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920206-02-5556 TSL 3106 DAILY LESSON PLAN Subject Date/Day Time/Duration Class Number of Students Students Level Theme Topic Focused Skill Integrated Skills Curriculum Specifications : English Language : 18th Mac 2013/Monday : 8.00-9.00 am (1 Hour) : 3 Innovative : 30 : Mixed abilities : World of Story : Its Story Time : Reading : Listening, Speaking, Writing :

1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 Able to speak with the correct word stress. Able to listen to and enjoy stories. Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes, tongue twisters and sing songs paying attention to pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils should be able to understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts. 1.3.1 able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by: (b) answering simple Wh-question.

2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to read independently for information and enjoyment.


920206-02-5556 TSL 3106 2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance: (a) fiction General Objective : Pupils should be able to read the nursery rhyme, acquire new vocabularies, pronounce them correctly, and comprehend the story in the nursery rhyme. Specific Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i. Read 9 out of 12 sentences of the reading material correctly. ii. iii. Pronounce three out of four rhyming words correctly. Comprehend and show understanding of first 9 out of 12 lines of the nursery rhyme. Educational Emphasis CCTS : Identifying characteristics, comparing and contrasting, making associations, generating ideas. Grammar Vocabulary Teaching Aids Moral Values Previous Knowledge : Wh questions : Batter, butter, better, bitter, bought, bit, some. : Video Clip, Power Point Slide, task sheets, coffee, cards, text. : Rationality, diligence, cooperation, self-reliance, courage. : Pupils have learnt about reading aloud and nursery rhymes in the previous lesson.


920206-02-5556 TSL 3106





Rhyming words butter, batter, bitter, better.

1. Teacher writes down all four words on the blackboard. 2. Teacher asks pupils to read the words. 3. Teacher guides pupils to play tongue-twister with the four words. 4. Teacher explains what the pupils are going to learn related to the four rhyming words.

Rationales To set the mood and mentally

prepare pupils for the lesson. Teaching Aids Blackboard Chalk

Set Induction 5 Minutes

Play tonguetwister.

Rhyming words butter, bitter, better, batter.

1. Teacher writes down all the rhyming words on the blackboard. 2. Teacher gives meaning of each of the rhyming words. 3. Teacher teaches pupils how to distinguish the pronunciation of the words by pronouncing them correctly with correct stress. 4. Afterwards, teacher shows pictures of

Rationales Introduces new vocabularies to pupils. Enhance pupils correct pronunciation. Demonstration, activities, and pictures assist pupils to remember new vocabulary even longer. Teaching Aids

o Prereading 15 Minutes o

Power point slide pictures of rhyming words. Coffee without sugar.

Cards with rhyming words on


920206-02-5556 TSL 3106 them. each of the rhyming words by using the Power Point slides and demonstrate the word bitter by giving each of them to taste coffee without sugar. 5. Subsequently, teacher uses cards to help pupils distinguish all the rhyming words. 6. Teacher lifts distinctive card alternately, and asks pupils to pronounce the word. 7. Teacher rotates the cards twice. o Moral Value(s) Diligence resourceful. Power Point Slide LCD projector Cards Coffee

Power point slide Text of nursery rhyme of Betty Botter.

1. Teacher shows the text of Betty Botter from the Power Point slide to the pupils. 2. Teacher guides pupils to read the text line by line. 3. Next, teacher plays the video clip of the nursery rhyme. 4. Then, teacher asks pupils to sing along the nursery

Rationales Engaging pupils in reading text in an enjoyable ways. To integrate nursery rhyme as a motivating component for teaching reading. Tongue- twister is an enjoyable way of learning reading and new vocabularies. Pupils easily

Whilereading 20 Minutes o

(teacher reads aloud the text) Video Clip of nursery rhyme Betty Botter o Text Nursery rhyme of


920206-02-5556 TSL 3106 Betty Botter o Tonguetwister game. Whquestions e.g. (i) Who is in the story? (ii) What is she doing? (iii) What happened to her butter? (iv) What she needs for her batter? (v) Why she need better butter? (vi) What she did to make her batter better? rhyme. 5. Teacher distributes the text of Betty Botter to every pupil. 6. Teacher divides the class into 6 groups. 7. Teacher demonstrates how to play tonguetwister. 8. Each group will be given two lines from the nursery rhyme to play the tongue-twister. 9. Then, pupils will be taking turn reading their lines. 10. The fastest, the correct pronunciation, and the non-stammer group will win. 11. Teacher asks pupils to do tongue-twister as a whole class. 12. Lastly, teacher will ask Wh-questions verbally to the pupils right after the tongue-twister Moral Value(s) Self-reliance selfconfident. Diligenceresourceful and pro-active. Cooperation unity. Teaching Aids Power Point Slide Video clip LCD projector Texts of Betty Botter remember what they learnt verbally. Competition is an approach of pleasurable and memorable learning. Wh-questions examine pupils understanding of the story of Betty Botter. Encourage pupils to work in group.


920206-02-5556 TSL 3106 game. 13. Pupils need to answer the question spontaneously in group. o

Task sheets i. answer multiple choice questions. (about the

1. Teacher distributes the task sheets. 2. Teacher instructs pupils to answer multiple choice questions and completing the story of Betty Botter. 3. Pupils will complete the task sheets based on the teachers presentation earlier and based on the text of Betty Botter given to them. 4. Teacher will randomly ask pupil to read their answer.

Rationales Pupils able to comprehend the story from the nursery rhyme learnt. Teaching Aid Task sheets Moral Value(s) Diligence resourceful

Postreading 15 Minutes

meaning of rhyming words) ii. completing Betty Botter story. (fill in the blanks of the missing words in the story of Betty Botter) o

Moral values of Nursery

1. Teacher discusses moral values of the story before the class ends. 2. Teacher gives homework that is appropriate for all students.

Rationales To equip pupils with good moral values. Toughen pupils new knowledge with exercises.

Closure 5 Minutes

rhyme Betty Botter always do something earnestly and do not take


920206-02-5556 TSL 3106 granted of any things. o Task sheets homework. 3. The answers of the homework will be discussed in the next lesson. Teaching Aids Video clip LCD projector Task sheets Moral Value(s) Courage accountable Self-reliance independent Diligence hardworking.

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