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Watching television drama program may be fun and educational. We the problems or conflicts happening anywhere.

The reporters are where something important happens. We know what the weather next day. If we are interested in sports, we have a possibility important events live-on the same time.

can learn about always there, will be like the to watch many

There are many educational and science program in television. People who want to know more about different things are provided with good source of knowledge. The accesses to such program are wide and even those, who couldnt learn certain things at school may get to know about them from TV. We may also learn how to cook or where it is good to travel. Everyone must agree that the advantages of watching television are very considerable. But besides those benefits, there are some disadvantages that we must noticed to be sure that we watch television most effectively. Television causes viewer to be passive. One of the many negative effects of watching television is that it makes the viewer.

EFFECT OF WATCHING TELEVISION OF YOUNG CHILDREN Television has become the most popular daily media tool of everybody around the world nowadays. It has been modernized through many years by technology engineers. Many people have taken advantage of it because it gives them entertainment and great profits. In our textbook Born to Talk by Lloyd M. Hulit and Merle R. Howard, they clearly said that watching television is greatest damage to young children throughout their language development stage. I definitely agree that point of view is very true especially for the children spending many hours daily in front of television. By spending too much time on it, it will limit the imagination of children with the real life and cause greatly negative effect on the language development in their brains. Before television hasnt been invented, people only use magazine or newspaper to get the information around their country. But when the television has come out, it made a huge change in people life in both positive and negative side. At the beginning, the television came only with black and white color screen; its mostly being used to broadcast the reports of important news around the country. Throughout many technology developments, it has improved a lot with colored screened, entertainment, music channel and much more. So what should we think about its change? Is it good or bad? Almost everything in our world always has 2 sides: positive and negative. It depends on how we use it to make it looks good or bad. When it changed from colorless to colored screen, from big design to flat thin design, from low quality view to high quality view, many people spent a lot of money to buy new television. Television has become

one of our most daily needs in our life. Watching television after work or school also has become our daily habits which most every family around the world spend time on it. People can watch it anytime they want to depend on their free time because television.

When students are watching television excessively, they are less likely to be spending time doing homework or reading, participating in after school activities, or being engaged in other intellectually stimulating activities in which they are active participants. Children, if not guided and monitored properly, may experience some adverse effects of watching television. For example, they may spend too much time watching television and fail to keep up with their academic work. Prolonged TV viewing and incorrect viewing practices like sitting too close to the television or keeping the TV room poorly illuminated, may pose certain health hazards like impairing eye sight. There is also a possibility of children being exposed to and influenced by the offensive and objectionable content that has become common on television nowadays. Viewing extreme violence and abusive content may prompt children to take up similar activities. To avoid the Watching TV is a passive event. Children -- and adults -- remain immobile while viewing the TV. Most viewing experiences are both quiet and non-interactive. All attention is given to the images. Television creates an environment that assaults and overwhelms the child. As children and adults sit in front of a television watching a film of horrors of varying kinds, they remain completely quiet . . .. They will be hooked." Each year children read less and less and watch television increasingly. "The typical child sits in front of the television about four hours a day -- and for children in lower socio-economic families the amount of time consequently spent is even greater. In either case, the child spends more time with TV than he or she spends talking to parents, playing with peers, attending school, or reading books. TV time take over family time, play time, and the reading time that could promote language development. Children - Do you love watching TV? Everybody love to watch TV, including children. Children spend more time to watch TV than doing anything else. Within a week they can watch TV about 170 hours. Because watch TV is not so bored like reading book. And they also can absorb many information from TV that is not derived from other media. But on the other side, there are many TV program that give bad influent to the children. Increasing obesity and ruining their eyes are the bad impact of watching TV for children. The first is increasing obesity. Research shows that children who often watch TV will snacking between meals, and eating foods that are advertised on TV and also tend to influence their parents to buy these foods. Besides that sitting for hours in front of the TV screen will make the body do not move and reduce the metabolism, so fat stacked, not burned and eventually lead to

obesity. And the second is ruining their eyes. Television emits blue light that also produced by the sun. But it's blue light is not same as ultraviolet light. Blue light did not make the eyes automatically blink. So, the blue light goes straight into retina without filter anymore. The wavelength of light produced is 400-500nm and hence, potentially triggering the formation of free radicals and injuring the photochemistry in the retina of children's eyes. Ten years later when the children were adults, the damage caused by blue light looks very clear. Retina of the eye is no longer as healthy as childhood so the function ability become decreased. Therefore, watching TV is not so good for children. They must reduce their time to watch TV and parents are the one who can help them to avoid it. So that, the bad impacts of watching TV such as increasing obesity and ruining eyes will not occur in children. Effects on watching tv before going to bed. There is plenty of research on whether or not watching television has an effect on the effectiveness of sleep. However, there is contradicting research, so the results are inconclusive. In order to study the effects of TV on sleep, I watched TV for half an hour before bed for a week straight, and recorded how tired I felt in the morning. I then recorded how I felt in the morning for a week without watching TV before bed. The results seemingly showed that I was less tired on average on the mornings that I didnt watch TV. Still, there are many factors that may have altered how well I slept besides just the television. Therefore, these results are likely not conclusive. Introduction It doesnt come as a surprise that the amount of televisions in bedrooms is raising. Television is the most widespread communication system of modern society (Nag, 2012). Its not uncommon these days to have a television in your bedroom. However, studies show that watching TV before bed can have a negative impact on your sleep (Nag, 2012). It has also been found that televisions result in later bedtimes. The results support the idea that sleeping patterns are influenced by television (Custers, 2012). Contradictorily, conflicting research also shows that reducing media use might NOT be important for sleep hygiene advice to adults (Louzada, 2004). This self observation is an attempt to find out if watching TV has an effect on sleep. Methods The purpose of this study is to see if watching TV for a half an hour before bed has an impact on quality of sleep. For the first week, I will record how tired I feel when waking up without watching TV before bed. For the second week, I will watch TV for half an hour before bed, and then record how tired I feel when waking up.

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