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Self Defense Tips for Women

PREPARING For dangerous situations...

You can prepare against different threats by practicing how to quickly reach the objects and how to use those effectively and safely... Before using or even practicing these techniques, please read and understand my notice to avoid getting into legal difficulties. Unfortunately during a confrontation situation your imagination will not usually be fast enough to invent weapons out of these objects, so planned objects should be carried. Always practice how to quickly and effectively use them. The first idea to prevent confrontation is to avoid the places and situations where these can occur. Here I'll give you a few very simple examples:

Be Aware. Awareness is one of the most important things in Self Defense. By being aware of your surroundings, many threats on the streets can be avoided If you see or sense problems on your way, change route or go to the other side of the road and prepare to run or defend yourself Never wear conspicuous jewelry when you are walking in the streets Never hitchhike, use buses or taxis Never act or look like an easy target Most "fights" are won before they start, and aggressors will back down if you maintain eye contact and are not intimidated by them. Using your environment...

In survival confrontations everything at hand should be used including things that are around you, on or with you. Wherever you are everything has the potential to be a weapon. A life threatening situation is a matter of survival and the person being attacked should aim to win by using anything that comes to hand. There is only one rule if you are attacked. You must survive. You have to to do everything you can: Scream, scratch, bite (possibility you could be infected with HIV so use only, if there are no other possibilities), hit or kick, attack with a common object, do all that is needed to end the threat or to have enough time to escape. Objects you can use... Everything that surrounds you. Indoors for example: ashtrays, chairs, bottles, kitchen utensils etc. can all be used as weapons. Outdoors for example, one can use, sand, stones, coins etc. to throw. Bricks and wood can be used to strike with. An opponent can be thrown against sharp pointed gates, railings and walls etc. You can even drive over your opponent. (One thief stole a car and drove over the owner so that she was not able to recognize him later) Stonelike objects (that you can hit with): stones, sand, coins, iron balls, Objects you strike opponents with: also stones, knives, pencils, iron sticks, crochet or knitting needles, etc. You can attack also by using your cellular phone like a stone. Sprays: Any aerosol can, hair spray, spray paint, pepper, tear gas etc. Objects on you... Due to the awareness of violence, people take it upon themselves to carry illegal self-defense weapons. These weapons are usually quite obvious and even though they may successfully ward off attacks, they can bring a lot of legal difficulties for the user. Many very effective, perfectly legal weapons which still produce the same results, may be carried instead.

At any one time people unconsciously carry many potential weapons. For example, belts may be used as a garrotte or a whip with the buckle, coins may be thrown into the face of an opponent to stun and blind him, clothes may be used to whip, ward off attacks, choke and obscure vision etc. Most women carry handbags which can also be used to strike or strangle. In addition, these handbags contain an arsenal of potential, legal weapons e.g. a lipstick case to poke into the eyes, a hair brush to scratch across the eyes, perfume to spray into the eyes etc. People are often unaware of the potential legal weapons they are carrying. Unfortunately during a confrontation situation your imagination will not usually be fast enough to invent weapons out of these objects, so planned objects should be carried. Always practice how to quickly and effectively use them. When choosing or planning how to use common objects, consider the following:

All the different angles it may be held into a strike. All the different surfaces that can be used. All the different targets that it could strike.

Always practice... how to quickly and effectively use them. When you are in danger, do not hesitate to use them! Attack quickly, and if possible, vulnerable points by using a lot of power. You might have only one possibility to defend yourself, do not lose it. More detailed explanations on how to use these (and many more) common objects to protect yourself, can be found in my book. More information, Free Download...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search This article deals with the concept of defending oneself from an attack. For the legal usage, see Self-defense (theory) Self-defense refers to actions taken by a person to defend oneself, one's property or one's home. There is considerable debate amongst individuals as to what constitutes an acceptable level of physical force during self-defense. Some individuals prefer a limited pacifist response, while others advocate means up to and including deadly force, such as firearms. [edit]

Forms of self-defense
Self-defense strategies form the basis of numerous martial arts, especially East Asian martial arts, which usually provide self-defense classes as part of their curricula. Many schools of self-defense also teach strategies aimed at avoiding or defusing physical confrontations. The curriculum for such courses commonly teach positioning strategies and strengthening the defender's self-confidence, which is assumed to discourage some physical attacks. Some studies, for instance, including those by David Lesak, have shown perpetrators who sexually assault acquaintances test their victims first. The perpetrator will gradually cross the potential victim's boundaries through techniques such as touching or making inappropriate sexual comments. If the woman responds with discomfort or fear his intrusive behavior may escalate to sexual assault. Women who responded to these early tactics with consistent assertiveness avoided rape. [edit]

National self-defense

In politics, the concept of national or mutual self-defense to counter a war of aggression refers to a defensive war organised by the state, and is one possible criterion in the Just War theory Tips and Advice from Caroline Young On this page I've collected some general tips on how to avoid dangerous situations outside your home. Generally, the best idea is to use your common sense! Unfortunately, that's not always enough. First I'll list some common sense tips on how to avoid violence in the first place. Actually, that's the most effective way of self defense! Remember, most of the violent situations (mainly domestic violence) starts after verbal quarrel. Always try to "cool down" the situation or try to get out of your home before it's too late. General: If you see or sense problems on your way, just change your route and - prepare to run or defend yourself Do not wear conspicuous jewelry when you are walking on the streets alone Do not hitchhike, use buses or taxis instead Do not act or look like an easy target - look confident! Most "fights" are won before they start, and aggressors will back down if you maintain eye contact and are not intimidated by them. Public transport:

Remember, there is usually safety in numbers. Wait in a coffee shop or in a well lit area for the public transport to arrive Don't choose the window seat as you may be "blocked in" by a potential assailant; always choose an aisle seat for quick exit After peak hours, always choose the train compartment carrying the most passengers or the compartment directly behind the train driver On buses, sit behind the driver or next to the door for quick exit

Motor vehicles:

Danger areas are stepping out of your car either at home or in isolated areas, and also walking to your car

Always approach your vehicle with the keys ready Windows should be up and doors locked even when driving to avoid unwanted passengers at intersections. (Please note that this conflicts with quick entering and exit procedures in the event of an accident) Always check your car before entering Never leave your car unlocked, even for the few minutes it may take you to return a video, buy milk and so forth. Attackers have been known to lie in wait for such an opportunity. Never get into a car even if someone is pointing a knife or a handgun at you from inside. Just start to run away from the car screaming at the same time. It's much more likely that he will drive away to find an easier target than attacking or killing you. But if you get into the car, he has a much better opportunity to drive to a quiet place and start to abuse you and later maybe kill you. Never pull your car over from a quiet road even if someone drives alongside your car pointing at the tyres etc. Always continue driving to a well-lit and crowded area before exiting your car. The problem might be a bluff and the driver wants you to stop at the side of the road to "help" you without a reason. Always be alert in parking lots, specially when it's dark. If you are afraid, don't be too shy to ask someone to escort you to your car. Between cars and inside cars, it's easy for someone to hide and wait until an unalert person comes along

Taxis: Always check the identification of the driver (usually located near the visor) and ensure that it matches the driver Be wary of cars with central locking Don't sit behind the driver as it may be easy for the driver to lock the rear passenger door - always choose the adjacent seat Always order taxis so that the driver can be traced Avoid flagging taxis from the street Walkers / joggers:

If you have car trouble and are walking to look for help, always walk against the traffic so that you can see what is coming If shadowed by a car, run back in the direction from which you came. If you continue in the same direction, you will make it easy for the shadowing to continue Be wary of alert passengers

Don't use a "walkman" when walking in isolated areas at any time Regularly change your routines Mark out houses at intervals on each route you take that may be used as "safe houses" in the event of attack such as shops or houses that you know to be occupied by a friend or acquaintance. Try to incorporate these houses every time you vary your route Be alert at all times Don't presume that because your area has been "safe" thus far, that it will continue to be so.

Public phone boxes:

When you are calling from a telephone box, after dialing the numbers always turn around so that you have your back to the phone and may see what is coming. You will then be able to tell the person to whom you are speaking that you may be in trouble and you may be able to use the weight of the phone as a weapon. The door of a telephone box could be used to wedge in the limbs of the attacker.


Think about your clothing - where will it be worn? Will you be going out after work? Get into the habit of leaving restrictive clothing and shoes for those occasions when you are certain that you have no reason to anticipate danger, such as large crowds, being picked up after work or going out and so forth. Choose a wardrobe which maximizes freedom of movement. The best self defense techniques will not help you if you cannot run away because of tight skirts or shoes with straps and high heels. In these situations, it will be necessary to disable your attacker to ensure you are not followed unless you have some means of a quick exit such as a motor vehicle. This places additional, unnecessary pressure on you to be successful. Further, if you focus too much attention on disabling you opponent, you may not be sufficiently aware of an additional threat to yourself.

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