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Sodality of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Induction Ceremony 1. Opening Hymn Veni Creator Spiritus 2. Sermon (unless one was given during Mass) 3. Blessing of Rosaries 4. Blessing of Images 5. Questioning of Candidates 6. Recitation of the Act of Consecration 7. Reception of Rosaries 8. Final Blessing 9. Closing Hymn Opening Hymn Veni Creator Spiritus (Kneel for first stanza, then stand.) COME, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, and in our souls take up Thy rest; come with Thy grace and heavenly aid to fill the hearts which Thou hast made. O comforter, to Thee we cry, O heavenly gift of God Most High, O fount of life and fire of love, and sweet anointing from above. Thou in Thy sevenfold gifts are known; Thou, finger of God's hand we own;

Sodality of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Thou, promise of the Father, Thou Who dost the tongue with power imbue. Kindle our sense from above, and make our hearts o'erflow with love; with patience firm and virtue high the weakness of our flesh supply. Far from us drive the foe we dread, and grant us Thy peace instead; so shall we not, with Thee for guide, turn from the path of life aside. Oh, may Thy grace on us bestow the Father and the Son to know; and Thee, through endless times confessed, of both the eternal Spirit blest. Now to the Father and the Son, Who rose from death, be glory given, with Thou, O Holy Comforter, henceforth by all in earth and heaven. Amen.

Blessing of Rosaries (Kneel.) V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who made heaven and earth. V. The Lord be with you. R. And with Thy spirit. Let us pray. ALMIGHTY and merciful God! On account of Thy boundless love for us, Thou hast willed that Thy Sole-Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, should come down from heaven upon earth, taking flesh at the angel's message in the sacred womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our queen, submitting to death on the Cross, and on the third day rising gloriously from the dead, in order that He might snatch us from Satan's tyranny. Wherefore, we humbly beg Thee of Thine immeasurable goodness to bless and sanctify these rosaries, which Thy faithful Church has consecrated in honor and praise of the Mother of Thy Son. And let them be endowed with such power of the Holy Ghost, that whosoever carries one on her person or

treasures it with reverence in her home or uses it for pious prayer, the while she meditates on the divine mysteries, according to the rules of this holy society, may be imbued with salutary and abiding devotion. May she, moreover, fully participate in all the graces, privileges, and indulgences which the Holy See has granted to this society; may she be delivered from all enemies, visible and invisible, in all places and at all times in this world, and at the hour of her death may it be her happiness to be presented to Thee by the same Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, laden with good works. Through the selfsame Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in unity of the same Holy Ghost, God, throughout the endless ages. R. Amen. The Rosaries are sprinkled with holy water. Blessing of Images (Kneel.) V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who made heaven and earth. V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with Thy spirit.

Let us pray. 0 ALMIHGTY, everlasting God! Thou dost approve of the sculpture or painted images of Thy saints, in order that when we behold them, we may be led to contemplate and imitate their lives and holiness. Wherefore, we beseech Thee to bless and sanctify these images wrought to the memory and honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. And grant that whosoever through the inspiration of these images earnestly strives to honor and worship the Blessed Virgin, may by her merits obtain grace in this life and eternal glory in the next. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen. The images are sprinkled with holy water. Questioning of Candidates (Kneel.)

Father: Most Reverend Father, the candidates here present beg admission into the Sodality of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. I earnestly request you to accede to their eager desires.

Bishop: The Sodality asks, do you really desire to be admitted into our association, in order to dedicate yourselves in it to the service of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and of His glorious Mother?

Candidates: Yes, we desire it most earnestly.

Bishop: Are you disposed to cultivate a special devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary?

Candidates: Yes, we are truly so disposed.

Bishop: Are you resolved to observe faithfully all the rules and regulations of the Sodality, and

will you make it your endeavor to promote by word and example, according to the spirit of our society, the glory of God and the honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Candidates: Yes, we are resolved to do this with the help of divine grace.

Bishop: Since you are resolved ever to remain faithful, you are now allowed to recite the Act consecrating yourselves to God and His Holy Mother.

Recitation of the Act of Consecration (All, kneeling, recite the Act of Consecration together.)

Act of Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Candidates: Holy Mary, Mother of God and Virgin, * I choose Thee this day for my queen, patron and advocate, * and firmly resolve and purpose never to abandon Thee, * never to say or do anything against Thee, * nor to permit that aught be done by others to dishonor Thee. * Receive me then, I beg Thee, as Thy perpetual servant; * aid me in my every action, and assist me at the hour of my death. * Amen. Indulgence 300 days each time. St. Pius X

Reception of Rosaries (The new members go to the Communion rail, receive their rosaries, return to their pews, and kneel.) As the bishop hands the rosaries to each new member, he says: Receive this Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the protection of body and soul, in order that through the mercy of the all-bountiful God and through the help of Mary, your Mother, you may deserve to obtain eternal

happiness. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Final Blessing (Kneel.)

Closing Hymn in Honor of Our Lady (Stand.)

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