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Understanding of OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard

Safety at Work OHSAS 18001 - What is it and for whom? OHSAS 18001: 2007 Update

Some Key Definitions Structure and Elements of OHSAS

Demings PDCA Principles Mind Map Process Model Requirements Subsequent Exercise



OHSAS 18001 - What is it & for whom?

Structured and planned approach that allows to track OH&S performance and carry out corrections to achieve continual improvement
(pendekatan yang terstruktur dan terencana yang memudahkan untuk mengetahui kinerja K3 dan melaksanakan perbaikan untuk mencapai peningkatan berkelanjutan)

Management standard Not a performance standard / No performance criteria (bukan standard kinerja / tidak ada kriteria kinerja) Involves all people (melibatkan semua orang)

OHSAS 18001 - What is it & for whom?

The specification is applicable to organisations wishing to (spesifikasi yang dapat diterapkan di organisasi yang ditujukan

Establish an OH&S management system to minimise risk

(menetapkan sebuah sistem manajemen K3 untuk minimisasi resiko)

Implement, maintain and continually improve that system Assure conformance with stated OH&S policy (memastikan
kesesuaian dengan kebijakan K3)

(mengimplementasikan, memelihara dan terus menerus meningkatkan sistem tersebut)

Demonstrate such conformance to others (mendemonstrasikan

kesesuaiannya kepada pihak lain)

Seek certification/registration of the system or (mendapatkan

sertifikasi/registrasi dari sistem ini)

Make a self-declaration of conformance (membuat sebuah deklarasi

kesesuaian (tanpa sertifikasi))

OHSAS 18001:2007 Update

OHSAS 18001 was first published in 1999 and was updated in July 2007 (OHSAS 18001 pertama kali
dipublikasikan tahun 1999 dan diperbaharui Juli 2007)

OHSAS 18001:2007 is more compatible with ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2000 (OHSAS 18001:2007
lebih kompatibel dengan ISO 14001:2004 dan ISO 9001:2000)


OHSAS 18001:2007 Update

The importance of "health" has now been given greater emphasis balanced with "safety (pentingnya kesehatan lebih
ditekankan sehingga lebih seimbang dengan keselamatan)

Focus is on occupational safety, not getting distracted with assets, security, etc (terfokus pada keselamatan kerja, jangan
tercampur dengan aset, keamanan, dll)

The term incident is now being used as a reference instead of the term accident (istilah insiden saat ini menjadi acuan
dibandingkan dengan istilah eksiden)

The inclusion of behavior, capabilities and other human factors as elements to be considered in the identification of hazards, risk assessment and determination of controls and finally in competence, training and awareness (masuknya
perilaku, kapabilitas dan faktor manusia lainnya sebagai elemen yang harus dipertimbangkan)

OHSAS 18001:2007 Update

A new requirement has been introduced for the delegation of control as part of OHS planning (persyaratan

baru untuk delegasi pengendalian dimasukkan dalam bagian perencanaan K3)

'Change Management' is now more explicitly addressed

(manajemen perubahan sekarang ini dijelaskan lebih eksplisit)

A new clause on the "Evaluation of compliance" has been introduced, aligned with ISO 14001 (persyaratan
tentang evaluasi ketaatan dimasukkan, sejalan dengan ISO 14001)

New requirements have been introduced for participation & consultation & investigation of incidents
(persyaratan baru dimasukkan terkait partisipasi & konsultasi & investigasi insiden)

OHSAS 18001:2007 Update

New definitions have been added, including major ones like "incidents", "risk", "risk assessment, "hazard", and existing definitions revised (terdapat beberapa perubahan definisi,
termasuk insiden, resiko, penilaian resiko, bahaya)

The term "tolerable risk" has been replaced by the term "acceptable risk (istilah resiko yang dapat ditolerir diganti dengan
istilah resiko yang dapat diterima

OHSAS 18001 now refers to itself as a standard, not a specification, or document, as in its earlier edition. This reflects the increasing adoption of OHSAS 18001 as the basis for national standards on OH&S MS (OHSAS 18001
sekarang ini sudah merupakan sebuah standard, bukan lagi spesifikasi, atau dokumen. Hal ini merefleksikan peningkatan adopsi OHSAS 18001 sebagai dasar standard nasional untuk sistem manajemen K3)

Heinrichs Principles
Based on analysis on over 550 thousand occupational incidents (berdasarkan analisis pada lebih dari 550 ribu kecelakaan kerja 1 for Serious Injury
H. W. Heinrich got the 1-29-300 principle from his analysis on over 550 thousand occupational accidents. The accidents were classified into 3 categories of serious injury (lost work-day: more than one day), slight injury (no lost work-day) and not injured.

29 for Slight Injury

300 without Injury

Accidents are a Part of the Iceberg


What do accidents cost your company?

Direct Insured Costs
Unseen costs can sink the ship!
Oregon average to close a claim = $10,000 1.Workers compensation premiums 2. Some medical expenses

Just the tip of the iceberg Indirect - Uninsured, hidden Costs - Out of pocket
Oregon estimated average = $18,000

1. Time lost from work by injured employee.

2. Lost time by fellow employees. 3. Loss of efficiency due to break-up of crew. 4. Lost time by supervisor. 5. Training costs for new/replacement workers. 6. Damage to tools and equipment. 7. Time damaged equipment is out of service. 9. Damage from accident: fire, water, chemical, explosives, etc. 10. Failure to fill orders/meet deadlines. 11. Overhead costs while work was disrupted. 12. Other miscellaneous costs (over 100 other items may impact the employer).

Average direct and indirect accident costs No lost time injury: Lost time injury: Fatality: $7,000 $28,000 $910,000

Unknown Costs
1. Human Tragedy 2. Morale 3. Reputation

Using National Safety Council average costs for 1998, includes both direct and indirect costs, excludes property damage.

Direct to Indirect Accident Cost Ratios Ratio of indirect to direct costs 4.5 1.6 1.2 1.1

8. Loss of production for remainder of the day. Direct cost of claim

$0-2,999 $3,000 - 4,999 $5,000 - 9,999 $10,000 or more

Studies show that the ratio of indirect to direct costs can vary widely, from a high of 20:1 to a low of 1:1. Source: Business Roundtable, 1982.

13. Others? ____________________________________________


Cost Breakdown Implementation

Out-of-pocket costs: 10-20%

Training Consultation Registration

Reallocation of resources: 80-90%

Time People Infrastructure Work environment


Some Key Definitions:


Key Definition
Hazard (bahaya)
Source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, or a combination of these
(sumber, situasi atau tindakan yang berpotensi menciderai manusia atau sakit penyakit atau kombinasi dan semuanya

Ill health

(sakit penyakit)

identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a work activity and/or work-related situation
(kondisi kelainan fisik atau mental yang teridentifikasi berasal dan dan/atau bertambah buruk karena kegiatan kerja dan/atau situasi yang terkait pekerjaan)

Hazard Identification
menentukan karakteristiknya)

(identifikasi bahaya)

process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics (proses untuk mengetahui adanya suatu bahaya dan

Key Definition
(insiden) work-related event(s) in which an injury or ill health (regardless of severity) or fatality occurred, or could have occurred (kejadian yang terkait pekerjaan di mana suatu cidera atau sakit
penyakit (terlepas besarnya tingkat keparahan) atau kematian terjadi, atau mungkin dapat terjadi)

NOTE 1 An accident is an incident which has given rise to injury, ill health or fatality (suatu kecelakaan adalah suatu insiden
yang menyebabkan cidera, sakit penyakit atau kematian)

NOTE 2 An incident where no injury, ill health, or fatality occurs may also be referred to as a near-miss, nearhit, close call or dangerous occurrence (suatu insiden

yang tidak menyebabkan cidera, sakit penyakit atau kematian dapat disebut sebagai "nyaris terjadi", "hampir-kena ", "close call" atau "kejadian berbahaya)

NOTE 3 An emergency situation is a particular type of incident (suatu keadaan darurat merupakan suatu jenis insiden khusus)


Key Definition

combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s) and the severity of injury or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure(s) (kombinasi dan kemungkinan terjadinya kejadian berbahaya
atau paparan dengan keparahan suatu cidera atau sakit penyakit yang dapat disebabkan oleh kejadian atau paparan tersebut)

Risk Assessment

(penilaian resiko)

process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from a hazard(s), taking into account the adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether or not the risk(s) is acceptable (proses
evaluasi risiko-risiko (3.21) yang diakibatkan adanya bahaya-bahaya, dengan memperhatikan kecukupan pengendalian yang dimiliki, dan menentukan apakah risikonya dapat diterima atau tidak)


Key Definition
Acceptable Risk
(resiko yang dapat diterima)

risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by the organization having regard to its legal obligations and its own OH&S policy (resiko yang telah diturunkan sampai ke
tingkat yang dapat ditolerir oleh organisasi untuk memenuhi peraturan perundangan dan kebijakan K3 organisasi)

Occupational health & safety (OH&S)

keselamatan kerja (K3))

(kesehatan dan

conditions and factors that affect, or could affect, the health and safety of employees or other workers (including temporary workers and contractor personnel), visitors, or any other person in the workplace kondisi-kondisi
dan faktor-faktor yang berdampak, atau dapat berdampak, pada kesehatan dan keselamatan karyawan atau pekerja lain (termasuk pekerja kontrak dan personel kontraktor, atau orang lain di tempat kerja)

Key Definition
OH&S Policy
(kebijakan K3)

overall intentions and direction of an organization related to its OH&S performance as formally expressed by top management (keseluruhan tujuan dan arahan dan suatu organisiasi terkait
dengan kinerja K3 yang secara formal disampaikan oleh manajemen puncak)

OH&S Objective

(tujuan K3)

OH&S goal, in terms of OH&S performance, that an organization sets itself to achieve (sasaran K3, dalam hal kinerja K3,
yang ditetapkan organisasi untuk dicapai)


Key Definition
systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled
(proses sistematis, independen dan terdokumentasi untuk mendapatkan "bukti audit" dan mengevaluasinya secara okjektif untuk menentukan apakah "kriteria audit" telah dipenuhi)

Audit Criteria
sebagai rujukan)

(kriteria audit)

Set of policies, procedures or requirements used as a reference (kumpulan kebijakan, prosedur atau persyaratan yang digunakan

Audit Evidence

(bukti audit)

Records, statements of fact or other information which are relevant to the audit criteria and verifiable (catatan, pernyataan
atas fakta atau informasi lain yang relevan dengan audit kriteria dan tertelusur)

Key Definition
sebuah persyaratan)

(tidak terpenuhinya

Non-fulfillment of a requirement

NOTE A nonconformity can be any deviation from:

(catatan, sebuah ketidaksesuaian dapat merupakan deviasi dari)

relevant work standards, practices, procedures, legal requirements, etc (instruksi kerja yang relevan, praktek, prosedur,
persyaratan hukum, dll) manajemen K3)

OH&S management system requirements

(persyaratan sistem

Corrective Action

(tindakan koreksi)

action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation

(tindakan untuk menghilangkan penyebab ketidaksesuaian yang telah terdeteksi atau situasi yang tidak diinginkan lainnya)


Key Definition
Preventive Action
(tindakan pencegahan)

action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable potential situation (tindakan untuk menghilangkan penyebab dari sebuah
potensi ketidaksesuaian atau situasi potensial lain yang tidak diinginkan)

Continual Improvement

(peningkatan berkelanjutan)

recurring process of enhancing the OH&S management system in order to achieve improvements in overall OH&S performance consistent with the organizations OH&S policy

(proses terns menerus untuk meningkatkan sistem manajemen K3, untuk mencapai peningkatan-peningkatan kinerja K3 secara keseluruhan, sesuai dengan kebijakan K3 organisasi)


Key Definition
The audit types
1st party audit 2nd party audit 3rd party audit

Monitoring audit Consultation audit Accreditation audit etc


Key Definition
The audit types
The Public
1st party audit


2nd party audit


3rd party audit



Certification Body

Accreditation audit

Accreditation Body

Structure and Elements of OHSAS


Demings Cycle

Continual Improvement

Structure and Responsibility Training, Awareness and Responsibility Communication Documentation Document Control Operational Control Emergency Preparedness/ Responses

1. Scope (ruang lingkup) 2. Reference publications 3. Terms and definitions 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4. OH&S MS requirements OH&S policy Planning Checking
(referensi publikasi)

(istilah dan definisi) (persyaratan sitem manajemen K3) (persyaratan umum)

General requirements
(kebijakan K3) (perencanaan)

Implementation & operation


(implementasi & operasi)

Management Review

(tinjauan manajemen)


Specifies requirements for an OH&S management system
(menjelaskan persyaratan-persyaratan untuk sistem manajemen K3)

To enable an organization to control its risk and improve the OH&S performance (memungkinkan organisasi untuk mengendalikan
resikonya dan meningkatkan kinerja K3)

It does not state specific performance criteria, nor does it give detail specifications for the design of a management system (standard ini tidak menjelaskan kriteria kinerja yang spesifik, atau
spesifikasi terperinci untuk mendesain sebuah sistem manajemen)

Applicable to any organization

(dapat diterapkan untuk semua organisasi)

Establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improve a management system to eliminate or minimize risk
(menetapkan, mengimplementasikan, memelihara, dan secara berkelanjutan meningkatkan sistem manajemen untuk menghilangkan atau minimisasi resiko)

Demonstrate conformity with OH&S policy, legal and other requirements (mendemonstrasikan kesesuaiannya dengan kebijakan K3,
peraturan perundangan / hukum, dan persyartan lainnya)

It is intended to address occupational health & safety, and is not intended to address other H&S areas such as employee wellbeing/wellness program, product safety, property damage or environmental impact (standard ini dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi
kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja, dan bukan untuk area kesehatan dan keselamatan lainnya seperti program kesejahteraan karyawan, keselamatan produk, kerusakan properti atau dampak lingkungan)


General Requirements
To establish, document, implement, maintained, and continually improve an OH&S management system (menetapkan,
mendokumentasikan, mengimplementasikan, memelihara, dan secara berkelanjutan meningkatkan sistem manajemen K3)

To comply with the requirements of OHSAS 18001:2007 standard, and determine how it will fulfill the requirements (memenuhi persyaratan
standard OHSAS 18001:2007, dan menentukan bagaimana hal itu dapat memenuhi persyaratan)

To define the scope of OH&S management system (mendefinisikan ruang lingkup sistem manajemen


Defined and authorized by top management
(didefinisikan dan disetujui oleh top manajemen) (sesuai dengan sifat dan skala resiko K3)

Appropriate to the nature and scale of OH&S risks Commitment to prevention of injury & ill health
(komitmen terhadap pencegahan cidera dan sakit penyakit) terhadap peningkatan berkelanjutan)

Commitment to continual improvement


Commitment to comply with legal and other requirements (komitmen untuk memenuhi persyaratan peraturan
perundangan / hukum dan persyaratan lainnya)

Provides framework for setting & reviewing objectives (menyediakan kerangka kerja untuk penetapan dan evaluasi
sasaran K3)

Documented, implemented and maintained
(terdokumentasi, terimplementasi dan terpelihara)

Communicated, individual obligations awareness

(dikomunikasikan, kewajiban individual pentingnya kesadaran / pemahaman terhadap kebijakan K3) yang berkepentingan)

Available to interested parties

(tersedia untuk pihak-pihak

Reviewed periodically to ensure relevance and appropriateness (dievaluasi secara periodik untuk memastikan
relevansi dan kecukupannya)


Procedure to be established, implemented and maintained, take into account: (prosedur harus ditetapkan,

diimplementasikan dan dipelihara, mempertimbangkan:) Activities (routine & non routine), products & services Workers, subcontractors, visitors, trespassers, including human behavior, capabilities and other human factors Hazard from inside and outside the workplace Facilities, infrastructure, equipment provided at workplace, and the workplace itself Past incident, current condition, future arrangement (facilities, management system, process, design, material, workplace) Legal obligation

Proactive process, and up-to-date (proses yang proaktif, dan selalu


Identification, prioritization, documentation, control
(terdapat proses identifikasi & prioritas, didokumentasikan dan jelas sistem pengendalian resikonya) penetapan sasaran K3)

Consideration during setting objectives (dipertimbangkan saat Hierarchy of control (hirarki pengendalian)
Elimination Substitution Engineering control Signage / warnings and/or administrative control PPE

Type of control, example: (tipe pengendalian, contohnya)

Procedures / work instruction / process flow Objective & target M&M / test / inspection, Training, PPE




Risk Assessment Process


Risk Assessment
Five key steps in risk assessment process:
tahapan kunci dalam proses penilaian resiko) (lima

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Look for the Hazards Decide who might be harmed Evaluate the risk and decide whether the existing precautions are adequate or whether more should be done Record the findings Review the assessment and revise if necessary

(tahap 1: cari / tentukan bahaya yang ada) (tahap 2: tentukan siapa yang terkena dampaknya) (tahap 3: evaluasi resikonya dan tentukan apakah pencegahan yang ada saat ini telah memadai atau perlu tindakan lainnya) (tahap 4: catat temuannya) (tahap 5: evaluasi hasil penilaiannya dan revisi jika perlu)

Risk Assessment
The risk assessment should cover
All activities (seluruh aktifitas) Materials (material-material) Workplace (tempat kerja) Equipment (peralatan) People (orang-orang)
(harus mencakup)

Identify & analyse

(identifikasi dan analisa

Identify and records all activities AS THEY ACTUALLY HAPPEN IN THE WORPLACE (identifikasi dan Do not exclude the premises from the review with regard to fire, chemical spillage/leakage or explosion (jangan mengesampingkan area dari evaluasi terkait
kebakaran, tumpahan/ceceran bahan kimia atau ledakan)

catat seluruh aktifitas layaknya aktifitas itu benar-benar terjadi di tempat kerja)

Risk Assessment
Identify the hazards
Something with the potential to cause harm
yang mempunyai potensi menimbulkan kerusakan) (sesuatu

Rotating Shaft Entanglement Wet Floor Slips Smoking Fire/burns Confined space work Fume inhalation Work Equipment, e.g. entrapment in machinery / rotating parts Workplace, e.g. uneven floors, poor lighting / confined space Materials and substances, e.g. odours, dusts, welding fumes Environmental parameters, e.g. temperature extremes, both hot and cold Working practices and procedures, e.g. poor manual handling techniques

Consider normal & abnormal operations

(pertimbangkan kondisi operasi normal dan abnormal)


Risk Assessment
Identify the persons at risk
mungkin terkena resiko) (identifikasi orang yang

Consider Age, Sex, Health, Expectant mothers Employees

pekerjaan) tersebut)

(pertimbangkan umur, jenis kelamin, kesehatan, ibu hamil)

Employees carrying out the task Employees working nearby

yang mungkin melintasi area kerja)

(karyawan yang melakukan

(karyawan yang bekerja didekat area (karyawan

Employees who may pass through the area


Authorised and unauthorised (resmi dan yang tidak resmi) Customers, Suppliers, Delivery personnel, Trespassers
(pelanggan, pemasok, pengantar, pelintas)



Contractors, Other people sharing premises, Emergency services, Members of the public, Neighbours


Risk Assessment
Where necessary, review of site specific based on (bila diperlukan, evaluasi berdasarkan lokasi tertentu

Risk for the safety of workers Risk for the heath of workers Mechanical & non-mechanical hazards


Risk Assessment

The Analysis RISK = Probability/Likelihood x Consequence/Severity

Metode Analisa Resiko = Kemungkinan kemunculan x konsekuensi / keparahan


Risk Assessment
(kemungkinan kemunculan)

Taking into account all associated factors, what is the likelihood that the hazard will cause harm (dengan Rating

mempertimbangkan seluruh faktor terkait, seberapa besar bahaya tersebut menyebabkan kerusakan)

Very Likely (sangat mungkin) Probable (mungkin **) Possible (mungkin *) Remote (kecil kemungkinannya) Improbable (tidak mungkin)

There are many different rating systems available and as auditors you will need to read and understand the logic that the client has adopted (sangat banyak klasifikasi
yang berbeda, dan sebagai auditor anda perlu untuk mengetahui dan mengerti logika yang diadopsi oleh klien)

Risk Assessment
Fatal/Death (fatal / kematian) Major Injury (cidera parah) Three Day (tiga hari) Minor Injury (cidera ringan) Incident with no injury (insiden tanpa cidera)

There are many different rating systems available and as auditors you will need to read and understand the logic that the client has adopted (sangat banyak klasifikasi yang berbeda, dan
sebagai auditor anda perlu untuk mengetahui dan mengerti logika yang diadopsi oleh klien)


Risk Assessment
Once the probability and severity have been established we need to calculate the RISK (bila
tingkat kemungkinan dan keparahan telah ditetapkan, selanjutnya tentukan resikonya)

Probability x Severity = Risk Using a grading system the risk then needs to be prioritised by level of risk (dengan menggunakan
sistem angka selanjutnya resiko diprioritaskan sesuai level resiko) resiko mencapai tingkat yang dapat diterima)

The risk level we are after is Acceptable



Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment Exercise
Review the company profile Identify Hazards and Risks Evaluating Risks
(evaluasi profil perusahaannya)

(identifikasi bahaya dan resiko)

(evaluasi resiko)

Determine the control measures


(tentukan cara


Legal Requirements
Procedure to be established, implemented and maintained, for identifying and accessing the legal & other requirements (prosedur harus ditetapkan, diimplementasikan dan
dipelihara, untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengakses peraturan perundangan dan persyaratan lainnya)

ACTS Enactment by the Local Regulatory Authority (National / Regional) RULES Regulations, requirements and directions on OH&S matters, issued by the concerned regulatory authority NOTIFICATIONS Changes to acts or forming new rules under the provisions of an act, by notifying through the National Gazettes DIRECTIONS Instructions to Industries / Organizations given by the regulatory authorities


Legal Requirements
Up to date (harus selalu diperbaharui) Communication Employee & interested parties
(dikomunikasikan pada karyawan dan pihak yang berkepentingan) (petunjuk)


Review legal & other requirements in details

(evaluasi peraturan perundangan dan persyaratan lainnya secara detail)

Maintain legislation register & update on regular basis (e.g. 3 monthly) (pelihara daftar peraturan & perbaharui secara berkala
(misal 3 bulanan)

Should many levels regulate an OH&S issue, the most stringent apply (bila terdapat beberapa peraturan yang mengatur
masalah K3 yang sama, terapkan persyaratan yang paling ketat)

Determine how to met the requirements (mandatory reporting, frequency of monitoring, recording etc) (tentukan
bagaimana cara memenuhi persyaratan tersebut (pelaporan ke institusi tertentu, frekuensi monitoring, pencatatan, dll)

Legal Requirements
Indonesian legislation hierarchy:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. UUD UU (Perpu) PP PPPUU Kepres / Inpres Kepmen/Permen Perda Tk I Perda Tk II

Other requirements: 1. Licenses 2. Customer requirements, etc


Objectives and Programme(s)

Documented objectives at each level & function
(sasaran terdokumentasi di setiap level dan fungsi) konsisten dengan kebijakan K3)

Be measurable & consistent with the policy Consideration to:


(terukur dan

Legal and other requirements (peraturan legal & persyaratan lainnya) OH&S hazards and risks (bahaya K3 dan resiko) Technological options (pilihan teknologi) Financial, Operational and business requirements (persyaratan
keuangan, operasi dan bisnis) (pandangan dari pihak terkait)

Views of interested parties

Define & document the program for achieving the objectives (definisikan dan dokumentasikan program untuk pencapaian

Objectives and Programme(s)

OH&S MPs for achieving objectives Responsibility and authority Means and time frame
(program manajemen K3 dibuat untuk pencapaian sasaran) (tugas dan kewenangan)

(cara dan tata waktu)

Review at regular and planned intervals

(dievaluasi secara regular dan interval yang terencana)

Amendment of OH&S MPs to address changes in the organization (revisi program manajemen untuk
mewadahi perubahan dalam organisasi)

Objectives and Programme(s)

To minimize injuries and illnesses to employees


To Reduce the Accident Frequency/ Severity Rate by 50% over the Next 2 Years. To reduce the number of hand injuries in the Material Stores and Maintenance department by 25% for the year 2008


Resources, roles, responsibility, accountability and authority

Ultimate responsibility Top management
jawab tertinggi dipegang oleh top manajemen) (tanggung

Resources include: human, specialized skills, infrastructure, technology, financial (sumber daya melingkupi:
orang, keahlian khusus, infrastruktur, teknologi, keuangan)

Roles, responsibilities, authorities to be defined, documented, communicated (tugas, tanggung jawab, dan
kewenangan harus ditetapkan, didokumentasikan, dikomunikasikan)

Management appointee (MA) (or representative / MR)

with clear roles, responsibilities and authority
memiliki tugas, tanggung jawab dan kewenangan yang jelas) diketahui oleh karyawan) (wakil manajemen

made his/her identity available to workers

(identitasnya harus

Resources, roles, responsibility, accountability and authority

Management and workers
to demonstrate commitment to continual improvement to take responsibility of relevant aspects
terhadap aspek yang relevan) (baik manajemen maupun pekerja harus mendemonstrasikan komitmennya kepada peningkatan berkelanjutan) (turut bertanggung jawab

Sample of evidence

(contoh bukti)

Organization structure (struktur organisasi) Job descriptions (uraian tugas) Appointment letters (surat penunjukan)


Competence, training, and awareness

Competency requirements (appropriate education, training, experience & skill) (terdapat persyaratan kompetensi Requirement review and action
dan lakukan tindakan) berdasarkan pendidikan, pelatihan, pengalaman kerja & keahlian) (evaluasi persyaratan tersebut

Procedure to ensure awareness related to

prosedur untuk memastikan kesadaran terhadap)

Training needs identification (identifikasi kebutuhan pelatihan) Training effectiveness evaluation (evaluasi efektifitas pelatihan) Or other action (atau tindakan lainnya)

Procedures should take into account differing level of responsibility, ability, literacy and risk

Conformance (kesesuaian) OH&S consequences and benefits (konsekuensi & keuntungan K3) Roles and responsibilities (tugas dan tanggung jawab) Potential consequences (potensi konsekuensi akibat aktifitas tertentu0

Communication, participation and consultation

Internal communication (prosedur komunikasi internal) Communication with contractors and other visitors (prosedur komunikasi External interested parties request or feedback (permintaan atau umpan Participation of workers (HIRADC process, incident investigation, development of policy & objectives, changes that affect workplace health and safety, OH&S representative) (partisipasi pekerja dalam proses
HIRADC, investigasi insiden, pengembangan kebijakan dan sasaran, perubahan yang mempengaruhi K3, perwakilan K3) balik dari pihak terkait eksternal) dengan kontraktor dan tamu lainnya)


Pertinent OH&S information (informasi terkait K3) Intolerable risks, control measures (resiko yang tidak dapat diterima, cara Health and safety matters (masalah-masalah kesehatan dan keselamatan) MA / MR / workers representative

Mandatory documentation (dokumentasi wajib yang
dipersyaratkan oleh OHSAS)

Policy and objectives (kebijakan dan sasaran) Description of scope of the OH&S MS (deskripsi ruang lingkup sistem
manajemen K3)

Description of main element of OH&S MS and their interaction, and reference to related documents (deskripsi Documents, including records, required by the standard
(dokumen, termasuk rekaman/catatan, yang dipersyaratkan standar)

elemen kunci dari sistem manajemen K3 dan interaksinya, serta referensinya pada dokumen terkait)

Documents, including records, as determined by organization (to ensure effective planning, operation & control of processes) (dokumen, termasuk rekaman/catatan, yang ditentukan oleh
organisasi untuk memastikan proses perencanaan, operasi dan pengendalian yang efektif)

Control of documents
Paper or electronic (baik dalam bentuk kertas atau elektronik) Approval prior to issue (persetujuan sebelum penerbitan) Review, revise, re-approve (evaluasi, revisi, & persetujuan ulang) Possible to locate (terdistribusi) Suitable identification, current versions (terdapat identifikasi
yang sesuai, termasuk versi terakhirnya)

Legible, readily identifiable (dapat dibaca, mudah ditemukan) External origin document (dokumen eksternal) Obsolete documents, control as necessary (dokumen
kadaluarsa dikendalikan secara memadai)

Master list of document, Document distribution matrix, Distribution note (daftar induk dokumen, matriks distribusi,
catatan distribusi)

Operational Control
Identification of operations and activities associated with identified risks (identifikasi operasi dan aktifitas yang
berhubungan dengan resiko yang teridentifikasi)

Plan these activities and specified conditions:

(rencanakan aktifitas & kondisi yang telah ditetapkan tersebut)

Documented procedures

(prosedur terdokumentasi)

Cover situations where absence could lead to deviations Stipulate operating criteria
(tetapkan criteria operasi)

(bila ternyata dengan tidak adanya sistem pengendalian tersebut menyebabkan munculnya deviasi)

Communication to suppliers, contractors, and other visitors

(komunikasikan kepada pemasok, kontraktor, atau tamu lain)

Elimination or reduction of OH&S risks at source

menghilangkan atau mengurangi resiko K3 pada sumbernya)


Operational Control
Procedural Controls
Job procedures Work permits Lock-out procedures Confined-entry procedures Industrial hygiene procedures Housekeeping procedures Emergency procedures


Lock Out / Tag Out (LOTO) Procedures

Controls for all electrical, mechanical, steam, compressed gas and hydraulic devices must be locked- out to prevent accidental start- up during maintenance A fully documented tag-out system has the same effect

Operational Control

method of safe guard

Safeguarding Minimum Requirements

Controls for Equipments

Prevent contact with moving parts Secure firmly to machine Protect moving parts from falling objects Create no new hazards e.g., sharp edges Create no interference Allow safe lubrication

Design and Layout Equipment Maintenance Safety Infrastructure

Machine Safeguards Warning / Alerting systems Ventilation Illumination PPE


Operational Control
Fixed Interlocked Adjustable Self-Adjusting

method of safe guard

Presence Sensing Pullback Restraint Gates Safety Trip Two-Hand Control Two-Hand Trip

Location / Distance Feed / Ejection Methods

Automatic Semi-automatic Robot


Operational Control

Signage & PPE

Hard hats, caps & hair nets Safety boots & foot guards Face shields Safety goggles & glasses Hearing protection Protective gloves Protective jackets & vests Respirators

Emergency Preparedness & Response

Plans and procedures (terdapat rencana & prosedur)
Identify the potential emergency situation (mengidentifikasi potensi situasi /
keadaan darurat)

Method to respond to such emergency situation (menetapkan metode

untuk merespon situasi darurat tertentu)

Review the need of interested parties e.g. emergency services and neighbors (evaluasi kebutuhan pihak terkait) Periodic review of the plans and procedures (evaluasi rencana & prosedur
secara berkala)

Revise as necessary after review (revisi bila perlu)

Occurrence of incidents & emergency situations: (bila situasi

darurat atau insiden telah terjadi)

Respond the situation (respon situasi tersebut) Mitigation of illness and injury (mitigasi sakit penyakit dan cidera) Review the plans and procedures (evaluasi rencana dan prosedur)

Performance Measurement & Monitoring

Procedures to monitor OH&S performance (terdapat

prosedur untuk memonitor kinerja K3)

kualitatif dan kuantitatif)

Qualitative and quantitative measures (ukuran-ukuran Objectives (sasaran K3) Effectiveness of control (efektifitas dari pengendalian) Proactive measures, e.g. programmes, operating criteria (mengukuran yang bersifat proaktif) Reactive measures, e.g. ill health, incidents (pengukuran
yang bersifat reaktif)

Record data and results (catat data dan hasilnya)

Calibration and maintenance of equipment (kalibrasi

dan pemeliharaan peralatan)

Procedures (prosedur) Implementation (implementasi) Records (catatan)


Evaluation of Compliance

(prosedur untuk mengevaluasi ketaatan secara berkala) Maintain the record (memelihara catatan)

Procedures for periodic evaluating compliance


Incident Investigation, NC, CAPA

Define a procedure(s)
(tetapkan prosedur) (bila

Occurrence of incident or nonconformity

terdapat insiden atau ketidaksesuaian)

Record, investigate, and analyze Identify the needs for correction & mitigate their consequences Determine the root cause Identify the required action plan
needs for corrective action
opportunity for preventive action Opportunity for continual improvement

Review the effectiveness of action

Identification of potential nonconformity

(identifikasi potensi ketidaksesuaian)

same process flow as above

(prosesnya sama dengan diatas)


Incident Investigation, NC, CAPA




Control of Records

Identification, maintenance and disposition of OH & S records (identifikasi, pelihara, dan disposisi dari catatan / rekaman K3) Legible, identifiable, traceable to activities involved
(dapat dibaca, diidentifikasi, tertelusur pada aktifitas tertentu)

Retrievable, protected against damage, deterioration and loss (kemudahan untuk dicari, dijada dari kerusakan, dan kehilangan) Retention times established and recorded (masa simpan
ditetapkan dan dicatat)

Records for conformance to OHSAS (dicatat untuk

membuktikan kesesuaiannya dengan standard OHSAS)

Master list of records Filing & indexing methods Passive & active records

Control of Records sample

List of OHS Risks Reports of Non Conformances/Accidents & Incidents Health Surveillance Reports Records of Monitoring / Measurement / Calibration & Maintenance. Equipment safety inspection reports. Information on Process Control/ Equipment Emergency Preparedness, and Response Results Records of Audit Minutes of Management Review Meeting External Communication correspondence

Internal Audit
To review
(dilaksanakan untuk mengevaluasi)

Conformance to planned arrangements including OHSAS standard (kesesuaian dengan pengaturan yang telah Implementation, maintenance (implementasi, pemeliharaan) Effectiveness in meeting policy and objectives Review results of previous audits Information to management
sebelumnya) (efektifitas dalam kesesuaian dengan kebijakan dan sasaran K3) (evaluasi hasil audit direncanakan termasuk standard OHSAS

(informasi untuk manajemen)

Audit program, based on


(audit program dibuat

Results of risk assessment (hasil penilaian resiko) Results of previous audits (hasil audit sebelumnya)

Internal Audit
Audit procedure
(prosedur audit berisi)
(perencanaan, (kriteria, ruang

Audit planning, performing, reporting

pelaksanaan, dan pelaporan audit) lingkup, frekuensi, metodologi)

Criteria, scope, frequency, methodology

Auditor competency, responsibilities, independence

(kompetensi, tanggungjawab, dan independensi auditor

Audit plan / program (rencana / program audit) Audit schedule (skedul audit) Checklist and / or worksheet (daftar periksa dan atau CAR and log
pemantauan) lembar kerja) (others?) (laporan ketidaksesuaian dan daftar


Management Review
Top management, at suitable intervals to ensure continuing suitability, adequacy & effectiveness (top
manajemen pada interval waktu yang sesuai harus memastikan keberlanjutan, kecocokan, kecukupan, dan efektifitas dari sistem)

Necessary information collection

Audit result (hasil audit) Result of compliance evaluation (hasil evaluasi ketaatan) Communication, internal & external parties (komunikasi) OH&S performance (kinerja K3) Policy & Objectives (kebijakan dan sasaran) Incident, NC, CAPA (insiden, ketidaksesuaian, tindakan koreksi dan
pencegahan) sebelumnya)

Previous management review (hasil tinjauan manajemen Changing circumstances (perubahan yang terkait) Improvement (peningkatan)

Management Review
Record the result (catat hasil tinjauan manajemen)
Changes required (perubahan-perubahan yang diperlukan) Resources needed (sumberdaya yang diperlukan) Monitoring the action (monitor tindak lanjut yang ditetapkan)
Management Review Meeting Palembang May 2009


The End

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