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Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.

: Vladia Mattar Hudson

Greetings, greetings everyone!! Welcome aboard! About me... Meu nome Vladia Mattar Hudson e estaremos juntos na preparao para o concurso da PETROBRS de 2012. Nasci na praia, mas vim parar em Braslia em 1998 e aqui estou at hoje. Yes!! I miss living near the beach!. Sou graduada em Letras-Ingls pela Universidade Federal do Esprito Santo (UFES). Alm da graduao, tenho 3 diplomas de proficincia no idioma Ingls (FCE e CAE da "Cambridge University" e CPE da "Michigan University"). Tenho mais de 14 anos de experincia como professora em instituies de renome em Braslia. Tenho vivncia em pases de lngua inglesa onde fiz cursos voltados para o ensino da lngua inglesa (EFL Teaching) e cultura americana e britnica. Tambm, j ministrei palestras e organizei workshops na rea. Bom, acho que posso dizer que: Teaching English is already part of me! Digo-lhes, sinceramente, que mais do que saber o idioma, necessrio um treinamento especfico para resolver a prova de ingls de concursos e isso exige dedicao e estratgias de estudo. Ento, vamos s nossas estratgias! About our course and the strategy. What is the aim? O domnio pleno de um idioma estrangeiro pressupe desenvolver quatro habilidades fundamentais: speaking, listening, writing and reading. O foco do nosso curso ser reading comprehension, pois a habilidade cobrada no concurso da PETROBRS. A abordagem do curso ser instrumental, visa a compreenso escrita da lngua. O curso no para o aprendizado do idioma, mas para resoluo de provas de concurso. To make make the whole story short, Voc necessita ter algum conhecimento prvio do idioma para conseguir acompanhar as aulas ,ok??!! Sei que o volume de informaes que um concursando precisa absorver muito grande, mas essa matria pode ser o seu diferencial. A maneira mais eficiente de desenvolver a compreenso e interpretao de textos : 1) resoluo de exerccios; 2) leitura de temas relacionados rea em estudo e atualidades Reading is essencial!! How are we going to do that? Praticando com questes de provas passadas da PETROBRS;
Profa. Vladia Mattar

Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson Praticando com questes de outras bancas com perfil similar ao da CESGRANRIO; Praticando com questes inditas baseadas em textos da rea de interesse do concurso e outros; Enriquecendo o vocabulrio (Word formation, false cognates, common words, connectors, phrasal verbs and others); Estudando as dicas gramaticais (Sentence formation, verb tense, parts of speech and others); Desenvolvendo estratgias de leitura (skimmimg and scanning); e Usando o frum para dirimir suas dvidas. Para enriquecer nossas aulas, utilizarei, alm das questes da CESGRANRIO ( banca escolhida nos ltimos certames), as de outras bancas com perfil similar ou que julgar interessante, como ESAF, CESPE, NCE, QUADRIX, FCC e as INDITAS (questes elaboradas por mim). Teremos, ento, uma variedade maior de textos para explorarmos itens gramaticais, vocabulrio, expresses idiomticas necessrias para a interpretao. Nosso curso ser dado em 5 aulas mais a aula demonstrativa, totalizando 6 aulas. O curso ser desenvolvido com teoria baseada principalmente em exerccios gabaritados e comentados. Em cada aula teremos: 9 9 9 9 Textos e exerccios de provas gabaritados e comentados; Exerccios Inditos gabaritados e comentados; Teoria e Dicas; e Lista das questes da aula, sem comentrios e com gabarito, para treino.

How often are we going to meet? Nossos encontros virtuais sero s sextas-feiras, lembrando que o frum uma importante ferramenta para nossos estudos, por isso sugiro sempre perguntar quando precisar. Responderei asap (as soon as possible). Feitas as apresentaes, as the Ramones say... hey ho... lets go !?

Profa. Vladia Mattar

Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

AULA ZERO - Aula Demonstrativa

Parte 1

Studying and Reading strategies (Estratgias de Estudo e Leitura) Questes DATAPREV 2010; PETROBRS 2011; e ENAP 2009 gabaritadas e comentadas Questes INDITAS Teoria e Dicas Lista de questes desta aula e gabarito seco

Parte 2

Parte 3 Parte 4 Parte 5

Parte 1

Studying and Reading Strategies, ou Estratgias de Estudo e Leitura.

Como estratgia de estudo para as nossas aulas, sugiro: 9 ter em mos um dicionrio Ingls-Portugus ou Ingls-Ingls, conforme seu grau de conhecimento do idioma. Ressalto que o dicionrio Ingls-Ingls ajuda enriquecer o vocabulrio. 9 Ao final de cada aula, relacione as novas palavras por assunto. Dessa forma voc criar um mapa mental semntico... your own vocabulary builder (exemplo ao final da aula). 9 Aproveite todas as oportunidades para ler em ingls e aprender novas palavras. Vale tudo: cinema, internet, letras de msicas, jogos e outros.

Profa. Vladia Mattar

Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson H duas estratgias bsicas para leitura rpida: skimmimg e scanning. 9 Skimmimg uma leitura rpida para captar os conceitos e as idias principais do texto. uma explorao global, geral, feita com a leitura do ttulo, autor, figura, fonte do texto e a primeira frase de cada pargrafo. Esta tcnica boa para uma primeira leitura, ou seja, uma leitura superficial. 9 Scannning tambm envolve uma leitura rpida, porm procura-se por algo especfico no texto, seja em resposta a uma pergunta, ou para confirmar uma informao. Ao se encontrar a informao buscada, faz-se a leitura de todo o trecho, ou pargrafo, conforme a necessidade. Qual voc deve usar? Depende do que a questo exige, do tempo do candidato e da complexidade da questo. Podemos usar uma ou outra, ou ambas, ou nenhuma delas. T confuso? Dont worry.. .be happy! Usaremos as tcnicas nos exerccios ainda nesta aula... Parte 2 Questes gabaritadas e comentadas

Text 1

Natalie du Toit wins Laureus award

Brad Morgan 11 March 2010

South African swimmer Natalie du Toit was named the Laureus World Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability at a gala ceremony in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday evening. She is one of only five athletes to have competed in the Olympics and Paralympics. South African Sport Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) president Gideon Sam told the Sascoc website: "Natalie has done us proud over the years," he said. "All South Africans can be proud of her spirit and her neversay-die attitude."

Profa. Vladia Mattar

Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson 'A true inspiration' "She is a true inspiration to each and every athlete in this country, indeed the world, and we are hoping that she can build on this prestigious award as we look ahead to the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics in London. "It's people like Natalie that provide the incentive for the youngsters to aspire to greatness, he continued. "She fully deserves this acknowledgement." 1) QUADRIX/ DATAPREV/2010 According to the extract above, it is right to say that. A) Natalie is the only one who has competed in the Olympics and Paralympics. B) The website president saidNatalie has made us proud over the years. C) Gideon Sam said that people like Natalie. D) Gideon Sam said that Natalie deserves the prize. E) Natalie du Toit was named after Laureus. COMENTRIO A questo comea com according to the extract above, isso significa que no faremos inferncia. A informao est no texto, no nas entrelinhas. um texto curto e podemos aqui usar a estratgia scanning, ler as alternativas identificando palavras chaves que devero ser buscadas no texto. Exemplo: alternativa a traz as palavras Olympics and Paralympics, ento v direto linha 5 e leia a frase completa para a resposta. A) ERRADA Natalie no foi a nica (the only one) participante como afirma a assertiva. Ela uma das cinco atletas que participaram (one of only five). A pegadinha est no uso de the only one que significa a nica. E, one of only significa uma entre as poucas. B) ERRADA O presidente disse ao website (...president Gideon Sam told the Sascoc website: Natalie ...) e no o presidente do website disse, como afirma o item (the president of the website said...). Ver dicas sobre tell x say ainda nesta aula. C) ERRADA O item indica que o verbo like foi usado no sentido de gostar, apreciar. Na verdade trata-se de like como uma preposio que significa, neste caso, like = similar, igual a, como. D) CERTA Gideon Sam diz: She fully deserves this acknowledgement.

Profa. Vladia Mattar

Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson E) ERRADA named after significa receber o nome de. O texto traz que Natalie was named, ( voz passiva ) que significa ser nomeada (para um prmio, Laureous...) GABARITO: D

Profa. Vladia Mattar

Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson 2) QUADRIX/DATAPREV/2010

Profa. Vladia Mattar

Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

COMENTRIO Ateno!!!! O enunciado diz cannot be said (cannot expressa impossibilidade). Estamos procurando a resposta errada! A questo aborda o conhecimento dos termos: encourage, persuade, convince e make. Encourage (motivar), persuade (persuadir) e Convince (convencer) expressam os objetivos da campanha de doao de sangue. S com a tcnica skimmimg possvel resolver a questo. GABARITO: D. A mensagem principal do anncio (ad) no persuadir o leitor a visitar o site e sim a doar sangue. CESGRANRIO/PETROBRS/ 2011

Experts Try to Gauge Health Effects of Gulf Oil Spill

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

WEDNESDAY, June 23 (HealthDay News) This Tuesday and Wednesday, a high-ranking group of expert government advisors is meeting to outline and anticipate potential health risks from the Gulf oil spill - and find ways to minimize them. The workshop, convened by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) at the request of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will not issue any formal recommendations, but is intended to spur debate on the ongoing spill. We know that there are several contaminations. We know that there are several groups of people workers, volunteers, people living in the area, said Dr. Maureen Lichtveld, a panel member and professor and chair of the department of environmental health sciences at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans. Were going to discuss what the opportunities are for exposure and what the potential short- and long-term health effects are. Thats the essence of the workshop, to look at what we know and what are the gaps in science, Lichtveld explained.
Profa. Vladia Mattar

Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson High on the agenda: discussions of who is most at risk from the oil spill, which started when BPs Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, killing 11 workers. The spill has already greatly outdistanced the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill in magnitude. Volunteers will be at the highest risk, one panel member, Paul Lioy of the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey and Rutgers University, stated at the conference. He was referring largely to the 17,000 U.S. National Guard members who are being deployed to help with the clean-up effort. Many lack extensive training in the types of hazards chemical and otherwise that theyll be facing, he said. That might even include the poisonous snakes that inhabit coastal swamps, Lioy noted. Many National Guard members are not professionally trained. They may be lawyers, accountants, your next-door neighbor, he pointed out. Seamen and rescue workers, residents living in close proximity to the disaster, people eating fish and seafood, tourists and beach-goers will also face some risk going forward, Dr. Nalini Sathiakumar, an occupational epidemiologist and pediatrician at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, added during the conference. Many of the ailments, including nausea, headache and dizziness, are already evident, especially in clean-up workers, some of whom have had to be hospitalized. Petroleum has inherent hazards and I would say the people at greatest risk are the ones actively working in the region right now, added Dr. Jeff Kalina, associate medical director of the emergency department at The Methodist Hospital in Houston. If petroleum gets into the lungs, it can cause quite a bit of damage to the lungs [including] pneumonitis, or inflammation of the lungs. There are concerns for workers near the source. They do have protective equipment on but do they need respirators? added Robert Emery, vice president for safety, health, environment and risk management at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Physical contact with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and with solvents can cause skin problems as well as eye irritation, said Sathiakumar, who noted that VOCs can also cause neurological symptoms such as confusion and weakness of the extremities. Some of the risks are quite apparent and some we dont know about yet, said Kalina. We dont know whats going to happen six months or a year from now.
Copyright (c) 2010 HealthDay. All rights reserved., retrieved on September 9th, 2010.

3) CESGRANRIO/PETROBRAS/2011 The main purpose of the article is to: (A) point out ways of healing the diseases caused by the recent oil disaster in the U.S. (B) report on the damage to the fauna caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Profa. Vladia Mattar 9

Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson (C) inform about a conference to evaluate the dangers of oil spills to the health of the population of surrounding areas. (D) inform that the meeting held in New Orleans to discuss effects of the oil spill was unsuccessful. (E) complain about the lack of research in university labs on effects of oil spills in the environment. COMENTRIO Ao se deparar com um texto grande como esse, comum nas provas de certames recentes, voc pensa: Gosh, and now?! o texto pode estar cheio de palavras desconhecidas. Calma! Nem sempre essas palavras desconhecidas so essenciais para a compreenso geral da mensagem do texto. So, Take a deep breath e faa uma primeira leitura. Voc deve procurar entender o significado das palavras desconhecidas pelo contexto, ou pelas palavras prximas a elas. No ignorem os ttulos! Eles te daro uma boa idia do que esperar do texto. Feita a primeira leitura, v para a questo. A questo traz the main purpose of the article is. Os artigos, em geral, informam (inform), relatam (report) e enfatizam (point out). Ateno para estes verbos usados em cada alternativa. Eles nos ajudaro a excluir algumas delas, como o caso do verbo complain (reclamar) na letra E, que no est no contexto. A), B), D) e E) ERRADO. As informaes no constam do texto. GABARITO: C. O ttulo e o primeiro pargrafo j trazem esta informao, ainda que com outras palavras. 4) CESGRANRIO/PETROBRAS/2011 Based on the meanings in the text, (A) ...Gauge... (title) cannot be replaced by estimate. (B) ...issue... (line 8) is the opposite of announce. (C) ...spur... (line 9) and stimulate are antonyms. (D) ...outdistanced... (line 27) and exceeded are synonyms. (E) ...deployed... (line 34) and dismissed express similar ideas. COMENTRIO A questo visa basicamente explorar seu conhecimento de vocabulrio aplicado ao texto. Repito, caso no conhea a palavra, procure entender o contexto. Negritei as palavras no texto para facilitar para vocs. OK!

Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson GABARITO: D. Outdistanced no exatamente um sinnimo de exceeded, mas esto no mesmo campo semntico neste contexto. 5) CESGRANRIO/PETROBRAS/2011 The word may in They may be lawyers, accountants, your next-door neighbor, (lines 40-41) expresses (A) ability. (B) advice. (C) certainty. (D) necessity. (E) possibility. COMENTRIO May um Modal Verb... Conhece? May expressa possibilidade ou permisso. Outros modais que tambm expressam possibilidade so: can, could, might. Em ingls, verbos modais so verbos que ocorrem na presena de outro verbo. No sofrem declinaes e geralmente, no so conjugados. Eles simplesmente trazem uma carga semntica para os verbos que acompanham. Exemplo: 9 She comes here at 7pm. ( um fato!) 9 She may come here at 7pm (h uma possibilidade de esse fato ocorrer) Devido alta freqncia com que ocorrem na lngua, conhecer os verbos modais torna-se imprescindvel. Veremos mais sobre Modal Verbs ainda nesta aula e nas prximas. Gabarito: E 6) CESGRANRIO/PETROBRAS/2011 In replacing the word if in the sentence If petroleum gets into the lungs, it can cause quite a bit of damage to the lungs [including] pneumonitis, or inflammation of the lungs., the linking element that would significantly change the meaning expressed in the original is (A) in case. (B) assuming that. (C) supposing that. (D) in the event that.
Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson (E) despite the fact that. COMENTRIO Ateno para a pegadinha! No caput, o examinador pede a alternativa que significantly change the meaning. Isso significa que ele no quer palavras com o mesmo significado de if= se . A nica assertiva que no expressa a mesma idia a E, que traz despite the fact = apesar de. GABARITO: E FCC/ENAP/2009 Text 3 The Suicide of the Public Librarian Management efforts to look good in the short term are leading to the demise of the MLS (Master of Library Science)
By Bill Crowley Library Journal, 4/15/2003

There is a public library that I know of, a system that has become a"must stop" for library managers from around the nation who hope to learn its secrets to achieving public recognition for service effectiveness. Well supported by local government, the library system is heavily used by customers who crowd its parking lot and flow through its doors. Unfortunately, it is also a library system that hides a dirty little secret its success, in part, is built on the continued downgrading of its professional positions. Library workers who have not studied for the MLS now hold responsibilities once carried out by professional librarians. The survival of professional librarianship involves what other fields have called "process theories of professionalism." Simply stated, such theories hold that a degree, even one from a program accredited by the American Library Association (ALA), does not guarantee that a librarian professional will get respect in the workplace. Such affirmative regard has to be supported by one's employer. Support for librarian professionalism is clearly lacking when an employer, regardless of national standing, strips away critical responsibilities and systematically underpays its librarian staff.
(Adapted from

7) FCC/ENAP/2009 A synonym for demise, as used in the text, is

Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson (A) stability. (B) renewal. (C) termination. (D) fatality. (E) enrichment. COMENTRIO Esta questo exige conhecimento de vocabulrio. Demise = terminate, end (fim). Caso no saiba a palavra, ajudaria ler o texto para tentar chegar ao significado pelo contexto, principalmente neste caso, em que a palavra se encontra no subttulo. GABARITO: C 8) FCC/ENAP/ 2009 No texto must stop refere-se a um sistema que: (A) deve ser amplamente conhecido por diretores de bibliotecas. (B) deve ser interrompido a fim de evitar transtornos aos usurios. (C) sobrecarrega a capacidade de atendimento da biblioteca. (D) promove a ascenso dos bibliotecrios na carreira pblica. (E) de eficincia discutvel para o usurio. COMENTRIO Gente, piece of cake!!!!! Lembra a mulher daquela novela (lembra?!) que vivia falando: ..isto um MUST? Bom, gente, o que ela queria dizer era que no podia ficar sem, que era indispensvel, imperdvel. Esse o sentido usado no texto. O must stop no texto parada obrigatria, ou seja, eles devem conhecer. Brincadeiras parte, vale a piada para lembrar o significado de must= deve, tem que. Exemplo: You MUST study to pass. Must um modal Verb. Veremos outros modais ao longo do curso. GABARITO: A 9) FCC/ENAP/ 2009 No texto, regardless of pode ser substitudo, sem alterao de sentido, por: (A) in view of. (B) nevertheless. (C) thanks to.
Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson (D) not taking into account. (E) with regard to. COMENTRIO A palavra regard significa considerar. Acrescida do sufixo less significa sem levar em considerao (not take into account), o que nos conduz exatamente alternativa D. Super hints: less sempre indica menos, sem, ausncia de algo, exemplo: careless: sem cuidado; helpless: que no ajuda, intil. Less, em regra, tem conotao negativa. With regard to o oposto de regardless. Caso voc no tenha a menor idia do que significa a palavra, observe que a nica alternativa que tem no (negativo) a D. Isso pode ser helpful na hora do sufoco. GABARITO: D Parte 3 QUESTES INDITAS.

10) VLADIA/ INDITA/2011 Text 4 The largest Latin-American country, Brazil has an area of 8,5 millions of square kilometers housing more than 175 million people. In 2003, Brazils GNP was US$ 493 billions, with a per capita revenue of US$ 2,789.00. Within the Brazilian economy, it is worth mentioning high-developed sectors such as agriculture and cattle breeding and a very complex industrial base. Besides, the country is the leader of Mercosul, an economic block joining Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Established in 1991, this block emerged as a free trade zone, but its major objective is to become a common market. Technological innovation as an instrument for the social and economic development is one of the priorities of the Government of President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva. This was emphasized through the Industrial, Technological and Foreign Trade Policy announced and launched in March 2004, in which FINEP has a crucial role. Based on the meanings in the text, (A) ...housing... cannot be replaced by accomodating. (B) ...within... is the synonym inside. (C) ...revenue...and income are antonyms. (D) ...Besides... and next to are synonyms. (E) ...developed... and emerged express similar ideas.
Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson

COMENTRIOS A primeira vista, parece um vocabulrio de fcil entendimento. Porm, exige uma contextualizao e ateno. A) ERRADA. Housing neste contexto significa acomodar, no moradia. Ateno negativa cannot. Housing can be replaced by accommodating neste texto. B) CERTA. C) ERRADA. Revenue e income so sinnimos D) ERRADA. Cuidado com besides que diferente de beside. Beside = next to, ao lado de. Besides = in addition to, alm de. E) ERRADA. Parecem similares, mas no so. Emerge carrega o sentido de surgir (do zero). Develop=desenvolver. GABARITO: B 11) VLADIA/INDITA/2011 Text 5 This Company of Technology and Information from Social Security originated from the centers of data processing of existing security institutes in the 70's. The Purpose of the company is to provide solutions on IT and communication for the implementation and improvement of social policies of the State, serving mainly to the National Social Security Institute.
Fonte:( Adapted.

The word data in text 1 refers to: A) Time B) Any documents C) Chronological information D) Figures and maps E) Information stored in hardware COMENTRIO Cuidado com os false cognates! So aquelas palavrinhas que nos enganam... Parecem com palavras da nossa lngua, mas tm significado totalmente diferente. Na questo acima, temos 2 falsos cognatos. Data, que no significa data e figure que no significa figura! Data significa informao, especificamente no texto, informao armazenada no computador. Figure significa smbolo, nmero, grfico, mapa.
Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson GABARITO: E
Text 6

Social insurance is any government-sponsored program with the following characteristics:

explicit provision is made to account for the income and expenses (often through a trust fund); it is funded by taxes or premiums paid by (or on behalf of) participants (although additional sources of funding may be provided as well); and the program serves a defined population, and participation is either compulsory or the program is heavily enough subsidized that most eligible individuals choose to participate.

12) VLADIA/INDITA/2011 The word although can be correctly replaced by: A) though B) moreover C) thus D) while E) therefore COMENTRIO: Conjunes, conectivos e afins! Sempre questionados em provas Bom saber os mais usados. Here are some of them... 9 Although, though, however, nevertheless, nonetheless = embora, entretanto 9 Despite, in spite of, notwithstanding = apesar de 9 Thus, hence, therefore = portanto 9 While, as, whereas = enquanto 9 Moreover, in addition to, furthermore = alm de GABARITO: A 13)VLADIA/INDITA/2011

Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson In text 2, it is mentioned government-sponsored program. It is a program that: A) sponsors the government B) gives support to the government C) whose funds come from government D) gives funds to the government E) the government is responsible for its foundation COMENTRIO: Importante sabermos que o adjetivo, em ingls, quase sempre est antes do substantivo ou depois do verbo de ligao. No caso da questo, governmentsponsored o adjetivo do substantivo program e significa que o programa financiado (sponsored) pelo governo. Ateno para o vocabulrio que pode aparecer em sua prova: sponsor, support and fund (financiar, apoiar financeiramente e custear) A) ERRADA. Exatamente o contrrio do que afirma B) ERRADA. Exatamente o contrrio do que afirma C) CORRETA. Whose que expressa possesso coisas tambm, no apenas para pessoas, como o texto. o texto. e pode ser usado para muitos pensam.

Ex.: a) Mary whose father is from Canada won the Nobel Prize; b) The school whose rooms are made of brick and wood is very hot. D) ERRADA. o contrrio. O governo d fundos para o programa. E) ERRADA. Olha a confuso entre fund e foundation. Foundation fundao. GABARITO: C
Text 6.1 (extract)

The program serves a defined population, and participation is either compulsory or the program is heavily enough subsidized that most eligible individuals choose to participate. 14) VLADIA/INDITA/2011 According to the sentence above, it can be concluded that: A) If the program is not heavily enough subsidized, most people will not choose to participate.
Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson B) If program is not heavily enough subsidized, most people will choose to participate. C) If program is heavily enough subsidized, most people will not choose to participate. D) If people do not choose to participate, the program will be heavily enough subsidized. E) If people choose to participate, the program will not be heavily subsidized. COMENTRIO Wow!!! ...Uma questo challenging para vocs! Esta questo exige conhecimento gramatical de if clauses e ,tambm, uma interpretao do que a causa e a conseqncia. Voc pode estar pensando: Oh my goodness!! And now ?! Calma!!! Take it easy! mais fcil do que parece. As oraes condicionais (if clauses) expressam a dependncia entre uma circunstncia ou condio e um fato ou resultado. Estamos trabalhando com perodos compostos, constitudos por uma orao principal (main clause) e uma orao dependente (conditional clause). Uma frase condicional formada por duas oraes: a) a orao condicional (que exprime a condio), introduzida por when (se ou quando) b) a orao principal (main clause), que menciona a consequncia. Ex: a) If I study a lot, I Will pass the contest. b) If I dont study, I wont pass the contest. Os exemplos a e b expressam a mesma idia, de maneira diferente. Para resolver a questo, primeiro ache a relao de causa e conseqncia na orao. Ou seja, o fato de o programa ser bem subsidiado tem como conseqncia a participao das pessoas no programa. Para transformar a idia do texto em condicional, em portugus seria assim: se o programa for bem subsidiado, as pessoas escolhero participar dele. Or (if the program is heavily enough subsidized, people will choose to participate). Porm, a questo no traz essa opo. Oops... e agora?? Que tal a forma negativa? Ela expressa a mesma ideia. Lembre-se do exemplo b acima. Agora ficou mais fcil? I really hope so!!! Podemos falar mais sobre esse tema nas prximas aulas. Ento, as letras D e E j esto fora do preo, pois comeam com if people... GABARITO: A. Essa alternativa traz a forma negativa de if the program is heavily enough subsidized, people will choose to participate 15) VLADIA/INDITA/2011
Profa. Vladia Mattar

if ou


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson Texto 7 Pre-salt The discoveries made in the Pre-Salt raise us to a new level of reserves and oil production, ranking us in a prominent position among the major energy companies. With the experience they have acquired developing fields nestled in deep waters, our technicians are now ready to develop the accumulations discovered in the pre-salt. To this end, they are already adapting the technology and the logistics the company developed through the years. The goal is to achieve, by 2017, a daily production in excess of a million barrels of oil in the Pre-Salt areas we operate.

In paragraph 2, the word they refers to A) companies B) reserves C) discoveries D) accumulations E) technicians COMENTRIO E a, j esto familiarizados com os assuntos da empresa em que vo trabalhar?! Hopefully YES!! Trabalharemos muitos assuntos relacionados ao seu concurso para deix-los AFIADSSIMOS . Vamos questo: J notei que a banca de nossa prova gosta de cobrar o termo que os pronomes retomam, thats why pensei nesta questo. O pargrafo 2 uma frase s e est invertida. A ordem correta seria assim: Our technicians are now ready to develop the accumulations discovered in the pre-salt with the experience they have acquired developing fields nestled in deep waters. They retoma technicians. GABARITO: E

Profa. Vladia Mattar


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PARTE 4 TEORIA E DICAS Os verbos SAY e TELL, embora quase sinnimos no significado (transmitir informao), gramaticalmente so diferentes. Ambos podem ser traduzidos pelos verbos DIZER e FALAR, sendo que TELL pode ser tambm traduzido por CONTAR. A diferena que com o verbo SAY, normalmente no h na frase um receptor da mensagem (objeto indireto); enquanto que com o verbo TELL o receptor da mensagem est normalmente presente na frase.
Exemplo: She told me about the exam. Lisa told a funny story to her son That is is what she said. Word formation: sufixos a) ous, able, ful e less caracterizam adjetivos. Exemplo: Helpful, jealous, viable, careless b) hood, ship, ment, ness caracterizam substantivos Exemplo: neighborhood, scholarship, judgement, happiness. Vocabulary Builder Aps a leitura de cada texto proposto em aula, faa um Vocabulary Builder das palavras a ele relacionadas. Esse esquema ajuda memorizar novas palavras. Abaixo, segue o Vocabulary Builder feito do texto 1. Faa os seus de todos os textos que estudamos nesta aula!! Isso serve principalmente para aqueles em que voc encontrou mais palavras novas.


Texto 1/ Prova Dataprev 2010

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Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson
prize award athete


paralympics incentive sportsperson


Vocabulrio: Never-say-die attitude: postura de quem no se deixa sucumbir, no se d por derrotado. Acknowledgement: palavra grande... mas, no to difcil. Olha s: palavras grandes, assim, provavelmente tm sufixos e prefixos. Se voc sabe o significado da palavra know (saber, conhecer), pelo texto poder entender o significado desta palavra: reconhecimento. Ento, minha dica : se voc se deparar com uma palavra desconhecida, tente identificar sufixos e prefixos. Livrando-se deles, talvez voc reconhea a palavra.

Thats all Folks !!!! for now...

Espero que tenham gostado desta aula demonstrativa. Aguardo vocs na Aula 1. Continuaremos nas prximas aulas com muito mais!!! Qualquer dvida feel free para perguntar. Estou aqui for you. Pode contar comigo!!! Em seguida, vejam a lista de questes desta aula com o gabarito seco. SEE YOU SOON!!

Vladia Mattar Hudson PARTE 5

Profa. Vladia Mattar



Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson QUADRIX/ DATAPREV/2010
Text 1

Natalie du Toit wins Laureus award

Brad Morgan 11 March 2010

South African swimmer Natalie du Toit was named the Laureus World Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability at a gala ceremony in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday evening. She is one of only five athletes to have competed in the Olympics and Paralympics. South African Sport Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) president Gideon Sam told the Sascoc website: "Natalie has done us proud over the years," he said. "All South Africans can be proud of her spirit and her neversay-die attitude." 'A true inspiration' "She is a true inspiration to each and every athlete in this country, indeed the world, and we are hoping that she can build on this prestigious award as we look ahead to the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics in London. "It's people like Natalie that provide the incentive for the youngsters to aspire to greatness, he continued. "She fully deserves this acknowledgement." 1)QUADRIX/ DATAPREV/2010 According to the extract above, it is right to say that. A)Natalie is the only one who has competed in the Olympics and Paralympics. B)The website president saidNatalie has made us proud over the years. C)Gideon Sam said that people like Natalie. D)Gideon Sam said that Natalie deserves the prize. E)Natalie du Toit was named after Laureus.

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Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson 2)QUADRIX/DATAPREV/2010

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Experts Try to Gauge Health Effects of Gulf Oil Spill

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

WEDNESDAY, June 23 (HealthDay News) This Tuesday and Wednesday, a high-ranking group of expert government advisors is meeting to outline and anticipate potential health risks from the Gulf oil spill - and find ways to minimize them. The workshop, convened by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) at the request of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will not issue any formal recommendations, but is intended to spur debate on the ongoing spill. We know that there are several contaminations. We know that there are several groups of people workers, volunteers, people living in the area, said Dr. Maureen Lichtveld, a panel member and professor and chair of the department of environmental health sciences at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans. Were going to discuss what the opportunities are for exposure and what the potential short- and long-term health effects are. Thats the essence of the workshop, to look at what we know and what are the gaps in science, Lichtveld explained. High on the agenda: discussions of who is most at risk from the oil spill, which started when BPs Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, killing 11 workers. The spill has already greatly outdistanced the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill in magnitude. Volunteers will be at the highest risk, one panel member, Paul Lioy of the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey and Rutgers University, stated at the conference. He was referring largely to the 17,000 U.S. National Guard members who are being deployed to help with the clean-up effort. Many lack extensive training in the types of hazards chemical and otherwise that theyll be facing, he said. That might even include the poisonous snakes that inhabit coastal swamps, Lioy noted. Many National Guard members are not professionally trained. They may be lawyers, accountants, your next-door neighbor, he pointed out. Seamen and rescue workers, residents living in close proximity to Profa. Vladia Mattar 24

Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson the disaster, people eating fish and seafood, tourists and beach-goers will also face some risk going forward, Dr. Nalini Sathiakumar, an occupational epidemiologist and pediatrician at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, added during the conference. Many of the ailments, including nausea, headache and dizziness, are already evident, especially in clean-up workers, some of whom have had to be hospitalized. Petroleum has inherent hazards and I would say the people at greatest risk are the ones actively working in the region right now, added Dr. Jeff Kalina, associate medical director of the emergency department at The Methodist Hospital in Houston. If petroleum gets into the lungs, it can cause quite a bit of damage to the lungs [including] pneumonitis, or inflammation of the lungs. There are concerns for workers near the source. They do have protective equipment on but do they need respirators? added Robert Emery, vice president for safety, health, environment and risk management at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Physical contact with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and with solvents can cause skin problems as well as eye irritation, said Sathiakumar, who noted that VOCs can also cause neurological symptoms such as confusion and weakness of the extremities. Some of the risks are quite apparent and some we dont know about yet, said Kalina. We dont know whats going to happen six months or a year from now.
Copyright (c) 2010 HealthDay. All rights reserved., retrieved on September 9th, 2010.

3)CESGRANRIO/PETROBRAS/2011 The main purpose of the article is to: (A) point out ways of healing the diseases caused by the recent oil disaster in the U.S. (B) report on the damage to the fauna caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. (C) inform about a conference to evaluate the dangers of oil spills to the health of the population of surrounding areas. (D) inform that the meeting held in New Orleans to discuss effects of the oil spill was unsuccessful. (E) complain about the lack of research in university labs on effects of oil spills in the environment. 4)CESGRANRIO/PETROBRAS/2011 Based on the meanings in the text, (A) ...Gauge... (title) cannot be replaced by estimate. (B) ...issue... (line 8) is the opposite of announce. (C) ...spur... (line 9) and stimulate are antonyms.
Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson (D) ...outdistanced... (line 27) and exceeded are synonyms. (E) ...deployed... (line 34) and dismissed express similar ideas.

5)CESGRANRIO/PETROBRAS/2011 The word may in They may be lawyers, accountants, your next-door neighbor, (lines 40-41) expresses (A) ability. (B) advice. (C) certainty. (D) necessity. (E) possibility. 6)CESGRANRIO/PETROBRAS/2011 In replacing the word if in the sentence If petroleum gets into the lungs, it can cause quite a bit of damage to the lungs [including] pneumonitis, or inflammation of the lungs., the linking element that would significantly change the meaning expressed in the original is (A) in case. (B) assuming that. (C) supposing that. (D) in the event that. (E) despite the fact that. FCC/ENAP/2009 Text 3 The Suicide of the Public Librarian Management efforts to look good in the short term are leading to the demise of the MLS (Master of Library Science)

By Bill Crowley Library Journal, 4/15/2003

There is a public library that I know of, a system that has become a"must stop" for library managers from around the nation who hope to learn its secrets to achieving public recognition for service effectiveness. Well supported by local government, the library system is heavily used by customers who crowd its parking lot and flow through its doors. Unfortunately, it is also a library system that hides a dirty little secret its success, in part, is built on the continued downgrading of its professional positions. Library workers who
Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson have not studied for the MLS now hold responsibilities once carried out by professional librarians. The survival of professional librarianship involves what other fields have called "process theories of professionalism." Simply stated, such theories hold that a degree, even one from a program accredited by the American Library Association (ALA), does not guarantee that a librarian professional will get respect in the workplace. Such affirmative regard has to be supported by one's employer. Support for librarian professionalism is clearly lacking when an employer, regardless of national standing, strips away critical responsibilities and systematically underpays its librarian staff.
(Adapted from

7)FCC/ENAP/2009 A synonym for demise, as used in the text, is (A) stability. (B) renewal. (C) termination. (D) fatality. (E) enrichment. 8)FCC/ENAP/ 2009 No texto must stop refere-se a um sistema que: (A) deve ser amplamente conhecido por diretores de bibliotecas. (B) deve ser interrompido a fim de evitar transtornos aos usurios. (C) sobrecarrega a capacidade de atendimento da biblioteca. (D) promove a ascenso dos bibliotecrios na carreira pblica. (E) de eficincia discutvel para o usurio. 9)FCC/ENAP/ 2009 No texto, regardless of pode ser substitudo, sem alterao de sentido, por: (A) in view of. (B) nevertheless. (C) thanks to. (D) not taking into account. (E) with regard to. 10)VLADIA/ INDITA/2011
Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson Text 4 The largest Latin-American country, Brazil has an area of 8,5 millions of square kilometers housing more than 175 million people. In 2003, Brazils GNP was US$ 493 billions, with a per capita revenue of US$ 2,789.00. Within the Brazilian economy, it is worth mentioning high-developed sectors such as agriculture and cattle breeding and a very complex industrial base. Besides, the country is the leader of Mercosul, an economic block joining Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Established in 1991, this block emerged as a free trade zone, but its major objective is to become a common market. Technological innovation as an instrument for the social and economic development is one of the priorities of the Government of President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva. This was emphasized through the Industrial, Technological and Foreign Trade Policy announced and launched in March 2004, in which FINEP has a crucial role. Based on the meanings in the text, (A) ...housing... cannot be replaced by accomodating. (B) ...within... is the synonym inside. (C) ...revenue...and income are antonyms. (D) ...Besides... and next to are synonyms. (E) ...developed... and emerged express similar ideas. 11) VLADIA/INDITA/2011 Text 5 This Company of Technology and Information from Social Security originated from the centers of data processing of existing security institutes in the 70's. The Purpose of the company is to provide solutions on IT and communication for the implementation and improvement of social policies of the State, serving mainly to the National Social Security Institute.
Fonte:( Adapted.

The word data in text 1 refers to: A) Time B) Any documents C) Chronological information D) Figures and maps E) Information stored in hardware

Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson
Text 6

Social insurance is any government-sponsored program with the following characteristics: explicit provision is made to account for the income and expenses (often through a trust fund); it is funded by taxes or premiums paid by (or on behalf of) participants (although additional sources of funding may be provided as well); and the program serves a defined population, and participation is either compulsory or the program is heavily enough subsidized that most eligible individuals choose to participate. 12) VLADIA/INDITA/2011 The word although can be correctly replaced by: a. b. c. d. e. Although Moreover Thus While therefore


In text 6, it is mentioned government-sponsored program. It is a program that: A) sponsors the government B) gives support to the government C)whose funds come from government D)gives funds to the government E)the government is responsible for its foundation
Text 6.1 (extract)

The program serves a defined population, and participation is either compulsory or the program is heavily enough subsidized that most eligible individuals choose to participate. 14) VLADIA/INDITA/2011
Profa. Vladia Mattar


Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos Ingls - PETROBRS/ 2012 EXERCCIOS COMENTADOS Profa.: Vladia Mattar Hudson According to the sentence above, it can be concluded that: a. If the program is not heavily enough subsidized, most people will not choose to participate. b. If program is not heavily enough subsidized, most people will choose to participate. c. If program is heavily enough subsidized, most people will not choose to participate. d. If people do not choose to participate, the program will be heavily enough subsidized. e. If people choose to participate, the program will not be heavily subsidized.

15) VLADIA/INDITA/2011 Texto 7 The discoveries made in the Pre-Salt raise us to a new level of reserves and oil production, ranking us in a prominent position among the major energy companies. With the experience they have acquired developing fields nestled in deep waters, our technicians are now ready to develop the accumulations discovered in the pre-salt. To this end, they are already adapting the technology and the logistics the company developed through the years. The goal is to achieve, by 2017, a daily production in excess of a million barrels of oil in the Pre-Salt areas we operate.

VLADIA/INDITA/2011 In paragraph 2, the word they refers to A) companies B) reserves C) discoveries D) accumulations E) technicians

Profa. Vladia Mattar


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QUADRIX/ CESGRANRIO/ FCC/ENAP/ VLADIA/ DATAPREV/ PETROBRAS/ Inditas/ 2009 2010 2011 2011 1) D 2) D 3) 4) 5) 6) C D E E 7) C 8) A 9) D 10) B 11) E 12) A 13)C 14)A 15)E


Profa. Vladia Mattar


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