also The piece of wood, in the fore part of the in a verse of 'Orweh Ibn-EI-Ward. (Sh.) ;.s. [or cart], that is put acros betmeen the S. a subst. from .33j1 , (1, M, L, 1],) signifying Oica [or two shafts, thus called because they [An apoetacy: and particularly] a returning were commonly made of wood of the tree called from El-Isldm to unbelief; (L, M9b;) or so which piece rests upon the neck of the bull ; in three iv, ,>s13^;. i (M.) - Sce also that drams the cart]. (K.) Also Camels' drinking water a second places. A.% time (M, L, 15) and so causing the milk to return >jI : More, and most, profitable [or productive into their udders; as also ;j;. (M, L.)-And of a return]. (S, L, K.) So in the saying, A swelling of the teats of a she-camel: or their tM I [Thi oaffair is, or mill be, jIs.y'l rselling by reason of the collecting of the milk: more, or most, profitable to him]. (S, L.) in either sense: and the former, a as also V, L*: see ., second sentence. came'rj udder's becoming shining, and infused with milk: (M, L:) or the udder's becoming . A ewe or she-goat ($, 1O) or other animal filled with milk before bringing forth. (Ay, , (s) secreting milk in her udder before bringing A rernain, remainder, or anything -And -1.) forth: ($, 1 :) or a she-camel having her udder remaining. (M, L.) shininq, and infused with milh; (Ks, M, L;) as .jJ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two place.

A, g.)
j;r, from j1.3;! meaning "a returning ;" (8;) [An apostate: and particularly] one who returnsfrom El-Isldm to disbelief. (L.) see %. - Also A man compact and short, not lank in make: (M, L:) or extremely short. (L) [See also ~;~ ]

and ;I;b and ;I;j subts. from ;i;: j ;3j1; [accord. to the g, of ; as expl. in the firm sentence of this art., but this is a mistake, for the meaning evidently is Desire for the return, or restoration, if a thing;] ua in the saying of El-AkhUal,

[And not ery one nho has been cheated in a sale, his striking of the bargain having passed, trill restore, or bring back, what has escaped him, by a desire for its restorationl (M, L. [In , this verse is differently the M, in art.

related; with gA.. for

and L

is here

C5d: and it is there said that used by poetic license for .. _]) j : asee $, in three places. -

Also Clouds

of which the water has been poured (~,) forth. (].)- And A compact limb, or member. (M, L. [See also .?.])

;1'I, (as in the T and in some copies of the ,) (as in other copies of the ] and in the or TA,) A setter of broken bones: from It,j as the name of a certain well-known bone-setter. (T, ].) Lpt>;: see what next precedes.

1; sing. of ;;, (TA,) which signifies Un.r1 A door shut, or closed; not j seemly, or ugly; [or having a quality that rpels And - And ).s,. *11 A womon (Mgh.) opened. the eye; (see ;i3;)] applied to men. (IAyr,]~, TA.) - See also what next follows. diorced; (T, Q,* M, A, 1 ;*) as also t : (AA, j:) because she is sent back to the house &.b [the act. part. n. .1;j converted by the affix of her parents (A.) [In the present day, also a into a subct.]. You say, ii S;l; ).o2l 1, applied to A woman taken back after divorce.] (, L,) or ag, (1,) ora *' lj', (so in a copy _ See also .. 1 Also an inf. n. [of an unusual of the A, [but probably a mistranscription,]) and f: (, L, ) form] of; 4t,.. % (1,) S This affair has, or will hate, or j. converted by the there i in it, or mi be in it, no profit, ($, A, L, i~j ., [the part. n.

1. LSlJI i;j, [aor. , inf. n. :;;, He sup ported, propped, or stayed, the wall, (ISh, T, ],) by means of a piece of tinber or wood, or a buttress or the like, to prevent its falling; (ISh, T;) as also Vtl4: (Yoo,T, 5:) or J~ I I"; r: (Ks, L:) and any female near to also ,'. [he supported the wall by a structure;] he bringing forth, and having her belly and udder attached a structure to the wall. (M.)... Hence, large. (M, L.) And A she-camel having her (T,) 4 ol.j lie strengthened and supported him, udder and vulva inflated, or swollen, in consequence of her lying upon moist ground: or wrhose vulva or it, by means of it, (Lth, T, M,* 1g,) namely, a is swollen in consequence of lust for the stallion: person by a thing, (Ltlh,T,) or a thing by a thing, (M,) like as one strengthens and supports a wall or having her tU$i [or groins, or inguinal creases, by meanm of a structure rhich he attachesthereto; or the like], or her udder, and her vulva, swollen in consequence of drinking much water: (M, L:) (T;) as also $ ivl. (T,* g..) And l%J, (Mgh, and a he-camel, (T, ],) and a she-camel, (T, L,) TA,) inf. n. :, (Mgh,) .ie helped, aided, or (T, $, heavy from drinking much water: pl. ljd. (T, assuisted, him; (Mgh, TA ;) s also * AjI: or (T,) t ,Olat, &3b$j and L, 1].) - Also, [app. from the first of the mean- M, Msb, K:) and ings explained in this paragraph,] A man who * $I.tI, ($,) I nas, or becamne, a helper, has been long without a wife, or absent from his an aider, or an assistant, to him. (T, .. ) home, (T,* L,* 1.,) and whose seminal fluid has Hence also, (i. o., from . JI .1,) J.Tl ;i in consequence returned into his back; (T, L;) SHe took good care of the camels, (A, 15, TA,) (15.) And [hence,] teVery in tending and pasturinigtheml as also t ;... . (A, TA.) - And libidinous; (i, K ;) applied to a man. (S.) And sJ1' lie cast a stotw at him; (M, ;) , t [Swollen with anger; see 4: or] angry. (K.) ;>.j Suich aons came like [olj;, mentioned in art. k>.$, and] 1;;. (M.) One says, d .-q g;;, aor. , inf n. ;;j, (T, S, M, ], &c.,) Also A sea (T, ) angry [in countenance]. (s.) tumultuous with marCes; syn. C:- ( :) having for which one should not say jl;;; (T ;) and Th many waves: ($8:) or having much water. (T.) mentions also 1;j and .S; as syn. witIh .j, but these are strange; and more strange is what is said >. A man who repels much, and often wheels away and then returns to the fight; or cho in the Msb, namely, Ij;, aor. P., part. n. ~J, [as a dial. var.,] asserted by 1Drst, in the Expos. repels and returns much. (M, L.) of the Fy, to he crroneou', and peculiar to the ;~,,~: see ;,1, vulgar; (MF, TA;) It (a thisig, T, l, M, Msb,) see the next paragraph. - Also, [and [and he, see :'&j, its part. n.,] was, or became, depraved, or ithe like; (S, t ;.;.., (see 5,)] t A man (S, A) confounded, or bad, corrupt, vitious, M, Msb,' K ;) or of no rank, or Cestimation; lor, pe.plexed, and unable to see his right course. ignoble, vile, or mean; (Msb;) [disapprowved, dis($, A, 1g.) :; )] and he lihed, hated, or abominable: (see also, You say places. in three see m .$, ras, or became, weah, and impotent, so as to be ~ [Thereis no good in want or need. (TA from the Expositions of 'j; ~. . 5. 4; ~J,i , ~. the Fs.) in a saying rebutted and reiterated]. (A.)_ 2: see the next paragraph. see 1, in five places. - Also He settled, established, or confirmed, him, or it, (1, TA,) in his, or its, state. (TA.) - He stilled, or quieted, him, or it. (1.)- And He let it donn; namely, a veil, or curtain. (.) - Also Re rendered it bad, corrupt, witious, depraved, or the like; ($, V;) namely, a thing; said of a man; ( ;) [and *bj is used in the ame sense: (see :)] he made,or asertd, or Aed, 1 in art.

4. ij:

Bootr I.]

tJ - CJ

(, x , , ) in Egypt, (,) [i. e.] of the pople of before it eats: like ;. in relation to a child: (TA.) it (a thing) to be 5i [or bad, &c]. (TA.) pi. And ltl signifies He did a thing, or a deed, tat Egypt; (T, ;) or a certain measure of capacity ( 1) Pl called correctly not ;) (Msb Egypt; in knonma ell was :)J [or bad, &c.]: or he met with, or ex ;l;j pl. of ;: (TA:) _and used by Ru-beh they do not measure with it, but with for Jl0~ a (M, XJ. thing that was X aL.,) a perienced, ( for m l q. v. (1 .) in [so (.~, comprises, it TA:) (IB, .~: the thing; ; >J1 It exceeded another V.) _M b t (La, 8, 1) and a.Qjt (1) and ?.s the M, but in copies of the ] . , which signi;JI: (M:) [or the latter only:] accord. as also which of 1,) is also pronounced with damm,l) as (L], $) Black skin [or leather], (S, ijl, with., (M,) fies that it to IABr, one says ,ZJI followthe in they say, (M,) or it takes, (T,) twentay-four times boots are made: termed by Ru-beh, CtJl: and, (TA,) l ,l, T, M, Msb, 15,) of wheat, ing hemistich, Vt and, accord. to Lth, e. the measure called 1, [accord. to F,] 1a.L,Ls, (g,) meaning He ex- (T,) i.e. sixty-fow,' times the measure called' , of ceeded [the age ofsixty, andfijfty, and a huudred]: (T, Msb,) the X.4 here meant being the *>. and [in ., El-'IrakJ,]) with 1jl, that meaning says [app. Az (Az, but our country, (M, 1, TA:) [As though they were clad in trousers of jI]: these phroscs,] though authorized by Lth, is thie L. being that of the Prophet: (Msb:) or (15:) accord. to A'Obeyd, originally Pers., (,) wrong; (TA;) and accord. to A'Obeyd, one six ;A.: (15 :) the ;vjl of Egypt is six c. ; (8, 1:) one should arabicized, (1I,) from (M. [It is added, however, in the the c.. being four %,tI; . says the w, four t1JA1; and not say ~oSt: (S1k, $:) accord. to Lb, i. q. M, that 6Jl may pcrliaps be also used in poetry ;: or, he adds, as some say, a slin [or the yJ, two hundred and thirty-two, l. : (Esin the same sensc wiltout the prep. ,Isl.]) . el-Moh.l4arah :") the leather] differentfrom that termed .,jl>: or iq. Suyootee in his " usn 5. 1tj3 T1ey helpjed, aided, or assisted, one half of the .ojl is called .1j: (T:) the word rith wj, which one blackens. (TA. [See what another. (Lthi, hi, TA.) .Iojl is affirmed by some to be arabicized: (MF:) follows.]) With respect to these words of a poet, or inexperienced, j A buttress, or the like, by means of which [it is now vulgarly pronounced >,jl :] the pl. is describing a woman as ignorant, c 3 * 011 ,# *c 0 a a wall is strengthened and stpported. (T.) [This .rljI. (Msb.) EI-Akltal says, I is the primary signification. Sec also j, in art. m [She knev not what is the weaving of r;j thit primary meaning is A thing by 5 -. [Or] e 0 l~ ~~ to before it], it is said that he imagined ;Jj means of ,vitich one is helled, aided, or assisted; 1~~~~~ be woven, or that he meant that this woman, by such as thde oJg [or thing by which one is 0 I h reason of her ignorance, or iliexperience, imagined wind]. cold the from rendered warm, o; protected it to be so. (TA.) - [It is said, app. on the (Bd in xxviii. 34; where it has the meaning next 'a- ,a-4-a -Li 0 ground of an asseruon mentioned above, that] A helper, following, as is said in the T and .) 1 .dh. L'~ ~ g .aI * an aider, or an assistant. (T, 8, M, Mgh, Msb, t,! A also signifies A certain black dye; (L;) dog their induce guests the when who, [Persons an is one a b3t Such J or 1;.) You say, the blah [or blacking] with which boots are mother, their to say C.,) art. (see bark, to (T.) As menaider and a strengtilenedto such a one. blacked: or j [i. e. itriol]. (Q.)vater on the fire:" and bread is like [Or [app. as meaning An accession; or "[akhe And i q. quadriliteral-radical as , V and ! ; ambergris in their judgment, while wheat tions a thing that is added, whatever it be, to another Indian is serenty irdebbs form a deendr]: the former of words. (TA.) t thing]. (M, 15.) - And t i. q. J..S [i. e. A burden these two verses [whereof the latter only is cited that balances another burden on th other side oJ in the g] is said by As and others to be the most 0, _. : see the next preceding paragraph, in a beast]; (T, TA ;) so called because one such severely-satirical verse uttered by any of the Arabs. four places. *,jsupports another: (TA:) and a heavy Jo: (TA.)- Also A conduit in which water flows (T, 15, TA:) pl. *.lj;. (T, TA.) upon the surface of the ground. (M, 1J.)





" &o


4t1 A wide taj4Q [or sink-hole] made of baked (T, ] :) likened to the Jl;6 above menclay: m ), applied to a thing, (T, 9, M, Mgb,) and tioned: pl. as above. (T.) [And Any pipe of to a man, (M, TA,) Bad, corrupt, vitious, de. oto'l: see iL.] - And i. q. praved, or the like; (., M, M9b,0 15;) of no baked clay: pl. rank, or etimation; low, ignoble, tle, or mean; ;,~ [which may mean A large baked brick, or (Myb;) disanpproved, disliked, hated, or abomi- a thing made of baked clay]: (M, TA:) or large , TA;) which are called nable: and neak, and impotent, so as to be iu & baked bricks; (9, want or need: and accord to the Msb, one saye us). (., TA.) also bes; [there said to be a dial. var.;] but this is asserted by IDrst, in the Expos. of the Fs, ta 1 be erroneous, and peculiar to the vulgar: (TA :) He (a mare's foal aor. , inf. n. u 1. two hemzehs, (M,1,) applied t pl.J, pwith or any young kid, or a lamb or ass, [or a young a people, or company of men. (M.) solid-hoofed animal only,]) voided the excrement l Worse, and worst; more, and mostn,cor1 termed . j.' (TA.).j, inf. n. Oej'., i.q. rupt &,a ;.j: (15:) one of these is formed t, inf. n. hardli by transposition from the other: or, accord. to IJ, A stone which a strong man cant also each is an original word. (TA.) lift wih both his hands; (TA;) as also :lb> (I8h, TA in art. e..)

ee art. L sei:


What comns forth, (9, V,) or what first

comes forth, (TA,) from the belly of a lamb or kid, or of a mare's foal, (9, 15, TA,) and of a A well-known J1L. [or measure wnit h young mule, and of a young as, (TA,) or of any which corn is measured], (T,) a large JL D, young solid-koofed animal only, (AZ, T, TA,)

aor. , (1,) inf. n. t;, -,) t;, (9, 1. l, piece of cloth, (9, oblong an inserted He (TA,) a.j, (TA,) in the hinder t 1,) such as is termed :) or both I: (, part of the tent; as also t signify he widened the tent: (A:) or he lomered, ,) at the or or let down, the curtain (aj, hinder part of ate tent. (L, and so in some (thus in the C, but in -Also copies of the 1].) the 15 "or") He put a thick coating, or covering, of clay, or mud, upon the house, or structure; s. o signifies ')(, and so t The spreading a thing upon the ground, so that it becomes even; and so , 3 [inf. n. of ' ;]; but it is said that the latter occurs only in poetry: or the former, accord. to Az, the spreading a thing so that its back [or upper surface] becomes emrn with the ground. (TA.)- And -e.~ He I, ,anr. ,; threm him domn prostrate. (L.)mm inf. n. ,.l6, She (a woman) wa, or became, such as is termed ctIJ, i.e. heavy in the hips, or haunches; or large in the posteriors, heavy in the hips, or haunches, and perfect in make. (TA.) 2: ee the preceding paragraph. 184'

4: see 1, in two places.

[BooK I.

J.>, A hard thing wnith nhichl a thing is lurking-place, or pit, of a Ilunter consists of Ston ex (S.)_ Az says that j* sometimes occurs in beaten so as to be broken, or crushed, thereby: I set up around; wlhicll are also called pt, signifies [in like manner] a pl. of poctry in tiac sense of v as meaning Spread (M:) and f hig stone nith nvliich a tding is so beaten: (A:) _ (TA.) *o s: thtat its back tor upper suiface] is even with Also i. q. ; and so t or each, a hard and broadf thing with which a ., the ground. (TA.) tilus in the saying, t~-j ii and t.; nrall and the ground (g, TA) and a lump if dry cloy (TA) are so beaten: (1K, TA :) or the latter [meaning Thou hast ample scope, freedom, Or a_3^: see .,, last sentence but onc. word, a mass of stone, or rock, ewhich one throws; liberty, to naoidi it; or thou hast thit ichi, and the former has this meaning also, as well as renders thee in no need of it]; (g ;) likei. , the first meaning: (M:) or the latter word, (.,) ... ..h . ... _j,.,. (TA.) or each, (M,) a stone which is thron,n into a e wo: see 0 0h trell in order that one may knoo rwhethler there 1ll; A great [lonl such as is terned] aiqR ,. be in it water or not. (S, M. [See also j,1. ]) (s, A," :) tIhis is said to be the primary signiffi-9. *J cation: (Ilar p. 609:) pl. ;. (t, A.) _ ,) A 1enn strutur ro; , f aor l'., inf. n. e $, v,l.,: see the next preceding paragraph._ lie threw a atone at the people, or part.; or videned tent; nas al6so 9J Also The head; (AA, K;) because one pushes, and C 5p* [4 of threw at them and hit them rith a stone: (S, :) or thrusts, or repels, with it. (AA, TA.) _ And both which see the verbs]. (A.)-A woma n or with a great stone: (Iani p. 214:) or also said to signify A great miountain. (TA in heavy in the hips, or haunclles: (, }:) or a aor. :, inf. c. as above, he threiv at, or shot at; art. >o;) woman large in the hips, or haunches, and thi or he threw at ands hit, or he shot; ( i ;) with posteriors: (A:) or a woman lartge in the postL riors, heary in the hips, or haunches, and pe,fec ct anything. (M.) [See also 3.] -,;" also sigThe act of striking, or smiting. (Si, M.) in make; ns also ti. and ,. (TA. ) nifies 1. Gj, aor.:, inf.n. . He restrained, -And & , (M, K,) aor. and ', inf. n. as And A she-camel, (T, TA,) and a ram, (A, 1, wnithield, prtveatedl, or hindered, him; made hin ) above; (M ;) or M13~ j;; (A ;) He beat it laige in the lJosteriors. (T, A, ], TA.) to restrain himself, nwithhlold himself, refrain, so as to break it, or crush it; (M, A, g;) namely, camel heavily laden, (1K, TA,) that trill not 1 forbear, or abstain; (S, Msb, ]K;) tu,rned him a thing, (M,) or a wall, and the ground, (;,) roused, or put in motion or action, and rise and a luup of dry clay; (TA;) with a hard back, repelled him, or averted him; (J1;) >C (TA.)- An army, or troop, ('&C;,) marchini 7 thing, (M1,) or with a big stone, (A,) or with a j ;sOJIfrom the thing. (S, Msb, .K.") [Hence, heavily by reason of numbers, (, or draggini lard and broad thing. (s.) And i, 'pp.,] aor.: , e t He cleawed his bosom, or along the apparatus of war, heavily laden, (K,: 1 Drd, ,) inf n. as above, (IDrd, TA,) 1 5eart, of it; syn. ., great, (TA,) conmlpact, wvith many horsemen. (A and ' (r, or q..S; (accord. to IIe broea it; namely, a stone with a stone . lifferent copies of the K ;) [as though he withheld TA.) - A great, wide, lpreading tree. (A, ](., -[A plnce, or land,] abounding with herbage, (lDrd, XC)_&!o ,3,-j He pushed, or thrust, his mind from it;] meaning, grief, and perturbaion; ~ being used to signify the "bosom," or with the goods, conveniences, or comforts, )IJ or repeiled, (ie, [not o;, as Freytag seems to a snd the "hcart:" (T/ :) nmentioned by $gh. lifc; fruitful; or plentful. (K.)K ) lhave found it written, as on the authority of TA.) Loads bdlancing one anothller that are heavy, M Meyd,]) with his head. (TA.) - And much stuffed nith goods or utensils and furni. inf. e~~~~~ n. as above, lIe broke, or trained, him; like 6. :iOf .I!JJ The peoplce, or copinpany of men, I-, o s t ; lure; as also V .tji: so in the Towshecl8 r restrained, withheld, preveinted, or hinderet., one &c. t. aj, inf. n. . he.)r3 (M.)[Sje j He weont asay: 1 nother; made one another to restrain himseyl; (TA.)..I0 (A,0) t Ieamj and great you say, .,;j >il 1l I know not lwhither 1 lit hhold himself, refrain,forbear, or abstain; [coiflict and faction, or sedition, or discord, or he went anway, or has gone a sway. (, TA.) And 1 Purned back, repelled, or averted, one another. the like]: pl. {: whence, in a saying of'Alee, .i5 Jt j3 Xl nHent away w*ith, or took away, ( TA.) the thing. (Q.) >-,~ 1_( : Ib.l_.s,j i ij , (],) meaning 8. HeJj1 lIe became restrained, withlheld, pre. [Verily behind you are events mhereof the ex3. j_iA ,) i. q. , [explained above, in t. ated, or hindered; nwas made to restrain himposition would be long,] great con.flicts and the first sentence]: (S, TA:) [or lie thre stonesa e ,f;,withhold himself, refrain,forbear,or abstain; factions, or seditions, &c.: (TA:) or, accord. to at the people, or party, they doing so at him; or o1 r he restrained himself, withheld himself, reone relation, 1L,, (1, TA,) pl. of and pelted them with stones, they pelting him: for f 11 rained,forbore, or abstained; (S, Msb, ], TA;) is explained in the 0 and , as h e became tulrned back, repelled, or averted; meaning heavy, scarcely departing: and accord. the inf. n., r or a .; but the correct explanation may h4 to allother, t ` e turned back, or recerted. (J.) You say, 'i, meaning oppressing by meaning 3 9 their weight; or covering the hearts; from Ci1 be ;4,.^. (TA.) ,1511 el. ,. J 1 [lie became restrainedby the astrictions of the Ki.r'-dn]. (Msb.) 5. h1i M3 , 1,,l [in the latter of the senses assigned to it He, or it, feU from his, or .A, above: see 1]. (TA.)- . ge,r.) Il; also means its, placo. (Ibn-'Abbad

cm..wto ' *0 1 1 1 C':3,4* an oblong piece of cloth, (TA,) that is added inna tent, (., }i,) [in thie hinder part thereoJ, (see 1,,)] meaning [A structure of rocks, or larqe stones,] or insrted therein. (L.) - The ;.); of tlie thickly coated, or covered, with clay, or mud.

,,: Bseee . - H.omeyd says, (S, T) &,) repels, much, or vehemently; syn. j~i; ( ;) or Ack> A curtain (;j_) in the Iinder part oja ra i. e. Ibn El-ArIsct, (TA,) ' ; and tho is strong, as though his enemy ;C.* [or tent]: (8,1 :) or a piece, (S, K,) i. C. * wtere lelted writh him. (IApr

' ;Z

in explanation of



t Darkuess.

(A, TA.)

C~o: i_j:

[~.?lj, app. for sls; .lI A restrainingverse ,, Jgi t A saying that is as though it nere 01Fthe .Kur-an, seems to be the sing. of C'1., of thrown at o one's adverary. (1ADr, M.) hich an ex. occurs above: see 8.] , II

}asee the next preceding paragraph.

: arsee what naext follows.

je, in two places. -_ _ pelts them woith stones, much, or often: (: [this 1. , [aor. :,] inf n. tsJ, It (a place) was, A large table abounding with good things. meaning is there indicated, but not expressed:]) 01r br ecame, limy, or miry. (MA.) [See also .] (TA.) or, asalso j, a man ho pushes, thrusts, or m 1 a L t j He threwv him (a man) upon

s see

A man who thro.s stones at others, or

BooK I.]




the ground. (TA.) And i ij? He was thrown blade,] and the heads of the ribs of the breast: are [the parts] beneath (IA#r, 5:) or the , down, or prostrated. (TA.) each side of the breast. on the two coUar bones, 3. j1tj [ie stroe nnwith him, in wrestling, to .iU (.1) and lj. (TA.) And you say see S in throm him donwn]. (TA in art. (TA) meaning A fat she-camel ).. j3 i1,~ that art.) (.K) and he-camel: (TA:) ISh says, when the '.5 The land, or groutnd, was, or camel is satisfied by abundance of herbage, he 4. ubjSl ci became, ery slimy or miry; [lilke kjlj;] or has pt.U in his belly and upon the upper parts had much stiff ilime or mire; (1;) u also of his shoulder-blades, i. e. accumulatedfat therez.3j1. (TA.) [See also ij.]-And .jl on, like hares lying down; but when he is not j,* as such fat, there is no Vt.. there. (TA.) j1jl .'1_1 and zAjjl The sky gave water a of moistened the earth or ground. (TA.) means A portion of flesh [or a muscle, app. 8. e 3.1 lle fell into a slimy, or miry, place; camel,] upim the hinder side of the rising part to the (A,TA;) or into elj (JK, 1,) or ii;. (TA.) .from the middle of the .i ' [or humerus] elbow: or, as some say, the flesh of the breast. ?JI means Tlre fat that (TA.) And .. i in four places. : see ti and t*;;, (JK, IbnA A slimy, or miry, place; (Mgh, L;) a adjoins the ;I. [q. v., o the hump]: (Tekmileh,TA:) or a place in mwhich is t: place in which is much .;. (i.) t;s and Uih Slime, or mire; i. e. water and clay or mud: and ti,f slime or mire: ($, 1 :) or

ihe meaning is.i

U;: or it may mean J,

4.%6j [may have become close behind you]; (Fr, T, O ;) the J being introduced for a' reason men' &c. for "a' &c.: tioned above, as in iJ (Fr, T:) El-Alraj read O Ji;. (O.) And Khuzeymeh Ibn-Milik Ibn-Nahd says,
, 1..' t 4

1 ' w.:~lpjo P2r---Ifi


:" tl Ih

'Abbad, TA:) sin6g. U>^. (JK.)

[When Orion, or Gemini, shall ride behind, or closely follow, the Pleiades,(an event which will never occur,) I mill form in my mind, respecting thefamily (meaning thefather) of Fdtimeh, opinions]: (S, 0:) cited by Fr [and by J] as an ex. of .J.bI in the sense of .;j.: (T:) he means Fitimeh the daughter of Yedhkur Ibn-'Anazeh, who [i. e. Yedhkur] was one of the c,UjIJ. (., O. [Respecting the eOUbjU, see art. Aj6.]) 2: see 1, in the former half of the paragraph.

3. t.0i1 ,.l,)j The beast allowed a .j; [to L. e:Sj, (T, $, O, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. :, (K.,) ride it], and was strong enough to bear himn; as to some]. (M9b.) You say, [ I [accord. also , much slime or mire: (JK:) pl. ttlj and [coll. inf. n. J;;,, (MA, KL,) Ile rode behind him [on j l .l J>.L (T, s, M, 0, K1)and t s , the same beast]; (AZ, Sh, Zj, T, MA, M9b;) [and] ; (, 1) And ? ;. (1:) or o gen. nP.] so 4dO, [aor. 4 ;] (M;) and V dbtl; (AZ, Sli, T, (Lth, M, O, K,) but the latter is rare, (1,) or signifies thin mud: or, as some say, it is prL. of M;) said by IAar to signify the same as .l?j: post-classical, of the langtsage of the people of and tl*J >j: (Mghi:) accord. to Kr, t (T:) [or, in other words,] i; signifies he became towns andl villages, (T, 0,) and not allowable, (Lth, T, M) (T,) This beast will not allo,o a %i.)Ij signify slime, or mire; and are sings. (TA.) and so i Jj; ak;]; to him a J;, [meaning a [A day of it t (Lth, T;) will not bear a L4j. (., it; ride to [See also ij;e.] sHence, twsj for the Arabs often add the J with a trans. v. slime, or mire, &c.]. (TA, from a trmd.) And that governs an accus. noun; so that they say, 0, ](.) , l;Jl ~;l signifies The mounting of [locusts one behind, or upon, another;] the [This slime, or a ' . lJ.j g'e Ij -~ 4. meaning a~ and J., '~J _and J . male locust upon the female, and the third u/on mire, &c., prevented usfrom attending the prayer is i J And -. or those two. (i, O, ) (Fr, T:) [and also] he, stify: tlis beingL here used as a sing. n.j. and o; and .: of Fi lJ, (S, 0, or it; it,followed, or came after, him, [a phrase meaning The acting as a J>, or as [Ilenc also] A; (TA, from another trad.) 48 ibid.;) ; (.Iam 4J 5 so and ;) 1 p. Ham and to the hings,] from *l;?l [q. v.]. (0, g.) jJl, Thse [corrupt] fluid Th; Jl,,jl n J,JI and squeezed, or nwrung, or floweing, from the inhabi- and J;j, aor. ; (. ;) and V iJ 3 t; (8, K, and Jereer, whlo was of the Benoo-Yarboop, to whom (K, TA.) This, it is said in a IaHm ubi suprl;) and V o3jl also signifies the pertained the liJt in the Time of Ignorance, says, tants of lIl. trd., will be givell to drink to him who drinks same as iJ; and `d'k,I being like (.K;) ' "' 3 3 1 ';~~;~~;;~ J. ' . ;; wino. (TA.) - Yot say also aL;; . and :) (S water]; both meaning the -3P and - in [form and] meaning: mniry, [app. Slimy, or .~ d. same. (TA.) ; [I di., likewise, appears to be syn. with have taken thefAsourth part of the spoils, and see thc next preceding paragraph, in or, probably, ij, which seems to signify lit. he [We was made to ride behind hinn; &c.; for it is said we have acted as Jl;t to the kings; therefore three places. .%j3 signifies the coming, o0 shade ye the skhins of the camel-loads of milk colthat] the inf n.. panic Thrown dlo,rn, or prostrated; (IA*r, ;) going, behind; as also 62: (KL:) and e> lected from the camels in the pasture with ,l us]: for it cool make so and up, plucked grass or stupid, Foolish, And as also o . (TA.) also signifies I overtook him and outwent him. milk. (JK, o,] ,) and weak: (JK, TA:) this, and (Mqb: [explained in my copy by ZL:.'.3 .1a.J: (S,' O:) ,A3,is the pl. of the %,S; of lexiof language conventional the [In (..) thce former mentioned on the authority of but I think that -'-'- is a mistranscription foi1 was It signifies iilj., n. inf. ~b, cology, Sh, and thle latter on the authority of AHeyth, , .:; and that the meaning therefore is, I over another with a word i. e. it; with synonymous him andfollowed him.]) One says, j} 'l are t(hou:glt by Az to mean foolish, or stupid. tooi f , '"a . *. word: as though the former supplied the place of h (TA.) jo , [An event had ',.el &; _W l 'sJd_j the latter, like as the .J3 supplied the place of befallen themon, and another, of greater magnitude u: ecc the followingr paragrapli. the king. Sec also 6.] than it, happened afterwards to them]. (Lth,' ireA L, [i. e. meadow, orgarden,] that T,* S, 0.) And "I t J.s.1l is a dial. var. of .'; 4. ~ZJl, (T,., Msb,) inf. n. lj;1j, (Mqb,) made him to ride (Sl, Zj, T, 8, M,L) behind I in beautfful is that or is beautiful, or goodly; meaning An event happened to him afterwards. 1 (Sh,* Zj, T, M.b,) or with me, (S,) on the me, .J satisying and oappearance, exciting admiratio, .i'1 signify th, *,;_io and I (, 0:) or 1 the eye: (IAdr, :) and so [.m' (TA.) erent came upon them suddenly, or unexpectedly, back of the [same] beast; and so t';J.~!: j3jI signifies he placed him behind rhich signifies The parti or came upon them so as to overwhelm them (Msb:) or A. Als o sing, of j;I I made (M:) and "u beast: the on him between the neck and the collar-bone; ($, [;)) (M.) It is said in the ]ur [xxvii. 74], 1 Uthe same on him, behind [or him with to ride him also called the J . ($.) And The portion oj , meanini J>j C a 3 jJMI paaJ JI 3J>l and &,J th A lesh [or mucle] between the ain of the [Perhaps a portion of that n.hich ye desire to beast]. (0, .)-And the thing. to folowm cartg thing glenoid the is the made which Iie in i1 e; l extremity the e. [i. hasten] may have drawn near to you; (Yoo, Fr AHoulderJI 1., ofthe .. _ ..; muttcle the placeas. or in six 1, of the shoulder-blade, T, 0 ,) as though the J were introduced becaus a (M.) - See also




[Boor 1.

[tl 1 t, being app. understood,] The star. ' meaning The conseunce and that of Ahich it is folowmd onu anothr. (9, 0, V.) [See also e6. the consqnce.] _- The hinder part ofianything. - see aio 83,in two ples. (M.) - The ptrior, or buttocks, (9, M, O, Meb,) or peculiarly, accord. to some, (M,) of 0. j;i3 is y. m &L. (T, 8, O.) Yor

facing a riing star: (Lth, M, O,* :) used in

this sense by Ru-beh; who terms the rising star G' ,i' s. (Lth, M.). j,iJi! Also One mAo bring Isis arro after the winning of one of the players his at the game called j..JI, or of two of tlem, and atla ashs them to insrt Ais arrow among theirs: (0, ]:) or t1VIj [so in the M accord. to the TT, but app. a mistranscription,] signifies os mho brings his arrow after they ha divided among tumsdelv the daughtersd camel, and who among is not turned bach by them diappointed, but it assigned by them a portion of what Aar beacoe assi~ their their shares. (M.) J0, aitj!p)i The function of tAe J; of a king, (9, ai6p)i 0, j,) in the Time of Ignorance: (8: [see O, 0 %1,bj:l) .;j :]) a term similar to (1:) it perQijJi: tair;ed to the Benoo-Yarboog, in that time; because tained there were not among the Arabs any who waged war more than they did against the kings of ElYeereb, Heereh, who therefore made peace with them on the condition that the hl>. should be asigned to them and that they should abstain from waging war against the people of El-'Irit: (9, 0:) it war of two hinds; one being the riding beAind tAe m" hing king upon see his horse; and the othr, what has been explained above, as from the Q, vooe (gar (Har p. 321.) 1 jl>j: lj see .. ;j [of which it is said to be a syn. and also a pl., or pl of J;., q. v.].


*l .J>3J The people, or party, followed om another: and in like manner one says of anything followin another thing. (M9 b.) [See also 4.] And 'lrJI J>jp The. thing was, or became, con. seutive in its parts; one part of the thing fol lowed another. (M.)- It is also a word sllud. ing to a certain foul act: (M, 0:) from j;Jl signifying '1,p.' (M.) You say, (of two boys,

Ul;tI Thy foUond each otAer. (J4.) And a woman: pl. Jl;j; (M, Msb;) with which Jsl;; is syn., but [18d says,] I know not whether

it be an extr. pl. of J;, or pl. of ' bl;j (M.) ] . 1 .j He who, in the Time of Ignorance, supplied the place of tah king, (T, M,) in the' management of the affairs of the realm, like the j4; in the time of El-Isldm, (T,) or like the LA a I i_ in this our age: (M:) in the Time of Ignorance, (8,) he mwo sat on the right hand of the Aing, and, whm the king drank, drank after him, before others, and, when the king nwent to war, sat in hi. place, (, O 0, , ) and was his viceg6rcnt owr the people until he returned, and, on the return of the king's army, took the fourth of the spoil: (9, 0:) he also rode behind the king

or youngmen, T,) W; meeaning lt3. (IV.) _And 4l 1jl They aided, helped, or anstied, on another againt him. (A,, g.) And Uj;.

7Tey aided, helped, or anitted, each other; (0, 6 5 ;) au also , I. (O.) - As a conventional term in lexicology, J;ll3 signifies Synonymousmne; or the being synonymow. (Mz, 27th t; upon his horse: (.Har p. 321:) pl. J;j.. (T, S, and Kull p. 130.) [You say, of two words, M.) [See also 1bit.] _ J lt [is also a name 1 ~U1I,7 TAhey are synonymout. See also 3: and of] The b,ight star [a] on th; tail of the conwee J1w_ stulation . [i.e. Cygnus; which star is 8: see 1, in the former half of the paragraph: also called jJI, and .i.1.Jl ,J]; (lzw;) - and ee also 4, in two places - You ray a certain starnear to l~i 1 [or a of Lyra]; also, ,J4j, meaning iHe came behind him; syn. (Lth, M, 0, ];) and (M) so ' jt; (, M, ,h., (M, O.) And juI .J3ljI He took 0;) or this is another star near to t enmy, or eized him, or took him captive, (1.) And l~l J, i q. &i l [i. e. either or gained the mastery omr him and dew him, Orion or Gemini]. (0.) _ Lebeed applies the comingfrom behind him; syn. aSlj C* dual O., to Two sailors in the hinderpart of a Mb!A1, ,bA1, in the l]ur lxxix. 7, means The econd t... (]1.) a;"J ' tl.Ji3i is explained by hip. (0o .) bkat [of the horn on tae day of rurrection]: blat Ks a meaning t,.i; &c. as above [i.e. We (0, 0, O, Bd, Jel, and 1 in art. A.-:) or the heaen, came to such a om, and took him, &c.]. (T, 9, J;,: see J ;j, in the former half of the para- and and the stars, which shall be cleft and scattered. M,* O.) graph. (Bd.) [See also (Bd.) -41j.]_ See also J;._ 6 10. #jA.el He asked him to make him [or to U j - Lambs, or hids, brought forth in the J?1;j J1,j5 is pi. of b,l; and of tJ3;,1. (.) It !lt him] ride behind him on the bach of the beast. bA&. [or autumn], and in the [meaning signifies ignifies The [shoots that ore ternmed] (f, 0O, Mob, 1.*) spring], in the last part of the period in which ,PI. of [pl. q. v. voce. .- l;]-of tA pal-tree. IX: see j ;, in two placea Also A sheep, or goats, bringforth. (Ibn-'Abb&d, 0, ].) , (8, O, 1.) And Streaks [or layerm] of fat, over squent of a thing; (T, ?, M, O, Msb, 1 ;) whatJ; The place upon which the J;, or ,;,, lying one another, in the hinder part of a camj's ever that sequent be: (9, 0, Mqb, 1:) pl. Jl;i, rides. (S, M, O, ].) - See also the next para- hump hump: those in the fore part are called l. which is its pl. in all its sense; (M;) and is graph. (0 and 1V in the present art., and A and 1] and (00 particularly applied to the [stars that are] foUomers ) of [other] sta; (T, M, O;) [and] its pl. is [also] h j; One who rides behind another ($, M, 0, TA in art. Jbj; (T;) which is particularly applied to drivers M,b, 1) on thc back of the [(ame] beast; (Mb ;) j>1j: asee the next preceding paragraph. 1 jj: of camle; or driers who urge camels, or ezcite as also J; (S, M, O, Msb, 1) and V: them, by singing to them: (T, ,1V :) and to aid., as UJI opposed to j U see ] ]:) the pl. (M, 1) of the first (M) is jl,h ourtants,or auiliaries; (9, .;) [as being a man's (M, JJ, in in the conventional language of folloswer; or] becaus, when any one of them (M, ], [in my copy of the Msb Ljj, which is app. a mistranscription, and there said to be lexicology, is fatigued, another takes his place: (f:) or, as A synonym of a word or expression. irreg.,]) or the pl. of .. is Jl., (g, [so in Mz, (Mz, 27th p') [See 3, last signification: and some say, jl is syn. with .i)j: (T:) or it is

eljI JI-.

abo syn. with J4Ij, and (0, ]) some say, (0,) both of my copies,]) and .tb: (M:) and VJ.1;JE see also J a pl. thereof. O0, 1.) - The niglt: and the is used as a sing., syn. with .;, (T, 1g,) accoA.d
day: (1:) ejlU)l signifying the night and the to some, (T,) as well as pl [thereof]: (1:) or it day, (T, , O, 1,) because each of them is a J; is pl. of . [q. v.]. (T.) [Hence,] one says, to the other: (T:) and tAe mrning, between daylt; Ilj,. They came following one another. break and sunrise, and the evenjng, beteen rsun(1.) -[Hence,] also, A L:~., and the like, that st and nightfall; as ablo ol,jt ,l and Clj.>l. is [conveyed] behind a man; [i. e. a bag, or re(T in art. .. ) - The consu nce of an event, ceptacle, in mwich a man puts his travellingor aair; (, O, ;) uasalSot (O, .) o80provisions; and any other thing that is conveyed the former in the saying, J;5 j i r. 1 ` behind a man on his beat;] and so t J_.. [This is an ent, oi affair, that has not, or wiU (M.) - See also .j, in two places. _- Also i not haav, ay conse~ , or rmelt]. (8, O.) star rising in the east, hAen its opposite star is [80 too VjtJ; the phrase tV J . j dl tetting in tAe west. (9, O, 1.) And (1) A star j , ;.h,:

.] see J.;j, first sentence.

O u u, s a conventional 0, term in lexicology, syn.onymous: Synonymowus: you say ib!:Z SWI ynonymous --words or exprmions. (NM, wvords 27th p.) [Loosely tzm mplained explained in the V by the words i.,O OI meaning signiJficant of one thing; a-- :'5 1meaning hi'c;h which is the contr. of ., i.e. "homonynoun:" mnous :" and in like manner, Ml>Wl is expl. ,n the 0, ~a1 :UZ .. in ~l O jl; and is mid t10 to be post-classicaL] Al, [its pl. when used

Boot I.] subst.] signifies Synonynu; i.e. single, or simple, words denoting the same thing considered in one and the same respect or light: thus the .,~1~I differ from the noun and the definition [thereof], because these [generally] are not both single words; and from the X14h' [or "two because disparates"] such as j.1I and ..,JI, these denote the same thing considered in two different respects, the one in respect of the substance, and the other in respect of the quality: (Fakbred-Deen [Er-RPzee] in the Mz, 27th . :) or they may be two simple words, as. IJl and . ;: .J. s, J and two compound expreuions, as, and sw1 ,; and a single word andacompound pruion, as jl p. 130o) and J,Ic.i ;1;IJ. (Kull

1069 ,1 Thefeer continued upon from the anus, with a sound; (M,] ;) as also . 4 4 him: (M:) did not quit him. (T.) And .*!j ftl.t: (S, 1 :) or this is a subst. from ;;; said of a camel, and of an ass, meaning "he broke i 4:v Ttshe disease dare to him. (M.)wind with a sound." (M.) - And, applied to a tree became green after it had man, (M,) t One in whom is no good; and so .DThe ;ff.II 1 become dry; as also *tC_;. (g.) 1 a-Jl ,A> (.)% ( ,) and t:r. t;j, (M, He felt the camel, to know if he were fat. (s.) ;,lj : see the next preceding paragraph, last two 5: see 1: _ and 2. - Also l; .M 3 tlle sentences. sought to find in such a one something that he should be ashamed to expose, or some slip orfault, [ j.j One who often breaks wind, with a sound: and obtained a hnowledge of the state, or case, in used in this sense by Jereer. (Freytag.)] which he was; (1~, TA;) as though he imputed tome -.j An old, and worn-out, garment, or piece error to him. (TA.) - And .,f1Jl .i1 .j (T, S, 1 :) and a garment, or piece of of cloth: t The people, or party, consumed, or ate, the or pieced; or patched, or pieced, cloth, patched, pasture (j..) of the land time after tim. [or *.4 (Lth, T, part after part, app. so as to make the ground in veral places; (9;) and so t,;,; appear as though it were patched]. (M.) (Lth, T:) or .A. signifies 9, 15;) like .;: ,;j3 also signifies It (a garment, or piece of haring patches upon patches: (BI in xviii. 94:) cloth,) was, or became, old, and worn out, re- or this last, and t'.3,~ and t?, a garment, quiring to be patched: (S, K: [see also 8:]) this or piece of cloth, old, and worn-out, and patched, verb being intrans. as well as trans. (S.) or pieced, or patched or pieced in ureralplaces: , as seems to be (M :) or #* '>, a garment, or piece of cloth, old, .;.j, [or taJJ; h ,L5 ~ implied in the g,] She (a camel, M) inclined to, and worn out, requiring to be patched: (S :) the or affected, her young one; (M, K ;) [perhaps pl. of , is.,s. (Lth, T, K.) from ,iil jj, because of her yearning cry;] OP (I.) w*,icl, inf. n, n. [in some copies of the 1 e1:;, as also LA.U3j ol& ; i; Two is a mistranscription,] said in the TA, as is The contention, or altereation .JI i.lj3 .. are sewed of cloth, that or pieces garments, was, or became, far-extending, and long. (1g. together; (M, V;) like what is called GW [See also 4.]) (M, TA;) in the copies of the ]g, erroneously, 8. .O3jI, said of a place, [a door, or a place of jW: (TA:) pl. .j, (M, K, [in a copy of the entrance, a gap, or breach, and the like, (see 1, first sentence,)] It was, or became, stopped up, or M, accord. to the TA,...,.;,]) as though the S [in closed. (Msb.) - [And app., said of a garment, the sing.] were imagined to be rejected. (M.)


[See also uJl j,t.]

[This art. is wanting in the copies of the L and TA to which I have had access.]

1. ,.j, (M, M, Mfb, 1,) aor. ,, (s, K,) or', (M, Mqb,) inf. n. ;..;, (Lth, T, 8, M, Ms:b,) Jle stopped up, or closed, syn. w, (Lth, T, S, M, Mqb, lI,) a door, (Lti, T, M, Is,) or a place of entrance, (T,) and a gap, or breach, (Lth, T, S, M, M9b, ],) and the like, (Lth, T, M, Msb,) teholly: (Lth, T, ] :) or to the extent of a third thereof: (I.:) or it signifies more than ~,; (M, 1 ;) [i. e. he stopped up by putting one thing upon another; as in building up a doorway or the like;] for ..jj is "that of which one part is put upon another." (M.) - And. ;, (S, TA,) inf. n.;;;; (TA;) and 4;j, inC. n. .. v; (S, TA';) and 9;j3; (S, , TA;) lie paiched, or pieced, a garment, or piece of cloth; or patched, or pieced, it in several places. (S, K, TA.)And.,b, It (anything) was put, and joined, or i= Si j;;, sered, one part to another. (TA.) (M,) inf. n. .j, lIe caused the bowrto make a sound, [i. e., to twang,] by pulling the string and then ltting it go. (M, J.) And 4;,,ill The bor was so caused to make a sound. (T;M.) (accord. , with oamm, ra _n.**;, sor. % , or to different copies of the 9, [in one copyj;,,, with damm, which is a mistake,]) inf. n.;lj;; (S, 1 ;) t or .,j, said of a camel, and of an ass, aor. . (M,) inf n. ;, (M, 1,,*) and ;l;.is the subst.; or ; .;'j, inf. n. .s, need in a general manner; (M ;) lie broke wind, with a sound. (S, M, I.0) _ See also 4, in two places.

or piece of cloth, It was, or becamc, old, and worn out, and patched, or pieced; or patched, or *0 0 : pieced, in several places: see its part n., *.. and see also 5.] - [Also lie put on, or he was, or became, clad with, old and worn-out garments. (Freytag, firom the " Decwan el-Iltdlhal.cycen.")]


,) (s, M) and


.1j.jJ, (TA,) [A fever, and clouds, and a coming to natler, or a company of men &c. coming to water, &c.,] continuing, or continuous. (s, M, TA.) .. ,: sce,,e>j, in two places. ,;;.: see. j, last sentence. see., ,. ; A place, of a garment, or piece of cloth, that is to be patched, or pieced, (T, , [,) syn. tJZ4; and to be repaired,or mended, syn. (T.) 'Antarah says, [commencing his mo'allabala,]
5'. i

.- ;is an inf. n. and also a subst. [in the proper sense of this term]: (S, M, TA:) as the latter, i. q. * (S, ) or J. (M) [as meaning A thing intervening between two other things, preventing the passagefrom one to the other; an obstruction; a barrier; any building with wthich a place is obstructed]; a meaning erroneously assigned in the B to,o;j: (TA:) or a thing of nwhich one part is put upon another: (M:) a rampart, or fortified barrier: it is larger than a ..d; and is ,y, meaning "[a garment, [said to be] from. or piece of cloth,] having patches upon patches :" (Bd in xviii. 91:) and signifies also anything having parts put, and joined or sewed, one upon (M, g.) A;;} also another: (M:) pl. ;j. 2: see 1. - [Hence,] '*, and ;)Aj signifies particularly The rampart (jlJ, M, or A., eSconsidered repcatcdly his .l [i.e. .j] l He J,1) that is between us [meaning the people saying, or speech, so as to rectify it, and repair of the territory of the Afuslims] and Ydjooj and what was defctive thereof. (TA.) - See also 6. Mdjooj [or Gog and Magog]: (M, K,* TA:) mentioned in the ]ur xviii. 94. (TA.) And i4. 1.J ? The fever continued, or was What falls, [and lies in a heap, one part upon and another,] of a mall in a state of demolition. continuous; (T, 9, M, ;) as also t i: in like manner one says of the 1,A.. [or clouds]; (M, ].) - Also A sound, (M, s,) in a general and of the 3 [or coming to water, or company uns: (g:) or particularly the sound [or twang] of men ec. coming to water, &cc]. (K.) You of a bow. (M, V.) _ And An emision of wind 1

-- - S

(T, 9, M,) i. e. t [Hlave the poets left any deficiency to be supplied? or,] any discourse to be annexed to other discourse? meaning, they have preceded me in saying, and left no say for a sasyer [after them]: (M :) or hare the poets left oany place to be patched, or pieced, which they have not patched, or pieced, and repaired? meaning, the former has not left for the latter anytlhing respecting which to mould his verses; i. e. poets have preceded me not leaving for me any place that I may patch, or piece, nor any place that 1 may repair: then he digresses, and says, address-


ing himself, [Nay but I have somewhat to say:] in some copy thereof, &3.jl has been inadver- [bence] iJ; q.tJ Red garments or cloths. (So in one of my copies of the S.) it? (EM 3 j#A [A shirt wide in the J]' (S.) [Hence,] pp. 219-220.) ,,1jj, (ISk, T, $, M, and so in some copies of one says, ljj')l uj, t [meaning He isfoul the 1,) in some of the copies of the Y1 erroneously .jI.: bee.j, in two places. in character, conduci, or the like; for it is tropi- said to he with the j musheddedeh, (TA,) [in the cal]. (A in art. [See, there, other similar CV. with the ., which is also a mistake,] A (S. phrases.]) See also L,.sij. - [Also pl. ol1 drowsinesn, or dozing: (S, K.:) or an owrpowering drowsiness or dozing: a poet uses the phrase 1. [;...j, aor. app. ', but accord. to Freytag ej>l, q. v.] ).*l L..: (ISk,T:) or this means an inltem :, inf. n. i;j, She (a woman) spun thread with i; Spun thread: (Sh, T, S, :) or spun drowsiness or dozing: (M :) Y1dioot says that it I the ,j: see *--- :] -j 3 and jiljM are nearly thread that is not even: (T:) or threadspun [by appears to signify intenseness and an overpowerthe same [in meaning]. (Ham p. 218. [Hence moving the hand] forwards [upon the spindle ing, because therc is no meaning in one's enying r3, applied to spun thread.])-[And app. against the thigh]: or Tpun thread that is r L...i.;. (TA.) It is a word of which no 8he wore a garment, or piece of cloth, with spun [i.e. twisted in a manner the reverss of that verb has been heard. ($.) Hence, accord. to 18k, thread such as is termed , or >j: whence which is sual: see ;J,Z]: thread spun with the ei j>1 as the name of a certain province; (T;) a (M. [See e ,.]j_And [Cloth of province of Syria, (S, I,) and a river thereof OJ)J' applied to such a garment, or piece of j. cloth.] - Tie vulgar say of him who is drowsin, the hind termed] i: (AA, T, S, M, , and [i.e. the Jordan]; (S;) also without teshdeed. drowsy, or heavy with sleep, Jj) 0.3 J: 3 Iam p. 218:) or yeUow ,j.: (AA, T:) or what (TA.) [perhapes j.3, to asimilate it to app. is mrown from mhat women spin with the ,:ir ajd, Dark; ($, M, ];) applied to night 1 _..r 3 meaning tIii eye blinks, twinkles, or moves its (.L.:3I .;jP l): (yam ubi supr&: [see, again, (M.)j Also, applied to sweat, Stinking: (] :) lids to andfro; like the hand that spins thread in j J:]) or tilk; i. q.j; (M;) or . (TA.) or, thus applied, that wets all the shin: (M:) two different directions, or that throws the shuttle And The [membrane called] ;, [q. v.] that [or] 1 ii3 has the latter meaning, thus apto and fro]. (yam ubi supra.). And Z,Jj comes forth with the young (S, IS, TA) from the plied. (T.) itel, ($,) *or. J, (JM, PS,) inf. n. j;>j, (S, belly of its mother. (TA.) The Arabs say, * ".. A spindle (?, M, O) with which [the J5,) I put the goods, household-goods, or conO;~iJl ~ .t ,k [Thits is tie si]. (S,TA.)_ thread termcd] is spun: (MA TA:) pl. I modities, one upon another; or put them, or set themr, together, in regular order, or piled up. See also (TA.) (1f, /.) _ .~J also signifies The making, or :,3,d is applied as an epithet to j [i.e. U.j> dj [meaning A well-straightenedspear; auwing, to moke. (g.) You say, Sl spun thread, meanipg Spun with the ~ see 3: [the aor. , inf. n. , Ife made, or caused, the fire lit. a spear of Rudeyh]: and a1. also Oi;]. (M.) - Also to a garmnent, or piece to moke. (Tg.) _ *r . Oj, , ]p, ) aor. , same, or a well-straigit~ned spear-shaft]: ( :) of cloth, (M,) meaning Woven (Sh, T, M) with inf. n. 5;j, (f,) lis itkin became contracted, and " j CL* [well-straightened spears]: (M:) spun thread that is ej4.;. (M.) Aboo-Duwid shrunk, or wrinkled. (, J ) accord. to their [the Arabs'] assertion, (S,) so El-ly4dee says, called in relation to a woman named Rudeyneh, 2: see what next follows. ! LL atc z LWLI ($, M,) wife of EF-Semharee [or Sembar]; both 4 4. ,ji .i jI He put, or made, a .j [q. of whom used to straighten spears, or spear-shafts, I v.] to the slhirt; as also t ;, (`,],) inf.n. in Kha#-Hejer: and some say ' s;; 'l.' [well- 1 [She (app. referring to a camel) iastened in her ',i.3: (f:) or he put, or made, eljti [pl. of straightened pears of El-K.affl, and 5;t. journey, orjourneyed on without stopping to ret, ;;j;] to the shirt. (M.)._ ` J t;i: ($.) [See an ex. in a verse cited in art. j3S, a night and a day; and when she entered a i. q. :.1 [i. e. The fever continued upon Aim]. 6th conj.] desert, or waterleu desert,far-extending, wide, (f: in some copies of which, as in the TA, aA or spacious, woven with the miraye, or overSaffiron; (M1;) as also t (gh, spread by a rippling mirage resembling a web: is omitted.) TA in art.:..) or they (i. e. camels) hastened &c.]: Sh says that 8. ,,:,00jt She (a woman, TA) took to hrself, signifies nwoten: and the poet means, by &'55j.o.^l A camel, (At, T,) or a thing, (;,) . or mode, a 0 [q. v.], (], TA,) for spinning. 0J'* o, a tract of land in which was the of which the redneu is mized with yellownessu, (TA.) (Aq, T, $, ],) liAke ,.,j [q. v.]: (At, T.:) hence mirage: (T:) or Cj3> here means, woen with Q. Q. L ;1. J, (i,) in n. ;Jj, (TA,) He the mirage: (TA in art t ~.:) or, u some say, nas, or became, fatigued, tired, eary, or jaded, the epithet .'slj is applied to a he-camel, (~, he means ,.si-, [app. as signifying TA,) and with i to a she-camel: (As, T, ?:) or by ;j., (], TA,) and weak, orfeeble. (TA.) conjoined, so as to be uninterrupted, (see ,v,)] >1; is applied to a hlie-camel as meaning having OiJ The sound of the faling [or clashing] of and has changed the _. into O; and Q_ crisp, or curly, fur, of generous race, (Lth, T, weapons, one upon another. (, J .) M,) beautiful, (Lth, T,) and inclining a little to means wide, or spacious: (T:) or ;At~ signifies [which has the meaning that I have Th h bae (,J.1) of the ls : (, blackness: (Lth, T, D1:) or intensely red; (TA, J"3, [app. meaning the part theref that is nett to the and Ham p. 218;) or it has this meaning also: assigned above to .ojl]: (T, ]C:) so some say. oulder: but see what follows:] thefore part of (M:) or between yellow and red: accord. to some, (T.) _ See also j.'. the sl*ee of the shirt: (M:) or the lower part from .,)l; signifying saffron;" (lIam ubi supra;) thereof: (M, and .lar pp. 149 and 390:) or the but A# says, I know not in relation to what thing eea altogether: (M:) and it may tropically the camel is called by this epithet. (M.) They mean the waole garment: (Har p. 390:) pl. said also jtj &L. 4 [i. e. Intensely dun or brown 1. tI, aor. mt, aid of a horse: see 1 in art. o~,~I. (f, M, 1. [In the TA is added, and or duskhy &c.]; to denote intensivenees; like as -.And _ *lj;;, aor. *j>,, inf. n. 3: a;.%1; u though another pl. were Z.>.: but I they said it 1*. (IAr, M.) see 1 in art. Sj. tlink that this is a mistake, originating in a copy of the M; for, immediately after Jljl, in the M, 3. ;1t1j, said to be formed by transposition ).%j! [or eSj! jl.] A sort of [cloth of the kind is added, UI,j# 4J 'l. ej j; and I saspect that ternmed] ., (S, ,) red: (f :) [pl. ;j :] and from l;j, [and therefore it should properly be



[BooK I.

hast thou knonm the abode of thy beloved, 'Abtently written twice.]) You say C;V1 t"lj A.' Ich, after thy doubting respecting


; ...



BooK I.]

.$) -



mentioned in this art.,] is explained in art. ass (, M) bet,een his L.1 [or place of confinement, or the loop to which he is tied,] and his ."- [or place of rolling tpon the ground]; (T, S, M;) thus explained by El-Munteji' Ibn1. J;j, aor. CS,, inf. n. L;3, IIe (a man, Neblhn, (T, S,) to As. (8.) In the 1, ,.'j TA) perished. (8, M, M9b,,K.) [See an ex. in is erroneously put for ., ; being app. taken the gur xx. 17.]J_ -And jJ, (AZ, T, M, and from the M, in which it refers to horses; [not to so in a copy of the 8,) aor. L;S, (AZ, T,) inf. n. a single horse;] as does also the pronoun in )SJO;(M ;) or 5; (K, and so in copies of I&ulj-., in the same portion of the passage in the 8;) or both of these verbs; aor. of the the K~ and in the M. (TA.) Accord. to AZ, latter LS?J; (TA;) and * LSq;J; (5, M, K ;) IHe this is from C.f~.JI l;1, explained in what fell into a well: (AZ,* T,* 8, ]5 :) or he tumbled follows. (yIam p. 221.) You say, "j CJl Z.j down into a deep hollow, or cavity, or pit: T.he girl raised one leg and went along upon the (M:) or Vthe last of thlse verbs has this mean- other, in play; (F,TA;) and so t ;,;l: (TA:) ing: (Ltil, T:) or it signifies he fell into a deep and 'k.sJ.I, . inf. n. - ij;; (M;) or hollow, or cavity, or pit: ( or le tumbled down (S) from a mountain; (AZ, T, S ;) and so * i ,>t ; (T;) the girls played, (T, M,) raising the first, or second: (8:) and 9;. sidgnlifies one lIg, (M,) or one of them raising one leg, (T,) hefellfrom a mountain and died. (TA.) fit and going along upon the other: (T, M :) or 3 O.. signifies the girls' playing in Pwhich t SJ, , in the Kur [xcii. 11], means 'lt/en he 5jl.Yjl X one of them raises one leg and steps with the falls into the ab!yt *f the fire [of liell]: (T,* TA:) or into the earity of the grace: or into the other two steps, and then puts it down and raises lowest depth of llell: or n.hen he perishes: (Bd :) the other, doing thus several times. (AZ, YIam or when he dies. (T.) _ And Sj; ile (a man) p. 221.) And 'WLJIl Li; The boy raised one leg and leaped, or jumped, [or hopped,] with the went awnay. (g.) Youll say, i. l t . Jl 1 (M, K,) aor. k&now not whither he went away, or has gone anay. other. (S.) And 4l.ii k, 5?~, (T,) The crowt, or raren, raised one leg (;)i;, (.,) :, aor. (MI,) if.n and hopped on the other; or leaped along. (T, .OJ, (TI,) lie broke it; (M, K;) iamcly, a thingr i.)'.:sj My sheep, or goats, inwith a stone: (M:) or he beat it, [or battered it,] M, namely, a stone with a piece of rock, or with a pick- creased, or exceeded; as also V .. (Fr, M, axe, in order to break it. (g.) - And lie dashed K.) _ And .J:l Lt. -i and * .. I himstelf against him, or knocked against him, exceeded the thing. (M.) And , oV* IS (?, K, TA,) like as the pickaxe knocks against It exceeded another thing; as also l.l [q. v.]. the stone. (TA.) _- And . I.,;, (T, 1K,) or (M in art. is,.) And 'b-'0: U" , (-,

kC.) i:~

Hence,. M,) in the gur [xxxvii. 54], ~"9 );l Verily thou almost causedst me to perish, or destroyedst me. (T, M.') -See also 2, in two places. - Also lie made him (i. e. a horse) to go in the manner signified by the verb k..O [q. v., meaning, beating, or battering, the ground, &c.]: so accord. to the M and ], except that, in both, the fem. pronoun is used, in the M referring to horses, and in the K( improperly referring to a single horse. (TA.) - See also 1, last four sentences. 5. S;.p: see 1, second and third sentences, in four places. lie as, or became, overthrown. (MJ.) . Also, and t Ls.jlI, He put on, or clad hinself tith, or wore, a JIj [q. v.]: (., 15: but in the latter the verbs are fem. [as said of a woman].) or so .%i 5;,, and tj.s3 l. (M, Mqb.) _ And ... .;3, and .;$Jl, t hHe hung upon himself his sword, putting its nupensory belt or cord upon his neck or shoulder; 1 syn. .4. (M.)_ And ,JJ & tthe girl, or young won!an, put on, or decked herself with, a Cl: [q. v.], which is also called .1;J. (T, 5) 8. U53jl: see 1, in the latter half of the paragraph, in three places. . See also 5, in three places: and see an cx. voce ljj. [llence,] '1j. lie carried me, or bore me, upon his shoulder, in the place of the j. (}am p. 471.)

5;; an inf. n. of

:; [q. v.]. ($, M, Msb, .)


(v,) nor. 5A., inf. n. CSj; (T;) and . l;j, (15 and TA in art. j,) aor. :,

inf. n. ;,

(TA,) with j for the final radical; (Q, TA;) [like elj, and .lj ;] lie threw at him, or thrm at him and hit him, with a stone, or stones. (T, ., M.) [It is also said in the T, with rererence to lj*.., as signifyving a large stone overthre,v him; as also tjlI. (M.)- ~ with which other stones are beaten, or battered, inf. n. as above, I clad him rwith a J,

~ Also Excest, redundance, or tuperfluity; syn. j,3l: so in the saying, ;..t; i. e. I hae not attained to thiy exceses, &c., in thy M,') and . , (M,) and 1 ,l, (S,) exceeded [the age offifty, and eighty]. (S, M.*) gift: and . ;i :.; The ees~ of thy saying pleases me: and so in the saying of 2. ;.sj, (Mgb, K,) inf. n. g;3, (M,b,) .Ie Kutheiyir, made him to fall, or tArew him down, (Msb, ,) ., , - ,w. .*. .. into a deep hollow, or cavity, or pit, (M9b,) or into a well; as also l,l. (15.) He H (God) as, v ` ---

%9 U,,




LJ1; but I think that

j is a mistranscription for and that the meaning intended to be expressed by these words is, that .S;J signifies The thrusting with a ;jAM; and the throwing it, or with it.]-.[Henoe, app.,] s. said of a horse, (AV, 18k, T, M, 1,) aor. aor, S).., (A, 18k, T, .8, ,) inf. n. 5;j and ilij; (I8k, ., M, V ;) and b,j, (1V and TA in art. )j, [in the CIY, is omitted before the word J in that art.,]) aor. ~jj; (TA;) [and, accord. to FPreytag, is used in the same sense by Jereer ;] He beat, or battered, the ground, (.A' wbJ, AN, I8k, T, ., M, g,) with his hoof, (M, ], TA,) in ranning, (A9 , T,) or in going along, and in running, (M,) or in going a pace bedte running and wehement walking: (ISk, :) or !ttj; signifies the ame as , : (AZ, T, M: [ee S in art. ,ji :]) or it is [a manner of gong] btw~ running and waulking: (V:) or tbh running (T, ?, M) of tb hore (T) or of the
Bk. I.


[q. meaning [He has a covenant of loe, or affection, into which he has entered, which has not been sullied, and] which exces of kind speech, on his 3. l ,i j;, (1,1],.) in n./*:,,, (S,) part, [recent and of long duration,] adorns: (T:) I contended in throwing stones in defence of the or, [as ISd cites the verse,] J0. tv. g$.; peopl, or party. (., .) _ j, (T, ., M, 1,) &c.: [and he adds,] it is aid, in explanation inf. n. as above, (TA,) is also sn with j [He endeavoured to turn him; or to turn him by thereof, that .$ means 3;tj; and I think that blandishment, or by deceitful arts; or to entice it is an inf. n., of the measure Ja, like .i and him to turn]; (., M, ]Z;) formed from the latter , or a subst. put in .the place of an int. n. by transposition; ( ;) or e,l, [which means the

v.]. (?.)

same]; ,! 1 , [to the thing, or affair] :'(T as on the authority of A'Obeyd :) and ;l;I [which means the same; or he treated him with gentile. neu, or blandishment; soothed, coaxed, wheedled, or cajoled, him; or he d~ceoied, deluded, beguiled, circumented, or outwitted, him; or endeavoured, or desired, to do so]; (., M, 1; the first as on the authority of A'Obeyd;) or, accord. to AA, . q. ; and tls and ItI5 [all of which are syn. with ;Il]. (T.)

(M.) = See also il;.

; [originally ,:] Perishing; (IAr, T, , M,1;) applied to a man: fem. k?S. (.,1.) - See also the next preceding paragraph. ; A mode, or manner, of wearing the .o:

(?, M,* Mb:.) ';:. from

like ',b: from .,hJ,l, and ,,: ($:) you say, -; ;

4. He (i. e. God, M, or another, ., M*) caued him to e~s; or destroyed Aim. (, IM, 1llj A rock; or pisc of rock; orgreatmat of

;JQil [He is comely in respect of the manner of wearint the .1.s (., M, Myb.)

1072 stone, or of hard stone: (Fr, T, S, 1:) pl. ;,1." . (S, K.) (Fr, T) and [coll. gen. n.] kt


[Boox I.

used to lay his sword upon him, in order that his accord. to Golius, on the authority of Meyd and slayer might be known. (M. [But see, in rela- the Mirkit el-Loghah, the upper mill-stone:] tion to this verse, a long story in /the Ham the pl. of Ml is * ; : (T:) and this pl. is of hind a Myb;) pp. 370-372.]) And El-Khansa says, .;j A certain garment; (S, [also] syn. with A.g [app. as pl. of Lt;., and 3A..t [or outer wrapping garment], (M, K,) meaning the arrows thus called; or any misiles]. ;c jbje sl, well hnown; (4I;) one of the garments that are (M.) Hence the prov., t [And in many a calamity which a committer of not cut and sewed; (Mgh in art. lJS3, and MF that stone its is dabb eery f hole t [Near by a crime has brought to pass, thou hIst made thy is to be throrwn at it, or its stone by means of vocc.ljl;) [being of a single pl,ce;] covering the snord to be as a covering to the hea '; meaning, rwhich it guides itself to that hole]; applied to a upper half of the bo,ly; or jlyig upon the shoultlhou hast smitten, therein, the necks of thine thing that is near at band, having no obstacle in ders and backh; (MF voce ,.ij;) or falling upon enemies with thy sword like the i.,. [which . :) [a means a woman's "muffler" and a man's" tur- the way to it; for the dabb will not be guided to the belly and there ending: (TA voce its hole, when it goes forth from it and returns l,)j worn by Moh.ammad, " thrown over the left ban"]. (T.) -Also tA bow; (AAF, M, IAth;) to it, except by means of a stone which it places shoulder and wrapped round the body under the because it is borne upon the shoulder, which is right arm," is described as "four cubits long and the place of the J.1j [properly thus called]. as a mark to point out its hole: (T:) or , Meyd) i.e. Eoery i,e ($, two cubits and a span wide :" (Sprenger's Life of (IAth, TA.) - And [for the like reason] The t I6,> 6; Mobammad, Part I, English ed., pp. 80 and 87:)] [ornament called] CL [q. v., worn by women]. dabb htas near by it its stone that is to be thrown it is of the masc. gender, and it is not allowable Meyd;) for the dabb has little knowat it; (.,* (T, .K.) So in a verse of El-Agshla, cited voce to make it fem.: (IAmb, Mtb:) the dual is ledge, therefore it prepares not its hole save by a jdj. (T.) - And t A bier; because it is borne stone that may be a mark thereof, so that he who and ilj 1l;j, the latter being allowable, ';.j) upon the place of the I.j [pr.perly thus called, seeks it finds the stone that is to be thrown at the (?, Mhj,) but the former being preferable: (S:) i c., upon the shoulder]. (yIam p. 471.) dabb near to it; therefore the provey. means that and the pl. is 4>,1: (, M, Msb :) the o;j is also And t Debt; (T, M, . ;) because it is [regarded thou should(st not feel secure from accidents, j, (1M, K, TA, [in the CC M>j,]) like as] a thing thiat cleaves to the neck of the debtor, because calamities are prepared with every time, called like as the .1j [properly thlus called] cleaves or period; and it is applied to him who exposes as the JljJ is also called eJl; (M;) and V ;,, to the shoulders of the wearer. (T.) You say, himself to destruction. (Meyd.) Hence also, is pl. the of which i;1>),) CI the in (1, TA,'1 Aid. , meaning 1 lie is little burdened i. c. from s.. in the first of the senses assigned t ~0 (TA,) occurring in the saying, in respect of debt: and also, in respect of house- to it above, (S,) or in the second of those senses, TA.) [Sce also an ex. vocc :L..]* hold. (],* (.aHn p. 417,) said of a courageous man, ,d Also t Intelligence: - and t ignorance: (M, ,ks..i5 tc Verily he is like the missile of . ] :) both on the autliority of IA;r: (M :) - hc (S;) or r..9-Jl >,- t * t[Such a wars]; that is the tanything means it that also says * * one is like the crushing ato;#of the wars]; or pride, or orna,nent, of a person; (T,M ;) even, 1 1 1. (M,) for instance, one's hlouse, and one's fathler; ... JI ks., i. c. the whomn they throw against [lie will not n,ear ouiter wrapping garments of (T, M;) or one's lhouse and onc's beast; (so in the antagonistsand who crushes theml: (.Iam ubi silk, nor will he be seen at the porch of the com- the TA;) each of these, he says, is one's ,Jj [or suprs:) and being Pl : [; kl ks: mnfder, or prince, unles for the purpose of that a thinig t it is (M,) tlius, (T:) pride] t of s;., as well as of ;j.j:] (S:) and $ milking the sheeyl, or goat, and the camel]; (M, graces: and ta thing that disgraces: (M, I:) 1 (M;) but accord. so that it has two contr. meanings: thus in the meaning a;:/; TA;) kS:le ,-jb ,~. ks>- t Such a otne is rery patidet in the endurance of contention and war. (M.) to Th, it has no sing.: (M,TA:) [or] Vt>.;; ., referring to the meanings of "intelligence" consideration. requires this :" but ignorance " k.O,~ is also used as meaning t A horse hard like and (l.).Hence, j;. syn. signifies naist-tvrappers; (TA.) the stone thus called; thus in a verse of'Antarah: t,1SI. jA, in a description of Umm-Zar", in a trad., meaning t Lank in her belly; as though ;ij5: see the next preceding paragraph, first or it there means a horse that runs sniftly; from .,JFI [an inf. n. of i;, q. v.]: or it is from And An.) her .>1 were empty. (TA in art. signification. jV) [inf. n. of , and syn. therewithl], meanin beneicencs. (T, M, , d Abonlind 1.) j1 kS.: see ;sJ in art. I>. ing perdition: or it means, in that verse, rlike Lh t A life ample, or TA.) Anld t. .Jl ,Ij,] a svord, [as being an instrument of perM..LA1 l>j plenlif,l, in its means. (TA.) - And The lion; (] ;) because lie dashes himtSL$l I (Ham p. 207.) 9 *lI;, -- i. from dition,] t The beanty, and softness, tenderess, or delicate- self Qs). i. e.,,) [against his prey]. (TA.) al.j. l;, (TA,) is used as meaning also, ($,) or ness, of youth. (T.) - And . :II jij t Tihe the stone thus called in hardlike she-camel t A sun. the of (T,) light, and light, (M,) or beauty tA stone that is thrown; (S, :;) as also .5:; [as pl. of U;.. or of (1!. t And ness. ($, TA.) also signifies t A afnrd; (T, M, t;,: (T, M.) " (T, 8:) or a piece of rock nwith vhich ] ;) [ISd says,] I think, as being likened to the date-stones are broken: (Ham p. 417:) and ac- *l;..] means also tTh; legs of camels, (Lth, T, garment thus called; (M;) [i.c.] because it is cord. to ISk, * the latter signifies a piece of rock M, 1i,) and of the elephant (Lth, T, JO) or of hung, by its suspensory cords, upon the neck and with which stones are broken, (S,) or nith which elephants; as being likened to the stones thus shoulder [like that garment]. (T.) [Sce also one breaks [anything]: (M :) or a stone ;which the called; (M, TA;) or because of their heaviness, St,, near the end of the paragraph.] Mutem- strong man can hardly, or not at all, lift with and vehemence of tread. (T, TA.) - Also s., mem says, his hands; [like M>p; (TA in art. >j;)] with (so in the $,) or sj. with damm [to the .*] they which with and broken; are which stones and with shedd [to the k], (.K,) A pole with beat and soften a rugged place that they hollow which a ship, or boat, is propelled, (S, ~,) being out; and wvith which the hole of the [lizard in the hand of the sailor: ( :) pl. [of the former] is broken, or battered, rhen it is .. ,, ($,) or [of the latter] kS>: (1: ) in the has shrouded beneath his called] [Verily El-Minhdl ]), dial. of the vulgar 1. * [pronounced by them [i.e. ; stones (1luL large amnong smord a young mapn not voracious in the evenings, (En-Na4r, demolishes: and soften when the chief meal is eaten, one wtvho eacited the which A*U it pL, without tenween, or IS., for lj.]; 5g admiration of the beholder]: for El-Minh6il had T:) the same word (it>oy) also signifies the stone, [and vulgarly pronounced [l.JlJ slain his [the poet's] brother Malik; and when a (T,) or the piece of roch, (M,) by means of which with the art., is guided to its hole: (T,M:) [and USgtJ also without the art.]. (TA.) man slew another who was a celebrated man, he the


Li 4,;

Boo I.] ig, "and its pl.


Isij- J-

1073 cumstances:. (T:) or, applied to a thing (M, Mqb,l ) of any kind, (M, ,) bad, corrupt, vile, base, abominable, or disapprowed: (M, Mqb, ] :) fem. of the first with 3: (M, Mb :) pl. [of paue.], of the first, 3jt, (Mqb,) or [of the same,] I3jl, (T, , M, O, and so in some copies of the 8,) [or this is more probably pl. of t;),V and accord. to analogy,] and j3;J (?, M,:) J3ji, (M,],) which is of a rare form, (M,) [in (T,) [which is applied the C: 511,,] and ., TA) only to rational beings,] and (of 'Jj,

M,j Land upon which hat fallen rain such as is S;,-): see the nexi preceding paragraph, in (Ay, A 'Obeyd, T, $, M, 1.) termed 31;. seven places: -and see also ,, in three places. iA sky Q w) raining, or letting fall, such (A, TA.) rain as is termed 11;; and so ;*.. tI.J, lut sentence ~ee J: kS L5v'1

(which is also pL of allowable, but only the first is, (Ay, A'Obeyd, f, M, V,;) in his ampect, and in his states, or cir-


. A woman lank, or slender, One says,M

i 1




in the place of th [ornament called] Ct [q. [The shy is raining afine rain,and what is being heard is delighting: art thou, then, coming to us v.]. (T.)
a;,1, in the ](ur v. 4, means That which fallsfrom a mountain, or into a well, orfrom an elevated place, and dies. (T.) The sheep or goat thus termed is forbidden [to be eaten] because it has died without having been slaughtered according to the law. (Msh.)

1: see what next follows. (T, TA;) and * a], (A, K,) inf. n. 313J,(TA,) or hjlj; (so in the TT as from the T;) The shky rained,or let fall, such rain as is termed 31); [explained below]. (T, 8, M, A,1.) And ,1, Ul :t*-JI The sky during the night rained upon us, or let fall upon usI, such rain as is so termed. (A.) - [Ilence,] ,UAJI 31, (in n. as above, T,) t The ,.ater-shin, or milk-shin, exuded, or let flow7r, nwhat was in it. (T, A, L, g.) And ,;I, t TI,e wound in the headflowed with what ;JI 4 :Az,1 'JI C And L,.) ras in it. (T, A, L, t Thde eye flowed nith its water. (T, A, L.) ;ij: see what next follows. (T, S, M, A, L, 1g,) and by poetic license 'eakh [or drizzling] rain, (, M, t 3;i, (M, 1,) L, 1g,) but exceeding nhat is termed Ji: ($, L:) orfine rain, buit exceeding what is termed (A:) or the lightest of rain except what is j: te,mned j>: (As, T:) or, accord. to EI-Khattlibee, nnd Sub in the It, rain more than nwhat is termed J. and A.A, but a litt le ss strong than wrhat is termed J, or like this last: (MF,TA:) or still, contipuous rain, consisting of small drops, reembling dust: or such as is afler [app. mean: (M,L, 1:) ing mnore than] wthat is termed n. un. 5ll1j. (M.) To such rain, the poet Bakhdaj, using the abbreviated form of the word, likens some of his verses; not as meaning weak, but as meaning continuotus, or uninterrupted, and unruffiled; while he likens others of his verses to rain such as is termed J&l;. (M.) One says, [Our day is a day of j -.M U Zvj I,p 3 I.U fine rain, &c., and of happines, and of delectation]. (A.) - llence, t A little wealth or proc~ perty. (Ijar p. 57.) One says, o., 31.j1 I [lFWe are content with a ~.:L; little of what is obtained of thy bounty, and with the sprinkling of thy torrent of munificence]. (A.)


quichly ?]: meaning what is heard of discourse,.or narration, and of science; not of singing. (A.) - [Hence,] t A day in which is rain tuch as is (Lth, El-Umawee, T, 8, A, 1g.) :,(, (M, termed 31lj. (Mb, 1, ,) and, of the pl. And IA water-skin, or milk-skin, exuding, or ;i, Jl pl.] [the of be [but] said in the O to 3 TA,) letting flow, what is in it. (A, TA.) And 1,t1, (T, Msb, TA, and so in some copies of the J~ t Anything flonwing. (T.) 3ij t, 8..,. in the place of Jt;s,) and [of tV j;j,] , e .i3j131 w : see lja. rational to only applied is [which (T, M, 1,) beings, and is said in the M and TA to be used only with the article JI prefixed to it, but is J3j written without the Jl in the 1.] You say 1. J3, C(T, $, M, Msb, 1g,) aor. ', (T, 8, K,) ..,51 J3, Jq.. and [A n,an mean, or UlA ($, M,; M, bad, &c., in respect of elothes and of action]. 13 (T, !,M, Mb, 1) and inf. n. ij Mb, 1;) and J3j, nor. ; ($gh, g;) lie (a (T, TA.) And J.j .j4 A dirty, bad, or vile, man) was, or became, low, base, vile, mean, or garment; (TA;) and so t q)J; : (M, TA:) J.. contemptible;. (T, f, M, K ;) in his aspeet, and of J [so accord. to a copy the T, but or Ji in his states, or circumstances: (T:) or it (a a mistranscription for 3J1j,] a dirty thing, M, M.b, g, of any kind, M, ]j) was, or perhaps and V.k^; w3a bad, or vile, gargarment: became, bad, corrupt, vile, base, abominable, or disapproved. (M, M9 b, g.) - ij, (;, M, J,) ment. (T.) nor. ;, inf.n. J;; (M,TA;) and t?43J; (8, J3j: see the next preceding paragraph. V;) He made, or pronounced, him (a man) to be low, bas, vile, mean, or contemptible: (, M, J see j) [of whichl it is both a syn. and a g,* TA:) or he made, or pronounced, it (a thing pl.]. - Also, (S,) or f1J, (T,) or both, (M, of any kind) to be bad, corrupt, vile, base, abo- M9b, ],) The woroe or viler, or the wrorst or minable, or disapproved. (M, I".*) You say, vilest, (T,) or the bad, or rile, (s$,) of anything: (TA,) (T, g:) [or the refuse thereof; i.e.] a thing of . 'l., ViJ3l, (T,) or I1 pro- which the good has been pichedt out, (M, Mqb, TA) a money-changer, or T, lIe (a man, money, of pieces or dirhems showed, or nounced, 1g,) and the bad or vile, (M,) or the worse or or such of my dirhiem or pieces of money, to be viler, or wrorst or rilest, (Meb,) remains. (M, j3i Msb.) You say also, ,. and IA . (T, TA.) And bad; syn. [He pronounced my sheep, or goats, to be bad; [Theey are the lower or baser &c., or lowest or or he disapproved, or refuwed, them]. (T, TA.) basest &c., or the refuse, of nwmankind, or of the J lJ3I (T, TA) people]. (T.) >.2 Jt i5 And 4 1Jb5 l low, base, &c.,] [as or ref'sed, He disapprored, s;: see J;, in five places. (TA.) men. such and such men, his of 1 4. Jl He had low, base, vile, mean, or con;1~,~: FCee Jl1, in two places. temptible, companions. (4(.) -~ As a trans. v.: A low, base, vile, mean, contemnptible, or ;4; see 1, in four places. bad, quality; contr. of a.em; (M, :) pl. 10. &Jl.;.I[He reckoned lim or esteemed him, ;llj. (TA.) or he found him to be, or he desired that he might be, low, base, vile, mean, or contemptible: 3l~j: see the next paragraph. or he reckoned it or esteemed it, orfound it to be, or desired that it might be, bad, corrupt, vile, see J.j, in two places. - Also Tlae jl,: base, abominable, or disalpprored:] contr. of worse, or worst: so in the phrasewal jlj [The c; (0, V.) Hence the trad., j'. %"i.. worse, or worst, part of life]. (0, ].) [In the a1 21 [God desires ]5, immediately after the words d...1 j , -_ 4 IIi1 ,>~I~ j)I not that a servant (meaning a man) may be lovw, ksjLtis!d copies, we find, in some base, vile, mean, or contemptible, but He wvith- }~1 %*At J3j; and in other copies, .11 holds from him knowledge, or science, and disciSJ..b : accord. to the former s.l~Jt i,.j I jal pline of the mind, or good qualities and attributes of the mind or soil, &e.]. (O, TA.) reading, the meaning is, that $ l" is syn. withi


J.3 (T, $, M, Msb, g) and VJl)3 (?, ]) and $"~; and such SM holds to be the case: accor(d. (As., A'Obeyd, $, M, 1) and 1tt,i ,.. (M,1) applied to a man, to the latter reading, that J1` is syn. withl and t jl jt e.Lj (Ks, T, P, M) and V* , (Thb, M, 3, 15,) or the second and third of these are not Low, base, rile, mean, or contemptible; (T, , W1 JIi, I have no doubt that the latter is the

L. lJ-[BooK I. original reading in the ],, and that it is taken [See also the ps. part. ., below: whence it a';1 A piercing, sticking, or stabbing, (8, from the 0, where (with a preceding context appears that it signifies also The dre/ing, or TA,) such as is firm, or steady. VTA.) A diferent from that in the 1) the words are, preparing, &c., with rice.] tremour. (Th, ?, .) - See also ji, last sen*j..i ;j S1j. J i 13j; thus, with Jl,, in the R. Q. 1. "I.j, (1,) inf. n. 5j~, (TA,) lHe put tence. - Long-sounding. (V.) l lail: (Th, gen. cs: but I believe, m this word thus written suggests, and as some persons, alluded to by MF, it in motion, or in a state of commotion. (g, TA :) or smaU hail, like snow. (S, J.) TA.)_And lie equalired it; namely, a load, have supposed, that .gjt.= has been foisted jJ A place in rwhich j [or rice] is collcted into the text of the ]K in consequence of a misun- or burden; (y,TA;) made it to counterbalance. (TA.) together; like the ,,.,S of wheat. (TA.) derstanding or of a mistranscription of the words in question in some work earlier than the 0; jj,. Food dresed, prepared, or mized up, that the correct reading is, 'JI 4j;t J! : 8. '~jl It stuck, or became fastened or Jfied, ('.tJ,) with ~j [or rice]. ($gh, ]g.) And - 1; and that this is taken from what here into a thing; (TA;) as, for instance, an arrow Paper dreaed, or prepared, (La.,) withj, [or follows.] It is said in thie gur [xvi. 72 and into tho target, (, A, ],) and into the ground. rice]: (A, TA:) or paper glazed, or polilted. (S.) xJii. 6], ` . jJj;t i , . j, (T, TA,) (A.) - t ]sI (a niggardly man) remained jfied i. e. [And ofyou is he who is brought back to] in his place, and wasr tenatiow, (,* X,* TA,) the worse, or worst, [part] of lie, (Ksh and Bd and mas ashamed and confounded, or specl~less and Jel,) and the more, or most, contemptible and motionless through confusion and shame. 1. , aor. -, inf n.. and He H/~, got, or thereof; (Ksh in xvi. 72;) a state of decrepitude (TA.) obtained, from him good (S, 1) of any kind. and dotage; (Ksh and Bd and Jel ;) which reiq jJt [i. e. Rice: see the latter word, in ($.) And U; J1' stjj i. q. s; [a mistake, sembles the state of a young infant: (Ksh and art.jbl] (S, K. ) through an oversight, for te' J;; i.e. Such a Bd:) meaning he who dotes by reason of old one accepted the bounty of such a one;] as also age, so that he hus no intellect; as is shown jj A piercing [pain] and rumbling in the belly: 4Ijj, without : the former said by AM to be the b the words in the same [immediately following], (A:) or pain in the belly; as also :' j (S:) original. (TA.) And ;':jl lt le lj took from or pain, and preuure of the feces: (TA :) or the the ting, diminished it, kesened it, or impaired (T, TA.) prtssure and motion of the feces in the belly, (1]t, Mgb, TA,) in the effort to pan forth, so it; (1;) and to;ji3 signifies the same; or he J.j~. A man made, or pronounced, to be low, that the person wvho feels it wants to enter the took from it, diminished it, &c., by little and bae, vile, mean, or contemptible: (f,* TA:) and privy; whether it be with a rumbling or without: little. (JM.) You say, 0to j'j, and Jo 4;, a thing made, or pronounced, to be bad, corrupt, (!t, TA:) or a sound of rumbling or the like in aor. , inf. n. j, lie got, or obtained, sonm hat vilei, base, abominable, or disaplroved. (TA.) the belly. (An, Mgh,* TA.) You say, j of his property; as also :U t p;;t. (<i.) And 1W ,,(Ay, LL $, A) I felt in my belly a piercing [pain] and rumbling: (A:) or a pain: 1. ;1j, [aor. -, inf n. .,] .ie pierced, stuck,. (AV, Q: expl. in the KL by the Pers. word or stabbed, him. ($, A, g.) - He stuck, or ; :) as also 'V : (As, g:) or pain, and fastened, orfJxed, it, (., A, K~,) into the ground, presure of the feces; &c. (TA.) - [Hence,] ($,) or into another thing; ( ;) as, for instance, t A vehement burning in the mouth of a camel, a nail (TA) or a knife (A) into a wall, (A, TA,) arisingfrom thirst, with pain. (TA.) Also or a knife into the ground, (TA,) and an arrow A low sound: (TA:) any sound that is not veheinto theo target. (A.)._ ;pJlm j, aor ment: (A'Obeyd, TA :) or a sound that one hears : ( :) or a sound that ) and , (a,) inf. n.j (, TA) andj, (so in from afar; as also * ~ on hears but hknows not what it is: (TA:) or a a copy of the 8, but wanting in another,) The locust stackh hr tail into the ground, (AZ, $, X,) oand in a more common tuen; (, TA;) eheand laid her eggs, (AZ, $,) or to lay her eggs; ment or dight: (TA:) or a sound; as of thunder &c.: (8:) or the sound of thunder; (V;) as also ( ;) as also ? j. l.,- (AZ, ~, :.) 1 ., at^, [in memure] like,eal: or the former has a (, aor. , inf. n. jj, (TA,) He furnished the a,) more general application: and *jl tin like door with a 3 [or stapl. to receiw the bolt of the manner] signifies a sound: and also thunder: ._ Jj, (A, 1,) aor. , (TA:) and also signifies the braying of a (A, TA,) inf. n.j, (TA,) The shy made a sound stallion-camel. (g,* TA.) by rMeason Qf rain. (g.) 'a is also said of a t single prcing; a stick, or stab. (, stallion [i. e. a stallion-camel, meaning He utTA.) - And A pain in tAh bach. (Sgh, TA.) tered a low bra~g]: and of thunder [meaning - The iron [meaning the staple] into twhich It made a low send]. (A.) [See j, below.] [the bolt of] the lockh enters: ($, ]:) so called And jj signifies also The hbing iutantly silent. because [the bolt of] the lock penetrates it: pl. (TA.) o(TA.)


t. V , (S,) and as at, ,:a. , (., C,) I did not tahe from hin of his property; or did not dimnini.h to hiim his property. ($, .K.0) And :~, '~,6t. I did not take from him, or it, aught. (Mgh.) And t, U "J t tG lIe did not get, or obtain, fromn such a one aught of his property; and did not take from him aught thereof (TA.) And 'y j t I did not take from htim, or it, as much as an ant would earry with its moutAh: (.Har p. 197:) or thus originally, but meaning, anything. (~ in art. J.j.) And
BAi ;. UAj t We took not of, or from, thy water, anything: occurring in a trad. (TA.) In another trad., as some relate it, Jj occurs for OjW, which is the originaL (IAth.) Acoord. to AZi, [however,] one says;,[j, meaning t had it taken, or received,from me; or, virtually,] it was taken, or receiwd, from me; but not e. (TA.) [Henee, when relating to a moral attribute, or the like, it virtually means t It was experienced from me: see a verse cited voce j:t., in art. 3.] You say also, ti &, tvirtually] meaning BHe is a bountif/ person; one nwhoe gratuitous gifs feople obtain. (1~am


p. 722.) And,mt&l



.1Vierily hei

t rjt


b~, (&,) inf n ,

(., ~,)

I arranged, or facilitated,for thee the affair. (l, 6) And J 4 .3 i1J,j S I arranged, or facilitated, thin.e affair, and put it in a sowd, rigAt, or pr , stat, (-,, tor, as in one copy of the A, ~;,, i. e. made it clear, or pla,]) witA fsuck a one. (A, TA.) '3 also signifies The i~1, or polishing, of paper. (0, V.) -

one who gets little of thefoo (TA.)_"I" j i. q. ~L., [generally meaning Lmad]: also signifies I afflicted him with an ajqtiction, a (Igh, ]1 :) a dial. var. of the latter word. (TA.) mifortune, or a calamity. (Myb.) And '31U jilj: ee j. -Also An affliction, a mifortune, or a calamity, A certain pant, with vwhich onU dyes (?, IJ.) befell him. (f, Msb.) It is said in a trad., respecting a woman who came asking for her son, jl One who sulls, and traff, in, jj [or rice]. ,j.t;.l ,, og't !t f, meaning If I be (TA.) afflicted by the loss of my on, I hat not been tAe los of my f~n. (TA.) Sj,: ee 0, in three place.

BooK I.] without teshdeed; ($,A, Mb ;) Vthe second mentioned by Ks, (Mgh,) but it is vulgar, (Fp, Mqb,) and said by I8k to be 8: see 1. -- j31 also signifies It (a thing, 8 ) wrong; (Mqb;) A thing with which clods of cloy was, or became, diminished, lessened, or impaired d. are broken: ($,L:) or a small rod, or batoon, (9, Jr.) A poet says, (namely, Ibn Mul5 bil, de -of iron: (A, X:) and the last, I ti;, without scribing a stallion, g in art .j,) teshdeed, a large blacksmith's hammer: (TA:) or a mallet rwith which wooden pins or pegs or stakes are knocked into the ground or into a rwall; (9, TA) And he had not been lessened [by riding , syn. oB.Cc: (Mgh:) the pl. of the first is jl; so as to lose] as much as the gnat will carry :(Msb;) and of t the last, .,jjl, (A, Msb,j as (TA:) or as much as the ant will carry Nith it also of Q: [q. v-]. (A.) meouth; meaning, anything: (S in art. dk:) bu t t some read ij;; [and some, !pi.,as in copiC s ;j. [A satrapy; the government of a satrap, of tie ? in art. ,j ;] and some, O .. (TA.) or prefect of the PersianJ;] the headship of the Persians. (s.) You say, 1Ub -a- *is jJ, (9, Mgh, [originally [,) an inf. n., and] ] and liJ. r j1 . i[Such a one is over the satrapy a subst. from 4ija 1jj, (Mgb,) and t , (c , of, or has the office of satrap over, such a proMgh, Mqb, ]K,) also pronounced ijsj, originally vince,] like as you say, IX1 ii 1j. (Q.)

4. jjl: see SJ1I, in art. t,J. 6: seel.

% - tiJ ($, Mb,) and tV 1j,

1076 had had not porer to rise. (TA.) And tJj, ci, (Mgh, M9bj IMb,) aor. :, (Msb,) inf.n. ,j; and tij; (Mgb, 1 Mob) Msb) and tljj, (Msb,) lle (a camel, Mgh, Mhb) fell down by reason offatigue: (Mgh :) or became mucla much emaciated (M;b.) - Hence, or from *j~ as meanincr meaning low, or depressed, ground or land, said of a man, t He became weak, and what .jsaid was in his hand nent from Aim. (TA.) - And il and dJil. t (A) *His state, (jl or condition, was, and his circumstances,were, or became, weak and evil. (A,* and .ar p. 480.)._ [Hence also,] %4.'l t The grape.vinefll don. [Hence (TA.) (TA.) - cJti U t;' inf n. , l:e thrust, cj or pierced, such a one with the spear, or with the iron at the lower extremity of the spear; syn. ,9.1 #.j. (g.) #4.j. 2. C:jJ, 2. Lj, inf. n. (S, ,) RJe, le made a shecamel to fall down by reason offatigue, emaciated: (S:) or he emaciated her. (!.) And jt"kw j;L,l 'jj; Journeys emaciatedher. (A,* TA.) 4L 4 I jjt He raised [orproppedup] the grape-wins grape-wine [that had fallen down]. (TA.) 6: seel. lj (B,A, Mgh, M;b, TA) cjl;

with ., (M.b,) and * aSj,

;a..*and Zj6,: see aj;l,t in five places. a misfortune, or a calamity, (8, Msb, .K, TA,) by the loJs of things dear to one: (TA :) or a ) i i.q. 44e, [and .rtj, i.e. A woatergreat a.ictionor calamity or misfortune: (Mgh :) s pout; &c.; see art. ;j3]; (A,g;) a dial. var. pl. (of the first, S, TA) ijj1 (S, 1J, TA) and (of tbereof; (8, Mqb;) but not a chaste word; (8;) the second, 9, Myb, TA) Y,j. (S, Msb, K, TA.) and disallowed by A'Obeyd, (TA,) and by lSk
: see the next preceding paragraph.
and Fr and AHat. (TA voce < P

(S, X,) An afiction,

Also A

great hip: (A, .:) or a long ship: (AZ, $, g :) pl. 1 (AZ, 8-)

and 1 I


AJl [A satrap; or] a great man, or chief, (A, Mgh, ]6,) of the Persians: (., Mgh, 1]:) or a courageous cavalier wvho is set over a people, under a king: (TA:) it is said, on the authority of As, that the chief of the [here l-c mcanincg Persian] was called i;tij* and : (IB, TA:) e Wj4 is an arabicized word, (6, Mgh,) [origoinally Persian,] used anciently: (Shifi eldit ~ 1j.. [Suac a one is a person from w,hom Ghaleel, TA:) pL. ; (?, A, Mgh, K.) Hence, much of his property has been obtained]: and in [and from ae,lp as pI. of j the saying, expressing pity and grief, d4.1 I) C0%4 [Such a one is a person nwho has had some one, or more, of his family taken from himn]. (Ham seek protectio,aby God f;om tAe satraps, and the p. 176.) And the pl., mentioned above, also signi- iron batoons that are in their hands]. (A.) fies Persons of whom the best have died: (J[:) And hence, (@,Mgh,) tJt ' (8, Mgh, ]K,) or persons of whom death befalls the best. (L.) [lit. Mhe chief of theforest, or the like,] the latter word meaning I1, (Mgh, TA,) and also pronounced ;!ljJ; (Mgh;) an appellation of the lion; (6, Mgb, g;) and so t is,i j.JI; for which El1. .jj, (A, 1],) nor. ', inf. n. 'J, (T. ,) Ie d5ij24, as referring to the ;wj kept, or clave, to him, or it, (A, X(,) not depart- Mufa1dal said of the lion; but A; disallowed this. (S.) ing. (.)

lj.t; (so in some copies of the S; in others IJ,, which is said in the . to be a mistranscription;) pl. '33jj..: (1:) A generous man, (~, J,* [in the latter of which only the pL is explained,] and TA,) whose good things men get, or obtain, (C,) or from whom much is gotten, or obtained. (TA.) Onc says, in praising, `

A camel that has fallen down by reason offatigue: (Mgh:) or much emaciated: (Mgh, Mb :) or much emaciated, that will not move: (TA:) perishing by reason of emaciation: (9, TA:) or that throws himself down by reason of fatigue: that or much emaciated, but haing power to more: ' (A, TA:) pl. [of the former] Ljj (S, A, Mgh, .1 Mob, ]) and C:ji Mob, * (S, A, Mgh, ) and, j (S, A, M9b, 1) and [of the same or of ;] .6 CIj; (A, TA) and [oftlj;.] t C:ljj (, A, [Hence,] [Henee,] '' .jj '" .. o. --. [Hence,] oj A. and tCj [app. ' j, 0 a-reeably agreeably with analogy, a or perhaps j,] t A lpeople, people, or party, emaciated, and falling dowrn [or totterin.g tottering by reason of mwaknes]. tgaam p. 227.) And j t 1_ And 'd [He has a weak and an eril evil state or condition: see 1]. (A.) [A place wheare camels fall down by reason reason of fatigue: and hence,] a far-extending place of crosing or trarersing [of a desert &c.]. Phwo (S, 1g.) - And A low, or depred, tract of


j The wood, or pieces of wood, ( ,) rith with which a grape-vineis raiedfrom the ' (T, :T, S, O) when one part thereof has fallen down sem jj, in art. jvj. epon upon another: (T, TA:) or a vine-prop; apiece f wood with rahich a grape-vine is raisdfrom f he ground. (TA in art. o;~.)- Also, as an A# 1. .;j, aor. % inf. n. (@, pithet in which the quality of a subst. predomi. Kj) and l, J e'pithet lates, [but why this is said I do not see, unless (@, L,) or Cij,, (V,) She (a camel) fell down 'n (@, L, O) by reasm offatig#e, emaciated, ($, L, She primary meaning be that assigned by Esh. Iheybinee to the next following word,] A voiac, IbeybiLnee a;l nd t M-, both with teshdeed; (A, 1];) &c.,) or by reason of fatigue or emaciation, (1 accord. to the TA,) or by reason offatigue and s gund, ound, or noise; (TA;) and so or the former only, (8, Mfb, ],) of these two, o t ~lj,: (:) emciation: (CI:) or clave to the ground, and a ecord. cord. to Esh-Sheybinee, the latter sgniSF I 1 great, or old; syn.;,.-: and thick and strong: and big, or bulhy: (CI:)or short and thich and strong: (TA:) or great in body, and stupid, foolish, or deficient in intellect. (Abu-l-'Abb6s, TA.) _ Also The tulva of a woman; (] ;) accord. to Kr, a subst [properly speaking] applied thereto: (TA:) or an epithet, meaning large, or big, (j, ,) applied thereto, ((,) or applied to a .tbj [i. e. pubes]. (90

applied to a man, (TA,) Short: (9, 1.) and

(9, l,) quasi-coordinate to


, (,)

see what next precedes.

land. (i.)

1076 haci/ a mvm nt voice or ound or noise; (e;) but this [said to be] is a mistake. (1.) t0.,and its pL



(BooK L.

ret me:

JI t The TA.)- [Hence jjj also signifies It (a place) but did not Jlow. ($,] ) b,) ( water was, or became, little in quantity. (JK, gras rained upon.] Lebeed says, .) I Ibn-'Abbad, tj A

quantity of water in wht are e teiaj 3 3C ~1;3A 0.,b "' * q. v.] termed 1QJ [q. v.] and L. [pl. of , (TA;) i.e. They were rained meaning .'; and the like. (TA.) - See also aj. upon with the rain of the i1tl [pl. of . q.v.] (TA.) Moisture. e: a- j. -e Also of the ~e, and the rain of the thundering cloud jij) A row of palm-trees, and of men: (IF, fell upon them, the copious thereof and the drizJ, Mqb, ] :) or [simply] a row: (JK, Mgh:) ; Sticking fast in slime or mire: (JK, T, zling and lasting thereof. (EM pp. 140 and 141.) and an extended cord or string or thread: (JK:) (IB.) -. and t ijr ]:) or so - And iUj ffj; He thanked such a one; wroa ($, I,) which V1 an arabicized word, from j, thankful, or grateful, to him; or acknowis Penrian: ( :) Lth says, What the people [now] i3., (S, ]F) and Lj (Lth, Mgh) TAin mud; ledged his beneficence: of the dial. of Azd, (M,) call j. 1 we call 3jj, meaning a row: it is an (TA;) [i. e.] slime, or mire: (l, I :) or much i.e. Azd-Shanooah. (TA.) One says, adventitious word. (TA.) - [Hence,] one says, $lime or mire: or, accord. to the M, it is les than & I.j [I did that since, i.e. j J 1 a.l, meaning Make thou the what is termed U) [tor Uij, q. v.]: (TA:) but Jj, L3 .Ji I.1j thou thankdst me]. (TA.) And hence, affair, or case, [ui;for;n, or] one uniform thing. accord. to Lth (Mgh) and to the T, (TA,) or because, ,1j II .:A3 than what ie termed U>j: (Mgh, TA:) or slime, in the ]ur [lvi. 81], 0 (Fr, TA in art C.) or mire, little in quantity: (.Ham p. 32 :) pl. [And do ye make your thanking to be that ye TA) L, (Lb, J2j3 and &ce.) (8, Mb, 5, disacknowledge the benefit received, as being from (I) [and 1]: V lj and [coll. gen. n.] * God'?]; (1 ;) i. ce., accord. to Ibn-'Arafeh, do ye, (L, $, M, b, , and Jl" (ISk, g) and (Mgh:) mire: or slime, signify t3J and ,Jj or instead of acknowledging what God has bestowed Jf, &e.,) but this last disallowed by ISk, as ,j,] like upon you, and being thankful for it, attribute it (TA,) [though allowed by many others, and of and t 3 is also expl. [as a sing., frequent occurrence,] and said bysome to be having this last meaning; and as meaning also to another than Him? or, accord. to Az and others, [as J also says in thde ,] the meaning is, post-clamical, and to be correctly Sljjt, (Myb,) moisture of the earth. (TA.) [do ye make the 1 ,1J 3 jJ ; Xs arabicised, (g, Myb, f,) of Per. origin, (Q,) from precedes. next what 0t1.: see thanking for your sustenance to be disackno~It.;, (i,) [erronoously] said by IF to ho from ledgmcnt?]: (TA:) and somo read ,> ;. [for S;J signifying uas explained above; (MNb;) A much slinme or mire; j3,]. (Bd.) producing Rain rural district; or district consiting of cultivated 3 , " causing much flowing." (Yam land witfh towns or viUagse; syn. ;1, (v,) or opposed to S, (j,3 j1 b, I,) aid of soldiers, (S,) or 8. l as p. 3) 1%, and t.;: (li:) Y&4oot explains j,;j of people, (Mqb,) Thtey took, or received, their applied, in his time, in the country of the Persians, jljjI [i. c., when said of soldiers, portion of sub,dds, 3 : see j. to any place [or district] in which are own f sistente-money, pay, or allowances, and when said and tom or village~ ; not to citiea, like EI-Baqrah moistens the earth, or ground, of others, means of subsistence, kc.]. (%, Msb, that Rain e. and Daghdid; so that it is, with the Persians, degree, but not flowing; ]. ) -- See also what next follows. like ;1 with the people of Baghdad, and is a eceedting the ordinary HjjHe ,lasked, or demanded, of him 10. more special term than ;5~ [in Arabic] and opposed to 3 ;,) "that causes the valleys and 0~, [in Persian]: (TA :) or it is used as mean- water-coures (e3) to flow." (, and Ham nrhat is termned Jj [i. o. nmeans of subsistence, ge.; ing an outlying ditrict, or a bord-district, of a when said of a soldier, subsistence-money, pay, or p. 632.) - See also 3j. eoantry: (Mb :) [but the correctness of this last allowance]; (MA, TA;) au also t 3). (TA.) exlplanation is questionable :] dte pl. is G*dzj; iii A thing mwhreby one profits, or from (, (Mlb) [and &.ljj and j,.sl;] and which one derives advantage; (S, 1 ;) as also M, (Mqb, c.,) aor. &c, 2T ij, (t, Msb, L i;jj (gar p. 249) [&c.]. (g, TA,) in the pass. form: (TA: [in Myb) and * j#, TA,) inf. n. d3j, (s,) or 3dj, (IB, ]f,) the latter the Cig, erroneously, 3jAi:]) and a gi/f; and being the proper inf. n., (if,) and the former a especially, of God: (S:) or [especially, and acsimple subst. but also used as an inf. n., (TA,) cording to general usage,] the means of subsistv.] to come to cace, or of the support awl growth of the body, 3. "'jI;, (JK,) inf. n. li*j,j., (JK, f,) 1 God caused what is termed ,jj [q. lB.) [The wvhich God sends to [mankind and other] animals; (., gave him. practised deceit, delusion, gaile, or artgice, with him: ( :) or God objective [sustenance, Oictualx, food, or provisions; or a second is doubly trans.: when the hiAn, or towards him; syn. ;Ajl; (JK, I;') verb means supply thereoffrom God:] but with the Mo"tegenerally phrase the implied, is complement and sought, or enmeavoured, to induce him; to come to subsistence of means God caused the and eaten by the said [in speaking] of a wolf &cc him; i.e., gave him, granted him, or bestoned zileh it means a thing possessed syn. U.: so that it does not apply to what is deserving; (JK, TA.") upon him, the means of mtbsistence; or supplied, unlawful: (TA:) pl. ljl: (Q, Msb, I :) and when the what are thus termed are of two kinds; apparent, tlerewith: him blessed, or provided, r 01 was, ground, or Tlhe land, jJlj, 4. A,1 second objective complement is expressed, this [or material,] which are for the bodies, such as became, very dlimy or miry; or had much slime, ol aliment ; and unapparent,[or intlectual,] vwhich or mire, and moisture. (i,* TA. [See also 4 it word is generally one signifying the means offspring.] or property, like, the or subsistence are for the hearts and minds, suck as the several d j1 said of a digger, He reachec art. t-]) aor. ', inf. n sorts of knowledge and of science: (TA:) or 3ji jj, 3Luiu &4 also, says 1One the moist earth or clay. (8, .) - A&i1l 3.&jj TAe sky gave water suA as moistened the eart JjJ,[The bird fed its young one.] (TA.) And properly signifies a portion, share, or lot; or . ) ,;,JI ,~1 ~jj The commander gave their sub particularly, of sometAing good, or excelnt; syn. :.)J. (TA in art. or ground: (TA:) like pay, or allowances, to the army 1 JL.: and is conventionally made to apply to a ey, c..mon n sist And Cd, A.. jjI TAe wind brought L.i. [i.e their sub tAhing by which an animal is enabled to profit: e ij; j H ga tharmy moisture, or rain, &c.]. (IF, I.) And tj I and ijj ,JIq (Bd in ii. 2:) and [hence] it signifies also a daily ;, )J. The C., one: and y, 1 istncone ,,3 1 ;&It The rain moistned the earth, 0o sr ewre given their nsbitence-money, &c.,twic allowance of food or the lite; and so t ij;, of ordinary~degree




ground, ($, I,) and ~dd the

BooK I.] which the pl. is 3j: (TA:) [the subsistencewoney, p ay, or alloannce, of a soldier; or] what is givet forth to the soldier at the commncnement of every month, or day by day: or, accord. to El. Karkheo, .i'"l is what is assigned to those who fighit; and j3l, to the poor: (Igbh: [but see




jdl1l: (S:) and by j-i he means "a Jtrainer" iinstance, two kinds of food, lby tahing them in immediate succesion:] he mixed them. (TA.) S imntediale (;e n, or. l,J,) on the lheads of the ,j~. (. You say, ,l Tlhe camels mixed two pasjl in art. >L.) TA.) And ,Wj Jtl cjl, The camels tures. (., [or salt, or sour, plants] ijl; [erroneously written by Golius and Frey- pasturedupon the , plants] anothert timne, snceet [or X and time, one tag j jl;]: see the next preceding paragraph, in this year. (TA.) [In the case of a man,] &jljy fU,;s:]) and t Sjjj, pl. of *ijtj, wl,ich is the two pfaces. in eating signifies the tanling a consecutie, or 4 *e 311.i a inf. n. of unity of ,jj, signifies tihe portions of j3j- A man po.sesscd of good fortune, or of successive, connexion [between two things]; 00 subsistence-money, pay, or allowrances,(syn. I.11,) good norldly fortunc. (S, , TA.), jj M 1 >5. j emJI jl . -ttj [like as whetn the >5qji 6L was the name of A certain he-goat, mentioned in ia;a i -1 5. of sohliers: (S, K:) one says, .J man mnakes a consecutire, or successive, connexion beinven beltween the eating of locusts and that of ilates; roma much is thy allowance of.f,fod, or the lihe, poetry. (IA9r.) or makes locusts and dates consecutive, or surcesor , or pay,] in the month ? [or thy 3sbsistence-money! ,"': Bsee dj' (., TA :) or 1i,j.f in relation to food 3ive] sive): (TA:) and, *1jl 1j.1 [The. took, or received, signifies the mahing an interchauge, b!y eating signifies their ptort,iols of srtlsi.encc-mnocy, &c.,] (S, a ,.i;jl Those nlo ,recive [subsiste,ce-mnoney, one and one day hone!y, (l.,TA,) day.fles-nmeat, one Mqb, i) is said of soldiers. (.S.) :.JI jl1 pay, or] settled periodical allowances of food or and one Iday [dlrinkhig] and (TA,) dates, (lday one and means A thing [or provision] that coepics to one the like: (Mgh,* Msb,* TA:) and they are thus [eating] bread rithlday one inilk, and TA,) (.g, mnilk, wnithont toil in the seeking thercef: or, as some called thouIghi they be not written down in the (TA,) and tile otti condimoent, or seasoning any oaut say, a thing [or provision] that i. fonnd without register [of the army &c.]. (Mgh.) ontinually, or constantly, to like; keepiyFg ; not like one's looklug, or eatching, for it, and nwithout opto one thing: (8, TA:) or the intern.icing the [actsJ one's reckoning upon it, and without one's earnof] eating with than,ks, and the mouthllfls wilth ing it, or lauouring to earn it. (KT.) - Also lirain ,traise; (IA9r, V, TA ;) by saying, betnreen the t Rain (., K) is sometimes thus called; as in the 1. j;, sid of a camel, (Lb, K,) and of a man, moutlsfuli, mouthfuli, Praise be to God: (IAtr, TA:) or ]ur xlv.4 and li. 22: this being an amplification &c.; (Lh, TA;) or :o; saxid of a she-camel; the mentioning God between erery twro mouthfuls: in langmuge; as when one says, "T h e dates are ( ;) nor. nnd , inf. n..3jj and ljj; (, K ;) (Tit, TA:) or the eating the J.oft and the dry or in thie bottom of the well ;" meaning thereby lie was unable to rise, (I.1, KI, TA,) in conse- (Tih, lough [alternately],and the street and the sour, tough "the [water for] waitcring the palm-trees." (S.) quence of his hlning fallen downn by rea.on nof ond and the unseasoned, or disagreeable in taste, and ... .... (Lh, TA,) or in conse- the seasoned: agreeably with all of these interandl its 1,1. 3jj;: see the next preceding fatigue and emaciation, quence of emaciation (.K, TA) arisingfiro,nhunger protations pretations is explained the saying of 'Omnar, t1. paragrmph. or disease: (TA:) or shec stood still, or stopped 4 (K, TA:) as thoughil lie said, 1b: j"IJh J-Ibt: .journeying, in consequence of.fitigque anl .: see jj. IlWhen ye eat,] eat what is easy and agrecable to [ IF'IieiA emaciation, and ras motionler. (S, TA.) swallom wilth rhat is unseasoned, or disagreeable snwallov &A .. j., (K, TA,) said of a man, inf. n. *jj, (TA,) lj ll: see wlhat next follows, in twvo i)laces. in taste: (TA:) or nix ye, in your cating, wrhat 3 X iij; lfc ove7, ia is soft with what is rough, or harsht, or coarse: SljljI nnd t I1 1, the latter of whlich has an lIe died. (1;, TA.)-his advcrsary, and kneeled u/ton hin, (K, (1Ath, cane (IAth, TA:) or mabe ye praise to follon, [your God, to nplbliedl intensive significantion, arm ep)ithets A quitted not his place. (TA.) One says and TA,) eating]. (..)-. _ jJJ, J3JI4j1. means The purmeaning [Th'le Suplier of the mealu of subsistli.s.;aj [lIe lay upon his breast chasipig ence, &c.; or] the Crcator of what are termed of a lion -..chasing in the mnarket le than wrhat wrill makt .t (TA.) it]. quitting ,tot prey, hi. on ul) up thefill quantity of the loads. (I.) 3lj 'J1, and the Gircr of their jljjl to his crealong as it with steadfast, or fnrm, thlou to le ;j; appllialso is tures. (TA.) [The forimcr el.ithet 4. ,~jjl She (a camel) utte'ed a cry xsuch as as it isfirmn, or steadfast : referring to fortune whlen cable to a mnl; btlt tlhe latter is not.]_ is termed ULj; [q. v.] when loring, or aJfectinug, it is severe, or rigorous. (Ham p. 302.) - And [as pI. of jjl;, agrca:l,ly will, a gcneral rule young one: (8 :) or she (a camel) uttered a her ile laid i old upon the thing. (v.) relating to elpithets of the measure ji; when not : t .;J lJ cry of yearniug towards her young one: (I :) .:j, The iinter was, or became, and in like manner, t.&J; JiO .. jt is said of a i ojj applicable to rational beings, and of lijl;,] Dos, ;.V.. c : ewc,orabe-goat: TA.) Ience tj..i' (.,' cold. intensely and birds, that prey, or catcl game. (TA.) ewe, or she-goat: but sometimes.lj4U means the uttering of a cry, or sound, absolutely: and .~jjI ,J91; j The terin.q [q. v. infrh]. (1g,TA.) said of a she-camel occurs in a tnrd. as meaning she Freyand Golius by written [erroneously ~ j1; 1 'jj. mother brought him forth: (I :) and so d4 .. 1 uttered a cry. (TA.) .One says, t. J1 jil tag LJ j] l'eak: (Moheet, L, 1g:) applied to (TA.) ' Ala ---. ;cll ... j, (M, Mb, K,) aor. A (M1b, Juts. Also The species of IK) and -, (K,) inf. n.. j; (MTsb,, A,) He col- Jt; ~jOl [I [will not do thlat as long as a anything. (Molbect, L.) 9;;ther a female young canecl utters her gentle of mother (T, K ;) a lected together the thing (M, Msl), K) in a garor ia ja; grapes called cry]: (8, ]:') a prov. (Q.) And yearnin.q yearning See species ff grp of E.t-7'dif, Nwith long berries; ment, or piece of cloth. (I.. [See 2.]) from jIl said of a she-camel, lience, i. e. hence, jt; .. . (TA.) - And Wine also 4. they are called (TA,) .jjI is also said of thunder, (S, 1C,) mean(iS, TA) made of the grapes so called; (TA;) (1.,) inf n. ~.J3, (TA,) The 2.. . 1j, ing It made a vehement sound, or noise: (Ii, as also Vt jl;. (g, TA.)i Anid Vjlj [ns a people cast, or laid, themselves down upon the #, t,) not TA:) or it made a sound, or noise, ( coill. gen. n. of whicllh J!j is the n. un.] TIVite ground, (IS, TA,) and remainedfixed there, (TA,) relisment. vehlement. (g.) [And it seems that t.A..j and ;J, 1 flaxen clotus. (8, ]g.) Lebeed says, describing not quitting their place. (1, TA.) cif,,.nir.v the same as j~jjI and ,jpt said of a ,* signify H, bound slie-camel vesels of wine, K,) inf. n. as above, ( K,) le (S, M Kb, slhe-camel and of thunder: for] the inf. n. -, the clothes, or tied them up, (S, ,) in .,jj [or used in relation to a camel and to thunder, signify J#$ bandles]: (S:) he made the clothes into aj.bThe making a sound or noise. (KL.) .J0l is (M:b.) also said of a cooking-pot, meaning t It mad, a noin by its boiling. (yIam p. (33.) And you [They have a strainer of white flaxen cloth and 3. l,JI .Ajl Hie remained, stayed, or dwelt, noise t The wind made a pl ; 5L of cotton, in the right hands of foreigners that long in the Aouse, or abode. (K, TA.) _Ajlj say, for [as, ;) (.) (K CA. tiro; belly]. sound the he means them [in He conjoined .t act as rovants to the kings]: I


;j Rain accompanied by incessant thunder a posessive epithet. (Lh, TA.) .j

[Book I. to him who makes a show of love, or affection, without proving it to be true or withoyt its being accompanied by any gift. (M, TA.) -Also The cry of a boy, or child. (., TA: but not in the CK.) - And, accord. to IAar, A vehement cry or sound. (TA.)-And The cries of beasts of prey. ($, TA.) A poet says,

fatigue and emaciation, (Lb, TA,) or in cons. quenee of emaciation (S, , TA) arising from Firm, or steadfast, standing upon tA he hunger or disease: (TA:) and in like manner ground: (, :) and ,. and Vt;21 signilry applied to a man, &c.: (Lb, TA:) and also, [the same; or] firm, or steadfast, upon tiis [without ;,] applied to a she-camel, meaning ground: and the pl. of the last is_laj, occurrin standing g still, or stopping from journeying, in in a verse cited voce .lj, q. v. (TA.) - Al 60 consequence of fatigue and emnaiation, and moThe lion; and so t,.*; (1, TA;) because hie tiodless: ( :) pl. .jJ andA;l1 , [accord. to Frey. lies upon his breast on his prey, not quitting it gta*,] applied to camels. (TA.) - See also (TA:) or,j*(asm p. 302) and t;!j (TA, an d -.. _- Also, applied to winter, Cold. (TA.) }}am ibid., [but in the latter without anz syl I. [They left 'Amrdn prostrate upon the ground; there being cries of the beasts of prey around [t'. A prey. (Freytag, from the "Deewia signs,]) like .,, and al lj like, - d, him]. (IB, TA.) el-H udlalecyeen.")] [which is of a form denoting intensiveness ofsigniification,] (TA,) are epithets applied to a lion, meanI- _.jj.: ,ir': sec jj, in two places. see,j.. ing that lies upon his breast on his prey, (Iiam k, j.)J,1 is a name of The right star [app. y, i.e. TA,) and growrl. (.Iam.) Accord. to J, it i5s -;1 A man strong and stubborn. (].) .Jj, applied in a verse of S6ideh Ibn-Ju-ciycll to an Bellatrix,] [a mistranscription, in the left armn of jt.JI [or Orion]. app. for tV;. 1 , for it must be n elephant: but accord. to 11l, and the Expos. o~f with teshdeed to the j, as is shown by an ex. in a (JKzw. [Golius says, as on the authority of zw, Skr, it is there applied to a lion, as meaning T/hat copy of the S, consisting of two verses, of which that it is "a star in the right shoulder of Orion :" has remained firm, or steadfast, in his place the former here follows,] as an epithet applied to but ]Czw says that this star (which is a of Orion) (TA.) a man, means Stubborn, behaving witAh forced is called !Ij1Jl = and Ij.JI t; and then hardness or hardincaess: it occurs, accord. as some he mentions that in the left arm, as being called %j: see 1: -and see also the next parn relate it, in the saying of a r6jiz, [so in the g and b.~lI: whence it seems that Golius was misled gaphl, in two places. __. Jl lie ate the p~ t.TA, but correctly, a poet using the sixth species by the omission of some words in a copy of the [or meal that sfficedfor a day and a night of the metre termedl f.. .t:l,] which others re- work of Kzvw.]) And iLoGjil, (S, ,) also orforfour an,l tn,enty hours]. (.) s late thus: called J.' J I CI ., (Q,) is tile name of Two ,,. stars [o.f rliich one it commonly known as B of aoi .ti .jjA quantity remaining in a [receptacle o, t$ -; t;!W1J J" .Q Caanis AIajor, and the other is app. J oif Canis the hind calledl] 4, [a meaning said in theo TA p . s.; !; *.. SMlinor, though Golius says, on the authority of in art. A,j, to be erroneously assigned in the N Ulugh Beg, that the former is in the right hind in that art., to .J,] of dates, amounting to haljp [0 sons of 'Abd-Mllenif, the firm, or steadfast, leg of Ca,nis Alajor,] with the l6 [(by which thcr.ef, or a third, or thereabout: (TA:) or,f upon the ground, (accord. to this reading; but latter appellation are meant aSir,ius ani Procyon], accord. to Sh, the third part, or fourth part, oj accord. to the reading that seems to be ;lj, the (n,) or one of which it in [or lby] ,.'j a [sack such as is called] !j;, (Mgh, TA,) or stubborn, &c., as a sing., referring to lI [com'Abdthereanout, (Mgh,) of dates or flour: or, accord. IMcnaf himself;) ye are defenders, and your monly so called, i. e. Sirius,] and the other is in E;l,lt [by which is meant 1j to Zcyd Iln-Kutlhweli, like ,, signifying the father was a defender, ;.. being for '_]: l. JI Ilj l, i. e. . ,juantity of the fourth part of the 4, of dates: being pl. of.jlj. (So in one of my two copies of the asterism consisting of a and 6 of Canis Ainor]; (f;) or one of them is iJ.iJ1l etjlJ (TA:) or, accord. to the Tckmileh, [the pl.] the S: in the other copy omitted.) [mentioned above and the other is L;al (q. v.) sigtifies the [saCks called] Al,i, in which is F) ,wj3 A roaring, or growling: a poet says, commonly so called]: thus says Ibn-Ktmuiseh: r.he,st: and hence the.aj ofclothes [explained in both are of the stars of rain: and sometimes the .whthere bolliows. (Mgh.)__ A ;L [or bundle, I $ ~ k, LJ t - a I . a sing. appellation (.:;.Jl)is used [app. as applied put in one piece of cloth and tied up,] of clothes; _ i' L 5 (.S, Myb, TA;) what are tied up in one piece of [There is, or was, a roaring, or gromling, of to Sirius, or to Bellatrix, or perhaps to / of Canis ,'loth, (, TA,) of clothes: (TA:) or clothes, their lions on the road]. (S.) Miinor]. (TA.) ,SIlj [means The auroral and otsher things, put together. [in a bundle]; as retting of some one of the stars abore mentioned; 9.- -: sec .j. also t L.j,: (Mgh:) lAmb explains it as meanfor it] is so termed because of its intense cold. ing the thing in n-hich are sorts ( 1ijk I A sect who said that the office of :(T4. See 1.) A.4.l l.tJ1 is another name for ) and nmi.rtures of clothes: and hence the author of the Imdm, after 'Alee, belonged to Mohammad ,j)1 ~L.II_ [The star Arcturus]. (Az and TA Ibn1] has taken a meaning assigned by him to ^", El-.lftanafeeyeh, and then to his son 'Abd-AUah, n art. rj. [This star neither sets nor rises which, he says, is also written t j, namely, and who accounted lawjful those things that are rurorally in the cold season, nor is it one of the 4 ... . ,.., [a vehement beating], altering and [esteemed by the orthodox] forbidden: (KT:) or Mansions of the Moon; but it rises aurorally a sect of the extravagantzealots of the clan of substituting: (TA:) the pl. of 4 is . (, innovators, luring "the first of the rains," the autumnal of the schirmatics, or followers of Myb.) 'Alee, mho say that the office of Imdm belonged rin, called .i . ,l1.])__j _*l t The north aind: (9, ], TiA:) or the cold north mind: (Skr, L A crry, or sound, (AZ, 9, ]g, TA,) a sort to Aboo-Jiusli,n El-Khuruasnes, after El-M'anof yearning cry, (TA,) of a she-camel, when soor, and some of twhom arrogatedto themselves on a verse of 9akhr-el-Ghef:) from iJt1' 1 . loving, or qffecting, her young one, utteredfrom divinity, one of them being El-Mu.hanna', who meaning "the [gentle] yearning cry of the sheher throat, or fauces, (AZ, ?, ](, TA,) without made the moon to appear to them in Nakhshab, amel:" (TA:) or it signifies, (ISd, TA,) or opening her mouth, not as loud as that which is and of whose persuasion there is in this day a ignifics also, (I,) the mind: (ISd, , TA:) termed _9. (AZ, ?, TA.) It is said in a prov., party in Ald-ward-en-Nalr. (TA.) bus expl. by ISd without any restriction. (TA.) sl: ee;l._ [.;,jJI, as an epithet applied ;j. *i 3jj [A gentle yearning cry* *'ij. That has cast, or laid, Aimrslf upon the of a she-camel, to the lion, The roaring. and no flow of milkh]: ( :) or Sj; j (Freytag, from the round, and remained fixd, or motionless: or . hating [or making or uttering] a sound, or cry: twi. j [There is no good in a gentle yearning Deewin el-l udbaleeyeen.")] ery of a she-camel with rwhich is no flot of milk]: ;jfj A camel remaitringfied upon the ground, nd applied to an army, or a military force, greeably with one or the other of these explana. (1 :) applied to him who promises and does not (., TA,) unable to ris, (Lb, , V, TA,) in con- ions. (Skr, on a verse of Abu.l-Muthellem.)

fulfil: ($, K :) or to him who causes tp wish and sequence of his hatingfallen donn by reawon of does not act: (A, TA:) or


A ,;

r'i 'W1079 ;jbJ [I left Aim in the place rha re ($,* C,* TA:) or firm, or sound, of judgmeni such a one for referge, protection, corert, or one clearea to the ground; or] I made him to (TA:) mwe, or snsible: (MA:) or a man havi, lodging: (S:) or, accord. to Lth, the verb is Vhi, cleave to the ground. (t.) much gravity, staidness, &c.: (gar p. 227:) asid with . (TA.) V 1i signifies the same, applied to a womanr (MA, ;) or, thus applied, grarve, staid, &c at, i4.s, for ,jj,: see the latter, in art. 1jj. in her sitting-place: (S:) the epithet ij; is ni ilj V applied to her unless she be firm, or constantt; b,"J TA) and O/b, (TA,) [It (a tiling) was, or b w and gramv, staid, Cc.; and continent, chastc, cir . came, heary, or toeighty: this is tho primau I C 51 ijt , and i. y modest; grave, staid, &c., in her sittingplar r 1. ;JI,.A signification: see l,jj below. - And hence 'w] I(TA.)_; _ is a name given to The [kind [aor., accord. to tile general rule, ,] inf. n. ~. lIe (a man) was, or became, grare,staid, stead, sedate, or calml; (~, MA, 1], TA;) and forbeal of waeet lood commonly called] , [q. v.] and ~ j, Love entered, and establithed itself, in ing: and still, or motionless: (,' ], TA:) ( because of its excellence among eatables, and ii htis heart, and dis~ in his body; as alo t. firm, or sound, of judgment: (TA:) nisc, ( high estimation, and its surpassing cost, and iits ](M.) [It seems also, from explanations of .,jbeing put the last thing to be eaten. inar p. 227 sensible. (MA.)~C;J and ') t .j;j [thus in the IJ mentioned below, that one says ; with fct-I. to dllej,] lis re;nained, stayed, drel, t, ;j1 inf. n. of ij [q. v.]. (MA, TA.) Heari _ij, meaning Thefever commenced, or first or abode, in thle place. (g.) j;, (,l, *) nes, or eight: this is the primary signification . oulched a person.] nor. , inf. n. ie , (S,) lie Ifkted it (namely, a (TA.) -[Hcnco,] 6Gravity, staidness, steadi 4: sec above. thing, S) in order that he might see rehat was itt nes, sedateness, or calmness; (, MA,K, TA; ,reiglht. (S, K.)_ l- ence, J I j lI lifted andforbearance:and stillness, or motionlessness ,, The beginning, or commencement, of a thing. ($,*1A, TA:) orfirmness, or soundnes, ofi the stone from the gronnd. (TA.) judg (]g.) And hence, (1g,) u ,..;, and ;, ment: (TA:) wisdom, or sensibleness: (MA: ) The beiinning, or com,,,e,ee,nent, (M, A, K,) or 2. [(i , inf. n. :,j'I3, t He pronounced him and firnness, or constancy. (Hiar p. 4W.) first touchl, (s,) offerer, (S, M, A, k,) Ifore it or held or reckoned him, to be grar, staid, steadr tj;, (T, Mgh,) or tP.Uj3, (18k, S, M, 1i,) A becomes rehbement, or severe; (A;) i. e., whrn the sedae, or calm:] tile inf. n. CjM is syn. wit,h Aole, a perforation, an aperture, or a arindow,.person attackled thereb!i stretchel on account of ,J3 [q. v.]. (S in art.).) it, and lbecomes languitl in hIis lbody, and relaxed, or heary, shjggishl, or torli;l, or confusted in his 6. 0. i . q. Sj t [lIe showedr, exhibited, o rMgh, I,) or ;1 ;S, r intellect: (M, TA:) or the fi,'t tibat a man fedes * (T,) [in a wall, 0: manifested, gricrity, staidness, steadiness, sedate- chamber, i.e. a mural a)pertuire,] or in th thee touch offerer, beforo it takes hin forcibrly, 1 cf ness, or caltnnesu; or he endeavoured, or con .- upper part of a roof: (M, TA:) an arabicize( I and becomes apparent. (A., TA.) Accord. to strained himself, to be grave, staid, steady, sedate word [from the Pers. i jj;, or &i.3j]: (ISk, S:' IFr, you11 stay, ,. L, .1 J.ij , meanilng, The or calm]; (M, ~;) ) . [in his sitting thought by the author of the T to be amrbicized ) , fever became settled in his bones. (TA.) [ Ilence place], (M,) or ui: used by the Arabs: (TA:) pi. ,jlj;. (T, Mgh.: 5h [in the thing]. (i.) also,] .jt,1 ,' , and t ;-~, The beginniog, or coN7necement, of love: (I:) 6. C)Ujl$, or a remain, or said of two mountaine, They art c a;jj: see the next-preceding parag,raph. Irelic, or trace, of lore: (k! :) or .. J' .; ol~ite,orfaciig, eachk other. (Q.) X [accord. to general opinion, being a subst. signifies the.frst, or o,iginal, feling (J.,l) of * J A place that is elevated (S, g, TA) ant only, not originally an e,pithet, cg,l, or, accord. love. (Aboo.- llik, TA.) [Hence also,] ; hard, (TA,) haringin it a depreion that retainj to some, it may be ujJ;t, as being imagined to the mater [of the rain]: pl. O. and JliJ: (S, poess the quality of an epithet,] A kind of hard ". >4. ,J The first of news reached me: (TA:) or somewhat of nenws rearl,ed me: ( M, K, TA:) the latter of which pls. is also ipl. ol ftree, (Ltb, g, 6,) M :) [or of tLhich staves are made. nenrs not true reache,d tme: for,] accord. to AZ, 3i [q. v.]. (s.) It is also sing. of Oltbl signi. (Lth, S.) you say, Cj- ,,j L& UiI, and . 0' tC ;, fying [Ihollowvs, or cavities, sunch as are termed] & j - i. q. lJI. [lIe is his companion in meaning, Newsr not true came to us: (TA:) or p [pl. of Sl] in stone, or in rugged ground, ; alighting, t ' or descending and stopping or sojourning that retain the water ['f the rain]; and so is , .j [alone] signifies news not true. (K.) ;'Oj~; or, accord. to Ibn-l.Iamzeh, this latter &cc.]: (so in copies of the ](:) or W" (his ,.): se d,j, throulghout. only; and thus says IB, because a noun of thle friendly asociate; or true, or sincere, friendly

.j3.Jlt,j ($;Q, & ec.,) inf. n.

(S,' MA,

measuroe 3i

except in a few instances. (TA.) [The pl.] Oi also signifies The remainu of a torrent in placer which it has partially rvorn away. (TA.)

has not a ill. of the measure Jjil,


Ojji: see the next preceding pargraph. Also i. q. ai m.U [A side, region, quarter,or tract, Bc.]. (1.)

' [2.[ "j It precipitateda substance, or cauted it to sink in a liquid: used in this sense in claymical works; but probably post-classical. See Isu: see the next paragraph. !ji 4_%1 He leaned, or stayed, hi mself upon, what next follows.] X Hs vy, or weighty; (], ; ) applied to a or against, him, or it; and he had recourse, or 4. ~I It caused [a thing] to sink: hence, thing (s, TA) of any kind. (TA.) _ [Hence,] betook4 Aimsef, to kim, or it, for refuge, protein a trad;:, describing the people of Hell, Iu-1;! t Grame, staid, steady, sedate, or calm; (., MA, tion, covert, or lodging: (s:) or U 'h I l V, TA;) amdforbearing: and still, or moti~osel: .,L.,1j .. ,'Wt,Aeon the fire shall raie ,W s1 j1 I Aad recourse, or betook myself, to them, and make them;. to aplear [or rather to Bk I. 130

so says AO. (8.)

iJU A place where water remains and collects; or where it collects and stagnate; or h~ere it remains long, and becomes altered: pl. il j, [mentioned above as a pi. of , q. v. v.]: (q , :

1. ', (8, M, A, &c.,) aor. , (M, A, &c.,) inf. n. .,j (8 , M, A, Mgh, Myb, C) and ; (Mgb;) and ,~j, aor. '; (M, A, K;) It (a thing, S, Msb) sank, or subsided, (S, M, A, Mgh, tS, Myb, ](,) in water [&c.]. (., M, A, Mgh, K.) - [Hence,] ate : IIis V,; eyes sank [in tieir He accepted the bounty of snch a one. (J.) sockets]. (?, A.)-And 1 ;s; J, _` 1 tSee also : and, under the same head, see I The stordt sinks, or disappears, in the thing struck with it. (TA.) , and 4i: and see a verse cited voce ;; ;
reading, from e:jt 4 t sj'j, q. v.].)

(So in the ]g accord. to the TA [which is followed in this instance, as generally, in the T1: but the former I regard as the true


in which

14 seems to be used for I.2.j;; or the latter may be the correct reading.]


And [hence,] .. id Paucity of Jlesh in the posleriors(8, A, upon the ground]. (A.) swim upon its surface], thec collars, by reason of a.l; t [He hAa a firm footing in )! a4.lj their weight, shall make thAem to sink to the I , 1) and thighs: (S, L, K1:) or smallness of the , ,.1 or] he posessea excellence, knowledge; or cience, ience, is or (L:) bottom thereof. (TA.) ~ And Itj..j Their; buttocks, and their sticking together: in science, or knowtledge. acquirements, nd large a eyes sank in their heads by reason of ihunger paucity of flesh in the thighs. (MNb.) [in tho lur iii. 5 '.1. j. .,Il Msb.) Mo.) (!, TA.) A little *flesh in his thighs. (Msb.) ( nd Iaving h iv. 160] means t Those who arefirmly rooted, 1..3 It (a substance) became precipitated, See also what follows.] [5. r &stablished,in science, or knowledge: (9, Bd, or was cautsed to sink, in a liquid: used in this J, Jel, TA:) or who have made a firm advance L, man (, L) having little fesh in his herein: (L:) or who are far advanced therein: sense in chymical works; but probably post- I 'I-A classical.] 7,osteriors(S, A, L) andl thighs: (S, L:) or haring( Khilid Ibn-Jembehb:) or those who study the ii small buttocks, sticking together : (L:) fem. Wok Book of God: (TA:) or thote who have com,j_ and ,_,: sec the next paragraph. Cr)j pl. L:) A, aUted mitted [it] to mnemory, and who call to mind ; applied to a woman: (Q, %,;I [What is wont to sink, or subside, in (S,K.) [Scnalso .] Ii iix its dloctrines aid nprecepts] one with another. ;l means The , oo!f 1 water &c. - And hencc,] Dregs amid water and IAar.) because wolf is [termoed] every [for] :TA:) .r"j. pronounced blood: in this sense in properly [of the flesh] of his haunclhes: (KL. [Golius, as on the same autlority, explaillns of the lightncss beast, t it as meanin6g edi,nentum aqulc, urinc, etc.: (, A,' K1:) and so is the * [a mongrcl see see j';j, in art. j,-j. 3,::;j: hyena]. the from paragraphl.])begotten next wolf the a of also he offspring h.ypostadis. See [lience also,] i A sword (fS, 1I,A, g) that pene- 'TA.) - Also, the fem., A foul, an ugly, or un woman: (1, TA:) though disaptrates into, (Q,) or that disappearsin, (M, A, K,) 'ns.qee)njrl, so and K;) A, M, (TA.) (M, it; MlF. Iy with )roved struck the thing 1. 1. :.-:, nor. :, ilf. n. t-i:;, [le tethered hi,n ,_,4. and TA) (K, (M, g) and t ,, 5y by the fore legs; i.e.] be tied the " [or pastern] ofj omission .fore legs tilhe )f (A, IC, TA. [In the CI, by of each of his (a camel's [or an ass's]) dra made are one but last (TA.) after the last, this and tihe rith nith a string, or cord, which is called .;. of A, L, ke) aor.: (A, Myb, J I, 1- , to be appellations of a sword of Molnmmnad or of It (a thing, R, Msb) tvas, or Soloman, and of a sword of El-IItritli Ibn-Abe- &c.,) inf. n. t(IAar, g,) 2. 2. ~2, (S, Msb, &c.,) inf. n. I,j, penis: the of glans The t And Shenir.]) becanC, firm', sltcad!, steadfast, stable, fiJcxed,.fas, said id of rain, (S, Msb, 15, ke.,) t rainedl so that (M, 15 :) nplp. becauso of its disappearanco on Pettled, or established, (S, AJ, Mob, 9,)in its the nater reached to the aji [or pastern, or Alnd (M.). the occansion of the act of t.. l t-;) ankle], ankle], (S,) or so that it reached to the place of place. (L.) [eIcnce,] iA,-l (1.) t Forbearing,or clement; as also t ,.e t [The ink became fixed upon km piece of paper the (Mb:) or it mnoistened jti;i[pl. of &j]: the so tkat the hands of him TA) K, (IAar, earth the Ia )!.J 1f . .411 At., (JK and nMgh an(l 1 in art. >A or the like]. (A, L.) And Cf A [orwrrists]; tL.I his to reachetd oiled it Pvho upon for fixed dug of wvho becomie not sediment trill [Ink I [Tha JI i d,Lt,]) [in CK. erroncously (1Aqbr, (IAqr, TA;) or so that the moisture reached to ,water;l the thlick matter that is borne by water [or rtrist] qf the digger: the measure of the [nnd that sinhs to the bottom]. (Lth, Mgh in e became firmly , l: t And (TA.) art.) that (TA:) or it iwas so much that the 8" [or pastern, roote,' or grounded, or established, in cience, or or ankle,] disappeared in it; as also t &.l, a , tcrins used I,y Ibn-Sccne, and t, 1[t. li dial. i , ii L knotler(lge. (L.) And tiglls var., on the authority of IAyrr. (TA.) as menning Hlaving, or Gnolius by explained nro or rooted, firnely become knoniledge, or Science, t also [the means of depositing, a rediment : but the former rather A.") ~..J3 also signifies The tnaking (K.) (L, man. of heart the in jixed, or grounded, You say, : sedi,nent subisistcnce] subsistence] anmple, or abundant. means having the nature of dregs, or it, pre. or him, bistence of su, becomes, lore of _ ; [The L) d1 j.CWI j *He made the means And J,I and the latter, becoming, or that nalso,] [Hene cipitated.] beca,neixed in his hLeart]. (A.) ample, or abundant. (T4.) [Or js a 0, left by a torrent, I It sank J031 water of pool a of said J0Il He made ample, or abundant, provisionfor ^A firm mountain. (AM, A, t1.) - See .; t~ n. in. :) A, t, (JK, into the eartl , and disappeared: iim him in the means of subsistence: sec the pass. as abov. (J, TA.) And, said of rain, t It ank also ,. ;..j, part. n., below: and see also 8.] c.L ' into the earthso that the tro oistures [meaning [meanalso as Jj ;) e (K q. i. (1K,) misfortune; or above, (JEK,) inf. n. as .;.,;A calamity, that of the rain and that of the soil beneath] (J ing I interlarded, or embellished, speech. or disn.] inf. an [as ,4-.- (TA.) met together. (A, 15.) _ t courm, course, with falsbehood: accord. to the TIK, consignifies tThe connexion of the soul of a human nected it, and arranged it, or put it in order: ase 5,:s . t : .K,* TA.) being, after its departurefrom the body, with an but see the pass. part. n., below]. (JK, 'e her app. 0, and inaninmate, not increasing, body: distingmished 4,.4 i. q. %,1 1 [pl. of i L.j, (Ibn-'Abb(l, ,;) inf. n. & and 3. which is with the body of another from ,;, meaning Columns, or props0]. (1.) , which is wviti the i , (Lth, Ibn-'Abbid, 1,) He took holdl of his human being: and from .- wo b,: wP, hich is with a [meaning ankle] in wrestling nith him, the body of a beast: and from , ([meaning plant. (Marginal note in a copy of the KT.) But latter doing thU like. (Lth, Ibn-'Abbad, 1].) One os 1 (lt mtenoe) in art 1; .5 Al;; [lie strove with , 0 (TA,) He says, jL . (J K, e n..l,) 4. r.-_jl, (JK,19,) see ,,j3,; in art. O,j:. f doran : then he took hold of him him throw to made frm, steady, stadfast, able,ed,fat, made it he rollUed with him on the then his tce.: ankle settled, or established, (JK, 1,) in its place. (JK.) ground, or in the dust]. (TA.) 1. 5, aer. :, inf. n. _ (L, M 9b,) He l Anything firm, steady, steadfast, stable, 4: sce 2. 1' C-!j postcitW, or establisheod [in its place had litteiflesh, or was scant of feh, in his fixed, fast, settled, fixed, s. )t,;5 ojI; ~I 1 He expended amply, or rinrs and thighs: or he had omall buttocks, stick- (we , A (se 1)]. ($, A, Mb.) You say t.l; his in flh little had nily, upon hisJfmily, or household. (Ibnabun;ntly, abundantly, ing together: (L:) or he firm, or steadfast, mountain. (A.) And in like Buzild, Buztid, thighs. (Mfb.) Buzutj, F1.) [See also 2.] , [A black, or dark, patch of manuer manner s 9 [or beast 4. c,j It rendered a penon scant of flesh in , ,,)of a 4 [; b , (, n and t L-i r sticking fat catto of urine and compacted dunr compacted (?.) thighs. and A) (9, the posteriors 1


- t-i

[BooK I.



Boor I.] of the equine kind], (f, Meb,) [The pasern; Le.] the slender place [or part] betreen the solid hoof and thejoint of the Ai,J [or shank] of the fore leg, and of the hind leg; (9, Msb, 1 ;) or, [in other words,] of solid-hoofed animals, the part that joins the AJii of each of the fore legs, and of the hind legs, to the hoof; and of camels, the part that joint the J31t [or shanks] to the [orfeet]: (TA:) and (Mqb, and so in J .t.1 some copies of the ], but in other copies of the latter "or," [which is more correct, as will be seen from what follows,]) of a human being, [the wrist, and the ankle; i. e.] the joint between the hand and thefore arm, and between the foot and the shank: (M9b, K, TA:) and of any beast (il.I), the like thereof; (.K;) [the part between the shank and hoof orfoot, in the fore leg and in the hind leg, of any quadruped:] pi. il., [used as a pl. of mult. and of pauc.] (Mqg, 1C) and See IJ1 [which is only a pl. of pauc.]. (Kg.) (MA, Mgb:) or he went along [therein] by e. also signifies Icaps; or gently. (MA.) The making short steps. (O.) And ,w;, aor.;, He (a camel) nwent with short steps, raising and putting dowvn hisfeet quickly. (Aboo-Nasr, O.) ll *..:1, (AZ, S,) inf. n. 3L.A. (Kr) I 4. drove along the camels, they being shackled. (AZ, S, g.* [In one of my copies of the ', instead of *._L, I find I~j-', i.e. I being shackled.]) 8. A..3I, inf. n. JL1;; (]; so in MS. copies, and so in the CK ;) ort*- . 1, in measure like -';!; (0, an'd in like manner l inf. n., ;> "3ij[It became raised; or it in the TIP;) i. q. rose: &c.]. (O, g.) R. Q. 4.

1081 or letters, n.ith him, in relation to such a tAing]: t',om I1 [Between them two are interand changes of messages, or of letters]. (TA.) And [She interchanges m~ueges, "JI lj4 ; or letters, with those who demand women in i_l [She , And . aL.J1 I.) marriage]. (M, him bj witl; interchanges messages, or letlers, in marriage]. women demand who means of those I [H ;1 ' J'i (TA.) [HcnceJ, *! ;I him in with alterna;ted, or acted interchangeably, a competition in shooting, or in some other e*r) jl, and ,1l, forman,ce]. (S.) And !LJI lie relieved him, or aided him, in singing, and in nwork, [by alternating with him, i.e.,] in tie former case, by taking up. the strai, when the latter oas unable to continue it [so as to accomnplish the cadence (sce 6)], and in the latter case by taking up the work when the latter person was unable to continue it; or he so relieved, or aided, hinm in singing with a high voice: or J.1j c he aided him, [or relieved him, by alternating with him,] or he followed him, or imitated .olj him, in his worlf: (TAsr, Msb:) and ;i1 he emulated him, or imitated him, [by alternating L.. "I. with him,] in the.inpinpg. (TA.) And W;l,il ]Ie aidled lim, or assisted him, [or relieved him, by alternatingwith him,] in the rcading, or reciting, of the Kur-in &c. (.IA.)


J;!: a

see what next precedes.

[This art. is wanting in the copies of the L and TA to which I have had access.]

a also Lt.: -and

.. :

see a,n.

A laxness in the legs ofa camel. (AS,S, ,.)


pt. A cord, or

J,r'nly (S) to the

5j [or

that is tied (JK, S, 1)


of the cancel,

(J K, $, 1[,) or, accord. to the T, to each ~, [tbe dual form being there nsed, meaning to the panternofeach fore leg,] of the camel, (TA,) to prevent himn from going awn y; (9, ;) also called ' 'afiJ; of wliclh the fl. is /1l,: (JK:) or, mcaning a cord, V as some say, L is 1)1. of t or rope, n'ith which a calnel, and an as, is [teltered, or] skackledl; or a string, or cord, trith ,lhieh the & [or pastern] of each of the fore legs of a camel [or an ass] is tied. (TA.) -Also an inf. n. of 3. A mpile, or abundant, means of sub~.a ip Jfuch food or wtceat. l .. .I, sistenre : and (Aboo-Milik, 2;-

1l4 sing. of *1. [probably a mistranscrip[Bracelets of tortoisemeaning nc] Lion for . *. * signifies the same: (Yz, Msb:) or shell or horn or ivory, such tu are termed] 4J , a;,13 signifies he proceeded in a leisurel.y manner that are worn by wromnen on their arms; one of in his reading, or reciting, (8, Mgh, Msb, I,) (TA.) - See also whlichl is also called ? 8. and nwas grave, staid, sedate, or calmn, (Mgh,) and endeavoured to understand, without raitsing his voice much. (TA.) It is said in a trad., ,'. pa Ile is amply, or ?cl s.4 t ,/-I [There was in his sP i.e. >S ,,h5w3 abhnd.,ntly, provided for in respect of the means (MIohammad's) speech an easy, or a leisurely, 1. An utterance]. (TA.) And in another trad. it is said, . t..* of subsistence. (JK, e TA.) unsound opinion or counsel or advice. (JK, Ibn1*! [expl. in -j; ? 1 U 4; ..J.6 'Abbad, I.) art. ._ a]. (Mgh.) - See also 4, last sentence

;, aor. -, inf. n. 0'%: and aLG;, lie (a 1. camel) nwas, or became, easy in pace. (M, K.) (AZ, Az, MSb, 1) and Also, aor. , inf. n. ,; aCj , as above, (AZ, Az, 1g,) It (hair) became : lank, not crisp; (Mfb, I~;) and so t . (9, 1C:) or lank and pendent: (M9b:) or long, and lank or pendent. (AZ, Az, Msb.) 4. Jt..;j signifies The act of sending. (1, KL, J..4.JL. s1 W :~ means [The ,vashing] a; ,iiJI .. . r . a o;l ~in t.jl [i. e. of w,lat hangs down, and descends, [of the beard,] &c.) Thus is explained from the chin [is not requisite, or necessary, or God'ssending his prophets.] (Tl;, TA.) You say, (1)? ';.)~t; ($) I sent such a one w,ith incumbent]. (Mgh.)'~ [Golius says, as on theil J.i*j (MA, .I (P$.) And V ,a authority of the KL, that ,_ signifies Nuncium misit: but what I find in the KL is, that J* ., Msb") Hes sent to him a nmesage, or a letter, as an in. n., signifies the bringing a message (MA,) or a messenger. (MUb.)-[The act of (O.,ot i.): whence it seems that 0"U means he sendingforth, or starting, a horse for a race: the dischar.qing a thing; as, for instance, an arrow brought a message.] from a bow; and water, or the like, from a vessel ,s, in reading, or reciting, (Msb, K,) &c in whichl it was confined: the ltunchin#fi,' th 2. 'Jg; (, TA;) i. e. (TA) Easy [or a ship or boat; letting it go; lettiny it take its i. q. leisurely] utterance; without haste: (Yz, Msb, course:] the act of setting loose or fiee; letting TA-.) or, as some say, with consecution of the loose; loosing, unbinding, or liberating. (1g.) Ie set loose orfsree, &e., the ,JltH parts, or portions: (TA:) and J-j, therein You say ;.tJl


I let '1 >Z- ,J thing. (M.) And L4 go, or let loose, the bird from mny hand. (M,b.) J...jI [lie uttered the And [hence,] j&I letters]. (Igll in art. ,3j.) And tA1t J.jl [He uttered the song; he sang]. (T..) And .Ull 0-,31 [He chanted the aLtUl]. (Myb in art.


[See t:l ]) And mL . i;J..:I [tIle let

,inf. n. _; and , aor. and; L ;, (;, M, O, MSb, ]) and j.j, (M, 0, Mb,,)
He walked, or went along, in the manner of him who is shackled: (S, M, O, lg:) or he walked, or went along, in shackles, gently, softly, or in a ; leisurely manner: (M:) or you say, U ,4i Ae walked, or ent along, in his shacklu :

loose his tongue against him]. (A in arL t>,.) And .j}1 J"jl t He made the speeck, or language, to be unrestricted. (Myb.) [In like maniner,] J;L! signifies also t The mahing a thing, such as Zh gave property, and a legacy, absolute, or unrestricted. , I , inf. n. but one. _ j to drink [to my young camels, or my young (Mgh.) - [The act of letting down, letting fall, reaned camels,] J..w, (~, TA,) i.e. milh. (TA.) or making to Aang down, the hair &o. You say,

3. L.I,, (9, MA,) inf . aLt,, (p,) H sent 1 and Jl1 ol

a menage, and a letter, or an epistle, to him, (MA, P?,) the latter doing the like: (Pg:) [he interchangedmeages, and letters, with him.] You i eJ.. 1 [He interchanged messagesu, say, lI,

, R lt it

down, &c., or lowered it.] _t The act of learing, leaoing alone, or neglecting, (M, C,) a thing. (M.) [enace,] one says, . . 4~l IHe left, forsook, or deserted, him; or he abstainedfrom,

or negleted, aiding him, or asistinghim. (TA.) Alo The act of making to haew dominion, or authority, and power; making to have, or e~ercie, absolute dominion or sowereignty or rule, or absoute upe~iority of power or force; or giving power, or superiorpower orforce. (M, }.) lence, in the Kur [ [ix 8ji 86, X iix 1G j XP m3li, i.e. [We Aavo ma the d to haw dominion, &c., oer the unbelievers, inciting them strongly to acts of disobedience; or] we have appointed, or prepared, the denil for the unb~liers, becaue of their unbelief; like as is said in the same (xliii. 35], tStL s , [it We will appoint, or prepare, for him a devil" as an a~oiate]: this is the preferred explanation: [or it may be well rendered we have sent the derilt against the unbelievet:] some say that the meaning is, e hae lt the devils to do as they please with the unbelieover, not withholding them, or premerving thm, from acceplancefrons tLem. (Zj, M.) _ ILI,jl [from j,j] They had milk in their cattle: ( :) or their milk became nuch; as also t I, inf. n. je.3: (I:) or the latter signifies tAhir milk and drink became much. (TA.) Also [from *e;;] They became possessors of herds orlock. (0, g.0)

[BooK I.
tree, &ce., It drooped; or mas pendent. Said of a j Oentleness; and a delir,te, or lirdely, cheek, (to which its part. n. is applied a manner of actling or behawng; a also t iLj; an epithet in the I5;) [and perhaps t CJ and t ii; b roce oe ,) It was, or be- (M, for]

Ugi4 iC; j i. J $l(8, Mgb, came, lank.]j .L.t1 in the pace of a beast one says M9b,0 C]P [but not in my MS. copy of the K is The going gently, deliberately, or leisurely. nor in the copies used by SM]) and ,iU and (TA.) [And you say, alsol 1 The beast wmnt a gentle, deliberate, or leisurdy, pace.] JL;j, (CkI, [but likewisae wanting in MS. copies - Also, [in other cases,] The being still, and of the J,]) i. e. [Do thou such and sach things] at thAine eas; (Mqb;) or act thou gently, desteady. (TA.) - Hence, (TA,) a1 s' liberately, or leisurely, (., Mgh, I~,a ) in doing i He acted, or behaved, toward Ahim withfreedom, boldnes,forwardnes, or prsumptuousne, and such and such things; like ma one says, Ai-"& LOi. (..) aklhr-el-Ghei says, when despairing of his rith familiarity; syn. L.4, and .t l; (8, companions' overtaking him, his enemies sur. .1, TA;) and was at ease, and confided in him, ith r~pet to that mAichA h told him: (TA:) or rounding him, and he feeling sure of slaughter, he actedforwardly, or impudently, tomard&him: (M,) , .. he acted forwardly, impudently, freely, or familiarly, towards him, in te rway of coqwuery, or feignud disdain. (Mk.) And l J lJJ 9.n ! .m. [tF ate made frae with thm, and dustroyed them]. (TA in art. JW,.) Also He (Skr, M,*) i. e. [If there were around me, of the said, Send thou to me theA camels in droves (' [in the CV, erroneously, '9LjI]); (], TA;) family of .ur,eym, men on foot,fair in the faces (app. meant tropically), bearing arrows, they! 'Jt.l being with fet-I to the hemzeh; i. e. drore lwould defend ms] by violent means or by gentle after droe: for the camels, when they come to the means: (Skr:) or ritk fighting or wilhout fightwater, are numerous; and their tender brings ing. (M.) [See also a phrase cited from a trad. 5. j3 lie acted, or belhaaed, gently, and them to the watering-trough thus; not all to- in what follows of this paragraph.] One says ddiberately, or leiurely, (M, ], TA,) and with gether, as in this case they would press together also, 1iiL ii ,lj 1 They came company by gra,ity, staidness, sedateness, or calmness. (TA.) upon the watering-trough and not satisfy their company. (M.) - And A soft, gentle, saying or thirst. (TA.) y*'~l u. qJ. is M7 acting, or beharing, speech. (TA.) m- Also Milk, (S, M, Ig,) of J; Easy; applied to a pace. (M,V.)._.. whatever sort it be: (M, ] :) or, accord. to the [gently, and] deliberately, or irturely, and with gravity, staidness, sedateness, or calmneu, in Easy in pace; applied to a he-camel: fern. with Towsbeeh, fresh milk. (TA.) One says, A faairs. (TA.) See also X, in three places. .;: (9, M, 1 ) or soft, or gent, in pace; applied .. 1 .j3jl, meaning Milk has becomc abundant hj*l in riding is Th extending one's legs upon to a be-camel and to a she-camel: (M.b :) and this year: and the people of the desert assert that, the beast so at to let, or make, his clothes hang 1 ,r., also, applied to a she-camel, has the when this is the case, dates are few; and that, down loosely upon his legj: and in sitting, the former of these significatione; and its pl. is i ;J : when dates are abundant, milk is scarce. (TA.) crossing one's lkg, and letting, or making, hAs (~, :) or this pl. signifies light, or actite, she- - It is said in a trad. [respecting the giving of clothes Aang down loosely upon them and around camels, that give thee what they haw to girve the poor-rate], ti X, t. ~ Aim. (TA.) msJI i .j3 [He acted as a spontanously; and i,; is applied to one thereof: ($, TA,) which is explained in two different. J3j. (or num ger) beten the people]. (Mqb a she-camel is termed V,34. u being likened to ways: (TA:) [J says that] it is from j.' in the and TA in art. JUI.) the arrow thu called. (TA.) - Soft, and law, seone first explained above; meaning straitness 6. IL.,3 Thly rnt, one to another, (MA, or flacid: [app. applied to a he-camel; for it is and plenty; i. e. ixcept him who gires when they M9 b, TA,) a message [or messages], (MA, Mqb,) added,] one say,sSI'I :, 55;, meaning A are fat and goodly, when it is difficult, or hard, or a m~ngr [or messengers]. (Mqb.)_Hence, she-camel loose, or sack, [in the legs, and] soft in to their owner to give them forth, and when they the joints [thereof]. (TA. [See also another are lIan, [or] in a middling condition: ($:) and 5;UI IM ) 1I1 [TAey reliewd, or aided, one 9 3 meaning assigned to this phrase in what follows.]) A'Obeyd says the like; and that it is similar to another altrnately in singing;] i. e. they comApplied to hair, i. q. V ;; (9, ; in the the saying, . .L) l Ii , - jii, meaning jj bined in singing, one boginning, and prolonging CV ,. ;) which means Lank; not crisp: Such a one aid such a thing holding it (the Ais voice, but bting unabl~ to continws long enough to accomplisithe cadence, and therefore pausing, (Mgh, Myb: [and so accord. to an explanation of saying) in light rsimation: other say that it in in the g and ] :]) or lank and pendent: from 09 signifying "milk;" which A'Obeyd and another then taking up the strain, and then ,.j~t (Mb :) or long, and lank or pen t. (AZ, As, disallows: IAth says that what is meant tAe first returning to the modulation, and so on by ;a.J Meb.) -And ;iL., (Ml,) or l;, (of [Sil O is straitnes and drought or barrenness or dearth; to the end. (Mob.) 1l;9 ) jI J means which see an explanation in what precedes,] (L, and by 0J., plenty, and abundance of herbage or [in like manner] There hall be no relieving, or , applied to a she-camel, (M, the like.; because J, i. e. milk, is plentiful only aiding, one another [alternately], i./e., no com- TA,) and bining [of two or more persons, each performing L, TA,) Having much hair, (M,) or much and in the case of abundance of herbage; so that the a part alternately], in the chanting of the caU long hair, (L, TA,) upon her shanks, or hind meaning is, except him whVo gires forth the due to prayer. (Mob.) [In other cases likewise] /d9 0~t~ rt): (M, L, TA ) but in the ], *l;j of God in the case of straitness and in that of plenty. (TA.) - The Qj~ of a horse are The 3Iwjl signifies Tb doing the like of that which and t .j.*t [not J3.L ] are explained as epithets one's companion, or felor, [or another,] doe, in applied [or tn'o arms]. to a woman, meaning having much and etremities of the Ql,t.. such a manner as that one foUlows another [alterlong hair upon hAer shank. (TA.)-_Also sing. (M, **) nately]. (JIar p. 268.) of * X,, (TA,) which signifies The legs of a J.j Camels: (M, :) thus expl. by A'Obeyd, 10. J..~l It (a thing) mmas, or became, loose, camel: (AZ, , ], TA:) so called becaus of without any epithet: (M:) or a drove, or herd, or slack; syn. L. (M, TA.) - Said of hair: their length. (AZ, TA.) _ See also J, !-.or a distinct collection or number, of camels, (;, see 1, in two places [In like manner said of a And see the pragraph here next following. M,* MNb, A,) and of sheep or goats, (9, V,) 1

Boo-, I.]


accord. to 18k from tesn to t(entyfiv, (TA,) or from the phrae ~ J.)l s.l;"., meaning "The tberewith all the prophets, since they believe in the Ju.; of the watering-trough is at least teon camels came following one another;" and the God and in all his apostles; or the general term and ed ingdto tmty-fiv; and the word is saying of the Mu'hdhdin, ! r"J ,J.. , may be here used as meaning saylngofthe ~ ~ one; ~ st ~ ~ ~ like as when ~ as m a a~ - m mase. and fern.; (M;) and also tof hores or means I know [or acknowledge] and declare that you say,.,15JI1 ..... ;ki C~ ,:.Jt, meaning "Thou horsemen; (Q;) applied to ta company of men Moeammad is the relater by consecutive pro- art of tho;e who expend the kind of things (Mgh, Mgb) as being likened to a drove, or herd, gressions of the tidingsfrom God: (TA:) [or, termed . j." (M.) - One says also,.;1lJ of camels: (Mb :) and also a distinct collection as commonly understood, I testify that Moham- tLi. J1 ' I[Arron,s are the ,nenengers of death, or number of any (9, M, Mgb, Mb, ].) A rjis says,

jt ; s;l

things: (M, :) pl. JL.

Meb, J) and ~j. (9, Mqb) and f'L, (M,1,) beyhk El-Andee, which last is from IAqr, (M,) or Fr, ($gh,) and (M,1,) which [is a pl. of pauc., and] * ' [0 ye two drivers of them, water some before J,l, ui ;" g-4 '.J h ' other, by droes, and drive them not with the occurs in the saying of the Hudhalee, . * , * ,, .,,, tA , driving of those who errfrom the right way]: ; J 4--l* (9, TA:) i. e. bring near your camels some after ' ; [And s5J I undertook, or managed, rith ease, that some, and do not let them crowd upon the waterS t .s<P tX i F ~ ; ~ * whtichh e cah e seeking to obtain; bright in cow. , -tenance ing-trough. (TA.) Andone says, , J,~.1 ,-4. to him: I rvas notfronning]. (TA.) _ [Had there been in my heart as much as a nail- Also A stallion-camel (],* TA) of the Arabian The cames came[in a drove, or] following one paring of lorefor another than thee, my messen- race, that is sent among anotAer. (TAmb,TA.) And L.;I Jei.I ,;t4., gers (or, accord. to the TA, app., jj, [or shecamel my messages) that have passed sven or the eightmonti since the i. e. t[The horss, or horsemen, came] in succeuive had come to her]: respecting which IJ says that period of their bringingforth] in order that he distinct compaiies. (9, TA.) And " ,11j1 .. he bas given to 0 ;.' this form of pl., which is mayleap them: one says, jj,J Jt**; he'y (men) came in success companies. [regularly] proper to feminines[ of this class of This is the stallion of the camels of the son Ij of (Mob. [And the like is said in the Mgh and in words, consisting ~~~~~~~~~~. of four letters whereof thef third s uch a one: and.. . . . . j j "'f sl; >1[hon is a letter of prolongation], such as OiI the TA.]) 91 and of such a one nt l-U , d tJewtaliJIo[Ttheraml]: as , 5ij, occurring in a trad. relating to a drought, is said by Il]t to .*Q a and en are m eanta nt the stalion of their caels]: and *.', because be.aum wom women are meant there-- though it one mean[A collection of sheep or goats] of were of tho measure. rwhich by, as they, generally, are the persons required sense ofh tre o.hme as from . is (TA.)in theAnde many mere sent to the pastere, i. e. many in num- to serve in ~ases of this kind: (M:) [for]J of the measure ber, but having little milk . but the more probable is applied without variation to a male and a accord. to some, A horse that is started n7ith explanation of S je is that of El-'Odhree, female, and to one [and to two] and to a p. another in a race. (.ar p. 544.) who says that it means much dispersed in search number; (9, M, Mgb, ];) sometimes: In the (M:) CK and in a MS. copy of the bC , voce >.*, it of pasture: for the trad. relates that the camels i. e., it is allowable thus to apply it: (Myb:) occurs as thoughl meaning The scout, or emiuaryj, had died, notwithstanding their ability to endure hence, (~,KX,) in the ]ur[xxvi. 15], (~, 1 ) or perhaps the advanced -lne of an army: but drought: how then in th.u should the sheep or goats be x. xi (, , hin other copies of the ], guard, in this instance, accord. OeeEl WI,i'J safe, and increase so as to become numerous? J"J [Verily we are the apostles of to the TA, and in the L, the word is .. ] (lAth, TA.) - Also Animals, or beasts, haring the Lord of the beings of the whole world]: q. tj s meaning one who interchanges 1g:) MF says, in eh. xx. [vrerse 49], we findq. J milk. (M, TA.) meang one ho nterchan ; 4 [Vei y are t to apot of messages or [as A letters writh another: see 3] (3,I. ) .Lt j U [Veriy _of The mae are the two apostles person irho -j A young girl, that has not worn tahe thy Lord]; the ... Tcpesnhotadwihhe(MJJjI stand s weith thee(J > 1 dual form being here used: and [in the ](n wh s ana [(muIfor r, veil, calld] 1.. . (( ,.) A lso a ppl Z says, iu the Ksh, that in this instance it means i e eos [the 1 ( h ich th explanation 'is erroneously is the messengers, and therefore the dual form is ofJj. (;, M, &C.) assigned to &U, jiJlojti]) in a competition necemsarily used; but in ch. xxvi. it means the in shooting and the like: (M:) [ i. e.] .. 'a.. i; j A soft, or deliceat condition of life: you messagoe, and therefore it is allowable to use it signifies he who stands with the man, (. , ev ay ,.., sui p l . a U4 , & They are in a so alike', when applying it as an epithet, as sing. or dsiicate, conditin of life. (M.) - And and dual and pl.: Aboo-Is-)ay the Grammarian {ar p. 544,) or he who acts interchangeably, or ]f eainess, duggishness, lazines, or indolen ce: says that the meaning hereis, W; 'j . ,' a lternates, 1 with the man, (e~,) , (M, V:) you say &'L. %, J-:j A man in whom i.e . iJI. jj[Verily in a come are tthos hat hae the petition in shooting, or in some o therperfornance. is ha aine, &c. (M.See also j., , first mage &c.]: (TA:) [but] [as meaning a (9 and gIar.) And, as also '.t, One who sentence. messenger] is like $nd and .. [&c.J in its 1 relieves, or aids, mtge~.r] is like j another, in singing aDnd e[&c.] in its [by alter'at work, th him, i. e.,] inand theinformer being used alike as ma c. and # ;i ee :J ee in two places fer. and sing. [ and [ ase, by taketing wi th m, i.e.,] in the fomer caue, by taking up the strain miten the other is dual] and p1.: (gh, TA:) Aboo-Dhu-eyb uses unable to continue it [so as to accomplisth ite ee X; (of which it is the pl.), ncar the it in the sense o 1 of in his saying, cadence (see 6)], and in the latter case by taking end of the pragra ph: - and see also o.

tO y twodric.ra of the

7 - tr-


mad is theapostle of God:] a J"j is also called or of the decrees of death]. (TA.) -_ See also I3LI., as being likenei to the arrow thus the next paragrapih. termed: (TA:) the pl. of ; is .; (, M, Eas: occurring in the saying of Ju.






0 -'


j, j i. q. A, A : (M , M, ]:) see the latter, in five places. - Hence, as meaning Jjpj ~, i. e. JI L . [OeM Aho A a samesag; i . a messenger]; (TA;) i. q. * J.4, (?, M, [,) meaning oM snt with a messge; (9;) of the meaure i I .in the sense of the measure ,L [or rather ja: : (Mob:) [and often meaning an apo~te Of God; and with the article jl especially applied to Mobammad:] accord. to IAmb, its meaning in the proper language of the Arabs is onu who carie on by consetie pro~ om th relat'i

.A5 I~ 9


thp he

the other is unable to continue it; or one who to relieves, or aids, another in
singing with a higI voice; J i. q. .: or one who aids another, [or relieves him, by alternating wih him,] or who follows Aim, or imitates him, in his work. (IAr, Msb.) One says, ; jA

rk when

* ; .& J * 1 . .JI [Be thou my mssenger to her: and the best of messengr is the most knowing of them in rcespct of the bounds, or limits, of the tidings]. (M. )

Bee 4. The saying in the Vur 39~j] (xxv. 39, s2a^1 tupj * lit. And the .,&,dlOEJ [lit. And the peopie of Noah, wh the cha~ r ith lying the apostlt, we drn them], Zj says, may mean that they charged with lying Noah alone; (A) of the tidings of him mao Aas st him; taken for he who charges with lying a. prophet charges

.[He oJI is;[e tht O rson who relievs e him, or aids him, by alternating with singing and the like theref]l. (TA.) - him, in See also fJl, in two places. Also Wide, or ampile.

- .Athing littl in quantity, or incomplete : JI l (.l in the copies 1 of the should be

1084 .LII: 1 l,

[Boo- I. in the Mobee. (TA.)


And Q

BKeet water. (].)

JLj: see the next paragraph. Aii,j

(9, M,Mrb,

tC; (M, 1) O) andt


ur,] ($, 0,' TA) by means of the men who demand women in matriage, (TA,) and who ha in Lr [q. v., a )tzl (TA,) is in error: ( :) or the li 1 some remainS (I~, TA) of youth; but this addiword variously explained]: (M, TA:) int the tion is more properly mentioned in a former extQiljll is erroneously put for planation. (TA.) The subet. [app. meaning The copies of the ]g, state, or condition, of a woman such as is thus O k0j. (TA.)

01 uL is put in the place of ',i;l

t j), (; , M, M, b, ]5) and * J; (Th, M, K) ,4 : ssee 3r; second sentence. - Applied signify the same, (g, M, Mb, ,) A message; it means t Of which the (,_), to a tradition the first, of and a letter; (MA in explanation up so as to reach to its third;) is not traced firt and ascription of the KL in explanation and [a communication sent from one person or party author: (Msb:) [i. e.] 'i4,; ~ l means to another, oral or written;] subst from J 1.l the traditionswhich one relates a' on the authority 51: (M,]V:*) the pl. of the first is JCj; of a &1,' (0, TA,) by tracing up the ascription is pl. oft J.; in the sense of thereof uninterruptedly to him, (TA,) when the i.s, (Mlb;) and Wk,4, and o( the fem. gender. (TA. [See the ,i^U says, "The Apostle of God (May God You bleu and save him) said," without mentioning a former of the two veres cited voce ~ (1~, TA) rho heard it from the Apostle I J.. an) ad ;1 : ( say, il 5L ,ij of God: (TA: [and the like is said in the Mgh:]) 9 .t : (MA:) see 4 A poet says, (,) namely j3pT 1 is the [pl. or] quasi-pl. n. of .j. thus El-Aah'ar EI-Jofee, (TA,) used, [or rather used as a subst., or as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant,] is of,is . (Mgh.)-lIn lexicology, like as it means, like J', tThat of which the series [(Now deliver tAou to Aboo.'Amr a message, of transmitters is interrupted: as a word &e. sying that I am in no need of your judging]: handed down by IDrd as on the authority of AZ [with whom he was not contemporary, without U [(the sons of'Amr]: he means, his mentioning the intermediate transmitters]: and or,/ o:) ( (TA.) And hence the aying of such is not admitted [as unquestionable]; because (-;,. Kutheiyir, exactness is a condition of the admission of what is transmitted, and the exactness of him who is lnot mentioned is not known. (Mz 4th C3?.)[Sce also the next J.: , jWl : see art. j..paragraph.] [Assuredly the slanderers hare lied: I recealcd not in their prenace a secret, nor did I send 'L.,'. A ;,)W [or necklace], (?1,) or a long them with a mensage]: (9, TA:) or, as some 3; , (IDrd, 01, ,) that falls upon the bosom: relate the second hemistich, (TA,) (IDrd, M,O,]l:) or a ;>J upon which are beaids rc. (Yz,0,1 .) As used in the lur .J;1 means The winds [lxxvii. 1], (M,) , [i. e. I revealed not the case of Leyla, nor did 1 (S, M, kI, TA) thtat are sent forth, [by I., send them with a mensage]: thus cited by Th. which follows it, being meant oonsecutively,] like (,M, TA.) - AjL also signifies [A tract, or [the several portions of] the mane of the horse: [i. e. book, (TA:) or the angels [so sent forth]: (Th, g, M, small treatise or diseourM;] a 1; or writing, relating to science, or on any subject,] K, TA:) or the horses (M,] , TA) that are comp*iring afew questions, inquiries,or problemJ, xtarted, [one following another,] in the raceof one hind: pl. J;Lj. (TA.) - And Apostle- course. (TA.) jhip; the apostolic ofice or function. (MA.)3 ,OOne who sendU the morsel [that Ae eats] 1 [in a copy of the BAl..) .1] The a,*.j into hisfauces: or mio throws Jbrth the branch j [orfemale of the Iultur percnopterus, in the C] fjiom his hand, (0, X,) when he goes in a place 4.;.]: (M, g, TA :) a surname thereof. (TA.) of trees, (0,) in order that he may hurt his companion. (0, I5.) A short arrow: (S, 0:) or krle,,1 A cortain mall beast or reptile or ,j, in three See also (M,, TA:) a small arrow. (Ji.) insect; expl. by the word hkn: J". see And places. in [some of] the copies of the J, erroneously,

termedJ is jC.. (M, TA.)


see |I

' ;X;



[i.e. Sehing, or courting, -.. e.L- and ju;.L death or slaughter; resigning, or subjecting, hinmself to death, and not caring for death]. (A and TA in art. :'s.)


L j1JJ1 ",, (M,) orl)lI, (g,) [aor. , accord. to a rule of the V,] inf. n..,.j, (M,) It (the rain) or rased the house or dwreling, or the ~ dwellings, leaving a relic, or relics, thereof clea~ing to the ground. (M, ]J.) In the saying of El.l-oWi-ah,

a OdOj 1#

a ., '- CJA<; '. ,?>J 41; &0j-6 a J1 0.1; '



[Is it in consequenceof atumn-rain'sandspring. rain's rasing of a dwelling so as to leave only a relic thereof clearing to the ground, that there it to thine ey/s a distiliutg of tha water of the tearare in the nom. ea~ channels?], 4r and ,.4aq (M, TA. [But in i.e..j. n., the inf. of because the latter, k:.4' : and in a copy of the former, ' and jvs', both of which are evidently

wrong.]) - [ ,, often signifies He marhed, or stamlped: and hIe drew, traced, tracedout,sketched, sketched out, or planned: and he delineated, or HJe stamped, or described.] You say, .l,1 , :j. ;) as also sealed, the corn; (TA in art , And (fi, 5, TA, all in that art. [See .;,.]) ;lIWI ~ j, aor. and inf. n. a above, I marked -L,. out the building. (Mgh.) And j L it JUl did not linA 1 [He sketched out a book and ~ ,l j I nwroto up]. (m 1st eJ.) And the book, or letter, or writing. (Mhb.) And,_) tlj, Lj He wrote upon such a thing; (9, ;) is a dial. var. tlereof. (TA.)- [Ilence,] and

Le1. ,~,


L. ] pl. of ( dim. of :.'w [i.e. [or rather of its syn. i,]: hence the saying,

l J1ui. e. HIe hel the .. ., (TA,) saying, or speech, in light, or little, or mean, estimation; or in contempt. (M, ], TA.)

O~L..jl The two soulder-blades: or two ein therein: (M, ] :) he who says that they are two veins in the two hands, (],) pointing -to what is found in the oopie. of the Mj of IF, [in which and intercang messagesga, or letters, with him camel.,0,

] , TA,) or !.Zt, (Myb,) [//'e J .J, (;, 1,i prescribed to him the doing of such a thing;] he commanled, ordered, bade, or enjoinedl, him to do such a thing. (?,' Myb,,* g, TA.) [And J ;1, ll also means t lie assigned, or appointed, him ~3.;. See also jx-.;, in two such a thing, as a stilpend, &c.: often used in this o see j said of a she-camel, (9, M, 1,) places. - Also A woman who interchanges tmes- sense.] . so accord. to a rule of the I,]) [and M, *', (9, aor. uomen demand who thd men with ages, or letters, in marriage: or whos husband has become sepa- or , not -', (TA,) inf. n. '.sJ, (9, N, ],) Sh ratedfrom her (M, ]5, TA) in any manner, (M, made marks pon the ground (9, M, ) by thd TA,) by his haoing died or his having divorced ehAemence of Ahr tread. (9, M.) AndA,.~ said her: (TA:) or who At become advanced in age, of a camel, aor. ;, inf. n. ; (9, ],) with (M, 1], TA,) but haa in her some remainS oJf whicb, is syn., (g,) He mert a certainpace, youth: (M, TA:) or wrhos husband haa died, or (~, g,) sceding that whic is termed 0Ji who hao perceived that he deires to divorce her, and who thereforeadornsherslffor anotherman, [inf. n. of ,.), q.v.]: one should not say of a.


for this latter verb is tr


Book 1.] inf n. .. , lIe went, or went : lie said ;L Also J_ , ... ii [Godl is great, or most great]: away, quickly toivards him., or it. (TA.) - And (8, M, k, TA:) and he soyght protection or pre.,~ (I, i) inf. n. .. , (TA,) iI. dis- servation [by God]: (M, K, TA:) and he prayed ub.j'l i appeared in the land, or country: (li:) and or supplicated or petitioned [God]: (8, :) as [hence], used metonymically, t he died; like though [meaning] he took the course prescribed by God, of having recourse to IIim for proteceion .;jj. (TA.) or preservation. (TA.) El-Aashu says, [speaking 2. 3 [itf. n. of..;j] The act of marking, or of wine,] stamping, [and of dranwing, tracing, tracing out, sketching, sketcldng out, or planning,several tlings, or of doing so much, or] 7well: and writing [much, .lt, (so in some col,ies of the (S, M, TA,) or or] well: and maohing a garment, or piece of cloth, this art. and in art. .L, and in the Mgh, S in striped. (KL.) also, in the latter art.,) i. e. [And Ie exposed it to 4. .aw1' Ire caused a she-camnel to make marks the trind, in its jar, and he prayed over its jar,] upon the ground (M, K) by the rehemnence of her and petitioned for it (TA in this art. and in art. tread. (M.) _- And lIe made a camel to go the _L.o) that it might not become sour, nor spoil: pace termed .. (S. [TlIe meaning is there (TA in the latter art.:) AHn says that .JjI indicated, but not exlressed.]) Lj.,U ending a means he stamped its vessel with the.aj; but verse of IIomeyd Ibn-Thowr [which is variously this saying is not valid: (M, TA:) [and Mtr, related] refers to two boys, or young men, men- also, says that] ... 3l, here, is from .e.,j and ) he stamped it. (Mgh in art. means 1od! tli [Ant tioned therein, and means the!/made their two camels to go the pace termed inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (Msb, &c.) - [Hlence
g g*. -

A exceed.A; A certain certain pacdR pace of of cawiels, carnels, ( e, e,) exceeding ihat whicit is termed ?1 [q.,Y.]; (;) [q.- .]; ( ;) [see which termed ,j) ,;;, is an in , signiinf. n.;) n.;] and ;, of which it is fies the same. same. (K.) 4 .1, ,at.oj One On# who engraves engrave# [or [or draw.# draw.s itacriptions inscriptions ;t.j othet. designs] deviyn.9] upon tablets or the ilic like. (TA.) or other


(8, ,)

or or -fj ._1;

AL, L., (TK,) (TK,) Runninq Running

irater. water. (8, K.)

And a'~'1; that L,)1; A she-camel eliat PI...W-11. (H. ar p. 4W-.) (. ar 4i9.) pl 1 .

goes thepace terted t"aed,,e.j: .:.:

A sign, sign, a a token, token, a a ._ .t see.,*.wj. see .*j. -Also - Also A mark, beauty or of of (M, ],) ]C,) of beatity mark, or or an an indication, (M,
ugliness; as in the saying, I ` .1t [ [ Verily ` & &:U ~:;Ui 01 ugliness; upon KlJilid Ibn&c.]: so says Kloilid upon him is a sign, &c.]: t Jebeleh: (M:) pl. l; and (TA.)l j ..

as pl. of I; signifies Certain And ua of,e.$j, (TA,)... I;S.signifies of were in the Time Rf writings, that wore books, or or mritings, lg~ance. (, A stamip, stamr), (e, ]..) J.) - Also the sing., A Ignorance. or seal; seal; i.e. an ait instrument iutrumest milk imps, one stamps, with which onesta or sult; and * ;j,; "' is a dial. var. thereof: (M:) (A1:) or sealt; u some say, my, particularly, (M,) (M,) one with nwhicl n.hic4 or, as .sj]. (Al.lht, TA.) ;-^.ll The writing of the book of the mouth] of a a [larye llarge jar s,ch stich as a3 is ia the head [or mouth] kur-dn; for which particular rules are prescribed. c41led] ati. waled; (f, I;)as as called] ali. is stamped, or sealed; 5. .A'J., (g, blut omitted in some copies,) or


.1.,l*,,I3, (M,) lie looked at thLe.,;j [or mark, m l ,,j lIe trace, relic, &c.]. (nI, IJ.) And [or marks, considered, or examined, the .)j trace, relics, &c.,] of the house, or'dwelling; (', TA ;) or did so repeated/y, in order to obtain a clear knowledge thetreof. (TA.) - And in like manner j3 signifies He looked, and considered, or examined, or did so repeatedly, in order to knom twhere he should dig, or build. (S, TA.) J t Tlhe hedlye-hog.s Hence, ;1 t .u L;;il looked, or considered, or examined, re*peatedly, to kbnom where they sdould make their holes. (TA.) And ;'.. l, A 3 t I7e looked, or looked long, at the thing; or considered, or examined, it, or did so repeatedly, in order to obtain a clear knowledge of it. (TA.) And o;?-,al t.A 2 lie consiidered, or studied, the ode, and retained it in his memory, or sought, or entleavoured, to remember ; I remember, it. (iC,0 TA.) And j. I"' Ut or I meek, or endeavour, to remember, such a thing, but am not sure, or certain, of it. (TA.) 8. ;J3;!

(],) avid and .. also also t...,l1, (]g,) * ,lj. J11;. (TA.) And And A as meaning A definition, either perfect (.AU) or piece of nood, (8, M, MNh, ]I,) or a small toblet, imperfect (,a3); like ... ] - Also A mark, (A,) K) (A,) upon upon which is some in&Mption inscription (, (.8, M, A, g) nwhich hollonwed out, (A, (A, g,) ],) with vehich or hoUowed an impression, a sign,-a trace, a vestige, or a relic engraved, or corn, or grain, (Mqh,) (Mqb,) [in, [in wheat, (, ($, M, ]g,) or corn, is a mheal, orremain; syn. ,t; (, Msb,K;) and itir repository,] ititamped, or sealed, (, M, bfyb, (.8, Ivyb, its it stamped, dial. var. thereof, accord. to Aboo-Turab; as is ]g,) or with which colkctions collections tf *f wheat vi. or cot.m corn also tV.j, both syn. with y1, (TA in art ..n ,) are stamped, us als0AZ3J: also.j: stamped, or or malecl: sealed: (AA, (AA, TA:) as andl so is..; (I in that art :) or a relic, or pi. I;;. (Mqb.) of the g, (Msb.) [In some copies of ., by pl. _.lj. Amd remain, of vwhat is termed I [as meaning a mark, the omission of a j, j, this meaning and die thie next an impression, a sign, a trace, or a vestige]: or are assigned to 0" some say, $) A are assigned to ,c.wj.] ;.j.] - And (as norne such, of what are termed Zjl [as meaning relics certain tlaing polished. thling with whicia which deendr& deendrs are polisheld. or remains], as has not substance and height: (., (., I.) A poet says, (?,) namely, Kutlicivir, Kutheiyir, I:) or such as is cleaving to the yround: (M:) (TA,) l; ..- j means remains of a house or dwelling, I I . S_U _ -0 . signicleaving to tihe ground: (S, TA:) or, fies a renmain, or remains, of a ruined dwellUing or [Deenirs, of Heraclius, that nere polixhe,l ,.';ti place f alighting and abiding: (Hjar p. 607:) .. nj].' (8, TA.) l It occurs in poetry as ilicanand *..i is syn. with .. ,: (S, M, V [accord. ing Theface of a horse, in the phrase *.,) ` to the correct copies of this last:]) the pl. [of [A star, or blaze, in the face of a horse]. (MI.) pauc.] of ; is . and [the pl. of mu!t. is] ~Also A calamity, or misfortune; (];) like ~Z, (TA.)

Hence also ;, is sometimes used by logicians

[in its primary sense, as quasi-pass. And hence, as being prescribed,] 'si. y ;;$lj: see the neat preceding paragraph. of.;, inf. n. of,;, is app. post-classical, but, means t The ways that arc folloned in respect of [Accord. to rule, its pi. is .l , mentioned as such,] is used by the logicians as meaning The the doctrines and practices qf religion. (TA.) above as a pl. of,.] being stamped and depicted [in tile mind]: (" Diet. And A well wehich one fills up (M, .) in the of the Technical Terms used ii the sciences of ground: (i ) pl. .J. .Zr. [act. part. n. of 4, q. v.). In the saying [In some (M, Is.)the Muealmans:"] an image's being fixed in, or copies of the K, two meanings that belong to of tl;c Iudhalee, upon, a thing. (KL.) [It is used, in this sense, .,j are, by the omission of a j, assigned to of an image formed by tile fancy, and of any ideal ,j see., j.] image.] [Also : The obeying a prescript or command &c.] You say, I.i b


(S, ]C,)

(Myb, g,) or &1jl, or l.i, (M 9 b,) ._;, (8,) [I precribed to him the doing of such a thing; or] I commanded, ordered, bade, or'enjoined, iim to do 4uch a thing, (1e, TA,) and he obeyed (Q, Myb, TA) it [i.e. the prescript &c.]. [I oby thy ($, MQb.) And * l, presripts &c.;] I do not transgrus tshy., (TA.)_ And hence, (TA,) JjI signifies also

.j:se e the next preceding paragraph. ~- Also Goodness, or elegance, of gait, pace, or manner [And those urging them to make marks upon the ground by the vehemence of their tread in their of going. (.) way to bd-El-'Azeez , together and separately, ;-:~ That makes marks upon the ground by the and two by two and one by one], lhe means vhemn~ce of her tread: applied to a she-cameL t&,.dit, inserting the . redundantly between (S, TA.) [See an ex. in a verse cited in the first the verb [or part n., which is often termed a verb,] paragraph of art.~.,] - Also That continues and its objective complement. (M.) journeying a day and a night: (S, :) applied to a he-camel. (Tg.) see -. ,: 1 a

-Cad "

[Boox I.
nor. _~,J, _~,t, inf. n. j.S and

r.o'9A garment, or piece of clothl, stiped, M3 /is leading.rope upon his withers], meaning the (, M, 1],) or marked with faint linies. (TA.) left his way free, or open, to him; so that God left * 0 ... C did not wvithhold him from tlat nwhich he desired .,'. [or _* .,sb] A booh, or writing, to do. (TA.) - [[Hence,] jCi'l 'j [The leash stamped, or sealed: pl. ,e4l. (TA.) And qf 0 oqf the hawk]. (A in art.j.)= *[The pl.] A .. ,a . s ]/Wheat stamped, or sealed. (TA. X$ 1also signifies .ltged and hard tracts of 0 Ct.wjl [eo,_-gj.]) - See also the following paragraph. ground. ground. (I,* TA.)
C. ;

($) [and k"., as

shown below, see 4], The ship [anchored; eCast anchor; lay at anchor; or] rested, or became stationary,upon the anchor: (T, S, kI:) in [some of] the copies of the g [and of the g], ),1 : i

A rars, stamps, impresions, tigns, or characters. (KL.) - [And t Prescripts, co;nmnands, orders, biddings, or injunctions: and t asignmnents, or appointments: in both of these senses app. a contraction of l., .. p1. of t. s; thils used in the present day; like ., pl. of

.-. 1.


~.-j] See 8.

1. ,,..,AB ;


or a1l11, (M,

oyb, 1,*)

and Igl, (M, k,*) nor. L and , (M, Mob, 15,) inf. n. j'; (M, Msb;) and *t .j; (, M, Myl), ] ;) lIe tied the horse [or the beast and the shecamel] with the ";J [q. v.]: ( :) or he bouind upon the [horse or] beast [or she-camel] its ;.j : (Mfb:) or he made for, or put to, the [horse or] beait or she-camel a .S>: (M,* 1: [in the former it is merely indicated that the two verbs signify the same :]) or the former verb [in the C15 the latter verb] has the first signiification; (M, 15,TA;) and the latter verb has the last signification; (M, TA ;) thus resembling g~~~~~. and ...... ,j_l. (TA.) - And 2 .1 1jl 1 ... Hj, and t l,jl, lie left the beast to itelf., to pasture as it pleased. (TA.)

is erroneously put for,4~ l ~I [or . ,,k]: (TA :) or the meanling is, [in some instances, 0 Cj%w1j i..wlj A certain plant, resembling the plant the ship grountled; i. e.] the lower, or lonwt, part of the ship reached the bottom of the water, and called Je~.j [i. e. ginger]; (M;) i. q. .;i she she conjequently remained stationary. (T, M, [both [both of which names are applied to the inldat Jdll L (1, M, K,)t,Te stalhelenium, comnon inula, or elecampane; also TA.)_ J,,. holenium, a lion [-catnmel]leaped, or leaped upon, his J_9 [or called called in the present day bj4, t. j~."j;] a Pers. she-camels that had pnassed seven or eight montahs word [arabicized]. (K.) s;inc the period of their bringing forth]: (S, 9 TA :) or brayed to his J.,, and they became Cj--. ,, g (S, ,M, ]K) and (M, K,) or the notionles, or still: (M:) or brayed to his J_ latte; [but latter should be ;', [but I think this dloubt- iwhen they had dispersed thetmselves from hinm, ful,] thus written in some of the copies of the and they turned atside to him, and became motionfulj ., and and in both ways in the L, (TA,) The part, less, or still. (IK, TA.)- '_ A3 i 4,;, (., of 1the nose of the horse, which is the place of the of M,* Msh,) inf. .if.1. n. "j , ( (S; f,) I effected an >..j: ( :) or the nose of a solid-hoofed animal: C>wj: ag,eement, a harmony, a reconciliation, an this is the primary signification: (M:) then, by a this accommodation, or an adjustment, betnen the secondary application, (., M,) the nose ($, M, O) accondary , JC . in an absolute sen3e, (M, ]1,) or, of a human people, or party. (5, M,* M,Ib.) 4 C>* I .,.. (S,~ MA, K ) lie mentioned to hihA a being: (.:) pl. '~.1 (TA) [which, as stated by by Freytag, is used in a sing. sense, in the part, or portion, of a tra(lition, or storij. (, j M,' 1. [See also `; blow.]) , And '. L, Deewin of Jereer, as meaning the nos]. , 0. n~, (M,) ile related a i. , a a phrase used by the poet El-Japdee, l j.-, (9, M, K,) inf n. tradition, or story, as receiredfir omn him, (S, M, means means tEasy to be led, tractable, or compliant. tra(lition, (TA.) ,) awribing ascribing it to him. (M, K.) And l; (TA.) And you say, : .! .U A-AU -A_ . . He related ithe tradition, or t [I did that against t[ldid wisvAh; in spiteof Ahim; or notwitlhtanding his dislike, or disapproval, or storj, to himself. (TA.) .. ,. J ;i ,(]g,) inf.n. "j, (.,, T'A,) lie intended, or purposed,f,stting. (I4.) haired; hatred; like as you say, Mail .j . ]' (..)

0 3. ;L,Ij, (T,]g,) inf.n. Ll' J, (TA,) i.q. 1_, 4: see above, in two places.Alsoo'JI CjI j, , A A horse [or the like] tied with the (T, g,) i. e. He swan wvith hin. (TK.) The colt was, or became, submissive, manageable, epS: OpJ: (S :) [or having a C>;bound upon him or or tractable, and gave itshead. (TA.) attocited attached to him, or made for him: see 1.] You 4. mae1, inf. n. s-,-;: see 1, in two places. 0 -sav, ,s.jl $;~.I I made the haltered owjl ;,Jy1l .1Ie made it (a thing, Al, to beconme C.~j A ropt,or cord: (., M, M 9b, 1]:) or [a say, j stationary,at rest,fzed,fast,Jirm, stat, steadhaiter; i. c.] a rope, or cord, with twhich a camel beast to drag his halter. (TA.) 1 [or a horse (see 1)] is led: (TA:) andi such of fast,oritable. fast, or stable. (M, M9 h, g.) And a 1i.Jl Ij. , 6.-,.;. [Th4e myrtle-tpee;] myrtle-tree;] i. q. ;m.j : the [reins, or leading.-ropes, termed] jl [pl. of of the dial. of Egypt. [inf [inf. n. as above and also (as is sinowi by what (TA.) [Also mentioned in follows) L,.,, He anchored the ship;,] he made .t.] as is upon the nose; (M;) [in other words,] art. art. , : for for some hold the ., to be augmentathe ship to rest, or become stationary, utpon the tive; and sornme, #itch a .. , as is upon a nose: ( :) pl. L.;i tive the ij.] anchor: (TA:) or the meaning 15 is, tin some in(.1, M, b, 1) and C._.jl, (M, Myb, 1:,) [both stances, he qrounded the ship; i. e.] he made the properly pli. of pauc.,] and sometimes they said lower, or lonest, part of the shipl) to reach the j"j; (Myh;) or, accord. to Sb, it has no other 1. bottom of the water, so that she remnaited sta1. ($, M, Ifb, a,) or. (., ZIb,) M.q. pl. than 1 ,,I;(M, M1yb;) [but perhapi hlieinf. 1-ii inf. n. _~j _~ (M, Mb, K) and ,, (g,) It (a tionary. (M, TA.) You say also of a ship, meant of pauc., for SM says,] Sb disallowed thing, S, M, Mqb) was, or became, stationary,at t j -i [She is made fast by nmeans of the _j;. (TA.) A poet says, (S,) namely, Ibn- rest,fi--ed,fasg,firm, rest,fixed,fast,firm, steady, steadJhjst, or stable; anchor]: (M:) and of the anchor, !-";I L,' Mu!bil, (TA,) (8. (S, M, Mob, 1 ;) as also Vl (M, K,) inf. n. It makes fast the ship, so that it does not go on. l""; and V~Z. (TA.) -Jl and t,-11 [i.e. (T, TA.) For the words of thc Kur [xi. 43], Jlo 2,C.03 ' ' 1 1 1 6 a .,Jl and t:..l] are nearly the same [in mean- l,~X, * 1A.4 . :, (~, M,*,*) meaning 4 ill&1-4 1-1 ing]. (Iam p. 51.) You say, J--l1 L; tThe t&dLi; ajG.l [i. c. In the nane of God be th.e [ WVide-mouthed, short in the chehe-stralps of the mountain was firmly based, or firm in its base, mahing it to run and the inahiny it to rest], bridle (or Aeadstall): smooth and long in the upon the ground. (TA.) And ;e t .s. Ih A, , and 1~j,(so cheek, long in the appertenance of the halter cor- long as Thebeer [the mountain so called] remains (Aboo-ls-hfik, TA,) from in one copy of the S,) or [its being made to run responding to the chsek-straps of athe bridle or [firm] in its place. (TA.) [Its being said that -I and headstall; because this appertenanece is longer this is tropical is app. meant to indicate that the and its being made to rest,] from than are the cheek-straps of the bridle or head- verbs above are properly used only in relation to :..jl, (so in another copy of theCh., ~,)some say stall]. (, TA.) J,~ 0t;; 4'AeI.3h ., [4As a ship, in senses explained in what follows; which, aL,j)j .. ~, (S, ],) meanihg its running and the pasing along ofthe robbers w,ith the halters however, I doubt.] You say also, : ' ,L its resting, (Aboo-ls-bit, TA,) from 's,q and of th horse] is a prov., applied to an affair, or meaning His foot stood firm in war:(M:) or z.,j, (8, K,) [though] Az says that the readers event, that is quick and uninterrupted. (TA.) Tleir feet stood firm in agree in pronouncing the., of La,Lt with damm, , ,v r.j,,,_JI tnd one says, tjt1 a) "-,! .; [He threr war. (S, Msb.') And 'l.l ,, (. ,M, 1,) but differ as to the , of Lty5,, the Koofees pro.

.. . .... ,

Booz I.] nouncing this with fet-4, (TA,) or the latter read. ing may bave the same meaning a the former (Aboo-Is-b4, TA,) or the former reading ma3 mean in the tise, or the place, of making it ta rim, and that of making it to rest, and the latte reding may mean in the time, or the place, of it running, and that of its resting, for in each case each noun may be a n. of time or a n. of place oi an inf.n.; (B4,q.v.;) and some read tU I'l~, as epithets applied to God, (M, ,) who msahetA it to run and who maketh it to rest. (TA.) Accord, to Zj, (M,) aMj e JJi Lj.o 1e1, in the lur [vii. 186 and lxxix. 42], means [They will ash thee repecting the lL,] when will be its takingplace? [or rwhn will be the time of its being made to take place?]; (M, ;*) by the JUL being meant the time in which all created beings shall die. (M.) 5: see 1, first sentence.

j-) E rw


j A part, or portion, of a tradition, or story: (Lth, T, w:) [see an ex. near the end of the first paragraph:] accord. to IAr, ir.q. [app. as meaning theirst part or portion]. (T.)
S~j A [bracekt, or one of a particular hind, catled] ; (IAtr,T,M, i;) so accordL to Kr: (ai TA: but in a copy of the M written a certain thing of strung bea; (, IA;) like the - b; which is an arabicized word [from the Pers. i]: (TA:) a bracelet of beadh: (1Sk, TA:) or a bracelete of Jl [i. c.

no broken pl. (,M, TA. [Golius and Freytag say that its pl. is ; but on what authority, 1 know not: the former mentions no authority beside the g and s; and the latter, none but the 1G.]) e Firm, or steadfast, good and ain in evil. (Az, $gh, X(.) - And The pole that is fixed in the middle of the [tent called] to;. (Az, S,h, ;.) Stationary, at rest, fixed, fast, firm, ateady, steadfast, or stable. (Mb.) You say 6:..; JIq (,Mb) and se;e and f.Ir s (, Meb) Firm, or steadfatt, mouantains; (i, Mqb ;) the sing. of the last said by Akh to bo . (.) And 4e!l j.j I A cooking-pot that will not move from its place, (, , TA,) by reason of it greatn, (4, TA,) and that cannot be remnovred. (M.) lA.lf :; in the sur [xxxiv. 12] means, accord. to Fr, t Cooking-pots that aould not be lowred from their place, by reason of their greatnes. (TA.) of re may be used as an inf n., or a n. of time, or a no. of place. (Bd in xi. 48 [cited above: soe 4].) As a n. of place, it commonly meanst An ancAoraye, or a place of anchoring; a port;

turtle-shell, or]: p1. A,i,.- : it has

- Lr, The anchor of a ship: ($, M, g:) or a aZs: see the next preceding paragraph. large anchor, which, being tied with rope ano D te, WhaVnt is sprinkled, (P, A,* ,) or scatlet down into the water, holds fast the ship, se tered, (Msb,) of water, (A, MNb,) and the like, tht ahe dewos not go on: (T, TA:) pl. 1. . (Mqb,) or of blood, (?, A, 1],) and of tears, (;, (car p. 111.) [Hence,] one says,-, 1-I , I,) and the like, (J,) and of rain; (TA in art. meaning t They remained,stayed, dmelt,or abode. . l ;) vwhat is scattered, or ffie about, of blood. (TA.) And io.l :;i '1 I The cloud i (Mb.) - [Hence the saying,]l, 's j ,e. ~ ajL: rained continually; syn. :l: Lojl t [lHe did not enter into evil, ($, Mb:)! orr remained stady, raining: (T, TA:) or remained or misciief, and yet somewhat thereof, or of its still, or stationary,and rained. (M, :s in the effects, befel him]. (A, TA.) And ll tL 1 latter, hI is put in the place of st-JI.) .L~,l j sI t.0 w j [app. meaning Ituatiable thirst, or desire, to hear from thee, or the like, remained in us, and there did not reach ut from thee aught awve a mere sprinkling; or perhape, t.h , (A, Msb,) aor. , (M,) inf. n. W xwhat was scattered abroad, of rumours, or the (S, A, Msb, .) and (A, e Iie si,) prinhled, like]. (A, TA.*) [See also an ex. voce ;,;.] or scattered in drops, (A, TIo,) water, (., A, e, Mr T b, ,) and blood, (?,A, g,) and tears, (, , :: see ,:. . r, -,) (A.), j . (1, ( TA,) or .i2j.j Roasted meat (Aboo-Sa'eed, A, g) (Mib,) and jd, (A,) inf. n. : (, TA,) dripping with its gravy; (Aboo-Sa'ced, A, TA ;) ie sprinkled, or wetted by sprinkling, (TA,) or succulent, and dripping with itsjuice; (TA;) tic placc, (A, Msb, TA,) and the house, or chamor fat: (]:) and VLM signifies the same. ber, or tent, (A,) trith ], wvater. (bMb, TA.) (TA.) A,nd b oC.I ,J [The weaver se what next precedes. ac: sprinkled the meb with the a= ]. (A, TA.) [Hence,] n.1l.j, and - . (8, A, Mab, ]g,) :,. A thing with which one sprinhkles: (IbnThe shy rained: (A, Msb:) or let fall a little 'AbbAd :) a thing with which the weaver spt,inkles .rain, such as is termned ,.j. (S. [After the the neb: (A, TA:) [in the present day, applied to a long-neched bottle, with a stopper pierced nvitl 1 former of these verlbs, ',, , or the like, seems a hole or holes,for sprinhkling scented cater.] to be understood.]) [And hence,] i: ! ,t1* k.* [Sprinakled, or scattered in drolsj [The spear-wound, or the like, sprinkled forth blood: a signification implied, but not exprcssed, as also t ' , occurring in this sense in a verso in the ? and A: or] became ivide, so that its in the TA in p. [A blood became scattered about: (1.:) or passed place of alightingsprinkled, or wetted by sprinkthrough, and made the blood toflow, or to appear ling]. (A.)_ l ,f ; Land uspon nhich and flow, or to Jflow copiously, or with force. [r.aina suck as is caied] h)l has fallen. (TA.) (Myb.) - [Hlence also,] wt_ ,I j t He


eulogized him. (TA voce -.) And n'' He rwashed him, or it. (MF, from the Expositions of the "Muwata.") 2. [AJ,W l.

L l: iq. C .1.[1nitit feminam]. (.gi.)~ ,Jj She (a gazelle) broughtforth. (L.)

The pen spirtled the ink.]

mA, an epithet applied to God: ee 4, near of rain: (IlAr: [see j:] pL :l. (,IP the end of the paragraph. Also the former, t A painful beatig ($gh, .)


Lj A young gazelle, (;, Mb, J,) that has 4: see 1, in two places.= _- , l ,-1,' (A, V,) become active, or in motion, (Q, Mb,) or that inf. n. ;, (A,) He made the horse to snwat ha become strong, (g,) and has walhed (Q, M,b, by urging hism with hisfeet. (A, 1g.) K) with its mother: (g:) pl. C;,f. (Myb, 1.) [In the following saying, I find it written as 5. Zt,Jl Xc. ;~3 ($,) and tdk; though with medd; app. for the sake of asimila(A,) [The water became sprinkled, or scattered tion toWIl:] " ^A "" i in drolps, upon him or it.] And ': 3 .J, meaning [I have with me a young woman .. WI C [A drop' of ink became 4pirtledfrom most like to] the [young] gazelle: so in the A. the pen]. (f and K in art. .) (TA.) R. Q. 2. j..: see 5.. _ Also It (roasted meat) dripped with gravy; or was succulent, and dripping with juice; or was fat. (TA.) - And 1- ~..;, (, ,A, Mqb, ]p,) aor.:, (Mb, I,) Itflon,ed. (TA.) inf. n. * , ($, MNb,) He, or it, (the forehead, ,, (8, .~,) or,O,im.. ~ (A, TA,) A littile or the side thereof above the temple, A, TA, or ,, [sprinkling] rain: ($,g :) [and so * 2 "j in the the body, Mb,) swated; euded weat; (?, A, present day:] or the first [or lightest and weahet] Mob, 1 ;) as also 1 (]g,) or , ti .1j, and


/.* (Fr, TA.) And;, aor. ', inf. n.

,., He, 1J or it, mas, or became, 137



1088 , -[Hence,] moist with sweat. (TA.)_ ,.'Jtlt 'i~ I [The ,vater-skin sweated witih the : [It nveated writh t it tater]: and what was in it] is said of a [porous] mug, and of a.,y (] vessel. (A.)-[IIence also,] 2 t He gave him not anything. jA&, .t made the ap)pointed succesor of the

[BooK I.


rV (TA:) and IM! eM

TA.) And WJt.

and t'



~tj' .~

t A butter-skin that sweats much. -.)

naeating; exuding sweat. (A,* Mb.)

9 [Such (A in art.

a one was reared, &c., for such a thing]. (A,

(A,) inf. n. as above,



r',n said of one known to ; (B, ].() And be a niggard, t lie gave something. (HIar p. 05.)
is also said of a young gazelle, meaning - . i Ile valiked, being trained, or accustomed, to do so by his mother: [because the tramiing him to walk causes him to sweat: see 2: and see also 6.] (A.) Also, said of a gazelle, t lIe leaped, or bounded, and exulted [or was brisk or lively or said of a Sptnihtlyl]. (1g.) Also, inf. n. j, [sce, strong: became lie t camel, young wecanedl again, 5 :] and the inf. n. is metaphorically usced in relalon to small clouds [napp. wIleni they collect togethler to give rnin]. (L.)~ Sec also 2, as said of a she-camnel. ,) app. lIe, or it, caused to sareat: this seems to I,e the p,rimary signification, wlhence the o,ther significations here following.]- - -" She (a gazelle) trained, or 1Ij, inf. n. accustomel, her young one to walk, so that he [perhiaps a mistransas cauMted to sneat ( &,- so that hesnt)eated]): (A,TA:) cription for or she (n wild nnimal), when her young one became able to tvalk, walked with him, until, or i to that, he in-as caused to smeat (j ; nnd became strong. (Mtr, on the auliority of Kli, in Dl)c Saey's "Chlrest, Ar.," see. ed., iii. 231.)- t She (a camel) rubbed the root of her young one's tail, and pushed h;m on with her head; and nent before him, and wsaited for him nntil he overtook her; and somnetimes gently urged hiui on, and foillowed himn; as also V "a j and

(s,) t *le managed, or tended, or took care of, his property, or cattle, well. (A, ].) It is said They c_. ; _ meaning in a trad., put and thereof], secd-produce if place [the tend trire, to it mahe or state, right, or good, a it into in order to its becoming productite; like as is done to grape-vines and palm-trees. (TA.) 4.

mountain moist in the loner part, (I, TA,) and at the base of gwhich there sometimes collects a little wtater: when this is much [in comparisen with what thus collects, though still little abstractedly], it is termed Jji: (TA:) pl. ~ Jj;. (1.) - t lYlat one sees, like swat, , running in the interstices betneen stones.

-V; t She (a camel, and a woman,) hrad a young one that associated, or kept company, it it her, wtvalhing with her and behind her, and not fatiguing her: or had a young one that had

a. [

l [I[owu great a di.ffercne is there between the overflowing Euphrates and a little water that di.stils scantily in interrupted dros .from a rock or mountain, appearing, like sweat, running in the intersicCs between stones!]. (A, TA.) - The J1, said of a --.. become strong. (L.) = t.j pl. 1t, also signifies t The 0J2 [which means see 2. camel:_and 1is ;j [or a m,all teat in excess], (1R,) or tho f',e particularly. teats], (TA,) of a ewe or she-goat, Also tHe 6. rj3: see 1, first sentence. (K, TA.) - And the sing., t A young gazelle (a young weaned camel) was, or became, strong that tnalks, being trained, or accustomed, to do so enough to rvalk, or able to mvalk wvith strength: by his mother, so that he is cansed to sweat. (A.) (S, ]:) or became strong, and walked tvith his And t A young weaned camel that has become [See 1.] - See niso 2, in tbe strong enough to walk, or able to n.alk with mother. (Aa, S.) [or strength: (S, ]:) or that has become strong, r, ; middle of the paragraph. with his mother: (AV, :) .LJ] tT1he herbage becanmefostered by moisture (As, S, L,) and walks (L.)-And ! What creeps upon the : see 2, near pl. or dew. (M 9b.)_-.iD &i r earth, of such as are termed its bAL: and its the end of the paragraph. ~.


intrans.: see 1, first sentence._

TA.) You say, Jljl

e& :1


*lja4-, so [Hence,] '1 [.lIore, and most, sweating]. in so [and (TA,) ]i, the of in most of the copies 11 t lie is most laryely endoned with the L,] t They foster the _~, in order that it may grow large: (L, K;:) in some of the copies shar?ness, or acuteness, of mind, or trith quickness of the 15 1 [i. e. the lamb.s, or kids, &c.]: of intelligence, utniderstandiny, sagacity, skill, or r'P knowledge: (]K, TA :) as thloughl sweating tiere(TA:) the place thereof is termed with. (TA.) signifies the place, or t (1P:) or s (L) . (so in one of my .- ,) or t r 'jr~(, L, tract of ground, that fosters the ~. the of copies the all in so having a yoltng ;, j she-camel A t .K,) And jjii copies of the (TA,) child JJ1i, her found to nralk, or fed is enongh mothler) which (n in strong t She some but becotne above, l has as n. inf. one that or haring a :) ] (S, by mouth strength: his with into it n'alhk to putting able writh a little milk, t They ,vaitfor the herbs, or leguminoust plants, that walks and strong, become has that to one young enough strong little and little, until he became (or the plants caUed Ji;,) to grow tall, in order one that young a haring or S:) (Ag, her: with also signifies J A doe- that-they may pasture thereon. (1g.) -- A.cS suck. (S, TA.) associates, or keeps rompany, wtith her, walking gazelle's licking her young one so as to rea The noisture of sfoeat upon the body. with her and behind her, and not fatiguing her: move the moisture that was upon it at thie time strong: (A, TA.) [And tFIuide, or natter, xcauded: or having a young one that has become signifies, ach or (TA.) woman: a te.. and in like manner tf its blirth; (]g, TA ;) and so as also t 1;, applied to a she-camel, as a pos, inf. n. as above, (A, TA,) or -1;C That sweats much. (TA.) sessive epithet, having a young one of which she (Mhb,) ! It (the moisture, or dew, A, M 9b, TA, the root of his toil, pushing him on with her rubs or the rain, TA) fostered the herbage. (Myb, ,hi [as an inf. n. of un., A sweat, or a head; and before which she goes, and raitsfuor llIe fed his chlild Ivell. t 1J TA.)sweating: a meaning indicated, though not ex- him to overtake her; and irhich she sometines (Mir, on the authority of Kh, in Do Sacy'e pressed, in the A._ Hence, app., tA dew, orr gently urges on, andfollows. (L.) (~, A, ifall of de from the sky. - And hence, as being "Chlrest. Ar" ubi snil,'.) - And The inner coerting that is ' ;. P and 'a4 j,) inf. n. as above, (1., TA,) SRHe was reared, ,likened thereto, Ai gift]. You say,' a lieai felt cloth of a horse's saddle; so bronght up, or educated, anid renderedfit, (~, A ;,: . I [He gave name a gift foman his atore oJ beneath the called because it imbibes the sweat: (L:) or the . [for th, bounty]. (A.) , TA,) and prepared, (TA,) c. [q. v. in art j']. thing that is beneath the ;e thing], and j,11 [for the affair], (TA,) o0 J tA welU containing little water: (S, L, K.) J ;,jj), [Jfor the offcc of rezeer], (g,) or .;. .: see the next preceding paragraph. r (TA:) [pl
grew tall.



1 t T itr[barley-grass termed] ~Lm..

(K, TA.) -

See also

l ESb




[.for the ojfice of hing], (n,) or ai

co ait Sweat. (AA, s, or)et o the offc of hhalefeh]; from W..J sense ezpIl. in the econd sentence of this parm - plant: (i:) or tplants, or herbage, upon th means Tke rva s urface of the ground. (L) '' graph; (A;) or tiMJ

J [foi j in th,






10, in two plae.

BooK I.]

- A


1. ,xl, nor. A; and ',;, aor. ; (S, A, L, Myb, 1 ;) the former of which is the better known and the more chaste; (TA;) inf. n. U,, ($, L, Mqb, g,) which is of the former, (., L,) and o,j, (S, L, Msb, ]g,) which is of the latter, (S, L, M9b,) and ;t;, (L, 1X,) which is also of the latter verb, (TA,) or this last is a simple subst.; (MiSb;) He took, or followed, a right way or course or direction; (g,A, L, Mgb,] ;) as to a road, and also ns to an affair: (L:) [and often relating to religion; meaning he held a right belief; was orthodox:j and l ,_l signifies the same: (L, :) you say, 6.F 5 ,b ,, meaning He took, or followed, a right way to conduct his affair: and oj.;; 14;, meaning He took, orfollowed, a right course in his affair; this latter being a phrase similar to j; and 1; .. &c. (L.) Some say that ,j' relates to the things of tle present life and to those of the life to come; and , j, only to those of the life to come: but this distinction does not accord with what has been heard from the Arabs, nor withi readings of the ]ur-lin, in which some read ,, and others ,. in several verses. (MF.) The form.:r also signifies The continuting in thite n.ay of truth, or the right way, with self-constraining firinness in so doing. (J.) One says to the traveller,,A..,f [Afayest thou take, or follow, the right way]. (A.) -[See also ,js below.] 2. j, inf. n. LeM, said of a lidee, or

tellect, and rectitude of actions, and good management of affairs. (TA in art. wil: see 4 in that art.) [Hence, 6` U Ile attained to years of discretion, when he was able of himself to take, or follow, a right way or course: a phrase of frequent occurrence.] , bj : see the next paragraph, in four places.

1; and

Taking, or following, a right

way or course or direction [as to a road, and also as to an alffair: and often meaning holdiog a right belief; or orthodox]. (A, Msb.) One says to a

traveller, e~

1^:; [May God make thee to be

ZjiA mode, or manner, [and 'to.j an act,] right ,way &c.]. (L) ;jj.etl t1k.WJl [The of .:j[or right procedure; &c.]. (IHam p. 463.) Khaleefehs who took, or follored, a right courar, [Hence,] . -, (.S, A, L, Msb,) and Sj,. -L j, or the orthodox Khaleefehs,] is an appellation specially applied to Aboo-Bekr, 'Omar, 'Othmin, (L, 1,) and *t;2j, (L, Mob, K,) the latter and 'Alee; Iut applicable also to any others of accord. to AZ and Fr, and said to be the more the Imams who purslued the same course as those . chaste, but the former allowable accord. to Ks, four. (L.),- .l A1 a surname (g) applied to and preferred by Th in the Fs, (L, TA,) [and seems to be the more common,] I ie is, or was, The female rat or tnose (;AWI). (, K..) trueborn; (A, Msb ;) coNtr,. of ait, (S, L, I,) .x,fl L 4tpWI is like .q I [i. e. The more, or or ji;, (Fr, TA,) and 4il. (AZ, Fr, TA.) And

a taker, orflloower, of a right rway; one directed arigl,t]. (A.) And one says, *t. t , ns meanin,g 1; . [0 thou who takhest, or foUoet, a

'oS iJ h j ; [or o:4 i. c.

most, direct roaMl]. (S.)

,jI.dl, a pl. without a sing., like .. ,w. and born]. (Fr, TA.) And o* J. lJ S Thns is an .L, (L,) Tlle right places to w,hich roanl. offspring of alid marriage. (TA.) And &it . .;A5i IJj S [Ile claimed, as his, a child tend; syn. 3jJaJI l.i.. ($, L, 15.) You say, not lawfully begotten, or not trueborn]. (TA, .a4W,I Ji Ls; (ye [. directs to the right from a trad.) places to which roads tend]. (A.) &o._j: sce :l.
1. 'AS, aor. J and , inf. n. ., (M,A,O, M:b, g,) [and app. Je5 also (whicih sec below),

Ile was not true-

and j.43, whiich has an intensivo sigification, mentioned by Freytug as occurring in the "lMaojudge, i. q. l. yoorah" of Ibn-Dureyd ;] and . [meaning Hc pronounced j, aor. , (AA, 0, V,) inf. n. JI,j; (. ;) iHe suched it in, (~, him to be one jho took, or followed, a right wray MA, O, ],) namely, water, (MA, I;,) and the or dourse or direction: or to be one who held a saliva of a girl, (IAar, 0,) iwith the twvo lips; right belief; to be orthodox]. (Msb.) - See also syn. with (L, K.') . ,p v* i.q. (MA;) as also t :-'tl (S, 1AA, 0,0 K) and what next follows. 9JaJI, (.K,) in the dial. of El-'Ir.k; (TA;) they A4, (S,* MA, O,* K) and * . and t 4. ,ol (S, A, L, Msb, g) and * .,, (L,) gave it this name as one of good omen, because (IAnr, O, I :) or he took it, namely, water, with said of God, (S,L, g,) and of a governor, or the tnwo lips in a manner exceediny that which is. ja~ is syn. with JA._: (1. :) [L1: and , commander, (L,) [or of any man,] He mnadc him, are names given to several species of Cress; and termed a.: (M:b:) and J (Msb,) or or caused him, to take, or follow, a right n way or course or direction; or he directed him aright, or .1LJ .,_ seems to mean the seed ofL.O.j: accord. ;ll and ., (g,) inf. n. Oj, (IF, 0,) he to the right way or course or direction; (S, A,* to Golius, on the authority of Ibn-BcytAr, .Uj drank to the uttermost what was is the vessel, L, Mob,* S ;.) .;JI J and i.- and ~; [to the is the name of the nasturtium: accord. to Delile, not leaving in it anything: (IF,' 0,' Myb, ]:) thing]: so says AZ: (Msb:) [often relating to (Flor. BEgypt., nos. 576,580,571,584, and 610,) or, accord. to some, t.Uj signifies the sucking in religion; meaning he made him, or caused him, it is the Arabic name of the lepidium sativum of the water of the mouth in kissing: (Har p. 271:) to hold a right belief; to become orthodox.] See Linn.; the lepidium hortense of Forsk.: and the you say, t1klj, meaning he sucked her (a girl's) cochMearia nilotica: .)l ;tl , i. e., na4turtium saliva from her mouth: (IApr, L in art. -e:) also the next paragraph. maritimum, that of the cahile maritima of Tour- and * 1Ljl he kimed her and sucked in her 10. , -*'-- : see 1. - Also lIe sought, or desired, the taking, or follUowing, a right way or nef.; Deaf., a pinnatifida; the bunias cakile of saliva; from J..j [i. e. ,Uj] meaning "saliva:" .Lmil, and t ~i:3 signifies he sucked in much: (.lar course or direction. (So accord. to some copies Linn.; the isatispinnataof Forsek.: . of the ].) - And . (0.) It is said in a He H4,ldesired of him that of the lunaria parviJflora: and.Jl ;t, i.e., p. 231:) or i.q. s the taking, or folUoning, a right way or course or prov., rl OfJI, i. e. The suching in (t jJ) nasturtium deserti, that of the ial;hanus recurdirection: (L, and so accord. to some copies of of water by little and little is mnost effectual to vatus of Persoon; the raphanuslyratus of Forsk.] the 15,and the TA:) or he asked, demanded, or quench thirst. (?, O, ~.) desired, of him, direction to the right way. J,A;: see J ., of o.e4, the measure ~.~ (MA.) You say, * Z-I Pt .:o. [I aked, in the sense of the measurc J,l, 2 : see above. (L,) as an demanded, or dered, of Aim, direction to the epithet applied to God, means The Director to right way, and Ae dircted me to the right way) the right way: (L, K :) and lie who appoints, 5: see 1, in three places. (A, MSb) &,ml t! and '4J and 4 [to the or ordains, wrell that which lie appoints, or 8: see 1, in two places. ordains: ( :) or lle whose regulations are conthing]: so says AZ. (Msb.) ducted to the attainment of their ultimate oljects 1;j A small quantity of water remaining in ;j an inf. n. of 1. (S, L, Myb, IS.) - [As a in the right way, without any one's aiding in a watering-.trough, or tank: the surface of the simple subst., Rectitude.] Also Maturity of in- directinfg their course aright. (L.) water, which the camels suck in with their mouths. 137

.st; an inf. n. of 1, (L, K,) or a simple subst., (Msb,) [signifying Right procedure; or the adoption, or pursuit, of a right way or course or direction; as to a road, and also as to an affair: and often meaning right belief, or orthodoxy: in both these senses] contr. of L.4, (S, A, Msb,) and of Jj : (Meb :) and t q.Aj is a subst.



1000 (Lth, 0, 1.) -



[Booz 1.

without the vowel-igns.)

Saliva. (iHar p. 231: but there TA.) _ I,. t, said of a bow, t Ilown light, and the shortness of their necks: these are called by swvif in the flight of its arrow, is it J (g, TA.) ! U:;lI . [lit. the sons, or se j4j; snwt in the mouth; mseet-mouthed; [as 6. %9l ) j ,p He was, or became, sharp in daughters, (for ,o:l applied to irrational animals though her saliva were sucked in by her lover the affair. (M. [See also 1, last signification.]) is pl. of * 3, as well as of ,A,) of the paternal because of its sweetness;] applied to a woman. uncle of the long-necked ones, i. e., of the gazellce]: ;d 9 : see the next paragraph, last sentence. (i, 0, Myb, V.) - Also Dry in the .i; so he says, al'pplied. (IApr, 0, 18.) - And A she-camel that tj' a subst. from 1 in the first of tie senses eats with her lil,. (AV, O, }.) explained above: (g, ,:) [i.e. as signifying] A meaning [And verily I hare frightened] the wild >*,; an inf. n., [like j,,] (Ltla, 0,) The bout (;l6 ) of the shooting of arronws; (T, M, oxen or conws [having maggings of the tail]. (L.) taking of water with the tivo lips; (Lth, 0, K ;) TA;) when persons, competing in shooting, shoot .9'j all the arroms that they have with them and then - See also the paragraph commencing with exceeding what is termed ~. (Lth, 0.) return [to the butt]: (T, TA:) and a direction a:;.j, in two places. [.L.4. An instrument with which one sucks in which arrows are shot, (S, M, Msb, .,) when [ai:. His explained by Golius, on thi authority in water &c. Its pl. .il~ is used in the present the people, all of them, shoot all the arroans: I. (Mob, TA.) You say, Ua of Meyd, as signifying A ring used in shooting, day as meaning The lips: thus in the phrase (Msb:) pl. ,tL 4 by means of which the thumb, it being furnished * (S, K*) or U%i: 1iy;, (Msb,) or li lyiJ therewith, more easily draws the tighter sort of i .s., a . ;1!M A woman sweet in the lips; a sweet-lipped woman.] I... and .. l jj LiC, (M,) WVe shot, all of bon-string.] (This art. is wanting in the copies of the L and us, [a bout,] in one direction; (S, .1;) or they shot, (M, Msb,) all of them, (Msb,) [a bout,] in TA to which I have hand access.] one direction, with all their arrows. (M, Msb.)


(S, 19,) aor. ',

inf. n.,,,,

Uj31 LS,~. [Hte used to go forth, and shoot , Mb,) or (M,).*, (M, bouts]. (TA.) Accord. to IDrd, 'l signifies nr?1.,) or Sd it, ,.~L K ,' (,M aorr'(f, ,) The arronws themseltes that are shot. (Msb.) the pen (Lth, M, M, 91),) intf. n. ,j; (8, M, Mqb, ] ;) as also Also The [stridulous] sound (rf tV;:jt (M 9 b) [or ,*ljI]; lie shot, or shot at, Z, K) when one writes with it; (Lth, M;) and himn, or them, with the arrow, or with the arrows, so t . (LLthl, M, Z, .i.) and other things. (i, A,Mb, g.) It is said in ~,j: see the next paragraphl but one, in two a tmd..1C" > ..s,l IJ [Vcrily it is places. harder upon them, or severe or distresing to them, than the shooting of arrows at them]. t s:;: see the next paragraph, in two places.


And it is said in a trad. of Fudaleh, .

(S,) He

LS stamped, or sealed, wheat. (1, K. [Seeoo,

.]) -And He wrote; (g, TA;) ;il [upon it], and ,! [to him]: accord. to the copies of die 1, like 't,j; but this is a mistake for ;;., with the unpointed ,, [and without teshdeed]. (TA.) 2: se above. 4: see the next paragraph. _1 It (land) showed its herbage. (TA.) - And She (a wild cow) saw and delMstured the .Aj, (g, TA,) i. e. theft that appearedof the herbage: the epithet applied to her is ,V [without ;]. (TA.)

(TA.) -

And .t :

t lIe cast his look at

them. (M.) - See also 4, in two places. . lj, (g, M, Msb, g,) inf. n. 1, (S, M, Msb,) lie (a man) was, or became, goodly, or bea.tiffnl, and slender, in stature, or person: (S, J :) or he (a boy) wams, or became,just in proportion, (T, A,) a,ddsender; (A;) and in like manner 'L;., is sid of a girl: (T:) or he (a boy, M, or a person, M9 b) was, or became, light, or active, (M, MNb,) in Ais work; (MNb;) and in like manner : is said of a girl. (M. [See also 5.])
a. ~U,5, (Mobeet, IV,) inf. n. ;:wU" , (Mobeet,) t lie went, or ran, with hi,n; or vied with himtn in going, or running; syn. jk. (Moh.ce, 1.)

[And] S~. "

; 1; H vied with me (1;)

in going to the place to which I was repairing. (A, TA.) 4. j:l Hle shot in one direction; (Zj, ;*) as also v .1;. (Zj, O.) - See also 1. - t He loohed sharply, or intently, or attentirely: (, ] :) [and] i.; , inf. n. J..j;', she looked sharply, &c.; said of a woman, and of a ;Is. [or

wild cow]. (M.) You say, ;) AI 1 :.:ji t [I lookeed sharply, &c., or] I raised, or cast, my
eyes, and looked, at, or tomards, the party, or

company of men; (L;) and so .jI

(JK.) And

Jt1 'a 01



I t7le she-

gazelle looked sharply, or intently, or attentitvely, at the object of hler want. (A, TA.) A8 some say, (hMI,) 4 ,.j .l signifies : The she-gazellc extended, or stretched out, her neck. (~, M, 1,

pt*s ?A swmipJ-shooting bow; (JK, A, 1 as;) also t , (JK) and t V . (0, k..) 8. .jlJI, in the copies of the K erroneously written ;I, [is r expl. as meaning] I1e stamped, _ ; .I& and ' J.lj t [A period] quich [in or sealed, his vresd with the .,,,;: thus in the pasing]. (JK.)- _ applied to a boy, (T, saying of El-Awshk, as some relate it, TA,) or to a man, (S, ,) and tw., (JK,) and i'; applied to a girl, (T, TA,) Jtst in proportion, (JK, T, A,) and slender: (A, TA:) or goodly, or beautiful, and slender, in stature, or but accord. to others, ..J;lj. (TA. [See art. person: (S, K :) or a. (M, Msb) and V 1.', (M) signify a boy, (M,) or a person, (Myb,) light, ,;j: Bsee what next follows. or active, (M, Msb,) in his tvork; (Msb;) and iq. i q; [A marh, an impresion, &c.]; in the same sense are applied to a girl: (M :) the (Aboo-Turhb, g, TA; [in the C1P ;.il is erropl. [or rather quasi-pl. n.] of j ;is v t , (1g,) neously put for is as also t ';]) -; (19, TA;) like as...l is and j of. of, (TA.) like.; (Aboo-Turab, TA) and : [q. v.]. (S, Myb, IS, all in art. ,w.) And [particularly] ;:1; Shooting. (Car p. 3i7.) _ 1j i. q. The mark, or impresion, &c., (.Ap,) of rain, upon -O ., i.e. r 5 [lit. An arrow having pro- the ground. (g.) - And The first that appears pulion; meaning shot; the latter word being] of herlfbage; (ISk, s, ;) as also t.;;. (TA.) of the class of [possessive epithets, such asJ O~W .W. i. q ,. (.S, , TA) as meaning The and;.m5. (lIar p. 82.) [small engraved] tablet, (?, TA,) or the stamp, or seal, (1g, TA,) with which collections of wheat or tj . . An erect neck. (M.) corn [in theirrepositories] are stamped, or sealed; A1j. (AA, 15.) And The ~:,, applied to a woman, (JK, M,) and to a (;, TA;) as also ;.* thing mith rwhich [the mouth of] a uel is she-gazelle, (M,) or to a wild animal [of any signifies kind], (JK,) HIaving her young one rwith her; stamped, or sealed; (];) and t (JK, M;) as thoughi she were always watching [the same; or] a stamp, or seal, with which the it, (JK.) - [Also t lIaving a stretched out, or head [or mouth] of a [largejar such as is called] long, neck. Hence,] , .l, 1 t [The long-neched l.t. is stamped, or saled: (TA in art. j :) as one] is used as meaning the gazelles: but is not alio.J (M and ]p in that art.) and ;,- : (! applied to the [wild] oxen or cows, because of in that art.:) or a stamp, or seal, in a general Aic,

BooK I.] m e; U albo U. abo ,0. (M in that art.)



8e e the eolocynth [or any similar plant (see :4,) a.Z; which is the reverse what has been sid 3] tIt extenzided its rope-like branches [or stalks] above, that a3,ll is from .L,)l: (TA:) the pl. is .,*;Jj: see the next preceding paragraph, ii n(AzC, S, TA.)m 1u1 jcsj, (9 , , ,) inf.n t. . (S, Mgh, Msb, 15.) ;, .- jl is also the two places. 'l:, (S,) I made the youny camel to suck, or tU o name of t A Aansion of the Moon; (5, TA ;) 0* [the Twenty-eighth, which is the last, of the Mlanbe suckled. (S, 5.) ',_,, an epithet applied to a wild cow: see 4. of the AIloon;] so called as being likened to 5. *C3 He was soft, tender, gentle, bland, oi sions a rope; (TA;) [the northernfish, of the contelmild, towards him; or he treated him with gentles lation Pisces, together with the star s of Andrones, or blandishlment. (@,ISd, 1.) meda; or, moro correctly, 8 and c, with some L j,., (8, , TI,) [in the C15 . , there 8. U;:;1 He took, or received, a v.3 [or neighbouringstars, ofPitces;] a group of many said to be like ..J,] aor. and inf. ns. as in the bribe], (9, Mgh, Msb, K(,) dZfrom him. (Mgh.) stars, in theform of a fish, with the tail towarlds next'sentence, (TIC,) He (a man) came to afeasi the south and the head toards the north; uninvited thereto, and entered without permission. 10. L; ,l lIe sought, or desired, to be suck. (gzw ;) many small star, in the form of a fish, (,, . [See , below.]) - And led; said of a young camel. (?,1.)-And called [also] Jl j4, in the narel of rrhich is a bright star, culI, (, ,) aor. ', (g,) inC. n. which the moon makes one of its , and i i. hl* i1 sHe drew forth rwhat wa (., He H,) (a dog) put his head into the vessel, in the udder. (As, TA.) - [Hence, probably,] mansions; (., TA';) [or including .~jm.JI 4, (., ], TA,) to eat and drink. (TA.) e.%. y Ly.l He sought, or desired, or de- rchich is in the navel of Andromeda; for] g * Z!&JI is the name of the bright star [#] that ;is ' A turn, or time,for the taking of water; manded, a ;L, [or bribe] in the case of his de- above the dra)pry round the waist ofAndromeda: ( ;) so in the M; (TA;) as also V ,. (C1.) cidingjudicialy, for his doing so [agreeably with (zaw, descr. of Andromeda :] .LJI is also called the desire of the briber]. (S, 1,* TA.) Z5J,It 4b. (TA in art. ,.U.) [ jt.U, see what next precedes. * is *.-. I* and e (T, S, M, Mgh, Mob, O ) and in art. Jj;.] J& . Sheep, or goats, pasturing and drinking at pleasure, amid abundance of herbage, t_4, (Ltb, K(,) of which the first is that which is A A young camel; syn. j . (1.) [See the most commonly used, (TA,) i. q. JU, [as 4, last sentence.] and plenty. (v.) meaning A bribe]; (15, TA;) i. e. (TA) a thing 1 ,_; The giver of a .yA [or bribe]: hence the l; ij.q. q.; ui; (S., . ;) i.e. One who comes that one give to a judge, or to another person, in to a feast uninvited thereto: he who watches for order that he may judge in his [the giver's] the time of food, and then goes in to the party favour, or to ineite him to do what he [the giver] desires; (Mob, TA;) or a means ofattaining that [May God curie] the girer of a a,.;, who aids when they arc eating, is tcrnned .j.. (S.) another to dlo what is wrong, and the receirer And One who eats all that is upon the table of which one wants, by bribery; not including what is given as a means of obtaining a right or re- thereof, anl himn who is aygent between them two, food; syn. .- : in the 1.,. 4 it is erroneously pelling a wrong; for it is related on the authority demanding more for this or less for this. ([Ath, put for,.i*JI. (TA.) Also A snall gfit to the of several of the leading doctors of the Tabi'ees TA.) pupil of the etL, [or goldsmith]; in l'Pers. called that there is no harm in a man's bribing for the "ti,: see 'tj, first sentence. AJpl:bu [correctly Jljj,5 ]- (KL defence of himself and his property when he fears being wronged; so says IAth: and Lth explains . ,... IThe receiver f a ;A, [or bribe]. (lAth, In the C]C is a mistake for ; l.]) ... the last of these three words as meaning an act of TA.) [See an cx. above, voce A1t.] * *-.bribery: (TA:) accord. to Abu-l-'Abbas [i. e. 's.tjj i.q. ;j [i.e. A window; so in the Th], (TA), the former meaning is from Cl said . ,F,-_A seeker, desire., or demandeler, tf a present day; or a mural aperture; an aperture of a young bird, explained in the first sentenee of ;.j [or bribe]. (TJ.) Hence, (TC,) one say, ;n a mall or chamber]: (., ]:) [arabicized:] in this art.: (Mob, TA:) or it is from .l1j, (I Ath, Pers. O ;. (KL, PS.) Also i. q. .; [q. v.; Mgh, TA,) signifying "that o.- * .I', [in the TA i jlJ .i'] i. c. by means of which app. here meaning A kind of arched construction, one obtains water," (lAth, TA,) or " the rope of 3,1._U Wd &1 [app. meaning t FVerily thou upon which are placed vessels and other utensils th'e bucket :" (Mgh :) or, accord. art obedient to ISd, to such a one, subtervient to thlat the .c. of the houe]. (TA.) reverse of this is the case: (TA:) the pl. (of the which gives him happiness]. (], TK.) first, Msb, TA) is l o; or ' and (of the second,
B1g -rj:


1. L";, said of a young bird, It stretchedforth tts head to its mother in order that she alould put food into its beak. (Abu-l-'Abb.s [Th], Mqb, TA.) -Hence, [accord. to Tb, but see .:,,below,] ;:;, (., Mgh, Myb, I,) aor. :jj inf. n. _;j, (., M9b,) lIe gave him a a;5 [or bribe]. (.,0 Mgh, Myb, IC.) [See also 3.] 3. ;l, (~, ISd, ]p,) inc U. D , (TA,) i. q. IZ5 [He bribed him; (see also 1l;) or endeavoured to conciliate him; or did to him a thing in order that he (the latter) might do to him (the former) another thing]: (g :) and ;_. [app. as meaning hAtreated Aim, or behaved towards him, with partiality]: (ISd, ]K:) or jUL [he aided him, or assisted Ahim]. (.) i. .tsIl , He put a ,Z [or rope].to the bucket. (., I8d, .)_- [Hence,] ,1 said of

Msb, TA) 13 or

' . (S, Msb, K, T.A.) 1.


:tl:j A rope: (S, Mob, X(:) [or a well-rope;

i. e.] the riope of the bucket: (Mgh :) and V also, with kesr, has the same meaning as (15:) hence it would seem that this is generaliy the case; but they have expressly declared that the latter word has not been heard except in relation' to the like of an enchantment, or a fascination: so says MF, pointing to the saying of LI, that among the phrases of women who enchant, or fascinate, men is i,i#ZA .U.js jia. iJI [I have enchanted him, orfascinated him, with a gourd, filled wvith nater, pnud by a rope, or well-rope]; and that .L:,3, meaning a rope, is not thus said except in this enchantment, or fascination: accord. to ISd, the last radical of AZ.: is judged to be.j because one obtains water by means of the U.lj, like as one obtains the thing sotght by means of the

(, M, A, Mgh, Msb, ,) aor. , inf. n.


.l,,) lle stuck it (a thing, ', Mgh) together, one part to another, (,, A, Mgh, .C,) so that titere might be no interstice in it; (Mgh;) .joined it together; (Mgb, 1;) namely, a building; (M.b;) and V:~-, (S, Mgh, g,) iuf. n. ,,~3 (S.,) signifies the same; (., Mgh, K;) and so t ,~: (TA:) or these three verbs all signify he fnadr it (a building)firma and compact: (M:) or t .oj signifies he malde it (a building) fprm and strong: (IDrd, J5:) and j, said of anything, it was made firm, and joined together. (ll, TA.) And hence, iJI1l .He Ul' tied (O, [perhaps a mistranscription for .~ he stopped up]) firmly the mouth of the 4L3 [a kind of vessel]. (Mgh.) And .tl wj ]ar closed, or locked, his door; as also adJ, q. v. (TA in art. - J . _j She (a domestic hen, A, .K,

,.~j, (., M, M




[Boox I. [-

and an ostrich, A) made her eggs even, or klel, woman's [face-veil of the kind callelt] ~,W (Ham p. 89:) or, accord. to some, you say, with her bill (A, 15) and her feet, to sit upon drawn near to her eyes. (AA, -See S5.) also ;1 Jl tJ1; ji only with ; not other., them,n. (A.) - See also '. wise: [see this verb below:] and accord. to some, 2: see 1, in two places._ (AZ, M,) 3~to: sec l:;. - Also, (accord. to a copy one says, o~, meaning he watclhed, or raited, meaning he preJ 4o>p ~,jt, t inf. n. f, (AZ, T,) Slhe (a woman) put on, of the M,) or a.Lb with teshdeed, (1g,) for him; and , paredfor him the thing, or affair, or event; and or wore, her ,.jW [a kind of] in such a Stones cleaving to the circuit of a runningspring; V; ';1 is ey. with ,. (M.) One says of a mlainecr that nothiig was seen but her eyes: and sot L j.. : (Lth, M, K :) or LoLsj [in my

(AZ,, M:) as also ,-~;,, (AZ, TA,) or ~.~j: .. (M:) , is nf the dial. of Temeem. (AZ, TA.)_ - o lLfe nas importunate, or urqent, in askhin, or bejging. (Fr, TA.)

copy of the A written f )] signifies a stons: and the pi. is jJ,;, [which is reg. as pl. of either of the above-mentioned forms without teshdeed but not as pl. of that with teshdeed]. (A.) ,V The stones c t You say, ;,So,t A .il 5: see 8. rrere heaped together upon the grave. (A.)6. Il J.I, TheyJ placed themselves close together, Hence, lLj, (as in the A,) or ) .l, (Ks, ?, M, A, 1S,) in a rank, (9, Mgh, Mgb, ]I,) (accord. to the t A niggard: (A, 1!:) likened t,) in prayer, (A, TA,) and in battle, (TA,) to that to a stone. (A.) there was no intervening tpace among them; -;--: see L'C, in two places. (Ks;) nas also Vt1jil: (A:) they placed themselves in a rank, or in ranhks, in battle, and in ,t.;j [app., accord. to the TA, A manauprayer. (M.) facturer of lead: or] a seller of lead. (Mleyd, in 8. jL..jI :.,jl The stones were stuck, or Golius.) s't close, together; as also t .. (A.)_ :see eLot, in two places Sce also 6. a..,:see :Lj. - Hard ground or land. R. Q..1. ";i,:see 1, in two places. (1..) This is its meaning accord. to IDrd. (TA.) O JI43 ) ~ .to)j heo continued, or beeame fixed W.j A man whose teeth are near together: or settled, in the place. (lAir, ~.) (M, A, JC:) fern. .loj. (M, A.) - And the fern., ,.~j in tho teeth is likhe J; (M,TA;) applied to a woman, Imnperia coeunti; as also and ; in the teeth signifies [the same, i. e.,] ,,;.,: L. A woman (M.) - _ 'Nearness together. (A, TA.*)~ See also the whos thights are close togethler. (A.) - , next paragraph. A thigh that cleaves, or sticks, to its fellow.

serpent ([I), 5tja [II watches,orliesinwait,forthe pasers-byonthe road, or way, that it may bite]: (L:) and of a beast of ,. (S, prey, (9,A, y,) or of a wolf, (M,) . M, A,) or tll .~i , (1,) i. e. Ie w,atches, or waits, to leap, or spring: (TA:) and ofa she-camel,

.,Y,,3 J) ~' .J.. [She 2watcha, or waits, for the drinhiigof the other camels, and then she .. , . pj d,rinhk]; (, A ;) or o " [she watches, or waits, for the drinking of others, J3 The that she may drink]. (]K.) --- a'l land rvas rained upon by a rain such as it termed D,~>., (8,) or by rain such as is termed . (TA.) 3: see above, first sentence.

j.,L j (~, M, Mglt, Mb, 1.)

and ,,,

(M1,) or tho latter is vulgar, (9,) and not allow. able, (n,) or, accord. to AHait, it is correct, and it is quoted by Ez-Zarkashlee, and by certain of tlic Expositors of the F., and is the only form mientiovcd by AXeci, (TA,) and, accord. to some also, (MF,) and *V ,, of thc nmoderns, ,o (M, TA,) whlichl is a contraction of the first, (TA,) [Lead;] a certain mineral, (M,) well

hnon,; (f, g ;) i.q.

(Mgh;) pure 1 jg; Arabic; (IDrd;) so called because of the compactness of its particles: (IDrd, M:) it is of two hinds; the blach, which is [also called] .... lw, and j1 or j1 [accord. to different copies of the 15]; and nwhite, which is [also called] ,a, and.j.. ; [wlhichl is applied in the present day to tin, and peutcre]: if a little thereof [of the former kind thereof accord. to the TA] be thrown into a cooking-pot, its flesh-meat will never become thoroughlly cooked: and if a tree be encompassed by a ring thereof, its fruit will not drop, but will become abundant: (]:) and Abu-l-IIoseyn ElMIcdiinee says, it used to be said, the drinking from a veul thereof is a security against the colic: (TA:) t LL;j signifies a piece thereof. (Meb.)


e next preceding paragraph. l sce tde A.S

ae ol. 0:

4. IS. L5 6.~jI lie charged him ,vith the watching, or guarding, of such a thing. (L.) See also 1, in four places. - J ~1 also simgnifies t HIe prepared,or made ready, [a person, or thing,] for him, or it; (A., 9, A, 1];) as an army for battle, and a horse for charging, and property, or money, for the payment of what was ' ' I due. (A, TA.) You say, ~,L,l ;i preparedfop. him punishment: properly signi(0, s.) fying I put punishment in his road, or way. prepared dZ s.j,l and j:t [I Wi .0,oaj;l A [cap of the hind called] ;a -LJ like (L) And a melon. (O, K.) for him, good and evil]. (A.) C e.. .~,l ,1I occurs in a trad. [as mcanina g Un/es I ne,'~.t*: see what follows, in two places. pare itfor a debt that I on,e]. ($.) And [hence, .F. A building having its everal parts app., as seems to be indicated in the TA,] you stuck together, (9, A, Mgh, TA,) so that there is say, 'l % S He places no interstice in it: (Mgh :) or a building made almx in kind, or good and affectionate and firm and compact: (M:) and ',a.. signifies gentle and considerate, treatment of his bretJe same; (A, Mgh, TA;) and so ' . (M, thren; [as though meaning he prepares for like TA.) You say also, a,} , Eggs [set] himself the recompense of almu (aLjJI .ptl3, as one says I* meaning l$ one u,pon another. (K.)-A thing done over, or orerlaid, ( . ,) with u.L.j; as also s.L,) in so doing;] reckoning such treatment oJ them as alms. (TA.) - Also Slie requited him, (9, .) Loy..) A A well cased with or recompensed himn, with good, (L, 1], TA,) t # . oto;. (Ibn-'Abbad, K.) accord. to the original application, (L, TA,) or with evil, (L, K, TA,) as some apply it. (L, TA.) howred, or cast up, And .,L.a~JI ,. t 1 e sk or produced, the reckoning. (MF, from the 1. ,~j, (As S, A, Msb, K~,) aor. -, (As, S, 'Inalych.) Msb,) inf. n. , (S, Msb, ) and ,j; (9, ;) 5: see 1, first sentence, in two lplaces. and t ;_ , (A,) and t 3, (S, K,) or 8: see 1, in two places. 't , (A,) He sat [or lay in wait] for him in the road, or way: [see .oj:] (A, Mab:) or : see the next paragral)ph. he watched, or waited,for him; (AV, 9, 1 ;) and ~;j: see ,1;t, in three places. Also A so Vo-pb, (A,) and A V,,~jl: (L:) [or] you road, or way; (Msb ;) and so t ,..,, (TA,) both say, i.J; eJ.;., :,, aor. , inf. n. .j, he


.. ,,o qo ::


rsec ,e


in two places.

oatched, or wvaited,for him [with that ,vhich was good and otherwise]; and in like manner, o;~j 5 J,iI [he matched, or waited, for him with reA quital]; (M;) and also 0J ,5, and t o_jl 1

signify the same, (M,) and t1 &. ($, g, TA)

and t , : (TA:) and t;L4, (IAmb, g,) or tV.*, (,) or both, (M, A,) and t;_-. and ,.~, (A,) a place where one lies in wait, or

BooK I.]
watches, (IAmb, Q, M, A, J,) for an enemy: (IAmb, Ii:) the pl. of .;,j is ;.;l; (Mb ;)

and the pl. of * ~ '.


,` . (TA,) which

signifies also lurking places of serpents. (M, L.) You say, 'ij. J- ,J and LGeyJi, and ' j,)eI; (A, Mqb) and .dJt (A) He lay in waitfor him in tae way. (A, Msb.) And . Wt

a ,,, J~.J .. One who lies in wait for men in the way, to take their property unjustly; (Msb;) yn. with the Pers. i's ; and so V;,. (Meyd, accord. to Golius [who, however, explains the Pers. word as meaning vim ecustos, et vectigalium pro tranitu ecactor; whichl I do not think to be here intended thereby].) ;"i~ A she-camel that watches, or wtaits, for

. JO.

see .,m , in five placee.

0.6 0 0,

bje. -,b3,:

uI: see,-.
see .;, in three places

1,.i[I am in the place of lying the drinking of others, (S, A, V,) and then heras in the L, kj-, (TA,) It stuck, adhemd, or in walitfor thee], meaning thou canst not escape self drinhs, (?, A,) or that she may drinh. (v.) clam, to it; (, ;) as also .tl. (Ibnme. (A.) And 'Adee says,
; A beast of prey, (S, A, K,) or a wolf, (M,) that watches, or waits, to leap, or spring. I [And verily deatis are in a place of lying in (S, M, A, 1g.) And A serpent (A.) that watches, wait for men, so that they cannot escape them]. or lies in wait, to bite persons pasing along the road, or way. (L.) ](T tli A.) ye l.lj, tj in the 15ur [ix. 5], means And lie ye in waitfor them in ,SG; Snares, or traps, preparedfor catching e#ery road, or way; (AM, TA;) accord. to Pr, l,eats of prey; as also ;JGj. ('Arram, L.) in their way to the Sacred House. (TA.) And t,j i; 15, in the lIur [lxxxix. 13], means >t: see qS j Verily thy Lord is in tha way; i. e., in the way .t; Sitting [or lIuind in wait] for one in the by which'thou goest; (TA;) so that none of thine actions escapeth Him: (Mb :) or it means road, or way: (Mqb:) or watching, or waiting; that lie watcheth, or lieth in wait, to punish him *LJfor a thing: ( :) or one lying in wait, or who disbelieveth in Him and turneth away from in a place of watching, or in a road or way, for Him: (Zj, TA:) or that He watcheth every man the purpone of guarding: (Mgh:) pl. , to recompense him for his deeds: (Ibn-'Arafeh, ;, like as is pl. of , TA:) or, accord. to El-Agmahli, .t,q JJ is here (F,) and t a name applied to thrce bridges behind the bl..; (Mgh, Msb,) and ,j_ of ,a.; (Mgh ;) or on one of which is security; on another, mercy; [rather] .j is syn. with l , cs,. A,* ,) and on the third, the Lord. (L, TA.) - Also A 3 or with ., [which [wl has the same meanmall quantity of rain: (, > :) one says, ., t ing,] and is a quasi-pl. ni., (M,) a word like ,m. -j.. [In it, nainely, the land (u,ej), is a (~, A) and .. , (A,) and used alike as sing. mtl quantity of rain]: ($:) and so t.j': and pl. [and masc.] and fem.; and sometimes (TA:) or both signify rain that comaes after other rain: or rain that fulls first, before other rain they said s!lG; ( ;) and o, j also is used as a coming: or thefirst of rain: or, accord. to IAir, pl. of ,.,tj, agreeably with analogy; (Mgh;) the former word signifies rain such as is termed and .J likewise appears to be a pl. of the same. , after which other rain is lookedfor; aind (11am p. 415.) One says, 1, ,U if other rain follow it, herbage is produced: one 4;nj . L1 e.14 & i > e. [Such a onesfears] hower thereof is termed t .. and t ~.j; the an enemy lying in wait [before him, and pursuers latter mentioned by Th: (M:) or t ~.-j signi- behind him]. (A.) By ' l~,j in the ]ur lxxii. fies a shower, or whatfalls at once, of rain [app. last verse but one, are meant watchers over an in any ease]: (1, ] :) the pl. of .; angel sent down with a revelation, lest one of the is >l jinn, or genii, should overhear the revelation and (g, M, O) and .jlj, (M,) the latter mentioned on acquaint therewith the diviners, who would acthe authority of A'Obeyd: (TA:) [or] the latter quaint other men therewith, and thus become is pl. of $ L . (a.) - Also A small quantity equal to the prophets. (M, L.) - Hence, (TA,) of Aerbage, (~, M, V,) in land qpon which one hops for the fall of the rain of the season called .oljJ is an appellation of The Lion. (., TA.) t&.i. (M.)

A.,jt and V,t ,

1. ; e

, a,) aor. , ($,

inf. n. ,

(p,) or,

'Abbad, ].) You say, li.;I lj! His tHst were near together, (,, TA,) and stuck, adiered, or claw, togetAer. (TA.) [8ee also the part. n. of the latter verb, below.] - - , d , i. q. 'W Lg [app. meaning t He ept, or became addicted to, th weuof perfume; syn. d t,): but accord. to the TV, he rubbed, or anointed, himelf with perfume]. (IF, B.) 1 , aor. , inf. n. j, He remained, tayed, dwelt, or abode, in the place. (,* TA.)l ; Jl He tied the thing in a complicated tteble Anot, such as the knots of the 1.e. and the like: [or perhaps this is a mistranscription, for Vt ; for it is added,] when you take a thong, and tie is it treble knots, this [action] it [temped] gj. (TA.)


: see .~j,in six places.


~j an inf. n. of un. of 1: pL ; , whence / [i. q. .n/l;]. One says, . the aying, , 1 ; ; ; i ', or WSI& ,u j.s jLLk. t [I am watching, or S [My watchings of good conduct, or of evil, nnill waiting, for thee, on account of thy bene.ficence, not mis thee], meaning I will requite thee for that I may requite thee for it]. (Lth, A.) thy deeds. (A, TA.) See also the latter part ;,, ujl Land in which is a small quantity of the next preceding paragraph, in three places. (~j, M) of herbage: (M, V:) or land which .,~ A pitfaUfor a lion; yn. l. (1,1 .) has been rainedupon, and which it is hoped will .- And A ring of bran, or of jlMer, ip tahe produce Aerbage: (A[n, M, V:) and land upon thon~ (or cors] by meant of which the sword is which ha faUm a rain such as is termed ~; ,uspeb,e (i*) (M;) and so V" i; : (%,M:) or, accord. to nor ; , AJ bee ~dj, in the latter pert of tih para- some, one should not say ;;Yj but A . .l and ,'. (M.) graph. 1

2. e.. [inf. n. of .j] The act of setting, fixing, or putting together, [jewebls, precious stones, gems, pearls, &c.;] syn. ,v&J. (1, ].) [See the pans. part. n., below.] -The act of mahing [a thing] according to a masuare; syn. .aE. (Ibn-'Abbid, ].) - The act of weaving 1 [a thing]; orforming [it] by the inserting of one part within another; like as a bird weaut its nest. (Ibn-'Abbid, ].) You say, i t.L . qj;.: The bird put twigs and feathers near together, and w with thitem its ast. (A, TA.)_ y,aJ' t "- ao inf. n. as above, He fwnmithed the neckla~ with jowels, precious stones, or gemu, connected, or drawn, together, in a Myies. (TA.) - [Hence,] in rhetoric, ;e4J1 signifies t A kind of .,m4;(TA;) the making the wordJ of a claum of rhyming proe, or at least two of them, conformable in their measures, and agrecing in their latter parts, with the corre~msponding mords of the corresponding clause; as in the saying in the ]ur [end of ch. lxxxviii], LL;l ', .,~t_ t~zl l' -t : and the like in verse; as in the saying of Aboo-Firs [EI-Farezda4], J U1,

(1ar p. 9.)

See also 1; last sentence.

8: see 1, first and second sentences. ,oj The button of the loop of a copy of the .Kurdn. (AA, Z, ;gb, V.) -_ See8 also what next follows. I'.; The knot that is in the brile (bJ,), by the cheuk (J ), resembling a [nall piece of moey such as is called] .,.. (g.) - A ring,

of those wit which a sword is ornamunted: (f :)

1004 or the round ornament of a sn,ord: (IDrd, K :) or any round ring in the ornamental part of a rrord or taddle or other thing: (IDrd, X1:') or a plaited thong between the suspenrory thong, or shoulder-belt, and tle scabbard, of the sword; as also j: or [the pl. signifies] plaited thongs in the lower partsof tie suspcnsory thongs of the sword; and a dial. var. is with .,; (TA;) i. e. .L., (I and TA in art. ,) on the authority of ISh. (TA in that art.) I'hee pl. of ia..; (8, K) in all the senses explained above (,; TA) is

[BooK I. well words with words. (KL) - Ad The bind- of ;: (M :) or L , is tbe pl. of i;;. (o, ing round an arrow well [at the part in which ]g.) Also, and t , A sinewn (') that it the head is inserted] witih a sinew. (KL.) bound upon another sinew, and is then bound 4. J.jI He mized his nine (c tv)with wrhat upon the suspensory (;Jit) of the bow. (M.) is termed j1 I ., i. e. water descending from And t,-;j [if not a mistake for oi:] Two the mountains, upon the rocks. (0, .) round bones in the knee of a horse, separatefrom the other bones. (Ibn-'Abbid, O. 5: see 8. tA- : see eJ_,j. 8: see 8. -.. J~l l. I_" They stood close together, side by side, in the rank. (S, 0, .) Ot~j: see io .- Also A part lis stairs, is syn. vith in the side of a mountain; pl. J.j. . (O.) (Ibn'Abbhd, (.) 8. %,jI It had its sereralpartsput, orjoined, together, or together and in regular order; as also .";jA woman ntarrow in the. [or iulva]: t ..- 3, [or this means it had its several parts (S, M, 0:) or small therein: (M:) or small in nweU put, orjoined, together, &c., (see 2, of which the rulva, and narrowa therein, and, consequently, it is the quasi-pass.,)] and *i.ol. (M.) impervia viro; as also I ~i' (IAir,* O,* O) .. oj Stones put, orjoined, together, (S, M, O, and .tU..a: (0,*1:) or this last, [syn with Msb, K,) [whether artificially or naturally, and iAj.,,] a woman whose place of circumcision has particularly] in a channel of rvater,: (0, :) cohered (after the operation, when she rtma young], n. un. t UaL. (, , , MM b, .) A dam con- and, conseqnently, impervia [viro]. (M.) structedfor [the purpose of obstructing or retain.. sj [Put, or joined, together, or together ing] water: [such is now termed V _..; which and in regular order, in its several parts; like is originally an epitllet, but tlhus used as a subst., and I and commonly applied to a quay; and a bank, 3t,.q. ]. You say, aA.e Zt; His teeth are disposed in a regular and an even generally of masonry or bricks, raised along the row in their manner of growth. (M.) - [Hence,] side of a river or of a lake .c.; and any similar t An imitator, or emulator,of another in actions; maus ofmasonry:] also (i.e. .;o) tho clannel of a [reservoirsuch as is termed] A~". (M.) and an inseparable asociate. (0. 1:.) - And t A deed, or an action, that is firmn, or sound; or [Hence,] .llJ3 ,L The irater descending from firmly, or soundly, or well, executed or perthe mountains, upon the rocks. (1K.) El-'Aji.j formel: (S, O, Ms.b, 15:) and in like manner, says, an answer, or a reply: (., 0:) or an answer, or a reply, that is strong, or valid; not to be rebutted. meaning that the wine of which he is speaking (Myb.)- Also An arrow having a sineto (as) wound upon the socket of its head, when it has was mixed with water of a ;.Aj [or ledge of -oy. (M.) - See also J. rocks or stones] that lad contended, in flowing, broken; and so ' Also sing. of which wth, significs The sines, with another t."j, because of its thereby becoming more clear and more delicate: he suppresses or ligaments, (.,.) of the horse: or this signithe word signifying water, meaning it to be fies the bones of the side: (Ibn-'Ahbild, O,~:) understood, (saying oj C> for ,o;j , [as p1. of , and has for its pl. j., like ,S [but in both of my copies of the S, ,1 is erro- ,A,-]. (1:.) neously put for !,]) and he calls its passing AG5 ; inf. n. of o;. [q.v]. (K.) -_ tl (,.c~ [in the 0 and in one of my copies of the , j. signifies The being gentle (.ijl) with the .8 e-]) from o..j to .-O^ its contending thing: and [hence] it is said in a trad., ',.nJ. therewith [i. e. with the latter j.]. (8, 0.)_ . 4. Lj ~i ;l> WL ; [And no stay, or support, See also aLoj. to us was mnore gentle, or convenient, (jil,) to us ;;j: see the next paragraph. The i ',i than site, or it]: no verb thereof [in this sense] nre Two sinews, or ligaments, (0 -',) in, or has been transmitted. (M.)


e1;lj Sticking, adhering, or cleaving. (AZ, L.)



r' Adorned I witlh jewels, precious stones, or gems; applied to a crown, ard a sword: (15:)
or you say , _.- Ji ,,.* Iu meaning a crown set with jewiel, precious stones, or gems: and ,j..JA. a sword ornamented willth the rings


Gj,, p!. of a; . (.)-*. ,


1JI A hore having the hairs of the fetlock wjutt 14j [meaning compacted together, as thlough woven]: (AO, and so in some copies of the g :) in [some of the copies of] the 15: l: ,.kw j,'. (TA.)
am.r3 ,;,L

Ilis teeth are set close togetlm..

(A, TA.)

1. a.jL, nor. :, [or , as appears from what Ibllows,] isnf. n. ..Lo, lie put, orjoined, together, or together and in regularorder, its seoeral parts. (M.) [licnct.l iJI.. ij, (8J, J , Mb, in the hiM '1J,) a,,r. , inf n. as above, (S, M, Mqb,) lie put, orjoined, togsther the stones (S, O, Mqb) in h,tillisna, or in the building or structure: ($, 0:) or hc built, or constructed, and joined togetlur, the st,ones. (M.) And M 1 ;i His teeth were disposed in a regular. and an even row in their manner of growth; as also z, [aor. -,]


i,if. n. ,.Lj. (M.) And 4.cd3 j.;j He (a man, 0, 1) put his feet together: (S, O, k :)

or .e1q.e e L C it. he put his legs near together. (hI.) Also He boutqd it round with a thing. ( p. 376.) You say,,.JlI ;j, inf. n. *., lie bound, (g, O,J,) or wo,lnd, (M,) a sinew (4ii) upon the socket of the head of the arrow, (Q,M, 0O, ,) when it had broken. (M.) between, tie [two bones called] c)".j of the two ga.l l."i : see above. _l also signifies She [a woman] was small, or narrow, in the .jI knees. (M.) .'a n. un. of j*,, q.v. - Also A sinew [or vulva]. (M.)n ~oj, aor. ', in. n. il;t, said of a deed, or an action, t was firm, or (a'i) that is vound upon the socket of the hlad sound; or firmly, or joundly, or well, executed, or of an arrow, (8, M, 0, 1,) wnhen it ha4 broken; performed. (0, 1.) [Seo also iLU; below.] (M ;) as also VabLaj (Lth, 0, 1:) and I _~j, _ One ays alo, . J.;..;j ' :.l 1A t This is a each with damm; (1 ;) or as also I ilLj, [thus

a^0: t

see ;.

L1.j [it. q. ijI],: see iL.oj. ,3,.:s: see ~j, in two places._ applied to a woman: see Jy.

thing, or an affair, that will not become thee, or written with kesr,] of which the pl. is JSL, (M) be suitable to thee. (., O, 1.) hb1, i.q. ai.. [q.v.]: (O, I:) becaue the and [col. gen. n.] t, .l.j; (M,O;) but [I8d thing hammered, or beaten, is joined, anud made 2. ..,3>j[inf. n. of _i ] The putting, or says,] I think that AUln bas made this last to be to cohere, therewith. (O.) , is the pl. of ;Le;, [or rather placing, treLther, or onstructing, wrell stones or a sing.: and I bricks in a building. (KL.) _ The connecting it is a coll. gen. a.,] and ~;J I hold to be pl. Cj"%t J A man aing the toeth near


Boox I.]
0 -J w,iUj ($,) ,l.j Fr'agments, or broken particks, (9, IF, Mqb,) ofa thing: ( The lion. (1Kh, O, ].) or .-..1 Oj., (:,) are The [two] eztremiies of Mib,) what w8) is bruisd, brayed, pounded, [This art. is wanting in the copies of the L and the ... [or round and hollow pounded, or crushed; or bruised, &c., coarsely; bones, meaning ota TA to which I have had access.] here of the arms, (in one of my copies of the 8, of a thing. (IDrd, . ) Drui&ed, erroneously, of the _tw, or sinews,)] that are I Bruised, brayed, pounded, or cr,used: 0 set in, or upon, the Lij) [n. un. of J..b, which (g:) (g:) bruised, &c., coarsely: a also o,.b . is evidently the correct reading, meaning the L :o -, (~, M, .,) inf. n. il;, (8, M,) It bones that are betnween the arm and the shank], ($, R.) - See See also ,. (a thing, M, or a building, TA) was, or became, in tle knee. (S, K.) GA,..aj: [,.r.a: see what next follows. firm, stable, strong, solid, compact, or sound. * .. . 0 ' 0, ,p-: see the paragraph next preceding, in ,pb!o.kj (8, M,' 1.) . Also, said of a man, i. q. j l,,~;k Pebbles: (IDrd, A, ]:) or mall pebt [le was, or became, grave, staid, steady, two places. bles: (A, ]g:) as also VLOW.~i ~,j.;, (K,) which is a sedate, or calm; andforbearing: still, or motioncontmetion contraction of the former: (TA:) or bruild, or ; 1>.4 An iron insttl,ment with mhich beasts klu: or firm, or sound, of judgment: wise, or crushed, crushed, pebbles. (S.) Hence the saying 04' b Ity.d en~ible]. (M.)' ;,, (AV,S,M, ,) aor. ', (*j) are cauterized. (0.) J ' lj.j 4 A. A1 river, or channel, Aaring inf. n. o.j, (As, .,) He made it complete, , ,: see y c [Afore a bed of sand upon which tie water runs, and entire, or perfect; (A 9, $, M, 1 ;) namely, a arm, or an upper arm, of a man, or afore shank, having bruised, or crushed, pebbles ($.) Or 9 'O' thing. (As, .)-See also 4._And see 2, in or an arm, of a beast, (for sL~ has all these ,ob! / l,i.j signifies Hard, smooth stones. (Kr, L.) two places._ -Lt4;, (6, I,) inf. n. 9j, meanins,)] marked wvith a hot iron; svn. And with ;, Stones that break in pieces, or that ( He H,) reviled him, or vilified him. (., K.) move about without stopping, upon the surfaee of 8.. (..) thecorilt. the earth. (TA.) -Land broken up (tLj,;,) 9. Z . ;J.JI , -oj,(i,) thus accord. to trigh with stones. (IAyr, 1, I.) S,nial drops of some copies of the S, (TA,) inf. n. 'a~ ; (K ;) rain. rain. (AA, I.) Fleshy; haring much leh; 1. ';, (S, A, Msb,) aor. ,(Msh,) inf. n. I, applied to a man; ($, I ;) and to a camel: ( :) applied accord. to other copies of the S, t -oj; (TA; (S, A, Mob, g.,) le b,uitsd, braye3, pounded, fem. fem. with ;; applied to a woman. (8, 1.)_ [and accord. to the KL, the inf. n. of the verb in or crushed, it: (IF, A, Myb, ] :) or it signifies, JAS o .lj.; A Buttocks that quivrer (1, TA)0 in this sense, expl. by ;., v,JU, is o ;]) t lIe ($,) or signifies also, (9,) he bruised, brayed, walking. walking. (TA.) overcame the thing by knonwlede: (, K :) so pounded, or crushed, it coarsely, not.finely; (S, says AZ: ( :) [accord. to the JM, t .', signi- K;) as also i tAiL; j: (TA:) (t ALw;i Pastiring beast that crush the herbae or he broke it; fies H#e knew it: but] the reading in the IK, with (Mob, TA;) and so t the latter verb. (S, ](, in eating: (TA:) or camiels pasturing at pleateshdeed, is confirmed by the saying of Z, in the TA.) sure; as though they crushed the herbage. (S, You say, ~aU5L JA -He beat him, sure; A, that j.JI l&. , e , means Verify thou and crushed i i bones. (A.) And 3j- L " _ * TA.) for me, or to me, this information; syn. "a.; a's ,p&jI Always sitting still, not quitting his place. sSui; co LS4S A i. t [I heard of what ,JpjI a tropical phrase. (TA.) befell thee, and it crumbled mty liver and crushed (Ibn-'Abh6A, (Ibn-'AbbhA, g.) #. 4. .Ij1 lie made it, or rendered it, firm, my bones]. (A, TA.) 9 I.J!p*: ab!p: see ,j. also _- Also Tlick [milk such as ;s stable, strong, solid, compact, or sound; (., M, 10 . 4. Ul, (, K. ,) inf. n. ,L ;, (TA,) He (a term4!;i] 5 s;)u abo .- ; namely, a thing. (TA.) man, S) was, or became, heavy and sloR. (m, K.) term!ed] aj; i. C.fresh milk upon which sour milh is poured, and which is then leJft awhile, You say, ';JI O..jI The building was made, or And lIe ran vehemently. (ISk, .) Thus it has milk wherevilion whereutpon there comewforthfrom it a thin yellow rendered, firm, stable, &c. (TA.) And Ijt two contr. significations. (g.) And ,b'l 9! fluid, fluid, which is poured from it, and the thick is d...)Uth i.. ~j Y then thou doest a deed, do He went away into the country, or in the land; drunk: drunhk: ( :) orfresh milk drawnfromn the udder it soundly, thoro,ughly, skilfully, judicionsly, or syn. ,. [q.v.]. (ISk,TA.)-- - ijl .I, upon tour milk; or before it has become mature: well. (TA.) (S, ,) inf. n. as above, (S,) The Imailk termed] (TA:) or fresh milk poured upon milk that has 0 . t S,1 t It been collected in a skin: (A'Obeyd, TA:) or, ~?;j Firm, stable, strong, solid, compact, or .a,j became thick. (S., .K.)l as sound; (?, M, (;) applied to a thing: (M:) and (fatigue, TA, or food or drink, AZ, .K) made the described to ISk by one of the Benoo-'Amir, sreat to flow. (AZ,* J,* TA.) very sour milk, that causes the man who has k>o,t and t ., madZe, or rendered, firm, 5: see the next paragraph. drunk it to arise in the mornin languid, or looe stable, strong, &c. (TA.) You say '; ' 8. ~JlI It (a thing) in thejoints. (TA.) - And A food, or a dtrink, broke, or became broken, A coat of mail firmly, strongly, or compactly, in pieces; (TA;) and t). 3 signifies [the that causes the sweat of him who has eaten it, or made. (TA.) And t *.4 4oj. A buildingmade, same; or] it became broken, bruised, or brayed; drutak druak it, to flow. (AZ, ], TA.) In this explaor rendered,firm,stable, strong, &c. (TA.) And (KL;) [and so, accord. to some, c &,ps, : for nation,, nation, ~..j is put in [some copies of] the I e 5 dJ J.~ ,.1j t [A man haring firm, or of you say,] Aj / 1 i; 2 i;;, instead of .in the explanation given by AZ. sound, judgment]. (TA.) _ Also, applied. to a man, i. q. ;^ij t [Grave, staid, steady, sedate, meaning Stoner that break in pieces upon the (TA.) ~ Also A mare that run vehemently. surface of the earth; (S,K. ;) as some say: but (A0, (AO, TA.) or cl Im; and forbearing: till, or motionisu: 0 .1 . .1 orfinn, or sound, ofjudment: wise, or se~nible]. others say that this means stonet that move about, Lp. A thing with which one bruise, brays, without stopping, upon the surface of the earth. Lke (M-.) _ o' ,ojj t Such a one is pounds, or crushes; or with which 'one bruis, (TA.) graciowu, or knowing and gracious, rith repect &c., coarsely. (TA.) [And particularly what is R. Q. 1: see 1, above, in two places. TA.) to thy oant; or mindful, regardful, or considerate, termed in Latin 7ribulum; (Golius, on the auR. Q. 2: see 8. thority of Meyd;) i. e. a kind of drag umed for thereof; syn. ~ . (9, 8.)_ ;, also e;j Dates bruised, or brayed, (S,) or freed jthe purpose of separatingthe grain of eheat and signifie Pained, or suffering pain: (.3, :) so from the stone, (V,) or bruised, or brayed, and 5arky in the saying of a poet, barley ,Jc. and of cutting the straw; more comnfreedfrom the ston, (TA,) and steeped in un. monly called ,z (q. v.) and . and , .] miwed milk; (f,],TA;) as also t and - See also .,u. [He says, or h saying, Verily I am stu,fering sa..: (-:) or dry dates bruised, on brayed, m pain of the belly, or chet, terefore give ye me to and tiro~r intofreah milk; u also V ,W.'j(A..) ace *J,;;: ae see and . Bk. I. 138


(O, ])

See also

_ ->*JI drink]. ($.) ~What are termed



(BOOK r. [app. in an intensive ene]. (A.) ($, L, 15,) [or bruised, brayed, or crushed,] with as also v t a stope [&c.]. (L.) Jirin-el-'Owd sys, He broke (8, A, Mgh, Myb) another's head, (Mgh, Meb,) or the head of a serpent, (8,TA,) &c., (TA,) with stones; (8, TA;) asu also t lapp. [The pebble almost secame brohen by her tread]. in an intensive sense]. (A.) And ,,;J l;;.6 (C.) The Ae-goals betook themselves to striking one 8: see the next preceding paragraph.-~ .;Jl another with their horns, (JK, ], TA,) so that He excused himself, or he urged, or , I. some of them broke the heads of oters. (TA.) showed, or mnanifested, an excuse, ,for such a 0,- * 0 Ia"a j and:j.i.yL. jal "''#' ' # 'jogAnd );JlJI thing; or he asserted himself to be clear therethem breaking in pieces the bread and eating it: of. (K..) [i. e. Tey pawred the I~XJi jt (A :) and 0. inf. n. of 1. (S, L, Mob.) [Hence,] USi time, or the day-time,] breaking in pieces bread 1.bil Date-stones that fall out from others [in and eating it and taking it with tAeir hands: d1 We were eating. (JK.) (TA:) and t the operation of breaking or bruising]. (, K.) that fliesfom beneath -_u jI ' d .. A datetone And .41,. [app. for means t [or the stone [called tlB.f]. (TA.) -Also, j i., i.e. He threm Aim, or it, down .,b~aol perhaps more properly with t,] A small gifp. upon the ground]. (JRK, .)- J -;, (8, A, (TA.) - And A little of news or tidings. (TA.) Mgli, Myb, 5,) and (, MOb,) M9.bJ, aor. :, (S, M9b,) Hi gare Aim and [as such, as is (Msb,) inf n. ;, ar; is a subst. from implied, or rather indicated, in the $,] signifies what rwa not much; (?, Myb, V ;) he gave him ,JI. C~. of his property: Broken [or bruised, brayed, or crushed,] date- little; (A, Mgh, TA;) ., ; ($, K1;) as also (TA:) and 1-j . ,tones; i. q. t [I gave c; ,J L> -J and (A:) gitl]: a smnall them, of my property, ', (I.) [See also .; S]. [i. e. t';, ? &..a.) [if not a mistmnscription for yJlq.j with ] I gare the man a little out of muh. (TA.) ';] a : see [I ordered the giing of a t J-t &zj small gift to him, or I ordered a rsmall gift to 2h~: see db. Aim, and I gave him a small gift] occurs in a tradition. (..) [That breaks, or bruises, pebbles &e. Pj 2: see above, in three places. much or vehemently]. Abu-n-Nejm says,

1. 4t -- ;,(A, V,) aor. ;, (A, TA,) inf. n. ; ~, (TA,) lie sucked in, or gently sucked or drew in with his lips, her (a girl's, or young woman's, TA) saliva; (A, R], TA;) as also .,.3 (K-.)-_And ?,w ?t lv,O, (A,) or t j The rain poured vehemently, or l j ,.i abundantly ,rnd extensirely; (K, TA;) as also -; (TA.) And ; tl e;1. inf. n. ?.r ,, in large The shy poured inceuantly with rain drops. (AA,TA.) - ) .j is also used as a verb, [meaning nn inf n. of h.; signifying It (dew) fell, or formed, in distinct particles upon the trees,] from Lh,; applied to dew. (TA.)t, [q. v., app. formed from i. q. Wt I ) the latter by transposition,] (15,) but seldom used. (TA.) 4: see the preceding paragral,h. 5: see 1, in two places. aw: soe e lu.


StYb Saliva; syn. jo: ($:) or saliva (jj.) that is sucked in, or gently sucked or drawn in with the lips; (L, 15;) as when a man kisses a girl: (L:) or what one so sucks or draws in, of his own saliva: (L:) or wrhat forms into little bubbles, of saliva, and spreads, or beeomes cattered, or sprinkled; what flows being termed 3lj: (TA:) or particles of saliva in the mouth: (15:) or, as some say, the useparation of saliva into distinct yaltieles, and abundance of the wrater of the teeth: but of each of the last two explanations, AM [or, I believe, ISd] says, " 1 know not how this i&" (TA.) - Sweet water. (TA.) - Froth of honey. (1, TA.) - Particles of der upon trees. (15.) - Patlicls of snow, of hail, and of aegar. (K..)- Particles of muskh: [With rvery stromg hoof, that breaks tle pebbles (TA.) (1 :) or so i . much or vehemently, that is not contracted, or immoderately narrow, nor speading]. (S.) ;'lj Vehement, or abundont and extensive, ;l.4, The thing with which date-stones are rain: (I, 15 :) or rain pouring inceuantly, in or bruised, brayed, or crushed, to serve as brohken, of the large drops. (AA, TA.) - Also A sp6cies [lote-tree called] jo,: (, 15:) one of which is provender [for camels]. (R, TA.) [See also [with respect to which it is a coll. what next follows.] called I__-, (1,) with respect to which gen. n.,] and V . U.5 The stone with which date-stones are latter, if this be correct, it is a quasi-pl. n. (TA.) broken [or bruised or brayed or crnshed, to serve salivw. as food for camels]: (,R, 1:) Sweet w] .. * [q. v.] is a 4. elb[in the TS (n, TA.) dial. var. of weak authority. (TA.) [See also what next precedes.]

engaged with him in throwing stones, each at the other; (AAF, 8, L, 1 ;) so that eae. broke the other's head: (AAF, L:) or, accord. to ElKha4ibee and lAth and others, he engagqd witll. him in the *hootingof arrows, each at the othen: but AAF questions the correctness of this Iatei explanation, preferring the former. (L.) 'See, (JK, L, 1,) however, 6.] _-And tl; 1j, inf. n. as above, (L,) lie garea thing unwillingly. ;_i1; We ob'a. (Ji, L, k.) _ And C tained of him, or it, something. (JK, L.) 4: see 1, last sentence but one. You say also, 5: see 1, in two places. - jM.a [Thry hear the news, but are ',~JI not sure of it, or are not acquainted with it in the last of the clearly, or plainly]: from

3. iJ,

(, L,

1, ,)

n., inc n.

(L,) lle



, 1. .;h, aor. , (L, Mqtb, :,) inf. n. (1, L, Mb,) lie broke, (f, 1., Mob, 1,) and bruised, brayed, or crushed, (M 9b, TA,) pebbles, &c., &,) ($, 15,) or date-stones, (f, L, M,b, j, ($, (Mqb,) with a stone [&c.]; (L;) like
Mb,) which is a dial. var. (Msb.) And He broke, (M 9b, TA,) or bruised, (TA,) a person's head (Mqb,TA) with a stone; (TA;) as also j.e . (Mlb, TA.) (L) It (a pebble, 5. C.p ($, ]1) and VC.WJ$: f, 15, and a date-stone, L, O) became broken,

See what is said at the end of the next art.

senses explained below. (K,' TA.) j3' We cast, or shot, one at another; 6. ;: syn. t1t4 : (S, 1 :) or *t Jl signifies a people's shooting arrows, one at another: (JK, TA:) and e'eshot, one at another, wit/ LI.WY e.'I 1 Fd arrows': (TA:) and .,~ , shoot, one at another, with arrows. (A.) They

(, A, Mqb,K,) nor. '- (A, Msb, K) 1. ', and,, (1]g,) inf. n. ~., (JK, S, Msb,) He brohe, (JK, S, Msb, 1,) and bruied, brayed, or crashed, (Msb, TA,) pebbles, (S, 1g,) and date.-stones, ($, Msb, TA,) and a bone, (TA,) and other things, (Mqb, TA,) of such as were dry, (TA,) or datestones and the like; (JK;) like .. ; (?, Mb ;)

[~tHe kha a foreign vitiowsneu of rpeech; or] he, having grown up among foreigners, (15, TA,) a little while, (TA,)




BoOK I.] and then bcome a dweer among the Arabs, inclines to, or resmbls, foreigner, in certain tworis, or epwreions, though he strive [to do otrmise, or to spea correctly]. (V, TA.) the latter of the dial. of Nejd; ($, O, L;) or the former of the dial. of Nejd; and the latter of the dial. of Tihameh, and used by the people of Mekkeh; (Msb;) and j;, (M 9b,) i.e.


milked, any one should know of his doing so, and demand of him somewhat. (Msb.)_l;51;; ;aj STheir milk became little in quantity; said in reference to milch-camels abounding with milk. (TA. [But the context in the TA suggests that 41 5s, (11gt, TA,) aor.:; (Iltt, Msb;) .j , (g, Mgh, Mtb, TA,) originally an inf. n., this is a mistake; that the phrase is said of the used a subat. [properly so termed]; or of the inf n. tla, (S, Msb, K,) of the first, (S, TA,) or of the third, (Msb,) and L, (1,) [which is wind called LsCl; and that the right reading is measure in the sense of the measure J., tJ;t-l; and the meaning, t t rendered like pj . 1 , [applied to a dirhem]; (Mb ;) also an inf. n. of 3,] and. j), (Mqb, K,) of the their milk little in quantity.]) (app., in its primary acceptation when thus used, first, (Msb, TA,) and ($, Msb, s, K,) of the A fragment: for] you say, ,.. 3. ; ab, (Mqb, TA,) inf. n. 'a.;! j.; *c. and ' j [He has afragment ofbread]: (A: [so in a copy second, ($, Msb,) and ~"j, (Msb, K,) said by (Msb, I, TA) and also, (Mqb,) [but this of that work; and this is agreeable with signifi- some to be the original form of the inf. n. of the last is anomalous, and, if correct, is probably cations of &b: or the right reading may be second, (Msb,) and t.b, (Msb, k(,) of the third, a simple subst.,] lie sucked writh himn; or had him sucking rrith him; (Mqb,s*], TA;) he had o.d: (see the last sentence in this paragraph:) (Msb,) and aLb ; (s;) or the last two are orit may be that which here next follows:]) simple substs. from L,j; (lAth;) said of a child; him as his ; [or foste,-brother]. (Mob.) ($, Mgb;) He sucked the breast pf his mother; [Hence,] ,.,I ,j *.t; ooHe has somewhat of good, or of Ul L. ;, i [Betwreen them two goodtings. (Mb.) Also A mall gift; (t* L, (I];) and tV).-- signifies the same. (Msb, TA.) is the sipping of th *vine-cup, or cup of winu]. M9 b, TA;) and so t l iC p L1 1. [This is my (TA.) (JK, A, [in my copy You say, a&Lb ",4 also signifies An inant's suching the breast of his moths, while she has a child of the Mgh, erroneously, u.;,]) and 'V ; foster-brother]; and I,. (, 1..) The Q".. in her bellUy. (I.) -_ 4i pl He gave, or de(Mgb, L) and tiiL: (L:) or a moderate saying, in a trad., a t"jI X i'al4l, and livered, his son to the rwoman who should sucAle gift, neither good nor bad; a,ld so 'a: ai)l1, means The sucki,g thich occasion. in- him. (S, K.) [See also .] (L:) and a small gift, less than one's share, of terdiction of marriage [with the woman whnse 4. ;ajI She (a woman) had a child whichA milk is sucked and certain of her relations] is ty. (Mgh,* MP.)_Also, [or.e. :;, ;. that of an infant when she hungry; suckled. not (S.).of a child tI. , also, signifies News, or tidings, (V,) or a little thereof, (TA,) that is grown up: (IAth:) t Hlaving or that milk, consequent though not having a child that is wAich ou hears, but of which one is not sure, or witA which one is not clearly, or plainly, ac- upon hunger which is stopped by the milk in the suckled. (IB.) ~ el;A jl His motAer suckled quainted: (], accord. to different copies, and time of infancy of the child; not when the child's TA:) in some copies of the ], in the place of hunger is only to be stopped by solid food. ( him. (?, Myb, .*) - You say also, ,jj.l ,lI in art. te..) You also say, of a man, Z.l4 t,W [app. meaning HIe caused the child to be suckled: we, find .. (TA.) or, perhaps, he suckled the child, by means of hi (;, $) and a&. ($) [Ile sucks the teats of his wife or afenaleslare; because his semen geaitale s;: ee the next preceding paragraph._ camel. and of his ewes or she-goats, by reason of is considered as the source of the milk of a woman One ays also, . X -n;j '1j (JK, A) his sordidness: see -;1]. ' ";. who has borne him a child; accord. to a saying A nmall quantit of ranfell: (JK:) pl .1 t [He sucked meanness, sordidness, or igno- of Lth, cited in an explanation of a usage of the (JK, A.") blene, from the breast of his mother]; (l;) word W or tWC. (V voce q. v.) [See [or an5y] t' j and rised, i. e. he was born in meanness, sordidness, or igno- also 3.] or crushed, date-stones, [with which camels are blenm . (TA.) ,' ,WI b. t He begs of men; 6. tIaj3b They both sucked the breast of a fed, and] which are first moistened with water. (K, TA;) asks gifts of them. (TA.) So, accord. wroman together; each with the other. (TA.) to IA 1r, in the saying of Jereer, (L in art. A..) [See also *-'., withl . ] 8. &3Wi: see 1; first sentence. _ Wi a 1i 13 3 . Cai' PJI The she-goat diank [or sucked] her own


s: ee ae,b

5j,in two places.



#&; ,

of mutual "Burhan fee tefseer-el-l]ur-in.") resemblance; and the meaning is, [he wvas, or L 1. .j, aor.:; and , aor. -; (, Mb, became, mean, sordid, or ignoble, and] he sucked A hind of trees upon which camel. feed. ];) the former of the dial. of Tih&meh; (0, L;) fron the teat of the she-camel, fearing lest, if he (O, g.)

[And he begs of him wehom he meets; and if he see a cripple leading a blind person, El-Farezdak p. 284: [See also 3.]) asks of hitn]: but [properly speaking] the -;' 10. ,~ 1 He sought, or demanded, a wtet-LA- A stone with which, (g, and yam is one who cannot stand, so as to lead the blind. nu,re. (.) It is said in the ]iur [ii. 233], p. 615,) or upon whAich, (]lam,) date-stones are (TA.) - . WlJl & : [iHe suchks the ,5J 1 3 X4,13 J1 Alnd Tf ye desire brokm [or bruised or cruihed;to serve asfoodfor $se.etsof the prerat wvorld, and dispraises it]. to seek, or demand, wvet-nurse for your childlren; camlc]; (, alnam;) a alsot .. .: pl. : (TA.)m j, (8, Z, .K,) with damm, as though i.e., ,Ix AS'1. I.i.3 i 1; the second (TA:) but is [said to be] a dial. var. o what the verb denotes were natural to the person objective complement [accord. to this order of the of whom it is said, (., TA,) or the verb has this words], but the first in reality becaus tile wetweak authority, of U,. (TA in art. . .) form because it is changed in meaning so as to be nurse is the agent with respect to the child, being intensive, (Z, TA,) sor. '; and, ;b, aor. ; (Ibn- suppressed; for you say, k.' see . . S 'Abbad, ];) inf. n., (Z, I],) of the former verb, meaning I sought, or demanded, of the woman It is allowable to substitute for t in the (Z, TA,) ia'L , (Z, 1,) with fet. l only; (IAth, that she should suckle my clild: (IB:) accord. words of this art., exeept in those relating to TA;) :He (a man, 8) *was,or became, mean, to some, the verb is doubly trans.: accord. to eating and giving. (L) sordid, or ignoble: (S,"]K,TA:) or he wvas, or others, the prep. J is suppressed in the V]ur; became, very mean, &c.: (Z, TA:) [see 1j;:] the meaning being.,.)s9;. (El-aowfee, in the : see what next follows.

milk [from her udder]. (S, g.) - Hence "; ,..1 t The drinking [of the cup] of wine. (Ilar


or one says,

.Y, for the sake



1098 The young o~ [or suckers] of palm, (I,) accord. to r,e;) as also troe; (IAs ,;) or Lth and IDrd and the Q; (TA in art. the latter, accord. to Az, is a mistranscriplion: (]e and TA in that art.:) n. un. with i. (TA.) m t Meannm, sordidnes, or ignoblsness; a subst as u;;also ' j. (4I.) from ;: see 1, in two places: ~ and see ~1. a certain man of the Amalekites, whereupon the latter sucked the udder of his ewe, lest the guest should hear the sound of the streaming of the milk from the teat. (IDrd.) But when a single epithet is used, one says V ;j. (Msb. [See, [Hence,] t Mean, however, what follows.]) and sordid, or ignoble; (J, TA;) as also V

[Boo' I.

(Kh, IB;) like C a Jh ;" (Kh;) or *

" is0a
1 4

oman having "a doe-zelle


pi.b". ': :;;,-4 Afoster-brother; syn. $,) i. e. Lh; , (9, M"b, . 1j (TA.) You say, A jl, i. > jL11 [Tlhi is myfoster-brother].
child while it is a xuckling;] a .0) -[A (l, is termed ;el [i.e. weaned]. it before child [See also 1;.]) [In (IA%r, TA in art. tb. j,~ and Lj'.. in the explanations of the words ~, it is applied u an epitlet to a kid, evidently a meaning Sucking; or a suckling; like.',

q. v., and .. ] - See two otiler sigauifications, voce .IJ, in two places. iLJj, said in the 1] to be an inf. n. of 1 in the first of the sense explained in this art., is, accord. fo IAtd,a simple subst. (TA.) _ [It is a regular aL JI also signifies n. ar.of , q. v.]i The [west wind, or westerly wind, called] j: or a wind between that and the [south wind, or southerly wind, called] ,.r-j : (IDrd, 1, TA:) because, when it blows upon the milch-camels abounding with milk, their milk becomes little in quantity. (IDrd, TA.)

j3~j, as ?L ,.: pl. Ce and .Lj: (V:) and C j,] has the same significaa pl., [i. e. pl. of t tion, of mnean, &e. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of #J ll, mcanSelemeb Ibn-EI-Akwa', ing i To-day is the day oT te destruction of the 1Mean, sordid, or mean, &c. (TA.) -Also ignoble, who has sucked meanness, sordidness, or ignobleness, from the breast of his mothler; (ElYemamee, 1], TA ;) i. e. born in meannss, sordidA beggar: (TA:) nes, or ignoblnes. (TA.) one who begs qf men: (15:) thus Jbn-'Abbid ._I. (TA.) -- 't One who eats tlhe 'lj explains particles offood remaining between his teeth, lest anything [thereof] should escape hirn: (.K:) or such is termed &tl; 2.i (TA.) eA possesor of milk: after the usual manner of a possessivu (TA.) epithet [like 'jf9].
1l A central incisor when it falls out: (Myb.) or the e:..;j are the tnwo central incitors (S, Myb, t, TA) of a child, (S, .K,TA,) over which the milk is drunk [or sucked]: (Msb, M';3:K:) or tdie (S, Mb, TA:) pl. are the teeth of a child that grow and tren f:ll out in the period of sucking; (Msb,* TA;) and they are said to be six in the upper part of the mouth and six in its lower part: (TA :) [the pl. is applied to all the milk-teeth of a child, and of a horse &c.; it applies to the teeth called ;lpty that fall out, as well as to the 1JL, or central incisors, accord. to AO, in a passage relating to a colt, in his JCa.JI .,,S quoted in the TA in art. j_.; and to the teeth called Cji that fall out, accord. to a passage in the S, voce Aal, q. v., as well as the extract from the work of AO mentioned above, and in this case likewise relating to a colt.]

has a verb bearhaving a 1 LS,;" though 8' ing a signification agreeing with this; and it sometimes occurs as meaning having milk, though not having a child that is suckled: (IB:) but the latter is used in describing a woman as performing an action; (Kh;) signifying nckling a child: (f, K:) the former is used when the [abstract] quality is meant: the latter, when the action is meant: but God knows: (Akh:) or the former signifies one who is near to suckling, but has not yet suckled: and one having with her te child that is suckld [by her] (.bjl t aJl): and the latter, [in the TA the former, but this is a mistranscription, as is shown by what follows,] one who is wuckling, her teat being in the ,outh of her child; and in this sense it is used in the jKur, in a passate which see below: (AZ in the TA:) Th says, the latter signifies one who suckls, though she have not a child, or if she hare a child: and the.former, one who has not a child i'ith her, and sometimes having with her a child: and in one place he says, wlhen the action is meant, the latter is used, and it is made aln epithet: and when the i is not added, it is meant as a subst.: (TA:) Fr and some others my that it is without ; when the proper signific.,tion of suckling is meant: and witll i when the tropical siglification of a subject of the attribute of suckling in time past orfuture is meant: (M9b:) the pl. [of both, though said in the gilhand TA to be that of the former,] is C"1A (MAgh, Msb,

tj, said in the I( to be an inf. n. of 1 in the first of die senses expl. in thais art., is, accord. to IAth, a simple subst. (TA.) - [It is also said, in the Msb, to be an inf. n. of 5.;, q.v.]

.. i.. (Mhb, TA.) The saying is, the lVp-i s Jh J & Iur [xxii. 2], L
TA) and
C.L.b,1 means [Oa the day when ye lshall ee it,] every woman that is suckling, (AZ, Kh,) in tlet act of doing so, (Kh,) with her teat in the mouth of her child, (AZ,) [shlall neglect, or become heedless of or divertedfrom, that which she shall have been suckling:] or o_,j.* here has the last signification explained in the preceding sentence [so that the meaning is every woman who shall have been xuckling or shall be going to sruckle]. (Mlsh.)_ ;_j;, It is said in a trad.,iWI ;z j ia. meaning t Excellent in the cfice of commander, or govertwr, and the prjfit, or advantage, awhich it brillyx to its possessor; and very evil is death, which destroys his delights, or )pleasures, and stops the profits, or advantages, of that office. (TA.) is metaphorically applied as _-The pl.

MtJ,5 A female that skchklx her young: (TA:)

or a ewe or she-goat that sackles, or that has a young one which shae suckles. (AO, S, 1.)

tLU: ee the next paragraph.

Sucking the breast of his mothec; a [; ; suckling; as also t .: pl. of the former

The breast, as being the lplace of suching: (Kash and Bd in xxviii. 11.) - And pl. '... which w', ..(] . [See also and of the latter [as an inf. n.] The act of sucking the breast: pi. signifies the ame; us is shown below, voce as above. (Ksh and Bd ibid.) and by Bd in xxii. 2; &c.]) - One nwho pr4; . Suckled: pl. 1 ; whlich is opposed suckifrom tihe teat of the she-camel, fearing lest, if he milked, any one should know of his doing to. :,, pl. of.~. (Mgh.) so, and demand of him somewhat: (Msb :) or a pastor who does not tahe with him a milkingt.8 and i,.* A mother [or othier woman] vesel, and, wuhe he is asked for mnilk, excus:es suckling: (Msb ) or one having with her a clh il himself on that ground, (~, TA,) and, when he which she suckles: the former epithet may withi desire to dtrink, sucks the teat of his milch- reason be applied to the mother because suckling 'J*.2 (M!b.) The phrase is performed only by females, like as the epithets beast: (TA:) pl. [i. e. Mean, sordid, or ignoble; who ,hs. and .L are applied to a woman; and sckh the teats of his she-camels, &c.,] originated, if 1.. were applied to her who has with her a (I, ],) as they assert, (?,) from a certain man's it would be correct: (Fr, TA:) [but see sucking the teats of his she-camels (S, O) or ewes child, saying ascribed to Fr in what follows:] or she-goats, and not milking them, (s,) lest the angther a woman having a child which she sound of his milking should be heard and some- or the former, , IB, ];) after the manner of a what should be demanded of him: (~, I :) or schles; (Kh, ; ilhe origin was the coming of a guest by night to possessive epithet; (IB;) i. e. having a

an epithet to bees (,,

, ie. J,. J). (TA.)

_Also An unborn child of a see e.0;. ~*.1~: another child: such a suckling woman who ix in body, slender in the meagre be to child proves hones, and ill nourished. (Eu-Nadr, Sgh.)


[for i >_

agreeably with an opi-

nion mentioned by El-Iowfee, (see 10,) One for wh)om a wet-nurse has been sought, or demnanded]. [Such a Yoll say, ,3 -Lh ) i hJ;J I one is he for whom a wet-nurse has been sought, or demanded, among the Benoo.-Tmcem]. (TA.) 1

BooK I.]
1 1, 1X to, a above]; and t " ; (?, Meb;) ]'me&; I was pleased, roell pleased, content, contented, or satitfud, with it; regardedit with good will, or satisfied, favour; or liked, or approved, it: (MA: [for the verb is there aid to have the same signification in in the phruases dg and .. . ua it has in ';3 and Ui;; and ,Lb Wj is there similarly explained: and the like is implied in the f and]~; and is evidently agreeable with general usage:]) or Ahe chose it, or prfjrred it: (Myb,TA:) a the object being a thing: (9, Mqb, TA:) or 5ht ' ' a pillor. (IDrd, O, 1.) (accord. to explanations of th6,> in the /ur (S, 0, 1,) i. e. [Many a coohing-pot &c, or s ]Ilated he stones (s, O, Mgh, Msb, ]) trith many a stomach, or maw, &c., has there been,] ii. 139) I lored it, or liked it; (Kah, Bd, Jel ;) which milk is made hot, or is made to boil; (., that did not impede nor delay [in tie cooking the inclined to it; (Ksh;) had a desirefor it. (B!.) The saying of the lawyers, [respecting a woman 0, g ;) [and with which one cauterizes; and upon cook, to the whitences of the froth whereof I have whose consent to her marriage has been asked,] whichifl h-meat is roasted; as shown above;] as hastened when it made a sound in boiling, or also .thi .,: (O, :) n. un. with . (9, 0, broiling]. (S.) tiLI. jSl; means It [i.e. her silence] testiies, or declares, her permision [or consent]; Mgh, M,b.) It is said in a pror., i JI1 . [This art. is wanting in the copies of the L and '~i C, [Take thoufrom the heated stone what is TA to which I have had access.] because permission indicates .' (M9 b.) You upon it]: (9, 0:) i.e. take thou what adheres, say also, .t~. N Z.,;j [I was pleased wieth him, of the milk, to the heated stone when it is thrown, or I liked him, or approved him, or chose him, with others, therein, to make it hot, or to make or preferred him, as a companion]. ($.) And it to boil: it is applied to the case of one's taking 1. U A is originally ,./; the . being changed ')1 bJJ 4 ,Li, and tV;LW , [which may be well as spoil a thling from a niggard, though it be into S because of the kesreh: (:S ) the tribe of rendered Hie approved him for that thing, or little, or paltry. (Meyd, O.) [tlence,] 'ALk Tciyi said C, for ",. (IDrd in his lex., cited affair,] moaning he wsa him, or judged him, to %LAl A piece of fit which, when it fills upon by Freytag; and Mughnee voce ji, tllere said to be fit for that thing, or affair. '(M.) And the heated stones, melts, and extinguishles their j Ze. -l t L 3 WjI (QC, TA) He [approved ) You say, ';" L,;, (S, heat: and a serpent of irhich the poison, when it be a dial. var. of . him, or] chose him, or preferred him; and sarc passes by the heated stones, extinyuisheAs their M, Mgb, K,) and ,ic, (M, Mqb, K,) which is of him, orjudged tim, to befit; for his companionfile: (0, K:) and a lean sheep or goat, that the dial, of the people of El-Hijaz, (Msb,) the ship, and his service. (TA.) And A" U 'c. puts out the fire and does not become thoroughly verb being thus made trans. by means of Ut., [Iis living, or rustenance, was found pleasing, cooked: (M, L, l, all in art. ,O-:) or afat accord. to Ks, agreeably with the opinion of Sb sheep or goat, that slakuhes the heated stoneS by its respecting instances of this kind, for the purpose well pleasing, contenting, or satiefying; or was liked, or approved]: one should not say '4:.j [in fat: (T and TA in thiat art.: and t a calamity of making it to accord with its contr., Ja, this case]. (8, g.) -_,3 that mahes one to forget that which was before ;, (, M, j,) aor. (M, TA,) aor. j, (K,) inf. n. t.J (.S, M, it.: (AO, O, K:) or simply t a calamity. (~ in .2,. (8, 1K,) signifies I urpased him in j Mab, l) and ;j (M, 1;) and l and art. t [q. v.].) - Also Certain bones in the [i. e. in being pleased, well pleased, content, &c.: knee, like fingers put together, holding together (S,' M, Msb,* K,) the last of the dial, of lgeys see above, second sentence]: (8, 0 M, ] :) so in one another; (0, K;) above which is the L:.41; and Temeem, (, TA,) and mentioned by Sb, the saying, v.j$.sl [Hle vicd, or con[or patella]: (TA in art..,v.:) in a horse, n;hat (M, TA,) but all the readers of the glur read tendesd, with me in being pleased, well pleased, are between the sh/tanhk and the arm: (En-Nadr,,j with kesr, except 'Asim, who is related content, &c., and I surpassed him thereinl: (e, rL4, M, K.:) the intf. 0, 1 :) they are certain small bones, placed to- to have read it with damm, (T, TA,) and n. of slaJ thus used is 5;L,, gether, at the head of the upper part of the l (S,* M, I,) originally a ., (TA,) He was and tj; (M;) both these signify the same (41, [app. a mistrmnscription for lS, i.e. shank]: plbcsed, welleU pleased, content, contented, or satisTA) as ilf.ns. of this verb. (TA.) (En-Nadr, 0:) one thereof is termed U,j and fied, with him; regarded him with good will, or 2: see 4. favour; or liked, or approved, him; (MA;) A.lif (0, .) [i. e., as said above,] contr. of Ji; (M, Msb, 3: see 1, last sentence. _ ,hl;, inf. n. ilbb, Ai"j n. un of ,,j [q. v.] (0,O, M,h, Meb.) K ;) the object being a person: (Msb:) and Sb -[Hence, app.,] .31 ,l.hj an appellation states that they also said l"j, with the medial and 't.j, signifies [also] I agreed, consented, accorded, or was of one mind or opinion, with of four [tribes of the Arabs], Sheybrn and Teghradical quiescent, for 1" ';; but it is extr. (M, lib and 1Bahrd and Iydd. (0, V.) him. (Msb.) TA.) The saying in the gur [v. last verse but .bj A certain brand, or mark, made by burn- one, and ix. 101, &c.] ;e . 1/ . 4. :lb l, (M, MA,Msb, ],) inf n. :16, (Mfb,) ii' i LIy ing the shin writh [heated] stones. (Lth, O, .) ['God is well pleased with them and they are well He, or it, made him to be pleased, *ell pleased, See also ., last sentence. pleased with Him] means God is well pleased content, contented, or satisfied; (MA;) [he, or it, with their deede and they are well pleated witi pleased, contented, or satisfied, him:] or he gore . 2 Milk that is boiled by means of the the recompense that He has bestowed upon them: him that with which l e would be pleased, well heated stone [or stones]. (., O, ].). (M,TA:) or, accord. to Er-Righib, all I.. pkleased, content, contented, or satisfied. (M, 1]:a ;l means The serwhMt's, or man's, being not in the former, . Roast meat roasted by means of heated t r t i ;LC L : in the latter, stones: (0, O, :) an,d thoroughly cooked there- displeased with that which God's decree has made by. (i.) .6A # IUasl.) Hence, in the ]ur [ix. 8], to happen to Aim; and j.1l , ji rbj, God's seeing the rvant, or man, to be obedient to that ,~L3 ,Uw wI#I,9, , [They will pkase scee ;, firt sentence nwhich He has commanded, and refraining from you, or content you, with their months, but A coohing-pot [in which the food is] that which He has forbidden. (TA.) You say 1 their hearts will be incompliant]. (TA.) And thAoougAly cooked by means of heated stone: (. :) also, 'A;., (S, M.b, 1,) and Le j, (M, J; a1.bjl, and 4;lj with techdeed, [I made or the stomach, or maw, of a ruminant animal, which i washed and cleansed, and carried in a 1. , or.:, (9, Meb, ],) inf n. s,:" journey; and RAen the people dsire to cook, and (M 9b,) He cauterized Aim, or it, (namely, a L there is no cooking-pot, they cut up the Jlshthing, Mqb,) rith a Aeated stone. (9, Msb, g., meat, and put it into the stomach, or maw, then . And He roasted it (namely, flesh-meat,) upot 0 they betahe themnslves to some stones, and kindle heAsated stoes. (Msb.) And Az says, ,:; Lt a fire upon them so that they become heated, vJ4 iL't ;)1 aJ1 t[Sometime, or often, shereupon they put them into the stomach, or iAe Irabs heated, or warmed, water with heateed maw. (0, J.) It occurs in the saying of ElKumeyt, tones for the horsae]. (O.) a .. -; . He c .-. i3 j-..... 'Al. X1 .L I& ejected his excrement, or thin excrement. (IbnChr' Y1-.w -' 3-r-i 'Abb]id, O, gC.) =- i,All1 ,.i" lie folded the 110, lc ji %

Mqb,) Mb,) &,e-, inf n.

(Myb, TA) [and






[BooK I.

mndt X : Aim to be pleasted, well pleased, content, &c., with pleased, &c.]: (M:) the dual is il,biy

me,] uli [and he was pleased, &c.]. (s.)

duals as u,,aand i (M, M, :) RK heard oi, way proper the that says and a; c and of ;oj 8. oL.j3 I.e sought to please, content, or and .O(, [which in the case of satisfy, him; (M,g;) as also t?;Lk,1l. (i.) is to say i A poet says, the former is strange, as its final radical is j,] but that the pronunciation with . is the more common: ( :) and accord. to some, ,.la is an irreg. pl. of A..; but others say that it is pl. of [ IVAhen the old woman is angry, then divorce tiou; and seeh not to please, or content, her, nor behave in a loving, or blandihing,or coaxing, manner]: he says jL>j3 instead of 4,b3 to avoid what is but some relate it in the manner termed C; 'j. (M.) -[Also] better known, saying ~~ 4b;jk3 I pleased, contented, or satiied, him (1bjl) after striving, labouring,or toiling. (Q.) [They two og,red, consented, ac6. ;.013 of one mind or opinion, rerpecting or were torded, well pleased, content, conpleased, werer or it; tented, or satisfied, with it; they both liked it, or approved it]: (A, 1 :) and t 1,; [signifies the They t,li same]. (13! in iv. 28.) And ... conpleased, agreed among themselves in being or liking, in or it; with tented, or satisfied, p1fi,3 Ill, in the approving, it. (MA.) klur [ii. 232], means [IWhen they agree, or consent, among themselves; or] when they are pleased, nell pleased, content, &e., [among themselves,] every one of them with his [or her] companion. 3l il [S.l(TA.) Hence the trad., ? 'lbJ mutual from resultant only is buying, or ling, agreement, consent, or content, or approval]. (TA.) And you say, U(lAJ & ej [Mutual aogr~ent, or consent, to it, or mutual content with it, or mutual approval of it, happened, or took place]. (A, C. [In some copies of the ], by the omision ofj, this phrase is made to be as though it were meant as an explanation of

originally br, (TA,) an inf. n. of 1ir, (S,5 M, .)- - Also A caus, or means, ;:. b, i.e., of being pleased, or an occasion, of well pleased, content, &c.: a word of the ame and 'J.~. Hence the saying,] m;i. class as 1 A .' 1 '.e.1 J ii. 'a ~ <"* i;,L b @ [Piety is a oiu U caue oif approbation to the Lord, a caus of disapprobation, or anger, to the deoil]. (TA in is *'tr [accord. to art. s...) The pl. of .r

snd ;ai L aX (TA.) You say, ;Lt,4. rule]: or this is an irreg. pl. of Vrj. (TA.) also See 1-.) (Z, below. Ao,: see the latter, 9.b: sce what follows. ., (M, J, ;,) o.l;, latter sentence. - And
(T, S, M, Msb, 1X,) the ~'j~ aland jo, and L.. ', (M,) A man, (M, I,) and a people, or party, (M,) with twhom one is pleased, former the more common, (S, Myb,) the latter n,ell pleased, contented, or sati4Jied; regarded erroneously written in [some of] the copies of the with good will, or favour; liked, or approved; g ' ,-, (TA,) applied to a thing, (S, MNb,) or 4.'. (M, 1) and a: ;s b being, thus a person, (M,) Found pleasing, Ullpleasing, syn. used, an inf. n. in the sense of a pass. part n., contenting, or satisfying; or with which, or with like as the inf. n. is used in the sense of an act. whom, one is pleased, &c.; or liked, or approved: and . . (M.) (1: [the meaning being there indicated to be the part n. in the instance of j~, _.;..*; and being well known to be contr. qf b [See also .aj; for which ,,s or Lb)seems commonly as above:]) or chosen, or preferred: to be erroneously substituted, in two senses, in (Mb :) or seen, orjudged, to befit for a thing or some copies of the Ig.] an affair: (M:) [see also A*, last sentence but one; and ublj, latter sentence.] see,wl. ,: ie. I >. i. ~ means t ?t, '"' ~.~j i did it not of, or writh, his pleasure, good pleasure, content, or approral]. (Z, I.)

(Quasi urj) it,j a dual of t., which see in art.



(M, ; like -;. an infn. of Also The trcasurer, keeper, or guardian,

(. ;) MA, A, (S, and j..Jb, aor. ; (1;) inf. n. 3a*J , first sentence. :: see Mfb, I) of the former verb (S,A, Mb) and l.- Also, (1, TA,) i. e. like ki,jU [also of the former verb]; (MA, ];) It see B: b.J, and in my MS. (a thing, S, Msb) was, or became, the contr. of ~, (TA,) [in the C]g (?, Myb, l) and -Jt.; copy of the 1] L41, are put in the place of iftl,] nwhat is termed stl. became, moist, humid, or was, it i.e., (Myb,) One who is responsible, accountable, or ansuersucculent, sappy, or juicy: (A, MA, Mqb:) .: so in the copies of the 1], and or soft, or tender, to chew: (A:) [and fresh, or able; syn. places. the Tekmileh: accord. to the green; agreeably with the Per, explanation, in three in like manner 8: see 1, in light of fish, &c.]. in the MA: and supple, pliant, orfleziblc: asked, begged, or petitioned, oJ copies of the T,..4L [lean, or He HL.,,1 10. a friend. or lover; a Loving; And (TA.) well known, of frequent occurrence, meanings all him that he would please, content, or satisfy, him, obedient. the first of the explanations above, or in implied Obeying, and And TA.) K, (IAqr, or that he oaid gie him that with which he TA.) (IAar, 't . :] 'and and in explanations of ,Jw; and vould be ~ued, ceUll pleased, content, contented, of and twig, or ;e.a." or satisfied. (Z,].) You say, &..o. of soft, or tender, said of a branch, ~b, of which the pl. io iLb,; and t &s;, [I asked, begged, or petitioned, of him that hc which the pl. is -'bl' and j;, (M, ,) the plumage, &c.: (K :) [and ,..j3,as used in the L in art. ,ck, &c., signifies the same.] ij; would p/eas me, &c., and he pleased me, &c.]. latter pl. on the authority of Lh, but extr. as pl. [used as a simple subst.] signifies A qualit.y 5. also See (u.) _ of Ls, and in my opinion, [says ISd,] it is pl. necessarily involving facility of assuming shape , ; A certain idol-temple, belonging to [the and of separatiot and of conjunction. (KT.)trie of] Rabee'ah: ( :) whence they gave the of ,.lJ only; (M;) and t ,.o, of which the pl. [Hence, ,; said of a girl, t She was, or became, ~.O4 of Rudd]. (TA.) [Servant name of .i j; (Lb,M, 1;) Pleased, well pleased, sappy, or supple; and soft, or tender: and ;j is content, contented, or satisfied; regarding with said of a boy, t He was, or became, sappy, or is merely an inf. n., (9,) [as such] syn. good will, or favour; liking, or approving. (M, soft, or gupple; and femininely soft or upple: (i,) meaning The being pkased, well lA,, with [i. e. A state, or see a *b1 .-- 2 ae means a..b . 9 or, below. _Hence also,] uLe JL;: of contr. 1;] [see &e.; pleaud, content, become has pasiang, tongue wUll [My t[! pleasing, J. V , J)bS* and sort, of life that is found 9 J, with medd. contenting, or satisfying; or writh which one id (M:) and the simple subht. in ? much been has i.e., thee; s supple by mentioning [signifying a state of being pleased, I&c. ;] (Akh, pleased, &c.; or that is liked, or approved]: (S, occupied by mentioning thee: a well-known ;)or the latter is only an inf. n. of 3, (M,) syn. Df:) or, accord. to Sb, a1; is, in this case, a phrase: (see also 2:) it may also be used as : (M, g:) [but] the former [is alc with 31. i e.. meaning my tongue has become refreshed (lit. ;Il possessive epithet, meaning t?., used as a sabet., signifying content, or approval: having approvedness; Ll, being here an inf. n. moistened) by mentioning thee]. (A.) And j. and permniion, or coent: and] is dualized, app. X[Take that by means of the -, ; "jI as meaning the kind [or mode or manner, of beisn 9 of '.`]. (M, TA.)

of Paradise. (MA, g.)

1. ;.,,

(S, A, MA, Myb,

,) aor.;;


BooK I.] frequent handling of twhich thy hands have become supple]; meaning, what thos hast .found to be profitabl, or useful. (A.) -See also 4, in two places. -j, aor. -, He spoke rhat he had in his mind, right and wrong, or correct and erroneous. (P, TA.) _.;j, (aor. ', A,) inf. n. .,; (A'Obeyd, f, A, 1) and .; , (A'Obeyd, t, I,) 1e fed a horse (or similar

BO .



beast, 1j) ,with [the trefoil called] i,j

(A 'Obeyd, ?, A, 4.) See also 2.

[q. v.].



inf. n.

le I;j, [or it] made, or

rendered, a thing much as is termea ;A;j and **j; i.e. [moist, humid, succulent, sappy, or juicy: or soft, or tender, to chew: and fresh, newr, or green: and supple, pliant, or flexible: and soft, or tender, as applied to a branclh, or twig, and to plumage, &c.:] contr. of vL.: (S:) he moistened a garment, or piece of colth, (A, I1, TA,) &c.; (TA;) as also V>Jp. (1, TA.) [Hence,] one says, a'1. o L 1 L t [I hare not ceased to make my tongue supple by mentioning thee; meaning I have not ceased to employ my tonguefr.equently in mentioning thee: or .J jI ,Jj t1: for] one says also .,.j; 1 has miade my tongue to become supple b.y mentioning thee sane nwhat thou hoat bestonsed npon ,te of thy bounty]. (A. [See also 1.])= Also ,.,, (, A, K,) inf. n. aq above, (,.,) liel fed people nfith ,,,J [or frch ripe date.s]; (S, A, 1.;) and so ,;. (1.) You say,*; i palmn.trees hate fresh ripe dates and he does not

applied to herbnge: (TA:) or they signify, well known: (1:) [it is a coll. gen, n. :] n. un. (Mqb,) or signify also, (., 1I,) soft, or tender; with 5: (?, Mgh, Mqb, It :) it is not a broken pl. (., Msb, It;) applied to a branch, or twig, and of I4j;, being mash. [as well as fem.] like j: to plumage, ( 1,) &S, &c.: (1t:) [and] supple, you say, ,$j 1L [Thse arcfrea ripe dates]; pliant, or fexcible. (Mob.) [All these meanings whereas, if it were a broken pl., you would make are well known, of frequent occurrence, and it [only] fem.: (Sb,TA:) its pl. [of pauc.] is implied in the first of the explanations above.] LtLj (9, Myb) and [of mult.] ,Uj; and the pl. The former occurs in a trad. as an epitlhet parof the n. un. is . :;. (s.) There are two sorts ticularly applied to Any article of property [or of one sort cannot be dried, and spoils if provisions] that is not stored up, and will not of .,i: keep; such as [most kinds of] fruits, and herbs, not soon eaten: the other sort dries, and is made [q. v.]. (Myb.) [See also..] or leguminous plants: such, IAth says, fathers into ; and mothers and children may eat and give away ,e ,: see j. agreeably with approved usage, without asking permission; but not husbands nor wives [when it '4j i. q. ., (9, [in my copy of the Meb belongs to one of them exclusively], without 4Ji, but this is the n. un. of .,]) or 'i, the permission of the owner. (TA.)_ [Hence,] 2 (A,) or [in ( Pers. .1 or l] .ibj , bO t A soft, or tender, [or a sappy, 1 (Mgh,) or LL, (g,) [all which signify A or supple,] girl, or young twoman. (A, 1,I TA.) And .. L,. t A boy, or young man, [oappy, species of trefoil, or clover,] specially (S) wrhile or soft, or supple, or] femininely soft or supple. jhicy, orfres/,or green, (S, A, Mgh, TA,) before (1A, ].) And " 3J. t A 5soft, orsupple, man. it is dried: (hsb :) or, as some say, a meadowl of .a.La, rwhile continuing green: and ti sig(A.)[Hence also,] -. 4Jb. t j &LL nifies the same: (TA:) pl. Ae: (S, g, gh, b:) t[Iy tongue is become supple by mentioning which is also said to be applied to the eucumber thee: and it may also be used as meaning my tongue is beconm rejeshled (lit. moistented) by and melon and ejt%.jl [q. v.] and the like: but [Mtr says] the first is the meaning mentioned mentioning thee]. (A. [See also 1 and 2.])in the Lexicons in my hands, and is a sufficient And .4 ;5rl I [A pliant, or] a titious, or an explanation. (Mgh.) unchaste, woman; afornicatress, or an adulteres. 1 j see .J/ :_ , and .U (A.) One says, in reviling, ajlI .w r[0 son of thefornicat res or adulteress]. (A.) And .'j [A seller of ,,.J4, orfreak r'ipt date.: ,t/Wj;t, like .,tJ, [meaning 0 fornicatress mentioned in the K only as a surname].

.feed people nith such dates, his conduct is bad,

and is not good]. (A.) imragir.pih, in two places. See also the next

4. .JIbt as a trans. v.: acsee the next preceding paragraphl, in two places.ll ,,.j .. T/efu.ll grown unripe dates became ,am 1 [i. e.freshcly ripe date.]: (S, A:) or so t,.i, and ,ij, and * w;, (1:,) of whiichl last the inf. n. is : or all signify, attained to the timne of .ipening: (TA:) or .1 n jI signifies the full-grown unripe date had ripenin.q ( , ) beginning in it. (M I).) - And 1, The palmn-trees had upon theln, (S,) or produced, (A,) or attained to the timne of haring, (15,) dates such as are tetmed ,",bj. (., A, It.) See an ex. in the next preceding paragraph. - Anid .. X1 .,jl T he people had palm-trees that had attained to the time of having such dates: ( :) or .. bJ! signifies he had abundance of such dates. (A.) [Also] The people became amnid fresh green herbage. (Myb.) _- And j'J . ',.. 1, inf. n. ,Ujl., The lond had such herbage: (Msb:) or abounded therewn itb. (A.) 5: see 1, in two places. ,I,j and t.4; Contr. of V.$ (S, Msb, ]O)

or adulteress, .Uj being indecl., as a proper ~B: see L.. name in this sense,] is said in reviling a woman or girl. (A, 1K.)- [And .l l' ,).=J t: : see , in two places: and L. sec 1 in art .. .. ] And ,.Jj e A soft, see L_ . jr Land abmm. a a delicate, or an ea.jsy, life. (A.) -And W ;m; C pEJI t Ie read, or recited, the Kur-An ing with ,; [q. v.]. (., A, 15.) softly, or gently; not rmith a loud voice. (TA a "jl,% A well of srect water among well from a trad )- _ , j J is a metonymical expression, meaning 1Brilliantpearls, beautiful, of salt water. (K.) smooth in the exterior, and pe,fect in cleariess: see it does not denote the atj that is the contr. of a.,.': and similar to this is the expression J1;ji * A bhorse fed with [the trefoil eaUed] .. l [app. meaning : Fresh and fragrant, or ,;. (A.) -[And A man fed nih S.; (or fine, aloes-wood]. (TA.) fresh ripe dates).] m Also t A man in whom is ,j;(S, A, Mgh, MIb, R, &c.) and .. (., R) Ilerbage, or pasture, (, A,Mgh,) such as is juicy, fresh, or green: (A, Mgh :) or green pasture, consisting of herbs, or ltguminous plants, (T, Msb, It, TA,) of the [season called]. , (Msb, TA,) and of trees [or strubs]: (T, K, TA:) [each] a coll. gen. n.: (TA:) or green herblage in general: (1, TA:) accord. to the Kifayet el-Mutahatffidh, 4L signifies fresh, or juicy, herbage or pasture; (TA;) or, as some say, "j, like a4t,, [though this seems to be the n. un. of ,.J,] has this last meaning; (Mob;) what is dry being called , (TA.)

.ftness, or suppleness;

4 4j;

;; "

(1i;) or

1. Wj,

(0, Msb,

aor. :, inf n. n,)


(Msb, TA,) He neighed a thing: (O, TA:) or he put in motion a thing rith his hand, (IDrd, O.) or reighed trith his hand a thing, (blMh,) or tried a thing, (K,) in order that he might ktnon its wei.qht (IDrd, O, Myb, 1) nearly. (Mqb.) [See also 2.] But IF says, of thlis combination of letters and the like, that they are not of the genuine language [of the Arabs]. (O.)-He ran; syn. i..s. (0, J.)

,.jL [Fresh ripe dates; i. e.] ripe dates (A, and J;q.; i.e. (Msb) moist, humid, aucculent, 2. a.. The act of neigh,ing ly, or with, jiQ sappy, or juicy: (A, MA, MNb:) or soft, or Mgh, Mqb, K) before they become dry; (Myb, [or pound-weights]. (g.) [See also 1.1 Amlo tender, to chew: (A:) and [fresh, (agreeably withI TA;) also called ',; 3 and V"4it (., The anointing of the hair, ($, O,) or making it the Pers. explanation,J, in the MA,) or] green; TA) and t 4': (TA:) the dates so ealled are soft, or smooth, (1i,) witi oil, or ointment, and 5

1102 the crimping (,e.) thereof: (., O, 5 :) and the n~Aing it to be loose, and to hang doMr: (lA9r, IAmb, Ig:) accord. to IAmb, J-s: means he made Ais hair to be loose, and to hang down: (0:) but accord. to the T, the sayinlg of the vulgar, ,54C;, as meaning *;,j, [i. e. 1 made my hair to be wary, or somewhat curly; or combed it; or combed it down; &c.;] is a mistake: for ~ 3 signifies the act of making the hair sof, or smoothA, with oil, or ointment; and wiping it so that it become soft, or smooth, and glossy. (TA.)



Jl..; i. e. a hundred and trenty-eight is ninety J 5 ,*1s3 and four sevenths of a _*j :v (Msb:) or, accord. to A'Obeyd, a hundred and twenty-eight .,a of the weight of seven (o4 :jo [explained voce, Ij]): (Mgh :) or tirelve ounces; the ounce
(h31, i. e. the ounce of the Arabs, TA,) being forty .al) ; (Mgh, 1,TA;) so that the owhole is (Mgh, TA:) .four hundred and eighty ,lj~: this is the Syrian 0Jsj: (TA:) and thus it is, lJI , accord. to El-I[arbee, in the saying, j.1 [meaning The usage of the Prophet in the case of marriage was to give a J).j of silver]: (Mgh, TA:) so says Az in the T: (Mgh:) or, as is [also] said by Az, it is in this instance twelrdve ounce and a .J; thse J being twenty [(.l.] so that the whole is fie hundred l*J); as is related on the authority of 'Aisheh: but in a trad. 'Omar, twclve ounces, without the mention of the .;;: accord. to the lawyers, [however,] when the >Ju is mentioned without restriction, what is meant thereby is the Joj of Baghdad: (TA ;) [as a measure of capacity, i. e. a pint,] it is said in the A [&c.] to be thc ; the half of the eighth port of the and hence (TA;) [i. e.] the half of the applied to one of the resels of the vintner [app. because it contains a pint]: (Iar p. 650:) pl. See also J,;, in two places. jue,;f. (Mqb.)


J^, le sol by a. ; .ltj,, inf. n. U1 counterpoising gold for gold, and j, U0 coined dirhems for coined dirhems: but [Mtr says] I have not found this except in the " Mu[He wrata." (Mgh.) You say also, ","lU sold by counterpoising]. (TA.)

;. a , *L Hs tI mare's feet ranA [in the mire, or soft ground, or sand,] with him. (TA.) -- And hence, (TA,) yl j A j' ISHe became involved in an affair, or a case, from whic Ae could not extricate himsedlf (1, TA) unle with confusion, or perplexity, clearing to him. (TA.) .J. s;t, (S,) orj'l, (1,) 'An & , -_And affair, or a case, or the affair, or case, was sNuc that he could not extricate himself from it; (., .1;) it rvearied him, and the rays thereof rwere obstructed against him, so that he could not And r,WjI extricate himself from it. (TA.)_It (a thing) was, or became,. pressed together, or compressed: and it was, or became, heaped up, piled up, or accumulated, one part upon another; (1;) as also
,1I. (TA.) -= 1 ,l ~lt
lie suppressed, or retained, the e:crsnent; as .J;3. (5.) also *Li; t An affair of which one knowns not the end, or result, to which it leads, or tends; (1, TA;) an affair in which one struglea, or is [app. agitated, or disturbed; and so i .js ]; as in the saying, .j~ s;. ) and 2L~ J [lie fell into an affair in rwhich one struggles, &c]. (TA.) .;Lj t Suppression of the exrcrement, in a camel. (g.) j A woman wide in the vulva; (, TA;) as in the saying of a rMjiz,


4. JljI He had a child such as is termed j; [q. v.]: (Ibn-'Abbad, O, 1 :) or his ears became flabby. (Ibn.'Abbid, 15.)

) and ftj 3W (, O0,0

(10) A man soft,

lax, or uncompact; (., 0, I,* TA;) as also

t*l.,*: (15,TA:) and old and weak: or indining to sotness, and lawnes, or uncompactnres, and old age: (1 :) and a boy lender, slim, or lean, (15, TA,) or, a some say, (TA,) near to attainingpuberty, or virility: (1, TA:) or whose see also what here g : see >J: -and boner have not become strong: (15:) or the former, applied to a boy, whose strength has not become follows. [thus written also t i fully established; u as [ip measure], (15,) written ,SU., like ~ TA:) *i,, (so in the with fet-b to the b]: (0:) pl. i,U : (0, by 3gh with fet-4, (TA,) i. e. t and the first, i. e. i3;, a man who is foolish; 0,) A tall man. (0, 1.) - See also ,IL. stupid; unsound, or deficient, in intellect or understanding; (1;) femrn. with i: (TA:) one ncho has not, or posesses not, what siffices; or l. ;;, (8, , TA,) aorn A,(TA,) inf n.,/,j, ,tho is not profitable to any one: and also having TA,) He made him to stick fast Jjl# ~. ($, flaccid ears: (0:) and, applied to a horse, (Ibn[in the mire]. (, TA.) - And hence, (TA,) sjJ, (g1,) or, as some 'AbbiLd, 0, 1,) s also fV ^jd .j,] t He cased him to be involved [or* say, the latter only, (TA,) light, (Ibn-'Abbad, O, in an affair, or a case, from which he could not 15, TA,) and weak: (TA:) fem. with S, (O, 1, extricate himself. (J,,TA.)_[And hence, app.,] TA,) in all the senses. (TA.) a [J,l1J is also , j said of a camel, t He had, or was affected explained iu the 15 as syn. nwith .jaI: but wiih, a suppresion of his. excrement: (15, TA:) perhaps this is a mistran sription for vJI, inf. n. and so, accord. to the ]5, ti.jt; but this is a of Il : see 1, last sentence.] _ See also the next ]. (TA.)mistake for ._l [i. e. b1 or paragraph. J.~.,j, expl. in the 1] as meaning He ejected , (8, Mgh, O, Msb, 1,) the 3j; and t his excrement, is a mistake for.;l.. (TA.) _.A;, former of which is the better known, (M9 b, TA,) (, 15, TA,) inf n. as above, (TA,) also signifies or the more chaste, (O, TA,) [but the latter is Inivit; (?, TA;) said of a man: (.:) or, [said of that which is now in common use,] A certain a man, and of an as,] inivit toto veretro immisso, thing with swhich one weighs, (Mgh, O, Msb,) or (1, TA,) mulierem, et asinam. (TA.) which one uses as a measure of capacity: (Mgh, 4. ,bj t He was silent; (Sh, ;) said of a Mb :) [or rather both: a pound-weight: and a (Sh, TA.) - See also 1. man. and of anything: also a pound and pint-meare: a pint of anything:] the half of what is termed 5: see 8, last sentence. IU: (.:) accord. to the standard of Baghdad, 6: see the next paragraph. being anI1 twelre ounce; the ounce (ai) JI. It [in the 8. Wlaj He stuch fast and two thirds of an Usal; and the j.I being and the JU: mire]. (TA.) You say, Jj1 foYr J.5l and half of a JI; I j ll a1 J being a ,a and three senths of aob; and [The beast stuckh fast in the mire], and, 1 .Jl being eight [in the soft ground], (TA in art. 3,) and the.,j b#eing six ;j>;; and the &p;



for he means [0 son of] a womnan wide in the vulva, having [a rulva wmith] much moisture; though F says, (TA,) it does not signify thus, but narrow in the ulva: (15, TA:) and applied to a she-camel, it has this latter meaning: (AA, 15, TA:) and also, applied to a woman, impernia eoeunti; syn. O;W [q. v.]. (K .) - Also FoolisAh; stupid; or unsound, or deficient, in intellect. (TA.) - And TVhite; applied to a domestic hen. (AA, TA.) Il.j [app. L,]: see j

, l1; Keeping, cleaving, or adhering, to a thing.

ij Inita; applied to a young woman: or

veretro so applied, and also to a she-ass, inita totoo immiso. (TA.)~Also, applied to a woman, Accused, or suspected, of evil. (1,'TA.)


1 2 ., ((, ,K,) aor. ', (M$, JM,) int n. and zlUj; (., 1:,' MA, MS, JM, TA;)


and two Jfths of a

4a; so that the JJ,J

[in the sand]. (. and 1 ,JIU


, (., 1,) in. n. 'iu!,; (Tg;) He and V [i. e. with a barbarous,or spoke to him 4 4 vitious, speech]; ($, 1 ;) or, correctly, accord. to ~ 1l4[i. e. in a language Aboo-Zekereeya, foreign to the Arabs]: (TA: [and in like manner expl. in the MA and P. and T]5:]) or, [as sometimes used,] in a language not generally understood, conrventionally formed betwen two, in that art.) And or several, persons: (JM, TA:) [or he gibbered,

BooK I.]

oso -


1103 from the Arabs. (TA.) -And hence, u some eay, say, or, accord. to others, from As'205 *A j in the latter of the two senes assigned to it above, A boy who who has attainedto youthfl vigour, and justness of of stature; as also t ,j: (TA:) or a youth, or young man, of goodly proportions, (ff, 4,) wtoit W.a. beauty beauty of 4, youthfulnea; (J;) as also t .ja (9, g) g ) and t tjo: (Ibn-'Abbal, I:) or arriingat the age of puberty; (TA;) as also V ,> and .t a&,toj: o.: (Kr:) or who has become actie, (cjim ,) and and big, or of full growth: (TA:) 0.[see also the pi., (S, TA,) i. e. of t ,je& [and ,Cw_: ]the and c, (TA,) is .0 ; (, TA.) Acomard. A coward. (El-Muirrij, V.) _ A certain plant: [perhaps [perhaps the inula Arabica; now called t;> .U or, ,'jt!; or, as ForskUA (in his Flora Aegypt. Arabl, pp. lxxiii. and 150,) designates the plant now thus called, inula dysenterica:] some say that this word is formed by transposition from ;l. J (TA.) #,p

or uttered gibberish or jargon, to him: (see R. IR. Q 1. >L aHe (God) caused him [a child, Q. 1 in art ,j:)] and t I21J ('m Oe or boy, sU is implied in the S,] to grow. (8, Z, t, _ 1 t.)I,m~ ], (9) Tr so spoke [tc.] (8, 1) among themarles. . He (a horseman) rode his ( A poet says, ($,) namely, Trafeh, (TA,) A.) beast to train it when it wnas in the first stage of training and at yet refractory. (0, TS, J.) In In the L we find ,,. o.,lJ IJ., [meaning when [Their voices were like the barbarous, or vitious, or rather theforeign, speech, among themselvws, of lit na not trained, L; being here used in the meaning lie alluded to a thing, not mentionitg which is the reading in the O and TS and ]. (TA.)- [See also i its name explicitly, or unequivocally. (JM.) ;, below.] 3: see above, first sentence. 6: ee 1, in two places. iiii: see the next paragraph. R. Q. 2. c,; He (a child, or boy,) became active ()i.3), and grew, grew up, or became a young man, (9, and some add, ',j a,) [and became big, or attained to full growth]. (TA.) [See its part. n., below.] -_ Jl ,JISTlhe tooth became loose, and wabbled, or moved about. (I.) luj-.'JI *.. )S . :.l, [or rather,

the Persians]. (8.)_ You say also, :,

sense of


,] in the place of L


.,pIt jl J ,] The water is in a state of commotion, or agitation, upon the surface of the termed 3~ [pl. of ij;], and have their owners ground. (TI..) And .,pJl jsp t The mirage fycw_ applied applied to a boy, (Mgh, TA,) Almost, with them: (9, TA:) or camels when they are was in a state of commotion, or agitation: being or or quite, past the age of ten years: (Mgh:) or many, and are such as are termed jli, and have likened to water. (TA.) active; active; syn. .1. (TA.) [See its verb, R. Q. their owners with them: ( C:) and accord. to Ay, gt Young men of the lowaest, or baset, or R; 2; and see also 1^; j.] they are also termed j.; and ~j~: by tjU meaneat, sort, or of the refuse of manhind; or being meant those upon which people have gone low, ignoble, mean, or sordid, young men, such as forth to purroy for thermsltes wheat, or corn, or svefor the food of their bellies: (, 1 :) or the other provisionsfrom the towns or villages; each, lowest, basest, or meanest, sort, or refue, of man1. ";j, aor. , (M9 b, g,) inf n. , (, TA) (j kind, or people: or a medley, or mixed or proor ecTy, company being a aij. (TA.) *e , or the latter of thee is a simple61sublt., mitscuow nultitude or collection, of men, or people; and %r1105 (TAJ (TA,) or each of them is a simple subst., (M9 b, JIL;e t and I means g )3 LUI i or of the lowest or basest or meanest sort, or re. TAP) TA,) and the inf. n. is *,. ; (Mqb;) and .; [i. e. What is that to which thou alludeat, not fuse, thereof: (M,b:) and Pawl t' the lownt, and .e , like mentioning it explicitly?]: (JM:) or 43 ; both mentioned by 'Iy&i! j basest, or meanest, sort, or refue, of mankind, or ria, and sometimes without teshdeed, means of the people; the medley of men, or of such men: and Ibn-l]urlool, and the last by ISk also; (TA;) (TA:) n. un. with;: (Msb, TA:) As mentions and t .. j; (1s;) Hefeared; he ,as afraid What is [this] thIy spech ? (?.) P. his having read in the handwriting of Sh t.. ~ or frightened or terrified: (M9b, g, TA:) or ,,.,WI 0., like . t -jIl [in form, app. meaning his bosom and heart were filed with fear: or he feared in the utmost degree; was in a state of the [t14JI, like t.-i,J, for this is the most chaste utmost utmost terror. (TA.) - ", nid of a valley, 4. L.j'l ; The land produced the hind of form of the latter word, and the most usual with [like aj,] aor. , t It became filled with water. trees called ujL [or s"lu ; as also ;.;i, belong- classical writers], as meaning the refue, and (L.) _ ;;l1 . ', aor. :; and ., (s,) ing to art. JI,q. v.]. (s.)' weak, of mankind, or of the people, who, when inf n ej.; (A, TA;) tThepigonraisd, andfrightened, fly. (TA.) - [The n. un.] W 1 Sands producing the trees called o;f; or pouredforth lowdly, or veeme,ntly, its cooing cry. signifies [also] One without heart and without pouradforth intellect or intelligence. (AA, (.) - And An (A,* ]:, TA.) You say V., *i..; . t Pigeons, ~1. (M.) or a pigeon, having a loud, or vehement, cooing. u3l [or, as some say, J5i]: see art. S: ostrich; (Abu-l-'Omeythil, ] ;) because always as or though frightened. (Abu-l-'Omeythil.) (A.) (A.) And c;, aor. -, [inf. n. .;,] t He (1:) it is of the measure j;I [or ;f1] for one composed, or uttered, rhyming prose. (s.) it~;: see Jreason, and ' [or c,i] for another reason: ;,, (.8, A, A, Msb, 1]) aor. s (A, ],) inf. n. ,&j for they say ,ba. iCtf n. un. of weli as a 'e r, [q. v.]. mean(A, MA) and ;, (MA,) Iie caused Aim, or ing A hide tanned woith the leaves of the tree made made him, to fear, or be afraid; frightened, or called i,l. t,, } see i!p; each in three places. terrified, him: (, A, Mpb, K:) or he filled hi, temified, bosom and heart with fear: or he put him in the . : see lm;l, above. utmost fear, or terror: (TA:) and t . signi-. *j [originally an inf. n. of R. Q. 1] A state 3 and 4 ,j; of beautiful youthfulness, and activity, of a boy. fies the same, (Lb, V,) inf n. (IJ;) and so does 15, accord to Ibn-Talbah (TA.) - A state of commotion, or agitation, (V.;) El-Ishbeelee, and Ibn-Hish&m EI-Lakhmee, and El-Ishbeelec, L The being still, s; syn. ., , [a significa- (IDrd, V,) of clear water, (s,) or of clearshallo water, (IDrd,) upon the surface of the ground. Fei in the M,b; but this is disallowed by IA#r tion contr. to one borne by two other words ' ([Drd, R.) and Th and J. (TA.) - [Htence,] 4.., aor.:, in this art,] (IAIr, ,) is the inf. n. of o' [inf. n. ea,] signifiee also He threatened. ([,* a&j: see the next paragraph. &.1, aor. ., [probably a mistake for:, which TA.) - Also, aor. =, (],) inf. n. ,j4, (TA,) IW) Is the regular form of an intrans. verb of this t~;&j The tall reed or cane, or tall reed, or Us He charmed, or facinated, by maical enchantlass, notwithstanding the guttural letter,] The canes, (], TA,) in the place of growth ,,nt [or by the eye] or otherwise. (],* TA.) thereof, nmt wind was, or became, still (Ti.) while fresh: so accord. to Az, as heard by him Also, kho, [like ,j,] (t, A, Mvb, 9,) aor. ', (,) Bk. I. 139

Ithj;, (so in my copies of the 8, [like the former of the two inf. na. of '~j,] and so in copies of the 1S,) or lij, (so accord. to the TA, as from the g,) and t*6bj, (S, ,) accord. to A, Camels when they are many, (TA,) or, accord. to Fr, camels when they are such as are


S&- J

[Boox I.

inf. n.


(TA,) t H filled (9, A, Myh, g) a -

watering-trough, or tank, (9, A,) or a vessel: (Mtb:) and it (a torrent) filled a valley. (L, (!,) aor. :, (TA,) also signifies .j, TA.) lie cut it [into pieces, or long pieces, or slices, (aee ;L3, below,)], namely, a camel's hump, or 3. other thing; and so JA,, (]1, TA,) inf. n... (TA.)- And Hle broke its (an arrow's) .j

[q. v.]. (4.)

9, as an intrans. v.: see 1, in two places. s,,as.relating to a camel's hump, The inf. n., accord. to Sh, signifies Its shaking, or quivering, and Ibing fat and thick; as though it shook, or quivered, by reason of its fatnes: but it is otherwise explained [as a subst. properly speaking] AdJ, inf. n. as above, and, in below. (TA.) also: see 1, in two places. cWj one sense, -3, He repaired its (an arrow's) Also, inf. n. ,-j [q .] (v.) 4: eO 1. 8: see 1, first sentence. an inf. n. of 1, in senses pointed out above. ,j (M, A, M9 b, TA.) - A threat, or threateming. (g.) - A charm or charming, or a fascination orfastinatiang,by magical enchantment [or by the eye] or otherwise. (lg.) - t A rhyming prose of the Arabs. (g~.)

(1;) or rather, accord. to Alei, this is a ceolL Also the first, The base, or lonmr part, (Q,) V s,; of the iL [i. e. either the spathe, or the spadiz, gen. n.: (MF, TA:) itis also pronouncdt hump a camnrs signify to is said and A.Hei;) (Bb, (*.) of a palm-tree]; and so t '.rj. cut into long piecs, or slices: it is a subst. [pro*;j Afraid, orfrightened, or terrified: (g:) perly so termed], not an inf. n.: (TA:) and its [or fi/ed with fear: or in a state of the utmost C; is shown to be augmentative by the fact that fear or terror: (see 1:)] and so t jyV , (S, 1,) there is no [undisputed] word of the measure .: (TA:) and v.r~j ,Jev, with fet-h [to the J]. (MF, TA.) and ?,j, and Vt, signifies [the same; or] weak and cowoardly. (S,
C ,j and and Vt aJI $; ].) [Hence,] t Y.g , A cowardly man, woho sees nothing without being frightened. (A.) [, "l 4 ; has a ] -. - Also Fat, different meaning: sec art. as an epithet; SI.;) dripping with grease: (, (].) And applied to a g:) and so tj. camel's hump as meaning Full and fat. (.) pl. [of the former] And Short; as also t,"1: j. (TA.) c,j and [of the latter] ,v,~a: see what next follows.


L..M A frightful ;33 [or desert destitute of

herbage and of water]. (P. [In the CV and TA, -- Also A 9i is erroneously put for ;I.]) person's springing, or leaping, [towards another,] and seating himself by the other's side, so as to cfalue the latte, not being aware, to befrightened. (1.. [From its measure, it seems to be a simple subst., not an inf. n., signifying this action as being A cause offear.]) Also A camel's hump cut ": see ,~-j.into pieces, (S, TA,) or into long pieces, or slices. (TA.)

:4j (9, A,Myb, g.) and * .j,

(A,Mqb, ,)

bothl said to be inf. ns., (TA,) or the former is an inf. n. of c; as intrans. (g, TA) or as trans., (A, MA,) and thn laiter is a simple subst., (TA,) or each of them is a simple subst., (Myb, TA,) )'car,fsihyt, or terror: (g, A, Myb, ] :) or fear thatfills the boisom and heart; as Er-IRghib aid Z have indicated, following Aboo.'Alee and IJ: or the uttnost fear or terror. (TA.) One says, He did that from fear, IJ t ;xj Also the former, The $tot from desire. (A.) sockhet of the head of an arrow; the part into ,richi the head enters, over whAich are the twists (i.) ,f sine'v; syn. L,j: pl. i. see tle next preceding paragraph. %,n~: see & .a, last sentence. aee ,r,~. : see also ... , in two places:-.and see

and t ;r,, [but the latter is an intensive , seeo epithet, or denotes habit, or frequency,] One wrho threatens; a threatener. (g,* TA.) - One who in two places see , s;e: charms, or fascinates, by magical enchantment [or by the eye] or othermise. (1;,* TA.) - One pa: see who composes, or utters, the rhymning prose termed A A,l), (1:, TA.) - Also the former ( ,. torrent thatfilti the valley: ( :) or t thatfrightens by its abundance and its width and its fiUling the ; and ',*... j, 1. -- ; .;, aor. :, inf. n. vaUey. (A.) It is applied also to rain. (TA.) aor.:, inf n. :.j; I She (a goat, ]K, TA, and a And A valleyfilled with water. (L.) sheep, ;l, TA) had rwhite extremitip to her c ;.tJ -, (A, A,) or a?j., (1C,) [or] the ot;*3j [or t,vo rattle] (C, TA) bmeneath the tw:o latter is the fern. form of the epithiet, (9,) A certain ears. (TA.) hind of pigeona; ($;) accord. to the ]I, from a 5. j. Shle (a woman) adorned herself rwith land called .l0 [in the CV ,. ]; but this land the [hind of ear-ring, or ear-drop, called] b; is unknown, and is not mentioned by El-Bekree nor by the author of the Marisid; and in the Mj (S, 1, TA) and :Alj; (TA;) as also t ;.3i. and other old worbks, .a&5il ate.J is expl. as (IJ, K, TA.) 8: see what next precedes. meaning t the pigeon that i loud, or strong, in its cry, or voice: so sars MF; and this is the truth: : see what next follows, in two places. in the L it is said, s,#!J', meaning a kind of wildl are said to beapa; ad V and pigeons, or dovs, has the form of a rel. n., but plied to Anything suspended: or, accordl. to some, is not such; or, as some one says, is a rel. n. from only to the [hind of ear-ring,or ear-drop, called] a place of the name whereof I know not the form: in the A it is said that U.. ; ;L,.. means a or, accord. to As, * .,t signifies anything suspigeon thlat coos loudly, or vehemently, exciting admniration by its voice, or/diing with it the pas- pended, such as the J., and the like, suspended the ear; or the [necklace called] ;S3 : sages thereof. (TA.) and the pl. is V%.U[or rather this is a quasi-pl. , 1: see n.] and t ,Asj [like the sing.] and 9.;P, which last is a pl. pl.: (TA:) or t .l&, and tV; signify the [kind of ear-ring,or ear-drop, called] : see 1's3. and A,~; (S, A, K, TA;) and any similar pendant to the ear: (TA:) or the alj is in the lower aM, (, A,,) in the Mj, and in [some of] the peers of the ear; and the ,.. ,, in the upper part without S, (TA,) Very thereof; and the &sj is a pearl, or largepearl, copies of the 8, V -, fearful: (S :) or most exceeditglyfea,ful (A, K, (;j,) attached to the 19: (lApr, TA:) and the .. pl. of 2jand ;;am!.oj TA) of everything. (TA.) You say,r.Ll (g, V, TA) and L;B. is [He is in peace most exa aels 3 ,:; .. >Jjar..j (TA.) - [Hence,] , ; signifies [also] t Wool, ceedingly playful, and in wnar most exceedingly in a or wool died'of various colours, (,) fearful]. (A.) general sense: [a coll. gen. .:] n. un. :j: ;) as (TA:) or, (, A, ,) as also t,Lcj and v i;, A,:.cj A piece of a camel's hlump; (, pended to the [hind of ; (i,) such wool (;,') j: (TA:) pl. tV i (I) and t. also t*


ii,, and the [necklace calledl ;;ji,and the like:

,~Cja: sec what next follows. k - , (9, A, g) and t . " (}) and t . (Seer, 1C) A woman, (9, A,) or a girl, or yourng woman, (g,) Tall, and rwell-formed; soft, thin. shinned, and plump; (9* A, 1g;) or (A, I) wh ite, orfair; (9, A, ] ;) goodly, or beautiful; sweet; :) or only rwhite, or fair: and tender: (A, (TA:) or soft, or tender: (IAQ, Lb, :) and j. (A, TA.)_ the first, tall: (TA:) pl. . Also, (]g,) or the first and second, (TA,) applied to a she-camel, Restlesu, or unsteady; (~, TA;) light, or active, brish, ively, or sprightly. (TA.) - For another meaning of the first, see in.

BoOK I.]
womn's camd-Ahicl called/ ] j, (A'Obeyd, meaning TAd sky [thundered and lightened: or] ., ], TA,) and tAe like,for ornament; like what thundered and lightened much before rain. (TA.) are tersmed (TA:) or [pendant] orna- - [Hence,] ,.Js, inf. n. ~Jj, X He threatened, or menaced, with evil; as also t~.jl, inf. n. tnnteof the i; , of tAe kind caUlled .,4 ji,3 contlrj: (Mb :) or the latter signifies he treatened, sitingof nru wooL (A.) - And i The blouoms or menaced; or hefrightened, or terrifced: (1 :) of the pomegraste-tree. (A.) and Jp s., he frightened, or terrified, (., ,) 2 ;: see the next preceding paragraph.and threatened, or menaced; (.8 ;) as also V~jl [Hence,] I The Os; [or mattle] of the cock, dj..; : (AO,AA, 8:) and 4j . and 3 , he (V, ], TA,) that grows forth beeath the bill; threatenedhim, or menaced him: (Ag, TA:) and J9t f .s., aor. , i,: n. i. e. its beard, or barb; (TA;) as also t 2;;: ; and t jl; (] :) each of the two things that grota forth he threatened me, or hefrightened me with rpeech: benath the bill of the cock. (A.) You say, (TA:) or, accord. to As, t .sjl and J30 are not allowable: when one cited against him the verse oe;j)i ,J X Ii[Thc owncr of the tnwo wattls of El-Kumeyt, cried]; meaning the cock. (A.) And a poet says, (g,) namely, El-Akhbal, (TA,) R. Q. 1. or begging. (.) . Q. S.

1105 He was importunate in asking, 3: me 8, in two place.

* -


. ,



ts; a1s i J3 -Wks v!*1) .W

[What is this that renders me wakeful, we~n sleep pleases me, of the voice of an owner of wattle, an inhabitant of the mansion?]. (., TA. [Another reading, as well as the foregoing, of this verse is given in the .Ham, p. 823.]) . Also, (}}am ubi supra,) or ' $i.!, (L,) t The a.j [or wattle], (Iam,) [i. e.] each of the A;. j [or two wattle], (L,) of a sheep or goat (i;:) [or, accord. to some, of a goat only (see l,s;)]. (Ham, L.) And t A drinking-vessel, ruch as is called j, cmade of the spatle of a palm-tree; (T, M, L, g, TA;) as also i;. (1-.) aoj: see j, in two places. in two places: and 3#;, in

Agj: see ;, three places.

AISI A sheep, or goat, [or, accord. to some, a goat only (see L;jj),] having two wattles (01~pJ), beneath her two ears. (., A, .) - And 'L%3 I A s~ offgralie, having long berries; (1], TA;) likened to the i [or two wattles of a sheep or goat]. (TA.) lIj: see tcj, in two places.


%t.. A boy adorned with the [kind of earrintg, or ear-drop, called] ; (8) or I. (TA.) -And [hence,] t A cock having a i&; [or woattcl]. (e, TA.)

1. t..1 eI , (As, Fr, F , L, Mhb,) aor. (L, Msb) and :, (L,) inf. n. js) and ij;; (Fr, L, Mb ;) and ' ,;r, (AO, AA, 8, L,) but the latter is disallowed by A; (., TA;) The shy/ thundered: (., Mb :) or made a sound [to be heardfrom the clouds] previously to rain: (L:) and [in like manner] ,~j,aor.: and l, is said of (TA,) t The 31 the clouds (ol,.JI), or of the angel that drives some of the Lexicons, t ~.J, [or buttock, or buttockl, &c.,] quivered, or moved the clouds. (1.) You say, j ,ll A ; to and fro: (~, TA:) and in like manner one and, accord. to AO and AA, c;3og. v;s al, says of anything subject to such motion; as [the (., TA,) which latter A, disallows in this case as kinds of food called] L,J and Sl, and a hill well as in another mentioned below, (8,* TA,) or heap of sand, and the like. (TA.)

~, Thunder; i. e the sound that is heard from the clouds, ($, j4,') or from tAe say: (A:) so say the people of the desert: (Akh, TA :) [thus termed as being supposed to be a trembling, or state of agitation, of the clouds, as is implied in the Ksh and the Expos. of B4 in ii. 18, where it is said to be from jWt;l, or as being a cause of trembling:] originally an inf. n., and therefore [it is said that] it has no pl.: (Bd ubi supra:) [but see what follows, in which j. occurs, perhaps as its pl.:] or ,jJI is the name of an angel who drivs the clouds [rwith Ais voic] like as a man dries camels ith inyring. (I'Ab, Z, .)-, )JtI ?Jit ;.. i.e. t[Hs S [Threaten and menace, 0 Yezeed, but thy [Hence,] ,,.Jlj threatening is not harming to me], he denied El- brought, or brought to pau, that which had Kumeyt to be an authority. (g, TA.) [See also thunder and noise; meaning,] wmar: (., J4, TA:) or calamity: (A, TA:) and ,l1j,. an ex. in a verse cited voce J.] , .s. . ,' . .,'l1, occurring in a trad., means When t Mll I calamitis: (A:) [for] V~l9Il '1o El-Isldm came writh its threatening and its terri[in the Clg -ls;] signifies calamity. (., J, fying. (TA.) - [Hence also,] %WA3 :#~; e$.; 1;b ) [which may i She (a woman) beautified and adorned herslf, TA.) And t; be rendered In his letter are thunders and light. (., A,* ;,) and showed, or presented, hersdf, nings;] meaning, t words of threatening. (A.) to me: (A:) or she exhibited her beauty intentionally: (TA in art. ja :) and [some hold that] 1~): see what next follows. ., .MI , -... %.- .. g ,;~.j&l [or .s.lj .stjl] signifies the same. s~j A tremour, quiering,quakin, shivering, (TA.) - See also 8, in two place _- And see 4. or commotion, (S, A, L, Msb, ]C,) occasioned by 4. ,~jlIIe, or it, (a company of men, .8, M,b,) was asa'led, or affected, by thunder; (Lb, S, fear, (A, L,) or cold, (A,) &c.; (L;) and t i.; signifies the same. (l.) Msb, .K ;) as also 'Vi.: and the former, he heard thunder. (TA.) - See also 1, in seven places. . oeo* Cowardly; (S, A, L, 1;) that tremblet, *~j!t He, or it, (fear, [or cold, see .,~,] &c., or quaks, (A, L,)from fear, (A,) or atfighting, L,) caused him to tremble, quiver, quake, shiver, by reason of cowardice; (L;) and in like manner or be in a state of commotion. (, L.) - See ;.,oj. applied to a woman: (A :) or this has also 8, in two places. - Also jl lIt (a hill, or the former signification, [but in an intensive sense,] heap, of sand) poured dowm; or became [shaken, as also V4,~.: pl. [of the first or second] ,;.. and consequently] poured down. (IA~r, V, TA.) (L.) _ Also the first, (E, l,) or second, (A; L,) applied to a woman, (., L, ]g,) or a girl, (A,) 5: see the next paragraph, in two places. tSoft, or tender; (S, A, L, g;) ,hAose flea 8. l He trembled, quivered, quaked, quivers by reason of its softness: (L:) pl. ns shivered, or became in a state of commotion, above. (A.) And the first, tA soft, or tender, (., A, L, Mqb, I,) by reason of fear, (A, L,) or plant. (IAgr, TA.) - And [t Anything quiwrintg cold, (A,) &c.; (L;) as also ~.j, aor. ~. : or quaking: hence, as a subet., particularly ap(Msb: [written in my copy without any syll. plied to The kind of sweet food called] .,iw, (A,) signs; but it seems to be indicated that it is V , or l3 . (s1.) It was said to an Arab of the 5 aor. .j: I believe, however, that is also desert, "Dost thou know what is called ),1U ?" used in this sense, and in the sense here follow- and he answered, 'j4, j f ., [Yes: it is ing:]) he was affected with a tremour, quiveryellow, quivering]. (8.) Also, (A,) and Vt . , ing, quaking, shivering, or commotion; (A, L;) (IAgr, A, ],) I A hill, or heap, of sand [shaking, as also V tl, (., A, L, $,) and t ;4.c, (L,) or shaken, and consequently] pouring down. and t,V (TA;) by fear, (A, L,) or cold, (Iav A, A, .) (A,) &c. (L.) You say, !. Jg ' LV j What it thrown away from wheat when 1 [His muscle caUed the w,iS (pl. of it is1~)2 picked, or cleansed, (L, g,) as theO;jj [or L q. v.) quiered on the occasion of fright]. X,lj , q. v.,] and the like: by some written .lMj; (, A,* L) And AJ,l 't C.,'~ , (V,) or, as in but the former is more correct. (L.) lJWj [That thunders much]. 3;> . .f, signi. fies A cloud that thunders much: (TA:) but Ks says, "We have not heard them say thus." (LIh, TA.) - [Hence,] applied to a man, (.,) t Loquacious; ($, V;) and so b;lt [but in an intensive sense]. (TA.) - Also, [as a woll. gen. n., n. un. 189'


1106 with 5,The torpedo: ind the silurus electricus, found in the Nile: generally meaning the latter:] a certainjh; nshen a man t,uches it, a numbness affttes Ai hand and arn to the shoulders, and a trmnour, as long as the fih remains alive: (.8, 1 :) so called because Ae who lays hold upon it, rhen it is alive, trembles rith a kind of trembling wherewith he cannot restrain himself; it it a kind of trembling with a coldneu, or chilnuess, and intense numbness, and formication in the limbs, and heaviness, o that he possesses no pomer over Aimself, and cannot lay hold of anything at aU with his hand; the numbness tijsing by degr~es to hiMs sper arm and his shoulderblade and the whole of his side, Wvhen he touches with the slightest touch in the shortest the fi tike. (8o says 'Abd-EI-Laeef. [See "Abdollatiphi Hist. Aeg. Comp." p. 82; and De Saey's Translation and Notes.])

IJ - Ia" instance of the name of a certain plant]. t.La.DA,


ssee what immediately precedes.

J>l SIJPi@9wand>] J; (;) A, , TA;) and

l;2; (En-NaOr, oot SS


quick to fight, and to do good, or confer a favowur or benefit. (En-Nadr, A, lJ.) In the 1 it is that it thus has two contr. signifloations; added +;2 A garment, or piece of cloth, made but this requires consideration. (TA.) c: see


in two places.-

Also Haste,

A.1_ [Thunding clouds]: and

Ual; [a tAhundering cloud]: (A:) pl. of the fem. (IIam p. 440.) [See an ex. in a verse ~j;. [A lack, or .lj,l 3 J cited voce L.t.] ~ pa'Uity, of rain beneath the thundering cloud], c. '9, (8 and 1 e O ;_c, (a, ,) or ;.*ljl (A, and . and t &c. or in art.,) .,) or as we read o.L or accord. e., [i. A,) art. in hAL., Many a cioud lacking, or having little, rain, or offtmti nee a lack, or paucity, of rain, is there bneath th. thundering cloud,] is a prov., (A,) applied to a loquacious man destitute of good: (8, A, 1 :) or to a loquacious man who speaks much of that which he has not done: (Nh, TA:) or to one who threatens and does not perform: (C and O and ]g in art. .":) or to the wealthy niggard: (A'Obeyd, 1B in that art.:) or to him who praises himself much and is destitute of good. (IDrd, q; in that art.) _See also ~cj, in two places.

,j ,W;t In him is haste, or quickness, to meei aor. o, '-; 1. ,pSj, ($, A, g,) aor. -; and hi enmy. (A.) (A, ;) inf. n. (of the former, g) ..Jc; (8, ;) -. e ;. (1K;) Ire trembled, and [of the latter,] quivered, quaked, or shivered; ( ;) as also aseo ;i, throughout. - Uj t ;.ijl': (S, A,* g:) or he was tamcn with a tremour, quivering, quaking, or shivering: (A, g :) [or he was made to tremble, &c.; for] ;I.;i A trernour, quivering, ,L;j [and t or arm, was made quahing, or shivering, that befalls a man in conis islik likehand, to tremble, &c.]. (Zj.) And j, like .e [in sequence of a diease that attachks him, not quit; form], signifies The shaking of the head in going ting him. (TA.) You say, c 4- and .tj. along, and in sleep. (TA.) You say also, ? t3i1 [In him is a tremour, &c.]. (A.) ,ti a.j1) His head shook by reason of old age. (A, (TA,) and SL6l1, (A, * TA.) And ; t.-aj.;t, ., 1J: : see ,c.. ~.5 TA,) and 1.oti;, (TA,) His hand, or armn, and the cnds, or end-joints, of hisfingers, and his joints, u.;; A kind of pigeoes that soar in their trembled, or quivered. (TA.) (., l:) the latter form being sometimes used: 4. .!jIl He, (God, S, I,) or it, (old age, A,) (8 :) or this signifies the white pigeon: or, accord. made him to tremble, quiver, quake, or shiver; to Abu-l.'All, the vulture (t- ) that has become (A.) You say also, extremely aged, or old and weak. (Iyam p. 823.) (8, A, IS;) as also ;* . '" 0 0-0i [Hii hands, or arnu, wrre made to .. ol, Li:tM see ,c;t:_ and ,;c-. [Hence,] e.Isl tremble]. (A.) See also 1.. 0 4.., ,;d - : see j. JI i War, or the war, made him to hasten, or be quick. (A, TA.*) Qutlasi i.bJ 8: see 1, in three places. fem. with 3: see ;, in art. ,J. iaS:; ,;c, applied to a man, (TA,) or to an old man,


or qutckne.

,9 .j (A, TA.) You sayJ,

2: see what next follows.

.flight and circle in the air; as also t,

., ;,MJ

Eee see Importunate in asking, or begging. ( .)


* andj~s.: see what here follows. ].),. (S, K) and

I .

$5j.9 (S, Mgh, Mqb, 1.) and and t /j3, and 'j. (8, Mgh, Myb, ,)

10 and '>ao, *jsw (1, Mqb, I8) and j* but not js~ , (Msb,) The the last like ~, down, (g, Mqb, ],) or what resenbls wool, (Az, Mgh,) that is beneath, (8, Mgh, Mgb, 18,) or amid, (Az,) the hair of the she-goat: (Az, S, 8b makes t,w. an epithet; S:) Mgh, Msb, to wool: and Kr -says applied meaning sofi, ,; are the only words of these that this and two measures in the language: (TA:) [he seems to have held the A to be a radical letter: but '* is of the measure i;, accord. to J,] L does not occur [except in the becuse l

(A,) Trembling, quivering, quaking, or shivering; (TA) and and tJI: (A, TA;) as also t,, applied to a man; *t u ^; (A;) and so t X'e, (S ;) in which last, the O is augcmentative. (S, K.) c., applied to a heAnd in like manner, * ' *e (TA) camel; .(;, TA;) and L:c (A) and t to a she-camel; applied ]g, TA,) (A, and t*.l', (Ig, TA;) or to a beast (41.), (A,) and the last of these epithets applied to a she-ostrich; ( ;) t Tlat shakes himself, or herself, (S, A, K,) in going along, (S, IC,) by reason of speed, (J,)or frown shatpness of spirit, and brishness: (A :) or Yt.'j, applied to a she-camel, significs long;, applied to a sheneckted. (TA.) And , camel, H1tose head shakes by reason of old age; ($, K;) as also ,,Vj; (S, TA;) or, as the latter is expl. in the g, by reason of briskness, or sprightliness. (TA.,- I Conardly; or a cowvard; (K in (0) and t ,J ulo (., ;) as alsos ? (A, TA;) one who ,j.;t A1 t:-j,) and X4. art. trembles in war by reason of cornardice. (TA.) - t Quick; smift; applied to a male ostrich; (Kh;) as also 'tS , applied to the same, and to a camel; fem. with i; (I1 in art. is, j;) and t ,I: , applied to a female ostrich: (Kh, ]:) or the last, thus applied, signifies tall. (TA.)-

1. 'i,

eaor. , (I,) inf. n. L , (TA,) He

me.ade a Ji.j [q. v.] to it, namnely, an arrow; as also t lajI: (1 :) or you say, .r " a;, meaning he,round and bound the tinen,w pon it,
0~~~0 arrow; as also t lijt. (TA.) namely, an

t lifl. (Ibn-'Abbid, TA.) =

And lie broke its J&j; (lbn-'Ahbhd, 11;) as also j, aor. :, inf. n. ;L, It (an arrow) had its i&j .broken; its lj 4: sec 1, in three places.

broke. (S.) lic The socket of the head of an arrow, or enters, over which are place into which the head 0 -eS ].) It is the ttwists of sinen: pl. 1i~ l. (Lth, S, J um X,. ii -i--l l; said in a prov., [Verily such a one b eaks against thee the sockets of the heads qf the arrons]: applied to him whose anger is vehement: as though one said, when he takes the arrow, (g, TA,) being vehemently angry, (TA,) he strikes the ground with its point, in his silent wrath, with such vehemence as to break the socket of its head: or it means I he grates the teeth at thee, (V, TA,) by reason of the vehemence of his anger, o that their sockets break; (TA;) the sockets of the dog-teeth being

BooK I.]


- c*i


th like~ned to the sockets of arrow-heads: (V , Ijl .iJj!$; which Ihave rendered above.]) TA:) so in the 0 and L. (TA.) And it is sai [Hence, (d ] ll . ~ . , Jl aL , .i, tTh in another pror., ;; . t. Lj Uc [This art. is wanting in the copies of the L and pebble made the. toe, or sole, or foot, of the camel TA to which I have had access.] 91 ,1 L, [I 1aJ not abk to do ucha ato bleed. (f.) -And -l ( r _.L [or wl thing until the wocetsa of the heads of the arrows a1] ~J t He endeavoured to make the piece oJ became mnwc bent againtme]. (O, g.) fat to drip, and took what became melted thereof ;Ls An arrow having its Ji; broken: (S:) (Th, O, ].) 1. ( s ,) and s;, and c &, (V,) [aor. (,J, and [in like manner,] ' L3s ,Lt; an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]: (1 :) or a simple of the first -', and of the second and third: ,] an arrow having its J& broken, and being therefore bound ivith subst., of which the primary meaning is The act inf. n. [of the first] l;e , and [of the second, or 1 sinew: (IB:) or the latter signifies a weak arrow. of preceding; going, orgetting, before; outgoing, second and third,] ' ($,* ,) Jla was, or ;, outrunning, or outstripping. (Msb.) - And bqcame, foolish, (Aboo-Kheyreh El-'Adawee, Ibn-'Abbad.) stupid, unsound in intellect or hence. The issuing of blood from the nose: (0,* understanding, or deficient therein, and law, r;4 and tc An arrow [haring a o i Msb:) or, accord. to some, (Msb,) blood itself, made to it: (see 1:) or] having the sinen wrro ndt issuing, or that issues, from the nose: (, 0,* flaccid, slack, or languid: (g, g:) or 0J, and .j signify the beingfoolish, or stupid: and also and bound upon it. (TA.) Msb, 1 :) because it issues before one knows it. the being soft, reak, relaxed, or languid. (KL) (Msb.) i.b: see cj: - and 4&;. _And *$j also signifies [simply] The being .*s: [a pl. of which the sing. is not men- slack, or loose; or slackness, or looseness; as in tioned,] t Light rains. (IAar, O, .) the saying of a rAijiz, (?, TA,) namely, Khigim J&6 El-Muj;shi'ee, (TA,) describing a she-camel, . j Clouds (.) preceding another cloud. 1. j, .. aor.'- and ', (K,],) inf. n i, ....... (TJ,) He (a horse) preceded; went, or got, before; (AA, O, g.) otwent, outran,or outstripped; as also Vt A&j.l, 1s-j One bho gives many gipls. (Fr, 0, [.) [And they. saddled her in a manner of saddling (1, g,) and t J1m3. (g.) [This is held by some, in which was a slachnes, or looseness]; i. e. they and is said in the 0, to be the primary significa[Jt&j Emitting much blood: mentioned by did not bind her saddle firmly, by reason of fear tion: see .jt.] _. 1 i ., aor. -, The blood Freytag, but without any indication of the and haste. (g, TA.) Also The being unsuteady, or in a state of commotion or agitation: and fled. (].) And AL1 . .. a; I7is nose bled; authority.] blood floedfrom dis nose: this is the chaste form tIA horse that precedes other horses; that quickly changing or altering. (Meyd, in explaof the verb: *.., from which is formed the goes, or gets, before them; that outgoes, out- nation of a.prov. cited below, voce ' ".;.) [And part. n. ~ , is incorrect; (Mgh;) unknown runs, or outstrips, them; ($, 0, Msb, K,) as also accord. to Freytag, as on the authority of Meyd, to A,: (0:) [or] Wj alone, nor. ~ and :, hns ' . (0, K.) -_ Having blood Jfoming Haste of pace.] - And L*js signifies also The this last signification; as also c, (S, O,* Msb, ,from his nose: (Mob :) or having a continual being beautied, and adorned: and ';, the V,) but this is a dial. var. of weak authority, bleeding of the nose. (Pt and T voceo,, in displaying oneselfadorned. (KL.)-... ["l , (8, O,) or is rare; (Mqb ;) and JS, aor. ; and art. .,j.) And J.i% A .sl [Nosw bleeding]. (S, K,) inf. n. ,c, (KL,) The sun rendered him JA!j [mentioned above as incorrect]; (];) and relaxed, (?, KL,) or weah, or languid: (KL:) (O.) - The extremity of the Z.3jI [or lonwer the inf. n. is J1 (Meb, 1) and J (4, 1,) or portion, or lobule, of the nose]; (S, 0, 1;) or pained his brain, so that he became relaxed thb latter is a simple subst. (Msb.) [And hence [because the blood drops from it when the nose thereby, and swooned. (g5.) And ' He (a . it:j signifies also t It (a vesel, such as a skin,) bleeds.] (S, .)_ And [hence,] t A promi- man) became thus affected by the sun. (TA.) overflowed:] see 4, in two places.- _ w .*, signifying Tl,u affected t .J1 nence, or projecting part, of a mountain. (S, 0, Pass. part. n. ' by the sun; (S, TA;) applied to a man. (TA.) .,oyl *Ie entered with him the door. (O, l.) _.A .) a Ct Spears that are the first to thrust, or pierce: or from which blood is drop2: see the next paragraph, in two places. 4. &&jl I. How foolish, stupid, unsound iNa ping: (s:) or spears are termed 'i-j because intellect or understanding, or dq/iient therein, 4. .&lj lIe incited him, or urged him, to thrust forward to pierce, or because blood drops and lax,flaccid, slack, or languid, [or how foolish, hasaten, or be quick: (0, O, :) but this is said fronm them. (IDrd, 0.) or stupid, and how soft, weak, relaed,or languid, to be not of established authority. (O.) - [And He, or it, made his nowe to bleed, or flow ith . 41l; and VI ,j, (S, 0, ],) both men- (see 1,)] is he ! (S, .) * .. blood: often used in this sense; as in the 8 aind tioned by A'Obeyd, (S, 0,) A piece of rock that > A prominence, or projectingpart, (?, K,) A and V voce , and in the L and l voce is left in the bottom of a well, being there when it or sura as is large, (TA,) of a mountain: (., C:) 3_ .: and so ?i: accord. to lbn-Maaroof,] is dug, in order that the cleanser of the well may pl. * and (, 1.) And A long mounsit upon it in cleansing it: or a stone that is at the inf. ns. ;J ,1 tain: ( and .A signify the bringing :) or, accord. to Lth, a mountain that is gAthe head of the nwell, upon wthich the drawer of blood from the nose. (KL) - And Zil ,i&Ja not lony: pL O`S'j. (TA.) ,rater stands. (S, 0, K.) It is said in a trad., He filled the skin ($, O, ]4) so that it oerflowd "When he (Moh.ammad) was enchanted, his charm ; a dial. var. of ja. (L!, 1].) (1 .AaL3 i.): (?, 0:) whence the saying of a was put into the spathe ( .) of a palm-tree, and rAjiz, ['Amr Ibn-Leja, so in a copy of the 8,] buried beneath the aAlj of the well." (S, O.) coi Having much motion; or moving itself much. (V.)_ And hlard, or strong. (V.) *11 &;jp: see the next preceding paragraph. And (as some say, TA) The darkne of night: [Its upper part overlowms, or ove.lowing, by (1V, TA:) or [simply] darkness. (TA.)



Lsl in the phrase , iljijl , in the . ur [ii. 98, and occurring again in iv. 48], is said to be a word meant to convey a revilinf of the Pro10: see 1, first sentence.._ -Jt, also signi%1! [a pL of which the sing. is not men- phet, derived from [the inf. n.] fies The drawing forth blood from the noms. Elj, 1 Jl: Ei-lasan (KIL [Golins, as on this authority, explains the tioned,] The nose and the parts around it. (0, read LU'j, with tenween: and Th says that the vwerb u signifying "Nasum prehendit:" but the .) One says, M5 I j lA, phrase means Say not ye a lie, and mockery, and 4 iWf. n. is explained in the KL by the words o. like A, j.. (S, 0. [See art..,~a.]) foolishness. (TA.) [See also 4 in art. e.]
8: ee 1, first sentence. J~".,, as part. n. of , correct. (Mgh.) is [said to be] in-

reason of its fulne]. ( .)

1108 stupid, unsound in intellect or understanding, or deftcint therein, and law, flaccid, slack, or languid: (8, ]:) or, so applied,foolish,or stupid: (KL:) [and also soft, wreak, relaxed, or languid: (see 1:)] and foolish, or stupid, and hasty, in speech: (.2 femrn., applied to a woman, .;a': [Its primary application, (.:) [pl. 'J.] though I do not find it mentioned, is probably to a mountain, as meaning Having a C~, or prominence, or projecting part: accord. to Freytag, "is qui habet s,j :" and then poetically used, in the Deewan of Jereer, u signifying a mountain. - And hence,] also, applied to a man, t Having a long nose [likened to a XsJo]. (TA.)._Also t An army having redundant parts, or portions, (!, TA,) like the Olej of mountains: (TA:) or an arny has this elithet applied to it as being .. j) of a' mountain: or, as some likened to the say, the epithet thus applied means in a state of commotion by reason of its numeroeuness. (s.) - El-Barah is termed '"ic5l, as being likened to the ;j, of a mountain; (IDrd, , 1 ;) i. e., because of a bend in it: (TA:) or because of the abundant flow of the river there, and its sultry heat: (Az, MF:) or because of the ease and plenty that are in'it, and a being likened to the woman to whom this epithet is applied; or because of the languidness and changeableness of its air. (ErRAghib, TA.) - And L'U;J1 is also a name of A sort of grapes, of E.t-Tdif, (V, TA,) mhite, and ,; j long in thl berries. (TA.) f~JIr - ' is a prov., meaning More unsteady and changeable than the air of Rl-.Batrah. (Meyd.)

O&j -


[Boox I.

,ejt, (8, ],) applied to a man, (8,) Foolish, frained,forbore, or abstained; and he repented: keeping, or guarding,forthee]; meaning X iSk;d
(Iar p. 240:) [see also an ex. in a versa cited voce ')!:] accord. to A.ei, it is quasi-pas. of ,3 s. (TA.) [Hence, 43j;app. signifies I 9 caused him to refrain,forbea, or abstain, &c.] 9. S ,&!, inf.n. :.,!: graph, in five places. May God keep thee, or guard thee. (lvar p. 617.) And ) u' (19,) inf. n. j (TA) [and ig], He was mindful, or regardful, of his affair, t._loj, (y1,TA,) inf. n. or case; as also *l il.. (TA.) And j.ltapp. s an inf. n. of see the preceding para,elj] signifies The guardang of palm-trees.

(TA.) l;,t
LS_j and LSPJ.: see 1, in three places:. and see also art. .j. tsj: see 1: .1.4'; and and see also art. k.J' tSj.;: see art. .'


til;j I., in the gur [lvii. 27],

means But they did not observe it with its right, or due, obseroance; were not mindful, watchful, observant,, or regardful, of it, in the right, or due, manner of being so. (TA.) You say also,

&;~ &c 'cl ,

inf.n. aic~, (ISk,S,) i.e. 1

a,ls,j (in some copies of the ~ 1U-e., without was mindful, regardful, or observant, of his I.ta [meaning of what was entitied to reverence, reteshdeed); and Q.;t: see art. L0.. spect, honour, or defence, in his character and hlr appertenances]: and in like manner, $*ca '1 see art. e. Ai.JtI, mentioned in the S, means The being mindful, regardful, or observant, of rights, or

dues. (PS.) This last phrase is from 'I;, inf. n. &;~I, (TA,) which means I regarded 1. Ae:,.,l , , aor. ^.pc,.(Mob,],) inf.n. him; had regard, or an eye, to him; or paid regard, or consideration, to him; (8, Myb, g, c. (S.* Mb, 1) and Ztai (J) and cM; TA;) acting, or behaving, well to hims; doing (.,? 1,' JM ;) and t .. 31 , and t c.Q.; (1 ;) good to him; or conferring a benefit, or benefits, The cattle [pastured, or] paslured by tlwmnulves. upon him. (V1,TA.) [Hence also, I.L da j (Mgb.) And lI .. :,l tZ's , inf. n. i Regard is had, in it, (the meaning of a word or and V -, (Mgh, TA) and alsjt [and j.]; phrase,) to such a thing, as alluded to therein.] and *t%c3;[The cattle pastured upon, or de- And ."3il ' " l}, (9, 1,) inf. n. i~l., (TA,) pastured, the herlbage;] all signifying the same: signifies also I looked to see what would be the (TA:) and of a camel you say, ..L f: l kc., issue, or reult, of the affair, or cae. (8, Myb, inf. n. o. c [&c., He pastured upon, or depas- VE.) Hence, accord. to Er-Rtghib,.i,..l t tured, the herbage by himself ; and in like man(TA:) you say, j.44l .c; (S, ];) and ' ;ltlj, ner V1 .s3l. (S.) - The saying of 'Aisheh ~.9j4: seo 1, last sentence. (K5,) inf. n. I;l,F; (TA;) He ratched the stars, 1U5L C &Je t ;jIS , ,: is an allusion to the (9, K, TA,) waituigfor the time when they mould itself. (Mgh.) disappear. (1C, TA.) El-Kbansl says, feeling, or touching, of the . ~&isj also signifies The keeping, or tending, 1. t, aor. . (8, TA,) [He refrained, * t;=)*ttj -. . a; animals; pasturing, orfeeding, them; and deforbore, or abstained: or, used elliptically,] he * L5rJ 1 . .. ,L .J 5L*;j fending themfrom the enemy. (Er-Raghib, TA.) refrained,forbore, or abstained, (., TA,) from , (,) or 4iQI, (Myh, ,) things, or affairs, (8,) or from ignorance, and You sayJ, t ; [I match, or I watching, the stars, maiting for ,eterted therefrom in a good manner; (TA;) [as or.l1, (MA,) aor-. 1t,t, (9, Myb,) inf. n. i.> the time when they will, or mould, disappear, also L;;j; ( ;) [for] .; and ;j. and j (1) (S,MA) [<, as appears from a phrasc though I am not, or I woas not, tasked with the and !~i and A~.~ (8,( ) and . (O) are syn. mentioned below,] and ae;,, (MA,) or this last is watching of them; and at one time I cover mywith * la&j;l (8, 1o) meaning the refraining,for- a simple subst. from this verb, (I~,) I [hept, or self, or covering mnyself, with the redundant parts bearing, or abstaining, from ignorance, and re- tended, or] pattured, (MA, Msb,) or lead to of my old and worn-out garments]. (S.) rerting therefrom in a good manner, (V, TA,) [all pasture, (MA,) the camels, (S,) or the cattle, also signifies The beingfaithful to an engagement, app. as inf. ns.,] and o are * a ($8, 1) and (Myb,1,) or the heup or gooats; (MA;) and or promise; syn. :;. (Mgh. [See ;, below; t W I signifies the same as tmIt;. (K.) And ts.;rs (1p) and tl;V;, (8,1,) tin the last of last sentence.]) [Hisu habitual ork, or occuwhich the radical j is changed into s5 as it is in J(tl asl% ^; *;;I,; Hle said [of him], 2. M;B 1 , inf. n. ae, I;j and Qt and ,]j but these three, as some pation, is the tending, or pasturing, of camels]. 1 heo p him, or guard hitn: or he said [May God U,; t ,; . ?jj[Such a say, (TA,) or the first and last of these three, (ISd, g.) And to him, ,t .tIt Al ay God keep thee, or guard one tends, or pastures, for his father;] i. e. (8,) are simple subits.: (?, TA:) you say, ;'~ , [tends, or pastures, his father's sheep thee]. (TA.) j&Al X ~ and 3y,1t and t j'Bjl [&c., mean- . 3. J.JI t.Jl &clj The as pastlured ith the ing Such a one is good in rerpect of refraining, or goots]. (S.) - And hence, as also 4a* , The heeping or guarding [a person or thing]; being [other] ases: (S,]n:) and in like manner one &a]. (.) V" ! is of the measure 'j3i! [for mindful or regardful [of him or it]; and managing says of camels with wild animals (TA.).,-5c JS!.]; the two infirm letters not being incorpoor ruling or governitg [him or it]. (Er-RAghib, e;r1l, a reading required by the context in the rated, one into the other, because the LS is quiescent: (8: [see also gam p. 220 :]) you say, TA.) You say, A;C_ I kept, or guarded, him, as K, is wrong; the correct phrase being t...l ~.mi X ,St ,~ (, M( b, ,) or t.,JI ,, a ruler or governor, or a prince or commander, .jl [q. v.]. (TA.) - See also 1, in the latter who manage, conducts, orders, or regulates, the half of the paragraph, in eight places. -. Il JI 1 is (Ilam ubi supra,) He refrained, forbore, or and 'r;~j) 'C;J affairs of the people: (Msb:) also syn. with [1jJj1 lapp. as meaning The lookh abstained,from bad, or foul, conduct, (8, Msb,) or from ignorance, and reverted therefrom: [The price ruled, or governed, his subjects], ing towards, orfacing,a person or thing: a signi. (ysam:) and VkSjgl [alone] signifies He re- inf. n. Xt1. ($.) Aud ;j e)j [I beg God's fication nearly like the last referred to in the

BooK I.] sentence here immediatelyr preceding]. (TA.) 8ee also 4, in three places. 1 ,1I , in a trad. of 'Omar, means Restrain thou the thief, or make him to refrain,from taking thy goods, but bear not witneu against him: so says Lth: or the meaning is, and do not wait for him. (TA.) 4. aWA.P! .js i. q. W&): see 1, in the former half of the paragraph. Said of God, it means He caused to growr, for the cattle, that upon which they might pasture. (8.) One says also .. j; jlV, .. [as though 4,l1 or the like were understood] The land abounded [as though it fed abundantly] with herbage: (Zj, 1 :) ,')*1 .1.j, in this sense [as stated above, see 3,] is wrong. (TA.) And 1i.ll .LJ I lie made the place to be a pasturage for him. (ISd, gC.) -_ , ;. l means I made my ear, or ears, to be mindful of his speech: (Er-Rghllib, TA:) or I gave ear, Aharkened, or listened, to him. (8, Mqb.) You say, 'L . ~'Al(Mhb, ]g,) and t ,' , i.e. HRearken thou, or listen thou, to my speech. (J.) Hence * It; in the lur [ii. 98 and iv. 48]: Akh ays that it is of the form CL&D from tl~J", and means i'd 'j; the j having gone away because it is an imperative: he says also that it is read tCl;, as an objective complement, from ;l)J1 1: (;: [see art. Xsaj:]) the reading in IbnMes'ood's copy of the Xur-in is C.5;. (TA.)





,l (8, P.) I aked him, themnuls: and cattle ept, tended, or pastured:
(1, TA:) pL QI(;: (TA:) this latter (the pl.) signifies cattUb ept, tended, or pastured,for any one; (, TA;) for the subjects and for the Stltdn; (TA;) as also V iL : (V, TA: in some copies of the lg without teshdeed:) 'jll, and ,tL.~l signifies cattle kept, tended, or

or desired him, to keep or guard, or be mindful of or regardful of, the thing. (8, TA.) Hence the prov.,.;Ui ;J jlI L *" l ;. [He who asks, or desires, the wolf to keep guard does wrong]; (.?, TA;) i. e. he who trusts in one who is treacherous puts trust in a wrong place. (TA.)

[And hence also,]



asked, or desired, the ears [meaning the hearers] and upon which are his brands and marks. (TA.) to mind his discourse, or oration. (Har p. 361.) Hence the tra., 4 a i 1 [E~ry uL and ) , Pasture, or herbage; (.8, pastor hal be questioned respecting his pastured Mgh, i ;) thefood of beasts: (Msb :) pl. of the cattle: or every ruler hLaU be questioned repe~tformer .'~f [meaning kinds, or sorts, of pasture ing his subjects; agreeably with what follows]. (TA.) -_ The people ruled or governed; the subor herbage]: (1:) and of tthe latter 71. jects of a ruler or gooernor: (Myb, 1] :) the (Msb.) It is said in a prov., I,t'Jts tojt "' community; the people in common or in general; [Pasture,but not like the J;I,: see art. .]. or the common people: (.:) [any persons or (.-.)-. t4l.~.AJll jc A certain herb,having person, and ghings or thing, in the Aeeping, or berries like myrtle-berries, in which is the least under the guardianshipor rule or government, of degree of sweetnes; not injurious to tlh camels a man or woman:] see glj, in the latter half of that feed upon it, but poison to [venomous or the paragraph: pL a above. (TA.) noxious reptiles or the like, tuch as are termed] J;.LJI 54 a: seees,. ~~i: the decoction thereof blackens thc hair. (Ibn-Seena, book ii. p. 252.)

He .^1iJ pastured, for tAe Sultdn, (B, TA,) especially,


g;jl; and

IS,;; Camels tAat pasture around

You say also,


J 1Lo

9 I ewil

not pay any regard, or attention, to tie saying of any one. (TA.) - And 4. ;cU; I showed mercy to him [by tparing him, or letting him live, or by pardoning him, or othermise]; had mercy on Aim; pitied, or compastionated, him; syn. &,:7. 4b - .4 and (S, 1.) AbooDabbal says,

4aj a subst. from 1 in the first of the senses mentioned in this art.; i.e. [The act of cattle's pasturing, or their pasturing alone,] from ij akttJI. (K.) - [Also The act, or occupation, of keeping or tending, or of pasturingor feeding, animals.] You say [of a man], Jk'tI ' .), [lI performs mUll the act of keeping or tendiwn, or of pasturing or feeding, camels]. (S, V.) [And The act of watching, and wvaiting for the time of the disappearance, of the stars.] See a verse cited near the end of the first paragraph. = Also Land in which are projecting stones that impede the plough. (], TA.) kS,.j and ks,: see the next paragraph.[Both seem to be also substs. from fi; '1;

the pople and their dllings ($, O) because they

are those upon which they work [or perform their bun~]: (8 :) but in the Tekmileh it is written

atmj;, as meaning cattle that pasture around the dmellings of the people. (TA.)

3FG;: see
t1 [act. part. n. of 1]. You say *1; 3;i4 Catte [patug, or] pturing by thmelvet:
(Myb:) p1. 1 Slj; [a mistranscription for lj;].

(TA.) _ X 1 l ;and X.3'1 tV are names of Two ec of ,, . [or tocuts]; (V;) the

latter mentioned by ISd: ?gh says that the formner and thus to be syn. with 5 and kSt; and in is a large .: and the latter is anotAher pece, like manner, * tg is probably syn. with t;Ai: [app. meaning If this enchantment be from thee, that doe not fly. (TA.)_ - 1 also signifies A then spare me not, but renew enchantmentit]. the radical LS being changed into j as it is in hkeeper, or guarder, (TA,) or pastor, (Myb,) of (TA. [It seems to be there cited as an instance kS~.] You says, ks 9 LY S,,a &ie L. [I cattle: (Mqb, TA:) an epithet in which the of the verb's having a second objective comple- have no mercy nor pity to bestow upon him]. quality of a subst. is predominant: (TA:) pl. ment; (for which I see no reason;) following (JK in art. ;N. [See t~i.]) See also 1 in art. ;G, (., Myb, TA,) but this is said to be moody the amertion that one says, &L ;, t signi- _j [from which LScj in this phrase may also used as pl. of 6 in another sense u will be fying I1 ; and that the verb is made trans. by with reason be regarded as derivable]. shown below, (TA,) and .5j[and app. oj& (menmeans of kjl as properly meaning al t, l a tioned subst. from below)] as uc;used in the phrase and ; ' (1, Msb, TA;) and &*: but I doubt not that the correct reading is *..!1 3l; has oj [expl. a pL, namely, in the first .J' paragraph; (TA.) - [Hence,] thws signie..i 1m ll, j iL'e. Be showed mercy to him, fying Mindfulness, regardfulnes, or observance, i. JI is the name of TAhe star [a] that is upon eoming to him, or getting sight and knoroledge of of an affair, or a ase]; as also 't ks'; and V' 5 .) the head of .JI [i. . Ophiuchut]: that rwhich ,hi]) V, , also, [r -a 'I --- ,1 , (g1.) -See also the next preceding paragraph. is upon the head of LSjtJ$ [a mistranscription in signifies '5L, v .U 1 (TA.) And see art. _j. my MS. for jI.tJI, i. e. H~ules, the star a,] I5: see 1, first and second sentences. [.; Pastured: ruled, or governed: and kept, being called hIt0 4. (zw.) Also The star 8: see 1, in three places, first two sentences. or guarded: so accord. to Golius, as on the autho[y] that is upon the left leg of Cepheus: betmeen 10. h.,j1 [app. signifies He desired cattle to rity of the KL; but not in my copy of that work. whose legs is a star [app. x] that is caled 41 b pasture: and hence, he left them to pasture It is agreeable with analogy as syn. with tO5: c.~Jl: (I5zw:) [from their longitudes it seems alone]. You say, v.Ii1 jL. 1, meaning and from it is formed the subst. next following.] that these two stars are the same as are meant by I left my cattle to pasture witAout a pasto. to ,j [with; affixed ,j? , i. e., to transfer the what here follows:] ,ail [or 0 j,l 4,] is a tak earM of thm in the nigAt: and [in like word from the category of epithets to that of certain star over againt j.JAl [or Aquari~, manner,J 'SJ'-I . ,, in tAh day. (TA in substantives,] Cattle pasturing, or pasturing by whAich latter i] below; in tahe patA of which is a

1110 red [or perhaps another (j&l instead ofp*~1)] star, called ~.~11. (TA in art. ,. .) [And accord. to Freytag, .lj;JI 4.lj is the name of A star otherwise called the Foot of Orion: and ,S& l s.l;, the name of The star X in Sagitsee Ideler's "Unters miich. fiber den Urtarius: sprung etc. der Sternnamen," to whichi le refers, pp. 213, 226, for the former; and p. 187 for the latter.] - [And hence,] &lj signifies also A ruler, or governor, (.,K ,) or prince, or commander, (Mqb,) who mnanages, conducts, orders, or regula.tes, the affairs of a people: (Msb, g :) and a 7l-j ruler, or governor, of himself: (TA:) p!. and eja&j, (1g,) but it is said that the former is mostly used as meaning rulers, or governors, and the latter as pl. of &l in relation to sheep or goats [or the like], (TA,) and L,. and --. (15.) It is said in a trad., 0l .> f1CL governor, d..j [Evry one of you is a ruler, or aad eery oneof you shall be questioned respecting those, or that, of which he is ruler or gomnor]: such is the man in respect of his family, and ii respect of the property of his father; and the servant in repect of the property of his master; and the wife is a 3Itj in respect of the house, or tent, of her husband: and every one of thes shall (Elbe questioned respecting his, or her, a. JAmi' e~agheer of Fa-Suyootee.) And one says, i J.J [Th rled, or goernd, ? elb . is not like tae ruler, or gorernor]. (..) - In the , resaying of EI-Karkhee, t a.ui l ; ', l lating to [carrier-] pigeons, it is from L&L4 signifying 'Ujl; [the saying meaning He sold birds on gthe condition of their being such as mould e. faithful to their charge;] for pigeons in Eland Syria are bought for high prices, and 'Ira sent from distant points with letters of informations, and convey them, and bring back replies to them. (Mgh, JM.) Is [ferm. of

[Boor I.

.a jI, though by rule it inf. n. pasnonate; from %4i n

should be formed from an unaugmented verb and accord. to many of the grammarians: primary hence, being nearly syn. with J;1 in the sense, syn. with this latter, or nearly so, in a jog J1 . dHt , LLb ,l secondary sense]. You say, . [app. meaning t This affair is more, uA .if or most, easy and convenient to me]. (TA.) ;,j1 The yoke that is placed upon the necksof the two bulls employed in ploughing ; (AA, 8gh, 1, TA;) of the dial. of Azd-Shanoo-ah. (TA.)
92 ' 91 e#1

0l [app. More, and most, merciful or com- &c.,) e.. e....

%;1&: see 3.t

: see what next follows.

'&0 and

Wa3 (Fr, $, ISd, 1) and 3,

and sometimes without teshdeed, (1,) (ISd, i,) the first without teshdeed mentioned by $gh on the authority of Fr, (TA,) and Vt' 3 (, 15) as from Fr) and ' .as'9 (Sgh, (Sgh () (1) A man who 1) and *?tf, and or tending, or of of keeping act the well performs pasturing or feeding, camrnels: (., 1:) or whos habitual ~rk, or occupation, or the habitual work, or occupation, of whosefathers, is, or ha benn, the tending, or pasturing, ofcamels: (ISd, ] :) or who is a good Aeker afler Aerbagefor the cattle. (ISd, TA.) and V't~ ,

, see what next precedes.

- -,]~.) And . an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. ( A pasturage, or placeof pasture; (S, 1 ;) as also (TA.) [Hence,] ' 3^.: (Sgh, ]4:) pl. j.

, (Mosb, TA,) aor. :, (:, TA,) and L. M; ($, M,b) k' (.; A,* Mgh, 1) and (Mgh, Msb, 15) and m, (I.) and and , -; (A,' Myb) and ." (MSb) and .W, (A, . MCb,) lic desired it, or wished for it; (, A, 1 . ($, 1.) Mgih,, K ;) as also ,i V w.a and :- [I C and 1 &j ic You aay, ," hare not any desire, or wish, for it]. (A.) And i. e. The fearing tAee is J, betterthan the loving thee; IJL& being an in. n. prefixed to an objective complement; and so .?Jl: and said to mean, thy being given a thing through fear of thee is better than through j.. 00. 0 5; -- 0 ;J. .p,'.". desire: a prov., similar to Z (Meyd. [Freytag explains it otherwise: see his , lie did not Arab. Prov. i. 542.])- _ . Mgh, Mqb, ] ;) (S, A, desire it, or wish for it; from it; abtained it; or avoided, ie shunned, (S, TA;) or left it, relinquished it, or forsook it, (JK, S, TA,) intentionally. (JK, TA.) -.. kj (TA) !1, inf. n. '.A (K) and ,.1j and ()10 and ,; (Mgh, 5) and and u. and h, (A,* 1) and /; (Mgh, TA) and U, (15,) He ae and o.j) and jye; and petition to himn, addreed a petition to him, ashed him, petitioned him, souglht of him, or dmanded prayed to him, or supplicated ofhim: (TA:) or she him, with humility or abasement, or with sincerity or earnestness or energy: or he humbled, or abased, himself, and made petition to him. (1, jJ1- ;He s A, TA.) You say, 1. made petition to such a one, petitioned him, or asked him, for such a thing. (TA.) And Jl ,.. , *g .,Ai ;I0To God I humble, or abase, myself, and Qt make petition; syn. 1: and And (A.) [ToI imIraise myhumble petition].
.. ..



JW eJ v ;ti., ,j ;o


, [Do not "1A

Also a subet. formed from

the latter word by the affix 5; like %e, from is the ] ee lj, third sentence.-... .1l name of A certain bird: (TA:) [and] so is .Oll Zalj; (TA, and thus in some copiea of the 1g ;) thus correctly written, as in the Tekmileh; in [some of] the copies of the ig, J,m.Jl a1,1; [perhaps the same as the former bird;] a yellow bird, that isfound beneath the bellies oh arms or similar beas^t thus in the Tekmileh; said by ISh to be a small bird lihe the sparrow, that alights benmath the bellies of the horses and other beasts, yellow, as though its neck and wings rere tinged with saffron, its back having upon it a dingijness, or duskine, and blackne, it head being yellow, [or tail] being neither long nor and it Jj t short; accord. to 8gh, also called ~).JI V.j. (TA [thus written without any syll. signs: if applying to the species in the manner of a coil., perhaps a mistransecription for ~,JI s&j].)

thou ave uncared for a young woman nor a pasturage, for there are persons that seek, or endeavour, to find and get each]: a prov. enjoining the availing oneself of an opportunity, and the setting about an affair with prudence, discretion, precaution, or sound judgment. (Meyd.) - See also ` &, in three places. 31wm: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places. a .~[Kept, or tended; pastured, orfed: kept, guarded, or minded: and] ruled, or governed; as in an ex. above, voce lj, last sentence but one. (TA.)

God; (not of a creatiure;) and petition,.&c., See should be to flim]. (Lth, TA in art. ,.Sj.) also another ex. in a verse cited voce d . &_L, . .kj [lit He made himslf to be not desirots of, or to shun, or abstain from, or leave, him, or it; the ,.o having the same effect as in d. r. &c.; and hence,] he held himself above, or superior to, him, or it. (Ig.) And j I." Co ;O~k I made such a one to shun, abstain from, or leav, this, disliking it for him. (MF.) t It (anytling) was, or became, wide, or 0 ample. (TA. [See also 6.]) You say, ,.j () and and . -9, aor. ;, inf. n. ,J

J. 41



[Fearshould be of

1. W.] aor. -, in. n.

.Aj (JK,TA) and

0t.J (JK) [and app. ,jc &e. as in the next sentence but one], He desired a thing [app. in an absolute sense, agreeably with what follows in the next sentence but one: and also,] vehemently, eagerly, greedily, very reedily, with avidity, eces~iely, or culpably; he coveted a thing, lhuted after it. (TA.) ,.A.I % for it, or 1Th corw l~ S_4l 40;, and %,:J1 Ll; hoping largdly, and deiring [coust] he mean~ mntnm~ of hoaris , (I, TA,) and the first A Mgh, Mgb, 1, , (, A, ' much. (TA.) marks thereof (TA.)

as large and wide, ahT,, (TA,) t 'he valley taking, or receiving, much water. (K,* TA.) 0 *' -,. 'as And ,bj'9l ., inf. n. ".; [&c.], $ The land was soft ($, TA) and wi(le, with even, or sandy, soil: (TA:) or ($, TA) took much water; (TA;) wasQ such as would notflow unless in conseq,ence of -, inf. n. much rain. (g, TA.)-And [hence,] TA,) t lie was, or ,.4 (., 15') and .. j, (1,* became, voracious, a great eater; (15, TA;) vcry gredy, or gluttonous; ($, 1S, TA;) vhsmentl,, ecesivdy, or culpably, desirous of rworldly goods, and one who made himself to be large, or abundant, therein: or as some say, large in his Aope,

Booz I.] and desrous of much. (TA.) Accord. to the T 5Q'1 .Jj signifies t Voracity: and J alone, as occurring in a trad., is explained a* meaning capaciousne.s of the belly, and voracity r.t (TA.) And 1 v, inf. n. 4 :,le maJ or became, liberal, or bountiful, and large iiD opinion orjudgment. (A.)



[And when porerty. befalls thee, then hope thou ) or competence, and to Him n,,ho gives large gifts humble thyself, and make petition]. (g,* TA.) And A large recompenu thatone deJires to obtain [in the wrorld to come] by prayer: (El-Kiliibee, TA :) or that which is wishedfor by one who has (ISk, , K, TA.) large hope and who desires much: whence the 4-A t WVide, or ample; applied in this sense prayer called l4l iJ.. [generally said to be 4 2. )Stj, [inf.n. 4.J,] He mad to a watering-troutgh or tank, and to a skin for a supererogatory prayer]. (TA.) him to desire, or nish.for, a thing; (S, MA, K;* ) water or milk, (S, TA,) &c.: pl. Ui& (TA) and I I4~JIl, like _.ZtII (JK, 1) and , s,,1, as also de t '4,l. (S,K :') both signify thu e iJ. (L in art. .i.) You say also Je; (TA,) WVhat is called the ; 1 Qj of the liver. same. (S.) You sny, 4.. ) [I madi t A 7ride road: pi. (TA.) And i 5 (JK, K.) him to desire, or wishfor, his conmanionship] t is4l, tA wvide, or an ample, place. (TA.)) 9.(A.) And 4, inf. n. ~. Very, or intensely, or ecceedingly, desirous (IAar, TA; And t ,t1 t A rride valley; (TA;) [and] so and 1 ,Jj; (TA;) lie gave him hnat he desired of much eating. (M 9 b.) [See also j.] L oi (JK:) or *a uide valley, that takes or wiskedfor. (lAir, TA.)-[,, is also said bv c;) f4.t Desiring, or wishing; (V;) [as in the Golius to signify Cupitit anide et expetirit; ae mnuck waUter; as also i; (AHn, 1;) contr. of on the authority of the KL: but this signification I cj ?j. (TA.) And at) 3-ah tA wide phrase I,iS ~_ ,1 desiring, or wnihing for, is not in my copy of thlat work, nor do I find it wound injlicted writh a tspear or the like. (TA.) such a thing;] and so Vt';. (TA.) in any other lexicon.] And J .t A wide stord, tJat inflicts a ".4. [A place, or time, of desire or rish: [3. yL is said by Golius, as on the nutlhority large troundl (TA.)_tA man, or other animal, and hence, an object thereol]. You say, ;L. of the KL, and by Freytag after him, to signify (]K,) having a capacious inside, or belly: (S, g(:) 4.u ~.,ALoUi [app. meaning lie demanded a Cupidilatem monstravit: but it is not mentione(d pl. ,ILW. (TA.) - t Voraciou; a great eater: woman in marriage, and attained the object of in any sense in my copy of the KL, nor have I (A, K: [but accord. to the former, not tropical in found it in any other lexicon.] thlis sense:]) detirous of muchs eating: (Msb:) desire]. (A.) tvy greedy, or gluttonous: (, Ji: [see also > .. ! Pomesing competene or sivficienryl; 4: see 2. - [;4 . I app. significs also Hie made e a:]) vrehemently, excesively, or culpably, rich, or wealthy; (XC, TA;) possessing much it wide, or ample. - And hence,] b;.J '.Xit .JJa#.1 desirous of worldly goods; and one rrho makes property. (JK, TA.) means t May God 0enlarqe thy power, and make himself to be large, or abundant, therein: or its steps to extendfai.. (A, TA.) see large in his hopes, and desirous of much: (TA:) 6. ' t a man who is a great eater; *A!p Thtey vied, one wvith anothe,., in and b _ ; [' Desired, or wished for.__ desiring it; or they desired it with emulation; (TA;) or capacious in the inside, or bely, and a great eater: (JK:) and J syn. ' 1..J.. d1 (A and TA in art. a belly that , Not desired, &c._ Petitioned, 143I l t The place nas, or became, n'ide, wdevours much. (Ham p.418.)- ajl A1; &c.: see an ex. voce *] oe ample. (TA. [See also .]) (T and A and TA in art. You .j,) and y ao , U,l; Ij.b J j.~u3 To him are allowed, or 8: see 1, third sentence. (A in thlat art,) t He is not content but with permitted, such and such things; like 1 and much; contr. of ,JI .r (T and A in that ace: sce second sentence. ,,.i-.. (TA in art ,na..) art.,) and of 'i. io an. (A in tlaet art.) %k: see ,Ak, and " ; with both of whiichi ~Jb' [lit. Causes of desire; sing., if used, it is synonymous. - It is also a p). of the latter, [k?*jl $,&j has a differcnt mcaning: see art. "t a1,, a word of the same class as and (L in art. iw,) and of .4. (TA.) c]-- 4~JI $ vsi (S, in a copy of the 'A... &c.: and hence,] things that are eagerly A and in the TA _aJd,) A horse of wide step, a14, A desire, or wish.: pl. 1;. (Mgh, Mob.) Chiat takes a large space of ground (A, TA) with desired, or coveted; syn. "lIb [which also signifies soldiers' stipends, or o//owance]: (TA:) and Hence, 1,Al Zjt %-U [The desires, or wislhes, his legs: pl. .,Ak. (TA.) ' 1, tihe (TA) things tiat are desired to be gainedfor of the people, or of mankind, became few]. latter word being lie pl. form, t Camels yielding subsistence, or sustenance; i.q. e.. , J ; Ja. a copiouj supply of milk, and very piofitable. (Mgl.) -Sec also a (K, TA. [In the C.K, the formne;of the two nouns (IAth, TA) And t Many camels. (TA.) , in this explanation is ;#,p : in two Mg. 0._J.aand t $Jm t A heavy load. (TA.) copies of the K, it is without the syll. sigins: the ;~je,, an epithet applied to n man, [signifying aie) A thing desired, or wishedfor; (Ti;) as right reading is evidently .,#- , syn. with One who makes petition; trho asks, petitions, ; : Freytag renders the explanation persona iJj: (tam p. 501:) a thing of high seeks, or demands: or who prays, or suppilicates, also t1 qua in rebut qutea spectant ad vietum perturbatte with humility or abasement, or with sincerity or account or estimation; that i desired, or wsed et anxia sunt; deriving this meaning from the earnestnew or energy: or nrho humbles, or abases, for: pI. ;tL;.-(A,M l.) You say, ra a 1, rendering in the TX: Golius, with a neat' ap. himsel, and makes petition: originally an inf. n. a@JJ), i. i. . [Verily he is a liberal giver] of i,roach to correctness, renders it res ad stsrtenof ih %-; or] from 14II. (6, TA. [In one everything that is desired. (TA.) [And ( :; tandamn vitam necctriae; but !4e has given this copy of the former erroneously written . has a similar meaning; for] you say also, o l explanation as on the authority'of J, by whilom ~?~ tMg deire,^oihdfr;(. )a in another, . j; and in another, omitted.]) hims1 , i. e. I obtainedfrom him abundance it is not mentioned; and has put 1 ... for of wrhat I desired. (TA.)-A large gift: (S, L1., The [knot caUed] l-j *` of a sandal; Mgh, Msb, ;:) pt. as above. (s, Mgh, Mob.) (V;) i. e. tho knot beneath the [appertenance A poet (En-Nemir Ibn-Towlab, TA) says,

r, y

, , I (A'Obeyd, lSk, S, g) and 1V (O) tLand that is soft, (A'Obeyd., k, TA,: and wide, uwith even, or sandy, soil: (K, TA:) oir ( 5, TA) that takes much nater; (TA;) thait ($, wiU not flow unles in consequence of much rain,






[which passes through the sole and

between two of the toes, and to which the 0J"p, also called #GJ, is attached[. (TA.) Bk. I.

A a

it1 TU.lJ,



-See -;S.



sentence._ Also tA large, big, bulky, or corpulent, man. (JK.) 149

1112 and Z in the A], thus, a verne: I1 1

A - . . , - -

[Booz'l. he was angry, and would not answer. (V.)AI [in t He ,vat sick, not severely affected (~ -. , 1]), (L, V,) but suffering deprtsthe C sion: (j :) or he shoaed himself to be depressed, (JK, L,) writhout emaciation, (JK,) or by emaciation: (L:) and he was oppresd by sickness beyond his power of endurance: (L:) or he began to suffer pain, and exhibited an extenuated state of the belly, and dryness, and languor. (Enalso signifies t Languidnes, Nadr.) - .1).lj the eye, and the ear, and the in or n.eaknes, sight. (JK.) Q. Q. 3. s;jI [a verb app. sJn. with j in

- -r A (Tl;) and Vt ,,Ij; ( ;) said of a kid, (Q, A,) [More woracious than a hackney-mare that is [and app. of a lamb, (see 4,) or of any young is applied to a woman as A, ] ;) namely, his sucked]: and t animal,] He tucked her; (1?, . is . j. pl. of the suckling: meaning mother. (1, A.) - lence, in a trad., J. ; -(TA.)-Also A child, or young one, that u suckled; a suckling. (TA.) him) Apostle of God (may God bleu and #sae :-k.: see the next preceding paragraph, in hat departed from the world, and ye suck the places. - Also t Possessing much property. two swerts of it]; meaning the world; i. e. ;''3. (JK.) (TA.) - [Henee also,] ,tll a;) t The people, or men, asked, or begged, of him so much that all but said in .. [[written in the JK :t;, that he had passed away. (TA.) And J;, (El- the ] to be. like ,-~,] The part, of the finger, K, g,) inf. o.. i, (JK,) t;He (a which is the place of the signet-ring. (CK.) Abmar, JK, man) was askhed of, or begged of, so much that -Z5A5: see its fem. above, voce !.A all that he had became exhausted. (EI.Abmar, of, so much or begged asked of, man t A [Hence,] Q, or 1-t said of a JK, g)- )_,-. (C,) thlat all that he had is exhausted. (kE-Ahmar, woman, (TA,) He, (],) or she, (TA,) had a JK, , A, ].) And t Possessing little property. complaint of, or a pain in, the .1;X. (g, TA.) [His possesions are i :jlg Uj.. i; l e thrust,pierced, stuck, or stabbed, him (JK.) And(A.) exhauted. [See also time after tinme; and so Vt I. (. the latter below.])

1. 1;SS, ($, A, g,)

aor. i, (Q,)in n. JU;;

an intensire sense;] of the measure jLj! from .,iI [inf n. of ;]. (]g.) Its J is augmentative; and therefore it should not be mentioned independently as it is in the 1. (TA.) -j4, applied to property, or water, or life, or herbage, Plentiful; that does not caus one fatigue. (L.) [Being originally an inf. n., it is used without variation as a maze. and fem. and sing. and pl. epithet; as also t*j.] You say

e and t



(A, C

(M8, Msb, ,) aor. -, (Myb, V,) inf. n. Msb) and t .V , (Lb, TA,) and t .s; U.~, .-.m, as seems to be indicated in (A,) Life that is ample in its means or circum(Msb) [and suckled him; (~, ,;) namely, her young one. (v.) said that the verb is like being 1 by its the stances, unstraitened, or plentiful, (Lh, A, M9b,) *l .He thrust, pierced, stuck, See also _ aor. ', (Msb, g,) inf. n. and easy, (Lbh,* Msb,) and pleasant. (A, Myb.) g,) , (8, Msb, and JA or stabbed, him in his 015. (.)_ - See also 1, 'li.j; (Mlb;) It (one's life) was, or became, And .t; and ; A mode of life ample in k' last signification. ample in its means or circumstances,unstraitened, its means or circumstances, unstraitened, or 8: see 1, first signification. or plentiful, (, Msb, V1,) and easy, (Msb,) and plentiful, [and eany,] and pleasant. (S, A, 1.) 'ij And t app.,] 454i (JK,) and pleasant. (8, 15.) -[Hence, .##, (A, L, ],) or ;, s: ee what next follows. ' &..A [Such a one is striving, labour- t .;, '~, (A, L, K,) or . L, (JK,) People, :'C A certain duIct (j,) in the breast, or 1 1 ing, or toiling, in his affair:] he Uill not flag, or and women, in a state of life ample in its means mamma, (., I,) that emits the milk: ( :) or a [In the JK, Lj.'j, aor. or circumtances, &c.; (JK, A, I.;) or having be remiss. (JK.) certain sinew, or tendon, (3& ,) beneath the ,.4, is mentioned immediately after an explana- abundance of herbage, or of the goods, con) sometimes breast, or mamma: (ISk, T, ] :, tion of 3,ej, app. to indicate that it signifies We enimnces, or comforts, of life, and having camels written* , '1: (Fr, T, TA:) or the Jl56; [dual abounding with milk. (L) prepared, or we ate, ;o-.] are the two sinews, or tendons, that are of ,t] (M;b.) You say, , an of ,i. 4. 1 kjl They became in a state of life ample beneath the two breasts, or mamma: or what in a state of life amniple ;~ He is %.!,.> ;v are betrween the two shoulderjoints and the two in its meant or circumstances, unstraitened, or loreasts, next the arm-pit: (TA:) or tnwo portions plentiful; (8, A;) they had abundance of herb- in its means or circumstances, unitraitened, or of flesh, (JK,) or two small portions of Jleh, age, or of the goods, conreniences, or comforts, of plentiful, (A, Msb,) [and easy,] and pleasant. 1.; God made their (A.) - See also J.;, in five places. (TA,) beteweea the 4~"[q. v.], and the swhoulder- life. (., K.) -- ; . 1 hl joint, (JK, TA,) on either tide of the chest: life to be ample in its means or circumstances, , and its fem., with : sce e.. (TA:) or the blackness [app. meaning the areola] unstraitened,or plentiful, [andeasy,] andpleatant. of each of the two breasts. (TA.) .l.s tI They left their cattle (A.) - And *;' Fresh inilk, which is boiled, and upon g.) pleased. (., where they by themselves, to pasture nwhich some flour is sprinkled, (JK, 8, K,) then ZLand that does not flow with tater J! e dates are mixed therewith, (JK,) or then it is. 10. .i .1 J.% ,I Ie found life to be ample in except (,! [but this word is omitted in the TA]) mixed and stirredaboutt, (S,) and it is licked up: firom much rain: (JK, 1I:) [i.e., that sucks in its means or circunutances,unstraitened,or plenti- (S,.K:) and also remains of milk: (JK:) or the rain-water, and does not cause it to flow upon ful, [and easy,] and pleasant. (Har p. 657.) fi.esh butter: (Msb:) or a piece, or portion, of its surface, except nwhen it is copious.] [Alight thou fresh butter: (A:.) pl. O5j. (JK, A.) You say, " One says, ueaJl ,Any female suckling; (JK, , ;) as where life is found to be ample in its means l. or one says Z,-j ; and &c.]. (A.) .,: (:) aso . mcanihg [Security in the state of life that is (S, K, TA,) amnple in its means or circumstances, &c., is (?, TA,) inf. n. ;l;!, 11. ;j, ji:j, meaning particularly a ere uckling: but [the inf. n.] t,I,,;1l has been nsed in relation to It (milk) became commingled, one part with sweeter than the dates called ,W] with some the she-camel: or )j) applied to a ;A means another, but not yet completely thickened. (8, f,.esh butter. (A.) only that has brought forth: (TA:) and one TA.) And in like manner, It (anything) became commingled, or confused, one part with another. :1o~ i. q. l"~j [q. v.]; ( ;) [i. c.] Tf;at is i.,5, meaning [a hackney-mare] says Z; (., 5,0 TA.) - t- He becanme [confused, or] in taken forth from wheat, and thrown away. (~, TA;) and that doubt, in his opinion, or judgment, not hnowing that is suched, i. q. t ; (JK.) scarcely ever raises her head from the manger: how to utter it. (g.) - t He slept withoutfully >0l [whence] it is said in a prov., Z; q.ljsl satitfying his dronwsiness, (f, TA,) so that he see ,j. ,; [lThe most roracious of beasts is a hackney- awoke heavy. (TA.) - t He wtas angry, and ,: ;J *nare that is sucked]: or, as J gives it [in the 8, changed in colour by reason of anger: (TA:) or 1 1
she-goat alo, (see 1,) or of any female,] She

4. :gI,

said of a ewe, (?,) [and app. of a

1. ;,



Boox I.]
;id.9 [A plate aboundin, with herbage;] a medow, or a garden; syn. %jh. (L.) See also
-- 5-


1. h;, (JK, O, Mb,) aor. 'a, (O, Msb,) inf. n. jW,, (JK, O, Mhb, 1,) He collected together (JK,O, Msb, ]K) clay, (JK, 0, K],) or dough, (Msb,O, ]1,) making it into a compact mass, (JK, O, K.,) or making it round (Mpb) [and flat, but not thin, or not very thin], with his hand. (Msb, O, K1..) .. l j, (JK, O , 1K,) aor. as above, (0, 1,) and so the inf. n., (JK, 0O,) He put into the camel's mouth, by mouthfuls, seeds (1), and flour, (JK, 0, ],) and the like. (0, 15.) 4. L1jI He looked sha1ply, or intently, or attentively; (JK, O,1;) 9I [at him, or it]; (TK;) said of a man and of a lion. (O.) - And lie hastened, made haste, or sped, in going, journeying, or pace. (K.)

),, part. n. of 11. (L, 1.) Milk [that has become commingled, one part with another, but] not yet completely thickened. (L.) [And in like manner, Anything that has become commingled, or confused, one part with another.] - tOne soho is [confused, or] in doubt, in his opinion, or judgment, (JK, S, K],) not knowing how to utter it. ( -,[.)_[For its other meanings, see the verb.]

1. ' a../;, aor.:, inf. n. God blesed, G, or prostered, him, and made him to increase and multiply: God mnade his property to increase and multiply. (TA.) You say, X "--i #U3 lylS Tkey werefew, and God multipliedand increased then: and in like manner one says of _ [or grounds of pretension to respect], &c. (, TA.) And X' n '., (El-Umawee, ?, K,) and I.JJ, (TA,) aor. as above, (R,) God multiplied to him his property, (El-Umawee, 1,) and n, his ofspring, (TA,) and blessed him tlerein; (ElUmawee, 8, ;') as also ' t. I, (K,) and 1.0j. (TA.)

syn. properly as well as tropically,] in three places. - [Hence,] 2:.v, (1!,) inr. n., 2; (JK, TA;) and tV-J ; (so in the JK; [perbaps a mistranscription for "s4 ;]) t I did a thing against his will: (JK, 1], TA:) or, so as to aunger him; and vered him. (TA.) - [And t I mode him to do a thing against his wiUl; foreedhim to do a thing: for],jl is also syn. with >l; (IAqr, 15, TA;) in some copies of the 15 erroneously written Ji,. (TA.) And 4 . and .; aor.:, (19,) in. n. .kL (TA) [and app. and 0 .- * I and as uh., seems to be indicated in the 15], I ie disliked it, disapproved it, or hated it. (1, TA.) You say, '~ . 'i S I dislike not, &c., of it, anything. (JK, TA.) And up l idJI ; SThe pasturing beasts disliked, &c., the pasture. (TA.) - See also 2. [And see ,e",below.]

%A~; A round cake (MA, KL) of bread, 2: see 4, in three places. - , (JK, M, ]1,) (S, MA, Mgh, KL,) such as is thick, or not thin, inf. n. *, (K.,) also signifies Ile said to him (MA,) the contr. of such as is termed jij;; 4 (Mgh;) [generallyabout a span, or les, in midth, j; (JK; [see.,; below;]) or L ;j ; so and from half an inch to an inch in thickhneu;] in the g; but in the M, t j J: (TA:) and of the measure ,jo in the sense of the measure ' ,;, in n. .. , [in like manner,] he said to


(Msb,) from ;j as expl. in the first him ;

sentence above: (JK, O, M 9 b, ] :) pl. [of pauc.] JA1. (8, O, Msb, ]O) and {of mult.] Uj (JK, 4: see the last sentence above. S, MA, Mgh, Msb, 1K) and Uj (JK, 0, O, M,b) and j.i and *t `3]; (JK, O,g;) the last j. Inrease: (?,1]:) abundance: (TA:) anomalous, (TK,) mentioned by Ibn-'Abbid. (0.) wealth, or property; or much !wealth or Fproperty; or good fortune, prosperity, nelfare, wellbeing, see what next precedes. or weal; syn. ..(, K.) El-'Ajj6j says, [This art. is wanting in the copies of the L and a I TA to which I have had access.]

: or he did with him that which made his 't* J .5 -, nose to cleave to the earth, or dust, ( 1. %.,) and that which abased him. (yIam p. 97.)
3. a.kl! signifies The breahing offfrom, or quitting, another in anger: ($, ]1, TA:) and the cutting off another from fr.iendly, or loving, communion; cutting one, or ceasing to speak to him; or forsaking, abandoning, deserting, or shunning or avoiding, one: and the becoming alienated, or estranged; or the going, removing, retiring, or withdrawing, to a distance,faraway, or far off, one from another: (KC, TA:) [or] ..k1j signifies t Ie left, forsook, abandoned, or relinquished, him, or useparated himselffrom him, against his [the latter's] wish: (Mgh:) or he brohe off from him, or quitted him, in anger: (Myb:) and itl ?.AjI I He cut off his family from loving communion, or forsook them, or desrted them, against thdeir wish. (TA.) It is said in a trad., ;l1 .s Js w..s . ,.., i. e. ! lie will assuredly break off in anger from his Lord [if he cause his trwo parents to enter the fire of lieU]. (TA.) And you say, O i;tj 1Such a one retired apart from his people, or party; or disagreed with them; or opposed themn; (;, 15,' TA;) and rent forth from them; (?,TA;) and cut them off from friendly, or loving, communion; orforsook them; and treated them, or regarded tihem, with enmity, or hostility. (15, TA.) - And t i t Such a one dos not want, need, or require, and is not unable to attain, anything. (JK, TA.)


Quasi '.UJ [app. meaning, A hhaleefch who ruled without evil, a prosperous prince, ofprosperous origin]: r*J is syn. with j.i. (a.)Also A beneft, favour, boon, or blessing; syn. *^;!: (s:) or amplenss, or largeness, therein: (TA:) pl. j!: seeQ. Q. -3in art kj.

1L ~.i;l,..;, [and, as will be seen from what followb,,;i, and v, inf. n..~; and ,] and His nose clave to the .t; [i. e. earth, or dust]. (TA.) - [Hence,] J ;l .t, aor. ', inf. n... [&c. as above]; and , aor. :; [and .. ;, aor. ;] t He tyas, or becanme, abasd, or humble, ,orsubmissire; as though his nose clave to the 'aUt by reason of abasement &c. (Mob.) And .l'. , and .;, (, g,) and .. , (EI-Hejeree, l,) in. n. . and anA ,5., (S,) [and app. also, as seems to be indicated in the $ and TA,] S My noe [meaning my pride] wras, or became, abased, or humbled, to God, against my will; (15, TA;) i.e. *' [to his command]. (TA.)


,kr*: see the next paragraph.

0 .i One who nakes himself to have a plentiful and pleasant and easy life; (Ibn-'Abbld, ?gh, 1 ;) as also with ,. (TA.) - A plntiful state of life; as also *p, , (",) in the saying
>, ,.r. , ., [They are in a plentiffi state of lf]. (TA.)


tL&.. :Blused; prospered; fortunate: (1,* TA :)' applied to a man, blessed, or prospard; (TA;) abounding in wealth or property; (1, TA;) fortunate, or poressed of good fortunc: a *j t [Such a one is, (TA:) and, applied to a face, bleued and fortu- Annd*6 4. ` 1 [He cast it upon tAtclt, i. e. earth, or nate; @(;) or checrful and fortunate. (TA.) or has been, abased, or humbled]. (TA.) -And dust: and he mnade it to cleave to the earth, or You say also, ' a'r tile has a j* 1TA,) aor. :, inf. n._,; [ . dust]. You say, 4J , .r!, LJJJI l He cast the bleed, orfortunate,foreloch. (TA.)-And with as above], (JK,) t Such a onc was unable to morsl from his mouth upon the earth, or dust. 5, applied to a woman, (Lth, 4V,) and to a ewe, obtain hi right, or due; (JK, P, TA;) as also (TA.) And it is said in a tiad. of 'Aisheh, reor she-goat, (TA,) Prolific; hading numerous AsA.t.,^: the part. m. is vf1J. (gar p. 89.) specting the material for dyeing the hair, and the ofspring. (Lth, 1V, TA.) _e- as a trans v.: see 4, [with which it is app. hands of women, j. 41 [Wipe tAou it off 140*




[BooK I.

him, or tad~e him, to do that from rwhich he was .;At not able to hold back, or that which he could not t4.: refuse to dlo, or that which he could not resist

la.j. t A woman who angers her husband. ; 1e;lA, [or.,3l, in the TA without the vowel(K, TA.) sign,] occurring in a trad., means t In ordet that he may become humble and abased, and the pride .. l.., (., Mgh, K, TA)' and t. (JK, TA) of the Devil may goforthfrom him. (Mgh, TA.) and t*., (JK,) thus accord. to one reading in the him: (TA in art. .,k :) and 1 tHe ras See also0.:;. Kllr iv. 101, (Ksh,) or e, , (TA, [perhaps a abasd, or humbled, or rendered submissive: . , ,_c: see thle next paragrgraph above, in six mistranscription,]) t A road by the travelling of (llnam p. 617 :) and J'-)I 4 Tt j ;, inf. n. which one leavew, or separates ljimselif.fiom, hii places. peopkl, against their wrish, or so as to. displease t God abased, or may God abase, the noses them: (Kth and Bd in iv. 101:) and a placs to .A: sce-.t, in three places. ly means of him, or it. (.ar p. 369.) [t ., nwhich one emigrates: (Zj and Ksil and Jel ibid.:) also, signifies t sle abased him, humblel him, or ;otA ;l. A sheep, or goat, having tpon the or a place to which one shirft, remores, or becomes rende,red him submissire: you say,] eS t I& Ii exztremity of its nose a ,vhiteness, (JK, K,) or a transferred: (Bd ibid.:) or a may by which one t Thiis is an abasing, or a humbling, to hinm: colour diTel'ent from that of the rest of its goes or goes anay: (Fr, J K, ., K :) and a place (M.hb:) and 0 t l, eIJ (occurring in a to which one .flees; a place of ref,ige: (Fr, ., body. (.i.) trad(l., TA) means t Fo;r the abasing, or hunmblinpg, Migh, .K:) and i. q. ,;j [menning a place in Ot*j: see the next following paragraph. of the dIevil. (Mgh.) - And 'Jl tile u,yged which one goes to and fro sekin.q the means qf Earth, or dust; ($, Msb, 1K ;) as also (1 Aar, K:) [or] soft earth or dust, (K, TA,) but not fine: (TA:) or fine earth or dust: (AA, TA:) or and mirxed with earth or dust: (K:) or sand such as does not flow .from the hand: (As, TA:) or, as IB says on the authliority of AA, sand titat dazzles the sight; as also ? tkl; which latter, accord. to the 1I, is the name of a certain tract of sands. (TA.) s.bsistence: see art. .. ']: (Fr, Ja, , g :) and afortrcu, orfortifjed place; syn. O^. (IAar, K.) It is said in the ]iur, [iv. 101, of llim who emigrates for the cause of God's religion], l,,b 1 sy9I u) [He shall find in the earth many a road &c.]. (S, TA.) And a poet says,
* it . .i

from thy hand, or hands, and cast it upon the earth, or dust]. (S. [There said to be from the phraseo hero next following.]) You say also, _,, dil Jle, (i. e. God, JK, 8,) or it, (i. e. abasement, or ullmility, or submimiveness, 1, TA,*) made his nose to cleave to the .aL,, or dust; (J K,* ., TA;) [or may He (i. e. God) make his nose to cleave to tie earth, or dust;] ;nd t,Ai A'il signifies the same [app. in this (the proper) sense, as well as in that next following]. (Mgh, TA.) - And [hence] the former of these two phr&ases means Ile (i. e. God, Msb) abased him, l/urbled him, or rendered him submissive, (Msb, TA,) against his will; (TA;) [or may He abase him, &c. ;] and so t the latter of the same two phrases: and the former, t Hle angered him; likewise said of God; (Ijam p. 551;) and so LIl alone; (K1,TA;) like a,I; (TA;) or both signify the did evil to him, land angered

I eentfo,t abasement to the

believers in & plurality of gods, [or] by rrason of dislike or disapproval [of their state; agreeably with the expla1 ination next following]. (TA.) _ ;,, and t j1 (Mblb, K, TA) and t,,s and t* r (K, TA) also sig,nify I Dislike, disapproval, or hatred. (Mbl, K, TA.) You say, LtC ; or t L or
tUL, (TA,) and.S; ois )

its pl.:] you say,



(Har p. 3m.)
And t Dit

And.,li is used as an imitative sequent thereto.

Also t Angty.

liking, disapproving, or hating. (TA.)t Flecing. (TA.)

a': see.;j, first sentence: ~


and see also

oli;: := and.ptlr. : see .ist first sentence.

(ISh, TA,) and

. ;,

and a,l

k~' (TA,) and f.l4; u.i (Msb,) and il;


and ,a1l t1.,

.~iL 1

(S,) i. c. I [lle did it against his nwis; in spite

of him; or] notwithstanding his dislike, or dis.
approval, or hatred. (Msb, TA.) . .

4itk.: see Lj, in five places: - and see also , Also A ccrtain game nf tlhe Arabs. (g.) :=. ,..: see the next paragrapll but one.

doinig. (JK, TA, and IHam p. 97, from Kb.)_

See also 3.

0. pj t lie blecame angered, or angry, (., K, TA,) wvith speech, and otherrwise: (TA :) and sometimes it occurs with j [i.e..Aj3]. (., TA.) Hence the saying of El-golei-ah, [app. describing a she-camcl,]

.';. a1


A ' '' .l ao

4.j A thing that one desires, or seekhs; (JK,

K;) as also t.



:;.: (TA:) so in the saying, [To a country not tear in respect of the place of (TA) [I alighting, remote in respect of the road &c. and have a thing t/tat I desire, or seek, to obtainfrom qf the region in wrtich people go to and fro sehk[7'hou sest between her two jaws, when slte is such a one]. ing the means of subsistence]. (Zj, TA.) angered,foam like the web of the spider stretched out]. (TA.) _ See also 1. The nose; as also t and t , _.S_: see the next preceding paragraph.

6; ; 6.i .

(JK, TA) and '.;

j and ; and t'2 are inf. ns. of_j and , said of the nose; and t i,,.,, is syn. therewith; (.R;) as is also V .. (TA.) One says to another, [by way of imprecation,] L,j [fur L,Ai l ,,AJ i May thy nose cleave fast to the earth, or dust; meant to be understood in the proper sense, or in a tropical sense explained by what follows]; (JK, M, !~;) and [sometimes] 1.) is added, (M,) which is an imitative sequent to ltj. (1K in art. ,Aj.) And .. 6l?l ehS and t *JI. [JMay cleaving to the earth, or dust, befaU hi nose; which may likewise be meant to be understood properly, or tropically]. (TA.) [Hlenee,] the first also signifies, (IAir, I~, TA,) and so Vthe second, (Mgh,) and tV 4 also, (TA,) t Absement. (IAr, Mgb, ]C, TA.) The Prophet said, V " ,L, (.,) i.e. l rat

(K,) of which the pl. is._ly: (TA:) or .. signifies the nose writh owhat is around it: (loot, TA:) and in thlis sense also the pl. above men' ' tioned is used; as in the saying, i;.l.o C G [I will assuredly trample upon thy nose wcith the parts around it]. (TA.) - And The [appertenance called the] i;j [q. v.] of the live,'; as also l4.; (], Ig;) but the former is the more approved. (TA.) - And, (.K,) somne say, (S, TA,) [The bronchi, or the windpipe; i. c.] tlhec tubes, (,., 8,) or the tube, ( K,) (,. of te lungs. (., K.) - Also A certain plant: a dial.

1. ULj, (S, Mgh, ](,) nor. ~ , (8,) said of a camel, (S, Mgh, 1.,) and of a hyena, and of an ostl.ich; (.K ;) or ,:, aor. ~j, said of a shecamel; (JK, Mb ;) inf. n. :t/, (JK, 8, Mgh, -M1b,*I.,) with which t'L is syn. [either as an inf. n. or as a simple subat.]; (JK;) lie grumbled, or uttered a grumbling cry; syn. .; (S;) or uttered a cry, (Mglh, Ii,) and grdumbled; syn.

.~ ,: (1K:) or she uttered a cry [&e.]: (Msb:) so camels are wont to do when tfie loads are lifted upon them; and youthful camels do so .a1;: see 1. You say,_,s;l. and t 1.c. much: (TA:) :ltk signifies the cry or crying [or [He has the nos clearing to the dust: and hence,] grumbling, which is a kind of gurgling growl,. t he is abased, or humble, or submissive: and the (., Msb) of the camel [when he is being laden, is unable to obtain his right, or due: and {.ij is and on some other occasions of discontent], (Mqb,)

var. of

tse&v [q. v.]. (K.)

Boo, I.] or of animals having the kitd of foot called : ( :) also of the bird called ,Lj [&c.]. (TA.) It is said in a prov., l Vt; ad [HIer UL; grumbling cry s[flices as a calle;] i e., the U'; of his camel serves instead of his calling in presenting himself for entertainment as a guest: (S :) A 'Obeyd says that it is well knownii to the Arabs s relating to the accomplishmenit of an object of want beforp the asking for it: anid it is applied also to the case of a man whose aid is wanted and who does not come to theice; excusing himself by saying that he did not know: and to the case of one who stands at a man's door, and to whom it is said, "Send him who shall ask permission for thee [to go in] ;" whereupon lie replies, "His knowledge of my standing at his door suffices for asking permission for me: if he pleased, he would grant me permission." (Meyd. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 328-9.]) And in anothier prov., t IVSh, a ;A, (J K, Meyd,) 1

BOO I.- J1
their saddle-camels to .utter the grumbling cry [for removal, or departure,orjourueying];camels being wont to do so when the loads are lifted upon them. (TA.)- Hence, l6tjl t IIe subdued, subjected, or oppr'esed, him; and abased him: because the camel [generally] aoes not utter the cry termed .Aj except in consequence of abasemcnt, or humiliation. (TA.) [Hence also,] At;1 ac"d , S t Slte is the slave (a4L; mcaning a.i~,.) of noise and loquacity, so that she distresses the hearers: or it may mean [she is stUnjCect to] the frothing of her lips, by reason of her loquacity; from o;~ meaning "froth." (TA. [See :.]) _ You say also, ,.1&', % .i c, He gave not a sheep or goat, nor a sl.-camel;

1115 t : see:ts .

?t; indf. n. of 1 as explained in the first sentence. (S, K, &c.) [It is often used as a simple subst. like its syn. 4c1.] - See also ---. _*j A she-camel that utters much, or qoJen, the grumbling cry termed ,LVj. (S, 1.)



tLoquacious: or loud in voice: (TA:) and t Aj is [syn. therewith, or nearly so, being] a surname of Muj;shi' (IC, TA) the son of (S, K;) like as you say, j.l .l L. D&rim, (TA,) because of his eloquence, (g, TA,) (S. [See 4 in art. i.])s See also 2, in two and. the loudness of his voice. (TA.) - Also A places. - [Hence,] ,jil said of him who is discertain bird, (14, TA,) that cries much and unincharging his urine, I lis had much froth to his ur,ne. (K, TA.) _ [Hence also,] itai, ULe terruptedly; (TA;) of the kind called J.; or 1.., [i. e. There befell them the like of the t~~;., and a phrase used by a poet, means t Sle dust-coloured: its crying is termed t cj: grumbling cry of the young camel,] meaning, the feeds us with [or gives us] little discourse, [or the the pl. is ;JIt. (En-Nadr, TA.) ;1z of the young camel of Thamood [which pre- refuse of her discourse,] likefroth. (TA.) t [part. n. of I;]. You say ae'lj iiU A oeded the destruction of those who heard it]: the 6. 'I;hj Tley uttered the cry termed .:;, [or prov. relates to the augurineg evil from a thing. she-camel that utters the cry termed .Aj;. (Myb.) (Meyd. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 327.]) rather t a cry, or cries, similar thereto,] one _ [Hence,] t; 9; ; t1 [He has not a seep -_ j said of a boy, or child, means l 1Ie wept here and one here. (?, If.) It is said in a trad., or goat, nor a camel]: (TA in art. ji:) and ; ,;i,9 c (S, IAth, TA) tTheY shouted, met violently. (]4, TA.)_ [It is also, app., said k.1; 'j i al. ;ae He has not a *heep or goad, of a man, as meaning t lIe shouted: and t he one to another, anid called one another, against nor a ,he-camel: ($:) and t'; 9j tG ,I.l ; spoke with a loud voice. (See 6, and U..)] _ htim, to slay him, and slew him. (IAth, TA.) t There is not in the houe any one. ( and TA See also 2.) 8. jAil He l drank ;4, i.e. froth: (S, Mb :) in art. J.)_ Also, A certain bird, begot2. U.J (e, Msb, I,) inf. n. (S,) sai.4, aid of or a'. LsiGfl he took, and sipped, or supped, ten between the O;r;j; [q. v.] and the A;. [or milk, (?, Myb, V,) It frothed; ( ;) it had ;-i froth. (1K.) It is said in a prov., ) I..a. common pigeon]; an admirable variety: so says [or froth]; as also t t. j, (Ii,) inf. n. :-Lkl; ??'~ [I*e conceals a tipping, or supping, in I(zw, but hlie has written the word with the drinkingfroth]: applied to him who pretends one unpointed : Es-Suyoope says that in the "Tib(TA;) and t *;, (1~,) aor. ,! inf. n. j (TA :) or it had much froth; as also t V, l: thing wben he means, or desires, another: (S:) yin" it is with the pointed ~: and EI-Jibidh (TA:) or its froth estuated. (Msb.) _- [Hence,] accord. to AZ and As, it originated from a man's having some milk brought to him, and his pre- mentions its being prolific, long-lived, and kantg *' ; m z*l,.....I, i.e. [Their camel betending that he desired the froth, and, while in its cooitg a quality which itJ parent hae not. came, or became in the evening, so as that they drinking this, taking of the milk; and is applied (TA.) - Also Milk havingfroth. (JK.) yieldedfrothy milk; or so as that] they had ;iB to a man who pretends to aid thee, and benefits ,ae; fernm. of tj [q. v.] - Also syn. with U; and A1i. (Yagoob, I.) also signifies himself: (Meyd:) Esh-Slhabee, to one who asked t The act of angering [anothier]. (IAar, K, TA.) him respecting a man who kissed his wife's [as an itif. n;or a simple subst]: (JK:) ee 1, in 4. iLbjl He made his she-camel to utter the mother, replied in these words; and added, "His two places: .[as a simple subst., like L, it has for its pl. t,; :] you say, ill ,;ll .I grumbling cry termed L'kj: (?, I :) [and] he wife has become unlawful to him." (S.) heard the [fjrumbling] tries of the camel. (TA.) made his camel to do so in order that he might a A single uttering of the gtmAnbling cry be entertained as a gwest. (M, TA. [See a prov. termed .UJ. (TA.) = Also, and ?; and ,. [act. part. n. of 4].. [Its fem.] a,t. is cited in the first pragraph.]) Sebrah Ibn-'Amr t kj, (JK, S, Msb, K.,) the last mentioned by app. the sing. of u~l, [probably a mistranscripEl-Fal'asee says, Lh and others, (S,) and VAt 1 g (JK, S, Mqb, I) tion for t1, the reg. pl.], (TA,) which is an ;.' -. . ,a a 3j . S and t (3, ML, Msb, K,) the latter as heard by epithet applied to camels, meaning. Vhosm milk/h ' L) AA (JK, %,Myb, 1J) has muchfroth. (1, TA.) [And a young camel belonging to the family of Abu-l-Maldee, (S,) and V;t and ' ;3lt, ( 1,) t, the latter as heard by Abu-lSkegddd is not made to utter its grumbling cry - A shimmerun; i.e. a' thing with wAhick (or for the want of its mother]; meaning that they Mahdee, (s,) and ' LS.;j, (AZ, TA,) Thefroth in which, as in one copy of the ],) froth is are niggardly; that they will not separate the of milk [&c.]; (JK, S,1;) or the first three taken: (~, :) or a wood thing witA which one young'camel from its mother by slaughter nor by signify thefroth that comes upon a thing rhen it gift. (?.) And it is said in a prov., estuatea; and the next thiree, the froth of milh: take. off th frotA of milk: pi. . (JK.) (Mb :) pl. of the first ,:, (Msb, TA,) and of r .$.m t qSpeech, or languge, that doe not the second ( , Msb,TA,) Mbj T and of the last [Make ye her (the camel's) young. ons to utter .,;. (TA.) - Also the first (iAj), A rock, clearly ewpr~ss its meaning. (, , TA.) its grumbling cry, then she miU be quiet]: for the or a piece of roch. (lAr, '.) she-camel when she hemars the i* of her young ;b" [The grmbling cryj termed Jbllj;] a subst. one beoomes still: (Meyd:) the prov. means, L h, (T,) or Zi (~, M, O, :,) aor. give him that which he wants, [then] he will be from i [inf. n. of ti;]. (TA.) - See also the quiet. (JK, Meyd. [See ablso reytag's Arab. next preceding paragraph. inf. n. and j;, Its colour oe, or glismed;


Proa. i. 582])

JsmJU 1



meanas Tly made

(T, , M, O,

;) said of a thing; (T;) a also

1116 ?,j. (g.) Thus i! His teeth shone, U) ,.m.JI .. l Thefeer attacked im every or glistened. (M.) El-Aphb says, describing the day. (O, 0 .)--j;, aor. ', (A'Obeyd, T, M, M,) front teeth of a woman, inf. n. 3; (A'Obeyd, T, , M, M ) and ;, (M,) d_.JIjt; l also signifies He stcked (A'Obeyd, T, ., M, 1) [And clean, wAiite, lstroutfront teeth, the abun- a thing: (M:) and he sucked in [saliva &c.] with l .j He dance of their aliva shining, or glistening; that his lips. (A'Obeyd, T,? .) You say, would cure of his malady th enulaved by low who (a young camel) nsuced his mother. (1.) And hAs burning in his heart]. (T, 0, .) And one aw~l 4, (M, 0,) or (IA,r, L in art. (l,lt, says also, 01 ji;, aor.: and ', (M,) inf. n..;, ~_,)'aor. , (M, O,) in n. (0,) lIe sucked (M, ,) Tl"e lightniOg gleamed, or slone; or in the woman's, or tge girl's, saliva from her flashed faintly, and thena disappeared, and then mouth: (IA.r, M, and L ubi supra :) or he hissed Jlashed agi,in. (M, 1. ) A,lJ;, aor. , her with the extremities of his lips. (M, O,15.) inf. n. ,sj, The plant, or herbage, qlivered, And hence, (M,)J 5.1 Ui; ta Jj *5, in a or became tall, (j!,) being green and glistening; trad. of Aboo-Hureyreb, (T, M, O, Msb,) means and is a dial. var. of the inf. n. *i..; in this Verily I such in her saliva [from her lips while sense: (Lth,T:) or quirered, or became tall, I am fasting]: (A'Obeyd, T, M, O:) or I kiss (Gal,)and was luxuriant, or flourishing, and [her lips], and suck [(thm], and such in [her J, (M, 0, ],) Jfiah, or succulent: or, as Agn says, becamen saliva from them]. (Mqb.) -

[Boox I.





[i. ce. a kind ofarcied construction, app. like the U'L described and figured in the Introduction to my work on the Modem Egyptians,] (EI-F6r&bee, S, Mgb, ',) upon which are placed the J..l [or choice articles, such as vessels and other utensils &c.,] f the house; as also (IAqir,T, :) the Jj that is [commonly] used in houses is well known [as being a wooden hd;lf, generally extending along one or more of the sides of a room]: IDrd says that the word is Arabic: (Mlb:) the pi. is Jj; (T, , O, Mgh, Mb, 1O) and Jlj. (0, Mgh, Mbb.) The latter pl. occurs in the saying of Kapb Ibn-EI-Ashraf, .iJU jt1tl rj. ;3 Verily my shdelva are breahing with 'dates, by reason of the large quantity thereof. (Mgh.) ._J1 ,Jj, also, means The planks of

4A thing resembling a j3l,


glistening, or bright, in its sap: (M:) and.; ;j14, aor. and inf. n. as above, The tree appearedbeautiful and bright in their greennes by reason of their succulence and luxuriance; as also j,aor. inf. n. j. (T in art. JJ;.)

aor. 1, (M,) inf. n. Jj, (M, O, ,*) He did good to him; conferred a benefit, or benefits,upon gloss. in the KL, Jj also signifies A smoll arched [When the j; of a ; is him. (M, O, ]..) [And He gae to him.] You window in a ,salL] mentioned, by e may sometimes be meant a say, itj "l jii, meaning Such a one gives tent:] see .4;. Also A flock of sheep, (Fr, to u, and brings w corn or food. (M. ,See T, g, M, O, ,) or of sheep or goats. (i., M, also other explanations in art. A.]) .. And jO .) - A herd of oxen or cows. (Lb, O, g.) AJ , aor. - and 4, inf. n. 4, HIis eye ,ZJSuch a one guards us, defends us, or takes A row of birds. (IAr, T and TA in art. JEt.) quivered, or tArobbed: (M, 1 :) and in like mancare of us. (..) [Hence,] it is said in a prov., -A commpany of men. (Fr, T.)._Large camubs; ner one say of any other member, or part of the ~,:;lt tl.'t U, C.i [explained in art. .Ai..]: (O, 1] ;) as also t J,: (1 :) (or] a large herd of person, (M,) or of othlier things; (IAr'T, ];) as, for instance, of the eyebrow. (IAgr, T, M.) and one says, ti 9; *j iC . [also explained camels. (M.)~An enclonsure ($. .)forsheqsp aid mJ ofa bird: see R. Q. 1, in two places. in art. J]. (..) . j; lie made to the or goats. (M, O, lk.) _ Any tract of sand ,aor. , [said of a man,] He exulted; c,4 [which here seems from the context to mean elevated above what is adjacent to it or around it. rejoiced oermuch, or aboe measure; or exulted tent] what is teLmed a j; [q. v.]. (M.) [And (K.) - Wheat, corn, or other provision, wshich one bringsfor himself or his family or for sale; gretly, or ~cesiely; and was eceedingly brisk, hence, app.,] 4, J., aor. , in n. ts, .He syn. &j.. (M, X.) - A soft garment or piece liely, or sprightly: and behaed proudly, or added to his garment, or piece of cloth, another haughtily; was proud, haoughty, or sdf-conceited; of cloth. (.K.) - And, as some say, (M,) Salira piece, to enlarge it, at its lower part. ()1.) or walked with a proud, or haughty, and sdelf. (M, 1) itself [as well as the "sucking in of Hefed l kim [i. e. a beast] with 1, i. e. straw, conceited, gait. (M.) J H e was, or stram that had been trodden, or thrashed, and saliva :" see 1]. (M.) or bwecame, brisk, lirely, or sprightly, at, or to do, cut, and what had ben broken in piece thereof. such a thing; qyn. &13!: ( :) and so mid of the (M.) - ~,!t Jj, (M,) inf. n. J, (M, 0, ,) J% A daily .tp. [i.e. drinking, or share of heart. (O.) _ J,;, (O, 1,)aor. ' and;, inf. n. The garment, or piece of cloth, became thin: (M, O, 1:*) but this is not of established auJ and ~, (0,) lIe labouredfor him with water]. m See also 4. thority. (M.) srvice, both honourable and mean. (0, O) ii [inf. n. of unity of ,] i. q. iG [app. as 4. ';i. Ois tzj She (a hen) spread, or O~ l]I treated suchaa one with honour: meaning A flash of lightning]: (lApr, T:) or a r gg. (0, J.) (0,1]:) [and so, accord. to the TA, -*i, expanded, thl wing ove her shining, or gliJtening. (O.) - And A quivering, at is shown in the first paragraph of art. b..] 8: see 1, first sentence. or throbbing. (lAr, T.) Also A sound act of _~ *.: 34, The people, or party, surrounded, R. Q. 1. JJj, (T, S, M, ],) inf. n. j3j, l. (IAp, T, 0, . [In (T, eating; syn. 1;iA encompassed, or encircled, him; or went round 1S,) He (a bird) moved, or agilated, hi wrings, the CI5, in this sense, erroneously written at.]) lim, or rotund abo,t Iim. (0,1].)_. ;J in the air, [or fluttered in the air,] wvithout -_ And A suckh. (lAqr, T.) Jo1 WcaltA became abundantly bestowed upon moving fiom his place; (T, M;) as also t 4-;: i 1 i. q. . [i.e. Straw; or straw that has (a bird, 8, or an ostrich, O) did thus himn; syn. . (M.)~ , aor. ' (IApr, T, (M :) oY he1 been trodden or thrashed, and cut]; and wat has K) and -, (,) [probably trans., or so with the arounda thing, desiring to alight, or fall, upon been broken in pieces thereof; [also written Jb f.ormer aor. and intrans. with the latter,] inf. n. it! (8, 0, ]:) or he (a bird) expanded and flapped his wings without alighting: (TA in art. and ';J and *;] (M, 0, 10;) as also. t J,; (0,) He ate (lAr, T, ]Z) soundly, (IApr, u,.,:) and he (a bird) expanded his winis; (1.) [See also :j.] T, [see Ij, the inf. n. of unity,]) or much, or as also *t j; but this latter is not used. (0, K.) 4 j, (A}lh, M, 1,) largely. (O, 1g.) - J. j5j What has fallUen about of straw, and of One says also, ofan ostricbh,3 -... n A.-L..-j,J dried leaves or branches of the ~. [or, (1,) or j .1 j, (TI,) sor. n and, [He fiaps hiis vings, then runs]. (T, 8, O.)._acacia-tree]. (IA*r, M.) inf n. J;, The camels, (M, 15,) and the sheep or [See also R. Q. 1 in art. kj, last sentence.]_ it . j, He wras, or became, affectionate, .. 0 Sh,ining, or glistning. (KL [The goats, (4,) ate, (A'In, M, 1,) or ate herbs, or .,01 leguminous plants, (Ti,) in a certain manner, favourable, or kind, to the people, or pa,tty; syn. meaning of " dispersed " asigned to it by Golius (1I,) without Jfilling tab mouth therewith. (TI.) WiJ. (M.)also signifies The making as on the iathority of the KL is not in my copy - -1, J;, (T1,) inf. n. J;, (1,) 11I drank a sound: (].:) its verb, ,ij, meaning It (a of that work, nor is any other meaning than that milk every day. (n,T/1.) - [Hence, perhaps,] thing) made a sound. (Tgi.) which I have given abovoe in which se it is

the o_J [or lateral hollo of a grare]. (Mgh.) [And accord. to Golius, on the anthority of a



BooK I.] app. an inf. n. used as an epithet: it is expl. in the KL by the Pers. word -so..]) One says also.jU '; [app. V Uj] Front teeth shining or glistening. (Ilar p. 314.). Applied to a garment, or pieco of cloth, (., 0,) and to trees , 0,* IJ,) and other things, (C,) Mois(,n), tened [app. by dew or the like, so as to be rendered glo~y]. (8, 0, X.)-Allso, applied to a Abungarment, or piece of cloth, Thin. (O.) dance of herbage, or of the goods, conveniences, or comforts, of life. (0, g.) ~ The lily. (0, g.) _ The roof (Sh, M, O, K) of a [tent such as is j. s~ called] s.Jl. (Sb, O, M.)- See also 1A I Boats upon which a river was crotud, .j; 1 consisting of two or threejoined together,for the Iii - Ui
. S


fastened to the helnut, and which the man makes tofall down upon hie back. (M, K.) - The pendent branchesof the [tree called] ;S:. (T, O, K.) _ Soft, or tender, and drooping trees. (M, IK.) And Certain trees, (K,) certain drooping trees, (A., T, O,) growing in El-Y.emen. (As, T, 0, Kg.) Also, [because pendent,] The [caruncle, in the vruira of a girl or woman, called] 'J [q. v.]. (Lh, M, X.) IAnd A species of fish (Lth, T, ,1g of the sea. (M, I.) M,O, (Ibn~.w.dl The bird called ZW J. .]) And someSelemeh, ., O, K. [Sce art. '.i times, (8,) The male ostrich: (T, 8, M, 0, K :) ) because (S) he flaps his wings (,L .j.. Also The ring of and then runs. (T, 8, 0.) an ostrich and of any bird. (M.)

611j, or stilling his fear, or ,]) stillinq see art. Aj) ,, we u;j, without without 0,
terror, terror, and treated him with gentlnu.~ (TA.) is also said to signify t$ - See also 3. -U [He married; or took a wrife]; (TA;) or so Ut [without .]. (T.)

2. U,, (T, S, M, V.,) inf. n. 1 lp and (T, ., ],) He said to him, (namely, a man wiho M,) eU,.1 M, had had a wife given to him, T, (T, S, M, g; [see j, below;]) as also ~.~ell.; (T,

6 ;lj,

without .. (TA.)

3. Ulj, (AZ, T, $, M,) inf. n. 1t~; (AZ; T ;) and .;jI, (1, but there without any objective complement,) and t U;; (TA;) lie treated him use of tle king. (0, J.) in an easy and a gentl mannncr; or abated to him tite the price, or payment; syn. iyl-.; (AZ, T, ., M, Uii; The thing that is put in the lower part of Ji; Qtuick, or rift. (o.) 1 tle helmet. (AA, O. [See also J;jJ.]) ; [in eUingt]: (AZ, T, ~ :) or t 6"tl f 1' ]g ;i) Jl~: see 1, [of .hich it is the act. part. n.,] in signifies *t1l; [Ae treated hkn with gentlenss, or .j;: see the next preceding paragraph._ blandish)nent; soothed, coaxed, wheedled, or ca. blandiali*ent; the last quarter of the paragralph. e. Also A plant, or herbage, intensely green. (TA joled, him; &c.]: (IAar, M :) or U1 is also syn. of eating]. time, or [A place, j>l i. q. 3j in art. J-'.) with il;; and so is lb1. (K.) (O.) A. winiJji: see 3, first sentence.-Also [This art. is wanting in the copies of the L and 4 4. IjI i1e, or it, drem near, or alyproacAed. kdow; or an aperturefor the ad niuion of light; TA to which I have had access.] (94 4 ti The a.kip drew near, (1.) You sy, L_L1I syn. ' jj; (IA,r, T, K ;) and so tj j. (AA, or approached, (T, TA,) to the land, (T,) or to antideh, T, O, g.) - Also Coverlets (,t, the part of the land that was near, or to tea bank T)for belds: (T:) or beds [themselies]: (AO, T, of a river. (TA.) - 1J.1 jl JlIe inclined to, or O, K :) or cat,rts: (AO, T, g :) or green pieces L la;l 1;, (M, Mgh, 9,) nor.:, inf. n. :.;, of cloth, or pieces of cloth of a dark, or an ashy, (M,) lIe brought the ship near to the bank of a towards, hint, or it; (Fr, T, K ;a) as also jI. , [(which may have either river; (M, V;) as also t LUal: (., TA:) or both (Fr, T.) And (JO) lie had recours, or he betook (J dust-colour, P; himself, or reapired, to him, or it, for refuge, i,)that are signify he brought the ship near to the bank of a himself, of these two meanings,] , M,O, protection, preservation, concealnent, covet, or [see above] are river and made her still, or motionless: (Mgih :) spread, (M,) or of which .-lodging; ($, M, Ii;) as also .jI. (TA in art. nade, (M,0,K,) and wthichi are spread; (J;) or the latter, he brought her near to the land; .9,bj.) J.)-_ lIe combed, or combed and dressd, his n. un. with ; (8, O, M1 ;) but some mako the for- or to the part of the land that was near; or so hair. hair. (K,* TA.) ~ As a trans. v.: see 1, in two mer a sing.: (O:) pl. .Jaj: (M:) or it signifies, the former accord. to AZ; (T;) and so the latter: placm: places:_ and see also 3, in two places (T, O,) or signifies also, (]i,) thdie redundant but in the.g, Ujl is expl. as signifying. simply he They agreed togetler; or wrere of 1ipj,i 6. 1_0 and of beds; (s;) mnade, or drew, or brought, near. (TA.) (T, 0, XC,) parts of Lo., one ($, I :) and they aided, or or opinion: mind and anpything that is redundant and that is >,ji' il occurs in a trad. [as mneaning They or leagued togethet, and anisted, another; one assisted, folded: (0, ]g:) or pieces of thin . .s [or silh brought the ship near to an island]: and some say ai(led one another. (S.) And 9 Lil 113l,3 brorade]: (M, ] :) it occurs in the Kur Iv. 76: G,~l for oUIj; which latter is the original. Tlwy agreed together to do the thing: (M:) they and some say that it there means the mneadows, or (TA.) - [Hence, accord. to ISd in the M, but aireed agreed togethel, or conspired, to do the thin!, -ij,(AZ, T, ., M, of Paradise:(Fr, T:) or, as this I think doubtful,] ,;,1 gardens, (L.,) their stratagem and their affair being one. (T, fiteir some say, pillows: (T:) or it signifies also a Mgh, Myb, J,) aor. as above, (AZ, T, ., Mgh, TA.) Msb,) and so the inf. n., (AZ, T, ., Mgh,) IHe pillow: and meadonws, or gardens; syn. 14..p.: rep)aired, or mended, [or darned,] the garment, W tUi Close union; coalescence; (ISk, T, ., M, (I:) also a carpet: (T:) and sometimes it is it was rent; (s;) or he closed up ]g;) b,) where (S, M 9 consociation; these being the meanings if ] ;) applied to any wide gaorment or piece of cloth. what was rent in the garment, drawing the parts the root be withi o: (iSk, T:) good consociation: (IB in Iv. 76)-- Also T heo [app. as meaning together, (Md, Mgh, ,) by texture [with the (T:) and composure of disunited circumstance or the lowest piece of cloth, or the part of that piece needle, i. e. darning]: (Mgh:) and sometimes it affainrs: (i:) or reparation: (Mqb:) and con: affairs: that isfolded upon the ground,] of a [tent cf the is pronounced without .; (;) [i. e.,] one says [irf cord, cord, or agreement; (T, S, M;) like ;l; hind callcd] Ld..: (Lth, T, ., M, O, ] :) and a also [,,l aor. ', (Msb,) inf. n. the root be] without .: (T:) or, if the root be ajj, Tj, and] mS, without o, the meaning is tranquillity; orfree widbout piece of cloth (1i.) that is sted ulon the lowerocr .'~; (IApr, T, Mob;) and J, ao.r. ,, inf.n. domfrom dom from disturbance, or agitation. (1Sk, T, f.) (Myb;) dial. of Benoo-Kavb; is of the which (Lth, part of a [tent of the kind called] btJ, Sucla'are are said to be the meanings in the saying, Suclh in art.J..] [Seel (TA.) is strange. T, M, X,) and of a jlr, (M, g,) and the like; but this last !-U^; ;U^; -lj (ISk, T, S, M, Mb, 4; [see 2 ;]) A UI Ls. t [IIe (M: [in One says, AWi;-i CA , of which the pl. is Jj;: as also i. e. [May it (the marriage) be] with cloe wnion, mho traduces anotAer, behind his back or othe-t i. tlis erroneously put for JLl D:D the Cg, IU &c., (!, TA,) and increae (TA) [or rather the wise, though with truth, rends, and he trho begs &c., or the skhirt of a tent: (Bd in Iv. 7G:) and, forgivteu repairs]: (., M:) i.e., by oe29lt begetting of soni, not daughters]: or mitha reparaaccord. to IAgr, the extremity, edge, or border, he rends his religion, and by f;"*'C:l he repairs tion [of circumstances or condition, and the (T.) - Also The redundant portion of a bLtj. begetting of sons]. (Msb.) It is said, in a trad., leffected a that the Prophiet forbade the use of this phrase, of the shirt of a coat of mail: (A'Obeyd, T, O:) it. (M.) - And [hence,],.4;- U.; lie or the sides of a coat of mail, (., 1,) and the reconciliation,or made peace, betneen themn; (M, disliking it because it was a customary form of congratulation in the Time of lgnorance: (T,* pendent portions thereof: (., 0, :) n. un. with ;) like Uj;. (TA.) _- And J~jJl t;, (M, K,) congmtulation ;. (s.) And the ;.I of a coat of mail is [The aor. and inf. n. as above, (M,) lie appeased TA :) and some relate that he used to say, in its WiT iJk and &'Vb;Q (May God 'q. v.: or] a piece of mail (hji) which is quieted, or calmed, the man, (M, 1g, TA, [like stead, 4U Ji


bles thee], and

UJ -,t

y I [e

[Boox ! or, accord. to some, this is a simple sbst., (TA,) and 2. ; (1I;) and V!Jjl; (T, ?, M, A, Mgb, Myb, K;) and tVj3; (A;) He uttered foul, unseemly, immodest, lerd. or obscens, speech, (T, 8, M, A, Mgh, Meb, 1,) in relation to woen: (T:) and talked to a woman, in, or reswpectingy, coition; (6, 1, TA;) and (as in the A and Mgh, but in the Msb " or ") spoke plainly of wheat should be indicated allusively, relating to coition. (A, Mgh, Msb.) And 4; ttJ, and I;;, He comprcssed his wiT: and ih kiued her; and held amatory and enticing talk, or convearsation, with her; and did any other siniilar act, of such acts as octcr in the case of coition. (M.) And :Jp ; #1l Hje nwent in to his mife; i.e. he comprrd her; or was nith her alone in private, ,vhelthcr Ae compressed her or not; syn. Lh Wi1. (A.) [See also 1J below.]

;Jj i.q. L3 [i.e. Straw; or stran that ha .t'1 [A darner;]one who closes up what is rez t bepn trodden, or thrashed, and cut: also writtc in garments, drauwing the parts together, (Ml, a, and I*, and i ]. (IAqr, T, K.) It is sai d Mgh, ],) by texture [nwith the needle, i. e. dart - in a prov., - &A, l i u. l ;1 I, ing]; in Per.;sjj. (Mgh.) (TA,) or CJ.Jl J!, (T,) [I amn more f,ee fron lj: aee the next paragrapl. - Also A plac se the nwant of thee than the badger is from the wan t where garments are darned. (KL.) of stran-, or cut straw]: the s;3 is what is calleo d {,-, ($, Mgh, lgh, 1P,) and * lv, (M, X., o,.j9l 5U;t, which has a canine tooth, and doce not procure for itself straw nor herbage; nnd th4c [A station of ship;] a. place where sIips ar) c word is written with e; but .j39l is with z brought near to the bank of a river [or to th, 3. ^_ > , inf n. 'il- , [Ile joined wnith c (T:) or, accord. to ISk, the two words are cor land; see 1, first sentencej (~, M, ];) i. q rectly without teshdecd, and,with the radical a his comnpanion, or vied mith him, in foul, unseemly, immotest, len,(, or obscene, conversation, "A*/. (Mgh.) (TA in art. &O.) [See also 2.] Also Ono in relation to nwomen: and in talking plainly of uk~. Heartleu, or deprrwed of his heart, bA who breaks, breaks in pieces, crushes, bruises wnhat should be in(licated allusively, relating to reason of fright. (M, IC.) _- A male ostrich brays, pounds, or crumbles, anything, or eoery. coition.] (A.) (M:) or a male ostrich tahingfight,andfleeing thing. (K,' TA.) or rynning away at random. (1$.) - A gazeUle ; 4j A mode, or manner, of breaking, breakineg 7 see 1, first sentencc. because of its brisknes, liveliness, or sprighit. in pices, crushing, &c. (Lh, M.) 6. I:J1jJ [They two joined mutually, or vied lines, and its uninterrupted running: (M:) or with each other, in foul, unmecmly, immodest, ' Ajj A thing, (M,) an old and decayed bone, a gaselle that leaps, jumps, springs, or bounds, ; lewd, or obscene, conversation, in relation to much, or often, (j,) and goes back, or retreats, (A, TA,) or anything, (L, TA,) broken, broken women: and in talking plainly of what should be (M,' 15, TA,) Jfleeing. (TA.) - And A pastor in pieces, crusheid, bruised, bra.yed, or pounded; allusicely, relating to coition]; said of of sheep or goats: (M, g :) it is aid to have this (M, L, TA;) or crumbled, or broken into smaU indicated pieces with the hand; (A, TA;) or a thing that two men. (A.) meaning: (T:) or by this is meant a certain has become old and worn out, and crumbled, or . jj,said by some to be a simple subst., but by black slave so called. (TA.) broken into mall. piece: ('Iniyeh, TA: [see others to be an in n., (TA,) Foul, unseemly, im;1w - :J.) or broken, or crumbled, .particles; modest, lend, or obscene, speech, (Ltb, T, $, M, fragments, or crumbs; of a thing tihat is dry, Mgh, Mjb, 15,) in relation to w'omen; (T;) this (T, ?, A, 15, TA,) of any kind; (T;) [as, for being the primary signification: (Ltb, T:) and 1. ;j, (T,M, A,g,) aor. and ', (M, 1,) inif n. instance,] of musk. (A, TA.) Hence, in the lur talk to women in, or respecting, coition: (?, Ki, '.1, (M,) He broke it; (T, M, ] ;) or broke it [xvii. 52 and 100], llU' a X U3ti hen TA:) and the speaking plainly of what shbuld be in pieces: (T:) he cruthed, bruised, brayed, or indicated allusively, relating to coition: (Mgh:) pounded, it: (M, 15:) he crumbled it, or broke we shall have become bones and broken particles? or allusion to coition: (M:) or foul, unseemly, , it into small pices, with his hand, like as is done (6, M, TA.) [Hence also the pbmse] i4U immodest, lned, or obscene, speech atidressed to rith lumps of dry clay, and old and decayed meaning No, by thy ancestors who have become women; (T, S, Mgh, 15 ;) so accord.. to I'Ab: bones. (A.) And c It wa broken; or broken broken and crumbled bones in the dut. (Har (T, 6, Mgh:) and coition: (Ltb, T, S, M, h, p. G34.) And [hence one say.,] tlcl 1.5 Ss in piee; [&ce.] (Akh, $.) You sy, a"L' Msb, K5:) and kissing; and amatory and eaticing , nor. , inf. n. as above, lie broke, or cruhed, his 1b3f*1ij l,Ut g44jt1 [lHe is the peson talk, or conversation; and any other similar act, neek. (Lb, M.) And I lU&. >j H e broke who ham restored generowu quaities or actions, of such acts as occur in tae case of coition: (M:) the bones of the slaAghtered eamel, in order to and revied such of them as had decayed, and or with the pudenduim, (A, Mgh,) or with respect cook them and to extract their grease. (T.) And brought to life again such of thebm as had become to the pudendum, (Myb,) it is coition: (A, MNh, MNb:) and with the tongue, (A, Mgh,) or 'ith one says of him who does that from which he dead]. (A, TA.) respect to the tongue, (MNb,) the making an finds it difficult to liberate himself, "4 > ;i;r Broken, broken in pieces, &c. (Akh, 6. appointment for coition: (A, Mgh, Mqb:) unml with the eye, (A, Mgh,) or witli respect to the [See ;UJ.]) eye, (Msb,) the making a signal of a deire for %.jg [Tits hyena breaks in. pieces te bones, coition: (A, Mgh, Mob.) or it is a word com. but knoms not the size of its anus: it eats them; prehending overything that a mnan desires of his then their exit becomes difficult to it]. (A.) itcfe. (Zj, T.) In the 1Kur ii. I0, where it is [Hence,] j:l 1j cIt It (water) broke the eha. (M,A, Mgh) or ' ; ;1 h, (Mqb,) aor. (1,and forbidden during pilgrimage, it means Coition: mnene of thirst. (Z, TA in art.. %:.) _ (See so in a copy of the Q,) or -, (T, and so in another (Zj, T, Mgh, Mqb:) and speech that may be a also 9.) copy of the 6,) or both, (Mqb, TA,) the latter means of inducing coition: (7j, T:) or foul, unS. , inf n. '. S, He broke it [app. much, mentioned by 'Iy64 in the " Meshirik ;" (TA;) eomly, immodest, lewd, or obscene, peech: (,M, or into many pieces]: -and hence, t He dis. and ,.;, (M, ]g,) aor. ; (]g;) and Jj', aor. '; Mgh, Mpb:) or, accord. to Th, the remonal of external impuritie of the body; by sueh actions honoured, depid, or condemnud, him; (Lb, M, 10;) inf a. , D.;, which is of .ii, (M, as the paring of the nails, and plucking ou the being syn. witA 0 .J, and cbntr. of J6 and TA,) and qJ;, (T,* 6,0 M, A,' Mgh,' Mqb, ]g,*) hair of tho armnpit, and shaving the pub, and .el". (Er-Rghiib, TA.") which is of Aj, (M, TA,) or of >j, (Mqb,) the like. (M. [In the L and TA, the explanation 5

unite you two in prosperity]. (T, TA.) Some of them uead to congratulate him who had taken a wife by dying, ,l 1 iI O .lj ;A,lj z U;; [May it be with close union, &c., and constanr and the begetting of sons, not daughters]. (H1 ar p. 964.) And one say. also, :% ;I t, mdeaning .Betnen the people is close union, anid concord, or agreement. (Myb.)

9. 53J1, as also t V ;, (M, 1,) the latter bein ng intrans. as well as trans., (K,' T)A,) It was, o or became, broken, broken in pieces, crushed, bruisce i, braycd, or pounded: (M, 15:) said of a bone ; i.e., it became rwhat is terred ;U. (M.) An d It became cut or broken, cut qo or broken of ; it broke, or broke off: (g, TA:) the former iis said, in this sense, of a rope. (A, TA.)

Boor I.]




A contribution wAich the tribe of .7u.rey made among themnMlves in the T7ime of lgnoran, for the purpose of purchasingfor the pilgrimnu wheat, and raidins (8, M, J4) for [te bverage called] .j: (S, M :) each gave according to his ability, and thus they collected a great sum, in the days of the assembling of the pilgrims; and they continued to feed the people until the end of thaos jUl(Ham p. 128) [and 3ilH. is pl. of f .~ or days: (li:) the 1;6U and a;. [i. e. the supplying L #;.r, aor. , inf. n. .j;, Ile gave him, or these provisions and tbis be;erage] pertlined to You say, ,tJ2l , .- and ?,l jl gav him a gift: (T, ., M, A,* Msb, K :) or it ti..]. signifies, (M9 b,) or signifies also, (S, M, A,) he [He is a person of many giftls]. (A.) It i's sid the Benoo-Hbshim; and the i.~, [or service of the Kaybeh], and the .Ij [or banner], to the aided, helped, or assisted, him: (T, S, M, A, in a trad., t 1 :vil O.-I O! ,Mt.l ~t ;,.jil Mqb:) and t #.jI, (M, A, Msb,) in. n. Li;>, [One of the signs] of the approach of the hour of i Benoo-'Abd-ed-DAr: ( :) the term U 1 used in (., 1],) signifies the same (, , A, M, b, O) in resurrection shall be, that the tribute shall be a relation to the feeding of the pilgrims is from ,JI; the latter sense, (S, M, A, ],) and in the former gratuity bestowed according to men's natural signifying "he aided him by a gift" &c.: (Mgh:) sense also: (., ]:) or both signify he aided, desires, and not according to right, or desert. the first who performed this custom was HAshim Aelped, or auisted, him, by a gift or by a saying (T, L) - Aid, help, or assistance; (T, M, L, Ibn-'Abd-Menf. (T.) - One says also, . or by some other thing: (Mggh:) [it is said in Msb;) as also and [app. t , .and I. 1 u! i;li and J. ti. ;, meaning :[He the liam p. 128, that the latter verb has been t,.4]; (M;) bya gift, and by giving milk to i an wceUlent] aider, or helper, or auitrant, to transmitted, but is not the choice one; but in drink, and by a saying, and by anything. (T.) me. (A.) p. 276, that both are chaste:] and you say also - A lot, share, or portion. (M, L.) - Also, *JJ1j; (A;) [meaning he aided him; or he (IAir, Ibn-EI-Mubarak, T, 8, M, A, L, V,) and .e,4: see what next precedes. aided wvith him; or he aided him, being aided by ? ,Mj, (El-Muirrij, T, S, X, L, [,) and t , Ml; [act. part. n. of ;i; Giving, or giving a him; for] a,l is sjyn. sitlha3la.~. (S, L.) (S, M, L, V,) and t.4, (M, L,) A large [drink- gift: and aiding, &c]: pL [;. and] . One says, L '; .l "J ) I will not stand unless ing-cup, or bowl, of the kind called] ', , (T, , I be helped to dlo to. (TA.) - [HIence,] He (TA.) You say, ,.j !.)1JU. 1' I propped it up; namely, a wall: (Zj, T, A:) and A, L, K,) in which a guest is given to drinh: [Such a one is an excelent, or a moat excellent, (, L:) this is the meaning most known; and i 4 J I propped it up, or supported it, namely, this meaning is assigned by Zj to the third of the giwver, or aider, when the comner alights at his a thing, with it, meaning any other thing used abode]. (A, TA.) And ~ , ;IS ; words above, i. e. o0: (T:) or a large U., for such a purpose. (Zj, T.) - And [hence,] v .3 AiL;6 He gave the portion of his (M, L,) larger than the common ,.., nwhich c;:j, (M, L,) or 4i. .j;, aor. , inf. n., latter is a large rC that holds enough to satisfy property that was due as the poor-rate, his oul (AZ, T, .8, M,) IHe made for him, (AZ, S, M,*) beingq well pleased, or content, therewith, aiding or put upon him, (T, M,*) namely, a camel, the thirst of three men, or four, or mora; larger himn to do so. (L.) - One who is iext in station (AZ, 8,) an appertenance of the #addle, called a than th.e.: (L:) or a C, (Ibn-EI-Mubrak, to a king, [wvho aids him,] and aho, owhen the 35>j: (AZ, T, ., M:) [and ? L%, or .i, jJ1, T, M, L,) of wthatever size it be; accord. to some: latter it absent, occupies his place. (IB.)_.. signifies the same; for] ;l;I is syn. with .; as (M, L:) in a ,. a sie-camel is milked: (T:) or SA river that flow into, and augments, another meaning the putting to a beast, orfurnitisng him :L A rier that hA a resel in which one milks. (El-Muarrij, T.) rier: you say AlWj 6'i with, a sUJ. (g.) [ence,] i s. [mean- One says, two rivers flowing into it, and augm~nting it. j [His drinhing-cup, or bowl, ing It is frnislhed with a piece of rag, as a was emptied], (A.) Hence, (A,) AJ.0ljI is an appellation meaning t he was slain; a phrase compress,] is said ofa wound (S, ]) &c. (S.) applied to S The Tigris and Euphrate& (?, M, similar to uj Zi..~, and "LL.J1 : (A:) And o, t signifies also It held it .fi,st; namely, A, 1.) - [Hence,] one says also, Dt?. t:j, any one thing, another thing. (M.) or he died. (P.) And >U,t . L* [app. 1; Su tch a one's twoo hand or arms [afford 2. 1k. ljj,, (M, A,) inf. n. .. 3, (., ]C,) SNch a one drew rate.r with my bowls], meaning aid, or succour, to mankind]. (A.) t They made wAch a one a lord, or chief; (8, M, t such a one aided me, or assuisted me. (A, TA. L%; a word of the measure La6 [app. as A, 9 ;) made him great, or magnifued him, or [In my copy of the former, t.q;!tt; which I think a mistranscription: in the latter; 5L;p.1) meaning A thing that aids, helps, or au~st,] Aonoured him; (C ;*) and set him over tleir affairs; (M;) [lit made him to give g;ft;] as from hyl signifying "the act of aiding, helping, &j A ceompany suck as is termed .;, of also ,;: because a man when he becomes a or assiting." (TA.) 1lj; [is its pl., and] sigsee nifies The w: lord, or chief, gives gifts, and drags his skirt upon men, (M t L,) [aidina one another: pl. rafters, or beams, or timbers, (, De Sacy's Chrest. Ar., see. ed., ii. 461.] the ground (J,; li. (A.) And ,, S, Mgh, ]K, or .. 4 &., M,) of a roof, (IAr,8, ;i t Such a one was made a lord, or chief; j;- A she-camel that fillU the [vesel called] M, Mgh, (,) over which are laid [planla, or and wau made great, or magnified, or honoured. d$1;.; .0 or, . at one milking: (8, A, K :) or that is only] the bundles of reeds, or canes, called (1, TA.) _ j, (T, L,) in. n. as above, (T, L, constantly over wher milking-vessl: or that yields (IAr, L in art. .. ;) as also .l,n,;. (.8, M.) ],) also signifies He went a pace like that called an uninterrupted supply of milk: (IAkr, L:) or A poet says, (describing a house, 8 in art. ,) .J*, (T, L,) or like that called a. (-- .) that aids her owners by the abundanee of her [See S in art. j.] milk: (TA in art. .& :) pl. . (L.) 3: see 1. [Its rafterj are the most ecelent of rafters]. ;,U [A hind of pad, or stuffed thing, beneath (., M.) 4: see 1, in two places. 6. !Ml.13 They aided, hdlped, or assted, one a saddle;] a thing likhe the a.~. of a horse's ;C4 ,, (, ],,) or ui5l, which latter is the anotno r [by gift or otherie]. (8?,* M, A, saddle, (S, Mgh, j,)for a beast: (1 :) a support for the saddle of more a horse common and more approved, (TA,) menor camel 4.c.: (M, L:) Myb, 1=.o) it it put beneath a horse's saddle in order that it tioned in a trad., (S,) A cl~as of the Abysinians, 9. &3Oi He gained, acquired, or eared, (T, .8, may become raised thereby. (Lth, T.) - A piece (S, 1[,) who danced: (?:) or a surname of them: M, A, L,) property. (T, M, A.) And d..;L of rag with which a wound, (S, j,) 4c., (.,) is or they were so called from the name of their I obt~de a gift, or aid,from him. (A.) furnished as a compres (t ). (.S, .) _ chief ancestor, (TA.) Bk. L. 141

of Th is so given as to relate, not to 10. ,j1l He sought, desired, demanded, or r ,i",but, tx ashed, aid, help, or asistance, from him [by a 2 '~1.]) And in the same, ii. 183, where it i allowed in the night of fasting, it means Coition.: gift or otherwise]. (8,* A, Msb, ~.*) (Mb :) or the going in to one's wife; syn. ; j: see the next paragraph. wherefore it is made trans. by means of jt, like A; gift; (S, A, Myb,* V;) [and so, app., as i ;wt. (m, Mgh.) t, s . or V j.i;] a gratuity: (T, g, A, :) pi.





1120 &c;,and .3, a subot., like post;riorsof a woman. (IA4r, M.)


.s - I,.J

[Boox I.

The to separate, or diperse thenmelves, in, their place or dispersion: pl. . (TA.) You say also of pasture,(A, M, Mb ,) vherever t2tey pleased, t ,;; Otriche,in separatejflc.. (s.) And not turning them away from what they desired; .AJt UV t ~jI ~doWI The men are in a state of ,iA., and its pl. ,;ii: wee ,j in four places. (S;) as also vt* , (Mob, V,) inf n. I: separation, or dirpersion, in journeyiny. (TA.) (TA:) or, as the latter is explained by Fr, he *,6.,and its pl. ,j: see .jt, in four places. sent twem away without a pastor. (TA.) And ,A t? ) Th 2e dierent partiea of men. -A o Also Apiece of;Jtuff, or a thing like a pillow, (S,.; And %A . Scattered piece Jtl .j;, (Fr, ., A, Msb, ~,) aor., (Fr, ,) witA which a woman small in the posteriorsmakes of herbage or pasturage, (Jm, ., ]g,) distant one n, (S,) or wa., (Fr,) The camels inf.n. thome parts to appear large. (f, K.") separated, or dispersed themselves, (Fr, A, M9b,) from another. (Jm, $, O.) And p';'l vj. [a pl. of which the sing. (probably ,;1, in the place of pasture: (Msb:) or pastured by Land which is deserted after hairing been pro.,F! like ;(i. and j;5 &c.,) is not mentioned,] themsrlves, (Fr, ., ],) tae pastor seeing them, hibited to the public: (?:) or which has no Ewes, or she-goats, wrhoe milk does not cease (., (S,) or looking at thlm, ([,) near or far off, possessor: (0, L, JI :) so says IDrd; but he adds, (.,) not fatiguing them, nor collecting them to- or, accord. to some, deserted land (L,TA) be1) in summer nor in winter. (..) gether. (L.) Thus this verb is intrans. as well twveen twvo cultivated piecesof land, (L,) or between I , ,;J two pieces of land belonging to two tribes. (TA.) as trans. (TA.) [See also 9.] -The palm-tree expanded its raceme, and the .;ig t ,j~ also signifies What is large, and in a state of separation or disperion, of a thing: pl. 1. j, (1 , M, Mqb, ,*) or 4W sJ3, (M,) [or envelope] thereof fell off. (, sggh,V.) aor. (., M, Meb, g) and -; (M, ,1) inf. n. L! 4j'l (TA.) - And , A, A side, or a part, a~j; The valley widened; became wide; q,pibh. and V t,ij.A . (Ibnae also h.u1j, (O,1 ,) or portion, (syll. .q.,) of a thing. (TA.).;., ($, M, J&c.) and U;,, (Jm, ,) or this is j He sked his O3 [or Also ,ab;, (I A.r, Sk, Az, Z,) or * w,~, (AZ, (Jm,) [or this 'Abbad and 1].) a simple subst., (M,) and ~., also is a simple subst.,] He kicked him, or struck front teeth]. (AA, TA.) Fr, A'Obcyd, $,) the latter said, in a marginal him with his foot or leg, (., M, Msb, K.,") in an 2. 1 j ,, inf. n. j, He lef a note in the e, to be the correct form heard from absolute sense, (M, Mqb,) or in, or upon, the small quantity of water remnaining in the shin. the Arabs, (TA,) or both, ($gh, ,) A small breast. (Kb, M, Mlb.) - LJ;, inf. n. b,l, He said of a horse, quantity of water; (., A, ;) and of milk; (A, pounded it, or brayed it; namely, flesh-mcat, or (AZ, ?, ].) [See ,j.] - ,, TA;) remaining in the bottom of a skin or of a other food; or anything; but originally, food. He put forth his veretrum without being vigor;.jl,; like a Uc..: (TA:) or a little less than is Ouly lustful. (g.) (M, TA.) ~i!a1JI ,J, (1,) aor. , inf. n. Jj, ufficient to fill a skin: (IApr:) pl. ? l.. (TA,) H.e bound the camel twith the bsU. [q. ~ s ~ : se1. ue 1, 4.dL~ u1 , j: see (Lb.) - And hence, the former, Food that is v.]. (V.) last sentence but one. su~i t to sustain life; syn. ,. (TA.) L;; Al kick, or blor rwith the foot or leg, [in became 5. j,3 It (a thing, TA) broke, or wMj The persuasion, or creed, or a tenet, of an absolute sense, or] in, or upon, the breast. broken, in pieca. (0, K.) See also 9, in three (Lth, ].) places. the litj; as in the saying attributed to the

,.t1. The act, or habit, of kicking, or striking rwith te foot or leg, in an absolute sense, or in, or ,,pon, the breast; a also ?. and d ; (M, TA.) ~ Albo The [cord, or rope, called] i.d*l [q. v.] (]:) or the bond with which the hind leg oJ the camel, when lying down, are bound to hi. thighs. (Ibn-'Abb&d, TA.)
.;,i; I;l A beast that ha a habit of kicking, or strihing with tlhe foot or log, in an absolute sense, or in, or upon, the breast. (M, TA.)

: )5-.

ur.4 An instrumnent with vwhich fh-meat is pounded. (M, TA.)

and , inf. n. ,; (f, Mgh, He left, forsook, relinquished, abandoned, or deserted, him, or it. (A8, A, Mgh, Mqb, ]-.)-He separated, dispersed, or scattred, it. (L.) _ also signifies The act of breaking [a thing]. (TA.) - And The act of driving away. (TA.) - And W.,; He threm, cast, or shot: (W:) whence ,a~; b as

1. `,


M 9b, ]) and ,,A;, (., ,)

9. ;j$ It (a thing) became dirpersed, (., A, Imim Esh-Shafi'ee, ]g,) and departed, or went away; (., 1, TA;) 0 .1 J ' A J 06 ' ' I as also t h,pj3. (A, 1~, TA.) It (a company of 1 men) separated, or became dispersed; or dispersed themelve; as also V the hltter verb. (Lth.)_ !I a,b (, TA,) or .2It, (0,) The tears [If the love of the family of fMoiammnd be a tenet of the llifidees, let men and genii'bear became scattered in drops: (S, ]: [in one copy witness that I am a Rdfiidee]. (TA.) ,sw;!is explained by A. ; of the ., .H U,olI: see ,aj, in six ;dj: and its pl. but the right reading is &'. , *hich I find in places. two copies; as in the ]g:]) orflowred and became scattered; and Jlowed and dropped continuously: i. J.. , (A, L,) or Li L4 .'_i4, (S, :1,) or flowed in a scattered manner: (L:) and A man ,wholays hold upon a .thing, and then t',kl signifies the same. (TA.) You say also, leaves it (S, A, L, O) without delay. (., A, L) wto collect, together JJt-l "t [The torrent disper*ed it*el. (., And ij Laih;i t; A ,pastor 1.) And a.q. dWhl The thick purulent matter the cameb, and, wrhen they come to a place which of his wound flowed, and became dispersed. (TA.) they like, leaves them to pasture where they will. And U jI His #meatran; and flowed. (TA.) (ISlk;, A.*) [See also art. ,.a4.] JIl ,jI t The pain ceased, or went away. ;,LRai. , in the following saying, is from ',; C t I [Afy patience (TA.) And r. ' j! ~.,J J 1, explained above: ~' departedin consequence of it]. (A, TA.) 10: see 1, last sentence but one.

,l . a.; . ; .. tJ. .r [app. meaning y reawson of m,uy yearni,n for thee, in my ,J Camels in a state of separation, or dis- heart are imprlses; and by reason of the love of persion; and in like manner, men, and goods, and thee, in ny joint. are looenessea]. (A, TA.) plants or herbage: (A:) or camels pasturing by themsnelves, (.,],) the pastor sceing them, ($,) _c , Lt '.eJ1 . Th e people, or wompany or looking at them, (g,) near or far off: ( :) of men, are in a state of separation,or dirperJ; , (., ,) and also, and sion, in their tents, or houses: heard by Az from explained below. (TA.)_And .t ,, (, you say, ,, t A, M 9b, j,) aor.- () and n also, (0,) inf. n. 1;.: (,, A, ] ) and the pl. of , i;'is U.jl: an Arab of the desert (TA.) [~'j seems to be , .1;; liko as u is of SU. See ~,. and uJ&, (as in one copy of the ., but the (g, :) [and , seems , to be a pl. of ',j.] a pl. ofV He left his camel former only in another copy,) Also A herd of gazelse in a state of separation, also WUy.]

Boox I.]

hi 3 - Jei

1121 place in which the grain wras to be trodden out. (Lh, S, 15.) [This last signification in said in the TA to be tropical; but according to a psaage of the Msb quoted in the first sentence of this art., it is proper. In most of the phrases here following, the verb is undoubtedly used tropically.]

W11; V'hat it broken in pieces, and scattered, the parts of a valley into which the torrent disor dipersed, of a thing. (IDrd, S, 1.) perse itself. (?, A,* .'*) -_ ;l ,,Jri The ,4J iJ! T,achs in a road diffring one fom tracts of land rohere the main quantity of sand anothe : ( :) orfurrowrs in the middle, or main ends, becoming titin, at the sides of mountains part, of a road, separating, one from another; and the like. (So in some copies of the S and in the TA.) or separating to the right and left. (TA.)
* ,, 6e'

j: sceae j, in four places.

: see.

X 1,,a 3 i [They raised tom.ards me their

(TA.) _ J

,aMJ Anything becoming dispersed, anddepartc; i. q. q ? e ,; applied to a thing; ($, 1;) ing, or going away. (S.) i.e. Left; forsahen; relinquishca; abandoned; deserted: (?, TA:) ca.t awvay: separated; disperwd; scattered: (TA:) and, applied to a spear, broken in pieces. (K.) Slveat; (O, ]b;) because of its flowing. (TA.) J-1. eai-, (S, Msb, aor. :, (1S, TA,) inf. n. a,) ia,bj Men niho pasture their beasts upon land .j,, ($, Mgh, Msb,) lIe raised it: [this is genesuch as is termed ($, g :) or, ': as in the 0, rally the best rendering, as it serves to indicate who tow such land. (TA.) several particular significations which will be bd1~; in the following saying of 'Amr Ibn- found explained in what follows :] he elevated it; upraisedit; uplifted it: he took it up: contr. of Ahmar El-Bahilce means A thronwer: he says, ..ii: (Msb:) or of ~";a3: (S,Mgh, K :) as also .Jj, (.K,)inf. n. ~.3; (TA;) and t .al; (1;) for accord. to the "Nawidir," you say, meaning, hV/en the nromen of E,l-.lijdz hang *ej. W,' 1 and &;Yi[he raised it, lifted it, heaved their goods and utensils upon the trees, they it, or took it up, with his hand]; but Az says stretch their tent-ropcs and pitch their tent in a that &/;l is intrans., and that he has heard no soft tract of land, the throw'er n,herein will not autllority for its being trans., in the sense of j, be able to throw a larye piece of stone at thee, except that which he had read in the " Naw6dir because of the not finding it. (O, L, ]Y,* TA.) el-Agrb :" (TA:) &j is sometimes applied to See also .. lj. corporeal things, meaning the raising, or elevating, ialj; A party of Jl.D: (1 :) whence the a thingfroam the resting-place thereof: sometimes to a building, meaning the rearing it, uprearing rel. n. 1;.lj [signifying of, or belonging to, it, or making it high or lofty: (Er-lighllib:) or .~lbj;]. (TA.) ,.b1) [is pl. of ;.. , and] in relation to corporeal things, it is used properly signifies An arnmy, ora militaryforce, (S, O,) or to denote motion, and removal: (Mb :) it signiany army or militar!/ force, (l,) which has fies the putting away or removing or turning back deserted its leadler: (S, 0, N :) or armies dwhich a thing after the coming or arriving thereof; like have deserted their leadler. (L.) - Also, as c: signifies the putting away or removing A certain sect of the ac.h (S, Msb, N) of El- or turning back a thing before the coming or Koofeh; (Msb);) so called because they deserted arriving [thereof]: (Kull p. 185:) but in relation Zeyd the son of 'Alee, (As, S, MhIl, Msb,) when he to ideal things, it is [tropically used, as it is also forbade them to speak against the Companions of in many other cases, and] accorded in meaning to the Prophet; (Mgh, Mob;) for they had promised what the case requires. (Mob.) [In its principal allegiance to Zeyd the son of 'Alee (As, 0, L, 1) senses, proper and tropical, C.ji agrees with the the son of El-eoseyn the son of 'Alee the son of Latin Tollere.] It is said in the J5ur [ii. 60 and Aboo-Tilib, (As, 0, L,) and then desired him to 87], l, ; i;rL5fe raised above you firom renounce the two elders, [Aboo-Bekr and 'Omar, its resting-place the mountain: and in the same (Tg,)] and on his refusing to do so they deserted Yj 3 J ;-e -SJI p1 il ; X i him: (A,, O,L, :) u .U,;'l is also applied to [xiii. 2], j [God is He who raised the heavens wnithout this sect, as though it were pl. of l;, like as pillars that ye see; or, as ye see them]: and in ,*L1 is of .m. ; (TA;) and &l.l also; the same [ii. 121], * .j.l il i 5 but not t.wJil: (TA:) and the rel. n. [which ,JI [And when Abraham] .ea rearing or upserves as a n. un.] is v ? il; [as above]. (I.) rearing or making high or lofty [the foundations Afterwards, this appellation became applied to of the House of God, at Mekkeh]. (Er-Raghib.) All persons transgresaing in this way, [i. e. all And you say, 1.i ~! Take thou this: (Mgh:) apostates, or schitmatics,] speaking against the or take it and carry it [away; or take it up and Companions o the Prophet. (Mqb.)_remove it]. (TA.) And l -, (Lb, k,) or y1;: see l, in two places. fJ.r? I &dj, (Msb,) aor. , (Lh,) inf. n. (Lb, 8) and a.U5 and 5 [perhaps a mistran-

I ment in to such a one, and he did not look tonards me, nor pay any regard, or attention, to me. (Mgh.) [t. is not here a mistake for J, for the phrase is often found thus written.] ',.:l &, t [The thing as, as it were, raised into view), i. e. it roes into view, to me;] I sam the thing from ofar. (TA.) ,g;.:. I .j.JI C, aor. :, inf. n. I, :The mirage raised, or elevated [to the eye, (see an ex. near the end of the first paragraph of art. Jj)] thefigure of a man or some other thing seenfrom a distance; [or it may be allowable to render it, made it to appear tall, and as though quicering, vibrating, or playing up andl down;] ayn. *t *j [of which, when it relates to the mirage, the meaning is best exprcssed by the latter of the two explanations here given]. (TA.) -"-. ' IA"j; ~ja 3j, in the nur [xliii. 31], means t And ve have exalted some of them above others in degrees of rank, or station: and 4 .,j -'lL O, in the same, [vi. 83, and xii. 70,] t We exalt in degrees of rank, or station, whom We please: (Er-I1ghib:) and L.l ' 4 3JI Aie.k t And God exalteth rwhom lie pleaseth, and abaseth: (~ and TA:) and [in like manner,] 11 d j means the exalting of one's famne; as in the .nur xeiv. 4. (Er-IRghib.) But the words, C-AJ ~ ;. l l;, in the ]ur [lxxxviii. 18], indicate two meanings; And to the heaten, howv it is elevated in respect of its place; and t how it is exalted in respect of excellence, and exaltation of rank. (Er-Ihghib.) [In like manner also,] .30 et i l ,jw in the lur [xxiv. 3W], means In houses which God hath permitted to be built; (B4, TA;) accord. to some: (TA:) or, t to be honoured; (Zj, B4 ;) so says El-Hasan; (Zj ;) or, t to be xaluted in ettimation. (Er-BHghib.) It is said in a trad., i - bt& ,J.i t J J t V<rUy God exIteth the just, and maketh him to hae the ascendeny over the utjust, and at one time abaeth him, so that He maketh the unjust to overcom Ahim, in order to try his creatures, in the present world. (Az, TA.) [See also art. /..M.] And you say, W 6e,.Le5aC t He advanced hin abow his companion [in the sittingplace, or sitting-room, or assembly]. (TA.) And X'&&Ji IU5 t [I exalted thee, or hld thee, above m.S a thing]: (M oce t:) and l.,a


',lj(Mgh, TA')

,Al t [Yerily I

scription for tIi, which see below], (Lx, TA,) .,ky and Vt i. sings. of nlr: the former He removed, or transported, the seed-produce is explained as A place in which raterj~lows,and from the place in which he had reaped it, (Lh,) where it remains: (TA:) or l; wL.I signifies or carried it after the reaping, (S, V,) to the S

exalt the, or Aold tue, above this thing]. (@ voce %,, q. v.) - eL.. Xi p. t [God honoured his rwork by acceptance; or] Mod accepted his nork. (M'b.) It is said in the 5ur

[xxxv. 11],


j t And righteow

[BooK I. ork He will accept: (Jel:) or the meaning is t [righteous work ;..aI`J will cus praiss,or the l1i, (mentioned immediately before the above-cited words of the ]Bur,) to ascend, and obtain acceptance] : (Mujhiid, TA:) ]atideh says, [that the meaning is,] speech will not be accepted without work. (TA.) 3 Also signifies t The bringing a thing near; or presnting, or offering, it; syn. ~.i3. (v.) .lIl J1 ', ($, Mgh, 1,) and And hence, ti inf. n. i (,. TA) and e,W; .(TA,) 1, ; written *da'i; and in the L, in the place of WL1 of art ,au..]_ [Hence,] *;2.t Jl ';d ltl ',. t [I urged him to tell tAe utmost of is put L;0; of all which three readings j prefer the first; though the last is agreeable with an what he knroew;] (A in art. ,, ;) i.e. I wmat to explanation of -- h given in the Mqb and in the the utmost point [with him] in questioning Aim, [jWl :j sentence next following;]) i. e. t Every company or asking him. (TA in that art.)of men (A14, i, TA), or pernon (,j,, TA), tHestirred up the firs; miade it to burn up.] that communicates, or announcea, from u, (S, - ,j iim W jI ; The she-camel [drew sp, or TA,) and makes hnown, [lit. traces up to us,] withdrew., or rvitlcld, her milk; i.e.,] did not what me say, (TA,) [or rather, aught of what is M . yield her milk: (A, TA:) and L,UI conmunicated, or announced,] or [aught] of what ,4c t [She (a camel) drew up, &rc.,or refus;d to is communicated, or announced, of the Kur-4n and of the [statute., or ordinance., &c., termed] yield, the biestings in her udder]. (A4, O,1) -

(V, B) and Oiebi, (TA,) t Iprsented him to, or . brougAt Aim before, or brougAt him forrard to, O*, (I~ in art. &,) or the meaning is kS? the oJice [of those who hare ,ql, i.e., C,I, judge, the Bult.n, ($,* Mgh,* C,'* TA,) and the and (TA:) with him: contest to arraignhim and of communicating, or announcing,] the simple 1;, (g,V,) inf n. j!A, (TA,) subst. being put in the place of the inf. n., (T, O, ,*& Q XJ [in like manner] signifies the preferred a com- I, TA, all in art. &,) let that company, or plaint againsthim to the goveor, orjdge: (i :) person, communicate, or announce, and relate, or the presented Ahi to, or brouglAt him before, that I have forbidden [its trees' being lopped, or or brought Aim fornard to, the goernor, or being beaten with a stick in order that their kanes judge, to arraignhim and contaet with him, and mayfalloff,] referring to El-Medeeneh: (g,* TA :) preferrda complaint against him: (TA:) [or it but some relate it differently, saying, k1'I denotes the doing so mutually; for, accord. to [of the communicators, or announcers,] like :1~. 1; signifies the Jl J Mir,'] ol in the sense of 3 .~j- : (TA:) and some say, brought his adersary before the SultAn (tJ 1 , meaning &U$ je fMLrJt C^ i. e. pJ, the latter doing the same with him. (Mgh.) of thote who do their utmost in communicating, t [Re '' , ,I.LJI ' [See o ] _ C;U or announcing. (Hr, and ]g in art. .) adduced, or brougAtforoard, the Kur-6n against [Hence,] -"'* [alone] signifies t Imnade it knoran. the Slldn;] he interpreted the J.'ur-dn against + [He told, or bi L. tAe Sultdn, and judged thereby that *s should (Myb.) You say, .'tj also related, a saying against him; informed against - J41 *j rebel aginmt Aim. (TA.)_ q. v.) And Lsc 8 signifies t I traced up the man's lineage to hir him]. ($ and V voce j; greatestancor; or I mentioned his lineage, say- UJ9 ?Q.I tRe communicated, ($,) or made ing, I-e is such a one the son of such a one, or known, (Mqb,) [or submitted, or referred,] a case He is of such a tribe, or city, &c..; syn. 4;n, [to the administratorof the law]; ($;) and J! ;j . tJt[tothegovernor, orjudge]. (TA.) And,ja hence, jA,Jl (TA.) -And and X;.

t 1.e, ie kept it, praaij, and d;lj/ U srvead it, laid it up, stomed it, or repoited it, in his repository,store-room, or cloet, and hit cheat. '3 (Mgh, TA,) L1, (TA.) _ ;
, (Mgl,) : [lit. He J 6LD, or ^a or &U1a does not put away the taff, or stick, or his staff, or stick, from hi. shoulder, or from hi. wife,] is an allusion to discipline, chastisement, or punishment, (Mgh, TA,) or to severity thereof, (Meb,) and to beating (Mgh, TA) of women; (Mgh;) not meaning that the staff, or stick, is on the shoulder: (Myb:) or the first is an allusion to a.i I *; many journeyitgs. (TA.)---3 (Mgh, Mb ;) so in the " Firdows," on the authority of 'Alee and I'Ab and 'Aisheh, meaning .IJ .Amil; t [The pen of the recording angel is witjrbeldfrom three persons ;] a saying of Mobammacl, which means that nothing is recorded either for or against three persons; (Mgb, Msb ;) theseo three being the sleeper until he awakes, the afflicted with discase or the like, or the demented, until he recovers, and the child until ho becomes big, or attains to puberty. (El-Jatmi'-eSagheer of Es-Suyootee; in which we find 4;jt in the place This is like the mlying next before of .j.) mentioned; the pen having never been put [to the tablet to record aught] against the child. (Myb.) - [ h often signifies t lse mitdram, put away, remand, did away or did away with, annuUed, revoked, or remitted.] You say,. i, '.;lI eJ.A 't i6, t lo God, witAdrawt, put away, or remore,.from uw this straitns, dificulty, distres, or affliction]. (g in art. 1ab.) [And in like manner also you say, I,n ll a;: t He rithdrew, or put awray, from him the punishment; he annulled, revoked, or remitted, I .i; [may also be his puniwtment.] ,;,j, rendered in a similar manner; t They gawm oer, or relinquished, war; as tlough they put it away; .~: but] is used by Moosk Ibn.-Jbir like l [in the contr. sense, t thy raised,ormade, ar;] &a;.. (I[am p. 180.) in opposition to

soe'l J t [He traced up, or atcribed,or atri,.J 1,I, in. n. pa, I made known i buied, the tradition to the Prophet, mentioning, [or submitted, or referred, by way of appeal,] the in ascnding order, the personu by whom it had affair, or matter, to the Sultdn. (M b.) [See 9 ben handed down, up to the Prophet; in the tji k4i 1 Cnh) hence, app.,] 2.] [And manner more fully explained in the sentence also I,[An object to be rached, or accomplished, here next following]. (TA.) You say also, was proposed to him, and he aspired to it]. [i.e. tHe meaning .; !J; .. J1 ,. 1 q 1,) and aUtiJI, 4, (~, Msb, traced up, or ascribed, or attributed, thi tradi- (TA.) _-_ e tion to the author thereof, by mentioning him, (TA,) or ,,JI iaw'I 2,i and J I1, (M in or by mentioning, uninterruptedly, in ascending art. ,,) inf. n. ~j, (TA in that art.,) t He order, the persons by nhom it had been trans(S, Mb, k(,) and the she-camel, made the camel, mitted, up to the Prophet; or by mentioning the the beast, (M ubi supra,) to exert and (TA,) person who had related it to him from the Proto the utmost, phet if only one person interened, saying, " Such himself, or herself, to the full, or or pace; (M, ], in going, beyond measure, or a one told me, from such a one," (and so on if (Myb;) or to go with go quickly; or to TA;) more than one intervened between him and the the utmost celerity: (TA in artt ,a:) or conProphet,) "from the Apostle of God;" or with an intrruption in the mention of the persons by strained him, or her, to go the pace termed ".& whom it had been transmitted]. (f* and Mgb in [q. v. infiai], (TA,) which is an inf. n. of the jUw ~ & ju;w 1 !L [And hence what next follows.] It is intrans. verb 'o4 [q. v. infra] said of a camel means t [They disagreed; andsome of them said,] art. j.) (8, TA) and Ta beast: (TA:) and t J, (S, We will esclude a way, or passage, from atmong Jv 1 it ; said in a trad., awnl ; Wa,l; TA,) [and .jJ, and % ,, (TA,) [and 6,] the portions, or shareD, (4.J, [q. v.,]) of the TA, [in a very inf. n. dj3, signify the same: ($, TA:) or the old nd excellent copy land, or the house; and [some of thm maid,] lNes old and excellent copy of the former of which I will not exclude it. (Mgh.) - In the conven. is iAi by the Arabs used phrase find, a above, L;,1, and so in some copies of the tional language of the grammarians, g, in the (L, &c.]. itself, exert to thy beast thou S [Make ! and in the O and TA in art. ; but in one inflection of words, is like.. in the non-infleccopy of the C and in the TA in the present art., TA.) [You say also, app. in like manner, s' ,, aor. ', inf. n. tion. (s) [You say, J a.J difhave a the verb may this case I find in its place :li, and so in the CV in art. .bdf: or in paragraph hav ! or Ain the first latter to ex. in the final see an made .i, t He ferent meaning: erroneously it is preceding the verb t, where




BooK I.] in ificti] _nol ; S Te p~ope, or conpany of me, ent up, or upwards, through the countries, or land.. (AV, V, TA.) __ 1 -j, , (QMt, ,s.JI ,,, (b, (8v,) or s.. j, (M9 ,)

1123 thm,far away; [app. meaning,far in advance;] art. UJ :) [in which latter sense, likewise, it is .rabJtI in th mwar, orfihAt. (TA.) You say said of milk in the udder; or a meaning it became drawn up, or withdrawn, or withheld: t1 brou tI ght for. Jj U also, ward this affair, or matter, to the commander, me 1. ee also a usage of this verb voce b;] governor, or prince. (From an Arabic note on SSaid of a man: see 1, voce ~j, near the end of 3 t [His A ranA becanu the above-cited verse of En-N&bighah, cited by the paragraph. _- ,j De 8acy, ubi suprL) [See also 1, in two place higA, eleated, swalted, lofty, or eminnt]. ($, in which reference is made to this paragraph.] TA.) -m f!, said to a man entering a sitting,A'l d~, and iiIl', and , and a : place, sitting-room, or assembly, means t Advance thou: it is not from W! denoting height. (TA.) ee 1, in the latter half of the paragraph. _-j

in. n. i,. (8b, 8, TA) and (; , A, ], all in art. ,,6.,) the former an inf. n. (8b, 8, TA) of the meaure ,;., (8b, TA,) , like [its contr. and] j 1 a, and 3.,, (Q, TA,) and (8b, TA,) TeA camel erted himself to te fsU, or to thb utmost, or beyond measure, in going, or pace, or in Ais going, or his pace: (8, ], ?tm.JI, (Ltb, l,) inf. n. ae above, (Lth,) trTh - See also 5. - .. 1 .U I t [The morning TA:) or was quick thersin: (Mb :) or went the ass ran with a running of which one part was became advanced; meaning] the sun became high: pace termed &r , [q. v. infrA,] which is a runquicker (C;I) than another. (Lth, J.) ,1..l being originally a p1., namely, of till; ning below that termned ..: (8, TA:) as though [wherefore the verb is fem. ;] but afterwards used he had that [manner of going] which raised him, s.,-lJI ,, jl 1, in. : and ~5 as a sing. [as in the next ex. here following]. as well as that which lowered him. (Sb and TA [meaning : see 1, in the former half of (Myb.) You say also, ,J .. I t with reference to the in n. Ej3 and t~q.) i,Ll Js1 * the paragraph. -JiI i. , ,' )L6/ the same]. (TA.) And ;tl t[The day And .;;: # t tt They [namely men] ros ! Such a one endeavoured in every way to induce became advanced, the sun being somewhat high: abooe tile [easy and quich pace termed] Zi in their going, or journeying. (ISk.) - iO, me to turn or incline, or endeavoured in every a phrase aid by the doctors of the law in the way to turn me by deceit or guile, but I did not present day to be employed when the sun has inf. n. LJj; (8, 19;) or, accord. to Aboo-Bekr [that which he desired]. (I,* TA.) ._ 'l. i risen the measure of a *j or more]. (8 and B Mobammid Ibn-Es-Sere6, [so in two copies of tHe spared them; or pardoned them, andforbore the 8, but in others, accord. to the TA, Ibn-Esin art. &; &c.) ?j .. il t [The Searrij,] they did not say [j from &; in the to slay them. (V.) And dsl; t I left him; or price roe, or advanced, and became low., or sense of (8, 0;) 0; so says 8b; and he adds, left him unmolested; or left him, being eft by abated]. (TA.) - [1?~j 1 t They remowd from, him; or made peace, or reconciled myself, with but [they said] )t 3.t; (TA;) t He (a man, 8) or to, a place. - &.;A e3jI, said of a disease, him; syu. 'at1. (TA.) was, or became, high, eklated, exalted, lofty, or pain, an affliction, and the like, t It quitted him; eminent, in rank, condition, or state; (8, ], TA ;) 5. d.3 1He exalted himsef; he wa, or be1' noble, honourable, glorious, or illustrious. (TA.) came, haughty, proud, or disdainful; syn. J.3; became withdrawn from him.'l_1 qAnAi,e 'ta&3 Sj a4 t [What are termed jlbAp And :' .- t t He was, or became, of (S in art. J.;) [and so .. ) l.* ,l, l occurring cannot be coeisent in the same thing, nor simulhigh or exalted rank, or noble, or Aonourable, in in the 8 in art. Jbj, on the authority of AZ.] taneously nonexistent in the jame thing]; an Ais groundJ of pretension to respect, and his You say, IU .j A-- 4JJ ($ ubi supro, TA*) existence itself and nonexistence, and motion and relationship, or race, or lineage. (Myb.)" $Such a one exalts himslf.abowe that; hold rest. (Kull pp. 231 and 2t.) "10jt: see 1; It The garment, or piece of cloth, was fine, himself above it; disdains it; or is disdainful of first sentence. fine in tetaure, delicate, or thin. (Mpb.), it; syn. (. ubi suprk.) And j. 10. He R:.I deired~ , required, demanded, (8, ,) in n. atU,, (1i,) 1 He (a man, 8) was, I,. L U' ut : [My ambition raised me or asked, that it should be raised, elnated, taken or, high, or loud, (Ce9,) in voice. (8, ;.) above tsuch a thing; made me to hold mysef abowv up, or re,noved. (Q.) You say, JclIJt L,t [See tUIU below.] it, or to disdain it]. (TA.) - See also 8. :ts~U j,'l The preacher asked that the hands 9. inf n. ee e: 1, in the first senof the people should b raiedfor supplication. tA' Li I ! $tEach ? of us preferred bncea. He took it, namely, a thing, and raised (TA.) _- [And hence, as thotgh meaning CA,t! a complaint against the other to the governor, or it, (tiJ,) the first [part thereof] and then the i. e. It required that itelf should be refirst [or newt in succeaion]: En-NIbighah Edh- judge: or each of us presnted the other to, or brought him before, or brought him forward to, moed,] ,, 9 j:.l t What was on th table Dhubyanee says, the gotvernor, or judge, to arraign him and con- became conumed, and it was time for it to be a * A--1* L test with Aim, and preferreda complaint against take up, or remowed. (s.) him: agreeably with explanations of the phrase S * e;tU,,1 . .. tJl J1ij 1J]: (8:) or each of us communi*j [see p., (of which it is the inf. n.,) [Ahe had cleared the way of a torrent coming cated, or made hnown, his case [againJtthe otAher] throughout]. from another quarter, which it (meaning the to the governor, or judge. (TA.) iA [see ;j, near the end of the first parabarrier raised around the tent' to keep away the 8. &3t It became raised; or it rose: it rose torrent, which barrier is mentioned two verses graph: used as a simple subat., which it seems high, or became high or elevated or fty :. [it before,) co,fined, and raised it by degresa, the properly to be accord. to some of the lexicologists,] became raised, upraised, uplifted, or elvated, or first part and then the newt, to the two curtains t High, elmated, exalted, lofty, or eminent, rank msting together at the entrance of the tent, and it roe, from its resting-place: and, said of a or condition or state; nobility, honourabmene, building, it became reared, upreared, or made then to the goods piled up therein i or the meaning high or lofly:] it became takm up: [it became gloriousne, or i/~riomusn ; (TA;) s also here intended is, brought itforward, or advanced taken amay, put away, or removed; or it went 1 A&j, a subet. from t;. (M,b.) it; syn. 3sJ; agreebly with the next explana- amay; after its coming or arriDing: thus when Mg, J, and ?SIj; Ot (AA, ISk, As, , tion of ~ here following: see some observations maid of corporeal things: but when said of ideal on the above-cited verse in De Sacy's Chrest. things, it is tropically used, as it is also in many Mgh, Meb,/ ;) but Ae disallows the latter; Ar., 2nd. ed., vol. ii. pp. 430 and 431]. (Lth, other cases, and accorded in meaning to what the (TA;) and Ks says, I have heard a!p..JI and TA.)_ ,He put them, brought theanm, or ease requires:] quasi-pan. of dj as signifying ,*.;t, and their coordinates, [such as A;.tW smt them, forward; or advanced thmr; ~. J the contr. of ($, J.) [See [. 1; first sen- and "I 1, &c.,] but ptUj1 with kesr I have not to tAe mar, or fight: or, accord. to Ibn-':Abbd tence.] - It (the water of a well) rose, by its heard; (, TA;) Thes are days of rmoml, or ied the ., As put tlum, snt them, or removed becoming copious: and also it sent away: (A in tranport, of d-prod~uc from the pla/e in




1124 which it has been reaped, (TA,) or of carriage thereof after reaping, (S, Mgh, [,) to the placein which the grain is trodden out. (, Mglh, K, or -tU, TA.) [Sco 1, near the beginning.]_ ,tlj, (accord. to different copies of the K,) or each, (TA,) also siguifies The storing-up of seedproduce. (]g.)

[Boor I. (ISk.) You may, S The Exalterofthe believer by prospering [him], going termed] a,.. and of his saints by teaching [them]. (TA.) j>*J HIe (a beast) has not the pace termed a.ijl aai, in the ]ur lvi. 3, is explained in


art. uAA.. - alL;, for al'; JL., (S, TA,) or Ialv,U: (TA:) see a trad. (commencing with the words WM ; j) 1 in the first paragraph of this



'L. A high mountain. (TA.)

.Uj: see the


next preceding paragraph, in two

.; t lIigh, elevated, exalted, loft!y, or eminent, in rank, condition, or state; noble, honourable,or glorious; (,, l, TA;) applied to a man: (S, Meb, TA:) fem. with ;. (TA.) You say, S : [tle is high, &c., in ~X.l M j.ZJij respect of grounlds of pretension to honour, and of rank]. (TA.) And hence the phrase used by letter-.writers, k,)J .l; l 1 [The exalted olject of recourse]. (TA.) Hence also the phrase in ie, .I I t The Exalted the Knur [xl. 15], in respect of degrees of dignity: (Er-Ritiglib:) or this means t Great in respect of attributes: or the E'xalter ,f the degrees of dignity of the believers in Paradise. (Jel.) - Applied to a garment, or piece of cloth, t Fine,fine in texture, ~. % [ [igh, Il delicate, or thin. (Msb.)or loud, in voice]; (K, TA;) applied to a man. _ ef, je. t [A pace in which a beast is (TA.) made to exert itself to the fili, or to the utmost, or beyond measure; or in which the utmost posj_&'l Cj, in the sible celerity is elicited: see latter half of the first paragraph: and see also vs,^]. (.I in art. ,..)

iljU I A she-camel [drawing up, or art. .a t&j, [aor. - ,] inf. n. i/Ui;, Ilis means 1. withdrawing, or n.ithholding, her milk; i.e.,] became ample, or abundant. (f.) of subsistence not yielding her milk: (A,TA:) or rhen she dlraws up, &c., or refuses to yield, (.;.jj Wi),) [See also j", below.]~[t;, aor. , Ire made the the biestings in her udder. (As, S, lg.) [See also means of subsistence ample, or abundant. You I A man going say,] to which it is opposed.] 1 I tvill mlake .ample, or 4.,Jl , J up, or npwards, through the countries, or lands: abundant, to you the means f sub.sixtence. (TA.) pl. with OJ. (TA.) _ ] Lightning rising. (Lth, -,IJ ;, ~ i. q. t p, q. v. (TA.)


KB,TA.)_- j [pl. of Wl; for



5. He (a man) became, or made himself, ample, or abundant, in his means of subsistence; camels or beasts]. (ISk.) - -iiJ WAt ,ioJ syn. ,: he exhibited amnplcnesu, or (S:) or t Land difficult of irrigation; contr. of Lildl abundance, in his means of subsistence. (PR.) L;JI. (TA in art. . ) Il _j gi. He (a man), feared that the which he was ritling] would throw camel [upon ilj, [as a subst., or an epithet in which the wound his legs next the sheath him, and therefore quality of a subst. predominates,] A hard and tis heels of his [tlle camel's] penis: [i. c., pressed elevated tract of land. (ISh, TA voce LaM.b against the ca,ners tU.j (or groins):] in the ], [which signifies the contr.]) [See also t1;.] is as also in the 0 and Tckmilcll, .'A .jI [Higher,or more clevated &c.: and highest, erroneously put for ;iL. Jj;, the reading in the More L. (TA.)__t.,/ lie sat betwneen her thighs, or most elevated &c.].,,.. JJ skilled in tracing up, or ascribing, or attributing, for the purpose of compressing her; (1.;) from q.v. (TA the Nawitdir el-Agr3b; as also t L;.;, i. e. g; a tradition to its authlor; i. q. ,l, t People going the pace termed f.t [on their

mat quicker than another]; said of an ass. ';, [an inf. n., (see 1, last sentence,)] and (Lth, ]5.) (ISk, $, .,) and t LlJo, (Sgl, , R.,) ' lU', . [A place of elevation: and hence, ] A t [Ilighnes, or loudness, or] vehemence, (R, TA,) of the dial. of Elchair, or throne; syn. : in the voice, (ISk, $,) or of the voice. (IS.) Yemen. (TA.) A tring (A4s.) whereby Ie who is ,s tij. A thing with which one raiss, elevates, or raises his shackles (.43), (Yoo, shackled (.4R) S,!J,) to which that string is fastened; (TA;) takes vp. (TA.)

.;&lJJX ;l,,l. (TA.) t [He ran with a running of n,hich one part i j Softness, tenderness, or smoothness: (0, L, in art. .,.)_ .i : ;
K:*) this is the primary signification, accord. to the O and L: accord. to MF, softness, tenderness, or smoothness, and uncleannes, or dirtiness; but this addition is wrong; and he has wrongly ascribed this explanation to Er-Rlghbib, who mentions in his book only the words of the ]ur-:in. Ampleness, or abuntlance, of the means (TA.) of subsistence; and abundance of herbage, or )f the goods, conveniences, or comforts, nf l.fe: (S, I,* TA:) and so V'iti;, (JK,*S,0 TA,) an [also, app., an inf. n., inf. n., (S,) and t'i;, (;] (JK, 8,* TA;) and V e,i;', like like i&h "a4< (IS, TA) and 'atj, (TA,) [in which the last three letters, following the t, are all augmentative,] signifies [the same, or] ampldeneu, or abundance, of the means of subaistence. (1, TA.) = Also, (S, Msb, K, &c.,) and 1 g, (M, Msb, TA,) the former of the dial. of Tcmeem, and the latter of the dial. of the people of El'Aliyeh and of El-Hijiz, (Aboo-Kheyrelb, Mqb, TA,) [The groin;] the root of the thigh; (18k, Jm, Msb, 11; and Mgb in art. _^ ;) and any of the other ;wteA [or places offlexure or creasing]; (ISk, Mb ;) and any place of the body in thich dirt collects, (ISk, Jm, L, Mib, K,) such as the armpit and the crease of the belly and the like: (L:) or the inner side of the thigh, at the root: (JK:) or the inner side of the root of each thigh, next the upper parts of the sides of the pubs, where the upper parts of the inner sides of the thighs and the upper part of the belly [app. a

as also *a;th.

(-.)-Also, (S, 1,) nnd tiAc,

;,. *c, E_SJ lpass. part. n. of a .ijk, (Az, ,) A thing by means of which a troman having little Jfiesh in the posteriors makes herself (S, K, s ) in the 1(ur. [Ivi. 32], (S,) means [And to appearlarge [in that part]; ($ ; i.. q. LUc: bedls raised] one upon anothert: (Fr, S, BId, :) or t of high estimation: (Bd:) or: brounght near (g:) pl. 4.?. (TA.)- See also b ;. to them: (S, 1 :) or wives elevated upon couches: or t honoured wivs. (.S, .) _ !(DB:) : -and a;; : ~and see also ij : seeo t.9 I JA tradition related by a Companion of A"j;, in two places. the Prophet, and ascribed, or attributed, to the ia, a t A case which one communicates, or Prophet himself, by the mention of him as its makes known, to the adminittratorof the law: author, or of the person, or persons, up to the Prophet, by wrhom it has been handed down. skj (, TA:)pl. . (TA.) You say, a j4 t [I have, against him, a case to communicate, or (Kull p. 152.) It is also an inf. n.: [see bti make known, &c., or which I have communicated, -:il, in the latter half of the first paragraph:] or made known, &c.]. (TA.) and signifies I A certain pace of a beast, (S, TA,) of a horse and of a camel; (L;) contr. of -~yo; : One who traces up traditions to the it (S, TA;) and of e,9,, ; (A in art. .- ;.;) Prophet, or to his Companions; or who comis a run below that termed y : (S, TA:) or municates them, or makes them known. (TA.) y,o, and below above that which is termed that which is termed $~: (TA: [but probably Raising; &c. (Msb, js. is here a mistake for ._.:]) or a pace of a eli act. part. n. of ,,,; 1I, one of the names of God, meaning camel rising above the [easy and quick rate of TA.) -

BooK L.]
mistake for t!ie lower part of the bel/ql] meaet: (TA:) [or eachl of the itwo ijguinid crasel for] the Lejware betwteens the 7nibes and the thigh, [one ons eaich s,ide,] and are also called the C,ei (Z,j in hiis 11Khalk cl-luis4ij:") the latter (~ also particualarly signjifies the arinpit: (Fr, Mghi, ]s:) or, as some say, theo root [or innermnost part] of the arm?Ptit : (TA :) adlhlth snliuc, (IShi, 1 or cachb, (M )tile parts around t1e ej [or vulva, or ex-tt'rna(l portion of the orgains of generation,]( j, I, ~ of a ?h'ottfion: (IS]j, v,:) a,iel someimcies thle itselfy: (jlm8b:) the

tIj - CJ.

inif. a.

(IA~Lr, TA.) -.... Also sing. oftri meaning IThe lower, or lowest, baser. or basest, mteanter or mneanesqt, sort, or the ,'abble, or rfc,of' mankinid; (J K, K~, TA;) likenied to the 'U of a valley: or the sing. of Ub i in this sense is V. (TA.)


(S,* 0, Mfgh,0 AMb,* K) anid


(AZ, 0, K~) and

anid 1 K~;) and

-t A shin fir wvater., or for ,nilk, that is thin, or rendered thin, (accord. to different copies of the 1~)andt of little weorth. (1~, TA.) - t The sC?.tra of [the species o#f 7stillet ca/led] iJl: so accord, to thte author of' theo L; but accord, to others, it is i;, ithi j>., if this he niot a mlistranscr.iption. (TA.) =As an epithect, i sig4 -.54 PI. is 1 ( , Migil, M~f4b, K) anid MbI) K niifies S&!ft; applied to dutst, or earth, and to food, and and [of panec.] &jl the flirst of whiichi or wheat, (..t.a,) aiid to 5 - Jb [or quicklime, &c-]. (1(,' TA.) four is phl. of ~p [ittid is propcrly a pl. of paue, the rest being pis. of e :see the next preceding- paragraph, in two Mj : [accordl. to J, Ijlsigniifies thic wti [or jilawe qffjlextipe, or places. creasing.,] of the armopits, and if the roots fpft/he see Cl, in the middle of the paragraph. thighs: ne:)acord, to Am, the armtpits, aitid the ahk A she-camncl havinig purulent pustules, [other] e,.$k. qf the bfpd 1 : (MgI.~a in atrt. lA9r says thait signifies the -ocots of thc ulcers,' or sores, in the ejW [meaningy groins or affair or business; syn. (T in art. j. arm.' nnd of the thighs, anid has no proper sing.: armpitis]. (A, TA.) And V.~ jI,,p lie applied himself woith gentleand eij9l is the sillg. of &JI .P3I ~1 [but it4, [fern. of cl 1 applied to a woman, (JK, ness to the affair; iyn. J .( in art. %.&WJs.) this is app. a mnistranscrip)tion for Ii Ibn-'Ahbbid, L, Ki,) Smnall in the [or vulva]: - Hence, L~j in form like .. I#, i, or meaning that ehJl ha for its sing-,. e]:and (L:) or thin int the thighs, smnall in the Cjt [or became, gentle, delicate, naice, neat, or skilful, in ti ~6significs the ewk and "Jtm- [by which vea/va], deep) in the CI4 [or groins]: (JK, Ibn- worh or operation; the contr. Of such as is termed 1 Wi 69~~~-4 latter are app. rueant thle places thtat snweat] ?f the 'Abbaid, ]~:) or a woman narrow in the LU I [or jjJ (M!b.) -And Je.W.I with fet-h bodly: accord. to Am, what is thuts terntedl is in groins, or inguinal cr.eases, or the like]: (TA in to the J, aor. ', did, or made, the dleed, or caniels anid in hiuninn beinigs,. (TA. [Butt thbe art. ji, from the 'Eyn:) or, applied to a woi'oan, WOrk, sounidly, itowromighly, skilfully, judiciously, sing. verb ivn this last clatuse snicgests that theree (A,) or to a shec-camel, (JK, L,) wvide int the or well. (Mob.) - And I prois another mnistranscrip,tion hecre, andtt a Inoseness [app. meaninjg the vuilva or the parts around thec ceeded in a right, or a moderate, manner' in of expolanation ; and thant we shiouald rcad thus: ridara]. (J K, A, L.) journeyng or in pace. (M!b.) See also 4. "41and ** (not tjj signifies anty orft/ic wtk and 4 - 9.. 4-' iIIij is an inf. n. signifying The beingq a j .G (JK, 8, TA) anid t &t ($, TA) and (0, K.) of the ff the body!."]) - Alszo, both wvorcls, Fr says, I hecard a man at 'Arakit The dirt. qf the niail: (19:) orth ilidirt that is, ""~I(TA) Ample, or abuendant, (JK, S, TA,) sayingr [to the pilgrms thecre assembled], between thec end of the fingcr and the na il, when and plu'axant, or good, (5, TA,) means of suibsist4iI. !,U 0 Lr3ko aMuj 41 [may the ntail is naot piared, afteer scratching the u ence. (JK,S~,TA.) God mkake yout to be in the coutpantionshltip of [or groins and armkpits and the li/ic] : (TA:) or MIoham,n ad: snay God bless and save him]a. the former [or eachi] signifies the dir.t of thle (0.) [And accord, to the TK~, one says, &, " es~tke [or places of fiexure, or creasing, of the de. sec ej, second sentence. inf. n. Jii meaniing He becamne a withl body]; (K~;) or the dir,t and.,sweai that collect int him: bnt whiat is.commonly said in this sense is the 1,,VA of the armitpits, andl of the roots of the, thighs, antd othe,' placca of foldinig of the limbs. aiM,,, q. v.] -Uj> lIre struck the LA*,c [or

(i K, 0, K,) [aor. inf. n. Cj (J K;) and Pj;; i] (JK, 0, 1~)lie seas, or beca,nec, gentle, soft, tendler, gracious, courteous, or civil; or he behtaved, or actedl, gently, softly, &c. (JK,~, 0, Mgha, Msb, ]g.) You say, &~ jJj, (AZ, S, 0, 3Mgl, M b, K, and (AZ, 0, 1~,) 'inf. no. as &Abovc; (0, kZ;) and ji, anid L;j (1~;) lie wvas, or becamie, gentle, Sic., or he biehaved, or acfted, gently, &c., n'ith himn, (AZ, S, 0, lghj, Mlsb, K,) and to him; (AZ, 0, 1K;) and in like manner. 4o Lj;,, Q5, 0, Mlgh, Ii,) anid V1UJ1l. (AZ, 0, ll) enice the saying of the 1Prophet, ^b4 ieji tS L~ p [ lie who is gentle, &e., wilth my people, God w.ill be yentle, &e., with him]. (0.) [hlence, also,] one says. ,$ [and &se as is indicated in thec 0] He 5~ used genttleness, or acted gently, in his afflair; syn. jU (Mifb in art. ~jl.) And &.qt~ fj6, li1e applied himstelf ieih gentleness to his ;teedful


A t



Also the formner word,

(s;Oj,) t A soft,

or plain, tract, or p~iece, of/land: (JK, g~:*) pl. tU~ (li) - [Land having mruch soil or dust. (L, K.) [1Ience,] one says, Jt %,!A t Suc.h a one camne n.ith, or brougqht, wealth, or catetle, abundeant as the soil, or ulust, thu.s termedl. (L.) - t A place afflected witht drouight, or bat.,'etipessj, (L, K,) thin, or shallow, [in its soil,] of middling quality. (L.) - I The vilest polace ina a vailley, and the norat in r-e-

srpect of soil: (A1boo-Alzilik, K(,'S TA:) the lowest

part (AIjn, J K, TA.)A side, or lateral part or re.giont: (Akhi, IAgr, ]g:) ph. *i;. (1. .) You

of a ta/Icly ansd of a desert : (TA:) or jIsigniifies the sides of the valley.

in a side, or lateral part, not in the middile, of his people, or partgy, and of the town, or village.

(K.) -And ZJtu3l j'j aMlj i. q. a*v [app. as meaninig A benefit, (S5, 0, K,) nor..', inf. a. jij (~, 0,) li1e bound benefizct ion, fan'rour., boon, or bltssingy]: pl. &4*j thte shte-cametl's arm [app. together n.ith the shank (for suich is the common practice)], (E5, 0, Kj) (TA.)to prevent hter going quickly, (?, 0,) wlien fearing :see Its fern., itij, is mentioned hier Yearning towards, or longing for, hier hiome, or accustomed place: (Sl, 0, i.e:) [or] ,aJ above,' by itsclf'. Ij aor. ~ inf. n. jJ, he bound the camers neck a,.[synt. wvithJ ] A womian smiall in (C.r [probably, I thiink, a mistranscription for the [or vuilva], (JK, lhmni-'Abbztul, Kj, or .s~ .e. arm,]) to htis pastern, because of a wvhose place opf cir.cum7cisiont has cohered [after slighlt lameness thecrein. (JK.)~ - said of a the operation] when she was younpg, and, consecamiel, aor. i mif. i. ij~, lIe had his elbow disquiently, (L,) imtperviet viio. (JK, Ibn-'AUbbdd, torted fromn his L, K5.) side. (TA and Tk.. [Seeo i below, and Ls,I: and see also Li.]~).-[Atid 1 ~~see in the middle of thei paragraph. %:bj min n. sUj is probably said of a she-camiel, as meaning Shee had, in her teat, or teats, what is termed &js: see, again, this word below.] 2. 1. [as the inf. n. of the verb in the phrase

elboir] of such a one.

1126 (JK, ?, O) and taken: (JK:) or lof vwAich the wsllrope is Aiort. (IS.) And ei.:1 Ai; .l._ An object of want tAat is easy [to be sought and attained]. (0, ].) ~ Also A distortion of the elbowr of a camel from the side. (Lth, 8, 0, 1g. or oj;, He waros, or became, AiJ 3. Aj [Said to be the inf. n. of L, q. v.]).- And A traelling panion; he accompanied him in a stoppage of the orifice of the teat, (15,) or of the journry; (1~, O, M,b, V;) inf. n. AUl! (CId) orifices of the teats, (O,) ofa she-camel: (0, K :) and S3I. (TA.) - And this latter inf. n. also so says Zeyd Ibn-Kuthweh: (O:) or a disorder signifies The being hypocritical, or acting hypo- in the orifice of the teat, in consequence of being critically. (TA. [See also 3 in art. jj.]) badly milked, or of ths milker's not shaking the to remove rwhat remained in it, so tihat the teat 4. HUjI: ee 1, second sentence.-Also He milk reverts into the udder, and turns to blood, profited hm, or rs useful to him; (8, 0, 14;) or become coagulated and mixed with yellow as eh1 V 'd . (:.) - [And in the present day, water. (K. [Perhaps in this sense, also, an it means lIe associatedhim math i another or See also W. inf. n.: see 1, last sentence.])r of hers.] ;;: see what next follows. 6: se 1, in four places. if this verb have been used, means A itJI % ,tj, sheep's, or goat's haring te fore legs wvhite to the elborw; for it] is from &,DJ i;z, explained below. (O.)

[Booz I.




obl 1l t

6 U..O


hi l



(0,) or ,' Jj1, (S, 0,) accord. to different readings: (0:) [i.e. And verily I, with respect to tAefawlt, or the complaint, of the family of Ily, or and the family of Ldm, am lihe her that yearns torwards, or longs for, her hlome, or accustomed place, going along with her arm and shank in the 3Uj]: he says, I am withheld from satirizing them, like as this sihe-camel that yearns towards, or longs for, her home, or accustomed place, is bound and withheld; but if they do not what I approve, I will let loose my tongue with satirizing them. (O.)_ Also A thing inform liAe a finger, made for the teat of a hAe-camel wlien she is affected with the [disorder termed] L;S: it is stuffed with dates, and then the j)p. ij, (JK, ., O, Mgh, Msb, 1g,) in the dial. of [q. v.] is bound over it, in order that it [the teat] 6. I,ml,3 They were, or became, travellingmay be cured. (JK.) companions; thIy traelled,orjourneyed,together; Temeem, (Mqb,) and ? iij, (9, O, Myb, ],) in as also ?t ldjI: (JK:) and WtUdthey two rore, the dial. of 1eys, (Mqb,) and ? ii;, and on the Gentle, soft, tender, gracious, courtcous, a; or became, tratlling-companions; &c.: (V :) authority of Ibn-Tal-!ah 1a31, (I~, [in which this or civil; (JK, Msb;) as also *5J1;. (JK.) and 2 1 u 113 me were, or became, compa- last is said to be like t.1J, to indicate that it is And hence, (Msb,) Gentle, delicate, nice, neat, nions in travseUing, orjournmeying. (., O.) with damm to the j, but not (as will be shown or hkilful, in work or opcratiol,; contr. of .6 ,41 1.,f 8. i.q. i. .e. -ie. v] i and below, voce tJ,) that it is without tenween, (S, O, Msb, K.) - [Hence, also,] .;L jil; t [Tl,is affair, Aagl, [both meaning He sought, or demanded, imperfectly decl., and determinate like WiJll,]) J4 and .4 t ;; and 4 Persons travelling, or journeying, together; o; thing, is, or convenient, to thee: see aid, or help]. (Uar p. 395. [See also 10.])And hence, (gar ibid.,) a J1Wj He profited, or (Mgh;) a company of persons [travelling, or ;jLA]. (O.) ~ Also A companion (JK, $, 0, gained advantage or benfit, by him, or it, (8, journeying, or] with whome one is trareUing, or Msb, 15) and comp)anions (JK, , O, 0, ) in travelMgh, Mgb, TA,) namely, a thing. (Mgb.) [This journeying; but not rAen they Aave separated: ling, or journeying, and aftern.ards: (Kh, $, O, phrase is also often used as meaning He made ue (., O, Myb, 1 :) or persons with whom one Msb, 15:) used as sing. and pl., (JK, S, 0, I,) of it; namely, a garment, and an implement, &o.] travel, or journeys, as long as they are congre- like , (S, 0) and L.: (O:) pl. jw;; gated in one place of assembly, and in one See also 6. _ Also He leaned upon the I,. Sijj is syn., as in which V *:)journey; but not vwhen they have separated: (JK, S, 0, ;) witll of his arm [i.e. upon Ais elborw]: (O, M9b, (, , Mgh, MNb, K,) the phrase W3j1 1a [Young men companions dc.]. (JK:) pl. [of malt.] (g.) And or upon the pillow [caled ai]. which is pl. of aWj, (Mgh, Msb,) and aj, [which (JK.) See also aW. It is said in the lur [iv. 71] ], It was, or becam,flU, orfilld. (V.) is also pl. of WJ,] and [of pauc.] j3U;; (O, ;) . '-i'.sl ' _j, (JK, ., 0,) meaning ;j1; 10. &j ,.,l .lie ~oght, or demanded, his pro- and the pl. of a1j is .): (Mb :) or W is a or eroy good, nill be those as good, [i. e. And fiting him, or being useful to him. (TA.) the journey of life] in Paradise ! after companions ' j, or syn. with this last used quasi-pl. n. of ? He took a "aip, i. e. pillow in a pl. sense; and its pl. is JA and ;j and (JK.) And Mobammad is related by 'Aishch to Q. Q. . j have said, [just before his death,] when he had [upon which to lean with his elbow]. (v.) [quasi-pl. n.] t j. (11.) [Golius explains the been given his choice between continuanice in the first and second and third, as on the authority of present world and what was with God, and had & an in n. of (0,1:;) Gentlenes, t; oftness, tendernne, grcioumn , courteousness, the KL, by the words "consortium, societas :" chosen the latter, il.*.JI ! a *9l b'A; ' ; (g, O, Mgb, Myb ;) but in my copy of the KL, I find only the first or civility; contr. of j of Paracomrnanions thLe Iighest [Nay, rather, and second; and these are explained only by the , b (IDrd, O,],) or i.q. MJ, and y or conthe company, I desire dise]; meaning, 6j.j, agreeably with the renderings words J j gregation, of the propllets. (O.) .,m-1 ep and UeII; and so * ii; (JK;) which I have given above.] - The pl. 0 ; also iSj: ee Wi and ,;j. and t ]t; likewise; whence the phrase Oj*. signifies Camels upon which people have gone forth to purvey for themselves viteat, or corn, or see j;i 3 , in two places. &UhI;)j [H4 e treatedsuch a one witA gkentle , other provisionsfrom the towns or villages; each, &c.]. (JK, IDrd, 0.) It is also explained as or every, company being termed a W. (TA voce auil: see hi. meaning Good submiuion to that which conduces U). to what is comely, or pleasing. (TA.) - And meaning 4J; [ compar. and superl. of .i; Gentleness, delicacy, nicety, nmatns, or ski : see the next preceding paragraph. one &c.] [Hence,] and most, gentle, More, nes, in work or operation; contr. of jp&. "i [and 4.] t This affair, .o; J as an epithet applied to a she-camel: see says, Xj1 j yl (Mgh.) - Also A thing by means of which one ,-..s or modt, easy, or convenient, to is more, or thing, seekt help or asubtance. (V.) See also .;.. thee. (TA in art. j.) [See also an instance iS The cord that is used for the purpose voce *ae (in art. .. ), last sentence.] - Also, see the next preceding sjh: u inf. n. of You _[Also Easy of attdinment.] paragraph. de~ribedin the ewpnation of UWI Jj, (~, O, applied to a camel, Iavinig the elbow (mj.JI) [A place of paturing, or of un- 1],) or in the explanation of -alJI sj. (JK.) distorted from the side: (JK, S, O, 1 :) so says say pij restrained and plntifl pasturing,] eajy to be [See 1, in the latter part of the paragraph.] So in Lth: (0:) and so the fern. i"ij, applied to a *, U the saying of Bishr, (S,) i. e. of Bishr Ibn-Abee- she-camel: (JK, $:) but Az says that the epithet sought [and attained]. ($, 0.) And preserved by him in his memory as heard from ;'ater that i easy (JK,0, , 1) to be sought Uzim, (0,) 1


Boox I.] the Arab. applied to a camel is Lol, with JIj. (O.) - Accord. to AS, (0,) Isj applied to a she-camel signifies HIaving the orifice of her teal stopped up; (O, K ;) and so * i--: (K:) the latter is said by Zeyd lbn-Kuthwel; to signify, so applied, haring the orifices of her' teats stopped up. (O.)

1127 ing: (0, g:) or nearly full: so explained by 2. Je. The making a garment ample, or long IAar as occurring in the following verse of 'Obeyd totwards the ground: the letting it down, or makiny Ibn-El-Abras, (O,) describing rain that had filled it to hang do,mn: (TA:) [and so t JWjl: ] you the low tracts of ground: (TA in art. C:- :) say, d V,JUI, (Shl, T,) or 4;, (M,) or ,

asc,... '- ;% 0.'

1i C

L' f a

.Rf4:see hi4, in two places. see what next follows, in thrce places.



b.. and t j~ inf. ns. of Li;, (AZ, 0, K,) of whlich ti;. nalso) is an inf. n. (0, K.) Also A thing bI/,which one pr('lts, or gains advantage or benefit. (81,0, , 1(.) It is said in the l5ur [x,iii. 1. ],*U. l l, , 0 j. or E,* accord. to dliftrre,nt re,:des, [i. e. And lie Will
prepare for yoru a cio,dition of your case by

[And the meadows, and the plain, or soft, low tracts, became abundant with herbage, partly by whvat wras full, &c., in consequence thereof, and partly by what was flowling, running upion the surface of the ground]: (O:) or, as some relate it, &,.: [i. c. "filled"]; and J:,4, which means lherbage "of whichi the blosoms have not yet come forth from their' calyxes ;" and CLa# [accord. to this reading] meaning herbage "of which the blossoms have appeared :" (TA in art.

oi :) [or, accord. to the reading ?;;1, the ,rhich ye shallp trofit], but no one reads t *, meaning may be, "partly such as were compact (8, O,) whichll, hwrever, is allowable, meaning thereof," i. e. of the meadows &c., "and partly W j. (S. [See Se , last se,:tenec.]) The pl. is such as were cracked" by the beat and drought:] * .,3 ju 1. al* r ^ a another reading is ;1,.. (M.s!.) - [Ience,] jlJl 41. Such apt [Wher tre magnify a man, or make a man a Le7* u -3 -c pertenances [or conrcnirnces] of the hous as the 3 .H ' rpriv/ and the kltclan,nd the like: (MgIl, Msb :) ,._U '*. meaning " of what was flowing and king, &c., he becomes lord, or chief, of his peolte, though ke hare been before that not mentioned]. or the sinks, and the ;hke, qf the house: (., 0, :) going away." (TA ubi supra.) and particularly pricies: (0:) when used in lthese "J# t Such a one [Nearly the whole of this art. is wanting in the (T, ?, M.) And you say, 'Ji senses, the sing. is dJ.. only, witi kesr to the was made a lord, or chief, over his people. (St, copies of the TA to which I have had access.] T.) - Also l.He increased,or exceeded, to hinm h and fet-l to the .. , (Mgh, Msb,) likened to that over which he lAad authority tojudge, or to the nonn signifying an instrument. (Msb.) [See also j;~, in art. j...] And from the same decide. (TA.) - And Je!3 also signifies I The 1. ,JI, (S, M, K,) aor. :, (K,) inf n. J;; lcaring a well for its water to collect in it; (M, words in the sense cxll. in the second sentence above, (Mhsb,) ji, and t ,ii4 j; o,1 ;) and so tV ;: (O, :) you say, JiJ signify also The (S, M;) and JUj, aor. ', (M, K,) inf. n. elbonw, or elbon,-joint; the piace ahere the plj) (M ;) IIe was avwhkmard (S, M, 1,) in his manner ie.l : He left the well for its water to collect joins upon the ,L-; (, 0, 1K;) [in other words,] of wearing his clothes, (S,) or with his clothes in it; (Ks, T, M;) as also t ,Uj, aor. , inf. n. the place where the j.. is connected with the [when walking &c. (see j)], and in every work. Jo. (O.) - And li;, (M, 15,) or ) ;, J o ;~ (Mgl ;) the ;i4 of a man: (Mb :) [and (M, ) .. 4. jl, and its inf. n. se 1, in two s6je: in like manner in a beast, the elbow, or elbow- (S, TA,) aor. ', (S, M,) inf n. Jj (Lth, T, M, places: = and see also 2, in two places joint, as in the JK, S, O, and K, voce v jl; K) and Js (T, TA) and i j; (M, K ;) and and in countless other instances: but in the 1K t .lf; (S, M, 1I ;)- lIe draqged his shirt, and 5: see 1, in two places. - Ji3 also signifies voce abj (q. v.), it seems to be applied to the kicked it with hisfoot: (Lth, T:) or he made his t He wat, or becatne, or was made, a lorl, or clothes long, and dragged them, valking with an chief. (Sh, T, TA.) Hence, in a trad. of Wiail knee of a beast:] , above. ( eleyant and a proud and self-conceited gait, with al1 A pillow (S, O, Mgb , K) u)pon nwhich one an aJfected inclining of his body from side to leans [wnith the elbaon]: from jia iin tie sense side: (?:) or he dragged i:is shirt, and walked .. y.y.. ! [ He is, or rill be, &e., a lord, or explained in the last sentence of the next pre- in the manner described above: or he moved his chief, over the subordinate kings, awhrerer they ceding paragral,h. (Mgh.) arm up and down [in nal/ing]: (M1, ]:) and are, of the people of .Ia4ramowt]. (T,' TA.) VJ * signifies the same as j; and Q. Q. 1. -j,, inf. n. & se wJ: 1. itw i;L A sheep, or goat, having the fore 0. Jrj: (TA:) or * JOt1 [iaf. n. of 4] signifies a legs wrhite to the elbows. (0, I.) JUj, (IDrd, O, K, TA,) or, as in some copies man's having a long garment, such as a shirt and ij.. A camel wnhose elbow hurts ( of the Jm, ' jj, (0, TA,) or t j;j, (accord. to Ais a 1._.: (Kltalid Ibn-Jciibcl], T in art. j h.i) :) side. (0, 1.)_ And A she-camel that is hurt a copy of the MI,) or VjUj, (accord. to the CK,) and one says, Ui.. ".. s J' ; [Sle drags lby thle jl.o [q. v.] wlten her uddler is bound there[in the K said to be with kesr, which, accord. to her skirt, &e., in her gait, by reason of arrwnardwilt, and fromtn whom blood issues (JK, O, 15) a rule observed in that work, indicates that it is nes]. (S.) - .J{ J,j. , a phrase used by w,ten he is;loosed [therefro,,] (%L '!.), (JK,) The skirt, or lomer extremity, ofa garment. Ru-beh, [tI l,e being app. pl. of .i., a re- (M, O, or tvhen she is mnilked ( _ I11). (0, g.) ].) You say, j) j,il [explained above: gular inf. n. of jJ,] means Slhe walkls with every i.e. [A shirt jv.i A camel haring a complaint of his ,.i sort of J.j or Jj.J [i.e. dragging of theshirt, &c.]. see 2]. (K.) And J,ijl tL oj., ample, or long,] in ihe shirt. (TA.) [or elbow]. (IDrd, O, K.) (Lth, T accord. to diffcrent copies.) And Vt j., j~ t:The water that collects after drawing, .ijUA pli re, or tbing, upon which one leans inf .. iJ3, He walked nith an inclining of his body from side to side (j;' ;) by reason of pride (4'., thus accord. to the T and O and some [properly nith the b?, or elbow]. (Bd in xviii. (C1), or by reason of old age (C.,): (1, copies of the .K, [and this is said in the TA to be 28 and 30.) accord. to different copies:) the : is augments- the right explanation,]) or the black mud, or ~J' Leaning upon his elbow. (, 0.) tive. (TA.)~ See also the next paragraph, last black fetid mud, (ta.., thus accord. to other Also Full, standing, and continuing, or remain- sentence, in two places. copies of the ], or ' [whichl has the same or 1 Bk. I. 142

(K, TA, in the C.i &U,) I.e let down, or made to hang don, his garments, or his garment, or his skirt. (Sli, T, M, ]g.) lHence, (TA,) sI,j, (A'Obeyd, T, S, M,) inf. n. as above, (Sh, T, e, M, K,) SIie mannified himt, or honoured him: (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, . :) he made hitn a king, (A'Obeyd, T, M, K,) and a lord, or ch;ief, (Si, T, M, 1,) and a commander, and a judge: (TA :) [like s.j:] and he rendered him n ubmissive; made him to submit; or brought him under, or into, subjection: (M, 1 :) thus it las two contr. meanings; (K ;) [like dI. ;] for whnen a man is made judge in an affair, it is as though boe wore subjected to service therein. (TA.) Dhu-r-Rummch sayRs,


1128 simnilar mneaning,], thuis accord, to the Ml anid A. see = ~ ~ ~ A thing that is andl L,) of a well. (T, M, 0, A, L, K.) Sce put before the p;nis q 'f tide gqoat, in orde,' that he alao thte next preceding paragraph. == Uj Ij A many ntot copulate. (1 Drdl,AM, ]~.) 1 Kln'b:t,i.) call to ithe ewve, to be nailked. sl;and its fern., witlh 3: see JUj, in three )JUj Andinward (5, Af, 1~)in hisg nanner of n.caring.his clothes, (8,) or wvith his clothes [when places. wvalkting &c.], and in crery workli; as also ? (M1, K ) And iLt fern. (of thec latter] ?jJ * a6-0 Jei:see (Lthi, T, AI, K~, TA) andl ? (Lthi, T, TA) A womnnn reht'o drags her sleirt. (Lthb, T, AI, 1Z, TA) jl~ [A waist-wrapper] mande to htang down. w.ell, or beamiitifuilb,, (Ml, K, TA,) mrhen she wa'flks, (Sli, T.) ffience, perhaps, whiat necxt follows.] anid whop walks wvith an#elegant and a proud anid i)4. [written withiout any syll. signs, app. selff-conceited gait, wirl4 an all~cted inclining of the bodly froin side to sidle: (Lth), T, TA :) or. either altpa or Ut,.o, an epithet used as a subst., tlhe forn'cer sig.nifies a woman whmo drags her shirt or conver.ted inito a sabot. by the addition of i,l , (Jp) in hie). gait, by reason of awkwardness: A longt [drescs or garmient suich as is callcdl] with an in mu hick onic his shirt, and w~alks3 (,TA :) i:m.ol * a woman teho does not wralki weyll (ADk, TI,S, NI, K)in her. clothes, (ADk~, T, elegant tiand a proud and self-conceitedl gait (i~Y ~,M,) draelgging lice. garm1pent, (M1,) or dragging yie). (TA.) her shirt: (K~:) and ?3l,a inai snaking htis altp4, A she-camel having her uddler boutnd n'ith clot/hes long, and driagging themn, wralking PM4t/ an a piece of rag, which4 is made to hang down over. elegant and a )ny.ondy iand self-conceited gait, with her teuts so as to cover them. (M, 0, L, Kg.) an effe?cted inclining of his body fromi side to [See also the next preceding paragraphi.] sidle; (~; in whiicht sense pmay be well used J1,,applied to a woman, means jJ~J 1 ate an epithbet nappliedl to a womann: (Lthi, T:) or i )[i. e. 1J'kto drags her shirt, &c., mnuch]: ?JM (TA) and tji,(Seer, M4, 1g, TA,) in (Ltlm, T:) [and in like mnanner,] applied to a whvlich fatter theo z is augmentative, (TA,) signify b [whiichi meians the same: a man wrho ei/rags, his shirt, and toalk., in the man, (TA,) ~l Ynanner laist dlescr.ibed above; or whop moves h;s see 1]. (741, J9, TA.) arM imip andI domi.n in walking. (Seer, M4, 1~, TA.) vU.. [app.. pl. of J.~r., an inf. n. of Jj]j Also, Jk~Foolish; stupid; or unsound, see 1 or dfkicicmut, in intellect, or understanding. (,5.) -And 1U,, A jb?il, or an unseemnly, or ugqly,; (M, 1~;) as also * 1Uj, (M,) or V1j, 1. 4,(JK, K~,) or jp.'t (Mgh,1, M9b,) witha two kesrelbs: (IS:) and thec saine epithet inf. n. 3AU, and atU (JK, Migh, M b, 15!) and 9 are applied likewvise in this siense to a mian. (,M.) a,Jj, (JK,) His life, or the life, wvas, or became, -~See also `~ ample int its mneans or circumstances, unstraitenwd,

[,door.. 1.
d....& e4,,inCf. n* as above, l7Ie r.esed himself; made h4imself to be at rest or at ease; or gave 4, (JK, 8, him,self rcst. (Mfgl,Mh ..... Mghj, K~ or 4i.p, (so acecord, to one copy of the (, both correct, huxt the fori.ervv the miore common,]) inf. n. as ab~ove, (,5, 1~,) l1 ie adle his circumstances ample and ea r, asedlh1dm, or relieved him; and granted kin&tamuls,; (JK,* S,*AMgh, ]g;*) nanicly, hiis dhl,tor; (.5, MAli;) or onec who was in str.ititess, or distres, (TA :) and he beJtaared, or actred, fitntly, .ofdql, etenderly, gra. ciousi,?, or, ?t'itk himn (J K, TA:*) anid d j Grant thou to mie a citvmty: it is from Vjj as used in relation to camiels. (g.)And ,,..az21 &d. d3j Ifait igc wvas rcto red fronm him, or (TA.) made to quit hLimp. 4. &ijl lie.found, or exeine,rs,or ease, (1~,) or lhe remanmiied, stayed, dwelt, or abode, and found, or experienced, rest, or ease, (IAt;r, T) i.k; at ouer abodle; at; also t isnf. n. 1 IAr . ,P j; (IA~r, TA; n lie kept con tinualplh, or constantly, to the eatinag of dlainty food, (1~, TA,) anid indeulged himstelf largqely in eatinig and dlrinkinig: and thiis is said to be meant in a trad. in whlichl M3iN is forbidden; because it is one of thle pr actices of the foreigners and of worldly people. (TA.) - Ho anoinjted himself, (JK, S, K~,) andi comabed, or anointtedl and combed, htis hair., (.5,) every (lay: (JK, 8, ]~:) and thtis also is said to be nmeant in the trad. abovo mentioned: (JK, S, TA :) or by'g in that trad. is nmeant [the induiilging in] case 7lThe cattle re. and plenty. (J K.) - JYI mained near to the tirter.(1~, TA) in the wcatering-t coughs or tankh, atungthlice upont the (TA.) - And plants, or tr-ee, called lWjl Theiri camneLq, (JK,) oi. tleicit cattle,(1) cainae to the irater to drinki (.T K, K~) every dlay,



(JK,) or when they would.

ae the ntext preceding paragraph, near sej the end.

,jU,j Long in the tail; ( Ltli, T, ~, M, k(;) applied to a garmnent: (~ :) or, thius applied, wide, or. apppple: (1IM, 1~(:) in the formner sense, applied to a hiorse, (Lth, Aom, T, MI,) and to a bull, (Lthi, T,) and to a camel, (Lth, T', 8, M,) and to a miountainiagoat; (74;) anid ~,,3 sig-nifies the samec : (Lthi, An~, Il :) and applied to a lhorse as meaning,also (M1) having much fleshi; (M4, ]C;) and so Cj (M~:) and to a camiel as meaning also snide in the ski,i.: (Lthi, T, SR, AI, 1] :) and, applied to hair, pmass. of (Ms;b:) nr he found, or experienced, r.est, or ease, afte, fatigue. (JK.) [See also 4.] long; (A4; [or] so ? like ~~ (1K;) or - J~~Vl~ (, 'Mgh, K5,) aor. (, Altr, gh, j,u,, or tj Jk; (so necord. to different cop,ies of and *jj, (8t [and it is imiplied in the thbe T;) and so? lp apjnplied to a gar.ment. (TA.) inf. n. Vhaina long skirt. (I4Inm P. 3S6.) 15that d also is an inif. n. of the verb thius used, A mnan - tIlence,] 1 #, (TA,) or LL,j a ~ , but it is a~ siniplc suibst. accord, to the S,]) The AI, in onbe copby of the ! U,, Amn,le miteansy of camels camte to the wvater to drink (?, 7igh, IS) iwhlen they wrould. (S, 74gj, 1. See also JUj. =And every day, (8~,) suib.,istenice. (~~, Al, TA.) t 1, ', j'O' x .~~~~-i [See toj, below.] =m U &hi ~ Ls ast thou not, see or n.hcrr,fur7e wilt thols not have, mccri,, or pity, ii:see the next preceding paragraph)], in two or coinpilas,sion;, on such a one ? (TA. [Thie meaning is there onily inidicated by the context.D) places.

or p)len T114d (J K, Mfgh, Msib, 15,) and easy, pleasant, soft, or dlelicate. (JK,* Mob, 15.) [See also) A&at, below.] = 4 3j, aor. ~,inf n. #)Oj(JK, Msb, 1K) and #A (Myfb, 1K) and 4Aj (1,) [or this last is perhanps a simple subst., said of a mnan, lle led [a plentiful, anid] ani easy, a pleasant, a soft, or a dielicate, Iffe; (15;) he .foiind, or expericnced, [ore oijoed, (see the parL n. .l,below,)] an easy, a pleasant, a soft, or a delicate, lyec, wtith ammpleness of the meanps of aubsixten~; and t dI3 is [syn. therewith, its part. n. IF.being syn. withi lj, and the verb itself being] quasi.

(God) madle thtem to have apt easy, a pleasant, a scoft, or a delicate, and a lplent fful, lU/a; as also inf. n. ^ (ii TA :) and ~Iandl 4?b 1~ inmade hima to finid, or experience, [or enjoy, (see 1,)] an easyl, a pleasamit, a sopt, or a delicate, life, mith ampleness qf the mizteans of subsistence. (Mlsb.) -And J~ l ; (A, K; and ? Q(i,) and l&t in'i' n. as above; (TA) le mnade the camiels to comne to tihe iralirto dri.imk (~,18, TA) every day, (~, TA,) when they would.


='.MAi He

(~ ,TA.)
10: sce 4. Jj [said in the g to he an iif'. n. of said of a man, and app. of:-i said of canmels: or it is] a suibst. froin .. A aid of c'ainel.s; (.S;) and (thuts) signifies The coming of eamels to thc wvater to drisak (J K, S, Mgh) ety inlay, (J K, 8) when ',he!y till: (~WMglt:) or the stor.test and quickest of the times of cointing to ivater. (T A.) [See also _41 and ii.~]Lebeed uises it mnetapliorically in relation to palm-trees growing. over water, saying,





2. Jj, inC. a1. seij: see 4, in five places.



Book .L]
Tt:7hy dy.inlt eircr daiy, togeth#er, naot tliirsting; and evry onc vf ehepn is ,cippjii,q the mater, dip)pinq thereini]. (TA.)= Also ,S,nall, or Youing, 7iobn-trees. (.1 K, K~, TA. [By Golius and Freytag written, in this S7~,4~]

B~~~~ 1.] ~~~~~4hj t C'o signifie's in a state of rest, or ease, after fatigque; and its ph. is .j and (JK.)&iI,, J.4, [the latter word beingf 1)1. of j, Camels comingq to the water to dlrinik (JK, ) everyj day, (J K,) wlhen they will. (kZ.)-


marriaige) be n~ith close union, &c., futrther 112 expl. in art. Uj]: ~, TA:) ISk says thtat it is originally withi .; (TA;) but if yout will, lie siay, the meaning may be, wvith traniquillity, or fr.eedlom from disturbaniceor agitation; from "I appeased, or quieted, or cahtned, the man." L .,(8, Mlsb, K.,) and ~3;5j J. ql. Cp. fi. e. JRStran; or strawv that ha.s Jic W9?$, (,TA.) 514e is also syn. vidth ilI..:and been trodiden, or thr.ashied, avid cut : by soine (JfK, S, K,") [lJetwveen ine and thee is a night, with14~m. as a dial. var. of ;W1,: ci ., 611; and arc three nights,] of_gentle, or easy, .ioirneywrittent LU; avid by some, %4 j] : (Kr, ~ :


whence the prov., 4~A c ~L3 ~ 0 j [More watnt Vhliau the badjer is from the want a~ffected writh,pity,p or compaasion,for hfim. (Aboo-Leylik, K.~) of $trami]; MAll meaning, the beast of prey called &;SJje dh^~ means hj I,,hb [i.e. lIe is one who 1 ,JijV jLLc; because it dloes not iced upon stmw: leads, or ei~o~ils, a more easy, pleasant, soft, or [by some written d.AZI; and by sonic, aAUt; dlelicate, and pknt/ifde, life than he]. (TA.) and by some, ~AAW:] accord. to some, the former 'A djZ: seeMl. word is with S; and(.A1,lt occurs as its p)1. in a verse cited by IF: accord, to 1Sk, the two words are correctly without teshbdeed, atnd witha tho radical .. (TA in art. &A. [See aelso :4JJ, ill i, A~,Ii, ALb,) thjird pers. tj, art. i.


cqjoled, himi; &c.: and hie treated htimp in an cam,I anid a gentfle mnanner in selling; or al,ateil to hi,ni the price, or payment :] and aceord, to IA~tr, ,Ujl [also, like #'Ujt,]is syn. wivIthAj; (TA.)

1. 4

4. %z%Jj$3 I hiad recourse, or I betook myoxy or repaired, to hiim, or it, for 9'efoye, protectiont, preservation, conceralmtent, corerg, or kodgqing: (TA:) and I inclined to, or towards, ias S. htim, or it: a dial. var. of jAI,3t. (Fr, TA.) Le I%.ej I brought the ship; near to the land; a dial. var. of zijl (ISli, TA.)

3IVAj Pity,, or mercy. (AIleythj, K)Thus expii.nas sed in theisayinag, -LZ'-' t1





is hcre an evidlent mistmanser.iption for .. yAt, the linae of thbe Twelfthi Manision of the Moon: thbe meaning is, 1J'hdepi e.s.tats aurorally, pity becornies littlce in the; because then tlic cold onds: see art. J 1 ... ]) see &iit, in two places.

scee.4, inl tiro places. iU and ?&j;, (5, Myhb, IS, [both expressly shbown in the .1K msid MAgh anjd Mqb to bc inf. na.,]) lik UU n ,A (TA,) and V (,,)like 2c, (TA,) the last rendered quasei-coordinaii.te to the qttl uqtieliteral-radical class [partly] by intran. of I in its; latter p)art, changed into l(cendgo of thbe kestreb before it, (~, (but 1 mentioned nlso inb a separaite art., as wrell as here, in the ? and KJ]) A sitate of life amiple in its mneanas or raci.taes nitraitened, or plentiful, (,M 9 b, N~,) and easyp, pileasant, soft or delicate: (Meb, N.) so in theo saying, >4.4A&hi

and, in the dial, of Benoo-Ka:;b, J"' nor. inif. n. (Mob;) but this latter is strangre; (TA in art. Uj;) I repaired, or mnended, the garntent, (Meb, ]~, TA,) [where it %"asrent,] dlran'in.qparts thereoftogether; (TA;) ~0or rather, as is wvell known, I darned it; for] -J is thle. ,finest, or most delicate, kind of sen'ing;. the icca rinig [ovtr] a rent, or hole, in a garment, so that it apipears as thtough there were in it no renat, or hole: (Ijar p. 91:) and sU ignifies thec samte: (?, M, Alab:) IA9sr and AZ say thtiti withi o; but the latter says that the . is [sometimes] chaing-ed into j, so that one Pays .j~ accord, to 18k, [but this is at variance withi what follows,] the verbs withi and without have diffe-

See also 3,

last sentenice.
6. ,..'l "' ~ Thevy agreedl together to do the thin; .q a ial. Tar. of (TA.)

ae 3; and see also art. t seJ

L93 1 ItI,ringq large andflabby ears: fern. 1, 5h 3 (15~, TA;) meaning, n'hose ears approach each othier so that theis. extremities almost touich one anolther. (TA.) see art. j

rent mcanings; for one says, 4,~t tiand

1.1 ~


i-,4t (q%) anid kA,U (3, Mb) and JS4Aj (S) lie

pers. U, I ap3 , (1K,) [aor. and inf. n. as above,] peaxed, or quicted, or calmed, the inan; (ISk, I, TA;) as also 'Uj (M and K in art.'j~;) [i. e.] I quieted the man'sfear; (~, K(, TA;) did awray w.ith his fear, lihe as one does away with a rent., or hole, by jiI [i. e. darning]. (TA.)Anid Ui, aor. le H married, or tooh a nie (TA;) and Uj is said to signify the same. (TA in airt. Uty)
4 2. C, j,

j Pur'. milk: (1Aqr, TA:) or imilkg of a gazelle: or pure and good mtilk: (M, 15>) ISd says, it may be of the measuare J.05M, or ~W or it nmay belong to art. _,j, becautse one syay Z!j but not [to hiis knowledge] (TA.)






(J K, 8, fghi, K," TA,) It (a thaing, J K, ?, Mfgh,

inf. n. We, I saidt to himn (i.e. to a Mlqb, TA) hiad the quality ter.medi it; (K,T~ isin a atate of life amiple in its mecans &c. man takingto himself a wvife, 8) C>J13O Mo,;b.) [in theo C1g, AIi is erroneously put for JUJI;])
3A4;6: seect le itext preceding paragraph. [exphl. below, see 3]:

(,1> and so sI~ (T,,

31f, applied to life, as meaniing Ample in its menp&ps or ricmtne,nsriee,or plentiful, (M~gll,) [and reay, plearsiant, soft, or dlelicate; like ts:- nid] applied to a mann, (JK, 85, Mlsb,) In state qf ease', and ampleness qf the ineans or circnu,istanarcsof life; (JK, S;) in a state of r-est, or ease; (Mghi, Mollb, Kg.;) enjoy mu, an eaxy, a pleasant, a sq/i, or a dlelicate, life; (Mt'b, 1V;) a's also 1J -. (1N [tholigh thlis secems to be applied

3. ,..j means He agrees, or is of one mnind or opinion, inCih mae; [the inf. n.] beingy 3 sy. ith LA I,(, TA,) or a5MJA, (AZ, lM, TA,) 1 as also 65,,, (A'Z, TA,) this latter being thius made by AZ ai inf. n. [like the former]: (TA:) [or] 1 'ii,U (is a simple subst., or is generally used as such, and] signifies close union, or coalescence; and concop.rd, or agreement; ~ 1>, TA ;) and yood consociation: (TA:) and hience the sayingr, more properly to lift, itself, being from anid to one taking to himself a wife, (~, in the TA ? ~ (I() and tbj. : (Mlgli, Mob, Ii)or iL..U[to the king])cjyl~t Ma t(h


[i. e.] it was, or became, the contr. Of Jdek,U (S? Mob, TA,) and of ~ :(,TA:) [or rather, properly, it is the contr. qf~~ it wras, orbecamec, thin as meaning of little thickness in comp)arsi'on wcith its breadth and lengyth together.; little in extenit, or dlepth, betwveen ts imntio olp,losite sufaces : thins, finec, delicate, Jlirnsry, iunsulistan. tial, or uinromgpact, ina texture aJ'c.; said of a garmnent nitid the like: shallowr, or of little depjth; suid of water, and of sand, &c.: lthin as meaningi. wanting in apiisaicude; said of mild &c. : ajttcnu,ated: see Uj below; and jg3j:] and t [in like mannier] signifies the ~ontr. of Wh.A:.5 [and tlherefore contr. of "~.; for theme last two 142

1130 verbs are syn.]. ($, g.) [Hence,] &l4lc



[BooK I. (see Jlj) of the bride, in summer, u)on whicA thou hast poured and rubbed perfumne mixed with saff'on &e.]. (S, TA: in the latter, .1,.)-_ ile Inixel the wine. (TA-.)-jI.t ,.:.JI 'jR,.j l made his eye to shed tears. (TA.)eS ie ;i : ?,3 It is said in a trad., t . tr.a t come, and] icill meaning [Sedition, or the like, by its another delircfor canue one act thercof will charms.nn. with it inrestlig or embellishment thereof, below.] (TA.) _- [See also ', It (water, &e.,) onured forth R. Q. 2. jj. in small quantity. (TA.) - lie, or it, ran in an easy manner. (TA.) [Seo also 2, lust sentence It (water, 9, TA) was, or became, but one.] in a state of motion, or con,nmmotion; (K, TA ;) in whichl sense, [meanin,g it Jlickered,] it is [also] said of the .. j., [or mirage]; (O, i; [see also another explanation below;]) [it wrent to and fro;] it canew and nient. (, K, TA.) And in 3 The tears nrent ,II Aj a like manner, (S,) round abontt t t he inner edge of the eyelid. ,. ;.J.A3i The snn appeared (S, ]g.) And as though it nrre turniing roundfl (A'Obeyd, ., TA) and comnitq and goingq, by reason of its nearnes to tile hori:on, and of rapours intervening bletween it and the eyes; whieh it does not when it is high. (A'Obeyd, TA.) - It (a thinig) shone, or glistened; (JK, 8, 1.:) as does the ,.d. t [or mirage]. (JK.) -- & jj3 liis eye sited tears. (TA.)

[inf. n. ,or

per and ,,) t Ilus bones became weak; or became thin, and consequently t weak; meaning] t he became aged: (JK:) or it is said of one who has become aged. (TA. [See Uj and ;i;' be-

j;i, or both, (and ifto, the second and .jL;j, and the aor. may be .Uj

And d , [inf. n. 1, Wj.])t lie was, or became, weak: and abject, mean, paltry, or contemptible: see *; : and see also 4:] his patience, or endurance, became nweak, or weakcned: (TA:) he was, or became, weak-hearted, 3.': (Mgh:) and and fearful; as also ' bashfulnes. (1], or qffected with shame, shyne, low; and seo also

conpassionate, or pitiful, to him; (Mglh, I ;) as also ;b IJ 3;: (TA:) and 5 t 3;J3 signifies the 3. (8, l;-.. ) -. [And &4 same as t lis lpeech wao, or became, soft or tender, or easy and sweet, or elegant, graceful, or ornate: c3 . tlits And , and seoalso 2.see voice Mos, or became, slender, or soft, or gentle.

TA.)_ And iJ.j', (Mgla, ,')first per,. 'j*l, JI ';j, said of (Kull p. 127.)--. of . 1 tH,) e was, or became, ;, ( if. n. Xj, aor. easy pace: and an a camel, (1~, TA,) t lie went [tede-hearled, (see LJ and J,)] merciful, [See
V; J3, alone, signifies the same. (TA.) lIe I.. created, or also R. Q. 2.] excited, disorder, disturbance, disagtreement, or disenion, or he tnadle, or did, mischief, between, or among, the people. (TA.)

he said, "Wheno ye shall have given me] morning draught, how shall I enter upon my way and prosecute the object of my want?" whereupon the saying above was addressed to him: (1K,0 TA:) it is applied to him who makes an allusion to a thing, like this guest, who desired to oblige the people to give him the morning draught: and was said by Eslh-Sha.abee to one who spoke of kissing a woman when meaning thlereby tl. . (TA.) - [Henco also,] , 'j) (.K in art. Cj~.) or Vt JI (S in that art.) t [lie made his roice e) also signifies slender, or soft, or gentle]. t [The pronouncing a word with the slender sound of the lengthenedfet-h (like the sound of "a " in our word "father"), and with the ordinarysound of l;] the contr. the letter J; both as in l and

4. J1, said of the white grape, (AH.n, O, .,) It was, or became, thin in its shin and abundant in its juice: (AHn,TA :) or completely ripe. - And 1_. ' t lin state, or condition, was, (O, 1 - Said S.) of a man, *He was, or becanm, or became, narrow in its circumnstanes, or evil: in a state, or cond(lition, narrow in its circumbelow, and 4; and see also 4 in art. A.. sae stances, or evil; i.q. Jt.JI '.3 j;t, (JK,) or tj ]ii licing, or sutenance, was, ut. ;A. _ And !_, .; J 3 I (Is, TA.) or became, scanty.] - end oeR3, t !Iis years 1Their natural dispositions were, or became, nigsco ~3;; and Jj. ~Also, (JK, 8, Mgh, se: that he numbered were for the most part passed, gardly, tenacious, or avaricious. (TA.) -~ 1: but the latter is a so that the remainder was little (je;) in his see 2, in two places. - See also 1, last sentence, Mob, J.,) and 13, (Msb, 1,) thius in tho gur read sonic though var. rare dial. estimation. (IAar, TA.) - , (IMgh, Msb,) in thiree places. vallu,m; so in and [Parchment; (Msb,) 3, lii. aor. ;, (M~b,) inf. n. d,~, (,' MghI, b, Ig,) 5: see 1: _ and see also 2. c s ;jJ Sle (a the )resent day; or] Jsin, (Mghb, Msb,) or thin lie was, or beca,ne, a slare; (S,* Mgl, Mqb, girl) captivated his heart so that his patience, or *kin, (S, K,) upon whitch one writls: (S, Mgh, nnd endurance, became weak, or weakened. (TA.) ) or he remained a slave. (bMgl.) rJJ Msb, K:) or (so accord. to the Mgh, but in the ) ;e. [whichi t? jI lse made him a slare: (Mbb:) or tthe K "and") a twhite [i. e. blank] kSj.; 0 t Thou nowest ,L A. 9 dl. k g. latter signifies he kept hirn as a slave; (Mgh;) means a pmper and a piece of skin, but generally not what thing thou wilt choose: (JK:) or to contr. of i' ; (S, Mgl ;) a also * i,L.1: ( :) what state, or conditions thy minjd will come at such as is written upon]: (JK,Mgh, l:) or metaphiorically applied to t a skin written upon: or * the second and t third, he pontesed hin as a the last. (TA.) The origin of the word (I.') properly one upon wlhich one writes: (B(. in slave; (IQ;) and so dj; accord. to ISk and Az is unknown. (JK.) [See also art...A.] [i. e. papers, or lii. 3:) accord. to Fr, ttle w.. significs he mnade and others: (TA:) or V itl [Ilence,] ,.1 pieces of skinl, meaning rccordils,] that will be 10: see 1, 'fitst sentence.him, or took him as, a slave; (Mgh;) or he t.I Thec water [became shallo,v: and bence,] produced to the sons of Adain on the day of brought him into a state of slavery. (TA.) 1sank into, or disappearedin, the carth, except a resnrrection; whiichl indicates tihat such as is ., ($,]g,) inf. n. LjW; (TA;) and j'i, little. (1J, TA.) - And ,.1 ,..wl t The night written is also thus termed: (Az, TA:) in the 2. 1iur lii. 3, [accord. to some,] applied to t the Book ($, ,) inf. n. u;jl; (TA;) contr. of *JU; for the most part passed. (TA.) - .tl: (f the Lanw revealed to MIoses: or the.ur.dn. e. [i. 3j. it, rendered or it, made lIe or (1];) see 1, last sentence, in thiree places. (Jcl.) =Also, (1K,) or the former word [only], thin, as meaning of little thichnest in comw;arison lle (T.K,) ai;, (JK, S, M.s,) The tortuise: (JK:) or a grcat n. inC. (s, K,) 3., Q. 1. It 1, see &c.: together; with its breadth and length poured it forth in small quantit.y; namely, water tortoise: (, K:) or the male tortoise: (Meb:) first sentence; and jjj, below]. (S, TA.) &c.: (1 :) or lhe made it to come and go; namely, and the crocodile: (JK:) or, (1.,) accord. to LW t The makhing slpech to be [ellence,] lie poured a Ibrilheem El-I.urbee, (TA,) a certtaia aquatic o,,olli'. water. (S.) - : [soft or tender, or easy and sweet, or] elegant, (1.,TA,) [app. the tnrtli, or sea.tortoise,] upon the brohcn bread; reptile, graceful, or ornate; the beautifying, or embellishI- little clarified butter lesy, .and clam., or nails, and teeth four havintg thcrewith: or, as ing, and adorning, of speech. (S, TA.) And (IK, TA;) i. e. mnade it saroury it exposes and conceals, and which head a in some say, poured much th'erof upon it. (TA.) . hence, (TA,) it is said in a prov., (S,) ;: lie 7ade thl perfumne to wihichs is hillecd for food: (TA:) pl JJj;. -~.,-}fl? ,.,,;1l , ~i,5 (, 1g, TA) l Dost thou allude (], TA) run [to andfiro (as is implied in the S)] upon the (A'Obeyd, JK, S, M.Ib, K..) gracefully, courteously, politely, or delicately, garmcnt: (TA:) [or he poured and rubbed the Shlallow, applied to water; or shallow water; $) (TA,) to a morning-draught? (g, TA:) [tlihe perfume upon thie garment.] El-Aslilh says, man origin of whiichl provey. was this:] a ccrtain (t 2.' :1.; IDrd, ., TA;) not copious, or not o t Ji. -- .. b b.. ioo, h [d named Jib4n alighted by nigbt at the abode of a abundant; (IDrd, TA;) in a sea, or great river, people, and they entertained him, and gave him or in a valley; (IDrd, I, TA:) as also 1; an evening-draught; and when hle had finishied it, [And she is cool, with the coolncss of the C1. 1


Boot I.]

vi so j)J. ' (IDrd, ].) See also And . in art. )

1131 TA:) [thin as meaning wanting in scissitude; applied to mud &c.: attenuated:] pl. 3jj (TA) and ajl.. (JK.) [lIenec,] e1 The part btwreen the i; .. [or flank] and the &4 [or groin, on either side]: (AA, ]:) and the pl. a31~, the thin parts at thetflanks of he-camels. '1 . [or (JK.) Also, the dual, QUi,3JI, Thle part between the ar,npit and the flank, on either , q. v.]) side]. (Ig, TA. [In the C1 O And [The two reins called] the C.O,l1 [q. v.]. (..) And, of the nose, The tweo sides: (1 :) so says As: or the ii3; of the nose is the thin and [Also Thin, or soft part of the site. (TA.)attenuated, and consey.uent,! twveak, in the bones: see o~j.] You say _j%;JJU meaning tA shecamel whose marron-boneshaae become weak and ), and w,hoe msdullary canal is thin (.j",; '(IAAr, TA.)_Also ,vide: pl. 3,0U and ,;. t Weah: and abject, mean, paltr7y, or contenptible: applied to a man [&c.]. (TA.) And goats arc called iJi; 3i [l,Vah cattle] becaase they have not the endurance of sheep.. (TA.)_ j.1 LJ ; t Weak-hearted. (Mgh.) And . L.ffi. tSaft, or tender, of heart; contr. of iJl or easy or tender,, Soft [t (El-Munawee, TA.) and sweet, or elegant, graceful, or ornate, speech '; means [t Soft or tender, or language.] $i&l &c., of expresuion; applied to a man: and also soft or tender or] easy and sweet expression. (Har p. 8;) - [t Slender, or s(gt, or gentle, aptA _ l- JI L j plied to the voice.] asoto,iis courteous, or gracious, gentle, man And 'SI_J1I; ciate. (TAin art.) A soft or delicate, pleasant, or plentifid and ,[i; ;.p may sometimes ea.W, life. (TA.) means t Scanty it commonly but same: mean the j; j j d or sustenance.]_ And Jl_J lj [Such a one is weak in rel;pet of religion, and narrom in the circumstances of, or evil in, his state or condition: see 1j]. (TA.) i Also A slave, (?, Mgh, Myb, 1,) male and ferale; (MAsb;) [but] the latter is [also] called ;1iij: (Llp, JK, TA:) and slares; for it is used as sing. and Jd.': and pl.; ($, Mgh, Myb, 18;) like , (TA:) accord. to Abu-l-'Abbas, so ralled because they are abject and submissive to their wnoer: (TA:) the pl. of jii is 5)1, (Myb, TA,) erroneously said in the 1C to be jtiJ; (TA;) and that of *jit is JSt'?. (Lb, TA.) Using it as pl., you

(.;) and

iJ 3 t [A looseness, or diarrhama]. (TA and in like manner to sand]: se lj: (1Drd,]C,

[Tt is indicated in the .K that it is se se: t.j;, an inf. n., (KL, [see 1,]) [Thinness, and ! weakness (J K, S, K], KL, TA) of consequently] latter's) its (the of in all word latter syn. wilt the senses. but I do not find it to be so in any other the bones, (JK,) or in the bones, (TA,) or of the lexicon.] - A thin thing. (S. [There cxpl. as bone, (KL,) or as in the bone, (S,) and in a S; but perhaps by this may camel's foot: (TA:) [and] lightness in a horse's signifying L; Paucity: thus in the hoof. (AO, TA.) _ be meant tlhat it is an epitlhet s.yn. itl j3.i;, as it t[In his property ispaucity]: pj al t. saying, is said to be in the K.]) See J;.i. - The leaves by Fr, (S,) or by :) mentioned 8, K,TA (JK, of trees: or tile branches that are easy for the saying mentioned by Fr is thus, but the A'Obcyd cattle [to cat]. (K.) -And A certain thorny plafit. (Is.) - See also Ij. . Also The state, .3j; JiL. t. t Thire is not in his property or condition, qf a slare; lavery; servitude; paucity. (TA.) - And t Scantiness (3iJ) of food. (TA.) = See also the next paragraplh. (KL) .. (JK, S, Msb, K ;) and so V j.l : a [desert tract such as is called] soil, o. ., of soft or spacious, or a n,ide, (.K:) beneath which is hardness: (TA:) or a lervel, (S, V, TA,) expanded, (TA,) tract of land, of soft toil, beneath whichl is hardneess: (E, .K, TA :) or a tractfrom which the water has sunk into the ?j; and Vaj [q. v.]: or a soft 21. [an inf. n. of jj in several senses, as shown ground; as also *t tract of land; (K, TA;) accord. to AV, and wilde above, in the first paragrnidh of this art.]: it is explained in the K as Jsyn. writh ai.: [see 1, first without sand; (TA;) as also ' ; and V J and sentence:] lut El-Muntwce says,' in the "Tow- t ~;; (.K;) the last of which is a contraction l3eef," that the forimer is like the latter [as of tJj, niscd by lItu-belh, (S, TA,) by poetic j A hotday. (Fr, .) 3~liJ meaning Tinnes], huIt that the latter is said license. (TA.)with regard to the lateril parts of a thing, and [Sec also lj ] the former will reyard to the depth of a thirng [or j;j: see jjj - Also, (JK, S, g,) as a the extent betweeen the two opposite s3tfaces thereof]: thuts, in a material substance, suelh, for subsLt., (Tht, S,) or j ),j., (Mgh, Msb,) Thin instance, as n garment, or piece of clothi, [&c.,] bread, (t JK, S, Mgh, Myb, TA,) such 3Jj:j, it is [thinnet as me nning little thicknem in com- as is [ or flattened, or] expanded: (TA:) parison with the breadth and length together; n. an. 313j, (Mgh,* Myb, K,) meaning a single littleness its extent, or tdepth, between the two thin, round cake of bread: (Mgh:) one should olpposite r.faces: fineness, delicateness,Jflimsiness, not say aJ3lj, wilh kesr: (.:) the pl. of JUj tsnsubstantialnesu, or uncomnpactnes, in texture , accord. to the I is !3,; but this is pl. of (TA:) 5.C. :] the contr. of [iQt~ and] it: [in water, andl sand, &e., shallowness, or littlenefs like as.;l.- is pl. of_,.s. (TA.) [See also Any land bI the side qf a valley, over which the rater spreads in the days of the increase, and into nwhich it then sinhs, or disappears, (S., 1,) and whivh therefore produccs good herbsc also 3 ,. age: (S:) 1l. 1,3. (K.)_


31;; A

irimperfectly of depth: (see J:) inmud,and anyting

said of a camel, means i g. . J - .]_tU liquid, thitnnes as meaning frant of spi,situde: .J5uI .ji, (Ii, TA,) i.e. lHe went an easy an attenuated state or condition of anything.] pace. (TA.) - See also Utj. Also t lVeaknen; (Mgh ;) as in the phrase Zj ,+1 [n'eanes of resistance; similar to

(Mg,gh, (S,

l,b, ],) ferm. with ;, (TA,)

Haringthe quality termed ab; (K, TA; [see 1, ". ]; (Iam p. 031; contr. of ,..'t; first sentence, respecting a mistranscription in the [and in the phrase o ,J weakness of religion: C. ;]) as also t 3., (1,) of whichl the fem. is (see gj:) also alecinens, meannes, paltrines, , (K,) like likewise witih ; (TA;) and * or contemptibleness: and weak-heartedneuss, and (S, Mb, , of 4.'; contr. (TA;) [i.e.] ~ 1; fearfulness: (see 1:)] and shame, shyness, or bashfulncs. (l.) - Also t [Tender-heartednest, TA;) as lso VJj (1, TA) and 't;: (]:) and mercy, n,)] compasion, or pity; contr'. of ; (soee a.j and i ;~: (S$, TA:) [or rather this last is aJ: (TA in art. o.:) in the the prolper explanation of j5.;, as well as of all (K ;) andl so (El- theio other epithets above mentioned; (see a3.;) soul, it is thle conitr. of o'.,. and Sj.. Munfwee, TA.) - [And t Softness or tender- i. e. thin as meaning having little thichnens in nest, or easines and sweetoess, or elegane, grace- comparison with its breadthl and length together; fulness, or ornateness, of speecih: see je,j, and having little extent, or dlepth, between its two see also . - And t Slenderness, softness, or opposite surface :] applied to bread that is [flat, gentlenes, of voice.] - And t Evilness {or nar- flattened, or] expanded; such as is termed jl;, rownes of the circumstances]of state or condition: q. v.: (TA:) and to a garment, or piece of cloth, (Mgh, EI-MunAwee, TA,) and the like, as mean- W C JIA 53 so in Ohc saying, 5 ing thin, .fine, delicate, .flimsy, unsubstantial, or t [I wondered at tlhe paucity of his properly, and the Milnes, or the narrowness of the circarn- uncompact, in texture 5'c.; contr. of JLo; (EI-Muniwee, TA;) as also VS%U3: (TA:) and stances, of his state or condition]. (TA.) to water [as meaning shallonw, or of little depth; [-And t Scantines of living or sustenance &c.] -

J [These are my slaves]. (Mgh.) say, u;) ';: And b,i. vi I i LJ, i.e. [There is no poorrate] in the case of slaves used for service [as distinguished from those that are for sale]. (Mlb.) 1.i [See also .*3.]

t [fem. of i1, q. v.]. see ,i, Uj%:


first sentence.

see , last sentence.


[Boox I.

inf. n. of R. Q. 1. (TI5.) - Quickness of the belly: (9, V:) or the loweir pfrt thereof them. (TA.) And the former plrase (.." tUJ) in going and comitng. (JK. [If an inf. n. in this with what surrounds it, that is thin or delicate also signifies Ie created disorder or discord, or [in the akin]: (TA as from the S [but not in my Pmade mischief, between themn: thus having two sense, ita verb is perhaps 3>i.]) copies of the latter]:) or the lower part of thc contr. nm~nings. (K.) = .1 . ;, ((,) i1;>: see j;._ - Also, applied to a col- belly, in the region of the 3t. [q. v.], beneath anld also, mentioned by Ibn-MAllik in theo lection of cloinds (Gt), Going and coming. tAe navel: (T, TA:) and metonymically applied " KAfiych," as a dial. var. of &;, and Loth men(TA.) See also the next paragraph.-Applied in a trad. respecting ablution to the lower flart of tioned by IlItt, nor. of each , (TA,) Ie ascended to tears (^.), Going round about at the inner the belly of a man, together with the ,J;w [or the series of stairs, or the ladder: (1 :) on the edge of the eyelid. (TA.) - Anything shining, groins] and the genitals and the [other] places of autllhority of Kr; but cxtr. [with reslpct to usage]. or gliltening. (S, TA.) [Hlence,] Il/j A woman which the shkin is thin or delicate: and, of a (TA.) - [Icnce,] U; il (a (lial. var. (A 9, TA) as though wrater n.ere running upon her camel, the j [or groin., and similar places of of ,jl, TA) t le gntle; wv itll,h and imnpose face: (A 9 , (, TA:) or ;~j4 JD;J a girl wn,ose flexure or creasing]: (TA:) or (i) LeP [tlillts not upon th!ysef nmore titan thou art able to perexternmal shin shines, or glistens, (Ham p. 622, and applied] has no sin,. (S, g.) Also The soft part form: (JK, S, TA:) or abstain thou, for I TA,) with whiteness: (TA:) pl. jiJ., applied to of the nose, (JK, TA,) in the sidle thereof; [i. c. know thine evil qualities or actions: (JK:) or, soft, or tender, young women. (.am ubi suprk.) each of the alie thiercof;] as also t 1._a: (TA:) as some say, reltify thou, or rightly dispose, first thy case, or thine affair. (TA.) [Hence also,] jI31,1 is Tthe name of a srword of pl. as above. (JK.) Saad Ibn-'Obdde&hil-An*dree. (1f.) - Apa, ,.;. and '.. mentioned by ISk, (M9 b, 4. 4U',, U1b,(S,) or (i,) sid saJil,of God, plied to a day, i. q. JL [app. a mistranscription TA,) and by Az, and in the 'Inyehl, therefore (S, K,) le caused his, or the, tears to stop, or cease, for l., i. e. lfot; like 11;i; as though shining, the disallowing of the latter by some is not to be flowing; (s, TA;) or caused them to dry up, or glistening, with the sunlighlt]. (Fr,TA.)i regarded, (TA,) or the latter is for dJ Js " andl to stop, or ceasc. (K.) The sayin.g il lit j The tj3 [or comnmotion, or moving to andfro, meaning " compassionated," (Mgh,) Jfade a i-. jis cxpl. by El-Mlundllirce ns meaning May or coming and gointg, whether real or apparent,] slave: (Msb:) or posessed as a slave: (TA:) God not remove, or do awuay with, ( 1,) his of the ,!i[or mirage], and of anything that [or kept as a slave: (sea 1, last sentence:)] fem. of the former with ;, (Mob, TA,) and so of the tear. (TA.) You say also, i.;,,1 ;i;t [meaning shinies, or glistens. (JK.) latter. (Mob.) [See also .j, last signification.] I caused the vein to stopl) or cease bleeding: see 1]. ~,pJ .U3ij; What i in a state of comn motion, (K, TA.) el, tf the ,14. [or mirage]: (lDrd, 0, 1:) and j./. A lhorso thin in the hoof: (K:) or ligAt Q; A styptic; or a thing that is put upon .!,JI t!j1; means [the same, or] wvhat [moves therein. (AO, TA.) bloodfor the purposec of stanching it, or stopping to andfro, or undulatea, or] comes and goes, of o31P A cake of bread [made thin and] wide, or its J/lowing: (S, :) a subst. from U. (Mab.) the .AIr" (U.) And OtJj ..., [AMirage] that eIIcne the saying, (M.b,) accord. to J, in atrad., broad. (TA.) [Sco also JUJ.] huies, or glistens. (TA.) but tilis is a mistake, for it is a saying of Aktham, ,. A baker's rolling-pin; (MA;) the thing (K,) or, accord. to the Expositiois of the F , it %;;: see J;;, first sentence: and j;. Also, 9 with nhich bread is made thin [andflat]; (i ;) was said l)y Keys Ibu-' EI-Minlaree, (TA,) applied to the .,05 [or mirage], (so in the C.g,) i. 4.. q. [q. v.] and .. o. (TA, in art. I6.) 4 ? &?, J 1,~ ;.l J I [herie not ye or ,i,4t [i. e. wine or beverage], (so in copies of ! ,o.-. camels, or it may prm.haln) mean hock not ye the ]K and in the 0 and TA,) [thie finomer of s,: sce v,r-s camnels, bat the former, I am toltl, is lihere meant, wvilich readings I think the more probahly that for in theia is a ipevenitire of the Jlowing of 1 which is correct, supposing the mirage to be O.. U ;.A t 3, or J4t, (K, TA,) and blood]; alludin to thicir beiing giveni in compenlikened to siallow water, whliclh is thus termed, ,. 0, - (TA,) Cattle disposed, (Q, TA,) and sation for homicide, and thtus preventing the shedbut Preytag prefers the latter reading,] i q. iii seen to be near, (TA,) to fatnes, or to leannes, ding of blood. (S, Mtb, 1, TA.) - [Hence,] [app. as meaning Shiallow, or perhaps thin]; (]K, TA,) and to perishing. (TA.) e iAiJJ-.; t A man nho is a reconciler ([Drd, 0, . ;) and so lj. (IDrd, 0.) - And A .. 3. of the people; or a peacemaber lbetween them: and A sword having much ,t [q. v.; i. e. much diver-: see [so].m.e l e .,j, a phrase used by a poet. (TA.) etfied with wary marks, streaks, or grain; or haringmuch lustre]: (IDrd, ., TA:) or shining, tJ.; and 3U., (K,) the former a n. of.plaee, or glistening, much. (TA.) ithe latter an instrument:l ni., and both correct, 1. l3, aor. eJI , in. n. v and :j, (S, 3j1 [compar. and superl. of oj; i.e. M'ore, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) The tears s.topped, or ceased dial. vars. of . and tl., (TA,) A series of and most, thin, &c.]. j, [its fem.,] applied to to flow; (Fs, JK, S, Mgh, MOh;) or dried tip, stairs; or a ladder. (1., TA.) a piece of fat ( ,), means .. l 1. *; (IDrst, Aboo-'Alee El-K;Iec, 1g,) and stopped, [i. e. Of the finest, or most delicate, sort offat; or ceased: (] :) and in like manncr, .Jl the .... (in the CI, erroneously, .s l jji O. ;)] (JK, blood: (JK,, Mgh, Msb:) whence the phrase 1. . , (JK, S, Mgh,, K,) nor. ', (P, A, 1, TA;) such that no one cornes upon it withUjy9 9,-. Two wvounds not ceasing to bleed. Mghl, Msb,) inf. n. t L (.J , , .fiMgh, ,) or (J out his eating it. (JK, TA.) Hence the proe., (Mgh.) And in like manneralso, (JK,) ij, WjJJI this is a simple subst., (Mb,) and [theIinf. n. is] @b1 jn jJ [Thou hast (Fy, JK, 1g, TA, [not ~$I, as supposed by 0Jj .W (JK, S, K) and 4.,J (S, O) and ; found me to be the finest, or most delicate, piece Golius and Freytag,]) inf. ns. as above, (K,) of.fat, to which titere is aiway of acces]: said by The wvein stopped or ceased [bleeding]; syn. UiiI,and i; and A.l;;, (K,) lIe looked, watched, or a man to his companion when he esteems him (F , JK, TA,) and '4, waited, for him, or it; he awaited, or expected, (TA,) or 'i;; (Kf;) 9 weak. (JK, ?gh, I.) [See also .l A.. ,, or [in all of whichi explanations, da is understood.] hin, or it; (JK, S, A, Mgh, M.b, i ;) namely, ,-.- 5-. j3; 2--J -, in art. .i] - . ui .& t They *;,. U;, (1, TA,) aor. :, inf. n. ?jj, (TA,) a man, (JK, A,) or a thing; (9;) as also t are more, or most, tender-hearted; and more, or He effected a reconciliation,or made peace, be- (JK,* S, A, Msb, g ;) and p3l; ' (S,* A, Msb, most, inclined to accept admonition. (TA.) I ;) tveen them; (1K, TA;) likelj: and t I'mj, (Mgh,) inf n. n .ip. (JK, 9, (TA:) and [in .. 2!. He jj.* sing. of j5%,, (Hr, 1K,) whlich signifies like manner,],,v; t. Ut He arranged,or rightly A, Mgh, Msb.) You say, ;.LGTlhe thin, or delicate, and soft, or tender, parts disposed, or rectifled, the matter, or affair, between sat looking, watching, or waiting, for his eram.
o 2:



Boox I.] panion; as also dij . (A.) And lb 1 t 1as to be unalienable]: (TA:) and V 1, 1 i J1 I I look, &c., or am iooking, &c., for suck a thing [hec anigned to htim the Lj.]: (Lb, 15:) or Z.JI (A.) And l,o 4. ,4y [Ire looks, &c., foj . 1J1., or L'll, means he gave to him a house, or the death of hir companion], (JK, S, A, Mgh land, on the condition that it should be the proM9b,) and 4' !i [of his father, in order tha perty of the survivor qf themntnwo; saying, If 1 die before thee, it shall be thine; and if thou die he may inh rit his property]: (A:) and -Il before me, it shaoll be mine: (S:) it is from t j; o" [S/oe looks, &e., for the dcathi of hea lr .JWl; because each of the two persons looks hus;band], (Q, TA,) 2i1 ;J [that hd mao the death of the other; (S, Mgh, die and s*lc may inheritc his propely]. (TA.' Yfor () ) shb;) in order that the property may be his: And Jl J3)J, in the iutr [xx. 95], meants(blosb:) the subst. is lI [signifying, as a And thoul ditlxt not trait, or hast not trailedtl,.fo qluasi-inf. n., the act erplained abore; and, as a ny ayi,q [or irklat I shouldu say]. (JK,TA.: subst. properly so termed, the thing given in the A ndl a, (Msl,, K,) aor. as above, (TA,; manner explained abore: the verb being similar inf. n. . ;, (MRb,) liegunarded,kept, preserred tojli; and the subst., in both of its applications, or ltok careN of, it; , -ai mindful, or regyardfirl, ojf to t ;: seCC these two words]. (S, Msb.) it; (31l,f, 9;) namely, a thini,; (TA;) as alsa 5: see 1, in three places. ?a;I, inf. n. and AiiU; (K;) [nnd t4. a;H 8: see 1, in three places.- You say also, You say nilso ZUIQ ; ) I t; 1 ill guard, or r c.,I %;"I He ascended upon thle place. (1K,* 1 keep ,ratcl, .fur you to-nigat. (A.) - And 1ia TA.)
regarded it;

11}3 t They themselves, and the burdens that are upon them, are lhine. (TA.) And [hence], in another trad., u/,j1 .iJ W tTo us belongs the land .itself (TA.) - ilence also, i.e. by a syneedoche, (IAth, T'gll, TA,) tA slave, (., lAth, Mgh, .K, TA,) male and female: (lAth, TA:) and a captive: (TA:) pl. .1i,. (1Igh.) You say, .Ij ~1 ! I emancipated a slare, ,nnle or female. (lAtl, TA.) AndLi. ,l tlle releasedl a slave, or a captive. (TA.) .,pjl! in the Kur ix. W0 means i Tlhose Jlares trto haMe contracted tvith their onners for tecir fr'eedom. (T, AIgh, Msb, TA.)-- j_ .,il , [lit. Tle necl tof provision-bags] is a nickname wlich was applied to the [or Persians, or.foreigners in general]; because thev were red; (., A;) or because of the length of their necks; (El-K1nrafce, TA in art. or rather becanlse oj;) of the thicknes thereof, as though they were fill. (MF in that art.)

.' One's giviny to anotber person a po.tes. c.,J Thiichness of tle Z.I [or neck, &c.]: (Bid and Jcl in ix. 8.) You say, p 1 i rion, (K,) suchlt as a bouse, and land, and the like, 32 . [Wlhat ailelh thea that thou nwilt not (S, 15:) a subst. [as distinguished from an inf. n.: (TA,) on the condition that, whicihever tf theta hut see 1, last signification]. (Qg.) See also reyard the inviolable rSiyht or due, &c., of suck a shall dlie, the propeoety sltl rert to his [the one?]. (A. [lThis plhasc is there mentioned nas giiver's] heirs: (]K:) s) calhld beetuso each of proper, not trolical.] - And t Ie fearcid him; ; !ij [A pit made for the p7urpose of catching Ihlem looks for (.4) thte deathl of the other: (A;) and 6so t j ; ($, A, BMgl;) namely, God; ;the leopadrd]: it is, for the O like (TA:) or one's assigning it, (1]g,) namely, a the Efor dnellingt, (TA,) to anotherperson to inhabit, and, (M, Mglla;) *tl u [in his affair]; ( ;) beeausc the lion. (JK, 1.) tlwhen he shall die, to another: (K:) or one's lie wlo fears looks for, or expects, punishlment LI: see 1, first sentence: - and again, in saying to a 1an, If tbou die before Nme, t nay (A, r1, :) or; t41 ; signi. . the latter lalf of the paragraph. [Hence,] (Irelli,g [or mny land, rwhich I g;ive to thee,] fies ;I fred tc pulnihamentt of God. (aIb.) ) 4w c Sb Iti~ s O .i~j? tSuch a one inhetited shall revert to me; and if I die before tlee, it 8L3H [as i if. of o. , nllpp. SCed intransitively, * propertyfrom, distant relations; not from his shall be thine: so called for tlheo reason above or perilalps as a simln,le sulst..] significs tTlcfearmentioned. (JK, KT.*) [It also signifies The f fathers. (1, TA.) And L3; C J. 1 j ing, or being afrvitl [of a p)erson or thing]: or property so given.] See 4, in three Ilaces. The ferl: ald also t tie guarding oneself; being t lie inhA-ited glory, or nobility, from distant act thus termed is forbidden in a trad., which n'atclfil, riqilant,or heedfel: or sef-guardance; relations: [it is said of a man] beause it is pronounces tlhat the property so given belongs to feared that it will not be conceded to him on &c. (K, TA. [See this word blclow.1]) And you the giver's heirs. (JK.) Accord. to thel Imnlm account of the obscurity of his lineage. (A.) BG->jwI %y vii and V1L;;, like 1&; and EIl-Kuincyt Aboo-I.aneefeh, and [the Imiam] Mob.ammad, it says, Wet [i. . Ie pa.scel the night natching the is not a 4: accord. to Aboo-Yoosuf, it is a aL& otars and maitin.q for the time twhen they troild like the Sj4.; but none of the lawyers of El. disappcar]. (A, TA.) IAQr cites the following 'IUr says so: the Malikees absolutely forbid it. saying of one descriling a travclling-coml,anion (TA.) You say, of is: U W.iJ S t ; [MAy ho/se is t [The night-derv and the day-dev that nouriseled his mental growth utrer nobilily *tnd generous thine as a O. ]: from '4J."lI; because eachl of disposition: those generous qualities were not the two Persons looks for the death of the othler. meaning t le tratcies (?4i ) the star, or in/meritedfrom distant relations: 3,# heing p]. (A.) asterisat, with vehwempent desire for depairture, like !of i. e., lie inherited them from nea the [twatching wilk] relhetcnt dexire of the .fish ancestors (TA.) ~ : .. see 3J1. for nwater. (TA.) [See also ;.] C i .. i i; The neck: or the bate of the hindler part lie put the ro)pe [or a rope] upon the L; [i. e neck, or base of the hinder part of the neck, &c.,] thereof: (A, 15:) or the hineder part of the base yjj t A woman (S, A) of rehorn no off.pri. q of the neck: (JK,S:) or the upper part of the lires, or remnains, (, A, K,) and wtho lo!s for nf such a one. ([ )[taor. ,] inf. n. (JK, S, Msb, the (IeatSh of her offspring, or of her h,sband (TA,) or this is a simple subst., (i,) le w,a,, or neck: (TA:) pl. [of mult.] .JA 1) and [coll. gen. n.] V j (J K, S 1) and [pl. [app. that sie mnay have ofspring by another]: became, thick in the ;j [or neck, &c.]. (TA.) of pauc.] ;1 (IA r, K) and ;.L;;. (S, Msb, (A:) and in like manner applied to a man: (. :) 2. 4 [ Thtey made a a (q. v.) for the 15.)-By a synecdoelie, it is applied to tThe because he, or slhe, looks ftbr the death of the whbole person of a human being: as in the saying, child, in fear for it: (IAth, TA :) in like manner lespa;t.].- (JKI.) .; 4 o; I... [IIis sin, or crime, &e., be on his also a she-camel of which no offspring lives: 3. ,Jl, il,f n. &Jl. and .ri: see 1, in seven own neck; meaning, on him&self]. (lAtlh, TA.) (TA:) or hlie who has no offspring: (Msb:) or he nwhbo has not sent before himn [to Parnadise, by places. [Hence also] one says, 04u L$4" I 1 t [This its (lying in infancy,] any of hIis children: this, affair is upon your own selves], and ' "s says A'Obeyd, is the meaning in lthe [classical] langtuag,e of the Arabs; relating only to the loss j, (Mh,) lie assigned the house to him as a t [upon tline own self. (A.) And 41 ;l of children: (TA :) he who has had no ceihl die eJ [q. v.], (JK, A,* MFht, ], TA,) and to his t[May God emnancipate him]. (A.) And WU in infancy: or he wrho has had children and has offPring aer him, in the mahiner of a .. ie j [so >icrl b ih,&ii in a trad., relating to camels, died without sending before him any of them [to

tpaid regardl, or considleration, to it.

And the S,, [-- mean


d,LuJj: 3


[BooK I.

two arrows mill be the n,'alld and the h'akeeb]: female slave, (JK,) not applied to a free woman, is iAsJ. [wihich properly signifies two nor does one say [w, .. (IIrd.) ,- Jf1 by the arrows, and hence t two po,.tions gained by two also [an epithlet] applied to The lion; (.K;) gaming-arrons, and then t ,tny tw,o portion,] lie because of the thickncss of his L.'. (TA.) a ' 1 ; .1' has seven means her eves: and as the t. 0 C1,0Z_ a c& In elevated plalte upon i and t would portions and tle . j has thrce, tile t, ascendls, or stations man, nwtch or a spy, rhich is a prov., expl. by Meyd as meaning [Iinherited gain the whole of his heart. (TA. [See also a [a st,ructure siuch as MIsb, 1 :*) (S, A,' himself: S.]) j signifies l _ .. it from a paternal aunt] of wrhom no offspring verse cited voce n,as living: such, he says, is most compassionate t The star, or asterismn, that sets nvithl the rising i.s termed] an ,AL, or a hill, uponr, rhich one A of that [other] star, or asteris,n : for example, ascends to look Jfroy anfear: or, accortd. to S$b, the to the son of her bIrother. (TA.) -Also woman who looks for the deatli of her husband, the .Jj of .l is J.' 1 I: [and the former is latter signifies a plare o.f ob.lserlation on the top of a mountain or of a jbrt,ess: accordl. to AA, (?, A,) in order that she maay inherit his prothe sw3. of the latter:] when the latter rises at the pl., lj;, signifies elecated pieces of ground. t An old and a poor man -And perty. (?.) who is Tenable to earn for himself, and has none nightfall, the former sets: (S, TA:) or -3; (TA.) to earnfor him: so calledl because he looks for a signifies the star, or, whirh [as it ,err] 4 .- , l.i',: see what next precedes. And tA she- n,atches, (4Jl ,) in the east, the star, or aste,rism,,r henefaction or gratuity (Mqb.)camel that does not drato near to the watering- setting in the west: or any one of the 1[ansions A skin, or hide, that is dnrawn offfrom ~r. trough, or tank, on account of the pressing, or of tle Aoon is the j of another: (K, TA:) and the i 3 . [or the pa7rt next to the head (S, K.) crowlding [of the other camnels to it], (S, K,) by whenever any one of them rises, another [of reason of her generous disposition: ( :) so called them] sets: (TA: [see .iil Gjl;,in art. Jj.; ,,erlh, &c.]. (5.) because she waits for the others to drink, and a &i and see also ' :]) and 4J)I is t a [certain] drinks when they have done. (TA.)..,,il.,*1 star, or asterism, of the stars, or asterismas, [that t Calamitry, or misfortune. (Ii.) lle n,) (s, (, A,) if ,,. 2. , were believedl to be thl givers] of rain, that [as it or asterism: (K:) ordered, or put in1to a good orl rihlht or propwr star, another natches were] of the measure Oj5 in the sense of the as being the state, manalged rcell, tended, or tnok care of, [it was app. applied to je'lt, measure JMi, (TA,) A looher, watcher, or w,j of the most noted and most welcome of all property, or cattle: ( A, , K:) and in like manwaiter, in eaXectation [of a person or thing]: a good or ripght or into put he ordered, I,l: see ner, the Mansions of the Moon, namely, (Msb.) - A guarder, (e, Mfb, K :) pl. .t;. proper state, or managed rcll, the meals of The ; of QAI is [nalso] an appellation guardian, heeper, or preserver: (JK, S, A, Msb, C 3. [anpl. subsistence; (S," A, TA;) as nalso ] :) a guard of a people; one stationed on an applied to J5l.,l t [i.e. The IIyades; or the with the objective complement (,,:uI or 'lea.1) elevated place to heep watch: (TA:) a spy, or five chlief tars of the Iryades; or the briglhtest scout, of an army: (A, TA:) a watcher, or an star among them, a of Taurus]; because a understood]. (TA.)-And lie ainsed, acquirel-d, )_-.. It or earned, property. (TA in art. observer. (TA.) - [Hence,] 4.1l is an appelfollower thereof: (A:) [and] 0jeasl t [i. e. Calation applied to God; (A, I, TA;) meaning tiella] is so called as being likened to the r,j of occurs in a trad., in the phrase Uli J, as The Guardian, Keeper, IVatcher, or Observer, the game called 1l. (TA.) [Hence,] one meaning Utj [q. v.} (TA.) from whoom nothing is hidden. (TA.) - Also 1 3 J t AL;1I ' ?[I n-ill not 1 L iJ lie gained, ac5: see above. - lt3 d a 4 of the players at the game caUed&-*4l; says, ;5 J The te Pleiades]. the j ;eet ., thcir unleus to thee come (JK, 1g;) or (K) he who is intrusted rwith the quired, or earned, or he sought, or leboured, to .. i; also signifies t A man's suceessor, gain or acquire or earn, sustenancefor, [or r sh.fler of the (A.)u)p,errision of the ar'ors]: (JK, S,K:) or the man wvho stands (A, K,) of his offspring, and of his ;"es [i. e. or househtol; syn. ... , (, [see also 1,]) or behind the 2a_ [q. v.] in the game above men- kinsfolk, or nearer or nearest relations by decsent ,; (A, V;) on the authority of Ll. (TA.) tioned: the meanins of all these explanations f.aom the same ancestor, &kc.]. (K.) So in the Aa_D; A woman wsho gains her .subsistence by I[Excellent, %:I ,;l, a;; are [sanid to be] the same: pl. as above. (TA.) saying, jll And t Thte third of the arrows used in the or nost excellent, is the successor; such art thou prostitution. (MF.) ga,ne abov mentioned: (T,?, :) it is one of to thy father and thine ancestors]: because the (TA.) .Uj; Good management of p ,ot. 4 the seven arrows to nwhich lots, or portions, successor is like jj.p Jl to 1.p1. (A.)-And Gain, acquisition, or earninqg: ainl merchan.'l: t Tlh son of a paternal uncle. (1S.) [App. dise, commerce, ortrqffic. ( appertain: (TA:) by some it is called lenee, le, c.) (TA,) :) the t,. arrows are ten in num- because two male cousins by the father's side are the Pagan Arals, (;, A,) or soime of them, (TA,) (Lb, L in art. ber: the first is jUII, which has one notch and often rivals, and watchers of each other; the son used to say in the a , [i. c. in uttering the of a girl's paternal uncle being commonly preejaculation ;.', during te performance of the whlich has two one portion; the second, ;jl, Also t A species of ferred as her husba.d.]iJi". ,.jtJ, notches and two portions; the third, serlent: as thoughl it watclhed by reason of rites of the pilgrimage,] 1J; j 3.a; which has three notches and three portions; the hatred: (TA:) or a certain malignant serpcnt: &.UiJ [meaning We have comn to Tlie for the 6 l, which has four notches pl. .A3j andj .L1 or j. fourth, ;. (T, g.) , purpose of sincere worship: n'e have not comne for l.i, whichl has [and four portions]; the fifth, . gain, or traffic]. (S, A, TA.) a,,; A lot,, or an ignoble, man, a servant, or a five notches [and five portions]; the sixth, j+.Jl, ; A mnerchant, traficber, or tradler, (A, keeps, guards, kheo (S,K .,) which has six notchelies [and six portions]; and slave, syn, ij J.j, [uten.ils and furniture called] TA,) nho manages well his property. (TA.) the watches, or the seventh, f.j1, the highest of all, whichl has _.j of a people vlhen they are absent. (S.) .A ]re is one nho ordlers, or Yon sly, Jl.q seven notches and seven portions: those to which (JK, s, A, 1,) tle latter pats into a good or right or proper state, manages " and '*t3j, .1JI nnd ~j.' and no portions appertain are well, tendls, or tabes rare of, property, oi cattle: j, ' irregular (Sb, S, K) as a rel. n., (Sb,) anld t ,jb1. (TA.) A poet says, (S, K:*) or irho gains, arquires, or earns, pro(IDr(l, K,) applied to a man, (S, ]Drd, A,) perty, atul ordlers it, puts it into a good or right 'lick, (JK, S, K,) or large, (A, M(gh, in which or proper state, or manages it rdll. (A, TA.) only the second epithet is mentioned,) in latter S ~ f A *, J&t :a2_l; jA lie is the gainer, or earner, of la, [or neck, &c.]: (JK, S, A, V.:) the fernm. the .. (JK, IDrd,) applied to a sustenane for hisfaamily. (A, L.) ;, [1When love diviles the tenths of my heart, thy [of the first] is Paradise, by its dying in infancy]. (So in the explanations of two trads., eacel commencing 1JI, in the "Jami' es-Sagheer" of Eswith , 8nyootee.)

?JS 0



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BooIL I.] - iii


life to come. (J K, A.*) -.. ;J C." -ij -uL (J K, A, 1K): A period of heat befell u.s lasting 1. JJj, (~, M9b,) aor. t, inC. a. >; and >.Jj ha!fa monthi, or leas, (A,) or ten days: (JK, K:) (JK, $, A,i Myb, 15) and KIJ(,Mb 5) and or ok3j signifies a heat that bftfrll* one after. days perhaps also Ap. [q. v.], (TA,) li'e selept, (JK, of reinad and an abatement of violenit beat. (L.) ~,A, Myb, K5,) accord, to some, spbecially, (Msh, IL) by nightt; (JK, MF#b, K5;) bitt it. cor.rectly see means, wvhether by tiqrhe or In,day; as is shw ~I~J[an infl n. of whiichi the vcrb is not menby verse 17 of ch. xviii. of time. K5ur-ain: (Mu,:) tioncd,] The act of leaping, or lea)ping up), by the assertion thbat it means, spechially, h~y night, is reason of br.isknss leciess, or pihlns, weak: (TA:) accord, to Lth, ,k is bPy night; 9 *5~~~~~3O (.5, ]5:,) like the lamnb and the kid. t and W; b, kil day: but the AraIms iied L,oth of 4.jJj LSDa.J: see .U ... l abovC. thesce words as meaning the sleePping by nigiht an, by day. (T, T A.) Y ou s ay, >"3j L4 and ".1(A) and (5)[all signjify [Thtere is not ins me any gleep)]. (A.) [Ifence,] * ,; and the same; i. c. A man who Skleep mnuch; as the c#&) jJ liec abstainedl, or heldl back, fromi last is expI. in the K; and so * o30; as Golitis jieYair. (Mqb, TA.) And &A4b, C) .jj [IIe says ot h ttaiiy of a gloss. in the KL: or] neglected hisgquest;] he dlid notl pay attlentioni, or 3-O signitfes a man always sleepinig; as also fretuext attention, to his gniest. (A, TAI.) And z A j ---ex, i5.1 [ 441 ~j, in. n. * and *tl, (TA,) 77w gar- V 5AJy (TA.) [Hlence]l wopiant wh/o sleeps iouch ins the mkorniniog fe mnent became oldi and n.oin outi, andi ,ao limnugem. qu stunrise ; iiie;tniing] :a icomPjan that leatht apt easy, use0; (A,6TA;) like...6. (A.) Ammd ' ..J1 Z Thes marklet becamne stagnanit, or e/nIll, n'itk re~ and a soft, or dIelicate, life; and so (A.) sfiect to trafqfic; like (TI., TA.) Anid *1a,U:see the niext preceding paragraph. po.JI JJj The heat remittedl, or subsidIed. (TA. [See also b ] [A1;3l act. part. n. orl :] Js, [is its pi., and]I signiifies Persons seiq;as also (,15; 2. i~j A cer.tain mnanner 'if goingf oni foot, the last ocettrrin", in thc Kur. xviii. 17. (3Msb.' (JK,15, with quickness: (J K:) imerhmaps a ms transcription for . (TA.) A large ressel o?f the hind called Cj>: (K~:) or a veusel of the kintd so calledl, (?, 1]:,) or 4. *.Abjt lIre, or it, rueunscl hitn te' s cp pi.t a ressel informn like the j.,;, (JK,) resemnblinog apt him to sleep. ($, 1g.) It is said (if a nAlldicille. a.e>jl, (S,A.) long in the lowrer part, (JK, S, K5,) ($, A,VL) And youa say, "i.a z,i J.1 The swca rtedi insidle trt/h pitch : (~, A, 15::) or apt womanlputitherchild to sleep,. (A ) jt i .J1 oblongq carthen Jiar., smear.ed wieth pitch: (TA :) (15:, or ~ 'Z' ,(A ,) or. 1 an arabicized word: ( :) pl. 'e3l;. (JK, S.) (IAg,r, Jk, TA,) TIe 'residedot, stii!edl, dwtelt, o'r -Anid A certain .fis~h, (J K, 1K,) sml,(15:, of abode, in the pilare, or towtn or conmntry, or ins surh the sizei vLf the.finiger., anid r.oindl; (JK ;) found a hantd. (1 Aar, JK,S~,A,K15.) ;it the seat. (TA.) 6. !p~liefeigned himnself leep. (A.) hl&A sleepipig-place: (?, A, 1K:) pi. :iji (A.) Ykou say ,.sa [Il ie oused hi 9. .sjjl, (J K, , A)inf. a. 1,(J K,8,15K,)

1135 I 133 more colon-is; decorated; embellished; sny. ,UJk; (S,0A, K~;') and Cjj as also t.j Ia P. 57;) and V W-,. (So in a copiy of theo A: [butt I thiink that this is a mistranscription, for jJj]) - lle ir',rote: (f,TA :) and he pointedl, or dotted, (A g, M5, TA,) clharacters, and writing: (As, TA.) as also V Aj inf n. 1 in hoth senises: and * the latter, he torote uspon, or in, papers or the lihe, or books. (11, TA.) 2. Aj inf~n. 9 a.: ce 1, in thiree places. - lie emnbellishedi his speechl: or emnbellis,hed it with lic.t! syn. z and ,3jj: (TA:) or (A,) andl jnn(8 ,)ln y.j ~ A, g.)Hlence, (A, TA,) le H itadle knownp, divaugedi, or told, discourse, or con ve,'svio,a, ina a antalicionst or mnisehier.ous manner, so as to oCcfIsiof discord, dissensions, or the likec; (8., A, TA;) because lie whio does eso embellishies Ibis sxpeechb, or r'mbellishtes it with lies: (A, TA:) he toldt a cealumntny to the ot', ct the,.off (11.) - t lle ex.ritcdl di.cord, dissension, or animosity. (M1.) -t 1Ie blunmed, re,mrossd, or ehid; syn. .(M, (4 TA.)



5. J lIre adornerd himstelf: (A, K5:) he disiplayed his beatimy, or goodliness. (A, TA.) Sec also 1. B. I~L lt They became mnixed togethier its j A good, or beautiftld, see L] ~Aloo Food. (M.) j and at3 A colour in which are [iiter.ntixredJ dluskiness, or dinginess, and blackness; and the likie of those two hues. (M.) [See Jt aJj:see whant next precedes. NAjAThe serpent : (A, Sgh, 15::) app. becautse of the a.Uj [see JUij] upon bis back: (TA:) or a serpent slpeckled with, black and white [like I c. character., and

or handwiriting]. (TA.) [Sec also jjj

a )or

.h~. A med(icirie that causes him who drjinks. it to stleep(l 1: [In a copy of the A t antd thius pronounced in the presen~t da..y.])10. .0.ZP He been une overpoweredl by sleep Also A conspiruovis road: (JK, K:) thuts on the [or dr.owsiness; and tlhcrefore desiedil to sleep]. authiority of As; but ISd says, "1 kniow not holy (A, TA.) it is :" and otlhers say that it is 1,jj... (TA.) 4 9--,~~~~~~~~~~~ j Alill-stonies of .Rakd; (S ) w hichi is see the next prece(ling- paragraph, in two the name of a monnistin whience mtill-stonies are hbewn; (~, A, ]~;) or, as sonme say, a valley in places. the district of 15:eys. (TA.) You say also ' LSAt:see >jjAlso A miant quick in hix t4Aj A mill-stone tf the mountain [or valley] called _J' (A.) sec ijjA sleelp. One says, 5; ~ L ji*m..JI [How swveet ii thee sleep qf the time a little before daybreak !J. (A.) -A state of extinction 1. L,jj, (A,) aor. ' (TK5,) ifif~n. .:j (?, M, Of vitality (L)between the present life and gthe A, ]~,) li'e varieg,ated; culoured ivith tiro or. Bk. I.

lie hastened; or wuas quick, or swjft? ; (J K, S, M, A, lg;) in his pace, or goingr: (,M, A:) or he bran vehementl#; as also L.jl; said of a camel: (AA, T in art. J..j:) or 1w rai trith lealps, or bounds, as iothouh leaping, or boundingy, a thing: (A,, L in art. ~..j:) or he wrent at ranidomt, heedlessly, headlong, or in a headlong course,t; anitI quiickly; (Ay, JK, L in art. ,a..;) as also o;l.j (Ay, T in that art.)

dJ ae.]. (A.)
U-Sb dim, of signifying The poinfing, or dotting, of characters and writing: (Al, TA:) or of .Ajlj; as also K ,l[oin the TA, but in some copies of the~K15~i~l latter is allowable. (AHjIt.) (AHait, 1K:) tIme his leep.tlcing-p)lace]. (A.) And_3*. t,l [They took their sleep)ing-places]. (A.)It seemis, fromi the manner in wvhiiclh it is uised in the K5ur xxxvi. .52, [like the former of the two cxs. mentioned above,] thut it may perhaps also be an inf. ii. (TA.)

Variegated with, dusktiness, or dinginess, antl blaickness; or the like of thosre two hsues; applied to tIec [species of locust called] (25, TA:) and

the fern., applied to a serpent

(4),' (l.

, IAtl,


1,)signifies the same: (M:.) or sipeckled trith black and wvhite; (',R, 1]:;) and so whien apiplied to a she-goat: ([AQr, M:) or, applied to a serpent, it signifies one of the rip;er-s/n'erciv~h) because of the lines and specks upbon its bnek: g5 ,. (1Ath:) and Cp.*jj'9 jijl havinig his ears variega(tedl wiith bla'ch and white, andl the rest qf, his hairi blaick; applied to a kid. - Also theo fell]., A smnall creeping thing (M, g5) that is foundl in herbs, a variegated and beauetjid worm, (M,) resemblinig [another smald -~recping thingq called]l the JsjJ1Lo~, (M, ]~,) spechied mith r.ed and yellow. 143


1136, (IDrd, TA.) gl6b., or Ihis copyist, has corrupted l1,_n into k3 . (TA.) - Also the fem., The ;at,a [i. e. the bursa .fauciu, , or faucial "aa~ of nbag,] of tlhe camel: (1, A, ](:) or tlhe the camel is sometimes U3L,having in it a mixture of colonrs. (IDrd.)

13j[-) a i intensive signification. (Mgb.) -_ : IE made his camel to qo ih tie [ambling] manner termed (S, 1f, l: A, 81:) and the same, (TA,) or t 3j, (M,) he made him (i. e. his camel) to leap, spring, or bound. (M, TA.) m= See also 5.
5. p4jj [lit., lie, or it, became danced or hence,] t lie, or it, became dandled. -And raised and lowered; or rose and sank; or wrent up and don'n. (1, TA.) You say, ) lya3 .. ;% t Tlhey rent up and (downin theirjourneying; (A;) as also t Iya.jl. (A, TA.) And Er-"l -, meaning, RA'ee uses the phrase jt1 The desert [in appearance] went up and donn; the mirage, only, making it [seem] to rise and sink. (TA.) [L.i; A dance, or a dancing: pl. -Lt,j. an ex. voce i.;,.]

[Boox I. I.

separation (jA

f') its stalks, or twigs, and of

internodal portions; as also Vthe latter verb: (K,0 TA:) this is said to be after what is termed ;, and j', and before wlat is termed :W>, (TA:) or t the latter verb, said of and ,,lIl: signifies it put forth its leaves; and the ,

this it does before its l.;i: (s:) [see ..s; :3 in

,Ufl; but a trad. occurs the expression 1_c El-ltutabee thinks that it should be I.J . (TA.) 11: see 9, in three places. Jj A dotling, or speckling: pi. L;l. (o.)

1. ,.j,

(., M, A, Mb, ],) aor. , (S, M,

M.b,) inf. n. .J'j;, (., M, Meb, CK,) or V'i', of the measure S;J, like and , inf. nas. of j;L and ., (IDrd, IB, TA,) [He danced; this is what is meant by the explanation] heplayed, or spxrted; syn. .j: (A, lg:) said of a .oU [or dancer], (A, ],) or of a ..OW [or player or sporter], (M,) and of a , [or.effeminate man, or one who affects the manners &c. of women], and ofa j.iy [or mystic, in a choral celebration of the praises of God, which is termed a .p, performed by certain orders of darwecshes, all of wholn, more or less, pretend to be mystics]. (TA.) Also u.j , (Lth, A,) aor. ,, (Lth,) inf. n. - j (Lth, M, A, 1~) and ,uj, (Lth, M, 1g,) 6r the latter only, (IDrd, Ibn-Milik, TA,) and JLJ;, (Lth, M, A, 9,) t lle (a camel, A, TA) went the pace, or in the manner, termed [i.e. a,nbled;] (Lth, M, A, [, TA;) or ,~.; or trent in a nanner whichl was a kind of : went quichly. (TA.) One does not say ,.d [in speaking of any animate being] except of a player or slorter and of a camel (Lth, g,* TA) and the like: (LUt, TA:) in relation to others, one uses the terms Wi and jZi: (Lth, I:, TA:) o sometimes, (Lth, TA,)_ it is also said of an ass, meaning t lie played with his ses-a~. (Lth, A,

~Ij BDlackness mixedl Rith .lpeckles of white: (S, g :) or the r,ewerse: (M, 1B:) or .,leekles of rAite, and of black, and of red, and of !/ellow, in an animal: (A, TA:) and the state, or quality, See denoted by the epithet J-1. (TA.) B;iI speckled 'rith trhite: or the reverse: nlack fem. 'Wj. (s.) Al,pp,lied to a sheelp or goat, Like, (S,) or syn. tith, (IK,) .14: (3, :) or speckled with black and tvhite. ( p. 300.) And the fern., applied to a domestic fowl or hen (a. .;), Black speckled ,rith while: (1:) or party-colo,led: (1i :) or having mttchels of white andl blace: much soughllt after, anl used, by en. chanters; and rarely folurl. (TA.)- It is also (TA.) - And the fem. is applied to a man. applied to a tract (il ), and to an ode (o.), e n ord as meaning Iylv;ing one of the letters of' thereof dotted, and another not dhtted: fromitlheo same epithet applied to a slhecep or goat. (Ilar p. 303.)-_ 'k~ l alJ..l A cert'tin e'ptile; the most malignant of the [hind of lizartL called] .f&&: when it crawls upon foold, it poisons it. (TA.) _; ;! t [1A ness of crumu bled or broken bread] having much oil (Sgh, J *) or The leopard: clarified butter. (TA.) -;'1 (I :) an epithet in which the quality of t sabst. predominates. (TA.) - .'9JI Cirilrear; conflict and fiJtion; sedition; or the like; syn. !;': (.:) because of its variablencas: or such as is toot universal; likened to a speckled serpent: occurring in a trad. (TA.)

;Uj [A dancer; a player, or sporter: one who dance., or plays, or sports, much, or often]: (~, A, M9b, 1 :) an intensive epithet. (Msb.) j; [A female dancer]. - A certain game lJ 1.; , Land of the Arabs. (IF, .) that does not give growth to anything, though rained upon. (1v.) ~ [A man dancing; playing, or sporting]. l,jil Tlhe star [p] on the tongue of (Myb.)_

o,2Il [or Draco]. (g,w.) ,) .s t Speech, or language that ,nakes

one to be affected with a lively emotion of joy, or of grief. (TA.) You say also, Lu-' ,.,

[app. meaning, tTilis is that poem, or ode, whAich mahes the mnystics to danee; or to be affected with a lively emotion of joy: for darTA.) - You say also, .. d " Ii oJjo weeshes are often seen to be excited to frantic ,1W 1t[Ili heart thr;obbed, or leapt, between ecstasy, or ecstatic catalepsy, by certain love-songs designed to have a mystic religious sense]. (TA.) his two sides, by reason of fright]. (A.)- -,J niso signifies S It (wine, 1, K, and the beverage -Lko.j ;W 1 A dlesert that makes the tracalled JkJ, A) estuated: (A, C:) or began to do verser thereof to hasten, or go quickly. (A, TA.) so. (., A.) - And : It (the mirage) was, or ,i . t A camel that goes much, or often, in biecane, ins a state of comanotion; [it danced;] manner termed . (M, TA.) the [ambling] (15,M, A, ] ;) and so it signifies when said of ;eI bubbles (.;). (AI.) You say, , Jj in en s.l.,_ (A) or J'1 (TA) 1 [I came to tim the mirage danced; in the heat of the day]._ 2.; ia :.Wj3, J I made specks, or snmall u) in hii And t lIe hasted, or wa quick, . spots, [with ink or the like, (see 5,)] utpon my speech. (A, TA.) You ay y also, Jsa JI ;; yarment; syn. = . (A, TA.) [And 1 lie has a haste in speech. (A, TA.) W Iils garment became sprinkled 5. 4 jj3 : lie spoke evil agninst another.] You say, v with specks, or small spots, of ink or the like. eA .A l tII heard the evil speaking of the (1], TA.) people against us. (A, TA.) 9. ls1, ($, 1,) inf. n. L7W;, (S,) lIe or it, 2: see 4, in two places. was, or became, of a black col,t;,r spechled with 4. a.Jt [lie made himn to dance; or to lary, nhite : or the reverse: (s:) [or spechled with e*J' :)] white, and blach, and red, and yellow: (see or sr)orlt;] trans. of 1. (Myb.) You say, Q.,1 ;jjl: (TA:) or the IAij, (1, A,) or I,, (M,) ,She (a woman, , as also VloUjI, (1K,) inf. n. former, he (a sheep, or goat,) was, or becamne, M) [lanced, or dandled, her child; or] nade her child to leap or spr,ing or bound [in her arms or such as is termed ,l. (8.)- It (tlie stalk, or ol her knee]; (F., M ;) as also VAL'ej, (15,M, A,) twig, of the .. ;) put forth its leaves, and what inf n. .Sj : (., A:) or the latter verb has an resembled nails (,sWI) were seen in thle place of

1. g./i, (Q,Msb, g,) aor. ', (M;b, i,) inf. n.

;j, (Myb, TA,) He patched it; pieced it; put a piece of cloth in the place thereof that wras cuat or rent; (MIb ;) repairedit, (K,) and cloJsed Ip the hole or holes thereof, (TA,) ,vith [a patch or] patches; (I, 1 ;) namely, a grment, or piece of cloth; (S, Msb, ] ;) and in like manner, a skin, : or hide; (TA;) as also t 1Jj, (I],) inf. n. (TA:) or - signifies the patching a garment, or pice of cloth, in several places. (S, TA.) lie stopped it up, or dlosed it up; namely, any ; as in the saying hole, or aperture; and so ~ of 'Omar Ibn-Abee-Rabee'alh, a . s. .9 'I ' &

[And they (referring so women) used, when they

of repair; said and

BooK 1.]


so 50aI .. (S, .A _ A ec Aeu-table; also termed V- 1 allel alled because it is patched [with squares] (T ; (S TA,) inf. n. acU;,($ ; c ,TA.) j* .. ,) and cloe up the aperbeing used for L.) L.) - tThe original matter; the ubstane; ture in the wallU with the eyes and the parts He was, or became, stupid, foolish, deficient in A ( .,TA;) of a garment, or piece of cloth; (1, nsce; (g, 1, TA;) shattered, or marred, in his a imeudiately around them]. (L) - t [He reor A;) or o?a thing: (TA:) or 'the thicknm of C~ ntelUect; (TA;) such as is termed "'A;) p. ($.) ?L.] il paired it in a figurative sense; as also * ,.... ... Zrmen garment,or piece of cloth. (Mgb.) You say, , . , t [lie repairs his You say, 1 Ij The t [substance or] tAhick, i l iu 2: see 1, in seven plaws.. toJl 3WI repentance]. (TA.) And tI eaw me, or eard me, to come forth, ('
ensuredhim, reviled him, or satirized him. rligion by his

;i; t[He repairedhis stale, or condition, in the present word by sacrificing his blemings in the world to come]: whence the saying of'AbdAllah Ibn-EI-Mub6rak,

* 0ij.

wjo ,

,e of this garment, or piece of cloth, is good. I ilesmeared the tratwe of mangye, ,e af. n. il Mgh.) ( another, after i also signifies The [The pl.] cr scab, upota the she-amel, one Mgh.) JlP:ith tar, or liquid pitch. (TA.) ii#ing, ining, or casing, whic is constructed in the rpper a well when one IHe (a man, 8) t rp,vper part of the interior of see 10. -Also 4. Lj: thars (TA.) [See denmolished. becoming its fears icted, or spoke, stupidly, or foolishly. ($, 1, ...I .1 rA.)

old Patcheel; I He soughAt, sought after, or sought to 5. ;Patched;a garment, or the like, haring a M.P him- )icce he al)pt,.'a applied tttmor tA# thelike; or lie - -of cloth putin a place thereof p.of that sustenance, or rain,sustenance, cut or or that is is cut )cce t [We repair our state, or condition, in tahe present rain, as TA.) (1K, to do so. a task, as to reef, Wif' world by the rending, or marring, of our religion, s -ent; rent; r. (TA.) - And 'ent; (Msb;) as albo * i so that neither our religion remains nor what we 1 ience, 10. 44!H1 8>_1 The garment, or piece oj ! Stupid, foolish, deficent in M lb,) t hence, (O, 10. c-j,. Va..; t? j lI.e -loth, required repair]. (TA.) And ] ;) in, whose intellcUet is sometinthg ens~; (S, O, to be patched; (A, TA;) it wras W~; "--repaired, amended, or put to rights, his state, or ite( ; jneeding repair; [so I render.1L.r e. ;]fl tione for it to be patched; ($, 15;) as also timne condition, and his means of subsistence; syn. TA;) sitattercil, (,TA;) shattered, or mnarred, in his intellect; 0 (TA,) anj CJj: (,*TA:) withl whiclh .ut. (TA;) (TA,) and t'i. '; (~, (TA;) as also V (TA) latter t j is also syn. as signifying I he gained, tli ; (TA) and 8I11 (K, TA) The secenth 4 W.;) likened to a ragged, intelect; in C.i~~~~~~~~~~ or unaound ] ;) hearen. TA.) So, accord. to some, in a acquired, or earned, property; accord. to an ex- hearen. (1K, or or as though patched: garmcnet; worn-out, and old vem verse of Umeiyeh Ibn-Abi-y-Salt, [wlhere others 0 (TA.) And j.a planation of its inf. n., &,. (Mqb:) and state of judgmient, ihoxse or a man :) (Mb read .. ...0.... read 8. instcad of 6,'] cited voco ;~. (TA.) affairs shattered, become C5t affairs or circumstances, havr I,si t.,ml: [IIe connects the lan8a i,] also [See disorganized, 9 impaireld: or mnarrd, dissipated, disorganized, gnage; and repairs one part thereof by inserting [See is (A, (A another]: said of a poet. (TA.) And t * (A, TA:) fern. [of * jI] "lQj, (1,) but this is aii W; t The sound of the arrow in, or tupon, the p. post-classical; (L, TA;) and [of L;IW.] &QtaIp. alo signifies t [Thle act of interpolating: or] butt, TA.) butt, or target. (IAqr, 15, the adding to a tradition, or story, or narrative. (1.)Qg.) TIe first TI (1..) - Hence also, (TA,) lJ aii ; A patch; i. e. a piece of cloth, or rag, hearen; [lit. lIe did not patch , [(TA.) ' ra.) .with or hearen; (K ;) i.e. (TA) the hcaen of tlh lower a place of patching, or place to be patched;] .with which a garment, or the like, is patched, world; world; (, TA;) [agreeing with the Hebrew 0 p;ieccd, or repaired: (S, Mpb, 15:) pl. 3 ($, term; did not, or mtade not, or wrought not, 1)ieccit, means I heA term; an epithet in which the quality of a subt. Mgh,Mhi, 1tl) and ji. (TA.) Hence the sayj, t4 Mglj, . ' .,k anytAhing. (TA.) - _ e,X3 ' prcdominates; -. LU. a23UL. Ji_; and therefore, predominates; for tiI a 4. , . i-,(, f.. -. (L T, t [Mo'dwviyeh used to put morse!l into his ing, t ing, Le, properly,fem.; occurs of its an instance thoughl fern.; properly, in the garmient; being mouth rith one hand,] and spread another hland [Ti'e [Tide companion is like the patch u p as a masc. noun, as will be seen bebeing used in order that the portions of his morsed that fell therefure therefurs seek th.u the one that is suitable]. (A, lowfl low ;] so called because it is [ns though it were] , A [patch, or] trace, or mark, of patelied might become scattered upon it. (lAth, fgli, 1.) TA.) TA.) patched with the s,ars, or with the lights whichl a _i....bpl ", (Ibn-.'Abbid, ,) and ~U, ti , mange, or scab: (TA:) the commencement of are (TA:) or the heavn, the the mange, or scab: (1, TA: [in some copies of arc therein; as also t hi;fl: .0 inf. n. I, (TA,) t lie lined, or cased, the interior jl.]) or sky: (Msb, 5 :) and also n each otne of the is erroneously put for .,JI:]) the 15, ,; heaven&; being a cover to that of them each (S;) heavens; qf the well for the space of the stature of a mnan, PI. (TA.) - t A piece of land, or ground, . pi. ,pg. wliich also to it [beneath, so that each, except which is next or twice that measure, fearing its becoming deadjoining another piece [which is in some manner the the highest, is as though it were patched over by molihed/, (Ibn-'Ablbd, 1g, TA,) in its upper adjoitaing distinguihed therefrom; i. e. a patch of land, or the the next above it, the highest being in liko manport. (TA.)-- WI iL. j [lit. lIe closed dittinguidied ground: and in like manner, of herbage]: pl. ner ground: ncr covered over by the &.Ar,) like as the up the interval between Aim and the horsman;] 0 t[T he .,efl say, You . (TA.) T (TA.) means the reached, or overtook, the horseman, prIment (TA:) pl. garment is patched with the ';,: are various, or and pierced him, or thrut him; &LIjsignifying patches of the land, or ground, 0,6,# aJ,jt. a trad., in said is a3;I. (f, Mgh, Mpb.) It diverse]. (TA.) And ;j5i ^ L` .L t [Thix as the interval, or intervening space, between the diverse]. 1 .01 , A- 0 --,S 9, M.A pieret, or thruster, and the pierced, or thrust. is a patch of herbage]: and F Mgh) : Veily I have decreed by tAhe decree of l 5, t[and a.dJl,] -. i& t[We found not aught ave patces of ,. (O, , TA.) "-U God God written upon the preserved tablet abore Tor mwn 1 He hit, or struck, the butt, or target, with an ;,-#on gren herbage]. (TA.) - [A note, biet, even heuvcns:V(Mgh :) the speaker thus making s/hort etter: and particularly a short pvritten mi3j masc., as though he regarded it au meaning arrow. (5, TA.) i4 8 also signifies tAny sitoi.g addressed to a prince or fo, j He sotruck, petition or memorial, titting, or striking. (TA.) And .] (S, TA.) [See also JL.. (S, governor: a ticket: a label:] a certain thing J goverlior: or begat, in any manner; with a whiip; and othere"j"sl, to accord. (, ) [and pl. that is ritten: that en a good, or i. q. q. .q ; $[He uis JL ~?.l3) .A t f[He struck wise; as in the phrases 1 a in saying the Hence also]. ei usage modern modemusage ri.q4t, right, orderer, or manager, of property, or !f him a *lap roith theahand]; and a;,j)J " j vo; :~. (Tl. ) cainels, o ~5,3]te tead. camnels, &c.]: because he amends the condition tmd., ..i"~ t [He beats the ground oith his foot]. [One of you niUocome, on the day ofresurrection, thereof. [One thereof. (TA.) The ii; old man supported having, (TA.) Apd '. 1 0~~~~~~~~~~~~0 00. having, suspcnded upon this neck, billets lut]. ex. voce l; s ee an of n. [act part. ~o. be to i claims the the by tering]; meaning, kAnlf. or bore, ,pon his two palms, [as thoulh Lii %eIJ 1 i 4J It is said in a trad., s meanifig he struck tae ground mith the palms oj made upon him, or the dues incumbent on him, , It target or butt, A believer is one who tThe ~ (TA.) -i ji.a ~aa3~ U. Tits written on the (TA.) - [And written Asi bands,] in order to r. t (TA.) bwomes ei hence,] -- , (J, 1,) or i ip ;, (TA,) t He at tvwici to shoot; also termeid becomes unsound in his religion by his disobe143







1188 dience, and who tepairs it by his repentance 9: [therefore the happy is he who dies rhile heAU repairing:] (TA in the present art.:) i. e., on rho offend. [and] who repents. (TA in ar t. L

eP - oj

[Boos I.

(S, 1) applied to a she-camel, (S, ISd, ]~,) That 1: see the next paragraph. goes quickAly: (g:) or that goes in t1ie manntr 4. ,jl, said of a palm-tree (' ;i), inf. n. termedl Jilt much, or often: (., TA:) and J1G o*J.) JU;I, It became such as is ternted 3.J [q. v.]. [as pl. of the last] is applied [in like mannerj to l: fern. ,'Wj: see ;, .. in three places._ (ML.) - 3jI, (S, $K,) said of a he-camel, (S,) she-camels. (TA.) [HIence,] -l vJlld i O' Also, the fem., applied to a owe, or she-goal or l, j I, said of a she-camel, (JK, Mqb, TA,) [SucA a one is quick in ajairs]. (TA.) inf. n. as above, (JK, S, M9lb,) 'le, or site, wrens lldaoing a avhitenes in Aer side. (p, TA.)_ II JU>LO; 1pl. j3i : soe the next preceding And, applied to a woman, tlavuing no buttoclkt, quickly; (JK,1 ;) ,rent a sort of quick pace; (Msb;) nent a sort of pace of the kind termned paragraph, in two places. (1Sk,l :) or slender in tie shanls. (TA.) [Also t More, and most, stupid, foolish, or dejl .. [q. v.]: (5, TA:) or vent a sort of run a esceeding that terned .;: (TA :) and ,.iat in senaa.] You say,:a i;l 1t Uj (JK.) J3jI is also t [There is not beneath tLhe s, a person mor m signifies the same as :.i. said of a man, (e, ]K,) meaning t le ,r,ent 1....ij, (M.Qb, ...,) aor. , (, TA,) inf n. stul,id, &c., tlan he]. (TA.) 6 ... , (,, TA,) lie wrote (., M,b, O1)a quickly. (TA.) And you say, Jl l..jI IDJfIJ, writing, book, or letter. (Mab.) And lIe saled, .r, [A place of patching; or a place to b (TA,) or .,1 jt, (JK,) t Tl;ey werat quickly /stamped, imprinted, or impresced. (S, TA.) And in, or to, mar, or battle. (JK, TA.) And J/i0 patchedl; a alsotej].o[Hence,],j_; .al ,3, (K,) infC.,. as above, (JK,) ie sce 1. -And i*t j t Y [I de pal io JU3. t [Such a one is quick in affairs]. marked the ,7riting N'ith the dots, or points, (TA.) And l1 "..151 ,tot, or saall not, find;I in tiee anything tequirins7 is metaplhorically said, by (JK, ]J, TA,) and misde its letters distinct, or I an,enlmnet, to speak of]. (TA.)And d. Aboo-I.leiyclh En-Numeyiec, of spears [ns mean- plai;. (C, TA.) One say., ;1,i' , (v,) AL, . . * .S.... 7'ely had been quicl/y dlirected towmardx or WQ $t dJad. " 'g . t In it, or him, is a plaoe, oir ing T ,! ,, (J K, TA,) [ le wtrites, &c., Accord. to Lth slmd the K], UJ,l atsiject,fqrpatching, or amendment,for him n/ha him]. (TA.) s'pon tbhe water,] a prov., nplplied to the skilfiul also signifies lie traversed, or cromcd, a d cer,t: and intelligent, (JK, a TA,) nwill rectify it, or him: like as one says, * meanling lie is so s-- and Lth cites the following verse of ElI'Aljtij [as skilftul that he writes, &c., ( .) where the meaning a plaeo for sewing. (TA.) - And his authority for this explanation]: writing, &c., (..I~l,) will not remain fixed. t W d_ I . t I tee in him, or it, a subject,p S .13 h e (JK, S, TA.) And one says of a skilful workor place,for cenaure, reviling, or satire. ($, TA.: woman, clever in sewing skins and tie like, ) 4 S ;Wa and lIJl j (TA.) And j; . t.A poet mwho connects langag, [skhilfUlly], and relpai.ra (p) (;, Dlgh, Meb, J,,) ^1_. one part thereoJ but Az says that this is a mistake of Lth; that ,_*9j, * (8, Mgh, Msb, ],) aor. aor. as as above, above, (JK, Mob,) and so the inf. n.; (Mfb, TA;) and by [ineerting] another. (TA.) is here an adv. n.; and that the meaning is, &Jj j, (81, ,) inf. n. ,fi; (8, TA;) Hejfigred, [0 God, by the Lrd of the luonse (of Mckkelh) W,la: fem. with : see J, in two places. and of the ilfuxharrap vat.kyaled, (the mosque of El-Kheyf) jvarigated,or decorated, the garment, or piece of cloth; (M,gh, M~b, TA;) and (TA) nade it J. A garment, or piece of cloth, mnuch and] by the Lord qf the svwift she-camels in every cloth; striped, even plain: and ISd also has notified the same. striped, or ,nar,hed it n ith stripes: (p, TA:) or, patched, or haring many patches. (Mgh.)_ accord. to IF, he fignrel it, ariegated it, or (TA.) [And hlence, as being likened to a garment much decoratedl it, with a certain, or knowrn, figuri'ng (lecoi.atotl used,] : A man tried, or proved, by ue, practice, ,J,;: see dithnext paragraph, in two places. or variegation or decoration, such as became a or experience; ewpert, or experienced. (TA.) tnaris ,nark [thereofJ. (Mhb.) Also tho former phras, jIjA tall palm-tree: (S, Msb:) or a palm(JK, Mgh, TA,) annd t tle latter likewise, (TA,) &aJ A certain garmaent worn by the devout tree eaceeding the reach of the hand; (.,*' TA;) nid said of a trader, or dealer, (JK, Mgh,) .e aoofes; so called because ofthe [many] patches above such as is termed ;i.;.: or this latter word, inarked, narked, or put a mark on, the garment, or pieee that are in it. (TA.) [A garment of this kind, a accord. to As, has this meaning; and the former of cloth, (JK, Mgh, TA,) sl,ecrifin its Inice; gown, or long coat or cloak, is worn in the pre- word, a palm-tree higher tlan such as [jutt] he put a pri.e-mark plon it: (Mlh :) whence, sent day by many devotees, reputed saints, and exceewi the reach of tie hand: (TA:) or a palm43-< 8;s1 nd 'Y. [TLh sae *f the thing (larweeshes; and passing from one to another at tree of which the trunk has become tuch as that by t/e pntting a Inice-mark ulon it shall not be the death of the former, at lengthl consists almost one may reach [the fruit] ftom [the top oJ it: allo,cabie, because the express consent of the allotvabk, entirely of patches; and therefore, the more it is (JK :) pl. JS, (JK, S, Mob, J,) and ;oJ3 seller as well as that of the purehaser is neeemary C.tched, the more is it esteemed: it is also called (Mgb) to the and ratification tJi;, (1,) of the sale]: (Mgh:) [or] or [rather] of this last it 0 ,1.; and , or o .,r ,or., or (now generally is a n. un. (Mb.) Hence the prov., ;.;1Jl C-jj .I ; signifies I marked the thing o as to by the vulgar) 0j, from thie Persian dJ;.]_ distinguidt distinguilt it from other things, as, for instance, Also thioughit by A,Obeyd to mean A quiver, or 1 by by wrriting and gle like: and hence, ;,ll W. a pouch, much patched: wihence the prov., e [Tlou secst the yotlths, or youang men, like tal "' ; s,3 [The garment, or piece of cloth, .4j A);fi 9.jW [Two pies,of stick fo. pro- palm-tre.e, &c.; but what ntill acquaint thee wtith sitall not be sold by the putting a price-mahk upon ulcinl Jire, in a quiver, or pouch, mnuch patched:] the vice, &e., that is, or may be, in them ?]. (TA. an allusion to a poor and unprofitable man. [Seo also unotlher reading of this verse voce it, for the reason explained above, nor by the (Meyd.) j;]) [And j.l;, pi. of jUt; , asus&el iy a feeling it, or touching it: see 3 in art. u-J]. (Msb.).-[Hence,l,Dj31 . is a phrase IHudhalee poet, applied to the trunks of palnl- ('&fsb.) see c: tj.I.- I A camel having [patchles,] used by the relaters of traditions as mcaning t He trees, signifies 7all. (" Abulfedm Annales," tised traces, mar/s, or commencemnents, of ma;tge, or adds to his tradition, and lies: fromm .lt sigvol. i. page 4t9)]/ scab. (TA.) -IA man censurel, revileld, or nifying the t,riting upon a garment, or pioc. of iiifyinfr .lati,:icd. (TA.) J;';; pl. ,ju[I : see what next precedes. -loth. cloth. (TA.) -_ You say al0, Jl ,.5 t Ze muterized autcrized the camel. (TA.) [And ,,;il1 ; e_: [so in three copies of the S, and in the J6 '; A rope by means of uhich pualm-trees are lle ' t lie (a farrier) mared 'tie horm, making 1lin TA: in Freytag's Lex., see tj., in ascended; (S, TA;) so in one of the dials.; (TA;) wpon, s;.:] upon him, writh a hot iron: .o.;,t, and mq tlirce liaces: i. q , (T in art..,#,.) i d,. [q. v.] (., and . (jS.) Llso ulso;je...] 1


(8, 1) and Lj; (ISd, ) and









; (, TA;) or the ; 61 signifies the tmo arms: 2: see above, in two places. .) by caumade marks [or spots black [also] The drawing, and the writing, ofa line [or which are two ofthe ass: (TA: ) or what rump the upon terization] lines]. (KL) borders upon the ;j@1_ of the ans, of the mark , j is originally an inf. n. [of 1, q. v.]: and made by cauterization: or two portions of [calTl,e writing [or price-mark, &c.,] lous] flish next to the inner side of each of the hence .1,~ upon the garment, or piece of cloth. (9.) [Hence arms of the horse, having no hair upon them. 1 )l TheI Indian notation of nu- (1g, TA.) Agreeably with all of these renderings also Sq.,l ..



the Care [commonly called the Seren Sleepers],

(JK, ,I(,) and their ancestry, (JK, ,) and their story, ($,) and their rcligion, and what it

wasfrom which they fled: (g:) so says Suh, on the authority of Fr: (TA:) or a ,nas of stone; (Suh,JK, ;) [i.e.] a stone tablet on which nvere insribed their nanes, and awhich was put upon the entrance of the care: (BO:) or the torn, or vilUage, frotn rwhich they came forth: w_*Z to (JK, K:) or their mnountain (Zj, ) in which merals; adopted by the Arabs; whence is formed has been explained the trad., WAL..1>1 s tihe notation which we term "the Arabic."] J t [Ye are no m"ore, Of was the cave: (Zj:) or the valley (AO, JK, I) aJ3l tIS' > Also A sort of [the kind of garments called] the nations in general, than such as is the a,3j of in which was the care: (AO, JK:) or their dog: I](:) or [in the JK and C4 .j': (:) or a st,riptd sort of [thelkind of gar- the arm of the beast]. (TA.) - tAsmaU (EI-Ijasin, , ments, or cloth, termed] L.j; or of [the kind of quantity of herbage; as in the sayinc,, ; L "and"] tilhe receqtaclefor inh: (J i, g, TA:) mentioned by IDrd, but with the expression of cloth termed] j.; or of [tIl hind of garments Ss t[Ifound not save a small uncertainty as to its correctness; (TA;) and aid ' aii Y called] )J$: (1:) or a garment, or lpiece of cloth, quantity of herbage]. (TA.) - A herb, or legUUto be of the language of the Greeks: (JK, TA:) figured with round forms: (gar p. 416:) or minous plant, of those termed 1^_1 [pl. of v_, and the tablet: (1:) thus, also, explained as j- signifies a sort of figured, or varie- q. v.]: (S:) a certain plant; said to be a herb, or used in the verse of the (TA:) but I'Ab .jJIj yated, or decorated, [garments of the kind culled] leguminous plant, inclining to bitterness, and is related by 'Ikrimelc to have saidtl, I know not 3:L: (Mgh :) or j# signifies [cloth of the kind having a small red flon,er; (JK;) as some say, wlhat isn 'jl1; wletlher a book or writing, or a termed] j. figured, variegated, or decorated; (JK, TA,) thlA %^ [or ,nallo,v]. (JK, K., TA.) building: (S, TA:) it is [said to be] of the mea(JK, Mqb;) so accord. to El-FAir(abcc: (Mgh :) is sometimes thus sure JEah in tlhe sens.of the measure Ji. S, li) A mendowv (ia;;, signifies any garment, but accord. to IF, tb) termed. (S.) - Also Thc side of a valley: (TA.)_Iae, applied to a woman, Itelligenlt; or piece of cloth,figured, variegated, or decorated, J:) or the place where its wvater collects; (Ji;) ofa, q. v.]. ,(Fr, a, [fem. c with a certain, or known, figuring or variegation the part, of a valley, in wlhich is the uater. (Fr, such as is termd calamity or mhit great tA dl; and a s..,Aj,,) TA.) or decoration, suak as is a mark [thereof]; JK, TA.) -#it [a gnarment of the you say._j J. and A)3 C -#p 4i; The colour of the serpent termed _Jj1; kind callil >.w, and garments of the hind called JjI tA certain serpent: (JK:) a serpent in >A, thus fiqured, &c.; using the latter word as (JK, TA;) as also ?..3. (TA.) - See also 3J. rwhich are blacknes and whiteness: (A, M, a:) or sing. and pl. because it is originally an inf. n.]: between two srpents [app. of aii A certain plant, (1~, TA,) resembling the a serpent [begotten] (M,b:) and C;.,. (Myb, TA) and Vt5y. (TA) marked with redness and varieties], derffeat , a plant little known, blackness and duskiness or [i. c. , and [the colour termed] signify a garment, or piece of cloth, figured, b,bb the resemble leaves its because called so be to said strilped, and TA:) (MIb, yariegated,or decorated: iaZ; [q. v.]: (ISh:) or a serpent upon which are or marked with strilpe: and marked, or haring a villous coat of the stomach of a ruminant animal]: white specks: (iamp. 784:) or the most wualigmdra [speci ging its price] put upl)o it. (TA.) so says Az: and in one place he says, it is a herb nant of serpents, and the most wont to purse that growrs U&&.. [app. a mistranscription for I uinkind: (IbnSeoe also.j5, inu two places. ]:) or a serpent like habceb, a term often used in descriptions ol the nit in respect of tae fear taint men har of sappty, and AJJ: see jA.: Iand see also the paragraph plants, meaning erpanded], juicy, or 1~~~~ killing it, though it is one of the weakest and the camcels, o0 the by eaten never, or Er. of ever, day T'Ae scarcely here next least irascible of #sepentS;for one fears, in was one of the dals [of conflict] of the cattle, except from mant: AHn describes the Jkilling the_3 alt:, the punishment of and the ms (Sh:) or, applied aj3) [perhaps meaning, the IJJ , q. v.,] only ni the to thm who kill thrm: Arabs, (S,) wrell knonm. (k.) a herb, or leguminous plant, of those termcdj!,pa [q. v.]: (Mgh:) or the A calamnity, or misf,orttee; (JK, S,;: to a serpent, i. q. jil no were ciaracteristies particular the -whicl of female is not so called, the (i:) srpent: male ( ;) all mean thus ant known to him. (TA.) [Forsk&l, in his FlorD a also and tj; but she is called (TA;) im;; k called she is nor a thing that one cannot accomplish, or manage, .Aegypt. Arab. p. ceviii., mentions a plant seen bj tho epithet, you use you when TA:) : (1, i,W (TA;) and t;J signifies tilhe same s8j,. (JIE him in El-Yemen, previously unknown to him (Ibn2j which he calls " rokama prostrata," of the clau s say I JI; but i;; is [uisedl as] a subst: ! jl', (TA,) nnd,ilt ' One says, .,Jl proper pl. a ISd,) (JK, )Il, is thi pl. and the &jj, name labeceb:) Arabic its writing r pentandria; t ;jjl1, (9,) meaning Iefell [into calamity o: r pronunciation " R6kama."] to sibsts., because the quality of a subst. is preo calamity mixfortune, and he fell intd great . Iominant in it. (ISd, TA.) - Soee also . .41) Certain arrows, so called in relation th d misfortune, or] into that whiich he could no t 1 ;For )the fem., places. two in ace i, El-Medeeneh, (S, ,) named .JA accomplisl, or manage. (9, TA.) And OW";A- a place in ~~~~~~~~~~rt relation to a plaeo thus named in th, in or (V;) t tha pas to I,*3jL t Such a one brought V re , ci;s inf. n. of 2 [q. v.]. - Also, [as a subst,] which was a great calamity or misfortune. (AI way to El-Medeeneh; (JK;) or, accord. to Nasr A hertain sign, or mark, of the kMeper~ of tr in relation to a water thus named, where the, TA.) And ?j,J1 *: signifies the same as,j,l were made, by certain mountains of the sam regiter of th [tax, or tribute, t~rmed] That rwhich is a calamity or misfortune. (S (i, TA,) cnrventionally tued by thm, (TA,) name. (TA.) nnd 4' TA.)_One says also, ? 1t put upon [the notes, or bilts, or petitions, staying Remaining, epithet, fem. as a used ; q. v.], and upon [the [qpl of termed] meaning [He brought, or did,] much. (R.) dralling, or abiding; and remainingfixed. (JK. q. v.], [pl. of : tbaJ termed] i; t Any one of several small marli o f : see;,ly: and..,3j. It occurs in a trm I. wrhitings and upon accounts, or recrintgs, st it should cauterization upon the shans of a beast. (JR of 'Alee, describing the sky, as meaning Figures ,, be inagined that a blank has been Ift [to be T, TA.) - t One of what are termed ;j11l tee rdJ fllcd up], in order that no account be or decorated, with the stars. (TA.) -Also di (TA:) this signifies two [horny] things resemblins book, or writing. (S.) As used in the lgu r put down therein; a also *,j. (s.) tmo nails (JK, S, I, TA) in the legs of a bea. 1 ty~~~~~~~~ (JK, A tablet (JK, ]C, TA) or in the legs of a shlep or goai xviii. 8, ' 'It is said to mean inscribed, (JK,3, ,'0>iAsrriting-reed; (o;) becauw it is an mrere whereon (K,) L-ad, of K') of (9,) opposite each otlirr: (JK,, TA:) and a ?f ;,) or engraved, (7i,) the names of the Pcople o.f intrunment for j1, i.e. wrriting: (TA:) also the am and horse, two marks in the inner sides



1140 called A1ii [app. because prtly blackened wit h (Mgh,) and likewise with C(TA,) , I acended 11 ofs o] ink]. (Z, TA.) One says to him who is vehe X .,l wJ The n.ews, or information, - or mounted, upon the ountain, and upon th a came to mently angry, (, TA,) extravagantly, or in him, or reached him. (MA.) 3 iutop: o(MYb:) and UI jt is in lilrp manne r moderately, so, (TA,) iL 6. (meaning [ He ezalted himsuelfJ is Wl, lt t[signifyin g trans. without i; whence the saying, ai ii Thy pen hast eceedd it due limit], (g, TA ,) aL. )L, from .,ll signifying j.. and 1tA u;;, (.ar jjL [Thou hast indeed ascende in some of tile lexicons lI, (TA,) and a difficult place of asent]. (Mgh.) - [Hence, p. 128.) JA p, (1i) and ', or i, accord. to differen I 8: see 1, first sentence, in three places._ 7 it ic ! cend thou, and go, [accordin,1 copies of the 1, and ijU (TA,) and AL an dt tothy limpin or halting, i. e.] as far as thoi [Hence,] " U.~1 jI hIis belly became [drawn art able to do so, and impose not upon thysel /. ] up, i.e.] lean, or lank; syn. IS.Cl: said of a e4t, and J . X (Ti, TA:) all [virtually Athat which thou art not able to perform. (Q camel, and meaning the same. (TA.) -Also of a sheep or goat. (JK.j A thing wit. TA. (Some, instead of j1, sayi; and some which bread is mtarAed ($j'); (TA;) lik 10. Uj,l .He asked him, or desired Aim, to ;e e1, from the verb mentioned in the nextsentence LA...L; in Penrs. called X, charmn hin. (," TA.) , [i. e. a feather, orand some, j: see 1 in art. Uj; and se also art,) bundle offeathers, with wohich bread is pricked bj Ji. i.q. Sip [as meaning A charm, or spell, the maker]: pl..I ,. (MA.) P ]) lijsUl, (JK, $, Mggh, M b,,) U either uttered or written], (Y5, TA,) by wAich a (JK, Mgh, Mb,) inf. no kQj (JK, $, Mgh, 19, psnon having an evil affection, ~scA as fewr and *- : s; ee : and>2. and j, epilepsy &c, is charmed: (TA:) when it is in (JK, Mgh, MYb,0) and , , Ile charmed him, syn. a5p, (JK, Mgh, Msb,) any other language than that of the Arabs, and J A writer; as also ; by [intoking] God: (Msb:) and (Mgh) A e one knows not what is in it, it is disapproved, ;j,I Written; (f, M9b, TA;) as also t ; -ptced, or sputtered, upon hit caarm; syn. %^ lest it should involve enchantment (,i.) and (Meb:) and sealed, stanmped, imprinted, or im It-: ; (Mgh, .:) [it signifies he ciarmed infidelity; but in such as is from the ]Kur-in or presed: (?:) and a writing marked mith the dot, , him from, or against, such a thing; (1iJ. is.';) any of the forms of prayer, there is no harm: or points, (JK, TA,) and havring its ltter nmaddg and also he encetanted Aimn, or facinated him; (Mgh in art.3: [see '3 :]) [but 3i 1J generally distinct, or plain: [i. e. distinctly written:] andI by uttering a spell; or by tying knots in a thread, signifies "an amulet to charm the wearer against At_r esignifies the same: (TA:) the firi tor string, and pufing, or puttering, upon them; the evil eye &c.":] 'Orwoh says, occun in the 4ur [lxxxiii. 9 and 20], in thed or by bogh tlhes actions combined: ,A . j 1!~l ' 1 Ssee the lst e . phraee,hr 0, (8,TA,) meaning, in both chap. but one of the ur-in:] the epithet applied ! instance, [u some say, a writing] ealed, or to tho performer is j. [meaning Charming; stamped. (Jel.) - See also ;., - Also t A &c.]; (o, Mgh,TA;) and todJ [A charmer; [And they tn,o left n,ot any amulet that they beast having small marks of cauterization upon W =; or one rwho habitually practias charming; knew, nor any charm, or spell, but with it they his shank; erry one of rhicA is termed &c.]: (JK, K, TA:) and the epithet applied to charmed me]: (TA:) [sometimes, also, it signifies (JK,T,TA:) or fI, 1; means ta beast the person who is the object of the performance anything by which on# enchants, or fascinates: having lines of cauterizatioss upon its Icgs. (g.) is ? , [meaning Charnmed; and &c.]. hence (JK, it is TA.) said,] i(JI [iYoman is a 'j It is also applied au an epithet to g wild ass, because of a blackneu upon his legs: (TA:) or In the saying I,1nJ rt. Ij; id se;!meaning thing by which on# is enchanted, orfascinated]: (Mb :) pl. j; (8, Msb, ]g.) t,IgI ,;j; , so applied, and applied to a [wild] bull, means t Having line of black upon hi legs. m.y head I;j [The act, or practice, or art, of charming: agaist the headache]), the verb is made (i, TA.) - And L e Lnad (oil) in wrhich trans. by means of [l because and also, of enchanting, or fascinating; i.e. it is as though it is little erbage: (Fr, , , TA:) or in thich is enchantment, orfascination:] the subst., (1gb,) implied the meaning of [i.e. "recite thou" thc plant caUed l;. (JK.) from atJ;, aor. 'J. (Myb, a spell] and 1 .li [i. e. "puff," or "sputter," of the measure ii TA.) upon knots]. (Mgh.)

[Booe .1.


1. U, cor.

A&sba cited in art. htj, voce ;] [And : One who ascends mountains much or oJfn. Aiy , mentioned in this art. in the ii, as well hence, He lsoated, or esalted, h im.] [Ience (TA.) m See also 1, last sentence but one. as in art. j3: se the latter art. also,] f 4 ,, inf. n. as above, i. q. 31f: see 1, last sentence but one. The saying [meaning HI told, or related, a aainst in the lgur [lxxv. 27], O3I 0 4 [Who is one that him; te inforned against him; as is indicated by U) what next follows, and by a meaning of ujii as charms?] means that there is no charmer that L i;j, aor. .j, inf. n. J (JK, (, TA, shall charm him and protect him: or, accord. to [but this inf n. is omitted in the Cs,]) and ,;, quasi-pass of j thus usd]. (,h. ) You say I'Ab, the meaning is, who it he that ascendetA (J, TA, [but this is omitted in my NS. copy of also, JJI1 i; j/, in. n. as above, He with his soul ? shall the angels of merey [ansend the ],]) He ascended, i [to himn, or it]; as brought a flme accusation against me; said, with it] or the angels of punishment? (TA.) In also t? ut, and t J,3 (:) or he ascended a against me, wihat was not the case; and exagthe saying of a rAjiz, ladder, or a stair: (JK:) or d pj, (?, Myb, gerated [in lwhat he said against me]. (JM, t~~%WLJE TA.) in the Mgh 6 J;,) inf.n. JA (?, Mgh, Mqb) 1 6: see 1, first sentence, in two places._ Jtji l i. [Hence,]..aJI 0 J,3 ;1He rose by degrees, or step by step, in knovwledge, or science. (S, TA.) And hence, _ l jl_ll IJI . U.j j . The state, or condition, ceased not to rise withl and jl, (Mgh, Meb, TA,) the verb being him until he reached the utmost point thereof. tics trans. by itself, (Myb, TA,) without (TA.) - [Hence also, the verb being quasi-pass. Mqb,) and

rose, or ro higA, in its ljight. (Msb, TA.)

;, inf n;;, .

2. bu inf. n. a,J,3 , He made him to ascend; said of a bird, It syn. ,Mgh. (TA.) [See an ex. in a verse of El- subst. from tjj


[Ascent; or the act of ascending;] the aor. ;... (TA.)


i;e (t, Msb;) and ti .*l, (M, an gh,a 4J; (Mgh,* Msb;) I airceaded it; (Q;) namely, a ladder, or a stair, (M, Mgh, MYb,) &o.: (Mqb:) and q.Jl -JI ; (Msb,)

[the meaning may be, Assuredly thou konewt, by the Most Majestic, the Everlasting, that the female chamers ill not repel, or atert, that whAich is decreed; or, that the potent charmers will not &c.: for] the pl. may be that of t jl; as an epithet applied to a woman, or of this

meaning a

BooK I.] same word as an intensive epitdiet applied to a ,'imc, or misdeed]. (J, .') And L.

then, . 1Veak or rain little in quantity: WVeak rain: (T, g:)

man. (9.)

[and t il is expl. in like manner by Freytag, jJI 9 [in like manner] means e1~ .;jl* e.i. as meaning pluvia tennis, pauca; but it seems to see t [I attacAcd to him responsibilityfor that render- be aiclj,t): iJ,; .pl. lj; (with tdie article 'of :] or exceedAnd be a n. un. of -0i, ,and so t ing of this right, or due]. (Lth, TA.)what next precedes. what is termed _j [q. v.]: (1:) accord. to Ij ing what , aor. inf. n. , i.q. 4 -. s 1, my IAlx, is +A place f! ascent; as also v S5i; A~ t [He rmersed the order of parts, or of the IApr, the first lor lightest and weakest] of rain and Va1"-: (Mqb:) (Mob, TA;) and so $ ;,t; then, the j;; then, the uj; that called p;arts, of the affair, or cas]. (TA.) 1;j a1 l or ? these last two signify a series of steps or &lcj and then, the ij: (TA:) or theo > exceeds the stairs; or a ladder; syn. a;. ; (9, ]C;); oj., (IDrd, 15,) [aor. J,] inf. n. .$, (IDrd, TA,) i)J: (TA in art. j :) the pi. [of pauc. of iIJ] (M and 15 in art. L ;) the former of them as Ile felt the thing, or pressed it lightly, wvith his 1, ktnom its bulk. is L;JI (1) and I%nj (9, 1) and ilj; being a place of ascent, and tile latter of them hand, in order that he might 1 (ggh, '5.aas being likened to an instrument; (S. Mgb;) (IDrd, 1,a TA.) _- And L,I ii, (IDrd, 1,) TA;) and the pl. of Viiu is 1;. (TA.) and both of them are authorized by the M; in n. as above, (IDrd, TA,) He conmpressed the a (TA,) . applied to a land, or a place: see .10,*. (TA;) but the latter of them is disallowed by woman, and distresed her, or fatigued her, in so -jj land: A'Obeyd, and said by him to be not of the doing: (IDrd, ,*TA:) and so L, inf. n.; see lj. i ;" and ii language of the Arabs: (Mqb,TA:) the pl. of t,),inf. n. .). ([Drd, TA.)_*n;;. 41 aLji is o?;. (TA.) You say and ,P* [and of oi] 'jKl;: Ld-li: see the next paragraph. (God lessened, or diminished, or may God lessen, (Ibn-'Abb&l, it.s, increase. his, or or diminish, A TA) (JK, L 3.x. and V OJ~-~j. dichi :I,S, IVeak, or feeble: (g, JM, KL:) so as 0,0 nountain in whicls is no place of ascent. (TA.) TA.) applied to a man: (TA:) and thin, or of little 2: see 4, in two places. lhichnen thichnecs or depth: (JM:) anything little, or 51,] i.Ll 1i~, [in my MS. copy of thie 1K L4ULj`: small, in quantity; and slender: applied to water The shy rainedsuch rain as is 4. w.-J1: The twno edgc [or alte] of tle noce: (1., TA:) Vedly [that is little in quantity, and shallom], and to so says Th; but the expression commonly known termed iJ; (, 1g;)as also * (Ibn- herbage, and to science: (Sh, TA:) feeble, or -. i;. t %I., mentioned before [in art. 3J]. (TA.) 'Abb&d, ].) - And .;l is , j The land was weak, and incorrect; applied to a word or an . ex#6. JJ': of rained upon with such rain at is termed .j, (?,) prenion; contr. Jj0m-;) in art. pression; (P$ ;U," and 33: -. J>, in four places. or with such rains as are termed WtJi; as also (g and X1in that art.:) [and unsound, invalid, or incorrect; incorrect; applied to information, an announce.~ (TA.) t af.: see 1, last sentence but one. ment, &c.: see 1.] You say .11 [le (TA,) n. 3Ij;!, inf. &.tl, (1K,) 8. [ Agarinent, in resifct oqf weak cloth, of or piece A garment, and sece an asee Ojp% in two places; u: indistinct in his speech; said of a druniken man: texture. --cx. in the first sentence of this article. -' Z 1 i,jt texture. (,*TA.) And 'j (see its part. n., ALt5, below:) or,] though seen [Verily he hates reak ruilers, or magistrates]: to be eloquent [when alone (see again the part. n.)], occurring in a trad.: -', -B*;, being pi. of .oj he 7as in)potent in speech in a case of alterca- like as [ils syn.] &&aA is pl. of Js.. (TA. (K, JM, TA, in the tion: (1 :) or he tc ,) aor. ., ] 1. ;, (S, ras, or became, uweak, orfeeble; [See also a similar saying in what follows.]) And ' .] ) J1. lle doubted in, - 6; ol inf. n. 3A;j_ (K1, JMI) [and app. (TA;) [like C, lJ;,) & 3 .*, (1,) and bjWIl, (TA,) A mai tJil1 ,i.; ib,,%, q.v. infra,] and j, (C1C, [but not in or respecting, his aoffair., or cas. (Yak.oob, 1.) having having litile know ledge, (K,) and intelligence. ! [lIe, or it, was, or _ '.AJl is also syn. n,ith the TA nor in my MS. copy of the K,]) or.j (TA.) And '1 ; and * VI jI,(g,) tho latter of [i. e. aJ, like "j` and 2i, with bothl of whlich it became, in a state of coinmmotion or agitation; or which wiiicli has a stronger signification than tlhe former, like is syn.], (JM,) It (a thing, S) na.s, or blcante, of convulsion, or violent motion; or shook, quaked, like jtl; in relation to _*, j, (TA,) and fl i;, or quivered]: (K :) accord. to Ya.oob, it is an weak, orfeeble; syn. 1..i: and thin, or of little (X,) signification, (TA,) stronger still has a which (15,) instance of substitution [of . for ]. (TA.) One .As thicknes or depth; syn. oj: (S, g :) [and little, says, s,X p [HIe passed by in a state of com- and 9t jl, (],) all applied to a man, (TA,) signify or nmall, in quantity; and slender: and tfeeble, Low, Lon, ignoble, vile, mean, sordid, or possessing no motion &c.]. (TA.) or weak, and incorrect; said of a word or an exmanly qualities; weah in his intellect, and in his pression: (sce tho part. n. :I1.;:) and tunl lie esteemed him iveak, or feeble. jutignient 10. . judgnment or opinion: or one who is not jealous 1 A. owtnd, invalid, or incorrect; said of information, (9, 15.) (g, TA) of his rife; i. q. ,j;: (TA:) or ono (g, an announcement, &c.; as is shown by what ,ho is not rever,ed, rapected, or feared, bi hia R. Q. 1. A55; He was, or became, corardly, who , or wreak-Acarted. (IAar, TA.) [Sec also . , wtfe, . follows.] Hnence the saying, j; ,wfe, or his family: (15:) accord. to AZ,Y.11, [Cut thou it off from where it is wneah, or thin]: its inf. n., below.] and t &iLb signify one esteemed weak by tike ' women, not revered or respected orfearedl by them, for which the vulgar say, IJ 4_ O . (S.) (K,) relating to a skin [of and not jealous of them: (TA:) the epithet simiR. Q. 2. Sb.j, nd lAhence also the saying,] .. l lj iU [i. c. Its being agi- larly applied to a woman is &e likewise, and tU.I; t In this infornation, annotnce,nent, milk], (TA,) means , [In the CI, t TA. (I, the butter. with tated] piece of news, or narration, is unsoundness, inL4,Lj: and the pl. is )lIj. (1].) It is said and ; are put for "S and 1 A 1 ., ja 1 validity, or incor,rectnes; and so, 1iij d. (A S.ib, in ,, (>," TA, [in one in a trad., l . ,l ,i ut S &a,; i ~.) . j u .; and TA in art. of my copies of the g written ,i.Lb11, and in the : see the next paragraph. ,a. otlier other copy without the vowel-signs,]) meaning nor. L, (1I,) inf n. Wj, (TA,) (t,) or simply .5j, Verily he cursed hinm who is not jealous of his YMIV He threw one part of the thing upon anrother. .j, with kesr, Lean, or emaciated: mentioned a 'ib 'i el a ivife. (S.) And in another trad., ,vife. aor. ', inf n. by J [and in the g] in art. jJ,[and there written l - a;- ) .fJI, (9, 1.)_ , i.e. [ Verily God hateth the i1;, [Iput the J. (or iron collar) upon his neck, , j,] but Sgh says that this is a mistranscription, t .L.S.l ffal~ sovereign, or ruling, power] that is weak. (TA.) and inserted his hand in it; or] I confined his and that it is correctly with j [and with kesr]; soverei.qn, [fem. of b,] as an epithet applied (S.)hand to his neck by means of the ,j. (TA in the present art.;) and Az says that .Qj is t_land, a mistake, and is correctly with j. (TA in art. to land: see .j!. ~ Also Felt, or prcsed [lightly : i. q. ja "i' i: %r i.ll *' [Hence,] t [I attached to him responsibility for the sin, .Jj.)~ Also, (S, ,) and t ,j and t A"j, (I,) with the hand; see 1]; and so VJ1J~m.. (TA.)


1142 3i~t~: see the next preceding paragraph, ini (TA.) You say, ;~l.Q *-JC, (Msb,) 1or or,. five places. (Mgh,) and ti. L. [or c,] inf. . n. . yf* & [as above, meanin; I rode, or rods ige.)j [app. an inf. n., see 1, first sentence,] and upon, and I mounted, or mounted upon, the beast, Veakress, orfesbleness. (TA. [See also 3ab,.]: or the horse]. (TA. [See also -.. l;.]) [And art. .) [See also

[Boox L .ib;. In like manner alo,.

(1: voce

you #ay, s. -


kc.) tHe

k.;j, as a subst., see j,, in two places.

iL.~ l *J,, (so in one of my copies of the ;, and in the 0, and in my MS. coply of the g,) or &.~1l ia, (so in one of my copies of the S, and in the TA and CK~,) meaning [Iisifat is, or a piersce ffa of,] such as melts quickly, is a proY., (0, O, s,) applied to him who does not fatigue, or weary, thee, (Ji 'j, so in my copies of the S, or 'i ', so in the 0,) or to him who does not aid tiee, (_is. 3, so in the TA and CK, [in my MS. copy of tie g it reads either 1e~ '3 or LA' '3,]) in needful affairs, ($, 0, I,) nor avail thee, or profit thee, or stand thee in any stead. (O, TA.) [See also u;, voce LI.] _- Accord. to AA, signifies A wide JL [or vulva, or Jlabby vulva]. (0, TA.) l.- The soutnd of the echo, (V, TA,) which it returnus o onefirom the mountain, imitating rwhat one utters. (TA.)

'-..J , or ".; *Lt (agreeably with the gur xi. 43 and xviii. 70 and xxix. 65), I emn barhed in the slip; went on board the ship.] And one says, of anything, [and '.; t .01jl] as meaning a' [i. c. t It ,vas, or becaime, upon, or over, it; got upon it; came, or arose, upon it; overlay it; was, or became, superincumbent, or v,cnepernatant, upon it; overspread it]; namely, another thing. (TA.) [In like manner,] one says also, of anything, e.j and t ;il as meaning U' [i. e., when said of a horse or the like, lie wans ridden, or ridden upon, and n'as mounted, or mounted upon: whence other significations in otlher cases, indicated above]. (TA.)- [IIence,] .- , , S *1 lta -i. q. I [It lay one part upon another; it weas, or became, hweaped, or piled, up, or together, one part upon, or ovte'lying, another:] said of fat [as meaning it n'as, or became, disposed in layets, one above another: see


followed his own opinion. And ;l~ , 4 ; ( in art. art. .- ) t He followred his oan natural daire, toilbout consideration, and not obeying a guide to toithout J,a# ght course of conduct.] the right ..g. ; and ;t t I kept to his state, or condition, and his way, mode, or manner, of acting 'c.; and did as may, a he did. (M in art. .,,.) And SOJI .; t[The ferer continued upon him] is a phrase similar to L and ; !. 0 _J'I ",."J and al"I (A (A and TA in art. t :.)b_ ';, aor. ', (1, A, K,) inf. n. ,S., (TA,) [from iL,] He struck, .K,) or sm*ote, hix knee: (S, A, . :) or it signifies, (g,) (.g,) or significs also, (8, A,) he1 struch him, or xsmote him, nith his hknee: (S, A, .:) or he took hint hi,t by hix hair, (K,) or by the hair of each side of his head, (TA,) and struch his forehead with .9 -" . his knee. (K, TA.) Icence, in a trad., ~..t ,ei1l II struck his nose with my knee. O,Z." (TA.) (TA.) Antl i nanotllher trad., --- .3l j jal- lt > so_1e >jt j9l L ,S [ Knowest t/,ou not E'l-Azd, El-Azd, (thlc tribe so calledl,) ard their strikth;ig ivithtitehace? w7ith the knee? Bewarre tton of EIl-;-A:d, lest they take thee, and strilks thee with thteir knees]: fir this practice was notorions among El-Azd; in thle this M dial. of whom, LS _A was a metonymical appellation of the knee. (TA.) =m,, likeo , [Ixm. [pass. in form, but neut. in signification,] lHe (a man) man) had a complaint of his knee. (TA.)~ "--*, nor. aor. -, (g,) inf. n. ,.vSj, (TA,) lie as large in tlie lnee. (..)
P5 ___.

't. ;].

(A, TA.) [And hence, .dLJI 4._;

~y .*; _ t The people bore, or pressed, or crowtded, (as though mounting,) one upon another; *wss,in anything. (g. [See also i. .. ]) a phrase well known, and of frequent occurrence: a.lj; A woman large in the posteriors and or meaning t the people followted one another closely; from what next follows.] bj also thiA,g. (S, .) means [tle came upon hin, or overtook him; JI: see 4e . or] hlefollowaed closely, or immediately, after him: .; and .. t Ifolloneed close after .J,., M applied to land (wl), Rtained upon and , 'l

,L; [inf. n. of R. Q. 1,] Weak,nes, orfeeb-

(Ig,) the last two meaning also rained upon by such rain at is termed I)j and containing but little 'J.,1, ; t lle embarked, or voyage.d, upon the ;, and ;jJl, t[le pasturage, (TA,) and adjg, (g,) which last is sea. Hence,] j.Jl ventured upon, encountered, or braved, the night, mentioned by IShli, and explained as meaning a and that rwhichic a terrible or fealful,] and the place upon which hasfallen only a little, or weah, like thereof. (TA.) [And Il S. and ' lj rain. (0.) t IIe ventured u)pon, embarked in, or undertook, ~ . : see the next preceding paragraph. an affair: and t he surmounted it, or nmstered. it: the former meaning is well known: the latter W ,~ A i." [or skin for milk or water] dremd, or prepared, (~...,)and put into a good, is indicated by an explanation of the phrase ,; ti or proper, state. (8, ].) - See also ,` , last A J~,which see below.] And ti. *.Sj (A, .) sentence. and t LjI ($, A, MA, 1) t He committed a sin, jA A sop, or flatbby, camel, having diluted

illth such rain as is termed i#j; (Qg;) as also him. (L.) - [h&jLlI ;, and J Jl, and 2. ,ill '4c, [inf. n. as below,] II. lent hin 4.k , alone, and ' .*_ (Ti) and t*4S;, jlA.I, t le wenat upon, or trod, or travelled, the the horse, [or mounuted him on the horse,] to go road, and the sand or sands, andl the desert: and

martrow o, S

jJ._). (0, g. [In the Cr,

U.'I is erroneously put for WI; and in my MS. copy of the lS, jtUI.]) - And A drunken man indistinct in his speech: (?:) or a man sen to be eloquent (Ii, TA) wrcen alone, (TA,) but imnpotent in speech when he engages in altercation. (,* TA.)

1 '4.-?;, (~,. A, x(,) and * ~3, (A,) aor.:, (A, V.,) in. n. .S (A,A, g) and ., ;
(A, I ;) and t 'V j; (] ;) I.q. el (A, 1, TA) and 4i ' [explained by what follows].

forth on a wvarring and plundering expedition, on the condition of receiving from him one half of the spoil: (K,* TA:) or for a portion of tlhe 4rpf spoil that he should ohtain. (TA.) [See also 4.] -And - And ', inf. n. S, lie put, or set, one j orfixed part of it upon another: (]i :) [he set it, it, in another thing: he composed it; constituted it; or put it together.] .,-. signifies The putling putting ltoelther, or combltinin, things, vwhether uitable suitable or not, or placed in onler or not: it is a L thegenernl term than _ 4 JU, morc more whichll is the collectinlecting together, or putting together, suitable Lhings. things. (gull p. 118.) You say, U),ial ;. or crime, or the like. (S, MA, TA.) And ,j Jo. 1 A) L- (S, A) lIe set the stone in the signet-ring: ~A b i ij t [Such a one did to such a one a , iri and I;iJI )i .tUJ., . lieI.Fred the nearthing]. (TA.) And * ;d .: V4 1 licad hsead in the shaft; (A;) and...l l ,j l [th,e t [He did to him an evil, or abominable,or odious, that deed]. (A.) And ., *.; anld ? .. lt I tirrow-head a,rrow-head in the shaft]. (S.) And m 6 :. , .eb of lI[A thing good, or beautiful, in respect became much in debt: and wJl iL..; and ".ebpl if of composition spoil: or constitution; wrell, or beauti . jI'V 1 +[Debt burdenedme]. (M.b.) ._ fidly, .fldly,anotlier composed or constitute.d or put together]. &t; lHe wyent at random, hleedlessly, or in a (TA.) - Also lie remored it from one place to headlong nanner, (,. jL a , A, Msl:,) another in which to plant it; namely, a shoot of [i. e.,] without consideration, (A,) or without any a palmn-tree. (Mghl.) or certain aim, or object, (Mob,) not obeying a guide 4. ,.,... lie (a colt) became fit for being to the rigid cour.e. (A.) You say, Z.l;) 1:palin-tree. ridilept ridden; attained to the fit tine for being ridden. it genertl tJ ' -.. j 1 .. q t [lse goes at random, &c., not ($, Mab, SUI Msb, g.) [See also .] '.,t He knowting whitiher to direct himsefl]. (? and g in gaive omposition gave him, appointed him., or assigned him, an in or he

Boos I.] random, &c.]. (A. [The meaning is there indianimas/l on wrhic to ride. ($.) [See also 2.] [He mounted me, or made me to cated by the context, and is shown by what here Aid. cs*l follows.]) Respecting thie phrase ,4SI!l ' ' ride, behind him]. (A.) And l,U : [He mounted me on a quick, brisk, sharp, or sI tHe strong, beast]. (A.) - [Hence, "1, .-made Aim to venture upon, embark in, or under.lS t He made him tatke, an affair. And 1. to commit a sin, or crime, or the like.] It had one part of it put, or set, 5. ,j upon another; as also tV,J55: (IK:) [it was, or became, set, or fised, in another thing: it was, or became, composed, constituted,or put together:

1143 il [TLey are litk ; 1correspondent, 'jalS the two knees of the tshe-oat]; because her two knees fall 'together upon the ground when she lies down. (L.) _ And it is said in a prov., $ .j ; occurring in a trad., meaning );S i; L[t e-W' [Tlie frora of men is t [Ye go at random, &c.], in that which is false, ft is upon his Ane]: applied to him wrong, or vain, and in factions, or seditions, or he rwhose the like,following one another without considera- who is quickly angered; and to the perfidious: tion, IAth says that lA; [properly] signifies as (Meyd, TA:) the phrase -. is also & ',1 explained above in the first sentence of this paras. used as meaning The smallest thing makes him graph, and that the pl. .;..,JIt is here governed angrry: (TA:) and a poet says, in the accus. case by a verb understood, and [with i1 a ;' 5, - 'a * -.- . a " that verb] is a denotative of state relating to the ., .. .. A,., ., it supplies the place of that S agent in O;:.: t bRM -rbe expressed; to require verb, which it does not [Blame her not; for she is of a set of people i~ .& and the implied meaning is ,rhosefat is placed above the knees: perhaps mean. ing, for she is but a woman; as women are genethe knee]:. (TA:) or ab,j a word of well-known meaning, ($, Mgb,) rally fat in the part above [The knee; i. e., in a man,] the .joint betreen the y.J 'X. [in tibe place ofi l a ], meaning of lorwer parts of the thigh and the upper parts of romen hose olbject of anxiety, or care, is fatrus the shank : (A, 1 :) or [in a quadruped,] the andfat: (Meyd, TA :) so that the prov. seems to joint between the metacarptu and the radius mean that the wolst of men is he who has not lijil JI o): this is the right expla- sllch intelligence as bids him to do that which is (t1E.1 in nation: in the 1], C.hj is erroneously put for praiseworthy, bat only bids him to do that which is inconstancy and levity, and an inclining J,.i: [this explanation is evidently given accord. to the dispositions of women. to the love of fatnes to the terms employed in the anatomy of quad- and fat (Meyd.) [See other explanations in art. rupeds as compared to human beings: in that ... ] ~ Also The lower part (JI,) of the plant which next follows, there is certainly an omission, which I have endeavoured to supply :] or the a;5;,, chena it hRa been cut. (1.) of the fore legs of the camel are the two .t~ A mode, or manner, of tiding. (?.) You 'i joints that [piojeet .forwards, in like manner as do, in the hind legs, tltose that] are next the belly say, ;4jl He has a good mode, or .... [meaning the steifc-joiits] when he lies down upon manner, of riding. (A,* TA.) - [it is said in his breast with folded legs: the two joints that as; u though signi. the V to be a subst. from Iproject behinld [in the hind legs, namely, the Fying A riding.] in every quadhocks,] are called the O(t: are in the fore legs, and the -; company of riders utpon camels, (i,) ruped, the ;)"~ :? A ei W~, are in the hind legs: and the .,?,t is or of owners of camels on a journey, or travellers [i e. the upper joint upon camels, exclusively of other beasts, (~,) but what is called iel,;1l j.. of the metatarsusj: (TA:) or the 4Lj is the less in number? than the company called .s.j: J,j. [which in a man is the elbow, but here (S, I :) [and probably also a comnpany of riders upon any beasts, but less than what is calledt seems to mean the lower joint] of the tljl [or accordl. to MF, it is a pl. of .. riadius] of anything [i.e. of any beast]: ( :) j,5:] I.] [from its being said in the 1 and Myb that the (TA.) [See also ,.. .... is " well known," I conclude that there is :;Cj . and i%t.b;: no real discrepancy in the foregoing explanations: } J see : andaIS if*) 4 it is perhaps needless to add that the term a1 is now universally applied to the knee of a man iblb;: see W , in tivo places. and to what we commonly call the knee of a horse and the like:] the pl. is $b', (S, Myb, 1],) i. e. a.,A [Travelling-cans,s,usedfor riding; i.e.1 the pi. of mult, and the pl. of pauc. is ,;.1*, camels (8, K, TA) upon wMhich people journey; . ($.) Lh mentions the (S, TA;) i.q. I': (Msb:) or camels fit for and ,.t.L, and ' , [meaning A hard- carrying: (.Har p. 22:) it has no proper sing.: . phrase . l were rp- (S:) the word used for the sillg. is lneed cansel]; as ihough the term ;.5 . ll;: (S, plied to each part, and the p1. used accord. to this MsIL, K1:) or, as ISh says, in the "Book of application. (TA.) -One says [of an agitating and l& are applied to camels Camels," ,Ltb 1 ^..I a s . j affair or event], that go.forth for corn (AaJ) to be brought back l .I. '. I ~ t[An affair, or event, in n,liich the upon them, both twhen they go forth and aJter 2 kneet knockedltoet her,and in nwhich tltc knee rlubbcd they have come bacrl: and the former term is apAnd of on who has the mark plied also to camels upon wnhich people journ.y to the knee]. (A.) of prostration in prayer on his forehead, between A'ekkeh, on rwhich 1 are borne: and hired j . '4 C B etwreen [or other] camels that catryi the goods andt corn h is eyes, (L,) 'jll his eyes is the like of the knee of the she-goat]. tf merchants: but camels are not called "&, (A,* L.) And of any two things that are alike, or 1though bearing corn, [unless] if hired: [I incert 144


see S.] You say, l ~&l

*l .1jp

and . and stone was set in theg]: . [The arrow-head wat fixed in the ... l

[The )

jsaft]. (S.)
b.~13J see e3:1: and 5. You say, ;rs .ll The clouds were, or became, [heaped, or piled, up,] one above, or upon, [or oveNlying,] another; as also,1.53 (TA.) 6. 1 8: ee 1, in eight places. SbF,I Ilia asked him to give him, 10. .;-'t appoint him, or asign him, an animal on which to ride, andl he gare him, appointed him, or asmigned him, one]. (A.) .; : eese ;, in three places.

The 3,: (IS, MIb,,C:) or the place of growth of the a;l, (?, K,) or of the hair of the a1=: (Mgh :) [i. e. it signifies the pubes; either as meaning the hair of the maons Vcneris, or the mons Veneris itself: generally tim latter; and this is often meant by the term iat alone:] or the part that slopes down fron the belly, and is benath the a; [q. v.] and abore the pudendu n: in all these senses said by L!4 to be masc.: (TA:) or the pudenduin (Az, Myb, O1)itself: (TA:) or the seternal portion lterteof: (K :) or the 1Qb. are the roots of the two thiglts, tupon crhchA is the flesh of the pudendurn, (][, TA,) or upon tvwhich are the two portions offlesh of the purlnddum: (TA:) the S, j is mase.: (Msl):) it is common to the man and the womanl, ($, Mghl, Mslb, ,Ks) accord. to Fr: (S, Mhb:) or peculiar to the woman, (?, Mglh, IC,) accord. to Kh: (S :) Elmakes it plainly common to both, Farezdsa saying, u.:'* *..3- ' "




- -W-

.F - h-T--

- %. -- ,

[When the sharten pubes nmet the pubes]: (TA: [and a similar cx. is given in the i antd MIsb, as cited by Fr:]) the pi. is ;.L (b, Mgh, M.l,, (i ;) tite lattcr being pl. of the 0)and 4.ti; former; but in some copies ot the 1. 1.%, like iqt--_. (TA.) e Also lI7hitcne.i in ilhe ; [or knee]. (TA.)

; j.

A single ritde, or act of riding: pl. (lAth, L.) - [llence,] one says,

lie goes at .t[i.e. ' ;5 random, heedlessly, or in a headlong mannert;, &c., [Tlhcy go at 94W (see 1,)] and ?l#l Bk. I.

1144 the words "or other" and " unless" because it JaLi L; ; (1) and r J ;,; (TA) Palmis further said,] Mp are not those that bring corn trees trees planted in a row by a rivulet, or not by a for their owners; but these are called -Lbj: rivitiet. rivulet. (1, TA.) Also A 115 ;,L:, (.,) i.c. (L, TA :) the pl. is (9, g,) Y, 1 accord. to ,JC 3aC [or channel f ,arterfur irrigation]: (TA:) A'Obeyd, (TA,) apd ltj and ,;4i.; ( ;) or.a or a rivulet betineen [twno pieces of sown ground or, accord. to IA;r, 4ei; is not pl. of ,-L,; such as are termed] "Uij: (g:) or between tmo and others say that it is pl. oft ',;, signifying gardensqof palm-tree nand grape-vines: (so accord. any beast on vatich one Crides, [an cpithet] of the to the text of the k( in the TA:) or wlhat is betn,een two gardens of palm-trees and grape-vines: measulre j,~ in the sense of the measure 3j ; (TA;) but called by ISd a sul)st.; (TA voce (so accord. to the CG and my MS. copy of the :K:) K :) or grape-vines between two rivers or rioulets: Jj.. ;) and t 4 ; is a more special term than (TA:) or a place of seed-produce: (.1 :) or a r,b. (TA in the present art.) - [IIence,] cleai., clear, or cleared, piece of land, in iv/ich one sons: ;alj ;1J) : [Tlhe bearersof the cloudl; i. e.] (T:) p . (K.) [IIence,] ve JAI the winds. (A, ];.) Umeiyehl says, The peopkle ,vho stay, or dvell, by water; syn. II e t . (TA.)

[Boox I. or more: (S, RK :) and sometimes it signifies riders upon horse: (IB, K:) or riders upon horse and camels: (IB, L, TA:) or a company of riders upon horscs; or upon horses and camels: (TA:) [or, accordl. to Kh, riders upon any beasts: (De Sacy's Anthol. Gram. Ar. p. 54 of the Arabic text:)] in the ]Bur viii. 43, .jil may signify the riders upon horses, or the riders upon camels, or the army composed of both these: (TA:) the !p1. of 2; is .fI, (9, K,) [a pi. of pauc.,] and ~. Accord. to IB, you do not say (.g.) Accord. pLk t ; nor .! 3 : but it is saitl that 4.Jk! (L.)

and J; -, L5 c. a&, are alloable. An instance ofOtSjj as disting,uished from i.Ly occurs in a verse cited as one of the exs. of the preposition ,'. (TA.) V, bj' [properly ,^; dim. of ;. (TA.) See ;. [It (referrinq to a cloud) goes to and fro (;-J signif'ing A small company of ridersupon camels, being for ssZ), the ninds being its bearers]. &c.,] occurs as meaning collectors of tate poor-: see ,,..e (TA.) ~ Also [The xtirr1up of a horse's saddle;] rotes: it is the dim. of t.~; and shows that a nYel-knovn appertenance of a horse's saddle; Ltl .. gj [Olive-oil:] so called because brought this latter is not a pl. [properly spinaking] of (s;) the same with respect to a horsc'xs addle ax on canmels from Syria. (S, A,* ].) ... ;; for, were it so, the word uIsed as its dim. theja with respect to a camel's: pl. e. (15.) (TA.) [SeC also at;, and ,.L; and * ,.*;,applied to a man, (R, TA,) would be ~.j. -f5-.] _ [Also the A latter person on on the boa,d authority of a ship of Th, (TA,) signify ;j.; and ,i.a;: see 5lj j: both signify You sny ;L.I A beast that is ridden: ( :) or a she-camel that the same, (15, TA,) WVho rides much; a great or boat: pl. ,.t.] is ridden: (15:) or the lutt"r has this meaning: rider: and so 4LS;. applied to a woman. (TA.) (3, TA) The p,er.sls on board of tile lhiip, or and is metaphlorically applied to nnytlhing ridlden: [lIence,] J.'M .L; t A man hro sur- boat: and ;Ql ,ot.3 the vo,y!/ers upon tile mater: (Msb:) or the former signifies any beast that is mounts, or tiulsters, natairs; [or n/wo often dloes and Ibn-Aim:ar has used in this sasce the pl. ridden: and the latter is a name for everything so; or arcustomed to embark '. ,j; but it is said that tlhis is not allowable; in, or undertake, or that i. ridden; applied to one, and to a pl. to surmount, or master, them; or irk o often em- nor s or . (TA.) -Also, and number: ('A :) or the former signifies ridden, barks in, or undertakes, them, and therefore suras a fem. epithet: and the latter, one specially mounat., or masters, themn;] )jt s , t A shIoot germinating upon the ,trunk by his knowledge, and t of a palm-tree, not hoving any root in the ground: appointedfor riding; and that is constantly hept repeated eperience, and good judgment. (4 and to work; of beasts (1, TA) of any kind: (TA:) ($ :) or a s/oot on the uppelr )i-rt of a palm-tree, TA in art. .) Aangin,g do,,n, hiut not reachinq tlhe ground; and and the latter and LtQ and t l and 4,ijJI ;"c S The nigqhtmare, or incubus, came so V.z. I.. and and a .6t : (K:) or, t*, ; (10) and an- v-; J, ( upon him. (A.) as some say, the last of these words is not thus and TA in art. ,,-4 , [see ,,; in severnl 0, a places,]) a she-camel that is ridden; or that is it.L;: see the latter part of the next paragraph. applied, but means a woman " who rides mnae :" AyrIn, however, says that it signifies a plm-shoot, hbroken, trained, or rendered sulrmisnsie or manageor Riding; or a rider: (Mgh, Msb, >:) or the like thereqf, groming forth at the top of able: (1:) or ~,j= has this last signification, or properly only a ri(ler utpon a canmel: (ISk, ., the trunk of a palm-tree, and, in some ilstances, accord. to AZ: and its pI. is ,: (TA:) the ]4:) or the htter is its meaning when it is not beari,ig iith its mother; but nwhen it is cut off, p]. of ij ; being .,,j.: (TA voce j. :) used as a prefixed noun, as explained hclow; and it is better for the inoth,er: and ,.SI; is also and t *iJl signifies [also] a sIhe-camel fit is said to be the original si.gnification: IB says explained in the L as meaning small palm-trees to be ridden; (.,TA;) like as Jl;( signi- that it may signify a rider upon a camel, ass, that gromfoirth at the lo,ser parts of large palm.fies fit to be milked: the I and O are [said to be] horse, or mule, when used as a prefixed noun; as trees: (TA:) or it means a shoot qf a palm-tree added in order to give inltensiveness to the signi- when you say $." ~ 1 and L%,, &c.: not cut off' from its mother: (I.Iam. p. (i:) fication: (TA:) [andl all the othler epithets men. (L:) accord. to ISk, you term a rider upon an accord. to As, when a palnl-shoot grows from the tioned above seem also, accord. to some, to have ass i;- US; .. gli, (s, TA,) and a rider upon a trunk, and does not adhere to the grountl, it forms an intensive sense: seoo 5, .] You say, aj Li mule Ji j1U ; (TA;) but 'Omarah says, a vile kind of palm-tree; and the Arabs call it i ;, j ii, . i;4bJ ie has not a she1; ain(dl t 1.d i : the pl. of this lost [and of camel to ride, nor one to carry burdens, nor one I do not call the owner or ridler of the ass ,L, but L.a; and the reason of his reaying so is .,-%;J] is ,,, ..(TA.)__ ,.~J , '.j to be mnilked. (., TA.) - Also ' h' A manifest, for .,U is an epithet of the measure means t What first appear, or grow forthl,from camel haring marks of galls, or sores, on his back, u from "the horse," meaning "an the i, 1.,A/l1 (A, .K, TA,) i. e. the envelope of the rod.uced by the saddle. (TA.) - And .j, Sj A road ridden upon, (?, TA,) and trodden owner, or a rider, of the horse :" (S, TA:) the grain, (TA,) of the ear of wtCheat. (K, TA.) so as to be rendered even, or easy to be travelled. pl. is ,:Lb (, 1) and ejt (?,' Mgh,, K) .. ;lj also signifies t The head [or summit] of a as in [most of] the copies of (TA.) - See also ,.,l. and ,) (IMgh, K5)and 4b, (1g.,) or this last mountain (J..), the K; in some of which is found J. [or rope]. is a mistake for '.J [q. v.]; (MF, TA,) and - b*&j One who rides with another; a fellom(TA.) t ,;j, (Akh, Msb, K, TA,) as some say; (TA;) rider. (15.) ;*.bJ.?1 , mentioned in a trad., or thiis last is a quasi-pl. n., (1g,IA,) not a broken .isl;: see the next preceding paragraph._ and there promised a place in Hell, means He pl. of %51;; (TA;) and signifies riders upon Also sing. of 4 ... lj (TA) whicil signifies who accompanies tyrannical J [or coUllectors camels; (1 ;) or owners of camels on a journey, t Streaks [or layers] of fat, (A, y, TA,) overof the poor-rates]. (TA.) . See also - . _ 1 or travellers upon camels; (S ;) consisting of ten lying one another, (K., TA,) in thefore part of I I


BooK I.]
camel's hump: those in the hinder part are called Jl~, (A, V, TA,) of which the sing. is ail. (TA.) ,j;~ and four places.

1145 verse, in the $, but with 5J. in the plaoe of Oi .,, and ;r in the place of $1_, as an ex. of 1. f., (S,A, Mb,) aor. t, (Msb,) in. n. .sb. .j.* in the former of the senses explained ',4, (S, Mqb, K,) It was, or became, still, or aboye.] motionless; (S, A, Msb, ]5;) said of water: (S A, Msb:) and jixed, or stationary. (..) And in like manner, using the verb in the former 1. .jS, (., A, Mb,K,) aor. 1. (., Mib, W) sense, one says of the wind: (S, A:) [whence] and z, (1C,) inf. n. 3d, (fl, A, M9b,) He stuck, one says also, ,~ ,,.-dbj [lit. Thecir wrind beorfLwd, orJ fid, a spear, (., A, Mob, ]t,) and a stick, (A,) camne still, or calm], meaning i tteir goodfortune or some other thing, (TA,) into ti qround, (., A, cet,sed, and their a.fiirs, or circumstances, began z,8,) upright;(TA;) as also jS, (s,) inf. n. Msb, to retrograde by degrees: and [in like manner,] Mob, (TA.) (TA.) You You say say also, also, s 1 -JI j1mJl JbJ, i,T.g~ .L .) ii-. . ;- l[their good fortune ]j..3; (1,) 0 nor. ', inf. n. j4, The heat made the thornbegan to cease,by degrees]. (A.) So too one says aor. busdex fast in the ground [by of the expressed juice of grapes, meaning It budieirfagg 1 hardening 1. J9.6 1the . 1 soil]. q . 'JI jta ; ja God ceased to estuate. (L.) And of the heat, i. e. It (TA.) And Jl tl 9 inf. fixed renitted, or subsided. (L. [See also 3jU.]) And the,netale, or minerals, in the mountains: Le xL!; ThIe shrip became still, or motion- (A, TA:) or caused them to exist tler in. (}, inf.n. as above, He buried less, (S," A,' Mhb, TA,) or agroaund. (TA.) And TA.) And Jl ljS;, n. the (TA.) 1 iljib %.j The balance was, or beceme, in a 35), paragraph. 2: see the preceding state of equilibrium. (., A, 1g.) And t /j;. a The sheave of the pulley wma, or became, fixed: 4. j.)l lie (a man) found ohat is termed and also the sIcave of the pulley turned, or jL4j: .j: (., A,' f :) or his mine yielded him abemrevolved: thus bearing two contr. significations. dane danes of silver J$c.: (TA:) or hefound a [quan. (L) And ,.The sun voas, or became, tity of gold t- silver e/ual to a sum of money at its midday-height: (v:) or continued over- such as is termed] )$j, collected together, in the ibj, A, (a mine) had in head; as though not quitting its place. (A.) ,nine. inine. (El-Sihffi'ee, TA.)_-It And ,i1 .5j ThI people wcere, or became, still, it some what is termned jt'j: (] :) or what is so termed motionless, or silent. (S, A.) waafotitidinig. ras found in it. (IAr, TA.) M9b,) in 8. jSJjl It (a spear) became stuck, or .fed,in 4. oj -1 He rendered it still, or motionleas; the ground. (Mqb.) - ? les became fued (V,e namely, water [&c.]. (Msb.) TA) in his place of abode. (TA.) You say, 6. o13 [apl,., in its proper sense, It became SUCA ) 3 os S [&ch still, or motioniless, by deg.rees]. See 1. H a one entered, and remainedfixed in his place of abode, ;_S :c. t A bowl that isfidl, (K,) orfilled; not quitting it]. (A, TA.) 1 U;i.t AJ1 (S;) or heavy; (A;) or fiUed and Iheaty. (L.) t He put the extremity of the bow upon stuck, the And >j 'j iLj A she-camel whose su)l)ly of ground ground and leaned upon it. (., A, TA.) Aend jsjt milk is constant, (A, ]J,) unceasing. (.K.) jI t ie bore ( .4 L.. s j3~l ) upon uJ the head of his spear, leaning upon it, in order that ;blj [Still, or motionless: and] anything he might die. (Mgh, from a trad.) ,remaining fixed in its place; stationary. (S.)

Bee Z1s sCh1;:

, latter part, in

1 5bj Large in the a; [or knee]. (S, K.) _A camel having one of his hnees lhtrger than

the other. (?, ]K.) '..1#jI A company of ridlst utpon camels, (K,) or of ontners of cameLs on a journe/y, or of trarelUers upon camels, exclusively of other beasts, (s,) but more in number than lthe company culledl


($,8 :) pl-.

lp. l. (TA.) [Sec


~, b an inf. n. of .. (A, K,TA.)And also a noun of place [properly signifying A place qf riding, &c.]. (TA.) [llence, Anything upon which one rides; and upon, or in, wieich one is borne or carried:] one (if th,e , ; oJ the land; and [more commonly] of the sea: (S ]:) [i. e.] a beast [on trhich one r'ides]; (A, TA;) and a vessel, i. e. a shii , or boat: (A, Mgfri, Myb, TA:) a tsaddle; and any bind of rehicle borne by a camel or other beast: (the lexicons passim:) . ?$ -. is the pl. (Mgh, Me,b.) You say, a341l [EiCellent, or,Iaj or most excellent, is the thiang upon w lhich one ridlc., the beast]. (A.) And yOJ l;. ;.l Thte ressels, or the ships or boats, of Eil-l.Yemen capme. (A.)[Alnd hence ",.j.1 as the name of t The princilalstar (a) of Pefasus; because in the place of the saddle.] E.,r A colt that has beecome ft for being ridden. (TA.) And ., ti A beast that has attained the age at wrhich one inoy ride him during a tarring and plundering expsedition. (TA.) ~*..r A man to whom a horse is lent. fr o portion of the spoil that he mnay obtain: (IAgr, TA:) or a man who borrtoms a horse upon n'hich to goforth on a martin.q and plundering erpedlition, and wrLo receires one htal of te spoil, the other half being for the lender: (.i:) or one to whom a horse haa been ircenfor hi,m to ride, tand who has put his foot into the stirrup. (A.) [Also] 1Weah in the art of,nans.hi, or the management qf horses, and the riding of themn. (Iam p. 441.)- [Also Put, or set, one part upon another: set, or fixed, in another thing: composed; constituted; or put todlther: see its verb, 2.] The stone [set] in the signet-ring is and so .hc arrowand ,&+;; termed hcad [fized] in the shaft: (.:) or "-Caj signifies, (i, TA,) as a sulit., (TA,) a thing set ( ,p.) in a thiog, such as a ring-stone in the bezel, or collet, of tie signet-ring. (Q,0TA.) Also i Origin: and place of gronth or yermination or egrcetation. (., }, TA.) You say, O* lS b I Such a one is generous, or noble, in respect of the origin of his rank among his pople. (8, .. )



A (8

You say

.; lWater that is not runni,gy:

and #;.&51,

a wind becoming still, or calm;

pl. .sl;tij

(A.) - [Hence,]

Jl [and

also, accord. to Reiske, as mentioned in Freytag's Lex., --J1,] The three piece. of stone upon *ehich a coohing-pot is set: so called because they remain in their places. (L.)

4 r.1

.%.g [pL of r like ,] Places in which a man, or some other thing, remains still, or motionle. (S, A,* L.) And Much depressed parts qf the earth. (L.) Usameh Ibn-Habeeb EI-Hudhalee says, describing an ass [i. e. a wild asS] that had been chased by horses, or horsemen, and had fled for refuge to the mountains, whence, from their ravines, he saw the sky like streaks,



4LA ,.-

[They (the ravines) showed him, in every spot wher he stopped, streaks of the shy, and the much-depreued parts of the earth were his places of abode all the day]. (S,s L.) [J quotes this

9 j a A sound: (Fr,TA:) or a low sound; AJ what (1 (S, TA:) A, ] ;) i.q. : (] :) or a wmnd that is 2, see not Hevoehement: or the sound, or tic, of a man, which ],) one hears from afar; such at that of the ($, Itunter hunter talking to his dogs. (TA.) 80 in the ]ur [xix.jJjt t*-3 ; j$1 (Or [xix. last verse], "jS.. J rJ-; [Or dost thoiw thou heai.ast)undofthem?&r-]. hear a sound of them? &c.]. (;, TA.) [See.;.] [Golius assignls to it also .the signification of Beauty (pulchritudo); app. from lis having found, l in the place a in a copy of the ], , the of kJj.] Also An intelligent, forbearing, liberai liberal or rnunifcent, man: (AA :) or a learned, isatelligent, inatelligent, liberal or wnunifcent, generous, man. (K.) OP)of the ground. 10, a ,bj see jl5j. ;j: Firmness of understanding; (Fr, ]4;) strength thercof. (A, TA.) Fr ays, I heard one of thetHe Benoo-Asad say, t~ .. might 3, .' . at, " 4,.. ., '. tL. I spohe to such a one, and 1 4 *iJ found him not to of .--- have ------ Jirinneu J.. V understandiny. -----(TA.) other 0 ' And jL'bj Metal, or other mineral; (A, Mgh, TA;) quitting a of what last God has causd to exist (4555 j., i.e. ~Q J.,) a 144 And in

1146 i, the minae; (]5;) meaning )3 that is created


LBooK L. ', j rsignif6e the same: (Fr, TA:) or halh 4 separoted, or dispersed, them,for rw4~t they have done of their disbelief, and acts of disobedience: ~~(Jel:) ; ' ; and *- '-;;, bothi signify I separatedte the ing; or st it apart. (TA.) You say alsos, .. [ t,._jl May aod overturn thine enemy upon hAi head: or change, or reverre, the state, or condition, of tAine enemy. (A.) And jl ;.jI . He turned himnback, or causd him to return, to evil (A.) And t 1 e,JI t ),l . Return tiou the garm,ent, or piece of cloth, to the dyeing-liquor. (A.) tih ground with hiA foot ~prdiouly to death: see also 8]. (A.) [The above-mentioned phbnea marked as tropical are so marked on the authority of the A: but the reason of their being so I do not see.] - They also Paid, sometimes, i.;h ;ltll, meaning t The bird mooed his wings in fyi,g: ( :) the inf. n., .,;, signifying ttdhe act of moving the wing: (V, TA:) and 3Ctl1

in the earth; (TA;) ua also t $i;,: (O:) the former is yl. oftf j: (1:)orit is pl. offj>;: (Abmad Ibn-Kh&lid, TA:) and pieces (4,TTA) of large rize, like [tone such as are called] i4.'., (TA,) of silter and of gold, (:, TA,) that are tractedfrom the earth, (TA,) orfrom the mine: (4, TA:) accord. to the people of El'Ir&b, any mretal or other minerals: (TA:) or [so in the A and Mgh, and accord. to the TA, but in the 1K "ard,"] buried treaurrs (8, A, Mgi, Mob, 1) of the people of the Tme of Ignorance: (., MNb, ] :) the first of the significa4: see 1, thronghout. tions given above is the primary one: and ancient wealth [buried in the earth] is likened to metals or 8. ,Sjl He, or it, berame turned over, upside minerabls: or, accord. to certain of the people of El- down, or upon his, or its, head; became inverted, ]lijta, it ignifiea specially property buriedlby nmm subverted, or roee,sd; became turned fore part before the period qfEl-Ildm; and not melals or behind: (V, TA:) he returned, reverted, or went other mineris. (TA.) It is said in a trad., that back, from one thing or state to another: (TA:) the fifth part nf what is tcrmed jl4 is for the hefdll. (1.) You say, L S , jj u.Z goveroment-treusury: (,* TA:) or, accord. to 1J ji (8, A, TA) Sck a one fell [again] ainothier relation, of what is termed j*:j: as into a cam from which he had ctcaped. (TA.) thIough it [the latter] were pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] of t'}hS, or (the former] of t *Ij. o: i i.q.4 q. [Uncleannes, dirt, or filth; (TA.) or an unclean, a dirty, or a filthy, thing]: (8, A, Msb, ]:) and anything that is didliked, or c. hated,for its uncleanne, dirtinew, orfithineu; wee .jlS, lst sente,ce. 3ithi: (MYb;) u also 't S;: (TA:) the former is


hj% t The bird mores his wings, and


puts them back against his body: (A, TA:) or the former of these two pbhrases means t the bird was quick, or ,vif, in hisivying. (TA.) ; also signifies The act of impl,uing; syn. and the urging a horse to run, (A, ]C, TA,) [by striking] wvith his foot or leg: (TA:) the striking a beast with one's feet or legs, to u,e him: (Mgh:) or pmtting him in motion, whether he go on or not. (A,.) You say, u ' -. , L;, I urged th khors to run, nwit my foot or leg. (8, 0,


Mb.*) And giIJ .J ;, nor. ;, ilf. n. ,;, lHe struck the sides of the beast withkAis foot or leg.

(TA.) And

AljaIw 5'.,

and :

.. ,

j *5 '

%: es,ee t,m

in three places:

similar in meaning to : [dung of a man, or of see lso a horse and the like, or of a wild beast]; (A 'Obeyd,TA;) and 't , [(also] is s3j. wigh t.. e(TA.) , thronghout: see also

;1.; A thing that is firm, or l~red. (Mgh.) [Hence,] one ayn, lj5,6;. 5Their might, or glory, isfirmly established. (A, TA.) A place rhere a spear or other thing is stuck, or foed, into the gwmnd, upright: (TA:) a place of jir,mn, or firednas. (Mob.)_:The place of a man; his place of alighting or abiding. (8, V1.) -:The station of an army, or of a body of troope or soldiers, to whick its occpanrts are commanded to oeep. (15, TA.) You my, J.iJI j4 1.j [This is the fised station of ithe cavalry]. (A.) PI. jl .. (A.) -The centre of a circle. (8, V].) ijt signifies the same aJs ' [but in what sensa I do not find pointed out]. (TA.)

.;: se se , S:i., in two placex.


.;.,_4: A thing turned over, or upside down;

turned oMer upon its head; turned fore part behind; as also 'VS. (TA.) -Turned, or sent, back, or awray; as also t the latter epithet. (TA) One who Yoes bach, or reverts, from hit state or condition; like ': (lAy, TA :) and t the latter epithet (,:), a weak person, hrAo etu,rns, or reverts, from one thing or state to another; syn. JS a S'. (TA.)

He struck the beast to urge it wilh a foot or leg, and with tirofeet or kgs. (A.) - And from frequency of usage of the phraee -JMI , originated the saying ~,!pl jb ;, (AZ,' ., Mgh, Myb,) meaning 'AThe horse ran: (., Mgh :) which some disallow; but without reason, since it has been transmitted by a good authority: (Myb:) it is disallowed by AR: (TA:) [and J says,] the correct phrame e is ,I ,, ;: (8:) or you say, v, , -_. mcaning [The hors wsurged to run,] tand he ran: (]K:) and s,i; ignifies t the act of running: (g, in anotier place in this art.:) and t the act offJgeig: whenoe, [in the l[ur xxi. 12], 12 ' ,,i (1) t!lo, they fled fron. it, from punishment: (Zj:) or t were routed, and Jled from it: (Fr:) or they ranfrom it: (Mgh:) [for] 'I;N u . signifies tThe man/fed, and tran. (ISb.) [Hence,]

;t,1 .,*,;J * S The:stars mowed along in the s,y. (A, TA.) [And hence,] , ;. also
signifies t A man's going alog bly both his lgjs together. (TA.) - You also say, ,l ' j (., A, Mb) : Te camdel struck Aim cith his kind leg: (., Mb :) like as you sayr, 'p (A, Myb :) but you should not my, [when a camel is the agent,] d;. (Ya1coob, $.) And ,ob) ,wi&j, and .;PfI, tHe struck the ground, and the garment, or piece of cloth, with his foot or leg. (TA.) And L1J ... -- J- ,1> S ;11t 'I.1 * ...J [The woman kicks h r shirts and her anklets with her feetrw henw alks]. (A, TA.) And JI ,. -I ", ,A.; I The bow propelled the arrow. (A, TA.)- And *--' ,iltl $ shot with the bow. (A, TA.) - And ' !4 ' t He does not defend himself: (g :) or t he is not angry and reded at a thing, no. does he defend himself. (IAr, L.) And ia1 , ljI ,as; 5 [He stirred the fire sith the . ]. (A.)

J 9Alt jj y | t[ Verily t is firmly 1. ,aSj, aor. , inf. n. u, He mored, fied in the minds, or understandings]. (A, TA.) (8, A, ],) or struck nith, (Myb,) his leg, orfoot: (8, A, Mpb, ]:) or he struck and hit therewith, like as one strikes and hits theremith a beast. (IAth.) Hence, (8, A, 1g,) the phrase in the 1]ur 1. ",;, (8, M9b,) aor. , (MYb, TA,) inf. n. [xxxviii. 41], (J,) i).l.i [Stri/ke thou the B:;L, (8,A, Mb, 1,) IHe turned it oaer, or ground with thyfoot]: (.8, A, 15 :) or strike thou, upfide down; (R, A, MOb, ] ;) as also t1&: and tread, the ground with thyfoot. (glgh.) You (8 :) or the former, (TA,) or t latter, (Mb,) he say also, bJ, l b, 1tThe man struck tlheground turned it over pon its head: (Mob, TA:) and with his foot: and j'l .J', -b TreIhorses the former, he reversed it; made the first part of jtruck the ground with their hoofs: and ';4. it to be last; or turned it fore part behind ; Je I [Threhors came stihiking theground (Lth, A, Myb, 15.) It is said in the Bur [iv. 90], l.i-. ,, ,..; 4;3j Since God hath sub- with their hoofs]: and ;l. jl l struck the tve,ted them [for what they have done, or com- 1;#;i, t [The locusts termed ihemently-hot ground with their tivo legs]: and mirted]; syn. .. ,.5: (IApr, :) or hath made 4'4... [I let lef 't"3 him.rikhing theAm return to their unbelief; (Fr, 8, g ;) and

3. :+I, (., 1g,) or 'Jd

1J , (A,) He

Bool I.]



1147 by a person praying, (TA,) [or ie prayer,] after the act of standing in which the recitation [of portions of the .Kur-dn]is performed, so that the palms of the hands reach the kn~; or, so tat the back becomsu depresd; (], TA;) aord. to the doctor of practical law, o that if a cup.fU of water be placed upon the bachk, it will not be pilld. .j HRe lowered hiu had, or 1 JI (TA.) humbld himlf, to God; syn. as41. (Z, Ashe also signifies He prayed; (Mgh;) TA.) _ and so

contended witk him in a race, each making his .S$h5A] are there aid to be used as examples by the grammarians, but not explained; and the hors to rum. (?, 15.) his opinion that they are syn. with said of a woman, (1,) or of a author offers 4. mare, (A'Obeyd, ?, O, L,) t Her fatu becatme bj; j: (TA:) but this is a strauge defect: for large in her belly, and moed about: (S, O, L, Agei explains them as signifying A certairn gait, 15:) or her fartts nmoved about in her belly; in rhich is a proud and sef-conceited air, with (A'Obeyd;) and so zJ 01, said of a she-cmel. an affccted inclining of the body from aide to side: and he asserts the , to be augmentative: (A, TA.) (MF, TA:) and in the L they are expl. as signi1 IJ^1 [They wretforth contend- fying a particilarhind of gait: or meaning as 6. X bl, ing together in urging their horan]. (A.) And above. (TA.) * 1 'lvb3 (Tley contended totjether in ,e ;; uL1m. The part of the jlank of a horse Which urging towards them their horse] (S, A) 1s tAhe rider sltikes with his heel or foot, (A, TA, [until they oertook them, or came up the latter in tbis art. and also voce Y-y,) on ~j;; [app. either side: (TA:) pl. to them]. (A.) And i4_jl ci tl#ll ASI,. (A.)-[Hence,] racethe in horse iAheir urged They signifies ~ t5The sides of a watcering-trough, ,e. ground]. (A, TA.) (A, K,) against which the water strikes. (A, TA.)
J;; > 3 8: see 0.-; 1 [I left him ,.,Lb", applied to a mare, (A'Obeyd,) or a struggling with, or conrulsd in, his legs, pre- she-camel, (A,) t Whlosefwteurmores about in hoer viously to death: sec also 1, near the bcginning]. belly; (A'Obeyd, A;) [or those fwirz is large, ,I1 also signifies SIt was, or be- and moves about in her belly; (see 4;)] as also (A, TA.) came, in a state of commotion or agitation: (?, . (A.)-See (A'Obeyd;) or ti'P ;,a-; A, 15:) said of a fuEtus in the belly (S, A) of a and of water in a well. (A, TA.)_ also ojS a) mare: ( ,aojl I Such a one rwas,or became, 1 Xj3 C Fo ee L 4, in two places. -Also : agitated,or disturbed, or disquieted, in his affair: t An instrumentfor stirring afirc. (A, 1.) (?, TA:) and, wIich implies the same, (TA,) he tA mare that beats the ground with ,in his affair, eaercied art, or cunning, (i,) and strove thereby to accomplish or effect it. (A, her legs (J, TA) rwean sde runs. (TA.) - See - Also _A certanin part of a borw; TA.) - Hence ieldj! signifying t The travel- also one of [tei two partu called] its known; wrell ling through, or trare.ersing,countries, or regions. -(JO.)._ See also 4. (gar p. (IB:) each qf iLtj.: or Vj O t;:(i;) ' thereof; as also ertremiies cuced two the An impulse: a motion: (15:) [pl. 'Pub;..: (A!) or the side tahereof: (1K:) pl. see an ex. voce ;1m;.] Hence, (TA,) (TA.) ,1 it is said in a trad. of I'Ab, that the blood which


(TA.) Thus in the lur [ii. 40],

a.- I.-

I O,ell ,I ~ l b--j And pra,y ye rith those ; wrho pray. (Mgh.) You smy also, iad a prayed He ; .Ri, zAo ;n,and i and rek'ah, and two feh'aAh, and three r'ahs. (i.) [See i ;, below.] - Also, accord. to l.oot and several others, He stood to prayer. (Mob.)The cameL* becuse tC a. J1 fatigued, or fatigued in the utmost deg,e, or languid in consqunce of fatigue, so that they lowered their heads, and fell upon thir faes. t TAe palmtreeinclined: S; (TA.) - iJ a phrase which may be of clansical authority, but [M$r says,] I have not found it. (Mgh.) - Said of a man, (TA,) Z.; also signifies 1 11e beanue poor after richness, or competence, or SNulieny; and his state, or condition, became lowered, or abased. . , TA.) (1 5: see 1, in the latter half of the paragraph.

L aj [inf. n. of un. of 1: and particularly signi-

fying] A sinwle act of stanlding in prayer: and in its legal acceptation, used in a more partienular sense; (Mqb ;) meaning a single act of standing

in prayer, foUowd by the j.;

[or lowering of

the head in the manner desribed abow (see ,S J in the first paragraph)] and . t ;'..i w ysee ; *>: 6A11;b, (S,0 TA,) i. e. An inmpube fiom the two prostrations: (TA:) [and heno, by a further devil; (S;) whereby he finds a way of putting 5 Thte place in trhich water collets. extension of the meaning, for !Yl uh, the :; ;;, the woman in *loubt respecting the affairs of her (S, A, g.) the body; head and the of bowing of one prayer her praycr. religion, and her state of pureness, and aubulequent the two and standing, act of previous of [tbe numes of thle one also,] [llence I (TA.) prostrations, being, understood ua included in tibis [The impula4 . well of] Zemiem is J4r :] pl. otwSj. (M,b, ].) [Using it expresion of Gabriel; because it is fabled to have gushed J, in the last of these senes,] you say, `i; forth on the groulnd's being struck by Gabriel's 1. ;,~ (Th, $, &c.,) aor. , (Th, TA,) in n. [He petformed the prayer of one bowing qf the wings]. (TA.) II (Th, S, Mg1, MCb, 1) and &, (Th, .head and body]: (.:) and JL [he a;-,$ , That aend, NA^, applied to a bow (i), t the head of bowinga tnio of pray,er, became the or himseif; performed bent, or bonwed, Ie TA,) tite arrow an.ifily: (S, TA:) or that inpels ii ]om.ed or belt: (Tbi, S, Mglb, Mqb:) so says Er- and body]. (Mlb, ]1.) [A full description of the [or perhaps 'P vehemently: antd ' L% Righibi, addin that it is sometimes used tu act of prayer this termed may be secn in my work signifies the same. (AI.ln, TA.) - See alsc denote a particular manner of doing so in praver, on the Modern Egyptians.] aend sometimes lo denote lumility and self-ahadcniecnt either in worship or in oilier cases: (TA :) l; ab; A deep hollow (;;) in the ground: U1;j: see the next paragrarph. asserted to be of thd dial. of El. he lowered his head: (Tb:) and he (an old nian) )(IDrd, .:) TA.) (IDrd, Yemen. borrci <Sl;, applied to a horse, t Running; as als boored hiiuslf, or bent hisaelf, or became or bent, 1by reason of age: (fi, Mab, K :) this is I; part n. of 1, Bowing, or bending hinself; ; (15::) or the correct epithet is* 'P (said to be] thle primary si,nification: (TA:) or becoming bowed or bent: [&c.:] (M1gh:) any(p:) and ' lMJ signifies the same, applied to n ihe fell upno his frcc; (IDrd, IB, 1-;) and thing, or anybody or any person, (accord. to difle. stumbled. ( 13.) - And hence, from LS; as .j _j t mare. (TA.) [Hence,] rent copies of the 1,) lowering its, or his, head: the niyt observing the star; used in the first of the senses explained above, (K:) or falling upon its, or his,face, so that the 5I pad (M,Mg,) or as used in the first of the senses wthile they mnoved along in the sky. (A, TA.) knees touch the ground, or do not touch it, after assigned to it above when said of an old man, lonwering the head: (TA:) - prostrating him. the former incorrectlj (TA,) or as used in the last sense explained above, aund .tL;j, self in thanksgiving; used in this sense in the or w/i1 TA,) Mgh, IB, (f, p, T*he1l (IB,) b3, [or, in some copies writtn in the s , 4!ur xxxviii. 23: (Mgh :) - praying: (Mgh :) I , The lowering of the head, (1, TA,) ) _and applied by the Arabs in the Time of Igio. iil4;3, and the latter in one copy writter nJ id

n continues to flow after menstruation is




'i - Cssi


rance to a follower of the true religion, not liting; thing; i.e. he collected together the thing, ancP tioned by AZ; ( ;) and, ',;, aor. :; (?, M 9b, ~rshAipping idols: (TA :)_ put, or thlrew, one part of it upon another; (S,1 - pl. ' 1; (Mgh) put, 1[;) which is a combination of two dial. yam., 4 ;e) or he put, or threow, one part of the thin9 1 [namely, the first and second of those above men].;*) and and (TA.) _ j 1, [pl. upon another. (M, TA.) tioned,] ($, Msb,) because neither the medial of j,] Camel, lowering their heads, and 6. 6. ,,b!3 and $,Cjl It (a thiing) wras, or became nor the final radical letter is faucial; (Mfb;) falling 1Ipon theirJaces, in consequence of fatigue, lteaped, heaped, or piled, up, or together, or accumulated; sLid to be the only instance of its kind except or the utmost fatigue, or languor arising from .1 .3. i.e., collected together, (S, K, TA,) one part upon .1, aor. M1; (T in art. t.l;) nnd '.4j, aor. 4; fatigue. (TA.) [or orerlying] an,ther. (TA.) You say,_,.l which is likewise an instance of the commixture l The celouds were, or became, [heaped, or of two dial. vars., like , 6. [A place in which one bows, or bends n .. il Tits and '/rn and ,, him,elf: and particularly, in prayer: pi. as below]. piled, up,] one above, or upon, [or overlying,] lying,] aor. j - and .n. and,.; (TA;) inf. n. l. (TA in art. . A hard and long stone upon which one grinds another; as also And A (.q,, ($, Mgh, Mqb, O) and LL4; and Wj; And wheiat or the like: pl1. / t;JI J ,' 3 [lit. [lit. The Jlsh of the site(TA.) camel became accumulated]; meaning the she- (TA;) Hie inclined to himt, or it; syn. jt: and camei'become ho he trusted to, or relied upon, him, or it, o as to camel camel becamefat. (TA.) [And aJI :-t t t Thes darkness became condensed, or dense: for he, or become, easy, or quiet, in mind; syn. JSJ 1. ';j, oor. , (8, TA,) inf n. .j, (~,1~, the Arabs describe thick darkness as "darkimesses (S, Mgh, 1 :) or he leaned, restted, or relied, upon above another:" see ]Cur xxiv. 40.] And him; syn. '.c .;.l: (Mqb:) or he inclinel TA,) H/e kicked him; i. e., struck him with his one j,l ._*.5l13 and V 53Z2! S [Occupations, or to him in ithe least degree; (Bl in xi. 115;) .foot, or lg; namely, a horsmo; in order that he ULl'91 shouild run: (~, TA:) and (O) he struck him the occupations, became accumulated]. (TA.) s signifying Sslight inclining. (Ksh and Bd . with one foot, or leg: (Q, IS, TA:) and some say, ibid.) ibid.) It is said in the Kur [xi. 115], ]" J 8: see the next preceding paragraph, in two he satruck hin with the feet, or legs. (TA.) One places. places. y e Zl. , ji iU [And incline ye not, &C., to say .' ; ', 0 jL J--; ... ,, . those who have acted wrongfully]: ($, Mb :) or, will auuredly kich thee with one hick after which ,:g,;: *j: see Alhj. incline ye not in the least deree [&c.]: (B4d:) thou shalt not eat one meal]. (TA.) And ,,JWI tliusgenemilyread; , (Ksh, 13, A.5j, a j, ($,]g, [so in my copies of thle S,]) with thus generally read; and also j TA,) TrA,) accord. d.. to the dial. of IJ,j Temeem; and V l., ijbj The horseman puts the beast damm, damrnm, (],) in [some of] the copies of the S P. the in motion witAhis foot, or leg,for lthe purpo,e of 1*5j, . ,c, (TA,) Caoy, or mud, (S, K, TA,) and in the pass. form, from (Ksh, B.. Bd.)._. [his] running. (f.) And j,.~, also, [inf. n. ot, earth, or dust, (TA,) collected together [and app. J4J' j bS.,aor. :, inf.n. Jbj, }le kept * Aj, in like manner] signifies The strgihing a heaped up]. (~, 1, TA.) tenaciously to the place of alighting, or abode, thing with thefoot or hoof. (KL.) 0. ,:bj (S, K) and ,:;E (IA., ) and ,,b a (s 0,;.,) and did not relinquish it. (TA.)mm 3: see what next precedes. inf inf n. a j (S, 5) and ,j (1.) and ( . and an) and (TA) Clouds 3: see 6, in two places. km~) collected together, and heaped, or piled, 'L.;j, (Tf.,) [primarily, it seems, said of a (m,,~) up up; (lAqr, S, K, TA ;) and so sand; (S, TA;) mountain, meaning It was inaccessible, or dffi5. .. ,1_ J_ lie II struck his ;~.. [or and and the like: (S:) [or, as the explanations seem cult of accens, having .9 high, or strong e,LjIt, i. e. spmade] j with his foot, (Q, n, TA,) and pressed to indicate, the first and second are used as substs., sides or angles: see liar p. 561; and sce S upon it with his haunck, (TA,) in order that it implying what is collected together &c.; and the implying below; and 5. And hence,] lie (a man) mighAt enter into the earth. (~, 15, TA.) rest only as epithets:] and you say also Ll. tcwas, rettt or becane, firm, (liar p. 561,) still, or 6. tjJw!p They hkicked one another: (Q 5,,* ,j1_ (TA) (TA) and .J. ,Ati;: (1,TA:) and ' mnotionless, (TA,) grave, staid, steady, aedate; or 0 TA:) said of boys, meaning they struck (11--) calm. (8, K,TA.) .;.Lbj means means a thing accumulated, one part upon one another witk theirfeet, or lesJ: and t 'aJ.-t,. another. (TA.) - And A;1 p 1 [2. O %; is said by Golius, as on the authiority A large ' signifies the same as Ji1b3: you say, 'tJS. ltord of the KL, to signify Hle made like, "similem lhrd or flock or the like; (~, TA ;) likened to the . 3 a a.r..e .i fecit:" and hence Freytag also thus explains it: but [The boy hicked his companion, .*Llbj .*t. of clouds or of sand. (TA.) orfellow, being hicked by him]. (TA.) a it is ,..j that has this signification. In my copy -*~ . see the next preceding paragraph._ of the KL, C'pej3 (not 4. . .eSl) is expl. by see 1 [of which it is the inf. n. of un.]. [Hence,] ' r.6. J A fat sle-camel. (TA. . is applied by Dhu-r-Rummeh J.4, The part, of a beast, ,here one strihkes [See 6.])4. .e, ,1 lie made him to incline [* 5 J 1 to him with thefoot, or ekg, (g, TA,) when putting as as an epithet to midnight (,U l [meaniiig another]; syn. a,l.: [and to trust to, or rely him in ,notion for lthe purpoe of [hi*] running: ;lt.i~.ef, i. i. e. Densely darh,as though its upon, another, so as to be, or become, tas, or (TA:) the two such parts are termed the ' darknesseswere heaped one upon another: see 6]. quiet, in mind: or to darknewes lean, rest, or rely, upon and the pl. is jn lr. (8, TA.) _- And A road: (TA in art. jdu..) another: see 1L:] whence a reading in the ]1ur 64 fi (~, 1 :) beeause it is beaten with the foot. /TA.) xi. 115. (Kalih, Bd.*) See 1. ; .. The main part, or middle, of a road. TA.) ;.. Thefoot, or leg, [as being the instru- (8, I1, TA.) 5. C>ibS said of a man, (TA,) [or primarily and properly, of a thing, like ,] lHe, [or it] ment with which the action termed j.. is per7V4A, asA, or became, firm, or strong, (4, TA,) and formed:] in the copies of the 1, "jI is errosee; see;A~ inaccessible, or difflcult of access. (TA.) - And neously put for jil1: or, accord. to the L, the [hence,] tHe endearvoured, or constrained himfoot, or leg, of the rider. (TA.) &ey., self, to be grave, staid, steady, sedate, or calm; o) syn.,;, 'Lb, l Ground trodden by the hoof of syn.,;, (1,,) and . .(TA-) horse or similar beasts. (?, 15.) Mgh, 1.~ c:b, ($,Mgh,Mqb,l,,) aor.:; (S, CA5i aj The ~. [or large/field.rat]: and the Msb, X ;) of the dial. of the lower (,..) [app. jU p [or common rat or mouse]; as also : ;g . in territory] of Mudar, and said by Az to be not 1 chaste chaste [though it, or the third, seems to bethe 1 () The [meaning side, or outard most common of the diaL vars. here mentioned]; 1 . i; Ie.he dj , por. e, ( , M ,) inf .n.a;, (M , moot Sj The ,.rt~, [meaning sit/t, or outroa.u/ C)SJ A) He i.pad up, pild up, or accumulated, the (Mgb;) (M sb;) and ',-j, aor. (?,Mqb, ; ;) men- part,] of a thing: (Myb :) or the strongest H1. 1





BooK I.] [i. e. side, or outmard part,] (9, 1g, TA) of a thing (9, TA) of any kind: (TA:) the corner, or angle, (SI j,) of a house or room or the like: (4 in art ,.j:) [and this is perhaps what is meant by the "strongest .j1.;" for the strongest outward part of the house is unquestionably the corner, or angle: thus the angle in which is the Black Stone, of the Kaybeh, is specially called '~ , C11,lp i. e. sbl y;5:] the - jof a 3 [or palace, or pavilion, &c.,] is its .. [or its strongest ril4.], and so of a mountain: (TA: [ae ,j, and 5e :]) the pl. is i5jt and 41 [each properly a pl. of pauc., but the former is used as a pl. of mult.]: (Msb, TA:) the iL SIi of anything are its ,l. [or sides, or outward parts, or its corners, or angles,] upon which it rests, and by which it is supported: (TA:) and the Xts1ji of a land are its extremities [or sides or cormrs]. (Iam p. 47.) - Ilience, f A stay, or sport, of any kind: see an ex. voce : whence, perhaps,] one says, ;1j J, meaning * t [i. e. I lookedfor a blessing by means of him, or it]. (TA.) t A thing whereby one is strengthened (. I.. [in the C1 1* Ca d4 5 3]), tsuch as dominion (.d [in the ClK "U]), and an army, or a military force, 4c.: (1 :) and thus it has been explained as occurring in the ur [Ili. 30], where it is said, ; t , (TA,) i.e. t And he turned away from belief with hisforces; because they were to him like the '~ ; [properly so termed]. (Jel.) t A man's ilnsfolk; or nearer,or nearest, relations; or clan; or tribe; syn. ;e:(AHeyth,TA:) t a man's people, or party; and the higher among theum; and the persons ly whom he is aided and strengthened: thought by ISd to be thus callcd by way of comparison [to a ; properly so termed]: and bthus it has been explained as used in the l]ur [xi. 82], where it is said, ,1~ t [Or that I might have recourse to a strong people, or party, &c.]: (TA:) or it here means [explained above]. (JeL) And t A noble, or high, persron; as in the saying, '~ e ojSI t [Ie is a noble, of the noble of hix O.; people]. (TA.) And Qt1I1 iLjI%l means tThe members, or limbs, qf the man, with wlhich things are gained or earned, or with rdhich he works; as the hands or arms, and the feet or legs. (TA.) -Also t Might, and resistance: (g, :) so in the saying, ii il 4 t[ ,l He has recourse to strong, or vehiment, might and resistance]: ( :) and so it has been explained as used in the words of the I~nr last cited above. (TA.) And t A thing, an affair, a case, an event, or an action, of great magnitude or moment, momentous,formidable, or terrible. (AHeyth, g.) Thus AHeyth explains it as used in the saying of EnNkbighah [Edh-Dhuby&nee], .- -a -, -

1149 proceeds to say) the enemies incite thee, with you say also #,5gI '1 . ijU (8, TA) [dA ecompanies of men aiding one another]. (TA.) camel great in thA udder; or] mAore dder has In the conventional language [of the schools], CLbji by reason of its greatness. (TA.) ';St11 '~ means t[The essence of the thing; or] that whereby the thing subrits: from .A* l; because the .lj [or subsistence] of the thing is by its E';: not from .Qil1: else it would necessarily be the case that the agent would be a 'A4; to the action; and the substance, to the accident; and the thing to which a quality is attributed, to the quality: (KT:) it is t that without wthich the thing has no subsistence: (Kull:) and is [also] applied to t [an essential, or essential part, of the thing; i. e.,] a part of the 4s1. [or essence] of the thing, (Kull, [and in like manner j,.!1i jlb;I is explained in the Msb as meaning the parts of the 24l of the thing,]) as when we say that ,leil is a O;.,; as

1. L4;, (ISd, K,) [aor. .-4,]

inf. n.


(ISd, TA,) Iie dug, or excavated, (ISd, 1t, TA,) the ground, forming an oblong hollow. (I8d, TA.)-He made, formed, or fashioned, in a suitable manner, a small watering-trough such as is termed ;,>, (AZ, TA,) or a watering-trough [in an absolute sense]; as also t ~j). (TA.) 4: see what next precedes. * j; ($, Mgh, M9 b, I, &c.) and ij and *S;, (1,) all well known, but the first is the most chaste, (MF,) A certain thing for water: ($:) it is [a smaU drinking~assl] like a Aj,, of leather; (ISdJTA;) a small driningvssel.o f skin: (Nh,TA:) or a small )J [or bucket, generally of leather], (Mgh, Msb,) ell known: (Mqb:) all of these explanations have been strangely neglected by the author of the 1: (TA:) pl. :L.L ($, Mgh, Msb) and 1.4 ;; (9, Myb;) the latter allowable. (Meb.) The prov.

well as to t the whole J&L. [of the thing]: (Kull:) [thus] ;Ztl4l il. means tthes fundamental [or essntials] of the services of religion, by the neglct, or non-observance, of which they are ineffectual, or null, or void: (TA:) or, as some say, , 1.jl' means that rwhereby the thing is complete; and this is intrinsic therein; differing (O9)5. SvUiI . l;. [lit. Tht bon became a from the I* [or .condition] thereof, which is ;-j, app. meaning the bown became exchanged extrinsic thereto. (KT.) for a vessel such as is called L-j, but see what ;e$? A mountain having high ;OeiSi [i.e. follows,] is applied in relation to the retiring of sides, or angles]: (9, ]:) or having strong ;.ijl: good fortune, and reverse in the state of affairs. (TA :) or inaccessible, or dfficult ofaccess, having (, K.). _-A smaU 3.j [or shki]. (ISd, g.) et.~jL. (giar p. 561.) - And hence, (Ilar _ AiaJ [or piece of cloth, or rag,] beneath the which means three stones [with ibid.,) t A man (9, K, &c.) firm, (Ilar,) still, or j.el&, (,) motionless, (TA,) grave, staid, steady, sedate, or which graps are pressed so as to force out the calm. (9, ]K, 1ar, TA.) juice,] placed one above another: so in the M. (TA.) [Hence, accord. to the TI!, the prov. above mentioned: but I see not why.] _-tThe X.jI1 A great il)ji, (V, TA,) i. e. headman, .~U of a woman; i. e. her .h [or vulva]: so in or chief, of a village or town: [app. from the the copies of the g: but in the T, her aA [i. e. Greek JpXwv; though it is said that] he is thus the prepuce of the clitoris], on the authority of of water: eallc;d because the people of the village or town IAr; as being likened to the ;3j(TA:) the pl. [app. in all its senss] is .UI and trust to him and incline to him. (TA.) ,:.4ij [as above], (Ii,) or in the last sense J . ; 4.. A kind of vessel, well known, (B, TA,) (TA.) like a j3 [q. v.], of leather, used for water: U : see what next follows, in two places. (TA:) or i q. Zel![q. v.], (S, Mgh, Myb, TA,) in which clotres and the like are washed; (TA;) A weU: (, M9b, V:) or a well concalled in Pcr.. ;W: (Mgh :) p]. ; and taining water; (MA;) otherwise a well is not ly.,. (TA.) One says, ). ,._jl 1."ji thus called: (Durrat el-Ghoww6V, in De 8acy's Chrest. Ar. ii. 332:) or a wellU not made neat; or o s It.l [Tity sowed the nseet-nmelling plants not constructed [or cased] with bricks ['c.]:

in tithC51]. (TA.)

(MA:) pl. Qt5. (9, Myb, 1) and * -.

, (9,

'..p A thing having O1.e [here meaning and so in some copies of the I(,) or the former is the pl. and t the latter is [properly speaking] a corners, or angle]. (TA.)_-[Hence,], .,, lgen. n., [i. e. a coll. gen. n.,] and often occurs. aes A great udder; as though having jL%1: ($, a sing. and as a pl., (Nh, TA,) or the pl. is also TA:) and an udder that has opened [or ;epanded] in its place so as to fill the tU;l [or groins], and k.bJ: (so in some copies of the 1K and in the TA:) accord. to ISd, it is from IS; in the first of is not vrcry long. (TA.) Tarafeh says, the senses assigned to this verb above. (TA.)

.. 5



;A. [pau. part. n. of 1: -. and hence, as a subst.,] A large watering-trough or tank: (AA, [By no means reproach thou me wcith a moment, [And her udder is great, having much milk: or,] ow, or a formidable, thing or action, or an accord. to AA, it;h, [here] signifies T, Q, K:) [in the $ and C is added,sljj *pJ , , enormity, that has not its equal; though (he [app. meaning collecting much]. (TA.) And which may mean either that the small watering.

110 trough is called ~,

[BooK I.

.I.t [See also R. Q. 2.] and such is the case, or i. e. [TAe lamb, or kid, or the beast, or quadru- coame, ilent. (S.) psed,] reached and took the branches (M, OC).UI J.1 He inclined to dirersion, sport, or play. agreeably also signifies a email jp.*,, that j.. 3Jlt ;1 He was cl~d, Andl (IA r, M,, .)_ with what here follows, and with an explanation with its mouth. (i.) And or owa divcrted, by and pleased, or delighted, of this word in dithe TA voce A _ :] Az, after He eats every [hkind of] 1.j [q. v.]. (T.) And 3 .Heate off the flesh from the bo*e; reason of such a thing; like dJ CV;. (T in art. i.dl ~ mentioning AA's explanation given above, says, but what I have heard from the Arabs is, that the syn. -3,: or he left the bone like thAe .a j5b. is a small watering-trough or tank, which [q. v.]: in [some of] the copies of the 1], >. is 5. dj,.. He proceeded gradually, by degrees, a man makes, orforms, orfashionw, in a suitable erroneously explained 1by j'3; [in my MS. copy, step by step, or time after time, with the repairing mannr, with his hands, at tha head oj the well, by J- ; and in the CI, by -3'- ;] the right of it; or with the putting it into a good, aowd, when he has not, and cannot procure, a vesel in right, or proper, state. (TA.)~See also 1 whinh to give woater to a camel or to two camels: reading being t3a, as in the A. (TA.) And near the middle of the paragraph, iin two places. and that which is large is not thus called. (TA.) it is said in a trad., respecting the she-cat, 'j 8: see 1, in the middle portion of the paragraph, meaning [An ,>1: .s ;1 [But see an oex. oce 1 is also said of a young four placns. , in I did not send her]for leer to eat [of the creepin camel as meaning He began to be in that state in 3A thing. of the earth]. (TA.) in,ls dj, aor.,2 which one couldfeel his hump; (..) AJ &.~~~~~~., ],) aor. j,, (T,$, (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, IK,) inf n. ;.., (T, M,) or Mpb, (.,M,Mgh, , 1. MA, Mgh, t, or a M, 10. ,1 It (a wall, (., M;b, ],) the latter iL*, (o,) or both, (I, TA, [the former written in building, KL) needed, or required, its being M, Mqb, ) and ., (M, repaired; (M, MA., 1], KL; expl. in the M and [irreg. ae aor. of a trans. v. of this clans, and] the C~ ;.j,]) and..; (M, I ;) and t:l; bone became Thu t~; ;) having become old: K by d-ai. JI said by MF to be unknown, but there are other K; [but see what follows;]) became [i. e.,] (M, TA;) as is termed such tbe time in which it srowld or attained to (MA :) instances of the same kind, as s*M, aor. .p and (T, 8, be reriredl; (S, Mgh;) a long period having ~~~~~~~~3. 4' old and decoyed; (MA, KL;) syn. s' (TA,) inf n. and j, aor. o, ,and (a.) Mgh, Mqb, ]i.) Accord. to IAqr, one says, elaped since it was plastered with umad. (Lth, T, ., M, Mgh, Mvb, 1]) and i , (Lth, .*, meaning His bones and U& ej R. Q. 1. ,roe: see 1, in two places. T, ., Mgh, X,) He repaired it; or put it into a others ,% : but syn. and decayed; old became ., (Lth, T, ouad, owaund, right, or proper, state; HeI I mored hi lilis, CT,) or his R. Q. 2. ,J t-fl differently, as below: see 4. M, Mgb, Mbb, I5 ;5 after a part thereof had explain .i to speaoh: (T, :) or 1,2,! they put mnoueth, (.,) become in a bad state; (Lth, T;) namely, a thing, (T.) In the saying, mentioned in a trad., to speak, but spahe not: in mnotion tiaemselves , , ,.,. . ..--.. , t (Lth, T, .,) as, for instance, a rope becoming old said tog be mostly used in it is 1:) but (M, and worn-out, or a house, (Lth, T,) or a building, meaning [4i i. e. 0 Apostle of God, how hAall ,S. a;,.9*j I. neative phrases. (TA.) One says, L 1: ., our blessing be offered, or addresel, to thee (Mgh,) or a wall, &c.; (Mob;) as also s") j'.~. Such a one uttered niot [a letter, or d (?.) or lt1 referring to a .house (j1;): (Lth, T:) irhen thou shalt have become decayed in the nord]: (T, TA:) or put not h;iself in motion and in like manner, he retifhd it, namely, an grave?], the last word is originally ~...I; one nffilr, after it had become disorganized, or dis- of the two .s being rejected; like as is done in [therecwith]. (IDrd,TA.) And .*,Ad~ 1 dl[lie tpohe to hina and] he returned not a reil Jy. ordered: (Lth, T:) and t*.) signifies the same ., for ,&_1: (lAth, ],0 TA: [in the (A1, TA.) in an intensive sense; [i.e. he repairedit, &c., Cs, u>3 is put in the place of :]) accord he A. repaired, to one relation, it is ~..)1; accord. to another, much, or well:] (Msb:) and *. an inaf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (Lthl, T, 8, &c.)-. . s, .. or rectiJfied, hiA affair, case, state, or condition. L, * Thereis not for '*P..a but the One says, ; and accord. to another, ; ~ (TA.) The saying, d .. .3 ') b T ,) it: (.:) or or escaping it, avoiding me any (TA.) first is the proper manner of relation. occurring in a trad., (,) accord. to the relaters became [old and worn -i is J, s1 ept dJ to (T, TA) Tba&c thereof t a 4. , but A'Obeyd holds the former And J .l.z.) The rope that escaping, or avoiding, him any for not disrenading to be the right, (T, g,) means, accord. to out or rotten, (see L.,) or] ragged, or 3&,. 3, j : thing, or affair: (TA:) and some say v , .. AA, We were the fit persos to put it into a sundered. (M.) good, sound, right, or proper, state: (T:) or, ( ) so s says Lth: (T:) [accord. to ISd,] in the 2: see 1, first sentence. naccord. to A'Obeyd, to put it into such a state, L, as meaning There is ,l' 4L.fiJ, aid of a bone, It had in it, or con- saying t.j 'j.j and to eat it. (T, g. [See another explaiation is an imitative of the verb in what follows. ) - You say also, tained,.j, i. e. marrow, (T, 8, ],) running there- no avoiding, or escaping, that, .A (T. (But see says Lth. and so (M;) sequent; in. ($.) One says of a sheep or goat (., M) _,o, meaning t [He made his arrow even, or another sigSee also paragraph.])next the ($,) and of a shestraight, by meanm of his eye; or] he lookhed at his that is lean, or emaciated, ?L. :.. L, (S, M,) meaning nification assigned to J in the last sentence but arroauntil he maode it vwn, or straight. (TA.) camel, (M,) [And see the last of the next paragraph.aNot a bone of her that is broken and from which one a,. also signifies The act of cating; and so of that paragraph.] also sentence the marrow is [somght to be] entraeted [contains ti (ISh, T.) You say, .), (T, ,, 1],) aor. any marrow]: (M:) i. e., if any of her bones be . : see 1, second sentence: - and see also the , (T, .,) inf. n. .,, (TA,) He ate it. (T, , broken, no marrow will be found in it. (..) paragraph next preceding this, in two places J 'el4 And ,z.l is said of a she-camel in the first stage Also i.q. .: Ib.) And it is said in a trad., .I 1 ;,., (1sk, T, ., M,) i.e. ~b 11~ 4,J >!.+ I[Keep ye to the milk oj of fatness when becoming in good condition of JIousehold-goods; or the utensils and fwriture when becoming of a house or tent. (M. [This explanation, from cows,for they eat of all the trees]; (T, ,* TA;) body, and in the last stage thereof ; . ta.* lean; (M, TA;) meaning She had in her sorme. the M, I have found, in the TT, since I composed i. e. J1U: or, accord. to one reading, it is 3j. See also 1, in the latter art. .; n,hat of marrow. (TA.)_.. in which I have said that, accord. to aor. _3, inf. n. .j, part of the paragraph, in four places. 1 Also, (TA.) i e:_11 1:11 ;, L.J app. signifies tAe means by analogy, 11 mneans TA sheep, or goat, took the dryj herbage, (T, 8, M, ,) inf n. .. (T,) Ile (a man, T) ;L, which a Aous, or tent, is put into a good state; was, or became, silnt; (T, M, ];) in a general . or fodder, with its lips. (M.) And LIl and therefore good furniture and utensib.]) So nd t' Te heep, orgoat, ate sense; or, as some say, from fear, or fight: ., a; 2 -l , (I8k, T, , M,)and in the saying, .A) j,3 ., (M,) or (M :) [and in like manner a bird: see its part. n. .from the land. (..) And 4.,i 1, (ISk, T, .,) i. e. Hie has not, lb,j i; j :] or they (a company of men) were, or be'~qll, (],) inf. n. u above; (TA;)and $,.3.1;


Boot I.] and he possesses not, eA houehold-goods as woter-Ains, or milk-sAins, and vessls, ([8k, T, M,) nor any of the utensils and furniture of tLe house or tent. (ISk,* T,* M.) This explanation is belter than the saying of Lth [that as is an imitative sequent: see the next preceding pangraph]. (T.) One says also, a. -) i . lL, meaning 1Ie has not anything: (a:) or Ahe has neither littlc nor much. (TA vo.e _. [q. v.]) [See also,l.]... Also i.q. ., [as meaning An olject, or a thing intended or meant or determined upon or desired, in the mind: and perhaps also anziety; or disquietude, or trouble, of mind]. (M, lC. [This signification, I., Preytag has assigned to j, not to j; rendering it "cura, sollicitudo;" as from the 4F; in which the word bearing it is expressly said to be "with lamm."]) So in the saying, Ii ji &l di ts [re hlas not any object in his mind except suck a thing]. (M.) -... aIs --- , ,- And so in the saying, i ja'jS. -d Li and also;0l. j and .* [or_] and

1151 ;.* (M, tensive sbnse: (TA:) or tdie former is like i.:,; (A'Obeyd, T, and Ksh in xxxvi. 78;) i.e. it is 1;) [like I ; and JSL .4 &ec.;] thus using the pl. as though every part [of the rope] a subst., signifying the old and decayed, of bona; (Ksh and Ba ibid.;) not of the measure ,ju in were termed a single thing. (M.) .- Hence tile (Kah dithe sense of the measure .ja or Ji.: saying, ;ll ZLZ t +,t I gave hia the thing die (Ksh ibid. ibid.:) or it is used in the sense of the mesure altogether: (T:) or . ;tJIl %.! e, tHe J01a, gave him the thing altogetlhcer: (a:) or 4jt ,6'1 j0aL, [meaning eroded,] from "4*j ["I ate W']: it"]: (Bd ibid.:) its pl. is in most instances i;t t He took it altoglethr: (M; and the llke is said [when it is used as a subst. or as an epithet], like in the Mqb:) and ,. 2Jtil t I brought 1pt. pl. of [j; [or 1 pi. of ] ; and ;. thee, or have bronght thee, the thing altolether: . also occurs [when it is used as a subst., for l, (M:) or dt W.L;i tHe gave it altogether: also I.i (V:) originally meaning the rope that is put of of which .ilj is a pl., or when it is used a an upon the neck of the camel: (T:) [i. e.] origina- epitiact], epitlact], like;l.S pl. of 2 : (Mgb:) or you ting from the fact that a man gave to another a sny say .lJ Jil, and,.e4 also; or ~; may have camel with a rope upon his neck: (S, I :) or the meaning of a gen. n., and thereforo be used from the fact that a man sold a amel with a in the place of a pl. (M.) It is said in the Inur rope upon his neck; and it was said, Give him tibi n,bi sIupir AUWI J; jUa 5,A > [rVho r will with his aIj: (Msb:) or, as some say, from the quicken quicken tho bones when tcey are old and decayed bringing a captive botnd with his a.; but this &e-?]; &c. ?]; the last word being without I because it is is not a valid assertion. (M.) In all the coptes a sulst., as expl. above, (Ksh, Bc, Jcl,) not an 3..of the K, ,L1 1 is also cxpl. as syn. w,ith ,.'Jl; epithlet; epitlact; (Kshi, Jel;) or because it is used in the but [SM s;ays,] I have nut found it in the origi- sense of the measure La, as stated above; nals from which it is derived; and may-be the (Bd;) or becatuo words of the measures J right reading is "LkJI. (TA.) 'Alee said, dis- and 3,J are sometimes used alike as muse and praising the present world, l,t;ill, meaning fem. femrn. [and sing.] and pl., like ,z. and *3j t [Its ties (lit ropes) are] old and worn out or and andj~. ja~. (g.) And 1Itim, or some other, says, rotten. (TA.)__ [perhaps as pl. of ;] 0.90, also signifies t The last remains of herbage. (M, : a ',. J- .... : ;i1 YL L q a. * TA.)


'tj Y_ [lr e Aas not any object in his mind except thee]. (TA in art. ~ .) Also A comnpany of men: occurring in a trad. applied to a company of [the people called] ,i,L, abirlin [in a aluce] like a jm. [or trihe] of the Arabs of the desrrt: [perhaps correctly *, from the Pers. .:] said by Aboo-Moosk to be app. a Pers. word. (TA.) a .oj Theherbage and otlher things that are upon he Old and decayedd bones: (AA, T, S, M, the land: whence the current saying, *j ;4.Mpb, I;:) or the old and decayed, of bones: ;.,l-; j.l, meaning SucA a one brAovutt every(Mgh:) pl., and ;J. (8, Msb.) The perthi,g of what is on the land and in the sca: [or, formance of the act termed .::.?11 therewith is of what is in t,e sea and on the land; for] ;.l forbidden. (Mgh,TA.) [Seealso.~.]]_[And means " the sea ;" and is originally .l, but is A bone i,n which is mr7arow. (Freytag, from the pIronouned [in this case] ;JCl to assimilate it to "Kitab el-Add4ad.")] See also aoj, first sen. .J1. (T.) [Or] i. q. jj [app. as meaning tence. Also A ,twro-wingel ant: (M, I :) so f(ood of any eintd; and particul;lrly wealth; accord. to Aboo-I.litim; but disallowed by EIlas appears from whlat immediately follows]: one Bekree. (TA.) - And The L1;j [or woodsays, *1 Z .;;., 4j meaning lie broylht him fJrtter], (M, I~,) in some one or more of the much wealth. (i.) [Or] .;j . t ;[r. means dialects. (M, TA.) lie brovIght nrhat was of the sea and what was of .. ; Clecer, ingenious, skilful, or intelligent, the Iand: C . ,, IF: [so in MS. copies girls, or young women: (IAar, i :) app. pl. of 1 p '4 and in the CIg: in the copy of Ihe g followed in t L,j, [as it is aid to be in the 'lF, whence the TA, and in like manner in tile M, ", . Freytag (who has mentioned it as from the g, $l,13, which, I think, is evidently a false explaining it s an epithet applied to a girl meanreading:]) or moist and dry: or earth and water: ing " ingeniosa, prudens,") appears to have taken (M, g:) or muchA nmeth; '(I;) as in the $: it,] which signifies a female skilful in repairing. (TA:) and it is said in the copies of the IF, [and (TA.) in the M,] thata .l signifies what is borne [on .t: see ,., It is applied as an epithet to its surface] by the water; but this is a significas.i;, in a saying of 'Omar, explained in art. .j: tion of;,ll; and Jl signifies what is borne by accord. to some, it means that whereof the heads the wind: (TA:) or what is Yupon the ground, of are growrn, so that they are eaten (,j, i.e. .frnagments of dry herbage. (M, I.) [See also it is also applied to a herb, or leguminous art. .L.] _ Also Aarrow. (T, C, M, IF.) plant, suck that the cattle pluck it with their L. The remains of a rope after it has become mouths, obtaining but little thereof: and to herragged, or diurndered: (T:) or a pieee of a rope bage that had dried up when becoming grecn. (T.) (S, M, MVh, IF) that is old and worn out or ;.. 3i A sheep, or goat, that eats that by rotten; (Q;) as also v A: M, :) pi. [of mult.] which it panes. (M, TA.)




&C *





[Verily, Veril,y, or now surely, by Ifim beside wom tnone kitow.tth knoweth the secret, and who quickeneth the while bones bona w!hen they are old and decayed &c.]; in whicli.,*..*j which .ad may have the meaning of a gen. n., as observed above. (M.) [Hoenco,] t Anytlaing thling old and decayed or worn out. (M.) Ono ' teaysp .. says, jCJI J oI ! [lie revived wha,t had become decayed of generots qunlities or actionu or practices]. (TA.)_ And t The remains of the berbage herbage of the nuet precedin year: (Lb, M:) from the same word in thle sense first expl. above. (M.) m.cj is one of the names of The east, or easterl.V, wind; L.JI: and is also a proper name easterly, fora for a rwman. (M.) a* .; A snujicienry of the means of subsistence, (K, TA,) whereby life becomes, or i held to be, (.K, in a good, or thriving, date. (TA.) 'L.J, applied to a ewe, TVhits, AL-J, an.y colour Up/on her. (M.) any M, ,) without

b,WUJ WUi ;L;J One who collerts what has falle offuod, and the worst thereof, to eat it, not preoffood, servin.q serving himelffwnn its uncleanneu. (T, as heard by its author from the Arabe.) jis is of the measure i aceord. to Sb: accord. to Abu-l-Iasatn [i.e. Akh], of the measure accord. 0 JW, Ji, (M, TA,) and is [therefore] mentioned in the $ and ~ in art. C*, [q. v.]: (TA:) the n. un. is with 3. (M.)


.lj, The bA_ [or herbs, or dry herba~e,] of the the [season called] : and also a crtainspe'ies W..., (T S,) or,. (M, F,) andp.j (?, M, ,~j A bone old and decayed: (S, M, Mvb, I:) Of of tree., (, M,) of snwet smt: n. n. with 8: l) and [of pauc. ]jL: (M, :) and they said and ?. signifies the same (1F, TA) in an in- (M:) (M :) or La. signifies a certai U-kor~wn Bk. I. 146

1152 sort of _~ in the desert; and &lj, much thereof: (T:) or this latter signifies a celrtain herb having prickly branches and leares, thatforbid the touch, rising to the Ahight of a cubit; long in the leaves, broad, and intensely green, having a yellow.fonwr, and eagerly desired by the cattle: (AIln, M :) or a certain dust-coloured plant, (Aboo-Ziy&d, M, 15,) which people use as a remedy for the sting of the scorpion. (Aboo-Ziy&d, M.)


[Baox BoTT.

(S, ]1,' TA.) He collected together a thing, and like the scales of a fash], and is a pasture upon put it into a right, or proper, state, or adjusted which camels and .heep or goats illU lire Ahen L U, 6, they have nothing else with it; sometimes there , (T in art. it. (As, TA.) - j.1 comes forth upon it a wnhite honey, [a speCie of M,) aor. , (TA,) inf. n. :_ , M, ](,) Thel manna,] resembling j~. [i.e. pearls, or silver camels ale j alone, without any change of beads liAe pearls], very sweet; it affords firemool, food: (T in art. C. :) or had a complaintfron and wood for other uses; its kindled firerood is eating d:) (~, M, ] :) AHn says that the cooi- hot; and its smoke is ben~efial as a remedyfor plaint thus caused is a looseness, or flux of thin the rheum: AI.n also says in one place, that, excrement from the bowels, consequent upon eat- accord. to certain of the Bsarees, the .j occupies OS. 0 ' aL,;: see.A,,J, of which it is thouglt to be the ing ,j when hungry; and that one fears for the the space of a man sitting, and grows in tde singular. ., aor. , manner of the CZ [a species of worm,mood]: ,Il camels in this case. (M.) . a or case, also that he had been told by certain of [the tribe piece of affair, (TA,) t Their ;..) a pl. of Lj as signifying "a (.,) inf. n. , and perhaps also in another or state of things, became confused. (g1.) of] Benoo-Asad that it rises not so high as the rope:" (M, ]1:). , sense: see the latter word, last sentence. stature of a man, and is ued as firenood: (M, aor. ; and Xj, nor. '; inf. n. of each , TA:) [a coil. gen. n.:] the n, un. is with ;. (T, _. - Containing , i.c. marrowm; applied to a lie stole. (T.) j3.] M.) [See a prov. cited voce CjS, in art. c bone. (T.) And, [in like manner without ;,] Also A man whose clothes are old and worn with a thing or confounded, IsI mixed, 2. *j applied to a she-camel, (i, M, 15,) in the first :.1; He left out: (A, 1. :) said by MF to be tropical, but not stage of fatness when becoming in good condition another thing. (IAth, TA.) l said to be so in the A. (TA.) - And Weak in of body, and in the last stage thereof when be- some milh remaining in his she-camer's udder the back, or the fl.esh on either side (T, M.) the ,E [i. e. coming lean, (M,) meaning Having in her some- aftcr milking; (M ;) as also * t:l. of the back-bone]. (1.) what of marrowm. (~, M,* ~.*) ~ Also Silent; _ And H e left i! ,: j, inf. n. (A'Obeyd, T, ;) in a general sense; or, as some somewhat [of milk] remaining in the udder; as _~j A raft, constructed of pieces of wood or say, from .fear, orfright; (TA;) applied to a also t ,_. (As, T, S, M, Msb, K) put together (T, 8, timber one (S, ]1.) And in like manner man, (A'Obheyd, T,) and to a bird, as in the say15) and bound, (T,) upon which one M, Msb, i V t"j (Q, TA, in the says, (TA,) 4J I. ing of a rijia, (g,) namely, gomeyd EI-ArJla, $, M, Msb, 15) on the sea or a great (T, embarks C15 and in a MS. copy of the 1K dU'i,) Such a (TA,). Msb, K:) of the measure .a in (?, M, river: one left a residue, or remainder, in his properey, the measure Jpa , from X_,; "he sense of the or among his cattle; as also ' : _1 (15, TA. a thing, "and put" it "into together" collected [Had I;4 been the right reading, the author of [They comen to the water when the bird of night or "adjusted" it: (Aq, state," ProPer, righlt, or a or should, have said "as also is silent, wvhen its curtains (lit. its two cur.tains) the l would, An old, orn. .He,or it, exceeded him, TA:) pl. l;. (T, 8, M, Msb.) _4c:-) of darknes are let down, when the holders oJ' (M:) and one says 4.j: and pl. I,t out, rope; ,'* or it; (lAth, TA;) as also t.jt. (IAth, discoure therein are sleeping]. (9,' TA.) (8, M, A,I5,) meaning as above, (A,) He exceeded .~41 1 i ;: signifies Calamities, or mis- TA.) You say, X e [Thle Il.] K C,;) like as one says 'ai.I * : i. e.,; like and in (M, K:) [years]: of] fiffly the [age so accord. to AZ in the sayfortunes: (T,:) to relating numbers, other says of one manner (M:) or :_; signifies a rope undone, or tinto *,; [He smot him, or afilicted ing, And The thong, or the ,t; jHBU sheq), twixted. (IAar, T.)him, with cablmiites, or misfortunes]: or, accord. age. (M.) And a3tJI oh . the shin of churned is suspenlded which like, by to Aimboo-Milik, it signifies ,At Jl [i. e. silencing orgoats, exceeded the [number of a] hundred. (M.) of milk, in the Remains, Also (].)~ milk. [The aiWl ;,j And in like manner, '.,a. wordIs or acts]. (T.) udder, (T, S, M, 1.,) after milking; and so she-camel yielded more thlan the contents of her And pl. of the formner t,15;. (M.) *': aor [originally a~, a noun of the same class milking-.vsel]. (M.) And jJ .y4t 1Ji.. milk, or fresh Miilk, meaning [app. as q .. i. of A cause &c., meaning Ic . and as c~ Hie exceeded him, or surpasedhim, in speech. (T].) dran,n from the udder]. (T.) m An An excelrepair: and hence, a thing needing repair; as i. q. Also places. in five s.%jl: ee 2, 4. lence, or excellent quality. (T, ]K.) So in the in a lphrase mentioned vooe ] . _See also is 0, a-. &c.]. (K1.) sying, in the "Naw&dir el-Agrab," i ;4i soft, or it, rendered i [lie, i,a.>*, voee..j. - And see what here follows. ,* yM [To such a one belongs an excelence 10: see 2. over such a one]. (T.) a,r., (Th, T, $, M, TA,) accord. to the ], :_ [A certain shrub, rese~mbling a dwarf,psr, but this is a mistake, (TA,) The lip of any !, (9, You say -;. [part. n. of ]. tan&arisk;] a certain pasture of camels; (S, A, cloven-hloofed animal, (Tb, T, g, M, ](, TA,) such (M, K,) (S, 1) and Mqb, I5;) a species of tree [or shrub], (T,) of the M, 1,) and l as the cow &c.; because it eats therewith; (S ;) from a complaint having Camels are pla.,] [which kind termed ,~a., (T, f, A, Msb, 15,) growing [like- i]. in plain, or soft, ground, (Mqb,) the leaves of eating ; (Th,T;) as also I.. like (9, M, M. V5. [See 1, third sentence.]) (e, M, 5.) [i. e. kholi, which fall, [or droop], like the e:j when camels by the desired eagerly glasswort]; or *.9. sing. of . e , (TA,) which is [an the [snweet of, and tired with, satiated they are esee epithet] applied to arrows, meaning Having the of tree a species it is aJU: (T:) termed] pasture .feathers r~epaired, or put into a good state. (I4, .:l; [from ,.*-] The maker of a raft or rafts: TA.) - And t An arrow [made emen, or straight, [or shrub] resembling that called L.b, (M, ],) qy nmeans of the eye; or] looked at until made which does not grow tall, but the leaves of which and one wrho drams, or tows, [or propels,] a raft. (M,A.) even, or straight. (TA.)-You say also, ,I spread, [app. meaning that its sprigs s.iread out Land producimjng ,;bjI[in the C1 Lr] t .;/-.J. 9 )[i. e. The affair, or cae, of such a fiat, andl (as described above) droop, like those of the common tamariskh,] and it resembles the (TA.) or repaired]. rectified, ,bl one is g.;;) and * (M, X [the sh, called] it is burned (M:) like the La and Cj)I,, i MU.: . [signifies the same, or] land in which are [or potash]: (TA &c. in art. q for making (Ham p. 99.) sU:) AI.n says that it has long and slender 1. _, ($, TA,) aor. Ar. (TIg,) inf. n. , The.y are in a state of confa,p49 s (K,) He put a thing into a right, or proper, ,..h [generally, nnd app. here, meaning sprigs state, or adjusted it; and wiped it with his hand. garnishedwith minute leaves overlying one another sion. (1.)



Boox I.]
various works on practical law, it consists of twelve jlMl (or spans): but there is reason to believe that ancient usage differed from the modern, with respect to both these measures, and was not precise nor uniform: in an instance mentioned voce Lj, it appears to be about twice the measure stated above; i.e., about nine degree; and to consist of fie cubits, a measure perhaps equal to twclve spans.] tL aj , said of the [species of barley-grass called] _.s~, (T, 1, A, TA,) and of aniy similar pasture, (T, TA,) t It assumed, or put forth, its prickhes, (A,* TA,) or became dry in its prickles, (T, TA,) and thus (T, A, TA) resisted the attempts of animnals to pasture upon it. (T, S, A, L, TA.) Also, said of camels, S They became fat, (S, K, TA,) or yielded milk plent,iilly; ($, TA;) as though they pre-


1a ;i., (. , A, L, 1I,) aor. -, (L, V,) inf. n. ?, (L,) He tArut him, or pierced him, with a -a [i. e. spear, or lance]. (S, A, L, ].) _ And aor. and inf. n. as above, He (a solid-hoofed animal) struck with his hind kg. (Mob.) You say, of a horme, (., A, ],) and of an ass, and of a mule, (., A,*) or any solid-hoofed animal, (TA,) .. j, (., A, ],) aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n., (TA,) He kicked him; (i;) or struck hint with his hind Ieg, (., A, TA,) or with both his hind legs: (TA:) and accord. to Az, it is sometimes metaphorically said of a camel, (Msb, TA,) and 1.. m is sometimes said of a she-camel. (TA.) - [In the vulgar modern language, it means He (a horse or the like) galloiped.] [Hence,] said of the [locust termed] ', S It struck the pebbles: (so in three copies of the Q:) or it struck the pebbles with its hind leg, (L and A, and so, accord. to the TA, in the 8,) or with its two hind legs. (Q.)_ And, said of lightning, I It gliamedl (A, O) with gleams slight and near togyether. (A.)

a ,: see l:U: here following.

t a pl. of r

and see also the paragraph


(8c. Ac.)-Also [The vice or trikintg with thekind leg or with both the kind legs;] a subst. from s.. mid a of any solid-hoofed animal: (M;b, TA:) it is a vice for which an animal that has been sold may be returned. (TA.) One says, CL?j S [Hs has a
vice of kicking]. (A.) And Lt.,l e i,hl$ CG)la [I am irresponsible to thes for the vice of overcoming the rider and running away with him,

and the vice of kicking]. (TA.) [And ta;,, in like manner, signifies A trick of kicking: wee
an ex. voce t and .]

vented one's slaughtering them; (v ;) or because a habit of kicking]. You say

[A horse, or the like, that has

their owner is prevented from slaughtering them: and LiL.s.t (8:) or they became goodly in the eye of their owner so that he was prevented from slaughtering (A.) And them; (A,* TA;) and so "l One says also G Jtl Sil .d; . (TA.) A fat she-camel;

.;.s.t50 ;J


[A kicking, biting, beast]. &.j iL. tIA kicking she-canmel.

j, : ssee
three places.

5r,[of which it is the din.], in

and La il--* fat camels; because their 3. ~.1j, in n. 1.-., He contended with owner, when desiring to slaughter them, looks at a tj The art of making C[spears, or him in thrusting, or piercing, with the spear, or their fatness and their goodly appearance, and is lance&]. (S, A,* .) See the next paragraph. lance. (A, TA. [The meaning is indicated in prevented from slaughtering them. (A,* TA.)both, but not expremssed.]) taj A maher of tl ,ft.JI Ctaj t [Titse pestilence termed] O~tMI. [spears, or lances]. 0. I~..lj 3 They contended, one with another, (A, 1[.) [See the following verses.]_ (S, A,* Mb, 1g.) You m,y, ; j3. -tLj tLa j; in thrustinq, or piercing, with tihe spear, or lance. taL.Ilt [HIe is a maker of spears or lances, ,.,rll i. q. tA',J [evidently a mistranscriptionfor (A, TA. [The meaning is indicated in both, but *t3 , i. e. t The stings of scorpions, with which skilful in the art of making t/mr]. (A.) - See not expressed.]) . 'S8ee also t-j,, in two places.they striet; .,,YJl being here used, as it seems also L A certain weapon, (L, TA,) well knowvn; to be in some other instances, as a cull. gen. n.: am.l*j m A bow tlat p opels [the arrow] reh.e(L, Myb, ]1;) [i.e. a spear, or lance; one with that such is the case is shown by the verses here mently. (s.) The word .'Ld, used [app. in this which one thrusts, not which one casts; accord. following, quoted in the TA as an ex. of tLj sense, without a subst.,] by Tufeyl El-Ghanawco to El-Ilareeree, (cited by De Sacy in his "Chrest. ~.IJ. (I..) A poet, cited by TIh, says, is expl. by some as meaning A thrust, or piercing, Ar," sec. ed., ii. 332,) not so called unles having with the ".r; but no way of resolving this is its iron head mounted upon it:] pl. tb r -1~~~~ and t known, unless it be used in the place of t , (~, L, Msb, ],) the former of mult. and as the inf. n. of un. of j. (L.) - Also the latter of pauc. (L.) [Hlence the saying,] VLS ' ca L - ! Poverty, need, or wrant. (J1, TA. [This meanI~; ' , .. [lit. Tley broke a spear bet,reen S in is erroneously assigned in Freytag's Lex. to them, or among them; meaning] !evil, or mis9 chief, [or enmity, or contention,] happened beG.~~ JQ.1 tI~ Z t ,1 ~ C1 1 tween them, or amonig them. (A, TA.) And s[iy thy life, or by thy eflig;on, Ifeared not,for Thrusting, or piercing, another with a J.~I J .e U ';;:a1 We Ivere tried with a Ubei, the stings of the scorpions; but I feared, j [i.e. spear, or lance]. (g, Msb.) - Also long and distresingd.y. (A, TA.) And for Ubei, the pestilence, or thee, 0 .larith ; j. (~ [in the Msb "or" ] ) A man having a ..I1.t d j &. j t I [Thley are in league against being for tLa.]; by )j.*JI i 4 ; L ~.he means the sons of such a one a, one Mnan]. (A, TA.) the scorpions. (TA.) _ [Thce dim.] 5. , is a [spear, or lance]; (Q, Myb, k;) and so tt1: And :.,;; 5 ; [A though his ta.o proper name of t Tie penis; ((,* TA;) like as (L:) the former an epithet [of the possemive eyes were upon two spears] is said of one in fear and aU, having no verb. .S is a proper name for "the vulva of a kind,] similar to 0i and fright, and looking hardly, or intently; and . Jl is the name of t [The st*' sometimes of one in anger. (TA.) [The dim. is woman." (TA.) - t'j jl means t A species (.) -- ijl ofjerboa, (]K, TA,) long in the hind legs, in the Arcturus;] a certain star, before, or precedinig, ' . And hence the saying,] Lo JL.1 middlle [?J of each j"5 [here meaning meta- &l [or Corona Borealis], preceded by anothear *_t ell (a man, 1], TA, or an old man, TA) carpus] haring a nail in excess [of those of the star, [the star Pi in the lef leg of Boote,] which stayed himself upon a staff by teason of extreme hindfeet; for the fore feet have each five toes of is called its .j [or spear, i e. JL.Jl 1 , old age, or decrepitude: by ~ ,I is meant which one only has no nail, and the hind feet have Lukman the Sage, (g, TA,) who is mentioned each but three toes, all of which have nails]: or and simply C.,1], (S, ],) whence its name: in the g5ur-6n: (TA:) or Martlhad Ibn-Saad: it means any jerboa: and its CAb[evidently a it is one of tLro stars which are together called or it is a surname applied to old age, and decrepimistranseription for .eej] is its (ail. (TA. [It ,1t.;jl; and is not one of the Mandions qf the tude. (g, TA.) -_ 8ee also 1;. _- [As a mea- is there added, t;'_ ~j.; another mistran- Moon: (S:) it is also called *j~JI .1..JIt: sure in astronomy, accord. to modern Arabian scription, and an obvious solecism; or probably (Az,TA:) the other iL.t [is Spica Virgini", astronomers, it is Four degres and a half; the some words which should have preceded these the Fourteenth Mansion of the Mocen, and] is eightieth part of a great circle; and accord. to have been omitted by the copyist.]) called ,j 1, because it has no star [near] before







ri it: _lIh is more red. (TA.)_r1; also ignifies IA bull; so called because of his pair of horns: (A:) [i. e.] a wild bull; thought by ISd to be so called bhcause of his horn: (TA:) or IS;;J signifies a [wild] bull having a pair of ltornr. (8, )


[BooK I. 0' - 0 6. (M,;A L) A n (MA, ;mj ($, M, L) and ;i g iyi eye painful and swollen, inilaned, or affected rith rit.h ophth/almia: ($, M, A,s L:) pl. of the latter
tr * o .. (A.) 3 Ash-colour; the colour of ;j; as also 1.6j"i , U o.wj: },.: (A in art. ,.J:) a colour 'M 41 art.:) that in (T ;ol: a dining to blachkness; and so (M.) dust. of that z colour inclining to a

1. I,;. , (Sh, T, M, A, L,) [aor., app., ,, t8(sh,T,M, .j;. inf.n. .; (M,oL;) and Vl_ pir., says erroneously A'Obeyd whiell L;) for teahdeed with with kear to the_*; aud 1iA1, to the r; (T, L;) Tey (a people, or party,) torished: (SI, T, M, A, L:) or became like T-: (L,) or ot i;, [sor ashes]: (A:) and h. (L, TA.) meaning. former the has (TA,) ,., And ;, [so in the T and L and TA, not aor. ', inf. n. >j., It (a garment, En-Na9r, T, or a thing, 1'A) lperishedby becomning old and worn(En. out, and had no goodnem and lostingne. aor. lg,) M, L,TA.) Nadr,T, j, (j,) Tha sheep, or goats, (S,1I,) inf. n. terisked by reason of cold, or of hoar-frost or

(g, :) or she shown,a herself to be :..i: syn. pregnant, and became large in her udder; aY (AZ,T:) or she ecreted a little, also .. jb: of bringing forth: (T:) or shte time milk at the be pregnant, and became large to herslf showed udder and her in her belUy and swvollen in Amher vulva: or he secreted somewhat [of mnilk] at the tina of bringingforth, or a little before it.' the epithet applied to her in this case is ' j.J [without ;]. (M.) [See also .,z-.] One says, hWI -'J.. [The ewes have secreted ; ,~; j. milk in their uddeWs, &c.]: (I Aar, T, S:) therefore prepare thou the j31: prelpare thou the ^1,j1: [i. e., the loops into tvwhich their heads are to be inserted:] for the ewes secrete milk in their [i. e. at the time of udders only jJ3 l jy,oj , to produce the about when bringing forth, or young]. (S.) And [in like manner,] ,, " .- (IAr, T. [See also arts. j.j o9 p. J


.i or O-,(as in di.,b, .UJD'.si~ ' o. rerent copies of the 1C,) a phrase expl. in art. -,.
~; (S, M, ]g) and ;.tj, 3~;, ($,M, (.,) whici (so accord. to latter is abnormal, (TA,) or ;,j, 4, and ' ;1, ([, a copy of the T,) and t .;~ .K,) Ashes perishing, or coming to nought: (St, k(:) or ntuch in quantity, and very fine or mittute: mitinute: (M, .K:) or red ced to thefincst, or noxt minute, state: (T, TA:) or ;.aj signifies burnt to the utmost degree, and reduced to the finest, or tnost ,nost minute, state. (IAth, TA.)



*rime. (?, M, k(.) _

; (AZ, 1Sk, T, ?, Nh,

M1.,) aor. ', (AZ, T,) or , (MLb,) or both, (AZ, 1Sk, T, S, Myb;) or (1Sk, ;,) inf. n. ,; n. .j; (M, TT;) and V. ).; (M, Nit, L;) lIe, (God, M, TA, or a man, Myb,) or it, (a company tlcatroyed (AZ, ISk, T, s, Mhb) of men, 1Sk, ,) a person or tl;ing, (L, M;b,) or people: (oAZ, destroyed, and rendered like ISk, T, M:) orM, L, Ls,) aor.1 , (, ,ashe. (N h.) _ oI t 1,; A, or ;) and n, L ( M, a; L,) inf. n. re (a gn;) the of copies (necord. to different and pain with afected became, or mas, man, O) wnelling of the eye; (M;) with inJlammation C r... thrcof; or with ophthalmia; syn. Mb,) AL, A, (T, , ;. . And .) T L, (., (T, A, L, Mob, ( ,1 (TA,) (T, Mb;) or , 1 ;) and :, (], TA;) is eTye was, or became, ilif. n. l.;;; painful and swollen, inJlamed, or affected with oithlhaln ia; syn. ;+1. (L, , TA.) (ior.

4. .,j, as an intrans. v.: see 1, firt sentence, in two places. _ Also, ($, ],) inf. n. ;j5L , said of a man, (g,) ise mas, or became, poor, needy, And .. il .)j Tte peo. le or indigent. (S,.) with drought, barrenqafficted were, or became, and thleir cattle TA,) K, (A, dean,rt, or ness, thereof. (TA.) consequence in TA) (1, perished 8 See also 1, last two sentences. - And see 8. ~ As a trans. v.: see 1, in the middle of the paragraph. - '1 ~j lie, (God, $, M, L, X1,) and it, (weeping, A, TA,) canset his eye to become painful and swollen, in,flaued, or oectcd with ophthalmia. (., M, L, 1, TA.)

T;A: T;: : see )J.

,:~: ,Ae~j see .
zG; l;j Ashes; i. e. charcoal redluced to particles To M) by being burnt; (T;) burnt coaXl tfhat T, e mixetl pwith dust, audl ectinguishetl, ham becom, hare and and reduced to ptrticles: (iM:) an8l fr; sigilifies sig,nifies the same; (,

M b,) inf. an.j



(M,A,) inf.n. -w,


He put

asheJ into it, (TT,* A,) or upon it; (M;) namely, roast meat: (M, A:) or he put it (a thing) into a.i lb)S a prov., T : in Mb, is said I thing, ashes. leA (-, or*S a Pemo. (It) S,j T1 1, [Th:y broter roasted, until, khen he had thoroughly cooked the meat, he put ashej o,ashes]: (T, M, A:) into it, or put it into the a good deed and then did brother I meaning oTy applied to him whc is it e.] [i. (A:) it: naarred mars, or.corrupt, that which he has put into .s good, or right, state: (T:) or to him who does a kind act, and then mars it by reproach, or cut, Also He put it (namely it short. (Atdh.) flesh-meat to be roasted,) into lire coals. (M.: (AZ, To , M,, ,) inf. n _ See also .~ (M, ;) aid of a ewets Jjt; t: ? A and ros; ( ;) or she-goat, (AZ, T, C, M,) and of a she-camel (8, M, 1,)and of a cow, (,) She secreted mnillh in er udder a little before her bringingforth,

, ;) as also t.)l, M, like ltaOl, (so in some copies of the ]g, and in a copy of thce ,) or 9 a,ll, like :'.t, (so in other copies of the 1.,) or * .1,1; (so in two coldies of the ;, there suid to be like taIt, and so in the 9. .jI: see 1, first sentence.,l, said of the, is a pl. of >;., as a man's face, i. q. 4jI [as meaning It became M;) M ;) as somne say; or t l became like the colour of >LG, or ashes; or it which is mentioned l; and :lj;, is also O."j altered by reason of anger]. (A, TA.)~ See on the autilority of Kr, and whicIh is [said to be] also 1, last two sentences. am Also, inf. n. ;1.l1, the only word of its measure, [though c J.;I. also said of a camel, accord. to AA, Ile ratn ehe- is is mentioned by IHsh,] is a quasi-pi. n.: (M:) mently; and so ,;Sj: or, accord. to Ay, both [>C; [>.C is a coll. gen. n.;] and t ;t.l; [is its n. an., signify he ment at random, heedlesly, headlong, and as such] signifies a portion thereqf. (M.) or in a headlong courle; and quickly: (T:) or he jM [lit. [Hence] one says, 11 ,j;j : nent quickly, or a quich pace; accord. to some, cooking-pot]; tAh of ashes ,nany has one Sucis a specially said of the ostrich: (M, I.:) or he ran Such has i 4 [meaning ostriclhes]. meaning t xilch a one is vety hospitable; in the manner of the . so [and a..b:) art. ritany niany guests: (Mgh in (A. 4 , and bjl;,, M& the has many ,N:] azid ; The going, ,L.hl 4. ;;, ; ti[nf. n. of Q.Q. .;.;1] quanin much become ashes the guats: because guats: or acting, vigorously, or *,ith energy. (M, TA.) tif.y tity in consequence of cooking. (L, from a trad.) [lit. Ashes were blow#n u ' uI jj And dy"3 -L.j: see ;/>. in his face]; meaning t hiface and ~,, applied to water, (T:) or altered and scattered ; is a term for the worse in taste and colour, though still became altred. (A, TA.)--[,l.J lye; drinkable; (Es-Sijistanee, g, A, 1g;) as also applied in the present day to Liziviumn, or wood-ashes.] garment, with a to i. e. water infused (Lb, L) - And, applied D J,.>. U.?;as also or piece of cloth, Faded; syn. 3>t*j ;jb Perdition, destruction, or a state of , j. [q. v.]. (A, TA.) - Also, (, L. Myb, dextruction; destruction; (g, Mb ;) as also V;,j. (T, $.) ' ,s (?, M, A, L, Myb, ],) and Hence, (i, MNb,) 3).J1 .;l The year of perand 9 ,, 1,) dition or destruction, (f, Msb. 1,) or of drought, (accord. to different copies of dition ~) td, or t ., (A,) melling and pain (A,) in the days of 'Omar, (, Mb, V,) the with the ]g,) A man affected seyeuteenth with or thereof; seventeenth or' eighteenth year of the Flight, irfammation of the eye; with p) (TA,) in which men perished (f,M, MYb, of fem. :) ] Myb, L, A,* M, (0, ophilalmia: 1],) ($, in great numbers, (M,) and cattle also, the first is;, (Myb,) and of the econd 51;, t cotlong i.] in consequence of drought (, Myb) And M, Mb,) [and pl. of the second . (;

BooK I.] tinuing, ($,) wlerefore it was thus called, ($, M,) because the earth became like ashes by reason of the drought; (Msb;) or, as some say, because the droulght continued so as to render the earth and the trees like the colour of ashes: but the first reason assigned above, for its being thus called, is preferable. (M.) - See also i~J. JL;; A sort of grope, dusty blach colur.. (M.) of Et-7dif, of a

oJ (TA in art. , i;) putting them in motion by fpeecA not understood by mans of utterance; not vocally manifaeted: (TA:) or witr the lip: (Mgb:) or with the eyebrow,: (6, A, Mgb:) or with the he eyebrows: (]:) or witA the eye: (Mlb:) or with the eyes; (V;) as also tjj3: (TA in art. ,,ai:) or with the mouth: or with the hand or armn: (Ig:) or with the tongue, (Q, TA,) by uttering a lom voices (CK,B, TA:) but also applied to signify he made any sign or indication. (1, TA.) You say, He madesign a to him with the lips, or eyebrow. (A.) And 3p; .e;.. e* ty" 151 Thle wotwian made a sign to him rwih heIsje. (TA.) And I'j ', [HIe talhed to him by mahing signs &c.]. (A.)
rWe Id

1 I-!& it up with dust, or artA. (M.) And it is said in a trad. of Ibn-M&ail, ' I, .`;i, meaning JMahe ye my gravM eon with tie ground; not gibbous, or lerated. (TA.) - He coneead, and covered, him, or it: this is [alo said to be] the primary signification. (TA.) You say, ;j

.dl;[Perishi,g: or becoming like )s;,or askwc: or] peritshing by becoming old and wornout, and laving no goodness and lastingness. (En-Na4lr, 1, L, TA.)

,.;t Of the eolour of t;j [or ashes]; (S, M, I];) [ash-coloured; 6shy;] of a dusty colour in wrhich is a daskiness, or dinginssu: (S:) [fem. .1,;: and pl. ,A .] Hlence ;I applied to A .female ostrich: (S, ]:) [and "j applied to ostriches: (see last sentence:)] and hience also h, .~j applied to gnats (T, 6, A, L., .I) of a certain species: (T:) nnd you say :1s itJl. (M, A) i. e. [an ostrich or a feniale ostrich,] qf an ob.wcure blMch k hue, like the colour of ases: (M :) and .,~ f [a tmale o Aurich of uch a colour]:
(M :) and ~ -;la [ostriches of such a colour-]: (A:) and . ..,~ garments, or,piecss of cloth, of a dI sty colour in n'hich is a duskiiesu, or dlineics; from L;j. (T.) L! a1sserts that tle .. in this word is a substitute for .,. (M, L (See . .) Sce also 2, in six placc_ And see Oj. 1~j nnd -. ~' pluecs. Od-.. : see J. .~Pr A she-canmel, (Ks, T,TA,) and a cow, antl a ewe, or she-goat, (TA,) sersreting nillk in /eer 'ndder a little bejboe her bringing forth; and 6i.l.!: see L.`),in five

i;J1, aor. t, inf. n. . ,;, He, or it, effaced, or obliterated,the traeM, or remait, of the thing. (M.) And Lj,p Jl j" ` 1 [The wind effaces the traces, or reaains, by what it rains, of dust or snd &c.]. (A.) And Q, ;j .,; They concealed ehe grav of such a on, and mnade it evn withA the groYnd. (q.) And 1Jf . 'l j, (Ii," Meb,) and s,.. j 1 , (TA,) I concealed the neros, or information, ((,* Meb,) and the story. 5: see 1, in two places. (TA.) A,nd iI .- -L; ;, ({, M,) and 6. f1j.*fj 3 [They made signs, or indications,in (AV, A,) I concealedfrom him the nses, or inforone or other tf the manners described above, one mation, (6, M,) and te affair. (Ag, A.) to another]. You say, I1Mjt I;tplkfKA ; S )Jk. o #. The love of thee hath become [I wrent in to them, and the/y ,node signs and wienement, and firmly ettled, [as thowgh buried,] indications, &c., one to another]. (A, TA.)

in my heart. (A, TA.) -~


inf. n. J, (s1,) I cast a stone at Ais. 'A bbid, 6, F.")


4: see 1, first signification. ]~ [Making frequent signs, in one or other 8. .. lI ;.Jl v. i. q. u;,.l (Mgh, M:b) or of the manners described above; like ]4;]. You ;1; (1) [ile immersed hinrMfirn the mater]; say, ijt., .A.! A woman who makes frequent or so ithat kis head and whole peon became consigns, &c.; mwho has a habit of doing so; syn. eoaled therein; the doing of which by one fasting ;ji:. (TA.) And L is forbidden in a trad.: (h, gigh :) or not remainijL.`) 4.oi ;jl i [A girtl who makes ing long in the water; (Mgh, TA;) whereas ..1iif and -.;f1 denote [the doing so and] refiequent signs with; her hand or arm, who does maining long in the water; and agreeably with the like with her eye, *rho does tlhe lie with her this explanation of the difference, the two verIs mouth, who does the like with her eyebrow]. are used in another trad., where it is said, .nlI; (A, TA.) - lIence, (S, TA,) }jtl, signifies [also] j .*- -,_4! TheM9 faster may immerae himAn adulteres, or a fornicatre~: (Sb, ,/, :) a prostitute: (A:) because she makes signs with self not remnaining long in the water, but not immers himlf yand remain long thnein. (TA.) her eye. (S, TA.) [See also .j.]

j.l; Mahing a sign, as [with the lips, &c., as

described above, or] ith the hand, or arm, or (Ks, T, T'A;) as also .. : (Ks, T:) or botbh with the head: pl. [or ralher quasi-pl. n.] t. signify a she-camel having her ,idder shining, In the lur iii. 36, instead of !', sonime read " and infued with inill. (Ks, L in art. j.) [See meaning as here explained: and some read P, also .s, in the second paragl ph of this art.] meaning doing so mutually; p]. of tj3'j [which See also ,.a is an intensive form, meaning, mahing frequent J... . ,.,: signs &c.; likejL]. (B4.) ~see ,~. ~,s. Flesh-menat roasted in.lice coals. (T, f.*) 1. 'Z, (S. M, Mgh, Msb,) aor. ' (M, Mgh, (A, Myb, .~ Going, or acting, vigo,oudly, or with Mgb) and,, (M, Mqb,) inf. n. ., K,) He buried him, or it; ($, M, A, Mgh, Mgb, enerfgy: (Q,* TA :) LSljjIl, in the explanation ;) namely, a dead person; a corpse: (6, Mgh, given in the lC, is a mistake for lJt. (TA. Meb:) this is [said to be] the primary significa[See Q. Q. 4.]) tion: (A:) as also tV.rilt: (6, Mb :) or he buried him, and made tle earth even over him. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Zeyd Ibn-$oobtan, f.3 .q` Then do ye bury me: or it may mean,. 1. , (i, A, ,) aor. ', and , (Q, Msb, ,) conceal my grave, and mahe it en with the ilf. n. p (1, A, Msb, OI) and 'pj and pj, (],) lie made a sign, (6, A, Mgb, ]C, TA,) in indi- ground. (Mgh.) - He poured, (M,) or catcation of a thing that might be shown or pointed tered, (A,) dust, or earth, upon it; (M, A;) out by utterance, with anytAhitig: (L, TA:) or namely, anything. (M.) You ay also, Ldj abith the lips; (6, A, (, TA;) as also tP3; T,b.'ID [in this sense]. (A.) And .. J6..,Z 1 ~r: see 3. I-6)

.~j Dust, or earth: (Mgb :) or dust with whieh the wind efface trac or rmains: (M:) or dust, or earth, that is scattered upon a corpse: (A:) or dwt, or earth, of a grae: (6, Mgh, K :) ma inf. n. used as a subet. (O, Mgh, Mqb.). Hence, (Mqb,) A grate; (M, A, Mgb, ];) as also and t-:.. an,,~ (g:) or a grav that is made een wita the surtace of the ground; ust elvated: (TA:) and . igniBe '_ the place of a grare; (;) or of a_.;.j: (TA:) the pt. [of paue.] of ;j is J4tcjl (M,1) and [uf mult.] .*j`. (M, Mqb, A.)low, gentle, or soft, sound or voice. (M, TA.) ,.: se ue ,, in two plac .

;1-JI (Ajn, M, A, O) and _Q , (AEn, 6, M, &c.,) [each pl. of ~,11.] The winds that bury trace. or remai; (i;) th ind that rains th duat, and [(pred it to as to] bwl traes or remaisu: (s:) or t mwinds that transport the duwt from one district to another which is stom days distantfrom thtformer, qnd sotimes cowr the wsole,facs of a land with the dust of anoter land. (Aijn, M.) ,-.l also signifies Flying things (1;) that fly by night: or any r,tping thing (;41) that come fortA by night (IShb, )


L~, - ~,~

[Book I. the V, as given in the TA, the word rendered ' stones" is omitted:]) or he beat the razor etrween two #tonet, in order that it might become thin; as also V,,jt. (A.)

is called _L;4 (ISh.) - It also ocurs as a pos vehemenee of the heat: (Mgh, TA:) or he ms ' sesive epithet, or a an act. prt. n. in the place smitten, or affected, by the heat of ee sun: was foot his ; ; ji and p. 173:) (y[am of a pa. part. n. (M.) burnt by the ground, or stones, rehemently heated b, ].) In like manner you : } see .;; for the latter, in two places. by the sun. ($, M 9 ,ju

say, jlOMI
oys Bu.ried; as also V : (M,TA:)
having dust, or earth, poured upon it; as also , ,,-i Con, tthe latter epithet. (TA.)_,cealed ne s or information. (TA.)

... "




They fell into a

state of cofusion in relpect of their affair, or ., ,11 u,: see . -. cae. (IA4r, M.) .;1A The sheep, or goats, from pasturing in in- :TA.) _iJI during the [app. fast the or tense heat, had their livers ulcerated, ($, .,) and I purposed fasting their lungs affected with dropsy: (S:) or /had month ofojL.] ( gh, g.) their lungs and livers affected with dropsy, and (81, Msb, S,) aor. -', (Mb, X,) ulcerated. (L.) And ;gj 1 The ground, or stones, ehe1. :..,~,~, 4. Lia,djl His eye became is adhat it in had eye lib (Mfb,) ,, inf n. hot, so that it almost burned: the verb occurs in mcnt!ly h;oted by the sun, burned me. (s.) And termed ~,j [q. v.]. (f, Myb, ].) And u , this sense in a trad., u some relate it, with , &JIt i&&$jI The heat burned him; (,e TA ;) as [aor. and] in. n. as above, He had what is termed [instead of .,]. (TA.) -Also, a man said of *, aor. :. (TA.) Andjill JIJ ,-jI also t fasting, His inside became vehemently hot (Fr, K1) (Jm, A, I) The heat distressed the' people, or a j, aor. , inf. n. .~, 0.. (M.) _~l I looked towards him, or at him, with the most by reason of intense thirst. (Fr, TA.) - And, company of men; (Jm,K;) so that it hurt them. said of a man, lie went upon ground, or stones, secret look. (O, TA.) .i; W;jl I41; (Jm, lie (K..) You say also, vehemently heated by the sun. (TA.) -And n-ith us durling daonn to lie camels the ye Make A) 4. ~-jl It (disease) caused him to hare that returned from the desert to the region of cities, have caused us yc [.for midlday-heat reherment the (M.) is termed towrnu, or villages, and of cultivated land. (L, TA.) to be burnt bh the heat of the sun, or by the reheand ii ; ;. e '.* also, p j Filth, [or foul matter,] (?, Mgh,) or _ You say mently-heated ground]. (Jm, TA.) - [Hence,] distressed a~nd wa's I 1.j [;(meaning t : and rohitefilth, (],) or tough, or dry, white filth, (A,) ~ j t It (anything, AA) pained him. (AA, gI.) that collects, (S, A, ]1,) or concretes, (Mgh,) in the disquieted by reason of the thing, or affair: or I And y t.J1 S[The thing, or affair, pained Aj: '* ,t ,lj1 . inner corner of the eye: (., A, Mgh, 1, :) if fluid, grived for it]: (A:) [for] 1.b him] is a phrase which has originated from the it is called *,, : ( :) or it is in the aide of the signifies the was distressed and disquieted by first of the phrases mentioned in this paragraph. lJI eyelashes: (ISh, TA in art. -'% :) or what reason of such a thing: (S, I, TA:) and V see 1. _ 1JI ,..JI: (S, TA.) _-. i ,..: is fluid; what is concrete being termed ,&: ;_, i i. q. one; a such for She grieved a.l:see 1, last signification. ..,1J s see 1. or i. q. b,, , i. e. dirt which the eye emits: or accord. to the [4 and] L [and C1g]: or i. q. s!naUnes and sticking of the eye. (M.) You say, ,J ,j, [but this I think a mistranscription, for ;IjI Ile drove the gazelles upon the AlJl 5. H whom tough, you say %'i" ,_, ._1 Ls;l > [Him . W&M1 sj rehemently heated by the sun, stones, or to the ground, accord. ,~,1 not dJ or dry, white filth collecting in the inner corner o and [some copies of the] I. (TA.) until their hoofs became dissundered,or didlocaSted, of the eye vsers,.fluid matter therein rejoices]: them , (K,) aor. :, inf. n. and so they were taken: (A:) or he hunted ,uiI .JIl: see 4. for ,4i is a fresh fluid; and that is better than during the vehement midday-heat, (S, 9,) pur.4,i, (TA,) He pastured the sheep, or goats, suing them until, their legs being dislocated by the tough, or dry. (A, TA.) upon ground vehemently heated by the sun, (g, the vehemently-heated ground, he took them. ($, i..l. TA,) and made them to lie down upon it; (TA;) fem. of ja]. d .1_;[dim. of,l, also signifies TIe heaving of the 1--t TA.) oI, i.]e., Procyon; as also t*; and t ;J, (1(, TA,) inf. n. 1 i.lq. 1 soul [or atomach]; or its being agitated by a ten;)] one of ahe two stars of thesJ: (mee i;ll ( M,, V,) aor. I ,,j, (TA.) _W .A.4J. (IXAr, ]g.) L1jt 0i'. (,, , M,) He clams the sheep, or goat, dency to vomit; syn. so called becaus of its smallness and its littleness inf. n. , leaving its skin upon it, and threro it upon heated , 8. #3Jj1 He burned by reason of vehement of light [in oomparison with the other 14 it, in order that it heat, or t of grief. (1Iar p. 442.) upon ashs hot put and stones, ;3 which is 8yrius]. (M.) might become thoroughly cooked: (9, V:) or he . ,. His liver became in a corrupt, or disv,~ A man (8, Mgh, Mqb) having, in his kindled a fire upon stons, tlen clave the sheep, ordered, state. ($, 0, ]s.) And J~.Jl , o3jtI M, Mgh, Msb, j :) or goat, with its skin upon it, then broke its ribs (, M,,: eye, what is termed became in a corrupt, or disordered, fron, within, in order that it might lie steadily The man (TA.) fem. L;A.j: (Myb, :) and pl. . belly and his stomach. (lAr, L.) his in state, upon the ground, with the heated stones beneath CLIe , in three places. it, and hot ashes above it, a fire being kindled - See also, '~ skin they cooked, over it: when it is thoroughly ,,1iJI; ;....)i The horse, or mare, leaped ,cith o,,ijlhim: (]:) so sid Mudrik El-Kilibee: as also also say you TA:) (M, it: eat and it (A, JI, ;n (Mgh,) and 1. ,uj4l ,.-ju, was dressed in ;,j.jl. [TThlesh s f (Aboo-Turab, TA.) (A,) The earth, or til.: _and, ni Ll ;i Mgh,) [aor. ,] inf. n. ,,j, if ~aj, (TA.)-. described]. above manner the ground, (Mgh,) and the stons, (A, Mgh,) became The vehemence of the action (lit. of the , which is menvlmently heated by the sun. (A, Mgb.)used, is the verb whereof ? ,, of the sun upon the sand 4c.: (S, A, falling) i .i,, (.8 A, M b, ,) aor. as above, (, tioned by Sh and in the ]~, is the inf. n.; and of heat; (Mgh, Mgb ;) as also vehemence :) or g Myb,) and so the inf n., (9, A, M9b,) Our day accord. to the explanation of the latter in the 1g, signifies It (a large or broad knife or blade) was, V't.L j: (Mgh,TA:) or the heat of the atones, . became intenely hot. (., A, Myb, .) - ~ intenJs heat of the sun: or the (S, (, , ,) arisingfrom the said of a man, (A, Mgh, TA,) aor. as above, or berame, sharp. (TA.)~ J5 heat of summer: or heat. intene burning of the , (A,) aor. , and -, (, ,) e put the (TA,) and so tho inf n., (Mgh, TA,) He had his or o; . ,* U..wS3 saying,] I. feet burnt (A, Mgh, TA) by th ground, or stones, blade between two nmooth stones, and then beat it, (TA.) - [Hence the t [Distres and disquietude, or grief, veAlmetly ated by tAe un, (A,) or by the to mahe it thin: (ISk, C, ]: [but in the text of ijt*l

signifies He attributed to him irJb; [meaning weaned camels, felt the heat of the sun from the tthe caMsing one to be burnt by the at of the un, ground, or stones, weheaently heated thereby: or by the :ehemently-.heated ground: or t the then is the prayer of the period called living pain:] and hence, as this results from ( :) or had their feet burned by the ground, or I tardiness, (A, TA,) - tlIIe waited expecting stones, thus heated: (Mgh, Mb :) or lay dow,nl him a wrvile: (Ks, Jm, S, A, O:) or a little while, in consequence of the inaten heat of the sand, and and then went away. (Sh,' g.) IF says that the,* may be original, or it may be a substitute for ,. the burning of theirfeet. (lAth.) And


The young camels, or young

2. e.':, inf. n.


(S, A, V,) originally

BooK I.]

Wi*i - jd

1157 they will bring forth after a wh'ie. (1, TA. [See also arts. .. j and j and n ij: and d see 5 in the present art.]) - Also The doing a nnork not rell, yet so at to satisfy oneself, or to attain one's desire,thereby. (}C, TA. [Seealso 3.]) You say, ; JI ) . He does not exert himelf, or take pain, or exceed the usual bou% d, in doing the thing. (TA.) Ana .l) j Lj Repair. thou thy pair of leathern mater-bag su.fficiently to satisfy thyself. (O, TA.) - And The interlarding, or embellishing, of speech, or discourse, with falsehood; %i.;j3 signifying e-ibL; (Ibn-'Abbid,ll;) as also ai,3. (Ibn-'Abbad and X( in art. ij.) You say, Wjil j 1ie interlarded, or emnbellished, the speech, or discourse, with falsehood, ("i, Z, or I jiU, JK,) [adding] thing after thing, or thing by thing. (Z, TA.) ~ Sec also 1, in two places. 3. [I,{j seems to signify e strovew, or contended, to retain n'hat remained in him of life. And hence, as implyling this meaning, He was at the last gasp: see ^., below. Whence, app.,] the inf. n. &Ll. signifies t Tle having little friendshitp[remainingin the heart]. (KL. [See, again, .. ]) One says, J, al'9. l a

crept into me from, or in consequence of, tAis tioned; (TA;) or it refers to the meaning of t The Forgiving;or He who obliteratessans. (.) seeu.nJl C, (A, TA.) s .~~~ ,.. : see . ~ Also Made thin by ., _, (TA,) adil . ;i (A, TA,) [Pebbles, and ground or land,] 'veeemently heated being beaten betnseen two stons: (A:) sharpened: by the sun; or intensely heated by the rehement (S, XC:) sharp: (K, TA:) applied to a knife; (S, K;) action of the sun thereupon. (A.) And ,,,; (Sh ;) and to such as is termed ;,; and to a J ; [or blade]; (.8 ;) and to a razor '*.JI1; Land of which the stones are vehe( ) as also :;; (A, TA;) and in the menty heated by the sun. ($.) [See also V' '.1;.]last of the above-mentioned senses, to anything: _t A woman whose thighs rub each other. (8 :) it is of the measure .~ in the sense of the (Ibn-'Ahbad, SglI, ]K.) measure , : (TA:) or it may be in the sense i.; L 5 ) jj tIfelt in my bodly of the measure J.ti, from 4~,, though this verb may not have been heard. ($gh, TA.) what resembled lLL [orfever in the bones]. (TA.) h.,j4 : see ,,. , a subst., (TA,) [or rather an epithet in ,o&j said to be an anomalous pl. of Lisj, which the quality of a subst. predominates,] Ground or land, (8, k,) or stones, (A, Mglh, q. v. (IDrd, g.) Mqb,) or sand, (lAth,) vehemently hot: (K :) or .** The place in uwhich a sheep, or goat, is vehementl 1 hlteated by the snn: (8, A, Mgh, Msh :) dreasd in te manner described above in the exor vehemently hot and burning. (IAtI.) [See planation of lJI ,3.&.. ($, TA.) also ~a;.] It is also syn. n,th ,~j as expl. above: see the latter word. (Mglh, TA.) ej .. Flesh-meat dresed in the manner .. ... Lq~j~ nuid j I, Clo'd., and described abore in the explanation qf o-Wl j4: rain, in tht etnd of nnsummer and the beginniq/ni (S:) or roasted flesh-meat, such as is termed [a word with whichi I Ihave not met auturnn: (K, TA :) because arriving at the period except in this Iplace,] nwhich is nearly the same as when the sun is (internsely] hot. (TA.) - '1 4;_, save that what is called by this last epithet a.,ill The n/heat, or corn, tlhit is brought, or purveyetd, nwhen the earth becomes burnt [by the is divided into fragments, and then a Jfire is sun, about Jntly]. (M1in art. bs.) [See art. .] kindled over it; as also t j. (TA.)

,~~~~~~ i. .. ....


:,.ai. 3 , (s, Mgh, M:h, K,) and alone, for tihe latter, though disapl)roved by some of the learned, occurs in a trad., (MAlgh, Mob, 1. AL&~, ($, Mgh, .K,) aor. ', ($, Mgh,) inf. n. TA,) and in poetry, (TA,) but not t.*l, for j., ( H,) e looked at him, or it; ($, TA;) as this is incorrect, (Mhgh,) The ninthi of the Arabian also t Llj: (TA:) or he glanced lightly at him, months: (TA:) so called because, when they changed the names of the months from the ancient or it; looked at him, or it, lightly,frotn the outer language, they named tlhemni according to the angle of the eye: (IDrd, K, TA:) or he looked long , aor. and seasons in whiich tlhey fell, (Jm, S, K,) and this at himn, or it; (Mgh;) or so ' inf. n. as above: (Mb :) whlience,in a trad., '~. month, (Jm, 8,) or i,U, (IK,) for this was its ,mjLal ,,Ul [And the people looked long at ancient name, (TA,) agreed with tlhe days of vehement hbent: (Jm, 8, Mgh, M.b, K:) [see himl: (Mgh:) or .5J aL, and Vl;.ZIL . "j :] or from ,, said of a man fasting, expl. signify I followed him with my eye, paying attenabove: (Fr, ] :) or because [its effect is as though] tion to him, and watching him: (TA :) and VAi1, it burned [and annulled] sins; (1g;) from a -- (TA,) inf. n. (K,*TA,) he looked at him QLjI, &. from the outer angle of the eye with a look oJ ,,.JI, expl. above; hut [SM says,] I know not how that is; for I hiave not seen any one [except enmnity: (K,* TA:) and V , inf. n. , he looked at him long from the outer F] mention it: (TA:) the pl. is ,J angle of the ' ' ... (6, eye with anger or aversion: (TA:) and t , Msb, g) and ;L1 ($, Mrb) and la.;l (L, g) and gL.L; (1) and w,bt, (Yoo, Sgh, L, inf. n. as above, he continued looking; like k5J (T, TA.) Mbh,) like e, ti,, (Msb,) and ,; whichi is 2. 'I He, or it, stayed, or arrested, what anomalons, (IDrd, ],) is asserted by some of the lexicologists to be another pl., but this is not well remained in him of life. (TA.) [Hence,] .. established nor received. (IDrd.) - It is said in ky,:q t3ji. They give him something silJicient a trad. that 4tlj is One of the names of God; to stay, or arrest, what remains in him of lifr. but thlis trad. is pronounced by EI-Beyhalee to (O, TA.) - [The inf. n.] ~.~ also signifies The be of weak authority; and that it is so is evident; scanting of fodder and drink. (JK.) [And as no learned man has transmitted this word as The drinking little by little.] One says, --1j such; (Msb ;) [except Muj&hid; for] it is related Lpj; . qja..hl, meaning [The she-goats have that Muj&hid disapproved of forming a pl. from secreted milk in their udders: therefore] drink it, saying, It has been told me that it is one of thou their milk little by little; drink thou &c.: the names of God: (TA:) if it be so, it is not (IF, ], TA:) because they secrete milk some days derived (g, TA) from what has been here men- before their bringing forth: (IF, TA:) or because 1

; le; G3,' S; or ,) G 4,; [as tholn meaning, accord. tc the former reading, Tlhis palm-tree strives to retain life with a root, being neither alive nor dead; or, accord. to the latter reading, with a root that is neither alive 0or dead;] (.; [in one cf my copies of which I find only the former reading; and in the other, both readings;]) or U.a. l .L .i'l 0.i means this palm-tree is neither nor dead. (1i.) And i.e. ,jt' [app. meaning S*ueh a one strives by artful n;eans to preserve his life]. (TA.) -_ [The inf. n.] 'lj also signifies The being hypocritical, or acting hypocritieallyU; (, TA;) [like -Uj; see 3 in art. jij;] which is nearly the same in meaning as ilj10; because the hypocrite strives to deceive by lying: mentioned by Hr in the "Ghareebeyn." (TA.)a..l ,;, (, X,) ilnf. n. al*., (TA,) He did, or performed, the thing, or affair, unfirmly, or unsoundly. ($, I, TA. [See also 2.]) ~ See also 1, in three places.
4. [jkjl is said by Golius, on the authority of a gloss in the KL, to signify He rendered water turbid; for yjl.] 5. j;p ile drank milk little by little. (. [See also 2.]) And He supped, or sipped, water, ($;, ,) 5&., sup after sup, or sip after sip. (K.) 9. J. t It (a skin, or hide, ,,I,,) was, or became, thin. (K.) _ Hence, said of life or the means of subsistence (ua.I) [as meaning t It was, or became, narrow in its circumstances, or scanty; like (TA.) - It (an affair, 8, or a thing, IDrd, ) nwas, or became, weah; (IDrd, ],g ;) and so ?jL.jl said of a rope: (., I :) or the former verb, said of a rope, it Mas, or became, weak in its strands. (IDrd, TA.) ._,hJl l I ThAe shep, or goats, died: (IDrd, X :) and V ,l.jI they (sheep, or goats,) perished, or died,


llid_ by reason of leanness, or emaciation: (Ibn'Abb6d, TA:) or S 1 jI signifies he perished, or LI died, by reason thereof (K.) The road ,as, or became, long. (TA. but the verl is there written without the she(ldeh.)

d/) 4.e,

[Boos [j-B I.

Also The bird that the sportsman sels up in order that the falcon, or hnark, may alight upon it and so he may capture it; (.K ;) also called 1. and he takes an ownl, anul tie something black to its leg, and sews up its eyes, and ties to its a long strinr; and rwhen tice falcon, or thanks 11: sec 9, in two pIlaces. havwk, aligihts upon it, he captures it firon hix Tho remains of life, (Lth, ]i,) or of the lurking-place: ment:oned by Lth and by I rdl; L,t spirit, ($, Mgh, Msb,) or of the sull; (IDrd, and thought by the latter to be not a genuille TA ;) or the last breath: (TA:) and applied also Arabic word. (TA.) to strength: (AMb:) pl. 0Ol. (K.) It is sai(d L;sl ~J [in which the latter word is a pl., that a man in a case of necessity may eat of that A ropl that in the phramse .AA tJ.,] like .ttC tI , i. e. has died a natural death ~j.1 %6hich K, TA,) old and worn out. (TA.) (Q, weak, is [lVhat nwill stay, or arrest, the remains of life; or] what will m,tintain, and prexerve, the str,ength. ,c and td,.p* AIean, paltry,or scanty, sy.*2 (Myb.) [In like manner, also,] one says, of suse ' ' e, mneans of subsitence. (S, O.) And ,bIl [It stays, or arrests, the .dlII L tenanee, (IDrd, i,) lie is (A'Obeyd, K,) and t,_, remains of life; or maintains the strength]. ($, paltry, or scanty, tneaun oJ one ntho /tn meancn, _ Also A Jlock of subsistence: (A'Obeyd, ]K:) or ihe is stra,itened e.)also - 8ee M3I1, 1.6. a Pers. word, .hee), or herd of goats: ($,:) in the meanns of ubsistence. (IDrdl, K].) - ~O ($,) arabicized, (Q, l,) from .j. (1K.) also signifies Anythling bad, or corrupt. (TA.) - ~.~ Sustenanee that stays, or arrests, the L ,.M: see the next preceding paragraph, iln two remains of life; or that mnaintains the strength; places. 1 il4. (IF, My/b, I].) - [And *J expl. by &l,~ One icho is at the last gnasp. (TA.) [See naccord. to Golius, on the authority of a gloss in the KL, ;j is used for LiJ , as signifying Fuir. also] - And t One who has but little love, unet, beauty, or brightness: and also as meaning or affection, for thee remaining in his heart. Bright, andl clear.]


termed d;IS: said of a canmel in tlis sense [and It in another expl. in wlhat follows]. (S, .) (a thing, Ibni-'Al)bitid, 0) was, or became, thin, or slender. (Ibn-'Abbid, 0, K1.) Arid le (a camel) wra, or became, lean, lank, light offlesi; slepider; or lean, and lank in the belly; and emaciated. (Ibn-'AblI:id, 0, g. [In the Cfl, ~ is
erroneously Iplt for dv.])

1 SThe people were deemed * l 10. _I i:lnoble; (K, TA;) as beiing likened to the l..

%~DIj lit "~~~~

: sec 5i4). - In the saying of Ru-boh, , a ~~0-i~ 2 4 a.%ii 59,1



[Tlhat lies ,lown upt,n hi breast in the dung 9 of of hack, or jade, the like horses, or similar beasts, the iAt], AA says, ', here, iLfrom the Pers. 1a. [whlich means a " herd," "flock," "troop," or the like]; and he adds that the people's saying that it means a il is a mistake. (0, TA. [Peras a coll. haps, however, AA kneiv not gen. ln. of which A.j is the n. un.; for as such it seems to me more reasonal,le to regard it in this instance.])

aj, a pl., signif? ing Poor men, n'ho are satisfled nith little sustenance, such as st.ces to stay, or arrest, the reniains o!f life, or to maintain the and envying persons: sing. ' 1 strenyth: (IAar, I~, TA:) which signifies one. and t *oho looks at men.from the outer angle of the eye and with envy. (lAar, TA.)


s. .. a )

I., (JK,

,) witi Oamm,

; , ($, [so in both of my copies,]) (K,) or a t , (v,) or Vjl.,, (JK,) or both, and 11 * :nd There is not in his meant of subJ;, (1,) istence save wtehat is but just stificient: (f, g :) or a small supply, that may stay, or artst, the remainsof life, or that may maintainthe strength.
1) j 'o 'aF. [Death that doet not lead to )1~ u k~ dlisgrace is better than life rwitl a bare sufficieny of sustenance]. (Ya;l 1 oob, TA.)

(Ii.) The Arab i,sid,


Ui: see the next preceding paragraph.

JLe,j: see .j , in two places.

narrowness, of the means of subsistence. (]. [In the CK, for L;0I is put whioh makes the meaning to be "strait," H.bdl, or "narrow," as applied to the means of subsistence.]) - 8ee also

j'~j, Straitnew, or


OJe Weak; (

;) applied to a man. (TA.)

3 '1;, applied to a man, i. q. je j [i.e. llavring, or retaining, remains of life: a posses&c.]. sive epithet, of the cla of 1 and


See also

[And see


.] -

0f6 A certain colour of camnel; accord. to [or brown A'Obeyd, a duan colour; i. e. ana, hue] so intense as to hare in it a blackness: (S:) thus explained by As: (TA:) or, in the coloturs of camels, brownness; i. c. redlness internixed A reah-sighted man. (IDrd, K.) with blackness: (Kr, TA:) or a colour more iltslty, or dingy, than that n,h irh is ti,rmed .JUj [q.v.]: (Msb:) or the colour tfaxshes: (.i:) or n,) 3;j [wlhich is a colour like thlat of astes] in1. Ot.Ib ,;, (x, Maib, F,) aor. ', ( inf. n. .,,;', (;, I.,) le remanined, stayed, dwelt, or elining to blackness: or, as some say, iij J. abode, in the place, (f, MSb, K,) inot quitting it: [less intense thIln what is teraed I j,] : (TA :) or he did so being fatigued, or rwearied, or dis- it sometimes has for its pl. 4j., witlh two elamtressd: (Q :) or .t ; signifies he (a man) made mcels. (ISd, TA.) his hoine, or constant residence, in a country, or [or 3.%j A mare: and [particularly] a ; town. (AZ,TA.)--":-1% , .r.j, (0,) or ,1, ,) thile J ale Mgh6, (Ltih, breed], mean of mare nticere con(K,) inf. n. as above, (O,) The cattle for breedfined, (O,) or the canmels kept con.itantly, (.K,) of the O.1t,,, (S, MIyb,) that is talen at the nater, (0, ,) and were .fed with fodder. ing: (Lth, Mgll, I :) pi. tJIj, (., Mgh, Msb,) tajIt ) J ;,aor. and inf. n. as above, accord. to rule, ('Ml.) and A,.aj, (S,) and ltjIl, ... (O.)_ [app. IIe kept constantly to thefood;] he loathed (Fr, S, Mgh,) formed on the supposition of the nothing of the food: and so ~ ;, aor. ;, inf. n. clision of thle , (Mgh,) or thlis is a pl. pl., and (L, TA:) both mentioned by Lb. (TA the pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] is f iL;. (..) 'j.~: . said of a man, also signi- Also t A weak nman. (K.) in art. O.j.) fies He was, or becamne, lean, or emaciated, and A;,1;: see the next pararaphi, in two places. what was in his hands went away. (0, TA. [See 1 Remnaining, staying, dwelling, or abiding, also 9: and see ;j, as applied to a man.]) (Msb, Ii,) not quitting: or especially, a place, in [It seems also that this verb is used in a similar or wearied, or distresAed. (4.) fatigued, when sense in relation to a beast; like L.j said of a L;, sentence. m Also, and last I, also Sec camel: for it is immediately added in the O and more is the which of tormer the ],) Mgb, (S, says, also one TA without any explanation, that (TA,) A certain thing, approved, more or usnal, as thougli meaning This is a 41t , blif t (S, Msb, .K,) like pitch, (Msab,) that is as thoughl black, inf. n. , ;nd lean beast: il with musk, (S, Msb, ]g,) and is then called mixed meaning It was, or became, lean.] (JA,.') mush. (Myb.) [Freytag, as on the 4. Wit I made him to remain, stay, dwell, authority of the K, in whiche nothing more is said or abide, in a place, (8, ,) not quitting it. (K.) respecting it than what I have given above, describes it thus: " Res ex aliis rebus composita, - And &j1 4L 1 jI He (a pastor) kept the camels atramento sutorio, mali Punici cortice, constantly at the water, andfed them with fodder. nempe gummi Arabico aliisque rebus, quibus admisceri (TA.) solet muscus."] A poet says, (S,) namely, Khalaf 9. l.jI He was, or became, of the colour Ibn-Khaleef EI-Ala', (O, TA,)


BooK I.]





[ Verily thou hast such excellence as renders thee above my companionshtip; but musk sometimes unites with A 1kt]. (S, O.) - [v ALL;, from the Pers ,m1, is also the name of A certain astringent medicine, used as a rienedlyfor. dysentery &c. In the printed edition of the " .inoon" of Ihn-Seeik (Avicenna), book ii. p. 253, it is erroneously written JLj.] l*jI Of the colour termed Wfj: (S, Mgb, ] :) applied to a camel: fem. ';. (?, Myb.) The .l is said by Honeyf-el-aInnaitim, who was one of the most skilled of the Arabs resplecting camels, to be the most beautifitl of sihe-camels. (TA.) The fernm. is also applied, tropiceally, to a woman. (Th, TA.)_ - A poet says, [applying it to dust,]

as is remarked in the TT, through inadvertence of a writer;]) i.e. (TA) he was quick in his manner of walking, (T, TA,) and shook his Moulderjointx, shoulderjoints, (TA,) kaping, (so in the T accord. cord. to the TT,) or not laping, (so in the TA,) in in doing so; (T, TA;) while performing the circuitings round the Kaa9beh, (T, Mgh, TA,) but only in some of those Circuitings, exclusively of others, (TA,) which one does in imitation of the the Prophet and his Companions, who did thus in order that the people of Mekkeh might know that that there was in them strcngtlh; (T, TA;) and in going between Es-Safi and EIl-Marweb. (S, TA.) TA.) [It is also said of a camel: see U;.] *J* as an inf. n. [app. of &WIJ.i or I1 e ] J*j signifies The year's having little rain. (KL.)_ 1 tv" 1v co3 %:J! see 4.
2. 2.

4.MO, . or Ltqj c,

(T, accord. to dif-


JI 4 4 '



[And the horses, or bhorsemen, cleare the dta,' broun, or ash-coltouedl, &c., ldust]. (TA.)_ And it is said in a trad., [but to whet it relates I know not,] Tho name of the higher, or high,ibst, land is A ;)jl; said ,y IAth to be fem. of .;41. (TA.) J-a ,)J;: sec thc latter in two Jo, [nor. aJI app. J, and inf. n. , A'Obeyd, andl [so in

1. j. places.

ns syn. with

T, or

;] and V & ,jt; lle wore (<


, A'Ob,yd,

S) the mnat [of palm.leaves

aor. ', inf. n. nJ,

or ti e like]. (T, S.) [Or] j.JI J, the M1, but in the .K "or"]


lie orna,nen,ted the ouich, anl the mat,

n .itA ~ + [i.e. jenwel., precious stones,gems, &c. ], { (1, TA; [in the C1, erroneously, Je>JI ;]) and the like. (M, K.) [Or] j ,14j J t.jjI, and (I~, 4j [Sand;] a hind of dust or earth, (M,) .2, 4.6j, l]e made the n-weaving of the mat thin i. e., [as inf. n. of J.*, The adulterating it, itiell niell known: (Lth, T, M, Msb, ] :) t ;ij is its corrupting it, or rendering it unsound, or untrue; n. un.; (M,I~;) a more special term than the (Ijar p. 5.) And . 1 J0;, (M,],) aor. and comu.pting and its being [adulterated, former; ($;) signifying a piece, or portion, [or inf.n. as above; (TA;) and l. ,and t 4k:j; and as if. n. of j;,] rorrupted, rorrupted, or] tract, or collection,] thereof: (Lth, T, TA:) [and unouAd, or untrie. (TA. [See tract, (M, ]; the last omitted in the TA;) ]Ie made the the the former word is also sometimea used u meanmming the pass. part. n., below.]) See also 1. And th6 woven thing, or the weaving, thin. (M, ].) see a tract, or collection, of sand:] the pl. [of mult] see 4. And jJl1 J.j, (,, g,) [aor. and] inf. n. as A~~~~~~~~~~ is is is Jbj (Lth, T, S, M, Msb, K) and [of pauc.] 4. above; (TA ;)and V `.1; He iove (J.W) J, 4 4. J to1 It (a place) became sandy; had A, A >jl; ,..,l; (M,. K;) [and j.4ljl is used as a pl. pl., in [or palm leares split and then plaited togethe;], in i it or upon it. (Mb.) - [And He clave to i. the sand.] -And [hence,] tKIe became poor: i. e. pL. of J4; ;4; occurring in a verse cited in the (8, O, I4,) or some other thing, ($,0,) and made lAe rMgh:) or t his provisions, or travelling-pro. U, the same a bach (1,;; '.) to the couch. (s, 0, rMgh:) TA, art. C..] _- [Hence,] JG.j A a name of The bition, becnome difult to obtain, and he became 14. [What is here called the "back" of the Pitiow, hyma. poor: his travellin-provisionswent: hyena. (ISk, ~.) _ [Hence also,] J~.-l, (TA in couch is appl. so called as being likened to the r)oor: t (Mgb:) or 09 fflis this art., [in the Lexicons of Golius and Freytag, 'Mgh:) and 14;1 their provisions, or travel-h tract, back of a beast on which one rides: see JL-j.D 'Mgh:) erroneously, or ,1 c iq.qL. J,1 'ing-provision, became exhausted, or eonsumed: wroneously, Accord. to It, Je.JI [app. a mistranscrip- 'ing-provisiou, JA;w, e. (IAr, TA in art. J,&) [Geomancy,] a certain A'Obeyd,T,Q,Itf,V,TA:)from T, Q, M, , TA:) from "ja.1;(Mgh, ( tion for , ] and a;.LjI signify I wore the (A'Obeyd, ivell-known cell-known ael-known science. (TA in the present art. [See rA;) as though [he or] they clave to the sand; .. [or theyj.o.] with a Ja4. of leaves, or fibres, rA;) TA;) like ; (Mgh,) or _J,'bI, (TA,) from Ldescription of it voce .]) of te polm-tn-rec. (TA.) [1Ience,] j1-JI :.j (TA;) _ ( 0 (TA,) j.*j j former leak ej rain: (IAyr, T:) or little raitn: , (Mgh, TA:) or from >j;meaning "little and tI 1.Jl wove, i. e. compoed, the saying ili: a description ain:" or from . S.1 Jajl gjar p. 55:) or a small quantity of rain: (Eli1 and .i- meaning ( gap and the description]. (Phrases cited in the TA rain:" ii.a Jmawee, T, 1, M, EL:) one says, .,~.]. from two modern poets.)7 J, (T, ?, M, Mgh, 'be 'he made the weaving of the mat thin :" (KLr Jmawee, Mob, ],) aor. ', (T, Mgh, Mb,) inf. n. *sL pp.55:) L2 A small quantity of rain fell upon them: 55:) and_ t 1_.on : They exhausted, or " (T, , Mf, omumed, Mgh, M sb, O) and EI-Umawee, T, M:) but Sh says, " I have not onsumed, their provisions, or traveUing-pro- (El.Umawee, (9 ; M. , &M, c) C Aions a (,TA. (]P,' [In the TT -, from the M, h eard and J.;., (g,) said of a man, i. q. j., [i. e. v eard pl. 3,;j in this sense except on * the authority j, .69 He wrent a hind of trottiny pace, between a walk sJ,ei.jl . t;,1 is erroneously put for erAbi,$ the ex- oF f El-Umawee:" (TA:) the pl. is JLjI. (T, $, and a run]; (S, Mg Mb, h, g; [in the M said planation in the TA.]) -And [hence,' [ , L) I.) - [Hence, perhap ,] . i, aLt 01. lt A numto be " le than k*, and l above al ;"app., Yzp ( Yz, T, , Myb,) or, accord. to Sh, F use t b, .r er of camels in a state of dipnrion. (TA.)_ art. Bk. I. art., 146 or

l;, (M, TA,) inf. n. J 1 (TA,) .lIe o; [i.e. sand] into it; namely, food; put J.; (M, - put TA.) TA;) and (TA) so V , (Ibni-'Abbaid, K, TA,) aor. i,nf. n. J:; but the former vcrb is the more aor. clinate. chaste. (TA.) llence, in a trad. respecting [thie eating of the flesh of] domestic asses, W3 e.,l ;el 1 ~Al AIj!p ,A UI J-. Clj j3JJJI, menning [lIe ;rd#4d ordered that the cooking-pots should be turned upside-domn, and] that the flesh should be stirred uptick-domn, 5. J.; He beeame defiled, or imeared, (T, 8,) about and mixed with dust, in order that no use about witli miglit might be made of it. (TA.) - And He defiled, with his blood, (T,) or with blood; as also tWJ.tI. (S. [See also 2 and 4.]) or or smeared, him, or it, with blood; ($, M, TA;) (. naniely, 8: see 4 and 5. You say also, :..jLI namely, a man, ($,) or a galrm-nt, and the like; (M, (M,TA;) and (TA) so V ? j; (6, TA;) but .4 ~. ZU jJI-i t Such a woman maintained, or in this sense also the former verb is the more under.gook undertook the maintenance of, her children, her chaste. (TA.) And. .JI hurband husband having died. (O, TA. [But in both I S JU' Such a one ma.s filed, or tmeared, with blood. (T, TA. find twas defiled, find tcep J, an obvious mistranscription, for [See also 4 and 5.]) - In relation to speech, or which which I read ' o;; and in the explanation, in j language, .jZl; language, (TA,) J a,JIsignifies : i. q. ; both," nn :.JI, for which I read JI ; hoth,,."1& ,4.] 1

ferent copies;) and ' S-j. [alone], (1, TA, [said in the latter to be on tle authority of Sh, and therefot it may perhaps be taken from a copy of the T,]) inf. n. Js)>/; (TA;) I She (a woman) became such as is termned l;.L;, (T, M.h, K, TA,) i. e. without a h,sband; (T, Msb;) because of her being in need of one to expend upon her; [for] Az says that she is not thus called unless she be also poor: (Msb:) or [she became became a widom;] she lost her huramad by his death. (-.)- And JjI said of an arrow, It lperame l,ecame defied, or smeared, mith blood, (lbn'AbUd,l,TA,)-and 'Abbd, l, TA,)-and had the mark thereof rcinaining ,maning upon it; (Ibn-'Abbd, TA;) and so t,.Wjt. t .3JI. (TA. [See also 2 and 5.]) Said of a AZ poet, it is from J),il, likejjt fromj.l; (TA;) i. e. lie rersified,or composed verses, in the metre termed j.i1. (Ibn-Buzurj, L in art. t.m.) As a trans. v.: see 1, in five places. - Also lie lengthentd, lengt4en&l, lengthened, or made long, a rope, or cord: (Q :) avid and in like manner, he lengthened, and w,idened; orinads or made long, and n,ide; a shiackle, or shackles: you say, *. u J J.jI li,e l,gthened, and tridened, ridened,or made long, and made imade, for hima his shackle, or simhackles. (Ibn-'Abbid, TA.)


1100 Also, the sing., [ap a coll. gen. n.,] Lines, or streaks, upon the legs of the wild con,, (S, M, 1,) upon herfore legs and hind legs, (M,) difering from the rest of her colour: (9, M, 1:) n. un. (TA. [See also Aii.]) - And A re*li;L. dundance, or an excess, (0I3j,)in a thing. (1.) is also the name of A certain kind of _Jl,41 metre of verse; (T, $, M, 1 ;) [the eighth hind ;] the measure of w/.;eh is [originally] composed of 'j*U (T, TA) sis times; (TA;) so called from A practise' of the science called j I [i. e. geomancy]. (TA.)

[Boox I.

the M as on the authority of IJ,]) because the man's provision does not go in consequence of the (TA,) which signifies death of his wife, since she is not his maintainer, iL.l; sing. of j..Al, (IAmb, Mgh, Msb,) whereas le is her mainJFemnale neaC'of mats. (T, TA.) tainer: (IAmb :) Jereer says, meaning t A man whose )"1 i. q. t ., 4' ,rovisions, or traelling-prorisions,have become *8 1.b amJ tJI ul' JbC difficult to obtain, [or exhausted, or consumed, ( see 4,)] and who has become poor: [as though ie were cleaving to the sand: (see again 4:)] pl. (M, TA,) or ,JlI kIj;l 3j.a; (S, Mgh; [in the ,.;jl signifying "a certain kind of walk or pace," .. Ijl: (Mb :) or Jj;1 is applied to a man, and former ascribed in one of my copies to an un.. (M, K:') and Kh says vi;4j to a woman, (M, V,) and the latter also named poet, and in the other, to El-Hotei-all; [X. v.]: inf. n. of ) that it is also applied to any meagre verse or to a pl. number, (M,) as meaning needy, needing, but in the Mgh, to Jereer, as in the M;]) [i. e. poetry, incong;uouts in structure; such being so or in want: (M, I :) or as meaning [X;= nnd] All ite widows, or these widorws, thou hast accomplished their want; but who is therefor the Nant named by the Aral,swithout their defining any' I,- i. e. destitute, or indigent, ;:",. [and [of saying the of this male uido!wed person]; meaning thereby instance, tbr as, it; respecting thing (M, himself. (M, TA.) It is said that, if one be^j; 81I1 andml 'Abeed Ibn-El-Abras (TA in arts. .,J and kc.]: (]:) and the pl. is k;) after the manner of substs., because the queath his property to the J.'ljI, some of it is to quality of a subst. is predominant therein: (M:) the men whose wives have died: (Mgh:) IB .Ij; is applied to any collective number of men says, on the authority of Ilt, thlat when a man and women, or men withont women, or women says, "This property is for the .1;l," it is for [Mfelltoob (the name of a place, 1] in art. ,.,J) in need or has become destitute of its inhabitants, and El- without men, after they have become to a man the men and the women, because J.l Il applies [also] applied is it [and] (M:) want: water, certain a Kutabeeytit, (by whlicll is meant and to a woman as meaning poor so as to be to the males and the women; but he adds, IAmb with its environs, P' and TA in w1I, called unable to obtain anything: (T, and Mgh as from says that it is to be given to the women exclusively art. .Ji,) and .Edlh-Dhanoob (thle name of a to ISk, J.1ti is applied to a num- of the men, because Jolj)'t generally applies to he says also that, gene- the T:) accord. place, TA in art. .)]: the women. (TA. [Thlis is cited in the TA as ber of men and women, as meaning Oi.--b[i. e. nwhat is curtailedof two of rally, the .; Mgh;) or so to a number ol though relating to j..1.1 as meaning Oemb-: the original feet, or nwhat consists of tuwo feet [expl. above]; (T, 9, men or women; (Msb;) and to but IAmb evidently uses it hero as applying to only,] is thus called by them: accord. to IJ, it is persons whether there be not among them women; women whose husbands have died; and this is its applied hy them to rerse, or poetry, that is in- men though predominant meaning ]) - It is also applied to congruous, unsound, or faulty, in structure, and (T, S, Mgh ;) and so VALLj.: (T, Mgh :) or this in the following [lizard of the kind called] ,, a sutch as fitll. short of the original [standard so last, to a number of men and women needy, rajiz, a of saying as ntot to anstrerromlnletely to any regular kind needing, or in mant; ( ;) and to men needy/ a ,1 I -;. at v a t--A a tU-1 or s)peries]: (M, TA:) thus it signifies as first needing, or in want, and weak, (S, ,) though Ibn. (S.) women. them among not be there poetry, or verse, any also and explained above, l m .l ,. J,1 0 e i that is not as is termed 'ei [as meaning Buzurj mentions the saying, X, U X mean di tiA d!L1 ;; * Lej~, that of nthich the henmiitichs are complete] nor not [which some hold to be such as is termedjj ing [Verily the household of such a one is large what camels thei verse, or poetry, but a kind of rhyming prose]. and verily they are destitute of [See also .] [.S) (IJ, MI, may load therenith except] what they borros t [for that purpose]; (T, TA ;) i. e., they ar &U.: see J,., of which it is the n. un. a party not possessing camels, and unable to mak borrow ;i; sing. of ja, which signifies The dir,-- sity a journey except upon camels that they ~ihl signifyinl ' s of the .. ild bull: [IfiAb'l being] from .,.' of colours (i_j) upon the leC (T: [see also J3. :1) or a" signifies a b.ack line "he was lent the back of my camcl." (TA. a,) as some say, (M,) See also 'JI.. is also applied to l or streak, (IKh, M, IB, no husband: (T, , Having such as is upon the back and thighs of the gazelle: woman as meaning one whose husban widow; a or :) M, Mb,l (IKh, IB:) pl. [of mult.] Jj and [of paune has died: (IAmb, Mgh :) or not if she posscsst competence, or wealth: (Ibn-Buzurj, T, Mgl Msb, ~ :) it is applied to her who has no husban ej. sce X.,: !,ecause she is in need of him who would expen Of, or relating to, ,,- (or and) . upon her; (Msb;) or to her whose husband hs [J,', died because her provision has gone and she ha sandy.] lost him who earned for her (IAmb, Mgh) an JL. The roven work of a mat. (V, TA.) It by means of whom her state of life had bee is said in a trad., of the Prophet, that he was lying good: (IAmb:) in like manner, also, 3J,; upon his side on the JLj of a mat, which had applied to a man as meaning having no wmi made an impression upoin his side: (T, TA :) or, (T, 9, M, Mgh, Msb, I,) accord. to Kt (T, Mgl as some relate it, of a couch; meaning, in this and Sh; (Mgh ;) like as.,l is applied to a ma case, that its face was woven of palm-leaves, and that it had nothing spread upon it to lie upon, but [as well as to a woman], and i to a womar (T:) o- a widouwer; one wAose swife has diet the mat only. (TA. [See J1 J'.]) (TA:) or bj,jI is .it applied in this sense excee Land (u,.,;) rained upon with C41, i. e. in cases of deviation from the usual course speech, (IAmb, Mgh, Msb, [and the like is sa little rain. (Ibn-'Abb&d, TA.) (T, TA,) meaning [I love to hunt out, or catch a large o., that has pastured during the autumn and the winter,] having nofe,nalc, so that he may be fat. (TA.) - And one savs also j" ;L(ISk, T, s, M, I) and .,) L. (ISk, T, $,i) meaning X A yjear of little rain (ISk, T, $, M, (, TA) and of little good or benefit. (T, M, I, TA.) ~Also i. q. Lj41 [i. c. Black and nv/ite: or white in the hind legs as high as the thighu]: (AA, T :) or a sheep or goat of which all the legs are blachk: $:) or the latter is applied A,: (A'Obeyd, fem. i' to a ewe as meaning of which the legs are black, being white. (AZ, T, M, !.) the rest of ter and as an epithet applied see the next preceding persons: of to a pl. number places. five in paragraph a}j,;, as an epithet applied to a boy, or young man, (G.9, Lth, T, Ibn-'Abb.d, I9,) i. q. t *,J1 [as meaning Poor, needy, or the like]; (Ibn;) accord. to Lth, (T, TA,) i.q. *jlj1 'Abbhd, [i. e. abject] in Persian: (T, M, TA: [but in two copies of the T 1lj; and in the TT, as from the M, j"1j :]) but Aa says, I know not iUjajI, nor the Persian rendering thereof. (T.) _ Also The stump ( `* -) of the [plant, or tree, called] or j,;It ( uo : (.:) tt and P.i . I.Jail signifies the stocks, or stem, (, (but


l1 in the Mgh also as on the authority of Lth, and in

if"I as fem. of Jli,


BooK I.]

ooI - .]10


this sometimes means stumps, u well as roots, names ending with I and Oi, as tA d&c.]. &c.,]) of the .ip. (m.) (M,b.) [Freytag mentions several varieties of tL3, mentioned under this head in the M, see i j, as follows: but the names, as given by him r see J the art. here following. and here transcribed, require verification or corClj, LT.~.t1 ,itj, C),Lj t.~.r A man whose provisions, or travelling- rection: "'l t L7J o-.. ed , ef.~z i, o-, o%) provt;iions,are exhausted, or conaumed. (A'Obeyd, ,jj,J1, qui ad speciem dulcium pertinent: tum T.) See also ,J1, first sentence. _ See also 1. ;L.1 Uj, (T, e e, M, ],) aor. tsw., (T) :i esL*j dulce et corticem tenuissimum lhabens: .e.l . l*. Malum Punicum maximum, esu inf. n. 1 ,a; (T, M ;) and a L.;; (M, ;) He gratissimum et acinorum expers: ... J i L.J, threrw, cast, or flung, the thing, (~, ]K,) o* C A small ." [i.e. shacke or pair of ;sJrJI ej,, kSj j l ;l..j , aunt minoris magni- from his hand; (S, TA;) as also * j l; (M, 3lhac0k]. (IAar, T, ].) tudinis, formEe rotundw: ,j.JI Jl .j Malum c. A ; , ~,S . .,: (M: [in tho K it Punicum magnitudine et sapore pr~astantissimum, ]g;) i.e. LA.; a [Food, or haeat,] into which sand a viro Sefri dicto ita appellatum, quod a Syria is implied that one says also t t* _y,j; agreeably (..jl1) has been thrown. (TT, as from the T.) Cordubam regnante Abd-Alrahmano hanc speciem with a phrase mentioned in what follows:]) you say, . -.-, And C.,T [A mess of dates and clatified transtulerat :" and he refers to " Casiri, Bibl. Ar. say, tSx.~ ;>t, .I' , jI threw the stone butter mixed toyether] into rwhich dust, or earth, Hlisp. T. i. p. 329; and Avicenn. L. ii. p. 25i;" from my hand: (S:) and ,~ ,..AI t1 ,ai and sand, have been put: (so in a copy of the T: the latter of which authors only mentions the The horse threwn, or threw dow,n, [i. e. threw off,] [but this seems to be a mistake, occasioned by the properties of the .]J..JI eO ;lsu [in the his r.ider: (T:) J 4.1 j. is said :.i Ij; omission of what here follows:]) [or] such as has CI l.a. J]J The w,hite A,t [or poppy]: or [i.e., as meaning t. -; vwhich may be been much stirred about and turned over (}1, TA, and so in the TT, as from the T) {app. nithi coarse a species thereof. (1. [The heads of the poppy rendered I threw him (the man) with my hand; are called O4 ;ll, ; because of their re- and also I threnw, or shot, at him (the man) with flour (see Lt )] so that it has complicated ttj'l Ojv [An- my hand;] but when you remove him from his streaks. (TA, and so in the TT, as from the T.) semblance to pomegranates.]) /,Ui . *1;; [ I threw - And J .; [ SpeecA, or language,adulte- drosa?uemum; or hypericum majusJ;] the large species place, you say, :.,9 lim, or threr him down or of; from the horse rated, corrupted,or] rendered unsound,or untrue: of . -JU. (1.) a [In the present day, Ot.. tt;' i4j , meanand more properly JI:ij are ased as meaning ,.Jc.]: (Msb:) and.. like O., ;. . (TA.) ing [Ise tirustt hiem, or pierced him, with his t A young woman's breasts,when small and round; . 4 J11 The lion; [app. because he smears his they being likened to pomegranates. In a saying spear,] and threm him, or threo hin down [or prey withl blood;] as also t . JI. (0, I.) of Umm-Zara, (mentioned in the MI in art. .j,) off],from his hors: (El-Fhr(tbee, ~, Mb :) and 11;: *' J I ;;1 I threrow donn the t;t;) seems to be used in this sense, or as meanJ **rA mnt woven [of palm-leaves or the lihe load from the bach of the camel. (T.) 4, l*j ing a woman's posteriors.]- The n. un., tL.J, ,- - _ a ... (see 1)]; as also Vj94. (A'Obeyd, T, TA.) 1 Ih, , in the Kur [viii. 17], is is also used, vulgarly, as meaning t The & 3 [or Palm-leaves wroven together. thirdstomach, commonly called the mannyplies, and said by Aboo-ls-bh.i to be tropical, and to mean (,* TA.) by some the millet, of an.rminant animal]: (. in t And thou didst not cast [in effect, or] so as to art. epb :) or it signifies t the thing [or part] in attain the point that was attainedl, [nhen thou which is the foldder, of the horse. (M and TA ditlt cast,] but God [cast in effect, i. e.,] overruled the casting: or, accord. to Abn-l-'Abbes, ~d [Tlhec pomegranate;] a certainfruit, (T,) in art. *j and in the present art.) One says, the meaning is, t thou didt not cast fear, or the lwoduce of a certain tree, (M,) well hnown: L;.4j t11JI .'..t [IThe bea1st filled its l.,j]. terror, into their hearts, when thou didst cast the (T, g, M, K:) n. un. with ;: (~, M, Msb, :) (TA.) And L.j i tt. jm.15, meaningtHe pebbles, [but God cast the fear., or terror:] or, the nweet xort thereof relaxes the state of the ate until his narel rwith the parts around it pro- accord. to M br, t thou didst not cast with thy bowels, and cough; the sour sort has the contrary jected. (TA.) - [t A knob of metal, of wood, and strength, when thou didst east, but with the effect; and that rwhich is between sweet and sour of silk, &c.: so called as resembling in shape a strength of God thou didst cast [to that in efbect is good for inflammation of the stomach, and pomegranate.] - And [for the same reason] t The God cast]. (T. [Sec also anothler explanation in pain of the heart: the CjC has si .flavours, nweight of a steelyard, or Roman balance. (MA.) what follows.]) - [J [ ; Ie cast forth his like the apjple; and i commendedfor its delicacy, [Also applied in the present day to t The steelyard excrement, or ordure,or properly, in a thin state, its quick disolving, and its niceesus, or its elegance: itself; and so j;S.] is a phlrase of frequent occurrence.] - You say (K :) 7.rej is of the measure 'j, accord. to Sb: ~.. [I shot the arrow], inf. n. Xta n. un. of O4; [in the proper sense of this also, .v.J (M in art..,o:) KIh, being asked by Sb respectword, and also in several tropical senscs exml. in i.ll C>; (, M, Mb,) ing 1 01, (S,) or [rathler] respecting OjL., (M in the latter part of the next preceding p)aragraph]. and tj. (S.) And art. ,J,) when used as a proper name, (S,) said that (M, M, M.b, K.) or t*1 '_..JI . J, (Mgh 11,) and t*;*, he declined it imperfectly (S, M) when [thus made] oj [Of,or relating to, the pomegranate.- ] (S, M, MFIh, Msb, .K,)inf. n. s*j (Mgh, Mfb, determinate; (S ;) and that he made it to accord g) and kt, (Mgh, g,) [He shot, or shot the to the majority, because its derivation is unknown, A seller of O *j [or pomegranatei]. (TA.) arronm,from, and upon, meaning with, the bow;] (S, M,") i. e., that he regarded its I and , as aug- [Of the colour of the pomegranate. - t Rubyand accord. to EI-Ghooree, t1 also; (Mgh;) but mentative: (. :) but accord. to Akh, the Op is coloured. -And, accord. to Golins, on the auradical, (S,) [i. e.] he held it to be of the mea- thority of a gloss in a copy of the KL, tThe one should not say t U;, (., M, Myb, 1,) sure jtl, making it to accord to many similar ruby itself.] unless meaning "he threw it from his hand;" names of plants, (M,) like o .. &c., (m, M,) aek. A kind of food prepared with pome- though some make it to mean [t.9 *J or] t. Jt being more common than j'~ ; ( ;) he granates. (KL.) 4ci, making the .e to be instead of C.o or . meant, as applied to plants; for otherwise the (Myb.) And ,!ih ULJ,' (S, M,) or .x1l, dim. of el~; [or rather of b;, the contr. is the case: (TA:) [Fei ays,] the measure [He shot, or shot at, the animal, or animals, of n. un.]. (TA.) is j] , the O being radical, and therefore the the chase,] inf. n. 0' and itj, (Mb,) or , word is perfectly deeL, unless when used as a L1 .. A place of growth of taj [or pomegra. proper name, in which case it is imperfectly decl., nates], (T, ,) when they, (],) or their sten, and none other. (M.) [And 1 ;lj He threw being made to accord to the majority [of proper (T,) are numeros therein. (T, 1.) at him, cast at him, or ~ot at Aim, with msUcA a 146 -



1162 thing; i. . he threw it, cast it, or hot it, at him: and, more commonly, he thrcn at him, or cast at him, and hit him, or he shot him, with such a thing: namely, with a stone, an arrow, &c. And . ;1 lie threw at him nrith stones, threw stones at him: and he pelted Aim with stones, i. e. thlrew at him and hit him wvith stones.] And

[BooK I.

(A in art. Jj.)-..1A .eIi l; tThe [Before shooting arrows writh another, or doing people, or party, [cast tAeir eyt on me: or] so in competition or contention, the quiwrs are to looked at me sidewrays, or did so with anger, or be.filled]. (A'Obeyd, T.) aversion: or looked at me hardly, or intently. 4: see 1, first sentence, in sevcn places: -and (Mgh.) [And ,",jl d4 j tSHe cast his see also 6. sl (M, Mgh,) inf n. ,-;l, (Mgh,) also signifies It (a thing, Mgh) exceede~ eyes on the ground.] kjd 1U tHe, or it, caused, or made, the people, or part, to goforth; (M, Mglh.) You say, ae' ... l It (anything) s~l!A' l u 11 j [le Ahot, or cast, at the butts]. exceeded it, namely, another thing. (M.) VItim(18k, T, 9, M.) - [Hence,] one says, in cursing expelled thein; [or cast them forth;] from one l.'eiyi says, country, or the like, to another. (M, TA.) [See a person, .J 01 b, and , t [AIay God also 6.]) [And ;-SiJl di. 1 .He, turgedforth aim at, and smite, with some bane, or malady, his she-camel, or wentforth with her, orjourneyed his hand, or arm, and his nose,] and in like manner in relation to other members. (M, -.') with her, or directed hAi coUr with her, into the desert; agreeably with what precedes or with [And a tamvn.y spear qf El-Khantt, as though its [And I.M ,iT 3;;, sometimes meaning t God what follows.] ." signifies also tThe going knots, orjoints, t,re,e ard date-stones; one that smote kin;, or qjlicted Aim, with such a thing: forth from one country, or the like, to another. aerceded a cubit orel, the ten]: (T, .:) i. c., but generally, may God smite him, or afflict him, (Th, M, TA.) And J;j. I t The man jour- 'It;; j iJ. (T.) And hence, (T,) you say, with such a thing; a in the saying,] All eLOJ neyed. (IAr, T, TA.) And Az says, (TA,) I & :. l k5 e4j' i.e. lie exceeded [the age of %,. ! . ,t [May God smite him, or a.flict him, heard an Arab of the desert say to another, C !1 fifty]; (AZ, A'Obeyd, T, 9, M, k1;) [like tl.j ;] with the dieae~ of the wo1f]; a prov., meaning .~3J, meaning t Whiither daot thou direct thy as also t ~A; (AZ, T, S, M, I.;) [for] .j sigmay God destroy him, or cause him to perish; nifies the ezceeding in age: and one says also because [it is said that] the wolf has no disease course. (T, TA.) One says, iO" Li.. but death: or, as some say, the meaning is, .Gj JLdJI t I sam men directing their course to, or ojI and ;j in the same sense. (IA*r,T.) And ao, l signifies the same as .,.1 [meaningr tj1 , ~)1 [may God ajflict him n ith hunger]; towards, E.t-Tdif. (gar p. 54.) [See also an ex. C1 Such a one took tuury or the like]. ($.) See also in a verse of Dhu-r-Rummeh cited in p. 78.]becatse the wolf is always hungry. (Meyd.) And 1EI*} btj, in a verse cited voce , .Wj, below. You say also, d^l .jtw A,lt, i.e. abiJ .;&.j t [lhe (God) sent upon him, or against [He reciprocatedrccilinq, or rilifying, with hint, i,.,. or smote him with, a cala,nity: and also] [They ast upon them light, or agile, bodies,] t he (a man) made a rerty saacious and crafty means they mounted them with their [light, or and] he exceeded hint. (S.) and politic man to be his assailant. (L in art. agile,] bodies; referring to camels. (T and TA 5. 5yg lIe shot, or cast, at the butts, and at in art. 3p )91j.L ; &S He has been tle trunks of trees. (ISk, T, S, M.) _... [Seco also, in that art., :. 5 carried, or lifted, and put, into, or upon, his bier, 6. I; and t L' GA., and ..-. [TVe cast, or shot, (genc1) [And I1 X; tHie aS- means the died, or has died: (TA:) it is said in sailed him with such a thing; as, for instance, giving information of a man's death. (TA in art. rally the latter,) one ;rith anothcr, or one at reproach, and an argument, &c. Ilence,] #. 'j;...) - [j also app. means t He (a governor) another; mostly meaning in competition, or contention; i. e. we comipeted, or contended, together Z ;~,(TA,) or t ,i (IAbr, T,) or , imposed an impost upon his subjects: seem.] in throiving, or shooting]: (S, .:) nnd.o1idl l ,) t He reproachedhim, or upbraided him, -And 'J, aor. L., means also t Hle misw/ith a thing, or with that, which was bad, evil, conjectured; thought wrongly; orformed a wrong .. ,-Jk and t I._o3jI Tbe people, or lpa,ty, sh,ot abonuinable,or.foul: (IAr, T, Mqb, TA:) whence opinion: (TAqr, T:) [and app. he threw out a arrows, [one tith another, or] one at another. the usage of the verb alone [in this sense, adultery conjecture: or he spoke conjecturally; for Az (T.) - [Hence,] ill t ..1lj I Tle countries being understood,] in the 1]ur xxiv. 4 and 0. (T, adds,] cast him forth, or expeld him; (M, ], TA;) it is like the phrase l to ; [or; TA.) [And ,. ;L. t'He cast an ceil imputa[as though they bandied him, one to anotlher ;] as or il toq.j JUl. (T.) 2jI*j: also t j,, (so in a copy of the M, [which I tion upon him; accued him, or suspected him, of think correct,]) or tV,~ .I (1.)- And .053 4 eoil: see o . And ;L.j alone t He accused see d.Jl jL a;r.: :see .; is a ,t TIe clouds became dramn, or joined, him, or nupected him.] And ;J l;.j t [He verb of the same kind as , and j,, [invariable together, (M, 1, TA,) [as thougfh thrown, one at accued him with truth]. (L in art. t, in as to person, time, and mood,] and means Ewcel. another,] and heaped, or piled, up; (TA;) as lent [or howr exellent] i. he in his throwingg, or explanation of SJl ~.jJ.) [And a4t1 jt also ~sj. (M, TA.) _ And J ,i k. di3 shooting! (IJ, TA voce J;, q. v. [See also j, All; or 1i t; ; i.e. t[Vlis affair, or t He spoke against him.]- _ U j k. means t Aay God aid thee, or aid thee against thine voce :j1 ]) cae,] came eoentually [to the attainment of what nmy, and work [good] for thee: (AO, ?, TA :*) mas desired, or sougAt; or to abandonment by 3. jl,, (8, I*,) and l4.t 41;:, (TA,) and i ki' s_ t GQ od aided him, or aided him inf. n. 1t31 and .j (T, ,lj B and t i, (1:,) God]. (T, ]T, TA.) Hence, (TA,) it is said in a against Ait enemy, (AAF, M, ], TA,) and trad., of Zeyd Ibn-gIritheh, aI :" , wrougt [good] for him: (AAF, M, TA:) and or this last is like the two preceding ns. [in meanliJ.m.iSe J.191 U.W, (T, TA,) i. e. t [He [it is said that] the verb has this meaning in the ing, but is a quasi-inf. n.], (T,) [I threw, or shot, vas made a captive in the Time of Ignorance, (generally the latter,) and I shot arrows, with words of the :ur, XI ai - :' and the cae] came wevntually, and led, [to tis him, or at Aim; (see 6;) mostly meaning in [of which other explanations have been given becoming the property of Khadeejeh, (jj! being competition, or contention; i. e. I competed, or above]; because, when God aids a person against contended, with him, in throning, or shooting, l understood before ' OI,)] as though the decrees his enemy, He aims at, and smites, (. ) that and in shooting arrows: and -ZA!j. alone often [of God] cast him thereto. (lAth,TA.) One enemy. (M, TA.) [In like manner, also, ,j s.l , meaning ua [i.e. t The means ;3jt2Jl " , or .l.*Jto; whence it is t ays also, JW !I- Cj LS e means t Such a one deoends ffair was hslugg9 , or backmard]: (]:) [or] said that] iLlt, signifies the shooting arrons, c suchA a o.]- _1 I, ne says of a [purulent swelling such as is termed] *; : Aad uchk a thing and throwing stones, with any one. (KL.) It is offered, or prnted, to me, the meeting with it . , (T,) or of a wound, (gs,) t i .lP, being appointed, or prepared; [I had it ua it smid in a prov., respecting an afrair in which one T,) or .tiI Jl, (9,) i. e. t It waas in a dU~u, were throwm to me, or tArown in my way; as is forward before doing it, ,rbackward, ate, ( and andl,)ecas putrid ' :I h. L..lil ac though I were thrown at therewith;] like ^o "". OUQI 'JW 1 ~ and corrupt. (T.) And. Ji ~l3 4..1 1 t T'*

B3ox I.] news, or information, came to him; or came to Z,P t His . him by degrees. (MA.). journey was, or became, distant, orfar-atending. ,,.JI ,L.W Youtlfulness, or (Ijar p. 34.) youthful vigour, attained its full term [in him]. (Skr, M.)

at, or shot at, or shot]: but when they do not distinguish a male from a female, the word applied to the male and to the female is [ te.,] with; [added tJ;U, i. e. to transfer it from the category of epithets to that of substantives]: or,

1163 intervened between them [an intervention, or a vehement. intervention, or] a person, or perso, who withheld them, one from another, (T,) or then they withheld themeles, [or withheld th/melwes much,] one'from another. (TA.)

.tj act. part. n. of 1; (Lth, T, TA;) Throming, are both applied, and t ij e* accord. to LIM, It mwa, or became, tArown, cast, or as epithets, to the female; but the former is the &c.: (TA:) [pl. j1...] -[Hence,, 1*ljl a name D,J.I 8. flung. (S, J4, TA.) ItUll to the ground: so in more approved: the pl. of the former [and of the of The constellation $agittarius; the ninth of the ,j [The load latter also] is tL;. (M, TA.) =Also, (M,) signs of the zodiac: thus called in the present '> JJ 1 l.j j the saying, Lt.] - [Hence day; but more commonly, was thrown mean it nlay or groun;d, to the fell i. e., (T, $,) A cloud of dowvn,from the back of the camel]. (T.) - Also accord. to A,, i. q., who amsailh t [One signifies likewise,] ._l also lie shot, or shot at, an animal, or animals, of the which the rain-drops are large, and vehement in with reproach, &c. :] t one who re,roaches, or chase. (T, S, M.) - See also 6, in three places. theirfall, (T, 4, M, 1V,o) of Ihe clouds of the hot ntpbraids; or twho give an ill name: (KL:) season and of the autumn: ($:) or, (M, 15,) [t one raho accuses, or su~pects, another: see accord. to Lth, (T,) gmall portions of clouds, (T, Oj [originally an inf. n.]: see SJ. M, JI,) of the [apparent] size of the hand, or ;1 The sound of a stone (T, 1g) tAronn at a somewhat larger; but the approved explanation UL.jl [M3'ore, and most, skilled in throwing, or boy (so accord. to a copy of the T) or thrown by is that given by As: (T:) and t.J is a dial. var. see an ex. voce ;O. a boy; (1 ;) on the authority of IAar. (T.)O thereof: (TA:) the pi. is Z; , M, M, ,) like casting, or shooting]: ( (TI, .. L. [thus written in the M]: see .'~. . ais n :., ($,) and .jl, (Lth, T, as that of L W,~': see 3 [of which it is a quasi.inf. n.]. It.j. pauc,] and a pL of properly, [each, M, ]K,) 4; A single throwr, or cast, or ling: and a .s*'rA place [qf throwing, or casting, or] of si,gle swot: (Mgh, Myb, TA:) pl. ,l.4j. (Msb, (M, :P) shooting arrows; (KL;) the place of the butt at [JMay a hitting shot, TA.) .A1; & O* 4. . ii4;: see the next preceding paragraph, in two which arrows are shot: (TA:) [pl. ,'.].or scarce any iitting shot, is there tuithout a places. [As a subst.,] it signifies A thing, (8, M,) [Hence,] t i. q. .. aL [meaning A plac;, and an skilled shooter] is a prov. [applied to the case of meaning ($) an animal (A, T,S,M, Mgh, Mqb) object, to, or tonward, which one directs hi& aimn an unexplected success obtained by an inexperienced of tthe chase, (As, T, $,) that is thrown at, or cast person ;] meaning many a [hitting] shot, or mscarce at, or shot at, or shot, (As, T, S, M, Mgh, Meb,) or course]: (TA, and Ilar p. 54 :) pl.4.f : ( ar any [hitting] shot, originates from a shooter that by its pursuer; and any beast thrown at, cast at, ibid.:) whence the trad., .r' . ;J. u J , i. e. [usually] misses. (Meyd) shot at, or shot; (AV, T;) applied to the mnale and t [Thitere is not, beyond God,] any object (est) the female: (AP, T, Mgh, Mb :) it is originally a towards which to direct hopes.- (TA.) :L.J, (S, lAthla, K], in a copy of the T and in a copy of the S withlout any vowel-sign,) with word of the measure a. in the sense of the u.>. An instrument for throwing, or casting, fet-h and medd, (IAth. and so in a copy of the 8, measure JiiJ, : (Msb:) [or rather] it is made (Hlar p. 54.) [IHence,] shooting: pl. .il.. or it is because has , ($,) [i. e.] it in which it is added that it is said by Ks to be fem., (As, T,) (As, T:) thronwing fire upon the an epithet: nfor T, 8,) not U.4. [Eng;net (As, o a subst., made with medd,) like .. t,;; (14;) or 't.j; (Mgh, .. ] [Sec e.) also and so in a copy of the T;) or t j, said by L]~ it is not / converted into 4.: ($:) or, accord. enemy]. ( and 1] voce a to be formed by substitution [of.,.* for lr, as is to Sb, the ;, in general, is affixed to show that [as meaning The limit of a shot . .* i. q. ; shown by what follows]; (M;) An exzeeU, or an the act has not yet been executed upon the object See also the next in art. _J.) (K or throw]. to be is, an animal meaning that the [so thereof; tj, i. q. Mgh,) alflition; i. e., (A'Obeyd, T, (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, 1],) or 1;j, (Mgh, and thus thrown at, cast at, shot at, or shot;] and thus paragraph. written in some copies of tle .1 and ]1, or in a~,.i is applied to "a sheep, or goat, [to be ;t4.o An arrow nwith which one shoots (Ay, most of the coplies of the ]1, [meaning usury, and slaughtered or sacrificed,] not yet slaughtered [or IAqr, T) at a butt: (AV, T, Mghl:) an arrom the like,]) or an exccss, or a(ddition, over w4at is sacrificed] ;" but when the act has been executed with which one learns to shoot; (M, 1], TA;) lawful. (T, lAth.) llence the trad. of 'Omar, upon it, it is [said to be] .;: (M:) the pl. is hichis is the worst hind of arrows: (TA:) or a 3 () ), 9 , (A'Obeyd, T,) or he said small, wveak arrow: (Alln, M, g :) or an arrow (Myb.) One says, 4.J t ;.ai and .. with its [hea/d of] iron: (Th, TA in art. _ :) b, (sae ,j _U, A; [or Wj LWiAfl 1^ ,.$j'1, meaning Very bad is the thling of those or, like ; , a round arrov-head: (AA, [so in %a,] (accord. to that are [or are to be] thrown at, or cast at, or shot art. 1,)] or .j .1A, [i. e. ;ft the ., but in the TA it is IAr,] , TA:) [and different copies of the T and 8,) adding, (T, .,) at, or shot, the hare. (., M.) - Also, t An :)] p.i app. a missile of any hind: (see JIdA ~,'; (T, 9, Mgh;) [i. e. Ex- impost which the governor impose [so I render jlII ..'; 4l. (M.) When they see many .4r in the I..] upon his sbjects. (TA.) change not ye gold for silverr, except it be done J.Q quiver of a man, they say, hAnd with hand, meaning, except there be no ., (., TA,) thus correctly written, like 1.; delay between the giving and receiving, take and S 1 . * take: verily Ifearforyou the practice of usury;] in the copies of the 1] like t, (TA,) [and in or he said, ;t~ ;.t '!, meaning, e.cept [by saying] two copies of the T written lj; in a copy of the [And the arrows of the dae, most of them are those that are mall and weah]: a prov., said to "1.l 1,:) take and give: (Az, TA in 1UI M, 1jJ;] i.q.j*!3: (T, :') or A*;F: ( :) or arrows at a mean that the free man purchssa J16. . i and, as some relate it, he said,._~4 U.': (M:) or it is an intensive inf. n. from high price, buying the broad and long iron head, ; .Ly1; [which means the same.;] using the and because lie is a man of war and of the chase; but l, of the measure tt_, like inf. n. (T, Mgh.) only a pastor, and therefore is content . N .~ 1b the slave is (Nh, TA:) one says, le : with what are termed Al., because they are It,j: see the next preceding paragraph. (T) cheaper if he buy them; and if he ask for them '"'_ j _ (T,*., M,* TA) *i', applied to the male of the goat-kind, or or U lo., (., TA,) i. e. There was as a gift, no one gives him aught but a ;i~ J I 1 mountain-goat, or of the gazelle, [and any male betnwen themn a reciprocalthrowing of stonu, (T, (M.) [See also the last sentence of this paraanimal of the chase,] and likewise, without 3, to TA,) [or shooting of arrowrs or tha like, or a graph.] - It is also used, tropically, as meaning the female, i. q. t A.. [i. e. TArown at, or cast great, or wlhement, throwing, &c.,] then there tA j21 [or hind of engin for casting stone

1104 at tht enentmy; app. such as was called by th6 Romans "onager," or the like thereof]: because,1 like the ;tM; before mentioned, it is an instrument for casting, or shlooting. (iMgh.) [See also .e).x] And [the pl.]Al. also signifies t Thunder.


.-. '

[Boox I.

out loudly, or eRemnmftly; and she uttered a and pronounced it to be a mistranscription: but plaintivt, or mournful, voice or sound or cry, in accord. to 1Ctr and IAmb and Abu-t-Teiyib 'Abd-

singing or in nweeping: (M:) and -;-If 'Jj1 El-Waiuid and Abu-l-l6sim Ez-Zejijjee, it is j.` [the nwonen cried loudly, or vehe- only; because in it were known the results of mently, in their railing]. (T.) See also 4.= their wars; from .j applied to a ewe or she. bolts; syn. jsl".. l'! ij, and t*ut, le gave ear, hearkened, or goat: and C'.i1J (Bd. in xviii. 3-.) - Alse was a name of JumidA-l-Oolt: see also art. 3i, in wllich is said what somewhat A cloren hoof (S, [Mgh, O) of a shee or goat; listened, to liim, or it. (S.) differs from the statement here. (TA.) because it is of the things that are thrown 1 28.~ v*il1 o , inf. n. [I twI anged the away: (Mgh:) [or,] accord. to A'Obeyd, (T,S,) Uj, like j., with teshdeed, naccord. to Th, a thing tltat is betwreen th4e tno hoofs of a sheep bo*n;] 1 made the bon, to produce a sound [by pulling the string and letting it go suddenly]. (S.) i. q. ,.trb: (TA:) or so Uj;, without tesldleed, or goat; (T, 3, M, g ;) as also Vt1t.: (A'Obeyd, 1 I See also 1. (M, TA,) accord. to A'Obevd: the latter is menT, M, /:) thus, lie says, it is explained; but I tioned in its lroper place [in art. aj, q. v.]. (TA.) know not what is its meaning: (T,S:) its dual 4. I i1, inf. n. .jI: see 1, in seven places. occurs in the following trad.: , P .> I C. 3., ,:j1 is said of a woman in her wailing [as expl. ~.;j~l, an epithet nppl:e(l to a day, meaning above]; and of a pigeon (i.o.) in its cooing Vehement in retpect of anything, is of the measure [app. as meaning It uttered plaintive sounds]; jl, from '~.JI, accord. to IAgr; but accorl. (T, i; related also, with some variations, in the l, from ZjJ, meaning Mn and Mgh;) in which it is said to be the dual (M;) and of a bow (,,s3), (T, S, M, Msb, TA,) to Sb, of the measure J3 on the occasion of its string's being pulled and " hardnesq," and " grievousness," of a thing, or an of tpi.* in the former of these two senses; [i.e. let go, (T,) accord. to the .K V,`j;, but this is a affair, or event: it is mentioned in art. OA,j. (M.) If any one qf you were invited to partake of two mistake, (TA,) meaning it [atwantged, or] produred hoofs of a Mieep, or goat, he would obey the invi,p. 4 is applied as an epithet to birds [api. as a sound, (e, M, Msb,) accord. to AHn, above tation, but he wtill not obey the invitation to meaning Uttering plaintive sounds] : (S :) and, (M;) and of a cloud prayer;] (?, Mgh;) or, accord. to A'Obeyd, it wvhat is ternmed ' .; as also Vt i , as an epithet to a bow [as meaniu its thundering [app. as meaning it reis here the dual of this word in the latter of the (Ael..) ing twangingj], and so to a cloud (at~) [al,p. as is also said of an ass in same two senses: (T, .:) accord. to IApr, (T, sounded]. (M.) And ljI TA,) or Aboo-Sa'eed, it here means the kind of hlis braying; (T, M;) and of water in its mur- meaning resoundinqg with thunider]: (M :) and each is applied to a bom [itself]; (S, 1 ;) and arrow called ;1.4.: (T, Mgh, TA:) but in an- muring, or gurgling, or running vehemenritly. the latter, to a cloud [itse.l]; as an epithet in jl Such a one .as cheered, other, and similar, trad., the3t *. is followed by (M.) ..t which the quality of a subst. is predominant [so or delighted, and pleased, or was diverted, by as to imply, app., dthe meaning of resounding i .l [i.e. "or a bone with some mecat remaining reason of such a thing; as also dJ _jl, and sd U, with thunder, or because it is hoped that it will upon it"]. (T, Z, TA.) and dJ 1j,li.. (T.) ~ $,i: see 1, last resound witll tllunder, or because it often does I a. u..t pass. part. n. of 1; Thrown, &c.: (TA:) sentence. so]. (M.) [thrown at, or east at, or shot at, or shot:] se e.i.J j A sound, voice, or cry, (TAr, T, S, K,) [in Uj*.: see the next preceding paragranlh. - [ elince, t Snitten, or afflicted, with some bane, an absolute sense, or] in joy or sorrow: (IAr, or malady, &c.: tasailed with reproachi, &e.: T:) or a plaintive, or mnournful, cry; whlence treproached, or upbraided, or stigmatized with one says Li S jb [a lute having a plaintive an ill nanme: t accused, or suepcted.] You say ,jlfi [The ,hare; and now applied to the rabnit sound]: (ith, T:) [or a moaning:] or a cry; 4 a 0e. g-a,i :, t il., ;I.l t A woman accused, or suspected, (Mqb;) or a loud cry: (M, Mab:*) and also a also;] a certain ani,mal, (TA,) well knowrn, (M, of evil. (TA in art.,bJ.) plaintive, or mournful, voice or sound or cry, in A, I, TA,) like the 3jlt [?], having tho.t fore and long hind legs, that treads the ground .,e4f A scout (T, I) 49 [to a peolple or party]: singing, or in nweping: (M:) pl. .,j;. (lAr, T.) legs with the hinder parts of its [hind] legs: (TA:) >Jj A certain thing that utters a cry [or sound] a certain v1ery prolific animal, called in Pers. (T, I:') and so &.Q* (T.) ]: it is said that it is one ( [in one of my copies of the $ ']) in the ,s5*j [or ,j year a male and another yea,r a female, and water, (, K,) or in still rater, (so in one copy menstruates like women; and its fore legs are of the ~,) in the t., [i. e. spring or summer], shorter than its hind legs: vwhcn it sletp, it kelps 1. a, or. ,inf n. ; a. nd V l1; (M.b, (a,) or in rinter. (]i.) A poet says, its eyes open; and when it is sick, it eats green ] ;) It (a thing) emitted a sound: (Myb :) or he ! r3 ` ` 6--I canes (,...), and its sickness ceases: (Kzw :) the L>tPI J e ~l d3 cried aloud; (4;) or ., aor. and inf. n. as word is a gen. n., (TA,) of the fem. gender, above; and ?.;jl; ashe cried aloud, said of a [And the ,,J did not raise its voice at him, or it]. (Msl), TA,) accord. to El-Jahidh; (TA ;) but (.) -- Also A small quantity of water. (TA.) woman: ( :) or ; and Ve.OI signify he raised (M.b) applied to the male and the female; (1M, X.s; inf. n. of 1. (T, S, M, &c.) _-[Accord. A, his roice in nweeping: (Ytam p. 11 :) or 'b~j signiK, TA;) as is also 1'~J, (M.b,) whicil is a to Golius, El-Meydanee explains it also as msean- dial. var.: (fMgh, Myb:) or to thefemale fies the crying aloud in weeping; (Lth,'T;) or [only]; tho uttering a plaintive, or mournful, voice or ing A woman afflicted and oppressed by i;is- the male being called jj&; (T, M, J], TA;) sound or cry: (M:) and ?,lU,t, [inf. n. of .u1,] fortune; and Golius adds, as though moaning, accord. to Lth; but others allow its application the uttering a loud, or vehement, sound or cry; or lamenting.] to the mnale: (T:) tile female is also called ;.,.x: (Lth, T, M;) or the uttering of the sound of reu~JI AMankind, or all c,eated beings. (AA, and the young, ~ .: (TA:) the pl. is %.31; iterating the breath nwith weeping: (IAr, T:) T, Ig.) One says, &i,* L JI L [Tlere is not (T, S, M, Mhl,,K) and 9j9', (Lh, ~, M, },) the or i ; and b ,;,signify the crying out loudly, among mankind, or ail created beings, the likesof or rvehenently; and the uttering a plaintive, or him]. (AA, T.) a Also, (AA, T,) or ju, with- latter, alike WtL for ,Ja., occurring in poctry, mournful, voice or sound or cry, in singing, or in (S, M, ) and not allowed by Sb except in poetry. out Jl, (]i,) The month Jumddd: (AA, T:) or (M.) The I in ;1 is augmentative, accord. to Lth: weeping: (M:) you say of a woman, J .j, inf. n. a name of Jumddd-.-Akhireh; (IS;) and so a;, as above; and t,at; (T, M;) and t ,inf. n. [said to be from L~, (see art. sj,) though app. accord. to most of the grammarians it is disjunctive, (so in a copy of the T and in the TA,) or radical: Oeti and 3; [which is properly inf. n. of aj belonging to art. yjj, being] without teshdeed: (so in another copy of the T:) Lth says that as belonging to .rt. j;]; all meaning the cried pi. Oj;: Aboo-'Amr Es-Zihid disallowed .0, no word commences whh a radical I but such as

BOOK I.] is triliteral; as .,jt andl ;. (T, TA.) [lIence,] t L."i., (M, and so in some copies of the .K, and one says of the low, alject, or ignominious, and in a copy of the A,) and Vt (T, M, A.) weak, .Jji t1il c. [lie is only a hare]; because ,: see jt. that animal cannot defend itself, and even the lark will endeavour to make it its pirey. (A, TA.) See another ex. below, voce ai4jl. [Hienee, also,] rJj)1 is thie name of tA certain constellation, . l, (EI-Fairbee, S, A, M gbl, Mgb, K,) or [Lneps,] comprising twelve stars in its figure, .1i, (Msb,) The Indian nut, or cocoa-nut: having no oblerredlstars around it, situate beneath (A gn, S, A, M g1h, nfsb, .K, TA :) thoughlt by the feet of ,.JI [i. c. Orion], and facing tlte AHn to be an arabicizced word: (TA:) [J says,] n,est. (Igzw.) - Also, (Ii,) or t> ,,~ accord. " I do not think it to be Aralic:" (S:) pl. 1-to tie L, (TA,) or both, (MI,) and A (Msqb.) - Also A kind of smonoth date, (MOb, I,) At,.., ,el -J: .- [orlargefield-rat], (AM, L, I~,) like thejerboa, so some say, (Mgh,) like that called [a coil. gen. n. :] n. un. with 3. (.K.) .i (I, L,) haoring a short,tail. (M, L, 9.) _ 11 .ljlis a name given by the children of Mekkeh .Sqj.I., accord. to lIzw, A certain marine animal, the heolad of which is like that of the ,jjl [or to The JL [or fr.uit of the *;>, i. C. eucifera hare],and the body like that of arfis,: or, accord. Tlhebanca, or Tlteban palm]. (A.) to Ibn-Seenia, a small testateous animal, ,chich is qf a poisonouNs quality when drunk [aplp. meaning in walter]: so thiat, accornl. to this explanation, 2. .... , [inf. n. as below,] said of wine tde resemblanice [to the jl commonly so called] -), It made him to inclinefrom side to side. is in the name, not tihe form. (TA.) ~ Also A (.t1I2 (A, TA.) [Also, as, appears from whlat follows, sort of ornament aworn bry wom!en. (Mi, K1.) It made him& to incline and go round. It mnade a.gjl The end, or tilp, [i. c. thle b,oer portion, hiMm giddy in the head, and confused: it affected or lobulc,] of the nose: (T, 8, A, IK:) tilis is [also] hima with giddiness in the head lihc one in a called .. /at .Jl: (l'Mgh, MIlb:) it is one of the swoon.] It deprived him qf his stregrthl,y reason of its potnency. (.Ham p. 562.) [And, said of a parts thlat touchll the ground in ,rostration [in beating, and app. of intoxication kc., It rmade prayer]: (TA:) pl. ,.olj. (T, A, TA.) You him to swoon, or faint: for,] when you have say, ^a.'jI e~ [lit. lIe ct off the end of /is beaten a person so that he swoons, or faints, you t,re ;] nucaning t he held hui7in mean estimation, say, ;Jj ,. A;.b. (.Ham ibid.) [Hence, lie was made to incline fiom side to side: or in contempt. (A, TA.) And. ._,~.. j



Vertigo, or giddiness in the head; (K;) and confJtsion. (TA.) =Also A certain alpper. tenance of the brain, separate, or distinct, therefrom, like, or of the size of, the j-c [q. v.].


Iaur The pro,n, or fore part, of a ship. (Az, g.) ,~~j;: see what follows.

ti~ Swooning, or fainting; or aflfictel by a weakness of the bones, ($, L, K,) and :f the bodiy; by. reason of beating or fright or intoxication, and sometimes by reason of anxiety, and grief, or sorrow; (L;) and inclining from side to side.
(8, L, l.)inAlso, (A, P,) or t r, (so in the L,) t Aloes-nood, (A, ,, ],) of the best kind, (L, ]i,) usedforftmigation. (A, L, KI.)

Jj; [a coill. gen. n.] A ki,l of t'ree of sr'eet odour, (AO, T, 8, A,, ]i,) w'hich dilstils ,uOch

(X,j ); (A ;) of the trees of the de.~r; (AO,T,

$, A, MCh ;) a hind of tree qf the desert, of swect
odour, with tie s,ood of wrhich thc teeth are cleaned; not large; and haring a berry; (an.); called [i. e., the tree is called, and not thc berry, for the verb is masculine,] jI [a name commoanly and properly applied to the lanrus nobilis, or sweet bary]: n. un. ;a.j: (M:) or the nyrtle (o.l); (M, A;) this is also called ,Sj, (Kh , M. , 1C,) on account of its sweet odour; (Kh, Mlb ;) and Al1mad Ibn-Yahyt says that the oJj is the , accord. to all the lexicologists except Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybzinee and IAgr, who assert that the o;j is tlhe plant called ;'., and is ofsweot odiour; but AO also denics it to be tohe .; (T;) and so does A.: ( :) or aloes-.ood, (s ,) with mhich one fumigates; (M ;) .9 (or JI1 _., withl which one fuimigates, AO, and T,) is also tihuls called, (AO, A, T, , ,) sometimies: (AO, A, T, :) [and accord. to ForskAl, (Flor. Aeg. Ar., cxix.,) the argemistiapontica bears this name.]

1 1 t [I/bu,id then to . %i . t, '.r. is expl. in the TA in a similar sense, as said be held in coantempt, (lit iutring the ed,ls of their of a man &c.; but it is app. a mistranscription noses cut off,) tnorefea,fil than thares]. (A, TA.) for j]: see 5. He wras made to incline and go ~ See also .jt. round. (L.) It is said, by Imra-el-geys, of a &tL;l [Cloth of the hind called] ; of a dog gored by a wild bull. (,* L) Jle teas giddy in the head, and confttsed: and 4 he blackisl colour(',). (li.) - Sec abo a . wvas affected with giddines in the head like one rj.* A large ojU [or ratt]: (]g:) omitted in in a swoon. (L.) Also, (L,) and ,i inf. n. some copies of the .K. (TA.) See 1.. - See ,' . L, ,1,,) lHe swooned, or fainted; or also ~ri . was affected by a weaknes of the bones, ($S L, 1i,) and of the body; by reason of beating or fright or intoxication, and sometimes by reason of anxiety, A villot [garment of the kind called] and grief, or sorrow; (L;) and inclinedfrom side to side. (g, L, 1g.) 'JI pl * Z tThe ,. (T?, .. ) = See also `. *. n'ind made the branch to incline from sidle to tv.~" 'ti..: A [guarment of the hind called] side. (A.) .L.b tlat is of the colotr of the ,j! [or hare]; 5. &jJ lie inclined from side to side, by (T, n, A, 1;) as also t .;j.l. (A.) See also reason of intoxication &c.; (., A, 1I;) as also the next mtragraph. ~.31, (j,) and t j [app. a mistranscription %-.jj :L-.. A r[garnent of the kind called] for C ']. (TA.) He inclined, and went round. .L.t of nwhich t the thread is inter,nixed with the (TA.)_ It (a branchi) inclined fiom side to onft hair o.f the ji [or harw]; (T, 8, M, . ;) side, being blon. by the wind. (A.) .-as also t ,, (so in a copy of the M,) or ~t >O tHe wavered between tnwo things. tT,:,ik, hlic_i-: (A, :) or, as some say, i.q. ~(A.) 3 - c > p lie vwas, or beame,



.Pi i. q. j1 [and jJ, i. e. Rice]; (t, l:; [incorreedy said in the TA to be omitted by J ;]) in the dial. of 'Abd-el-ICeys: (ISd, TA:) as thioughi the first j were changed into O, (', TA,) as t in 1.~.l for e-I. (TA.) [Sec .]


(, .agh, I,) nor.; (s;) and j);,

aor. ; (ISd, I ;) inf. n. (of thie former,.) . (., 1) and [of the latter] j and j j; (Z;) It (water) was, or becamne, turbid, thickh, or muddy; (., I ;) as also t j3. (I.) ~ See also 4, in two places.

2. ;Ps, (.8,

,) inf.n. ,

, ([A~r,S,) lce

? cz3;>.

inimicalto such a one, domineering, and c.alting rendered water turbid, thick; or muddy; (IAnr, himtuef. (A.) - And ZHe sipped rine S,[;) as also tPjtI. (., IS.)--And tihe forA;ox b,j,l A land in mlhicl are .. l j [(or mer, He cleared it; rendered it clear: thus it (,A,,) by little and little. (AHn, H .) bears two contr. significations. (IA.r, I.) hares]: ( :) or abounding thererith; (T, Kr, M, and so in some copies of the I ;) as also 8: see 5, first signification. [Hence,] one says, L;I3 ail May God


See also the next paragraph.


11O6 clear away thy iJl [or mote in the eye; probably meaning tthat which annoys thee]. (IAar, 1 ) ~ Also, as an insrans. verb, He, or bccame, confoundedi, or perplexed, and unable to see his rigAt course. (TA.) And jo, signifies A man's standing, not hnowing whether to go or come. (TA,) And The being woeak, or intfirm, [and, app., disordered,or perturbed,] in sight, and in body, and in an affair or case. (fi, 15.) tIence,

1--J -[

[Boox I.

j Turbid, thick, or muddy, water; (9, 1;) tLJI 1+." A bird having the wning broken by as also , and ,. (Ii.) - Also (TA) a shot or throw, or by disease, so that he, or it, Dust in water, consisting of motes, or particles of falls. (1.) rubbish, and the like, thatfall into it ~and render :LOG aiU." L') C.Cl (so in one of my copies it turbid]; (JK, TA;) and so Vj . (JK.) of the S, and in the PS and JM; in the other of Accord. to ID, j, has for pl. Jt.j; as though my copies of the S i,.. ;) t I met stich a one this were pl. of iiej: (TA:) or k,jlI is rPl of having his eyes languid by/ rea.son of hunger or .W,l t Ui,, (Ibn-'AbbAd, ], TA,) or of 3.U, fromn some other cause. (S.) (TA,) ,. ~t I) J They confusedl the juldgment, (JK,) and is formed by transposition, (JK, Ibnor opinion, [that they formed, or they n.ere con- 'Abb&d, K, TA,) being originally iUjlI. (Ibn.fused in judgment or opinion,] in, or respecting, 'Abb&d, TA.) One says, t j. .t L;s ,1. j,: sec 5, with whichi it is syn., in two the affair, or case. (S, ]. ) _ Also lIe pausedl t [There is not in his life anything that renders places. and nailted. (TA.) [lience the saying,] a,JM it turbid]. (J K.) - Also t Lying, orfalsehood, 2: see tilhe next partagraph, in four places. jFj j3. AJ J, (JK, B, K,) i. c. Th1e shegJoats or a lie; syn. iS. (TA.) have secretedl milk in their udders; (JK;) but 5.*.3; nand t*j, (9, M.b,) aor. :, (ftIb,) frait thou, wait thou, (JK, S, TA,) for their seC spj:the next preceding paragraph, in three inf. n. j and] ; (TK;) i.q. 3y . bringing forth, (., TA,) for they show signs, but places. (9, Mob) i. e. [lIe trilled, or quavered; or] /he do not bring forth until after some time: (S:) thou wilt have to wait long for them: (TA:) L.: see fj.- [Hence,,] b,i t Turbid reiteratedl his voice in his throat, orfauces, (S and K and TA in art. Ctj,) like [as is doum in] sometimes it is said with., [in the place ofcj], Itfe. (i.) and also with , [in the place of j]: (S, TA:) it chantitng, (S in tlhat art.,) or in readingor reciting, ai A small quantity of turbid rowater remnain- or singing, or piping, or other Iperformanres, of is mentioned in art. (jo [q. v.]. (1]. [See also nirt. j*j.])_ Also le continued loohing; (Q, ing in a watering-trough or tanI. (TA.) [And such as are accompanied n,ith quarering,or tril.accord. to Freytag, t.-"' occurs in the Decewan ling: (TA in that art.:) both said of a singer: 1, TA, in this art. and in art. ~j;) like Jj. (S and TA in the same two arts.) And you say EI-Hudhaleeyeen as meaning A small quantity of (MAb :) and the former said of a bird, in itsy.M also, 4'1 bp and j.. [meaning Ie continued turbid rwater.] Accord. to Ibn-'AbbCtd, (TA,) [or cooing]; (S, Msb ;) and of a bow, when it is tvanged: ( :) and .,~ [iif. n. of t j] signifies lookhing at it]. (. in art. ,p.) And il pj one says, ;;; :$l ;IL, (1., TA,) or t;J, meaning [lIe loohked corertly, or clandestinely; (JK, and so in the Cg1 and in my MS. copy of the the like: ($ :) or _ signifies . s or] he coneirealed the loohing. (TA.) - 8aid of a ]K,) meaning The rwater became such that mud [i. predominated c. the trilling, or quavering, in it: (JK, 1, TA:) and prolonging but the corcompany of men, They remained, stayed, dwelt, rec:. phrase, as given in the "Nawadir" by Ll!i, the roice; or prolonging the voice, and modulating or abode, in a place (O4L), (], ,) and confined it sweetly, or narbling]; (T, M, .;) and so themselres thberein. (v.) Said of a bird, Ile is, 6~-I aL;j a.lI jL1 [The water became one ., [mentioned above as inf. n. oft;]; (Lth, flapped his uwiny.x ints the air, (a, C,) and remained puddle in which mud predomninated]. (TA.) See T, M, K;) whence ;.AlI [whichi sig-nifies the steady, (s,) not flying: (S., :) orflapped his h ings also ~j. aine, as is shliowin by what follows]: (Lth, T:) in the air u'ithout alighting and nwitkout quitting .l;: see the next preceding paragraph.t J is said of thile pigeon, (M, K,) and of the his place: of it has two meanings: i. e. he exAlso Land ( .)jI) that does not give gronth panded hisl wings in the air without moring them: [bird callcd] L,S (1M,) and of the [loctust, or nand he flapied his wings. (TA.) Hence, said of (JK, Ibn-'Abbad, K) to anything: (JK, lbn- species of locust, catiled] .d . [mcaning it a captive, lle stretched out his neck on the 'Abbid :) pl. ;.)li;j. (JK, Ibn-'Ablbad, .K.)_ chirped], and of thile bow [meaning it emitted a occasion of slaughter, like the bird expanding hs And A female bird sitting on eggs. (]..) musical ringing sound, or a plaintive sound (see nings. (TA.) [Ilence also,] "11 -: (JK, 2,~,J below,) when twanged], (M, K,) and [in GP The ,U [or water] of a sword; (S, K, like manner] of the lute, (h,) and of a thing TA) t; 6(JK) The ship turned round in its plnee without proceding in its course. (JK, TA;) i. e. its A,J [or wary markhs, (M, ]() of any kind (M) of which the sound is strenhs, or grain];(TA;) and its beauty; (S, I ;) esteemed pleasant, or delightful; andm , likeTA.)_, ,J 2 j The sun became near to or tho semblance of water that is meen upon a wise: (M,.K:) or you say,,j.3 Lt.aLJI [Tits setting. (TA. [See also w,u..]) And , j sword. (JK.) - And (hence, 8) of the pigeon trills, or quavers, or cooee]: and of the WlJ t' Death nwas near to befalling him: a [or early part of the forenoon], ( ],) &c.; &, (S ;) -, e , [In its voice, or metaphorical phrase from .j said of a bird. meaning t The first, or beginning, thereof; (JK,' 4' you say, cry, is a trilling, or quavering]: and of the bow, (TA.) _.. L J1 (S., 1) -, (1) S/leep TA;) and its clearness. (TA.) One says, ;lm and the lute, and a thing [of any kind] of which pervadedl (LJI.) h;s eyes, (Z, Z Sgh, 1f,) without tg'.S " ll ,~ I came to him in the first, or the sound is esteemed pleasant, or delightful, hiis sleeping. (Z, TA.) _ t.e also sig,nifies The beginning, of the j j3 ; [It hasa musical ringing sound, ora 5 m._,; like as one says breakingq of the wing of a bird by a shot or thronw, L..Il d4.,. (TA.) And ,t.ll means plaintire sound]. (Lth, T.) It is said in a trad., or by disease, so that he, or it, falls. (Lth, 1.) 1 -,, , , . j,,. A .. i . . tThe prime of youth; and itsfreshness, or bright[You say of the bird 'j or ~.U. 9 lix wing neu, and beauty. (TA.) [God has not listened to anything as lie listens ras broken &c. See the pan. part. n., below.] to a prophet having a good manner of trilling,or j: see . 4. ijl: see 2. Also He moved about, or quavering, or prolonging and modulating sneetly agitated, [or rwaved,] his banner, previously to a &W (JK, S, g) and and .Uj () his roice, in reciting the Kur.dn]: or, as some charge, or an assault, in war or battle; JiA;r, The mud that is in rivers, and in a channel oJ' relate it, I,.uJI t., z 1 [good in re1K ;) and [in like manner,] t ;, inf. n. &p, he water, (., K.,) when the water has sunh therefrom moved about, &c., the banner. (TA.) _ And It into the earth: (I:) or the thin, and viscous, spect f the voice, triUing, &c., in reciting the (a banner) was mnoved about or agitated [or cohesite, or slimy, mud remaining in a pool of Kur-"n]. (TA.) neaved]; (IA#r, ] ;) and [in like manner,] t ; water left by a torrent: (JK:) or the slime of a j i q. ; [as meaning A voice, or sound; it (a banner) was noved about &c. orer the heads. well, and of the channel of a torrent, miwed with or, more probably, the uttering thereof: see MJ, (TA.) blach, or blach and fetid, mud. (Mgh voce '`, of which it is an inf. n., in the next preceding 5: a 1. paI al,b]. (M,l) I from thd "Jimi"' of EI-Ghooree.)




IooK 1.] .,; [ pl. of which the sing. is not mentioned; np. pl. of ;l1;5; like aAs..n is supposed to be of ljl, originally .1lj;] Good, or excelent,. female singers. (IApr;T, 1g.)'


ti., (M, and so in copies of the 1g.) thus it seems to be accord. to [a rule observed in] the 1, but accord. to Z it seems to be V .j,' (TA, and 3, (M, thus it is written in the CK,) and t*. and so in the ]K accord. to the TA,) or a, (;, [and so in my MS. copy of the 1,]) or this or Ly.,,(accord. to last also, (M,) or tVi:
other coplies of the 1],) i. q. ,iJ [i. e. A trilling, or quavering, &c.: see 6]. (;, M, 15.) Thus in the phrases, . ~i ;l .. and N3p;j3 [He heard a good, or pleasing, triUing, &c.]: (M:) or and V &c. and L_. Xj,;j (aceord. to different copies of the 15) [i. e. He, or ;t, has a good, or pleating, trilling, &c.]. t Z. is formed by the addition of j and .s, like as is ', L: ( :) it is aid to be the only instance in which :a is added at the beginning and end of a word: (MF:) and it is used in relation to a bow [as meaning A musical ringing sound on the occasion of twanging]. (9, M.) [t.;, and in also, said in the TJI to be an inf. n. of.j., the Mb and 1 to be syn. with. , is used in a a [I heard similar manner:] you say, li,J j him to have a trilling, or quavering, sound proceeding from him; or I heard it to have a musical ringing sound proceeding from it]; taken from the. fi of the bird in its cooing. (Myb.) A certain slender plant, (T, ]K,) well known; (T;) said by As to be one qf the plants growing in plain, or soft, ground: (A'Obeyd, T:) IAttr is related to have said that the ijj, with O, is a certain species qf tree: 8h knew not this word, and supposed it to be a mistranscription for a;;; but tbhe.~ are [comparatively] large trees, [or rather shrubs, of the broom-kind,] having trunks; whereas the 4 Jj is of the slender kind of plants [as is said above]. (T.)~See also the next preceding paragraph, in two places. *eJ: see ii.
. 5.. .

;, or ;Il, a name of The month Jumddet-'leyes, (M, R,) at her, (Lth, T,) or at Aim, or it: (~, M :) or ,'i ~,~ signifies [simply] he looked at Akhireh: see j.JI in art. OJ, and iJ; in art. him, or it; as also Ul,; but the former is said to be the original word. (TA in art. U.) [See also 5.] *;yj A piece of fleh or esh-meat: pl. i13l, __jy also signifies The being cheered, or de(IA9 r, T, g, TA,) like as 1l;n, is pl. of ";., lighted, and pleased, or being diverted, together (TA. [In the CId, the pl. is erroneously written with occupation of the heart and eyes, and with yi]) predominance of love and desire. (M, K.) You j.i.! " t [He is cheered, or delighted, say, .4, with fet-4, (T,) like A.:, (TA,) i. q/. &c., with her discours]. (M, .Z.) And,, JG.. [Beauty, goodlines, comelitine, &c.]: (T, j,!1 I was cheered, or delighted, and k :) so says AZ. (T.) pleased, or was diverted, with his discourse. (T.) [app. as meaning with wi, damm, i.q..j; lie H was cheered, tlj..l And Ij. U; and joy, gladnes, or mirth, ofjoy; lively emotion A &c, as above, by reason of such a thing: and so delight]. (S. [See also UtJ, in art. J: and see ,i Xj. (CT in art. X,j.) Arid 1;, (]5,) aor. as the last signification of 1 in the present art.]) above, (TA,) is syn. nwith .,i [app. as meaning Also A sound, voice, or cry: (El.Umawee, T, He was, or became, offectd with a lively emotion [like 2j as expl. in the S and /5:] pl. ofjoy, moved with delight, mirthful, joyful, glad, ]K:) 0. is (T.) ajl. or delighted]. (1.) [See j, below, which is perhaps an inf. n.] )J in the following phrase is like 3..: (1:) i, you say, Z;/ 2. otD): see 4. _ Also, (TA,) inf. n. He is one nrho gazes, or j (15,) i. q. [app. as meaning lie,or it, affected lootu continually, at such a woman or girl: him with a lively emotion of joy; moved him (Lth, T,$: [see also ;:]) or he is one who is with delightt; rendered him mirtlful,joyffi, glad, cheered, or delighted, or diverted, and pleased, or delighted: see also 4]. (]g,* TA.)I ; with the discourse of such a woman or girl. (M, signifies also The act of singing. (.K.) And i q. Kg.) J. Such a one is a And 1G.1 y)I [app. as meaning The uttering a plaintive person who exp0cts things for which he wishes. X. sound, or plaintive sounds]. (1.) A woman's (Lth, T, M.*) crying out loudly, or vehemently; and uttering A man who gazes, or looks continually, Uj ; a plaintive, or mournful, voice or sound or cry, (M in art. at womn. (S. [See also ;.]) in singing or in weeping; like ij;...
3. lJIj, (1,) inf. n. ;l;s, (TA,) He treated or blandishment; soothled, him with gentleness, coaxed, wheedled, or cajoled, him: (1, TA:) he treated him in an easy and a gentle manner. (TA.) L. [A cup of wine] lasting, or continuing, syn. L51;, (IAgr, T, $, M, Mbsh, 15,) to

a ;j

the drinkers; (.:1 Lir; IAbr, T, K; ,AJI

being withl fet-! to the ., pl. [or rather quasipl. n.] of .1:; TA; [in the C!;, and in one J ;]) still, or copy of the T, erroneously, ,JI [were it not (;, Myb:) G.s: syn. motionleu; for this addition, the meaning might be thought to be, a cup (if wine circlin to the drinkers:] or pleasing: (Mtb:) pL o.igj: (IAir, T, 1 :) the word SU.jj is of the measure ii"t;i; (S;) J1. ;] and it occurs in the poetry of [originally Ibn-Ahmar, (T, S, M,) but (as some say, ,) has not been heard except in that poetry. (S, M.)

in two places.- Also an ~.4Jfi : see epithet applied to a bow, meaning Having a plaintive sound (..., so in a copy of the M, or '., 1, TA) on the occasion of shooting. (M, 1.) c39: see AS4, in three plaees L,jJ or o.oj3: see 4jj.


, (M, 15,) 4. Uj!; (~, M, Msb, 1g ;) and t inf. n. of the latter ;E'3; (TA;) It (beauty, 1, or beauty of aspect, M, or the beautv of a thing that he saw, S, MNb) made him to gaze, i. e., to loo,k continually, (~, M, J4,) without any motion of the eyes: (M, ]:) or pleased him: (Mqb:) or pleased him, and made him to gaze, &c. (TA.) And the former, It (a thing) cheered, or delighted, him, and pleased him; or diverted him. (T in &acljl j1 a'Ul He art. O.) [See also 2.] jS A fornicatreu, or an adulterer: (M, (God, T) reduced him to obedience, so that he 1g:) [accord. to lSd,l of the measure Jat0, from became still, and continued obedient: (T, TA:) j;l; i.e., that is gazed at, or looked at confrom a trad. (T.) tinually; because she is made an object of sus5. ji IHe continued looking at the thing that picion, or evil opinion: (M:) [wlhence,] j.3 As! One that is base-born. (f.) [See more in art. he love (IAr, T, 1,.) [See also 1.] I feigned mysclf unmindful of, 6. ;yl$ %;a or inadvertent to, him, or it. (A, TA.) [The primary meaning seems to be, I feigned myself looking steadily awayfrom him, or it.] singer. (AA, 15.)

L t'i 65, (Lth, T,) or or] eUJ, (M, TA,) aor.

(1, M,) Mi, and [L;,

10: see 1.

1. ,j,

aor. :, inf. n. ,vj

(, A,' Mqb,

1; A thing at rwhich one looks (?, M, g) coninf. n. ; (Ltb, T, ?, M, Mlb, 1) and 1j, (Lth, tinaUly, [or gazes,] without any motion of the T, M,I1,) He gazed, i; e., looked continually, eyes, by reason of it beauty: (M, 1 :) an inf. n. (Lth, T, C, M, 1,) without any motion of the used as a subst. properly so termed. (M.) Bk. I.

gV, (Lth, T,g

, M4b,)

; (Rsh and -B in a. (, O) and and xxviii. 32) and ,_j (1) and 1., (1, A,* ,) or this is a simple ubsLt, (Mqb,) and O Ao and
qj;, (1,) He feared: ($, A, Myb, V :) or he 147

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